Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)

Document Transcript

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W Woodruffs Journal 1833–37.

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^see July 23rd 1835
Henry A. Woodruff son of Azmon and
Harriet Woodruff Born [blank]
Married Emma Manella Woodruff

She was born July 14th 1860 at S L City

Names Births Marriages Deaths Age
Wilford Azmon Jan 29 1880
Henry Eugene Aprail 6 18832 at 10:5 P.M.
Asahel R Sept 15 18854
Emma Esletta Jan 31 1887
Ethel Winefred Jan 20 1889
Elsworth Dec 20 1891
Page 5

Willford Woodruff's
containing an Account
of my life and travels
from the time of my
first connextion with the
Church of the latter-day

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The first Book of Willford

When in the course of human
events has there ever been a more
important period than at the present
day and age of the world. It is at
once beneficial and instructive
to the reflecting mind to review
the past with candour and rightly
consider the present and be in
perfect readiness for that which is to
to come. Whare is the son or dau
ghter of Adam who hath a standing
in this day and generation that is
walking in the light and truth
as it is in Jesus Christ that can
survey this gentile nation with ins
ensibility or realize their situation
without feelings of the deepest emotion.
Who of us that hath been upheld and
supported from our infantile momen[ts]
to manhood and carried through many
dangers seen and unseen both temp-
oral and spiritual and been receieved
into the new and everlasting covenant
which God hath made in these last days

Page 8

With his children, that will hesitate
to stand as a bold witness for the
gospel of Jesus Christ and follow him
through evil as well as good report
and surrender himself a living sac
rifice holy and acceptable unto God
which is his reasonable service.

Believeing it to be benificial to review our
past life And not ownly our privilege
but duty to keep an accurate account
of our procedings. And it is to this
intent that I shall endeavour henceforth
to keep a journal of my travels that
when required I may give an accou
nt of my stewardship

[rest of page blank]
Page 9

My parents both father and mother
were born and bred in the town
of Farmington, Connecticut.
My father Aphek Woodruff was
the son of Eldad Woodruff. My
mother Bulah Thompson was the
daughter of Lot Thompson all of the
town of Farmington C.t.

I was born in the north
part of the town of Farmington
which is now called Avon

March 1st 1807. From the age of
14 to 23 my mind was often exer
cised upon the subject of my souls
salvation yet without submision
to God or being led by his spirit
untill the age of 23. Then at that age
I resolved by the grace of God assisting me
to be led by the spirit and word of God
into that truth which maketh free the
reby. [John 8:32] I had no desire to join any of
the sectarian churches for I found
by compareing the churches with the
records of divine truth that they

Page 10

December 29th 1833

were neither contending nor receievi-
ng the faith once delivered to the Sain
ts I could not discover the Church
or body of Christ visible among
men I believed the Church of Christ
was in the wilderness and that there had
been a falling away from the pure
and undefiled religion before God [James 1:27]
And I was a looking for the Church
to arise and again to be esstablished
upon the foundation of the ancient
Apostles and Prophets Christ Jesus the
Chief corner stone. [Ephesians 2:20] After remai
ning in this state of mind for near
ly the term of four years I herd a
report circulated on the 29th day of
Dec 1833 that there was to be a
meeting held in the neighbourhood
by a Mormon priest. This meeting
was to be held in the town of Richland
Oswego County New York I had
moved two years previous to this from
Connecticut to this place with my
older Brother Azmon Woodruff

Page 11

We had purchased a farm together
and been living on it nearly
two years. We both were anxious
to attend the meeting. Accordingly we
we went and found a full cong
regation of people. The person that
was to preach was Zerah Pulsipher
an elder in the Church of Christ or
of the latter day saints. He commence[d]
the meeting with some introductory rem
arks and then prayed I felt the spirit of
to bear witness that he was the servant
of God
. He then commenced preaching
and that to us with authority, and when
he had finished his discourse I truly felt
that it was the first gospel sermon
that I had ever herd I thought it was
what I had long been looking for I
could not feel it my duty to leave the
house without bearing witness to the truth
before the people. I opened my eyes to see
my ears to hear my heart to understand [Matthew 13:15]
& my doors to entertain him who had
administered unto us Brother Pulsipher

Page 12

December 31st 1833

continued labouring with us for several
days and on the 31st of Dec I with
my Brother Azmon Woodruff with
two yong females which had been hea
led by the laying on of hands went forw
ard in baptism. the day following there
was several others followed our example
among the rest was Noah Holton
a preacher in the freewill Baptist
church and several of the members
of his church followed him in the ordi
nance of baptism. And on the 2nd of
Jan.ry. 1834 Brother Pulsipher es^s^tablish
ed a branch of the Church of Christ in
Richland Oswego Co. N. Y. containing
twelve members. He ordained Brother
Azmon Woodruff & Brother Noah
Holton Elders and myself a teacher in
the Church of Christ I truly felt that
I could exclaim with the servant of
that it was better to be a door
keeper in the house of God than to
dwell in the tents of wickedness [Psalms 84:10] I felt
much of the spirit of God bearing witness

Page 13

To the Book of Mormon. I believed
it was light out of darkness and truth
out of the ground. [Psalms 85:11] The license which
I receieved reads thus.

A power and authority
given to Willford Woodruff provi
ng that he is a Teacher in the Church
of Christ by the will of God the Father
accordind to his holy calling and
the gift ^& power^ of the Holy ghost agreeable
to the Revelations of Jesus Christ
signifying that he has been baptized
and receieved into the Church according
to the articles and covenants of the
same and ordained under the hand
of Zerah Pulsipher

Given at Richland Janry 2nd AD 183[4]
Zerah Pulsipher

I continued with my Brethren in
Richland through the months of Janry
Febuary and March labouring with the
Church we had considerable opposition
yet inasmuch as we were humble the
Lord ever delivered us

Page 14

April 1st 1834

I went with Brother Holton to meet
Brother Pulsipher and several other
brethren and sisters at Brother Newcome
house in Fabius we had an interesti
ng meeting the spirit of the Lord was
with us we returned home rejoiceing
we soon was visited by Brother Harry
elder and Brother James
priest they held two meetings
with us & we were much edefied &
they went on there way rejoiceing
We were visited no more by the Breth
ren untill about the first of Aprail
at which time Brother Harry Bro
wn returned accompanied by Brother
Parley Pratt we had a precious interv
iew Brother Parley preached with us un
till about midnight he was on an impo
rtant mission he with Brother Lyman
was under a command of the
Lord to gather together some of the serv
ants of the Lord to go up to Zion [Doctrine and Covenants 103:30]
it was the Lords will that they should gather
together five hundred but not to return

Page 15

April 11th 1834

Less than an hundred [Doctrine and Covenants 103:34] it was the
will of the Lord that the yong men
& middle aged what could be spared
should go up to Zion I told Brother
Parley our circumstances he told
me it was my duty to try to prepare
myself and go up to Zion. And
accordingly I used evry exertion
to settle my accounts arange my
affairs and prepare myself to join
my Brethren to go to Missourie
and on the 10th of Aprail Brother
Harrey Brown & Brother Warren
called at our house
to accompany me on my journey
to the west they remained with me
and my Brother untill the day following
then on the 11th day of Aprail 1834
after prepareing my horses and waggon
I took the parting hand with my
Brother Azmon and his family
And also with the Bretheren and Sisters
in the Church and commenced our

Page 16

April 1834

Journey for Kirtland which place
was appointed to meet at by the first
day of May 1834 that all those who were going
up to Zion might go together accord
ing to the word of the Lord. We called
on the Bretheren at Lyons and spent
the sabbath with them And the next
sabbath we spent with the brethren at
Genesee c[ounty] then we continued our
journey we called on Brother
McWithe and spent the night with
him we also called on Brother Lewis
we there found Brother John Murdock
& Orson Pratt we spent the sabbath with
them and herd them both preach and
on monday continued our journ
ey for Kirtland accompanyied by
Brother John & Orson. Brother Ingols
and myself called on Brother Strong
at Thompson and spent the night
with him I was much edified
with his conversation I had a view
of the draft of the city of Zion which
he held in his possession we continued
Page 17

~ Friday

April 25th 1834

To travel towards Kirtland and arived
there at night on the 25th of Aprail 1834
There for the first time I had a view
of our beloved Brother Joseph Smith
the prophet & Seer which God hath
raised up in these last days through
whom the saints receieve Revelations
from time to time.

^I here first time became acquainted with Elder Milton Holmes who traveld with us in the camp
to Mo.

~ Saturday

26 I was introduced to Elder Brigham Young
Heber C Kimball Br Young gave me a Butcher knife^

Brother Joseph invited
us to take up our abode with him &
accordingly we did and boarded at his
house most of the time for a week here I
became not ownly acquainted with him
and his family but with many of the
brethren both high priests, Elders, and
private members those which were making
it their home at Kirtland and also those
which were gathering for the purpose of going
up to Zion on the being
the Lords day I attended meeting and herd
several of the Brethren preach. Brother
Sidney Rigdon, Orson Hide, Orson
and others spoke ^Joseph Smith closing^ during the meeting
It appeared to me there was more
light mad[e] manifest at that meeting

Page 18

May 1st 1834

respecting the gospel and Kingdom of
than I had ever receieved from
the whole sectarian world. According
to appointment on the first day of May 1834
we left Kirtland for Missouri there
was not but a small part of the company
left Kirtland untill the Monday following
on account of their not being in readi
ness going five days later. There was four
baggage waggons and rising of 20 men
in the company which left Kirtland the
first of May. We traveled to New Portage
and there remained with the Church unt
ill the remainder of the company joined
us from Kirtland which was on the then we were organized in regular
order and took up our march on the 8th
day of May. Our march was similar to
the ancient Israelites. Our horses, waggons
and tents were in readiness and we were led
by Joseph. Our company now co[n]sisted
of twenty baggage waggons and rising of
one hundred & fifty men. The men
were armed with dirks pistols swords & rifles
Page 19

For self defence and according to
Brother Joseph's request I delivered him
my sword for his own use, our
lives were threatened in consequence
of advocating and maintaining the gospel
of Jesus Christ for this cause it became
necessary to be in readiness to defend our
lives our persons and property. As I before
said we commenced our march or jour
ney on the 8th day of May from New por
the weather vary pleasant and deligh
tful we continued to travel through the
day and dwell in our tents at night. I
witnessed many interesting things while on
this journey we made it a practice of pitching
our tents on Saturday night and not rem
ove them untill Monday morning we
had preaching on the Lords day Broth[er]
Joseph often addressed us in the nam[e]
of the Lord while on our journey and
often while addressing the camp he was
clothed upon with much of the spirit of
his precepts were verry instructive
and interesting. While on our travels

Page 20

May 1834

we visited many of the mounds which
were flung up by the ancient inhabitants
of this continent probably by the Nephites &
Lamanites we visited one of these Mounds

^*considerd to be 300 feet above the level of the Illinois
three persons dug into the mound & found
a dody [body] Elder Milton Holmes took the arrow out of the
back bones that killed Zelph & brought it with some
of the bones in to the camp, I visited the same
mound with Jesse ^J^ Smith who the other persons were
that dug in the mound & found the body I am

and several of the brethren dug into it and
took from it the bones of a man Brother
Joseph had a vission respecting the person
he said he was a white Lamanite the
curs was taken from him or at least
in part he was killed in battle with an
arrow the arrow was found among his
ribs, one of his thigh bones was broken
this was done by a stone flung from
a sling in battle years before his death
his name was Zelph some of his bones
were brought into the camp and the thigh
bone which was broken was put into my
waggon and I carried it to Missouri
Zelph was a large thick set man
and a man of God he was a warrior
under the great prophet ^Onandagus^ that was known
from the hill Camorah ^or east sea^ to the Rocky mo
. The above knowledge Joseph
receieved in a vision &

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May 1834

It excited the curiosity of people more
to see such a company of people
traveling through the country in perfect
order people came forth out of there
houses to behold the scene and thou-
sands of questions were asked concer
ning our movements. We had seve
ral rivers to ferry and when we arived
at Salt River we pitched our tents to
remain stationary for several days and
on the day following our arival
at Salt River we were joined by Brother
Lyman Wight and the company
of Brethren which he had gather'd
together at Misigan or in that regio[n]
of country it was a joyful meeting
This added to our company so that it
now consisted of 25 baggage waggons
and about two hundred men we rem
ained at Salt River about one week
we were reorganized and Brother
Lyman Wight was now appointed
as a leader of the army And now again
after all things were put in readiness we

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May 1834

Again took up our march towards
Zion we continued to travel untill
we had arived within a few miles of
Liberty Clay County Missouri here we
pitched our tents and remained quite
a number of days on account of the
great excitement which prevailed in
consequence of false reports which were
abroad in the land respecting us. The ma
jority of the people or public opinion were
against us and even their were about
seventy men mounted on horseback
with firearms gathered together for the
intention of comeing against our
camp but the God of Israel frustr
ated their design for while they were
comeing against us the Lord rained
upon them rain and great hail so
that it was expedient for them to seek
shelter from the storm and after the stor
m they dispersed and would not go
against the camp. After remaining
stationary for several days the leading
men of Clay County and some principle

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Men of other counties called at our
camp to enquire into our motives
and after a fair investigation of the
subject they manifested to us that
they were satisfied that we had no evil
designs or intentions in our move
ments or procedings. We remained in
this situation visited daily by both friends
and foes untill the High Priests held a
council and there was a Revelation given
concerning us. By this time the excite
ment had in a great measure
ceased and the Lord had granted us
favour in the eyes of the people. We
now again prepared ourselves to mo
ve forward we traveled till within about
two miles of Liberty then we again
pitched our tents near by the house of
Brother Burqett's here we remained
for several days, and while here I
witnessed a solemn scene previou[s]
to this time while on our journey there
were disobedience and murmeurings
in the camp And Brother Joseph prophe[s]ied

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That in consequence of these things
there was a scourge awaited the camp
And as it was prophesied of so it was
fulfilled for soon after we had cam
ped by Brother Burjketts we were
visited by the destroying angel and 8
or 10 of our brethren were immediately
lade helpless beneath the stroke I assisted
in taking care of them through the day
and the night following, and through
the night and in the morning there
continued to be new attacks And
in the morning Joseph remarked
that it was the duty of the camp to brake
up and disperse and take up their abode
around among the brethren lest the sco
urge should be more severe. A reser
ve was made however for ^a^ sufficient
number to tarry to take care of the
sick. Accordingly the camp dispersed
And Brother Seth Hitchcock was one
of the number attacked with sickness
and he belonging to our tent it reque
ired another of our tent to take care of him

Page 25

And it was inconvenient for me to
stay to take care of him in consequ
ence of having a teem [of animals] to see to And
by request of Brother Hitchcock
Brother Seth Ingols remained to
take care of him. I left the camp grou
nd and traveled about 7 miles to Brother
Lawery's house
^in company with Elder Holmes who
spent the summer with me at Elder L Wights^
and remained with him
for several days I soon began to
hear of the deaths of my Brethren which
I left sick they all died which were
first taken and numbers which were
afterwards attacked there were about 20
in the whole which died at or about that
time. Brother ^Seth^ Hitchcock and Seth ^Warren^ Ingols
were among the number. Brother Ingols
had been in company with me from
the time I left my brothers Azmon
at Richland N. Y. After remaini
ng several days at brother Lawrey's
Brother Lyman Wight gave me an
invitation to spend the season with him
accordingly I made it my home at
his house and ingaged to labour with

Page 26

July 1st 1834

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] with him through the season as he
had taken a job to make one hundred
thousand of brick and to build a dw
elling house out of the same for Mr
Michael Arthur, which made
labour for many of the brethren
I commenced labouring at Brother
Wight's about the first of July I
found many great and glorious privil
eges here as it was the place appointed
for the meeting of the high council &
also the Elders council and courts to tra
nsact all their business. This high coun
cil of high priests was eststablished accor
ding to the will of God by his Joseph
servent Joseph about the first ^on the ^ of July
1834 ^organized the High Council^ before his return to the east And
it is a great benefit to the inquireing
mind to be privileged of attending these
counsels as it is the privilege of the cou
ncil to recieve the word of the Lord con
cerning all subjects that are brought
before them to be decided or investigated
that immediately concern the church

Page 27

On points of the gospel. And in
fine those councils which God hath app
ointed in these last days are in the first
degree the most instructive and inter
esting to the honest enquirer after truth
light and intelligence that this generation
of the human family hath access to.

I continued to labour with
a number of my Brethren at Brother Wight's
through the summer and fall. We had
preaching occasionally through the summer
from persons who were appointed by the
council to teach. And seperate from those
meetings the branch of the Church by Brother
Lyman Wight's met together at his
house on the Sabbath for the purpose of
breaking bread and exhorting one another
It was a practice for any who was to be
ordained to the ministry to have the voice
of the branch of the Church in which they
were living before they were recommended
to the high Council for ordination.
It was at one of these meetings that

^I wrote 12 Letters while holding the office of A Teacher^
Page 28

Brother Lyman Wight called a vote
to recommend Brother Stephen Winch
, Heman T Hide and myself to the
high council for ordination it was a
full vote and at the next meeting of the
high council we were recommended
by Lyman Wight, Amasa Lyman
Elias Higby, and Zebedee Colton all
high priests to the council and there was
a vote taken and carried by the high
council to ordain us priest's. And
Brother Simeon Carter was appointed
to ordain us and we were ordained on
the 5th day of November 1834.

[upside-down text]
On the I attended the Meeting
at Lyman Wights at which time Joseph Smith
the Prophet organized the High Council Joseph
was clothed with the power of God He
chastised David Whitmore & others for
unfaithfulnes, said their hearts were
not set upon the building up the Kingdom
of God
as they should be, after He was
chastised He was set apart unde[r] the
hands of Joseph to preside over the Land
of Zion And Wm W Phelps & John Whitmer
Assistant Presidents or councillor
[end of upside-down text]
Page 29

The license which I receieved from the
appointment of the council reads thus

To whome these presents may concer[n]
This certifies that Willford Woodruff
has been receieved into this Church
of latter day Saints
organized on
the 6th day of Aprail 1830 and has
been ordained a priest according
to the rules and regulations of said
church and is duly authorized
to preach the gospel and act in
all the ordinances of the house of the
agreeable to the authority of
that office.

Given by the directions of a council
of elders assembled in Clay County

John Whitmer

Page 30

The principal towns andvilages and distance
from Richland, N Y. to Kirtland Ohio
and to Liberty Clay Co Missouri
which road I traveled in 1834 comme
nsing the

From Richland to Oswego 20 miles
[From] Oswego to Rochester 70
[From] Rochester [to] Leroy 25
[From] Leroy [to] Batavia 10
[From] Batavia to Buffalo 39
from Buffalo to Cataragua 30
[from] Catagragua [to] Freedona 15
[from] Freedona to Westfield 15
[from] Westfield to state line 11
[from] state line [to] Erie 19
[from] Erie [to] Elk creek 15
[from] Elk creek [to] Coneaut 14
[from] Coneaut [to] Ashtrabula 14
[from] Ashtrabula [to] Unionville 15
[from] Unionville [to] Pansville 15
[from] Pansville [to] Kirtland 9 Ohio
From Kirtland to Streatesborough 26
[From] Streatesborough [to] New portage 23
[From] New portage [to] Woster 30
[From] Woster [to] Mansfield 33
[From] Mansfield [to] Gallion 16
[From] Gallion [to] Bucyrus 12
[From] Bucyrus [to] Little Sandusky 15
[From] Little sandusky [to] Belfontain 41
Page 31

From Belfontain to Urbonna 18
[From] Urbanna [to] Springfield 14
[From] Springfield [to] Dayton 25
[From] Dayton [to] Eaton 25
[From] Eaton [to] Richmond 16
[From] Richmond [to] Centerville 6
[From] Centerville [to] Dublin 12
[From] Dublin [to] Raysville 18
[From] Raysville [to] Greensville 14
[From] Greensville [to] Indianapolis 18
[From] Indianapolis [to] Greencastle 40
[From] Greencastle [to] Clinton 38
[From] Clinton [to] Paris 17
[From] Paris [to] Springfield 116
[From] Springfield [to] Jacksonville 35
[From] Jacksonville [to] Illinois River 22
[From] Illinois River [to] Atlas 26
[From] Atlas [to] Lousiana 7
[From] Lousiana [to] Salt River 49
[From] Salt River [to] Liberty 180
Total From Richland to Kirtland 336
From Kirtland to Liberty 902
The sum total is 1238 miles
Page 32

December 31st 1834

Believeing it to be the duty of the latter day
Saints to consecrate and dedicate all
their properties with themselves unto
God in order to become lawful heirs
to the Celestial Kingdom of God. [Doctrine and Covenants 42:30] It
was under such a view of the subject
that I consecrated before the Bishop
of the Church of the latter day Saints
in Clay County Dec 31st 1834 the
following is a coppy of the consecration

Clay Co Missouri Dec 31st 1834
Be it known that I Willford Woodruff
do freely covenant with my God that
I freely consecrate and dedicate myself
together with all my properties and affects
unto the Lord for the purpose of assisting
in building up his kingdom even Zion
on the earth that I may keep his law and
lay all things before the bishop of his Church
that I may be a lawful heir to the
Kingdom of God even the Celestial

Page 33

The following is an inventory of my

$ c[en]ts
One Due Bill payable in one year 20.00
On[e] trunk and its contents principly Books 18.00
Hat Boots and clothing 23.00
One valiece 2.50
One english watch 8.00
One rifle and equpments 9.00
On[e] sword 5.00
One pistol 1.50
Also sundry articles 3.00
And notes which are doubtful and uncertain 150.00
Total $240.00
[rest of page blank]
Page 34

Jan 13th 1835

I have now arranged my business
and are prepared to go forth into the
world to preach the gospel of Jesus
Christ and on this 13th day of Jan
I receieved a recommend which
reads as follows.

Liberty Clay Co. Ma. January the 13 1835.
This certifies that Willford Woodruff
has faithfully Discharged evry
duty required of him in the Camp
of the Saints in Journ[ey]ing from
Kirtland to this place has been
very faithful in the discharge
of his duty since his Arrival
here Both spiritual and Temporal
is strong in the faith of the latter
Day Saints and worthy of his
calling he is Recommended
by the Church in this place
to any Branch whare providence
may call him

Lyman Wight
Page 35

January 13, 1835 ~ Tuesday

On the 13th of Jan 1835
I left Brother Lyman Wights
in company with my Beloved
Brother Henry Brown to go forth
to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ
without purse or scrip to the people
in the South. May God grant us
wisdom and make us meet for
our Masters use and assist us to
rightly divide the word of truth and
render to evry man their portion
of meet in Due season [Luke 12:42] that our
garments may be clean of the Blood
of this generation [Doctrine and Covenants 88:85]

This is my first
mishion or the first commencement
of my travels to preach the gospel
Jan 13th I left Brother Lyman
Wights 7 miles east of Lyberty
and crossed Keerys ferry into
Jackson County being the first
time my feet had ever stood upon
that land I their joined Brother
Henry in offering up our petitions

Page 36

and thanksgivings to God while at the
same time that precious land was
polluted by ungodly men. We travled
23 miles to Brother Bensons tarryed
with him through the night got
5 signers to a petition to the
Governor of Missouri for redress
of wrongs done us by the Jackson

January 14, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Left Brother Bensons travled
to Brother Charles McClure being
5 miles got one signer to the petition

~ Thursday

15th Left Brother McClures and
travled 12 miles throug some of the
most beautiful praires mine eyes
ever beheld inhabited ownly by wild
beasts such as Deer and wolfs called
and spent the night with Brother
Johshua Hitchcock got one
signer to the petition we at this
time were again in Jackson

Page 37

January 16, 1835 ~ Friday

Jan 16th Left Brother Hitchcock
and travled 12 miles south of grand
river and was kindly receieved
by Mr James Porter being 23 miles
preached the gospel to him and his

January 17, 1835 ~ Saturday

Left Mr Porter and travled
within twelve miles of Harmony
and was kindly receieved
by Mr Walker being 26 miles
saw Deer and wolfs visited many

January 18, 1835 ~ Sunday

Left Mr Walkers and travled
to the Harmony Mishion from
thence to Mr Jeraud the Indian
trader being 15 miles a strait
course but we lost our way and
wandered in the woods untill in the
night but we found our way
to the trading house by the hooting
of some of the Osage tribe who
were at the hous we were kindly
receieved and well treated by
Mr Jerau and entertaned
by him through the night

Page 38

January 19, 1835 ~ Monday

Left Mr Jerew and crossed
the Osage River and travled through a
long level fertile praire a southeast
course we traveled this day 60 long miles
it being so dark we could not follow
the road and we concluded to camp in
the woods for the night as we could hear
no sound but the howling of wolfs and
as we were about to build a fire we herd
the barking of a dog and the tinkling of
a bell we went towards the sound and
came to the house of Mr Williams
Notwithstanding Mr Williams was from
Jackson Co yet he receieved us for
the night this was in Polk County

January 20, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Left Mr Williams and travled
to Mr Conner took breakfast with
him ^had traveled 172 miles across country
east fork of Sac River^ from thence across Sack River
and on to Mr William Crisp being
18 miles in Polk County preached
to him and his household to his satisfaction

January 21, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Left Mr Crisp travled again across Sack
to Col Robert Pollan 15 miles in Green
Mr Pollan Receieved us kindly we preached to him

Page 39

January 22, 1835 ~ Thursday

Left Col. Pollans travled
across Spring River to Mr Joseph
being 20 miles in Green County

January 23, 1835 ~ Friday

Left Mr Fishers and travled to
Mr Nathan Turner's in Green Co
gave out appointment for preaching
on the day following at Mr Turners house

January 24, 1835 ~ Saturday

preached at Mr. Turners house
and travled to Mr Charles J Teas
1 mile in Green Co.

January 25, 1835 ~ Sunday

^Sunday^ On the Lords day Left Mr Teas
and travled to Mr Joseph Henderson
and preached at his house Being 3 miles
in Green Co. Mr Henderson &
family were much believing in
the Gospel Mr Henderson & son
signed the petition & bid us God speed

January 26, 1835 ~ Monday

Left Mr Henderson and travled
across Shoal Creek to Mr Wm.
C Payne
in Barry Co. being 14 miles

January 27, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Left Mr Payne & travled to Samuel
Esq being 20 miles
near by the state line

Page 40

January 28, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Left Esq Vaughn
and travled out of the state of Mo
into the Arkansas Territory to Mr
Andrew Nail was kindly receieved
by him this was in Washington Co.
at the head of the Illonois River being
24 miles

January 29, 1835 ~ Thursday

Remained with Nail through the
day in consequence of a hard storm

January 30, 1835 ~ Friday

Left Mr Nail and travled to Fayettville
from thence to Mr Ingham in Washington
20 miles

January 31, 1835 ~ Saturday

. Left Mr Ingham and travled
to Mr John Billingsly in Washington
8 miles was kindly receieved by him

February 1, 1835 ~ Sunday

On the Lords day preached at
the house of John Billingsly to an
Attentive congregation got 3 signers
to the petition much of the Spirit rested
upon us while preaching

February 2, 1835 ~ Monday

Left Mr Billingsly and travled to
Mr Sanford Elmore in Crawford Co.
being 25 miles. we passed through
some cane breaks on this Day

Page 41

February 3, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Left Mr Ellmores and crossed
Frog byou Creek travled on to
Mr Andrew Boyd in Crawford Co.
within 10 miles of the court house. 20 miles

February 4, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Left Mr Boyd and travled to Mr John
in Crawford Co 20 miles
Crossed little and Big Mulbury Creeks
and also White
Oak Creek

February 5, 1835 ~ Thursday

Left Mr Simms crossed White
Oak Creek
and travled to Mr Nickolson
Crawford Co 20 miles

February 6, 1835 ~ Friday

Left Mr Nickolson crossed the
Arkansaw River at Hicksons
ferry also crossed Short Mountain Creek
from thence to Mr S U Walkers in
Crawford Co. being 30 miles

February 7, 1835 ~ Saturday

Left Mr Walkers crossed the Revelle
from thence to Mr Wm.
in Scott Co distance 26 miles

February 8, 1835 ~ Sunday

Left Mr Rileys travled to Brother
Willis Akeman distance 5 miles
in Pope Co.

February 9, 1835 ~ Monday

Remained at Brother Akemans

February 10, 1835 ~ Tuesday

travled 6 miles with Mr Akemans
to assist him in temporal business

Page 42

February 11, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Left Mr Akemans travled 2 miles
to Mr Johnathan Hubbel

February 12, 1835 ~ Thursday

Spent the day at Mr Hubbel in Writing

February 13, 1835 ~ Friday

Remained at Mr Hubbels wrote one
letter to the Brethren in Zion

February 14, 1835 ~ Saturday

On the evening of this day I was sudde
nly called to a house of mourning which
was Mr Alexander Akeman's he had walk'd
out of his house and drop'd dead upon the
ground in a few moments all his sons
and daughters were present it was truly
a time of Mourning Mr Akeman had
belonged to the Church of Christ his wife
died strong in the faith in Jackson
Mr Akeman was through the persecution
in Jackson County in consequence
of which he moved to pope Co Arkansaw
Territory where he met his death ^i[n] a sudden
manner im^m^ediately after denying the faith of the Latter day Saints^

February 15, 1835 ~ Sunday

Returned to Mr Hubbels on the Lords
Day spent the day at his house according
to appointment.

