Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)

Document Transcript

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January 1st 1843
December 31, 1844

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~ Sunday

JAN 1st 1843

I spent this day by starting at sunrise
in company with Mrs Woodruff & Br
Newbury & two sisters in a two hors
sleigh & crossing the Mississippi River on
the ice & travled 15 miles into Iowa Territory
& Joined Mr Abram Newbury & Miss Eliza
in Matrimony. we then took diner &
returned home making in all 30 miles
while the thermometer stood 10 degrees below zero

January 2, 1843 ~ Monday

2nd It is an important erea in the history
of the Church about these days. Joseph Smith
the Prophet & Seer of the Church has been
persecuted & driven into the willderness from
his family & Church in Nauvoo in consequen
ce of illegal oaths, affidavits & edicts, from men in
authority govornors &c, But having a new
govornor Joseph Smith came forth & deliverd
himself up to the authorities & demanded a
trial, & it has been granted him within a few
days past before the circuit court of the
United States & has been honorably acquited
according to the law of the Land, & is now
returning to Nauvoo ^to^ have a jubilee. Elder
John Taylor has gone to Springfield with
Joseph & about 20 other Brethren which leaves
the Printing Office in my care which makes
much business for me more than I can con-
veniently attend to.

January 3, 1843 ~ Tuesday to ~ Sunday

3, , , , , & 8 My time was spent in the Printing

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January 8, 1843 ~ Sunday

Jan 8th Sunday I spent the time a[t] hom[e]

January 9, 1843 ~ Monday to ~ Saturday

9th, , , , , & 14 was spent in the Office

January 15, 1843 ~ Sunday

15 Sunday I spent the time at home

January 16, 1843 ~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

16, 17, & 18. was spent in the printing office

January 17, 1843 ~ Tuesday

17th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] This was an interesting day, a day
that was appointed by general procklama-
tion for humiliation fasting & Prayer
& thanksgiving for the release & delivery
we had received Meetings were appointed
in each ward throughout the city I met
at President Joseph Smith's & we had
an interesting time Br Joseph spoke
to some length on the kingdom of God
& the Baptism of John. he said the kingdom
of God was set upon the earth in all ages
from the days of Adam to the presant
time whenever there was a man on earth
who had authority to Administer the
ordinances of the gospel or a priest of God
& unto such a man God did reveal his will
concerning the Baptism of John it was
the Baptism of repentance unto the remission
of sins
for the receiving of the Holy Ghost
& it was the gospel Baptism. These were
questions which had been in debate for
many years & in some degree among the
Saints. He also spoke upon the subject
of honor & dishonor &c many prayers &
exhertations were made I spoke twice &
felt much of the spirit of the Lord & had an
interesting time

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January 18, 1843 ~ Wednesday

Jan 18th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Joseph Smith the Prophet & his Lady
made a feest for his friends as a time
of rejoiceing with them in consequence of his
deliverence from oppression we had an inter-
esting day about 20 of those who went
with him to Springfield & also the Twelve &
many others numbering in all about 75
persons. Gen Law & Miss Eliza Snow had compos-
ed each of them a song which was printed in
a hand Bill & sung as it was vary appropriate
to the occasion after having our feast over
& spending the day isn social conversation
we returned to our homes rejoiceing that
[we] could again have the privilige of enjoying the socie-
ty of our prophet & seer

January 19, 1843 ~ Thursday

^Orson Pratts Resteration^

19th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] This was also an interesting day in
consequence of the return of Orson Pratt
to the quorum of the Twelve he had returned
& repented in dust & ashes as it were for opposing
Joseph & the Twelve &c. we met at Brigham
the first Presidency & the Twelve
& conversed over the subject & Orson Pratt
desired much to return to the quorum of the
Twelve. We had an interesting time together
we then assembled at the river & Joseph
the Seer went into the river from the
Ice & Baptized Orson Pratt & his wife &
Widow Granger Joseph confirmed them
& ordaind Orson Pratt to the Apostleship &
& his former standing which caused Joy to
our hearts. Elder Amasa Lyman who had
been appointed in his stead as a member of
the quorum of the Twelve was taken into the
first Presidency which left the place again vac-
ant for Orson Pratt

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January 20, 1843 ~ Friday to ~ Saturday

Jan 20, 21st. I spent the time in the Printing office

January 22, 1843 ~ Sunday

22nd [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Sunday President Joseph Smith
deliverd an interesting discourse at the
Temple to an inter large congregation among
other things he treated upon the kingdom
of God & the baptism of John. He remarked
some say the kingdom of God was not set
up on earth untill the day of pentecost & that
John did not preach the Baptism of repen
for the remission of sins But I say in
the name of the Lord that the kingdom
of God was set up on earth from the days
of Adam to the present time whenever
there has been a righteous man on earth unto
whom God revealed his word & gave power
& authority to administer in his name:
And whare theire is a Priest of God, A minister
who has power & Authority from God to
administer in the ordinances of the Gospel
& officiate in the Priesthood of God, theire
is the kingdom of God & in consequence
of rejecting the gospel of Jesus Christ & the
Prophets whom God hath sent, the judgm-
of God hath rested upon people, cities &
nations in various ages of the world, which
was the case with the cities of Sodom & gomo-
who were destroyed for rejecting the
Prophets. Now I will give my testimony
I care not for man I speak boldly & faith-
fully & with authority. How is it with the
kingdom of God, whare did the kingdom
of God begin, whare their is no kingdom
of God their is no salvation. What consti-
tutes the kingdom of God

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Whare there is a prophet, a priest, or a righ-
teous man unto whom God gives his oracles
there is the kingdom of God, & whare the
oracles of God are not there the kingdom
of God is not. In these remarks I have
no allusion to the kingdoms of the earth, we
will keep the Laws of the Land, we do not
speak against them we never have, & we
can hardly make mention of the state
of Missouri of our persecutions there &c
but what the cry goes forth that we are
guilty of larceny, Bur[g]lary, arson treason &
murder &c &c which is fals, we speak of
the kingdom of God on the earth not the
kingdoms of mem. The plea of many in
this day is that we have no right to receive
revelations. But if we do not get revelations
we do not have the oracles of God & if they
have not the oracles of God they are not
the people of God But say you what will
become of the world or the various professors
of religion who do not believe in revelation &
the oracles of God as continued to his
Church in all ages of the world when he
has a people on earth. I Tell you in the
name of Jesus Christ they will be damned
& when you get into the eternal
world you will find it to be so they cannot
escape the damnation of hell

As touching the gospel & Baptism that John
preached I would say that John came preach-
ing the gospel for the remission of sins he
had his authority from God & the oricles
of God were with him & the kingdom of [God]

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for a season seemed to rest be with John
alone. The Lord promised Zecheriah that he
should have a son [Luke 1:13], which was a desendant
of Aaron & the Lord promised that the
priesthood should continue with Aaron & his
seed throughout their generations [Exodus 40:15].
Let No man take this honour upon himself
except he be called of God as was Aaron, &
Aaron received his call by Revelation [Hebrews 5:4]. An
angel of God Also appeared unto Zecheriah
while in the Temple [and said] that he should have a
son whose name should be John & he should
be filled with the Holy Ghost [Luke 1:11-13] Zecheriah was
a priest of God & officiating in the Temple &
John was a priest after his fathe[r] & held the keys
of the aronic priesthood & was called of God
to preache the Gospel & the kingdom of God
& the Jews as a nation having departed
from the Law of God & the gospel the Lord
prepared the way for transfering it to the gentiles
But says one the kingdom of God could
not be set up in the days of John for John
said the Kingdom was at hand But I would
ask if it could be any nearer to them than
to be in the hands of John, the people need
not wait for the days of Pentecost to find
the kingdom of God for John had it with
him, & he came forth from the wilderness
crying out repent ye for the kingdom of
heaven is at hand [Matthew 3:2] as much as to kaul out
here I have got the kingdom of God & I am
coming after you. Ive got the kingdom
of God & you can get it & I am coming
after you & if you dont receive it you
will be damned & the scriptures represent

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that all Jerrusalem went out unto Johns Baptism
Here was a legal administrator, & those that were
baptized were subjects for a king & also the laws
& oracles of God were there therefore the king-
dom of God was there, for no man could have
better authority to Administer than John &
our Savior submitted to that authority himself
by being Baptized By John therefore the
kingdom of God was set up upon the earth
even in the days of John their is a difference
between the kingdom of God & the fruits &
blessings that flow from that kingdom
becaus their was more miracles, gifts, gracsvisions
healings, tongues &c in the days of Jesus Christ
& the Apostles & on the day of pentecost than
under Johns Administration, it does not
prove by any means that John had not the
kingdom of God; any more than it would
that a woman had not a milk pan because she
had not a pan of milk, for while the pan might
be compared to the kingdom the milk might
be compared to the blessings of the kingdom
John was a priest after the order of Aaron
& had the keys of that priesthood & came forth
preaching repentance & Baptism for the remis-
sion of sins
but at the same time crys out
there cometh one after me more mighter than
I the latches of whose shoes I am not worthy
to unlose, & Christ came according to the words of
John, & he was greater than John because he
held the keys of Melchisedic Priesthood
& the kingdom of God & had before revealed the
priesthood to Moses, yet Christ was baptised
by John to fulfill all righteousness & Jesus
in his teaching says upon this rock I will
build my Church & th[e] gates of hell shall not

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prevail against it [Matthew 16:18] what rock, revelation
Again he says except ye are born of the water
& the spirit ye cannot inter into the kingdom
of God [John 3:5], And though the heavens & earth
should pass away my words shall not pass away [Matthew 24:35]
If a man is born of the water & the spirit
he can get into the kingdom of God
it is evident the kingdom of God was on
the earth & John prepared subject[s] for
kingdom by preaching the gospel to them
& Baptising them & he prepared the way [doo]
before the Savoior or came as a fore runner
& prepared subject for the preaching of
Christ, & & Christ preached through
Jerrusalem on the same ground whare
John had preached & when the Apostles were
raised up they worked in Jerrusalem
& Jesus commanded them to tarry there
untill they were endowed with power from
on high had they not work to do in Jer
rusalem, they did work, & prepared a
people for the pentecost The kingdom of
God was with them before the day of pen-
tecost as well as afterwords & it was allso
with John & he preached the same gospel
& Baptism that Jesus & the Apostles preached
after him The endowment was to
prepare the desiples for their mission into
the world. Whenever men can find out
the will of God & find an Administrator
legally authorized from God there is the
kingdom of God but whare these are not, the
kingdom of God is not All the ordinances
systems, & Administrations on the earth is
of no use to the children of men unless

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they are ordained & authorized of God
for nothing will save a man but a leger [legal]
Administrator for none others will be
acknowledge either by God or Angels
thei I know what I say, I understand
my mishion & business. God Almighty is my
shield & what can man do if God is my
friend I shall not be sacrafised untill
my time comes then I shall be offered
freely, all flesh is is as grass, & a governor
is no better than other men when he dies he
is but a bag of dung I thank God for preserving
me from my enemies I have no enmity
I have no desire but to do all mem [men] good I feel
to pray for all mem we dont ask any people
to throw away any good they have got
we ownly ask them to come & get more
what if all the world should embrace this
gospel they would then see eye to eye & the
blessings of God would Be poured out upon
the people which is my whol soul Anen

January 23, 1843 ~ Monday to ~ Saturday

Jan 23, , , , , & 28. was spent in the Printing Office

January 29, 1843 ~ Sunday

29th Sunday spent the time at home

January 30, 1843 ~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

30 & 31 Spent the time in the Printing Office

February 1, 1843 ~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday

Feb 1, , & 4. Spent my time as usual in the
Printing Office We commenced this week
on Monday to sterrotype [stereotype] the Doctrins &
of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints

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February 5, 1843 ~ Sunday

Feb 5th Sunday Spent the time at home

February 6, 1843 ~ Monday to ~ Saturday

6, , , , , & 11 Spent this week in the printing office
with the exception of Monday was the election
& a warm contest it was esspecially in the evening

February 12, 1843 ~ Sunday

12 Sunday I spent the time at home writing

~ Monday to ~ Saturday

13, 18. Spent the time in the printing
get along well with the doctrins &
But we have exceding cold weathr

February 19, 1843 ~ Sunday

19 Sunday I spent the time at home

February 20, 1843 ~ Monday

20 spent the time in the printing office

February 21, 1843 ~ Tuesday

21st A public meeting was held at the
Temple for the purpose of Advancing the
cause of the Nauvoo House & other matters
thousands were assembled together &
were addressed by several persons. Peter
addressed the meeting & was followed
By L. Woodworth who adressed the meeting
under a figure of a pagan Prophet yet he
made many interesting & appropriate remarks
upon a variety of subjects esspecially concerning
the Nauvoo House

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] President Joseph Smith arose & Addressed the
meeting as a Christian Prophet & addressed for
about an hour much to our edefycation, many
remarks he made were plain & pointed some
vary applicable to Dr Foster which he afterwards
acknowledged to be true Joseph said the pagan
prophet had prophesied one thing that was

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true viz that if we did not build the temple &
Nauvoo house it would proove the ruin of the
place that if we did not build those buildings
we might as well leave the place & that it was
as necessary to build one as the other, & many
other things were said much to the purpose

February 22, 1843 ~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday

22, , , & 25 Was spent in the printing offic

February 26, 1843 ~ Sunday

26 I spent the time at home writing

February 27, 1843 ~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

27, 28. Was spent in the printing office

March 1, 1843 ~ Wednesday

March 1st 1843 This is my Birthday I
am thirty six years of age this day time
flies & waiteth for no am [man] it is exceding cold
weather the river cloesed by ice from Nauvoo
to Montrose on the 15 of last November & it is not
open yet but teams have crossed continually
from shore to shore

March 2, 1843 ~ Thursday to ~ Saturday

2, , & 4 I spent my time in the printing office

March 5, 1843 ~ Sunday

5th Spent the day at home

March 6, 1843 ~ Monday to ~ Thursday

6, , , & 9 Spent the time in the printing office

March 10, 1843 ~ Friday

[FIGURE] 10th I Wilford Woodruff testify that
about 7 oclock PM I discoverd a stream of
light in the south west quarter of the heavens
the rays of Light were in the form of a Broadsword
with the hilt downward the Blade raised pointing
from the west south west raised to an angle
of 45 degrees from the horizen & extending nearly
or within 2 or 3 degrees to the zenith of the degree

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whare the sign appeared, this sign gradually
disappeared from half past 7 & at 9 oclock
immediately disappeared

The following is the declaration of Joseph
the Seer conserning the foregoing sign

As sure as there is a God who sits enthroned in
the heavens & as sure as he ever spoke by me
so shure sure theire will be a spedy & Bloody
war & the broad sword seen last evening
is the sure sign thereof

March 11, 1843 ~ Saturday

11th Saturday I spent the day in the Printing office

March 12, 1843 ~ Sunday

12 Spent the day at home writing

March 13, 1843 ~ Monday

13th Spent the day [all] in the office in the
evening I had a view of the sword in the heavens

March 14, 1843 ~ Tuesday

14th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] At about half past seven oclock in
the evening the sword which had
made its appearenc for several evenings
past moved up near the moon & formed
itself into a large ring round the moon,
two Balls immediately appeared in the
ring opposite of each other sumthing in the
form of sundogs annother half ring ishues
from those Balls sumthing in the shape of
a horse shoe extending outside of the first ring
with one line runing through the centre of the moon
according to the following cut

facsimile [FIGURES]

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March 15, 1843 ~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday

15, , & 18. Spent the time in the printing office
we still have exceding cold weather
the thermometer stands freequently at
zero the river has been frozen over so that
people have continually crossed the river for
more than four months from Nauvoo to Montrose
A circumstanc that never was known befor by
the oldest inhabitants of this region.

March 19, 1843 ~ Sunday

19th Sunday I spent the day at home writing

March 20, 1843 ~ Monday to ~ Saturday

20, , , , , & 25. The week was spent
in the printing office the weather has
been uncommonly cold mostly through the
week the thermometer has stood at zero a
number of days the signs in the heavens
are making theire appearance theire has
been singular signs appeared in & about the
sun for sever[al] days this week. O Pratt
has taken a sketch of the same which will
appear in the Time & Seasons their has also
been other signs the light that has been represe
nted as a sword has made its appearance
for several nights past in the same place &
also on the opposite of the horizen has been
seem A black streak about the size of the
light one, while one is as black as darkness
the other has considerable of the appearance
of the blaze of a comet & some have
contended that it was a comet but it
cannot be a comet for it appears about
7 oclock & disappears about 9 oclock rema
ining about two hours thus it appears that
the signs that Joel & Jesus spoke of
are making their appearance

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March 26, 1843 ~ Sunday

March 26th Sunday I spent the day at home
I looked over the Mail that brought our
exchange papers & found them mostly
vary destitute of news of interest except
the case of Mackenzie which is still exciting
the public mind & will probably be the longest
before it is closed of any case ever tried in
the United States in consequence of the hanging
Spencer, Small & another person on board
of the Sommers in consequence of an exp-
ected mutiny. Their is also some wars
& rumours of wars earthquakes & fires &
stormes, & murder throughout the land

March 27, 1843 ~ Monday to ~ Friday

27, , , , & 31. I spent this week
in the printing office as usual. It still holds
cold weather & no prospect yet of river

March 31, 1843 ~ Friday

On the 31st friday I spent the Afternoon
at Mr Lucian Woodworth's in company
with Joseph Smith, Hiram Smith, Heber
C. Kimball
, Orson Hyde, A Br Chase with our
wives we had a feast of a fat turkey &
had a good time

April 1, 1843 ~ Saturday

April 1st It is a pleasent day & thaws some
it is expe[c]ted there will be a great rise of wate[r]
in the Missisippi this spring as there is
5 or 6 feet of snow on a level up the river

April 2, 1843 ~ Sunday

2 Sunday we have another snow storm
to day the river has is still frozen
over so that teams cross

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The following is the description of the sun


This morning, bet[w]een the housrs of six and
nine oclock, the heavens exhibited a splen-
did and delightful appearance, of halos or
circles accompanied with parhelia or mock
suns. Clouds of a white & fleecy appearance
were at the time floating in the atmosphere,
but so thin as not to entirely obscure the blue
sky the wind blue vary gently from the west
by northwest. The cold being intense essp-
ecially for the time of year and small crysta-
ls of ice or snow were visible s floating in the air
The following diagram represents these beau-
tiful phenomena as they appeared about half
past seven oclock A.M. The magnitudes of the
circles given in the following decription may not
be exact as I was destitute of the proper inst
ruments for their accurate measurement.

[FIGURE cut out from newspaper]

1st Let z be the zenith
directly under which
the observer is statio
ned looking to the
east let the outer
circle represent the
horizon's the tru
sun about 18°
above the horizon
surrounded by a
vary bright prism-
atic circle not
far from 45° de
in diameter; the lower
limb of which exten-
ded below the horizen
nearly 41–2°. Its breadth
and colours were ab[o]ut the
same as that of a common
rainbow nearly all the prismatic colours

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were discernible the red being on the concave
part of the circle next [to] the sun. On each
side of the sun at a and b towards the north
and south there were two mock suns of
different colours vary splendid & bright
in their appearance.

2nd The sun was
encircled by another halo, k n i m, much
larger than the former, and parellel to it
being nearly 90° in diameter and its lower
limb being sunk below the horizen about
27° It exhibited the same colours as the
first though not so bright. ^3rd^ At the top of
these circles at e and i, were two inverted
arches whose common centre seemed
to lay in the zenith. The upper arch f i h
was excedingly brilliant and beautifully
coloured and appeared to be about
54° degrees in diameter and that of the
lower one d c e about 99°. Annother
Parhelion or mock sun appeared in the
middle of the lower arch, at c whare it
coincided with the circle first described
but its colours and brightness were much
inferior to those of the collateral mock
suns at a and b. 4th There appeared
a circle in b s a n t r, much larger
than any I have yet described being
about 144° in diameter and of a uniform
whiteness. It was about 18 degrees above
the horizen, and parallel to it passing through
the tru sun, s, and the collateral parhelia
a, and b and also through two other
parhelia, t and r, sumthing about
90 or 100° from the sun one towards
the north & the other towards the south.

Page 26

The parhelia t and r were of a whitish
colour and not vary distinctly seen. The
parhelia t and r were of a whitish colour
and not vary distinc[t]ly seen. The intersec-
tions, m and n, of this circle with the
k i m were rendered more distinctly
seen. the intersections m and n of this
circle with the circle k i m were renderd
more distinctly visible than other
portions of the two circles [FIGURES]

O Pratt A.M.

Professer of Mathematics in the University
of the City of Nauvoo March 23rd 1843

April 3, 1843 ~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

April 3, , 5. I spent the time in the print
ing office

April 6, 1843 ~ Thursday

[FIGURE] April 6th Jubilee 1843 April 6th 1843 [Joseph Smith Papers Document]
The conference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints met at the Temple
of the Lord at Nauvoo at 10 oclock AM
It held thursday friday & Saturday 3 days
It is the commencment of the fourteenth
year of the Church which makes it the com-
mencement of the Jubilee we had an intere-
sting time through the conference

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~ Thursday

April 13th ^12^ The Steem Boat Amaram arived
at Nauvoo with about 230 Saints from
England led by Elder Lorenzo Snow who
had been in Englang about two years laboring
he was with me in London we all felt to welcom
him & the Saints to our shores

April 14, 1843 ~ Friday

14th ^12^ The Steem Boat Maid of Iowa arived
with about 250 saints who had been in
St Louis through the winter many
were my old friends & acquaintance
P P Pratt & Dr Levi Richards were among
the number, the Saints were made welcome
& were glad to arive in Nauvoo

~ Saturday

15th The New emegrants assembled at the
Temple & received an interesting discourse
from President Joseph Smith which was
truly interesting to the Saints in general

Page 34

~ Sunday

April 16th [Joseph Smith Papers Document]
President J. Smith Addressed the assem-
bly of the saints at the temple of the Lord
upon the subject of the saints death, burial
& resurrection of the saints. He had been
requested to preach a funeral sermon by
several persons who had died lost friends
& he had Just Received information that
Elder Lorenzo Barnes had died in England
we received this information by a letter from
Elder P. P. Pratt. After reading the letter he
addressed the assembly in a vary feeling
interesting & edefying manner among
many other remarks he said he should
have been more reconciled to the death of Elder
barnes could his bodey have been laid in
the grave in Nauvoo or among the saints, he
said he had vary peculiar feelings relative
to recieving an honorable burial with his fathers
he considered Nauvoo would be a burying
place of the saints & should he die he considered
it would be a great Blessing to be buried with
the saints & esspecially to be buried with his father
yes he wanted to lie by the side of his father
that when the trump of God should sound
& the voice of God should say ye saints
arise, that when the tomb should birst he
could arise from the grave & first salute
his father & say O my father, & his father
say O my Son!! as they took each other by
the heand he wished next to salute his brothers
& sisters & then the saints & he said it was
upon this principle that the ancients were
so particular to have an honorable burial with
their fathers as in the case of Joseph, before his
death he made his kindred promise to carry

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his bones to the land of Canann & they did
so they embalmed his body took it to the land
of Canaan & buryed it with his fathers
their is a glory in this that many do not
comprehend. It is true that in the
resurrection that the bodies will be caught
up to meet the Lord & the saints will all be
brought together though they were scattered
upon the face of the whole earth yet they
would not as readily salute each other as
though they lay down & rose up together
from the same bed. To bring it to the under-
standing it would be upon the same principle
as though two who were vary friends indeed
should lie down upon the same bed at night
locked in each other embrace talking of their
love & should awake in the morning together
they could immediately renew their
conversation of love even while risings from
their bed but if theiy were alone & in
seperate apartments they could not as
readily salute each other as though they
were together. He remarked that should
he live & have an opportunity of gathering
his friends who had died together he intended
to do it but if he should not live to do
it himself he hoped that some of his frie
friends would. He wished all of the
saints to be comforted with the victory
they were to gain by the resurrection
it is sufficient to encorage the saint to
overcome in the midst of evry trial trouble
& tribulation though thunders roar & earth
quakes bellow, lightnings flash & wars are
upon evry hand yet suffer not a joint
to tremble nor let not your heart faint

Page 36

for the great Eloheem will deliver you
& if not before the resurrection will set you
eternally free from all these things from
pain sorrow & death. I have labored hard
& sought evry way to try to prepare this people
to comprehend the things that God is unfold-
ing to me In speaking of the resurrection I wou-
ld say that God hath shown unto me a vission
of the resurrection of the dead & I saw the
graves open & the saints as they arose took each
other by the hand even before they got up or
while getting up & great Joy & glory rested
upon them

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April 17, 1843 ~ Monday

17th I spent my time in the printing Office

~ Tuesday

18th I met in conference with the Twelve
& President J Smith not being Presant the conf
erance adjourned untill next day

~ Wednesday

19th Met again in council with the Twelve
President J. Smith met with us & counciled
us to take a mission in the East to obtaine
means to build the Nauvoo house as we were
appointed so to do by the conference the
Following persons were named of the
quorum of the Twelve to take the mission
to hold conferences & obtained means &c
Brigham Young, Heber C Kimball, Orson
, Orson Pratt, Wm Smith, W. Woodruff,
& G. A. Smith, & Also to have Elder
Page Join us in the east. Also Elder
R. Hedlock, S. Jaimes & Carnes were
appointed to go to England, & Addison
& three others to go ^to^ the Sandwich

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

20 & 21 I spent in the Printing Office

~ Saturday

22nd ^29^ I rode to Augusta on skunk River
with B Young Joseph Young, H C.
, & G A Smith & Peter Haws to
hold a conferance.

~ Sunday

23rd ^30^ Sunday we held a conferance at
Augusta had a good time we preached
the Nauvoo House & many Promised
to assist in building it. We found about
two hundred Saints in this place & had
started a flourishing village three sawmills &

Page 38

two flouring mills & one of the best
water privileges I ever met with

April 24, 1843 ~ Monday

24th ^May 1^ we returned home to Nauvoo ^40 mile^

April 25, 1843 ~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday

25, , , , & 29 was spent in the prin-
ting office

April 30, 1843 ~ Sunday

30th Sunday I attended meeting at the
Temple a vary windy day Wm Smith
& O. Hyde preached

May 1, 1843 ~ Monday to ~ Friday

May 1st nd rd, 5 & 6 I spent the
time as usual in the printing office

May 6, 1843 ~ Saturday

6th The Nauvoo Legion ^met^ & done well I rode also

May 7, 1843 ~ Sunday

7th Sunday I attended meeting at
the Temple, & called upon Br Pullen

May 8, 1843 ~ Monday

8. spent the time in the Printing office

May 9, 1843 ~ Tuesday

9th I left Nauvoo at 7 oclock on the Maid
of Iowa in company with about one hundred
Gentleman & Ladies on a pleasure
excursion to Burlington. General Joseph Smith
& Lady his mother & family were of the
Party. we had an excellent address by
P. P. Pratt, we touched at Fort Madison
on our way up and at Shokoquon on our return

May 10, 1843 ~ Wednesday

10 & 11 Spent the time in the Printing office

May 11, 1843 ~ Thursday

11 met in council with the 12 Appointed missions
to England Scotland & the pacific Isles

May 12, 1843 ~ Friday

12 Held a council & appointed a meeting at
Laharp Ramus & Lima for the Twelve on
Sunday. Elder

Page 39

May 13, 1843 ~ Saturday

13th Elder B Young went to Ramus
Elder H. C. Kimball & O. Pratt went to
Laharp & Elders G. A Smith B Nobles &
myself accompanied President J. Smith
to Lima to attend to the several appointm-
ents which had been given out

May 14, 1843 ~ Sunday

14th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Sunday The meeting was opened
by singing, & Prayer By w woodruff
Then Joseph the Seer arose & said
It is not wisdom that we should have all
knowledge at once presented before us but
that we should have a little then we can
comprehend it. He then read the
second epistle of Peter 1st ch 16 to last vers
& dwelt upon the 19th vers with som remarks
Ad[d] to your faith knowledge &c The principle
of knowledge is the principle of Salvation
the Principle can be comprehended, for
any one that cannot get knowledge to be
saved will be damned. The Principl of
Salvation is given to us through the kno-
wledge of Jesus Christ. Salvation is
nothing more or less than to triumph over
all our enemies & put them under our feet
& when we have power to put all enemies under
our feet in this world & a knowledge to triumph
over all evil spirits in the world to come then
we are saved as in the case of Jesus he was
to reign untill he had put all enemies under
his feet & the last enemy was death

perhaps there are principle here that few
men have thought of. No power ^person^ can have
this Salvation except through a tabernacle

Page 40

Now in this world mankind are naturly
selfish, ambitious & striving to excell one
above another while yet some are willing
to build up others as well as themselves so in
the other world their is a variety of spirits
some who seek to excell, & this was the
case with the devil when he fell he sought
for things which were unlawful hence he was
cast down & it is said he drew away many
with him & the greatness of his punishment
is that he shall not have a tabernacle this
is his punishment. So the devil thinking to
thwart the decree of God by going up & down
in the earth seeking whome he may destroy
any person that he can find that will yield to
him he will bind ^him^ & take possession of the
Body & reign there glorying in it mightily not
thinking that he had got a stolen tabernacle
& by & by some one of Authority will come
along & cast him out & restore the tabernacle
to his rightful owner but the bevil steals
a tabernacle because he hias not one of his own
but if he steals one he is liable to be turned out
of doors

Now their is some grand secrett here
& keys to unlock the subject. Notwithstanding
the aApostle exhorts them to make their calling
Add to their faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance
&c [2 Peter 1:5-6] yet he exhorts them to make their calling
& election
shure [2 Peter 1:10] & though they had herd the
audible voice from heaven bearing testinoy [testimony]
that Jesus was the son of God yet he says
we have a more sure word of Prophecy whare
unto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a
light shining in a dark place [2 Peter 1:19]. Now wharein
could they have a more sure word of prophecy

Page 41

than to hear the voice of God saying this is
my Beloved son &c Now for the secret & grand
A vertical key with teeth pointing upward key. though they might hear the voice of God
& know that Jesus was the son of God this woudd
be no evidence that their election & calling
& election was made shure that they had
part with Christ & was a Joint heir with
him, they then would want that more
sure word of prophecy that they were sealed
in the heavens & had the promise of eternal
in the kingdom of God then having this
promise sealed unto them it was as an anchor
to the soul sure & steadfast though the thun-
ders might roll, & lightnings flash & earthquakes
Bellow & war gather thick around yet this
hope & knowledge would support the soul
in evry hour of trial trouble & tribulation
Then knowledge through our Lord &
savior Jesus Christ is the grand key A vertical key with teeth pointing upward
that unlocks the glories & misteries of
the kingdom
of heaven. Compair this
principle once with Christondom at the present
day & whare are they with all their
boasted religion piety & sacredness while
at the same time they are crying out
against Prophets Apostles, Angels Revelations
Prophesyings, & visions &c. why they are
Just ripening for the damnation of hell, they
will be damned for they reject the most
glorious principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ
& treat with disdain & trample under foot
the main key that unlocks the heavens
& puts in our possession the glories of the
celestial world. Yes I say such will be damned
with all their professed godliness

Page 42

Then I would exhort you to go on & continue
to call upon God untill you make your calling
& election
sure for yourselves by obtaining
this more sure word of Prophesey & wait
patiently for the promise untill you obtain it
Many other vary useful remarks were made
on the occasion By Joseph the Seer

Elder G. A. Smith followed with a few remarks
I also followed him & meeting closed for
one hour, & we met again. I opened meeting
& spoke upon revelation obeying the commandments
by building the Nauvoo House
was followed By G. A. Smith on the same subjct
Elder Lorenzo Snow then spoke sumwhat
lengthy concerning his mishion to England which
was interesting then our meeting closed

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] We all rode to Lima & took supper with Calvin
& while we were conversing with Br
Joseph & Br Morley Br Joseph made the
following remarks. The way to get along in
any important matters was to gather unto
yourself wise men experienced & aged men
to assist in council in all times of trouble
handsome men are not oft wise & strongminded
men but the strength of a strong minded
man will create corse features like the rough &
strong bough of the oak. You will always
discover in the first glance of a man in the outlines
of his features sumthing of the mind of the

Excitement has almost become the
essens of my life when that dies away I feel
almost lost when a man is reigned up contin-
ually by excitement he becomes strong &

Page 43

gains power & knowledge but when he relaxes
for a season he looses much of his power
& knowledge But in all matters temporal or
spiritual Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ
or in leading an army to Battle victory almost
entirely depends upon good order & moderation
(in going to Battle moove slow dress up into a line
& though your enemy rush upon you with fury
meet them slow but firmly let not confusion
or terror seize your Breast But meet them
firmly & strike a heavy Blow & conquer.

A man can bear a heavy Burdben by practice
& continueing to increase it. The inhabitants
of this continant anciently were so constituted
& were so determined & persevering either
in righteousness or wickedness that God
visited them immediately either with great
Judgments or Blessings. But the present generation
if they were going to Battle if they Godt any
assistance from God would have to obtain it
it By faith

~ Monday

15 Returned to Nauvoo 6 miles

May 15, 1843 ~ Monday to ~ Saturday

May 15, , , , , & 20 I spent the time at the
Printing oOffice. During the week I herd several
lectures deliverd By Elder D. Watt upon the
science of Phonography which is writing
from sound his remarks appeared rational
& shows an improvement in short hand in
reporting & other writing

~ Sunday

21st A large congregation of Saint assembled
at the temple & was addressed by President
Joseph Smith upon the same suject that he
spoke upon at Lima on the 14th in which was
interesting in the hi[gh]est degree

Page 44

~ Monday

[FIGURE] 22 May I have had for several days
past some conversation with a number
of the brethren concerning Building a hous
for myself & family As I had spent most of
my time in the vineyard for the last ten years
& would probably spend much of my time
to come in the same way I desired to have a
house for my family to abide in & be comfortable
in my absence several of the Brethren proffer[ed]
to assist me to Brick & other materials & help me
put it into a house Br John Fidoe would
superintend the building, so on this 22nd of May
we went on to the ground & staked out the
ground for my house the dimentions of which
are as follows laid out in Lot No 1 in Block
106 in the city of Nauvoo frunting Durfee
Street on the east it is to be 32 By 20 in the clear
two stories high built of Brick

23 I cleared away my ground & commenced
digging my suller for my house

May 23, 1843 ~ Tuesday

23rd I dug in my suller in the forenoon &
[FIGURE] Attended a conference of the Twelve in the
afternoon & we had an interesting time
& transacted some important Business
viz we set apart 1 Elders Noah Rogers, Addison
, Benjamin F. Grouard & Knowlton
to take a mission to the Sandwich
the spirit of the Lord was with us while
we lade hands upon them & blessed them &
we also set apart Elders Hedlock & J. Carnes
to go to England Elder Hedlock to preside
the blessings that were pronounced upon the
heads of the Brethren were written By Elder Richards

Page 45

~ Wednesday

24 about a dozen of my neighbors turned
out & helped me dig out my suller we flung
out an immence quantity of sand I worked
myself more so than was for my good

~ Thursday

25 we finished digging my suller I also
commenced diging me a well I made a

~ Friday

26 Several masons & tenders came to
commence my sullar wall several teams
waere drawing stone for me through the day
my well caved in & I had to sink a cureb in it
I injured myself vary bad by hard
work & drinking water while vary warm

~ Saturday

27th A, rainey day I arose sick in the
morning In consequence of hard labor
& being heted the day before I was confined
to my bed the fore part of the day
In the afternoon I met in council with
the Twelve & first Presidency when the
case of Benjamin Winchester was brought
up on trial for improper conduct slandering
the Saints in Philadelphia for rejecting
the council of Hiram, Joseph, & the Twelve
& tearing to peaces the saints instead of building
up Hyrum plead for mercy, Joseph for
Justice, & the Twelve decided according to
testimony, & in all we had an interesting time
Elder winchester was refractory & out of
order, Joseph wished the Twelve or President
of the quorum to call the house to order
Several Letters were read touching the subject
after which Elder winchester made a lengthy

Page 46

speach trying to justify himself was followed
by President Hyram Smith plead in behalf of
winchester on the side of mercy Elder George
J. Adams
gave his testimony against winchester
then Elder Winchester followed Adams &
both spoke sever[al] times then President Joseph
Arose & rebuked Elder winchester in
the sharpest manner said he had a lying
spirit & had lied about him & told him of many
of his errors after hearing the testimony Elder
B. Young President of the quorum of the Twelve
said he had made up his mind & his decision was
that Elder winchester should give up his licence &
cease Preaching untill he should reform. President
H Smith said he should not like to have such a
decision given without another trial & give Elder
winchester a chance to get more testimony if
he could, President Young said he should then
prefer to have case turned over to the High Council
President Joseph Smith said it was not the
business of the High Council they could not try
him it belonged to the Twelve & them alone
for it was concerning matters abroad & not
in Nauvoo. The high council was to trye
cases that belong to the city & the Twelve to
regulate the churches & Elders abroad in all
the world & Elder winchester case comes
under the Jurisdiction of the Twelve & them alone
President H Smith urged that the case should
be put off untill tomorrow President J. Smith said
the case might be put off untill tomorrow at 10 oclok
if it would do any body any good. President
B. Young arose & spoke in the majesty of his
calling & among other remarks said his
mind was made up & the remarks of Brother

Page 47

May 27
Hyrum or of Br Joseph had not altered
it as for himself he would not sit upon the
case another day he considered it an insult
upon his office & calling as an apostle of Jesus
Christ & he would not bear it as for the rest of
the Twelve [they] might do as they pleased as for
himself he would not do it Benjamin winchester
has despised & rejected the council of the
presidency & the Twelve had said they had no
Jurisdiction over him in Philadelphia & to say
whare he should go &c but he & others will find
their is power in the Twelve we know through
whom we have received our power & who
are our benefactors & we are thankful for
it Benjemin Winchester has never for the first
time received our council but has gone
contrary to it no ^one^ is safe in his hands he
calls Hiram an old granny & slanders evrybody
he says their is a contradiction betwen Hiram
& the Twelve, their is no contradiction between
us & Hiram is there Br Hiram, (Hiram answers
No) After B Young closed President J. Smith
said he would give us a little counci[l] if we saw
fit to except it, he thought it proper for us to
silence elder winchester take his lisence &
have him come to Nauvoo & if he would not
do that let him go out of the Church, it
was then Mooved & seconded that Elder
winchester be silenced & give up his lisence
& come with his family to Nauvoo which was
carried unanimously

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] Br Joseph then addressed the Twelve
& said that in all our councils esspecially
while on trial of any one we should see &

Page 48

observe all things appertaining to the
subject & sdisern the spirit by which either
party was governed we should be in a
situation to understand evry spirit &
Judge wrighteous judgment & not be
asleep we shhould keep order & not
let the council be imposed upon by
unruly conduct. The Saints need not
think because I am familiar with them
& am playful & cheerful that I am ignorant
of what is going on inipuity cannot
be retained in the Church of any kind
& it will not fare well whare I am for
I am determined while I do lead the
Church to lead them right

Br Joseph further remarked as concerning
Elder Adams that he had given
satisfactions to him concerning the things
whareof he was accused he had confesced
all wharein he had done wrong & had asked
for mercy & he had taken the right course
to save himself that he would now begin new
in the Church. After much instruction
was given from Joseph the council adjour

~ Sunday

28th I spent the time at home quite unwell

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

29th & 31 I spent my time about my
Building & at Printing Office

Page 49

June 1, 1843 ~ Thursday

June 1st 1843
The quorum of the Twelve met in council
at President J. Smith Store to make some
arangments to start on their mission to collect
funds for the Nauvoo House & temple we
each one of us bound ourselves under bonds
of two thousands Dollars for the faithful
performance of our duty in making strict
returns of all property put into our hands
to the trustee in trust. Elder Aaron Johnson
was my Bondsman. President Joseph
Smith gave me the following letter of commendation

Elder Wilford Woodruff Letter of Commendation

To all Saints and honourable men of the
earth Greetings Dear Brethren & friends
I Joseph Smith a servant of the Lord
and Trustee in trust for the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints do hereby certify
that the bearer hereof Wilford Woodruff
an Elder and one of the Twelve Apostles
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints has deposited with me his bond and
security to my full satisfaction according
to the resolution of the conference held
in this city on the 6th day of April last
He therefore is recommended to all Saints
& honorable people as a legal agent to collect
funds for the purpose of Building the
Nauvoo house and Temple of the Lord
Confident that he will honor this high trust
as well as fulfill ardently fulfill

Page 50

his commission as a messenger of peace
and salvation as one of the Lord's noble
men I can fervently say may the Lord
clear his way before him, and bless him,
and bless those that obey his teachings
wherever there are ears to hear & hearts to
feel. He is in the language of the Hebrews
-[{The friend of Israel}]-
(Hau-ra-ang yeesh-rau-ale) The friend
of Israel and worthy to be received and
entertained as a man of God: yea he has as
had the ancient Apostle {good word}
(Ologos Ohalos) the good word: that that
leadeth unto eternal Life {Praise God}.
Prraise God.

Wherefore brethren and friends
while you hear the assurance of the integrity,
fidelity, and ability of this servant of the
living GOD, trusting that your hearts and
energies will be enlivened and deeply engaged
in the building of these houses, directed by Revelat-
for the salvation of all Saints; and that you
will not rest whare you are untill all things are
prepared before you and you are gatherd home
with the rest of Israel to meet your God; I feel
strong in the belief and have a growing expectation
that you will not withhold any means in your
power that can be used to accomplish this
Glorious work. Finally as one that greatly desires
the salvation of man; let me remind you all
to strive with a godly zeal for virtue, holiness,
and the commandments of the Lord, Be good,
Be wise; be just, be liberal; and above all be char-
itable always abounding in all good works

Page 51

And may health peace and the love of God
our Father and the grace of Jesus Christ our Lord
be and abide with you all is the sincere Prayer
of your devoted brother & friend
In the everlasting gospel


City of Nauvoo
June 1st 1843

June 2, 1843 ~ Friday to ~ Saturday

June 2 & 3 Spent the time in Building my

June 4, 1843 ~ Sunday

4th Sunday I spent the time at home writing

June 5, 1843 ~ Monday to ~ Saturday

5, , , , , & 10. I Spent the week labouring
on my house on Saturday we got the
walls of the sullar up & put on our lower
Joist & were ready for the brick work but
shall be under the necessity of suspending
operations on the house for one week
for the want of Brick

June 11, 1843 ~ Sunday

June 11th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] A large assembly of Saints met at
the Temple & were addressed by president
Joseph Smith He took for the foundation
of his discourse the words of Jesus to the
Jews how oft would I have gatherd you
togetherd as a hen gathereth her chickens under
wings But ye would not &c. [Matthew 23:37] He then asked
what was the object of Gathering the Jews
together or the people of God in any age of the
world, the main object was to build unto the

Page 52

Lord an house whereby he could reveal
unto his people the ordinances of his house
and glories of his kingdom & teach the peopl
the ways of salvation for their are certain
ordinances & principles that when they are
taught and practized, must be done in a place
or house built for that purpose [Doctrine and Covenants 124:37-39] this was
purposed in the mind of God before the
world was & it was for this purpose that God
designed to gather together the Jews oft
but they would not it is for the same
purpose that God gathers togethe[r] the people
in the last ^days^ to build unto the Lord an house to
prepare them for the ordinances & endowments
washings & anointings &c one of the
ordinances of the house of the Lord is Baptism
for the dead
, God decreed before the foundation
of the world that that ordinance should
be administered in a house prepared for that
purpose. If a man gets the fulness of God he has
to get [it] in the same way that Jesus Christ obta-
ined it & that was by keeping all the ordin-
ances of the house of the Lord. Men will
say I will never forsake you but will
stand by you at all times but the moment
you teach them some of the mysteries of God
that are retained in the heavens and are
to be revealed to the children of men when
they are prepared, Tthey will be the first
to stone you & put you to death. It was the
same principle that crusified the Lord
Jesus Christ. I will say sumthing about the
spirits in prision, theire has been much
said about the sayings of Jesus on the cross
to the thief saying this day thou shalt
be with me in paradise [Luke 23:43]. The commentators

Page 53

make or translators make it out to say
Paradise but what is Paradise it is a modern
word it does not answer at all to the original
that Jesus made use of, their is nothing
in the original in any language that signif-
ies Paradise. But it was, this day I will
be with thee in the world of spirits & will
teach thee or answer thy inquriiries. The
thief on the cross was to be with Jesus
Christ in the world of spirits he did not
say Paradise or heaven. The doctrin
of Baptism for the dead is clearly shown
in the new testament & if the doctrin
is not good then throw away the new testa
ment but if it is the word of God then
let the doctrin be acknowledged & it was
one reason why Jesus said how oft would
I have gatherd you (the Jews) together
that they might attend to the ordinance
of the baptism for the dead as well as
the other ordinances, the Priesthood
Revelations &c. This was the case on the
day of Pentecost these Blessings were
poured out upon the deciples, on that

Their has been Also much
said about the word Hell & the sectarian
world have preached much about it
but what is hell, it is annother modern
term it is taken from hades, the greek
or shaole, the (hebrew) & the true sig-
nification is a world of spirits.
Hades shaole paradise, spirits in prision
is all one it is a world of spirits, the
righteous & the wicked all go to the same
world of spirits

Page 54

but says one I believe in one hell & one
heaven all are equally miserable or equally
happy, but St Paul informs us of three
glories & three heavens he knew a man
caught up to the third heavens, & Jesus
said their were many mansions in my
Fathers kingdom [John 14:2]. Any man may believe
Jesus Christ is good & be happy in it & yet
not obey his commands & at last be cut
down by his righteous commandmends
A man of God should be endowed with
all wisdom knowledge & understanding
in order to teach & lead people. The blind
may lead the blind & both fall into the
deatch together;

Their is much
said concerning God the Godhead &c
the scripture says their is Gods many &
Lords many, the teachers of the day
say that the father is God the son is God
& the Holy Ghost is God & that theiry are
all in one body & one God. Jesus says or
prays that those that the father had
given him out of the world might be
made one in us as we, are one, but if
they were to be stuffed into one person
they would make a great God. If I
were to testify that the world was
wrong on this point it would be
true. Peter says that Jesus Christ
sat on the right hand of God any
person that has seen the heavens
opened knows that their is three
personages in the heavens holding

Page 55

the keys of power. As the father
hath power in himself so the Son
hath power in himself. then the
father has some day laid down his body
& taken it again ^so he has a body of his own^ So has his Son a body of
his own so each one will be in their own

Many of the sects cry out O I
have the testimony of Jesus, I have the spirit
of God But away with Jo. Smith he says he
is a Prophet But their is to be no Prophets
nor revelations in the last days; But
stop sir the Revelator says that the testimony
of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy [Revelation 19:10] so by your
own mouth you are condemned.

But to the text why gather the people together
in this place for the same purpose that
Jesus wanted to gather the Jews, to receive
the ordinances, the blessings, & the glories
that God has in store for his Saints. And
I would now ask this assembly and all the
Saints if they will now build this house
& receive the ordinances & Blessings which
God has in store for you, or will you not
build unto the Lord this house & let him pass
by & bestow these blessings upon another
I pause for a reply

After Joseph closed Elder Cutler spoke
concerning the Temple & also the Death of
Elder Elias Higby one of the Temple Committee
who Died June 8th 1843 Aged 47 years 7 month
and 17 days at the close of the meeting
President J. Smith gave out an appointmen for

Page 56

the Rev Mr DeWolf an Episcopal Minister
in the afternoon.

The meeting assembled in the afternoon
& the Rev Mr DeWolf deliverd a short discourse
from Hebrews 6 ch 1 & 2 verses we herd nothing
vary objectionable in his discourse of course he
is not a mormon

~ Monday

12th I spent the day at my house

~ Tuesday

13th I started in company with several others
to go out on the prairie to fence & plant a five
acre lot of prairie I had not Got far befor
we broke down the reach of our waggon and
all went into a pile together the wheel went
onto my arm & bruised it considerable but we
mended up & continued our Journey went on
to the prairie & made 82 rods of worm fence
with stakes & riders & Just before I left
I went into Br Cheney house to get a drink of
water & his dog bit me through the calf
of my leg vary bad he was an ugly dog had
bitten several persons it made me vary lame

~ Wednesday

14th I arose in the morning abot sick after
walking about awhile I went on to the bed &
was confined to it most of the day with the
pain in my leg from the bite of the dog the
day before

~ Thursday

15 I arose in the morning quite lame with
my leg thought of going on to the prairie
to plant corn but it commenced raining
& I returned home & spent the day writing

Page 57

~ Friday

16th I went onto the Prairie & Planted
corn & had some conversation with
Br Chena concerning his dog that Bit me
I informed him that I should not be satisfyd
unless he would kill his dog as he was
dangerous & had bitten several persons

~ Saturday

17th I spent the day digging my well

~ Sunday

18th Sunday I attended meeting at the
Temple Elder P Magin Preached in
the fore part of the day much to our
edifycation, the sacrament was administered
in the afternoon

During the evening some
letters were received from Judge Adams
of Springfield informing us that the
Govornor of Missouri had made another
demand for Joseph Smith at the hands
of the Govornor of Illinois & that
Govornor Ford of Illinois had issued the
writ for his apprehension it was on
the old Missouri Persecution & in fine it
is all persecution. Two messengers
were immediately dispatched to inform
President Joseph Smith of the above facts
he was absent about 200 miles from home
When will Missouri cease her ungodly
persecutions against President Joseph Smith
& the Saints O Lord hasten the day when
the Blood of Saints shall not cry from the
ground in vain & when the Prophets of
God shall not have to flee from the had ond
of the wicked persecutor & oppresser

Page 58

~ Monday

19 I finished digging my well got about
4 feet of water in the rock & course gravel

Theire was a meeting held by a company
calling themselves labourers saying they
were oppressed & manifested some spirit
of mob & disrule & did not act in wisdom

~ Tuesday

20th I finished stoning my well it being
about 25 feet deep Their was also another
meeting of the labourers

~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday

21, , & 24th I spent getting materials
for my house & in the printing office &
writing &c

~ Sunday

25 June Sunday I attended meeting at
10 clock in the morning & Brother Lyman
(who had Just returned from a
mission in the east) Arose & addressed the
meeting at full length from the 13 ch of
1st Corinth
dwelt largely upon charity show-
ing what charity was that it was far grea-
ter than faith & hope He took grounds to
prove that charity consisted in doing that
for others which they could not do for them-
selves for instance Jesus Christ died to
Redeem the world, the world could not
Redeem itself this is charity, if our
fore fathers & Mothers & kindred have died
without the gospel, & we embrace the
gospel in our day & generation & can redeem
our relatives By being Baptized for them
they being dead that they may have part
in the first resurrection, should we do this
it would be charity for we should do for

Page 59

them what they could not do for themselvs
& this was wherein The Apostle said why then
are ye baptized for the dead if the dead
rise not [1 Corinthians 15:29], this is far greater than faith &
hope for though we might Believe ^& hope^ our friend
might Be redeemed yet if we was not
Baptized for them they might remain in
Hell & our faith & hope do them no good
but to do that for another which he can
do for himself is not charity. Elder Wight
made many other vary useful remarks
in his discourse

In the Afternoon Elder Magin addressed
the meeting But in the midst of his discours
President Hiram Smith came onto the Stand
& requested the Masonic fraternity to
meet him at the Lodge Room in 30
minutes we immediately went down
& a quarter could not Get into the Room
we then formed a hollow square on
the green. President Smith then infor
med us that the Sheriff of Jackson
Missouri & Wilson of Carthage had
come upon President Joseph Smith & taken
him on surprise presented each of them
a pistol to his breast & swore they would
kill him if he made any resistance Br
Markham went to his assistance & they
presented their pistols to him also & threatend
his life but he approached them to knock
them down they again pointed their
pistols to Joseph Breast & said they would
kill him if Markham approached them

Page 60

& to save the life of Joseph he stoped
they then took Joseph into a carrage
& started for Missouri they got about
10 miles & they were stoped by the inhab-
itants who swore they should nok [not]
carry Joseph Smith any further without
giving him the chance of law & the writ
of Habeas Corpus & they took out a writ
against the Sherriff Reynolds & wilson
of Carthage &c. & they now wanted to
get a company to go to Joseph to see that
He had his rights & Br Hyram called for
volunteers & their was two or three hundred
came out to go the whole city flocked together
they made a choice of such as they
wished, General Laws & Rich went with
a company of Near 100 men on horsback
and about 75 or 100 on Board of the Maid
of Iowa, the horsmen went by Land the
those on the Boat went down the River to
the mouth of the Illinois & up that River
to Peoria the horse company left the city
abot 8 oclok in the evening & the Boat untill
next morning [FIGURE]

~ Monday

26 Their was several Natives of the
Potawatemys through Nauvoo called to
see the Nauvoo House & Temple wanted
to talk had no interpeter that could inte-
rpet much they spoke about their great
father, great spirit &c they manifested
a desire to see the Temple & the city said
they were hungry I took them home & fed
them gave them some trinklets &c

Page 61

~ Tuesday

27th I drew home about 11 Bushels of lime
for my house

~ Wednesday

28th I spent the day walking about town,
herd rumours about a writ for P. P. Pratt
L Wight & others to take them too Mo
I found them armed & guarded against any

~ Thursday

29th A vary warm day I went into a Brick
kiln & flung out about 7 thousand Brick
for my house which was drawn to it I
nearly melted myself & was exceding weary
at night Mr Foster had arived home &
said that President Joseph Smith would be
in Nauvoo next day with Reynolds & Wilson who
had taken him

~ Friday

[FIGURE] June 30th 1843 Early in the morning I went
to the court room assisted Dr Richards to
arange the seats to prepare the room for
the arival of Gen Smith & the company at
about 1 oclock PM the citizens of Nauvoo
went out on foot, horsback & in many carriages
to meet the Prophet viz Gen Smith & when they
did meet their was a seen of Great Joy & with a
band of music & a great multitude they followed
him to his own house, & Reynolds of Missouri
& Wilson of Carthage who had illegally taken
Joseph Smith at the force of arms looked
as though they had had the ague they had
treated Joseph Smith shamfully deprived
him of the wright of Hebeas Corpus & of speaking
to any friend & intended to run him into Missouri
as soon as possible But the Lord raised him

Page 62

up friends & deliverd him from their hands
or in other words brought them all together to
Nauvloo Nauvoo & it was truly a regoiceing
time to the Saints to see him again Reynolds &
Wilson were both taken with a writ for
fals imprisionment though their intention
was to have taken Joseph Smith's life by taken
him to Missouri to be destroyed yet Joseph
Smith heaped cowles [coals] of fire upon their head
by treating them well setting them to the
head of his table & giving them the best
he had served unto them by his own wife
the vary woman they had refused to see
her husband as he was taken from her by
the force of Arms unlawfully after dining
they all repaired to the court room whare
the Municipal Court of the City of Nauvoo
sat & Joseph Smith was deliverd into their
hands for trial & as for Reynolds &
Wilson they scertainly did look sheepish
for they were guilty & had done wrong.
President Smith got onto a waggon &
said to the multitude (before he went to
court) I am out of the hands of the
Missourians thank God, & thanked the
people for their kindness & love to him
& said I will again address you at the
grove near the temple at 4 oclock. after
introducing the subject to the court he said
he had an appointment to speak to the
people & he wish the privilege. The court
adjourned untill next morning at 8 oclok
President Joseph Smith then went to
the grove took the stand in the midst
of about seven thousand Saints the
resu[l]t is as follows

Page 63

The following is a synopsis of the address
deliverd by President Joseph Smith to the
citizens of Nauvoo June 30th 1843

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] I repuire attention. I discoverd what
the emotions of the people were on my arival
to this city, & I have come here to say, how
do you do to all parties & I do now say How do
you do at this time. I meet you with a heart
full of gratitude to Almighty God & I presume
you all feel the same I hardly know how to
express my feelings I feel as strong as a
Gient I pulled sticks with the men coming
along & I pulled up the strongest man
theire was on the road with one hand &
two could not pull me up & I continued
to pull untill I pulled them to Nauvoo I will
pass from that subject then. There has been
great excitement in the country & since
those men took me I have been cool &
dispassionate through the whole: thank God I
am now in the hands of the Municipal
Court of Nauvoo & not in the hands of
Missourians. It has been discussed by
the great & wise men Layif lawyiers &c
O your Powers & legal tribunals are not
to be sanctioned & here we will [not] make it
lawful to drag away inocent men from
their families & friends & have them unla-
wfully put to death by ungodly men for ther
religion. Relative to our charter, courts
right of Hebeas Corpus &c we have all
power: And if any man from this time
forth says any thing contrary; cast

Page 64

it into his teeth. Their is a secret in
this; if their is not power in our charter,
and courts, then there is not power in
the state of Illinois, nor in the Congress
^or Constitution^ of the United States for the United States
gave unto Illinois her constitution & charter
& Illinois gave unto Nauvoo her charters
which have ceded unto unto us our vested
rights & has no right or power to take them
from us all the power their was in the Illinois
she gave to Nauvoo And any man that says
to the contrary is a fool. I want you to learn
O Israel what is for the happiness & peace of this
city & people. If, our enemies are determined to
oppress us & deprive us of our rights & privileges
as they have done & if the Authorities that be
on the earth will not assist us in our rights nor
give us that protection which the Laws & Constitu-
tion of the United States & of thi[s] state garre-
ntees unto us: then we will claim them from
higher power from heaven & from God
Almighty & the Constitution &c I SWEAR
I will not deal so mildly with them again
for the time has come when forbearance is no
longer a virtue, And if you are again taken
unlawfully asyou are at liberty to give loose to
Blood and Thunder But act with Almighty Power.
But good luck for me as it always has been in evry
time of trouble friends though strangers were
raised up unto me & assisted me. The time has
come when the veil is torn of[f] from the state of
Illinois & they have deliverd me from the state
of Missouri: friends that were raised up unto me
would have spilt their Blood for me to have delive-
red me then I told them not I would be delivered

Page 65

By the power of God & Generalship & I have
brought them to Nauvoo & treated them kindly
I have had the privilege of rewarding them
good for evil, they took me unlawfully treated
me rigorously, strove to deprive me of my
rights & would have run me to Missouri to have
been murdered if providence had not inter-
posed: but now they are in my hands, I took
them into my house set them at the head
of my table & set the best before them my
house afforded & they were waited upon by
my wife whome they deprived of seeing
me when I was taken. I shall be discharged
by the Municipal Court of Nauvoo, were I
before any good tribunal I should be
discharged. But Befor I will bear this
unhallowed persecution any longer I will
spill my Blood their is a time when bearing
it longer is a sin. I will not bear it longer
I will spil the last drop of Blood I have and
all that will not bear it longer say AH And
the cry of AH rung throughout the congrega-
tion we must stop paying the lawyiers money
for I have learned they dont know any thing
for I know more than they all. Whosoever
believeth that there is power in the charters
of Nauvoo shall be saved he that believeth not
shall not come here. If a lawyer shall say
their is more power in other places & charters
than in Nauvoo believeth it not I have converted
this canditate for Congres Mr Walker I
suppose when I see him converted I will
vote for him & not before I have been with
these lawyers & they have treated me well
But I am here in Nauvoo & the Missourian to

Page 66

& when they will get out I dont know perhaps
when some others may. However you may
feel about the high hand of oppression, I wish
you to restrain your hand from violence.
^against these men who arestd me^
My word is at stake a hair of their heads shall
not be harmed. My life is pledged to carry out this
great work. I know how readily you are to do right
you have done great things & manifested your love
in flying to my assistance on this occasion. I
could not have done better myself, And I Bless
you in the name of the Lord with all Blessings
may you not have to suffer as you have here-
tofore. I know the Almighty will bless all good men
he will bless you: and the time has come when
their shall be such a flocking to the Standard
of Liberty as never has been, Nor never shal be
hereafter. what an erie of things has commenced
Shall the Prophecys be esstablished by the swords
Shall we allways bear, No. Will not the state
of Missouri stay her hand in her unhallowed
persecutions against the Saints; if not, I
restrain you not any longer, I say in the name
of Jesus Christ I this day turn the key A vertical key with teeth pointing upward that
opens the heavens to restrain you no longer from
this time forth. I will lead you to battle & if
you are not afraid to die & feel disposed to spill
your Blood in your own defence you will not
offend me. Be not the aggressor bear untill they
strike on the one cheek offer the other & they
will be sure to strike that [Matthew 5:39], then defend yourselves
& God shall bear you off. Will any part of
Illinois say we shall not have our rights treat them
as strangers & not friends & let them go to Hell
Say some we will mob you, mob & be damed. if
I [am] under the necssity of giving up our charted

Page 67

rights, privileges & freedom which our fathers
fought bled & died for & which the Constitution
of the United States & & this State garrentee
unto us, I will do it at the point of the
Bayonet & sword. Many Lawyiers contend
for those thing which are against the rights of
men & I can ownly excuse them because of their
ignorance. Go forth & Advocate the laws &
rights of the people ye lawyiers if not dont get
into my hands or under the lash of my tongue
Lawyiers say the powers of the Nauvoo charters
are dangerous, But I ask is the Constitution of
the United States or of this state dangerous, No
neither isare the charters granted unto Nauvoo
by the legislator of Illinois dangerous, & those that
say they are are fools. We have not our
rights, those which the Constitution of the
U. S. A grant, & which our charters grant
we have not enjoyed unmolested, Missouri
& all wicked men will raise the hugh & cry
against us and are not satisfyed. But how
are you going to help yourselves what will
mobocrats do in the midst of this people, If
mobs come upon you any more here, dung
your gardings with them. But says one you
will get up excitement we will get up no excitement
except what we can find an escape from
We will rise up Washington like & break of[f]
the wait that bears us down & we will not
be mobed.

