Day in the Life

Aug 30, 1897

Journal Entry

August 30, 1897 ~ Monday

Monday Aug 30th I had a fairly good night. did not go to the office today
Bro Nuttall brought down the proof sheets of my sermon yesterday and read them

so they may be printed in the Deseret News this evening.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905


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Letter from Frank T. Slaughter, 30 August 1897
Hinkley President Woodruff Dear Brother Some time ago my name was sent up for a mission to the Southern States you asked when I could be ready to go I answered I would be ready to go in the latter part of the summer or fall. I am now pleased to state that I will bae at you service any time after the First of Dec. 1897 Hoping the Lord will bless me to that end. I am Respestfully your Brother Frank T. Slaughter Wm. H. Pratt B.P.
Letter from Joseph Roy Fairbanks, 30 August 1897
Pres. Woodruff: I am pleased with, and accept, my call as a missionary to Colorado. I shall be ready to leave Salt Lake City on the appoint- ed time, Oct. 9, 1897. Joseph Roy Fairbanks. H. H. Bell Bishop of Glenwood Ward
Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 30 August 1897
President W. Woodruff Box B. Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, Referring to ours of July 6th regarding request of Presiding Authorities of the Anaconda Branch Montana asking permission to use tithing funds to pay meeting house rent. Brother Short reminds us today of this and we would bepleased to hear from you when convenient. Your Brother in the Gospel T E Richs


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Aug 30, 1897