Day in the Life

Sep 2, 1897

Journal Entry

September 02, 1897 ~ Thursday

Sept 2nd Had a better night than usual, and was up at the office


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Letter from Don Carlos Higgins, 2 September 1897

Dempsey Idaho Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake city Dear Brother I will endever to Be Reddy to start to Eastern States at the time apointed Dec 4 1897 Your Brother in the Gospel Don C. Higgins W. McClelland Bp.

Letter from Hyrum Jacob Hansen, 2 September 1897

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro: In reply to yours of Aug 26, in regard to my leaving for a mission to scandinavia, Oct 9th [18]97 I will say that I accept the call and will present myself at the Historians office on the day appointed although I feel weak and inexperienced in preaching the Gosple, but by placing my trust in the Lord I hope to be able to do some good. Your Brother in the Gosple Hyrum J. Hansen. this certifies that Bro Hansen is a faithful Elder Carl Jensen Bishop

Letter from George Quayle Cannon, 2 September 1897

Salt Lake City, Utah ^Soda Springs, Idaho,^ . President W. Woodruff, My dear Brother Wilford: I am glad to hear of your good health. I am informed that you con- tinue to improve. This is very gratifying news. I read your discourse, delivered on Sunday with the utmost pleasure. I am sure it will be greatly appreciated by the Saints, as it is a powerful testimony, and especially so coming from you under the circumstances. The Lord be praised for giving you the strength and Spirit which you had. My regret is that I was not with you; but you had, and always have, my faith and prayers. I thank the Lord that I live when you do, and that I have been, and am, so closely associated with you. It is one of the great joys of my life to be your fellow- apostle and one of your counselors. I feel the Lord has been very kind to me in granting me this happiness, and I trust I shall never prove unworthy of it. My hoarseness still continues; but I think my health has improved. I hope to be back by the morning of the 9th at the latest. Accept my love, my dear President, and give it to Bro. Joseph F. I am Your loving Brother, Geo. Q. Cannon

Mission - Missionary Certificate for James F. Bauer, 2 September 1897

in behalf of said Church. Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith First Presidency.


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Sep 2, 1897