To give you an account
of my Journey, I will give you an anecdote that
may be pleasing. A few days before I was taken
I rode with my wife through a Neighborhood to
visit some friends & I said to Mrs Smith here
is a good people I felt this by the spirit of God

Page 68

the next day I was in their hands a prisioner
with Wilson who said as he drove up
ha, ha ha By God we have got the prophet, he
gloried much in it, But he is now our prisioner
When Reynolds of Missouri & Wilson of Carthage
came to take me the first salutation was (instead
of taping me on the sho^u^lder & saying you are my prision
er) with two cocked pistols to my head God damn
you I will shoot you I will shoot you God damn you
I will shoot you nearly 50 times first & last I asked
them what they wanted to shoot me for, if you
make any resistance. O vary well says I I
have no resistance to make they then dragged
me away & while on the road I asked them by
what authority they did these things they said
by a writ from the Govornors of Missouri & Illinois
I then told them I wanted a writ o[f] Habeas
, the reply was God damn you you shant
have it; I told a man to Go to Dixon & get me a
writ of Habeas Corpus the reply was by
Willson God dam you you shant have it I will
shoot you. I sent for a lawyier to come one
came & Reynolds shut the door in his face & would
not let me speak to him & said again God damn
you I will shoot you I turned to him opened my
bosom & told him to shoot away & I did it freeq-
uently, I told Mr Reynolds that I would have
council to speak to & the Lawyers came to me
& I got a writ of Habeas Corpus for mysel[f] & got
a writ for Reynolds & Wilson for unlawful
procedings towards me & cruel treatment they
could not get out of town that night, I pleged my
honor to my counci[l] that the Nauvoo charter had
power to investigate the subject & we came to
Nauvoo by common consent & I am now

Page 69

June 30
a prisioner of higher authority yes higher
Authority before yourselves. The charter
expressly says that the city council shall have
power to enact all laws for the benefit &
convenience of said city not contrary to
the Constitutions of the United States or
of this state & the city ordinance says the
Municipal Court shall have power to give writs
of Habeas Corpus arising under the ordinances
of the city; Their is nothing but what we
have power over excepted restricted by
the Constitution of the United States or
of this state. It is in accordance with the
Constitution of the U. S. A But says the mob
what dangerous powers, But the Constitution
of the United nor of this state is not danger
ous against good men, but bad men the
breakers of the law so with the laws of the
country & so with the laws of Nauvoo they
are dangerous to mobs but not good men that
wish to keep the law. We do not go out of
Nauvoo to disturb any body or any city towon
or place why need they be troubled about
us let them not meddle with our affairs but
let us alone. After we have been deprived
of our rights & privileges as citizenship driven
from town to town place to place state
to state, with the sacrifice of our homes &
lands & our Blood been shed & many murde
red & all this becaus of our religion, because
we worship Almighty God according to the
dictates of our own consience [##Articles of Faith 1:11#] shall we longer
bear these cruelties which have been heaped
upon us for the last ten years in the face
of heaven & in open open violation of

Page 70

the Constitution & laws of these United States
& of this state. May God forbid, I will not bear
it, if they take away my rights I will fights,
for my rights, manfully & righteously untill
I am used up with Blood & thunder sword &
pistol. We have done nothing against law or right
As touching our city charter & laws their is a
secret in it, what is it our laws go behind
the writ & investigate the subject ie of Habeas
while other laws do not go behind the
writ you speak of Lawyiers, I am a Lawyier
to But the Almighty God has taught me the prin-
ciple of law & the true meaning of the writ of Habes
Corpus is to defend the Innocent & investigat the
subject go behind the writ & if the form of a writ
is wright that is issued against an innocent
man He should not be dragged to another
state & there put to death or in jeaperdy life
or limb because of prejudice when he is innocent
the benefits of the Constitution & law is for all
alike & the great [E]loheem God has given me the
privilege of having the benefits of the Constitution
& the writ of Habeas Corpus & I am bold to ask
for this privilege this day & to ask you to carry
out this privilege principle And all who are in
favor of carrying out this great principle
make it manifest by raising the right hand
& their was a sea of hands a universal vote, here
is truly the committy of the whole

In speaking
of my Journaley to Nauvoo I will relate a circums-
tance when Mr Cyrus Walker first came to me they
said I should not speak to any man & they would
shoot any man that should speak to me An old
man came up & said I should have council &
said he was not afraid of their pistols & they took

Page 71

me from him, & I had an opportunity to have
killed him but I had no temptation to do it to
him nor any other man, my worst enemy not
even Boggs in fact he would have more hell
to live in the reflection of his past life than to
die. My freedom commenced from the time
the old man came to me & would talk to me
we came direct from Papa grove to Nauvoo
we got our writ directed to the nearest
court having authority to try try the case &
we came to Nauvoo. It did my soul good to
see your feelings & love manifest towards me
I thank God that I have the honor to lead so
virtuous & honest a people to be your leader &
lawyier as Moses to the children of Israel
Hosannah Hosannah Hosannah Hosannah
to the name of the Most High God I commend
you to his grace & may the Blessings of heaven
rest upon you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

Furthermore if Missouri continues her warfare
& continues to Issue her writs against me & this peopl
unlawfully & unjustly as they have done & our
rights are trampled upon & they under take to take
away my wrights I swaire with uplifted hands to
Heaven I will spill my Blood in its defence they
shall not take away our rights, & if they dont
stop leading me by the nose I will lead them by
the nose & if they dont let me alone I will turn
up the world I will make war, when we shake
our own bushes we want to ketch our own fruit
The Lawyiers themselves acknowledge that we
have all power granted us in our charters that we
could ask for, that we had more power than
any other court in the state for all other courts were restricted

Page 72

while ours was not & I thank God Almighty for
it & I will not be rode down to Hell by the
Missourians any longer, & it is my privilege to
speak in my own defence & appeal to your honor [FIGURES]

After this interesting & decisive address was deliverd
in the presence of about seven or eight thousand the
multitude dispersed & went to their homes

~ Saturday

July 1st 1843 The Municipal Court opened at
8 oclock AM President Joseph Smith made
some remarks to the lawyiers his council, As he was
a prisioner before the court. President Joseph Smith
then called upon Hiram Smith, Brigham Young
P P Pratt Lyman Wight & Sidney Rigdon who
were duly sworn & gave in their testimony, which
occupied most of the day they went through the
whole scene of the persecution from Jackson
to the time of their expulsion from the
state by force of Armes & it was certainly
the most heart rending scene or rehearsal of it that
ever saluted the ears of any tribunal in a cifilized
government it would have disgraced an arab or
Hotentot, not ownly theft, Arson, Burgalry, prisons
chains, expelsion rape & Murder were practiced
upon the Saints without any redress but even
President Joseph Smith with his companions in
prision loaded with chains were FED with nothing
for FIVE Days in succession but the Flesh of their
OWN BRETHREN which was actaully cooked &
given to them to eat & while hearing this part of the
testimony my Blood boiled within & the spirit of war

Page 73

rested upon me for the space of two days. The
Lawyiers were shocked to the soul each one made
a speach at the close of the testimony & they exhort'd
us to stand for our rights stand or fall sink or
swim live or die the whole testimony will
be published to the world in pamphlet form &
probably other wise & will stand as a history to
future generations of the unparelled persecutions
of the state of Missouri against the Saints of
the last days

~ Sunday

July 2nd Sunday met at the grove near the temple
A large congregation assembled & was addressed
in an interesting manner by Elder O Hyde
from the 3 ch of the Epistle of John the Divine
2, 3 & 4 verses
& said much to the edifycation
of the people After elder Hyde closed, Mr Walker
& three other Lawyers spoke in rotation & upheld
President Joseph Smith in his procedings & spoke
of the unlawful conduct of his enemies

~ Monday

July 3rd A special conference of elders was called
& one or two appointed to go to each county in the
state of Illinois An address was deliverd to the
Elders By President Rigdon who made some
useful remarks among others he said, all that
greatness consisted in, in public speaking with any
man was in delivering a chain of Ideas that the
man had well matured speaking of things that
he knew & not of things that he did not know
for should he speak of things he does not know
he would set a trap to be caught in, But when
a person understands the subject thorougholy upon
which he is speaking he knows how to defend it
This is all the greatest man on earth can do is to

Page 74

tell the truth & speak of things he knows.
The Elders were also addressed by Elder B Young

~ Tuesday

JULY 4th 1843

[FIGURE] As the Romans took particular notice of any
singular event as ominous of Good or evil so I
will record a small circumstance that took place
in my house this morning. Soon after I arose
in the morning on this 4th Day of July my
sword while hanging in its usual place unsheathed
of itself & the scabbard droped upon the
floor leaving the bear blade suspended from the
peg upon which it hung

As this is the 4th we call it a happy day for
Nauvoo. At a vary early hour people began to
assemble at the grove & at 11 oclock near 13000
thousand persons had congregated, who were
addressed in a vary able and appropriat
manner by Elder Orson Hyde lately from
Palestine, and who has recently been appointed
on a mission to St Petersburgh, Russia. A
constant accession of Numbers swelled the
congregation to 15,000 as near as could be estimated
& at 2 oclock they were again addressed by
Elder Parley P. Pratt in a masterly discourse
followed By President Joseph Smith upon
the subject of the late arest & persecution
who clearly vindicated his innocence &
showed the corruption of his pursueers in
a tru light. Three steamers arived in the
afternoon—one from St Louis one from
Quincy & one from Burlington—bringing altogether

Page 75

about 900 visitoring ladies and gentlemen
to our city. On the arival of each boat they
were escorted to the stand by the Nauvoo
band and the escort companies whare convenient
seats were provided & whare they were
welcomed by the firing of cannon which brought
to our minds the last words of the patriot
Jefferson: Let this day be celebrated by the
firing of cannon &c. The legion was not

The following is a
synopsis of the Address of President Joseph Smith
while speaking in his own defence before about
15,000 souls

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] If the people will give ear a momen[t]
I will address them, with few words in my own
defence as touching my arest. In the first
place I will state to those that can hear me
that I never spent more than six months
in Missouri except while in prison, while I
was there I was at work for the suppor[t] of
my family. I never was a prisioner of war
during my stay for I had not made war, I
never took a pistol, a gun, or sword & the much
that has been said on this subject is false I
have been willing to go before any governor
Judge or treibunal whare justice could be done
& have the subject investigated. I could not
have committee treason in that state while
there I had no controll any whare in temporal
things while there but in spiritual I was
driven from that state by force of
arms under the exterminating order of
Govornor Boggs. I have never commited
treason the people know vary well I

Page 76

have Been a peaceable citizen but
their has been a great hugh & cry about
Jo Smith Govornor Bogs being shot, No
crime can be done but what it is laid to
Jo Smith. Here I was again dragged to
the United States court, & was cleared
& now it comes again, But as often as
God sees fit for me to suffer I am ready
But I am as innocent of these crimes as the
Angels in heaven. I am not an enemy to manki-
nd I am a friend to Mankind. I ^am^ not an enemy
to Missouri nor any any governors or people
As to the military station I hold & the cause
of my holding it is as follows. When we came
here the state required us to bear arms & do
military duty according to law, & as the Church
had just been driven from the state of Missou-
ri & robed of all their property & arms they were
poor & destitute of armes: they were liable to
be fined for not doing duty when they had not
arms to do it with, they came to me for advice
I advised them to organize themselves into inde-
pendant companies, & demand arms of the
state, this they did. Again their were many
Elders having licence to preach which by law
exhonorated them from Military duty but the
officers would not release them on this ground
I then told the Saints that though I was clear
from Military duty by law in consequence
of lameness in one of my legs, yet I would
set them the example & would do duty my-
self, they then said they were willing to do duty
if they could be formed into an independant
company & I could be at their head & upon
this ground came the Nauvoo Legion & I

Page 77

holding the office of Lieutenant General
not that I seek for power, & with regard
to elections some say we all vote together &
vote as I say: But I never tell any man how to vote
or who to vote for. But I will show you how
we have been situated by bringing a comparison
Should their be a Methodist society here &
two candidates running for office: one says
if you will vote for me & put me in governor
I will exterminate the Methodist take away their
charters &c. The other candidate says if I am
Govornor I will give all an equal privilege, which
would the Methodist vote for, of course they would
vote in mass for the candidate that would give
them their rights; thus it has Been with us
Joseps Duncon said if the people would elect
him he would exterminate the mormons & take
away their charters. As to Mr Ford he made no
such threats, but manifested a spirit in his spea-
ches to give every man their rights; hence the
Church universally voted for mr Ford &
he was elected govornor, But he has
issued writs against me the first time the
Missourians made a demand for me & this is
the second one he has issued for me which has
caused me much trouble & expense. President
Smith Also rehearsed the account of his being
taken By Reynolds & Wilson & the unlawful
treatment he received at their hands

The multitute gave good attention
& much prejudice seemed to be removed

Page 78

~ Wednesday

July 5th My masons got together to comme
nce laying Brick on my house but our door &
window frames not being made part of them
went home sbut some staid but performed but
little work

~ Thursday

6th I had an interview with Br Fidoe who has
taken the job of Building my house he informed
the fraims were not yet made & thought it
best to dismiiss the masons for a season we did so
& I prepaired myself in the afternoon to start on
my mission for the east next morning got my
trunk & things ready &c & sent them up to A
landing &c

~ Friday

July 7th I Arose early in the morning laid hands
upon Mrs Woodruff & Blessed her & our daughter
Sarah Emma Phebe Amelia & went to Morrison
landing & spent most of the day at Br L Wights
But at 3 o'clock P.M we left A Morrisons
wharf on Board of steem Boat Rapids in company
with Elders B. Young G. A Smith, E P Magin &
his sister. It is a plesent day & we are all in good spirits
fare to St Louis is $2.50 We arived in Warsaw in
two hours & a half & at Quincy in five & three duall
quarters of an hour. Sister Magin stoped at

~ Saturday

8th We arose in the morning all well. arived at
the mouth of the Illinois River a quarter Befor
10 o'clok making 19=25 hours & 21 minutes from
Nauvoo. We arived at St Louis at 3 oclock P.M
making Just 24 hours from Nauvoo distance 800 m

Page 79

I called upon Mr Wm Philips No 54 Main
street St Louis, & Bought of him the following

Bill of paper for Taylor & Woodruff in co

4 Reams of printing paper 24 x 38 $5 $20.00
4 Reams of [printing] paper 23 x 33 3.50 $14.00

paid cash on the above paper $34.00

The following is the Bill of paper & Ink Bought
By Milliken for Taylor & Woodruff of Mr Philips

4 Reams of Paper 24 x 38 $5 $20.00
2 Reams [of Paper] 23 x 33 $3.50 $7.00
one keg of Ink $6.60
Drayage .25
[Total] $33.85
paid cash $20.50
Due $13.35

The whole amount Due Mr Philips including
the above $13.35 is to July 8th $88.35

I Bought a keg of 6 gal of Molasses 28 ct $1.68
& shiped it with my Paper on Board of the Ospray

I Received $5 of E. P. Magin for the Fac Similees [facsimiles] $5.

We called at Mr H. C. Corners watch Maker
No 4 second st St Louis

We went on board of the Lancer bound for
Cincinnati & engaged our passage to Cincinnati
for $5 each we spent the night on board of
her lying in St Louis

~ Sunday

9th We left St Louis at half past 9 oclok AM
we passed the city with full head of steem

Page 80

It was quite a cold rainy morning. We passed
the shot towers about 6 miles below the city
on a steep Bluff we passed the rock tower
at 6 oclock PM

~ Monday

10th We enterd the mouth of the Bold Ohio
about 2 o'clok in the morning distance from St Louis
to the mouth of the Ohio 180 miles

We reached Padukah at 8 oclok & Smithland
at 10 o'clock at the mouth of the Cumberland R.
we passed the Rok Cave & had a fair view of it

~ Tuesday

11th A cold Rainy day we felt quite unwell
esspecially Elder Magin. The River rose during the

~ Wednesday

12th A cold raw morning we passed Albeny Ia
at 7 oclok. When we arived at Louisville at
the foot of the canal Elder Young &
myself walked into the city of Louisville
about 2 miles we called & visited the man
called the Kentuckey Baby By the name
of [blank] Porter his hight was 7 feet
7 inches—a thin spare man his wait was
250 lb we spent about 2 hours in
Louisville I visited a paper ware house
& prised their paper & could obtain good
printing paper for 10 ct. per lb & good
Book paper from 12 to 20 cts per lb

~ Thursday

13th We passed Vevey at 8 oclock, we
had a plesant view of President
Harrison's Tomb as we passed along
We reached Cincinnat at half past
5 oclock spent the night at Br Timothy Bakers

Page 81

at Elm street Between fifth & sixth st
Elder Smith was quite sick through
the night. I dreamed that Br Joseph
was taken with another writ to be tried
in Illinois Elder B Young also dreamed
that we were called home
the distance from the mouth of the
Ohio to Cincinnati is 538 miles

~ Friday

14th We had an interview in the
morning with Br Hedlock & Jerman
& spent the day walking about the
city Elder Grant informed me that
he had sent a Barrel of Plaster to
Br Taylor to Nauvoo we all wrote
letters to our wives & sent them
15th we saw By Br Far who was goi[n]g
direct to Nauvoo

~ Saturday

15th Saturday I called upon Mr J. W. Eley
in Cincinnati & carried him the deeds &
papers from E Robinson of Nauvoo &
Mr Eley excepted them & fulfilled his contr-
act by Doing up the goods in Boxes & shiped
them to A Johnson in care of A. Morrison
Nauvoo. He sent $30 reams of paper for
the Times his price in trade was $5.50;
for cash $4.50 He forwarded 20 Reams
for the neighbor trade Price was $4, for
cash $3.00 After seeing the goods Boxed
up & shiped on Board of the Lancet to St Louis
at 20 cts per cwt I went in company with Elder

Page 82

B. Young to Br Piews & spent the night

~ Sunday

16th Sunday we met at a privat house in
the city with the Saints & I spoke to the peop-
le & was followed By Elder B Young this is
the first time that I ever attempted to preach
in Cincinnati. At the close of the meeting
Elder Young & myself went on to the ferry Boat
& crossed the River & took dinner with Br
Derby we then took each of us a horse that had
been brought to us & rode 8 miles back into
Kentucky over the hills streams rocks & valleys
to Mr Colbertsons who had professed to be a
Saint & an Elder in the Church but had lost his faith
if he ever had any as had also Br Youtsey in
the same neighbourhood they had got their eye
fixed more upon strayburys [strawberries] & raspburrys (as they
were cultivating 10 or 15 acres of them for market)
than they had upon the mark or the prize of the
high calling in Christ Jesus, we found they
had neither of them any faith in the work. we
theire was an appointment given out for us
to preach at 4 oclock but we did not arive untill
it was to late. we had a good supper of red
raspburys. I took a severe cold during the
day & evening & was about sick distance 10 m

~ Monday

17th I felt quite unwell in the morning with
my cold. We went down to the Raspbury
patch with Mr James Colbertson & saw the
mannor they cultivated & picked the buries
After conversing awhile with him we left
him & started back for Cincinnati on foot
we had got about half way, when we were
overtaken by Br Collins Penberton who had
been to Kirtland & was returning home was

Page 83

within two miles of his house & wished us
to go home with him & spend the night we
did so, & found him in a valley a little
like the valley of Peidmont their was three
or four families with him that had come
up with Elder Blakesley & all got out of
money on the way & they had gone up
in that valley near the licking river to
cut wood to Boat down to Cincinnati
Market to Get money to go to Nauvoo, they
all appeared glad to see us we had a meeting
in the evening & Blessed their children, 8 in
No. Elder Blakesley had got money & gone on to
Nauvoo had just arived when we left, we
had a hard shower of rain during the
evening & night which made it much cooler

~ Tuesday

18th We left the valley of Peidmont or
Mormontown as the Elder called it & we
tooked a skiff in company with Br Pemberton
& rode down the licking river & crossed to
the city of Cincinnati. Called upon Br
Maryweather who has the charge of the
sale of Brandworths Pills on 3rd st Between
Walnut & Main. She offerd us $1 each I told
her to give it to Elder Smith & she did so 10 m

~ Wednesday

19th I took canal packet in company with Elder
B Young rode to Lockland fare 50 ct each $1.00
stoped & spent ^the night^ (upon a pinch) with Mr David
He had been baptized into the Church but
was fearful & unbelieveing we had the privilege
however of spending the night with him & lying
upon a patent Bedstead wupon which it is said that
neither a Bedbug or flea will stay on it But the reason

Page 84

why yet remains a secret. He did not ask us
our names untill we left next morning distance 10 m

~ Thursday

20th We walked 2 miles to Br Jackson
who was cradling wheat we went with him to his
house he gave us a sovreign to assist us on our Journey
we then walked back to the city of Cincinnati &
we were weary with our Journey making
15 miles we had walked 15 mi

~ Friday

21 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters one to E Robinson
one to Elias Smith & one to Mrs P W. Woodruff
all of which I sent By Mr Holdridge

~ Saturday

22nd Saturday we left Cincinnati at 11 oclok
on board of the Adolade for Pittsburg

~ Sunday

23 Sunday A foggy morning passed by Kentucky
to virginia spent the night on a sand bar

~ Monday

24th Got of[f] a sand bar at half past 7 oclok
got along well through the day I dreamed at
night of seeing Mrs Woodruff & Elder Cordon
told me that I had a fine child I saw Br
Joseph dressed in Military thought their was
to be a meeting in Nauvoo &c

~ Tuesday

25 Got along well through the day consider[in]g
the low water Susan Cornelia Woodruff
was born at half past 11 oclock

~ Wednesday

26th Passed wheeling stoped at Wellsville, Br
Little & wife stoped here. We passed
a snag Boat employed by [the] Government to keep
the river clear of snags, we run onto a bar
sand at night & remained untill morning

Page 85

~ Thursday

27th As the water was so low we could not
get up the river we stoped near Beaver
passed through the town to Bridgewater here
we took stage for Pittsburgh 28 miles on the
way we stoped at Econemy the town
founded by Mr wrap it is esstablished sumthing
upon the principles of shakerism they raise
much grain fruit & make wine from the pur
juse of the grape. we drank a glass of it
which was vary nice we arived at Pittsburgh
at 6 oclock. Distance from Cincinnatti to Pittsburgh 469 1/2 miles

We soon found Br Small who informed us
that there was a meeting at the Temperance
Hall By the Church of Latter Day Saints
we went to the Hall & about the first persons
we saw was Elders H. C. Kimball & O. Pratt
& we herd the voice of Elder J E Page
preaching He Hammered the sects during
his discourse, & at the closed He informed
the people of our arival which made six
of the quorum of the Twelve in the city
we were all truly glad to strike hand with
each other once more I spent the night
with Br [blank] Beck

~ Friday

28th We spent the fore part of the day
walking about. We met in council at
2 oclok at Br Richard Savorry Elder B Young
enquired concerning the procedings of the Twelve
at Cincinnati found that Elders H C Kimball, O Pratt
& J. E Page Held a conference organized the Church
& left for Pittsburgh Elder Page stayed & in
few days disunnoled what had been done

Page 86

& reorganized the Church but it left the Church
in no better situation. Elder Young reproved
Elder Page some for undoing alone what three
of the quorum had done together. He also spoke
of the instruction that Br Joseph spoke of
ie to be gentle & mild in our teaching & not to
Battle the sects any more at present but win
the affections of the people, we had a good time
to the people together

we met in the evening at Jeremiah Cooper's house
I opened the meeting by Prayer. Elder B
Young arose & addressed the Saints in a vary inter-
esting manner & tried to instill into their minds to
be prepared to Harken to the word of the Lord &
obey his commandments & obey the things that
the prophet tells us to do & was followed By
Elders H C Kimball & G. A. Smith who bore testimony
of the work of God I spent the night at Br
James McDaniel's

Pittsburgh resembles the
English cities in consequence of their burning so
much stone cole which covers the cities with
smoke soot & Blackness. Its Population is 35,000
it has 120 preachers of the Gospel, 95 churches
& 21 Denominations, & It contains a Church
of Latter Day Saints Numbering 75

~ Saturday

29th I spent the Day at Br Mc DanielsDowell writings
& reading We met in the evening at Br
Savorys to teach the Elders. Elder B Young
first addressed the meeting [FIGURE] The following
isare some of the principles taught the Elders
By Elders Young. He says relative to government
that A man should in the first place presidie
over himself, his passions, his person, bring himself
into subjection to the Law of God, then Preside

Page 87

over his children & his wife in wrighteousnes
then he will be capable of Presiding over a
branch of the Church but many Elders are
contending about presiding over churches, when
they are not capable of presiding over themselve
or the least child I have they have.

Again the first Principle of our cause & work is to
understand that their is a prophet in the Church
& that he is at the head of the Church on Earth. who
called Joseph Smith to be a prophet? Did the people
or God. God & not the people called him, had the
people gatherd together & appointed one of their
number to be a Prophet He would have been
accountable to the people but inasmuch as he
was called of God & not the people he is accountab[le]
to God & the Angel that committed the Gospel
to him & not to any man on earth. The Twelve
are accountable to the Prophet & his council
& not to the Church for the course they persue
& we have learned to go & do as the Prophet
tells us to do

~ Sunday

30th Sunday six of the quorum of the Twelve
met at Temperance Hall in Pittsburgh
with the Saints. Elder G. A. Smith opened the
meeting by prayer Elder W. Woodruff
Addressed the people bore testimony of the work
& spoke the things that were given by the
Spirit of God, among other things said that
the Church of God was organized with
Prophets & Apostles, but what is the use of
Prophets & Apostles if their is not to be revelations
given & work for the apostles to do they certainly
are not needed, if the work of Prophets &
Apostles are not to be received, but the vary Idie
of those offices exhisteding is a proof of revelation & gifts &c

Page 88

I was followed by Elder G A Smith who also
bore testimony of the work of God & among other
things said that whenever A vertical key with teeth pointing upward God sent a witness
or messenger to deliver a message to the inhabitants
of the earth he does not require that messenger
to prove the truth of his assesrtion but deliver his
message as God has commanded him

In the after part of the day, Elder J. E. Page
addressed the meeting & bore testimony of the
work & was followed by Elder O. Pratt who
reasoned soundly upon the prophesyes

In the evening at early candle light the meeting
was addressed by Elder H. C. Kimball who gave
some of his experiance & bore testimony to the
work of the Lord much to our edifycation
He was followed by Elder B Young who
also bore testimony to the work of the Lord
and among the many remarks he made he
argued in the following manner. Why do the people
oppose the gifts & graces. If a man can get faith
by the power of God & the gift of the Holy Gost so as to
lay hands upon his wife & children or friends
when they lie sick & languishing nigh unto death
& command the fever, or disease, or the power
of the destroyer, or even death itself to depart to
cease its work, to be still & the person is relieved
I ask what harm is their in all this, or if a man
by faith & humility before God can get the
testimony of Jesus Christ & prophecy of things to
come or speak in tongues or cast out devils, I
ask what harm in all this, does it do any harm
No it does not. I know the New Testament
is true for I have proved it according to the
pattern given by believing in Christ obeying

Page 89

the gospel & knowing the signs do follow,
then I ask does these things harm any one, No
they do not. In speaking of the kingdom of
, He said the kingdom must be together
the people must be together, & gatherd into
one place. For How would the king of france
or England look undertaking to reign over a
kingdom when the people were scatterd all
over the world except in france or England
they could not reign over a people unless a people
were with those kings to reign over, so with the
Saints they must be gatherd together & this work has
already commenced, & who is the Author of this
work & gathering, Josephs Smith the Prophet of
God as an instrument in the hands of God is the
Author of it, he is the greatest man on earth
No other man of this age has power to
assemble such a great people from all the Nations
of the earth with all their varied dispositions
as assimulate them & cement them together
so that they will be subject to rule & order
this the Prophet is doing & what makes a
great king president or man is to have a
great People to rule over.

We had an
interesting time through the day. After meetig
closed I went home with Elder Charles Beck
& spent the night

~ Monday

31st Our Quorum assembled together & walked
over Pittsburgh. We first visited Mr Curlings
Glass works & saw them to work through each
branch of it we saw them make pressed, stampd
& ground or cut & plain tumblers & large
jars &c. We next went onto the bluff above
the city & had a view of the New Basin that

Page 90

is to contain the water to be forced into it from
the Alleghaney River to water the city from this
place we had a fair view of the city below & it
truly sends forth its colums of smoke & blackness that
arises from the cole fires that propels the numer
ous engines as the main spring of all the founderies
manufacturies & works of the valey of the city
of Pittsburgh. We then desended the hill & visited
the city water works or resurvoy The building
is 150 feet long 110 feet wide containing two
engines of 200 Horse power each to drive a force
pump to force the water from the Alleganey River
into the bason on the bluff to water the city as
above spoken of the whole cost of this building
resurvoy & Bason, was $200,000 The building
is after the Roman order The whole Archatecture
design, & making & finishing the building was
executed by Elder Charles Beck a member of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
We visited Miltonbergers Iron works through each
branch of it, we saw the keel laid for an Iron
steem ship of war 140 foot keel, for Lake Erie
Br G. A. Smith & myself spent the night with Elder Beck

~ Tuesday

Aug 1st We crossed the Allagany River into the
town of Allegany & spent the day at C Seechrist &
returned in the evening. Their is three Bridges &
one canal crosses the Allegany River from Pittsburgh
within a short distance of each other. We attended
meeting in the evening & Elder Young preached
was followed By Elders Page & Kimball we spent
the night with Elder Charles Beck

~ Wednesday

2nd Elder Beck Paid $48.00 for the passage of
the Twelve to Baltimore A collection was taken
up of about $20 to assist the quorun to Philadelphia

Page 91

~ Thursday

Aug 3rd We parted with the Saints in Pittsburgh
& took stage for Baltimore their was six of
us of the quorum of the Twelve viz
B Young, H. C. Kimball, O. Pratt, J. E. Page
W. Woodruff & G. A. Smith. We traveld
about 25 miles along the River & over the
mountains whare Rocks Hung in mases almost
over our heads & on the other side was yawning
gulfs below, we came onto the National Road
at Washington Pa We Rode all day & all night
in the stage about 120 miles we arived next
morning at Cumberland, we passed through
Brownville & Uniontown

^{We had a talk with a man President Young says the twelve may put it in our} Jour[nals]^

~ Friday

4th We Took the rail cars at Cumberland
at 8 oclock A.M & passed through many miles
of Deep Mountaineous cutting ^stoped at Harpers ferry^ & arived at
Baltimore ^[FIGURE] MD^ about 6 oclock we here took the
Steemboat George washington ^&^ crossed the Bay
of Chesepeke
to Frenchtown we here took the
Rail road again to New Castle [FIGURE] Del then the steem
Boat to Philadelphia where we arived at
4 oclock on the 5th Aug Being 48 hours from
Pittsburgh to Philadelphia By Stage, Rail road
& Steem Boat the whole Distance 430 miles

~ Saturday

5th We were distributed among the Saints
in Philadelphia at the following places
Elder B. Young at Br P Hesse 36 old York
Elder H. C. Kimball at 34 old York Road at
Sister Jeffres
Elder J E page & G A Smith at Elder wm
No Elizabeth St opposite the wel
Elder G A Smith at Methodist Chapel

Page 92

Elder O Pratt at Sister Nickolsons at 6 st
2 doors Below Rase st -[sassafras]-
& myself at Br [blank] Hammers at 12 Logan st
street near spring garden market after getting
som Breakfast we went to rest as we had not
slep any for two nights of any account during
the afternoon & evening we had the hardest
storm & rain & wind that had been known for
many years in & about the city of Philadelphia
much damage was done houses unroofed,
gutters filled with water, streams suddenly
rose, bridges, lumber & houses carried away, a
number of persons were drowned &c &c

~ Sunday

6th Sunday in the fore part of the day I attended
meeting of the Millerites in company with Elder
Young & others. Mr Litz preached from
Jer 24 ch concerning the good & bad figs. isn speaking
of the covenant made to Abraham in giving him the
land of Canaan, he said it was not to seeds but seed
which was Christ, so the land belong to Jesus Christ
& not the Jews but Jesus Christ had rented it to the
Jews at 6 per cent or for evry 10th & the ownly
terms on which it was given to the Jews, & that
they were robing God all the while, will a man
rob God &c & the Land was taken away from
the Jews & who shall have the land not
the Jews the natural seed. But those that are
Baptised into Jesus Christ & his spiritual children,
the kingdom was to be taken from the Jews &
given to a Nation Bringing forth the fruits there
of which will take place when Christ come
with his Church & Body & will then take
Jerrusalem. -[Why did he not say that it has already
been given to the gentiles & they have also fallen away]-

Page 93

Tehe Jews as a nation will not go to the land
of Jerrusalem & when Jesus Christ comes the
Jews will No more be his people. I will admit
that the Jews will go with the other Nations
against Jerrusalem to Battle against the Lord
& his Saints & fight against Jerrusalem &
the Lord shall go forth & fight against the
Nations & the Jews among the rest & that the
Jews will fight agains Jerrusalem if the Jews
ever go to Jerrusalem they will not go as Jews
but all Christians as Christ Body &c &c

The above was the arguments presented by
the milerite to do away with the literal fulfill-
ment of the Bible concerning the return of
the Jews & the rebuilding of Jerrusalem.
But most of his arguments were fals &

In the Afternoon we met with the Saints
In the Canaanite Church in Julia Ann St
about 300 Saints were present, meeting
was opened by Elder Grant & Elder B. Young
Addressed the congregation to considerable
length & laid a good foundation among other
things said, that a man or woman may ask
of God & get a witness & testimony from God
concerning any work or messenger that is sent
unto them But if a person asks for a thing that
does not concern him, such as governing the
Church what shall the prophet or the Twelve
do &c he will not get an answer if he does it
will not be from God.

He also remarked in
conversation or inquired who had the Melchezedek
that if any in the Church had it he did not
know it For any person to have the fulness of that

Page 94

priesthood must be a king & a Priest a
person may have a portion of that Priesthood the
same as Governors or Judges of England have
power from the King to transact business but
yet he is not the king of England. A person may
be anointed king & priest before they receive
their kingdom &c. At the close of the meeting
I dim returned to Br Hammers & in the evening
Elder O. Pratt Preached & was followd
by few remarks from Elder G A Smith

~ Monday

7th Spent the day with the Brethren visiting
the Saints &c we find in to days papers
an account of the destruction of property & loss
of lives by the storm on saturday about
thirty lives were lost & 500,000 dollars worth
of property destroyed the Iron suspension
bridge the first built in the world (so said,
with the canal Bridge & 50 other Bridges
on the Chester Creek Pa are washed away

~ Tuesday

8th In company with the Twelve and about
150 Saints we left the city on Board of a
steemer for an excursion. As we glided over
the water we passed the New frigate Rariton
of sixty four guns which had been lanched but
a short time & saw the building that coverd
the Pensylvania 170 gun ship the Largest
in the world, we Past on to Gloster Point
& spent the day in the following amusment drinkig
Ice water Lemonaid, & feasting, sailing, fishing,
swinging, walking singing, & discussing vario
us subjects &c. The following subject arose
for discussion is the Prosperity of any religious
denomination a posative evidence that they

Page 95

are right. Elder J. E. Page contended for the
affirmative & Elder J M Grant for the negative
After which the chairman arose & said that
Prosperity of any people was no positive evidence
of their being right & decided accordingly which
was Elder B Young. After taking our suppers
we returned to the boat & crossed again to
the city. Elder Page Preached in the evening
But I returned home to Br Hammers & spent
the night. Distance of the day 12 m

On my return to the city my mind was deeply
9th A vary rainy day exercised concerning
Mrs Woodruff which continued through the
evening with the impression that she was in distresse
or afflicted, I prayed for her before the Lord
& my mind was relieved

~ Wednesday

9th A vary rainy day I spent the time writing
I accompanied Elders O Pratt & J M Grant
in the evening to the Navy Yard to attend
a prayer meeting with the Saints I preached
1 1/2 hours & was followed by Elder O. Pratt
& returned home distance 6 mils

~ Thursday

10th Elders B Young O Pratt G. A. Smith
P Hesse & myself visited the State house
in Philadelphia we went on to the steeple
whare we had a fair view of the whole
city which was an interesting view of the
city from thiss steeple we could have a fair
view of the Alms House, Jerard Colledgge, the
cathedrals, & spires towers &c. We then went
into the Independance Hall, here we saw the
place whare the Patriots signed the declara
tion of Independance
we set in the chairss

Page 96

that John Hancock sat in at the time
he signed that instrument. we saw the
stature of Washington, the painting of
Lafeyette & others. We had a view of
the painting presented by Benjamin West
to the city corporation representing the
situation of Paul & Barnabas when they
were set apart to the ministry theis
Building was erected in AD 1733
we called at the mint but no business
doing & we returnd home had a rainy after

~ Friday

11th We spent the day in visiting various part
of the city esspecially Peals Musium we
went all through it & found it to be quite
interesting two things of Note we examined
closely the body of the Mermaid found & the
Mamouth skeleton, we saw several hundr
ed portraits of Distinguished men &c
We Also visited the mint but the works
were not in operation. The engine rollers, &
dies and all the mashinery was the highest
polished & best finished of any works I
ever saw. After finisheding the walk of the
day our quorum divided & attended prayer
meetings in various parts of the city I accompa-
nied Elder Pratt & Grant to the Navy yard
I spoke over one hour & was followed by Elder
O Pratt

~ Saturday

12th We dined at Sister Poltries she made
our quorum a present of $12 dollars in
silver making $2 eaech of us in the evening
we had an interesting meeting with the Elders

Page 97

All of the quorum present spoke Elders
Young & Kimball gave instruction & we
bore testimony to the truth of the word

~ Sunday

13th In the morning Elder Grant & myself
walked to the Navy Yard & I preached
& was followed by Elder Grant. In the
afternoon we met with the Saints & Elder
O Pratt Preached, upon the subject of Zion
from the Psalmes of David, & In the evening
Elders B Young H C Kimball & myself occupied
the time I addressed the people first & told my
experience & felt much of the Spirit of God in
bearing testimony that Joseph Smith Sen [Jr.] was
a Prophet of God that the Book of Mormon
was true & that the work we was engaged in
was of God I was followed by Elders Kimball
& Young who also bore testimony of the work
of God by the power of God

~ Monday

14th I took the parting hand with the Saints
& in company with Elders O. Pratt & Wm Moore
I took steem Boat & traveld 40 miles to
Shoolkill & then walked 6 miles to Mr Mosleys
& Preached toin the meeting house I spoke &
was followed by Elder Pratt it was a rainy
night Distance of the day 46 m

~ Tuesday

15th Rode 18 miles & walked 3 & took supper
with Br [blank] then Rode 6 miles
to Mr Hoofmans whare I spent the night
distance of the day 27 miles

[FIGURE] During this days ride we passed over the
ground of the Brandywine Battle saw
whare the action commenced whare the

Page 98

Americans Retreated & a part of them surren-
dered it was near Chadds ford saw whare
Gen Washington led away the remainder of
the army

~ Wednesday

16th In company with Elder Moore I rode to Br
John Neff's in Strasburgh Lancaster Co Pa
& spent the night with him found him strong in the
faith & manifested a disposition to do the will of God
to sell his property & go to Nauvoo to take stock in
the Nauvoo House &c I had an interesting time
with them. Sister Barbara, showed me two
Letters from Elder Julian Moses. I passed by Br
Edward Hunters former residence I found the
country throughout this region to be exceding
rich & fertile, wheat, corn, oats & clover in
great abundance the distance of this day was 25 m

~ Thursday

17th A hand pointing to the right I wrote two Letters one to Julian Moses
& one to Orson Spencer of New Haven Ct
I took the parting hand with Br Neffs family &
rode to Elder Elijah Malin, west Nantmeal
Chester Co Pa Br Malin was the Presiding Elder
I spent the night at his house distance of the {day} 25 m

~ Friday

18th A hand pointing to the right I spent the day writing I wrote two
Letters one to Sister Betsy Cossett &
one to Br Dwight Webster and in the evening
I met with Elder O. Pratt & others & held a meeting
at west Nantmeal Seminary. I spoke & was followed
by Elder O. Pratt we spent the night at Mr
Henry Buckwater's 3 miles

~ Saturday

19th We commenced a two days meeting ain
a groove at Br Millers in Uwehland township
I preached in the forenoon & Elder O Pratt in the
Afternoon I spent the night at Br Millers distance {of the day} 12 [miles]

Page 99

The following was composed by Elder Lorenzo
, which I took from An Album at the
house of Mr Mosleys Centerville New Castle Co Del


Virtue, O virtue thou Jem from Above
More charming than beauty more endearing than love
More precious than Jewels and jems of the earth
Or titles of honour decending by Birth

Behold the Bright rainbow that circles the skye
While bending to earth with its bow far on high
Its colors of Beauty with rapture behold
In order and splendor enchanting unfold

But what are the colors that are to be seen
In the bow of the cloud of red blue and green
Compared with those colors which virtue combine
Those heaven born treasures displayed in the mind

The bow of the cloud's soon faded and gone
Its painted on rain and receds with the storm
But virtue a Princes in glory arayed
Which time cannot varnish nor eternity fade

Virtues dominion is not among clouds
Nor oft is she seen mid the gay and the proud
Her throne is her purity her kingdom in mind
With modesty Prudence and meekness combined

Thus Elvira let virtue be ever your aim
Its light and its glory emblazen your name
Then charmes o'er your temples forever shall bloom
They'll flourish through time and revive o'er the tomb

Lorenzo D. Barnes

Page 100

~ Sunday

Aug 20
20th Sunday A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Elder M. Holmes
Before meeting we assembled at the grove at
the time appointed & a good congregation came
together I addressed them in the fore part of the day
from the following words "If our gospel be hid it
be hid from them that are lost &c I felt much of
the spirit of testimony & felt that there were
many hearts to receive, at the close of the meet-
ing the people flocked around the stand to obtain
our Fac similee's of the plates and Books &c they
Bought $4.75 worth of them. We dined at
Br Harts during intermission we lade hands upon
Br Malin the presiding Elder & several other Elders
In the afternoon the congregation again assembled
& was addressed by Elder O Pratt he spoke in
much of the power & demonstration of the spirit of
from Rev 22 ch first clause of the 3rd vers and
there shall be no more curse He commenced with the
fall the curse that came on the earth & continued the
subject untill the end & every curse was taken off traced
the subject through the Millinnium second advent of
Christ, the Binding of Satan, peace for one thousand
years the numerous increase of the inhabitants of the
earth, & the letting loose of Satan, his going up with
the hosts of the earth that he had deceived & compassing
the camp of the Saints & the Beloved city & fire came
down from Heaven & devoured them. A great white
throne appeared, the Saints & cities were cought up
to God, the Heavens & earth passed away & the Lord
made a new heavens & new earth the Saints cities &
new Jerrusalem &c came down from God out of
heaven & rested upon the new earth & the last enemy
destroyed was death then Jesus Christ deliverd it up
to his father as pure &c

Page 101

At the close of the meeting the people administed
to our necessities they gave us $11.75 which we
divided among us Elder Pratt administered the
ordinance of Baptism to one person which we
confirmed at the waters edge we then took
the parting hand with the Saints & rode home with
Priest John Bowen [to] Lionville Chester Co Pa & spent
the night we Blessed the family distance of the day 3 m
[FIGURE] I dreamed last night that I was in Nauvoo & our
cow was lost & I thought it Best to advertise her that
we might find her But I hope she is not lost

~ Monday

21st I took the parting hand with the Saints & we
rode to Oakland Hotel there took railroad to
Philadelphia, in company with James Sloam
& his wife we saw Elder Grant found the rest
of the twelve had left the city for New York
distance of the day fare $3. 40 miles

~ Tuesday

22nd Spent part of the day at Br Hammers
visited fairmount the Philadelphia waterworks
& found it to be a splended sceneery [FIGURE] I spent
the evening in company with Elders O. Pratt
J. M. Grant & B. Winchester

~ Wednesday

23 I took the parting hand with the Saints & in
company with Elders O. Pratt J. M Grant &
J Sloan & wife took rail road to New York, arived
in the evening called upon Br McClain 182 Canal
st then upon Elder Foster 145 Walker St
Br Burge No 1 McDudle St attended meeting
at Columbian Hall & spent the night at Elder Fosters
Distance to N Y 100 mil

~ Thursday

24th A hand pointing to the right I called upon Br Ilus Carter he gave me a bundle
of papers from Nauvoo & also a letter from

Page 102

Mrs Woodruff informing me of the birth of
a daughter 17 days after I left home the babe not
3 days old when I left home, mother & child doing A humanoid
well I was truly glad to hear from home I dined with
Br Ilus Carter I A folded letter/box wrote a letter in answer to Mrs
Woodruff & attended meeting with the Saints
& spent the night with Br Foster

~ Friday

25th I attended Baptism in the morning & Bathed
in the sea spent the day visiting the Saints attended
meeting in the evening at the Hall spent the night
with Br Foster

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Elder J Taylor sent for papers

~ Saturday

26th Aug 1843 The quorum of the Twelve
met with the Saints in New York in conference
meeting opened by prayer President Young
arose & addressed the meeting in an interesting
manner upon the subject of the gathering, the
Building of the Nauvoo House & Temple. He spoke
of the Priesthood & said that it was a perfect
system of goverment and made many useful

In the afternoon the conference again
met Prayr By Elder Page the meeting was addressed
by Elder Kimball, spoke in parables, gather in the
wheat and tares thrash the wheat & the mill will
blow away the chaff &c Said an Elder would
get a people together & could get the priest &
people to receive the work if they did not whip
the sect so like a shepherd who would call up a
buck & a flock of sheep & hand them a little salt
& Just as they begin to eat hit him with a club
across the head & the sheep will run away.

Elder G. A. Smith followed & bore testimony of the
work told several anecdotes one from Lyman Wight

Page 103

said that a man told of a story so big about his
cheese house that a woman did not believ it & asked
a servant if it was true He said that his master
did not let him go into the cheese house but one thing
he new that his master had a tremendous
great cheese house & a great mill of four run of
stone that was carryed by the whay that runs
from the cheese house so let the Elders tel
about the whey but not about what is in the
cheese house as long as they have not seen it
let the misteries alone & speak of things that
you understand. He spoke of his collegiate
education he received from President Joseph
which was, to preach short sermans
& make short prayers which had done him
much good in life.

Elder B Young next spoke
& made some useful remarks said the scriptures
had been mistifyed to that degree that the greatest
divine of the day is as ignorant as the dumm ass
concerning the things of God they dont know their
right hand from their left & we are trying to
revere it to make it so simple that the people
can understand it. Place a man in this room
that is ignorant of science & take evry thing out
that we can see & then ask him if their is
any thing in the room, he says no nothing but
we two. I tel him that there is millions of live
animals in the room even we breath them & I
will show him by the aid of glasses that their
is live animals in one drop of water eight feet long
but he dont believe it untill he sees it through
glasses so with the unbeliever he does not
believe in God, in Angels, in spirits because he
cannot see them, but let him have spiritual
glasses or obey the commandments of God &

Page 104

get the spirit of God & then he can see & many
other usful remarks he made. A Hymn was
then sung. Then several question were asked

1st Can any member officer in any branch
of the Church say their word is law & should
be obayed (No) Is it right for anA priest to be
joined to a Teacher to go & visit the houses of
each member when their duty is set forth in
the covenants. (Yes any members that are
officers from High priest to Deacon may visit
the church or members & be set apart for this
purpose if the Church will receive it)

[2] I instruction If Elders or High Priest are
on an Island & cannot get word from the
Prophet or the Twelve [they] may get a revelation
concerning themselves, the Twelve may get
a revelation in any part of the world concer-
ning the building up the kingdom as they have
to esstablished the kingdom in all parts of the
world, so any person can ask the Lord for a
witness concerning himself he can get an answ
er to himself but not to lead the Church that
Belongs to the head of the Church

3rd Can a Church make buy laws as expediences
for themselves that are not specifyed
in any revelation (yes if they wish, they may
make laws to stick their fingers in their eyes
if they wish, but it is like sticking their finger
through a not hole, in the wall to see what
custom will do

4th When any person is ordained legally
by the vote of the Church to any office can
he be releaced from that office & priesthood
(No) and hold his standing in the Church (No)

Elder young made many useful remark
conference Adjourned untill tomorrow

Page 105

~ Sunday

27th Conference met at half past 10 oclock accor
ding to adjournment. meeting opened by singing
Prayer by Elder Grant. Meeting was then addressed
by Elder W. Woodruff from 2nd Epistle of Peter
1st Ch 20, 21 verses
He remarked that if the prophe-
sies that had been fulfilled were fulfilled litterally
in kike manner would those prophesies which
are still to be fullfilled, be done litterally. And
that the gathering of the Saints, the building of
Zion, the gathering of the Jews, the rebuilding
of Jerrusalem, the esstablishing of the Church
& kingdom of God in the last days The preaching
of the gospel to all the world wasis an event looked
for by the latter day Saints, & notwithstanding
these things are unpopular & not looked for or
believed in by the world yet we feel incouraged
to persevere & press forward in assisting to accom-
plish these great & glorious things with a firm
belief that they will as truly be brought to pass
and perfected as those things prophesied were in
ancient days. He also bore testimony of the
Truth of the Book of Mormon, covenants, & A
prophet of God.

Elder Kimball followed &
made some Appropriate remarks, when the
meeting adjourned two hourse.