February 16, 1835 ~ Monday

. Attended the funeral assisted in burying
the body of Mr. Akeman preached the word unto the
people got 10 signers to the petition

Page 43

February 17, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Travled from Mr Akemans
to Mr Eligah Bakers preached at
his house according to appointment
from thence to Mr Josighah Hart
who invited us to spend the night with
him Mr Hart was 74 years of age
and a patriot in the Revolution
he signed the petition distance 15 m[iles]

February 18, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Left Mr Hart and travled to M
Wm. Wit distance 12 miles
got 5 signers to the petition

February 19, 1835 ~ Thursday

Left M Wit travled to M Hubbel
preached at his house according to
appointment got 6 signers to the petition
from thence to Mr Benjamin Snellin
distance 4 miles

February 20, 1835 ~ Friday

Left Mr Snellin travled to Brother
Wright Akemans spent the day in labouring
with our hands from thence to Mr
Hubbel distance 3 miles spent the
evening in preaching the word to
Mr Hubbel's household Brother Henry
spoke in tongues and interpeted the same
the Spirit of God rested upon us

Page 44

February 21, 1835 ~ Saturday

Left Mr Hubbel travled 2 miles
to Brother Wright Akemans spent
the day in labouring with our hands
then went to Mr Snellin who was
dangerously sick spent the night
in assisting him

February 22, 1835 ~ Sunday

On the Lords day left Mr Snellin
travled 2 miles to Mr Hubbel preached
at his house much of the Spirit of
rested upon us Brother Henry
Babtised 2 persons ^Brother & Sister Hubbel's^

February 23, 1835 ~ Monday

Counceled together and concluded
to go down the Arkansaw River to its
mouth and cross the Mississippi River
into Tennessee. We left Brother Hubbel
accompanied by Brother Wright Akeman
for the purpose of making a canoe to
go down the River in. Crossed the Arkansaw
river. Spent the night at Mr John Morse
distance 23 miles

February 24, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Spent the day in digging out a canoe

February 25, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Finished our canoe and launched it

February 26, 1835 ~ Thursday

Left Mr Morse crossed the River travled
to Brother Hubbel distance 23 miles

Page 45

February 27, 1835 ~ Friday

Spent the Day in labouring
for Brother Hubbel with our hands

February 28, 1835 ~ Saturday

preached at Brother Hubbel house

March 1, 1835 ~ Sunday

On the Lords day and
also on my birth day preached to a
full congregation at Brother Hubbel's
house according to appointment got 7 signers

March 2, 1835 ~ Monday

Took the parting hand with Brother
& Sister Hubbel and all our friends
at Petty John was accompanied by
Brother Wright to the Dardunell we
crossed the River was kindly receieved by
Mr John Morse and there found Mr
Wm & Willis Akeman Distance
23 miles got 7 signers to the petition

March 3, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Abandoned the idea of going down
the river in a canoe and excepted of
the offer of Mr Frederick Sangrain
to labour for him a few days and go
down the River with him in a coverd
boat spent the day in labouring for him

March 4, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Spent the day in labouring for Mr Sangrain

March 5, 1835 ~ Thursday

Spent the day in labouring for Sangrain

Page 46

March 6, 1835 ~ Friday

Spent the day in labouring &
writing a letter to my parents I had a
view in this place of some dangerous
reptiles which was two sandapeads [centipedes]
and three Terrantiallers [tarantulas] their
touch upon human flesh is considered
immediate death the Arkansaw abound
with them esspecially among the rocks

March 7, 1835 ~ Saturday

Spent the day in labouring for Mr
Alfred A Sangrain

March 8, 1835 ~ Sunday

On the Lords day preached at Mr
John Morse house Brother Henry
and myself visited the top of the high bluff
at the Dardanell and engraved our
names in the rock this place is the
station which the Osage Indians
took to view their enemies in war

March 9, 1835 ~ Monday to March 10, 1835 ~ Tuesday

& Laboured for Mr Sangrain

March 11, 1835 ~ Wednesday

In consequence of low watter the
coverd boat could not go down the river
therefore we concluded to procede on our
journey in our canoe. We left Mr Sangrain
embarked in our canoe travled 25 miles to
to Petty John Mountain stayed with Abm Barnet Pope Co.

Page 47

March 12, 1835 ~ Thursday

Left Mr Barnet proceded
Down the River to the Cadron Spent
the night in an old deserted tradeing
house Distance 50 miles ^1 signed petition^ Conway Co.

March 13, 1835 ~ Friday

Left the Cadron after visiting the black
Bluffs travel'd 40 miles spent the night
with Samuel Blackburn Palaski Co.

March 14, 1835 ~ Saturday

Left Blackburn travled to Little Rock
after visiting Little Rock 3/4 of an hour travled
down the River was kindly receieved by
Mr Isaac Jones in palaski county 53 miles

March 15, 1835 ~ Sunday

Spent the Day with Mr Jones preached to them

March 16, 1835 ~ Monday

Left our canoe with Mr Jones travled
up the River by land 10 miles took the Military
road leading from Memphis to Little Rock
was receieved ^by^ byMr Col Blues in palaski Co.
2 signers to the petition Distance 22 miles

March 17, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Left Col Blue travled to Mr T Cribbins
in Monroe Co. 40 miles Most of the way mud & water

March 18, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Left Mr Cribbins crossed Wite River
at Cash ferry from thence to Mr James P
Monroe Co. Distance 18 Miles

March 19, 1835 ~ Thursday to March 21, 1835 ~ Saturday

Spent the Day in labouring for Mr Kelleam
Also the &

Page 48

March 22, 1835 ~ Sunday

On the Lords Day preached to an
attentive congregation at the house of Mr Kellean

March 23, 1835 ~ Monday

Left Mr Kelleam & travled 40 miles
most of the way through mud & water stoped
for the night with Wm S Clon at second
creek in St Francis County 2 signers to petition
^{this was within} 5 {miles of a lake below somewhere [illegible shorthand] where could be seen} 50: {[illegible shorthand]}^

March 24, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Left S Clonn travled to John Casbeer
Distance 14 miles. The time had now arived
when my colleague Deemed it expedient to
take a speedy journey to his family at Kirtland
and on the 24th of March I took the parting hand
with Brother Henry Brown which left me alone
I preached in the evening to Mr Casbeer house
to a large congregation got 2 signers to the petition

March 25, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Travled from Mr Casbeer to Wm A
in Critenton Co. Distance 20 miles
Crossed St. Francis River got 3 signers to petition

March 26, 1835 ~ Thursday

Left Mr Johnsons crossed Black Fish Lake travled
14 miles through mud & water preached at
the house of Willis Fields in Crittenton Co
got 11 signers to the petition

March 27, 1835 ~ Friday

Left Mr Fields travled to & crossed the Mississippi
into Memphis state of Tennessees 14 miles
preached at the house of Josighah Jacksons to a
company of wicked men ^they got Enough of me^ ^they took me for an impos
tor & wanted to see if I
could preach^

Page 49

March 28, 1835 ~ Saturday

Travled from Mr Jacksons to
Raleigh from thence to Mr John A Logwood
Fayette Co. Distance 32 miles 2 signers to petition

March 29, 1835 ~ Sunday

Attended meeting on Sunday 2 miles

March 30, 1835 ~ Monday

Travled from Mr Logwood to Sommersville
& on to Bolivar spent the night at the house
of Esq. Hardamand Amid Musick &
Dancing in Hardamand Co. Distance 35 miles

March 31, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Travled from Mr Hardamand to Jacob
preached at his house in Madison
1 signed the petition Distance 24 miles

April 1, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Left Mr Sipes crossed Mount
from thence to Mr David Beard
in Henderson Co Distance 30 miles

April 2, 1835 ~ Thursday

Left Mr Beard travled through plesant
grove & Lexington and Maple Springs to
Mr Wm Morris Carrel County Distance 30 Miles

April 3, 1835 ~ Friday

Left Mr Morris travled 14 miles to Brother
Cade Crowley got 2 signers to petition Humphrys Co

April 4, 1835 ~ Saturday

Left Brother Crawley travled 5 miles to
Brother Joseph Frey, there I had the happy
privilege of meeting with Brother Warren
who was faithfully ingaged in the
work of the Lord & baptizing such as should be
saved I am now expecting to labour with
him for a season

Page 50

April 5, 1835 ~ Sunday

On the Lords day remaned at Br Frey

April 6, 1835 ~ Monday

preached at the Meeting house on Eagle Creek
also in the Evening of the same Day

April 7, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Spent the Day in visiting the Saints at Eagle
& travled to Brother Crawley 8 miles

April 8, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Travled from Brother Crawley to John
preached in the evening at his house

April 9, 1835 ~ Thursday

Left Mr Jackson travled to paris to Brother
Isaiah Benton Distance 24 miles Henry County

April 10, 1835 ~ Friday

A meeting for prayer at Brother Lanes in the Evening

April 11, 1835 ~ Saturday

Travled from paris to Mr John Hartfield. 10 [miles].

April 12, 1835 ~ Sunday

Travled from Mr Hartfields to Naples
on Sunday preached at the meeting house
Distance 10 miles was kindly receieved for
the night by Dr Richard B Clausell

April 13, 1835 ~ Monday

Travled from Dr Clausell into the
state of KY. Graves County preached
in the evening at the house of Mr David
Distance 9 miles

April 14, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Left Mr Kelly travled to Mr Clap's
preached to an attentive congregation
also in the evening Distance 6 miles

April 15, 1835 ~ Wednesday

preached at Wid Brusles from
thence to Dr Clausell Henry Co
Distance 9 miles

Page 51

April 16, 1835 ~ Thursday

Left Dr Clausell travled to Mr
Etherage preached to an attentive con
gregation was blessed with the Spirit of God. from
thence to Mr Butterworth preached in the evening 10 [miles]

April 17, 1835 ~ Friday

Left Mr Butterworth travled to Brother Levy
in Henry County Distance 14 miles

April 18, 1835 ~ Saturday

preached at the school house at Mr Chumley
spent the night at Mr Joseph Chumley

April 19, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday preached at the school house Brot[her]
parish Baptized five persons three of Mr C[humle]y f[amil]y

April 20, 1835 ~ Monday

Left Brother Taylors travled to Brother
Samuel Smith preached at Mr Willey
Calloway Co state of Kentucky

April 21, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Left Brother Smith & preached at the house
of Col Soloman Copeland Henry Co TE
^18 miles^ Mrs Copeland was healed by the laying on of hands

April 22, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Travled from Col Copelands to paris 10 miles

April 23, 1835 ~ Thursday

Spent the Day in paris held a Debate with
two Methodest priest & a prayer Meeting in the evening

April 24, 1835 ~ Friday

Left the Brethren at paris travled to Elij[ah]
held two meetings at his house. 15 miles

April 25, 1835 ~ Saturday

From Mr Fosters to John Jacksons Hy Co 15 M[iles]

April 26, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday From Mr Jacksons to Wm Camp
at Chalk Level preach at his house Br parish
Baptized one Hy County 15 miles

Page 52

April 27, 1835 ~ Monday

Baptized one Left Chalk Level for Brother
Frey's Eagle Creek Hy. Co Distance 10 miles

April 28, 1835 ~ Tuesday

preached at E[agl]e Creek visited the sick & prayed
with them travled 4 miles

April 29, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Spent the Day at Brother Frey in writing
wrote one letter to the Saints in Zion Also
to the Saints in the Arkansas

April 30, 1835 ~ Thursday

Write a letter to My parents in Connecticut
preached in the evening at Caswell Medlock 2 M[iles]

May 1, 1835 ~ Friday

Returned to Brother Freys continued writing. 2 M[iles]

May 2, 1835 ~ Saturday

At night preached at Sister Medlocks
Br Parish Baptized 2

May 3, 1835 ~ Sunday

On the Lords Day preached at Father Freys

May 4, 1835 ~ Monday

Wrote A letter to Friend Ozem Woodruff
Avon, Con. Spent the night at Br Medlocks

May 5, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Returned to Br Freys travled 4 miles

May 6, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Rode 3 miles & preached at Mr Wm Malin's

May 7, 1835 ~ Thursday

Rode to Morgans Creek preached at John
returned to Br Freys 15 miles

May 8, 1835 ~ Friday

Spent the Day at Br Freys in study & Writing

May 9, 1835 ~ Saturday

Travled 2 miles visited the brethren & returned

May 10, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday Rode to Mag [Major] Maddens preached
to a large congregation from thence to Br Crawleys
Distance 30 miles. Br Parrish Preached at E Creek baptized 1 one

Page 53

May 11, 1835 ~ Monday

Rode from Br Crawley's to Br Utleys 8 miles

May 12, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Rode to Lewis Barkers Preached at his hous Br
Parrish Baptized 2 persons distance 6 miles

May 13, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Rode to Mr JOHN Jackson. Preached at his house
Baptized 2 one of them at the 11th hour of the Night distance 7 miles

May 14, 1835 ~ Thursday

Rode to PARIS Henry County distance 23 miles
We there found A Brother by the name of ASA DODDS
he was nearly blind both litter^a^lly & spiritually

May 15, 1835 ~ Friday

Spent the day in PARIS Preached in the evening at the court house

May 16, 1835 ~ Saturday

Br Parrish mail'd A letter for Kirtland Rode to Col S C 10 miles

May 17, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday Preached at the Academy to A large
congregation also in the evening at Col Copelands

May 18, 1835 ~ Monday

Rode to Br West's Humphreys Co. distance 30 miles

May 19, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Rode to Willis Beards ESQ to Brother Frey's & 18m[iles]
12 J. Jacksons Preached at his house distance 20 miles

May 21, 1835 ~ Thursday

Rode to Col Copeland's Henry Co distane 25 miles

May 22, 1835 ~ Friday

Rode to Br Taylor's on Bloody distance 10 miles

May 23, 1835 ~ Saturday

Rode to Mr Butterworth's Preached at his house 10 miles

May 24, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday Preached at Butterworth's Also in the
evening Bapttized 2 persons & Rode to J'ms Ray's

May 25, 1835 ~ Monday

Rode to Brother Taylor's distance 10 miles

May 26, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Rode to Br Smith's then to Col Rowlets 7 miles

May 27, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Rode to Col Copeland's Henry Co distance 14 mi

May 28, 1835 ~ Thursday

Rode to Br Lanes in Paris distance 10 miles

May 29, 1835 ~ Friday

Rode to Mr Fosters Preached at his house
from thence to J Jacksons distance 30 miles

May 30, 1835 ~ Saturday

Rode from Mr Jacksons to Jesse Roggers in this
days travel we past through Reynoldsburgh after
crossing Tennessee River Preached at Roggers, 15 m[iles]

May 31, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday Preached at Mr Roggers to A large conggr
egation on the authenticity of the Book of Mormon

June 1, 1835 ~ Monday

Rode across Tennessee River to Br West's 12 mile

June 2, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Rode to Br Utley's Preached at his house baptized
1 person then to Br Caps distance 124 miles

Page 54

June 3, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Rode to MAG [Major] Maddens Preached at his house visited
& prayed with the sick then Rode to MAG Beard's 25 miles

June 4, 1835 ~ Thursday

Preached at Mag Burrel Beards then Rode to br Fry's 18 miles

June 5, 1835 ~ Friday

Spent the day visiting the saints on Egle Creek

June 6, 1835 ~ Saturday

Preached at the Meeting house on Egle Creek

June 7, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday Preached at the Meeting house on E Creek
Also at Brother Frys in the evening Baptized 2 persons

June 8, 1835 ~ Monday

Rode to Brother Crawley's distance 6 miles

June 9, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Rode to Mr Barkers preached at his house
from thence to ESQ Petty's distance 8 miles

June 10, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Rode to John Jacksons 3 miles

June 11, 1835 ~ Thursday

Preached at J Jacksons Br PARRISH baptized 1
which was Albert Petty ESQ then to J Lowery's 14 mil

June 12, 1835 ~ Friday

Rode to Br Lanes in Paris Preached in the court house 15 miles

June 13, 1835 ~ Saturday

Rode to Col Copeland's distance 10 miles

June 14, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday Preached at the Academy

June 15, 1835 ~ Monday

Br Parrish baptized 1 then Rode to Br Taylors 10 mile

June 16, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Preached at Br Taylor's & Rode to Mr John Freeman's 5 miles

June 17, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Rode to Concord call'd on Doct R B Clausell then to
Mr Joseph Chumley distance 7 miles

~ Thursday

18th Rode to Mr Isaac Hendricks Preached at his house
distance 10 [miles] confirmed Br William McCullock

June 19, 1835 ~ Friday

Rode to Col Dodds Graves County distance 10 miles

June 20, 1835 ~ Saturday

Rode to Mr Claps preached at his house distance
Graves County KY

June 21, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday preached in the grove to A large company
Br Parrish baptized 3 persons then rode to Mr McCaman
Preached at his house distance 10 miles

June 22, 1835 ~ Monday

Rode to Bloody from thence to Col Copelands, 25 m[iles]

June 23, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Rode to PARIS preached in the court house distance 10

On the 23rd day of June 1835 we receieved A letter from
Brother Oliver Cowdery containing A request for
Br Parrish to return to Kirtland as he was one of the
Seventy chosen Also stating that it was wisdom for me
to tarry & labour with the church in great humility that
I need not fear as their were other seventy tod be called
and that I was remembered

Page 55

June 24, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Held A debate with A Lawyier Wm L Sloss
then rode to Mr Foster's preached at his house 14 mile

June 25, 1835 ~ Thursday

Rode to J Jacksons Humphrys Co distance 16 miles

June 26, 1835 ~ Friday

Brother Parish baptized 1 Br John Jackson then Rode
to Mr L Barker's Preached at his house was followed
by A speach from Mr Cave Johnson Also from Mr
Congo Pervatt then rode to Br Pettys Br Parrish
baptised ^1^ Mrs Catherine Petty distance 6 miles

June 27, 1835 ~ Saturday

Rode to MAG [Major] Beards preached at his house then
to Br Frys Egle Creek distance 26 miles

June 28, 1835 ~ Sunday

On the LORDS DAY Brother
WARREN PARRISH preached his farewell sermon
to the Egle Creek branch of the Church of Latter
Day Saints Elder Calvin H Nicholson was present
As Br Parrish was one of the seventy chosen it became
necessary for him to return to ki[r]tland it also became
necessary for him to set the churches in order before
his departure & ordain such as should be chosen by
the gifts & callings of God to watch over the Church
And on the 28 of June 1835 brother Warren Parrish
ordained me an Elder & brother Caswell Medlock
was ordained A Deacon over the Egle Creek branch
I wrote & presented A reccommend to the Church ie
Reccommending br Parrish to the bishop & Church in
general it was signed by the male members We
truly had an affecting time, partook of the sacrament
closed the meeting by singing A farewell song, then
rode to brother Medlocks with Elders Parish & Nicholson

As I am now called to the office of an Elder I think it pr^o^per
before further giving an account of my travels to ocipy [occupy]
A space in aranging my travels while I was A Teacher
A Priest &c whare & how far I traveled & who with
And how many baptized &c &c

Page 56

On the 31 which ^w^as the last day of Dec & of the year
1833 I Joined the Church of Latter Day Saints was
Baptized by Elder Zerah Pulsifer on the 31 of Dec 1833
in company with with my Brother Azmon Woodruff
we were the two first that was baptized by A latter
day Saint in Oswego Co N Y. I was ordained A
Teacher by Elder Pulsifer Jan 2nd 1834

Travled while A Teacher from the 11th of Aprail to 25^th^ of June 1834 1238 Miles
From Richland Oswego Co. N Y to Kirtland Ohio 336 miles
From Kirtland Ohio to Liberty Missouri 902 miles
Total 1238 mile

Traveled with brothers Seth Ingols & Henry Brown
From Richland to Kirtland

Travled with 150 or 200 Brethren with brother
Joseph Smith, Jun as our leader from Kirtland to Missouri

Remained A Teacher untill the 5th of Nov
Wrote 12 letter while A Teacher

I was ordained A Priest by brother Simeon Carter
by the direction of the high council of Elders on the
5th of Nov 1834

I commenced travling to Preach the gospel on the 13
of Jan 1835 in company with Elder Henry Brown with
A reccommend from Elder Lyman Wight

I consecrated & Dedicated Myself, Properties, and Effects
unto the Lord befor the Bishop in Zion on the 31st Dec 1834
A coppy of which is in the fore part of theis Journal
This that I may be A lawful heir to the Celestial
of GOD

Page 57

The following is an account of my travels and proc^e^edings
while officiateing in the office of A Priest

From the 13th of Jan to the 28th of June of 1835
I travled 1808 one thousand eight hundred & eight miles
to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Divided thus
212 miles in Missouri with Elder H Brown
656 miles in Arkansas Territory
608 with Elder H Brown & 48 Alone
940 miles in Tennessee & KY
760 miles with Elder W PARISH & 180 Alone
1808 miles the whole

I held 70 seventy Meetings Divided thus
10 with Elder Brown
4 Alone
56 with Elder Parrish
70 The whole

I assisted Elder Brown while Baptizing 2 persons in Ark[ansas]
Assisted Elder Parrish while baptizing 18 in Tenn
I Baptized 8 persons in Tenn & KY while with E Parish
and holding the office of A priest

I procured 73 signers to the pietition to the
Governour of the state of Missouri for wrongs
inflicted upon the Church of Latter Day Saints by
the Jackson County mob divided thus
10 In Missouri
56 In Arkansas Territory
7 In Tennessee

I procured 4 subscr[i]bers for the Messenger & Advocate
And wrote 10 Letters

The Above ends my proceedings while holding the
Office of A Priest from the 5th of NOV 1834 to the
28th of June 1835 Making 7 Months and 23 Days
while I was not travling I was labouring with my hands

Page 58

The following is A License Receieved from Elder
Warren Parrish

This certifies that Willford Woodruff has been
receieved into this Church of ^the^ Latter Day Saints
organized on the 6th Day of Aprail 1830 and has
been ordained an Elder according to the rules
and regulations of said Church and is duly authorized
to preach the gospel and act in all the ordinances
of the house of the LORD agreeable to the authority
of that office given under my hand by the
voice of the Eagle Creek branch of the Church of
the latter day Saints on the 28th Day of June 1835


I shall now continue my Journal as usual

June 29, 1835 ~ Monday

Rode from Br Medlock's to Br Frys in company
with Elders Parrish & Nicholson spent several hours
in writing then Rode to Squire Ivins Br Parrish
baptized 1 person from thence to Br Walkers 4 miles

June 30, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Rode to John Walkers on Morgans Creek preached at
his house from thence to Br Fry's distance 14 miles

July 1, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Rode to Brother Utley's distance 8 miles

July 2, 1835 ~ Thursday

Preached at Br Utley's & organized that branch of
the Church called the Chalk Level branch Br Parrish
ordained Br Abel B Wilson A Deacon

July 3, 1835 ~ Friday

Rode to Br Crawley's distance 6 [miles]

July 4, 1835 ~ Saturday

Crossed Tenn River past through Reynoldsburgh to
Col Rutherford's Humphrys Co distance 12 miles

July 5, 1835 ~ Sunday

Preached at Col Rutherfortd's Baptized 1 person

July 6, 1835 ~ Monday

Crossed the River Rode to Br Utleys distance 12 miles
Br Parrish baptized 3 in Henry Co on the same day

July 7, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Rode to Br J Jackson's preached at his hous 4 miles
this was A day appointed by our enemies to meet at Br
Jacksons for the purpos of mobing us but while sickness fell
upon some & fear upon others they Abandoned their designs

Page 59

July 8, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Spent the day with Br Jackson's

July 9, 1835 ~ Thursday

Rode to Mr Fosters Preached at his house then
RODE to brother Lanes in PaRIS distance 30 miles

July 10, 1835 ~ Friday

Rode to Col Copelands distance 10 miles

July 11, 1835 ~ Saturday

Spent the day at Col Copelands & the night at Davis's

July 12, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday preached at the Academy to A congregation
of hundreds was accompanied by Wm. L Sloss to
Col Copeland distance 3 miles

July 13, 1835 ~ Monday

Rode to Samuel Roberts preached at his house then
to Brother Taylor's on bloody distance 10 miles

July 14, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Preached at Br Taylors then rode to Mr Chumleys

July 15, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Rode to Doct Richard B Clausell at Concord preached
in the grove then Rode to Br Taylors distance 10 m

July 16, 1835 ~ Thursday

Took the parting hand with br Parish {the last evening brother Parish spent on Bloody}
And the friends on Bloody & Rode to Mr Butterworths
Preached at his hous & Rode to John McCullock 13 miles

July 17, 1835 ~ Friday

Rode to McCaman's. Preached at his house 6 miles

July 18, 1835 ~ Saturday

Rode to M Lewis Claps KY 15 miles receieved
Elder ASA DOODS credentials According to the appointment
of the counsel at Kirtland I ordained Br Benjamin Clap
A Teacher in the Church of Latter Day Saints

July 19, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday Preached by the school house 1 mile from
Mr Claps. I follow'ed A Campbellite preacher Although much
threatened before meeting I was not disturbed Also
Preached in the evening at Mr Claps & baptized 2 pers[ons]

July 20, 1835 ~ Monday

Rode to Clarks River & Praached at Mr Thomas'es
& Also in the evening to A large congregation of
priest's & people was opposed by one priest the rest
were silent spent the night with Daniel Thomas. 12 miles

July 21, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Rode to Concord then to Br Taylors distance 30 miles

July 22, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Rode to Col Copelands 10 miles whare I again met
with Brother PARRISH he informed me that he had baptized
5 persons since we parted I receieved A letter from my Parents

July 23, 1835 ~ Thursday

Rode in company for the last time with Elder Warren
to the mouth of Sandy Br Parrish Preached to several
hundreds for the space of three hours & baptized 1 person
the time had now arived however painful it might be

Page 60

for me [to] take the parting hand with Br PARRISH I know not
that we shall ever meet again untill we meet in Eternity
may the blessings of God crown his days & prepare him for
the Celestial Kingdom O worthy Brother farewell but not
forever I am now left alone without human aid to assist
me in preaching the gospel my circuit is about 100 miles in
extent besides the care of all the Churches within the limits
of the same who is weack & I not weack who is offended
& I burn not [2 Corinthians 11:28-29] O may the LORD give me strength as my day [Deuteronomy 33:25]
& many souls as seals of my ministry O GOD prepare me
for the battle. I took the parting hand with Brothers Parrish
& Utley who was intending to Journey together t[o] Kirtland
then returned to Col Copeland's distance of the day 20 miles

July 24, 1835 ~ Friday

Rode to Brother Lanes in PARIS distance 10 miles

July 25, 1835 ~ Saturday

Spent the day in paris

July 26, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday Rode to Johnathan Lowerys Preached at
his house to A large congregation was opposed by some
individuals then Rode to Br Jacksons distance 25 miles

July 27, 1835 ~ Monday

Spent the day at Br Jackson's

July 28, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Preached at Brother Jacksons Baptized 1 one some
armed men gather'd together it was supposed to mob me
but they came not against me

July 29, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Rode to Br Pettys then to Br Williams distans 4 miles

July 30, 1835 ~ Thursday

Rode to L Barkers Preached at his house then to Caps 8 m[iles]

July 31, 1835 ~ Friday

Rode to Br Utley's then to Br Crawleys distance 8 miles

August 1, 1835 ~ Saturday

Rode to Br Frys on Egle Creek distance 8 miles

August 2, 1835 ~ Sunday

Preached at Egle Creek Meeting house at 12 oclock Also at
4 oclock AM at Sister Barnets Baptized 2 two spent the night
at Sister Barnet's in company with Wm. L Sloss 2 miles

August 3, 1835 ~ Monday

Rode to Brother Frys spent the day in writing & studying
stenography {stenography} from Wm L Sloss 2 miles

August 4, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Took the parting hand with William L Sloss ESQ & the
rest of the friends Rode to Br Utleys Preached 12 oclock 10 mil

August 5, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Spent the day at Br Utleys

August 6, 1835 ~ Thursday

Rode to Col Rutherfords east of Tenn River Preached at 12 Returned through
Reynoldsburgh on election day where there was much drunkenness & fi[gh]ting
rode to Br Jacksons & preached in the evening distance 23 miles

Page 61

August 7, 1835 ~ Friday

Rode to Mr Fosters Preached at his house
receieved 2 sudscribers for the M[essenger] & Ad[vocate]. distance 15 miles

August 8, 1835 ~ Saturday

Rode to Paris & herd of much excitement fearing
an insurrection of the dlacks distance 14 miles

August 9, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday Rode to Col Copeland Preached at the
Academy distance 10 miles

August 10, 1835 ~ Monday

Rode to Bloody distance 10 miles

August 11, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Preached at Br Taylor then rode to Br Smith 5 miles

August 12, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Visited the sick Rode to Br Taylors 5 miles

August 13, 1835 ~ Thursday

Rode to Mr Butterworth's Preached D[istance] 10 miles

August 14, 1835 ~ Friday

Spent the day at Mr Butterworth's

August 15, 1835 ~ Saturday

Rode to Br Taylors was under the necessity
of swiming Bloody River after some difficulty I
extricated myself & Horse from the water dis[tance] 10 miles

August 16, 1835 ~ Sunday

Sunday held communion with the Saints at Br
Taylors & wrote A letter to Br Asahel H Woodruff

August 17, 1835 ~ Monday

Spent the day at Br Taylors in study & writing

August 18, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Rode to Mr Chumleys & wrote a letter to
Br Henry Brown in Zion

August 19, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Rode to Concord then returned to Br Taylors 14 mil
{a dream on the night of the} 19 {of} aug 1835 {after meditating on the first dream I dreamed another}

August 20, 1835 ~ Thursday

Rode to Col Copelands distance 10 miles

August 21, 1835 ~ Friday to August 22, 1835 ~ Saturday

& Spent at Col Copeland's

August 23, 1835 ~ Sunday

On the Lords Day Preached at the Academy

August 24, 1835 ~ Monday

Rode from Col Copelands to Paris distance 10 m

August 25, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Rode to Mr Fosters distance 14 miles

August 26, 1835 ~ Wednesday

Rode to Br Jackson's Preached at his house 14 mil

August 27, 1835 ~ Thursday

Rode to Br Albert Pettys distance 2 miles

August 28, 1835 ~ Friday

Rode to Lewis Barker Preached at his house
then Rode to Egle Creek

August 29, 1835 ~ Saturday

Preached at Br Frey's Expeled Fanny Lewis

August 30, 1835 ~ Sunday

Spent the day in visiting the sick travled 6 mil

August 31, 1835 ~ Monday

Rode to Br Crawley distasnce 6 miles

Page 62

~ Tuesday

1st Sept Rode to Br West's Preached at his house then
Rode to Br Pettys distance 8 miles

~ Wednesday

2nd Preached at Br Pettys' then Rode to Br ^H^ Williams 4 miles

~ Thursday

3rd Rode to BDavid Crenshaw Preached at his house 14 mile

September 4, 1835 ~ Friday

4th Rode to Paris distance 14 miles
receieved A letter from Br W Parrish Kirtland

~ Saturday

5th Rode to Col Copelands distance 10 miles

~ Sunday

6th On the Lords day Preached at the Academy
by Col Copeland then Rode to Mr Lowthers, 14 mile

~ Monday

7th Rode to Samuel BRoberts Preached at his hous
then Rode to Br Taylors 12 miles

~ Tuesday

8th Preached at Br Taylors Rode to Concord 8 miles

~ Wednesday

9th Rode to Mr Chumbleys 9 miles

~ Thursday

10th Rode to Wid MCcamrans passed many sick [ink blot] miles

~ Friday

11th Rode to Br Clapps Calloway Co KY 10 miles

~ Saturday

12th Benjamin Clapp & his wife healed by the
laying on of hands then Rode to Br Loys 1 m[ile].

