Day in the Life

Sep 19, 1897

Journal Entry

September 19, 1897 ~ Sunday

Sunday Sept 19th after breakfast we went to the wharf & took steamer for
"Sausalita." pd 40 cents each to Mill Valley by train — we then changed to the "Tamalpas"
train $100 each. This is a marvelous road to the top of the mountain. on an air
line it would be 3 miles, but as the ascent is 2500 feet it makes 8 1/4 miles
over the tortuous winding course. I do not think is over 20 rods in more than
one place and not to exceed more than 5 rods in 3 other places on the road that is
straight, it is winding all the time. The road bed is cut out of solid rock of
the mountain all the way except a few short trussels crossing ravines. The
Hotel near the top is a very commodious house. from the hotel Bro Nuttall walked
to the top stone which is 2592 fort high. On a clear day one can see 60 miles
out to sea, along the California Coast south to SaPoint San Pedro, the Cliff
, golden gate, San Francisco, Oakland &c. We returned at 6 pm
I was quite tired on getting to the Hotel.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
418 mentions

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Letter from Osmer Dennis Flake, 19 September 1897
Holbrook, Snowflake Arizona, President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: Upon my return from Albuquerque I found your letter of Sept 11th. My greatest diesire in this life is to do my duty as an Elder in Israel I cheerfully accept the call and will try and be in the City in time to depart on the day set Dec. 16th 1897. Praying the Blessings of God to be with you. I Remain, Your Brother in the Gospel, Osmer D. Flake John Hunt Bishop Snowflake Ward
Letter from Peter Christensen, 19 September 1897
Liberty September 19th 1897 To Wilford Woodruff Dear President I will be present at the Historians Ofice on the 19th of November to be set apart for my mission. all being well from your brother in the Gospel Peter Christensen J. T. Lyon. Bp
Letter from William Hoyt Heaton, 19 September 1897
Orderville . President Willford Woodruff. Dear Brother: In answere to yours July 23 I will say that I am still will- ing to accept the mission, and will be there on time, and ready to leave at the stated time Oct. 13. I remain your brother in the Gospleel. William H. Heaton. H. W. Esplin Bishop of Orderville ward


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Sep 19, 1897