Elder J. E. Page
addressed the meeting in the afternoon, on the
testimony of the Book of the Book of Mormon &
that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. He quoted
to many passages in the doctrins & covenants &
Book of Mormon that prophesied of things that
should take place which had actually come to
pass according to the prophesies. He spoke quite
lengthy upon the subject & brought much
testimony to proove the truth of the position
He Had taken. At the close of his discourse
some Church business was attended to as
Elder L. R. Foster was about to go to Nauvoo
It was necessary that another should be appointed
in his stead to preside in New York

Page 106

A vote was call to know if they ^the Church^ was perfectly
satisfyed with Elders Foster's labours & procedings
as Presiding Elder in the Church; the vote was
unanimous. Elder Foster resigned his office &
Elder Geoe T Leach was appointed president
of the Church in New York By a vot of the same
After which several children were blessed & the
meeting adjourned untill evening; At which time
Elder O. Pratt addressed the people concerning
the Book of Mormon He spoke in an edifying
manner concerning the Book of Mormon its
history what it was &c that it was a History of
nearly one half of the globe & the people that
inhabited it, that it gave a history of all those
cities that have been of late discoverd by Carthe-
-rwood's & Stephens, that it named those cities
That it spoke of the esstablishing of our goverm-
ent & what is more highly interesting it reveals
its final fate & destiny, so that by reading the
Book of mormon you can clearly see what will
befal this nation, and what will be its final end.
In that Book you will find recorded the pure
principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ as taught
by himself on the continant of America so plain
that no two persons could disagree as to the points
of doctrin set forth, many interesting remarks
he made upon this subject then bore testimony
of the truth of Joseph Smith sen [jr.] being a true
Prophet of God & that the Book of Mormon was
true & that the Church of the Latter day Saints
was the true church of God, & after finishing his
testimony he commenced and preached another
sermon & spoke in all a little short of two
hours, after he closed we blessed 5 children
& attended to some other duties we dismissed the
people. I dined with Br Ilus Carter & spent the
night with Elde[r] Foster Mr Carter attended meeting
in the morning

Page 107

~ Monday

Aug 28th I met with the Twelve in the morning
& spent several hours together. I mailed a letter
to Elder J. Taylor containing 10 subscribers for
the Times & Seasons I dined at Br Ilus Carters
& convers with Mrs Carter & Mrs Snow
I had a Minuature taken by Mr Miller taken
as a Present to Mrs Woodruff Price $4.50
I called upon Miss Mary Sloan who A humanoid
seemed much pleased to see me & spoke
about going to Nauvoo, desired much to go. I
returned to Br Ilus Carters & took tea
saw Mrs Sloan spent the evening with Ilus
before I left him he spoke of sending some
dry goods & carpeting to me at Nauvoo to
sell for him. I spent the night at Elder
Fosters distance of the day 6 mile

~ Tuesday

29th I left new York in company with
Elders Davis, Wandell, & Walley on
Board of the Mutual Safety to Noryorkwalk I
was sea sick I stoped at the house of Albert
& we Preached at night in the town
house & spent the night with Br Gregory
distance of the day 45 miles

~ Wednesday

30th I went out with Br Gregory & Davis
to keth [catch] oysters we caught abov 2 Bushels
we had a meal to roast. I visited the Saints
in evening, & Preach to the Saints & had a
good time spent the night with Br Gregory

~ Thursday

31st We left the saints in Norwalk & took
steem Boat to Bridgport & stage to New Haven
we stoped at S. Browns Tavern then walked
to Burr Frost at Westville & spent the night
distance of the day, (Fare to N Haven $1.25) 40 m

Page 108

~ Friday

Sept 1st We walked to New Haven from thenc
to Fair Haven & called upon Mr Smith Tuttle
who would open doors for preaching we spent
part of the day with him & returned to westville
& preached at night at Br Frost to a small
number we spent the night at Br Frost

~ Saturday

2nd We walked to New Haven & called upon
Lewis Allen No. 10 Collage st, we dined at
Brown's Tavern I then took the parting hand
with Elder Davis & took the stage for
Farmington I had many peculiar reflections
while passing through this town whare I had
spent much of my youth I arived at my
fathers house in the evening & found my
father & mother well, Eunice & Br Webster
was better than they had been I was glad to
see my fathers Family one more & enter under
the roof of my youth it gives me peculiar
reflections to pass through the town & over the
places whare I have spent my youth in company
with Brothers & friends who now sleep in the
dust I spent the night at Father Woodruff
I found my Father attending Both saw & grist
mill alone although he was 65 years of age
[FIGURE] I received a letter from Mrs Woodruff
which I was glad to get felt to rejoice to
hear from my family again Distance of the day 30 m

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I walked on the canal bank in
the morning & surveyed the meadows the river
the mill alone whare I had walked with the
my Brothers & sister & with my Bosom Friend
in days that are past but now I am alone

Page 109

after musing awhile on past scenes with a
mixture of pleasure & pain rather more pain
than pleasure I returned to the house spent
the day with the family & in the evening I
preached to the people had a goodly number
present, after meeting I Baptized two
persons James Hooker & [blank] Smith
& spent a plesant evening & another night under
my Fathers roof

~ Monday

4th A hand pointing to the right I wrote two letters one to Phebe
& inclosed a $5 dollar Bill to her I also
wrote A letter to Azmon Woodruff

~ Tuesday

5th I again was called to take the parting hand
with Father Woodruff may the Lord preserve
us to meet again I left Farmington in company
with Mother, Eunice & Sister Mary Smith &
passed through the pine woods to Avon saw the
old Bogue Hills & house & place of my nativity
we called at Mrs Judds, had a view of Aunt
Wheelers place as we passed along and arived at
Aunt Cossetts in the afternoon. Sister Mary
had a vary poor turn it seemed for a little
as though she would die it was the stopage
of Blood at the heart would rush to the head
she was bled Administered to & was soon relieved
Cousin Betsey & myself rode to Terriffville to
see aunt Bulah spent a little time & returned
home to our friends at Aunt Cossetts & spent
the night distance of the day 16 miles

~ Wednesday

6th It was difficult to make up my mind whether
to go on to day or stay I finally concluded to
tarry I took the parting hand with Mother

Page 110

& eunice & Sister Mary who started for
home in Farmington I stayed & spent the
night in symsbury & preached in the
evening in the school house, to a small congregation
who gave good attention Aunt Cossett &
family & Bulah was present & seemed to enjoy
themselves well . . .

A sad accident
happened to James Camp & wife in Farmington
on Saturday the 2nd Aug they were both flung
from their carriage Mr Camp was badly brused
& Mrs Camp was killed so sudden that she
ownly spoke once. It was a great trial to the

~ Thursday

7th I took stage & rode to Westfield &
called upon Ashbel Dewey the presiding
Elder at Little River, gave out an appointment
for a meeting with the Saints & met with
them at Br Samuel Ensign's had a good
meeting the Church in this place consists of
39 members, & in the Town of Russel their
is a branch of the Church of 15 members 10
8 miles west of Westfield Mass distance 20 m

~ Friday

8th I left the Saints at Westfield & took the
rail cares & rode to Boston in the second class
fare was $2.30 arived at Boston at 7 oclok
Distance to Boston 120 miles

On my arival to the city I found Elder G. A
& another Br waiting for me at the railroad
we carried our trunks to a Brothers & went to
meeting at Boylston Hall Cornor of Boylston
& washington streets here I had the privile [a]gain
of meeting again with some of the Twelve viz
H C Kimball J. E. Page, O. Pratt, & G. A. Smith.

Page 111

Elder J E Page Addressed the meeting. I
spent the night with Elder Kimball He read
me a letter from his wife which was interesting
may the Lord Bless Joseph give him a victory over
his enemies & support him in evry trial & prepare
the Saints for that which is to come I pray

~ Saturday

the quorum of the Twelve Apostles
met [in] the Boston church at Boylston Hall
on the 9th Day of Sept 1843

There were present of the quorum of the Twelve
Brigham Young Heber C. Kimball, P. P. Pratt
O Pratt [blank] J. E. Page, W. Woodruff
& G A Smith

Conference opened by prayer By Elder G A Smith
President Young called for Business

Elder E P Magin represented the Boston
Branch containing members 182
[Elder E P Magin represented the] Peterboro [Branch containing members] 88
strong in faith of gathering

Elder B. F. Gruid represented the
Lowel Branch consisting of members 48

Elder Snow represented the Salem Branch 75 or 80
12 or 15 to start west next Tuesday & another
company to start the 1st of October which
will take about half of the Church

Elder Lewis Represented the Church in
New Bebford containing members 100
many of them not active not more than
one third of them come to meeting have
not had had a preacher lately if a good one
was to come good might be done

Page 112

E P Magin represented the Church in
Gilsom N. H. containing members 42
among the No are two cousins of
President Joseph Smith one the postmaster
of the Place

Elder Bryant represented the Georgetown
Branch containing members 30
But not much of the spirit of gathering
Elder E Snow remarked he did not wonder
they had not the spirit of gathering when their
Presiding Elder Nathaniel Holmes & his son
Elder Milton Holmes has setteled down with
the Church manifesting No disposition to gather
themselves it was no wonder the Church had
not the spirit of it

Elder Jesse Haven represented the Church in
North Bridge members 41
they were scattered in several towns large
majority have the spirit of gathering one cut
off 1 died 1 set asid the majority in full faith

E P Magin represented New Salem Branch
from 45 to 50
And Wendall 40
And Leveratt 35
generally in good standing

Elders Rogers informs that several families was
to start from Leveratt next Wednesday
He represents the Westfield Branch members 39
Cabitsville 10
Northbridge Branch 37
Farmington Ct 12
Scattering 13

Page 113

Elder P. P. Pratt arose and remarked that
some tell us that they have taught the gathering
according to the scriptures, but to teach the
gathering from the scriptures alone is not
sufficient for By this they would be left in
doubt they would not know whether to
gather to Jerrusalem to Africa or America.
It is right to teach ^the gathering^ according to the scripturs
but we are not left to this alone, we know &
all the Saints allught to know that God has
pointed out a place & time of gathering and
has raised up a Prophet to bring it about of
which we are witnesses, we have not got to go
a long round about the time & place is pointed
out the foundations of the city & Templ laid
and a people already gatherd & we know &whare
to go, & to reject the revelations of God that have
pointed out these things to us ownly brings condem
nations, & if this is not the case then our faith
is vain & our works & hopes are vain also
we have already got the opinions of men enough
concerning the coming of Jesus Christ. But
we need the voice of a Prophet in such a case
& we have it & I am willing to risk my all
upon it. And if the Elders understand the
principal of gathering and teach it correctly
the people would have the correct spirit of

E. P. Magin arose & said he made the remark
that he had made taught the gathering according
to the scriptures, But he considerd all modern
revelations scripture as well as those given
anciently. P. P. Pratt sayed they agreed
their was no disagreement &c

Page 114

Elder B. Young arose & said, he wished to
make a few general remarks concerning the
subject of our faith. We hear the Elders
represent the feelings of the Brethren concerning
the gathering. The spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ
is a gathering spirit & the its tendency is to gather
the virtuous & good the honest & meek of the
earth, & in fine the saints of God. The time has
come when the Lord is determin to fullfill his
purpose. Had we lived in the days of Jesus Christ
we would say we would receive his work. But
Judge ye if the people are better now than then
they are not. When the full set time iwas come
the Lord came in the flesh to do his work whether
the people were prepared or not. And now the full
set time is come for the Lord God Almighty to set
his hand to redeem Israel we are not bound to
make the people believe but to preach the gospel &
then our garments are clear. The Lord does not
require evry soul to leave his home as soon as he
believes but he requirs him to harken to council &
follow that course that the lord points out, the
spirit of the Lord & this work is on the elect, and
those that keep up with the work must be on
the alert also. When the Lord says gather
yourselves together why do you ask the Lord what
for, is it not the principle of the Saints to mingle
together to promote the great cause in which we
are engaged. Say you cannot the Lord save
us as well whare we are as to gather together. Yes
if the Lord sayes so but if he commands us to
come out & gather together, He will not save us
by staying at home. Have you not received the
gospel yes, then do you believe the gospel what
we say. Have you not received the Holy Ghost

Page 115

By receiving the gospel which we have brought
unto you, yes & thousands have & it stands as a
testimony that God has got a Prophet on the
earth, you might have been baptized seventy
times seven in any way except the way God had
ordained and pointed out & you would not have
received the Holy Ghost, this also is a
testimony to you. Are ye ingaged in the great
work with us ye will say yes, can ye do
any good? yes ye can. The sectarian world
send the Bible to the nations of the earth, the
people put in sixpence fifty cts or a dollar into
the box & send Bibles through the world.
Then cannot we do sumthing yes, the Lord
requires us to build a house unto his name
that the ordinances & blessings of his kingdom
may be revealed & that the Elders may be
endowed & go forth & gather together the Blood
of Ephraim the people of God from the ends of
the earth. Can you get an endowment in Boston
No & ownly in that place that God has pointed
out. Now query could moses have got the law had
he staid in the midst of the children of Israel had
he not gone to the mountains? The Lord says
go & do so & so stand before Phario, pull off your
shoes for the ground is Holy &c Moses obeyed
& obtained blessings, but if he had not obeyed
he would not have obtained the blessing. But why
query about it has the Lord spoken yes then
this is enough. I do not care whether the people
gather or not if they dont want to, I do not wish
to save the people against their will, I wish you
to have your choice either to gather with the
righteous or stay with the wicked, I would like
to have all people bow down to the Lord Jesus Christ
but it is one of the decrees of the Lord that all

Page 116

persons shall act upon their agency, which
was the case even with the angels that fell
from heaven

Now will you help us
to build the Nauvoo House & Temple if so you
will be blessed if not we will build it alone
And if you dont harken you will not have
the spirit of the Lord, for the spirit of the
Lord is on the moove. The Apostles tried to
gather the people together in their day. Christ said he
would gather the Jews oft as a hen gathereth her
chickens under her wings but they would not [Matthew 23:37] [Luke 13:34]
God and Angels dont care whether men hear or forbear
they will carry on their work for the full set
time is come and we care about it we must
build a house & get an endowment & preach the
gospel, warn the people, gather the Saints, build
up Zion & finish our work & be prepared for
the coming of Christ. Now we want to send
missionaries to the Islands can you do sumthing
for them & that is not all we want you to
do we want you to give us sumthing to build
a temple we want what you have to spare.
But are you afraid that you will not have
enough for youself when you get there. But
how easy it is for the Lord to take it away from
you By fire & otherwise. E. P. Magin had an ^Ivory^ cane
I asked him for it but he din give it to me but
he soon lost it & it did neither of us any good
But the Lord can give & take away. Jacob with
his faith obtained all the best cattle that his
Father in law had. Who blesses you and all the
people God, but do the people acknowledge the hand
of God in all these things No, they turn away
from him & do not acknowledge him or realize
from whom their Blessings flow. Let me tell
you a secret when the Lord shakes the earth

Page 117

And the Hills fall down & vallies are exhalted
then for Brass the Lord will bring gold for Iron
silver for stones Iron &c, then you will have
no use for gold, for money & gods as you now
have But the Lord will think as much of it
then as now. Let us have some of your gold
to take to Nauvoo to make a temple & Nauvoo,
so that when the Kings Princs & Nobles
of the earth call at Nauvoo to enquire after
the wisdom of Zion that they may have a place
to entertain them, & that the weary travellor may
be refreshed, is their wisdom in Zion, we
think so & the world begin to think so, let the
world come forward & translate the plates that
have of late come forth, if they have wisdom
to do it. The Lord intends to take away the gods
of the gods of the gentiles the Lord pulleth down
& buildeth up at his own pleasure dont be afraid
of a dollar A hundred or a thousand dollars I
would not I have made a sacrafice a good many
times, the Lord has promised A hundred fold &
I have taken this course to get rich, to give all
I had & God has given many blessings in consequ
ence. If I have been to bold in asking, then be
to bold in giving give your all and God will repay
as much again adjurned untill half past 2 oclok

Met according to adjournment meeting opened by
singing & Prayer By Elder P. P. Pratt who arose
and said I have a few remarks to make concerning
the subject spoken of in the fornoon By Elder
B. Young who said your all we wanted all
your gold silver & precious things &c we
not ownly want your all as pertains to gold
silver &c but we want you, your wives &

Page 118

children, & all you have. I dont know that
I can give you a better pattern of what we want
than the case of Joseph in Egypt. An Israel-
ite will get all he can, they are vary great to
go ahead. The Egyptians believed in dreams
& by this peculiar gift Joseph entered into a great
scheme of speculation, he used the gift of dreams
to become great in the eyes of the Egyptians,
had great political influence came out on the kings
horse in great splendor, & lade up corn in great
abundance during the seven years Plenty & in time
of famine got all the gold, silver, cattle, property
their own persons, this speculation was from
A Josephite and it was like an Israelite, it was
like Noah, Lot, Christ, &c & it is a fair sample of
our speculation. God is the origin of Power
the Sovreign, & he has a right to reign, & their
will be good times & goverment when the world
will acknowledge the God of heaven their lawgiver
& If I could live under his goverment I should
be thankful, then our prayer would be answered
may thy kingdom come &c untill that time we
must pray for it. This Joseph in Egypt the
speculator what a great & good man he was I
love him I admire his course, & I Believe a little
of his Blood is in my veins. But had Joseph
been like the religious world at the present day he
would not have rode the kings horse & wore his
robe & had nothing to do with gold & silver, & do no
good, save no corn, build no store houses, do none
of these things for fear of speculation. But He done
differently. And their is a prophesy about the modern
Prophet Joseph, being raised & supported by the power
of God
to do a work on the earth. And he has been
raised up & the Lord has been with him & evry

Page 119

formed against him has been broaken. He
has had rising of thirty law suits to pass
through & yet he has overcome & no accusation
has been susstained against him, but he will
lay a plan to speculate as large as Ancient Joseph
did, what Elder Young said is good, and even
now we want you to take that course that
will save you. Build up a city & Temples &
enjoy them & do as the Lord tells you & harken
to councils. we have a prophet to tell us what to
do, and we should get as much wisdom as the
world, if the world want a rail road built all
they have to do is to open Books the people
subscribe stock & a rail road is soon built & an
income is brought. And the Saints ought to
be as well united as the world, & do the things
that God has required, that a great nation may
be saved from all Nations. The old gentleman
that rules the nations has ruled long enough
and if I was an Infidel I would like to have
the Lord raise up a Joseph or Daniel or sumbody
to raise up a change for the good of the world
and thank Heaven he has begun to raise them
up to do the great work of God & it will continue
untill the saying goes forth that the Lord
has built up Zion. I read that Gold, silver, power
thrones & dominions will be connected with the
great work of God in the last days, then let us
wake up and enlarge our hearts & prepare for
the great & glorious work, does the Saints here
in Boston know that they are Identifyed
with laying the foundation of a great & mighty
work that is to enclude all the great and
glorious work that is to be fulfilled in the last
dispensation & fulness of times And

Page 120

And I Prophecy in the name of the Lord
that whether Boston Saints or who may stand
for it or rise against it, that almost numberless
milions will selebrate that day when the founda-
tion of this work was laid.

G A Smith Arose and said that he was pleased
with the many remarks that had been made
this day you can see a similarity between the
two Josephs & the Laws that were given. Says
one who believes that God who dwells in heaven
will speak about building a house &c in this day
of religion & science But the day was when the salv-
ation or damnation of a whole world hung upon
a small circumstance even in the days of Noah the
building of an ark, had the Editors of this day
lived then I think they would have said and
written more against it than they have against
Joseph Smiths Revelations. You talk about God
condesending to speak of small things in the last
days but no more so than it was in the days
of Moses for we read in the bible how God comm-
anded the children of Israel when they found
a birds nest to take the young to themselves but
to let the dam go free, what for, wy that their
days might de [be] long in the land which their God
Lord their God giveth them, so come to the point
it was a great thing at last, yet connecting this with
the word of the Lord concerning eating Beetles &
grashoppers was as small business for the Lord to
talk about as it was for the Lord to command
the Saints to Build a tavern. This Boarding
when done will do much good for
the spreading of the work to all nations. But
what good could arise from eating Beetles & grasshopers
I cannot say

Page 121


All the prophesies have aimed at the gathering
of the people & saving of them in the last days.
But my advise is if you cannot take hold of
the work & go through the whole course to stop &
go no further, we do not want to deceive you
Our traditions have been to be variy religious
weare long faces, never tell a story or laugh &c
this was the case with the long faced Christians in
Mo & they were the first to strike a dagger to the
our hearts. If I wear a strange hat it is not
because of my religion for whare the religion
of a man is in his hat or coat it is not vary extensive
any whare els. And whenever I have seen Elders
trying to preach sumthing large to get a name the
mysteries &c I have believed that such have got yet
much to learn. As many are desireous of hearing
mysteries I will rehears a short sermon or misteriy
Elder Kimball has been of long standing in the
Church Preached much, done much good, brought
many souls into the kingdom & had great influene
&c. Elder Amasa Liyman & myself went into
a place to preach whare the Elders had preached
all the mysteries, they wanted us to preached
mysteries, we told them we were not qualified
to preach miysteries but if they would send
for Elder Kimball he could preache the mysteries
so they sent abot 40 miles for Elder Kimball
& brought him down as they were so anxious
to hear the mysteries & when he came, he
had a large congregation assembled & he arose
before them & remarked that he had understood
they had sent for him to come & preach the
mysteries to them. I am fully competent
to do it & am happy of having the privilege
And I want the attention of all, & when

Page 122

evry mind was streached eager for the
mysteries. He says the first miystery I shall
present before you is this. Elder Amasa
wants a Pair of Pantaloons, & it is a
great mystery that an Elder in this church should
want a pair of Briches, & esspecially that
the people should know that they want it &
the remainder of his miysteries were like unto
& the consequence of this serman was that Elder
Lyman got a pair of Pantaloons & Elder Kimball
a Barrel of flour for his family.

Elder B. Young arose & said I will make an apology
for my remarks in the fore part of the day
some may think I spoke vary plain. But the
Apology I have to make is I will turn Tompsonian
doctor & give the composition without sweetning
This work is all, it is my all. If this work does
not live God knows I dont want to live, And I
want you to understand it, that he that gathereth
not with us scattereth. And they that have tasted
the Bitter cup feel it. Wake up ye Elders that
have sought to build yourselves up & not the king-
dom of God
. Wake up ye that have daubbed
with untempered morter. Harken & hear me
for I say unto you that if you do not help us build
the Temple & Nauvoo House, you shall not inherit
the land of Zion. If you do not help build up
Zion & the cause of God you shall not partake of
their Blessings Many Elders seek to Build them-
selves up & not the work of God. But when any
one does this no matter who he may be he will
not prosper even if it was one of the Twelve
Those of the Twelve & others of the Elders that
have apostitized I have known their hearts

Page 123

their breathings & known their moovments
they thought I did not know much But I knew
all about them, & when I see men preaching
to build themselves up & not Zion I know what
it will end in. But say you I am young I
dont care if you are young do you know what
you are about, if so preach & labour for
the building up of the city of Zion concentrat
your means & influence there & not scatter
abroad. Be faithful or you will not be chosen
for the day of chosing is at the door, why
be afraid of a sacrafice I have given my all
many times & am willing to do it again. I
would be glad to hear the Lord say through m
his servant Joseph, let my servant Brigham
give again all that he has. I would obey in a
moment if it took the last coat of[f] from
my Back

Elder Kimball sayes I get up of necessity to
say a few words I am quite unwell, But I feel
the importance of this work. I have been a
member of this Church 12 years I came out of
the Baptist church & Joined this & I have passed
through evry thing but death, & we have come
here to call for help to build the Houses & I
have spent $30 to get here & collected $15 dollars
We were commanded to come of the Lord But
it seems as though but few felt interested in it
Here I see three Brethren going to the far
distant Islands. I could weep for them they have
but little money to help themselves. I feel inter-
ested in this great work we have come out to
Reep but do we have time to Reep new grain

Page 124

No for it takes all our time to try to save the
that is reap. you think that Elder Young
has put the flail on rather heavy. But it is
nothing to be compaired with the Threshing
you will get in Zion, & those that have the harde-
st heads have to be thrashed the hardest,
but dont be troubled about the chaff when
it comes to the barns God will prepare a great
wind Mill that will blow all the chaff away
I speak in Parables. I compare the Saints
to a good cow, when you milk her clean she
will always have an abundance of milk to give, but
you milk her a little & she will soon dry up
So with the Saints if they do but little in building
up Zion they soon have but little to do with, this
was the case in Cincinnati I had a dream concer[nin]g
the Saints there. I thought I was in a field of
wheat that was stacked up & we had got to draw
it into the barn come to open the stack the bun-
dles would all fall to peices & it was filled
with clusters of Rats & mice, who had been
eting up the grain. I thought these Rats &
mice were the Elders & official members who
had been in & lain on the Church, lived on the
wheat eaten then up instead of building up
New churches. So that when the Twelve
came along they could not get any thing for
the Temple or Nauvoo House, or Hardly a place
to stay the rats had eat up the wheat so & we
had to go to the world for a home to stay while
we were their, we are not Polished stones like
Elder Babbit, Elder Adams, Elder Blakesley &
Elder Magin &c But we are rough stones out
of the mountain, & when we roll through
the forest & nock the bark of[f] from the trees
it does not hurt us even if we should get a

Page 125

cornor nocked of[f] occasionally for the more
the roll about & knock the corners of[f] the better we
are but if we were pollished & smooth when
we get the cornors knkocked of[f] it would deface
us. This is the case with Joseph Smith he
never professed to be a dressed smooth polished
stone but was rough out of the mountain
& has been rolling among the rocks & trees &
has not hurt him at all but he will be as
smooth & polished in the end as any other
stone, while many that were so vary poliched &
smooth in the beginning get badly defaced
and spoiled while theiry are rolling about.

P P Pratt said some are going to Zion the
rest want to know what they shall do. Isaiah
said, I will take one of a city & two of a family
& bring them to Zion & I will feed then with
Pastures after my own heardt that will feed
you with knowledge & understanding [##Jeremiah 3:14-15]. And
inasmuch as you harken to council you will
know what the will of the Lord is concerning
you in all things.

O Pratt arose & said I do not know that
I can say any thing to impress the subject upon
your minds that has been spoken upon more
fully than has been done. There are some things
howevere I wish to mention; we have learned
from what we hear this day about the blessings
that will be given when the Temple is finished
I will speak of some of the consequences that
will follow if we do not obey. The Lord has
said he will reveal things that have been hid from
the foundation of the world.

Page 126

No former age or generation of the world has
had the same things revealed. But the Lord
says if you build that house in that time you
shall be blessed, if not you shall be rejected as
a Church with your dead saith the Lord [Doctrine and Covenants 124:32], so
if that house is not built, then in vain is all
our cares, faith, & works our meetings & hopes
are veign. But if few do their duty they
will get the Blessing, & we are determined to
do our duty & set these principles before the
Saints we will turn this responsibility upon
the heads of the Saints & clear our garments
& then the Lord is able to endow all the
faithful in some other place. The Lord
gave a revelation several years since & said
gather together your wise men & send up your
moneys & buy lands if not you shall not have
an inheritance but your enemies are upon
you. We went through & told the Saints thes
things but did the Churches do as god comm-
anded, No they did not & the Revelation was
fulfilled & the Saints driven out. The Lord
says the SChurch shall give heed to the
words of the Prophet as he is to hold the keys
of the kingdom
of God in this life & the world
to come then it is of much consequence that
you give heed to his word, you can ask God if
the work is true & he will give you a testimony
I doubt in my own mind if any man can stand
what they will have to pass through unless they
do get a witness for themselves, & I pray
you to give heed to the words the Twelve have
taught you & ask God to help you

The Conference was Adjourned untill 10 oclock
tomorrow morning

Page 127

~ Sunday

Sept 10th 1843 Sunday Morning

Conference met according to adjournment
Meeting was opened by singing & Prayer By Elder
Magin after which Elder W. Woodruff arose
& addressed the assembly from Amos 3 ch 7 ve[rse]
'Surely the Lord God will do nothing dut [but] he
revealeth his secrets ^un^to his servents the Prophets'
The speaker Remarked that according to the
Testimony of the scriptures in all ages of the world
whenever God was abot to Bring a Judgment upon
the world or accomplish any great work, the first
thing the Lord has done has been to raise up a prophet
& reveal unto him his secrets & send him to warn the
people, that they may be left without excuse. This
was the case in the days of Noah & Lot. God was
about to Bring Judgments upon the people & he raised
up prophet & warned them of it but they did not
give heed to them But rejected their Testimony
& the Judgments came upon them & they were
destroyed, while the prophets were saved by persui-
ng the course marked out by the Lord. Jesus Christ
Testifyed to the Jews of the things that awaited
them as a nation the fall of Jerrusalem & their
dispersion among the gentile world but they did
not believe it yet the secret of all these things
was revealed to the Prophet & Apostles & they
Believed it & looked for its fulfillment, & it
came to Pass as it was predicted, though conterary
to the expectations of the Jewish Nations. In like
manner do we look for the certain fulfillment of
those tremendous events upon the heads of the
gentile world, which have been spoken of & pointed
out by all the Holy Prophets & Apostles since the world
began who have spoken as they were moved upon
by the power of God & the gift of the Holy Ghost

Page 128

events which more deeply consern the gentile
world than the overthrow of Jerrusalem & the disper-
sion of the Jews did the Jewish Nation, for
while they stumbled at the stone they were broken
but while it falls upon the heads of the gentile
world it will grind them to pow[d]edr. And the full
set time is come for the Lord to set his hand to
accomplish thies mighty events. And as the Lord
has done in other ages, so he has done now he has
raised up a Prophet & ^is^ revealing unto him his secrets
& through that Prophet He has brought to light the
fullness of the everlasting Gospel to the present
generation, & is again once more for the last time
esstablishing his Church upon the foundation of
the Ancient Apostles & Prophets Christ Jesus
Being the chief corner stone. In the Church is
now found Judges as at the first & councillors as
at the beginning. The Church is composed of Apostles
& Prophets, Pasters & Teachers, gifts & graces for
the perfecting of the Saints the work of the
ministry & the edifying of the body of Christ
The Lord has raised up servents & sent into the
vineyard to prune the vineyard once more for
the last time, to Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ
to warn the Nations that they may be left without
excuse in the day of their visitation & to gather the
honest in heart & the meek of the earth that Zion
may be built up & the Prophets fulfilled; one of
the secrets that God has revealed unto his Prophet
in these days is the Book of Mormon, & it was a
secret to the whole world untill it was revealed
unto Joseph Smith, home [whom] God has raised up as a
Prophet Seer & Revelator unto his people. This
record contains an account of the ancient inhabita
nts of this continant who over spread this land with
cities from sea to sea, the ruins of which still remain

Page 129

as a standing monument of their arts, science
power & greatness. it also points out the essta-
blishing of this owur own Nation & also its progress
decline, & fall, & those predictions contained in
the Book of Mormon, the stick of Joseph in
the hands of Ephraim will as truly be fulfilled
as those contained in the Bible the stick & record
of Judah [Ezekiel 37:16], & Both of these records contained
Prophesys of Great import, concerning the
gentile nations & esspecially this land & nation which
are not yet fulfilled, but must shortly come
to pass, yea its fulfillments is nigh even at the door
Though the secretts which God is revealing
through his servant the prophet [Amos 3:7] in the last days, may
be unpopular & unbelieved by the world
yet their unbelief will not make the truth
of God without effct eny more than it did
in the days of Lot & Noah or in the fall of Jer-
. When Jesus Christ said their should
not be left one stone upon another in the Temple
that should not be throw^n^ down [Matthew 24:2] The Jewsish
nation did not believe it neither would they
receive such testimony but they were ready
to look at outward circumstances, & ready to say
who can prevail against us what nation like
onto our nation, we have held the giving of the
Law the articles, the Urim & Thumim, the
Lawgiver has never departed from between
our feet. We have held the power of government
from generation to generation & what nation now
hath power to prevail against us, & through this
ordor of reasoning they were Blinded & knew not
the day of their visitation they understood not
the things that belonged to their peace. They
rejected their Lord & king, contended against

Page 130

his word & Testimony & finally put him to death
on the cross with many who followed him. But
this did not hender the fulfillment of the words
of Jesus Christ concerning that nation the words of
the Lord had gone out of his mouth & could not
return unto him void, the things that belonged to
their Peace were hid from their ^eyes^. they were count
ed unworthy as a nation. The kingdom was to be rent
out of their hands & given to annother, the die was
cast & Judgment must come. The city was soon
surrounded by the roman army led on by the
inspired Titus, & a scene of calamity, judgment & woe
immediately overspread the inhaditants of that city
which was devoted to destruction, such a calamity
as never before had rested upon the nation of Israel
Blood flowed through their streets tens of thousands
fell by the edge of the sword, & thousands by famine
women were evil towards the children of their
own bosom in the straitness of the seige the scen-
ery of which shocked the roman soldiers as they
entered the city. The Jews were crucified in
such numbers by their enemies, that they coul[d] find
no more wood for crosses or room for their bodies
in their midst, & while dispair was in evry face
& evry heart sinking, while suffering under the
chastning hand of God their enemies rushed upon
them in the city to strike the last fatal blow & as
their last resort they rushed in to the Temple for
safety which was soon on fire & they sunk in the
midst of the flames with the cry of their suffering,
assending on high accompanied by the smoke of her
crackling spires & the remaining miserable few were
sold as slaves & driven like the dumb ass before his
burthen & scattered as corn is sifted in a sive through-
out the gentile nations world. Jerrusalem was raised
from its foundations & the Temple thrown down
& the foundation thereof plowed up that not

Page 131

one stone was left upon another & Christ said that
Jerrusalem should be trodden down of the gentiles
untill the times of the gentiles be fulfilled which
has been the case to the vary letter untill the present
generation [Luke 21:24]. Will not God in like manner as truly
& faithfully bring to pass those great, important and
tremendious events upon the heads of the gentile
world which have been proclaimed by the Prophets
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, & many of the Holy
Prophets & Christ & the Apostles, on the continant of
Asia as well as th Lehi, Nephi, Alma & Moroni &
others who wrote on the continant of America
all of which have proclaimed these things as they
were moved upon by the spirit of Inspiration the
power of God & the gift of the Holy Ghost. The
Apostle says that no prophecy of the scriptures is of
any privat interpetation [2 Peter 1:20], but commandments
came not of old time by the will of man but
Holy men of God spake as they were moved upon
by the Holy Ghost [2 Peter 1:21]. Isaiah soul seemed to be on
fire & his mind wraped in the visions of the Almighty
while he declaired in the name of the Lord, that it
should come to pass in the last days that God should
set his hand again the second time to recover the
remnant of his people [Isaiah 11:11], assemble the outcast of Israel
gather together the dispersed of Judah [Isaiah 11:12], make men
go over dry shod [Isaiah 11:15], gather them to Jerrusalem on
Horses mules swift beasts & in charriots [Isaiah 66:20] to rebuild
Jerrusalem upon her own heaps [Jeremiah 30:18], while at the same
time the destroyer of the gentiles was on his way [Jeremiah 4:7]
& while God was turning the captivity of Israel, he
would put all their curses & aflictions upon the
heads of the gentiles their enemies, who had not
saught to recover them but to destroy them &
had troden them under foot from generation to
generation, at the same time the standard should
be lifted up that the honest in heart & the meek
among the gentiles should seek unto it & that

Page 132

Zion should be redeemed & be built up a
Holy city, that the glory & power of God shou
ld rest upon her, & be seen upon her that
the watchman upon mount Ephraim might cry
arise ye & let us go up unto zion the city of the Lord
our God, that the gentiles might come to her light
& kings to the brightness of her rising. [Isaiah 60:3] That the
Saints of God may have a place to flee to & stand in
Holy places while judgment works in the earth [Doctrine and Covenants 87:8]
that when the sword of God that is bathed in heav-
en falls upon Idumie or the world when the Lord
pleads with all flesh by sword & by fire & the slain
of the Lord is many that the Saints may escape these
calamities by fleeing to the places of refuge like Lot
& Noah, Isaiah in his 24 ch gives sumthing of an
account of the calamity & Judgments that shall come
upon the heads of the gentile nations, & this because
they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances
& broken the everlasting covenant. St Paul says
to his Roman Brethren that if the gentiles do not
continue in the goodness of God they like the house
of Israel should be cut off [Romans 11:20-22]. Though Babylon says I
sit as a queen am no widow & shall see no sorrow
The Revelator says, Therefore shall her plagues come
in one day death and mourning and famine & she
shall be utterly burned with fire for strong is
the Lord God who Judgeth her [Revelation 18:7-8]. Jesus presents
a parable of the Fig tree that when we see the signs
in the sun, moon moon stars, heavens & earth of
which he spoke we might know that his coming
is near that the generation in which those signs
appeared should not pass away untill all should be
fulfilled. Though Heaven & earth should pass away
his words should not pass away but should all be
fulfilled [Luke 21:7-33]

Page 133

Those things are about to come to pass upon
the heads of the present generation notwithsta-
nding they are not looking for it neither do they
believe it yet their unbelief will not make the
truth of God without effect, the signs are
appearing in the heavens & on the earth and
all things indicate the fulfillment of th prophets
the fig tree is leaving summer is nigh. And the Lord
has sent his angels to lay the foundation of this
great and important work, then why should not
God reveal his secrets unto his servents the
Prophets [Amos 3:7] that the Saints might be led in
paths of safety that they may escape those
eveils that are about to engulf a whole genera-
tion in ruin

Page 134

~ Tuesday

Sept 12th

I left Boston at 5 oclock in the
express train of cars for Portland and about
10 oclock while passeing through the Chesterwoods
6 miles south of Kennebunk the engine was
thrown from the track in consequence of a rail
being raised 8 inches by some designing miscrant
The force was such that It drove the engine
about 5 rods ahead and smashed it to peaces
with the Baggage cars piled top of it & the first
passengers cars followed in their ^its^ train & mounted the
pile ^about 8 feet high throwing the passenger from [her] seat^ and instantly killed. One Lady was brused but
not dangerous, another was slightly injured. The
lives of many were in danger, & it seemed a mystery
that so little injury comparatively was done. Four
cars were filled with passengers & had not the
force been broaken by the baggage cars many
lives would have been lost. The Baggage car
soon was on fire which was with difficulty
extinguished. The ruins had The fireman
was thrown about 3 rods & escaped with a slight
injury. But the engineer Mr Adams from
Portland was buried beneath the pile & instantly
Killed, the ruins had to be removed before the
body of the engineer could be obtained he has left
a wife & one child to mourn his loss No blame
could possibly be attached to him as the rail was
raised in such a manner that no warning was
given untill the engine & Baggage car was a pile of
ruins. Mr Thomas Hall opened his house for the
reception of the passengers & much praise is due to
the whol household for the attention that was paid
them. I spent most of the night here in the woods
& got chilled through, they sent to Portland
for another engine, which arived in time to
take us to portland in the morning on my arival

Page 135

~ Wednesday

^13^ I furnished the Editor of the American with
an account of the accident.

A hand pointing to the right I visited Br Ezra Carter & his family I
wrote 2 letters one to the Editor of the
Boston Bee giving an account of the accident
& one to Elder Taylor with an account of the
accident & sent him 10 subscribers for the
papers & wrote a few words to Phebe.

I had an interview with Aunt Judith Carter
the first time I had seen her. I visited Ezra store
he is doing a good deal of business

I walked out to scarborough in the evening
& at arived at Father Carters in the evening
with blistered feet I came upon Mother so
sudden who was walking across the room
with a candle that she was as much surprised
as though I had rained down, the first salutat[io]n
was whare did you come from. I soon had hold of
Fabyan hand & his wife's Moother looked well I
dont see that she grows old any. Father and Sarah
are at New York I cannot see them yet
After conversing with Mother & Fabyan untill
abot 9 oclok I prayed with them & Mother
lighted me to a bed in the front chamber whare
I spent the night alone, the first night I had
spent at Father Carters without Phebe being
with me, & I would have given ten dollars to
have had her with me on this occasion for
I felt lonely like a dove without its mate
But however after kneeling down by the
bed & praying for her & the children & our
friends I lay down upon the bed & soon fell
asleep & had a good nights rest

the whole distance of the day from Boston
to Scarbororough 110 miles

Page 136

~ Thursday

134th I arose refreshed by sleep took Breakfast
with Mother, Mary & Rhoda Foss then got
into a waggon with Fabyan, & rode to sister
Foss whare I saw Elizabeth, then Rode to Br
Luther Scammans, saw Luther & the children
& Mother Scammans but Rhoda was out, but
she soon come in & the manner she shooked
my hand & kissed me want slow, she is an
affectionate sister. I took dinner with them
Br Scammans is expecting to come to Hancok
Illinois of [if] not Nauvoo in the spring Rhoda
now seems reconciled to come. Both Scammans
with their wifes will come. I had a good visit
with them. I then Rode to Saco. Fabyan
gave me a pair of calfskin Boots shoes we
next Rode to Mr Millikens here I found
Arthur & Lucy Milliken, & both home sick
enough to get Back to Nauvoo, they rejoiced
much to see me. Lucy was near her confinement
will stay untill spring was well both of them
We then started home. I called upon Mr
Makinny who with his wife sent much love to
Phebe. we got home to Fathers in the evening
quite chilled, took supper prayed with the
family & went to bed thought much of Phebe
O how I want to see her. distance of the day 15 miles

~ Friday

15th I thought of taking the cars for Boston but
I could not bear the thought of going without
seeing the Father & Sarah. It was rather a gloomy
day the rain poured down like a torrent I
A hand pointing to the right wrote a letter to Shuah inasmuch as I could
not see her. Mother took me about the house
showed me her carpet that Iluse gave her & some
dresses & all the rooms. I went Into the back

Page 137

Sept 15

chamber whare Phebe has spent so many
days with me, but it was vacant the want
there, it was gloomy. I turned away. I
went to see the bark mill or New wind mill
they had built it is not large enough & it
dont do well. Fabyan gave me soul leather
for two pair of shoes for myself & Phebe
& Willy & upper leather, to take home I walked
out in the orchard no apples ripe, seasons
growing shorter in Maine. I spent the night
as usual alone

~ Saturday

16th A plesent day I wrote in my journal &
talked with mother she done me up Babary
& dandalions to take to Phebe, & she gave me
three pair of stockings & four balls of yarn for
Phebe & one pair for the two Wilfords each
In the afternoon Arthur Milliken & Lucy
called upon us the first time they had been
to Father Carters. Luther Scammans & his
Brother also came we had a good time together
Lucy talked with Mother about Phebe, she
gave me a letter to take to her Mother & wished
me to call, & see her as soon as I get home
It seemed a great consolation to Lucy to
see one from Nauvoo. I parted with them
all abot sundown. I have just herd of the
death of Elleezene Patterson who died today
left a child one week old Also Capt Mark Lovett,
Major Josiah Libby wife cut her throat today
I believe she is not dead. Capt Benjamin Milliken
& his wife is dead so times go in Maine, all
societies are nearly Broaken up, in this region
As concerning Ezras family He looks feeble
& grows old his wife is well Ann Elizabeth is

Page 138

well & sends her love to willy. I spent the eve-
ning conversing with Fabyan & Rhoda & Mother
about Mormonism the principles of it the gather[in]g
&c they seem to understand it putty well
Mother says if we follow the good spirit of the
Blessed Jesus we will do well. The two Scam-
mans & Fabyan are Saints in Principle Arthur
thinks it would be a good time to build up a
church here. we had prayers together, spoke
abot Phebe's sicknes on the road several years
since her recovery &c I took my light & went
to bed, fearing I should not see Father. But
Just as I was about to Blow the light out I herd
a waggon drive up I jumped out of Bed &
dressed me & went down & shure enough there
was father as natural as life I dont think that
that he looks any older that when I saw him
last he was well in good health I sat up & talked
with him untill 11 oclok about a good many
things & then went to bed & had a good night

~ Sunday

17th Sunday Morning I arose & took breakfast
with Father & Mother it seemed quite natural to
see Father at the Table again Mary seems
Better than she has done. I soon saw sister Foss
coming along & I soon was saluted with the
shake of the hand & a kiss after setting awhile
we all went over to sister Foss. she walked with
me, Father & Mother rode. We had a plesent
time soon Arthur Milliken came & brought
me 14 copeys of the Doctrins & Covenants I
Paid him $4 dollars & if they are sold for $1 each
their will be $10 dollars due to sumbody. I had
a visit from Nathaniel Googin, he seems to be
a spiritual man had some light we spent the
afternoon in conversing about the Latter

Page 139

day work. He sends his respets to Phebe. I
walked part of the way home with Father I
talked of taking Rhoda Foss home with me
Father said it would be well if I was a mind to
do it. I am quite at a stand dont know what
Phebe will say about it. I returned to sister Foss
& spent the night I conversed with her during
the evening & Blessed her she is strong in
faith & desires to go to Nauvoo & intends soon
to come & make a visit & stay as long as she pleases
& Shuah is not vary well contented down east
had rather come to the west. Their is quite
a western fever in a number of our friends
in Maine

~ Monday

18th I finished my letter to Shuah & sent it
to her I walked over to Fathers. Sister Foss
sends two cards, a pair of stockings & a skein
of yarn to Phebe and an apron. I found all
at Fathers House well. Just as I was sealing my
Letter to Shuah, word came that Rhoda Scam-
had a son born yesterday Sept 17th 1843
at 4 oclock all doing well. The time had now
come for me to once more part with Father
Carter & his household. Mother said I must
not have Rhoda Foss now for I had got one
good girl & I must not have all the good
ones so I left her & took the parting hand
with them all, who sent much love to Phebe
Father took me into the waggon to carry me
to Saco I left mother standing in the door
looking at me. I did not see one of John
family to speak to them I called at
sister Foss done up a few things took the
parting hand &c &c with them all who also sent

Page 140

much love to Phebe & we rode to Luther
& I here I found Rhoda abed with
a little son all quite bright & smart making
them four children 3 sons & 1 daughter I took
dinner with them, & here Parted with Father
for the last time. He thinks some of comeing
out west & bringing leather with him in the
spring. at 3 oclok In the afternoon I parted
with Rhoda, who the same as Sarah gave me
a kiss for Phebe & the children, to carry home
with me. So when Phebe reads this journal
she can partake in part of this visit with me
& put me in mind of these things for which
Purpose I have written them. I rode to
Saco & called to see Calvin who had comme-
nced to learn the wheel wright trade, he said
he liked the business. I saw Mr Nutter of
Saco who sent his respect to S B Stodard his
Father in Law we then Rode to the Depo
whare I found Arthur & Edward Milliken
waiting for me they showed me the Neighbor
of Aug 30th. rising of 20 deaths but none
of my family & may the Lord preserve them
I pray. the cars came along & I parted
with the friends & went my way leaving
the state of Maine behind me, & feeling
that I had turned around & was on my way
home. I passed through Porthsmouth &
Newburyport & arived in Boston at 9 oclok
& took a cab through Washington St to br
Tuckers & spent the night with Elder J E
. distance of the day 100 miles

A hand pointing to the right I commenced a Letter to Phebe at
her Fathers house cannot say when I
shall finish it

Page 141

~ Tuesday

Sept 19th It is a busy day in Boston the
Malitia of the country comes out. I walked
out & see G. A. Smith & Br Phelps returned
home & wrote in my Journal. In the afternoon
I went onto the parade ground & saw the militia
display, & sham fight &c it was quite a splended
appearance, returned home quite weary

~ Wednesday

20th I spent most of the day in writing[.] in
the evening I went to visit the selebrated
Ph[r]enologist O. S. Fowler of Boston He exami[ne]d
the heads of the Twelve the following is the
written character he gave me

W. Woodruff
Is a man of great action both phisical & Mental
does up things in a hurry, lets nothing sleeps
in his hands, great resolution, steem Boat
speeb, loves his liberty is not bisposed [disposed] to be
subject to the ^will or^ dictations of others, has great
independance, difficulties ownly stimulate
to increas action goes in for the largest
liberty of the mass, is a democratt of the
old school, prefers utility to Beauty and
substence to shadow show. Highly social
fond of family & friends, has few secrets
of his own, tells the plain unvarnished
facts. fears but little danger, Is not
Irresolut, desides & procedes at once to
action, his first thoughts are always best
does up his own religious thinking, does
not hang his hopes upon the faith of others
believes but little, without proof, is a two
edged sword if he does not cut one way does
another He makes positive friends or positive
enemies, has much severity, is sarcastic
bitter in his reproaches means to do right

Page 142

feels the force of moral obligation. His jokes
have more vinegar than Molasses in them
He recollects & explains facts well reasons By
inferences from the facts, By analogy and
induction, has good talking talents, is
noted for his clear illustrations

Boston Sept 20, 1843
(O. S. Fowler)
(B J Gray sect)

Page 143
Page 144
Page 145
Page 146
Page 147
Page 148
Page 149
Page 150
Page 151

~ Thursday

21st A hand pointing to the right I finished my letter to Phebe &
sent in it a copy of My Phrenological character
& chart I sent one subscriber for the Times
& Seasons
& mailed it I had an interview with
Elder E. G. Terrill I walked out in the evening
reuturned home & spent the night

~ Friday

22nd A hand pointing to the right I wrote two Letters one to Mr
Ann & Titus Mousley & the other a reco-
mmend to E. P. Magin to our Maine friends
I then took a walk with Elder G. A. Smith
to Charleston we first visited the Navy
yard of the U S. A. Saw 500 heavy peics
of cannon for shiping about 200 bushel
of Balls shot &c visited the dry dock,
saw the Vermont 90 gun ship of the line
Boston 22 guns. Cumberland 52 guns
sloop Prebble 16, Falmouth 24 guns
cannonades &c The shot on bord of these
boats rate from 32 to 64 lbs Walked on the
wall out in the harbour round a part of the
navy yard saw 30 guns mounted on
the battery, saw the sloop Plymouth now
building 24 guns, went on board of the
steem frigate Missisippi of 16 guns this
with the steem ship Missouri is the ownly
regular steem ships of war in the American
Navy. We saw the Franklin of 74 guns
visited the United States Ropewalk in
all its branches, which is carried by
a steem engine of 40 Horse power
length of the Rope walk is 13.60 feet
we next took dinner with sister James H.
cornor [of]

Page 152

I then visited Bunker Hill monument
which is one of the most splendid colums
in the world I enter the tub & was
drawn up by steem 220 feet whare
I had a view of All Boston, Charleston,
Cambridge, Chelsea &c I was carried down
by steem the same as I went up I
Bought a Book & paid 37 1/2 ct & 20
for going up. I went on to the
embankment & aat [sat] down & rote an
account of it. We next visited
the states prision their was 262
prisioners at the various Branches of
Business, after seeing each appartmet
we returned to Boston & in com[p]any with
Brother & Sister Tucker & Sister Bliss, I went
to Br Dudleys in Salem St & met with the
Saints for a prayer meeting, yet the Time was
occupied by the Twelve in addressing the Saints
Elder Page first spoke was followed by H. C. Kimball
P. P. Pratt W. Woodruff & G. A. Smith in
bearing testimony of the work & advising the
Saints to support the Press. After meeting I took
the parting hand with the Saints & returned to
Br Tuckers who carried my traveling bag on
his sho^u^lder home I spent the night with them
& most of it in packing up my trunk & things
I lay abed abot 2 hours & got up in the morning

~ Saturday

23rd [FIGURE] $100. I called upon Br Kimball who let
me have $100 one hundred dollars on P P Pratt
account to Purchase Paper with. I took Breakfast
with Br Phelps, returned to Br Tuckers & took
the parting hand with Sister Tuker & Sister Bliss
I had made it my home here & they had been vary
kind to me. Sister Bliss had done my sewing made

Page 153

me a present of a pencil & pocket Bible &c she
was the ownly one of all her connextions who had
embraced the gospel. She had a desire to come to
Nauvoo & mingle with the Saints Be baptized for her
dead &c. Br Tucker helped me to carry my trunk
to the depo. I Bought tickets in the first class cars
to westfield which cost me $3.30. I parted with
Br Tucker went into the cars & started we passed
through Worcester Springfield & stoped at Westfi
eld & as I got out I found that Elders P. P. Pratt
& E Snow was in the cars with me or the one before
me & I did not know it. I parted with them, they
went on home & I stoped at westfield, got a wagg
on to take to Crooked river to Br Ashbel Dewey's
whare I spent the night. distance 100 mile

~ Sunday

24th Sunday I spent the day at Crooked river
& preached to the Saints twice & had a good
time in the evening we rode 6 miles to see
Elder wooley he had commenced preaching
in a new place Br Rogers was with him a
number were believing, we returned home &
spent the night distance 12 miles

~ Monday

25th I parted with the Saints & Elder Dewey
took his horse & waggon & carried me to Smysbury
to Sister Cossetts. I found them well & [in] the spirit of
gathering to Nauvoo we took dinner with them
& Sister Betsey Cossett went with us to Farmington
we saw Horace Judd, Ahira Allen, & Henry Woodford
on the way going through Avon. We found our friends
in Farmington well as usual & growing better
I found a great change in Eunice she was able
to be about the house considerable & looked much
better Br Webster was also getting better 30 miles

Page 154

~ Tuesday

26th ^Sept^ Mother, Dwight & myself rode to Br
James Hookers then to the Town House & home
I then rode with Betsey, Eunice, & Br Dewey to
Br Ozem Woodruff found him in the faith strong
we were glad to meet. I went up to see Br
Seth Woodruff at the paper mill. Uncle Ozem
is desireous to go to Nauvoo. We returned to
Father Woodruff & spent the night 8 miles
We had the a good time in the evening with the Saints

~ Wednesday

27th Br Dewey & Sister Betsey left for home
A folded letter/box we received a letter from Br Azmon He &
his family have all turned Millerites & is
strong in the faith that Christ will come
in 1843 he manifests much weekness in
his remarks on the subject

~ Thursday

28th Sept [FIGURE] $100. I received one hundred dollars
from Br Dwight Webster & gave
him my note for $150 one hundred & fifty dollar
for which I am to give him a deed of the lot that I
bought of Hiram Kimball which Bullard talked of
having. I spent the day in writing
^ A single key with teeth to the right President Joseph Smith received his second Anointing this day.^

~ Friday

29th I took the parting hand with Father
Woodruff & his family & left them all
doing well I spent the time the most
agreeably on this visit of any one that I have
had with them in these last days I took
stage to New Haven left my baggage at
Browns Tavern & walked to Westville
& spent the night with Burr Frost 32 m[iles]

~ Saturday

30th Br Frost walked to New Haven with me &
Bought $12.91 ct worth of Books for
me I then parted with him & took steem
Boat for New York & arived at 6 oclok

Page 155

& called upon Elder Foster 145 walker St
& suped with him then walked with him
to Br Rogers 67 franklin St I here found
Elder B Young & Sister Cobb they were
well Elder Young went home with us &
spent the night with me. Distance of the day 75 m

~ Sunday

Oct 1st Sunday I preached twice in the Columbian
Hall. Called upon Ilus in the morning had a rainy day
took tea in the evening with Sister Ellen Foster
returned in the evening & spent the night with
Br Foster ^George Teach Leach is the
Presiding Elder^

~ Monday

2nd We called upon Elder Vynell who went
with us to a whole sale store & I bought the
following Bill of goods

3 1/4 yards Broad cloth for a suit of evryday $2.25 $7.31
2 super [Broad cloth] for a nice coat & vest $3.50 $7.00
1 superior silk long shawl for Phebe $3.00
10 yards fancy Print for Phebe dress .10 $1.00
1 doz spools cotton .50

Bought of L. R. Foster on T & S accout

1 Fir cap for W Woodruff $8.00
1 Fir Muff for Phebe W Woodruff $5.00
1 [Fir Muff] for Phebe Amelia .62 1/2
$13.62 1/2

I Bought all of Stephens works for J Taylor
paid cash $8.00

I returned home to Br Fosters & spent the day
most of it in writing I had a vary sore hand
caused by a bile

Page 156

~ Tuesday

3rd I parted with Br Foster & took steem
Boat in company with Br James Moses & arived
in Philadelphia at one oclok we stoped at
No 12 Logan St at Br Hammers. I went
in the evening with 5 of the quorum of the
Twelve [&] several other Elders on a visit
to Br ^J B^ Nickelsons, & then to my Jeffrys
& took a supper of oysters & had a cheerful
& interesting time, a number of Bottles of
sweet oil was consecrated G. A. Smith
administered to &c distance of the day 100 miles

~ Wednesday

4th A folded letter/box I recived a letter from Phebe which
I was truly glad to hear from home again
Elder Taylor wrote some in it.

The quorum of the Twelve started for
Pittsburgh this day. I spent the day in
running round the city looking for Paper
& other Materials & was weary at night
yet during the evening I accompanied
Elders Grant & Winchester to an Elocution
school which was interesting I spent the
night with Elder Grant.

