Day in the Life

Mar 22, 1893

Journal Entry

March 22, 1893 ~ Wednesday

22 A hand pointing to the right I received 3 Letters from Sarah David & Sylvia
A hand pointing to the right I wrot to Sarah & Sylvia & sent her $10. I had a letter
from David & wrote him I met with the Twelve to unite &
to be of one heart & mind we met with the Saltair Beach board

I met with the Twelve Apostles & my councillors upon
the position that Moses Thatcher occupied towards the
Presidency of the Church & the Twelve Apostls He was not
in Harmony with us He was in danger of his standing
I went to Joseph E Taylors to supper & then took cars
and went home ^6 M[iles^


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Woodruff, David Patten
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
228 mentions
Taylor, Joseph Edward
11 Dec 1830 - 13 Feb 1913
446 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions
Thompson, Sylvia Melvina Woodruff
14 Jan 1862 - 7 Aug 1940
137 mentions

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Letter from Martha Matilda Dewey Lish, 22 March 1893
Deweyville Dear Brother Woodruff will you be kind enough to enforme me whether it will be wright to have my Little Girl Baptised before she is eight years old she will be eight years old the 28 of Aprile 1893. I have only two little girls and i wish them to go to the Dedication of the Temple I am President of the Primary of this Ward and i wish to do write My Father is the Bishop of this place and of course he can not give her a Reccomend unless she is Baptised so pleas answer this as it is worring me all the time and there is know time to lose Praying my Hevenly Father to Bless you in your declining years i remain your sister in the Gospes Matilda Lish (My address) Dewey ville Box Elder Co Utah
Letter from William Edward Partington, 22 March 1893
Logan President Woodruff Dear Brother I write you in regard to me going on a mission to Great Britain I am a farmer, 57 years old, have a famley of eight children from 16 year old to 6 days. I am not a strong man often quite unwell. I am $1,000 in debt for R. R. land which must be paid within 2 years. I can raise the money to go by seling a peice of my farme, would like time to get out of debt but will leave it to you to say I remain Your Brother W. E. Partington The above is corect as far as I understand Robert Davidson Bp Let him have time to pay his debts for his land and prepare himself for a mission, and when he gets in shape he can report. J. F. S.
Letter from Lyman O. Littlefield, 22 March 1893
Brethren of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: I cannot well resist the influence that prompts me to address you a few lines. Your late "Address to the Officers and Members of the Church," I have perused with joy and gladness. I pray God that the full spirit of that epistle may permeate the hearts of the entire people of the church, that every bitter feeling may be forgiven and complete and perfect fellowship fill the hearts and souls of Latter-day Saints in all the world. As I now feel, I


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Mar 22, 1893