Day in the Life

Aug 31, 1897

Journal Entry

August 31, 1897 ~ Tuesday

August 31st had a poor night, did not sleep good. Went to the office
had an interview with a Mr A. F Goss of San Francisco. this gentleman
was a schoolmate of the late President Brigham Young, and he is now returning
from a visit to Vermont. he is 88 years old and a very nice gentleman. We
were much pleased at meeting each other.

I got out the allowances for
my families. I went to the Theatre this evening and saw the play of
Rosemary by John Drew, & co. Bro Nuttall was with me & staid all night with me.


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3471 mentions
Apostle, Family
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905


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Letter from Howard Elmer Thatcher, 31 August 1897
Pocatello, Idaho, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother: Some time since I wrote you in answer to a call as a missionary to California, and stated I would be ready to leave on the time designated in the call; but since find that my fathers health is such that he is not able to do the work in his office as assessor of Bannock County; therefor I would be pleased to the time of my departure extended until September 1898. Hoping to hear from you at once in regard to this, I remain yours in the cause of truth. Howard E. Thatcher Write as per memo Let it be granted, he to go as soon as he can & to report &c. J. F. S.
Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, 31 August 1897
P.O. Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah, . Prest. F. A. Hammond, Bluff. Dear Brother: On the 28th, 29th and 30th of next month (September) the Irrigation Congress will be held at Lincoln, Neb. Special interest is being taken in this Congress, and many prominent people from the differ- ent parts of the arid and semi-arid regions especially will be present on the occasion; and a special effort has been made to bring prominent men from regions east of the Missouri River and whom it is fully expected will respond to the invitation. A special effort is also being made to entertain the visitors at Lincoln, and an exceedingly favorable rate has been obtained for them at the hotels, as well as a half transportation rate over the railroads. It is desirable that Utah be well represented at this Congress, and we suggest, as there are many of our citizens, intelligent men, who take an interest in this question and who, perhaps, would like to attend the Congress, that you bring this matter to their attention at once, and extend to them our invitation to join the delegation who will represent Utah on the occasion. We feel where such of our brethren can afford it, that it is a good trip for them to make, as it bringd them into contact with prominent people which naturally has a tendency to enlarge their own ideas, and besides, it will afford them an opportunity of correcting misapprehensions which still exist concerning us and our character; and then, we desire to see Utah well represented in this Con- gress, and thereby maintain the credit which we are justly entitled to as being the pioneers of our race in America in irrigation. The method of appointing delegates you are no doubt already acquainted with, as the papers are now noting it; if not, you are referred to Prest. L. W. Shurtliff, of Ogden, for the information, who is chairman of the Irrigation Commission for Utah, and to whom you are also requested to send as soon as possible the names of the delegates fwrho may go from your Stake. With kind regards, Your Brethren, Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith P.S. Of scourse it is understood that you yourself are included in this invitation.
Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, 31 August 1897
F A. Hammond, Esq., Bluff, San Juan Co., Utah. [sideways text] First Presidency About Delegates to Irigation Congress, Lincoln, Nebraska Recd Sept 7 - 1897 [end of sideways text]


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Aug 31, 1897