~ Thursday

5th I left Philadelphia on the train of cars
for Strasburgh to see Br John Neff. I stoped
at Lummons place near Paradise. A large
No of the Saints went on the cars this
morning from Philadelphia to Nauvoo
I found Br Neff & his family all well, but
a dull prospect of getting money to buy
my printing materials with which I much
regret as I cannot go home without it
my prayer is that the Lord will open my way
I spent the night at Br Neffs Distance 85 mi

Page 157

~ Friday

Oct 6th
I must now spend several days here to
see if Br Neff can get me some money out of
the bank which I shall not know untill
monday my hand has been vary painful &
sore with my bile for a long time but is now
begining to be a little better

~ Saturday

7th It was a hard rainy day I spent in writing &
comenced to stoudy Jerman Steutier tiech

~ Sunday

8th It was still a rainy time I wrot a peace in
Sister Barbara Matilda Neff Album of which
the following is a copy


Behold their's glories within thy reach O virtuous maid
Ah maintain thy faith for this generation will fade
Round thy bower salvation & peace shall twine
Blessings surround thy head through the new covenant divine
Attend O Barbara to that truth and that light
Round thy path it has shone by day and by night
And to the brightness of its rising Kings shall COME


More blessed than most of thy sex thou art
As few have made thy choice which is the better part
Turn not to the gentile glories for thy peace or joy
Inspiration has told their doom they fall they die
Lean on thy God, let Zion be the joy of thy heart
Draw near her assemblies and with them share thy part
All nations who are wise will make her dwelling place their HOME


Not all the gentile world the hand of God can stay
Escape from her wo, she has past her safest day
Fly from her her midst for God has marked her doom
Flame and sword are near, she sinks, but Zion is thy HOME

Oct 7th 1843 Wilford Woodruff

Page 158

~ Sunday

Oct 8th [FIGURES] Sunday I commenced a letter
to Phebe in answer to hers of 10th &
13th of Sept I wrote in it 14 verses of Poetry I
Preached in the evening to Br Neffs family 12
in number, took a long lessen in steutier tych
in the evening

~ Monday

9th Broth Neff has gone to the bank to see if he can
get some money for me I spent the day at his
house writing & studying Jerman Br Neff come
home in the evening & said he had got $300
dollars for me & it did my soul much good
as it would liberate me from my trouble &
enable me to get my paper & go home

~ Tuesday

10th I arose in the morning feeling well I took
the Parting hand with Br Neff & his family
& rode in the waggon to the railroad the
passenger cars had passed so I had to take
the freight cars & had to pay the fair twice
then had to walk 4 miles to the city I found
Br J. M. Grant & O. Pratt. I called at No 12
Logan St & spent the daynight distance 85 m

~ Wednesday

11th I Received $50 of James Pawson as
a lone to be Paid the 1st of Jan It has been
a vary busy day with me in purchasing my
Paper & materials for the office walked into
business during the day 10 miles

~ Thursday

12th This has also been a vary busy day I
finished my purchase of materials for the
Printing office &c On the following page
is a list of my purchase for the printing office

Page 159

Paid cash for 30 Reams of Paper 24 x 38 $2.50 $75.00
1 Bill of Binding materials $25.00
1 Bill of Paper & Ink for printing office $278.27
1 Bill of Binding materials $22.00
for glue $5.12
1/2 Book of deep gold $4.00
2 sprinkling Brushes $3.00
freight to Pittsburgh 5367 at 87 1/2 ct per cwt $47.00
Drayage 1.00
paid cash for one travling trunk for self $11.50
[paid] 1 set of tea knives 1.00
1 Bill of paints for house $5.24
1 Bill of goods for my family $14.13 1/2
comstock on Elocution 1.00
Walker's Dictionary for my own use 1.00
cloth 3, yards satinnett for Wilford 013y 1.12 1/2
1 Bottle for Phebe 6 Brush 12 pins 8 toys .34
Paid cash for 1 lb thread for office 87 1/2

~ Friday

13th I took all my freight to the depo had it
weighed & got reciept for the safe delivery
of it I spent the day with Elders O. Hyde
& Jedadiah M. Grant had a good time in the
evening we had a good supper of oysters with
Friend Jeffreys & spent the night with him

~ Saturday

14th Took cars with Elder Hiyde to the incline
plain I then left & went on to the portable
canal boat in which was my goods I went on
board & took a section with two passengers

Page 160

& went on the railroad 100 miles then
went into the canal here they filled with
freight we had to move into another section
making 5 of us to live & sleep in about
5 feet squar two men viz Mr Miles
, & Thomas Barrett & their ladies
Mrs Barrett was from Keene N.H. & though
it hard travling she made a good deal of
sport for the company while making her
bed &c we rode during the night 40 miles
making the whole distance of the day 140 [miles]

~ Sunday

15th Sunday We rode about 30 miles from
Harrisburgh & was stoped in consequence of
a break in the canal about a dozen boats
were stoped in a body we all had to stay all
night we walked up to the break & went
back & turned in & spent the night 30 miles

~ Monday

16th the Break was finished & we started on
at 12 oclok AM we passed many boats it
was quite cool we passed the Clark ferry
coverd with a roof about one mile long a
part of which was blown of[f]. we also
passed the river at the rope ferry
which was quite a curiosity we travled
about 60 miles during the day & night

~ Tuesday

17th A cold day among the mountains we
had a slight squal of hail or snow
[FIGURE] I have been for the last two days
reading Stephens works & travels in
Yu Yucatan his second work I red his
first work on my Journey to Nauvoo with

Page 161

family in 1841. I found them highly
interesting & also the present work it is a
great proof of the truth of the Book of
I read them with the highest
degree of interest

~ Wednesday

18th We continued to clime the mountains by
locks it is more mild than it was yesterday I
spent the day reading Stephens works we
came to the end of the canal east of the
Allegany mountain in the evening the road
during the day was vary mountaineous was
47 locks in 30 miles a good deal of the
way was in the Juneatta river we lay all
night at Holladaysburgh. When we arived
in the place we found it filled with soldierrs
and a large military encampment Gov Porter
of Pa had visited the place & the independant
companies of malitia had turned out to
meet him.


~ Thursday

19th This was one of the awful, fearful,
dangerous, exciting, affecting, grand, sublime,
and interesting, days Journey I ever took in
my life. Our boat was drawn out of the canal
on cars prepared to run on the railroad to
convey us over the Allegany mountain which
is a novel scene indeed to see a canal boat
taken apart into 4 sections loaded with freight
& passengers & hoisted on a rail road by inclin
plains into the air 1500 feet over the highest
mountains & then desend into the valley below
in the same way & evry rod is attended with
the greatest danger & what adds dread to the

Page 162

is having carless men in attendance who
seem indiferent bothe to their business & the
lives of men, which was apparent during
this days scene at least

But to the detail. Horses was hiched to our
cars drew us four miles & a half then we come
to the first incline plaine which we had to rise
two cars wer fassened at the top of the plain
to the same rope that ours was fassened to at
the bottom, the engine was stationed in a build-
ing at the top of the plain that drew the
cars up & down when all was ready the signal
was given by raising a red flag the engine
was put in operation & the cars started, this
plain was a half a mile long & raised 180 feet
we went up in 2 minutes, & I was truly
thankful to reach the top for had the
rope broak or fastning untied we should
have rolled back to the bottom with a tremen-
dious crash. We were then carried on to
Plaine No. 2, which raised 125 [feet] in half a
mile our boat rocked badly while going
up but No accident hapened. We then
continued on a level untill we came to the
incline plane No 3. this was one mile & a quartr
long & raised 320 feet which we went up in
4 minutes before we reached the top the
safty car that was attached to our boat was
flung from the track which draged many
rods & flung the roap of the wheels for
10 or 12 rods I made a signal to the engeneer
who stoped & it was replaced, here again
we were in danger of breaking the rope
which would have sent us back down the
mountain more than a mile or turned us

Page 163

over into the yauning gulf below in eith[er] case
we would have been dashed to atoms my hare
rose on my head, but having got all things
ready we proceded on to plane No 4, 3/4 of a
mile long & assended 265 feet we rose this in 3 min
but it looked awful to be thus suspended almost
in the air with such a wait lives and freight
depending upon an [k]not, a twine, a rope a pin an
engine, care of a man either of which should
give way all would be dashed to atoms unless
saved by miracle. We next continued onto
plain No 5, 3/4 of a mile long 280 feet rise we
were carried up this also in 3 minutes, which
brought us on to the summit of the Allegany

The whole 5 incline plains
on our assending the mountain are four miles
in length which raises us perpendicular 1,170
feet & I felt thankful to God that I was on the
top of the mountain alive but we had got to
desend in the same way that we assended, we
run on the top of the mountain about 5 miles &
then began to desend we found snow on the
top of the mountain & it was exeeding cold
we had 6 incline planes to desend to get to the
bottom of the mountain, the whole of which
was attended with equal danger and car[e]lessness
as we came upon the brink of one of them the
cars being drawn by horses, the men had left the
breakers the conductor seeing the cars coming
& about to run onto the Horses He hollowed [hallooed] for
the men to break but finding no one at the break
ers & the cars approaching the incline plain the team-
ster liberated his horses as soon as possible & they
Just escaped being run over & the conductor
sprung to the breaker himself & with great

Page 164

exhertion merely saved it from runnind
down the plain, which would have dashed it
to attoms I was standing in the cars at the
time I instantly flung my cloak from my
sholdiers shoulders & prepared myself from
leaping out of the cars in case it should start
down the plain in either care [case] it might have
killed me but I knew it was certain death to
go down the plain but through the mercy of
God they were stoped before they began to desend
the whole distance was a constant scene of
danger, & I called upon God in my heart to
preserve my life even while on a level we were
running on the edge of precpices hundreds of feet
deep which if a wheel should break or run
off the track the cars would shurely be
plunged down the precepices which would
make an end of all flesh that was on board
we passed through one tunnel in the mount
& when we reached the bottom of the
incline plaines I felt thankful to God & felt
that we were mostly out of danger but they
put the boat together & started it on the rail
with all on board without horse or steem, and
the rail road being a little desending it increased in
speed untill it run at a rapid rate & was still
in danger of upsetting it run of itself 4 miles
untill it came to the canal whare it was to take
water & here again to finishe the day with
danger a train of cars was left in our track
& with all the power that could be exherted
on the breaks we bearly mised of having
a smashe up at last, we finally got rolled
into the water alive with no bones broakin
or lives lost & for one I had a glad heart

Page 165

while conversing with the mate in the evening on
the subject he remarked that we were not sensib-
le of one half of the danger that we were in
during the procedings of that day but I was
sensible of a good deal at least we got into the
canal about dark being 36 miles from
canall to canal in crossing the mountains
we travled all night in the canal which
was one constant scene of locks

~ Friday

20th The boat I was on was the Robroy owned
& commanded by Capt Bennett of the line of
Gregg & Bellows & Co we saw the captains
farm & stoped 30 minutes at it we passed through
the tunnel on the canal under a mountain
900 feet long arched overhead

~ Saturday

21st We arived in Pittsburgh at 10 oclock A.M.
& unloaded our freight at the wharf I called
upon several of the Brethren those in Strawbury lane
& Br Savory the Presiding Elders Wellingford &
Taylor was the house whare my goods was left
the whole distance from Philadelphia to Pitts-
burghh was 400— miles

I immediately went on board of the Alps and
ingaged my freight carried to St Louis for
30 cts per cwt & I took it all on board &
went on myself & started at 5 oclok got to
Beaver saw Elder E Snow with a compay
of about 50 Saints

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday left Beaver & rode to wheeling &
spent the night I finished reading Stephens
travels & found them highly interesting Elder
E Snow & his company took passage on the

Page 166

North Bend. I took deck passage on the Alps
The deck was crowded to overflowing

~ Monday

23rd Left Wheeling at half past 9 oclok
I learned this morning that I was travling
in the midst of a family of the Saints
By the name of Wm R. Durphy a family
that I was acquainted [with] in england Canida in
1838 they appeared glad to find me out we traveld
well through the day but the boat was so crouded
that half the people could not lie down or hardly
sit down. I had the good fortune to get a bunk
for myself But I gave it up for two of the
children Sisters with children I parted with
Friend Jacova and his wife about 10 oclock in
the evening who were landed home we had been
together all the way from Philadelphia he
was believing in our doctrin

~ Tuesday

24th The morning plesant & fair sun
shines Bright But our company is vary thick

~ Wednesday

25th It is a rainy morning I was not well I
was nearly rosted out with a hot stove & the
deck was stoved so thick with Black & white
male & female that they could scearsly [scarcely} stin [stand]
arived in Cincinnati at 11 'oclok called upon
Br Baker in Elm st Between 5 & 6th st I
Bought a stove of him for $26, for which
I, gave him my note payable in two months

~ Thursday

26th Got all of my freight on board of the
Govornor Brethrett and she started at 1 oclok
loaded down to the guards & crowded to overflowing

Page 167

Paid fare on the Alps to St Louis $2.50
had a rainy damp & a snow storm through
the night

~ Friday

27th Arived in Louisville at 4 oclok in the
morning I visited Kelloggs paper ware house
bought a bottle of writing ink 54 cts 1[8]44
Almanack $2.00 I visited Morton & Griswold
Paper Warehouse the largest one in the city
& Bought 3 quire of marble paper at 75 cts pe[r] qr
$2.25 got their samples of paper & prices con
do better than in the eastern market considering
freight &c. Returned to the Boat Remained
in Louisville untill 8 oclok in the evening
being 10 hours in Louisville before we cleared
the locks I never was in a worse mess to
travel with. we had a cold night

~ Saturday

28th A plesent morning but cool travel well
through the day, word got into the cabin
that I was a mormon as is called & a preacher
& many came to see me Mr Walker of Ill was
one & Mr J Abel came came down after I was in
bed & asked me many questions about Joseph
& mormonism the plates &c these things
was the topic of conversation continually on
the river. I Bunked part of the time with
a missouri Baptist Priest. I have taken
cold & some reumatism as their is a stream of
water running near their my head on the wall

~ Sunday

29th Sunday I arose in the morning with my
Reumatism griping me through the sholdiers
Mr Abel was ready to renew the subject of
mormonism & when he had done others comme-
nced we reached the mouth of the Ohio abou
1 oclock & I was glad to get so near home

Page 168
Page 169
Page 170
Page 171

I am getting tierd of a deck passage about
sun set we pasted Cario past two Boats that
were aground the Harry of the west & the
walnut Hills. We struck the bar going over

~ Monday

30th We took a boat in tow & travled slow

~ Tuesday

31st Travled slow through the day

~ Wednesday

Nov 1st We arived in St Louis at 4 oclok
in the morning & was glad to get so far. I
made a bargain with Capt Glaim, master
of the Sarah Ann to take my freight to
Nauvoo for 20 cts per cwt but he said he
could not wait for me longer than 10 oclock
& I had to wait untill 150 tons of freight
was removed before I could get mine & I
laboured & toiled hard to get my freight out
but did not accomplish it untill 4 oclok in
the Afternoon & the captain crowding me
evry moment I had but little time to do any
thing in St Louis but I bought a bill of
articles for my family & house that amounted
to about $10 & got evry thing safe on board
of the Sarah Ann & started for Nauvoo with
a large keel boat in tow both loaded down with
freight & passengers I tore my fingers badly
with a rope gitting out a box. I found
Elder Rushton & his wife on board we stoped
on the biler deck we had a rainy night
I took cold

~ Thursday

2nd We had a rainy day Rushton preached
in the evening

~ Friday

3rd Left freight at Hamilton & quincy I stopd
at quincy & bought a saw $1.50 sundries $2.00

Page 172

4th Left freight at Warsaw & Keokuck took
lighters to go over the rapids I went upon
the keel, & Arived at Nashville & I spent
the night with Br Asahel Smith & was glad
to see any of the Saints again had two
hard characters to contend against who
were opposing the fulness of the gospel I
bore testimony to them of the truth of the

~ Saturday

4th Steem Boat arived in the morning took
their freight out of the lighters into the steem
Boat & went to Montrose stoped several
hours & crossed to the landing at the upper
stone house in Nauvoo & the Lord knows
if ever a soul was thankful to tread the soil
of Nauvoo it was myself I felt liberated
as from a prision I found Br Elias Smith
on the shore ready to receive me & also other
which I was glad to see. I had to Pay $3 for
Elder Rushton to get his goods on shore
& I had to Pay 2 1/2 cts more on a hundred
for freight than the agreement in consequen[ce]
of the sermon Preached by Elder Rushton
But I got all my goods on shore safe & 4
teams loaded down accompanied me to
the printing office whare I found my wife
& children all well except Phebe Amelia
who was troubled with the bowel complaint
but all looked cheerful & comfortable
we tumbled our Boxes into the house &
I spent the evening with my family once
more I took pleasure in presenting to
my wife & children some articles of clothing
& necessiaries which I had brought home
Distance from Pittsburg to Nauvoo 1500 miles

Page 173

~ Sunday

Nov 5th Sunday I went to meeting to the
temple found the walls had been reared
several feet all around during the 4 months
of our adsence Elder S Rigdon Preached
during the day I visited many old acquaint
ances laid hands upon some that were
sick & returned home & spent the night

~ Monday to ~ Friday

6, , , & 10. I spent this week looking
after my affairs I found them in a bad
situation my house that I had commenced
before I left which I expected would hav
been reared with its roof on I found ownly
reared a few feet from the ground on the first
story I spent the week in making preperations
to carry on the work. I have found by
experience that a mans business will not
prosper as well when he is absent as present

7th I attended a council with the 12 was appointed
a committee with J. Taylor P. P. Pratt & B Young to raise $500 to Buy paper to print the Book of Covenents

~ Saturday

Nov 11th 1843

During the evening I walked over to Br
Taylors & spent some time in conversing about
the principle of the celestial world or some
of them Br Hiram Smith was in with us &
presented som ideas of much interest to me
concerning Baptism for the dead, the resurrection
redemption & exhaltation in the New & everlasting
that reacheth into the eternal world
He sealed the marriage covenant between me
& my wife Phebe W. Carter for time & eternity
& gave us the principle of it which was inter
esting to us after spending the evening plesantly
we returned home & spent the night

Page 174

~ Sunday

12th Sunday A hand pointing to the right I wrote in company with
Br Elias Smith 3 letters one to Br John Hardy
one to Br George T. Leach of New York &
one to Br Jedadiah M. Grant of Philadelphia
making request of them to centre their
means into the hands of Br Grant of Philadelph
to pay a debt of $75.

~ Monday

13th I commenced work again on my house
with the masons

~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday

14 & 18. was spent vary busy in
laying brick on my house we finished the
first story on Saturday the 18th

~ Sunday

19th Sunday I have been quite unwell for
several days I have worked to hard for
several days I spent this day in writing
my Journal

~ Monday

20th Still felt quite unwell but went to the
house & assisted in getting the Joice on
the second story of the house

~ Tuesday

21st I still felt feble the masons commenced
laying Brick on the second story I was at
the house some part of the day

~ Wednesday

22nd [FIGURE] I settelled with Francis Pullin
and P Colton & took their recipt in full
for all demands up to this date I gave them
my due Bill for $29.42 on the printing
. It The Bill of Brick I had of
Pullin was 14,574 Brick which amounted
to $88.65 Bill for fixing the house $11.44 cts

Page 175

my Bill against them was ^$100.09^ - $70.67
Balance due them was $29.42
I laboured hard through the day I set
my window frames in the second story in
the fore part of the day 5 in Number

~ Thursday

23rd It was a rainy morning I felt unwell

~ Friday

24th It was a cold rainy day could not work
on the house

~ Saturday

25th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] We set three window frames in the
Back story second & baid up about 3 feet
of Brick I was called in the evening to a
council with the Twelve when I arived at
Joseph Smith's Store I found the High
council sitting on a case of Harrison
for some improper conduct or offer
towards some female at the close President
Joseph Smith made an address upon the
subject which was highly interesting & its
tendency was to do away with evry evil
& practice virtue & Holiness before the Lord
that the Church had not received any
license from him to commit adultery forni-
or any such thing but to the contr
ary B if any man commit adultery He
could not received the celestial kingdom
of God even if he was saved in any kingdom
it could not be the celestial kingdom He
said he thought the many examples that
had been manifest John C Bennet & others
was sufficient to show the fallacy of
such a course of conduct. He condemned

Page 176

the principle {completely} & warned those present
against going into those evils, for they would
shurely bring a coCurse upon their heads after
meeting Joseph Smith met with the Twelve
& informed us that General Fryeson was in
town & wished an interview with us he had
come for the purpose of getting a memorial
written to Congress but it was late & we had not
time during the evening so we dispersed

~ Sunday

26th Sunday After setting my affairs in
order I went to President Joseph Smith
house & found Presidents Joseph Smith &
Hiram Smith, with the quorum of the Twelve
in council with General Fryason before
whome was read the affadvits of Hiram
Smith, B. Young, P. P. Pratt Lyman Wight
George W. Pitkin & Sigdney Rigdon & spent
the day in conversing about these things

~ Monday

27th I visited various parts of the town it
was a cold day I visited Br Hammer who
has just got up the comb busines I saw some
specemins of his work which was good
[FIGURE] I sold Wm Parsons one half of the
lot I bought of him east of the Temple for
$45 dollars he has the stable & I the part
containing the house

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

28th & 30 Spent the Time about the city in
various kinds of business

~ Friday

Dec 1st 1843 I commenced work at my
gangway doors & cleaning out my sullars
[FIGURE] I was sued in company with J Taylor
By Mr Madison for a debt of about $40
the first time that I was ever sued in my life

Page 177

~ Saturday

[FIGURES] Dec 2nd 1843
Seventh Day morning
I felt quite unwell yet I met with the quorum
& conversed upon a variety of subjects among
which were the progress of the work of God &
the emegration of the Saints, the light blessings
& glory that awaiteth Zion & the blessings that
approach those who keep the Law of God. Truth &
virtue will bring exhaltation to the soul in the
security of knowledge while Bigotry & superstition
will Join vice in debasing man in ignorance
untill he degrades humanity & looses the objet
for which he was created. P P. Pratt Orson Hyd
W Woodruff G A Smith & O Spencer all of us
received our Anointing preperitory for further
Blessings from 1 oclk to 6 PM.

~ Sunday

Dec 3rd Sunday I met with the quorum &
herd an address deliverd by President Joseph
, the fore part of the day was taken
up on the appeal to the green mountain boys
it was read by W. W. Phelps & consecrated &
dedicated unto God by the quorum the latter
part of the day was taken up by instructions
from President Smith & remarks from
others President Hiram Smith injured his
leg by a fall. I was quite unwell we were both
prayed for I received a blessing

Page 178

~ Monday

4th I was quite unwell our suit with Madison
was put off two days I was confined to the
house most of the day

~ Tuesday

5th I was still quite unwell with a bile on the
cords of my neck I had taken cold in it

~ Wednesday

6th Our case with Madison came on to day Elias
attended to it for us, confessed Judgment
which let the debt run 70 days it was merely
$46 dollars. I began to get a little better in health

~ Thursday

7th Their is no little stir made in the world in
consequence of the progress of the Latter Day
Saints A messenger has Just arived from
St Louis informing us that the Governor of Mo.
has isued another writ for President Joseph Smith
& is about to make an appeal or demand of the Governor
of Illinois. President Joseph Smith has
made an affecting appeal to the Green Mountain
of Vermont for assistance in obtaining redress
of his wrongs in the persecutions of Missouri. We publis-
hed it in pamphlet form & sent it to the various
authorities of the United States

~ Friday

8th The City Counsel was called & passed an
ordinance the purport of which was that any
person henceforth that should come with a writ
to take Joseph Smith on the old Missouri difficu
lty should be imprisioned in the city Joal for life
unless pardoned by the Governor with the consent
of the mayor. We published it on an extra sheet
of the Neighbor & sent that abroad also
Sister Cornelia Divine commenced labour with us
this day

Page 179

~ Saturday

Wheat sheaves ^9th^ We met in council at the store with the quorum
Elders W. W. Phelps Levi Richards & C Lott
met with us. ^received their anointing^ Their was a meeting of
the citizens in general & the ordinance passed
yesterday was read before the multitude &
speaches made by several persons the last of
which was President Joseph Smith who gave
an interesting address to the assembly spoke of our
persecutions, the manner that our rights & libertis
had been trampled upon & that it was time it was
stoped, they all sanctioned the speach of the
general & were dismissed in good order & returned
to their homes

~ Sunday

10th Sunday I spent the day at home Elder
G. A. Smith & his wife spent the day with me
In the evening Wheat sheaves I met with the quorum Br
Joseph was not present. B Young was called to
the chair who addressed the meeting in a vary
feeling manner & interesting to our minds, he
reasoned clearly that we should follow our
file leader & our savior in all his law & command
ments without asking any questions why they were
so He was followed by P. P. Pratt & others who
expressed their minds freely several sick were Prayed for

~ Monday

11th I spent the day at home

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

12, , , ^&^ 15. I spent the week at work on
my house

~ Saturday

16 Wheat sheaves I met with the quorum. President Young
& others took the lead of the meeting

~ Sunday

17th Wheat sheaves I met with the quorum Br Samuel
met with us ^received his first anointing^ President Joseph Smith
met with us also we received good instruction

Page 180

~ Monday

18th A short time since Br Daniel Avery and
his son Philander Avery were both kidnaped
by some Missourians & other mob men from
Illinois & taken to Missouri and put in prision,
one of the kidnapers a schoolmaster was taken
with a warrent & brought to Nauvoo & had his
trial this day before squair Johnson his name
was Elliot he was bound over to county
court under $3000 dollar bonds. He was
then taken with another warrent for threat-
ning President Smith life which charge was
also proven against him, but President
Smith forgive him, & he was finally dischargd
on that case President Smith made an
eloquent speech upon the subject manifested
mercy towards his enemies when they were in
his power, but he lifted up his hands towards
heaven & declaired that if Missouri came
against us any more he would fight them
& defend his rights

~ Tuesday

19th A warrant was also issued against
Col Williams who was the leader of the
kidnaping scrape but he had gatherd a mob
around him & swore defiance against the
law or comeing to Nauvoo, so the officers
returned to Nauvoo for council assistance &c

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

20th, 21 I spent the time to work on my house

~ Friday

22nd I worked exceding hard with the expectation
of finishing the brick work of my house. I had
6 masons 5 tenders & 2 carpenters but we did
not quite finish it I went home & went to bed sick
& I had a dredful sick night

Page 181

~ Saturday

Wheat sheaves Wheat sheaves 23rd Saturday

I arose in the morning quite unwell. I walked
with Mrs Woodruff to President Smiths I met
with the quorum through the day Mrs Woodruff
& several other sisters were present Br &
sister Morley &c O Pratt Sisters Lot Fanny Murry
P. W. Woodruff Batsheba W. Smith Sister O. Spencer
Sister Phelps received their anointing^

~ Sunday

24th Sunday I Preached in the fore part
of the day at Br David Fulmers. In the
afternoon I met with the quorum of
High Priest in company with Elder G. A. Smith.
I addressed the quorum for about one hour
and was followed by Elder G. A Smith I had
the liberty of speach Wheat sheaves in the evening I
again met with the quorum in company with
Mrs Woodruff we recieved some instruction
concerning the Priesthood

~ Monday

25. CHRISTMAS DAY A large Party
met at the Nauvoo Mansion & had A splendid
dinner and supper and spent a long evening
I was invited By Elder R. Allexander to
meet the Tennessee Saints at his house in
company with my own family I did so &
found Br Smoot & family Br Allexander &
family & Sister Petty & family, we had a
social interesting time together. we had a
good feast & spent the evening in conversing
about the things of God.

~ Tuesday

26th I spent the day about town getting
materials for the roof of my house

Page 182

~ Wednesday

27th I spent the day at home their was a lecture
deliverd on music By a stranger at Joseph store
in the evening

~ Thursday

28th Mrs Woodruff was sick this morning
I went to the mill for my sheeting but did not
get it. I attended meeting in the evening with
Elder Young on the flat we had the house full
and a good time the following are some of the
items of doctrin that Elder Young presented
[FIGURE] Be subject to the powers that be. Our sufferings
are that we may learn by experiance the prin-
ciple of contrast between good and evil. in order to
obtain Power never suffer anger to find a seat in
your breast all never get angry at all treat all
mildly, govern yourself your passions & it will
give you power. when the Temple is done I
expect we shall be baptized, washed anointed,
ordained, & offer up the keys & signs of the priesthood
for our dead that they may have a full salvation
& we shall be asviors [saviors] on mount Zion according
to the scriptures

[FIGURE] I Procured 65 subscribers for the T & S & Neighbor while east
& 10 in Nauvoo making in all 75 subscribers

~ Friday

29th I spent the time about town

~ Saturday

30th I drew 900 feet of sheeting to my
house & some floor Boards

Wheat sheaves I met in council in the afternoon & herd
a lecture deliverd on principle which was
truly interesting & edifying

~ Sunday

31st Sunday and the last day of the year I
Preached at Br Abers in the morning & had a
good time. I met with the High Priest & spoke
a few moments & was followed by Elder B Young
Wheat sheaves I met in council In the evening & was interested

Page 183
Page 184

A Synopsis of the travels and labours
of W Woodruff in A.D 1843

Travled in 13 of the United States 5171 miles
Held 26 meetings
Attended Conferences & councils 20
Baptized 6 persons
Confirmed 10 persons
Ordained 5 Elders
Blessed 15 Children
Administered unto the sick 25
Wrote 25 Letters
Recieved 12 Letters
Married 2 Persons
I Reported and recorded in this Journal seven interesting discourses from Joseph the Seer 7 Reported
I Reported & recorded eight sermons of the Twelve 8 Reported

I spent most of the time in company with
Elder Taylor in attending to the Printing office
During the past year in printing the Times &
& Nauvoo Neighbor

I Procured 75 subscribers for the T & S & N N 75 subscribers

Page 185
Page 186

~ Monday

JAN 1st 1844

Eighteen hundred forty four enters the stage
with a cold blustering rain storm I spent the
day plastering and white washing the printing
. I spent a few moments however in
planting some choice stones in my garding [garden]
I planted, 4 Apricotts, 13 Plums, 11 shugar
cherry & 30 choice peach stones. President
Smith had a large company at his house as he
did on the eve of Christmas

~ Tuesday

2nd A light snow storm through the day I
spent the day in posting Books in preparing accounts
for settlement

~ Wednesday

3rd A, Court of inquiry was held at Joseph Store
concerning Wm & Wilson Laws & Wm Marks who
had herd some reports from the poliece against
their interest but all proved a fals report Wm Law
professed to believe that Joseph Smith had instructed the
poliece to kill him but it was without foundation

~ Thursday

4th Another court of inquiry was held upon
the same subject of the one yesterday but
all terminated in report without foundation
Wm & Wilson Law were traitors to Joseph and
were seeking his life History sayes this court was on the 5th

~ Friday

5th We had a snow storm commenced in
the evening I spent the time settleing accounts

~ Saturday

6th Is several inches of snow on the ground
I went to the upper landing after wood

Page 187

~ Sunday

Jan 7th 1844 Sunday Elder Hale came
with his sleigh & took myself & wife Brs Smith
& mMorgan on to the Hill & I preached to a full
house at Br Abers, & had a good time. We
dined at Br Hales & Father & Mother Boyonton
at 3 oclok I attended another meeting & preached
at the house of Br Cheese, after which Mr Boynton
took us home. Mrs Woodruff and myself met
with the quorum and we had an interesting time
of instruction [FIGURE] I spoke during the day upon
the relationship that we sustained towards
our Progenitures & posterity in the resurrection
of the dead Wheat sheaves we returned home offered up our
prayers [FIGURE] for the salvation of our friends & retired
to rest

~ Monday

8th Spent the day but done but little

~ Tuesday

A hand pointing to the right 9th A hand pointing to the left I wrote 2 Letters one to Br
Neff & one to Br Baker of Cincinnati

~ Wednesday

10th A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the left I wrote 3 Letters one to
Dwight Webster & father Woodruff
family & one to Aunt Cossetts family & one
to Luther Scammans

~ Thursday

11th Spent the day in writing

~ Friday

12 Spent the day at home

~ Saturday

13th The city council met & treated upon the
subject of granting licence for retailing liquors
president Smith addressed the council a
number of times. I commenced shingleing
my house this day let the Job to John Gray
for $12, the cornish cost $22, the tin gutter $7.

Page 188

~ Sunday

Jan 14th Sunday I preached in the morning at Br
Haws Wheat sheaves in the evening I met withe the quorum of
the Twelve conversed upon a variety of subjects
building the Temple, the endowment &c some
good ideas advanced

~ Monday

15th [FIGURE] The citizens of Nauvoo made a bee for
choping wood for President Joseph
on his land north of the city I
went up with them & found about two hundred
axman on the ground & from thirty to forty tearms [teams],
about 100 loads of wood was drawn to the house
of the Presidents & as many more left on the
ground to be drawn another day. I swung an
ax during the day & was lame during the day night

~ Tuesday

16th I had a pig in the sullar & I believe
the devil got into ^him^ he leaped out of the pen
destroyed one Jar of Butter one Jar of lard
scattered ashes all over the sullar & kapered
about over the corn I gave him a dismissal
from the sullar and never saw him afterwards

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

16 & 19th I spent the time about home
settleing my accounts &c I ascertained during
this time that Elder John Taylor bought the
Printing office of President Smith & wished
to come in & take possession of it so I must
now settle all my accounts & return
back to my own habitation

~ Saturday

20 Spent the day settelling accounts
Wheat sheaves in the evening I met with the quorum in
the evening & had an interesting time
H. C. K V. K Received their second Anointing &c.

Page 189

~ Sunday

Jan 21st 1844

Sunday I met with the congregation
of the Saints at the Temple & herd an
interestin discourse deliverd by president
Joseph Smith In the afternoon I preached
to a company of Saints at the house of Br
Coolage & had a good time

Wheat sheaves I met with the quorum in the evening
had an interestin time many good exhorta
tion were given by the brethren concerning
the things of God. [FIGURE] P. P. P. Received his
2nd Anointing. Joseph said concerning Parley P
Pratt that He had no wife sealed to him for eternity
and asked if their was any harm for him to
have another wife for time & eternity as He
would want a wife in the resurrection or els
his glory would be cliped many argum[en]ts
He used upon this subject which were rational
& consistant

Br Joseph said now what will
we do with Elder P. P Pratt He has no wife sealed to
him for eternity He has one living wife but she
had a former Husband and did not wish to be sealed
to Parly, for eternity now is it not right for parley
to have another wife that can

Page 190

Jan 21st Sunday [FIGURE]

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] A large assemby of Saints met at the Temple
And herd an interesting discours deliverd
By President Joseph Smith. The following is
a synopsis of his discourse upon the occasion

When I consider the surrounding circumstances
in which I am placed this day, standing in the
open air with week lungs & sumwhat out of
health, I feel that I must have prayers & faith
of my brethren that God may strengthen me
& pour out his special blessings upon me if you
get much from me this day.

Their are
many people assembled here to day & throughout
this city, & from various parts of the world
who say that they have recieved to a certainty
a portion of knowledge from God by revelation
in the way that he has ordained & pointed out
I shall take the broad ground then that if
we have or can receive a portion of knowledge
from God by immediate revelation by the
same source we can receive all knowledge.
What shall I talk about today I know what Br
Cahoon wants me to speak about, he wants me
to speak about the comeing of Eligah in the last
I can see it in his eye. I will speak upon
that subject then. The Bible says "I will send
you Elijah before the great & dredful day of the
Lord come that he shall turn the hearts of the
fathers to the children & the hearts of the children
to their fathers lest I come & smite the whole
earth with a curse." [Malachi 4:5-6] Now the word turn here
should be translated -[bind or seal]- But what is
the object of this important mission or how is it to be
fulfilled. The keys are to be deliverd the spirit
of Elijah is to come, The gospel to be esstablished

Page 191

the Saints of God gatherd, Zion built up, & the
Saints to come up as saviors on mount Zion [Obadiah 1:21]
but how are they to become saviors on Mount
Zion by building their temples erecting their
Baptismal fonts & going forth & receiving all
the ordinances, Baptisms, confirmations, washings
, ordinations, & sealing powers upon
our heads in behalf of all our Progenitors who
are dead & redeem them that they may come
forth in the first resurrection & be exhalted to
thrones of glory with us, & herein is the chain
that binds the hearts of the fathers to the children
& the children to the Fathers [Malachi 4:6] which fulfills
the mission of Elijah & I would to God that
this temple was now done that we might go
into it & go to work & improve our time &
make use of the seals while they are on earth
& the Saints have none to much time to save
& redeem their dead, & gather together their
living relatives that they may be saved also, before
the earth will be smitten & the consumption
decreed falls upon the world & I would advise
all the Saints to go to with their might & gather
together all their living relatives to this place that
they may be sealed & saved that they may
be prepared against the day that the destroying
goes forth & if the whole Church should
go to with all their might to save their dead
seal their posterity & gather their living friends
& spend none of their time in behalf of the
world they would hardly get through before
night would come when no man could work
& my ownly trouble at the present time
is concerning ourselves that the Saints
will be divided & broken up & scattered

Page 192

before we get our salvation secure for
thei[r] is so many fools in the world for the devil
to operate upon it gives him the advantage
often times. The question is freequently
asked can we not be saved without going
through with all thes ordinances &c I would
answer No not the fulness of salvation.
Jesus said their was many mansions in his
fathers house & he would go & prepare a
place for them. [John 14:2] House here named should
have been translated -[kingdom]- & any
person who is exhalted to the highest mansion
has to abide a celestial law & the whole law
to. But their has been a great difficulty
in getting anything into the heads of this
generation it has been like splitting hemlock
knots with a corn doger for a wedge & a
pumpkin for a beetle; even the Saints are
slow to understand I have tried for a number
of years to get the minds of the Saints prepared
to recieve dthe things of God, but we freequently
see some of them after suffering all they have
for the work of God will fly to peaces like glass
as soon as any thing comes that is contrary to
their traditions, they cannot stand the
fire allt all. How many will be able to abide
a celestial law & go through & recieve their
exhaltation I am unable to say but many are
called & few are chosen [Doctrine and Covenants 121:34]

Page 193

[several lines blank]

~ Monday

Jan 22nd Wheat sheaves I met with the quorum of the twelve
at President B Youngs house & spent the even[in]g
and conversed upon a variety of subjects
had a good time in expressing our views upon
religious subjects

~ Tuesday

23 I attended the Nauvoo Liyceum in the
evening in company with Mrs Woodruff

Page 194

~ Wednesday

24th I preached at Br Haws house in the
evening had the Spirit of the Lord & an inter
esting time

~ Thursday

25th Wheat sheaves Met with the quorum of the Twelve
A crown at President youngs house had a good
prayer meeting [FIGURE] O H Br Orson Hyde was
present had not met with us for some time
Orson Hyde Received his 2nd Anointing.

~ Friday

26 Wheat sheaves I met with the Twelve this evening
also at Br B. Youngs time was spent in
exhortation mostly [FIGURE] O P
spoke & we were edefyed Elder O. Pratt Received his 2nd Anointing

~ Saturday

27th Wheat sheaves Wheat sheaves The quorum met for
a meeting in the evening at Joseph store
had a number of prayers & exhortations
upon the subject of holiness of hart &c
[FIGURE] W R & [FIGURE] J R Br & Sister Richards were present
they had both been unwell for a number of
days before but wer able to attend meeting
this evening & seemed to enjoy themselves
well. they had received blessings by the prayer
of faith Willard & Jannetta Richards Received
their 2nd Anointing and sealing

Page 195

~ Sunday

JAN 28th 18454

Sunday This was quite a remarkable
day to me & my family in some respects
weather vary cold Thermometer 15 degrees
below zero. I commenced in the morning to
prepare to devote the day to write to my friend
it being vary cold I set a pot of chaircoal in
the bedroom to warm it. I shaved, washed &
changed my cloths. Phebe done the same ie change
her clothing & while we were their the effects
of the chaircoal nearly overpowerd us it made
us most sick we took the coal out aired the
room but it made us so sick we had to go to bed
upon it. however we had not lain long before
Phebe Amelia our little girl fell over thin the
chair & nearly smashed her nose blood
flew over her. after we had attended to the
child Mrs Woodruff had to returned to her
bed. We then had prayers together before
the Lord & asked for such things as we kneedld
I laid hands upon her & she was healed & attended
to the business of the family.

[FIGURES] I met with the quorum of the
Twelve and others for instruction
Mrs Woodruff and myself were both some
unwell from the effects of the coal during the
day yet we had an interesting time [FIGURES] W W P W W
I Wilford Woodruff and Phebe W. Woodruff
both recieved a benefit by Prayers and laying
on of hands. The subject of Elijah's coming
to seal the hearts of the fathers to the children & &c
was spoken of [Malachi 4:6]

Page 196

Seal the hearts of the children to the fathers Malachi IV ch 6 vers

A heart with a key inside

^Wilford & Phebe W Woodruff receivd our 2nd
Anointing & sealings^

~ Monday

29th Monday I met in the evening at Elder
B Youngs for a Prayer meeting but few of
us to gether

~ Tuesday

30 Wheat sheaves Met with the quorum at Elder Youngs
for a meeting [FIGURE] J. T. [FIGURE] L. T. Br & Sister John
was with us Br Taylor made some
appropriate remarks unto edifycation

^J Taylor & Leonora Taylor Received their 2nd
Anointing & sealing^

~ Wednesday

31 Their is quite a revival throughout Nauvoo,
& enquiring after the things of God by all the
quorums & Church in general I met with the
quorum of Twelve this evening at Elder
Youngs & had a good time [FIGURE] G A S [FIGURE] B S Br & Sister
G A Smith
was present ^& And Received their 2nd Anointing & sealing^ this evening they
have been quite unwell

Page 197

~ Thursday

Feb I spent the day painting & drawing my
arches in the front of my house & geting my roof

~ Friday

2nd I spent the day to work on my house

Wheat sheaves Wheat sheaves I met with the quorum for Prayer &c at
Elders Youngs [FIGURE] W W P [FIGURE] S P Br & Sister Wm. W. Phelps
attended with us. Br Phelps spoke concerning his
appointment as a Lawyier in Israel ^Brother &
Si[s]ter Wm W Phelps Received their 2nd Anointing & sealing^

~ Saturday

Feb 3rd 1844 I walked into President Joseph
store or office over the store & spent a few
moments in conversing with Elders W Richards
And Wm W. Phelps & President Joseph Smith
Smith came into the room & said he had a dream
& related it to us which was as follows

[FIGURE] I was standing on a peninsula in the midst
of a vast body of water whare their appears
to be a large harbor or a peer built out for boats
to come into. I was surrounded by my friends
& while looking at this harbor I saw a steem
boat approaching the harbour. their was bridges
on the peer for persons to cross & there
came up a wind & drove the steem boat
under one of the bridges & upset it. I run
up to the boat expecteing the persons would all
drowne And wishing to do sumthing to assist
them I put my hand against the side of the
boat & with one surge I shoved it under the bridge
& righ[t]ed it up & then told them to take care of
themselves but it was not long before I saw
them starting out into the channel or main body
of the water again. the storms were raging &
the waters rough I said to my friensds that if
they did not understand the signs of the times
& the spirit of prophecy they would be

Page 198

apted to be lost. It was but a few moments after
when we saw the waves break over the boat &
she soon founderd & went down with all on
board & perished. the storm & waters were still
vary rough, yet I told my friends around me
that I believed I scould stem those waves & storm
& swim in the waters better than the steem
boat did & at any rate I was determined to
try it but my friends laughed at me & told
me I could not stand the storm at all but should
be drouned. the waters looked clear & beautif-
ul though exeeding rough, & I I ssaid I believed I
could swim & I would try it anyhow they said
I would drown I said I would have a frolic in
the water first if i did, & I dove of[f] into the
raging waves. I had swum but a short distance
when a towering wave overwhelmed me for
a time but I soon found myself on the top
of it & soon I met the second wave in
the same way & for a while I struggled hard to
live in the midst of the storm & waves But
I soon found I gained upon evry wave &
stemmed the torrent better & better
& I soon had power to swim with my
head out of water so the waves did
not break over me at all, & I found I had
swam a great distance & in looking about me
I saw Br Samuel by my side I asked him
how he liked it he said first rate & I thought
so to. I was soon enabled to swim with my
head & sholdiers out of water & I could
swim as fast as any steem Boat, & in a
little time it becaim calm & I could rush
through the water & ownly go in to my loins
& so[o]n I ownly went in to my knees & finall[y]

Page 199

could tread on the top of the water & went
almost with the speed of an arrow & I
said to Samuel see how swift I can go & i though[t]
it was great sport & pleasure to travel with
such speed & I awoke

^Jos said^ what the interpetation of the foregoing
dream was the spirit of God or time must

[unknown writer]
I think "SB" referes {to the} U S she {will} get into trouble
{I} can save it, but they {will} not let me {and} they {will} go {to}
{the} devil

[rest of page blank]

Page 200

In the evening of this day Wheat sheaves the quorum
met at Joseph store. Brothers Wm W Clayton &
Joseph Young met with them But I was not
present. Elder Kington came after me with
a waggon to go to his house & hold a meeting
so I took my family & rode 6 miles across
the prarie in the storm & spent the night
at his house Joseph Young & wife & Wm Clayton
received their endowments &c 6 mile

~ Sunday

4th Sunday I preached at Elder kingtons &
returned to Nauvoo in the evening 6 miles

Wheat sheaves I met with the quorum in the evening Br
& Sister Lott was present we had a good
time in prayer Br Joseph gave us good instru-
ction in meekness & humility the revelator
John remarks was quoted to in the evening
concerning the 144000 of the tribes of Israel [Revelation 7:2-8]

^Cornelius P Lott & wife Received their 2nd Anointing
& sealing^

~ Monday

5th Spent the day at the printing office shelling

~ Tuesday

6th [FIGURE] I mooved my family & all my effect
backed to my old place cornor of Hotchkiss
& Durfee street had 6 loads in all it was
quite a cold day. In the evening In company
with Mrs Woodruff I attended a party at
Elder Taylors house it was composed of
President Joseph & Hiram Smith & the
quorum of the Twelve we spent an interesti[ng]
evening had a good feast & good feelings conversed
upon a variety of subjects & went home

Page 201

~ Wednesday

7th It was an exeeding cold day I spent my
time trying to regulate my affairs I met in the
evening withe the Twelve at the store to make
some arangments about political affairs but nothing
was done

~ Thursday

8th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] It is still cold. I spent the day at home
But I met with a congregation of the citizens
in the room over Joseph store for the purpose
of hearing the views of General Joseph Smith
given concerning the affairs of Government
his views were written & were re^a^d by Wm W Phelps
& were in the highest degree interesting. Gen
Smith gave his reasons for permitting his name to
go forth as a candidate for the Presidency of
the United States, which were as follows I would
not have suffered my name to have been used by
my friends on any wise as president of the united
States or candidate for that office If I & my
friends could have had the privilege of enjoying
our religious & civel rights as American citizen
even those rights which the Constitution guarantee
unto all her citizens alike but this we as a
people have been denied from the beginning Persecution
has roolled upon our heads from time to time from
portions of the United States like peels of thunder
because of our religion & no portion of the
government as yet has steped forward for our relief
& under view of these things I feel it to be my
right & privilege to obtain what influence & power
I can lawfully in the United States for the
protection of injured innocence & If I loose
my life in a good cause I am willing to be
sacrificed on the alter of virtue rightousness
& truth in maintaining the laws & constitution

Page 202

of the United States if need be for the general
good of mankind. Many other interesting
remarks were made. He was followed by Elders
Hide & Taylor, & a vote was taken whether
the views of Gen Smith would be maintained by
the assembly or not. the vote was universal in
the affirmative

~ Friday

9th Br Mount commenced putting in my windows
in my house I spent the day at home

~ Saturday

10th I spent most of the day at home Br Mount
spent finished putting in my windows I called
upon Br Wm Pitt

~ Sunday

11th Sunday A cold day I went in company
with Mrs Woodruff out to Br Richards
& held a meeting & had a good time in the

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

12th 13 Spent the time at home about the house

~ Wednesday

14. I spent the day with Elder Taylor we paid
Mr Matison $45.81 cts at the end of
the execution he sued out against us it
was the first time we were sued

~ Thursday

15th I spent the time at home

~ Friday

16th I went in company with Mrs Woodruff
to Br John Benbows. We found Wilford
(who was with them) quite sick with the
measels & Br Benbow was sick I spent the
night with them

~ Saturday

17th I spent the day with Br Benbow pruned the
peach trees

Page 203

~ Sunday

18th Sunday I preached at Robert Hills
had a good time Br Bendow was still sick
I Blessed 3 children Administered to 2 sick
Wheat sheaves on our return home I met with the quorum
President J. Smith with us we had a good time
Sister Orson Hyde was present

~ Monday

19th I spent the day at home at work I drew one
cord of stone from the Temple for a vault

~ Tuesday

20 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Br Luther
& Sister Sarah B. Foss

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Sarah B Foss one
to Luther Scamman 3 in all

[FIGURE] I met in council in the morning with
the Presidency & Twelve at Joseph store
two messengers arived from the pine country
with word from Lyman Wight wanting counci[l]
concerning preaching to the indians Joseph
thought it wisdom not to do it He said if Lyman
did any thing about it he must do it on his
own responsibility but finally decided not to
send any council to him but let him act with
the butest wisdom he had in all things

~ Wednesday

21st I dug a volt for an call out Building 7 feet
deep 4 feet square in the clear of the stone

[FIGURE] [Joseph Smith Papers Document] I met with the quorum of the Twelve at Joseph
store & according to Joseph council we selected
a company to go on an exploring expedition
to California & pitch upon a spot to build a city
the following persons were named Jonathan
, David Fulmer, Phineas Young, Alphonzo
, [blank] Yearsley & [blank] Emmet

At the same time we were holding this council

Page 204

Rev D Wolfe An Episcopalian clergyman
was preaching to a congregation of Saints in the
other room when he closed, President
Joseph Smith followed him & made many interesting
remarks. aAmong other things said that men
may preach & practice evry thing except those
things which God commands us to do & will be
damned at last we may tithe rue annis & cum-
min & still not obey the commandments of God
the object with me is to obey & teach others to obey
God in just what he tells us to do It mattereth not
whether the principle is popular or unpopular I
will always maintain a true principl even if I
stand alone in it & many interesting remarks
was made by president Smith

~ Thursday

22nd I did not feel well this morning I
laboured to hard

~ Friday

223 Br Morgan commenced laying Brick on our
out house I attended meeting with the Twelve
& Presidency & 25 was the number agreeed upon
for the California voy[a]ge

~ Saturday

24th We laid Brick to day

~ Sunday

25th Sunday I preached at Br Reeds house
at 11 oclock President Smith Preached
at the Temple

Wheat sheaves In the evening I met with the quorum
and had an interesting time. We had received
correct information concerning the death
of Joseph Duncan & Govornor Reynold of
Missouri He shot himself through the head
they were two of the most inveterate enemies
against the latter Day Saints. President Joseph

Page 205

Smith Prophesyed that within five years we
should be rid of our old enemies whether they
were Apostates or of the world & wished us to
record it that when it comes to pass that
we need not say we had forgotten the

~ Monday

26 A cold wind from the north Br Reed
worked for me a part of the day I met with
the quorum in the evening Wheat sheaves but meeting
closed soon after we arived. Fathers John
& wife & Isaac Morley & wife met with
the quorum in the afternoon & evening
I took a severe cold & had a sick night
^Father John Smith & wife Isaac Morley & wife r[e]c[eive]d their 2nd Anointing & sealings^

~ Tuesday

27th I arose sick in the morning a cold had
settelled in my face & teeth & I was in
pain through the day. I had a number of
visiters through the day Br & Sister Benbow
Sister Bunday & Job, & others Br Reed &
Snow worked for me to day I went to
bed about dark sick & spent a severe night
of paine I did not sleep any during the night

~ Wednesday

28th I spent an exeeding sick day my face
was swollen so that I could scarsly see out
of my eyes & pain from my eye tooth was
vary severe I spent the night also without
sleep because of paine

~ Thursday

29th The morning found me still in great
distress Elders G. A Smith & Whitney came &
lade hands upon me & towards night I began
to recover & I had a comfortable & quiate nights

Page 206

~ Friday

March 1, 1844 MY BIRTH DAY

Annother year of my exhistance has rolled away
I am thirty seven years of age this day I
am some better in health than I was yesterday
but vary weak & feeble to day I spent a comfotable night

~ Saturday

2nd I find myself quite weak this morning
though I ventured to walk out of doors some
Sister Benbow called to see me & brought
me a rabit to eat that our son wilford sent me
He is living with them

~ Sunday

3rd [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Sunday I spent the day at home during
Wheat sheaves the evening I met with the quorum had
remarks from a number of the brethren

~ Monday

4th I commenced work banking up my house

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

5 & 6th I spent the time banking up my house

~ Thursday

7th Thursday March 1844

A vast assembly of Saints met at the
Temple of the Lord at 9 oclock AM by a
special appointment of President Smith
for the purpose of advancing the progress
of the Temple &c. The quorum of the
Twelve were present Temple commitee &
six or eight thousand Saints. The corrister was
called to the stand by president Young. A Hymn was
then sung & prayer by P. P. Pratt followed by a Hymn
Elder Young arose and said the Patriarch was near
he came & took the stand & remarked the object
of the meeting was to stir up your minds by way
of rememberence it is necessary to have a starting
point is to build the temple with the assistance

Page 207

of the Sisters we expect to get the nails & glass
& with the assistance of the Brethren we expect to
do the rest. I will proclaim in publick & in private
that the Sisters bought the glass & nails by penny
subscription. Chuse ye this day wholm ye will
serve. [Joshua 24:15]

We shall call upon this vast multitude
for a sdonation to buy powder & fuse rope ^to blast the rocks in the quarry^ We
want the brethren to do as much as the Sisters.

We do not intend to finish the Nauvoo House
this season but to finish the Temple this summer
or the walls of it & get the roof on by December
& do of the inside next winter & about a year
from this spring we will dedicate it we can
do any thing we undertake we have power & we
can do great things. In 5 years to come the work
will progress more than it has for 10 years past
Isaiah said we should perform a marvelous work
and a wonder [Isaiah 29:14] I dont wonder He said so if he
saw this vast multitude & I think this people is
abundantly able to build this temple & much depends
upon it our endowments & sealing powers & many
blessings depend upon it.

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] The Prophet arived &
took the stand and arose in the midst of the ^Saints &^
said (Orson pratt come & take your post) & further
remarked I do not know whether the object
of the meeting has been told or not I apologize for not
comeing sooner. I have had so much on my mind
since I saw you that I hardly know whare to
begin or to say but one of the grand objects that
I had in view in calling this meeting was in making
a few remarks relative to the laws & ordinances
and building the temple. the reason I want to
speak of the laws is the officers have difficulty
in administering the laws. We are republican &
wish to have the people rule but rule in righteousness

Page 208

Some would complain with what God himself
would do. the laws are enacted by peteition and
they can all be repealed if they wish it but the
people ought not to complain of the officers but
to complain of the law makers. I am instructed
by the City Council to tell this people that if you do
not like any law we have passed we will repeal it
for we are ayour servants. Any that complain of
our rights and charters it is because they are
wicked the devil is in them. the reason I called
it up is we have a simple gang of fellows who
does not know whare their elbows or head is if
you preach virtue to them they will oppose that if
you preach the Methodist God to them they will oppose
that or any thing els & if their is any case tried
they want it appealed to Carthage. Mr Boswicks case
had to go to Carthage our Lawyers will send any
thing to Carthage. I want to know if the citizens
will sustain me when my hands are raised to heaven
for the people. I will areign the person before the
people that act against the interest of the city &
I will have the voice of the people which is republican
and as likely to be the voice of God. And as long as
long as long
as I have a tongue to speak I will expose
the iniquity of the Lawyiers and wicked men
I fear not their boiling over nor there boiling over
nor the boiling over of Hell their thunders & forked
lightning. I despise the man that will betray you with
a kiss. Here is Hiram kimball has set at naught
the ordinances of the city. By saying that He owns
the wharf & steem boats need not pay them.
wharefore this body is the highest court what appeal
to Carthage I would not appeal there if i died a
thousand deaths. kimball nor Morrison does not
own the wharfage Water Street runs along the

Page 209

beach, & belongs to the city & not individuals
I will reprove the lawyers & docters any how
Jesus did & evry prophet has & if I am a prophet
I shall do it, at any rate I shall do it for i profess
to be a prophet. The laws & Constitution of the
United Statese has ceded up the right to corperate
cities to regulate all wharfage of shiping & steem
Boats &c all laws of taxation is subject to the
city & not individuals. And I want from this
time forth evry fool to stay at home & let the steem
Boats & captain alone and let the peace officers alone
How can we keep off mobs & keeping innocent Blood
from being shed. By striking a blow at evry thing tha[t]
rises up in disorder & I will war an eternal war with
those that oppose me inwhile I am labouring in behalf
of the city. A man has been writing to the New York
Tribune I will not mention his name. He says
that much has been appropriated for the building the
Temple that has been spent for other purposes
But I pledge myself that any man that has paid any
old shoes, harnesses, horses, or any thing els if he will
come I will show him on Book that evry farthing
has gone on Book & been appropriated for the
building of the Temple if not so I will pledge
my head for a foot ball that this is true. their
are men in our midst who are trying to build up themse-
lves at our expense & others in our midst that are
watching for iniquity & will make a man an offender
for a word. But I will rest myself & give way for
others. President Hyram Smith arose and made
some singular remarks quite romantic compared
the Lawyiers to polewags & wiglers & toads He said
they would dry up next fall. these characters
He thought was made in gigard making time
when it was cheaper then in soul making time

Page 210

A Brother of Dr Foster threatend the myayor
& the mayor fined him $10.