~ Sunday

13th On the Lords day Preached at Mr Claps [page torn]
Also in the evening Baptized 1: Mary Clapp

~ Monday

14th Rode to Mr MCCollocks distance 12 miles

~ Tuesday

15th Rode to Mr Chumbleys on Bloody distance 14 m

~ Wednesday

16th Rode to Br Taylors spent the day in writing

~ Thursday

17th Rode to Mr Freemens Preched at his house 7 miles

~ Friday

18th Rode to Br S Smiths 2 miles

~ Saturday

19th Rode to Mr Gainers distance 9 miles

~ Sunday

20th On the Lords [day] Preached at Mr Gainers communed w
with the Saints & ordained Br James Young A deacon

~ Monday

21st Rode to Paris distance 10 miles spent the
day in reading Owens & Campbells debate sent A
Letter to Elder John Whitmer at Kirtland

~ Tuesday

22nd Rode to Mr Cranshaws Preached at his house 15 miles

~ Wednesday

23rd Rode to Br Howard Williams distance [blank]
herd of the Death of Sister Nancy Wood who died on
the 13th of Sept 70 years of Age Rode to Br Utleys had
A plesant interview with Br Utley as he had Just returned
from Kirtland he brought me A letter from W Parish
also A Book containing the doctrins & Covenants of th
Church of the Latter Day Saints as A present from O Cowdery

Page 63

~ Thursday

Sept ^24th^ Spent the day in Perusing the Book from Br Cowdery
& found it to be A precious treasure A legacy from heaven

~ Friday

25th Rode to Lewis Barkers Preached at his house
Baptized 1 distance 5 miles 1 subscriber for M & Ad

~ Saturday

26 Rode to Br Wests Preached at his house dis[tance] 6 mile

~ Sunday

27th Sunday Rode to Br Caswell Medlock's Preached
at his house to A large congregation Also in the evening
at Sister Barnets distance 9 miles

~ Monday

28th Rode to Father Frey's commenced copying Journal

~ Tuesday

29th Continued coppying my Journal

~ Wednesday

30th Preached at Br Frys

~ Thursday

Oct 1st Coppied Journal through the day Rode in
the evening to Br Medlocks 2 miles Preached at
his house in the evening & baptized 1 one

~ Friday

2nd Rode to Br Crawley Preached at his house 8 m[iles]

~ Saturday

3rd Rode to Br Willsons from thence to Br Utley 6 miles

~ Sunday

[page torn] [4]th Sunday Preached at Br West

~ Monday

[page torn] [5]th Rode to Br Pettys distance 6 miles

~ Tuesday

[page torn] [6]th Preached at Br Pettys the^n^ rode to Br Williams 4 mil

~ Wednesday

7th Rode to Br Jackson's 1 mile

~ Thursday

8th Rode to David Cranshaws Preached at his hous 15 m[iles]

~ Friday

9th Rode to Paris distance 15 miles Receieved 2 letters
by male one from Brother Asahel H Woodruff the other
from Sister Rebecaca Dayton Kirtland Ohio

~ Saturday

10th Rode to Col Copeland distance 10 miles

~ Sunday

11th Sunday Preached at the Academy Rode to Frasiers 4 m[iles]

~ Monday

12th Rode to Samuel Roberts Preached at his house
then Rode to Br Taylors' distance 10 miles

~ Tuesday

13th Preached at Br Taylors Receieved 2 subscribers
for the M & Advocate

~ Wednesday

14th Rode to Concord & returned to Br Taylors 16 m[iles]

~ Thursday

15th Rode to Isaac Hendricks Preached at his
house then Rode to Mr Clapps on Taropen
Preached at his house distance 30 miles

~ Friday

16 Rode to Br Loy's 1 miles

Page 64

~ Saturday

17th Oct Preached at Mr Clapps & Baptised 1 one
then Rode to Br Loys Preached at his house
and returned to Br Clapp's 3 miles

~ Sunday

18 On the Lords day Rode to Clarks River 10 mi
& Preached in the meeting house had A
debate with A Campbellite Priest. Also Preached
at night in the same place on the Authenticity
of the Book of Mormon to A large Assembly

~ Monday

19th Procured 1 subscriber for M & Ad. Preached
in the evening at Br Thomas'es the Sp^i^rit of God rested {upon me}

~ Tuesday

20th I Baptized 3 Campbellites one A deacon
then Rode 12 miles & Preached at Mr Joseph
Mr Greenwood was 81 years of
Age & A revolutioner unde[r] George Washington
his wife who was carding wool Elizabeth
was 93 years of Age & well
remembered Braddock's Army

~ Wednesday

21st Got 2 signers for M & Ad. rode to Br Clapps
3 miles Preached in the evening at Br Claps ^on Terropan River^
from the Lth Psalm 3, 4, 5 verses When I opened
A door for the reception of members by baptism
When 8 came foreward & gave me their
hand all were Campbellites save 1 which
was A Baptist. We repaired to the water
whare the Spirit of God & the solemnities of
of Eternity rested upon us while administering
the ordinance of Baptism. It was A scene
that caused rejoicing in both heaven & Earth
to view 3 men lead their wives into the same
element whare our Saviour had lain to obey
the mandates of heaven

~ Thursday

22nd Preached at Br Camp's got 1 signer for E & M star

~ Friday

23rd Rode in company with Br Benj[amin] Clapp to Br
Taylors distance 22 miles

~ Saturday

24th Wrote A Letter to President John Whitmer in
Kirtland sent 7 subscribers for papers 14 baptised
sent $500 money

Page 65

~ Sunday

Oct 25th Preached at Mr Chumley's on the Lords day

~ Monday

26th Rode to Col Copelands 10 miles

~ Tuesday

27th Rode to Paris 10 miles held A council &
Expeled Mrs Lucy Benton Maled A Letter
to Br J Whitmer dated 27th

~ Wednesday

28 Rode to Capt Lowerys from thence to Br Jacksons
got 1 subscriber for M and Ad. distance 40 miles

~ Thursday

29th Preached at Br Jacksons Rode to Br Pettys 2 miles

~ Friday

30 Rode to L Barkers Preached at his house
then Rode to Br Crawleys 10 miles

~ Saturday

31st Rode to Br Frys.

~ Sunday

^Nov 1st Preached at Frys^ 7 miles

~ Monday

Nov 2nd Rode to Br Utleys 10 miles

~ Tuesday

3rd Rode to Br Wests Preeached at his house
two persons had the gift of tongues 2 mile

~ Wednesday

4th Rode to Br Pettys Preached at his house
from thence to Br Jacksons 8 miles

~ Thursday

5th Wrote A Letter to Br Benton Rode to
Mr Fosters with Brother's Seth Utley &
Clapp distance 14 miles

~ Friday

6th Rode to Paris 14 miles

~ Saturday

7th Rode to Col Copeland's 10 miles

~ Sunday

8th Preached in the evening at Mr Lowthers

~ Monday

9th Rode to Br Taylors 10 miles

~ Tuesday

10. Preached at Br Taylors Rode to
Br S Smith's 7 miles

~ Wednesday

11th Rode to Mr Chumbley's 8 miles

~ Thursday

12th Rode to Mr Hendricks Preached 12 m[iles]

~ Friday

13th Rode to Br Clapps on Taropen KY. with
Br Utley lost our way travled 25 miles

~ Saturday

14th Preached at Camp's in the evening. the
spirit of God rested upon us & signs followed
the believer 4 came foreward for baptism

Page 66

~ Sunday

^Nov^ 15th Sunday Preached at Br Clapps ^on the Terrapen^ on the attributes
of God & Baptized 5 persons then mounted our
horses to ride to Clarks River in company with
Seth Utley & four other Brethren & two Sisters
We rode to the creek but could not cross without
swiming our horses as A heavy rain had fallen
the night & day before. As night was overtaking
us & Also dangerous for females to swim their
horses we attempted to head the creeks sufficiently
to ford them But in the attempt both in the darkness
of the night & A hard storm of wind & rain
overtook us we lost our way We had neither fire light
nor road but was in rain, wind, creek, mud, & water
& treetops setting aside our horses & females we
made more the appearance of fishermen than travelers
I thought of Pauls perils by water [Acts 27] But the Lord
doth not forsake his saints even in the seventh
trouble [Job 5:19] for while we were in the woods grouping
as the blind for the wall suffering under the
blasts of wind & rain A light suddenly shone
around about us without either Sun Moon or Stars
so that we were able to reach A hous whare
we receieved directions & procured some
torches to serve us as lights. We went our
way rejoiceing allthough the wind & rain beat
upon us & the darkness returned We reached
Mr Henry Thomas'es house at about 9 oclock
at night without much harm after riding 20 miles
& being 5 hours in the storm & fording creeks
& branches 20 or more times without murmering
either Male or Female & felt to thank God for preservation

~ Monday

16 Preached at the meeting house on Damonds Creek
Also at Mr Thomases at candle light

~ Tuesday

17th Baptized one & organized the Damond's Creek branch
of the Church of Latter day Saints & ordained Daniel
A Teacher then rode to Br Loy's 12 miles
whare I in company with Seth Utley & Br Loy
& his family were called out in the night to view the
signs in the heavens which was three clouds having
the appearance of fire & blood one in the North
one in the East one in the West each about the
size of an acre of ground they arose from the
Earth into the air frequently changed their places

Page 67

~ Wednesday

^Nov 18th^ Rode to Br Clapps took the parting hand with Br Utley

~ Thursday

19th rode to Mr Greenwood's Preached at his house 3 miles

~ Friday

20. Rode to Mr Hendricks distance 10 miles

~ Saturday

21st Rode to Br Taylors distance 10 miles

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday Preached at Mr Chumbley's

~ Monday

23 Rode to Jn Gainers Preached at his house 10 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

24th Rode to Paris 10 miles

~ Wednesday

25th Rode to Mr Fosters 14 miles

~ Thursday

26 Rode to J Jacksons Preached at his house
Got 1 subscriber for M & Ad. 14 miles

~ Friday

27 Rode to Mr Barkers Preached at his house 6 miles

~ Saturday

28th Rode to Br Crawleys 8 miles

~ Sunday

29th Rode to Br Metlock's Preached at his house 10 miles

~ Monday

30th Rode to Mr Jordans Preached at his house returned
to Br Fry's procured 4 subscridbers for M & Ad
Also 1 subscriber for E & M Star Wrote 1 Letter 22 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

Dec 1st Spent the day at Father Fry's in writing
Wrote 2 Letters 1st to President John Whitmer
the other to Elder Warren Parrish both directed to
Kirtland Geauga Co Ohio Gave J Whitmer an account
of 6 baptized sent 8 subscribers & $5.00 in money in since Oct 24

~ Wednesday

2nd Rode to Br Crawleys 8 miles Whare I unexspectedly
met Elder ^Elias^ F Wells whio informed me that Elder Daniel
was at Paryville labouring & that he
would soon visit us I expect Br Wells will labour with me

~ Thursday

3rd Rode to Br Wests Preached at his house & in the evening 14 m[iles]

~ Friday

4th Rode to Br Petty's Preach at his house 4 miles

~ Saturday

5 Rode to J Jacksons 3 miles

~ Sunday

6 Sunday Rode to Capt. Lowery's Preached at his hous. 14 [miles].

~ Monday

7. Rode to Paris distance 20 miles


8th Preached at night in the court house & while
Preaching some person turned one of our horses
loose to stray

~ Wednesday

9 I spent the day in writing wrote A Letter to my Parents

~ Thursday

10 Spent the day in Paris got 1 subscrider for M & Ad.

~ Friday

11th Wrote A Letter to Br Asahel H Woodruff

~ Saturday

12th Walked to Col Copelands 10 miles & found our stray horse

~ Sunday

13th Sunday Preached at the Academy rode to J Youngs 5 miles

~ Monday

14. Rode to Bloody to Br Taylors 10 miles

~ Tuesday

15 Preached at Br Taylors rode to Freemans 5 miles

~ Wednesday

16 Rode to Mr Chumbleys 6 miles

~ Thursday

17. Rode to Hendricks Preached at his house
& Rode to Br Simeon Hendricks 20 miles

Page 68

~ Friday

Dec ^18^ Preached at Father Greenwoods at night

~ Saturday

19th Saturday Rode to Br Clapps ^on Tarapen Creek^ Preached at his
house & Baptized 5 persons 4 men, 1 woman
one of the men was A Campbellite Priest communed
with the Saints had a good time 3 mile

~ Sunday

20th Rode on Sunday to Clarks River Preached
at Mr Henry Thomas'es house at 12 oclock whare
A mob of Fifty men {was goaded} led by A Baptist Priest
came out against me But after questioning me
on one point their leader advised them not to
lay hands on no man for their principles it
was good advise & well taken I Preached again
at night at the same place & Baptized 3 Persons
the man of the house & his mother Mother
who was 78 years of age & another sister
were the Persons Baptized. Rode 10 miles

~ Monday

21st Rode to Waidsborough 7 miles Preached in the
evening to A respectable congregation got 1
signer for M & Ad. was kindly receieved for
the night By Doct Richard Knuckle's & W. Frasier.

~ Tuesday

22nd Rode from W^a^idsborough to Mr Freemans
on Bloody, KY distance 24 miles

~ Wednesday

23 Rode to Brother Levi Taylors 4 miles

~ Thursday

24th Commenced studying Kirkhams English Grammer
at Br Taylors & there spent the week.

~ Sunday

27th Sunday Preached at Mr Chumbly's

~ Monday

28th Rode to Br Davis'es Preached at the school
house then rode to Col Copeland distance 12 mil

~ Tuesday

29 Rode to ^S.^ Smiths on Bloody 12 miles

~ Wednesday

30 Rode to Mr Chunley's 5 miles

~ Thursday

31st of Dec the Last Day of 1835 spent at Br Taylor

Thus ends the year of

The two following pages show correctly the
abridgment of my Journal, travel's & Proceeding of

Page 69

On the night of the last day of Dec & of the year of our
Lord 1835, I perused my Journals & found it to
contain the following account of my travels &
procedings in the year of 1835, commencing the
13th of Jan. 1835 making one year 12 days excepted


Travled three thousand two hundred & forty eight miles divided in the following manner 3248 miles
From 13th of Jan[uary] to the 28 of June travled 1808 miles

212 miles in Missouri with Elder Henry Brown 212 miles
656 miles in the Arkansas Territory 608 with Brown, 48 Alone 656
940 miles in Tennessee 760 with Elder W. Parrish & 180 miles Alone 940 miles
Travled from the 28th of June to the 31st of Dec after holding the office of an Elder in the states of Tenn. & KY. principally Alone 1440
The sum total 3248 miles

I held one hundred & seventy meetings divided in the following manner 170 meetings
While A Priest 10 with Elder ^Brown^ 56 with W. Parish 4. Alone 70 And 100 after holding the office of an Elder 70
Principly Alone 100
The whole number 170 meetings
^I Planted organized & built up 3 churches^
3rd I Baptized forty three 8 while A Priest
& 35 while an Elder 3 were Campbellite Priests

The numdber Baptized 43 Baptized
& was A partner with Elder Brown in Baptizing
2 Persons in the Arkansas & with Elder
Warren Parrish 18 Persons In Tenn.


I Procucured twenty subscribers for the Latter Day Saints M & Advocate while an Elder & 4 while A Priest 24 M & Ad
Also 2 for the reprinted Star 2 Star

I confirmed 35 persons
Page 70


I Procured seventy three signers to the Petition to the Governor of Missouri for redress of wrongs done the Church by the Jackson County mob 10 in Missouri 56 in the Arkansas & 7 in Tenn[essee] while A Priest. 73 {signeders}

I Wrote eighteen Letters 8 while A Priest 10 while an Elder & receieved 10. 18 Letters

I ordained two Teachers & one deacon 3 Ordained

I expeled seven members from the Church but not while hope remained 7 Expeled

I held three debates or answered when Publicly opposed 3 {debates}

Three companies in the form of mobs gathered together against me at one time the company consisted of about fifty men led by a Baptist Priest yet I suffered no harm 3 mobs
The before mentioned is the account of my procedings
of the year of 1835 which has bourn its report
to heaven of me & all other men & could it not
have bourn more Wellcome news. Ah it cannot
be recalled the sable shades of night have
allready spake the departure of 1835 And the
Queen of the night is ishsueing forth her brilliant
light to wellcome the dawn of 1836 which approaches
us in a calm to go out in a storm. O momentious
& important year which will hurl thy millions
to the tomb & shake Kingdoms & bespeak A
God in Israel. O God enable my heart &
hands to be clean for A year to come
When God speaks Who can but Prophecy.

Willford Woodruff.

Page 71
Page 72

The second Book of
Willford for 1836

~ Friday

1st Jan. Friday spent the day at Brother Levi Taylors
Bloody KY.

~ Saturday

2nd Wrote A Letter to Elder W. Parrish
containing 200 lines in answer to his Dated
Nov 29th 1835 Which I receieved on the 1st of Jan 1836

~ Sunday

3rd Preached on the Lords day at Joseph Chumbleys'
returned to Br Taylors & spent the week
studying Kirkhams English Grammer

~ Sunday

10th Sunday met with the Saints at Mr Chumbleys
returned to Br Taylors spent the week studying

~ Saturday

16 Saturday Rode to Copelands distance 10 miles

~ Sunday

17 Sunday Preached at the Academy after Parson
Potts returned to Col Copeland 4 miles

~ Monday

18 Rode to Mr Roes Preached at his house 12 oclock
then rode to George W. Brandons Preached
at his house at night got 1 subscriber for M. Ad. 16 mil

~ Tuesday

19 Rode to & crossed the mouth of sandy at
Authors ferry to Br Tailors 24 miles

~ Wednesday

20 Rode to Chumbleys 1 milee

~ Thursday

21st Rode to James Hendricks from thence to Tarropen 30 m[iles]

~ Friday

22 Rode to Father Greenwood's Preached at his house
then Rode to Br Camps 7 miles

~ Saturday

23 Preached at Br Clapps & Blessed 10 children in
the name of Jesus Christ then rode to Clarks
distance 12 miles & collected $70.00 dollars
for the building of the house of the Lord at Kirtland

~ Sunday

24. Preached at Br Thomas'es Sunday & blessed 6
children after I closed meeting A Baptist Priest
William Willson arose & asked us to attend a
meeting of theirs & cleer ourselves iof we were
not guilty of those things which they alledged against
us I answered him before the people & remarked
that I was surprised to see them take the liberty &
authority of the country into their own hands
to try American citizens by

~ Monday

25 Rode to James Martins Preached at his house Also
at night distans 12 miles

~ Tuesday

26 Rode to Br Thomas'es preached at his house 12 miles

Page 73

~ Wednesday

27 Jan Rode to Stephen Brady's distance 24 miles

~ Thursday

28 Preached at Stephen Brady's & rode to J Freemans: 14 m[iles]

~ Friday

29 Preached at John Rowlett's & Blessed 3 children in
the name of the Lord & rode to Br Taylors 5 miles

~ Saturday

30 Rode to Br Smith's Preached at his house {and rode to Mr} Ch{umbleys} 3 {miles}

~ Sunday

31 Sunday Preached at Br Taylors

~ Monday

Feb 1st Rode to Br Davis'es 10 miles collected $5.00 dollars
for building the house of the Lord at Kirtland Ohio

~ Tuesday

2 Rode to Paris 10 miles & receieved a Letter from
President Whitmer at Kirtland

~ Wednesday

3 Rode to David Cranshaws 14 miles

~ Thursday

4 Rode to J Jacksons Preached at his house 14 miles

~ Friday

5 Rode to L Barkers Preached at his house from thence
to Mr Tittles Preached at his house distance 10 miles

~ Saturday

6 Rode to Br Fry's Procured 1 subscriber for M & Ad. 10 m[iles]

~ Sunday

7 Preached at Br Fry's on Sunday

~ Monday

8 Rode to Mr Irvin Jordans Esq. Preached at house 12 miles

~ Tuesday

9 Rode to Mr Dodds Preached at his house after
closing meeting Parson Cure arose & red a letter
from A mob man in Jackson Co opposing the Latter
Day Saints I answered him & the scene closed
by Sisters Lucy Ann & Susanna K Fry singing
the sectarian cudgel then rode to Father Frys 15 [miles]

~ Wednesday

10 Rode to Sister Barnetts at night {after copying journal} 3 miles

~ Thursday

11 Rode to Brother Fry's Spent the day writing 3 m[iles]

~ Friday

12 Spent the day in coppying my Journal rode to Sister
Matlocks distance 2 miles

~ Saturday

13 Rode to Br Fry's 2 miles & there found Elder Elias
F. Wells
& Elder Daniel Cathcart who had returned
with him in order to attend the conference with us
at KY it was a Pleasing interview to us all

~ Sunday

14 Sunday rode to Br Walkers. Preached at his house
from thence to Sister's Barnett's 4 miles

~ Monday

15 Spent the day at Sister Matlock's to attend the
sale of her Property after the Death of Deacon
Caswell Matlock Who died Dec 24. Aged 27 Yrs
I solicited contributions through the day
for the building of the house of the Lord at
Kirtland Ohio & procured $25.00 cts from
the honourable men & Saints to be applyed to
that purpose then rode to Br Crawleys 10 miles
I also contributed $6 dollars myself for the
house of the Lord

Page 74

~ Tuesday

Feb 16 Rode to Br Petty's Preached at his house, 10 miles &
Wrote A Letter to John Whitmer & Jared Carter
& sent them two subscribers for M & Ad & 8
baptised since Dec 1st 1835 & sent them in the Letter
$40 dollars & an account of $5 dollars that I
sent in Seth Utley's Letter. $45 dollars the whole
$6 dollars was for papers & $39 for the house
of the Lord
at Kirtland Ohio

~ Wednesday

17 Rode to George W Brandons in Texes distance 25 miles
Preached at his house at night

~ Thursday

18 Preached at G W Brandons at 12 oclock then
rode to Col S. Copeland distance 14 miles

~ Friday

19 Rode to Paris & receieved A Letter from Elder W{arren}
Parrish Dated Jan. 31st 1836 which I red with great
delight then rode to Samuel Edney's distance 18 m[iles].

~ Saturday

20 Rode to Col. Copelands from thence to J Gainer's 4 m[iles]

~ Sunday

21 Rode to the Academy Preached after Parson Potts
then rode to Mr Fraziers from thence to Mr
Lowthers Preached at his house then rode to
Col Copelands 10 miles. got one subscriber for M & Ad

~ Monday

22 Rode to Wid. Young Preached at her house & rode
to Br Taylor's distance 10 miles

~ Tuesday

23 Rode to Br Smith's Preached at his house {Br Cathcart took the lead of meet[ing]} 2 miles

~ Wednesday

24 Rode {in company} with {Elder} Cathcart & Wells & {Deacon}
A O Smoot to Br Simeon Hendricks 20 mile's

~ Thursday

25 Rode to Br Drowns 3 miles

~ Friday

Feb 26, 1836 Met in conference at Br Lewis Clapps on
Taropen Calaway Co KY. according to appointment
& proceded to order Elder Willford Woodruff
was called to the chair & Elder Daniel Cathcart
appointed secretary the conference was opened
by Prayer by President Woodruff. Elders Present
Willford Woodruff, Elias F Wells & Daniel Cathcart
Teachers Benjamin Clapp, Daniel Thomas, & Deacon
Abram O Smoot, Presd't Woodruff arose & red the
the covenants of the Church & commented some upon
it after which a voice was taken upon ordinations
of some ones who came foreward for ordination

Page 75

And it was carried by a clear voice after which
Presdt Woodruff Proceded to ordain Abram
O Smoot
Elder & Benjamin Boydstun Elder &
Daniel Thomas & Benjamin Clapp Priest's &
James Allen Teacher & Henry Thomas &
John Camp Deacons. After Which seven branches
of the Church was represented Presdt Woodruff
represented, one Branch on Egle Creek Benton, Tenn
15 in good standing one at Chalk Level 21
in good standing Benton Co Tenn one on Cyprus
in Benton Co. Tenn 9 in good standing one
called the Academy branch in Henry County Tenn
8 in good standing one on Bloody river Henry
Co Tenn 11 in good standing one on Taropen in
Calloway Co KY 24 in good standing. Damonds
branch KY 8 in good standing & represented
7 remaining members scattered abroad all in good
standing the whole number 103 members in good
standing. We then Proceded to appoint a conference
at Br Seth Utley's Chalk Level Benton Co Tenn on
Saturday & Sunday the 28, 29 of May closed
by Prayer by Elder Abram O Smoot

After conference closed we had an intermision
of 30 minits & met again when Elder Cathcart
taught the Church the word of wisdom I followed
him upon the same subject which closed the duties
of the Day After dividing our circuit in the following
manner Elders Cathcart & Boydstun labour
together in KY & Elders Woodruff & Smoot
labour together in Ten. & Elder Wells take A
mishion by himself & all to meet at the Academy
near Col Copelands Tenn on the 3rd of Aprail 1836

~ Saturday

Feb 27th Preached at Br Clapps & was followed by Elders
Cathcart, Wells, Smoot & Boydstun, & then rode
to Br Johnston F Lane who had moved from Paris, Tenn
to Taropen KY. & I Procured $23 dollars from the
Brethren from for the building of the house of the Lord

Page 76

~ Sunday

Feb 28 Sunday Rode to Father Greenwood's Preached at
his house then rode to Br James Allen distance 6 miles
Sister Margarett Clapp was instantly healed at the
laying on of hands of the Elders

~ Monday

29 Rode from Br Allens with Brothers Cathcart, Bo
& Clapp to Mr John Clapp's on the Little
Graves Co. KY. distance 24 miles

~ Tuesday

March 1st 1836 Tuesday Preached at John Clapp's it
being my birth Day making me 29 years of Age

~ Wednesday

2 Rode to Mr Rice Cobb at Mayfield distance 12 miles Preached
at Mr Cobbs & was kindly receieved by the People we
left other appointment's & then rode to Br Thomases on
Damonds Creek KY. 14 m[iles] the whole distance 26 miles

~ Thursday

3 Spent the Day in visiting the Saints the night at C Parkers

~ Friday

4 Preached at Br H Thomases I followed {Elder} Cathcart
& then rode to Br James McCartney with {Elder Boydstun}. 2 miles

~ Saturday

5 Rode to Mr James Martins Preached at his house at night
I followed Elders Cathcart & Boydstun 12 miles

~ Sunday

6 Sunday Preached at James Martins to a large congregation
I followed Elder's Cathcart after meeting we rode to
Br Thomases distance 12 miles

~ Monday

7 Preached at night at Br Thomas'es was followed {by Elder Cathcart}

~ Tuesday

8 Rode to Henry H Martins Preached at his house
I followed Elder Bodydstun distance of the day 14 miles

~ Wednesday

9 Rode to Stephen Bradys Preached at his house upon the
w authunticity of the Book of Mormon & then rode to
John Freemans distance 18 miles

