can tell it was not any fear of death but a visita-
tion of the most ^damnable^ vampyres to torment both body
and spirit that could be congured up eithe^r^ real
or imaginary. Mrs Woodruff and others was with
me & also Brother Squares set up with me most of
the night at last day light appeared
~ Thursday
Thursday 27 Oct 1859 This day was like the previous
night it was the turning point of my fever in the morn-
ing I was under the impression I should die still the way
did not seem clear for me to die, yet I did not see how
I could live as I did not see how I could seem to have
strength, power, or breath sufficient to breath much longer
my family came around me to see me die, I gave each of them
a word of council and instruction But could say but little. I sent
for Wilford who was in the field, He came I said a few words
to him among other things I exhorted him strongly to always
treat all dumb animals in his charge kindly. He said he
would try to. John L Smith was with me in the morning. I
gave him a word of council concerning my History & Jour-
nals sin case I should die. I also conversed with J C. Little
the sexton and A. O. Smoot the mayor, concerning the place
of my burial, and my family burial ground. J. C. Little said
if I died He would bury me acko according to my request
but said I should not die at Present. I named these things
to the Brethren in consequence of all outward appearances
showed more that I would die than live. Soon Dr Sprague
came in he saw my low situation, still he gave me such things
as he thought I could bear. Towards evening I began to revive
a little it was evident it was the turning point of my fever
I spent the night more comfortable than the past night
~ Friday
28. I was sum better to day but vary feeble. Dr Sprague
visited me daily. Presidents H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells called
to again administer to me. D. H. Wells was mouth he said
I should live and not die, I told him I should hold on to his
~ Saturday
29th I was some eiasier to day and gained a little strength
~ Sunday
30th Brother A. O. Smoot was spending considerable
time with me. Judge Eckles has issued a warrant against
him & put it into the hands of the Sheriff Peter K Dodson
to bring him to Camp Floyd which was not a vexatious
warrant without any Just cause or provocation so he spent
his time with me to avoid being taken. He assisted in taking
care of me I still had to be lifted and turned in bed as
I had no strength to turn myself.
~ Monday
31st I began to mend a little my lips and mouth are still
covered with sores caused by my disease
~ Tuesday
Nov 1st I am still vary feeble and weak yet I am mending slowly
Oct 26
can tell it was not any fear of death but a visitation of the most damnable vampyres to torment both body
and spirit that could be congured up either real
or imaginary. Mrs Woodruff and others was with
me & also Brother Squares set up with me most of
the night at last day light appeared
~ Thursday
Thursday 27 Oct 1859 This day was like the previous
night it was the turning point of my fever in the morning I was under the impression I should die still the way
did not seem clear for me to die, yet I did not see how
I could live as I did not seem to have
strength, power, or breath sufficient to breath much longer
my family came around me to see me die, I gave each of them
a word of council and instruction But could say but little. I sent
for Wilford who was in the field, He came I said a few words
to him among other things I exhorted him strongly to always
treat all dumb animals in his charge Kindly he said he
would try to. John L Smith was with me in the morning I
gave him a word of council concerning my History & Journalsin case I should die. I also conversed with J C. Little
the sexton and A. O. Smoot the mayor, concerning the place
of my burial, and my family burial ground. J. C. Little said
if I died He would bury me according to my request
but said I should not die at Present. I named these things
to the Brethren in consequence of all outward appearances
showed more that I would die than live, soon Dr Sprague
came in he saw my low situation, still he gave me such things
as he thought I could bear. Towards evening I began to revive
a little it was evident it was the turning point of my fever
I spent the night more comfortable than the past night
~ Friday
28. I was sum better to day but vary feeble. Dr Sprague
visited me daily. Presidents H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells called
to again administer to me. D. H. Wells was mouth he said
I should live and not die, I told him I should hold on to his
~ Saturday
29th I was some Easier to day and gained a little strength
~ Sunday
30th Brother A. O. Smoot was spending considerable
time with me. Judge Eckles has issued a warrant against
him & put it into the hands of the Sheriff Peter K Dodson
to bring him to Camp Floyd which was a vexatious
warrant without any Just cause or provocation so he spent
his time with me to avoid being taken. He assisted in taking
care of me I still had to be lifted and turned in bed as
I had no strength to turn myself.
~ Monday
31st I began to mend a little my lips and mouth are still
covered with sores caused by my disease
~ Tuesday
Nov 1st I am still vary feeble and weak yet I am mending slowly
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 26, 1859 - November 1, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 3, 2025,