President Joseph Smiths views of the goverment
was then read, which was recieved with universal
applause Gen Smith is now nominated by the Saints
as a candidate for President of the U. S. A next electio[n]
An article was also read headed a voice of innocence
from Nauvoo. And a meeting of the female relief
was oappointed to attend to the above writing
meeting adjourned 1 1/2 hours. During intermission
the Twelve met with the Seventies & they passed
a relsolution to build the Hall of the Seventies one
story higher for the presidency

Meeting commenced again at 2 oclok commenced by
singing & prayer by O. Pratt. sing a Hymn

President B Young arose and addressed the assembly
relative to different subjects as men have been
spoken of in their capacity. I wish to speak of the
duty of the claass of Lawyiers classing myself with
the lawyers in the House of Israel And when any
man who is a Lawyer will take a course to Break peace
instead of making it is out of the way of his duty
Any doctor of the Law should read the law and make
peace. The grand object we have before us is to
build the Temple this season. We have herd the
effects of slander & we want a cure & balm & I
carry one with me all the while & I want all to do
the same & I will tell you what it is. it is to mind
our own business & let others alone And suffer wrong
rather than to do wrong if any one takes your
property away let them alone have nothing to do
with them. A spirit has been manifest to divide
the Saints it was manifest in the last election
it was said if they did not look out the Saints

Page 211

on the flat would beet the Saints on the Hill
Great God how such a thing looks that the Saints
should be afraid of beating one another in the
election or being beat I would ask who built up
this city would steem boats landed here if the
Saints had not come, or could you even the
speculators have soled their lands for any thing
here if the Saints had not come they might have
sold for a few bare & wolf skins but not for
money. Can these speculaters sell all their land
to the Saints for a great price & then go away &
enjoy it somewhare els I tell you nay, for know
it ye people that Israel is here & they are the
head and not the tail & the people must learn it
all those who have gone from us have gone
from the head to the tail. [Isaiah 9:14-15] But if any of you wish
to know how to have your bread fall butter
side up, butter it both sides & then it will fall
butter side up. Uppose this work & it will roll
over you. when did this work ever stop since it
began never. The ownly thing the Saints now
want to know is what does the Lord want of
us & we are ready to do it. Well then build the
temple of the Lord keep the law of God ye Saints
& the Hypocritt & Scroundral will flee out
of your midst & tremble for the fire of God
will be two hot for them. he made many
important remarks.

Elder Taylor followed
with an address upon political matters &c traced
the History of governments for many centuries
& traced the form of governments from ancient
days to the present time He spoke of our Charters
& General Smith being a candidate for the
Presidential chair & we must do what we
can to electing him we will not be cowards

Page 212

in this thing. A coward is like an Ostrich he will
hide his head under cover & leaves his body out in
sight to be seen as we pass along so cowards
here after will be called an Ostrich. He also made
some remarks concerning the building of the
Temple. Elder Young remarked that He should
visit those who did not pay up their tithing you
will want a blessing in the temple when it is done

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] President Smith remarked in relation to
those who give in property for the temple we
want it brought to the proper source that it
may be put on the Church Book so that in
the endowment those whose mnames are on
Book shall have the prefference. As to politics
I care but little about the Presidential Chair. I
would not give half as much for the office as I
would for the one I now hold, but as the world
have used the power of Goverment to oppress & persecute
us, it is right for us to use it for the protection
of our rights. when I get hold of the eastern paper
& see how popular I am I am afraid myself that
I shall be elected. But if I should be, I would
not say that your cause is just & I could not
do anything for you. what I said in relation
to the annexation of texas is with some unpopular
the people are opposed to it. I will take this objection
away. the opposition is because it is filled up
with slavery. now I wish to turn the argument
it is the vary reason why it ought to be received
in order to watch over them of the greatest ^two^ evils
we should reject the greatest. The president of
Texas sayes if you do not receive us in the United
States we will go to the British this would certainly
be bad policy for this Nation the British are now through
out that whole country trying to bribe all they
can. How much better it is to be to a little expens

Page 213

than to have the indians & British upon us & destroy
us all. We should grasp all the territory we can and I
know much that I do not tell I have had bribes offered
me, but I have rejected them. The government
will not receive any thing from me they are
self sufficient, but they must go to Hell & work
out their own salvation with fear & trembling.
as soon as texas was annexed I would liberate two
or three states & pay them for their slaves & let
them go to Mexico whare they are mixed blacks &c
I would also receive Canida & stand by them
& many other usful remarks He made

A collection was taken up to buy powder &
fuse rope about $60 dollars was recieved.
meeting closed & we returned to our homes

~ Friday

March 8th I laboured in the garden or banking up
my house I met in council in the evening with
the presidency & twelve. Spoke concerning a
candidate for the vice Presidency they had
nominated Gen Arlington Bennet not knowing
that he was a native of Ireland. the final decision
was for me to write to Col Solomon Copeland to
invite him to visit us & see if he would suffer his
name to run for the vice Presidency

~ Saturday

9th [FIGURE] I spent the day in plowing & making
some garding I planted & sowed onions potatoes
set out straw buries & raspburies this is the
earlest time I ever undertook to make a garding

Page 214

~ Sunday

March 10th 1844 Sunday [FIGURES] I mailed a letter
to Sister Sarah B. Foss & wrote one letter to
Col Solomon Copeland. Brother King Follet
was buried this day under Masonic honors he was
killed while in a well by having a bucket of stone
fall onto him

A large assembly of the Saints met at the temple
& was Addressed by President Joseph Smith
upon one of the most important & interesting
subjects ever presented to the Saints & the principles
presented were of the greatest importance to be
understood it was as follows the work & calling
& spirit of Elias, Elijah, & Mesiah. The following
is a synopsis of the discourse

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] Their is a differance between the spirit & office
of Elias & Eligah it is the spirit of Elias I wish first
to speak of. And in order to come at the subject
I will bring some of the testimony from the
scripture & give mey own. in the first place
suffice it to say I went into the woods to inq-
wire of the Lord by prayer his will concern-
ing me, & I saw an angel & he laid his hands
upon my head & ordained me to be a priest
after the order of Aaron & to hold the keys
of this priesthood which office was to
preach repentance & Baptism for the remission
of sins
& also to baptise but was informed
that this office did not extend to the laying on
of hands for the giving of the Holy Ghost that
that office was a greater work & was to be given
afterwards [Joseph Smith-History 1:68-70] but that my ordination was a
preparetory work or a going before which was the
spirit of Elias for the spirit of Elias was a going
before to prepare the way for the greater, which
was the case with John the Baptist he came
balling through the wilderness prepare ye the [Matthew 3:1-3]

Page 215

the way of the Lord & make his paths strait [Matthew 3:3]
& they were informed if they could receive it it
was the spirit of Elias & John was vary particular
to tlell the people He was not that light but was sent
to bear witness of that light. [John 1:6-9] He told the people
that his mission was to preach repentane & baptize
with water, but it was he that should come after
hism that should baptise with fire & the Holy Ghost [Matthew 3:11]
if he had been an imposture he might have gone
to work beyound his bounds & undertook to have
performed ordinances that did not belong to that
office & calling under the spirit of Elias. The
spirit of Elias is to prepare the way for a greater
revelation of God which is the priesthood of Elias
or the priesthood arof Aaron was ordained unto.

And when God sends a man into the world to prepare
for a greater work holds the keys of the power
of Elias it was called the doctrin of Elias even
from the early ages of the world. John's
mission was limited to preaching & Baptizeing but
what he done was legal & when Jesus Christ
came to any of John's deciples He baptized them
with fire & the Holy Ghost. We find the Apostles
endowed with greater power than John their
office was more under the spirit & power of
Elijah than Elias.

In the case of Philip when
he went down to Samaria was under the spirit
of Elias he baptised both men & women. when
Peter & John herd of it they went down
& lade hands on them & they received the
Holy Ghost [Acts 8:12-17] this shows the distinction between
the two powers. when paul came to certain
deciples He asked if they had received the
Holy Ghost they said no, who baptized you
then we were Baptized unto Johns Baptism [Acts 19:1-6]

Page 216

No John did not baptized you for he did
his work right, & so Paul went & baptized them [Acts 19:1-6]
for He knew what the true doctrin was & he
knew that John Had not Baptised them, & these
principles and is strange to me that men who have
red the scriptures of the New Testament are so
far from it. What I want to impress upon your
minds is the difference of power in the different
parts of the Priesthood, so that when any man
comes among you saying I have the spirit of Elias
you can know whether he be true or fals, for
any man that comes having the spirit & power of
Elias he will not transend his bounds. John
did not transend his bound but faithfully performed
that part belonging to his office, and evry portion
of the great building should be prepared right &
assigned to its proper place, & it is necessary
to know who holds the keys of power & who
dont, or we may be likely to be decieved. That
person who holds the keys of Elias hath a prep-
aritory work. But if I spend much more
time in conversing about the spirit of Elias I
shall not have time to do justice to the spirit &
power of Elijah. this is the Elias spoken of in the
last days & here is the rock upon which many
split thinking the time was past in the days of
John & Christ & no more to be, but the spirit of
Elias was revealed to me & I know it is true therefore
I speak with boldness for I know varily my doctrin
is true. Now for Elijah, the spirit power &
calling of Elijah is that ye have power to hold the keys
of the revelations ordinances, oricles powers & endow-
ments of the fulness of the Melchezedek Priesthood
& of the kindgdom of God on the Earth & to receiieve,
obtain & perform all the ordinances belonging to the
kingdom of God even unto the sealing of the hearts

Page 217

of the hearts fathers unto the children & the hearts
of the children unto the fathers even those who are
in heaven. Malachi says I will send Eligjah befor
the great and dredful day of the Lord come & He
shall turn the hearts of the Fathers to the Children
and the hearts of the Children to the Fathers lest I
come & smite the earth with a curse. [Malachi 4:5-6] Now what I
am after is the knowledge of God & I take my own
course to obtain it. what are we to under^stand^ by this
in the last days. in the days of Noah God destroyed
the world by a flood [Genesis 7] & has promised to destroy
it by fire in the last days [2 Peter 3:12] but before it took place
Elijah should first come & turn the hearts of
the Fathers to the children &c. now comes the
point what is this office & work of Elijah. it is
one of the greatest & most important subjects that
God has revealed. He should send Elijah to seal the
children to the fathers & fathers to the children. now
was this merely confined to the living to settle diffic-
ulties with families on earth. by no means, it was a
far greater work Elijah what would you do if you
was here? would you confine ^refer^ ^confine^ your work to the
living alone. No I would confine ^refer^ you to the
scriptures whare the subject is manifest, ie without
us they could not be made perfect, nor we
without them, the fathers without the children
nor the children without the fathers. [Doctrine and Covenants 128:15] I wish
you to understand this subject for it is important
& if you will recieve it this is the spirit of Elijah
that we redeem our dead & connect ourselves
with our fathers which are in heaven & seal
up our dead to come forth in the first resurrection
& here we want the power of Elijah to seal
those who dwell on earth to those which dwell
in heaven this is the power of Elijah & the keys

Page 218

of the kingdom of Jehovah. Let us suppose
a case. suppose the great God who dwells in heaven
should reveal himself to Father Cutler here
by the opening heavens and tell him I offer
up a decree that whatsoever you seal on earth
with your decree I will seal it in heaven. you have
power then can it be taken of? No. Then what
you seal on earth by the keys of Elijah is sealed in
heaven & this is the power of Elijah, & this is
the differenc between the spirit & power of Elias
and Elijah for while the spirit of Elias is a fore
runner the power of Elijah is sufficient to make
our calling & Election sure & the same doctrin
whare we are exhorted to go on unto perfection not
laying again the foundation of repentance from
dead works but of laying on of hands, resurrection
of the dead &c [Hebrews 6:1-2] we cannot be perfect without the
fathers, &c we must have revelations then
& we can see that the doctrin of revelation
a^s^ for transcends the doctrin of no revelation as
knowlede is above ignorance for one truth revealed
from heaven is worth all the sectarian notions in
exhistance. This spirit of Elijah was manifest in
the days of the Apostles in delivering certain ones
to the buffitings of Satan that they may be saved in
the day of the Lord Jesus [1 Corinthians 5:5] they were sealed by the
spirit of Elijah unto the damnation of Hell untill the
day of the Lord or revelation of Jesus Christ
Here is the doctrin of Election that the world
have quarreled so much about, but they do
not know any thing about it. The doctrin
that the Prysbeterians & Methodist have
quarreled so much about once in grace always in
grace, or falling away from Grace I will say a word
about. they are both wrong. truth takes a road
between them both. for while the Presbyterian
says once in grace you cannot fall the

Page 219

Methodist says you can have grace to day, fall
from it to morrow, next day have grace again & so
follow it, but the doctrin of the scriptures & the
spirit of Elijah would show them both fals &
take a road between them both for according to the
scriptures if a man has receive the good word of
& tasted of the powers of the world to come if
they shall fall away it is impossible to renew them
again, seeing they have crucified the Son of God
afresh & put him to an open frame shame, [Hebrews 6:4-6] so their
is a possibility of falling away you could not be
renewed again, & the power of Elijah cannont
seal against this sin, for this is a reserve made
in the seals & power of the priesthood. I will make
evry doctrin plain that I present & it shall stand
upon a firm bases And I am at the defianc of
the world for I will take shelter under the
broad shelter ^cover^ of the wings of the work in which
I am ingaged. it matters not to me if all hell boils
over I regard it ownly as I would the crackling
of thorns under a pot. A murderer, for instance
one that sheds innocent Blood cannot have
forgiveness. David sought repentance at the hand
of God
carefully with tears but he could ownly
get it through Hell. he got a promise that his
soul should not be left in Hell. Although David
was a king he never did obtain the spirit & power
of Elijah & the fulness of the Priesthood, & the
priesthood that he received & the throne & kingdom
of David is to be taken from him & given to another
by the name of David in the last days raised up
out of his linage. Peter refered to the same
subject on the day of pentecost, but the multi-
tude did not get the endowment that Peter had
but several adays after the people asked what shall [Acts 2:25-38]

Page 220

we do. Peter says I would ye had done it ignorantly
speaking of crucifying the Lord &c He did not say
to them repent & be baptized for the remission
of your sins but he said repent therefore & be
converted that your sins may be blotted out when the
times of refreshing shall come from the presence
of the Lord Acts III, 19 this is the case with murderers
they could not be baptized for the remission
of sins for they had shed innocent Blood.

Again the doctrin or sealing power of Elijah is
as follows if you have power to seal on earth & in
heaven then we should be crafty the first
thing you do go & seal on earth your sons & daughters
unto yourself, & yourself unto your fathers in
eternal glory, & go ahead and not go back, but
use a little craftiness & seal all you can; & when
you get to heaven tell your father that what
you seal on earth should be sealed in heaven
I will walk through the gate of heaven and claim
what I seal & those that follow me & my council
The Lord once told me that what I asked for
I should have. I have been afraid to aske to
ask God to kill my enemies lest some of them
should rperadventure should repent. I asked a
short time since for the Lord to deliver me
out of the hands of the govornor of Missouri &
if it must needs be to accomplish it to take
him away, & the next news that came pouring
down from their, was Govornor Reynolds had
shot himself, and I would now say beware O earth
how you fight against the Saints of God & shed innocent
Blood, for in the days of Elijah his enemies came
upon him & fire was called down from heaven
& destroyed them. the spirit of Elias is first,
Elijah second, & Masiah last. Elias is a fore runner
to prepare the way, & the spirit & power of Elijah

Page 221

is to come after holding the keys of power building
the Temple to the cap stone, placing the seals of
the Melchezedeck priesthood up on the house of Israel
& making all things ready then Mesiah comes to
his Temple which is last of all. Mesiah is above
the spirit & power of Elijah for he made the world
& was that spiritual rock unto Moses in the
wilderness. Elijah was to come & prepare the way
& build up the kingdom before the coming of
the great day of the Lord. Although the spirit of
Elias might begin it, I have asked of the
Lord concerning his coming & while asking, the
Lord gave me a sign & said in the days of Noah
I set a bow in the heavens as a sign & token [Genesis 9:16-17] that
in any year that the bow should be seen the Lord
would not come, but their should be seed time &
harvest during that year, but whenever you
see the bow withdraw, it shall be a token that their
shall be famin pestilence & great distress among
the nations. But I take the responsibility upon
myself to prophesy in the name of the Lord, that
Christ will not come this year as Miller has
prophecyed, for we have seen the bow. And
I also prophecy in the name of the Lord that
Christ will not Come in forty years &
if God ever spake by my mouth he will not
come in that length of time, & Jesus Christ
never did reveal to any man the precise time that
he would come. go & read the scriptures & you
cannot find any thing that specifies the exact [time] he
would come & all that say so are fals teachers
Their are some important things concerning the
office of the Mesiah in the organization of the
worlds which I will speak of hereafter. May
God Almighty bless you & pour out his spirit upon you
is the prayer of your unworthy servant Amen

Page 222

At the close of the meeting I was informed
my son Wilford that was out at Br Benbows was
vary sick I immediately in company with Mrs
Woodruff went out to see him we found him
quite sick we spent the night at Br Benbows
we had prayers and administered unto our son
according to the order of the priesthood [FIGURE] & he revived
in some measure

~ Monday

^11 A crown Keys crossed A Council of {fifty} Elders was organized to
day or had its commencment to further the interest of
the kingdom of God^

March 11th We spent the day and night at Br Benbows
our son had a sick night it was a cold rainy time

~ Tuesday

12th A rainy day I rode to Nauvoo & back to get som
things for Wilford saw sever[al] brethren of our
quorum they informed me of an interesting meeting
they had had sunday night & monday. In the
evening Br Lot came to us & we had prayers
in the evening together & administered to Wilford
& he seemed to receive a blessing

~ Wednesday

13 I spent part of the day in writing & returned
to Nauvoo in the evening An arrow I met in counci[l]
with the brethren for the first time during
the week

~ Thursday

14 O [I] was with the brethren today making
some arangements concerning our mission

~ Friday

15 I was to work in my garding & met with
some of the brethren in the evening at the
store [FIGURE] for prayer exhortation &c

~ Saturday

^16 The female Relief Society met at the Assembly room^

~ Sunday

167 Sunday I visited the sick in the evening
their was a snow storm yet I met with some
[FIGURE] of the Saints & gave a lecture on experience

Page 223

~ Monday

March 18th I spent the day choreing

~ Tuesday

19th [FIGURE] Wrote a letter to Col Solomon Copeland [FIGURE]
I went to the printing office & made an
arangment to take home 200 Bound T & S

~ Wednesday

20th [FIGURE] weather gage Cold North wind a snow &
hail storm untill 10 oclok continued cloudy
& cold wind from the North untill 3 oclock
was plesant during the remainder part of the day
As the 20th of September & March is considerd
as the weather gage to govern the weather
for the year by those who observe the weather
we should calculate by this rule to have
an exeeding cold & dreary summer so that
corn could scarcely grow for this day
is the coldest we have had for near
two months

~ Thursday

21st [FIGURE] A folded letter/box I received a letter from Br Dwight Webster
and a paper from Ezra Carter. A cold snow storm
our cow ^[FIGURE]^ brought forth a durham heifer calf this morning

~ Friday

22nd A cold day I spent a part of the day
settelling with Elder John Taylor Wheat sheaves I met
with the quorum of the Twelve at B. Youngs
for prayer we united together to pray for
the Presidency the Twelve the sick &c

~ Saturday

23rd I spent the day drawing 100 rails from
Mr Middletons to the Lot I bought of Hiram Kimball

~ Friday

22nd Friday Mrs Woodruff returned home
from Br Benbows whare she had been taking care
of Wilford who had been vary sick she had been
there two weeks we were both satisfied to be at home
[FIGURE] with our children [FIGURES]

Page 224

~ Sunday

24th March Sunday I met with the Saints
at the Temple when I arived President Joseph
was speaking the following is the substa-
nce of what I herd him say

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] I have been informed by two gentleman that
a conspiricy is got up in this place for the purpose
of taking the life of president Joseph Smith his
family and all the Smith family, the heads of the
Church. one of the gentleman will give his naname to
the public & the other wishes it to be hid for the present
they will both testify to it on oath & make an affidavit
upon it the names of the persons revealed at the
head of the conspiracy are as follows (Chancy Higby
Dr Foster, Mr Jackson, Wm & Wilson Law)
And the lies that Higby has hatched up as a
foundation to work upon is he says that I had
mens heads cut off in Missouri & that I had a
sword run through the hearts of the people that I
wanted to kill & oput out of the way. I wont
sware out a warrent against them for I dont
fear any of them they would not scare of[f] an
old setting hen. I intend to publish all the
iniquity that I know of. If I am guilty I am ready
to bear it their is honor among enemies I am
willing to do any thing for the good of the people.
I will give the names of one of the gentleman who
have divulged the plot his name is Eaton. he
will sware to it he is a bold fellow. Jackson
said a Smith should not be alive 2 weeks not over
two months any how. As concerning the
character of these men I will say nothing about
it now, but If I hear any thing more from
them on this subject I will tell what I know
about them

Elder O. Spencer Addressed the people
as follows. I thought of a figure ie if a physician

Page 225

was going to dissect a body he would not begin at
the limbs but cut the head of[f] first. So the Adversary
has laid a plan to cut off the head of the Church
with the intention of scattering & destroying the
whole body. It was so in the days of Jesus
Christ the enemies sought to kill him that the
body might be destroyed, which was also the
case in the days of Elijah, Daniel, & many of the
ancients. I once herd a man say who was opposed
to this work that it might be true but it gave Jo
power. true said I but if his power
be subordinate to the power of God it is right
If a man set up a kingdom by the power of God
then let others seek power from the same source
God sets up kingdoms & pulls down kingdoms
this makes men mad that will not submit to the
kingdom of God. We all know the result of the
power of Moses who was the representative of
God. Judging from what is past how will it be
when God sets up his kingdom in the last days
whether their is a conspiracy now or not I dont
know, but no doubt their will be if not know
for it has always been so. In the days of the
Nephites they had their Gadianton robers. I
have not any doubt but that the Apostates will
Join with the others wicked powers to try to put
down the power of God, and I am glad to
have the power of the kingdom of God tested
& when it is fully tried it will stand. I care
not what sacrifice I am called to make for such
a kingdom, if its friends, welth or even life at
the purchase of such a kingdom it is cheap. did the
ancient Apostles, prophets or Saints who died pay two
much for that kingdom they did not. It is
necessary that men be put in possession of the

Page 226

knowledge & mysteries of the kingdom of God in
order to sin as far as they wish that they may go to the
highest pitch. How often men lay down their lives
for their country & other purposes, much better then
to die for the cause of God. Good and righteous
men will administer Justice & rebuke evil & the
Church should be clensed from bad men & the
Lord will take his own way to clens the Church. We
should lift up our voice against wickedness of
all kinds, but will the rulers of our land do it no
they will not. they will be cowards untill their
is no man to fight & then be brave when goverment
will not do it some man should take the helm of
government that will do it. will it be called treason
if the God of heaven should set up a kingdom.
may the Lord give you more & more of his spirit
light & intelligence untill you are cemented together
in union & love Amen

President S Rigdon arose & addressed the assembly
in an interesting manner for a length of time the following
are a few Items of his remarks.

If according to
the remarks in the morning A conspiracy does exhist
with the persons that have been named, It is one of
those kind of associations that could not exhist in
any thing except against the kingdom of God.
A word concerning power. History refers us back
beyound civilization in treating upon this subject
In consequence of power, their is strength & glory
whare their is no power it is like flies without any
ordor or rule. I have viewed the nations of the
earth & the way they are relaxing in power & the course
they are persuing one hundred years will not pass
away till there would not be a man or woman
on the earth, and nothing but the hand of God can
save it, & this is why God would send Elijah

Page 227

to do his work, for all the power the nations
will soon have is to destroy each other, for soon
nation will be against nation party against party
the rich against the poor & the poor against the rich
untill they are destroyed from under heaven
Tradition says the pope destroyed the Church
of God. Rome followed the Church as long as
their was a Saint & now you say the pope killed
fifty millions of Christians you lie sir their was
not a Christian on Earth, for when rome killed
the kChristians & would not have God rule they
wanted a pope & God gave them one or permitted
them to have one & he killed fifty millions. its
true but they were not Christians for they wer
already dead, but it was of their own number
ownly differed from them in sentiment here was
power with a vengance. But as soon as God sends
a man to use the power of God, then they are
afraid of power. now the world says the religion
of Jesus shed this blood & the bible &c but
men must be vary ignorant of the bible & the
religion of Jesus Christ to, to say such things for
it was for the want of religion & the bible that
caused the blood to be shed, for God Jesus
Christ nor religion had any more hand in it
than you had. The power of God & Jesus
Christ & religion would have saved if they had
had it.

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] President Joseph Smith again arose & said
In relation to the power over the minds of the
mankind which I hold, I would say it is in
consequence of the power of truth in the
doctrins which I have been an instrument in
the hands of God of presenting unto them, & not
because of any compulsion on my part. I will
ask if I ever got any of it unfair. If I have

Page 228

not reprooved you in the gate. I ask did I ever
exercise any compulsion over any man. did I not
give him the liberty of disbelieveing any doctrin I
have preached if he saw fit. why do not my
enemies strike a blow at the doctrin. they
cannot do it, it is truth. And I am as the
voice of one crying in the wilderness repent
of your sins & prepare the way for the coming
of the Son of Man, for the kingdom of God
has come unto you and henceforth the
ax is laid unto the root of the tree, and evry
tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, God
Almighty (and not Jo Smith) shall hew down &
cast it into the fire.) [Matthew 3:2-3; 10]

~ Monday

25th I went on to the prairie with Br Hale &
Bullock to Br Pulsiphers & commenced plowing
& sowing spring wheat we sowed about
1 1/2 bushels & harrowed it in

~ Tuesday

26th [FIGURE] A rainey day I met in council with the brethren

~ Wednesday

27th Still rainey I settelled all accounts with
Elder John Taylor & passed receipts on

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Br Dwight Webster
Advised him to come via Albany, Cleaveland
Beaver St Louis

~ Thursday

28th I spent part of the day at the Printing
we counted out all the Times & Season
& the List on the following page is an account
of the IVth vol of the Times & Seasons which I
have on hand for binding

Page 229

The following list of 4th vol Times & Seasions is on hand

No 1 500
[No] 2 500
3 500
4 500
5 500
6 500
7 500
8 500
9 500
10 500
11 500
12 500
13 500
14 500
15 500
16 4802 Laacks 2018 nunbers
17 500
18 500
19 480 [Laacks] 20 numbers
20 47380 [Laacks] 270 [numbers]
21 493 [Laacks] 7 [numbers]
22 481 [Laacks] 19
23 493 [Laacks] 7
24 498 2 (whole volums 480)

The following list is surplus numbers of vol 4th

No 1 3
2 6
3 56
5 27
6 8
7 10
8 34
9 74
10 40
11 43
12 37
13 3
14 44
15 6
16 1
No 16 1
520 Title page & contents
Page 230

~ Friday

29th A sever cold hail, rain & freezing day
ground froze hard

~ Saturday

30 A little more mild

~ Sunday

31. Sunday spent the day at home

~ Monday

April 1st I went out onto the praire &
*finished seowing my spring wheat
I put in four acres in all

~ Tuesday

2nd I worked in the gardieng & made some beds

~ Wednesday

3rd I worked in the garden

~ Thursday


I met in council with athe quorum & othe[r]s

~ Friday

5th [FIGURES] I attended the dedication of
the Nauvoo Masonic Hall which was truly
grand and interesting the first dedication of
the kind I ever attended. the processsion procession
was grand being composed of about 500 members

In the fore part of the day President Joseph
was to have preached the fun[er]al sermon of
King Follet but in consequence of Ill health He
omitted it & called upon Elder A. Lyman to take
the stand & he arose & gave an interesting address
to the vast multitude who had assembled for
the purpose of hearing a discourse from
Presiden Smith

Page 231

~ Saturday

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] [Joseph Smith Papers Document] A Special Conference held at Nauvoo
April 6th AD 1844

Conference assembled at 10 oclock AM April 6
President B. Young called the conference to
order. President Joseph Smith said He should
not occupy time in speaking of any difficulties
that might have occured in our midst.
Said He was not a fallen prophet, & never in
any nearer relationship to God than at the
present time, & would show before the conferen[ce]
closed that God was with him. Prayer by
W. W. Phelps, after which Sidney Rigdon
arose & said it was with no rordinary feelinggs
He arose to speak. A privilege which he had
not before enjoyed in the same capacity for
five years, and the circumstances of the
occasion points out to me my text, which is
the Saints of the last Days.

I remember in
1830 All the Church met in a log cabin, whare
we conversed extensively about laying the
foundation of this kingdom. our minds
expanded far & wide while contemplateing
this subject even in that day we talked
as large then as now. we spoke of Great things
that the world could not bear & that is
the reason why we were in secret the world
would laugh & consider us fools & even mob
us becaus we talked about things that wer true
& have and will come to pass yet things that
looked impossible to them because they did
not view them by faith as we do. And if we
should still convers about things in secret it
would be upon the same principle for we

Page 232

are not willing to bear the scoffs of the world
any longer unnessarily had we told openly
& talked openly of the things of God that have
& will come to pass our Blood would have
been shed we should not have been here
this day. But we hid ourselves up in secret.
there we talked, wept, & prayed & the Angels
unto us & the Spirit of God was
with us & the heavens opened unto us, but we
should now have been in our grave had we
proclaimed unto the world what God showed
unto us, notwithstanding it was for the benef-
it of man, & for his salvation, & not for evil
The appearance of this congregation this day
shows the fulfillment of the revelations of
Jesus Christ given in those days. No incident has
taken place in this day but what we spoke
of at that early period. all those things were
deeply impressed upon the mind by the God of
. How could you be made to believe tha[t]
you did not live in Nauvoo & have not got habit-
ations. Neither could we disbelieve this to be the
Church of God. We cannot disbelieve it for we
see hear & feel. I have always known it to be
I cannot see otherwise. Have I not seen Gods
glory by the visions of Heaven yea I have. then
what have we to do with the little difficulties
on earth nothing. Those were the beginning
of Good days shut up in a little shop with
nothing to eat but a little CJonnycake & milk & water
ownly as we would occasionlly shoot a squirrel
& we lived in an old smokey house. still we
rejoiced in the things God was revealing unto
us: many thicnk it hard to live in Nauvoo, but
we counted those good days God had given

Page 233

us great things. dont think strange if
men donott think of great things when I
obtained a great & glorious principle I felt
like locking it up lest the people would laugh
at me. And while we were together & telling
one thing we would learn another. I speak
of these things to do away with the notion
or feelings about our secret meetings
was their any thing wrong then no, neither
will their be now. No, I have no fear of it
what God does is for my salvation & the
salvation of man, & I say go ahead.
I have spoken of the grand principle of
the beginning, & I have marvelled at
one thing ie after the foundation of the
Church men crept in that were vary
wise more so than God professed to know,
more some of them, it has kept the Chur[c]h
in a continueal broil. it was so in the days
of Moses but he disposed of them. He killed
them or the Lord destroyed them.

I will leave this subject & show why
salvation belongs to the Priesthood of God
& why it belongs to us as a people. Men
labor under a mistake ie salvation is distinct
from Goverment. salvation is always the
result of goverment. evry man has a right to
govern himself in a goverment, as evry good
is a part of the goverment & the laws is for
the defence of a man. we see the need
of laws in this city for their is evil [to] dispose of
here I have seen some trials in this city
what some persons were tried for insulting
the Marshall, but any other man is as good as

Page 234

the Marshall. many other usful remarks
were made by the speaker, when he gave
way untill the Afternoon

Was followed with many usful remarks
from Elder Taylor. The stand was occupied
with with eleven Lamanites chiefs braves &c

At 2 oclok the conference Assembled &
resumed his subject & said we were discusing
in the morning service upon the History of
the Church of Jesus Christ. its a miserable man
that could not manufactor his own tex[t] I have
known many a sermon spoiled by a bad tex
The Church of Jesus Christ then. The Hights
of testimony, & amount of evidence that many
of those have had that have fallen away, has
been of such a nature that when they say
they dont believe this work to be true they
lie. The things that were done in secret
in the begining are now seen openly and
their is nothing secret now but what all
will know in time to come. I am aware
their is many things I did not Hint at I will
speak of them now. I have seen the time
when the Presidency of the Church sitting
now before me, were locked up with me in
secret places waiting upon God we did not
go out at all but to eat &c But it was soon
found out, & a mob came saying God damn
you to Hell, & threatend our lives. it was at this
time we sat for hours sin the Visions of heaven
around the throne of God & gazed upon the
scenes of Eternity. one evening a Mexican
called upon us & he went out armed to see

Page 235

to see a dozen armed mem [men] in the cornor
of the fence. he wanted to shoot them. after-
wards the mob came in & broke the door, took
me & dragd me out through the streets by my
heels with my head pounding over the frozen
ground. Another company took presiden
Smith, & tar & featherd him. they tried to
tar and turn Aquiphortos [aqua fortis] down our throats
this is the reason why we were in secret,
under lock & key. Now if you will let us
work openly we will not work in secret
we will work openly as much as you want.
I think I have said enough already to show
that the Church has come up through great
tribulation. let this suffice then upon this
subject. Their is men standing in your midst
who are not afraid of men or devels &
men whos mouths cannot be stoped unless
you take their lives for they will speak
in defence of the innocent of virtue & truth
while they live. their is men in your midst
who have learned their is a great God who
can do as he pleases take up the Hills as a
little thing, & such men do not fear
death. they know about Heaven. they have
seen it & know all about it. their is men
in your midst which you must sustain or
go to Hell. save them & you save yourselves
reject them & you go to Hell. We are 14
years of age now. Chuse your guardeen
and when you get to be 21, then do business
for yourselves you can save yourselves or
Damn yourselves. you have just men among
you & the reason is because God has taught

Page 236

them chose & ordained them & this is the
reason why they are so. you have men in your
midst who will not turn to the right hand or left
if you are in their path you must get out
you cannot cort by yfavor or welth or any
thing els. they do not ask Poleticians kings
or people for favor. they ask God for it alone
if the world make them rich or poor they
never ask for it. The man whom God has
raised up to lay the foundation of this work
is placed in such a situation that He cannot
fall and He is so lovely that I cannot get
mad at him. This is an important part
in the History of the Church. the cry of some
is, I shall not get office if these men are not
put down. well God intended to keep them
fearing iwhen God sets up his kingdom
He will sustain it above all laws & kingdom
of the world & the world has no power
over the kingdom of God. the laws will
be so strict that the world will make to
try to ketch the Saints that it will hang
themselves by the wholesale. we want to
build up the Laws of God in Hancock Co I
dont care any thing about all the laws in
the world for I will live above them. God
teaches his servants to respects kings, Gov
Presidents, & men in authority. But I have a
right to proclaim myself a king and priest
unto the most High God, yet I will not transgress
your laws, but dont do as they did in
Missouri kill people abecause they would not bre
break the law. I dont want any office in
this goverment for I am determined to be
a king in the kingdom of God; what be

Page 237

king in heaven and quarrel about the
office of constable on earth. The kingdom
of God
may rise up in the midst of the kingd[om]
of the world and live above all laws, and not
be a law abiding man. I will live above all law
I will pay my taxes & obey all requirments
that the goverment has uppon me. the
reason we was mob in Mo was because we
would not have any thing to do with the
laws we did not break any we lived above
them so they sent a mob upon us.
The kingdom of God to the world would
be a light in a dark place. The kingdom
of God could be set up in any kingdom
or country & not break the law but live
above it. Conference Adjourned till to
morrow morning

~ Sunday

April 7th Sunday the sun plesent air
calm & serene & a vast multitude of about
twenty thousand souls assembled together
After singing and prayers President Rigdon
arose & said, Our borders are enlarged
this morning. I shall preach from the
same tex[t] we preached from yesterday
The Church of Jesus Christ, the kingdom
of God, the leven, the little stone spoken
of by Daniel &c. [Daniel 2:34-35] The testimony given would
let the kingdom of God exhist in any goverment
Monarchiel or Republican. We intend to show
why salvation belongs to this Church ownly.
The kingdom of God is a goverment
that exerciseing its ownly power in evry
respect its ownly it holds a place on the

Page 238

mind, not by force of Arms, but by
free will because they want to do the will
of God
& it is accomplished by truth
itself that is manifest from Heaven
by intelligence that He sees in heaven and
it is power in itself it is on this principle
that power rests the Lord begins to teach a
man what he can do and if he never would
know what he was taught he never would
know what he could do. No people can com-
prehend it but the Church of God. then one
of the main things in the kingdon of God
is to let a man know what to do, what glory
kingdom & power he can gain. man is taught
a principle that when it enters ethe mind it
has a power over death, plagues, sicknes, the
gift of miracles. this is one great eviden[ce]
of the work the power of God. this then is
the kingdom of God. All religions then
that there is in the world that has not these
things has a tendency to do hurt instead of
doing good for it teaches those things are done
away. God has said he would take all the
kingdoms of the world out of the way. he would
Break in peases & subdue & he would teach the
kings and all powers the way that they may
have a chance. We say then their is no
power any whare els unto salvation. Isaiah said
the wilderness should blossom as the rose the
lame leap, the blind see. [Isaiah 35:1-6] we have got this power
here yet the world says it is an imposition.
when He comes, He will save you the lame shall
leap, Deaf hear, Blind see. he will come so you need
not have sickness or lameness, Man ^But^ has proclaimed
salvation in the earth. when we exercise the

Page 239

keys of the kingdom of God who can oppose it
not war with the sword but with another
power. the world has always been sheding
Blood. I proclaim peace not war, & this is what
he calls the kingdom. Has not the kingdom
of God a right to extend in any part of the world
to do good. Beat swords into plow shares &
spears into pruning hooks, & it shall be a kingdom
of glory
, peace, ^&^ salvation. [Isaiah 2:4] Let no man be alarmed
because the Lord said that the kingdom of God
should swallow up all other kingdoms what harm
would it do; for all the world would have the
same spirit. the Lord said He intended to do
by the whole world the same as he has done
by us, & this is the thing the world is afraid
of, reflect then. This is as far as I intended
to go upon this subject. A word then upon
the Materials to carry on this kingdom. Any
man publicans, sinners, scoundrals or any body
els could repent & receive the gospel & become a
member of the kingdom as well as the good for
when Jesus came He came to call sinners & Harlots
came into the kingdom. [Mark 2:17] It dont requir
much of an exhertion of the mind. much
depends however upon the decision of the
mind. it depends upon one action of the mind
A man remarked to me He did not belong
to a church was not worthy, but this ia [is] sa
mistake. Jesus Christ came to save sinners
He saves the unworthy. T[h]e Lord will offer
a man salvation he says he is not worth,
but what would you want your son to do
if he was unworthy. He should return to his
father. So with God. He calls to the world
to return by Baptism. He cannot make him-
self any better, but decid with the mind

Page 240

today then the Lord begins to teach him the
the things of God & heaven & I will make you
like myself I will give you my spirit &
make you feel like my family, & this is the
pivot to A God then decide & go & be Baptized
then you will be in the way of salvation. if
he decide otherwise he will not be any better.
A word upon the spirit. this noble decision of the
mind causes Angels to rejoice in the Heavens
for their is more joy over one sinner that
repenteth than over ninety and nine just persons [Luke 15:7]
evry person can do this & no man can do a
better work. let no man say they are
unworthy. I wish all the teachers of the day
could hear me. I was a Baptist & preached
their doctrin & was hampered, & hampered
others in my teachings and all the teachers
of the day do the same. they may be honest
but they teach fals doctrins. they call people
to the ansxious bench & keep them down
untill they will say they are willing to be damned
But I never was willing to be damned. the
doctrin peter taught was different from
sectarianisms. His doctrin was repent & be Baptized
& you shall receive the Holy ghost. [Acts 2:38] take a view
of this subject look at the spirit of promise. view
the congregation on that day they were stranger
not having a knowledge of salvation they were
strangers to the power of God & did not know
that Jesus Christ was crusified [crucified] & all they
know about it was what Peter told them on
the day of Pentecost. 14 vrs of 2 ch of Acts
the ownly knowledge they had about the
Holy Spirit was what Peter taught them by
quoting the prophet Joel 37 ver now mark this

Page 241

Peter had defined the Spirit of God of the fruits
of it be prophecy, dreams, visions, revelations
&c yes this is the spirit of God the spirit of
, dreams, visions, heal the sick, & all the
great things, & I will in the last days pour out
my spirit upon all flesh. [Acts 2:17-19] this is the definition
of the Spirit. All were called to be baptized
without any exceptions, villians Harlots scoundrel
and all. A question, how long wiould it take
the sectarian religion before they would proph[es]y
& have the gifts of the spirits of God. it would
take seven eternities to do it for it is on a
different scheme. I will come to an Anxious
bench and get as good a convertion as can be
got at an anxious bench. will I be converted
to God? No, I will be converted to an anxious
bench. If I had been converted to God I
should have been prophesying According to
the words of Joel, for He said the spirit of
God should be poured out upon all flesh [Joel 2:28] &
I believe I am flesh & I believe you are
flesh & I believe we are in the last days.

I will now sum up the testimony. what is
a man to preach when they go out. tell the
people to repent quit their iniquity be Baptized
& you shall recieve the Holy ghost, dream
dreams see visions, & prophecy & if they
dont tell them this they preach another

Page 242

3 oclok PM

A vertical key with teeth pointing upward The following important edefying & interest-
ing discourse was deliverd by President
Joseph Smith to about twenty thousand souls
upon the subject of the death of Elder King Follet

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] I now call the attention of this congregation
while I addres you upon the subject of the dead
The case of our Beloved Brother King Follet who
was crushed to death in a well as well as many
others who have lost friends will be had in mind
this afternoon, & shall speak upon the subject
in general as far as I shall be inspired by the
Holy spirit to treat upon the subject. I want
the prayers & faith of the Saints that I may
have the Holy Ghost, that the testimony may
carry conviction to your minds of the truth
of what I shall say, & pray that the Lord may
strengthen my lungs. there is strength here
your prayers will be herd. Before I enter upon
an investigation of this subject I wish to
pave the way, and bring up the subject from
the beginning that you may understand. I
do not intend to please you with oritory but with
the simple truths of heaven [to] Edify you.
Go to the morn of creation to understand of
the decrees of the Eloheem at the creation.
It is necessary for us to have an understanding
of God at the beginning. if we get a good start
first we can go right, but if you start wrong you
may go rowrong. But few understand the character
of God. they do not know they do not understand
their relationship to God. the world know no more
than the brute beast, & they know no more than

Page 243

to eat drink and sleep & this is all man knows
about God or his exhistance, except what is given
by the inspiration of the Almighty. go then to
the beginning that you may understand. I ask
this congregation what kind of a being is God?
turn your thoughts in your hearts, & say have any
of you seen or herd him or communed with him
this is a question that may occupy your attention
The scriptures inform us that this is eternal life
to know the ownly wise God & Jesus Christ whome
He has sent. [John 17:3]

If any inquire what kind of a
being God is, I would say If you dont know God
you have not eternal life. go back & find out
what kind of a being God is. If I am the man
that shows you what kind of a being God
is, then let evry man & woman sit in silence
and never lift up his hand against me again
if I do not do it, I will not make any further
pretentions to inspirations or to be a prophet
I would be like the rest of the world, fals teachers
& you would want to take my life. But you
might just as well take the lives of other fals teache[r]s
as mine if I was fals. But meddle not with
any man for his religion. evry goverment ought
to permit evry man to enjoy his religion. I will
show the world is ^w^rong by showing what God is
I am going to inquire after God so that you
may know God, that persecution myay cease
concerning me. I go back to the beginning to
show what kind of a being God was. I will
tell you & hear it oO Earth! God who sits
in yonder heavens is a man like yourselves
That GOD if you were to see him to day that
holds the worlds you would see him like a
man in form, like yourselves. Adam was

Page 244

made in his image and talked with him, walked
with him. In order to understand the dead for
the consolation of those that mourn, I want
you to understand God and how he comes to be
God. We suppose that God was God from
eternity. I will refute that Idea, or I will do
away or take away the veil so you may see. It is
the first principle to know that we may convers
with him and that he once was man like us,
and the Father was once on an earth like us.
And I wish I was in a suitable place to tell it
The scriptures inform us mark it that Jesus Christ
said As the Father hath power in himself ss [so] hath
the Son power in himself to do what the father
did even to lay down my body & take it up again [John 5:26]
do you believe it if not dont believe the bible
I defy all Hell and earth to refute it. And you
have got to learn how to make yourselves God, king
and priest, by going from a small capacity
to a great capacity to the resurrection of the dead
to dwelling in everlasting burnings. I want you
to know the first principle of this law. how cons-
oling to the mourner when they part with a friend
to know that though they lay down this dody [body]
it will rise & dwell with everlasting burnings to
be an heir of God & joint heir of Jesus Christ
enjoying the same rise exhaltation & glory untill
you arive at the station of a God. what did Jesus
Christ do, the same thing as I se[e] the Father do [John 5:19]
see the father do what, work out a kingdom. when
I do so to I will give to the father which will add to
his glory. He will take a Higher exhaltation & I
will take his place and am also exhalted. These
are the first principles of the gospel. It will take
a long time after the grave to understand the whole
If I should say any thing but what was in the bible
the cry of treason would be herd I will then
go to the Bible.

Page 245

Barasheet in the beginning. Analize the word
in and through the head. an old Jew added the word
Bath. it red the head one of the gods, broat forth
the gods. I will transpose it in the english language.
I want you to know & learn that the Holy Ghost
knows sumthing. The grand Council set
at the head and contemplated the
creation of the world. some will say the script-
ures say so & so, but I will show you a text
out of an old book containing the four langua
ges. the german is here what does this text
say, yoakabeam, the son of Zebedee. the
bible says James the son of Zebedee, but this
says Jacob son of Zebedee 21 ch 24th ver Matthew
The Dr says (I mean Dr of Law not of physic)
If you say any thing not according to the Bible
we will cry treason. But if ye are not led by
revelation how can ye escape the damnation
of Hell. here we have the testimony of four I have
the oldest Book in the world & the Holy Ghost
I thank God for the old Book but more for
the Holy Ghost. The Gods came together &
concocked the plan of making the world & the
inhabitants. having an knowledg of God we
know how to Approach him & ask & he will answer
An other thing the learned Dr says the Lords
made the world out of nothing. you tell
them that God made the world out of
sumthing, & they think you are a fool. But
I am learned & know more than the whole
world. the Holy Ghost does any how, & I will
associate myself wit[h] it. Beaureau to organize
the world out of chaotic matter, element
they are principles that cannot be disolved
they may be reorganized. Another subject
which is calculated to exhalt man I wish to
speak of. The resurrection of the dead

Page 246

The soul the mind of man, whare did it
come from. The learned says God made it
in the beginning, but it is not so. I know better
God has told me so. If you dont believe it, it wont
make the truth without effect God was a self
exhisting being. man exhist upon the same prin-
ciple. God made a tabernacle & put a spirit in it
and it became a Human soul. man exhisted in
spirit & mind coequal with God himself. you
who mourn the loss of friends are ownly seper-
ted for a moment. the spirit is seperated for
a little time. they are now conversant with
each other as we are on the earth. I am dwel-
ling on the immutibility of the spirit of man. is
it logic to say the spirit of man had a begining
& yet had no end. it does not have a begining
or end. my ring is like the bexhistanc of man
it has no begining or end. if cut into their
would be a begining & end, so with man
if it had a begining it will have an end. if
I am right I might say God never had power
to create the spirit of man. God himself could
not create himself. Intelligence is Eternal
& it is self exhisting. All mind that is susseptible
of improvement. the relationship we have
with God places us in a situation to advance in
knowledge. God has power to institute laws
to instruct the weaker intelligences that they
may be exhalted with himself this is good d
doctrin. it taste good. I can taste the principles
of eternal life, so can you. they are given
to me by the revelations of Jesus Christ and I
nknow you believe it. All things ^that^ God sees fit
to reveal to us in relation to us, reveals his comma-
ndments to our spirits, and in saving our spirits
we save the body, (the same as though we had no Body

Page 247

How comes the awful responsibility if in relation
to our dead, if they do not be baptized they must
be damned. (I wish I had 40 days to talk) what
promises are made. what can be said if in the
grave, God dwells in eternity, and he does not
view things as we do. the greatest responsibility
lade upon us in this life is in relation to our dead
Paul cannot be made perfect without us, [Hebrews 11:40] for it is
necessary that the seals are in our hands to seal our
children & our dead for the fulness of the dispensation
of times, A dispensation to meet the promises made
by Jesus Christ befor the foundation of the world
for the salvation of man. All sins and blasphemys
were to be forgiven except the sin against the
Holy Ghost. [Matthew 12:31] God has made provision for evry spirit
in the eternal world, and the spirits of our
friends should be searched out & saved. Any man
that has a friend in eternity can save him
if he has not commit the unpardonable sin. He
cannot be damned through all eternity. their is
a possibility for his escape in a little time. If a
man has knowledge he can be saved. if he has been
guilty of great sins he is punished for it. when he
consents to obey the gospel whether, Alive or dead,
he is saved. his own mind damns him I have no
fear of hell fire that dont exhist. No man can
commit the unpardonable sin, untill He receives
the Holy Ghost. All will suffer untill they obey
Christ himself. even the devil said I am a savior
and can save all rose up in rebelion against God
and was cast down. [Moses 4:1-3] Jesus Christ will save
all except the sons of perdition. [Doctrine and Covenants 76:42-43] What must
a man do to commit the unpardonable sin
they must receive the Holy Ghost have the
heavens opened unto them, & know God & then
sin against him. this is the case with many

Page 248

apostates in this Church. they never scease to try
to hurt me. they have got the same spirit the devil
had. you cannot save them. they make open
war like the devil. stay all that hear. dont make
any hasty mooves you may be saved. if a spirit
of Bitterness is in you, dont be in haste. Say you
that man is a sinner. well if he repents he
shall be forgiven. I could go back and trace evry
subject of interest concerning the relationship of
man to God if i had time. their is many mansions
in my fathers Kingdom. [John 14:2] what have we to console
us in relation to our dead. we have the greatest
hope in relation to our dead of any people on
earth we have seen them walk worthy on earth
and those who have died in the faith are now
in the selestial kingdom of God. they have gone
to await the resurrection of the dead to go to
the celestial glory, while their is many who die
who will have to wait many years. But I am
authorized to say to you my friends in the name of
the Lord that you may wait for your friends to come
forth to meet you in eternity in the morn of the
celestial world. those Saints who have been murdered
in the persecution shall triumph in the celestial
world while their murderers shall dwell in torment
untill they pay the utmost farthing.

I have Fathers, Brothers, children, that are gone to
eternity soon to meet me. the time will soon be
gone, the trump will soon be blown. A question
will Mothers have their children in Eternity
yes, yes, you will have the children ^But^ as it falls
so it will rise. It will never grow. It will be
in its precise form as it fell in its mothers
arms. Eternity is full of thrones upon which
dwell thousands of children reigning on thrones
of glory not one cubit added to their stature

Page 249

I will leave this subject here and make a few
remarks upon Baptism. I will read a tex[t] in Jerman
upon Baptism. John says I Baptise you with water
But when Jesus Christ comes He shall administer
the baptism of fire & the Holy Ghost. [Matthew 3:11] John
said his baptism was good for nothing without
the Baptism of Jesus Christ. Many talk of
any baptism not being essential to salvation
but this would lay the foundation of their damn
ation. There has also been remarks made concern-
ing all men being redeemed from Hell. But
I say that any man who commits the unpardon-
able sin
must dwell in hell worlds without end

[several lines blank]

Conference adjourned till tomorrow 10 oclock

Page 250

~ Monday

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] Conference met at 10 oclok April 8th

President J Smith arose and said it is impossible to
continue the subject that I spoke upon yesterday
in consequence of the weekness of my lungs.
Yet I have a proclamation to make to the Elders
you know the Lord has led the Church untill the
present time. I have now a great proclamation
for the Elders to teach the Church here after
which is in relation to Zion. The whole of
North and South America is Zion. the mountain
of the Lords House is in the centre of North & South
America. when the House is done, Baptisim font erected
and finished & the worthy are washed, anointed, endowed
& ordained kings & priests, which must be done
in this life, when the place is prepared you must
go through all the ordinances of the house of the
so that you who have any dead friends, must
go through all the ordinances for them the same as
for yourselves; then the Elders are to go through
all America & build up churches untill all Zion
is built up, but not to commence to do this untill
the Temple is built up here and the Elders endowed
then go forth & accomplish the work & build up
stakes in all North and South America. Their
will be some place ordained for the redeeming
of the dead
I think this place will be the one, so their
will be gathering fast enough here. President
Smith lungs failled him and he appointed elder
G. J. Adams to occupy the time during the foornoon
He however remarked that his proclamation
just made was the greatest ever made as all
could not come here, but it was necessary that
enough should come to build up the temple &
get an endowment so that the work could spread

Page 251

Elder Adams took a text in Obadiah 17 vers
upon Mount Zion shall be deliverance &c He spoke
lengthy concerning Zion that was to be built up
in the last days & pointed out Joseph from the
scriptures and brought much testimony to
prove the subject. At the close of the discourse
President Joseph Smith turned over the confer-
ence into the hands of the Twelve And Adjourned
untill 2 oclok

Met at 2 oclok & president
Hiram Smith arose & spent most of the Afternoon
in scoreing the elders to try to teach them
wisdom, that they might act in wisdom when
they go out to preach. Conference Adjour[n]ed
untill to morrow morning at 108 oclk

~ Tuesday

April 9th Conference persuant to adjournment
at 8 oclok President B Young in the chair

Elder Amasa Lyman made some appropriat remarks
had followed men that done more hurt than
good flung more obstructions in the way than they
took out had taken half of his time to remove
prejudice caused by unwise Elders. for God sake
dont preach a thing you dont know. dont appear
before the public in a capacity you cannot maintain
A man in Iowa called a congregation the first
thing he did was to read a Patriarchal blessing
which had some strong meat in it. he would
have done better to have preached the gospel

I had rather hear brethren appear small th[an]
large I had rather see a man hold his brother
up than pull him down. Preach what will
save men the same that converted you will
convert them.

Elder B Young arose
and the above doctrin was true and I will add
a remark to it if a man tries to rise by pulling

Page 252

^244 was called to go on Missions^

another down he will sink as soon as a peace of
pot mettle. Preach faith repentance & Baptism
say nothing but repentance to this generation [Doctrine and Covenants 6:9]
need not go into mysteries preach the same over again
when I heard Br Joseph make his proclamation
yesterday I thought it was a sweepstakes when he
said North & South America was Zion. Any Elder
that will be wise when he gets his endowment can go
into any city & build up the largest church in the
city this prooves the prophet true, that the priesthood
is fitted for the condition of evry man & woman
that was on the earth. will the elders go out this
season & preach the things we tell them to & then
stop. build up churches in all the world is a perfect
knock down to mobs. now Mo Mob away and best
let us alone and we will evangelize the world and not
make much fuss about it. mob us & we will do it
sooner. We want the Elders to electioneer for
President Smith and we want to build the temple
this season and by the help of God you ^we^ will do
it. Pay your tithing if you want a seat in that
house. many other usful remarks was made by
Elder Young.