~ Thursday

10 Preached at John Rowlett's

~ Friday

11 Rode to Br Taylors distance 4 miles
& collected $13 dollars for building the house of the Lord

~ Saturday

March 12th 1836 Spent the day at Br Taylor's in writing
Wrote two Letters one to President John Whitmer &
the other to Elder Warren Parris I sent Presdt. Whitmer
$20 dollars of money $4 for M. & Advocate & $16 dollars
for building the house of the Lord at Kirtland & one
subscriber for M & Ad I Also sent Elder W. Parrish
$20 dollars for the house of the Lord making
$40 dollars in both Letters I also gave them an
account of the conference. $36 dollars for the
house & $4 dollars for Papers

Page 77

~ Sunday

13 March Sunday Preached at Br Taylors communed
with the Saints. after meetings visited Sister
Chumbley who lay apparently upon a bed of
Death but was resigned to the will of God &
After bidding her farewell I left in company
with Elder Abram O Smoot who has now
commenced travling with me to Preach the
gospel of the Son of God may the Lord bless us
& enable us to do much good rode to Mr John
Preached at his house on the Authenticity
of the Book of Mormon & after meeting closed
held a debate with Parson Potts 6 miles

~ Monday

14 Preached at the Cchool [school] house by Br Davis'es
Baptized one & rode to Col Copelands 6 miles

~ Tuesday

15 Rode to Paris had an interview with Br Benton 10 mile

~ Wednesday

16 Rod to Mr Cranshaw distance 14 miles

~ Thursday

17 Rode to Br Jacksons & met with Elder Wells Preached
at Br Jacksons {Was followed by Elders Wells and Smoot} then
travled to Br H. Williams distance {of the day} 16 miles

~ Friday

18 Rode in company with {Elders Wells and Smoot} to
Brother Aldert Petty's 2 miles

~ Saturday

19 Rode to Mr Sanders Preached at his house 10 miles

~ Sunday

20 Sunday rode to Br Joseph Freys on Eagle Creek
Preached at his house distance 18 miles

~ Monday

21 Spent the day at Br Frys writing in company
with Elders Smoot & Wells

~ Tuesday

22 Spent the day writing rode in the evening to
Sister Matlocks {with Elder Smoot and Wels, and Susan Frey}

~ Wednesday

23 Spent the day visiting the Saints & the night at Sister Medlock

~ Thursday

24 Took the parting hand of the Saints on Egle Creek
{and} rode to {Brother [Carl's] and West's and} Seth Utleys 15 miles

~ Friday

25 rode to Br Thomas Hubs {with Elder Smoot} 1 mile {Elder Wells} Baptised 1 {person}

~ Saturday

26 rode to Br Wests Preached at his house was
followed by Elder's Smoot & Wells distance 6 mile

~ Sunday

27 Sunday Rode to Br A Pettys Preached at his house
{followed by Elder Wells Smoot} the Spirit of God rested upon
us rode to Br Wilsons {Walked with a number of friends to attend a
Methodist meeting and} spent the night at Mr Tittle. 10 miles

~ Monday

28 Spent the day in reading and & writing Preached
at night at Mr Tittles had much of the Spirit
of God I {was followed by Elder Wells} warned them of the
judgments of God

Page 78

Soon after the meeting was dis^s^missed Miss Elizabeth
was attacked with violent sickness {Elder Wells
and myself assisted her throughout the night} we thought she would soon depart
but the Lord was merciful unto her {Elizabeth was a lady possessing a
generous heart a refined mind and adroit and expanded} thought {celebrated for
her accomplishment and the knowledge and right she possesses and [uses] her} qualifications
{to the best advantage} Elizabeth had much influence in the
society of her acquaintance esspecially her sect

~ Tuesday

March 29th Walked to Mr Malins to attend the ordinance
of baptism {which was} administered by Elder Wells unto
Mrs Tittle then returned to Mr Tittles I wrote
A Letter to Elder Calvin H Nicholson {I spent the night
waiting with Miss Elizabeth Wilson notwithstanding her low state of health I had an interesting discourse with
her on spiritual sub}jects {She acknowledges us to be servants of God and that our
precepts and doctrine are supported by the} word {of God and that we possessed the greater light in these last days}

~ Wednesday

30 {I took the parting hand with Miss Elizabeth Wilson and} Rode to Br Jacksons
from thence to Mr Brannons in Texas {with Elder Wells}
Preached at night distance of the day 3 miles

~ Thursday

31 Baptized 2 {persons and} rode to Mr Wm Roes Preached
at his house then rode to Mr Lightners Preached
at his house {I followed Elder Wells} distance {of the day} 7 miles

~ Friday

Aprail 1st Rode from Br Brannons to Col Copelands 14 m[iles]

~ Saturday

2 Rode to Young's {with Elder Wells. Elder Wells rode to Bloody} I wrote
A Letter to Elder Parish at Kirtland Ohio {I sent him the}
prospectus {of} mormonism from the methodist paper
printed at Nashville {also} other {examples from the same paper} 3 mile

~ Sunday

3 Rode to the Academy {with} Br Young on Sunday {Had no
meeting in consequence of} rain we was soon Joined By Elders
Cathcart, Boydstun, & Smoot we rode to Col Copeland
Whare I l learned from {Elders} Boydstun & Smoot that
there began to Be discords {and hard feelings} in some branches of
the Church in consequenc of the theaching of Elder Cathcart
which I was sorry to hear distance of the day 6 miles

~ Monday

4 I took the parting hand with my Brethren & startied
to visit the Churches that were left in commotion by
unwise procedings of Elder Cathcart I rode to Mr
Joseph Chumbley entered his house but found Sister
Mary Chumleys place was vacant her spirit had
gone to the Paradis of God she died in the triumphs
of faith in the New & Everlasting Covenant on the
24th of Mayr 1836 Aged 59 Years {Rode to} Br Tailors 10 [miles]

~ Tuesday

5 Rode to Br Smith Preached at his house to Br Tailor 4 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

6 rode to James Hendricks from thence to Br Bradys
& to Br Lane distance [of the] {day} 22 m here I learned the {commotion
the} church was in by the conduct of {Elder} Cathcart
{I strove to remove the evil}

Page 79

~ Thursday

Aprail 7th Rode to Br Simeon Hendricks & spent the
day in teaching them & strivings to reinstate
them into their former faith & fellowship which
had been shaken by wrong constructions upon
the Law of the Church &c by Elder Cathcart
these are days of trial Who is weak & I am not
weak Who is offended and I burn not [2 Corinthians 11:29] O my
God give me wisdom & spirit to feed the flock
& proclaim against every evil spirit. held a
debate with Mr Alfred Loy I warned him of {judgement}

~ Friday

8 Rode to Father Greennwood's Preached at his
house at 12 oclock also at Br Bradys at candle
light and then rode to Br Clapps {Distance of the day} 8 mil

~ Saturday

9 Spent the day in visiting the Saints striving to
unite them in love faith and truth preached at
night at Br Camps had much of the Spirit of God

~ Sunday

10 Sunday Preached at Br Clapps & communed
with the Saints I felt to rejoice to find the Saints
beginning to be united in faith & love {as they were before
they were deceived by the false precepts and example of Elder Cathcart} rode to J Turnbow 2 m[iles]

~ Monday

11 Rode in {company with} Br Benj Clapp to Felisanna Graves Co
KY. Preached at night at Mr Joseph Lasswells, 22 [miles]

~ Tuesday

12 rode to Mr Southerlin H Johnsons preached at
his house {in the Spirit of God from the gospel in Book of Mormon Some were believing}
got one subscriber for M & Ad {Distance of the day} 6 miles

~ Wednesday

13 Rode to John Clapps {with} Br {Clapps where I took the parting hand}
Preach at Mr Clapps {Distance of the day} 10 miles

~ Thursday

14 Rode to Rice Cobbs preached at his house &
rode in company with Mr Joshua Shelton to his
house Preached at Mr Sheltons at night 16 miles

~ Friday

15 Left Mr Sheltons {and} rode to Mr David Hodges
preached at his house distance 8 miles

~ Saturday

16 Rode to Br Daniel Thomas'es preached at his
house at night {on the} 14 c[hapter] 12 v[erse] {of} Rev {Distance} 14 miles

~ Sunday

17 Sunday preached at the school house on Damons
& baptized one & preached at night at
Sister Parkers to a large congregation [4]

~ Monday

18 rode to Br H Thomases spent the day at his house

~ Tuesday

19 Rode to Br Levi Taylors on Bloody Tenn[essee] & there
Glorious to here I learned that Elder David Patten
(one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ
chosen in these last days) had arived was at Col
Copeland's in 8 or 10 miles of me from Br Taylors
I rode to Mr Freemans from thence to John Rowlett
whare I had an interview with Elder O Smoot
Page 80

it was A happy meeting he had Been with Elder Patten
& his wife for several days Br Smoot related the
news to me from Br Patten which was glorious in
the first degree he gave me an account of the endowment
at Kirtland Ohio the heavens was opened unto them
Angels & Jesus Christ was seen of them sitting at
the right hand of the father he also informed me
that Elder W Parish (& his wife) one of the first
with some others of the first Elders was
expecting to visit us & also the second Seventy was
chosen & that I was one of the number. O God
prepare me for the Battle while combating error
with everlasting truth the above are great
blessings indeed. Distance of the day 30 miles

~ Wednesday

20 Preached at John Rowletts & rode to Br Taylors 5 m[iles]

~ Thursday

21 Rode to Mr John Gainers whare I was Privleged
with a happy interview with Elder David Patten
also Sister Patten his wife Br [Patten] Preached I followed
him rode after meeting {in company with Elders Patten Smoot and Sister Patten and Taylor} 16 m[iles]

~ Friday

22 rode to Br S. Smiths {with Elders Patten and Smoot} 2 miles

~ Saturday

23 rode to Br Tailors Preached at his house 2 miles

~ Sunday

24 rode to Br Davises {with Brother and Sister Patten on} Sunday Preached
in the grove to a large congregation {I followed Elder Patten} I
baptized one & confirmed two by the waters rode
to Col Copeland distance of the Day 13 miles

~ Monday

25 Spent the Day at Col Copelands

~ Tuesday

26 Rode to Mr Cranshaw {with Elder and Sister Patten} Preached at his
house distance of the bDay 12 miles

~ Wednesday

27 Baptized 3 persons {Had a good time} travled to Br Jacksons 14 m[iles]

~ Thursday

28 travled to Br Pettys {and returned} to Br Jacksons Preached
at his house {Elder Patten led the meeting. Elders Wells Smoot Patten and myself} then
rode to Br Utleys from thence to Br Willsons 12 m[iles]

~ Friday

29 rode to Br Seth Utley's {Spent the night at his house Distance} 4 miles

~ Saturday

30 Rode {with Elders Patten Wells Smoot} to Mr Shorts Preached at his house 12 m[iles]

~ Sunday

May 1st Sunday rode to Col Irvi Carns Preached at his house
{I followed Elder Patten} then rode to Br A B Wilson Preached at his
house I followed Br Patten {I had the spirit of God and of Prophecy} I Proph
esied to the people of the Judgments of God that awaits
them after meeting I walked to Mr Tittle & preached
the word to him & he arose and I Baptized him at the
midnight hour distance 14 miles

~ Monday

2 rode to James Mericks Preached at his house 6 miles

Page 81

~ Tuesday

3 May Rode to Father Frys {with Elder Patten} distance 10 miles

~ Wednesday

4 Preached at Br Frey's at candle light {Elder Patten led the meeting}

~ Thursday

5 Spent the day at Br Frey's copying my Journal
& studying the HEBREW {with Elder Patten}

~ Friday

6 Spent the day studying & writing at Br Frys

~ Saturday

7 Travled to Sister Barnett's {with Elder Patten} 3 miles

~ Sunday

8 Sunday Preached at Sister Barnett's {Elder Patten} took
{the} lead of the meeting rode to Br Walkers Preached {at his} house

~ Monday

9 Rode to Br Frey Wrote A Letter to my Parents
then rode to Br Crawleys {Distance of the day} 10 miles

~ Tuesday

10 rode to Br Wilsons from thence to Br Wests 6 miles

~ Wednesday

11 Rode to Br Wilsons Preached at his house
Elder Patten took the lead returned to Br West 4 miles

~ Thursday

12 Travled to Br Utleys I wrote with Elder Patten to
joseph Smith jr {sent} $3 {for} papers

~ Friday

13 Rode to Br Petty's Preached at his house Elder Patten
Preached in the Spirit of God I Baptized 3 persons 5 miles

~ Saturday

14 Rode to Col Rutherfords Preached at his house 10 m[iles]

~ Sunday

15 crossed Tennessee River {with Elder Patten} rode to Mr Rogers
Preached at his house on Sunday to a large congregaiion
Elder Patten Preached {I followed him} then rode to Br Utley 16 mile

~ Monday

16 Spent the day visiting the Saints the night at Br Wilson 4 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

17 Baptised Margaret Tittle She was healed by
the laying on of hands rode to Cade A Crawley 4 miles

~ Wednesday

18 Left Br & Sister Patten at Br Crawley & Walked
to Mr Beards {He rejected my testimony} from thence to James Merrick
From thence to Esq Jordans

~ Thursday

19 {[3 words of illegible shorthand]} from thenc to Sister Matlocks I their found
Elder Boydstun & returned to Br Fry's whare
we was soon Joined By Br & Sister Patten {Distance} 12 mile

~ Friday

20 Spent the day at Br Frys in writing & walked in
company with Elder Boydstun to Sister Matlocks 2 miles

~ Saturday

21 Spent the day at Sister Matlocks studying {[George] Barnett polished my shoes}

~ Sunday

22 Sunday walked to Br Frys to attend a meeting accor
ding to appointment which commenced at 10 AM. Elder
Patten Preached three discourses {The} 1st from the Parable in
the fore Part of the 20th ch Math the 2nd from Ephe 1 10,
& 3rd from the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon after
the close of the last discours Mr Rose rejected the testimony
given & called on Br Patten to rase the dead that he might
believe Br Patten rebuked him sharply for his infidelity
& unbelief We then communed with the Saints I then
retired from the scene with Elders Patten & Boydstun to a stream
of pure water & cleansed our hands & feet & testified against
that people who had threatened us & rejected our testimony
we delivered them into the hands of God {and the destroyer O God, thy will be done}

Page 82

~ Monday

May 23rd Travled to Br Crawley's from thence to Br
Tittles with Elder Boydstun 10 miles

~ Tuesday

24 Spent the day visiting the Saints the Cyprus branch of
the Church the procedings of the day were as follows
Travled to Mr Joseph Ash & found the family shaken in
their faith three of which were members of the Church
they were shaken by the conduct of Br John Jackson
who was a Teacher in the Church but had denied the
faith & now become hostile. from thence to Br Petty
from thence to John Jacksons house he was absent
found his wife Sister Jackson turning from the
faith & desireing to leeve the Church walked from
thence to Br Howard Williams he had lost faith & des
ired to leav the Church his wife Sister Williams Also
Sister Nancy Wood both were unbelieving & a prospect
of their leaving the Church & this by the influience of
of John Jackson We then returned to Mr Jacksons had
an interview with hism he denied all his former faith
& pretentions he raged much was filled with the spirit of
anger wrath {and the devil} he rejected our testimony {and denied the
revelations of Christ} We left his house at 10 oclock at night & went
to a stream of Pure water & clensed our hands & feet
& testified against him that our garments might be
be clear of his blood. We then walked to Br Petty's &
spent the night distance of the day 12 miles

~ Wednesday

25th Walked to Br Wilson's distance of the day 3 miles

~ Thursday

26 Walked to Br Wests with Elders Patten & Boydstun

~ Friday

27 Elder D. W. Patten held a counceil or an interview at
Br Wests with Elder Cathcart Boydstun & myself to
inquire into our teaching & found Elder Cathcart had
tought wrong we then travled to Br Seth Utley whare we
was soon Joined by Brothers Clapp, Allen, & Thomas
from KY. Also Elders Smoot & Wells & our Beloved
& worthy Brother Warren Parrish who had
came direct from Kirtland Ohion to attend the confer
ence & labour in this south country for the season we
truly had a happy interview 2 miles

Page 83

~ Saturday

May 28
At a conferenc convened at Br Seth Utleys agreeablye
to appointment on the 28 day of may 1836 congregation
called to order & Elder David W Patten nominated
& seconded to officiate as chairman & Elder Warren
secretary. Opened by singing & Prayer & Pro
ceded to business. The chairman made some prelimin
ary remarks touching the object & order of the meeti
ng & called upon the official members to inform the
conference in what manner they had tought also
their present faith in the fulness of the gospel as con
tained in the bible book of mormon & book of doctrins
& covenants
Elder W. Woodruff was called
upon to offer us his feelings upon the subject which
he did to our entire satisfaction the chairman then
called upon all the official members present to rise
upon their feet if they concured in what Elder
Woodruff had said the vote was unanimous also
the Church concured in the same. Benjamin Clapp
Priest then arose & represented & represented the
Taropen Branch which consists of 28 members
in good standing Daniel S. Thomas represented the
Clarks River branch consisting of 9 members in
good standing. Elder A. O. Smoot represented
Blood River branch consisting of 10 members in
good standing Elder Woodruff represented the
Academy Branch consisting of 10 members in good
standing with the exception of their not altogether
observing the word of wisdom [Doctrine and Covenants 89] Deacon A B. Wilson
represented the Chalk Level branch consisting of 27 mem
bers in good standing with the exception of some few
who have been shaken of late by the ungodly conduct
& teaching of John Jackson which was a Teacher in
the Cyprus branch but has now apostatized. Elder
Woodruff represented the Eagle Creek branch consist
eding of 15 members in good standing Also Cyprus
branch consisting of 10 members 3 of which have apos
tatized John Jackson their Teacher is one of the number
3 are disaffected & 4 in good standing Also 7 members
scattered abroad not recognized with any branch
Page 84

John Jackson was expeled by the conference Sister
Jackson & Howard Williams had their names with
from the church by their request & the voice
of the church

Deacon Abel B Wilson & Jesse
was ordained Priest & Albert Petty Teac
her under the hand of Elder W Parrish the move
was made by the chairman & a unanimous vote
given by the church for the above ordinations A vote
called & unanimously carried that Elder Elias F
shall receieve a letter of commendation to
the Church in Kirtland. Congragation dissmissed
by singing with the blessing of God

An action was
prefered against Elder D Cathcart by Elder
Wells for unchristian conduct & the conference
of official members repaired from Br Utleys to
Br S West's to try the case. Elder Cathcart was
convicted of unchristian conduct & fals Teachings
& being led by evil spirits which was supported
by strong testimony he confessed his faults & asked
forgivness which was granted him on condition
that he would repair the wrongs which he had
done in the different branches of the church
which he promised to do he was then restored to
. The conference closed by Prayer
which closed the procedings of the DAY

~ Sunday

May 29th Sunday met at Br S. Utleys at 10 AM according
to appointment Elder W Parrish Preached in the
former part of the day & Elder D. W. Patten in
the latter part of the day they both Preached
in the Power & spirit of God although threatened
by wicked men we were not harmed We communed
with the Saints & closed by singing THE

~ Monday

30 Travled with Elders Patten & Parrish to Br Frys held
a meeting at his house Elder Parrish Preached & was
followed by Elder Patten & both filled with the Power ^of^ G[od]
10 miles
Page 85


~ Tuesday

Spent this 31st DAY of MAY at Br Fry Eagle Creek
and found it to be the most interesting, important
& instructive day of my LIFE. For on this Glorious
DAY I was ordained unto the High Priesthood
and also as one of the second seventy & sealed up
unto Eternal LIFE
under the hands of my
Beloved Brethren, VIZ Eldder's David W Patten &
Warren Parrish my ordination was requested by
the PRESIDENCY of the church at Kirtland Ohio
Their was glorious things Pronounced upon my head
in my ordination by the spirit of Prophecy & Reve
some I will mention which are as follows
That although my enemies would strive to take
my life & confine me in dungeons & Prisons yet
God should give me power over my enemies &
deliver me out of their hands & from their
vaults, prisons, & caves in the name of Jesus
Christ. & that men would bow at my feet
& worship me if I did not say to them do it not
& that Kings would bow before me &
Princes give me their hand & that I should
Baptize them into the Kingdom of God & that
I should be blessed on the EARTH when my
head blossomed with age & if I desired it I should
remain on the Earth untill the comeing of the
Savior & that God would give me the desire of
my heart & that God had had his eye upon me
all my life long to prepare me for this work
YEA {even when my spirit was playing around the throne of God in eternity} that I shou
ld travel to the nations of the Eearth & the Islands
of the sea to Proclam the word of God. When
these and other blessings were pronounced
upon my head I was filled with the Power
& Spirit of God. EVEN SO LET IT BE AMEN
Page 86

A true copy of a licensce conveyed to me from Kirtland Ohio


THIS certifies that Willford Woodruff has been rece
ieved into the Church of Latter Day Saints organized on the
sixth of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and thirty and has been ordained an elder according
to the rules and regulations of said church and is duly autho
rized to Preach the gospel agreeably to the authority of that
office. From the satisfactionory evidence which we have of
his good moral character and his zeal for the cause of
righteousness and diligent desire to persuade men to for
sake evil and embrace truth we confidently recommend
him to all candid and upright people as a worthy memdber
of society.

We therefore in the name and by the aut
hority of this church grant unto this our worthy brother
in the Lord this letter of commendation as a Proof of our
fellowship and esteem. Praying for his success and pro
sperity in our Redeemers cause.

Given by the direction
of a conference of the Elders of said church assembled
in Kirtland, Geauga County Ohio the third day of March
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
thirty six

Kirtland Ohio. May 2nd 1836

This certifies that the within (Above) Licence was rec
orded on the 2nd Day of May 1836 in Kirtland Ohio
in the Licence Records Book A. Page 97
Recording Clerk

^Warren Parish ordained
Wilfor Woodruff an Elder June 28 1835^

While holding the office of an Elder from the 28th of
June 1835 to the 31st of May 1836 I Travled
2557 Miles & held 182 meetings. Baptized 48
Persons. Blessed 19 children in the name of JESUS
CHRIST Ordained 2 Elders 2 Priest 3 Teachers 3
Deacons & Procured 23 subscribers for M & Ad & 2
for the Star & $95 dollars for the House of the LORD at
Kirtland. Wrote 18 Letters held 7 debates 2 conferences 5 {persons}
healed under my hand 3 mobs gathered together against me

Page 87

I also on this Wrote a Letter to Presi
dent O Cowdery Kirtland Ohio containing one subsc
criber for M & Ad & $2 dollars for M & Ad this Letter
contained the substance of the two Letters I mailed for
Kirtland Dated March 12, 1836 which we suppose
are lost I sent this Letter & money by the hand of
Elder Elias F Wells who was going direct to Kirtland
& may God give him a safe return

~ Wednesday

June 1st Spent the day at Br Frys in writing I took
the parting hand with Elders Patten & Parrish

~ Thursday

2nd THE time had now come for me to take the
Parting hand with the Saints on Eagle Creek & the
regions round about & Perhaps for the last time untill
Israel is gathered Elder Smoot & myself took the Parting
hand with Elder Cathcart & Father Frys household
who had long entertained the Saints kindly it was
an affecting scene then travled to Br Crawleys from
thence to Br Wilsons & after conversing an hour
with them I took the Parting hand with Br Wilson
& his family {Elizabeth gave me} much {encouragement that she would become a Saint and
go to Zion with her father O God I ask thee in the name of Christ to save the family} from
thence to Br Tittles. Parted with his family from
thence to Br Wests from thence to Br Pettys Whare
I spent an hour with the Precious Saints of God &
supped at the table of this Israelite (in whom their
is no guile) in company with the saints & Br & Sister
Patten & Br Parrish after supper I took the Parting
hand with these Beloved friends (I say Beloved for
God knows they occupy a conspicuous Place in
my heart) & returned to Br West distance of the day 20 m

~ Friday

3rd Took the Parting hand with Br Wests & his family
& rode on Jude a beast of Br Wests to Br Utleys took
the parting hand with him & his family then rode to
Tennessee River crossed at Kirkmans ferry from
thence to Mr Roggers Preached at his house Wrote a
letter to {Miss Elizabeth Wilson} upon the subject of religion 16 m[iles]

~ Saturday

4th Rode from Mr Roggers to Mr William B Aments
at the rolling mill Steward County Tenn distance of
the day over a rough road 40 miles

~ Sunday

5 Sunday Preached at Mr Aments to a respectable people was solicited
to leave an another appointment rode through Dover crossed the river
at the mouth of Sandy from thence to Br Taylors on Bloody 30 miles

Page 88

~ Monday

June 6th Elders Patten & Parrish arived at Br Taylors
in the morning & I rode in company with them to James
Elder Parish tarried & Elder Patten rode
with me to Br Lanes whare we spent the night {Distance} 20 m

~ Tuesday

7th Elder Parrish came to Br Lanes & we all rode to Br
Clapps to attend meeting. Elder Patten Preached on
the Law of the Church & Elder Parrish on charity
& the gifts or body of Christ I {and Elder Wells} testified to the truth {Distance} 5 miles

~ Wednesday

8th Rode in company with Elders Patten, Wells & Parrish
& other Brethren to Br Henry Thomas'es on Damond
KY. Lewis Clapp was healed under our hands 12 miles

~ Thursday

9th Held a meeting at the meetinghouse Elder Patten
Preach at 11 oclock AM & Elder Parrish at 2 PM when
Elder Parrish closed Elder Patten arose bound the
Law & scealed the testimony & Prophesied upon
the heads of some of the ungodly People who were
Present. We then repaired to the water & Elder
Patten Baptized 2. one was Father Henry Thomas
A Revolutionary soldier & served under George
Elder Patten was filled with the Pow
er of God
numbers were healed of sickness

~ Friday

10th Took the Parting hand with Elders Wells & Boydstun
as on this morning Br Wells started for Kirtland
I also took the Parting hand with Elders Patten &
Parish who was going to middle Tennessee while
I & Elder Smoot labour in KY & meet at the conference

~ Saturday

11th Spent the day at Br Thomases copying my Journal
Preached at Daniel Thomases a 5 PM & communed
with the Saints

~ Sunday

12th Rode with Br Daniel Thomas to Mr Thomas Bonds Preached
at his house on Sunday. Caloway Co[unty] KY. then rode
to James Martins. distance of the day 15 miles

~ Monday

13 Preached at Mr Josias Shorts in the spirit of God 3 miles

~ Tuesday

14 Rode to & Preached at Mr Davids Carters Graves Co[unty] KY. 5 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

15 Rode to Mr William J Hodges McCracken County KY 8 m[iles]

Page 89

~ Thursday

16 June Rode to Paducah MCcracken Co[unty] KY Preached at night
at the court house to an attentive congregation.
Spent the night with Priest Isaiah Benton distance 10 m

~ Friday

17 Rode to William J Hodges 10 miles

~ Saturday

18 Preached at the Public meeting house

~ Sunday

19 Sunday Preached at the meeting house Priest Benton spoke

~ Monday

20 Rode to Josias Short's Preached at his house house
had a good time found many believing 12 miles

~ Tuesday

21 Rode to Br Thomas'es visited the Saints had a severe
cold on my longues distans 12 miles

~ Wednesday

22 Rode to Br Clapp's was quite unwell {with a cold} 12 miles

~ Thursday

23 Preached at Br Camps was Joined by Elder Smoot

~ Friday

24 Rode with Br's Smoot & Clapp to Mr Jeremiah B.
Weakly County Tenn[essee] distance 25 m

~ Saturday

25 Rode to & Preached in the court house at Dresden
from thence Mr MCclures Preached at his house 8 [miles]

~ Sunday

26 Sunday Preached at the court house in Dresden
Elder Smoot & Priest Clapp followed me then rode
to Mr John Bowers Preached at his house {Distance} 10 m.

