I went to the Temple at an early hour
found the House filled Elder Phelps opened
by Prayer. I Addressed the Saints from
the words of Solomon "there is a time
to all things And for evry purpose under
heavens there is a season" [Ecclesiastes 3:1]
I was followed by A. FieldingB. Clapp
And others. I had a good day perhaps
the last time I shall preach in that House
~ Monday
11th I again crossed the river to montrose
& bought 2 yoke of fat oxen paid $50
each yoke total $100. I drove them
up to the camp whare my waggons were
And returned Home I saw Br Hyde 15 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
12 I spent the day at home preparing
my waggons
~ Wednesday
13th it was A rainy day
~ Thursday
14th It rained in the morning I bought
A stove fore the journey & two barrels
of provisions of Lyors some of my
friends at times are tryed with the Celestial
Law Have fears of suffering on the journey
16th I crossed the Missisippi with my waggon
And family to start on my Journey to Calafornia we camped about one mile from
I went to the Temple at an early hour
found the House filled Elder Phelps opened
by Prayer. IAddressed the saints from
the words of Solomon "there is a time
to all things And for evry purpose under
heavens there is a season"
I was followed by A. FieldingB. Clapp
And others. I had a good day perhaps
the last time I shall preach in that House
~ Monday
11th I again crossed the river to montrose
& bought 2 yoke of fat oxen paid $50
each yoke total $100. I drove them
up to the camp whare my waggons were
And returned Home I saw Br Hyde 15 m
~ Tuesday
12 I spent the day at home preparing
my waggons
~ Wednesday
13th it was A rainy day
~ Thursday
14th It rained in the morning I bought
A stove fore the journey & two barrels
of provisions of Lyors some of my
friends at times are tryed with the Celestial
Law Have fears of suffering on the journey
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," May 10, 1846 - May 16, 1846, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/v2DV