Day in the Life

Aug 25, 1897

Journal Entry

August 25, 1897 ~ Wednesday

Aug 25th. I was quite restless most of the night, sat up & read some of the time.
Alice slept very well. Went to the office this morning and stayed attending to
such matters as came before us until 3 pm. when I went home. Bro Nuttall
read to us last evening the statement which was made ^by Alice^ on the 22 & which he had written. We
all approved of the same being correct


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
Woodruff, Mary Alice McEwan
2 Jan 1879 - 14 Jan 1916
216 mentions


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Letter from Abraham Evans, 25 August 1897
Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear brother in reply to your letter of the 23 I will say that it is ageriable with my fellings to take a misshion to great britan and with the help of the lord I will use all my endevers to get ready for the date apointed 13 november Abraham Evans. A A Janson Bp. Third ward Brigham City
Letter from Thomas Evans, 25 August 1897
First Ward Ogden City President Willford Woodruff Dear Brother I take the pleasure at the present time to answer your letter of August 3rd 1897 That I will be ready to leave Salt Leake City on the 18 of september next to fill a mission in the Eastern States and I will be in Salt Lake City the day previous my departure acording to instruction your Brother in the Gospel Thomas Evans 2960 Adams ave D H Ensign Counsellor to Bishop
Letter from Louis Erick Erickson, 25 August 1897
Montpelier Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother All being well I shall be on hand to leave Salt Lake City in November for a mission to Scandinavia according to the call which I received from you dated May 18th 1897. Your Bro in the Gospel Louis E. Erickson W W Clark Bp Montpelier Ward.


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Aug 25, 1897