Conference Adjourned untill
2 oclok

Met according to adjournment and
called to order by president Brigham Young

President Joseph Young proceded to ordain
a number of Elders into the quorum of the Seventies

B Young remarked O ye Elders of Israel you
are the first fruits of the kingdom of God on the
earth that is to swallow up all other kingdoms on
the earth. [Daniel 2:44] now be wise and not fools like many
smart young men, who have sunk themselves in
degradation & infamy. when you go out go before God
in prayer and faith. Joseph said he was not known
in our midst. he might live & die and not be fully
known untill he was weighed in the balance in the
eternal world. You do not fully know the day

Page 253

of your visitation the work is beginning to be seen
by the Saints. when J. C. Bennet went forth to
try to destroy the Saints, A little company of us
went before God and asked him to take away his
power, and it fell like lightning from Heaven
We asked for Duncan not to be Govornor He was
not but he is now dead and damned. We asked
for Reynolds to be taken away. he soon shot
himself & went to Hell. Carlin is dead and so
our enemies have fallen on evry hand. whare is
the officers of Government in Washington
seven were hurled into eternity in an instant by
the bursting of a big gun. the bitter branches
are beginning to be cut off. take care O, man how
you oppose this work for their is a gGod in Israel
cannot you practice virtue & holiness in this
Church yes and it is the corrupt & wicked
that oppose the work. go out & do good and work

W. W. Phelps said we want to
get up a general meeting in Nauvoo as a kind of
convention and we want to do the same in all
the saintstates. He remarked that General Smith had
undertaken a great work even unto the fulfilling
of the Prophets relating to this dispensation A
contribution was taken up for Joseph Smith
to meet a debt $100 dollars was donated another
hundred loaned. Conference was Adjurned
untill 2 oclok Saturday to hear a discourse from
Elder Taylor on politicks.

About three
hundred elders volunteered to go out preaching
this season their mames [names] were taken to be
published in the Times & Season. ^344^

Page 254

~ Wednesday

April 10th Wendsday I spent the day at home to
work in my garden

~ Thursday

11th A council table I spent the day in council some remarks wer ^[FIGURE]^
made upon the principle of toleration

~ Friday

12th I spent the day at home

~ Saturday

13th A meeting assembled at 2 oclok & herd a discours
deliverd by Elder Taylor, upon politicks

~ Sunday

14th Sunday I spent the day at home

~ Monday

15th Met in council with the twelve to arange the
Appointments of the conferences for the season

~ Tuesday

16th Met in council with the Twelve.

~ Wednesday

17th Spent the day at home to work in my garden
I planted a quantity of Potatoes

~ Thursday

18th A council table I met in council today I was quite
unwell with a severe cold ^cut off Laws &c^
^R D Foster Wilson & Wm Law Jane Law & Howard Smith
of Scott Co were cut off from Church & council^

~ Friday

19th I was severely afflicted with a cold through the day

~ Saturday

20th In company with Elder Brigham Young
I left Nauvoo & rode to Lima in a buggy &
spent the night with father Morley 25 miles

~ Sunday

21th Sunday It was a rainy day yet we held a
meeting with the Saints. their was a large
number present Elder Young preached in the
fore part of the day I spoke in the afternoon

Page 255

and was followed by Elder Young who addresed
the Elders & called for volunteers when
26 Elders gave their names to go out preaching
we spent the night at Br. Morleys

~ Monday

22nd A vary raining morning in the afternoon
we harnessed & went on to the city plot laid
out for a city Elder Young and myself bough[t]
a lot in the city parted with father Morley
& rode to Br William Drapers & had to take
shelter from a tremendious storm of wind
hail & rain & spent the night

~ Tuesday

23rd We returned to Nauvoo I was glad to
get home 25 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

24th Spent the day at home to work in my

~ Thursday

25 A council table met in council with the Twelve &c

~ Friday to ~ Saturday

26, 27. I got lime for plastering my house

~ Sunday

28th Sunday I attended meeting in the even[in]g
with all the quorums of the elders to
prepare for our missions Wheat sheaves

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

29th & 30. ^ A council table^ I commenced plastering my house

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

A council table May 1st & 2nd finished plastering two

~ Friday

3rd. I hung 24 doors primed them & lade
my lower floors A council table

Page 256

~ Saturday

4th I mooved into my new brick house &
truly felt thankful to have a comfortable
dwelling to leave my family in while I
go on my mishion

~ Sunday

May 5th 1844 [FIGURE] I spent the day at home
with my family to prepare for my summers
mishion I called my family together & blessed
them. Phebe washed my feet that I might be
clean evry whit I spent the evening at home

~ Monday

6th A council table [Joseph Smith Papers Document] I spent the day atin council & had a good
time. Many of the Elders & Saints from
abroad have arived of late among which
are Elders J M Grant L. R. Foster & many
others. Br John Neff and family have arived
on a visit they called upon us. he is about to
purchase of Br Joseph & return home

[FIGURE] On Sunday May 5th A number of
Apostates met together & organized a new
church or pretended to & took a strong
stand against the Prophet Joseph & the
Twelve & against the Church the leaders
of this band is Wm & Wilson Law R. D. Foster
Chauncy & Francis Higby, & Mr Cole James
& others

~ Tuesday

7th A council table I spent the day in council the last
time that I expect to meet in council in
Nauvoo untill after my summers mission

Page 257

I had an interview with Elder
Whittaker he assisted me to pile some wood
in the suller. It was a hard rainy day
Sister Barbara Neff spent the day with us

~ Wednesday

8th I spent the day in company with
Mrs Woodruff in the gardieng weeding

~ Thursday

May 9th 1844 I arose in the morning
and aranged some domestic affairs &
was again under the necessity of parting
with my family for the purpose of spending
another summer on a mission through
the United States to attend the genera[l]
conferences. It has been my lot to travel
in the vineyard evry summer with one
exception for the last ^ten^ years of my live.
I took the parting hand with my family &
left Nauvoo in company with Elders G. A. Smith
J. M. Grant and Ezra Thayer and son. Br Thayer
had a team & offered to accompany us on
our Journey. We rode to La harp, & spent the
night Elder Smith & myself spent the night
with Elder George Collson Br's Thayer and Grant
at Br Shaw. We held a meeting in the
place with the Saints I addressed the
meeting and was followed by Elders
Grant & Smith. distance of the day 25 m[iles]

^ A coffin J S A coffin H S I this day took the last parting hand & look with the
Prophet and Patriarch at their own dwellings O
O what O what a look Joseph gave me. Ah he knew what I
did not^

~ Friday

10th We left La harp & travled across the
beautiful prairies to Br Aaron Powers &
spent the night. 1 1/2 miles from Greenfield on
swan creek, thousands of pigeons were on his farm 27 m

Page 258

~ Saturday

11th We travled across the prairies this day to
Br Justice Ames on Ceder Creek within 3 miles
of Galesburg. it was the first time I had been on
his farm He had a plesent place of 100 acres & 40
acres in corn & wheat. they all appeared glad
to see me we spent the night with them I talked
with them untill about midnight. In the morning
before we left, we lade hands upon Br Justice
Ames & his son Christopher Ames & ordained them
unto the office of Elders. distance of the day
20 miles

~ Sunday

12th Sunday we parted with Br Ames family
He accompanied us on our way 12 miles to the
big mound & we parted with him & he retu-
rned & we continued on to walnut grove & stoped
at Br John Gaylords & fed the Horses I accompa-
nied Br Grant to his fathers house He found them
well except his mother was some out of health
his father Joshua Grant was a school mate of
my fathers in Connecticut told an anacdote
concerning a coon & a cheese after spending
2 hours plesantly & dining with them we took
our departure & rode to Fraker's Groove & spent
the night with Br Austin Grant & Gideon Gillet
distance of the day 31 miles

~ Monday

13th A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff & sent
By Elder Grant informed her to write to Kirtland
we had a rainy morning. we parted with Elder
Grant and rode to Toulon and spent the night with
Br Adam Perry held a meeting with the Saints
& appointied a meeting at the Court House at
2 oclock on the morrow distance of the day 9 m[iles]

Page 259

~ Tuesday

14th Spent the fore part of the day at Br
Lane's met at the Toulon Court House at
2 oclok according to appointment when we
arived the methodist had collected saying they
had an appointment at the same hour we
adjourned ours to Br Perrys. Before we arived at
his house the M[ethodist] preacher came & wished us
to hold our meeting in the Court House according
to appointment we did so. I preached &
was followed by a few remarks by Elder
Smith. we dissmissed our meeting & we stope[d]
& herd the methodist preach his discourse
we spent the night at Br Lanes

A hand pointing to the right we wrote a letter to the editor of the Times

~ Wednesday

15th A rainy day & we drove all day in the
rain and stoped all night in Indian Town
Br Thayer & son stoped at the Tavern
& Elder G. A. Smith & myself spent the
night at Mr Dunns distance 33 m[iles]

~ Thursday

16th We drove again all day in the rain
& stoped for the night at Mr Hartsons in
Lasalle Co distance 30

~ Friday

17th It still continues to rain. We met
two families of the Saints moveing to Nauvoo
We rode to Ottaway called upon Br Sanger
& took dinner saw Br Buzzurd, Lightfoot.
we found an advertisement for some of
the Twelve to attend a meeting at the
Court House & deliver a lecture upon
the subject of Gen Smith views of the
goverment &c Elder G. A. Smith stoped and
attended to it, had about 300 present

Page 260

I continued on to the Lasalle Branch of
about 50 members from Norway I preached
to them & had a good time & spent the
night at Br Goodman Hogus distance 25 m[iles]

~ Saturday

May 18th

Conference met in Georgetown ^Newark^ Kendle Co
at one oclok P.M. there were present W. Woodruff
& G. A. Smith of the quorum of the Twelve
1 High Priest, 2 Seventies, 9 Elders, 1 Priest, 1 Teacher
Conference called to order by Elder Woodruff
Elder G. A. Smith called to the chair.

Conference opened by singing and prayer
by the President

Representation of the several branches called for

Archibal M. Wilson reprepresented the Newark branch 35 ^m[embers]^ 1 eElder 1 Teacher
Ole Hare [reprepresented] Lasalle branch 46 2 Elders
Elder Brighton [reprepresented] Ottaway ^b[ranch]^ 16 2 [Elders]
[Elder Brighton reprepresented] Indian Creek 5
[Elder Brighton] Big Vermillion 4
Elder Anderson, rep Beauaro ^Beauro^ Branch 15 3
French Creek Grove 2
Plesasant Grove McHenry Co 10 2
133 m 910 Elders 1 T.

It was moved, secon & carried that
Canute Peterson, Levi Lightfoot
Severt Olson, Simpson D. Huffaker
Zimri H. Baxter, Mades Madison
Vance Jacobs, And Oder Jacobson be ordained Elders

Also Henry Saba be ordained A Priest

Also Ole Jhohnson & Peter Maclin be ordained Teachers

Page 261

All of which persons were then ordained unto
the offices assigned them under the Hands of
Elders W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & Ezra Thayer
Appropriate remarks were then made by Elders
Woodruff & Smith by way of council & instruction
to those who had been ordained, & was followed
by Elder David Savage. Adjourned to Sunday 10 oclok

~ Sunday

19th Met persuant to adjournment. opened by
singing, & prayer by Elder A. M. Wilsey

A discourse was then deliverd by Elder W. Woodruff
in which he instructed the Elders to be careful to
preach the first principle of the gospel & doctrine [of]
& not spend their time in warring with
the opinions of other men. showed the importance
of revelation, & the necessity of A prophet of God
as the head of the Church on earth, being as
necessary in order to exhist & advance in knowledge
as for a natural body to possess a head in order
to live. He considerd we were enjoying the society
of as good a prophet in this day as any people ever
enjoyed in any age of the world, & believed all good
men would think so when they became fully
aquainted with him & his principles. He was followed
by Elder G. A. Smith who bore testimony to the truth
of the fullness of the gospel. Councilled the Elders to
be humble, and not get head & sholdiers above their
brethren lest they fall like the tallest trees of the forest
that are first swept down by the raging storm &
made many appropriate remarks which was well
received by the congregation. Adjourned untill
2 oclok. Met according to adjournment at the
House of Br Manchester when the sacrament was
administered to the Church & many testimonies
given from the Elders & members present concerning
the truth of the work they had recieved, & conference
was dismissed amid the best of feelings ^which was manifested^ not ownly

Page 262

by all the Saints, but by the whole congregation
of citizens that attended. good order prevailed
through the whole conference. Attention kindness
and civility was manifest by all who were present

(Geo A Smith, President)
(Asa Manchester, Clerk)

At the close of the conference Elders Charles C Rich
David Foulmer, & Henry Jacobs Arived dire[c]t from
Nauvoo & spent the night with us

~ Monday

20th A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff &
sent her $5 dollars. We sent a copy of the minutes
of the conference for pudblication. G. A. Smith sent
a few lines to his wife in the same we mailed the
letter in Newark

In the evening we all met at the school house to
deliver a political lecture. Br Mr Henr
I called the meeting to order & made some introd-
uctory remarks & introduced to the assembly
Mr Henry Jacobs, who arose & read, General
Joseph Smiths views of the powers and policy of
the government of the United States, to the assem-
bly, ofter which, I introduced to the meeting Mr
David Fulmer who addressed the assembly in
an interesting manner. showed that Gen Smith
ttook a line between the two parties, on the bank-
ing system & ever thing els almost. I arose and
followed him and urged our claims & rights to
cast our votes for a president spoke of our
persecutions, & the danger the whole people of
the United States were in of being destroyed
by misrule & mob law if the[y] permitted that principle
to triumph. I was followed by Elde Mr Smith

Page 263

who deliverd a spirited address upon politicks
spoke of his fathers fighting in defence of
our country spoke of the treatment we had
received from the hands of Van buren &
Clay, & Calhoon &c. All who had spoken had
the assistance of the Lord; when we closed
a certain Dr Smith arose and hurrand [harangued] the
people in a vile manner & raised a row their
was some prospect of fighting, but with soft
words we turned away wrath & returned
home in peace, & spent the night with Br Wilseys

~ Tuesday

21st We rode to Juliett & spent the night with
Mr Dana. We held a meeting in a large
school room & deliverd a lecture upon politicks
Mr G. A. Smith called the house to order &
introduced me to the assembly & I arose &
felt inspired by the Spirit of God, & delclaired in
their midst our rights, spoke of our persecutions,
General Smith's views; our treatment by
the government; ie the Judiciary, Legeslative
and Execative department of Missouri & the
United States. I was followed by Mr D. Fulmer
& G. A. Smith. We had the best attention of
the people & a good impression was made
distance of the day 30 miles

~ Wednesday

22nd An arrow We took away the licence from
two Elders viz Theophilus Walter Nixon
and his licence was signed by George Coulson La harp
and Arriariah L Maul, licence signed by T. W. Nixon
We all rode together 84 of us in company
& ^G A Smith^ spent the night at Br Chapmans & I at
Br Duals with Br Wilsons 24 miles east of
Juliet Will Co Ill in 7 miles of Ia lime 24 mils

Page 264

~ Thursday

23rd Crossed the line into Indiana & rode
to Br Maine's & spent the night 8 miles of
Valparazo Porter Co Ia 28 miles

~ Friday

24th We rode to La port, La port Co Ia &
spent the night with Elder Wm Rudd
distance 28 miles

~ Saturday

25th We rode to Bertrand township, Berrian Co
state of Michigan & spent the night with Br Gideon
distance 20 miles

Notes of the Country

From Ottaway to Newark is a fine prarie country with
a mixture of timber, good improvements settelled mostly
with eastern people. 9 miles west of Ottaway is a
Norwegian settlement (about 50 Saints among them).
From Newark to Juliett is a fine country well improved
Mount Joylett stands about 3 miles from Juliett a
splendid work of art. canal passes through Juliett. it is a
fine town. from Juliett east the land is not so good
on to Indiana line, more wet & swampy. As we come
near the Indiana line we struk a sand ridge with
a large swamp or swail on the North. a miserable country
not worth paying taxes for except the timber. many
dwellings we passed all empty. we passed this kind
of country to woods mills which is in Lake Co
most of which is poor even on to Valperazo in
Porter Co Ia. about 12 miles west of La port the land
begins to improve for several miles their is a great
forest of shugar maple beach oak & a great variety of
timber which is Joined on the east by a most splended
prairie under a high state of improvement to La port
which is the beautiy of the state of Indian[a]. the
land was poor about 5 miles to Niles. Niles is a
flourishing town. we soon come to a forest

Page 265

of heavy timber of beach maple, Ash, oak, &
untill we reached little prairie round, which
is a fine prairie. their is much good timber
betwen little prairie round & Kallamazoo yet
the land is mostly poor, many oak barrens,
sandy, & stoney land. We pronounced Kalamazo
the best town we had seen since we left Nauvoo
the town of Comstock north of Calamazoo River
is heavy timberd. the country is ordinary everidge
of land

~ Sunday

26th Sunday we spent the day in this placce. we
preached in a school house in the fore part of the day
& had good attention. we went in the afternoon
to attend a meeting of Elder R. A. Sprague at the
school house about 3 miles north he had a full
congregation of intelligent men. he soon closed
when we went in & called upon us to occupy
the time. I arose & addressed the people & was followed
by Elder Smith. We left a good impression with
the people. many were believing & wished us to
tarry with them. their is a large field open
for labour in this region of country. we returned back
to Br Brownells, took leave of the family & in company
with Br Sprague & Smith the presiding Elder we
walked 3 miles & spent the night with Br Smith.
Elder G. A. Smith & Thayer spent the night with
Br Brownall distance of the day 12 mil[e]s

~ Monday

27th Monday we travelled through Niles, Pohagen
, Little prairie round, & spent the night with
Mr Jacob Charles at Decater Van buren Co Mich
He had a saw mill but a wilderness all around him
distance of the day 35 miles

Page 266

~ Tuesday

28th We rode to Kalamazoo the finest town we
saw since we left Nauvoo. the improvements are
after the eastern fashion. from thence to Comstock
a small village we turned to the right to cross a log way
about a mile long a cthrough a ceder swamp. our
nigh horse stept between two polls & sunk in the mire
& fell we laboured hard to get him out for near
15 minutes we had fears he would break his leg we
had to draw him out by main strength but he
got out unharmed. we led the horses across & drew
the wagon by hand. the musketoes covered ua [us]
almost like a cloud after harnessing up, we rode
a few rods & came to Br Lemwell Williard
whare we found Father Bent & Br Miles we spent
the night here.

I had the following dream

[FIGURE] I was passing by my house with my cloak on &
I saw Br Morgan & Harriett I asked whare
Mrs Woodruff was the answer was in her room
but she has company. I walked in to see her &
found her in company with two females. it appeared
like some of our friends from the east I thought
she appeared at first some unwell. I asked her how
she did she said I get along vary well. I told her I
had not herd from her since I left home. She
remarked I wrote you a letter day before yesterday
which would have been on the 26th of May I did
not see the children 35 mi[les]

~ Wednesday

29th We walked to Elder Ezekel Lees the presiding
Elder of the Church. we copied the following from
the session laws of Michigan, which is div[id]ed into
three congressional districts as follows to wit

The counties of Monroe, Lenewee, Washtenaw Wayne
& Hillsdale, first district. And Branch, St Joseph Cass, Berrian
Van Buren, Kalamazoo Calhoun, Jackson, Allegan,
Barry, Ionia, Eaton, Kent, Ottaway, Oceana, Newaygo, Mecosta

Page 267

Notipekago, Aishcum, Manistee and Kautawaubet is
second district.

And, Macomb, Oakland
Livingston, Ingham, Clinton, Shiawassee, Genesee,
Lapeer, St. Clair, Mackinac, Chippewa, Saginaw,
Tuscola, Midland, Gladwin, Arienac, Ogemaw, Kanotin
Sanilac, Huron and all the other counties not named
shall be denominated the third congressional district

~ Thursday

30th I spent the day at Br Lees with about a dozen
Elders. In the afternoon we held a meeting at the
school house. Elder G. A. Smith addsressed the assembly
I followed him we had the spirit of teaching we were
followed By Elder's Bent, Z. Coolton, Keyzer, Dunn &c
we had a good meeting. spent the night at Br Lees
Elders Charles C. Rich Fulmer, Moses Smith & H Jacobs
arived which with us all together made a large company

~ Friday

31st A plesent day We held a political meeting in
Br Lees barn. General Rich called the meeting to order
Mr Henry Jacobs read General Smiths views. I follow
him. spoke of the foundation laid By Gen Smith to unite the
nation. spoke of our persecution, loss of our rights
appeal to Mo & the nation, being rejected, the danger
the goverment was in &c. I was followed by Mr
G. A. Smith & D. Fulmer both of which spoke well
We left a good impression upon the minds of
the people. We spent the night with Br Lee.

~ Saturday

JUNE 1st

Conference Minutes

The Kalamazoo Conference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints met at Elder
Ezekiel Lee, in Comstock, CKalamazoo Co Michigan
on the 1st day of June 1844. Their were present
2 of the quorum of the Twelve, viz W. Woodruff
& G. A. Smith; 3 of the High Council

Page 268

viz. S Bent C. C. Rich & D Fulmer; 5 of the
High Priest quorum, viz H. Green, Z. Coltrin,
Moses Smith, E. Thayer & G. Coltrin.
8 of the Seventies, viz E. Lee Thomas Dunn
E. M. Webb, P. Webb, J. Hatch, J. H. Perry,
W Hubbard, J. Vandeusan & D. Cornish.
14 Elders viz. E. Lee, J Cramer, S. C. Willard
L. Ensign, C. Dunn, Norton Jacobs, D Savage,
P. K. Smith, &c. 2 Priest And 1 Deacon. Total 35.

Conference was called to order by Elder Rich.
Elder W. Woodruff was called to the chair.
Elders C. Dunn & E. M. Webb chosen clerks.
Conference opened by singing & Prayer by the

Representation of churches called for, when the
following Representation was given

The Kalamazoo Branch rep By E. Lee Members 44 6 E[lders] 1 P[riest] 1 D[eacon]
Grand Prairie Branch CKalamazoo Co M. 8 1 E.
Ossego Branch Aligan Co. M. 6 1 E. 2 P. 1 T[eacher]
Pawpaw [Branch] Van Buren Co. M. 8 3 E [P] [T] [D]
Albian [Branch] Calhoon Co members 26 2 E. 1 P. 1 D
Fleorrence [Branch] St Joseph Co members 10 1 E [P] [T]
Motville [Branch St Joseph] [members] 7 1 E.
Barry Co. [members] 7
Scattering [members] 10 E P T D
Total 126 15 4 1 2

It was moved and carried that Gideon Brownell,
Jonathan Williard, And Charles Lee, be ordained Elders
And Seth Taft to the office of a Priest
And John W. Tyrril Teacher

The above named persons were ordained unto
the offices assigned them under the hands of
Elders W. Woodruff, G. A. Smith, Z. Coltrin, S. Bent
& D. Fulmer

Page 269

It was moved and carried that we sustain
Elders Charles C. Rich & Harvy Green, in their
appointment to preside over the state of Michigan
assigned them by the quorum of the Twelve.

The day was occupied in giving much importan
instruction to the Elders. The assembly was
first addressed by the President, who was followed
by Elders G. A. Smith, Samuel Bent, C. C. Rich,
Z. Coultrin, Harvy Green, David Fulmer Ezekiel
, Graham Coltrin, E. M. Webb, & Crandell Dunn.
The Elders were strictly charged to keep within
the limits of the first principles of the gospel & let
mysteries alone. it was assertained that some
were unwise had preached fals things. such
things were corrected.

The congregation was dismissed & the Elders
Assembled together & was addressed by the
President, & Elder G. A. Smith who forcibly urged
home to their minds the necessity of their persuing
a wise course in relation to their teaching, to let what
they called the mysteries alone. the names of some
were called, as an exhample to the rest, who dhad
been unwise in their teaching, among whom was
Elders Kyser D. Cornish, & Keyzer. we were also
informed that Elder Bottom was injuring the
cause; As their was such a number of Elders present
the greatest care was taken, to give evry necessary
information information in regard to their missions
that they might persue a wise policy in all things
assigned them.

~ Sunday

Sunday morning June 2nd A large & respetable
Audiance was assembled by 10 oclok A.M. among whom
which was composed of many of the most
respectable citizens of the county, who were
addressed in the forenoon by Elder W. Woodruff

Page 270

followed by Elder Z Coltrin. And in the Afternoon
by Elder G. A. Smith, followed by Elders D. Fulmer
S. Bent, & C. C. Rich all of which ably set forth
the first principles of the gospel of Christ, & deliverd
their testimony (attended with the spirit & power
of God
) unto the audiance who sat in silence &manifesting
great interest and attention. At the close of the
meeting that warmth of friendship, & ^feeling of^ kindness of
that marks the noble & generous soul was manifest
by many of the assembly among whom was Gen.
Comstock, & Dr Hood.

At the adjournment of the conference the Elders
were again called together & President C. C. Rich
Proceded to appoint the Elders their stations in the
different counties in the state

Adjourned sine die

(W. Woodruff President)
(Crandell Dunn
E. M. Webb Clerks)

We have had an interesting conference & good
time iwith the Saints. General Rich manifested
much wisdom in concocking his plans in carriying
out his work both on politics & religion, in the state
of Michigan this season. we took up a collection
to assist us on our mission & obtained $4.50 & I
sold $8.25 cts worth of Books. we took the parting
hand with many of the Saints & Elders who began
to scatter abroad we spent the night with Elder Lee.
Elder Lee prooferd [proffered] to Elder Smith if he would returned
he would give him 2 Boxes of fine Honey comb to take home
with him one for his wife & one for mine

~ Monday

June 3rd Parted with Elder Lee & family & rode in compny
with Elders G. A. Smith, Thayer, Z Coltrin & C Dunn to
Br Warners Albian Ditstrickt vary poor land. distance 40 m[iles]

Page 271

~ Tuesday

4th We passed through Sandstone & Jacksonburgh
a large town; the state prision is there. We spent the
night at Br Noah W. Bartholomew near Jacksonburg
here we found Elder Hiram J. Brown who had been
cut of[f] from the Church in Nauvoo by an accusation
presented by Elder Elsworth he was still preaching
we talked with him he said he would harken to
council & do what we told him to, manifested a good
spirit & wished to be restored. Said that Elsworth
misrepresented him. We gave him liberty to teach.
We ascertained that Elder Samuel Parker had
done much injury in teaching fals doctrin. 25 m[iles]

During this days travel we called upon Br Samuel
he was 87 years of age & was Baptized
By Elder Zebedee Coltrin in the fall of AD 1832
As he was tortering for the grave we lade hands upon
him & ordained him unto the office of an high
. Elder Z. Coltrin was spokesman. After which
Elders W. Woodruff & G A. Smith lade hands upon
him & sealed upon him the following blessing

Samuel Graham. In the name of ^the Lord^ Jesus Christ and
by the authority of the Holy Priesthood and the Apostleship
resting upon us we lay our hands upon your head &
seal upon your head ^which is blossoming for the grave^ the blessing of Abram Isacac &
Jacob, for thou art of the seed of Abraham of
the tribe and linage of Joseph of the blood of Ephraim
thy life hath been preserved on the earth for
a special purpose in the mind of God, which purpose
thou shalt fully understand in the morning of
the first resurrection
^we seal thee up unto eternal life^ for thou shalt come forth in
the morn of the first resurrection & stand in thy lot
in the linage of thy fathers ^with all thy posterity & kindred that shall receive the gospel^ thou canst say like Simeon
of old thou hast seen the salvation of God [Luke 2:25-30] for thou
art made partaker of the blessings of the fulness of the
& the powers of the priesthood, & we seal upon

Page 272

your head evry blessing of the seal of the covenant
belonging to the priesthood & kingdom of God


Samuel Graham in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and by the Holy Priesthood and Apostleship confered upon
us we lay our hands upon your head, which is blossom-
ing for the grave. And we bless you with the blessing of
Abraham of Isaac and of Jacob, for thou art the seed of
Abraham of the tribe and linage of Joseph of the blood of Ephraim
Thy life hath been preserved for a special purpose in the
mind of God, which purpose shall be fully known to the[e] in
the morn of the first resurrection. We seal the[e] up unto eternal
life. we say unto thee thou shalt have part in the first resurrec-
tion, and thou shalt come forth iand stand with all thy
posterity and thy kindred who shall enter into the everlasting
covenant and receieve the gospel of Jesus Christ, and with them
thou shalt recieve an exhaltation in the celestial glory of God
thou shalt occupy that place in the linage of thy fathers designed
for thee in the kingdom of God. Thy friends that remain
after thou art in thy grave shalt receieve for and in thy
behalf evry seal of the covenant that belongs to the Melchezedak
or the kingdom of God that should not be sealed upon
they head while thou art living, so that evry blessing that
Abram Isaac or Jacob receieved shall be thine in the celestial
world. We seal upon thy head all the blessings that the patria-
of the Church has in his heart to seal upon thee. We seal
upon thy head the speirit of peace so that thou mayest feel &
say like Simeon of old that thou hast seen the salvation
of God [Luke 2:25-30] and art made a partaker of the fulness of the
everlasting covenant. Thy body shalt rest in peace and
arise with the just and enjoy celestial glory. All these blessings
we seal upon thy head in the name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN

~ Wednesday

June 5th Rode to Napolian from thence to Mr John
& spent the night A heavy shower of rain 36 miles

~ Thursday

6th Passed through Ann Arbour & rode to Plesant Valley
town of Briton, Livingston Co. & spent the night
with Br Benjamin B. Searle distance 40 miles

~ Friday

7th A hand pointing to the right wrote a letter to Mrs P. W. Woodruff &
sent her $5 dollars in money to pay to Baylis I wrote
to the Editor sent him a copy of the Kalamazoo
conference minutes and a short piece ofn politicks
laid hands upon a sick child

Page 273

~ Saturday

Conference Minutes

Plesant Valley Conference met at Br B. B. Searl
on the 8th day of June 1844

when the following churches were represented

Pleasant Valley Branch Livingston Co 27 M 1 P[riest] 1 T[eacher]
Rose Branch Oakland Co Members 9 1
Napolian [Branch] Jackson Co [Members] 8 2 E[lders] 1 1 D[eacon]
Jackson [Branch] Jackson [Co] 21 3 [E] 1 P. 1 1
Ceder [Branch] Livingston Co [Members] 20 1 D
[blank] Monroe Co [Members] 4
Total Members 89 5 E 2 P. 4 T. 3 D.

It was moved & carried that Alphonzo Terry,
Samuel Gould, Isaac Williamson And
Samuel Herrington, Be ordained Elders
And Lisander Terry be ordained A Priest

The above named persons were then ordaned under the
hands of Elders W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & Z. Coulton

Instruction was given to the Elders & assembly by
Elders Woodruff, Smith, & Coltrin.

~ Sunday

Sunday 9th The conference was addressed in the
forenoon by Elders G. A. Smith & Z Coltrin & in the
afternoon By Elders Woodruff Dunn & others &
broke bread unto the Saints & had a good time I spent
the night with Mr Marsh

W Woodruff Pr
C C Dunn Clerk

~ Monday

10th birection [direction] to the Saints in the city of Boston

Elder Dudley No. 1 Cooper 67 Salem, cornor of cooper
& salem. Francis ^M^ Wilson 564 Washington St
New York McClain 182 Canal St. Mr Simpson 21 Chatham
up stairs go through the store. The Prophet No 7 Spruce st
Dispatch 162 Wilson & Co

A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 Letters one to Father Woodruff family
and one to our symsbury friends to notify them of
our conference 2 {dollars sent} We held a political
meeting & had a good time. We baptized 2 persons
& Elder Smith & Myself ordained ^confermed^ them

Page 274

~ Tuesday

June 11th We rode to Franklin whare we had an
interview with Elders C. C. Rich D. Fulmer and a num
ber of Elders. here we found a branch of the
Church raised up by Elder Sarine our conference
was to be here. But we found Elder Sarine in a deplo-
able state he had been kicked in the face by a horse had
his Jayw broken to pieces had been done seven weeks
had mortifyed & large peieces of flesh had come off
we lade hands upon him & he seemed to be better
for a while, but still he had a restless night.

We took up our abode with Mr Van Avery four
of his family were members of the Church. he is
said to be be the most wealthy of any man in
Michigan. Distance of the day 25 [miles]

~ Wednesday

12th We Preached in the afternoon in the school
house but few were out. Br Sarine had a poor
turn during the day he feared his Jaw was morti-
fying. we lade hands upon him, & he was enabled
to attend the meeting but was vary feble. during
the night we were called up again to administer unto
him & I spent the night with him

~ Thursday

13th Elder Mephibosheth Sarine is much better to
day. We spent the day at Mr Van Avery's
we recieved a no of papers presented us by
Col Van Avery sent to him. he is postmaster
of the Town of Franklin, Oakland Co Michigan
among those papers was one published by the
friends of General Smith in New York entitled
the Prophet.

A hand pointing to the right We ^w^rote to the Prophet in New York & incour
aged them in their proceding

Page 275

~ Friday

June 14th I spent the day at Mr Van Avery

~ Saturday

June 15th Conference Minutes

Conference opened in Franklin, Oakland, Co
Michigan on the 15th Day of June 1844

There were present two of the Twelve, W. Woodruff
& G. A. Smith 5 High Priest, C. C. Rich, H. Green,
Z. Colton, G. Coltrin, D. Fulmer, 2 Seventies
Wm Burton & G. Savage, 9 Elders, 3 Priest
2 Teachers

President C C Rich called the house to order
Elder G. A. Smith called to the chair
Elder C. Dunn Appointed clerk
Conference opened by singing, & prayer by
the President

Instructions were given from the chair
concerning the object of the conference, when
the following branches were represented

Franklin branch Oaklin Co Members 35 1 E[lder] 1 P[riest] 31 T[eacher]
Waterford [branch Oaklin Co] [Members] 12 1 1 T
Livonia [branch] Wayne Co [Members] 12 1 E 1 P 1 T
Redford [branch Wayne Co] [Members] 13 1 1 1 D[eacon]
Brownstown [branch Wayne Co] [Members] 23 1 E 1 P. 1 D.
Van Buren [branch] Wayne Co [Members] 10 1
Auburn [branch] Oaklin Co [Members] 13 2 E 1 T
Superior br [Members] 18 1
Riga br to Richfield [Members] 18 1 P. 1 D.
Royal Oak Oaklin Co [Members] 3
Lapier Co [Members] 4
Confidence Essex Co West Canida [Members] 9
Total 170 8 E. 5 P. 5 T. 3 D.

After some instructions was given by the chair
It was resolved that Elder M. Sarine be ordained
to the office of High Priest

Page 276

Resolved, that B. B. Searsls, M. Wait, H Sprague
C. Lumis S. Goodnell, C McBride, And Jonathan
in the 80th year of his age be ordained Elders

Resolved, That P. Van Avery ^Jr^, C. Hodge & S. Hopkins
Be ordained Priest

Resolved that J. Taylor be ordained Deacon

The above named persons were then ordained
under the hands of Elders G. A. Smith W. Woodruff
and C. C. Rich

Resolved that we sustain Elders C. C. Rich & H Green
in their mission assigned them by the Twelve

A spirited & edifying address^es^ was deliverd both
by Elders Woodruff & Smith, directed & C C Rich
directed mostly to the Elders. After which
conference adjourned till tomorrow 10 oclok

~ Sunday

Sunday 16th A large Audiance assembled at 10 oclok
and was addressed was by Elder W. Woodruff
& followed by Haryvy Green, & in the Afternoon
by Elder G. A. Smith and a good impression
was made upon the whole congregation.

SC Dunn Clerk
G. A. Smith, President

We have been liberally entertained since we have
been in this town by the generosity of Col Peter
Van Every
whose welth & influence probably
is not excelled by any in the state. he is a gentleman
and a friend.

Page 277

~ Monday

June 17th A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Phebe &
done it up in a package with some golden
seal & $12 twelve dollars in silver & sent it
home by Elder G. A. Smith it will reach her
about the first of August. I rode to Royal Oak
in the rain & preached in the evening in the
school house, & spent the night with Mr
Cooper 12 miles

~ Tuesday

18th A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Phebe & sent her
$4 dollars for herself & $2 for the
Times and Seasons for Mr Wilcox for 1841.
I sent the letter by C. Dunn to give to G. A. Smith
I took steem boat at Detroit at 6 oclock & Paid
$1 to Buffalo arived at Cleveland Ohio in the
morning at 7 oclock 200 miles

~ Wednesday

19th I Found Elder L Foster and Tracy they
took steem Boat with me to Buffalo. we
left Cleveland at 8 oclok it was rough through
the day many sea sick. arived at Buffalo at
day light next morning distance from
Cleaveland to Buffalo 180 miles

~ Thursday to ~ Tuesday

20th Took cars for Rochester at $1.75 cts
arived at Rochester at 2 oclok took canal
Boat Nassau, Telegraph line Wm N Kent Master
arived at Albany on the 25th being 5 days on
the way distance from Buffalo to Albany 365 miles
Expenses from dDetroit to Albany $8.01

~ Wednesday

26th Took cars at Albany at 6 oclock A.M. & rode
to the city of Boston arived at 6 oclok P.M.
being 12 hours going 200 miles 200 miles

I spent the night at Br Tuckers No [blank]
expenses from Albany to Buffalo $4.50
I recieved Nauvoo papers & prophet from N Y

Page 278

~ Thursday

27th I had an interview with Elder B. Young
Spent the fore part of the day together He took
cars for Salem ^we the even in the evening^ ^we sat together in the depo while Joseph & Hiram were
killed. Brother Young was vary sorrowful & pressed in spirit
without knowing the cause^ & I spent the latter part of the
day at Elder Annaniahs McAllisterter 296 Washington st
I went to meeting in the Evening & confirmed
Brother John Hardy & 30 other persons, most of
which were rebaptized for the remission of sins

I spent the night with Br Jacob Phelps in Orange st
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Col Peter Van Avery

I found on my ariveval to Boston puite [quite] an excitemet
through the country concerning affairs in Nauvoo
& reagions round about saying that the whole
country was rising in arms in mob to exterminate
the Saints. most of the inflamatory speaches and
excitement was got up by the warsaw message
and St Louis papers they desire to exterminate the
Saints from of[f] the earth, but the work is in the
hands of God and he will direct all things aright

^ A coffin J S A coffin H S At 5 oclock this day the Prophet Joseph & Patriarch
Hiram Smith fell, sealed their testimony with their Blood
[FIGURE] They were murdered to appeas the wrath of a gentile mob as Christ
was by a Jewish mob. Peace be to thy ashes, the most glorious
resurrection to thy bodies and the American gentile nation answer
for thy blood before the bar of God. And the murderers pay the
price of the Lords anointed [FIGURE]^

[sideways text]
^5 oclok 16 m 23 sec 5 1/4 at Carthage 6 1/2 at Bostone^
[end of sideways text]

~ Friday

28th I spent the most part of the day at Br McAllisters

~ Saturday

29th Boston Conference

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter DaSy Saints
met in conference at Franklin Hall on the
29th Day of June 1844

There being present a majority of the quorum
of the Twelve viz seven as follows B. Young
H. C. Kimball, O Hyde O. Pratt Wm Smith,
L. Wight & W. Woodruff. And a large number
of Elders. Elder B. Young took the chair
Conference opened by Prayer.

Conference was addressed in the fore part of
the day by Elder O. Hyde, in an interesting manner
In the afternoon Elder's Young & H. C. Kimball
adress the meeting and also Elder L. Wight

Page 279

Resolved that James H. Glines & Wm Henderson
be ordained Elders. They were ordained
under the hands of H. C. kimball & B. Young
Conference adjourned till Sunday morning 10 oclok

~ Sunday

^30th^ Met persuant to adjournment was addressed in
the forenoon by Professor Orson Pratt, who took
away all the objections of the world against new
revelation. The meeting was addressed in the
afternoon by Elder L. Wight, who showed the
principle of the immortality of the body as well as
the soul & also the principle of charity, running it
into Baptism for the dead.

Elder W. Woodruff Preached in the evening from
the words of Jesus saying "ye are my friends if
ye do whatsoever I command you. [John 15:14] The house
was full through the day and evening and much
instruction was given through the day and
evening and during the whole conference by
those that spoke.

~ Monday

July 1st 1844

State Convention of Jeffersonian Democracy

General Joseph Smith nominated for President
Sidney Rigdon for Vice President.

The convention met at 10 oclok A.M. in the Melodian
and was organized as follows

Hon B. Young of Nauvoo President

Hon. Wm Smith & Gen. Lyman Wight
Vice Presidents

Hon Wilford Woodruff, Professor Orson Pratt
of Illinois, Annianias McAllister Esqr of Boston,
And D^N^ H. Felt Esqr of Salem Secretaries.

The convention was addressed with much animation
and zeal attended with sound argument during the
day and evening By the President, Gen. L. Wight, Hon.
O. Hyde, D. Spencer, Hon Wm Smith, Prof. O. Pratt,

Page 280

All of Illinois And George B. Wallace Esq of Boston.

A Preamble and many important resolutions
were adopted all of which together with the
procedings of the meeting were published in
the Boston Daily Times of July 2nd 1844.

The Melodeon was crouded in the evening and it was
soon evident that a large number of rowdies were in
the galleries & felt disposed to make disturbance, and
among others Abby Folsom made her appearance, &
arose & commence speaking while the president
was addresising the meeting. Soon a young man in
the gallery rose and commenced a series of rowdy
remarks & was encouraged by some mob companions
untill confusion became general in the gallery, untill
the policee came in to take him out. they were assaulted
and beaten badly by a set of young desperadoes. After
much hard fighting however they succeded in clearing
the gallery. one person got badly cut in the face but
not dangerous. the meeting was soon broaken up. this
is a disgrace to Boston & shows the spirit of the times

Gen Lyman Wight said he had seen Eastern missio-
naries among the Indians trying to civelize them but
he thought they had better commence at home first
He thought it best to send some sax & fox indians to
Boston to civelize the city. But notwithstanding
the meeting was closed by a mob yet much good
was done. the citizens could see their was sufficient
reasons to awaken the minds of the people upon the
affairs of our goverment, in order to save them from
ruin. The convention was adjourned untill tomorrow
at Bunker Hill at 4 oclok.

^H. C. kimball & G B Wallace was
Appointed Delegates to the Baltimore
National Convention^

~ Tuesday

July 2nd We met at Franklin Hall at 8 oclok in the morning
held a council, & dividid of[f] into different parts of the
vineyard or each one took several conference to attend

We then all met at Br Phelps'es in Orange st & anointed
Sister Smith wife of Wm Smith & lade hands upon
her for her sickness we took the parting hand with

Page 281

each other after prayers. I left the city & went
on board of the steemer Com Pribble in company
with Elder Milton Holmes an old friend companion
& fellow laborer in the gospel. we had not met before
for five years. it was quite a treat to enjoy his
company one more. We left Boston at 7 oclok P.M.
was some sea sick through the night, & arived at
Portland at 8 oclock We walked to Scarboro & arived

~ Wednesday

^3rd^ at Father Carters at about 2 oclok P.M. I found
Father Carter sitting at a window in the front room
reading, and mother about her work both enjoying
the best of health. Fabyan & his family were all
well. I ascertained on my arival that Br S. B Stodard
had been there & an appointment was given out
for our conference on Saturday & Sunday at the
old meeting house. We spent the afternoon at
Father Carters and after supper we walked up to
Sister Foss'es & found her at home well she was
repairing her house, put on a new roof, clapboards,
front door, intending to paint it throughout. We
spent the night at her house. I had some conversation
with her in the about evening about going to Nauvoo
she manifested a desire to go, but no door appeared to
open, before her. distance from Boston to Scarboro 124 miles

~ Thursday

4th A hand pointing to the right I spent the day with Elder Holmes at father
Carters & rote a page and a half in a letter to Aphia
S. Woodman
which Elder Holmes sent to her I walke
with father Carter to see the old meeting house, to
see if it would do to hold our mconference in it
we concluded it woou^l^d we visited his orchard &
garding all things looked well. found the papers
all through the country full of stories or reports
concerning mobs armies &c gathering against Nauvoo
mostly comes from Warsaw Message & St Louis paper

Page 282

~ Friday

5th I rode in company with Father Carter to
Saco & spent most of the day with Luther
& Rhoda Scammans they had sold their place
but could not get away on account of la law suit
that Albert Scammans had in order to get his children
which would not be closed untill late in the fall
Rhoda seemed much anxious to go with me & let
Luther come when he settelled his business.
we returned back to father Carters & spent
the night. Elder Toughs from Nauvoo arived
in the evening, & four of us spent the night
together viz S. B. Stodard, M. Holmes, Br Touffs
& myself distance of the day 10 mile

~ Saturday

6th Scarboro Conference

According to appointment we met in the
Tilton meeting house, at 10 oclok their being
present, Elders W. Woodruff S. B. Stodard
M. Holmes, Elbridge Tufts & Samuel Parker
Conference opened by Prayer By W. Woodruff
Elders M. Holmes & W. Woodruff occupied the
the time in the fore part of the day, and Elders S. B.
Stodard, & E. Tufts in the afternoon. their was
but few present

I spent the evening with Sister Foss & Elders
Holmes & Parker & the night at father Carters. the
News paper stories concerning Nauvoo was pouring
in like a flood, daily, but the {[I] had a gloomy note} Saints are in the
hands of God

~ Sunday

7th Sunday I was awoke in the morning with the
loud talk of George Bothby. I spent some of the
morning in conversing and writing at 10 oclok we
assembled in conference. about four hundred people
assembled at an early hour. I addressed them upon
the first principles of the gospel. as soon as I closed
Hull Barton got up & spoke. I answered him & was

Page 283

followed by Elder M. Holmes, father & mother
Carter was present Luther & Rhoda Scamman's
Sarah Foss, & most of the neighborhood. good attention
was manifest. I had the spirit of speaking. we
had an intermission of two hours. Met at 2 oclok
& found an audience of about six hundred
persons assembled, many from Saco Elder S. B.
addressed the meeting one hour & had
the spirit of speaking. I followed him, & felt
free in leaveing my testimony with the people
we had the best of attention. As soon as I dismissed
the congregation Hull Barton arose and gave out
an appointment for next Sunday at the Hayth
meeting house. we returned to father Carters & spent
the night Timy Ham came & contended awhile agains
the Brethreth.


BDwight Everett wants his papers sent in
John Hardys package to Boston, directed to
Dwight Everett Taunton Mass

On our return from meeting Luther & Rhoda
& a number of friends stoped at father Carters
for awhile. Rhoda felt anxious to go on west to
Nauvoo. Spoke of Phebe & felt anxious to spend
some time with her. Sister Foss seemed to be
bound in such a way that it seems difficult
for her to leave

~ Monday

8th A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Phebe at Sister Foss's
the brethren went to Saco. We Parted with
Br Parker & his wife who went to Mexico. We
feel an anxiety about our families in Nauvoo in
consequence of the persecution that rages in that

Page 284

region we are sensible that the Saints will have to be
tried whether they will abide in the covenant of God or
not even tried unto death. I am satisfyed that all
things will work together for the good of the Saints, and
when they are sufficiently tried they will be deliverd
The Brethren returned from Saco bringing the latest
news which sayes the mormon war had all fizzelied
out that the general with his officers had showed
their white feathers & left the field before a gun
was fired, & so their was nothing to be done but to
disband the troops, as their is no fighting to be done when
their is is nobody to be fought. this report it seems
comes from our enemies the warsaw message
so we cannot tel what to depend upon whether
it is war or peace time must determin;

~ Tuesday

An arrow piercing a heart An arrow piercing a heart July 9th 1844

I left Scarboro in the morning in company
with Father Carter & Elder M. Holmes & rode
to Portland, & dined with Ezra Carter & made
preperations to take the steam boat in the evening
for Thomastown & fox Islands. But about
2 oclok P.M. We obtained the Boston Times
of July 9th containing the solumn & awful
information of the Death of President
Joseph Smith the Prophet Seer & Revelator
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Also the Death of Hiram Smith his brother
the Patriarch of said Church. They were
shot dead in Carthage jail by a company of
^200 men American citizens painted like indians^
anti mormons & a guard that Govornor Ford
placed over them.
great excitement Prevailed
& it was expected that the Nauvoo Legion would
be exasperated & avenge their Blood, by rushing
to battle against the Govonor & his guard that
was camped 7 miles from Nauvoo & also against
Carthage & Warsaw & the whole country was
rushing to arms & could not tell whare it would

Page 285

stop the families of warsaw had gone to
Quincy the bells of the town were ringing
& men were called to arms, but where
the end would be time alone must detirmin
the foregoing items I draw from the papers
we shall look for terrible accounts each
day untill the close of the scene.

We also recieved a hand bill in the evening
concerning the mob, war excitement &c in
philadelphia which was tremendious in fact
the nation seems to be ripe for Judgment.

I spent the night with Sister Foss. sI lade hands
upon her & asked the Lord to Bless her she felt
sorrowful about affairs in the west, felt
anxious about Phebe and the children. My prayer
is that God will prepare our minds for the
worst & that we may maintain our integrity
untill death, that we may overcome as
Jesus has overcome

A hand pointing to the right I took out the letter from Portland P. O.
that I sent to Mrs Woodruff on the 8th & Br
Elbridge Tufts wrote to his Brother in Law
Nathan Pinkham of Quincy Ill. to take hifs
family in charge if they were breaking up &
removeing from Nauvoo. I also requested
him to take charge of my family if they
needed the favor. he keeps tavern by the side
of the qwincy house distance of the ^day^ 20 miles

~ Wednesday

10th I walked to Father Carters & spent the fore-
noon dined with them & took the parting hand
with them, & rode with Sister Foss & IcaCalvin &
Br Tufts to Saco. Called upon Sister Rhoda. Luther
was from home much anxiety was manifest about
Phebe. I here took the cars for Boston arived at
9 oclock with Elder Stodard distance 100 miles

Page 286

Sister Foss gave me $1, Calvin 50 cts Rhoda Scammans
$2.50 cts to help bear my expenses home I had to pay
$2.75 cts to Boston

~ Thursday

11th All accounts from the west confirm the
report of the Death of the Prophet & Patriarch
of the Church viz Joseph & Hiram Smith & some
reports say that Elders Richards & Phelps were
killed & others contradict it.

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter byto Mrs Woodruff & sent
by Elder Stodard I also sent by him the letter
I took out of the Portland P. O. Br Stodard
started for New York. He let me have

8 Hymn Books 40 $3.20
6 Priesthood 20 $1.20
Total $4.40

I spent the forepart of the day at Br McAllisters
several Elders were present who felt to mourn the
death of the Prophet & Patriarch

I attended meeting in the evening with the Saints
in Boston they felt to mourn the loss of the
prophet & Patriarch of the Church, yet
they were strengthend in the faith & we had
a good time. I spent the night at Br Phelps

~ Friday

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to the Editor of the Prophet
giving a word of exhortation to the Saints
abroad, to maintain their integrity & keep the
faith and patience of the Saints untill death. the
accounts still continue to confirm the death
otf the Prophet and Patriarch to be a cold
Blooded murder

Page 287

~ Saturday

July 13th A coffin prophet A coffin patriarch

We obtained information this morning from quincy
als late as June 29th The Govonor had made Quincy
his head Quarters for he could neither trust the
people or Melitia in that region of country had
made a proclamation to the citizens of the
state, would protect either party against
an attact. The mormons had done all that could
be required of them, still their appears to be
a disposition of the people & troops to try to destroy
Nauvoo. The Govonor acknowledges the death
of the Prophet and Patriarch to be a wanton murder
We do not obtain one word from any of our
friends so that we can obtain any thing correct upon
the subject. I hope we may get somthing soon
I expect the mails are stoped. Mob spirit is rising through-
out the country Philadelphia is full of it. War
is again Proclaimed against Texas by Mexico
& the world is sheding the blood of Prophets,
Patriarch and Saints in order to fill up their cup

~ Sunday

14th I held meeting with the Saints to day in
Franklin hall franklin st Boston. I preached
in the forenoon administered the sacrament
in the afternoon & preached again in the evening
We had an interesting time I had the spirit of
Preaching. I spoke in the forenoon from Luke 21 ch
in the afternoon to the Saints from the doctrins and
& my Journal, in the evening from
Rev 14 ch 6, 7 & 8 verses ^& Rev 6 ch 9, 10 & 11 verses^ the house was crow[d]ed through
the day. I spent the night at Br Phelps

~ Monday

15th A hand pointing to the right I sent Mrs Phebe W Woodruff Bennon weekly
herald containing cuts and accounts of the Philadelphia
riots & of the death of Joseph & Hiram Smith

Page 288

~ Tuesday

16th A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the left A folded letter/box 2 As I arose in the morning Sister
Phelps handed me two Letters one from E. Snow
and one from J. E. Page both confirming the death
of thehe Patriarch and Prophet Joseph & Hyram
; I immediately wrote three letters & sent
to Brigham Young one to Peterboro N. H. one to Lowell
& one to Brabford Mass. I then went to the post office
& took out a letters directed to G. A. Smith written
mostly by his wife. Mrs Woodruff wrote a few
lines in it to me the first intelligence I had from her
since I left home. She related the following dream
that Joseph Smith had a few days before he sealed
[FIGURE] his testimony with his blood, about Wm & Wilson Law
he thought they bound him hand cast him into prision
a pit or well as Joseph was anciently he struggled
hard & got up so he could look out & he saw the Laws
a little distance off one of them in the ^grasp^ hands of a
tiger & the other a snake they called to him to come &
help them He told them they had bound him &
they could not. he thought a brother soon came
along & took him out of the pit [FIGURE] I called upon
Sister Voce 57 Temple St Saw Sister Ruth Sayers
who was with her tShe also recieved a letter from
her husband this day Dated Nauvoo June 30th &
still confirmed the death of Joseph & Hiram Smith
gave the whole particulars concerning it

~ Wednesday

^I have never shed a tear since I heard of the death of
the prophets untill this morning but my whole soul has felt nerved
up like steel^

17th Elder B. Young arived in Boston this morning
I walked with him to 57 Temple st and called
upon Sister Voice. Br Young took the bed and I the
big chair, and I here veiled my face and for the
first time gave vent to my grief and mourning
for the Prophet and Patriarch of the Church
Joseph and Hiram Smith who were murdered by
a gentile mob. after being bathed in a flood of tears
I felt composed. Elder Young left the city I spent
the night with at Br Phelps

Page 289

~ Thursday

18th A hand pointing to the right Elders O. Hyde H. C. Kimball and O. Pratt
arived in the city also President B. Young we
met together had some council. I wrote a letter
to the Prophet, advising the Elders who have
families in Nauvoo to go immediately to them &
for all the authorieties of the Church to assemble
at Nauvoo for a council, by order of the quorum of
the Twelve Wilford Woodruff Clerk, B. Young President
After which Elder O. Hyde and myself accompanied
Sister Voice to take tea with a sister who was attending
to a house near the state house fronting the common.
we walked all over the house & took a view of the
furniture it could not have cost much less than
one hundred thousand dollars to have furnished the
it. After tea we walked to meeting in a hall in
Washington st opposite Boydston hall Elder
Hyde had advertised to preach upon the murder
of Joseph and Hyram Smith and take up a collection
at the close to pay his expenses home.

