Before the close of this conference
there is a subject upon which I wish to
bear my testimony. There were per-
haps very few people here yesterday
who are in this assembly today, when
Brother Thatcher delivered a lecture
upon the life of President Brigham
Young. He referred to a saying of
President Young which I, being a wit-
ness of, feel it my duty to allude to. I
am the first person unto whom he made
the remark, and the only one living in
the flesh who was with him and Joseph
Smith, the Prophet of God, when he
gave to the Twelve Apostles their charge
concerning the Priesthood and the keys
of the Kingdom of God; and as I myself
shall soon pass away like other men, I
want to leave my testimony to these
Latter-day Saints.
I was sitting with Brigham Young in
*Remarks by President Wilford Woodruff at
the Y.M.M.I.A. Conference, Sunday, .
Before the close of this conference
there is a subject upon which I wish to
bear my testimony. There were perhaps very few people here yesterday
who are in this assembly today, when
Brother Thatcher delivered a lecture
upon the life of President Brigham
Young. He referred to a saying of
President Young which I, being a witness of, feel it my duty to allude to. I
am the first person unto whom he made
the remark, and the only one living in
the flesh who was with him and Joseph
Smith, the Prophet of God, when he
gave to the Twelve Apostles their charge
concerning the Priesthood and the keys
of the Kingdom of God; and as I myself
shall soon pass away like other men, I
want to leave my testimony to these
Latter-day Saints.
I was sitting with Brigham Young in
*Remarks by President Wilford Woodruff at
the Y. M. M. I. A. Conference, Sunday, .
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