Day in the Life

Sep 16, 1897

Journal Entry

September 16, 1897 ~ Thursday

Sept 16th When having heard so much about the Southern Pacific Shasta
Route to San Francisco, we concluded to take that trip. Bro Nuttall procured
the Tickets for $10.00 each including our sleeper, in consequence of the cut rates

with the Steam ship company. We got ready during the day, had dinner at 5 pm. & started
on our trip at 6 pm on Car "Triumph." travelled up the Williamette river passed Albany
& &Oregon City, & went to bed.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
418 mentions

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Letter from Archibald Thomas Hill, 16 September 1897
Salt Lake City, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother:— Your letter of July 19th, 1897 came duly to hand, and contents carefully noted. You will please excuse my seeming tardiness in not replying sooner, but as I consider it a very great and serious matter for a young man like me to assume the responsibility of going on a mission, to teach and preach the principals of the Gospel when I really do not understand them myself, notwithstanding having been born and raised in the church. A doubt has existed in my mind whether I should go or not. Being desirous of doing all the good I can in this world I have concluded to go and add my feeble effort to those already in the field. I will therefore make preparations in accordance with your letter of July to start October 16th. Respectfully Your Brother, A. T. Hill I Endorse the Above Geo H. Taylor Bishop 14th Ward
Letter from Harold Paul Jennings, 16 September 1897
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter of the 15 inst calling me for a mission to Great Briton on Oct. 23 [18]97. Which I can and will be pleased to except with Gods permison. Your Brother in the Gospel. Harold P. Jennings This Cirtifies that Harold P Jennings is a member of the Eighteenth ward in full fellowship and as such I recommend him worthy to go on this Mission Robert Patrick Bishop Counseler 18thward
Letter from Oscar Groshell, 16 September 1897
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. . 189 First Presidency, City, Gentlemen: About two years ago one A. E. Hyde, Jr: induced me to cash a worthless order for $10. On calling his atta^e^ntion to the fact later that this order, endorsded by him, was worthless he promised to make it good. Later I calo^l^ed the attention of his father to the matter. I gave him the order for $10, signed and endorsed by Hyde Jr. Hyde Sr: told me he would see the young man in Europe and ask him about it. Some t^t^ime ago I again spoke to Hyde senior but can collect nothing. I am aware that I have no legal claim on you and the only reas- on I have for addressing you is that young Hyde is on a mission now in Berlin and I cannot think that you would permit him to deliberately swindelle me in this matter. I lost everything that I had in the failure of the Salt Lake Cycle Co last month and I can ii^l^ly afford to be swindlesd out of this amount. I wouold thank you to take up this matter with either Hyde, Sr, or Jr. Mr Hyde Sr has the owrthless[worthless] order that I cashed having never returned it to me. Thanking you in adavnce for your courtesy, I remain, Yours Truly, OSCAR GROSHELL, Agent. Per


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Sep 16, 1897