The following is a brief synopsis of the same

The speaker read the 24 ch Matthew 9 to 14 verses
as the foundation of some remarks. Said he would
much rather leave the strife of men, and spend
his time in speaking of the gospel of Jesus Christ
But it is my design to night to speak upon the death
of the prophet & patraiarch. Some might think because
of the death of the men it would put a stop to the
work but not so. when God has sent a maen at any
time they were opposed by the world, for any gener-
ation, that has a prophet of God in their midst they
see his weakness as touching human nature & the
people are wactching for iniquity & they spend all
their time talking about any thing they see him
do that does not accord with their traditions &
tell a great many falshoods about him but entirely
forget and overlook all the good he does. It was

Page 290

so with our Savior men looked upon him as an
impostor and Beelzebub the Prince of devils, and
when he was crucifyed they were not satisfyed
with his dying merely but went and thrust a
spear into his side and their came out Blood and
water. [John 19:33-34] But how is it now with the Savior. all
profess to believe on him they dont talk about
what his persecutors said were his bad deeds but
his good ones. whan a man dies his bad deeds die
with him and his virtues live and grow brighter.
The gentiles say if I had lived in the days of the
Sav[i]or I would not have killed him but would have
rejoiced. But imagin yourselfs living in the
days of the an inspired man how would you
look upon him. as the worst of men the same as
they did. A man told me he dreamed that some
man spoke to him and said Lama, Lama, and
he looked and it was Joseph Smith retreating from
him and saying those words, the interpetation of
which is my God my God & when Joseph Smith
was shot he repeated those words. So with the
Savior when he was cruscified he said Lama,
Lama, Sabaethana. [Matthew 27:46] As the Jews were not satisfied
with killing Jesus Christ, but must thrust a spear into
his side so with the gentiles they were not satisfyed
with shooting the Prophet but stabed him with a
dagger in the breast. as so[o]n as they killed them they
all fled and in an hour their was not a man left in the
place, but the wicked flea when no man persues,
but why did the people murder this Prophet what
were they afraid of. O if he lives he will take
away our power of goverment get the rule in his
own hands and we will be distroyed, but they were
mistaken. If they had let him alone or had recie-
ved him he would have saved the nation from ruin
and destruction. But now the nation has got to
answer for his blood and the blood of his brother
both of which were the Lords anointed besids

Page 291

the nation will now be deprived of the benefit of that
wisdom and intelligence which the Prophet seer &
revelator would have brought to light that would
have been used for the benefit of the nations,
But now their die is cast and doom is sealed, &
their judgdment will come in an hour they are not
aware of. It was so with the Jews, they said if
we let Jesus alone he will come and take away
our state and Nation so they crusifyed his
shed his blood and said let it be upon us and our
children [Matthew 27:25]. And the judgments came upon them
their city was laid in the dust, & the inhabitants fell
by the sword & famine and the remnant was
scattered throughout the gentile world, while if
they had recieved Jesus Christ he would oft
had gatherd together the people & saved the city.
When the nations of the earth send their messeng
ers or ministers to any people & they are not recieved but
^wel^ intreatly and killed treated lightly and killed will not
that nation take vengance on their enemies, is God
then of less consequence than man, when he sends
his prophets, messengers & servants to the world with
a message & the people cast them out stone shoot
and kill them, will not God take vengance on that
nation yea he ever did and ever will, and this nation
will not escape. John said in pouring out the plagues
upon the earth 16 ch 3 v. that he poured out his vial upon
the sea and it became as the blood of a dead man and
evry living soul died in the sea, and the third angel
poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountain of
waters and they became blood. And the Angel said
the Lord was righteous in so doing for they have shed
the blood of Saints and Prophets and thou hast given them
blood to drink for they are worthy 6 v. Some yay [say] it
was in the days of Jesus Christ, But it was not in the
days of Jesus Christ for John lived after and saw
things in the last days. It seems that the waters
was turned to blood because they had shed the

Page 292

Blood of Prophets and Saints. Their was to be
two Prophets in Jerrusalem slain, for they tormented
them. Prophets are always a torment to the People
for they tell them the truth, reprove their transgressions
speak of the Judgments that are to come, when those
prophets were to be slain the people all would rejoice
& send presents to one another because the prophets who
had tormented them were slain, but in three days
they stood upon their feet & the Joy of their enemies
was of short duration. It is so now their is a secret
Joy in the hearts of the Priest and many people
that the Prophet and Patriarch is murdered and
some manifest their joy openly. It is always a
dark time Just before day, it is a dark time now
but it will soon be light. When Christ was crucifyed
it was a dark time they were ready to go to their farm
fishing and merchandize and Peter sent to inquire if
he was the one or if we should look for another, the
answer was go and thell them what you see and
hear, feel my body I have arisen, and Joy immediatly
arose in their bosom. As soon as the Jews found he
had arisin they bribed the guard to say that while they
were asleep his deciples stole him away, which saying
is believed among the Jews untill the present day [Matthew 28:11-15]
and they are taken in their own snare for it has been
that vary key that has chained them untill the present
time, & so it is with this nation they have sealed their
damnation by shedding the blood of the vary man that
holds the keys of this last dispensation and consequently
their destiny. A word about Br Joseph being killed
some have thought he could not be killed, but the Lord
never said so neither did Joseph say so. So did
Peter say to Jesus when he told him that he would be slain
or offered, far be it from thee, this shall not come upon
thee. Jesus said get the[e] behind me Satan thou savoreth not
the things that be of God but of men [Matthew 16:22-23].

Page 293

In the first instance The Prophet crossed the river
to Iowa & while there he inquired of the Lord what he
should do and the Lord told him to return and give
himself up he appeared to be aware that he would be
slain. The covenants convey this ^same^ idea ^concerning Joseph^ see Page 159, 4 par
behold I grant unto you eternal life if you should be slain
Page 126, 1 & 2 Par. It is supposed by some that the Govornor
had a hand in this affair, at first they were not ready to
recieve him for the plan was not finished how to dispose
of him. The Govornor had taken away all of the state
arms, & was in Nauvoo requesting them to give up
their private arms at the same time that they were murder-
ing our brethren at Carthage Jeal. as soon as the word came
the govornor fled, the women and children removed
so as to come stir up the world to come and destroy the
place but this failed. In consequence of the death
of the prophets the Editors seem to get the spirit of prophecy
and say the work is done & will stop, and die. But as I
am in the midst of the Prophetic Editors like Saul I
ketch some of the spirit of Prophecy & so I will prophe[s]y
that instead of the work diying it will be like the mustard
stock that was ripe that a man undertook to throw out
of his garding and scattered seed all over it and next
year it was nothing but mustard. It will be so by
shedding the blood of the prophets it will make 10 Saints
whare their is one now. Some said that he would
be President, but is now dead, now what will he do
the Revelator says He that overcometh will I give
Power over the Nations and he shall rule them with a
rod of Iron [Revelation 2:26-27]. I dont know but he may hold the keys
of the Plagues that are to be poured out in the last
days upon this and other nations. Angels appeared
anciently to John, who were his fellow servants the
prophets Joseph may appear in this day, to his brethren
This gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world
for a testimony then shall the end come. though they should

Page 294

be persecuted if they endured to the end they should
be saved. This generation speak much about the clouds
and weather they disern the face of the sky but why
can they not disern the signs of the times. The fig trees
are leaving and all things indicate the second advent
of Christ.

Elder B Young arose and said he felt disposed to add
his testimony. be of good cheer, the testiment is not
in force while the Testator liveth when he died it was
in force so it is with Joseph. On the day of Pentecost
their was but 120 of the Saints, but at that time
their were added 3000 souls. When God sends a
man to do a work all the devils in hell cannot kill him
untill he gets through his work. So with Joseph. He
prepared all things gave the keys to men on the earth
and said I may be soon taken from you.

I recieved an extra Nauvoo Neighbor during the evening
which gave an account of the death of ^the^ Prophet & Patriarch
at the close of the meeting I went home and spent
the night with a brother

~ Friday

19th [FIGURE] I borrowed $10 dollars of Br Bickford of Boston
& gave my note for it and $5 dollars of Brother Wingate
& gave my note for that. I received $12 dollars from
Br John Hardy for 6 Books of T & S & $9 dollars for Books
that Br Phelps sold for me the above money is paid

Br Reuben Hedlock address in Liverpool is 36 Chapel St
J. Hardy is 91 Commercial St Boston I had a present
of a coat from Sister Jones of Boston.

A hand pointing to the right Br Samuel Dam wished me to send him all the
Times and seasons Bound and the covenants &
Book of mormon & he will pay the money he spoke
of Bying a lot of me I spent the night at 57 Temple

Page 295

~ Saturday

20th I left Boston in rail car to westfield &
Buggy to Br Ashbel Dewey's on little River street
expenses $3. Spent the night with Br Deweys 120 m[iles]

~ Sunday

21. Sunday I preached in the school house forenoon
and afternoon, & broke bread unto the Saints they made
me a contribution of $10 and Ashbel Dewey let me
have $10 on Br Sparks Book account, which I gave
him an order for on Br Sparks.

I recieved $1 dollar for the Temple from John J. Stocking
I recieved $1 dollar for the Temple from Elizabeth Easton
I recieved $4 dollars for the Temple from Maria Dewy
I recieved $10 dollars in a letter to go to a man in Nauvoo
from Vinson Shirtliff from Russell Russell Depo Mass
call upon Titus Billings & he will tell whare the letter
is to go. I took the parting hand with the Saints
and rode to Simsbury called upon Aunt Cosset found
her still deranged but better spent the night at
Phelps Tavern 25 miles

~ Monday

22nd [FIGURE] Home Home I partinged with the friends in
Simsbury and rode to my Fathers house in farmington
and was truly glad to once more behold the face of
my Father and step mother I found them alone not
a child with them in their decline of life to watch
their cares. I had but 24 hours to spend with them
I happily improved it. I never enjoyed a better visit
with them, my mind had been deeply impressed for
weeks that I had sumthing to do for my parents
before they died, now was my time. My father was
near seventy ^67^ years of age I might never see him again
that night I shall never forget while time endures,
eternity alone can ownly unfold the strength of its
deeds. As the sable shades of night drew her serene
curtin ore the earth. to still the cares of day we met

Page 296

alone; none but congeniel spirits there. Wilford arose (and
with the spirit of a Joseph towards his father Jacob) opened
his heardt A heart to his father and spoke his mind, the sentime
nt was recieved. I lade my hands upon my Father's Aphek
head (And according to the authority of the Priesthood and
Apostleship confered upon me by the Revelations of Jesus Christ
under the hands of the Twelve Apostles, President B. Young being
mouth upon the cornor stone of the house of the Lord in
far west in the land of Zion,) I ordained My father Aphek
Woodruff unto the office of an high Priest and Patriarch
after the order of Melchezedeck I sealed him up unto eternal
I placed upon his head the seals of the covenant
illegible When all was oer it
was right, my soul was satisfyed, I had accomplished
what my soul longed after. My Dear father and step
retired, I was left alone: Alone did I say no not
alone, A conjeniel spirit, A kindred spirit dwelt with me,
around my [FIGURE] bed, upon my briest, within my heart, O glorious
night, sleep departed from me, meditations, scenes and
visions of by gone days and days to come, formed my
covering, my curtain, who knows the sweets of obedience,
the gospel, eternal truth? the Ancientst Patriarch's so do we
I shall never forget the last night I spent beneath my
fathers Roof, I may never spend another, there.
O God protect my aged father, through life, let the strength
of Parental obligation rest with due wait upon my head
Console the heart of her who has watched my wants,
my youth, my life, and when my mother rises from
the grave let the union of my father be like a three fold
cord not easily broaken [FIGURE] Let him stand in
the linage of his fathers in his exhaltations
what I say unto one I say unto all watch, for thoughts
dwell deep, but words pass away
[FIGURE] {vera amicitia est sempiterna} A heart with a key inside
15 m[iles]

Page 297

~ Tuesday

23rd Tuesday I took the parting hand with father and
mother with great satisfaction a peculier charm was
thrown around my soul as I left the threshhold of
my fathers house, having the confidence that if I
never see my father in the flesh again I shall meet
him again ^in^ the first resurrection. I had a desire in
my heart that all the ordinances of the fulness
of the gospel might also be administered unto father
and mother Carter that they may sleep in peace
may God grant the request. I rode in company with
Landlord Phelps to the railroad depo in New Briten
took rail road to New Haven, spent 10 hours in the
place mostly at Mr Tuttles, was with Br Terrill
did not see Br Davis, took steem Boat at 10 oclok
arived at New York next morning distance from
Farmington Ct to New York 150 miles

~ Wednesday

234dth I called at the Prophets office but no one at
home I then took steem Boat for Albany and
found on board Elders O. Hyde and O Pratt and
Sister Sayers I was truly pleased to meet with
these friends we rode to Albany and Troy 166 mile
we there took rail cars for Buffaloo at Schenectady
we Joined Elders B. Young H. C. Kimball and L.
making six of our quorum to accompany
each other home, we rode all night.

~ Thursday

25th We continued our Jurney all day in the
cars arived at Buffalo in the evening being 365 mile
from Troy in 24 hours, expenses of travelling and
sundry articles from Westfield to Detroit $33.20

~ Friday

26th took steem Boat in the morning and in
24 hours arived at Cleavland. O Hyde left
at fairport to visit his family in Kirtland

Page 298

~ Saturday

27th We arived at Detroit in the evening on board
the Bufhalo spent the night at the rail road Hotel

~ Sunday

28th Sunday We took the propeller Hereles for Chicago
at 10 oclok fare in cabin $7. I spent a part of the
day in writing we had good state rooms and was
comfortable we spoke of our families freequently
and the death of Joseph and Hiram we felt anxious
to get home. I conversed with the quorum of the Twelve
Elder B. Young expressed his feelings to me upon a variety
of subjects among others wished me to keep an account
of things as he should look to me for his Journal some
day. Brothers Kimbal and Pratt were quite sociable as
to Elder Lyman Wight we were always on good terms
we had an interesting time together, we talked over old
times and looked forward to new ones. He informed
me that Joseph told him while they were in Jeal [jail] that
he should not live to see forty years but told him not
to reveal it untill he was dead. Br Wight as well as the
rest of us feels his death deeply

~ Monday

A heart with a key inside 29th We had a plesent time in gliding smoothly
over the bosom of the lakes

~ Tuesday

30th We arived at the Macinnau stoped awile &
got some fish took some indians in tow and went along
their is a spirit manifesting itself through
the boat of prejudice against us because we do not
mingle with them in their nonsens and folly our
spirits are not congeniel and they wish to speak
evil of us while we walk uprightly this spirit is
manifest more or less throughout the gentile world

~ Wednesday

231st The opposing spirit is still previlent through the
boat it is not plesant to be in the midst of it we are
travelling through the Michigan lake vary smoothly
under different feelings from what I passed in 1841
with my family wreked on the Chesepek [Chesapeake]

Page 299

~ Thursday

August 1st We stoped at Milwaka & racene
the lake smooth, But some spirits rough, we
begin to feel in bondage among the gentiles
we arived in Chicago in the evening. Put up for
the night in the lake street house, had good
accommodations and cheep Breakfast and lodging
37 1/2 cts distance from Buffalo to Chicago 1100 miles

~ Friday

2nd. Left Chicago friday morning took stage for Galena
Paid fare $8 rode all day and all night, through a
delightful farming country but we had a dab
bad road, had to walk some, had a heavy load
we did not rest much during the night

~ Saturday

3rd Continued our journey through the day and
night still through a splendid country, the country
began to be rough as we drew towards Galena, we
arived in Galena Sunday morning about 8 oclok
distance from Chicago to Galena, by stage 160 miles
fare $8 Board $1.75

~ Sunday

Sunday, 4th We all arived here almost exhausted
with fatigue, being 48 48 hours in the stage without
stoping ownly to take our meals & over a rough road
we stoped for the day and night at the America
House, washed up, changed our clothing & spent
most of the day abed trying to get some rest.
I walked out through the day evening in the town
to take a view of Galena, it is built in the side
of a mountain on the bank of the river a rough
place. I should judge about 3000 inhabitents the
buildings generally small some good houses. I
dreamed during the night of seeing Br Asahel
at farmington Ct at fathers house

Page 300

~ Monday

Aug 5th Monday this is the day of election in this
state their will probably be some fighting and perhaps
some blood shed as men are geting wicked and
about ripe for judgment, their was some fighting
in the bar room below last evening but nothing
vary serious. Elder Kimball had a dream last evening
thought he was preaching to a large congregation
said the Prophet Joseph Smith had laid the foundation
for a great work and it was now for us to build
upon it. He thought Br Joseph was present and appeared
natural. We took the steemer St Croix and
left Galena for Nauvoo we had a plesant sail
through the day and evening, though some
unplesant feelings during the evening.

~ Tuesday

6th A building We stoped at various places on the
river among others Burlington, after
which we prepared our minds to once
more behold the city of Nauvoo & embrace our
families ^& friends^ we arived in the city of Nauvoo at
8 oclock in the evening at the upper stone house
we were hailed with Joy by all the citizens
we met. I accompanied the quorum of the
Twelve to their families after which I was
conveyed to my own and truly felt to rejoice to once
^more^ embrace my wife and children. I spent the night
at home with my family, thus it is with me. I have
not spent but one summer either at home or with
the Church, for the last 10 years as my lot has been
all the day long in the vineyard, I go and come from
year to year distance from Galenia to Nauvoo 250 m
when we landed in the city there was a deep gloom
seemed to rest over the city of Nauvoo which we never
experienced before

Page 301

~ Wednesday

Aug 7th 1844. I went forth this morning through
the city of Nauvoo saw many friends & met with
the quorum of the twelve at Elder Taylors
we were truly glad to see each other Br Taylor
was getting well of his wounds, that he recieved
in Jail in company with Joseph and Hiram Smith
when they were murdered, we were glad to
see Dr Richards who escaped unhurt. We were
recived with gladness by the Saints throughout the
city they felt like sheep without a shepherd, as being
without a father, as their head had been taken
away. We spent the fore part of the day at
Br Taylors, and in the afternoon, we met in council
at the Seventies Hall. viz the Twelve, High Council, and
High Priest &c & we herd Sidney Rigdon tell his
story and message which he had to us and the Church
a long story it was a kind of second class vision
he said he was appointed to come and offer
himself to lead the Church, and many things
was said. He was followed by Br Brigham
and he showed that their could not be
any one before the Twelve. A conference was
appointed for the whole Church to come together
on Tuesday next at 10 oclok.

~ Thursday

8th Their was a meeting appointed at the
grove for the Church to come together for prayer
But in consequence of some excitement among the
People and a dispositions by some spirits to try to divide
the Church, it was thought best to attend to the
business of the Church in the afternoon that was
to be attended to on Tuesday, the Twelve
spent their time in the fore part of the day at the
office and in the afternoon met at the grove the
following is the business of the day.

Page 302

Aug 8th 1844

A circle of stars All the authorities of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in and
about Nauvoo met in a special conference
in the grove in Nauvoo at 3 oclock. The quorum of
the Twelve, Councillors S. Rigdon & A Lyman, the
High Council, and others occupied the stand, the
High Priest, quorum, & quorum of the Seventies and
Elders, Pishops, Priests Teachers & deacons appeared
in their several quorums and took their seats and
also a vast congregation of Saints, when all was
seated that could get seats,

President B. Young arose and said Attention all
this congregation makes me think of the days of
king Benjamin when the People was so great that
they could not make them hear [Mosiah 2:7-8], But we want
your attention. Wm W Phelps was called
upon to address the throne of grace which he did do
most fervently. President B Young again
arose and said let none complain because of the
situation of the congregation. we have all done the best
we could.

For the first time in my life, for the first time in
your lives, for the first time in the kingdom of God
do I step forth to act in my capacity in connexion
with the quorum of the Twelve as Apostles of Jesus
Christ unto the People and to bear of the keys of the
Kingdom of God in all the world. And for the first time
are you called to walk by faith not by sight, for
always before you have had a Prophet as the mouth
of the Lord to speak to you, but he has sealed his
testimony with his Blood. I now want to ask
each of you to tell me if you want to chuse a

Page 303

gardeen [guardian], a Prophet, evangelist or sumthing els
as your head to lead you all that are in favor of it
make it manifest by raising the right hand. No hands
raised. All that wants to draw away a party from
the Church after them let them do it if they can
but they will not prosper. I now wish to speak of
the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints; Sidney Rigdon and Amasa Lyman
were counsellors to Joseph. I ask whare is Joseph
he is gone beyound the vail, and for them to act in
their office as his councillors they must go beyond
the veil whare he is. Their has been much said abou[t]
Presiden Rigdon being president of the Church
leading the People, being the head, &c If the People
want President Rigdon to lead them, they may
have him. But I say unto you that the quorum
of the The Twelve have the keys of the kingdom
of God in all the world, they stand next to Joseph
and are the Presidency of the Church, and hold
the keys and would have to ordain any man unto
that appointment if one that should be chosen ie if one
was to be chosen. You cannot appoint any man at
our head. we should have to ordain him, you cannot
appoint a man at our head, But if you want any
other man to lead you, take him, and we will go
our way to build up the kingdom in all the world.
Perhaps some think that president Rigdon would
not be honord But if he does right he will not act
against our council nor we against his but act together
but I repeat again No man can stand at our head.
The Prophet Joseph has lade the foundation for
a great work, and we will build upon it. Do you
want a Patriarch for the whole Church it would
have been the right of Samuel Smith if he had
lived, but he is dead William is left and John
it is their right. Do you want a trustee

Page 304

in trust isf so look at a bishop, it is their place
to attend to temporal matters they never yet have
acted in their station. Elder S. Rigdon
claims to be a spokesman to Joseph, vary well he
is but can he now act in that office if he wants
now to be a spokesman to the prophet, he must go
to the other side of the veil for the prophet is there
But Elder Rigdon is here. why will Elder Rigdon
be a fool. Let those who holds the keys of the
Kingdom of God build it up in all the world. If their
is a spokesman if he is a king and priest let him go
and build up a kingdom this is his right, and it is
the right of many here but who is the head?
the Twelve. If one Thousand rise up and say they
have the Prophets Joseph shoes I know they are impost-
ures If you know how the Church is organized I
wish to ask a question. Now If you want Rigdon
Lyman or Law to lead you or any body els, you may
have them, But I tel you in the name of the
Lord, that no man can put another betwen
the Twelve and the Prophet Joseph, why
because Joseph was their file leader and he has
committed into there hands the keys of the
kingdom for all the world. dont put a thread
between the Priesthood and God. I will ask who
has stood next to Joseph and Hiram. I have and
I will stand next to him. we have a head, and
that head is the Twelve and we can now begin to
see the neccessity of the Apostleship
I will now
close and give way for my brethren.

Elder A Lyman arose and said, I will say a few
words. I am satisfyed with the open frank manner
that Elder Young has addressed this assembly.
I ownly take exceptions to my name being associated
with Wm Law. Elder Young asks pardon it

Page 305

is granted. I believe their is no power or, officer
or means wanted to carry on the work but what
is in the Twelve, the right has been presented
by Elder Young and I will back him up. President
Young has stood next to the Prophet Joseph
with the Twelve and I have stood next to them
and I will still stand next to them. We have
a head here what is that head the quorum
of the Twelve we now se[e] the necessity of
the Apostleship. I might rise up as well as any
other man to ask for the head but I could not
do it without endangering my salvation. But
I will stand unto the Twelve the same as I did
to Joseph either on one side or the other
but not before them. President Rigdon
called upon W. W. Phelps to speak in his
behalf as he could not speak.

Phelps arose and said, he believed their
had been enough said to Prepare the minds
of the People to act. I have seen the people
submit with defference to the Authority of the
Church. I have seen the People take their
lives in their hand and gather subjects for the
kingdom of God. I have seen them prepare
for war and ready to pour out their hearts
Blood, and I am happy to see the same
disposition manifest here today as was when
Joseph and Hiram Smith was brought dead
murdered to this city, then you submitted
to the Law and to God and I see the same
thing today you are ready to submit to the
Authority of God the Twelve are chosen
to rise up and bear the Church off triumphant
I ^have^ feelings about this esspecially for president
Rigdon their is a quorum that the 12 belong to
Br Rigdon was brought to the same quorum

Page 306

and received in part the blessings. Joseph
has gone but he has not left us comfortless, for
he will administer unto us I will bear this testimony
in 2 nights after he was slain he came to me (and
I thought their was a large building stood on
wheels, and he said tell the drivers to drive on I
asked if the building was on wheels yes so
we drove all round the hills and valleys and
finally over the river into Iowa. I told him
Devil Creek was before us I dont care said he for
Devil Creek drive over it and we did so)
their is a combination in Nauvoo to stand for destroy
all that stand for Joseph, but
let us go ahead and build up the Temple and
you will then be endowed. If you want to
do right uphold the Twelve. If they die I am
willing to die with them. But do your duty
and you will be endowed. I will sustain the
Twelve. Joseph and Hiram are removed
whare they can convers with the Gods beyound
the reach of Powder and ball.

P. P. Pratt arose and said if their was wicked
men in this city that was so bad it was because
we supported them. Stop dealing with them
and they will go away will I support them
No. I am willing to do good to all men esspecially to
the household of faith, except mobs and wicked men
will scease when you scease to support them
I would rather die a natural death than to employ
a wicked doctor to kill me

President Young arose and said their is more
business than we can do this afternoon but we
can place ourselves in a situation to continue

Page 307

the business without calling the whold Church
I dont want you to abide my council alone
but act for yourselves. If you want Sidney Rigdon
to lead you vote for him but if you dont intend
to follow him, and support him as you did Joseph
and I would say the same for the Twelve
dont make a covenant to support them unless
you intend to abide by their council. But we
want to know if this people will support the Priesthood
If wyou build the house you will get the endowm-
. If we do our best and cannot build the
house we will go into the wilderness and get
it. will you take our council. The first is
do you want President Rigdon to be the head
or do the Saints want the Twelve to stand as
the head. the first Presidency of the Church
and at the head of this Kingdom in all the
world, stand next to Joseph, walk up into
their calling, hold the Keys of this Kingdom
All that are in favor of this in all the congre-
gation of the Saints manifest it by holding
up the right hand. Their was sea of hands
a universal vote, a contrary vote was called
and not a hand was raised in all the con-
gregation. Let President Rigdon go and raise
up a mighty kingdom. Our feelings are to let
Marsh stand as the President of this stake.
Joseph has loved this People unto death and
Hiram has loved Joseph and this People unto
death. If the The Twelve had been here
I would not have seen him given up, he should
not have been given up. He was in your
midst, But you did not know him he has been
taken away for the People are not worthy
of him. But let not men think that the kingdom
of God, is rent from you it is not, if we were all

Page 308

dead the High Priest would rise up and with
the keys of the Kingdom build up the kingdom
let men go to a healthy country and get a foot
hold, so as to be sustained in the midst of our
persecution. The Saints will still be tithed
untill the temple is done all that is in favor
of being tithed untill the temple is finished
make it manifest with the usual sign it was
a universal vote. Would it be the feelings
of the people to support the Twelve in all the
world in their missions. Itw was a universal vote
Will the Twelve People let the Twelve regu-
lated the financial concerns of the Church
A universal vote

The Patriarchal Priesthood belongs to the
Smith family, if Samuel had lived it would
have been his right, but as it is will the people
leave the matter the Twelve, it was
A universal vote.

Do you want to sustain President Rigdon to stand
in his place to council with us, and we with him
and the same Br A Lyman A universal vote
Resolved that the Twelve dictate the affairs of
the Temple committies and other affairs

Meeting closed by Prayer by P. P. Pratt

Page 309

~ Friday

Aug 9th I spent part of the day in writing in the
afternoon I attended a council. it is gloomy times in
Nauvoo as the Prophet and Patriarch is gone and their
appears to be but little ambition to do any thing ownly
theiry are to work vary busy on the Temple. we appoin[te]d
two trustees in trust for the Church viz Geo Miller & N K Whitney

~ Saturday

10th I spent the forepart of the day diging potatoes
and in the afternoon I walked with Mrs Woodruff
to Br Smoots.

~ Sunday

11th Sunday I met with the Saints, in the general
congregation I opened the meeting by Prayer, and
L wight Preached in the fore part of the day
and in the afternoon I met with the twelve for
prayer Wheat sheaves had a good time

~ Monday

12th A circle of stars Monday 10 oclock AM. Council of the Twelve
their being Present B. Young, H C Kimball
P. P. Pratt, O Pratt W. Richards W. Woodruff,
J. Taylor & G. A. Smith

Voted that Amasa Lyman is one of the Apostles

Voted that the estate of Joseph Smith settle its own
depts [debts] and the Church have nothing to do with it

Voted to organize the continant of America into
districts and appoint High Priest to Preside over each

Voted that B. Young H. C. Kimball and W Richards
district the continant of America and appoint
Presidents over the several districts 1 oclok [P]M. Adjourned 1 1/2 hours

3 oclock Met according to adjournment

Moved by H. C. Kimball that Elder W. Woodruff
take a mission to England and Preside over the Church
and Printing esstablishment in England, Ireland,
Scotland & the ajacent Islands and continant carried

Page 310

Voted that the general superintendance direction
and control of the emigration in England to be at
the disposal of Brigham Young President of the
quorum of the Twelve.

W Richards Clerk B Young President

~ Tuesday

Elder O. Hyde returned home to Nauvoo
to day. I rode in company with Sister Brown
Mrs Woodruff to Sister Browns.

~ Wednesday

14th I met in council with the Twelve,
Nauvoo House and Temple commities and the
Temple stone cutters, in order to create a
unity of feelings and action and an equality
of pay an&c. A good feeling was manifest

~ Thursday

15th I am settelling up all my accounts and paying
all that I owe so I may be prepared to take
a mission to england. Elizabeth Frazier commen-
ced work at my house this day

I met in council with the Twelve A circle of stars in
the fore part of the day, they resolved to bear of[f]
the Kingdom of God in all the world, in truth, honesty
virtue, and Holiness, & set their faces as a flint
against evry species of wickedness, vice and
dishonestey, in all its forms.

Wheat sheaves I met with the quorum in the afternoon for
Prayer, to Pray for the sick Mrs Woodruff was
with me [FIGURE] Geo. M [FIGURE] Mrs. M Br and Sister Miller was
Present was Prayed for as Sister Miller was
quite out of health

~ Friday

16th Walked to the Temple with H C Kimball I saw
two of the caps finished with a mans face with two
trumpets over his head

Page 311

~ Saturday

17th A hand pointing to the right 5 I wrote five letters to the following
Persons viz Smith Tuttle, M. Holmes, L Scamman
Freedom and Shuah Molton, and Sister Jerman
I accompanied the Twelve to the Temple and
we went onto the top of its walls & viewed the
country, encouraged the workman. I had
some council from Elder Young concerning the
affairs of the kingdom my mishion &c

~ Sunday

18th [FIGURE] Sunday I met I vast congregation
of the Saints at the grove to hear a discourse
from President Young upon the present excite-
ment that is through Nauvoo in consequence of
unwise teaching by some that are trying to
draw away a party after them the following is
a synopsis of the discourse

President Young arose and said that he ^"I^ had^ve^ many
things to speak of. It was my mind in the first
place that we should have suitable time to meditate
upon all matters and weigh them, even evry
subject wharein we felt interested. When the
question was asked me if they should con-
tinue to Baptise for the dead, I said I had no
council to give upon that subject at that time ^present^ but
should think it not best to attend to it at that
time. I have learned some things I did not know
when I came home. I discover a disposition toin
the sheep to scatter abroad now the shepherd is taken
away. I do not say that it will never be right for
this people to go from here or scatter abroad but let
them wait untill the time comes & untill they
get council to do so. The report has gone forth through
the city that the Twelve has^ve^ a secret understanding

Page 312

with those men who are going away to take a ^& taking^
companys with them, that they shall take all
they can but ^& although^ the Twelve will blow it up in
public but ^yet^ privately ^they^ wish it to go on, but if
it was the last words I had to say before going into
the Eternal world I would swear by the Holy
Trinity that it was ^is^ utterly fals and not a word
of truth in it, their is no man ^that has^ any right to
lead away one soul out of this city by the consent
of the Twelve, except Lyman Wight and Geo
^who have^ had the privilege of taking the Pine Company
whare they pleased but not anyother soul has
the consent of the Twelve to go with them. Their^re^
is no man ^who has^ any liberty to lead away people into
the wilderness from this Church or to lead them
any whare els not by the consent of the Twelve
or the Church except the case above named and
I tel you in the name of Jesus Christ, that if
Lyman Wight & Geo Miller take a course contrary
to our council, and will not act in consent with
us, but take a course against us they will be
damned and go to destruction, and if men
will not stop striving to be great and exhalted and
lead away parties from us, and strive to weaken
our hands they will fall and not rise again, and
I will destroy their influence in this Church with
the help of God and my brethren. I wish you to
distinctly to understand that the councel of the
Twelve is for evry family that does not belong to the
Pine Company to stay here in Nauvoo, and build up
the Temple & get your endowment, dont
scatter. United we stand divided we fall. it has
been whispered about that all that go into the
wilderness with Wight and Miller will get their
endowment, but they cannot give an endowment

Page 313

in the wilderness. If we do not carry out the
plan Joseph has laid and the pattern he has given
for us to work by we cannot get any further
endowment I want it to sink deep into your heart
that you may remember it. I repeat it, let me
reason with you. If you stir up the flame of dissent
will you get an endowment No, you get a party
to run here and another there, and divide our
strength, and weaken our hands and we will be
left and our enemies will flock around us and destroy
us in that case you will not get your endowment
but will sink and not rise, go to hell and not to
the bosom of Abraham. do the people leave here
because they are afraid? what are you cowards?
do you fear those that have power to kill the body?
and have no other power more than him that has
power to cast both soul and body in hell.
If you
leave this place for fear of the mob before God
tells you to go you will have no place of rest
but you will flee from place to place and go
like the jews, untill God raises up some other
people to redeem you, for if the devil scares
you from this place he will scare you from
all other places. Let no man go from this place
but the pine country brethren but stay here, sow
plant, build, put your plow shares into the prairies
one plow share will do more to drive off the mob
than two guns. let us stay here with ^where^ the bones
of Joseph and Hiram Samuel ^Don^ Carloss and father
Smith, ^are^ Joseph has said if I ^&c^ am slain in battle
or fall any way I want my body laind in Nauvoo
I had rather have the dead body of the prophet
than some men who are alive, and I should rather
have the clothes of the prophet stuffed with straw
for President ^of the U S^ than any man whose name is now
before the nation for a candidate, for he would

Page 314

would not do so much harm. We want to build
the Temple in this place if we have to build
it as the Jews built the walls of the Temple in
Jerrusalem, with a sword in one hand and the
trowell in the other. how easily ^some^ men are scared
this child was never ^I have not been^ frightend yet and I
know of other men who are ^have^ not. Do you suppose
the mouth of God is closed to be opened unt
no more unto us. If this was the case I would
not give the ashes of arie straw for the salvat-
ion of the Church. If God has ceased to speak
By the Holy Ghost or revelation their is no
salvation but this is not the case. Their seems
to be a disposition by many to leave Nauvoo &
go into the wilderness or some whare els, but what
if we should go into the wilderness, and we
should ask God to give us an endowment, and
he should ask if we were driven from
Nauvoo and who drove you? the devel drove
us, would be the answer. well he might say did
you not know that I had power over the devil,
yes but one said that I would not give a jack
knife for all Nauvoo and another said I would
not give a pair of mules for the best farm
in Hancock Co and I was afraid. would the
Lord give an endowment to a people that would
be fritened away from ^their^ duty? Those that are
wishing to lead away parties contrary to council
I wishould not wish them damned worse than
to have a company after their own liking for
they will soon quarrel among themselves;
and if we should go to the wilderness and
ask the Lord, to give us an endowment He might
ask us saying did I not give you rock in Nauvoo
to build the temple with yes Did I not through my

Page 315

providence furnish men to quirry & cut the
stone & prepare them ^it^ for the building yes did I
not give you means to build the Temple there?
yes. vary well had you have died in Nauvoo
on the walls of the Temple or in your fields
I would have taken you to glory ^myself^ and raised
up men to officiate for you and you would have
got ^enjoyed^ the highest glory. did you make a sacrafice
by tithing? No well I dont wonder you did
not believe I had power over the devil.
Such may go away. But I want to have the
faithful stay here to settle the city. we shall
require the 10th of all your property for the ^as a^
tithing for the building of the Temples, the
poor and for the Priesthood. I want my support and
living by the Church hereafter so that I can
give my whole time to the business of the Church
I have always supported myself heretofore in all
my travels and labours. While in England one
year, we circulated 60,000 tracts upon our
doctrin. this ought to be done in all the world
^and it can be where the Elders are faithful in their calling^
The testator ^Joseph^ has always lived ^been preserved^ untill now, but he
has now sealed his testimony with his blood
and his testiment should now be put in force
while the testator lived it was all in his hands
but now he is dead. Their is no remission of
without the sheding of Blood. you will
soon wake up and know things as they are their
has been a great dept paid. their will be no need
of more Blood of the Saints being shed at present
by and by you will understand and see that all
is right. WO, WO, WO, unto all who have
shed the blood of the Saints and the Lords
Anointed it must needs be that offences come
but wo unto that man through whome they come

Page 316

to those that want to go away from this place I
would say wait untill the time comes. I will
give you the key. North and South America
is Zion and as soon as the temple is done and
you get your endowment you can go and
build up statkes but dont be in haste, wait untill
the Lord says go. If you have the spirit of
God you can discover right from wrong. when
all is right with the priesthood is right ^&^ A man is
rises up and speaks in the spirit of God and
just right All will say Amen but when
a man rises up and talks as smooth as oil
if he is not right their will be many queries
about it, it will not satisfy ^edify^ the body I give
this as a key. You may go all over North
and South America & build up stakes when
the time comes. The whole continant of
America must be organized into districts
and presiding elders appointed over each
district, the time has come when all
things must be set in order. I have had these
things upon my mind a long time. the time
has come now for bickerings to scease theirre must
be a strict order of things, and we are no longer
bound to harbor black legs, counterfieters, boges
makers, we know all about them they have been
in our midst long enough. I advise all the Saints
to have no dealing with such men let them alone
the time has come that they should be wiped
out of our midst, let those men alone, let the ungod-
ly dealers alone. And as to the doctors who are in
our midst who are our enemies I would say let
them alone, for I have no boubt but that three
to one who have died in this place had a doctor
and I would say wo unto you Lawyers for their ^your^

Page 317

whole study is to put down truth and put a lie
in its stead. I want the Lawyers to know that
we have common sense they want to make
you believe that when you spell Baker it
means cider or whiskey; Now let the Lawyers
and doctors alone and leave ^off^ all bitterness and
evil speaking alone and you will build the Temple
and get an endowment. All ye Lawyiers go
away and let us alone, and when we want you
and we ^&^ get full of the devil ^& want you^ we will send for you,
we may then have a more convenient season
but go thy way for this time, and I want to
say to all Saints do not harbor black legs coun-
terfeiters, and bogas makers wipe them away
it is time to carry out the design of our prophet
do scease to employ doctors Lawyers & Merchants
who will empty your purs and then mob you
Store your grain in Nauvoo for you will want
it here, to eat while you are bilding the Temple.
I want to say to the hands upon the Temple be
united and I want to say to the committee ^I say^
dont turn away any person because he is an
Englishman, Scotchman, Irishman or any other
nation, but employ evry man you can and build
the temple and your homes. I had rather pay
out evry sent I have to build up this place
and get an endowment If I was driven the
next minute, without any thing to take with me
As to the doctors let them go. I can prove that
a doctor in this place doctored A woman that
was in the family way and did not know it
untill she was deliverd, and both woman and
child died, and if you will employ them
you will all die, but the time has come

Page 318

when you need no longer to support
them. their is a distinction between the
law of the Land and the law of the Church
you have the privilege of keeping all shops that
does not come in contack with the Law of
the state, county, or city, so I will evade the law
says the dealer and give away whiskey and
sell a little tobaco or sumthing & charge enough
for both, but the law of the Church will
reach such men if they are members for they
will be cut off (I had a dream which I will
here relate I saw a fruit tree, & I went into the
tree in search of fruit. I soon discoverd that some
of the main branches on ^the^ top g^r^oing from the main
body was dead; It seemed necessary to cut off
the dead branches in order to save the tree so I
told some person to help me cut them off & they
steped on to a large green limb they were afraid it
would break, so I put my sholder under it & held
it up while he cut off the dead branches it cracked
the green limb but it did not break. after we cut
of[f] the dry limbs the wounds healed up and the
tree grew finely) now let us cut of[f] the dead bran
ches of the Church that good fruit may grow
and the voice will soon be herd go and build
Zion and the great Temple of the Lord.

A word unto the Seventies they will be organized
into their different quorums and a Presidency
of seven men will be chosen out of the first
seventy to preside over each quorum. Now as you
have been warned let evry man warn his Neighbor
and we will give evry man his appointment
as soon as convenient

May the Lord bless you in the name of
Jesus Christ Amen See next page

Page 319

The Saints assembled in the afternoon and
was addressed by Elder H. C. Kimball & followed
by President Young I did not attend myself
and hence did not take notes but they had an
interesting time, they warned the Loyars
Lawyers and Doctors of their iniquity, and Preached
righteousness to the Saints. I spent the afternoon
at home writing. And in the evening in company
with Mrs Woodruff I rode out to Br John Benbow
and spent the night had some trouble getting there
but had a good visit with them we came to
the conclusion to leave our ownly son named
Wilford Owen. with Br and Sister Benbow while
we should take our mission to England.

~ Monday

19th We took the Parting hand with Br Benbow
and Wilford, and returned home to Nauvoo
Sister Benbow accompanied us. Sister Ells and
Sister Brown was sewing for Mrs Woodruff.
I met in council with the quorum of the
A circle of stars Twelve the[y] conversed some concerning the rout we should
take it was thought to be the healthyest to take
the northern route.

Elder Dunham was appointed to hold a council with
some visiting brethren concerning some temporal

A letter was read directed to Dr Richards and some
dreams rehearsed one of which I told as follows
I met with Br Joseph Smith in the congregation
of the Saints, he had his old Hebrew and Jerman
Bible, and preached to the Saints. Be he seemed to
be two[o] thronged by the people and he rose up lifted
up a curtain and passed into another room where
the people could not distirb him and there he was
going to teach the people

Page 320

~ Tuesday

20th I spent the day at home writing

~ Wednesday

21st I met in council with the Twelve by the
request of Elder Lyman Wight as he wished some
council, but he was sick and could not attend
so the council dispersed.

In the afternoon Elders B. Young H. C. Kimball
W. Richards and J. Taylor each in company with
his Lady except Sister Young spent a portion
of the afternoon at my house on a visit, and
took supper with me. I estem it a favor to have
the company of any of the Twelve. It begins to
be sickly in Nauvoo some I am almost daily
called upon to visit the sick

~ Thursday

22nd I spent the fore part of the day setling accounts
and the latter part of the day writing

~ Friday

23rd A crown Mrs Woodruff and myself visited Br
and Sister Stodard and Br and Sister Foster and
obtained our miniatures by the ingennuety of
Br Foster at the apparatus of his Darroutype [daguerreotype] we
both obtained a good likeness, and in the even[in]g
Elders called upon me and gave me a blessing the
following is from the hand of Elder B Young
I hereby certify that Elder Wilford Woodruff
has recieved a mission by order of the quorum
of the Twelve to England, to preside over the
churches in that land, and I feel to bless him
in the name of the Lord with all belonging to or
dwelling beneath his roof at this time consisting
of his wife and children and sister Mary Arey
who is assisting them to get on their Journey.
{in speaking [turn]} B Young

Page 321

23rd A circle of stars I met ^ Keys crossed^ with the quorum of the Twelve in
council, a little time or some of them. I visited
Emma Smith the widow of the prophet she
let me have a peace of oak for a staff [FIGURE] out of
the A coffin coffin of the Prophet Joseph who was
inhumanly martered in Carthage Ill in company
with his brother Hiram. Emma also let me have
a Pair of gloves composed of white cotton and Mrs
Woodruff a pair cotton hankerchief both of which
the Prophet wore while living. We called upon
Sister Mary Smith widow of Hiram Smith the
Patriarch. She gave us some hair from the head
of Joseph Smith, Hiram Smith, Samuel Smith, & Don
Carloss Smith
, all brothers, of the same Parents
I also obtained some hair of the quorum of the
Twelve Apostles in the Church of Jesus Christ of
the Latter day Saints my object was in putting
a portion of each in the top of my staff as a relick
of those noble men, master spirits of the nineteenth
centaury, to hand down to my posterity, to
deposit in the most Holy and sacred place in
the Holy temple of GOD, on the consecrated Hill
of Zion

I next visited, Mother Lucy Smith, the mother
of those noble men even the Lords anointed,
whose names were Joseph, Hiram, Samuel and
Don Carloss, and the wife of Joseph sen the
first Patriarch of the last dispensation, all those
men fell directly or indirectly as marters for the
cause of truth and of God. Joseph and Hiram
being shot in cold Blood. The Old Mother and
Prophetess felt most heart broaken at the
loss of her children and the wicked and
cruel treatment she had recieved from the
hands of the gentile world. She begged a blessing
at my hands. I lade my hands upon her head and
proclaimed the following by the Spirit of God

Page 322

The following blessing was proclaimed upon the head
of Mother Lucy Smith (the Mother of the prophet
seer and revelator Joseph and his brethren) on the
23rd day of August 1844 under the hands of Elder
Wilford Woodruff of the quorum of the Twelve

Beloved Mother in Israel according to your request
I lay my hands upon your head, in the name of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood
and the [FIGURE] [keys] of the kingdom of God to bestow a blessing
upon you for thou art worthy of all blessings.
As I lade my hands upon thy husband Joseph Smith sen
the Patriarch of the Church by his request to bless
him as he lay upon his bed like Jacob of old ready
to gather up his feet and sleep with his fathers, and I
about to take my departure over the sea to visit
foreign nations, which was the last time we ever
met on earth. In like manner do I essteem
it a blessing and a privilege to lay my hands upon
your head, in your decline of life to leave with
you my parting blessing as I am again called
to bid farewell to my native country and visit
foreign climes to bear record of the word of
we may never meet again on earth. But I
thank my God that I have this privilege of blessing
thee for my heart is full of blessings for thee, for
thou has art the greatest Mother in Israel, the
sons thou hast bourn and cherished, are the most
noble spirits that ever graced humanity or taber-
nacled in flesh. their work shall be had in honorable
rememberance through all generations of men.
Though counted among transgressors, they like the
Messiah have shed their blood for the sins of the
people, and freely offered their lives and sealed
their testimony ^with their Blood^. Tho[u] hast lived and stood to see
the fall of thy sons by the rage of gentile hands,
and like an impenaitrible rock in the mids of the
mighty deep thou hast remained unmoved

Page 323

untill God has given ^thee^ the desires of they heart
in seeing the keys of the Kingdom of God held
in the hands of thy Posterity so planted in
the earth that they shall never be taken from
it untill he reigns whose right it is to reign.
Let thy heart be comforted in the midst of thy
sorrow, for thou shalt be had in honorable remem
berance forever in the congregations of the righteous
thou shalt be remembered in thy wants during
the remainder of thy day, and when thou art
called to depart thou canst lie down in peace
having seen the salvation of God, in laying an
everlasting foundation for the deliverance ^of Israel^ through
the instrumentality of thy sons. I seal upon
your head all the blessings of the fulness of the
gospel and of the Church of the first born, and
all those blessings that have been sealed upon
you heretofore. If we meet no more on earth
we will meet in the morn of the first resurrection
whare you shall recieve thrones, powers, a dominion
and kingdom in connexion with thy husband in
his high exhaltation in the linage of his fathers. I
seal all these blessings upon your head in the name
of Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood

~ Saturday

24th A circle of stars 12 I met in council with the Twelve and
the Temple and Nauvoo House Committies
A variety of subjects was conversed upon among
others measures were entered into to hasten the Temple
as speady as possible, to council young men from
abroad to come in and bring money and means to spend
for that purpose. It was thought best for the Saints to
go north into the colder country to build a branch it
was thought best for Br Wight to go north with his
company and not south. The quorum of the Twelve blessed
at follows

Page 324

A Blessing bestowed upon the head of Elder Wilford
Woodruff under the hands of the quorum of the
Twelve Elder John Taylor being spokesman
Nauvoo August 24th 1844

Brother Woodruff we lay our hands upon your head
in the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority
of the Holy Priesthood to seal upon your head a blessing
and set you apart unto the important mission which
is appointed you of the Lord by the voice of the Twelve
to go over the sea to England, to take charge of the
churches throughout that land And we ask God the
Eternal Father in the name of Jesus Christ, to bless you
with health and strength, open the door befor you
and your family that you may have food and rament
and money and all things necessary to make you
comfortable and that the power of God may rest
upon you in a greater degree than in any mission before.
We seal upon your head these blessings. you shall be
preserved to finish your mission and returne with
your family and meet in the Temple of the Lord and
rejoice therein and shout Hosanna. you shall have
Power and wisdom to accomplish the design of
your missions and shall have the desire of your heart
given you in all things in righteousness before God

Page 325

I settelled with Mr Hiram Kimball and I gave
him my due Bill to the amount of [blank]

I settled my accounts and business with several
individuals. I had calls from several friend during
the day and evening I spent the evening in packing
up my trunk and writing

~ Sunday

25th Sunday I met with the congregation
of the Saints in Nauvoo I was called upon to
address them inasmuch as I was about to leave
them to go on a mission to England. I arose and
deliverd them my farewell address it was short
The following is a few items which I presented to the
People. Their is a spirit in man and the inspiration
of the Almighty giveth it understanding [Job 32:8] it is through
this principle that this congregation is assembled
together at this place. you had understanding of
the things of God by the spirit of God. And I have
now one important declaration to make unto you and
that is that inasmuch as you will be united in heart
mind and action in supporting your councillors the
uthority of the, Church the priesthood of God
and follow the council given you, as you have
endeavord to follow the council of the Prophet
while he was living, you will be safe and blessed
and will prosper but if you are divided and reject
the council of God you will fall, union and faithful
ness is your salvation. It is true you have been
led by one of the best men that ever has graced
humanity, or tabernacled in flesh but he has gone
he has sealed his testimony with his blood. he has
loved this people unto death. But I would now call
upon this people to be united in building upon the
foundation which The Prophet Joseph has laid

Page 326

It is true you have been called to suffer much in
the cause in which you are engaged but if Judgment
bgins at the house of God, babylon will not escape
and if their is a fire in a dgreen tree a dry tree will
not escape the fire, and their is no people more
prepared for the shok that is coming on the earth than
thane latter day Saints, for the object we have is
to secure blessings beyound the veil in the first resurr-
this ^is wh[a]t^ we are preparing for. Again I would say
let not the saints be troubled because they have lost
their Prophet. for I would ask because the Prophet
has sealed his testimony with his Blood if that destroys
the gospel, or takes away the power of God, is truth
anhilated, or has the Priesthood found a burying
place I tell you Nay it hasdoes not, theHis testiment
is now in force. therefore my council is to follow
the example of those who have gone before and
be faithful untill death, if you will be united
and go to with your mights in building that temple
you will have power to accomplish it & get an endow
. I exhorted them to faithfulness and requested
their Prayers, asked forgiveness of any thing that
I might have done wrong and bade them farew-
ell I was followed by Elder B. Young who made
many interesting remarks. Also Elders O Hyde
and P. P. Pratt testifyed that Joseph the Prophet and
Seer had ordained, anointed, and appointed the
Twelve to lead the Church had given them the
Keys of the Kingdom of God for that purpose
W. W. Phelps and R. Cahoon bore testimony to the
same thing, saying that Joseph said unto the
Twelve upon your sholdiers the kingdom of God must
rest in all the world, now round up your sholdiers and
bear it many important things were spoken that
I have not time to write. The brethren came forward
to convey us to Chicago when we were ready

Page 327

when the meeting was closed, after shaking hand
with many friends, and taking many letters to convey
to England, I returned to my family all our children
were at home. Br & Sister Benbow was present

~ Monday

I went to the river in company with Mrs Woodruff
to be baptized, for some of our dead friends
I was baptized for five of my friends under
the hands of G. A. Smith, & confirmed under
the hands of Elder Richards. their names were
Cyrus Thompson, Sylva Thompson Hyram Barber
Amna Hart, Electa Woodruff.

Phebe W. Woodruff was baptized for five of
her friends under the hands of W. W. & confirmed
by W. Richards.

Olive Libby, Sarah Pierce, Ezra Carter, Sophia
, Rachael Smith.

W. Woodruff. baptised & confirmed by G. A. S.
on the 26th of Aug. for—

Asahel Hart, Hart wife of Asahel Hart, Joseph
, Sophrona Hart, Adna Hart, Eunice Hart,
Robt Mason, Erastus Hart, Milla Woodruff
Hellan Woodruff, Henry Woodruff, Laura Hoskins
Marietta Hoskins, Wakeman Standley.
A building

~ Tuesday

27th This was an exceding busy and laborious
day with me. It was the last day that I or my family
shall spend in Nauvoo for many days. I have
left my family and friends almost yearly to go
on missions in the vineyard of the Lord, for the
last ten years of my life, but have never attempted
to take my family with me before for the purpose
of accompaning me on a mission, but as I am now
about to leave my own country to again visit foreign
climes to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ & take
care of the churches which will probably be a

Page 328

long mission I conclude it best to take my
family with ^me^ according to the council of the Twelve
so this day is spent settleing accounts taking
inventoriey of Goods and chatels left, packing up
goods, recieving letters, biding friends farewell
blessing the Saints, which continued untill midnight
[FIGURE] At 12 oclok at night in company with Mrs Wood-
, Br A. O. Smoot, Sisters Smoot, and Hannah
, we walked to the Temple of the Lord in
Nauvoo, and as we approached it we lifted up
our eyes and beheld the greatness grandure and
glory that presented itself to our view in a conspic-
uous manner while she was coverd with the silver
rays of the Queen of the night who was pouring the
whole strength of the brightness of her glory upon
her it presented an imposing, grand, and sublime
senery to the beholder, after gazing a few moments
upon her magnus walls, and examining her capitols
which were completed, standing on the ground, we
all as onf one accord assended the laders unto the
top of the walls, several of the poliece and friends
followed our example, among which was Gen C C Rich
and Elder Godard we repaired to the south west
corner of the Temple and their in company with
Mrs Woodruff & the above named brethren and sisters
we bowed our knees upon the top corner stone
which was prepaired to recieve its capitol, And their
with uplifted hands towards heaven, I called
upon the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph
by Prayer and supplication to except the gratitude
of our hearts for his mercies and blessings unto us in
preserving our lives giving us power to build the
Temple thus far. Prayed that the Saints might have
power to finish the Temple according to the Patern
given, and accepted at their hands, that the Saints
might recieve their endowment, and be prepared to
plant the work of God in all the world. I asked

Page 329

my heavenly father in the name of Jesus Christ
and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood and the
Keys of the kingdom of God that he would spedily
avenge the blood of Joseph the Prophet Seer
and Revelator, and Hiram the Patriarch, which
had been shed by the hands of the American
gentile nation, upon all the heads of the Nation and
state that have aided, abetied or perpetrated the
horid deed, of sheding the blood of those righteous
men even the Lords anointed. I prayed that
God would preserve our lives and enabled and
us to fill our mission in righteousness and be
enabled to again return to this land and tread the
courts of the Lords house in peace and recieve
blessings at his hand. And that a double portion
of the spirit of Josephs God might rest upon
President Brigham Young and upon the quorum
of the Twelve in connexion with him, that
they may have power to bear off the keys of the
kingdom of God in all the world, in righteous-
ness and truth according to the power of God.
and that the work of the ministry, and Power
of the Priesthood, may rest upon all the quorums of
the Church and Elders of Israel. I dedicated myself
my family, and all appertaining unto me, unto God
committing my all into his hands, for the mission
Praying for his blessing to rest upon me through
the mission appointed unto me in the name
of Jesus Christ Amen.

