Day in the Life

Sep 7, 1897

Journal Entry

September 07, 1897 ~ Tuesday

Sept 7th Had a better night. Went to the office this morning. I called in
Bro W. C Spence and requested him to make suitable arrangements for transportation
of myself & Bro L. John Nuttall to go to Portland and return. Found I had my annual
Passes, & that Bro Nuttall would be provided for. TWe to start from this city next Thursday
evening. Bro Nuttall came down & staid with me all night. I told him what I
had done and asked him to get ready to accompany me. Emma & Alice
returned from a brief outing at Wasatch this evening.


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1039 mentions
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
Woodruff, Mary Alice McEwan
2 Jan 1879 - 14 Jan 1916
216 mentions
Spence, William Charles
3 Dec 1850 - 9 May 1927


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Letter from Horace Isaac Grow, 7 September 1897
Bro. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: I received Your's of Aug. 15, 1897. aAnd would say, I am satisfied with the call that has been made of me, and if no reasonable obstacle happens between now and that date to hinder me from going I will be there at the time you have appointed. Your Brother in the Gospel Horace I. Grow. A. M Rawson Bp
Letter to the Members in Turkey, 7 September 1897
Salt Lake City, Utah, . Beloved Brethren and Sisters in Turkey: We have lately received a number of letters from various brethren addressed to Bro. Lefvon S. Abraham. In these letters a number of questions are sprung concerning your condition and also asking about a future opportunity of gathering to some place in your own land. First, we learn that the different branches of the Church in Turkey need a fuller organization, this has been ordered to be corrected through the office in Liverpool and Elder Armenag S. Hagobian. President Hago- bian should make a wvisit to the different branches of the church and ordain a few worthy brethren to the office of elders and some to the lower priesthood so that there may be workers in each branch to supply the necessary spiritual food and to preach the Gospel with authority to those not acqiuainted with our doctrines. There are also some difficul- ties that should be straightened out so that all might work as one in Jesus Christ our Lord. It is probable that before long some elders will be sent there again to labor, and we hope you will receive them as the servants of the living God sent to you to minister in the ordinances of life and salvation for your good and for the good of the nations in that far off part of the world. For the Gospel of Christ must be preached in all places according to the will of the Father before the end will come. Dear Brethren and Sisters, you are inclined to be impatient, as though you alone had troubles to endure. This you should not be. The saints have troubles in


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Sep 7, 1897