Day in the Life

Mar 21, 1894

Journal Entry

March 21, 1894 ~ Wednesday

21. I spent the day in the office Afternoon W Woodruff J F Smith
F. M. Lyman Abram & G. Q. Cannon called upon Prest G Q
Cannon who was sick & laid Hands upon him J F Smith
Anointed him W Woodruff was mouth He was afflicted with
what is called vertigo I then went home


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Cannon, Abraham Hoagland
12 Mar 1859 - 19 Jul 1896
154 mentions
Lyman, Francis Marion
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
278 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2294 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4149 mentions


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Letter from Richard Theodore Haag, 21 March 1894
To the First Presidency, Addressed Dear Brethren: Consistent with my position and calling in the Church, I feel to still make some explanations to you, which I was declined to do orally. Allow me not to refer you to my communication of the 9 inst. to which I have not as yet received a reply and briefly add: It may appear that in taking this matter of a new German paper in hand I act under selfish motives, which however those who have intimately been associated with me in this movement can explain from various evidences is not so. In humility alone I fully understand lies my safety. After learning of your views as expressed in your letter of March. 6, and conversations I had with you later, I made several attempts to drop the matter entirely even without any indemnification. over,
Letter from Thomas Fraser, 21 March 1894
Gunnison Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter of Jany. the 20 I would have answerd sooner if I had been at home if I can get the means I will be there at the time appointed if not I will write and let you know Your Brother in the gosple Thos. G. Fraser. Christian A. Madsen Bishop All right J F. S.
Letter from Robert Graham, 21 March 1894
President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: I received your communication, dated 15th, in regard to my name being suggested as a missionary to Great Britain, and would say in reply, that I am really not in a position, at the present time, to accept a mission as I have not the means, without borrowing, to take me there, nor support myself while absent from my and small family, and this, I do not think, you would require me to do; therefore, I hope you will honorably release me, at least for the present. The Bishop has been absent from the settlement for some time,


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Mar 21, 1894