Day in the Life

Mar 17, 1893

Journal Entry

March 17, 1893 ~ Friday

March 17, 1893
Received Letters from, Sarah & Bell wrote to Newton
Bell & Sarah we read over the Dedicatory Prayer
and made some Aditions to it


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Woodruff, Newton, b. 1863
3 Nov 1863 - 21 Jan 1960
157 mentions
Moses, Phoebe Arabell Woodruff
30 May 1859 - 7 Sep 1939
167 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions

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Letter from Miles F. Weaver, 17 March 1893

Bennington Willford Woodruff Dear president In answer to your favor of the 14th can say that owing to some little disapointments. I will not be able to report by the 26th but if all is well I will report my self the 27th your humble Survent Miles. F. Weaver

Telegram to Orson Smith, 17 March 1893

From Salt Lake Received at Logan at 4 PM. To O Smith, Logan If any increase number people coming dedication over former report telegraph extra number at once W. Woodruff [sideways text] READ THIS NOTICE AT THE TOP. [end of sideways text] Lines to all principal points in Utah, Pioche, Nevada, and Paris, Idaho.

Letter from Henry Smedley, 17 March 1893

Pres Willford Woodruff, Dear Brother, Your communication of the 14th received, stating that I had been selected for a Mission to the Southern States. I will endeavour to be ready to start on date named. (Ap 29) Your Brother in the Gospel of Christ H. Smedley. Chester Call (Bishop) O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Joseph Harris Ridges, 17 March 1893

S L City Mar 17 [18]93 Dear President Woodruff President Cannon and President Smith, With much trepidation and fear lest I overstep the bounds of my duty, as a child comes to his Heavenly Father so I come to you. Behold said the Lord to Moses—Have I not made thee a God unto this people— And it is so with joy we the members of the Seventies hold you in our hearts. But there is a fear in my heart lest I take too great a freedom in humbly making my request to you. And first I ask your forgivness


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Mar 17, 1893