Day in the Life

Sep 18, 1897

Journal Entry

September 18, 1897 ~ Saturday

Sat Sept 18th Awoke at Sacramento. We were up & dressed when we
crossed the bay on the Steamer "Solano." Weather cool, had to put on
our overcoats when crossing the bay from Oakland. arrived at
San Francisco at 745 am. Took street car and went to the "St Nicholas

Hotel on Market Street up town & got good room on 1st floor. Had breakfast at a
Restaurant of clam chowder, roasted oysters &c. Went to Golden gate Park & to the
Cliff House & walked around a good deal. Saw the seals & back to Hotel by
the other route. Had a carrige ride in the Golden Gate park in its cultivated parts.
^Bro Nuttall procured our steamship tickets to leave on Monday morning for Portland^


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
418 mentions

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Letter from Lewis Swensen, 18 September 1897
Moroni, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Bro: The call made upon me to fill a mission to the Southern States, I thankfully except. Feeling very grateful to the Lord and his servants that I have been counted worthy of such honer. My prayer and desire is that I might be humble and prayerful. as well as energetic isn the cause of truth. That I might do my duty fully and thereby honer the Lord and his holy priesthood, I will be ready to leave Salt Lake City.


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Sep 18, 1897