Day in the Life

Sep 17, 1897

Journal Entry

September 17, 1897 ~ Friday

FriSept 17th arose early had a good night. Had our breakfast on the car, at Grants
. this is a good sized city. travel up the Rouge River. many well cultivated
farms & fruit orchards. Ashland is a fruit center from which place fruit
is shipped to all parts. On leaving Ashland we ascend the mountain side to
"Siskoiyow" where we reach an altitude of 4130 feet a raise 2,232 feet in 17 miles
fields & orchards in sight all the way up, weather beautiful. some of the
largest trees & [I] ever saw, the scenery delightful. The Road winding around
the mountain, through 4 tunnels and winding down into another
valley crossing the State line into California. We pass within
4 Miles of Mt Shasta 144242 feet high also of Miners Peak or Black
a very high extinct volcano. We had good view of these mountains.
Had supper at Sisson. We have been traveling through the timber, passing
saw mills &c to "Mott" where we strike the Sacramento River, thence down
the river to Mt Shasta. Soda Springs, the soda water flowing down the
mountain sides and 2 fountains throwing the water 40 or 50 feet
high. We drank of the water, strong of soda, there are other such springs
further down. This section of country is used as summer resorts for
the city people. At Castle Craigsgs Station we see the crags which are
fine. From Edgewood the scenery is grand, sublime. We went to
bed at 9 o'clock & slept well.

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Letter from John H. Heap, 17 September 1897

St Johns Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother having Been called on A mission I feel like responding to the call the time set for me to leave that city Being october 23 But on Acount of not having time to gather my [clap] and settling up my affairs I respectfully ask to hav my time extended one month if it wil not intefere with your arangements to mutch if it does please let me know and I wil try and Be there in time one month is all I want I am anxious to get off as soon as I can Respectfully J. H. Heap Charles P. Anderson Bishop 4004 + 1897 = 5901 7000 - 5901 = 1099

Letter from Jesse Wentworth Crosby, 17 September 1897

Panguitch, Utah, Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. We would recomend that Bro. George Dodds of this place, be released from l going on a mission. On account of ill helth Your Bro. Jesse W. Crosby Jr.

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 17 September 1897

President W. Woodruff Box B Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, Our Quarterly Conference was held Sunday and Monday last when we had with us Elders Geo. Reynolds and [Thomas Hall|Thomas Hall]] who both gave unto us seasonable instruction and exhortation pertaining to our duties. We had favorable weather and a good attendance of the people. Our temporal interests are very promising this fall and we are enjoying also the blessings of good health. Altogether our conference was a very enjoyable one Your Brother in the Gospel T E Ricks

Letter from John William Jex, 17 September 1897

Spanish Fork, First Presidency, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints P.O. Box B. Dear Brethern: In Reply to your letter of inquiry of the 16 inst. will say that I will be prepaired to take that a mission to the Isles of the Pacific any time after this month. awating your further notice I reman Your Bro in the Gospel John W. Jex.


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Sep 17, 1897