Day in the Life

Mar 20, 1894

Journal Entry

March 20, 1894 ~ Tuesday

20 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote to Owen 5 pages we have a call for Money Everyday
& other Assistance in these hard times and we cannot
grant the request ownly in Part


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary

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Letter to Joseph Barker, 20 March 1894

Salt Lake City Elder Joseph Barker North Ogden Dear Brother: Your name has been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Gt Britain The work of the Lord is progressing in the nations, and faithful, energetic Elders are needed in the ministry to promulgate the Everlasting Gospel, openings for doing good appearing in numerous directions. Yourself, with others, having been selected for this mission, should there be no reasonable obstacles to hinder you from going, we would be pleased to have you make your arrangements to start from this City at as early a date as April 21st 1894. Please let us know, at your earliest convenience, what your feelings are with regard to this call. If you accept it you will receive no further notification, but will be expected to present yourself at the Historian's Office to be set apart on the day previous to that appointed for your departure. Your Brother in the Gospel, Wilford Woodruff P. S. Please have your Bishop endorse your answer.

Letter from Julius H. Hansen, 20 March 1894

Lago Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I have tried every way to rais money enough, for my fair but I can not see aney way that I can git it. But if you could let me have one hundred Dollars untill Juen or July ^then^ my Father could sell som stock, then you can receive it, from him with intrest. If you will let me have the money Please notife me Please let me know if my Bishop shall ordain me an Elder or if you will ordain me when you set me a part for my mission Your Brother in the gospel Julius H Hansen

Letter from Arnold H. Schulthess, Henry Reiser, and Herman Grether, 20 March 1894

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Prest. Geo. Q. Cannon, Prest. Joseph F. Smith, First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, City. Dear Brethren: Your kindness, by granting the German speaking Saints in Zion the privilege of meeting together as a German Meeting at our last Conference, has been very highly appreciated, especially those that scome from different parts of Zion that cannot speak the English lan- guage yet and never have this privilege of hearing the word of God in their own tongue. These meetings have resulted in much good, by speak- ing of the good things which we hear at the General Conference, and by the people meeting their friends and expressing their good feelings and wishes to each other. We therefore ask you to kindly grant us this privilege again at our coming Conference, and also to kindly grant us the use of the Assembly Hall. If it does not interfere with any of your meet- ings, we would prefer to hold our meeting in the evening of any day during Conference. Hoping you will be able to act favorably in this matter, we are, Your Servants in the Cause of Truth, ARNOLD H. SCHULTHESS, HENRY REISER, HERMANN GRETHER. P.S. Address reply to Henry Reiser, #12 E. 1st South St.

Letter from Leonard John Nuttall, 20 March 1894

President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: I have examined the correspondence between Bro. Orson B. Arnold, of Coalville, and President David K. Udall and W. H. Gibbons, of the St. Johns Stake of Zion, pertaining to the indebtedness as claimed by Bros. W. H. Gibbons, Willard Farr and J. W. Brown, the Executive Board of Education of the St. Johns Stake Academy against Bro. Orson B. Arnold, as requested by you. From the papers it appears that Orson B. Arnold and his father each received from Bp. D. K. Udall ten acres of land and a city lot of the land known as the St. Johns Purchase. This purchase was made by funds furnished by the President of the Church in aid of the early settlers at St. Johns in the Arizona Mission. Subsequently the whole matter of the purchase was put into the hands of Bishop D. K. Udall, so that he could deal with the settlers in the distribution of this purchase to the end that the money advanced by the Church should be returned on the sale of the lands. The settlers, as they located in the country, took such of this land as they needed, and understanding the terms of payments, generally made part payments in stock, &c. and gave notes for the balance. As I remember, when this purchase was made, it was only of the squatters titles or claims and not as government surveyed lands and the water claims ware held pro rata with the Mexican and other settlers; each having possessory rights, and the sales to our brethren were made on these conditions and with this understanding.

Letter from Robert Ridgeway, 20 March 1894

greenville Bond Co Ills Brother Wiliford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah I hope when this Reaches you you will be found also your Family Brother Woodruff I will Say to you that our little family of three are all of Latter Day Saints that are in this County and we will not Remain here long as we have been trying to get away from here and we made A Sacrifice of our Property So we can gather with the Saints As I have not much over $ 1000 Dollars I do wish you would let me know in what Part of Utah and Improved Farm of about 15 or 20 acres with House and other neccessary Improvements will cost per acrre as I am now 63 years old I cannot afford to Pay out over 500 or 600 hundread Dollars for a farm Bro Rockwood Received me into the Church Bro A C Sourenson Baptised my Wife and Son Charlie I tell you Bro Sourenson Preching made some of the gentiles Shake but Predijuce is fearful here among the Preachers of the gentile Sect oh may the Lord evr bless you is our Prayers adres me as above from your Humble Brother Robert Ridgway please answer soon


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Mar 20, 1894