June 76, 1893
I received 3 Letters & wrote 1 to Wilford I spent the
day in the office had a good deal of company
~ Wednesday
7. I spent the day in the office I met with Zions savings
Bank board we voted to declair a Dividend of 8 per cent
~ Thursday
8 In company with J F Smith & several of the Twelve
Apostles I occupied the Private car of Mr Wilby who
is the general Manager of the D & R G R R and went
out to Saaltair Beach Pavillion at the General opening
opening there were about 10000 People at that
Pavillion to day speachesweremad B[y] Gov West Wm H Smith & C C Goodwin & Prest W Woodruff
Declaired the Pavilion opened to the Public I think
they collected near $5000 some of the family did
not get home untill Midnight Prest George Q Canon
started for London to Day with H. J. Grant on a
Mission to gather some funds
~ Friday
9. I spent the day in the office at 5:10 I took cars on
the D & R G with EmmaClara & Alice and Rode
to Provo And stoped with A O Smoot He had a
tree fall upon him & came Near killing him it kinked
his neck, bruised his head & Back & other Parts of his
Body I spent the day & night with Brothe Smoot 50 Mile
~ Saturday
10 I spent the day at Brother Smoots several Brethren called in
June6, 1893
I received 3 Letters & wrote 1 to Wilford I spent the
day in the office had a good deal of company
~ Wednesday
7. I spent the day in the office I met with Zions savings
Bank board we voted to declair a Dividend of 8 per cent
~ Thursday
8 [FIGURE] In company with J F Smith & several of the Twelve
Apostles I occupied the Private car of Mr Wilby who
is the general Manager of the D & R G R R and went
out to Saaltair Beach Pavillion at the General opening
opening there were about 10000 People at that
Pavillion to day speachesweremad By Gov WestWm H Smith & C C Goodwin & Prest W Woodruff
Declaired the Pavilion opened to the Public I think
they collected near $5000 some of the family did
not get home untill Midnight Prest George Q Canon
started for London to Day with H. J. Grant on a
Mission to gather some funds
~ Friday
9. I spent the day in the office at 5:10 I took cars on
the D & R G with EmmaClara & Alice and Rode
to Provo And stoped with A O Smoot He had a
tree fall upon him & came Near killing him it kinked
his neck, bruised his head & Back & other Parts of his
Body I spent the day & night with Brothe Smoot 50 Mile
~ Saturday
10 I spent the day at Brother Smoots several Brethren called in
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," June 6, 1893 - June 12, 1893, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 3, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/l2xM