Day in the Life

Sep 1, 1897

Journal Entry

September 01, 1897 ~ Wednesday

September 1st I had a very poor night. had some distress in my bowels
got it moved this morning. Went to the office, attended a meeting of the Directors
of Zion's Savings Bank & Trust Company. Returned home at 4 pm.


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Letter from James Thomas Reese, 1 September 1897

Benson. . Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro. In answer two yours of the fithteenth I can say I will be ready two start on the date named two preform a mission in the Indian Ter. Your Bro Jas. T. Reese. H. W. Ballard Bishop

Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, John Jaques, Charles William Penrose, and Amos Milton Musser, 1 September 1897

Historian's Office, Salt Lake City, . To the First Presidency, Dear Brethren: Having read and scrutinized the M^S^. of a work entitled "Children of God", by Brother Nephi Anderson, of Brigham City, according to your request, we beg to report as follows: We find no special objection to the story or to the doc- trinal points with which its treats,^;^ the style of the work exhi- bits much taste and literary ability, and the descriptive matter is striking and attractive. Yet we would not recommend the en- dorsement of the authorities of the Church in its publication, as that would make the Church^,^ to some extent at least^,^ responsible for its theories, and might be used to urge the sale of the book in a way that would not be desirable. We are of the opinion that permission might be given to the author to publish the work on his own responsibility, without the seal of sanction from the Church authorities. We see no harm that could come from its publication in that way, but concede that it might do considera^b^le good. Respectfully, your brethren, F. D. Richards. J Jaques. C. W. Penrose A Milton Musser

Letter from Robert McClellan Hull, 1 September 1897

Whitney Pres Woodruff Salt Lake City Ut. Dear President I was talking to Pres Parkinson a few days ago in regard my mission and he expressed a desire of me being changed to the northwestern mission and said that some who were called when I was had been changed and we thought perhaps the reason I was not changed was that I chose the Callifornian mission. But if you see fit to change me I am perfectly willing as I think it would be just as heathy for me or perhaps more so than Callifornia being raised toin this high altitude But I am at your service and wherever you see fit for me

Letter from John Jepson, 1 September 1897

Alpine, Wilford Woodruff President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Salt Lake City Dear Brother I have received your letter and thank you for the change if all is well with me I will be in Salt Lake City and ready to start for Great Britain on October 23 1897 Your Brother in the Gospel John Jepson B.P. Thos. Hatch

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Dr Bill $20 Cash $25 45


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Sep 1, 1897