case of cholera in the camp. The people ^brethren^ covenanted to do this & the plague
was stayed & there was not another case in camp. Joseph held several meetings with the ^Saints^SaintSet them in order, & ^President Joseph Smith^ returned home with many other of the brethren
I remained with Lyman Wight laboring with my hands till the following winter. * ^(*see paper apart & page 9th)^
At a meeting of the High Council at Lyman Wights in Clay County Missouri
I was ordained to the office of a Priest * ^* By the direction of the High Council under the hands of Brother Simeon Carter on the ^ inI had a great desire in my heart to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to my fellow men for I saw such blessings, beauty & glory in it that I had a great desire to assist my brethren in proclaiming it to the inhabitants of the Earth t and this desire continued to increase upon me, but I did not reveal my feelings to any man, but soon
^(the above lines are in paper apart{would not it be good to copy some your autobiography beginning [back]} 32^ after I was ordained to the office of a priest I received an ^appointment^ mission by Bishop Edward Partridge to go in connexion with Elder Harry Brown on a mission through the Southern part of Missouri & through the Arkansas, into the Southern States Agreeable to ^my^ thisappointment I bid my brethren farewell in Clay County & on the I took my valise in hand weighing
15 lbs mostly Books of Mormon & started in company with Elder Harry ^Brown^without without purse or scrip & crossed the ferry ^river^ into Jackson County, * ^* as we stepped onto the bank two horsmen le^a^d there horses onto the bank they eyed us very closely but said^ ^nothing to us^ we stopped south open our missionThis was the first & last time that we ever trod the soil of Jackson County, we felt thankful for the privilege & we bowed our knees before
the Lord & offered up the gratitude of our hearts unto our Father in heaven for the privilege & prayed for his protection whi from the mob while going through
the county as the Saints had just been driven out and ^as^ a Latter Day Saint perriled
his life to found in the county, we prayed that the judgments of God might
rest upon the wicked who had shed the blood of the Saints in that land that their
blood might be avenged & that the land might be cleansed from sin wicked-
ness & abominations & redeemed that the Saints might again inherit it
we arose & went on our way rejoiceing. I had in my possession
a petition to the Governor of Missouri for redress of wrongs done us in
Jackson County for the purpose of obtaining signat[ure] unto it we bent our
way south through Jackson County without any harm yet in one instance we
were miraculously preserved from a large mob ^of about 60^ assembled at a grog shop which we
had to pass. On the we called at the Harmony Mission had an interview
with the president of the mission a Presbyterian minister, it was near sun down
he would neither give us any thing to eat nor keep us because we were mormons
it was 15 miles to the nearest house which was an ^Jerrews^ Indian traiding house kept
case of cholera in the camp. The brethren covenanted to do this & the plague
was stayed & there was not another case in camp.
President Joseph Smith returned home with many other of the brethren
I remained with Lyman Wight laboring with my hands till the following winter. * (*see paper apart & page 9th)
At a meeting of the High Council at Lyman Wights in Clay County Missouri
I was ordained to the office of a Priest * * By the direction of the High Council under the hands of Brother Simeon Carter on the
Agreeable to my
I took my valise in hand weighing
15 lbs mostly Books of Mormon & started in company with Elder Harry Brown
& crossed the river into Jackson County, *
we felt thankful for the privilege & we bowed our knees before
the Lord & offered up the gratitude of our hearts unto our Father in heaven
& prayed for his protection from the mob while going through
the county as a Latter Day Saint perriled
his life to found in the county, we prayed that the judgments of God might
rest upon the wicked who had shed the blood of the Saints in that land that their
blood might be avenged & that the land might be cleansed from sin wickedness & abominations & redeemed that the Saints might again inherit it
we arose & went on our way rejoiceing. I had
a petition to the Governor of Missouri for redress of wrongs done us in
Jackson County for the purpose of obtaining signature unto it we bent our
way south through Jackson County without any harm yet in one instance we
were miraculously preserved from mob of about 60 assembled at a grog shop which we
had to pass. On the we called at the Harmony Mission had an interview
with the president a Presbyterian minister, it was near sun down
he would neither give us any thing to eat nor keep us because we were mormons
it was 15 miles to the nearest house which was Jerrews Indian traiding house
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