Day in the Life

Mar 22, 1894

Journal Entry

March 22, 1894 ~ Thursday

22 Prest ^G Q^ Cannon came to the office & went to the Temple
with us He was quite feeble


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Letter from W. E. Hill Dunstan, 22 March 1894

President Woodruff Dearest Bro Enclosed, please, find a few lines intended for Bro George Teasdel, whose whereabouts I am at a loss to discover, by the enclosure you will readily understand the happiness, with which Bro T and I corresponded, previous & my removal from England to Zion. Very Kindly accept the tender of my humble apologies, for my intrusion upon your onerous duties, but permit me to state that my love for Bro T. is as great and enjoyable today as when we had the happiness of a closer acquaintance in "Dear old England" With best wishes for your Venerable Years and an earnest hope

Letter from Bengt Nelson Jr., 22 March 1894

Cedar City, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Having received a letter from you in regard to going on a mission: which I deem proper to answer: For I presume you do not know the circumstances in which I am placed. Sometime ago two of the Presidents of my Quorum visited me inquiring my feelings in regard to this matter. I expressed myself in this way. If my health would permit I would be willing to go: but as I told them that I had not seen a healthy day now for several years years. my impared health has come through an injure, and during about three years of this time myself and family was almost entirely kept by my parents; But the last year or two I have been able to do a little light work; and have been mostly able to provide for myself and family. I had no idea at the time that my name would have been sent up as a missionary or I might have explained further to them my situation. I am at present homesteading a quarter section of land which will have to be proved upon this present year. Having received your letter I thought it would be my

Letter from George Chandler Parkinson, 22 March 1894

Franklin, Idaho, Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City My Dear Brother: I shall beg your attention but for a few moments in order to obtain information upon the following points; The Superintendant of the Y.M.M.I.A. of this stake has made application to the stake Presidency for the exclusive use of Sunday evenings in all the wards of the stake for the purpose of holding their meeting ^the same^ as the Sunday schools have the use of sunday morning for their purpose. They urge some very strong reasons for making this request among which is that in many of our wards the people are much scattered and totally unable (or unwilling) to attend their meetings ofn an evening during the week days and that they desire to establish a uniform evening time throughout all the wards of the stake which cannot be broken into by amusements which are so prevalant in the small country Towns. Other reasons were offered and the question submitted to a vote of the bishops and other leading brethren in a general Priesthood meeting of the stake. It was there ascertained that in many of the smaller wards this custome had already been established

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

A E Snow & Lilian L Snow Paid for a Divorce 10


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation regarding sealing practices and the Law of Adoption.

Mar 22, 1894