~ Monday

27 Rode to the Baptist Meeting house on Thompson's Creek
in consequence of falshoods from Parson Browning
the Baptist shut the doors against us Parson Browning
appeared angry at me & my brethren for rectifying
his errors & falshood's I asked the privileg to speak
to the people either from the fence or a stump or
cart or in the stretet one man gave us liberty to stand
on his land opposite the meeting house we assembled
& Preached to the People & was blessed with the Spirit
of God
we then rode to Randolph Alexande^r^s
Weakly County Tenn[essee] distance of the day 15 m

~ Tuesday

28th After selling a Book of Mormon to Mr
Alexander we then Rode to Mr Alexander
in weakly County Tenn[essee] {Distance} 20 miles

Page 90

~ Wednesday

29th June Preached at Mr McKinzie's held a dabate with a
Baptist Priest after meeting & selling a Book of Mormon
to McKinzies we Rode to Mr David Criders Gibson Co Ten 7 m[iles]

~ Thursday

30. Spent the day at Mr Criders I {and Brothers Smoot and Clapp went to the woods to pray the
power of God sat on us I was filled with the spirit of prophecy I sealed} up {my brethren
and prophesied on their heads great blessings by the Spirit of God}

~ Friday

July 1st Preached at Mr David Criders & spent the night
with Elder Smoot at a Baptist Pri^e^st's A Mr Bradford a
Predestinarian though rather inclining to the faith of
Mr Hunt a fanatic who called himself Moses and [called]
Bradford Aaron Hunts visitors were speckled birds
it is said

~ Saturday

2 Rode to Mr Randolph Gilbert's Weakly Co. Tenn[essee] 25 [miles]

~ Sunday

3 Sunday Preached at the Green hill school house in
Carroll County Tenn[essee] to a large respectable congregation
on the authenticity of the Book of Mormon Also Prea-
ched at 5 PM at Mr William MClesky the People
were much excitited many were our friends some
Believing & some accused us of being Abolitionest I
red the 7th No of the M & Ad. which put to silence
those falshoods I obtained 2 subscribers for M & Ad. 6 m[iles]

~ Monday

4 Rode to Mr Martin Maxwells Preached at his house
upon the parable of the vineyard spake by the Prophet
Zenas [Jacob 5] Spent the night at Maxwell had much conversation
with A company of Atheist esspecially their celebrated
leader Mr Cathy. I retired to bed at 12 oclock & was
attacked with a fever. Pain in the breast & soreness of
longues in Carroll County Tenn[essee] distance 3 miles

~ Tuesday

5 Arose in ill health & rode to Mr Gilberts with Br's Smoot
& Clapp from thence to the Baptist meeting house by
Mr Winns in which house we held a meeting. 7 miles

~ Wednesday

6 My health some improved rode to Jeremiah B Murphy's 15 [miles]

~ Thursday

7 Took the Parting hand with Prist Clapp who returned
home Spent the day in writing. wrote three Letters
one to R M Gilbert one to A McKinzie & one to David Crider
& then rode to Mr John Bowers 2 miles

~ Friday

8 Arose in the morning sick with the french Measles But Preached at
Mr Bowers & rode to R Alexanders to an appointment I lay abed
while Elder Smoot Preached then I arose & made some remarks
I spent a vary sick night & in much pain distance of the day 6 miles

Page 91

~ Saturday

9th July Arose refreshed in some degree & rode to Boydsville from thence
to Taropen whare I found Br Boydstun with the Church
& I Perused the 7th No of the M & Ad {Distance of the day} 25 miles

~ Sunday

10 Sunday held a meeting with the Taropen branch &
communed with the Saints at Br Clapp's then rode to
Br Braidys whare we spent the night in company
with Brother & Sister Lane with their son David Patten 4 [miles]

~ Monday

11 Rode to Br Taylers on Bloody distance of the day 20 m

~ Tuesday

12 Rode to John Freemans & returned to Br Taylor's 8 [miles]

~ Wednesday

13 Wrote two Letters one to A. B. Wilson one to Elias F Wells

~ Thursday

14 Wrote A Letter to President O. Cowdery Kirtland
Sent him 9 subscriders for M & Ad & gave him an account
of my procedings & wrote upon the Abolition question
{Hebrew} {[your] is the [illegible shorthand]}

~ Friday

15 Receieved a Letter from Elder Parrish Dated
Kirtland Ohio Aprail 20th 1836 communed with the Saint

~ Saturday

16 Rode with Elder Smoot from Blood River Henry Cou
Tenn[essee] to Cumberland rolling mill Stewart County Tenn
Crossed Tennessee River at Winns ferry 40 miles

~ Sunday

17 Sunday Preached at Mr Aments Inn at 11 AM
Also at 3 PM to a large congregation sold a Book
of Mormon
Procured 3 subscribers for M & Ad
spent the night at the rolling mill at Mr William B Aments

~ Monday

18 Rode to Mr Askeues ferry Elder Smoot & myself rowed
ourselves & horses across the Tennessee River in the
ferry boat after droping one oar into the River &
having to use another broaken one we landed with
a circulation of Blood & blistered hands from thence
we passed through the Texas forded Sandy at the
at the sholes Elder Smoot swam the river I crossed
below from thence we rode to Mr Thomas Fraziers
spent the night with him distance of the day 35 m

~ Tuesday

19 Rode to Col Solomon Copeland Henry County Co
Tenn whare I learned that Elders David Patten &
Warren Parrish had addressed a Letter to Col
Copeland stating that the sheriff & other officers
of Benton County Tenn had issued a warrant against

Page 92

them & myself. The crime alledged against us was that we
had taught that Christ would come in this generation & that
we said some individuals would receieve the Holy Ghost
in 24 hours but as I was absent myself I was not taken
but Elders Patten & Parrish was taken by an armd company
say 50 in number they were bound under $2000.00
dollars bond for their appearence at court Brothers
Seth Utley & Albert Petty was their bondsman
on Tuesday following they appeared at court to plead
their own cause like St. Paul But they were depri
ved of every Privilege that both the law of God
& man warrents them Elder Parish Pled his own
cause in some degree but no evidence or lawful
hearing was not granted them & the judges decided
this mock trial to suit the ungodly rabble & condemned
them without any cause of Guilt found in them &
after condemming they let them go clear But the
ungodly mob desired to beat them before they left
but they were not permited. O, thou God of Israel
stretch fourth thy hand & save thy Saints. O,
America hide thy face in shame & disgrace as the day
dawns While thy sons stab liberty to the heart
by persecuting beating & Puting the LATTER DAY
SAINTS to death for worshiping God after the
dictates of their own conscience for thou wast
built upon the Pillars of freedom. Rode from Col
Copelands to Br Tailors distance of the day 10 miles
[sideways text]
^They were taken June 19, & tried June 22nd 1836^
[end of sideways text]

~ Wednesday

20 Rode to Br Linzy Braidy's distance of the day 20 miles

~ Thursday

21 Held a Prayer meeting at Brother Camps 4 miles

~ Friday

22 Wrote a Letter to Sister Margaret Atkinson

~ Saturday

23 Rode to Randolph Alexanders Weakly County Tenn 20 m[iles]

~ Sunday

24 Sunday Preached at Alexanders in the grove to many

~ Monday

25 Rode to Mr Bowers Preached at his house spent
the night at Jeremiah Murphys distance 6 miles

~ Tuesday

26 Rode to A Mckinzies spent the night at Mr Hues. 16 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

27 Prieached at Mr Hues & rode to David Criders
Gibson County Tenn[essee] distance 14 miles

Page 93

~ Thursday

28 July We herd that a mob was intending to come against us
on Saturday & Sunday

~ Friday

29 Rode to Trenton Gibson Coun[ty] Tenn. & returned. 14 m[iles]

~ Saturday

30 Saturday Preached at David Criders on the Book {of} Mormon

~ Sunday

31st Sunday Preached at David Criders to a large congre-
gation & no mobing manifest but I baptized Mr David
Crider amid darkness, blindness, scoffs snears, & the
prejudices of ungodly men. We confirmed him in his family {secretly}

~ Monday

Aug 1st Rode to Mr R Gilberts Weakly County Tenn 25 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

2 Took JUDE the beast that I had been riding for the
last year (that belong'd to Br Samuel West) out of
the stable to ride to the Green Hill school house to
attend to an appointment for preaching & found her
verry lame & sick their was many observations relative
to her sickness the final conclusion was that she was poisond
I rode her to meeting & Preached from thence to William
distance 4 miles which was the last time
that I or any person ever rode this beast spoken of Above

~ Wednesday

3 Arose & found my beast still worse Elder Smoot
went to attend a previous appointment for preaching I
tarried to attend to Jude my sick beast but in a few hours
she fell to the Earth & struggled for about an hour
uncommon for Beast & bDied I opened her & became
convinced for myself it was Poison. Thus ended the
life of Jude a beast who had carried me thousands of
miles to Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Also hath carried
other Elders many miles on the same errand I am now
left on foot may I be reconciled to all the Providences
of God while I tabernacle in the flesh

~ Thursday

4 Travled to Br Murphys in 2 1/2 miles of Dresden. 14 mile.

~ Friday

5 Travled to Mr Alexanders distance 5 miles

~ Saturday

6 Preached at Mr Alexanders and Baptized 2 Broth'r
& Sister Murphy {Brother Murphy was dissatisfied because he had not received
the Holy Ghost as he expected probably looking for a [sign] He was about to renounce the
cause We told him to consider the subject well}

~ Sunday

7 Sunday Preached at Mr Bowers from 8, 9, 10, 11 chapter
of Romans
spent the night at Mr Bowers ^no Murphys^ 5 miles

~ Monday

8 Wrote a Letter to Elders James Blakesly &
G Dutcher

Page 94

~ Tuesday

9 Aug Wrote a Letter to Br David Crider & rode a hors of
Brother Murphys in company with Elder Smoot to Taropen
Caloway County KY. distance of the day 25 miles

~ Wednesday

10 Rode to Bloody & Rode Wrote a Letter to Br West 20 m[iles]

~ Thursday

11 Rode to John Gainer's whare I had a happy interview
with Elder & sister Patten who had just been driven
from Benton County Tenn by a lawless mob because of
Pure religion Elders Patten & Parrish were both hunted
by the ungodly rabble from place to Place untill Elder
Parish left for Kirtland & Elder Patten came to Mr
Gainers Persecutions rage among the Gentiles. Behold
the signs of the times. Distance of the day 10 miles

~ Friday

12 Rode in company with Elders Patten & Smoot to Baris
from thence to J. M Gilbert Esq. distance 35 miles
Elder Patten informed us that Benton County mob
had formed themselves into an independant company
to beat & kill the Elders of Latter Day Saints if they
came into that county Will not God be avenged
upon such a nation as this O God save thy Saints
while Babylon falls beneath thine ire

~ Saturday

13 Held a meeting at Gouldsbys meeting house Weakly
Tenn[essee] Elder Patten Preached I followed
him rode from meeting to Mr John Greens 6 miles

~ Sunday

14 Sunday Preached at the meeting house Elder Patten
Preached two discourses upon the last dispensation
& gathering from Ephe 1st 10. After Preaching a
contribution was asked for me to assist me in pay-
ing Br West for his Mare which Died in my care
the People gave me $8.56 c[en]ts. We then Rode
to Esq Gilbert's Elder Patten Preached to the people
after which we parted with Elder Patten & rode to
R Gilberts & spent the night distance 6 miles

~ Monday

15 Rode {with Elder Smoot} to Mr Summers distance 3 miles

~ Tuesday

1716 Rode to Br MurphysPreached at Goulbys meeting house & Elder
Smoot Baptized one Mrs Summers {Distance of the day} 6 miles

~ Wednesday

17 Rode to Br Murphy's 2 miles North of Dresden
Weakly County Tenn[essee] distance of the day 16 miles

Page 95

~ Thursday

18 Aug Spent the day at Br Murphys writing

~ Friday

19 Left Br Murphys horse with him walked to
Mr Alexander's distance of the day 4 miles

~ Saturday

20 I sat under the preaching of Elder Patten at
Mr Alexanders after meeting Mr Alexander &
his wife came forward for Baptism which
was administered unto them by Elder Patten after
Baptism I took the parting hand with Elder Patten
& returned to Brother Alexander 4 miles

~ Sunday

21 Sunday Preached at Br Alexanders from Jer 31:22

~ Monday

22 Walked to Boydsville from thence I lost my way
But arived in the night at Br Clapps vary weary &
thankful to find a shelter distance 22 miles

~ Tuesday

23 Preached at Br Braidys Brothers Smoot, Benton
& Clapp followed me the Spirit of God rested upon
us Br Benton informed us that Elder Patten had receievd
a Letter from Zion under the hand of Elder Marsh
bringing the inteligence that the Saints were about
to leave Clay County & colonize by themselves in
consequence of a mob that was arising against them
& Also that Elder Marsh was about to visit us
probably be at our conference. Distance 4 miles

~ Wednesday

24 Travled to Br Tailors whare I found Br Cathcart
who had a Letter for me on perusing it I found it
was from my Parents I was rejoiced to hear from
them the Letter informed me about many friends
that ware enjoying good health distance 20 [miles]

~ Thursday

25 Wrote two Letters one to My Parents in
Conn[ecticut] & the other to Joseph Hart an uncle
in Springfield Massachusetts

~ Friday

26 Spent the day in writing at Br Taylors

~ Saturday

27 Rode to John Freemans & returned to Br Taylors 9 mi

~ Sunday

28 Sunday rode to Thomas Fraziers Preached at his house a
mob arose but left without much disturbance went to Br Taylors 20 miles

Page 96

~ Monday

29 Aug Walked to Br Smiths & was in company with Elders Smoot
& Cathcart at night we were unexpectedly called upon
to go to Joseph Chumbley to have an interview with
Preseident Thomas B Marsh who came in company with
councellor Groves by order of the High Council of Zion
to visit the Church in the South to loan ^Borrow^ monies to purchase
lands in Zion we had a spiritual interview then retu
rned to Br Tailors for the night 4 miles

~ Tuesday

30 Visited the Academy Branch of Church Spent the night
at Brother Davis'es distance of the day 14 miles

~ Wednesday

31st Travled with Elders to Paris & returned to Br
Taylors on Bloody whare I found Presidents Marsh &
Patten had a happy interview with them distance 30 miles

~ Thursday

Sept 1st Travled with Elder's Cathcart & Boydstun to Br
Camp's Taropen KY distance 22 miles

~ Friday

2 Rode in company with the Saints to attend the confer
ence at Br Henry Thomas's Damonds Creek Calaway Co
KY on friday Sept 2nd 1836 distance 12 miles

A true copy of the procedings of the Tennessee
conference at their meeting on Damonds Creek
Calloway County KY. Sept 2nd 1836

Minutes of the procedings of the general conference of
Tennessee held on Damonds Creek Calaway Coun
Kentucky Sept 2nd 1836

Elders Present. President Thomas B Marsh, President
David W. Patten, Councellor Elisha H. Groves,
Elders W. Woodruff A. O. Smoot, D. Cathcart
& Benj[amin] Boydstun. President Marsh was
duly called to the chair. R Alexander was chosen
clerk. The conference was opened by singing &
Prayer after which the Priests were called upon
to represent their respective Branches Priest Daniel
represents the Damond's Creek Branch who

Page 97

Arose & stated that one by the name of Henry Thomas
had been added since the last conference none expeld
this branch is strong in faith & grows in grace. Priest
Clapp represents the Taropen Branch & stated that
one by the name of Lewis Allen had been added since
the last conference none expeled this branch growing
in grace with their faces set Zion ward
Elder A. O. Smoot represents the Blood River
Branch in good standing strong in faith & growing
in grace. President Patten represents the sulpher
well Academy
Branch in good standing two been
added since last conference Lewis & Robert Copeland
& one been Expeled from the above named Church
by the name of Emily Dyer. Also represented three
members near Wyetts Mills in good standing
Also the chalk level branch in good standing growing
in grace & truth & numbers the same as at the last
conference & the Eagle Creek branch in good standing
numbering the same as at the last conference
Cyprus Branch in a more thriving condition than
heretofore numbering the same as at the last
conference Also 4 others members in good standing
scattered abroad. Also three in Henderson County
near the Sulpher Springs Baptized since the last
conference Baptized under the hands of Elder
Cathcart. Elder Woodruff represented six
member in good standing in Thompson's Creek branch
in Weakly County Tenn[essee] who were baptized since
the last conference under the hands of Elders Patten
Woodruff & Smoot. The conference then took
into considerations the Propriety of calling on the
Presidency of the Seventies by Letter or otherwise

Page 98

for ministers of the gospel from their quorums to
fill the vacances for preaching in this regions of
country. Wharefore it was motioned & sceconded
& carried that Presidents Marsh & Patten write
to the said Presidents for six faithful labourers
to be sent from their quorums into this part
of the country. And further resolved that
whareas Elders Woodruff & others are
about to leave this region of country for
Kirtland & Zion President Marsh & Patten
write also to the Presidency of the High Priest
hood at Kirtland requesting them to send fourth
to this region of country an High Priest of their
quorum to watch over this church. Be it further
resolved s[ai]d Marsh & Patten prepare & send
a Petition to the Editor & Proprietor of the Saints
Messenger and Advocate
requesting him to pub
lish in addition to the Messenger a monthly perio-
dical large enough to contain all the interesting
or edifying Letters from the Elders abroad
when conference ajourned to 10 oclock next Day

~ Saturday

Sept 3rd Conference met according to ajournment
opened by prayer & singing. The case of Lucinda
was presented who was found to
have beenn illegally cut off. Wharefore
she was restored in full fellowship untill she could
get a fair trial. A short address was deliverd
from the chair on the necessity of the Tennessee
conference keeping a church reccord of all the
names belonging to the several Branches of said
conference And also the necessity of each branch
sending a Priest to represent their branch & to bear
the names before the general conference of all who
have been added since the last conference &
any that may have been blotted out

Page 99

Further resolved by the conference that the Church
Purchase Books to keep a general record of the
Church. Also that Brother Johnston F. Lane be
chosen & appointed clerk & ordained to the
office of an Elder to keep the general Church
record of the Tennessee conference accordingly
Johnston F Lane was ordained to the office
of an Elder Also Benjamin Clapp & Randolph
ware each ordained to the
office of an Elder the above were ordai
ned under the hands of President D. W.
Also Br Linzy Braidy was ordained
under the hands of Priest Benton to the office of a
Deacon. Conference adjourned untill 2 PM. then
met according to adjornment opened by singing &
Prayer after which a sermon was deliverd by
Counsellor Groves & followed by President Marsh
& then adjourned untill 10 oclock next morning.

~ Sunday


Sept 4th Opened by singing & prayer & a discours
deliverd by President D. W. Patten from these words
repent & believe the gospel Mark 1st 15 after
which 5 presented themselves for Baptism
the congregations repaired to the water whare
the ordinance of Baptism was administered unto
five persons by President Patten then the people
returned to the house & a sermon was deliverd by
President Marsh on the gifts & graces of the Church
after which the Lords supper was administered &
those that were baptized were confirmed by the
laying on of hands of Counsellor Groves & this
interesting Conference closed by singing & Prayer
Johnston F Lane clerk. Thomas B. Marsh, President

Elders Grooves & Boydstun heal'd by the laying on of hands

Page 100

As Elder W. Woodruff is about to leave for Kirtland
and has been labouring for the last year & a half
with the churches included in the Tennessee confer-
ence & stands in need of clothing & money to return
to Kirtland President's Patten & Marsh called a
contribution of the church & congregation in the
time of the aforementioned conference to supply
Elder Woodruffs necessities the list of the contr
ibution taken down is as follows Brothers Henry
$5.00 five dollars Benjamin Clapp $6.00
Simeon Hendricks $10.00 Jefferson Turnbow
$2.00 In the store Eligah Glasgo 50 cts David Crider
50 cts John Tomas $1.00. William Christmas 25 cts
Randolph Alexander $5.00. James MCcartney $2
in the store Isaiah Benton 50 cts Henry Loy $2.00
in the store Jourden Hendricks 50 cts Henry
Thomas Sen
$1.00 Jesse Turpin $5.00. John Camp
$5.00 Daniel S Thomas $5.00 James Allen $5.00
in the store. Lewis Clapp $6.00 Lewis Allen $5.00
Linzy Braidy $6.00. Rachael Turnbow 25 cts Oliver
75 cts Alfred Loy $2.00 in the store

Making cash $63.35
In the store $13.00
Total $76.35

The above list of contributions is recorded in the
Tennessee confererence records J. F. Lane clerk

~ Monday

Sept 5th Took the parting hand with the Presidents
& Elders & many Beloved Brethren & Sisters about
fifty in number with whom I have sat in conferenc
for the last three days which time was spent in a
cause of the greatest interest Wrote a Letter to
Br Samuel West & then rode to Waidsborough with
H Thomas & purchased a coat pattern then returned
to Br Thomas's distance of the day 14 miles

Page 101

A true copy of a Bill from President Thomas B Marsh
and counsellor Elisha H Groves

Receieved Sept 5th AD 1836 of Willford
Woodruff fifty Dollars for the purpose of
entering land within the state of Missouri
Thomas B. Marsh
Elisha H Groves

~ Tuesday

Sept 6th Spent the bDay at Brother Thomas'es in
writing in the evening I rode in company with Elder
Benjamin Clapp on the road to Paducah to visit
Sister Benton & cite her to trial to answer to a
charge prefered against her by Elder J. F. Lane
for unchristian conduct rode to Parson Baity's
a Preacher of the Christian order he receieved us
in warm friendship as deciples of Christ. Elder
Clapp & myself retired aside from the abodes of
men & prayed unto God to Bless Parson Beaty &
his hioushold & we covenanted together not to
leave his house untill he would become a Latter
Day Saint We returned to the house Preached
the gospel to him & he receieved it with gladness
distance of the day 14 miles

~ Wednesday

7th Arose in the morning & Baptized Parson
Beaty went our way left him rejoicing rode
to Br Bentons in Paducah Elder Clapp made me
a present of a fine penknife distance 22 miles

~ Thursday

8th Rode in company with Elder Clapp, Br & Sister
Benton from Paducah to Br Beaty's Preached at
his house at night {and the Spirit of God was with us} distance 22 miles

~ Friday

9th Left Br Beatys on foot & we travled in the rain
to Br Henry Thomas'es on Damonds Creek Dined
with Br Thomas from thence we travled to Br John
on Taropen arived at his house at dark after

Page 102

Sept. travling in company with Elder Clapp on foot through
a rainy day & wadeing through creeks & swamps Br
& Sister Benton accompanied us on horsback but we
all arived weary & wet distance {of the day} 25 miles

~ Saturday

10 Arose in the morning sumwhat ill in consequence of
the hard tower we endured the day previous rode
to Elder J. F Lane to attend the counsel of Elders
to take into consideration the case of Sister
Bentons the following is the procedings of the court

Calaway County KY. Sept 10th 1836
Minutes of a counsel of Elders held at the house of Elder J. F. Lane. The court consisted of four Elders to it. W. Woodruff was called to the chair & conference opened by reading the law of the Church contained in the Book of Covenants & prayer by the President. The court was appointed for the trial of Sister Lucinda Benton who had been cut off illegally. The charge was prefered against her by Elder Lane for unchristian conduct after which Brother Jefferson Turnbow was called upon who arose and stated that he had seen Sister Benton and some man lying upon a pallet together after which Sister Margaret Atkinson arose & stated that Sister Benton had made some fals & hard statements about her. Sister Matilda Lane bore testimony to the truth of what Sister Akinson had stated & further said that [she] could not be reconciled to Sister Benton unless she repented & confessed her sins. Sister Benton was permitted to speak for herself which she did do and confessed & repented of her sins when she was again receieved into the Church in full fellowship by the voice of the court & Church. J. F Lane Clerk W. Woodruff Chairman

Page 103

~ Sunday

Sept. ^11th^ Sunday rode to Br Camps Preached at his house
& communed with the Saints spent the night at Clapps 4 m[iles]

~ Monday

12. Walked to Br Lanes & spent the day in writing. 4 [miles]

~ Tuesday

13 Spent the day at Br Lanes in writing

~ Wednesday

14th Spent the day at Br Lanes in writings felt some
unwell {in consequence of an uncommon bile or biles} in the evening walked
to Brother Camps was quite lame at night {Distance} 5 miles

~ Thursday

15th Spent the day at Br Camps

~ Friday

16th Spent the day at Br Drowns.

~ Saturday

17th Returned to Br Camps on Saturday & soon I
had the happy Privilege of another inteview with
Presidents Marsh, Patten & Grooves & Sister Patten
who came to Br Camps in a two horse waggon &
bound for Zion Missouri. We all tarried at Camps

~ Sunday

18th Sunday we all met at Br Henry Loys for a
meeting & we had a happy time. Presidents Marsh
& Patten Preached & Exertations from Elders
Grooves, Boydstun, Smoot, Cathcart, Clapp &
I requested the Elders to lay hands upon me for
sickness & lameness which they did do & I
was healed of both. Spent the night at Brother
Camps with the Brethren

~ Monday

19th Is a day long to Be remembered by me &
others in consequence of the interesting scenes
transpir^e^d with the Saints of God in the South. Isaiah &
others of the Ancient Prophets testify to us of the
great events of the last days esspecially of the literal
gathering of Israel. They say the Saints shall
gather from the East & from the West & that that
the North shall give up & the South Keep not back [Isaiah 43:5-6]
This interesting day had now arived yea the 19th of Sept
1836 when some of the Saints of God in the South
began to take their families, their charriots waggons

Page 104

their Oxen, their Horses their Tents their armour and
moove towards Zion as the children of Israel accordi-
ng to the command of God As follows Arose in the
morning at Br Camps & breakfasted at his house
after which we repaired to the bank of a stream
whare Prayers were offer'd up unto God when
President Marsh led a young man into the waters
of Baptism & he was confirmed upon the bank
of the stream under the hands of Presidents Marsh
Patten & Grooves then we all stood upon our feet
& receieved great Blessings confirmed upon our heads
with uplifted hands of the three above named Brethren
President Marsh being speaker We then all took the
parting hand with these Beloved servents of God &
with Sister Patten also these four friends took their
seat in a waggon & set their faces as a flint towards
Zion, not waiting for those that on the same day ware
to follow their example but with Ox teams. Soon after
the above named brethren left us Br Albert Petty came
to us from Cyprus branch with his waggon & family
to join those of the Taropen Branch who ware going to
Zion. After spending a short time in aranging the waggons
& teems the company were prepared to move forward
the company consisted of four families with three
Elders as follows Lewis Clapp & his family, John Camp
& his family, AlBert Petty & his family & Elder
Benjamin Clapp & his family. Also Elders Boydstun &
Cathcart. This company chose Elder Benjamin Boydstun
as their leader on the road to Zion this company of
the South were principly the first fruits of my ministry
some were Baptized by Elder Parrish. They numbered
six male members & five female & 10 children & one
servant making 22 in all. This company of faithful Saints
after taking the parting hand with their friends on Taro
pen moved forward on their journey in good spirits & with joy

Page 105

{with the exception of Sister Mary Barker who desired to return back thinking it after all too great to leave her friends I immediately
set before her the danger of returning to Babylon and encouraged her and she became reconciled and continued her journey|shorthand}
I rode with them this first days travel as far as the
south fork of Mayfield whare we all camped for the
night. After pitching our tents & taking supper I
assembled this small camp of Israel together at Br
Albert Pettys tent to address them for the last time
& after they were assembled I arose to address them
& although the rain desended in torrents so that we wer
e wet through a good tent yet my soul was vibrated
& fired with emotions & feeling of no ordinary nature
I endeavor'd to lay before them the worth & value of
the cause they were ingaged in & that they were the
first in fullfiling the Prophets who spake of the South
keeping not back [Isaiah 43:6] & that it would be recorded upon
the Archives of heaven to be read in the day of eternity
that they were the first fruits of the South who
had spread their tents for Zion I also instructed
them about travling by the way they all covenanted
to give heed to Elder Boydstuns precepts as they
had chosen him as their leader when I closed I was
followed By Elders Boydstun, Cathcart, & Clapp who
spake in the spirit of God & with feeling of the deepest
interest When this edifying interview closed by our
kneeling & I addressed a throne of grace & implored
the mercy of God to rest upon the camp that they
might all reach Zion in Peace distance of the day 8 miles

~ Tuesday

Sept. 20th Arose & found all well in the camp notwithstanding
the severity of the weather through the night I Breakfased
at Br Pettys tent & then took the last parting hand with
those Beloved Saints untill I meet them in Zion or elswhare
(May the blessings of God attend them forever) I then rode
to Mr Calverts on the bank or ford of Brush Creek Graves
County KY. & spent the night. Distance 20 miles

~ Wednesday

^21st^ Spent the day in visiting the Neighbourhood & the night at
Mr Johnstons distance 6 miles

Page 106

~ Thursday

Sept 22 Preached at Mr Fraziers at the ford of brush creek got
one subscriber for M & Ad was some opposed by a Pryspet-
Priest & wrote a letter for sister Bishop

~ Friday

23 Rode to Feliciana from thence took the Dresden road
& with difficulty crossed the Obine swamp & creek
my horse frequently wallowing in the cyprus slues
nearly under water & mud from thence I rode to
Br Jere[miah] Murphys weakly county Tenn whare I
found the saints well & rejoiced to find his houshold
well & all the saints distance of the day 30 miles

~ Saturday

24 Rode to Elder R Alexanders distance 5 miles

~ Sunday

25 Preached on Sunday at Br Alexanders & Baptized
two persons & then communed with the saints had
an interesting time because of the spirit of God upon
us after meeting we took the parting hand with
Br Jeremiah ^B^ Murphy & his wife who started on
a Journey to visit friends in the South

~ Monday

26 Spent the Day at Elders Alexanders in writing wrote
two Letters one to Abel B Willson & the other
to President O. Cowdery at Kirtland I discontinued
the M & Ad that was sent to 25 persons in the south
country I also sent one subscriber

~ Tuesday

27 Was Joined by Elder Smoot we rode to Br Immanuel
Preached at his house rode 15 miles

~ Wednesday

28 Rode to Elder Alexanders spent the day at his house 6 miles

~ Thursday

29 Elder Smoot returned to Bloody I rode to William
Preached at his house distance {of the day} 5 miles

~ Friday

30 Rode to Br Immanuel Murphys {Distance of day} 2 miles

~ Saturday

Oct 1st Rode to Br Alexander {with Brother Murphy} 6 miles

~ Sunday

2 Preached on Sunday at Mr Simpsons Alexander's

~ Monday

3 Spent the day at Elder Alexanders

~ Tuesday

4 Rode 2 miles & returned 2 miles

~ Wednesday

5 Spent the day riding in the barrens after cattle for Alexander. 12 [miles]

Page 107

~ Thursday

Oct 6th Spent the day at Elder Alexanders 2 miles

~ Friday

7th Rode in company with Elder Alexander & Warren Smith
& their families to Paris & Perhaps the last time that I
shall visit the place from thence to Mr Jonathan
Preached at his house at candle light distanc 30 m

~ Saturday

8th Rode {with Elder Alexander} to Br Taylors distance 8 miles

~ Sunday

9th Sunday Preached at Sister Frazier's Was followed
by Elder Smoot then rode to Johnathan Alexanders
Preached at his house at candle light distance 18 m

~ Monday

10th Baptized two Persons Warren Smith & his
wife then took the parting hand with Elder Alexan-
& wife & other Saints & friends Sister
Margaret Atkinson with the rest & then Rode to
visit the Sulpher Well Academy branch & Preached
a funeral sermon in the evening at Widow Fraziers
was followed by Br's Smoot & Turpin much of
the spirit of God rested upon us distance 10 miles

~ Tuesday

11th Baptized two Persons took the parting hand
with the ^Saints^ & rode to Br Taylors on Bloody Preached for
the last time with this branch of Beloved Saints
& was followed by Elder Smoot & Priest's Benton
& Turpin much of the spirit of God rested upon
us & we had an interesting meeting & communed
together. May God protect & save the Saints
Rode to Br Smiths distance of the day 11 miles

~ Wednesday

12th Retired in company with Elder A. O. Smoot
unto the banks of Blood River aside from the abodes
of men to spend some time in Prayer & Praise to
God & to Perform a solemn duty that is rquired of
all the Elders of Israel whose testimony is rejected
by this generation while they are preaching the gospel
of Jesus Christ & bearing testimony of his NAME
After we had cleansed our Bodies with Pure

Page 108

water & also with strong drink or spirits this not
by commandment but from choice we then accor-
ding to commandment clensed our hands and feet
and bore testimony unto God against the Ben-
ton County
mob & also against Paris & many
others who had rejected our testimony we enjo-
yed a solumn, spiritual, & interesting season we
retired from the water in the spirit of God & spent
the night for the last time at Brother Levi Taylors
& Sister Tailors, with the Brethren & Sisters
Beneath this roof I have spent some of the most
interesting seasons of my life for the last two
years receieved 4 subscribers for the M & Ad

~ Thursday

Oct 13th Took the parting hand with Brother & Sister
Taylor & their household & all the Saints in
Bloody branch & travled in company with Elder
Smoot & Priest Turpin to Brother Lanes this is
the first days journey for Kirtland, Ohio distance 18 [miles]

~ Friday

14 Travled to Br Hendricks spent the night with
Brother Alfred Loy distance 3 miles

~ Saturday

15 Preached at Br Kelleys 3 miles

~ Sunday

16 Sunday Preached at Father Grennwoods & Bapt-
one Mrs Mary Kelly then travled to Brother
Henry Loys Preached at his house distance 6 miles

~ Monday

17 Travled to Damonds Creek Calaway County KY.
Spent the night at Br Henry Thomas'es {Distance} 12 mil

~ Tuesday

18 Spent the day in writing & Preached at Father Thomas'es
to the Saints for the last time in that place had a
spiritual & happy meeting {I felt constrained by the spirit of prophecy to inform father
and mother Thomas that they would stand in sin before they died|shorthand}

~ Wednesday

19 Travled with my colleagues Smoot & Turpin through
the rain to Br Beatys Clarks River Calaway County
KY. found him & his family well distance 15 miles

~ Thursday

20 Spent the day at Br Beatys in writing or copying Journal

~ Friday

21 Preached at Br Beatys

Page 109

~ Saturday

Oct ^22^ Preached at Br Beaty & Baptised 1 Mrs Beaty.

