Day in the Life

Mar 16, 1893

Journal Entry

March 16, 1893 ~ Thursday

16 A single key with teeth to the right I met with Prest George Q. Cannon He just returned to the
city from Washington He was unwell


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions


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Letter from Arthur Riley, 16 March 1893
Bountiful President Woodruff Dear Brother, In reply to your favor of May 12 [18]90 wherein you kindly released me from filling a mission to Great Britain, would say, I will endeavor to be ready on June 24 next. Very Resp. Arthur Riley Chester Call (Bishop) All right. J. F. S.
Letter from William Budge and James Henry Hart, 16 March 1893
Paris, Idaho President W. Woodruff Dear Brother Last November when we received your letter of instructions in regard to the donation for the completion of the Salt Lake Temple, we had allready made arrangements for the collection of the remaining balance of debt still due on our Stake Tabernacle, which amounts to $538.23. The Bishops had been instructed in regard to it, and we doubtless would have soon obtained it, but the Temple donation being of so much more importance we droped the other being con- vinced that the effort to make two seperate collections from the people, at the same time, would have been unwise and hurtful to both interests In adopting measures to raise the means required from our Stake for the Temple we asked for about four hundred dollars more than the exact amount, for two reasons, first, that we might have enough even if some localities failed to raise the amount allotted them, and secondly if the responce was generally full that we might, if you thought best, have returned to us from some source


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Mar 16, 1893