Day in the Life

Mar 2, 1893

Journal Entry

March 02, 1893 ~ Thursday

March 2 I met with President Budge & son I got a
Letter from Owen. I met with the Twelve Apostles
& J. D. T. McAllister many questions came up concerning
the Temple A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to M W Merrill A M
& Sarah M Kimball. The Committee visited the Temple


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
638 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Lund, Anthon Henrik
15 May 1844 - 2 Mar 1921
127 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
661 mentions
Merrill, Marriner Wood
25 Sep 1832 - 6 Feb 1906
163 mentions
Kimball, Sarah Melissa Granger
29 Dec 1818 - 1 Dec 1898
227 mentions


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Letter from Yoshi Suke Sacon, 2 March 1893

Sirs, I a Japanese, am very desira- ble to procure "the Books of Mormon." if I send you the postages, will you give me the copy? Sirs, tell me what shall I do if you please. I am a servant of Jesus Yoshi Suke Sacon

Letter from Alfred Solomon, 2 March 1893

The Brethren in the Office wish to be remembered AS [end of sideways text] LATTER-DAY SAINTS', EUROPEAN PRINTING PUBLISHING AND EMIGRATION OFFICE. 42, Islington, Liverpool, March 2nd 1893 President Woodruff and Council Salt Lake City Dear Brethren I received Your Kind Letter last night in which You presumed by the time Your Letter would reach me, I should be in charge of the interests of the British Mission, I feel my weakness very much, and lack of the necessary qualifications to fill such a position, and was it not for the asourance I have of Divine assistance, by being Humble and Prayerful I should certainly shrink from the task, if I make any mistakes I hope the Brethren will pardon me. In regard to Elder W B Dougall Jr, President B Young who will have reached You ere this, will give You all information in connection with Him, Wilby is still with His Uncle John W Young at 22 Portland Place, ^London^. We received a letter from Him last night, in which He says Am getting better everyday and beginning to feel like myself once more, He said in His Letter that S M Barrett is quite sick , Your instructions, in relation to Wilbys future developments will be adhered to Elder Thos E Taylor is here with us at 42, one number of the Star has been issued since Wilby left for London and this Weeks number is all ready for the Press, Brother Taylor thinks with the help of the Brethren He will get along. You said in Your last letter to President Young You had not been advised as to how many Elders would be needed for the Scandinavian Mission I wrote to President Christiansen, receiving His answer yesterday, in which He said the number needed, would be Twelve Sweeds, Ten Danes, and Eight Norweigens, He said He had forwarded some names to this office

Letter from Ole Johansen Petersen, 2 March 1893

Richfield, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Your letter of Feb. 25 has been received. In reply I will say that my circumstances are moderate. We have 9 children; the oldest is 16 years of age. The oldest son is 14. Our income is what I can earn, with a little assis- tance of my boys. We have no team; I labor as a mason. It seems an unfavorable time for me to leave home now. We have had considerable sickness this winter and I am not very strong, as yet. Although I have lived in Utah many years I have not procured naturalization papers; but aim to do so soon. With this explanation of my condition, I am Your brother in the Gospel Ole Petersen The foregoing is endorsed— Jos. S. Horne, Bp. I would give him time to arrange his citizenship and to prepare for a mission & let him report. J. F. S.

Letter from Jacob Larsen, 2 March 1893

Paradise Cache Co. Utah Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother: I received your letter notifiing me to be ready to leave for Scandinavia as a Missionary at as early a date as April 29th 1893. In answer to this I will say that I will be ready to leave at the date given. Your Brother in the Gospel Jacob Larsen I hereby endorse the above answer. Samuel Oldham, Bishop. O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Jens Nielsen Lee, 2 March 1893

Hyrum, Cache Co, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Sir! According to legal decision I am in my blind and helpless condition entitled to support by the Church. The previous bishop, Mr. Molin, left a written declaration to the present bishop, Mr. Wright, that I would be entitled to and needed 15 $ every four weeks, 2 chords split wood, for the winter, 25 cts a week for pocket- money besides clothes and possible doc- tor help. Since the new bishop entered ^upon^ his work, I have been obligid to live, where- ever he has pleased to send me, I have receeved no clothes except the soaling of some shoes, he has retained the 25 cts a week, for 7 months, and besides he has left unpaid my boardbill for two months to the people with whom I live at present. Presentation of my needs especially of clothes, is only met with bluntness and in difference.

Letter from George Teasdale, 2 March 1893

Dear President Woodruff: I congratulate you that you have reached your eighty sixth birthday. If length of days is a blessing you have certainly been blessed. I hope you will yet be spared unto us until you shall be well satisfied with life. It is a pleasure to live to do good when in the enjoyment of the faculties and with health of body and vigor of mind. You have the faith prayers, and good wishes of the Church of Christ especially those who know you. The demise of Sister Matilda, her sudden passing away, has produced some reflections that I presume is natur al to those in a similar affliction. So un- looked for. How easy it is to say we should be reconciled to the providences of the Lord when some other one is bereaved, but when it comes home, theres the rub. I have received an invitation to attend a meeting toof atour Quorum, and I feel it my duty to attend otherwise I should stay where I am and comfort those who are disappointed because they cannot attend the dedication of the Salt Lake Temple services. A great many good Saints will not be able to attend and I have no doubt but what a number who are not so good will attend. If the Lord will I

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Cash [Jenson] 25

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Sundries {shorthand} $25 to Sylvia $10 $5 40

Letter from Charles Innes Robson, 2 March 1893

Mesa Maricopa Co. A.T. Prest Woodruff Box B Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother yours of the 24 ulto received and would say that their will be twenty two shure and seven undecided the seven will come if possible I wrote several days ago in regard to Temple work I would be pleased to receive an answer to it so as to notify the people Yours Respectfully Chas. I. Robson


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Mar 2, 1893