~ Sunday

23rd Sunday Preached at Beatys & Baptised 1 his Daughter
Also ordained Brother James Beaty to the office
of a Priest he had Been a Preacher of the Christian
order for several years. Communed with the Sains
had a spiritual time & it was the last meeting that
I held in the South within the limits of the Tennesse
conference of Latter Day Saints

~ Monday

24th Took the parting hand with Priest Beaty &
his family & travled with Elder Smoot & Priest
Turpin to Paducah Mccracken County KY Spent
the night at Brother Bentons distans of the day 25 miles

~ Tuesday

25th For the first time in life I went aboard a steam
Boat to Journey I took a birth [berth] with my colleagues
aboard the AID at 8 o'clock AM names of the Islands
we passed through the day are as follows Tennessee
Cumberland, Three Sisters & the Golconda island
Town's past Smithland distance of the day 100 mile

~ Wednesday

26th the Tempest past the Aid at 7 A.M. while
she was wooding We past the following Islands
Cincinnati toehead, Wabash, Dimonds, Towns
Shawney, Mount Vernon & Ivensville Remained
at Ivensville over night abot 20 above the mouth
of the Wabash River which we past I purchased
a cloak of William Smith one of the dek hands on
board the Aid I paid him $5.00 dollars for the
same Paid on board the Aid $2.00 for passage {Distance} 100 m

~ Thursday

27th Left the Aid at 7 A.M & went aboard
the HAVANA. We past Sprinkelsburg, Owensborough
Troy, Hayville, Clover Rome & cast Anchor about
12 oclock at night in consequence of the fog Distance 100 miles

~ Friday

28th Raised the steam at Day light but soon run aground
but liberated without Damage the fog cleared at 8 oclock
we soon past a steam boat that had sunk she
struck a snag stove her hull & went Down. We
past many Boats through the day the Havana
broak her wheel against a flat Bottom Boat passed
New Albany at 2 P.M. entered the canal at the

Page 110

Ohio falls passed through three locks arived at
Louisville at 6 P.M Paid $2.50 cts passage aboard
the Havana, KETON, Capt. The Havana run
about 10 miles Per hour distance of the day 100 ^[FIGURE]^ m
their was 12 steamers at anchor at Luisville
Priest Turpin went aboard a bout for Cincinnati
& Elder Smoot & myself left Luisville to visit
his kinsman in Owington that he had not visited
since he was five years of age we took the Fran-
turnpike rode walked 4 miles and put
up at a tavern for the night distance 4 ^[FIGURE]^ miles

~ Saturday

29 Walked to Middletown from thence to Boston to
Simpsonsville & Shelbyville spent the night in
Shelbyville at Mr Staples Inn distance 30 miles

~ Sunday

30 Sunday walked from Shelbyville to Mr Clemmons
ferry on the Kentucky river 25 miles below Frankford
crossed at the ferry to Mr William Rowletts spent
the night at his house he is an uncle of Elder Smoots
distance of the day 30 miles

~ Monday

31st Walked to Widow Elizabeth Smoots Elder Smoots
sister in law it was an affecting meeting between
them as it was the first time they ever met from
thence to Col Joseph Rowletts another kinn
of Elder Smoots it was a happy meeting &
we me[t] a welcome reception distance 4 m

~ Tuesday

Nov 1st Spent the Day in writing at Col Rowletts

~ Wednesday to November 4, 1836 ~ Friday

2 Spent 3 days at Col Rowletts in copying my
Journal i.e. 2 & th I had a number of interviews
within the time with Mr William Clements A
Revolutionary soldier Aged 83 years

~ Saturday

5 Spent the day at Col Rowletts in perusing
a Book bearing the title PRINCIPLES OF
third edition. On Deism see Page 100
I Preached at Col Rowletts at candle light

Page 111

~ Sunday

Nov 6th Sunday Rode to William Smoots Preached at
his house distance of the Day 7 miles

~ Monday

7th Sold one Book of Mormon & Rode to Owenton
Owen County KY on the day of the election to
vote for President &c at first the Judges endeav-
o^u^red to deprive Elder Smoot & myself from
voting but after employing some Judges &
Col Rowlett in our favor we gave our vote for
Mr Martin Vanburen for President & Col
R. M. Johnson for Vice President we then
returned to Mr Reed Smoot {and spent the night} 16 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

8th Walked to Col Rowletts spent the day {writing} 2 [miles]

~ Wednesday

9th Walked to Mr Gustavus A. Clements &
Preached at his house distance 5 miles

~ Thursday

10th Rode to Mr Jacob Rasors Preached at
his house distance 6 miles

~ Friday

11th Rode to Col. Rowletts & Preached at his house 3 [miles]

~ Saturday

12th Spent the day at Col Rowletts

~ Sunday

13th Preached at Col Rowletts on Sunday &
Procured 2 subscribers for M & Ad

~ Monday

14th Rode to Owington & Preached in the court
house at night to a large congregation Spent
the night at the inn of William Browns 6 mile

~ Tuesday

15th Took the Parting hand with Col Rowlett &
walked to Esq Hues 5 miles south of the big
bone lick
distance 25 miles

~ Wednesday

16th Visited the big bone lick in Boone County
KY. which is the Place whare those large
bones of enormous size were dug from the
earth & have been exhibited in many Parts of
America & Europe it is conjectured that
those animals while in the lick got mired &
Perished it is said or judged from the measurment
of those bones that the animal was 36 feet
in length & 15 in highth No reccord yet gives
us an account of those animals will not
some record of the Nephites yet tell us
Spent the night with Mr Sandford {Distance} 25 miles

Page 112

~ Thursday

Nov 17th Went to Covington crossed the Ohio River into
Cincinnati visited the city & saw Conway & webster
who informed me that Brother Asahel H Woodruff had
located himself in Terrehaute Indiania & traiding
in Books in company with Robert Smith. I Also saw
the Dead & wounded carried from off the steem
Boat FLORA. 3 dead & 10 scalded by the bursting
of her pipes spent the night at Cincinnati on board
the Robert Emmet distance of the day 6 miles

~ Friday

18 Left Cincinnati on board the Robert Emmet & trav-
led during the day & night to Portsmouth 118 m[iles]

~ Saturday

19 In the morning I saw a large Buck swiming down
the River three men Left the Emmet in a yawl &
Persued the deer they soon overtook him grappled
him by the horns, nocked him ion the head with
their oars then cut his throat & brought him on
board the steem boat & cut off his head & stuck
it upon the liberty pole with his horns spread for
a guide to the Pilot. The steem Boat travled
during this day & night to Parkersburg 162 miles
Paid Passage on Board the Emmet $3.50 cts

~ Sunday

20 Sunday Proceded up the River Past Homrily & stop'd
at Wheeling in Virginia It was the first time that I
ever was in the state from thence to Wellsville
distance of the day 137 miles

~ Monday

21 In the morning I had a happy interview with
Priest Turpin in Wellsville spent the Day at
Elder Samuel Burwells Columbiania County Ohio

~ Tuesday

22 Spent the day at Elder Burwells in Wellsville in the
evening Elder Burwell returned home {I had a happy interview with [him]}

~ Wednesday

23 We took the stage at Wellsville Paid $4.00 dollars
fare to Chardon we travled to Nutons falls &
spent the night at the stage office {Distance} 47 miles

~ Thursday

24 Travled to Chardon & Providentially met with Elder Henry
on his way to Tenn[essee] we had a happy interview
with him I wrote a Letter to the Saints {Distance} 33 miles

Page 113

~ Friday

Nov 25th Took the parting hand with Elder Sherwood
I then set out in company with Elder S^m^oot on foot in a hard
snowstorm for Kirtland we came in sight of the
Temple of the Lord before we reached the village & I
truly felt to rejoice at the sight as it was the first
time that mine eyes ever beheld the house of the Lord
built by commandment & Revelation. We soon entered
the village & I spent one of the happiest days of my life at
this time in visiting Kirtland & the House of the Lord &
the Presidents & Elders of the Church I was truly
edified to again strike hands with President Joseph
Smith Jr.
& many other beloved saints of God who are
rolling on the mighty work of God & of Israel after
being seperated from them for 2 1/2 years & amoung
the rest I was filled with joy with the priviledg of
again meeting with Elder Warren Parrish & also being
made acquainted with his companion Sister Parrish. Ther
is an enjoyment in meeting our brethren & companions
in tribulations that the world knows not off because it
flows from a celestial source. After spending a short
time in conversing with my friends A more important
scene was now to open to my view than Kings ever
saw or Princes ever Knew in this generation which
was to visit the Temple of the Lord & its contents
Elder Smoot & myself visited each appartment of the
House accompanied by Elder Parrish & I must confess
the scenery is indisscribable When I entered the
threshhold of the house & Passed theinto athe lower room
their was great solemnity if not Awe immediately overwh-
elmed me I felt indeed as if my footsteps were in the
Temple of the Lord After walking into the Pulpets, erected
for the Priesthoods & viewing the curtains all bespeaking
that grandure, solemnity & order that nothing short
of wisdom from God could invent. We then visited
the upper rooms & there viewed four Egyptian Mumies
& also the Book of Abram written by his own

Page 114

hand & not ownly the hyieroglyphicks but also many figures
of the that this precious treasure contains are calculated
to make a lasting impression upon the mind which is not
to be erased many other important views I was Privileged
with in the upper story the school rooms, belfry &c.
all indicating great Architecture & wisdom we then
spent some time in visiting the Bank & Printing office
But wonder on wonder strikes my sense to look into
the casket of the great work of Israels God in these
last Days as the Prophet exclaims he does things
we looked not for [Isaiah 64:3]: Two & a half years since I left
Kirtland with my Brethren in their Poverty to go fourth
to visit our brethren in tribulation in Zion then our
Brethren in Kirtland were poor, despised, & even looked
upon dBy the pomp of Babylon with Disdain & disgrace
who stood waiting with eager eyes to beholbd them
sink into forgetfulness. But how changed the scene
now I behold a cheerfulness beaming upon every
countenance that indicates Prosperity & the noise
of the ax & the hammer & the sight of their walls &
dwellings newly erected & their Bank & market &
esspecially house of God speaks in language loud as
thunder that the Saints will have a city in prosp-
erity in spite of all the fals Prophets of Baal or
even earth or hell because God is with them &
his Temple stands in honor of his Kingdom while
babylon begins to wonder & will soon perish
we spent the day with Elder Parrish {Distance} 9 mile

The money I expended i expended in my travels
from Paducah KY to Kirtland Ohio fees aboard
steam Boats & stagees, board lodgings &c was
$16.65 Also I Paid $5.00 for a cloak making
$21.65 in all

Page 115

~ Saturday

Nov ^26th^ I visited President & Doct Cowdery at the Printing
office & made a general settlement with them for
the M & Advocate for the subscribers of the South
I gave 9 new subscribers to them & Paid them $41.50
for the M. & Advocate which setteled all matters
between us.

I receieved som counsel from
Presidents Smith & Rigdon to Elder Parrishe's house
& spent the day in writing

~ Sunday

Nov 29th ^27th^ Upon this Lords day Elder Smoot & myself
accompanied Elder Parrish to the house of the Lord
for the first time to behold the congregation of the
Saints assembled within its walls for the purpose
of worshiping God it was truly an interesting
scene it brought a lengthy catalogue of transactions
contemplations & experience of my youth to my
to my mind & the experiance of this day fulfilled
many things of a spiritual nature which I had
looked for a number of years which I viewed
as Promises of God. After I entered the house
& was seated I cast my eyes upon the Pulpits
aranged in order for the High Priest I beheld the
Patriarch Joseph Smith sen. standing in the upper
pulpet, & President Joseph Smith, jr. & Elder
Carter in the second one & in the third Elders
Parley & Orson Pratt & W. Parrish was
seated soon Elder Carter arose & opened meeting
by Prayer & then Preached the gospel unito
us & was followed by President Joseph
Smith, jr when meeting was dissmissed & after
an intermishion of an hour we again met in the
house of the Lord & I was called into the stand
in company with Elder Smoot & requested the to
Preach to the People I opened by Prayer & read the
LVI chapter of Isaiah & made some brief remarks
upon the same & gave a sketch of my travels in
the South. I was then followed by Elder Smoot
after he closed I was blessed with the priviledge
of communing with a multitude of Saints

Page 116

in the house of the Lord assembled together from the
the east, west, north & south many with whom I
had been intimately acquainted I truly felt to thank
God that his promises had been verifyed unto me
by giving me a seat & a name within his house
& within his walls {better} as of sons & of daughters
Their was four confirmed after the sacrament
under the hands of Elder O Hide President J. Smith addressed
the congragation & the meeting closed spent the night
with Elder W. Parrish

~ Monday

Nov 28th Spent the day in Kirtland visiting friends & the night
with Elder W. Parrish

~ Tuesday

29 Spent the day in writing wrote two Letters one
to my Parents & the other to Brother Asahel Woodruff

~ Wednesday

30 I setteled with Elder Reynolds Cahoon for the subs-
criptions put into my hands by the Saints of the south
country for the building of the house of the Lord in Kirtland
Ohio I Paid him one dollar which was all the back money
that was due this made $91.75 cts that I had the
charge of that I forwarded for the house. I also
Purchase a Latten grammer of Elder P. Pratt for $7 for
I am now expecting to enter upon a course of study
may the Lord open my way in temporal & spiritual
things that I may be usful in my day & generation
have a good warfare keep the faith & receieve
a crown of Glory

~ Thursday

Dec 1st Repaired to the house of the Lord whare Father
Smith met a number of Saints to Pronounce upon them
a Patriarchal Blessing. This was the first meeting of
the kind that I ever attended & I found it to be highly
edefying & interesting as their was great & glorious
things pronounced upon their heads by the spirit of
& Revelation. Spent the evening at Elder Parrishes
acompanied by Brother Joseph Smith which was an interesting

Page 117

~ Friday

Dec 2nd I Wrote a Letter to Br Azmon Woodruff it
being the first communication between us for
two years I also wrote a Letter to Col Joseph
at Owiengton Owen County KY.

~ Saturday

3rd Traded with Brother Bump in Goods $12.89

~ Sunday

4th Sunday I went up to the house of the Lord
to worship. Elder Parish Preached in the forepart
of the day several spoke in the Latter part of the
day President RIGDON called a vote of the
Church to discountenance the use intirely of
all liquors from the Church in sickness & in
health except wine at the sacraments & for
external washing the vote was carried eunanimously
I spent the night with Elder Parrish

~ Monday

5th This monday morning in company with Elder
Smoot I entered the School & commenced studying
the Latten Grammer under the instruction of
Professor Haws I commenced boarding also
this morning with Brother Bond at $2 dollars
per week I Paid him $10 dollars in advance

~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday

6, , , , 10 I spent in school in the evening of the
10 I wrote two Letters one to Elder Alexander
& the other to Sister M Atkinson both in Tenn

~ Sunday

11th Sunday morning after an interview with Priest
Turpin I went up to the house of God to worship &
O what a meeting. May it be printed upon my heart
as a memorial forever. For on this day the God of
sharply reproved this stake of Zion (Kirtland)
through the Prophets & Apostles for all our sins
& backslidings & also a timely warning that we may
escape the Judgments of God that otherwise will fall
upon us even the case of the travels of the Camp
of the Saints from Kirtland to Zion in 1834

Page 118

was presented to us for an example {O God stay thy hand and judgment on Kirtland O Wilford
remember this warning escape judgment lest thou fall O God save me for Christ's sake|shorthand}
Spent the Past week in school in the Lords house

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I went up to the house of the Lord to worship
Sermon delivered by Elder William Smith Elder Joseph
administered the Sacrament President Joseph
Smith jr
solumnized the rights of matrimony. At
candle light I Preached at Mr Daytons & was followed
by Elder Smoot & Nobles

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

19, 20 was spent in school I commenced studying the GREEK
GRAMMER on Monday the 19th Dec 1836

~ Tuesday

20 At candle light I repaired to the house of the Lord
for a meeting with the quorum of the Seventies
the third Seventyies had been chosen & the business
of this meeting was to organize them & ordain them
but as they were not all present they were not all
ordained or organized their was 27 twenty seven
of the third Seventy ordained to the High Priesthood
& as members of the third Seventy Elder Abram
O. Smoot
, was among the number ordained to the
third Seventy which fulfilled what I Pronounced
upon his head by the testimony of JESUS on the
30th of June while in Tenn[essee] See June 30th 1836
The above mentioned were ordained under the hands of
Presidents Aldrich, Young, ^&^ Coltrin. We had an inter-
esting meeting much of the spirit of Prophecy was poured
out upon those Presidents while ordaining the third Seventy
they Proclaimed great & marvelous things upon
their heads President Young had visions while
performing this ordinance

~ Thursday

22 I attended Prayer meeting in the house of the Lord at night

~ Saturday

24 Spent the Past week in school

~ Sunday

25 Sunday went up to the house of God to worship
& herd a discours from Brother Samuel Smith Brother
Hiram Smith broak bread which closed the meeting
Elder Smoot was quite sick & healed by the laying on of hands

Page 119

~ Tuesday

Dec 27th Met at the house of the Lord at candle light with the
quorum of the Seventies their was about one hundred Elders
of Israel Presant of 1, 2, & 3rd Seventy it is expected
the Seventies will meet every tuesday evening through
the winter for the Purpose of worshiping God & sanctifying
themselves before him. Elder Smoot was again taken sick

~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday

28, , & 31st was Principly spent in taking care
of Elder Smoot who was confined to his bed with the
scarlot fever at the house of Brother Bonds in Kirtland
On the 31st of DEC being the last Day of 1836 I aranged
the account of my Journals & recorded the same in the
following manner. Thus ends the year of 1836 which
hath quickly passed with its report into ETERNITY

1st I Travled six thousand five hundred & fifty seven Miles 6,557
2nd I Held one hundred & fifty three Meetings 153
I Attended four conferences 4
& Held four debates 4
^I Planted one Branch of the Church^
3rd I Baptized twenty seven Persons 27
^I confirmed^ ^27^
4th I ordained two Elders, three Priests, one Teacher, & two Deacons. 8
^I esstablished 2 preaching places^
5th I Attended to the ordinance of blessing nineteen children. 19
6th Their was four persons healed of deseases under my hands 4
7th I Procured twenty two subscribers for the M & Ad. 22
I Also Procured seventy Dollars for the M & Ad $70.
8th I Gave six dollars & Procured eighty five more for the building of the house of the Lord in Kirtland $91
9th I wrote thirty four Letters 34
& Receieved seven Letters 7
10th I had three mobs come together against me But always as yet deliverd from their hands. 3.
Page 120

The before mentioned is an account of the most conspicuous
part of my Procedings during the year of 1836 which has
gone into eternity with its report as the year before it
hath done & as the one following & all others must do.
O time how swift, & how precious thou art. How great
the events that are bourn upon thy wings, esspecially
in the dispensation of the fullness of times. 1836 is
gone it cannot be recalled. Europe hath began to tremble
at thy departure. The endowment of the Latter Day
Saints hath b[e]spake a God in Israel, & is sufficient
to show that though the heavens & earth pass away
the word of God spake through the Prophets must
all be fulfilled. It is true that the thoughts of man
may now retrace his footsteps through 1836 that is
Past. But who can tell whare the end of 1837 will
leave him. Yea that important year that is
mountnging the wheels of time to stand upon the
stage of exhistance, to do its Perfect work. Will
not its gigantic operations, & its magnus works
stand upon the Archieves of heaven as great events
Will this gentile generation still sleep in this late
hour, if so sleep on & take thy rest which is short
for thy end is come, & the day hath broke that
Israel must be awoke from his slumber for the last
time & Prepare himself for the Bridegroom. Then let
1837 finish its work with speed & let its departure
say who hath gone to the tomb & what Kingdom
overturned, & what Kingdom esstablished & may
God grant that 1837 may report as she departs
that Zion & her stakes indicates that God rules
in her midst with POWER STRENGTH & GLORY.

Thus ends the year of

Page 121
Page 122

The third Book of
Willford for 1837

O Lord I ask thee in the name of Jesus Christ
thy Son, to look upon thy serveant Willford,
who now occupies a place in Kirtland, this first
stake of Zion, which thou hast appointed in this
last dDispensation, & fulness of times for the gather-
ing of thy Saints. O God of Israel, inspire the
heart & pen of thy serveant at this time, & hear
& answer the Petition which he will put up unto
thee at this time, & remember the covenant which
thy servant Willford will make with thee at this time,
O mighty God of Jacob. O Lord thou hast spared
my life, to behold the commencem[ent] of 1837. May
my life, health, & strength be precious in thy sight, through
the year. Wilt thou save me by thy grace from
all sin, & the Powers of temptation, which try the sou-
ls of men. Wilt thou give me favor during this year,
with God & the Saints. Wilt thou bless me while in
school, & in meeting with the quorum of the Seventies,
& while attending all other meetings in Kirtland for
Divine worship. O Lord if it be thy will, give me
the privilege of recording in this years Journal
great blessing, pronounced upon my head from
mine annointing & from under the hands of the
Patriarch JOSEPH. & an account of Great
visions, & the opening of the heavens, & the reve-
of JESUS CHRIST unto me, that I may
be a special witness unof Thee, O Lord, & may
I also have the administering of Holy angels,
that I may be tought of the Eternal things of the
Priesthood. If I am called to Preach thy word this year,
may I be bless with souls for my hire, if I visit my
Kinsman, wilt thou make ne [me] an instrument, of bringing
them into they celestial Kingdom, & I covenant with
Thee, Heavenly FATHER, to go & come at they bibdding.
I ask the above blessings, through the Priesthood, in the name of

Page 123

~ Sunday

Jan[uary] 1st 1837. In the morning of this Lord's Day I
repar'd to the house of the Lord for worship We
herd two discourses deliver'd from the Aearonic stand
by Bishop Whitney & counsellor Cahoon they also
Broke bread. the latter part of the day was spent in
attending to the funeral servises of a child.

~ Monday

2nd Spent the Day in school Also the 3rd. I receieved
a letter from Brother Asahel Woodruff on the 3rd

~ Tuesday

Jan 3rd At early candle light I repaired to the house
of the Lord
in company with Elder Milton Holmes for the
purpose of meeting with the quorum of the Seventies
President Aldrich opened the meeting by prayer &
after a few appropriate remarks from President
Coltrin about twenty of the third Seventy was
ordained to the high Priesthood & as members of
the third Seventy under the hands of the above
named Presidents After these were ordained
Elder M. Holms & myself was called upon by the
Presidents to come fore ward to be ordained as mem-
bers of the first Seventy Elders of Israel to bear the
name of Jesus to the nations of the Earth. The first
Seventy was chosen out of the CAMP that
Went up to Zion for the redemption of it & the
Saints in the spring of 1834 But as we were not
present when the first Seventy was chosen we
was afterwards chosen in the second quorum
(See May 31th 1836 in this Journal) But there
being two vacancies in the firs quorum we were
chosen to fill them. President Aldrich ordained
Elder Holmes to this appointment & pronounced
great blessings upon his head.

