25th In company with Elders Holmes, Ure, Roger
& Travis we walked through the citty went
through the simetry from then[c]e to the cholery Monument erected in memory of
the many hundreds of townsmen who wer
suddenly cut down with the cholery & buryed
in deep pitts. They were treated in the following
manner when any were taken unwell they
were carried in a basket to the poor House the
docters stood ready gave brandy & laudlum &
when they got stupifyed & still was generally
supposed to be dead was immediately put into
a box & buried some came to while going to
the grave & were liberated from their
coffins & were ^are^ living yet probably many
were buried alive. 10 m[iles]
In the evening Elder Holmes preached
upon the reign of Christ I followed him
we both had a good time
~ Tuesday
26 I spent the day or the fore part of it in visiting
various parts of Sheffield I visited the grinding
of raisers, knives, shears, files & the Sheffield
cuttlery from there we visited the cutlery
show room which was splendid scissors & shears
from half an inch in length to 3 feet, raisers all
sizes & lengths from half an ounce to 20 pounds,
carving knives & forks from one inch to 3 feet,
pen knives from half an inch to 3 feet. one containd
1,800 Blades cost was £500 or $2,500 another
knife containing four hundred large blades upon
which were engraved a representation of Boston New York & many American cities & statesman
Also, those of ScotlandEngland & Europe it was
the most costly Article in the room it was three
years in making cost was £1800 or $$9000.
~ Monday
25th In company with Elders Holmes, Ure, Roger
& Travis we walked through the city went
through the simetry from there to the
Cholery Monument erected in memory of
the many hundreds of townsmen who wer
suddenly cut down with the Cholery & buryed
in deep pitts. They were treated in the following
manner when any were taken unwell they
were carried in a basket to the poor House the
docters stood ready gave brandy & laudlum &
when they got stupifyed & still was generally
supposed to be dead was immediately put into
a box & buried some came to while going to
the grave & were liberated from their
coffins & are living yet probably many
were buried alive. 10 m
In the evening Elder Holmes preached
upon the reign of Christ I followed him
we both had a good time
~ Tuesday
26 I spent the day or the fore part of it in visiting
various Parts of Sheffield I visited the grinding
of raisers, Knives, shears, files & the Sheffield
cutlery from there we visited the cutlery
show room which was splendid scissors & shears
from half an inch in length to 3 feet, raisers all
sizes & lengths from half an ounce to 20 pounds.
Carving knives & forks from one inch to 3 feet,
pen knives from half an inch to 3 feet. one contained
1,800 Blades cost was £500 or $2,500 another
knife containing four hundred large blades upon
which were engraved a representation of BostonNew York & many American cities & statesman
Also those of ScotlandEngland & Europe it was
the most costly Article in the room it was three
years in making cost was £1800 or9000.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," August 25, 1845 - August 26, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/82Xo