Day in the Life

Feb 16, 1893

Journal Entry

February 16, 1893 ~ Thursday

16 sugar company met at the office this morning
Their Assetts $679055, Including $27,335 Reserve fund
Indebtedness cash $363,055. Yearly interest on Money $30,560
Expect to net $150,000 in 1893
if they get 130,000 tons of Beets
I met with the Twelve)
M. F. Lyman made his
Report of the settlement in Mannassa stake with
Silas Smith which was quite interesting. We paid a Church
Note to day of $25000.


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Lyman, Francis Marion
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
278 mentions
Smith, Silas
1 Oct 1779 - 13 Sep 1839


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Letter from Thomas Higgs, 16 February 1893

Manti City, Utah, President Woodruff Dear Bro it is with Plesur that I adress these few Lines to you when I came home I called at the office twice to se you But you was ingaged in A metting in the morning and when I came in the afternoon you had Jest Steped in to your carige to go home and Bro Joseph Smith Said i could write you A Letter and So i take this oppertunity to Do So I feele Glad to get home Among my Brethern and friends alltho I faunds [found] friends Down in the States yet they ware not like my friends in theese Mountings [Mountains] Well i found My Dear Old father in very good helth and was glad to Se me and my wife he had not Seene her for About Forty years But he new her as Soone as he Saw her i had Seene him About twenty three years ago the folks ware all glad to se us and treated us very Kindley and we had A very nice time as far as that goes But things ware not as they Should Be in regard to My fathers Property Some of them ware trying to get it away from him But by the help of the Lord I think I hav Bloked their game alltho he as About Four thousand Dollars worth of Property but it was in afarm and some city Lots and he could not handel it and he had Scarcley anuf to him on and his children their wold not help him But I think I have

Letter from Thomas Martin Grover, 16 February 1893

Morgan City Feb 16, 1893 Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received a note to day, from Bro Geo Reynolds stating on account of my financial condition, which he had just learned it would be hard for me to go in march it seemed that way, but to day before I received your letter I sold one of my horses for $100.00 and have a team left; I will be ready to start March 3th I am very sory I caused you so much trouble.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

girl $4 Emma $5, $4, $10, $4 27

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Receivd Cash from M. Thatche ^mining^ Stock 700

Letter from Neils Johnson, 16 February 1893

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. I have just received your call as a Missionary and I gladly axcept of the call and will make arangements to start amediatly after Conference if nothing prevents me Niels Johnson. Pres. Woodruff. Dear Bro Bro Niels Johnson is troubled with dispepsy and while he does not wish to interfear with the arangements of the missionary


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Feb 16, 1893