President Z. Coltrin
ordained me as a member of the first Seventy &
pronounced great blessings upon my head by the
spirit of Prophecy & Revelation some of them
I will mention which are as follows. THAT my
enemies may confine me in prisions & chains &
that I would rend the prisions & chains in twain

Page 124

in the name of JESUS CHRIST & that the Lord would
give me great Power, Knowledg, & wisdom & faith so that
I should heal the sick caus the Blind to see the lame to leap
as an heart [hart], the Deaf to hear stop the mouths of Lions
& rase the dead to life & waft myself (as did Philip)
Acts 8:39 from River to river from sea to sea & from con-
tinant to continant for the purpose of Preaching
the gospel of Jesus Christ & that I ^should^ stand before
Kings & Princes & that they would send for me to
receieve wisdom knowledge & instruction at my
mouth because they considered me wiser than
themselves in like manner as the Egyptians sought
wisdom at the hand of JOSEPH. Genesis 41 And that God
would give me a multiplicity of Blessings that
I should Preach to the nations of the earth & to
the inhabitants upon the Islands of the sea & that
I should then return & stand upon Mount Zion
in the flesh even in Jackson County Missouri at
the Cumming of Christ & that I should be cought
up to meet him in the clouds of heaven for he
said this was the word of God unto me & Also
that I should visit COLUB & Preach to the
spirits in Prision & that I should bring all of
my friends or relatives forth from the Terrestr-
ial Kingdom
(who had died) by the Power of the
gospel. These & many other Blessings were
Pronounced upon my head, & further said that
I should be annointed & my life sealed unto me
& that their would be still greater blessing
Pronounced upon my head. I felt much of the
Power of God rest upon me in this ordinance &
Bear witness of the truth of th[e] above

Page 125

~ Wednesday

Jan 4th I met in company with the high school of
Kirtland in the house of the Lord for the purpose
of a public examination it being the last day of the
first quarter the examination lasted about three
hours then after an intemishsion of one hour we
again repaired to the house & herd an interesting
lecture deliverd on Education By Professer Haws
We have now a vacation of four weeks & the nekt
willterm will them commence

~ Thursday

5th I repaired to the house of the Lord for a Prayer
meeting at 2 oclock PM. We had a good time one
man gave us an account of the general gathering
of Israel
in the gift of tongues I interpreted the
su^b^stance of the same

~ Friday

6th I visited the office of the Kirtland Safety Society
& saw the first money that was issued by the
Treasurer or society it was given to Brother
Bump (in exchange for other notes) who was the
first to circulate it. I also herd President Joseph
Smith jr
declare in the presence of F Williams,
D Whitmer, S. Smith, W. Parrish, & others in the
Deposit office that he had receieved that
morning the word of the Lord upon the subject of
the Kirtland Safety Society he was alone in a
room by himself & he had not ownly the voice
of the spirit upon the subject but even an
audable voice. He did not tell us at ^that^ time what
the LORD said upon the subject but remarked
that if we would give heed to the commandments
the Lord had given this morning all would be
well. May the Lord bless Brother Joseph with
all the Saints & support the above named
institution & protect it so that every weapen
formed against it may be broaken & come to
nought while the Kirtland Safety Society shall
become the greatest of all institutions on EARTH

Page 126

~ Saturday

Jan 6 [7]. Wrote a Letter to Brother Asahel. H Woodruff

~ Sunday

8. Sunday Went up to the house of the Lord to worship we
had an interesting meeting. their was about fifteen
hundred people assembled their was two discourses
deliverd from the Aaronic Priesthood one from coun-
cellor Knight & the other from Priest Willey Priest Willey
had much of the spirit of God in Preaching to the
Church after breaking bread Elder Sherman
sun^g^ in the gift of tongues & proclaimed great & mar-
velous things while clothed upon by the power
& spirit of God. Elder Smoot for the first
time after his sickness Also attended meeting
I spent the evening with Priest Turpin at
Bishop Whitney's had a vary happy time in
speaking singing hearing & interpeting ton-
& in prayer with the family

~ Tuesday

10 Tuesday evening I met in the house of the Lord with the
quorum of the Seventies their was about 12 ordain-
ed of the third Seventy under the hands of Elder
Shermon we had a spiritual meeting Elder
Brigham Young one of the twelve gave us an interest-
ing exhortation & warned us not to murmer against
Moses (or) Joseph or the heads of the Chur[ch] [ink blot]

~ Wednesday

11 Wrote two Letters one to A B Willson & [an]other
to Brother Levi Tailor

~ Thursday

12 Wrote two Letters one to Brother Daniel
the other to Simeon Hendricks

~ Saturday

14 Wrote two Letters one to Wright Akeman
in the Arkansas & the other to David Cranshaw

~ Sunday

15 Sunday attended meeting in the house of the
President Rigdon preached in the Spirit
& exhorted the Church to union that they might be pre-
pared to meet every trial & difficulty that awates them

Page 127

~ Monday

Jan 16th Elder Abram O Smoot was again attacked
by the destroyer which brought him upon a bed of
Great disstress We immediately called upon the Elders
of the Church, viz. Elders O Hide & E ^H C^ Kimble of the
twelve & B. Nobles, M. Holmes, & myself of the first
We prayed with & for him & lade hands
upon him according to the scriptures & he was
immediately healed of his pain & fever {in the name of Christ}

~ Tuesday

17th Met at candle light with the quorums of the Seventies
& was favored with a lecture from President
David Whitmer he warned us to humble ourselves
before God lest his hand rest upon us in anger for
our pride & many sins that we were runing into
in our days of prosperity as the ancient Nephites
did & it does now appear evident that a scourge
awates this stake of Zion even Kirtland if their
is not great repentance immediatly & almost
every countenance indicates the above expectation
esspecially the heads of the Church. See Dec 11th 1836
May the Lord in mercy enable us to Meet every event with resignation

~ Friday

20th Wrote a Letter with Brother Kimble to Brother
Thomas B Marsh in Zion

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday went up to the house of the Lord to
worship. Elder John E Page occ^u^pied the former part
of the day with an interesting relation of his travels
for the last eight months in the profince of uper
Canida he stated that he in company with Elders
James Blakesley & Harris had Baptized 267
persons he also gave an account of his persecutions
&c which he had to endure. The latter part of
the day was occupied by Elders Kimble & green
& of communion. Also at candle light I herd an
interesting discourse from Elders P. P. Pratt &
J. E. Page at Brother Bosley's Elder Pratt Also
warned us ^to^ humble ourselves before God & feed
the poor & clothe the needy & put away all
our sins lest judgment overtake us spedily

Page 128

~ Monday

Jan 23rd As Elder Abram O Smoot hath been much out
of health since he hath been in Kirtland he desired
to return home into the south country to spend the
winter in a warm climate with his friends. I accom-
panied him to father Smiths to officeate in the office
of a scribe while he receieved his Patriarchal
. Accordingly the Patriarch JOSEPH
SMITH Sen pronounced his blessing upon his head
in the name of the LORD & I wrote it down for
him. It was truly a great blessing we had it rec-
orded & I gave Elder Smoot a copy of it in print
that he might take it home with ^him^ as he was expe-
cting to leave the day following

~ Tuesday

24th Took the partingpains to assist Elder Smoot to
settle his business in Kirtland which took up
the major part of the day. I Met at candle light
in the house of the Lord with the quorum of the seve-
nties we had an interesting interview their was sev-
eral ordained under the hands of President Silvester
to the third Seventy then we herd two
lengthy discourses one from Elder J. E. Page
and the other from Elder P. P. Pratt which was int-
eresting in the first degree the meeting closed but litt-
le before midnight. We had been threatened by a
mob from Panesville to visit us that night & demolish
our Bank & take our property but they did not
appeare but the wrath of our enemies appears to
be kindled against us this in part is the scourge that
hath awated us. But may the Lord show us mercy
& deliver us from the hand of our enemies for Christ sake

~ Wednesday

25th Took the Parting hand with Elder A O Smoot &
he started on his journey may the Lord bless him
& enable him to reach his friends in peace
At early candlelight the heavens began to show forth the signs
in fulfillment of the Prophecy of JOEL recorded in the 2nd chap
30th vers
of the Book of Joel. the clouds of fire & blood began
to arise in the N.E & reached unto the N.W which principly covered
the horizon the reflection of the clouds upon the earth which
was covered with snow presented a vary red appearance It comm-
enced at 6 oclock & comtinued untill 10 or past {which time the heavens were covered with pale red}

Page 129

~ Friday

Jan 27th Wrote a Letter for Elder M. Holmes

~ Saturday

28th I attended a court with the quorum of
the Seventies to settle a difficulty between
Elder Hiram Stratten & I. H. Bishop Elder Holmes
and myself was chosen among the counsellors
Elder Stratten acknowledg'd his faults & was restored

~ Sunday

29th Sunday I met at Elder J. P. Greens at 9 AM
in company with 7 others to act as bearers to
convey the corps of Sister Mary Boyington to
the house of the Lord whare a funeral sermon
was deliverd by Elder P. P. Pratt the latter part
of the day was spent in communion & addresses
from Presidents O. Cowdery & J Smith, Jn
JOSEPH blessed us in the name of the Lord &
said if we would be faithful we should
rise above our imbarresments & be delivered
from the hands of our enemies

~ Monday

30 Spent the day in writing wrote a peace
for the Messenger & Advocate

~ Tuesday

31st Met in the house of the Lord at 10 oclock AM
& herd an address from President's J. Smith jr
& S Rigdon on the temporal business of the
Church & Petitioned for a charter to the
Assembly of the state for the Kirtland
Safety Society
& the presidency of the
Church bought the Monroe charter & we
all lent a hand in esstablishing it that it
might be benificial to us in forwarding the
building of the temporal Kingdom

~ Wednesday

Feb 1st I again commenced school confining
myself to the Latin language mostly

~ Sunday

5th Sunday spent the day in the house
of the Lord
in worship

~ Sunday

12th Sunday spent the day in the Lords house
communed with the Saints

Page 130

~ Sunday

Feb. 19th I repaired to the house of the Lord & stood in
the midst of the congregation of the Saints whare I
beheld President JOSEPH SMITH Jr arise in the stand
& for several hours addressed the Saints in the power
of God
. Joseph had been absent from Kirtland on bus-
iness for the Church, though not half as long as Moses
was in the mount, & many were stir'd up in their
hearts & some were against him as the Israelites were
against Moses but when he arose in the power of
God in their midst, as Moses did anciently, they were
put to silence for the complainsers saw that he
stood in the power of a Prophet, O how weak is man. [Exodus 24:16-18] [Exodus 32]

~ Sunday

26 Sunday President Joseph Smith Jr again addressed the
congregation of the ^Saints^ in the power and spirit of God

~ Wednesday

March 1st I spent in school. This is my birth day brin[g]ing
me to 30 thirty years of age. How fleet is time.

~ Saturday

4 Saturday I spent in school during the day I was
called to lay hands upon Elder Sherwood's son that
was sick with the plurisy. He was deaf and dumb,
he was healed of his sickness

[upside-down and backwards text]
[end of upside-down and backwards text]

4 Thou scenes of life how variant, how trancient.

~ Sunday

5 Sunday wrote a Letter to my friends in the east

~ Wednesday

22 The last seventeen Days have been principly spent
in school I have attended some interesting
meetings during the time

~ Friday

March 24th I left school under view of spending
some time in studying History & preparing for the

Page 131

~ Thursday

March 23rd. I repaired to the house of the Lord at an early
hour in the morning to spend the day in prayer and fasting
with the saints in Kirtland, as this was a day set apart
for that purpose. Immediately after entering the house in com-
pany with several other Elders, I went within the veil and we
bowed down before the Lord in the Aronic stand & offer'd
a morning sacrifice, & the spirit of God rested upon us
with joy to our souls. I was called upon, by the Patriarch
JOSEPH to read a chapter in the book of Mormon I then
read the third chapter of the Book of Jacob, which contains the
parable of the tame olive tree likend unto the house of Israel
as was spake by the Prophet Zenos. The same God that
touched Isaiah's lips with hallowed fire, [Isaiah 6:7] gave Zenos great
wisdom in setting forth this parable. After I had made some
brief remarks upon the subject the congregation took
their seats, for the services of the day, in the following
order. The house being divided into four parts by veils,
the females occupied two parts & the males the others,
some of the presidency presided in each appartment
The time was taken up during the day in each appart-
ment in singing, exortation, & prayer, some had a tongue,
others an interpetation, & all was in order. The power
of GOD
rested upon the people the gifts were poured out
upon us some had the administering of angels & the
image of GOD sat upon the countenance's of the Sa[i]nts.
at 4 oclock PM. the veils were all rolled up together which
brough[t] the whole congregation in full view of each other
and while the presence of the LORD filled the house the
congregation of the Saints fell upon their knees & all as one
man, vocally poured forth rejoicing, supplication & Prayer,
before the God of Israel which closed the services of
the day, after contributing for the support of the poor [FIGURE]
{may move my spirit in my God he long [illegible shorthand] the blessings in the [illegible shorthand] while the moon gladdens the shades of night the} ever
{[illegible shorthand] of man when the center to his soul and interest vibrate his mind into with peculiar sensations not expressed with those
that cause with myself while the|shorthand} AMOR of GOD {and enjoying the} {friendship} {of a Saint} [FIGURE]
Page 132

~ Sunday

March 26th Sunday communed with the saints in the fore
part of the day. In the latter part, Elder W. Parrish
Preached the funeral sermon of Sister Pratt the
wife of Elder P. P. Pratt one of the twelve who
died March 25th 1837

~ Monday

March 27th I signed $50 fifty Dollars for the
building of the house of the Lord in Zion the
subscription list was in the hands of Elder
Elisha H. Groves

~ Sunday

April 2nd Attended worship in the Lords house upon
this sabbath day. I have spent the time for several
days past in perusing the Outlines of ancient and
modern HISTORY on a new plan, By Rev Royal
. It strikes the reflecting mind with deep
sensibility to contemplate the scenery of the
rise, progress, decline & fall of the Nations and
kingdoms of the earth from the days of ADAM
untill 1837 years aft^er^ Christ. And it is equally inter-
esting to contemplate the day that is now at
hand & hath already begun in fulfillment of
Ancient prophecy in bringing the church of
Christ out of the wilderness in esstablishing
Israel upon those lands by a Theocratical
in fulfillment of the conenants
God made with Abram Isaac & Jacob. As this
hath began in my day & I am called to act a part
in the work by being plaaced with the first Seventy
Elders of Israel to become a special witness
of Jesus Crist
to all Nations I need much faith
fortitude, holiness, & wisdom. May the Lord
enable me not to seek honour from man but
God & be faithful in clearing my garments of
the blood of Gentile & Jew and do honour to the
HOLY Priesthood & the Annointing that now awaiteth me

Page 133

~ Monday

April 3rd The day had now arived for preperations
for the solumn assembly the Annointing & the endowment
of the Elders of Israel or at least for those that were
not endowed in Kirtland the strong hold of the daughter
of Zion in the spring of 1836 & as I was absent
at that time my day is now come & my time at hand
for those blessings & I shall record the events of
each day of the endowment for the benefit of the
generation to come. I upon this third day of April
met in the house of the Lord with a number of the
seventies to receiev counsel respecting our
washing & anointing. I was appointed with Elder
G. Meeks to visit President F. G. Williams &
have the perfumes & oil prepared against the day
following I consider'd it a privilege to wait upon
the Elders of Israel in this thing that we might
become the annointed of the Lord according
to the words of the Poet & the Revelations

We'll wash and be washed and with oil be anointed
Withal not omit the washing of feet
For he that receiveth his PENNY appointed
Must surely be clean at the hearvest of wheat [Matthew 20:1-16]

After attending to the duties above spoken I repaired
to a room in company with Elder Meeks & Priest J Turpin
to attend to our first washing after washing our
bodies from head to foot in soap & watter we then
washed ourselves in clear watter next in perfumed
spirits the spirit of God was with us & we had a
spiritual time. We spent the evening with several
Elders in Prayer before God & the Power of God
rested upon us.

~ Tuesday

April 4th I met at the house of Elder Hales at one ^1^ oclock PM.
in company with twenty three Elders President Joseph
making one of the number for the purpose of
attending to the ordinance of washing the body with clean
watter & perfumes that our bodies might be prepared
for the anointing. President Young opened the meeting
by prayer we then proceded to the ordinance myself
& Elder G. W. Meeks were the first washed under

Page 134

the hands of President Joseph Young we then assisted
President Young in washing our Brethren the Elders
much of the spirit of God rested upon us I washed &
perfumed the bodies of a number of my Brethren
& the interview closed after ^after^ expressing our feelings to each
other. We again met together in the quorum of the Sev-
enties at the upper part of the Lords house at early
candle light to receieve our anointing. The quorums of
the Deacons, Teachers, & Priest occupied one apartment
the Elders another & the Seventies the third. each
quorums met for the anointing. Three of the presidents
met with the seventies viz H Aldrich J. Young and
Z. Coultrin. President Coultrin opened the meeting
by prayer & after conversing plainly to those who
were to be anointed they proceded to business the
presidency consecrated the oil before God that it
might be holy. The person to be anointed then took a
seat & the presidency then laid hands upon his head
& consecrated him unto God & then anointed him in
the name of the Lord & pronounced such blessings
upon his his head as the testimony of Jesus shall direct
which is the spirit of prophecy.

We had a
glorious season indeed in this solumn ordinance of the
house of the Lord there were fifteen annointed in
our quorum mostly by President Coultrin. the power
of God
rested upon us.

President Coultrin
anointed me & the following are some of the blessing
that he pronounced upon my head while clothed upon
by the spirit & power of God, viz. that God would
bless me with all the powers of the priesthood &
give me a multiplicity of blessing that kings would
tremble upon their thrones at my word, that I should
become a counsellor & multitudes should seek cou-
nsel at my mouth & I should have great wisdom

Page 135

& power to fly through the midst under heaven as Philip
travled by the spirit, [Acts 8:39] that I should have power over
my enemies & have long life to bring many into the
kingdom of God Also that I should have the riches
of the earth & that I should have sons & consecrate
them priests unto God in Zion & that I should tread
upon the ashes of my eniemies in Jackson County they
that had sought to take my life & the life of my breth
ren that went to redeem Zion & he Also sealed
upon my head all the blessing that had previously
been pronounced upon me & thes blessing were
sealed upon my head with a loud Amen from all
of the anointed present in the name of Jesus Christ
Much of the power & spirit of God & a sens of the
virtue of the ordinance rested upon me. May God
enable me to possess those blessing & obtain those
vishions that have been promised me in this &
other solumn ordinances & keep me from dish-
onouring my anointing & the Holy Priesthood
for Christ sake Amen.

The interview closed about
10 oclock P.M. I then repaired into the lower court of
the Lords house in company with Elders Joseph B.
& G. W. Meeks to spend the night (after being
anointed) in prayer & fasting before God the vales
being closed we entered the Elders pulpit & there
upon our knees we ple^a^d with God & we covenanted
with each other in the holy stand that we would not
give sleep to our eyes neither take food untill we
receieved a blessing from God by the outpourings
of his spirit upon us if it was untill the end of three
days and according to our covenant we commenced
praying & a part of the night we had a severe
trial of our faith by great temptation from Satan
but before day we gained a good degree of victory
over the Devil & the Lord poured out his spirit
upon us & we felt it good to be in the house of

Page 136

God while nature was hushed in silenced by the
sable shades of night. After spending the night
in prayer we returned to our homes in the morning
intending to spend the day in prayer & fasting for
still greater blessings this being upon

~ Wednesday

April 5th I spent a part of the day in attending the
high Council the remainder in writing, prayer, &
fasting I again repaired to the upper ^lower^ part of the
house of the Lord at 5 oclock PM. with the quorum
of the Seventies for a solumn assembly anointing
&c. Three out of the seven presidents were present
& anointed twelve the spirit of God sat upon us
& we were satisfied with our blessing conseque-
ntly I returned home with those brethren with
whom I had covenanted for a blessing & took some
food & retired to rest being 24 hours since we
had taken food or sleep. There was much of the
spirit of prophesy & revelation poured upon the
heads of the anointed in the diferent quorums

~ Thursday

April 6th [FIGURE] 1837. [Joseph Smith Papers Document] This being more part-
icular the day of the solumn assembly, or a day that
is looked upon an^n^ually with feeling of greater interest
in celebration of the 6th of April 1830 as upon
that day the church of Latter day Saints was first
organized in this last dispensation & fulness of times
Henceforth the solumn assembly of the Elders
of Israel
& all official members that can, will meet
in the LORDS house annually to attend to the most
solumn ordinances of the house of GOD & of receiev-
ing the visions & great things of heavens. Therefore
I shall be more particular in recording the transact-
ions of this day than others for it is sumthing simil-
ar to the pentecost that St Paul speak of at Jerrusalem [Acts 2]

I repaired to the house of the
at 8 oclock A.M. & after spending an hour in the
lower part of the house the presidency of the Church

Page 137

called the quorums of the seventies into the upper part
of the house that they might be by themselves for awhile
as theire was some business to be attended to in these
quorums before they could procede to the business of
the day below. In the first place six of the presidents
of the seventies were to leave the Seventies & take
a station in the quorum of the travling high priest
and six other Presidents chosen in their stead
I shall not here give the particulars of this change
of councillers suffice it to say that all of the
councillors first chosen excepting Joseph Young
were high priest befor the organization of the
seventies & they had a right to officiate in the
lower offices of the Church & there was some
difiference in the authority and office of the
quorums of high priesthood & seventies.

The six new Presidents chosen out of the seventies
to take the place of thos that were to leave
were John Gould, Josiah Butterfield, Salmon
, [blank] Foster, John Gaylard.

After this matter was aranged theire
was a glorious ordinance performed upon the heads
of those who had been anointed (by the first
presidency of the Church Joseph Smith jr Sidney
&c was this ordinance performed. it was
as follows. while all of the anointed present lifted
there hands towards heaven this first presidency
of the Church confirmed & sealed upon our
heads all the blessings of our ordination, anointing,
& Patriarchal with a seal in the presence of
God & the Lamb & holy angels that they should all
be fulfilled upon our heads that not one jot or tittle
should fail & the seal was confirmed upon our
heads with a shout of all the anointed with uplifted
hand to heaven HOSANNA. Hosanna. Hosanna. to
GOD & the LAMB. Amen. Amen. & Amen! Hosanna
Hosanna. Hosanna. to GOD & the LAMB. Amen—

Page 138

Amen. & Amen. & Hosanna. Hosanna. Hosanna. to GOD
& the LAMB. Amen. Amen. & Amen. This was repeated
as it is written & if ever a shout entered the cabinet of
heaven that did & was repeated by angels on high
& caused the power of God to rest upon us.

(O, ye Priest of Baal. O, ye Gentile religionest O, ye inha-
bitants of Babylon possessing the mark of the beast what
knowledge have ye of the ordinances or blessings or
virtues of the house & Church of God) Great and
marvelous are the blessings and power of the ordinan-
of the Lord & his gospel made manifest on these occas-
ions. After being in the upper room about two hours
we again Joined the congregation of the Saints in the
lower court & the house came to order for the busi-
ness of the day, the veils were closed & each apartment
commenced the duties of the day the washing of the
feet of the anointed was the first business that
was performed. The twelve assisted our presidency
in washing the feet. Elder Heber Kimble one of the twelve
apostles attended to the washing of my feet & prophesied
upon my head & pronounced me clean from the Blood
of this generation this as it was with JESUS when
he washed his deciples feet. great were the blessings
that rested upon us in this ordinance. After the washing
of feet
, the veils were rolled, which brought the con-
gregation into one assembly, the stand of the priesthood
were still coverd with the veils the Presidency stood
in the lower stand & President Joseph Smith jr arose
and addressed the congregation for the term of three
hours clothed with the power, spirit, & image of GOD
He unbosom'd his mind & feelings in the house of his
friends. He presented many things of vast importance to the
minds of the Elders of Israel. O that they might be written
upon our hearts as with an iron pen to remain forever
that we might practice them in our lives. That fountain
of light, principle & virtue that came forth out of

Page 139

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] the heart & mouth of the prophet JOSEPH whose
soul like Enoch's swell^d^ wide as eternity I say
such evidences presented in such a forcible manner
ought to drive into oblivion every particle of unbelief
& dubiety from the mind of the hearers, for such
language sentiment principle & spirit cannot
flow from darkness. Joseph Smith jr is a prophet
of God rised up for the deliverance of Israel as
true as my heart now burns within me while
I am penning thes lines which is as true as truth
itself. President Hiram Smith followed Joseph with
many useful remarks he also was clothed with much
of the spirit of God. Joseph desired us to give heed to his
words & teaching this once & be wigse that Zion &
her stakes might spedily be redeemed he instructed
us to be sure & [thask] those that enter the Kingdom
to send up their wise men to Kirtland with there money
to counsel with the presidency & purchase an interit
ance before they move their families or bring the
poor to the places of gathering for to suffer. Also
that we must keep in view the institution of the
Kirtland Safety Society & if the Elders of Israel
would be faithful & do what was in their power
this once Kirtland should spedily be redeemed &
become a strong hold not to be thrown down. Joseph
presented us in some degree the plot of the city
of Kirtland (which is the strong hold of the daughter
of Zion) as it was given him by vision, it was
great marvelous & glorious. the city extended to
the east, west, north, & south, steam boats will
come puffing into the city our Goods will be conve
yed upon rail roads from Kirtland to many places
& probably to Zion. houses of worship would be
reared unto the most high beautiful streets was
to be made for the Saints to walk in Kings of the
earth would come to behold the glory thereof

Page 140

& many glorious things not now to be named would
be bestowed upon the Saints, but all these thing are
better imagined than spoken by the children of Jacob

President Oliver Cowder followed
Hiram Smith & made but few remarks but verry
appropriate, he called upon the Elders to keep within
the bounds of their knowledge & to let the great miyster-
ies of the Kingdom alone for the gentiles had not
a knowledge even of the first principles of the
gospel. that it was far better to preach what the
people would call the small things of the Bible
than to enter into the vishions of Isaiah, Ezekiel,
& John &c.

President Sidney Rigdon
next spoke & said many important things and
impress'd it upon the Elders of Israel with great
force & eloquence to lay to with their mights this
once for the redemption of Kirtland that Israel
may be safe & free and have a place to set his foot
{for if we do not give heed to the word we should suffer loss}

After the Presidency closed
their remarks the twelve were called upon to
break bread for the multitude (as Jesus did in the days
of the Apostles) that they might all be filled they did so &
we were all filled & was made glad while feasting
with Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Evangelest, Pasters,
Teachers, & Deacons.

After the feast was
closed thanks was returned to GOD with uplifted hands
to heaven this being about the seting of the son all
had the privilege of returning to thir homes that felt
disposed & the rest might spend the night in the house
of the Lord
in prayer, & exohortation, praise & thanks-
giving. At about candle light the meeting commenced
with great interest Joseph requested the congregation
to speak their feelings freely & pray according to the spirit

Page 141

the Saints began to open their mouths & they were filled with
language unto edification one a prayer another an exortation
some a doctrin & a psalm others ^a^ toungue, some an
interpretation Prophecy was also poured out upon us
& all things was done decently & in order & the night
was spent gloriously by the Saints much of the gifts
of the gospel rested upon us. One Brother clothed
with the gift of tongues laid his hands upon my head &
prophesied great blessing upon me another brother
possessing the interpretation uttered it unto me to
my joy & consolation with the many blessing pronounced
upon my head he rehersed the blessing that Jacob
pronounced upon the heads of Joseph & said that
I should possess the blessings of heaven & of earth
& be much blessed in my ministry &c. [Genesis 48:3-4]

much Prophecy was uttered upon the heads of
many of the Saints in other languages & was interpeted
which was glorious, thus was this day & night spent
gloriously & those scenes will long be remembered
Rejoice O, earth & shout O heavens for the natural
fruit of the tame olive tree is again manifest in the
earth. the fig tree is puting forth leaves. The
Church of Christ is travling out of the wilderness
with her gifts & graces which edify the body of
. The house of God is reared in beauty &
splender according to the pattern given by the
vishions of heaven & the revelations of Jesus Christ
O, ye gentiles come & receieve the gospel repent &
be baptized for the remishion of your sins & recieve
the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands & partake
of the blessing of God with Israel that you may be
hid under the shadow of ^the^ ALMIGHTY in the day
of GODs wrath & Indignation upon babylon which is
at hand. The meeting continued untill break of
day when we all dispersed to our homes with great
Joy & consolation. May the Lord bless the Saints
& have mercy upon the poor the sick & the afflicted,
& deliver Israel from the gentile yoke for Jesus sake Amen

Page 142

~ Friday

April 7th [FIGURE] I spent the day in writing my Journal, & when
the shades of evening began to appear I repaired to the house
of the LORD
in company with Elders Milton Holmes,
& Joseph B MNobles for the purpose of worshiping God
we entered one of the stands within the veils & fell
upon our knees & Satan appeared also but not to
worship God but to deprive us of the privilege
Satan strove against us with great power by
tempting & otherwis he at one time drove me from
my stand while I was striving with my brethren
to enter into the visions of heaven Notwithstanding
his apparent victory good grew out of it for by going
into the outter court, I there found Elder Freeman
an aged father in Israel who was faithful
& Prayed to God alway I solicited him to Join us in prayer
that we might gain a victory over Satan & get a blessing
at the hand of God He joyfully accepted the invitation
& we again entered the stand being four of us in number
of one accord in one place. we had great cause to be
united in heart we all had travled together about 1,000
miles in the spring of 1834 for the redemption of
Zion we at that time offered to lay down our lives
& our offering was accepted as was Abram's. We felt
considering those circumstances that we could kneel
down & unitedly get a blessing by faith through Jesus
Christ we fell upon our Knees & began to cry unto
God Satan departed, tempation hfound ano place in
our harts The power of God rested upon us & we
were baptized with the Holy Ghost & the spirit of
was like fire fire shut up in our bones we were
immersed in the liberty of the sons of God many great
things were shown unto us the power of God & the
spirit of prophesy & revelation rested upon us I arose
& proclaimed many Glorious thing upon the heads of
my beloved brethreth that were present which were
dictated in my heart by the Holy Spirit. And I
Willford testify in the name of Jesus Christ that many
preciou[s] things were shown me concerning my brethren
by the Holy Spirit in prophecy & revelation. Our hearts
were made glad & we went our way rejoicing [FIGURE]

Page 143

~ Saturday

April 8th Spent the day in writing my Journal
Spent the evening at Elder Milicans in Good company

~ Sunday

9th Sunday morning I repaired to the house of
the Lord
to worship with the Saints Father John
opened the meeting by prayer then read the
twelvth chapter of the second Book of Nephi &
preached from it unto the people. In the latter
part of the Day Elder Kimble addressed the Saints
in the power of God. Elder O. Pratt followed with few
remarks after communion. President S Rigdon
addressed the congregation & laid before theirm
their situation as to temporal things, as the gentiles
are striving to besiege the Saints in kirtland &
would be glad to starve the Saints to death. He also
stated that the Presidency had used every means
for the deliverance of the Church but as many of
the Church had refused Kirtlan couurrency which
was their temporal salvation in consequence
of this they put strength in the hands of their
enemies & those that had done this thing must
suffer by it Sidney closed and

Joseph arose & like the lion
of the tribe of JUDAH [Revelation 5:5] he poured out his soul
in the midst of the congregation of the Saints
but who can find lang^u^ague to write his words
& teachings as with an iron pen in a rock that
they may stand for future generation to look
upon. A fountain of knowledge rolled from
his mouth to the people which was the word of
. Yea in the name of God he proclaimed
that severe Judgment awaited those characters
that professed to be be his friends & friends
to humanity & the Kirtland Safety Society
But had turned tr[a]itors & opposed the curr-
ency & its friends which has given power into
the hands of the enemy & oppressed the poor
Saints such have become covenant Break-
ers for which they will feel the wrath of God
as true as Joseph is a prophet

Page 144

Joseph uttered the feelings of his soul in pain while
viewing the poverty & afflictions of Ephraim or
the Saints in Kirtland at least that fals brethren
should be whited walls [Acts 23:3] & bring perrils upon the
Saints. Joseph is as a father to Ephraim & to all
Israel in these last days, he mourns because
of unbelief & the negligence manifest with ma-
ny who have receieved the gospel in obeying
the commands of God he fears lest ^but^ few
be left to receieve an inheritance. There is
not a greater man than Joseph standing in
this generation. The gentiles look upon him
& he is to them like bed of Gold conceled
from human view: they know not his prin-
ciple, his spirit, his wisdom, virtue, phylanthr-
opy, nor his calling. His mind like Enoch's
swells wide as eternity Nothing short of a
God can comprehend his soul

~ Monday

April 10th I wrote two letters to the land
of Zion one to Elder A. O. Smoot & the
other to Elder Alexander

A conference of Elders is to be held at
Mane Aug 12th & 13th AD 1837 on Saturday & Sunday

Direct a letter to Freeman Nickerson South Dennis Post office
Barnstable County Massachusetts

My first acquaintance with Miss Phebe W. Carter was
on the eve of the 28th of Jan[uary] 1837 at which time I
was introduc'd to her at Elder Milliken's by the politeness
of Elder M. Holmes after two & half months acquai-
ntance we were joined in Matrimony the account of
which will be found ion the following pages

Page 145


WILLFORD WoOODRUFF. Born March 1st 1807

PHEBE W. CARTER. Born March 8th 1807

~ Thursday

April 13th 1837. Marriage being an institution
of heaven & honourable in all, I accordingly
accepted the honour, upon this memorial day,
by joining hands with Miss PHEBE W. CARTER
in the bonds of matrimony and took upon ourse-
lves the marriage covenant. Elder Johnathan
Also took the same responsibility
upon himself at the same time by giving his hand
to Miss Mary Carter in the marriage coven
nant. We were married at the house of
President JOSEPH SMITH, Jr The ceremony
was solemnized by President Frederick G.
President J. Smith Sen the Patriarch
then blessed us in the name of the Lord and
pronounced great Blessings upon us & our
posterity. President J. Smith Jr was expecting
to solemnize the ceremony, but his life was
so beset & sought for by wicked and ungodly
mem for the testimony of JESUS, that he was
under the necessity of fleeing from his house
& home for a few days. O when will the
prophets of ^God^ rest upon the earth.

