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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Collection Name The Contributor
Collection Description 1889 August (No. 10)
Collection Number M205.1 C764 v. 1-17 1879-1896
Collection Folder Number 10
Source Link The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
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180 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Ezra Carter, b. 1773
18 Mar 1773 - 10 Mar 1868
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Oliver Cowdery
3 Oct 1806 - 3 Mar 1850
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26 Feb 1808 - 18 Aug 1884
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9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
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Joseph Smith (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
John Taylor, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
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Brigham Young
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
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Apostle, Family


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View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM.* Before the close of this conference there is a subject upon which I wish to bear my testimony. There were per- haps very few people here yesterday who are in this assembly today, when Brother Thatcher delivered a lecture upon the life of President Brigham Young. He referred to a saying of President Young which I, being a wit- ness of, feel it my duty to allude to. I am the first person unto whom he made the remark, and the only one living in the flesh who was with him and Joseph Smith, the Prophet of God, when he gave to the Twelve Apostles their charge concerning the Priesthood and the keys of the Kingdom of God; and as I myself shall soon pass away like other men, I want to leave my testimony to these Latter-day Saints. I was sitting with Brigham Young in
~ Wilford Woodruff
I say to all Israel at this day, I say to the whole world, that the God of Israel, who organized this Church and Kingdom, never ordained any President or Presidency to lead it astray. Hear it, ye Israel, no man who has ever breathed the breath of life can hold these keys of the Kingdom of God and lead the people astray.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I hold in my hand a book of revelations, enough to lead this Church into the celestial kingdom of God. Anybody who will obey that law will have all the revela- tion that he can fulfill on the earth. We are not without revelation. The heavens are full of it, so is the holy Priesthood.
~ Wilford Woodruff

You need not trouble about the king- dom God has established. He will take care of it. The same God who has or- ganized this Zion and gathered one hundred and fifty thousand people here from the nations of the earth, has His eye over you, He is watching over you, and He will take care of you when you do your duty. Zion is not going to be moved out of her place. The Lord will plead with her strong ones, and if she sins He will chastise her until she is purified before the Lord.
~ Wilford Woodruff
We are in the hands of the Lord and those keys will be held and taken care of by the God of Israel until He comes whose right it is to reign.
~ Wilford Woodruff
the Church and kingdom of God could not grow, in this or any other age of the world, without the living oracles of God. The Presidency of the Church is com- posed of three men -- the President and his Counselors; and not only does the President of the Church need revela- tion daily, in order to pass through the labor, the care and the business that rests upon him, but his Counselors need it. Every one of the Twelve Apostles need it in all their administrations throughout the world; and not only the Twelve Apostles, but the Seventies, the High Priests, the Bishops, the Elders and all who belong to the Melchisedec or Aaronic Priesthood -- all need it in their administrations in the world. No man can go forth and lift up his voice and declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ with- out revelation. He needs the Holy Priesthood with him; he needs the Holy Ghost with him every day of his life. I do not wish to be misunderstood in this matter. Every man or woman that has ever entered into the Church of God and been baptized for the remission of sins, has a right to revelation; yes, women have a right to revelation, a right to the Spirit of God, to assist them in their labors, in their administra- tions to their children, in counseling their children and those over whom they are called to preside. The Holy Ghost is not restricted to men, nor to Apostles or Prophets, it belongs to every faithful man and woman, and to every child who is old enough to receive the Gospel of Christ.
~ Wilford Woodruff
God never had a Church or a people, in any age of the world, that were ever governed and con- trolled except by revelation. The living oracles of God were among them -- those who held the keys of the Kingdom, and they had to receive revelation to assist them in all their work.
~ Wilford Woodruff
he needs the Holy Ghost with him every day of his life. I do not wish to be misunderstood in this matter. Every man or woman that has ever entered into the Church of God and been baptized for the remission of sins, has a right to revelation; yes, women have a right to revelation, a right to the Spirit of God, to assist them in their labors, in their administra- tions to their children, in counseling their children and those over whom they are called to preside. The Holy Ghost is not restricted to men, nor to Apostles or Prophets, it belongs to every faithful man and woman, and to every child who is old enough to receive the Gospel of Christ.
~ Wilford Woodruff