After Prayers we again desended to the ground
returned to our homes with Joy and peace in
our hearts

Page 330

~ Wednesday

A Blessing given under the hands of B. Young
and H. C. Kimball
Augt 28th 1844
upon the head of Phoebe W. Woodruff

Beloved Sister in the name of the Lord
we bless you as you are about to take your
departure over the sea in company with
your husband where he is going to preach the
Gospel of Jesus Christ you shall be blest
on your mission in common with your husband
& thou shall be the means of doing much good
for you shall have the desires of your heart in
all things, your life & health shall be precious
in the eyes of the Lord and in the hour of
distress & trouble thou shalt be preserved
by the power of God. thou shall be satis-
fied with your mission thy life shall be
prolonged & thou shalt be a comfort to thy
husband. thou must hold him by faith
that he may be useful through his life
if thou wilt go in ^all^ humility thou shalt
be preserved to return & meet with the
saints in the temple of the Lord & shall
rejoice therein & thy children shall be
preserved until thou shall return &
meet with them again thou art sealed
up unto eternal life & we seal all these
blessings upon thy head & all others
which thou shall desire in righteousness
even so. Amen

Page 331

Same Day.

A blessing upon the head of Susan Cornelia

Susan Cornelia we lay our hands upon
thy head in the name of Jesus Christ & by
virtue of the holy priesthood we bless you
with the blessings of life & health & of Abraham of
Isaac & of Jacob I seal thee against the powe[r] of
desease we ask God that thou mayest live
& cross the sea with thy parents & that the
angels may guard thee & we rebuke all weak-
nesses & fevers & afflictions ^that thou mayest^ & begin to
amend from this hour according to the
faith of thy parents & shall again return
to this land & we seal all these blessing
upon this child & seal it up to eternal
life that it may be prolonged upon the
earth to bear off the name of thy Fathe &
Mother to future generations with the
blessings of peace & prosperity & with a
gentle spirit in the name of Jesus Christ
& virtue of the authority of the holy priesthood
even so Amen.

Request of. John P. McEwan. that W. Woodruff
will write my Father from England. his addres

Henry McEwan
No 2 High Riggs

President over the
Edinburgh Conference

Page 332

Nauvoo Aug 28th 1844

To all the Saints Elders and Saints in Europe

We send our beloved brother Wilford Woodruff
to England to take charge of all the business transac-
tions pertaining to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints both spiritual and temporal. We wish you to
give diligent heed to his council in all things and as we
have not the opportunity of Informing you of what
has transpired this season by letter, our beloved
brother will make known unto you all things. we wish
the brethren to be faithful and diligent in keeping all of
the commandments of God and in hearkening to the council
of those who are sent to council them. Let no man
or set of men think they have power or authority of
the keys of the kingdom above the Apostle Wilford Woodruff
whom we send unto you to instruct you in the things
pertaining to life and salvation; Though our prophet
be slain for the word of God and the testimony of
Jesus, yet the keys of the Kingdom remain in the
Church and the heavens are not closed neither is
the mouth of the Almighty closed up sealed up that
he cannot speak. The God of Israel will communicate
to his disciples from time to time all things necessary
for the building up of his kingdom upon the earth
untill Israel is gatherd, yea even all the blood of
Abraham scattered over all the earth. Zion established,
Jerrusalem rebuilt, and the whole earth be filled with
the glory and knowledge of God. We wish all the
Saints in England to continue their gathering as usual to
the land of America and they may have the privilege
of appointing a committee to visit the land of America
to prepare a location for a settlement of the brethren

Page 333

from Europe according to their desire under the
direction and council of Elder Wilford Woodruff.

And further we would say unto all the Saints in
all the world that may be visited by Elder Wilford
Woodruff that inasmuch as they will harken unto
his council they shall be blessed, inasmuch as they will
render him any assistance in his mission they will be
doing the will of God and shall not loose their reward,
And we desire that all Saints may use their efforts
to sustain him in this important mission which he
is called to fulfill, by their faith, prayers, and
brotherly love according to the grace of God for he
is qualifyed to teach the Saints in the things pertaining
to the Church and kingdom of God established
in these last days. Therefore dear brethren we
would say in conclusion be humble and faithful
and harken dilligently unto the council of this
our beloved brother in the Lord Elder Wilford
Woodruff and the blessings of God will attend
you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

Williard Richards Clerk
Brigham Young
President of the Twelve

Page 334
Page 335

~ Wednesday

Aug 28th A vary busy morning packing up goods
preparing to start, recieving blessings, blessing People
biding friends farewell, which occupied nearly the
whole day. at 4 oclok in the evening I parted with
the quorum of the Twelve at the Temple and star-
ted on my Journey again for England, our company
consisted of W. Woodruff wife and two children
Hiram Clark & wife, And Capt [blank] Jones and wife
& three Brethren that went came with their teams to
convey us to Chicago. We rode to Br Kelloggs & spent
the night 15 miles from Nauvoo.

~ Thursday

29th Rode to Laharp & spent the afternoon & held
a meeting in the evening with the Saints, they gave us
$2.15 cts to help us on our Journey I spent the night
with Elder George Coulson

~ Friday

30th Rode to Monmouth and spent the night

~ Saturday

301st Rode through Hendersonsville and spent the
night with Mr Robins.

~ Sunday

^Sept 1st Sunday^ 31st Saturday rode to Br. Gailords and took breakfast
fed our horses, saw Elder Phineas Wright on his
way to Nauvoo we rode to Toulon and spent
the night with Elder Perry It was the hotest day
we had experienced during the season but we had
a heavy storm in the evening. Elder G. A. Smith and
myself had held a meeting in the court house in
this place once once before this season on our way

~ Monday

2nd Continued our journey

~ Tuesday

3 Rode to Spoon River could not cross went up the
river 2 miles forded and returned to the road spent
about 3 hours in gaining 1 mile, crossed the low prairie
to Providence spent the night at Cushion's Tavern

~ Wednesday

4th Paid the Bill $3. Rode through Princeton after
crossing Beauro near Indiantown passed Dover and
stoped for the night with Br Simpson B. Huffaker

Page 336

he lives in 1 mile of Greenfield, he wished to put in
400 bushels of wheat for the Temple

~ Thursday

5th Rode to Yrick Tavern took dinner had an
interview with Mrs Alney, learned that Wm &
Wilson Law had just passed before us. we
rode to Mr Kimballs from Maine & spent the night

~ Friday

6th Rode across the prairie swamped our horses,
took breakfast at Sommonnauk, crossed fox
above Auroria and passed through the village
and stoped for the night at Jones Tavern near

~ Saturday

7th Rode to Chicago and spent the night at
the Br Shaws in a yellow house on the beach
of the Lake near the Lake house. Mrs Woodruff
was about sick. Br Samuel Shaw's is the Presiding
Elder in Chicago the branch No about 20.
Distance from Nauvoo to Chicago 240 [miles]

~ Sunday

8th Sunday Mrs Woodruff was quite unwell
I held two meetings with the Saints. Elder
T. Nixon was present we had taken his licence
during the season for improper conduct he appeared
humble and desired to return to the Church.
Voluntine Ames was also present, is trying to be
a deist, but has hard work of it. The Saints
had a meeting in the evening. I did not attend
I went on board of the Propellor Oswego to
go to Oswego on our way east Mrs woodruff
was quite unwell through the night. We had
an exceding high wind and rough Lake through
saturday night Sunday and Sunday night
so the boats could not go out so we lie in port
wind bound

Page 337

~ Monday

9th Monday wind still in the north lake rough. we
did not leave port but spent the day in Chicago

~ Tuesday

10th Left Chicago in the morning Passed Little Port New Port
and arived at Milwakie in the morning

~ Wednesday

11th Wind still in the north we went into the river
and spent the day and night

~ Thursday

12th Wind changed from north to west. we left
the river at 8 oclok & proceded up the lake (I perused
a Book entitled the History of the Welch baptist
published in Pittsburg, Professing to trace their origin
to John the baptist. It contains many interesting items
of history, but their is one trait in it the same as in
evry history published since the days of Christ and
the Apostles, (except what has been published by the latter
Day Saints) ie they are all alike rob[b]ed of Apostolic purity
religion, order, ordinances, Holy Ghost, gifts, graces, miricles
Prophets Revelations, all of one accord cry out these
things are done away, but they are ownly done away
through their unbelief, making void the law of God
changing the ordinances breaking the everlasting
covenant departing from the Apostolic order of things)

we sailed well through the day and night
Mrs Woodruff made a request which is to be granted
within three years [FIGURE] {which is to have} 2 {sons} In the morning
we came in sight of the Manatau Islands

~ Friday

13th fair breeze sail well Arived at the Manatau
at 12 oclok spent three hours there I walked
over the beach with Mrs Woodruff the same
ground that we walked over after being wrecked
on the Chesapeak in Sept 1841 it brought the scene
fresh to mind. We wrote on some smooth stones

Page 338

concerning our wreck and our mishion to England
our names and dates &c. We left the Island
at 3 oclok, & continued our Journey under
a fair stiff breeze and a high wind in the night
arived in sight of the Michelamackanack in
the morning

~ Saturday

14th A cloudy still morning left Mishelomackanack
8 miles on on on our left passed many fishing
for trout. We had a plesant time through the
day and evening.

~ Sunday

15 Sunday we found ourselves in the morning
glideing smoothly through lake Huron
a plesent morning and bright sun, we arived
in the river St Clair

~ Monday

16th A bright ple^a^sant morning we sail
well, passed through Lake St Clair arived
at Detroit at 8 oclok I had an interview
with Elder Peter Van Avery. We paid
our Bills to Oswego which was $5 dollars
each spent the night in Detroit

~ Tuesday

17th Left Detroit in the morning sail well
through the day and evening untill 12 oclk
at night a strong wind arose, the Lake
was rough the boat rocked badly and in
the midst of it opposite the Cleveland lighthouse
at midnight the cry of fire, fire, fire, was rung
through through the boat by the watch on duty
we immediately leaped from our beds in our
night cloths and each one caught a bucket the best
he could. I caught a bucket about half full of
water and run as I was barefoot to the stern of
the boat looking for the fire while some was
runing up stares I leaped into the engine room

Page 339

And saw the fire in one cornor of the stern of the
boat I run over the pile of coal and dashed my
water into the fire which was not larger than
a half bushel measure, at the same time a bucket of
water flung by Capt Davis struck the fire and it was
instantly extinguished; Their is nothing more terrible or
alarming than the cry of fire on board of a ship or
steem boat at Sea or on any water out of the reach
of Land, it is far more terrible than a storm or
wreck, for when fire gets the control under such
circumstances all hope is lost, and persons will plunge
into the deep to escape its fury. but in this case the
fire was out and the alarm over in the term of a
minute. on my return to the cabin I found one
woman flung into convulsions with alarm. Mrs
Woodruff was holding her in her arms she did not
get over it untill the next day.

~ Wednesday

18th The wind arose at 1 oclok in the morning the
Lake was soon vary rough the boat rocked badly
untill morning all were sea sick or Lake sick
which was equally as bad, we put into fairport and
remained through the day, it is plesant to reach
a port after a storm. Fairport looks as though
it was going to desolation, & it is according to
Prophecy. The inhabitants have long tried to destroy
the Latter Day Saints, we left fairport about
sundown to start for Oswego via the Welland Canal
on the Canida side had a good time through the night
Distance from Chicago to Fairport 1000 miles

~ Thursday

19th A Pleasant morning wind fair we crossed Lake
entered the mouth of the Welland Canal
at 4 oclock to go around the falls into Lake Ontario on
the Canida side the canal is 28 miles long & has 38 locks

Page 340

we traveled 7 miles & stoped for the night

~ Friday

20th We passed through the locks slowly. I spent
the day in perusing an interesting work entitled
"Narrative & recollections of Van Demans Land
During a three years captivity of Stephen S Wright
together with an account of the battle of Prescot
in which he was taken prisioner; his imprisonment
in Caniada; Trial, condemnation and transportation
to Australia. His terrible sufferings in the british
penal colony of Van Demands and return to the
United States, with a copius Appendix embracing
facts and documents relating to the Patriot war
now first given to the Public from the original
notes and Papers of Mr Wright and other sourses
by Caleb Lyon of Lyondale."

Among other things it gives an account of the execution
in Canada of several brave men for taking an
active part in the Patriot war among which were
"Col Von Schoultz, Dorephus Abbey, Daniel George
of watertown N. Y. And Col Martin Woodruff
A Deputy sheriff of Salina Onandagua Co N. Y.
Von Schoultz was an Elegant Polish scholar, his
father was a Genoral in the Polish army fell coverd
with wounds beneath the Towers of Warsaw, his
son attainded to the rank of Col under Napolian
and has been a residence in America several years
took part in the Patriot war in Caniada, being deserted
by trators was hung by the british in Caniada."
The whole narative was interesting.

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Br Azmon Woodruff
gave him an account of my travels and an invit-
ation to meet me at father Woodruff, and write
me a letter direct to Boston

Page 341

~ Saturday

21st A vary high wind so much so the boats
stoped saying they were wind bound, but it is
an odd thhing to be wind bound in the locks of a canal
we traveld about 1 mile to day

~ Sunday

22nd Traveld about 9 miles and came to lake Ontario
we left the canal & entered lake Ontario at 6 oclok
Sunday night sail well untill midnight

~ Monday

23rd A gale arose at midnight had a dreadful time
Lake rough boat rocked badly all were sick
the lake continued rough through the day, the
boat caught fire again but was soon extinguished
we run into the mouth of the Genesee river about
sun set having beat all day against wind and tide
all glad to make port again.

~ Tuesday

24th Left the mouth of the Gennessee river at
1 oclok. in the morning had a comfortable time arived
in Port at Oswego at 9 oclok All much rejoiced
to set feet upon land after being confined to the
lakes 15 days. Distance from Buffalo to Oswego
via Welland Canal is 200 mile

I mailed the letter to Azmon Woodruff and took
Packet Minerva for Syracuse fare .75 each
$1.50 expenses of living from Detroit to Oswego
was $1.32 Arived in Syracuse at 4 oclk in the morning

~ Wednesday

25th Took Packet for Utica expenses, with
Baggage $3.50 Arived in Utica in the evening
and took Packet for Schenactady fare $1.75

~ Thursday

26th Arived in Schenactady in the evening took
cars and boat for Albany via of Troy lost my

Page 342

carpet bag in the scrape, on my arival at Albany
it seemed as though I should be torn in peaces by
the carman and Irish runners all pulling and
haulling. I spent the night at Holmes Temperance
House near the rail road landing carmans fee 50 cts
distance from Oswego to Albany 200 miles

~ Friday

27th Bill $1.50 ct two Tickets one to Boston
$6 one to Russel $2.96 took cars and left
Albany in the morning I parted with my family
at Russel depo at noon, my family went
on to Boston And I walked up to Br Vinson
4 miles from Russel Depo
Distance of the day 100 miles

I met a welcome reception at Br Shirtliffs

~ Saturday

28th ^$4^ I parted with Br Shirtliff who went to
attend an appointment I spent the day at his
house writing in my Journal A hard frost

~ Sunday

29th Sunday A severe storm. I rode in it
with Br Palmer to the crooked river branch
through Westfield, 9 miles I held a meeting in
the evening with the Saints, had a good time 9 m[iles]

~ Monday

30th I took Br Deweys hors & waggon & rode to
Simsbury called upon Aunt Cossetts and
dined. found Aunt Cossetts vary poorly
I rode to Farmington And spent the night at
fathers house [FIGURE] I found Father and mother in good
health this is the second visit I have made them
this summer, my interview was plesant with them
Distance of the day 30 [miles]


Page 343

~ Tuesday

Sept 31st [Oct 1] I left fathers House rode to Avon
called upon Uncle Thadeus Thompson he
looked rather old. I called upon Aunt Abia
She greeted me warmly, wished me
God speed; she possesses Good and kind feeling
I passed Zera Woodford, & spoke to him I
next called upon cousin Eldad Woodruff he
appeared Glad to see me. he looked natural.
I next called upon Uncle Titus Woodruff, he
was gone his wife Aunt Lua & his son Aphek
was at home. I spent a few moment with them
and next called upon Mr Wilson Herd. he was
vary feble Caltha was poor. I called upon Capt
Francis Woodruff, he look most ready for the
grave, still he was about. I called upon Uncle Ozem
family He was not at home Aunt Hannah
was well. I saw Erastus Woodruff setting in the
stoop, of a store. I called upon Oliver Tillistons
to see Br Thompsons as he was to work there, But
I did not see him. I passed Uncle Alson Thomps[on]
saw John Woodruff in Canton. I passed on
to New Hartford. I here called upon an old friend
and acquaintance Charles Lyman we formerly
had good seasons together in Prayer. He spoke
of the Address of his sister (Mrs Mary A. Curtis
West Martinsburg New York) she would like to
understand our manner of faith. I rode to
Colebrook viewed the old mills & house whare
father lived, took tea with Jonathan Stillman
& called upon ^Mrs^ Caroline Wolcott, next upon Mr
Leonard Gillet to sell him a peace of land for Dexster
Gillet was not at home. I spent the night
at Mr Wolcott's Distance of the day 30 m

Page 344

~ Wednesday

October 2nd Wednsday, ^Tuesday 1st^ I returned to New Hartford
called a few moments upon Charles Lyman, rode to
Canton had an interview with John Woodruff
called upon uncle Alson Thompson, & took dinner
with him And I spent two hours with Br
Thompson Woodruff [FIGURES] I had not seen him
before for fourteen years except one evening in
Richland N Y about seven years since. we were both
glad to meet. we talked over many old times, he
was much worn down. I returned to my fathers
House & spent the night in company with uncle
Ozem Woodruff we were also glad to meet.
O how sweet are the hours spent in the society of my friends
who stand with me in the same covenant of the gospel
their is an increase of Interest in the visits I make
at my fathers house [FIGURE] 30 m[iles]

~ Thursday

23rd I rode into Hartford I made enquiry for Elder
Q Sparks could not find him. I returned home to
fathers House & spent the night [FIGURE] 20 miles

~ Friday

34th I spent the day writing at fathers house Sister
Hooker came down & I administered to her by the
laying on of hands I wrote a letter to Mr Smith
[FIGURE] Tuttle of Fair Haven I had an interesting time
through the evening with Father Mother and uncle
Ozem Woodruff [FIGURE] I lade my hands upon the head
of Uncle Ozem Woodruff And I ordained him
unto the office of An HIGH PRIEST after
the order of Melchisedec, he was much affected with
the testimony born to his mind at the time of the
ordination I had an interesting time with the family

Page 345

~ Saturday

Oct 45th 1844 [FIGURE] I arose in the morning
Light was the heavens adorning
I spent a plasant hour
Beneath my fathers bower
with my friends I bent my knees in prayer
I pray for peace to abide forever there
After praying for the last time in the circle of my
fathers family I took the Parting hand with Father
& Mother & Uncle Ozem Woodruff, left them in
good health & spirits & again commenced my Journey
I called upon Aunt Lydia Hart a few moments
Passed by the mills house & farm the place of
my birth & youth, called upon Aunt Wheelers
& her family. All appeared glad to see me cousin
Luther Wheeler informed me that the Address
of Levi Elsworth Thompson, is Nottaway, St Joseph
Co, Michigan. Sturgess Prairie is near.

I rode on to Simsbury & stoped at Aunt Cossetts
she was deranged I lade hands upon her and rebuked
the spirit by which she was bound & she imme-
diately seemed to be some better. I took the parting
hand with the whole family & rode to Elder
Ashbel Deweys Little river near westfield 30 miles

I retired to rest and had the following dream.
I thought their was A large building standing in
Nauvoo Joining my house. appeared to be filled
with lumber and many men to work in it I saw
the foundation of it begin to give way I run in to
warn the people to leave it but it fell with a mighty
crash while I was in it I narrowly escaped being
killed, but got out without injury. I then saw my
own dwelling brick house in Nauvoo the foundation
of it to give way. I went into that to warn my
family to leave it but it fell with us in it but I got
out & my wife with her child in her arms all safe
the interpetation I shall understand before mandy

Page 346

~ Sunday

56th Sunday I Preached to the Saints in the
forenoon & Br Sparks in the Afternoon I
visited Sister Adams in the evening who lade at the
point of death we administered to her by the laying
on of hands
I returned to Br A. Deweys and spent the
night A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter in the evening [FIGURE]

~ Monday

7th I took cars & wrotde to Boston arived at Br
Phelpses at 7 oclock the Saints had a church meeting
I repaired to the Place And the first business that
was done after I arived was Elder John Hardy
resigned his office as presiding Elder, And Joseph
appointed in his stead. The appointment of Elder
Ball was opposed by Elder Phelps, but Phelps was soon
bourn down by Brannan & Wm Smith. I saw things
were wrong sumwhare. I gave out an appointment
to meet the churches on Saturday night I spent
the night with Br Phelps distance of the day 100 miles

~ Tuesday

8th I spent the day in Boston I visited John Hardy
And a number of Saints who appeared much
affected with the improper conduct of several Elders
who was travelling through their midst I think I done
much good In visiting them It is a critical time
now through out the eastern churches, And men
need wisdom in order to keep things strait.
I Attended the opening of a long discussion between
G. J. Adams & O. Bachellon at the Marlbury Chapel.
It was a kind of a monied scheme. I returned to
Br Phelpses and spentt the whole night in writing
a long A hand pointing to the right letter to Elder B. Young giving an account
of the critical state of the churches in the Eastern
cities &c

~ Wednesday

9th A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters one to Elder M. Holmes & the
other to J. C. Little of Peterborough N H. I rode to Salem
& held a good meeting with the Saints. spent the night with
Elder N. H. Felt merchant Tailor Salem distance 14 miles

Page 347

~ Thursday

10th A hand pointing to the right [FIGURE] I wrote 4 Letters to Nauvoo one to
Dwight Webster sent him $10 dollars to pay
my Taxes ^And for sister Eunice^. I sent one Letter to Sister Brown
& sent her $2 dollar to pay her for her labour
in assisting us. I wrote one letter to Br & sister
Benbow, & one to Br Dexter Stillman, all included
in one Directed to Br Webster.

I ordained 2 priest & confirmed 2 last evening
I sent $1 dollar in the letter to Br Benbow for

~ Friday

11th A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the left I wrote a lengthy letter for
the Prophet concerning Elder
Sidney Rigdon bore my testimony in the case
I preached to a respectable congregation who gave me a
collection of $20 dollars

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a small Letter to Elder Young
inclosed in a Letter to Br Webster in which
I spoke my mind

~ Saturday

12th I rode to Boston attended a church meeting
And had the power of God rested upon me
I spoke to the Church in great Plainness concerning
iniquity in all its forms urged the importance
of building the Temple. I informed the Saints
that evry man in the Church from the head to
the foot if they broke the commandments & law of
God would be brought to Justice & I advised
all to be cautious not to throw themselves to ruin
because others do wrong. I was followed by Elder
Adams. [FIGURE] I had conversation with Br Whitmore he
related A dream to me as follows. He had prayed
to God to let him see Joseph in a dream. And he fell
asleep And dreamed that he saw the heavens
opened and deheld some of the things of eternity
he saw a personage arise out of the earth, and
An Elder informed him that it was Joseph Smith.
Joseph did not speak to him but droped some

Page 348

slips of paper on the ground from whence he
rose Br Whitmore picked up one of them &
read the following words (Emma is not worthy
of me) he wished to read the others but the
person with him picked them up & put them in
his pocket & did not let him read them;

At the close of my meeting Elder Brannan
prefered a charge against Elder Hardy for
slander so did Elder Adams the trial comes
on Tuesday night. I spent the night with
Br Phelps distance of the day 15 m

~ Sunday

13th Sunday I met a large congregation of Saints
at the [blank] Hall opposite the Boylston Hall I had
the spirit & power of God rest upon me & I had
a good time. I dined with Br Dam & called
upon Sister Voce, she gave me $10 & other Sisters $5
to help me on my mission. I walked to meeting with
Sister Cobb, who inquired about Nauvoo. I
had an interesting meeting in the afternoon
I enjoyed much of the spirit of God, the Audience
was still & gave good attention A collection was taken
up to assist me on my mission And about $50
dollars in all was taken including about $15 at
Sister Voce. I attended the discussion in the [e]vening
at Marlboro Chapel between Adams & Bachellon
Adams sustained his position much the best I
spent the night at Br Phelps Sister Phelps had
a fine daughter born during the night

~ Monday

14th A hand pointing to the right I done up my package of letters
to Nauvoo in a rapper & directed it Brigham
& put it into the hands of Elder
Wingate containing $13 dollars in all. I spent the night
at Br Phelps. And dreamed of being in the midst
of rattle snakes I had power to kill them. A few nights
previous I saw a monster of a serpent tried to kill me but had
no power

Page 349

~ Tuesday

Oct 15th I visited Lowel and held a meeting with the
Lowell branch. It with was rather a squally time
dificulties appear to be rising in this quarter some
dissatisfaction. after I closed I was followed by
Elder Wm Smith. I was visited in the evening
by Elders M. Holmes and 2 Hardys from Georgetown
was glad to see them, they spent about one hour
with me I was glad to see them, they returned home
I spent the night with Br Libby 25 miles

This evening their is a trial in Boston on the
case of Elder John Hardy to try to cut him
of[f] saying that he has slandered Brannon Adams
& Wm Smith

~ Wednesday

16th I spent the day in Lowell and Preached in
the evening Elder Wm Smith went to Peterboro
I baptized and confirmed two in the evening
Varanus Libby & Mary Thornton of Lowell Mass
The Church in Lowell gave me $8 dollars to assist
me on my mission. I wrote an Acrostic in two
Albums viz Mary Thorntons & Ann R. Gould
I spent the night with Br Libby

~ Thursday

17th I rode to Peterboro ^in company with Govornor John H Steel^ called upon the presiding
Elder Jesse C. Little & found Elder Smith
^ A hand pointing to the right^ there we held a meeting in the evening Br Smith
preached we spent the night with Br Little
I wrote 2 letters one to Mrs Woodruff & one
to Hiram Clark of New York

~ Friday

18th It was A rainy day I visited & administered to
several sick but I spent most of the day in reading

Page 350

the first vol of Stephens travels in Egypt, Arabia
and the Holy Land, and I was highly edifyed
with it. I attended meeting in the evening Elder
Wm Smith again addressed the assembly spoke of
the rise & progress of the Church, coming forth of the
Book of Mormon. The Saints brought forward their
tithings for the Temple all of which Elder Wm Smith
took to the amount of $150 dollars for the Temple
and $25 or $30 dollars for his own use we spent
the night with Br Bingham Bement.

~ Saturday

19th I parted with Elder Wm Smith in the morning
who went to Lowell. I spent the day with Br
Little. I read during the day the second vol of
Stephens travels in Egypt Arabia & the Holy Land &c
And I was excedingly interested in the same Thinking
that perhaps I might follow his footsteps over some
of the same ground in some of my travels in the earth
It was interesting to trace him in his travels through
Edom among the Palaces cut out of the solid rock
and through the Holy land, visiting the Holy sepulcher
and all places spoken of in the scripture. In the evening
several friends came from other churches to spentd
the Sabbath with me, among which was Br Carlin Mack
his father and mother Smith are own brothers, he is
an Elder. I preached in the evening to the Church had
a plesant time

~ Sunday

20th Sunday A plesant day I met with a congregation
of Saints & sinners & preached in the forenoon and aftern-
oon, & had a good time. I met with the Saints in the
evening & the time was taken up mostly by the Church
in bearing testimony of the work I spoke twice during
the evening the Saints donated about $15 dollars to
assist me on my Journey I spent the night in company
with Charles A Adams at Br Jonas Livingston

Page 351

~ Monday

21st I left Peterboro in company with Elders
C. A. Adams & Stephen Foster & rode to Elder Chilon
son of Solomon Mack, in Gilsum N. H. 23 miles
I preached in the evening at Gilsum I enjoyed myself
well. I spent the night with Mr Solomon Mack
72 years of Age Brother to Lucy Smith the Mother
of Joseph Smith the Prophet I spent the evening in
conversing with him about the Smith family and
the Gospel wished him to be baptized

~ Tuesday

22nd [FIGURE] This is the last day set by the Millerits
for the coming of Christ they have set a number of
days but this is the last one. I left Gilsom parted
with father Mack & rode to the old home stead of
Mother Smith say [saw] the place whare she was born
on the side of a high hill & the brook Ashuilet, it is truly
a rural place we rode through walpole had a good
view of west minister in vermont called upon seven
brethren & preached in the evening in company with
Elders Charles A. Adams & Alfred Cordon in the
school house ^at^ Drewsvill spent the night at Br Samuel
distance of the day 15 miles

~ Wednesday

23rd I Parted with the friends & Elder Adams at
Drewsville & rode in company with Elder A. Cordon
to Peterborough & had an interesting meeting with the
Saints. I spent the night with Br Livingston 33 miles
droped my watch & broke my crystal to atoms as I dreamed

~ Thursday

24th I parted with the Saints in Peterborough took
stage & rode to Nashua, took cars & rode to Boston
fare from Peterboro to Boston $3. I took cab rode
to the post office obtained [FIGURES] a letter from Phebe at
A folded letter/box 2 Scarboroug stating that the children were both sick
or had been & Phebe vary sick at the present time
I rode to Br Phelps read my letters with feelings of
interest Prepared for leaving early in the morning
Elder Crosby spent the night with me, there had been a
serious time in Boston in some trials in my absence 80 miles

Page 352

~ Friday

25th I purchased a number of articles to take to my
family, such as 1 gal oysters, crackers, oranges, lemons
shugar, &c. took cars at Boston rode to Saco called at
Luthers, from thence to Scarborough, found my
wife & two children with Sister Foss. it was a happy
meeting. I found Phebe Amelia much better than
she had been for she had been sick nigh unto death
but had began to recover. I walked over to Father
Carters & spent a few hours with the family. Father
& Fabyan went over with me to sister Foss & spent
the evening. I spent the night with sister Foss
fare $3.75 100 miles

~ Saturday

26th A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Br & Sister Moulton &
spent the day at sister Foss Phebe seemed some

~ Sunday

27th Sunday I spent the day at sister Foss with my
family & Father & Mother Carter Phebe Amelia
seemed to gain strength

~ Monday

28th A cold day Phebe Amelia was better through
the day than she had been eat harty in the evening
she was taken with a relaps of the fever & the flem
seemed to almost fill her lungs she had a sick

~ Tuesday

29th A hard rainy morning I went after Rhoda
to come & assist giving medicine to our child
who was vary sick. they commenced in the morning
[FIGURE] & it was with the greatest difficulty we could get
medicine into her or to get it to operate. at last her emetics
& injections operated powerfully & she had the sickest
day she ever had in her life she lay for 6 hours like a
dead person, she came to in the evening & rested well

~ Wednesday

30th A hand pointing to the right I went to the beach in the morning got a few small
Hen clams, come home & eat them. Phebe is some better
to day but vary feble we recived a paper from Ilus. I wrote
him a letter

Page 353

~ Thursday

Oct 31st ^1844^ I went to beach in the morning dug 2 bushels
of clams. Spent the day at Sister Foss Fabyan Carter came
in in the evening & brought me a letter from Br Hiram
[FIGURE] Clark in New York. [FIGURE] In the evening I baptized & confirmed
4 four members of Sister Foss family & also blessed them
viz Olive, Ezra, Rhoda, & Phebe. I spent the night with
my family at Sister Foss. 6 miles

~ Friday

Nov 1st Friday Phebe Amelia is quite [illegible] this
morning manifests a spirit of Play. Phebe Foss has been
unwell for several day has has several turns of bleeding
at the nose. She bled considerable this morning was quite
^D^ poorly. I had a peculiar dream last night one that is unutt-
erable & cannot be written for I cannot comprehend it all
myself I was called to hold the keys of the kingdom of
God in all the world with the quorum of the Twelve &
traveld with them over much of the world, & finally traveld
through many countries alone & when I got through I
sayw many things I cannot write but in the end Br Joseph
, Assisted me to come into the place whare he was
and pounted [pointed] out my work, portion, & labour. I immedia
tely entered into the duties assigned me. I also had another
dream was in the presence of Br Joseph Smith was
conversing about his death, told him I felt bad about it
& If I had known he would have been taken away so
soon I should have conversed more with him & asked
him more questions said it was not his fault that I
did not, speaking of my work & duties said I had better
get a dozen to help me D

~ Saturday

2nd Phebe Amelia Appears better to day we moved over
to father Carters. Phebe Foss, & Sister Foss appear
quite unwell. we spent the day at Father Carters.
We got the Times & seasons of Oct 1st & Neighbor Oct 16th
The epistle of the Twelve was interesting

Page 354

~ Sunday

43rd Sunday I walked up to Sisters Foss I found her &
Phebe Foss both sick. Phebe was taken with the nose bleed
while I was there & bled much it was thought she bled
near two quarts I was there through the day assisting them
two sisters from the Saco Factories called to enquire
about some friends in Nauvoo.

~ Monday

4th Phebe Amelia, & Phebe Foss are both much better
Sister Foss is quite sick I spent most of the day at father
Carters writing. I let Sister Foss have $5 dollars in
money to assist her in her sickness

~ Tuesday

5th Sister Foss & her family had a sick day. Phebe Amelia
is still on the mend, it is a cold wet day

~ Wednesday

6th A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the left I wrote 4 Letters one to father & Mother
Woodruff one to Elder Clark one to Elder Holmes and
one [FIGURE] to B. Y. As an aditions to our troubles to day
Ezra Carter jr Brought home Sarah Elizabeth Foss
from Portland quite sick she had taken cold
{during her monthly courses} was threatned with a fever a bed
was prepared for her in the same room with her Mother
she appeared puite sick

~ Thursday

7th Sister Foss & Sarah Elizabeth was quite sick through
the day Elizabeth is somwhat dangerous

~ Friday

8th Sister Foss & Elizabeth had an exceding sick day Mrs
Woodruff & myself were with them evry moment
almost through the day they both took a course of the
Thomsonian Medicine Elizabeth appears to be sinking
Phebe Amelia is gaining slowly

~ Saturday

9th Mrs Woodruff & myself both felt quite unwell
being over the sick so much the day before the sicknes
of Sister Foss & her family is the Typhus fever of the
most malignant kind. I spent a part of the day with
Sister Foss family. Ira Foss is down to day sick went
through a course of medicine Sister Foss is some better
to day but Elizabeth is vary low

Page 355

~ Sunday

^ A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right^ Nov 10th Sunday morning Phebe & myself both called
upon sister Foss family we found them both vary
low, it was thought that Sarah Elizabeth Foss would
not get well. I wrote two letter one to Ilus F. Carter
& one to Freedom & Shuah Moulton giving them an
account of the sickness of our friends. Br & sister
Scammans was with us through the day. I paid Rhoda
Scammans $2.50 cts which she lent me the fore part
of the summer. In the evening I felt quite unwell
Mrs Woodruff gave me an Emetic of lobelia the
sickness lasted about 2 minutes & all was over
I took supper & went to bed & had a comfortable
nights rest

~ Monday

11th This is the election day to cast their votes
for President in the state of Maine. Sister Foss
& family continue about the same vary sick
Phebe spent the day taking care of them. I
walked up in the evening to see them & Mrs
Woodruff returned with me A hand pointing to the right [FIGURE] {Darkness prevailed [illegible shorthand] five dollars to Phebe}

~ Tuesday

12th Sister Foss & family are some better Mrs Woodruff went
to Saco

~ Wednesday

123th A hand pointing to the right Sister Foss & Sarah Elizabeth are both better
to outward appearance they both got together into
one bed & prayed and sung & shouted glory to God &c.
this no doubt was caused more by the weakness
of the system than by sound judgment; for such
religious exercises as are manifest at times at a
camp meeting to be exercised by persons in a low
state of fever are not beneficial eith[er] to soul or body
I sent a paper to Ilus & one to Freedom Moulton
stating that Sister Foss & Sarah Elizabeth was
better, but in the evening, Sarah Elizabeth was
taken wors & began to sink vary fast, they gave
her medicine but she was much distressed &
they thought mortification had taken place

Page 356

~ Thursday

Nov 14th Thursday [FIGURE] when the destroyer reigns darkness prevails
At about daylight I was called upon to go to Sister Foss's
for Sarah Elizabeth was dying Mrs Woodruff and
myself went up as soon as could, & when we
arived at the house we found Sarah Elizabeth
apparently dying and appeared as though she would
not live 10 minutes. Sister Foss & Ira Foss her oldest
son was vary sick. the family was taking medicine
after the Thompsonian system viz roots & herbs three
doctors were attending upon the family, it was difficult
to tell what the fever was that they had,
it was first called the Typhus fever, but it proved
to be vary malignant if not a putrid fever, the doctors
nurses, & watchers, were nearly all more or less affe[c]ted
with it that were in the midst of it. the tongue would
turn black & in a low stage would swell. it seemed
to be a difficult matter to break up the fever after
it once seated. but to returne to the subject of Eliza-
beth, Doctor Churchell came from Saco, to see
Elizabeth, when he saw her he said it was of no use
to give her any thing for she would soon go. he gave
some council concerning the rest of the sick, & thought
preperations had better be made for removing
the corps as soon as the bre^a^th left the body & not
have it remain in the room with the rest of
the sick. And after standing by Sarah Elizabeth
Foss for two hours to see the last breath leave the
body, expecting evry moment would be the last as
she breathed shorter and shorter her puls all
of a treamor, spots appeared on the surface like
mortification her eyes were closed, her tongue black
as a coal & swollen some out of her mouth. I spent
an hour preparing a place to lay her out moving beds
bedsteads &c. when all of a sudden things took a
turn with her she opened her eyes, had her reason

Page 357

well could talk her puls became regular, we ceased
all further preperations for laying her out. A slight
emetic was given her, ^&^ injections with a portions of
charcoal, to kill mortification. her body was washed
all over will [with] Alkilie of salaratus she vomited black
stuff that looked like mortification or that it cone [come]
from the liver she appeared better through the
day. Doctors Churchel & George Sewell were both
asstonished at her being alive on their return they
continued to do what they could for her. She said she
thought she should get well, but was willing to die and
go to rest if it was the will of God. Sister Foss was
vary calm but sick felt resigned concerning
Elizabeth, & vary calmly gave the children some
council concerning domestic affairs if she should
not live, herself, in the evening Mrs Woodruff & myself
returned to Fathers Carters & spent the night
during the night Sarah Elizabeth had an immens
quantity of black matter come from her which
had the appearance of the affect of Mortification.
it appeared difficult to decide whether her revival
was a revival before death or whether it was a turn
of the fever some believed she would get well
while others believed she could not but time will soon decide
I dreamed of being in Nauvoo Br Kimball {going to} England Br Wedster
{denied the faith} my sister Eunice {left in the hands} of Elder Young

~ Friday

15th Sarah Elizabeth is alive this morning Mrs Woodruff
has gone up to spend the day with the sick. Sister
Foss & Ira are also vary sick. It is a dark time I
am surrounded with darkness like midnight the
plague or the destroyer is on my right and left hand
triying to hedge up my way from filling my mission
but I trust the Lord will deliver me in some

Page 358

~ Saturday

16th Sister Foss family appears some better to day
Sarah Elizabeth appears some on the mend she may
yet live. Mrs Woodruff spent the day with them

~ Sunday

17th Sunday Sister Foss family are about the same
to day A number of friends called to see them
Luther & Rhoda Scammans & Ezra Carter Jr
was among the number I spent part of the day with
them A hand pointing to the right I mailed two letters to day one to M Holmes
stating that I should start on Thursday Nov. 21 & I
mailed one letter to Father & mother Woodruff

~ Monday

18th I spent most of the day at father Carters called
at Sister Fosses in the evening they were all on the
mend a little

~ Tuesday

19th I had some Thomsonian medicine of George
for which he charge me {four dollars} I spent
most of the day at father Carters Sister Foss &
family are still on the mend

~ Wednesday

20th Nov 1844. Took the parting hand for the
last time for some years with Father and
Mother Carter & the family Left our little
girl Phebe Amelia with them I wrote a
A hand pointing to the right letter to Sister Shuah Moulton before we left
& inclosed in it a portion of the lock of hair
of Sarah Emma Woodruff which she sent
us we divided it & returned a part. Father
Carter took us in the wagon to Saco. on the
way we stoped to take our farewell of Sister
Foss & her family who were sick. Sister foss
was better but not able to set up much. Sarah
was not so well her sickness was turning
into the Lung fever Ira was sum better they appeared
excited at parting with us we rode to Saco & spent the night

Page 359

~ Thursday

21st After being blockaded with sickness with
my children & friends in Scarboro for near
a month & surrounded by great darkness during
the time for it seems as though the destroyer
was trying to hedge up my way to hender me on
my mission, & whare the destroyer is their is
darkness & sorrow, yet this I morning I feel
like biursting their bands & going my way. I took
cars at Saco in company with Mrs Woodruff
& our youngest child Susan Cornelia to start on
our way for New York & set sail for England
we rode to Haverhill & stoped & rode to Georgetown
in a waggon with Elder Hardy to Father Holmes &
we spent the night with them & had an interesting
church meeting with the Saints. I ordained Elder
Nathaniel Holmes to the office of High Priest
& one Elder 1 Priest & one deacon, they contributed
$3.50 cts to assist me on my Journey, distance 75 mi
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Hiram Clark fare $6.50 to Boston

~ Friday

22nd Took cars rode to Boston stoped at No 8
East Orange street at Br Jacob Phelps Mrs
Woodruff was taken sick as soon as she got
there went to bed vomited & felt some better
I met with the Church in the evening 8 was
cut off from the Church who had joined
Sidney Rigdon. Sidney Rigdon was cut off
from the Church, for trying to divide the
Church, calling Joseph Smith the fallen
Prophet, & illegally ordaining men to be kings &
Priest unto God when he had not that office
himself he had been in a state of apostacy
for five years, & was now cut off by the
legal authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints and since he has been
cut off he is trying to draw away as many as
he can after him & as fast as their are any

Page 360

apostitize from the faith they join him & those
that are cut of from the Church & thus he is trying
to build up a party unto himself. The Church now
seems to be be firm in Boston. I had a good time
with them. I spent the night at Br Phelps Mrs
Woodruff seemed much better in the evening
distance of the day 35 m

~ Saturday

23rd Took cars rode to New Bedford stoped for
the night with Elder George B Wallace 104 
south second street Paid $4.50 cts distance 75 m

~ Sunday

24th Sunday I met with the Saints in New
herd Elder blake in the forenoon I preached
in the afternoon & evening to a full house I took
tea with Br Dexter watch maker he fixed my
watch I confirmed 3 persons in the evening
who were baptized during the evening day

~ Monday

25th I took a walk through the city during
the day, & for beauty & elegance in its location
it can hardly be surpassed by any city it may
be the most noted city for fiting out whale men
in the world, almost the whole city has been
built up by whalemen or through that trade. the
docks are lined with casks of whale & sperm
oil. We went on board of a number of whale
ships that were fitting out which would carry
from 1500 to 3000 barrels of oil. We have
freequent opportunities of sending letters & paper
to Elders Greward, Pratt & Rogers at Tahita
South Pacific. A sister gave me six pair of
fine specimens of shells that whalemen brought
from that country I also recieved a pair of Ivory
swiss for winding silk, thread, &c of peculiar workmanship

Page 361

~ Tuesday

Nov 26th [FIGURE] I perused a letter from Elder Benjamin
Tahita South Pacific. I wrote
him a long letter & gave him a statement of affair
since he left. spoke of the death of Joseph & Hiram &
Samuel Smith. We took cars & rode to Providence
from thence to Stonnington Ct. there took the
steemer Massacheusetts but lay at the dock all
night in consequence of the storm.

~ Wednesday

27th Left Stonnington at day light in a storm or
against a strong wind arived in New York
at 4 o'clok took coach rode to Ilus F Carters store
460 Pearl st. from thence he accompanied
us to his dwelling 24 second street out of the
Bowery we found him & his family well fare to
New York from New Bedford self & Lady $11.25
distance from New Bedford to New York 250 miles.
during the evening I called at the Prophet Office
No 7 spruce street from thence 160 20th st. then
returned to 24 second st & spent the night
[FIGURE] I recieved A letter from my Father & Mother stating
that Samuel Deming had turned Father off from
the mill after he had spent all of his life untill old age
& had spent the last summer in repairing the mills untill
they were ready to start & winter ready to set in
was turned off without any notice, may the Lord
reward him according to his work

~ Thursday

28th [FIGURE] I went to the Prophet Office paid for the
paper one year for Aphek Woodruff, Betsey Cossett,
Sarah B. Foss, & sent 2 specimin Numbers to Azmon
, Charles Lyman, & Luther Wheeler. I
recieved A Letter from President B. Young in answer
to one I wrote him from Chicago. I met with Elder
Clark who was with me through the day. I took my

Page 362

trunk & bed from 21 Chatham st Br Simpsons to
24 Second street, it was a rainy, freezing, sleeting day
I recieved a deed to take to Elder Ward of Liverpool
I sent an appointment to Pheladelphia church
to attend a meeting on Tuesday

~ Friday

29th [FIGURES] I done up a package of papers
Almanac's pamphlets &c & sent to the following
persons Aphek & Ozem Woodruff Azmon
, Henry Woodford, Luther Wheeler,
Betsey Cossetts, Mrs Mary A Curtis, Ezra Carter
John Neff & Charles Lyman, Freedom
Luther Scammans, & A copy of each
to Mrs Jane Sloan 190 Wooster cornor of Bleeker

~ Saturday

30th I went to the Prophet Office in the fore
part of the day. in the afternoon I walked
out with Mrs Woodruff & purchased some

~ Sunday

Dec 1st Sunday I met with the New York
church & preached three times to them during
the day I had an interview with a number of
Elders viz Sarine, Pell, Holmes, Hardy and a
number of others. I spent the night at Mr Carters

~ Monday

2nd I took cars rode to Philadelphia fare $4
I called upon Elder Jedadiah Morgan Grant we
were friends had a good time to gether talked
over old times I spent the time with him while
in the city distance 1020 miles

~ Tuesday

3rd A hand pointing to the right I wrote a long strong letter to Elder Young
gave him an account of the riecklessness of Wm
& ^G. J.^ Adams during this season In the evening
I had the most interesting meeting with the

Page 363

Saints in Philadelphia that I had with any church
east of the mountains at the close of the meeting
they gave me $50 fifty dollars & Br Grant
took $11 dollars worth of Books of me.
A hand pointing to the right [FIGURE] I wrote another letter with Br Grant he
wishes me to write to him as soon as I get to
England & direct to Philadelphia

~ Wednesday

4th I took the parting hand with the Saints
in Philadelphia & Elder Grant accompanied me
40 miles on the way we got the Times & seasons
& Neighbor direct from Nauvoo which was
highly interesting. we parted on the way I
arived in New York at about 8 oclok. I had
three attacks by robbers, pick pockets, monny
dropers &c. before I arived home but I escaped
them all distance of the day 120 miles

~ Thursday

5th This is a busy day with me & the last day
I am to spend in New York before I sail. I
spent the time with Br Ilus F. Carter packing
up my trunks & preparing to leave.

~ Friday

6th A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Br Neff, took our trunks bed
provisions &c on Board of the ship, John R Skiddy
& spent the night on board

~ Saturday

7th We drew out into the river & lay all day
we aranged our trunks, baggage &c and prepared
for sea & in the night the wind changed to the N.W.

~ Sunday

8th Capt Wm Skiddy & 10 cabin passengers came
on board of the ship & they hoisted sail &
we went out of Sandy Hook about 11 oclok
the pilot left us, & we steered our course
we were now on board of the new splendid
Packet ship JOHN R. SKIDDY Captain

Page 364

Wm Skiddy with 10 1st cabin Passengers,
16 2nd cabin & about 100 steerage. their
was 20 seaman, 3 mates, 2 carpenters, 2 cooks
2 stewards making about 156 in all. 8 of
us had one half of the second cabin by
ourselves, which we considerd a great privilege
our company consisted of myself & wife,
Elder Hiram Clark & wife Elder Dan Jones &
wife & Elders Milton Holmes & Leonard Hardy.
This was the second time, I had set sail to
fulfill a mission to England, to assist in esstablish-
ing & building up the Church of Jesus Chrish.
The We travelled all day under a stiff North-
west wind

~ Monday

9th We were nearly all a little sea sick, &
lay abed most of the day

~ Tuesday

10th We had a calm for several hours

~ Wednesday

11th Wednesday wind changed to the east
commenced blowing a gale, it was head wind
we were drove under bare poles through the day
& evening it made us all dreadful sick, the sea
was drea vary rough & piled up like hills. the
gale increased untill about 9 oclock in the evening
it appeared as though it must tear the yards
from the mast. We kneeled before the Lord
& prayed unitedly that the Lord would cause
the gale to scease & the wind to change that we
might go forward & not backward & in a little
time after the wind instantly sceased & finally
changed into the South West which gave us fair wind

~ Thursday

12th Thursday. It blew a gale from the South West
we shiped some heavy stern seas broke in all

Page 365

the stern windows, filled the first cabin with
so much water that the trunks & baggage was all
afloat destroyed much of the baggage of the passe-
ngers, some water came into our cabin but no
damage done, the first & second cabin was on deck
towards evening the sea was piled up like mountains
when we were in the troth of the sea waves would
arise at our stern as high as the top of the mizzen
mast & seemed almost impossible for the ship
to arise soon enough to save the sea from breaking
over her, but she was 1000 ton ship & a clean &
fast sailor she carried at this time little or
no sail. We were all vary sick, yet we would
spend a few moments in viewing the wild, roma[n]-
tic, terrific, grand & sublime scenery that surrou-
nded us in the wonders of the deep. Elder Holmes
was quite sick & said he never beheld such a sight before

~ Friday

13th Friday I was vary sick through the day as was
Mrs Woodruff & the babe & most of the company
I was quite sick through the night we made
good headway through the day from a North west

~ Saturday

14th Saturday A calm. I felt vary sick & feble
in the morning

~ Sunday

15th Sunday A calm in the morning. Saw a school
of Porposes. wind arose fair from the North
we sail during the afternoon & evening about
11 not an hour. I felt a little better to day all are
on the mending order except Sister Clark
She is low can keep nothing on her stomackh

~ Monday

16th Monday wind changed to the North East
commencing a NE storm dead ahead, we
lay to during the day we had wind from evry
point of compass during 24 hours & finally

Page 366

terminated in a gale in the evening from
the West & North west

~ Tuesday

17th We had a stormy disagreeable day A
number of us was feeble especially Sister
Clark was sinking had kept but little on her
stomach since she had been on board we united
in Prayer in her behalf all lade hands upon
her & rebuked her complaint & she began to
amend from that hour.

~ Wednesday

18th A stormy day wind shifted a number
of times had some snow

~ Thursday

19th had west wind stood before it & traveld
fast. All of us are righting up & getting better

~ Friday

20th Still stormy fair westerly winds sail well

~ Saturday

21st Saturday A fair strong westerly wind
with some rain. Some are a little sea sick

~ Sunday

221 [22]nd Sunday cloudy we have had but little
sun since we set sail. A calm during a part
of the day, in the evening the wind arose to
a gale which blew strong most of the night

~ Monday

23rd Fair wind & weather I was sick &
vomited I had more sickness during this
voyage than ever before crossing the Ocean

~ Tuesday

24th Fair light breez sail 7 not we are 3 hours
40 muinutes from N Y 360 miles from Cape Clear
700 miles from Liverpool


Page 367

~ Wednesday

[FIGURE] 25 Christmas day, the first one I ever spent
on the Ocean. We had a Preserve Pudding
for dinner & sweet short cake. Mrs Woodruff
was much pleased. One sail was in sight
we had a light breeze.

~ Thursday

26th A Plean Pleasent morning light breeze
fair. At 12 oclok we were in Long 15 480 m
to Liverpool

~ Friday

27th A stormy morning strong south wind
head 2 points south of east. said to be 80 m
from Cape Clear at 12 oclok sail 5 not. wore
ship in the evening, took S.W. tack changed at
12 oclok at night

~ Saturday

28th Pleasent sun in the morning 9 sail in sight
head South East fair wind are about entering
the Irish Channel. Saw a revolving light house
in the evening, And land near midnight

~ Sunday

29th Sunday. Cloudy chilly S.E. wind, my
watch was 4 h 30 m from N. Y saw land on
the Irish coast. 2 sail in sight. we are beating
in the channel & gain but little

~ Monday

30th Wind still dead ahead cloudy & cold
Still beating in the channel on the same
ground we were yesterday gain none at all.

I was in dreams nearly all of last night. Saw
A large fire, A field of green corn, repaird old
tubs to hold water, ground grain for the Saints
Among other things I had an interview with the
saints Patriarch Hiram Smith who was martered

Page 368

[FIGURE] he wished me to get a plain gold ring made
of fine gold set a stone in it & put some of
his hair in it & wear it, & also some of Joseph

~ Tuesday

31st The last Day of the year of AD 1844
Tuesday Still Head wind, it has changed a
little, blowing from the N.E. cold wind
& cloudy we are still beating in the channel

A dream on the night of the 30th Dec 1844

Behold and lo [FIGURE] I was in a dream. I was in council
with the Martered Prophet & Patriarch & the
quorum of the Twelve Apostles in aAmerica. I thought
we had all got to be ordained for some
purpose. I was called upon by Br Young & another
person to assist in administering the ordinances
in the midst of the council, Sidney Rigdon
came in & was objected to by Hiram Smith
I awoke & again fell asleep & dreamed of being
in council with the Twelve & others I made
an address to them. John E Page arose to
address the meeting but was stoped by
some female & was followed by Elder
Wiliard Snow. I have recorded this dre[a]m
yet I Peay but little attention to dreams that
I have on ship board for I am nearly all
the while in some dream while asleep
on board of the ship

whole distance from New York to Liverpool
is 3,800 mile
Travled 91 miles not put down before in the Journal
I procured 20 subscribers for the T & S & Neighbor
& N York prophet 20

Page 369

A Synopsis of the travels and labours of
W. Woodruff In A.D. 1844

Travelled in the UNITED STATES And
CANADA and visited the following towns
and Cities

Towns and Cities States
Nauvoo Illinois
Laharp [Illinois]
Monmouth [Illinois]
Princeton [Illinois]
Ottaway [Illinois]
Aurorie [Illinois]
Juliett [Illinois]
Galena [Illinois]
Chicago [Illinois]
Millwakie W. T.
Laport I. A.
Jackson Mich
Kalamazoo [Mich]
Jacksonsburg [Mich]
Franklin [Mich]
Royal Oak [Mich]
Detroit [Mich]
Cleaveland Ohio
Fairport [Ohio]
Buffalo & Oswego N. York
Rochester [N. York]
Syracuse [N. York]
Schenactady [N. York]
Troy [N. York]
Albany [N. York]
New York through Welland Canal Canada [N. York]
Simsbury Conn
Avon [Conn]
Canton [Conn]
New Hartford [Conn]
Canaan [Conn]
Colebrook Conn
Farmington [Conn]
Hartford [Conn]
New Haven [Conn]
Westfield Mass
Springfield [Mass]
Lowell [Mass]
Salem [Mass]
Lynn [Mass]
New Bedford [Mass]
Boston [Mass]
Peterboro N. H.
Gilsom [N. H.]
Drewsville [N. H.]
Walpole [N. H.]
Philadelphia Penn

And a great virie[t]y of other
places not named
Also crossed the Atlantic
from New York to Liverpol

Page 370

Travelled Ten thousand & fifty miles 10,050 Miles
Held 53 Meetings
Attended 10 Conferen[ce]s
Attended with the quorum of the Twelve 12 Councils
Attended with Joseph & Hiram Smith the prophet And Patriarch & quorum of the Twelve & other Brethren in the affairs of the kingdom of God 13 Councils
Attended with Joseph & Hiram Smith & T[h]e Twelve in recieving our endowment 21 Councils
Was Baptized for dead friends 19 Persons
Baptized for the dead (P. W. W) 5 Persons
Baptized for the remission of sins 6 Persons
Ordained 1 Patriarch
[Ordained] 3 High Priest
[Ordained] 25 Elders
[Ordained] 9 Priest
[Ordained] 3 Teachers
[Ordained] 2 Deacons
Confirmed 42 Persons
Blessed 6 Children
Married two couple 2 Couple
Administered to the sick 24 persons
Reported and recorded in my Journal The sermons of the Prophet Joseph Smith 11 sermons
Wrote 65 Letters
Recieved 11 Letters
Reported & recorded in this Journal seventeen discourses from the Twelve &c 17 Sermons
Procured 10 subscriber for T & S & NN & 10 for N. Y. Prophet Total 20 Subsc[ri]b[er]s
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