Day in the Life

Mar 19, 1894

Journal Entry

March 19, 1894 ~ Monday

19 ^ A single key with teeth to the right^ I had a Dream in the night I met with Benjamin Franklin
I thought He was on the Earth I spent several hours with him
And talked over our Endowments He wanted some more work
done for him than had been done which I promised heim He
should have {his} (2nd {anointing}) I thought then He diedd and while
waiting for burial I awoke I thought vary strange of my
Dream I made up my mind to get 2nd Anointing for
Benjamin Franklin & George Washington


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Franklin, Benjamin
6 Jan 1706 - 17 Apr 1790
14 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Washington, George
22 Feb 1732 - 14 Dec 1799
48 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman

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Letter from Nils Anthon Pehrson, 19 March 1894

Logan Utah Predident Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother In reply to the call I will say, that by the help of the Lord I will ^be^ at hand April 21 1894 Your Brother in the everlasting Gosple Anton Pehrson Logan Utah All right J. F. S. C J Larsen Bp. 7 Ward Logan

Letter from Fuhe Georg Gran, 19 March 1894

Provo, President Wilford Woodruff: Dear Bro: Yesterday I received a call to go on a mission to Switzerland and Germany, and in answer will say that I feel honored to have received the call, but under the circumstances it would be almost impossible for me to leave before fall, and if it meet with your approval would like to be realeased untill that time. I will be in Salt Lake City at conference time and can then make the necessary explanations if you desire. Very respectfully Your brother in the Gospel, Fuhe Georg Grau. R. S. Gibby Bishop All right, give him till fall. J. F. S.

Letter from Gustavus Viksic, 19 March 1894

Vienna . Wilford Woodruff Esq. President of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day-Saints. Salt Lake City Uthah. Dear Sir, I referre me to my first letter which I addres- sed to you and herewith I have the pleasure of informing you, that I got from your Missi^o^nar of Europe Prest. Stocker a letter and I thank you very much that you have given instruction to this gentleman that he shall favor me with a letter. Before all I must say you that I got from the Gentleman named aboved also two pampflets in German language about your high est Church. Have examined the same & I must tell you that I have the real opinion of the Church of the Latter-day-Saints. Mr. Stocker has also had the goodness of giving me good instructinons of the Mor- monisme and I assure you my dear Sir, that I had always a great attraction about your church on account of it is a real and simple religion and that it is also

Letter to Cornelius Daniel Schettler, 19 March 1894

P.O. Box, B. Salt Lake City, Utah. Elder Cornelius D. Schettler, Dear Brother: I have taken it upon myself to write a few lines to our young Elders who went together from Salt Lake upon their first mission to Germany. We have had a number of letters from Owen, and I have liked very much the spirit of them. Mrs. Woodruff and myself took supper with your father and mother on the 14th and we had a good time. Herman and Irene made us splendid music. A good deal was said about Cornelius' mission and the other boys. Of course, you are now beginning to make your first mark in the ministry. I have been there before you and I know what it is; though you have the language to learn, which I did not. I went on my first mission without purse or scrip. I went through the wilderness, waded swamps, traveled alone as a priest, and baptized many that I could not confirm. You are a Seventy and can attend to all the ordinances necessary in organizing branches of the Church. I have great hopes in you young men. I suppose you naturally will have some difficulty in preaching to these foreign governments considering the laws and politics. But I think there is a good deal of the blood of Israel in Germany and Switzerland. We have everything to encourage us in searching out the honest in heart among the nations. The Lord told Oliver Cowdery that if he spent his whole life in saving one soul how great would be his joy in the eternal world over that one soul. I have felt that I have great cause to rejoice in that respect; I have had the credit of bringing more

Letter to Cornelius Schettler, 19 March 1894

P.O. Box, B. Salt Lake City, Utah. . Elder Cornelius D. Schettler, Dear Brother: I have taken it upon myself to write a few lines to our young Elders who went together from Salt Lake upon their first mission to Germany. We have had a number of letters from Owen, and I have liked very much the spirit of them. Mrs. Woodruff and myself took supper with your father and mother on the 14th and we had a good time. Herman and Irene made us splendid music. A good deal was said about Cornelius' mission and the other boys. Of course, you are now beginning to make your first mark in the ministry. I have been there before you and I know what it is; though you have the language to learn, which I did not. I went on my first mission without purse or srcrip. I went through the wilderness, waded swamps, traveled alone as a priest, and baptized many that I could not confirm. You are a Seventy and can attend to all the ordinances necessary in organizing branches of the Church. I have great hopes in you young men. I suppose you naturally will have some difficulty in preaching to these foreign governments considering the laws and politics. But I think there is a good deal of the blood of Israel in Germany and Switzerland. We have everything to encourage us in searching out hthe honest in heart among the nations. The Lord told Oliver Cowdery that if he spent his whole life in saving one soul how great would be his joy in the eternal world over that one soul. I have felt that I have great cause to rejoice in that respect; I have had the credit of bringing more


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Mar 19, 1894