Day in the Life

Aug 24, 1897

Journal Entry

August 24, 1897 ~ Tuesday

Aug 24th. Did not have a good night quite restless. Did not go
to the office today. felt better in the afternoon & evening. We all felt well
Bro Nuttall came this evening. We met in the parlor and joined in singing
several hymns & I was mouth in prayer, then all retired to rest. Bro Nuttall
staid with me & brought letter from M[adam] M, which we read. Sister Sarah M. Kimball
called on me this afternoon with a type written paper purporting to be a
copy of the minutes of the first organization of the Relief Society in Nauvoo by
the Prophet Joseph together with extracts of the minutes of other meetings and asked if

there will be any objections in having the same printed in pamphlet form for
distribution. I told her that myself & counselors would consider the matter.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
2324 mentions
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
419 mentions
Kimball, Sarah Melissa Granger
29 Dec 1818 - 1 Dec 1898
16 mentions


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Letter from Ezra Foss Richards, 24 August 1897
Prest Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother: We are in receipt of your favors bearing date of June 21st and July 8th; also draft for equivalent of $200 as reffered to in the former. Elders Aldous, Hardy and Holbrook have arrived safely and been assigned to their fields of labor. Elder Bunot having just met me when I received your request for his immediate release, it was at once acted upon; and he in connection with Elders George Jarvis and Bryant Ashby left for Zion 21st Inst. Per S S Warrimoo. The former had been in the mission little short of two and a half years and the latter little rise of that time both laboring among Europeans. Elder Bunot learned prior to leaving that his dear mother departed this life the 7th ult. hence her desire to again look up on her worthy son in mortality, would not be granted. One week previous, per S. S. Aorangi, Elders Hyrum Cook and Jedediah G Casper left the mission to return to Zion. The former having spent two years and a half among
Letter from John A. Parker, 24 August 1897
Joseph The First Presidency of the Churhch of Jesus Christ of Laterday Saints Dear Brothern It was somewhat of a surprise to me when I recieved your letter Inquriiring of me in regards to takeing a mission My surcumstances are as follows I am a mamn of a family live in the poorest house in Joseph or about, have a brother just returned from a mission. have hardly recovered from expence of keeping him and his affairs at home By hard work and russleing I have on hand material to build me a house also have the carpenter partly payed for building
Letter from George Chandler Parkinson, 24 August 1897
Preston, Idaho, President Wilford Woodruff Chariman, Genl Church Board of Education Dear Brother: On July 14th 1897 the Oneida Stake Board of Education, prepared an application for an appropriation from the General Board, but I am recently informed that the application has not yet reached its destitation, but has been somewhere miss- laid. We therefore desire to submit the fenclosed application and trust it may receive your faorable consideration at an early date. With earnest prayers for your good health and peace, I am, Your Brother in the Gospel, Geo. C. Parkinson


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Aug 24, 1897