We were married at 2 oclock PM
and at 4 PM. the whole company consisting
of about 16 couple walked from President
J. Smiths, to President S Rigdons whare we
were gratifyed with the privilege of seeing Elder
George Robinson & Miss Thalia Rigdon also
Joined in matrimony by President F G Williams
The company dispersed at the sitting of the
sun I spent the night at President Joseph
Smiths May the Lord bless us all with salvation

Page 146

The sun in the east arose, to
gladden earth & shed oe'r nature
his pleaseing beams to wellc-
ome the return of delightful spri
ng that drearry winter might
be forgotten. No day more pleas-
ing than April thirteenth 1837
while all nature smiled without
friendships purest joys were
felt beneath a prophets roof
whare the brides and bri-
desgroom found a welcome
reception. While by law with
the nuptial cord their hands
were bound their congenial
hearts in one, lay cemented
bearing the seal of Eternal life.
Their friendship formed from
principle pure, virtue unsul[li]ed,
bid refinement oe'r those
hearts to rule, possessing the
love of GOD the ownly founda-
tion of true friendship. True
the prophet Joseph from his wife,
children, & house for a mome
nt had fled had torn himself
from their embrace in some
lonely place to seek a shelter
to escape the bloodthirsty
gentiles hands against him ra-
ised for bearing the testimo-
ny of Jesus Christ. A
Patriarch yet was left. He
Possessing a Holy Priesthood
more ancient than his gray
hairs arose upon his feet to
bless in the name of GOD the
married four. Being clothed
in the spirit through the power of
the priesthood he pronounced
upon the wedded heads and their
posterity blessing that ne'r decay

While heaven smiles
upon the Elders of Israel friendship
presents each with a bride as a help
whose prayers will be waft
ed by a more holy breeze than
wind up to the throne of GOD for
their companions while bound
in chains & vaults in prisons
cast for the word of God &
the testimony of Jesus. These
feeble words inspire their harts
to call on God that he may here
& send deliverance to the
bridegroom in distance lands
while under Zions banner the
bride finds protections.

O heaven protect
the four that they their cove-
may fulfill that friend-
ship may grow old purbut pure
and strong as death that pea
ce and harmony may crown
their lives. Let God direct
their steps their hearts posse
ss his love while personal fri
endship joins their hearts and
hands in one may light and
truth their way direct untill
they meet the great bridegroom

{True friendship is everlasting}

Page 147

~ Saturday

Receieved April 15th 1837

At a blessing meeting held at the LORDs house in Kirtland
Ohio on the 15th day of April AD. 1837. Joseph
Smith Sen
the Patriarch of the Church of latter
day Saints
confered a blessing upon the head of
Willford Woodruff son of Aphek Woodruff
born in Farmington Hartford County Conn[ecticut]
March the 1st 1807

My Beloved Brother I lay my
on thy head in the name of JESUS CHRIST
the Son of the living GOD and seal a blessing on
thy head which shall reach thy posterity a seal that
shall not be taken from thee. I bless thee as Melchisedeck
blessed Abram when he returned from the slaughter
of the ten kings. [Genesis 14:17-20] I confer on the[e] all the blessings of
Abram Isaac and Jacob which includes all blessings
both temporal and spiritual, the blessings of heaven &
the blessing of the earth, thou shalt have all the power
and authority of the Melchesedeck priesthood. Thou
hast a great work to do in the earth. Thou shalt visit
many barberous tribes of the earth, they shall seek
to take thy life; yet God will give the[e] power and wisdom
to frustrate their designs. Thou shalt be blessed with
posterity, thy sons shall receieve the priesthood and dbe
an ornament to the church of Christ, yea they shall be
great men in the earth, thou shalt be honor'd by them
and they shall call thee blesed. I place a seal on
thy head & no power shall be able to take it from thee
if thou art faithful in keeping the commandments of
of God. This ^seal^ shall guard thee against the destroyer.
Thou mayest have the administration of the angels
of heaven, an Holy angel shall soon administer unto

Page 148

thee and reveal unto thee thy duty yea and give unto
the[e] many instructions. Thou shalt have the spirit of God
to instruct thee in thy mission and lead thee into all truth
thou shalt be filled with the spirit of God. Thine eyes shall
be opened to look within the veil and behold the things of
eternity. ^Yea the Lord of glory shall appear unto thee thou shalt put thy hands upon
his feet and feel his wounds with thy hands that thou mayest be a special witness
of his name^ Thou shalt understand great mysteries in this
generation, Yea all the mysteries of the kingdom of God
and the wisdom of God shall cleave unto thee. I seal
all of thy former blessings on thy head and they shall be
fulfiled. Thou shalt be a great man in the earth. Thy inte
llectual powers shall be preserved and thy understan
ding shall be great. God has looked on thee from all
eternity and has known thy Blood thou art a des^c^end-
ent of JOSEPH. Thou shalt stand in the flesh & wit
ness the winding up scene of this generation Thou shalt
remain on the earth to behold thy sSavior come in the clouds
of heaven. Thou shalt be numbered with the one hundred
forty and four thousand and shall stand upon Mount
and shall sing a song that no man can learn or
sing except thy company. Thou shalt have access to the
treasures hid in the sand to assist thy necessities. An angel
of God shall show thee the treasures of the earth that thou
mayest have riches to assist thee in gathering many orphan
children to Zion. Thou art one of the horns of Joseph to
push the people together to the ends of the earth. [Deuteronomy 33:17] No power
shall stay thee. At thy word the winds shall be stayed. Thou
shalt walk upon the waters at thy command the waters
shall be divided, Prisons, chains, and vaults shall not hold thee ^for thou shalt rend them in twain^
thou shalt be deliverd out of the hands of thy enemies by
the mighty power of God and by the prayer of faith. Thou
shalt have great blessing Thou art of the Blood of Ephraim
if thou will claim it by faith thou mayest bring all of thy rela-
tives into the kingdom of God ^see Vol 2nd July 1, 1838^ for they are of the blood of Ephraim
In the name of Jesus Christ I seal this blessing on thy head by
the authority of the Holy Priesthood I seal thee up unto
Eternal Life even so. AMEN [FIGURE]

Page 149

Receieved 10th NOV. AD 1836

At a blessing meeting held in the Lords house in Kirtland Ohio
on the 10th day of NOV AD 1836 Joseph Smith, Sen the
Patriarch of the Church of Latter Day Saints confered a
blessing upon the head of Phebe W Carter born in
Scarborough, Cumberland County, state of Main the
8th of March 1807.

Sister in the name of Jesus of
Nazareth and by the Power of the Holy Priesthood which
God hath confered upon me I lay my hands on thy head &
place a seal on thy forward and if thou art faithful and
keep the commandments of God No power shall take it
off it shall be a seal against the destroyer No blessings
in heaven shall be twoo great for thee Thou hast thought
much on thy Redeemer. Thou must call on God the Father
in the name of his son and he will open the heavens and
rend the vail that thou mayest see the Son of man stand
on the right hand of Power. Thou hast suffered in former
days by being deprived of friends unto whom thou couldst
unbosom thy mind; thou hast sorrowed in the night season
and in solitary places, no one knew thy sorrow or saw
thy tears but God thy Father be comforted for thy
troubles are over and God will pour out his blessings to
thee. Thou shalt have long life and see good days. Thou
shalt be the Mother of many children they shall be an
ornament to the church of Chrrist. Thy husband shall
be a man of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Let thy heart be comforted and have faith in God and his
word. Thou shalt labour in the Temple of the Lord thy
God. Thou shalt teach thy companions the ways of
righteousness thou shalt have many temporal blessing,
riches shall flow in unto thee and thou shalt rejoice

Page 150

Willford Woodruff & Phebe W. Carter
was Joined in Marriage April 13th AD. 1837

rather than complain thou must put thy whole trust
in God. ^thou art of the blood of Ephraim^ thou shalt have a celestial crown Thou shalt
have a residence in Zion and do a great work, there
Thou shalt sew the vail of the Temple and rejoice
in the work of thy hands. If thou wilt keep the comm-
andmendts thou shalt have all of thy friends they shall
be members of the covenant I seal all of these blessings
on thy head in the name of Jesus I seal thee up unto
Eternal Life. AMEN AND AMEN


Solemn and interesting are the scenes and living
realities of the present generation of the human
family. The reflecting mind may flit back with
the rapidity of lightning to the day when GOD spake
and chaos herd and this world came into order, then
from the days of ADAM trace the history of man
down to 1830 years after Christ both sacred and
profane and place their history in a point of light
to comprehend in one combined mass all the rise,
progress, decline, and fall of all the nations, kindgdoms,
and empires of the earth and they do not form a more
compounded scenery of grand awful sublime and
important events than is to transpire in this last dispens-
of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The prophets and Apo
stles & all inspired men of God in every age of a theocrat-
ical govermment
have looked, spake, & written respecting
this generation with feelings of the deepest interest. In 1830 the
stone began to roll. The Church & body of Christ became vis-
ible It will continue to be propeled by the arm of JEHOVAH
untill the kingdom fills the whole earth & Israel gatherd, Babylon
falls & Christ reigns. [Daniel 2:34-35] Then marvel not O ye reader that the Patr-
iarch Joseph pronounces blessings upon the children of EPHRAIM

Page 151

~ Thursday

April 20th Spent this day in the house of the Lord
in prayer and fasting with the congregation of the
Saints. Much of the power, gifts, and graces of the gospel
was poured out upon us. speaking and interpeting of
was manifest in the congregation one brother
sung a lengthy song in tongues & sister Hide interpeted the
same it was great & glorious much of it was respecting
the fame of Joseph and his magnus works

~ Friday

April 21st I received of Mrs Phebe W Woodruff April 21.
$37 Dollars. I paid $37 dollars of the same to Elder
Harvy Redfield for Jacob Bump which balanced all
of my account with them both. I paid $5 dollars to Elder
HEber Kimble {Elder M Holmes and Solon Foster were witnesses of my paying the money}

~ Saturday

April 22nd Receieved a Letter from my father in Law
Ezra Carter under date of April 9th

~ Sunday

30th Spent the last week labouring with my hands
for Elder H. Kimble

~ Monday

May 1st Mrs Woodruff &with myself removed our
boarding place to Elder W Parrishes whare we
tarry for the present

~ Friday

5th While labouring for Elder J. Young in the
latter part of the day we experienced a
verry sudden, hard, & rapid storm of wind
and rain a vane of it passed south of
the temple in the form of a whirl wind or
tornado it destroyed and injured several
buildings it crushed one of Elder Young buildi-
ngs instantly and removed the one we were in
yet no lives were lost nor persons injured soon
all was calm again

~ Wednesday

10th Brother Henry Harmon arived in Kirtland
from the state of Maine and Mrs Woodruff
receieved nine Letters from our friends in the
state of Maine

Page 152

~ Sunday

May 14th we wrote two Letters to our friends in
the state of Maine

~ Tuesday

23rd Spent several of the Last weeks in labour-
ing with my hands for Elder Joseph Young. Spent
the fore part of this day in attending a Patriarch-
al meeting I wrote a Patriarchal Blessing for
Brother Henry Harmon

~ Thursday

^25th I comenced boarding
with Elder Jonathan H. Hale^

~ Saturday

27th I wrote a Patriarchal Blessing, as it was delivered
from the mouth of the Patriarch JOSEPH, for
Elder Rufus ^M^ Lord

~ Sunday

28th Sunday I repaired to the house of the Lord to worship
the GOD of Israel with the congregation of the Saints in Kirt
. Behold, it was a day of experience, of interest, & of
Knowledge. The same spirits of murmering, complaining, & of
mutiny, that I spake of in Feb 19th in this journal, hath not
slept from that day to the present they have been brewing
in the family circle in the secret chamber & in the streets
untill many & some in high places had risen up against
Joseph the servent whom God had raised up to lead Israel
and they were striving to overthrow his influence &
cast him down untill Joseph was grieved in spirit to stand
in such perils among fals brethren. But notwithstand-
ing this thick cloud of darkness standing over Kirtland Joseph
being unmoved in the cause entered the congregation of
the Saints arose in the stand & spake to the people in the
name of the Lord in his own defence the Lord was with
him by his power & spirit to the convinceing of the honest
that he would stand & his enemies fall. Sidney followed
him with an able discourse & several others spake
in the spirit in the spirit of God maintaining Joseph
in his integrity. But; Alas, one arose, once a friend,
(not now) in the blackness of his face & corruption of
his heart stretched out his puny arm and proclaimed
against Joseph. Joseph acted wisely while all saw the
spirit of his foe O, {Warren Warren} when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren
O my God deliver me from such a crime I pray thee

Page 153

~ Monday

May 29th I met in the house of the Lord to attend
an important conference or meeting of the
high councel to attend to some important
business of the Church let memory speak upon
this subject two {of the presidency} two {of the Twelve and} one {of the Seventy
were stood before the council for aggressing} it was considered
not {lawful to} try {the president} before the high counceil
but before the Bishop the Presidents withdrew
the counscil closed without transacting business

^I met with the quorum of Seventies 20 times from Jan to May 30th^

~ Tuesday

30th Rode to Panesville in company with the
Presidency & many other official members
of the Church of latter day Saints for the
purpose of attending a court, President Joseph
Smith jr
was accused of endangering the life
of Newel this was done out of spite not becaus
he was guilty of the charge the court adjour-
ned untill Saturday following we then returned
home distance of the day 18 miles

I spent the evening in prepareing myself to
go fourth from Kirtland into the eastern
country on a mishion to again proclaim the
gospel of Jesus Christ in company with some
of my brethren may the Lord prosper our way

~ Wednesday

May 31st The day had now arived for me to take the
parting hand with the saints in Kirtland and again
go into the vineyard to proclaim the word of God.
I accordingly took my departure from Mrs Woodruff
my companion & Sister Hale who were expecting
to tarry together for a season. I then left Kirtland
in good spirits in company with Elder Hale we walked
to Fairport 12 miles I there took the steem Boat
Sandusky in company with Elders J. H. Hale and

Page 154

M. Holmes at 12 oclock we reached Buffaloo at 6 oclock
in the morning the 1st day of June the ice was still in lake
distance of the day 1824 miles fare to Buffaloo
$2.50 cts.

~ Thursday

JUNE 1st We went aboard the Indiana
the U. S. A. line capt foot on the Erie canal, travled
as follows from Buffaloo to Black Rock 4 miles

Black Rock to Tonawanta 8 miles, Lockport
19m, Royalton 8 m, Middleport 4, Medina 6, Albion 10,
Holley 10, Brockport 5, distance of the day 74 miles

~ Friday

2nd from Brockport to Spencer's Basin 10 miles
Rochester 10m Pittsford 10m Bushnells Basin 3m
Palmyra 16 Port Gybson 5, Newark 3, Lyons 7 miles
distance of the day 64 miles

~ Saturday

3rd Clyde 9, Montezuma 11, Port Byron 6,
Weedsport 3, Jordan 6 Canton 6, Camillus 5 miles
Syracuse 9 miles distance of the day 45 miles

4th Sunday [FIGURE] Fare to Syracuse $2.86 cts

~ Sunday

4th Sunday walked from Syracuse to Richland
Oswego Co N Y. whare I was again blessed with the
privilege of taking my Brethren after the flesh by
the hand viz Azmon & Thompson Woodruff I had
not seen either of them before for three years I
found cousisn Eldad Woodruff with them. I found
sumthing of a coldness manifest towards me &
my brethren because of our religion from my Brot-
hers household esspecially from Elizabeth my
Brothers wife. Notwithstanding it was against the
principal of my Brothers family to receieve us
for the night we were permited to sup with them
when one of my former Neighbours Mr Walter Menter
gave us a place to lay our heads for the night which
we gladly accepted. 2nd Timothy 3rd ch. 3 v. O, scenes of
lifiefe how variant, how trancient, how painful thou art
36 miles

Page 155

~ Monday

June 5th I called in the morning at Brother Azmons &
conversed with him & Also Brother Thompson upon
temporal as well as spiritual subjects Neither of them
manifested amy hardness towards me in the morning but
both appeared affected Brother Azmon said he was
still seeking for light & truth & should not have left
the truth or the Church of latter bay Saints had it not
been for his temptations trials &c. But I commended
him to God & was under the necessaity of taking the
parting hand and perhaps for the last time of my Brethren
and their household amid some painful sensations
with a firm belief theirre will be a change in their house
hold which sentiment I expressed to Azmon, let
time determin the fact. I could say in my heart
Lord have mercy upon my Brethren my kinsman
after the flesh, yet I could not say as I left the
threshhold of his house. ({Halea tibou}, {good be to you}
{good be to} you) as I could have done had we been receieved
in the name of the Lord. We then walked to Sister
Calvins & Elder Duchers in Jeffersons County
distance of the day 24 miles

~ Tuesday

6th Travled to Sacketts Harbour visited the Amer-
ican Garrison which was beautiful for situation
had an interview with Brother Archibal Patten, at
10 oclock PM. we took passage on board the Oneida at
Sacketts Harbor and crossed Lake Ontario to
Kingston in the province of upper Canida this is the
first time my feet have trod the soil of the kings
dominions (after spending several hours in Kingston we walked
to Kingston mills in the morning of the 7th)
distance of the 6th day 50 miles

~ Wednesday

7th Spent the night at Kingston Mills distance 5 miles
fare from Sacketts Harbour to Kingston $1.00

Page 156

~ Thursday

June 8th we took the steem boat at 8 oclock at Kingstons
mills to go up the canal we passed through a swamp
of about 12 miles in length which abounded with fir such
as muskrat, auter [otter] beaver, &c from Brewers mills
we passed through Crambary marsh to Jones's falls
where the boat passed through four locks which were
built by the British government & supposed to be
the most splended works in America they cost four
hundred thousand dollars, being $100,000 dollars each
notwithstanding these magnus works the face of
the country around them presents a scene of the
most gloomy aspect such as a rocky, hilly, barren,
uncultivated conuntry we left the boat at the locks
& walked to Brother Arteamus Judd's in the township
of Bastard Leads County U P C where we were
Joyfully receieved by the Saints of God who were
raised up through Elders J. E. Page & J. Blacksleys
instrumentality & was much rejoiced to here of the work
of the Lord
prospering in their hands distance of the day 34 m

~ Friday

9th Spent the day at Brother Judds in writing

~ Saturday

10th We had an interview with Elders John E. Page,
& James Blakesley we accompanied them to the
place appointed for a conference in the Township
of Bastard, Leeds County, Upper Canida. the confer-
ence consisted of 13 Elders, 5 Priest, 8 Teachers,
and 6 Deacons, besides a large congregation of Saints
Elder J. E. Page was chosen President & Brother
William A Weston was appointed clerk. I was called
upon to open the conference by prayer the conference
then proceded to business There was eight branches of the
Church represented consisting of 300 members in all
There was 32 Brethren presented for ordination
Elder William Draper & myself were called upon to
ordain them we then arose & ordained 7 Elders and

Page 157

9 Priests, 11 Teachers & 5 Deacons this with some
other business composed the business of the day. meeting
closed & we retired to our places of abode in peace I
accompanied several of my brethren to Elder Stodards
whare we spent the night distance of the day 8 miles

~ Sunday

June 11th I was called upon to address the conference in
the forepart of the Day it was with peculiar feelings that
I arose to address a large congregation of Saints raised
up in another nation under an other Government seperate
from mine own nation for this was the first time that I arose
to address a congregation of Saints under the British govern-
ment I addressed the people from 2nd Cor. IV. ch. 3, 4 verses
the spirit of the Lord was with us & we were blessed
after I closed, the Saints spake with tongues and
prophesyed. five presented themselves for baptism which
was administered unto them by Elder Page after an
intermishion. Elder Page addressed us upon the priesthood
& bore strong testimony to the people. Our conference
closed by returning thanks to God & we took the parting
hand with many Brethren & Sisters I returned with several
Elders to Elder Stodards to spend the night, & there was a
woman present who was possessed with the devil she
was oft times dumb & greatly afflicted by the evil spirits
that dwelt in her. She believed in Jesus Christ of Nazareth
and us as his servent & called upon us to cast the
devil out of her according to her request four of us
lade hands upon her & commanded the devil in the
name of JESUS CHRIST to depart out of her & it
was immediately done & the woman arose with great
joy & gave thanks & prase unto God for according to
her faith she was made whole from that hour. A
child also that was sick was made whole by the laying
on of hands
according to the word of God See Mark 16 ch 17th 6 mile

Page 158

~ Monday

June 12th I took the parting hand with Elders Page & Blakesley
& many other Saints & travled in company with 6 other
brethren to the branch of Church in leeds distance 30 miles
We met together in the evening at Brother Carnes &
bore testimony to the work in which we are ingaged Elders
John Goodson, H. Hale M Holmes & John Snider followed
each other in testimony I then followed them the spirit of
of God
rested upon us all. I called upon Sister Carnes to
present before us two of her children which were sick
one was a suckling child lay at the point of death I took
it in my arms presented it before the Elders they lade
their hands upon it while in my arms & we healed it in
the name of Jesus Christ & I returned it whole to its Mother
the other child was also healed the Parents praised God
for his goodness I spent the night at Brother Eeton's

~ Tuesday

13th I took the parting hand with the Saints in the Leeds
Church & walked in company with several Elders to
Kingston in Upper Canida on the shore of lake Ontario
a place containing 5 or 6 thousand inhabitants Spent the
night in Kingston distance of the day 26 miles

~ Wednesday

14th I had an interview, in the streets of Kingston, with
Brother's John Gribble & Isaac Russel at 12 oclok we
went on board the Great Britian J Whitney capt. We
reached Oswego at 7 PM 60 miles fare $1.00 dollar
left Oswego in the line boat Maumee & travled 18 m[iles]
during the night the whole distance 78 miles

~ Thursday

15th Travled 18 miles to Syracuse & we went on board
the Saint Joseph at 5 oclock P.M travled to Rome 45 m[iles]
the whole distance of the day 63 miles

~ Friday

16th travled to Utica 15 miles. We left Utica at 3 oclok
P.M. in a rail car and reached Schenectady at 8 oclock
being but 5 hours in travling 80 miles here we took
the parting hand with three of our beloved brethren that
had journe'd with us from Canada viz. Elder John Goodson
and Priest's Isaac Russel & John Snider thes brethren
were bound for the city of New York to Join two of the

Page 159

twelve in leaveing New York for England on the 20th day
of JUNE AD 1837 to carry glad tidings of salvation
to the inhabitants of Europe. Heber C Kimble & Orson Hyde
were the first appointed to open the kingdom to England
they are the two twelve above spoken of and will leave
America on the 20th for that purpose accompanied by five
other brethren. May the God of Israel be with them & make
them an instrument in his hands of rending the kingdoms of
this world. After parting with these brethren who, con-
tinued on the rail road to Albany we walked 5 miles from
Schenectady & spent the night at a tavern the whole
Distance of the day was 100 miles

~ Saturday

JUNE 17th I walked in company with Elder's Hale & Holmes
to Mr Browns tavern distance of the day 33 miles
we visited Albany & crossed the ferry into Greenbush
I had an unexpected visit or interview with Doct Slater from
Richland Oswego County N Y.

~ Sunday

18th Walked from Browns through a part of Mass[achusetts]
into Canaan, Litchfield Co. Connecticut & while I was
delighted to again set my feet upon the soil of Connecticut
my native state my soul was filled with joy to find
myself permited to strike hands with one of the Elders
of Israel
raised up in the state it was Elder Gibson Smith
who was presiding o^vr^ the Canaan branch he receieved
us kindly & bade us welcome, a meeting was appointed
and I preached to the people amid the most silent attention
in the academy distance of the day 33 miles

~ Monday

19th We walked from Brother Smith's to Mr Jesse Moses
whare we found Priest Julian Moses & a number of
brethren & Sisters & we rejoiced together distance 7 miles
Spent the night at Brother Francis K Benedict I was
informed my father Aphek Woodruff had mooved from
Colebrook to Farmington his former place of residence

~ Tuesday

20 Spent the day in writing. On this important day the Elders
of Israel
leave New York for Europe {Oh bless them great God of Israel}

Page 160

~ Wednesday

June 21st Rode to Elder G Smith's distance 6 miles

~ Thursday

22nd Returned to Brother Benedict from thence to I
walked in company with Fracis K Benedict jr to beach hill
in Colebrook, Litchfield County Con[necticut] here I had the
happy privilege of again embracing my sister Eunice
face to face we saluted each other with a harty
shake of the hand {and a kiss} it had been five years since we
last parted with each other. I found sister Eunice teaching
school in the rock schoolhouse near Alpha Sage's after
an interview & dining with my sister we visited the Still-
man neighbourhood in order to find Elder Dexter Stillman
from thence we walked to Mr Daniel Nortons in New
Barkshire Coun[ty] Mass from thence to Father
F. Benedict's the whole distance 40 miles

~ Friday

23rd Spent the day in writing at Brother Benedicts

~ Saturday


24th We met in conference at Mr Jesse Moses in Canaan, Litchfield
County, Con[necticut] to transact such business as might be laid before us
The conference was composed of the following Elders. Willford
Woodruff, Jonathan H Hale, Milton Holmes, Dexter Stillman,
& Gibson Smith & Priest Julian Moses. Elder W Woodruff
was called to the chair & Priest J. Moses appointed clerk. The meet-
ing opened by prayer & busines called for Two was presented for
ordination & after having the vote of the Church, W. Woodruff
ordained Julian Moses & Francis K Benedict to the office [of] an Elder
the spirit of God rested upon us in this ordinance. {A difficult case was brought before
the conference but it being illegally consented after investigation it was dropped} after transacting the business
of the day the conference adjourned to meet on the morrow at
10 oclock

~ Sunday

25th Sunday met according to adjournment. Elder M Holmes preached
to the people and had great liberty of speach & was followed by
the testimony of three Elders. Elder W. Woodruff preached in the
latter part of the day from the parable of the pr vineyard by the
prophet Zenas & meeting closed by singing The Spirit of God &c
after meeting we took the parting hand from Elder's M Holmes & J. Moses
who started on a mission to the town of Mansfield Con

Page 161

~ Monday

June 26th I Took the parting hand with the Saints in the Canaan
Branch & walked to New Marlborough Berkshire County, Mass., in
company with Elders J. H. Hale & D. Stillman. We preached at night in the
schoolhouse spent the night at Mr Dan Nortons distance 4 miles

~ Tuesday

27th Walked to Mr Charles D. Palmers Preached at night in the schoolhouse
in the south parish, spent the night at Col Palmers. distansce, 5 miles.

~ Wednesday

June 28th. I walked from Col. Palmers to the rock schoolhouse in
Colebrook, with Elder Hale. Here I found my sister Eunice still employed
in teaching school. I had a short interview with Mr Alpha Sage. I spent
the latter part of the Day accompaning Sister Eunice in her school
a verry interesting time I had to behold my sister which I had left five
years before at our fathers house ownly twelve years of age now
teaching the youth with shineing accomplishments that grace the female
sex. While she was teaching her pupils she presented me with a bundle
of Letters, fifteen of them were the production of Brother Asahel's pen
I perused them with great interest, their contents presen[t]ed a great
variety. After school Sister Eunice accompanied me to Mr Jonathan
After supper I took the parting hand with Eunice and in
company with my Brethren Hale, and Dexter Stillman, I held a meeting
in the schoolhouse in the evening. I preached the gospel of Jesus Christ
unto the people & bore testimony unto the truth of the Book of
. I spent the night at Mr Samuel Griswold {distance} 13 miles

Yes at 11 oclock AM I entered the school
taught by Sister Eunice Woodruff. Five
hours I spent within its walls amid as
great variety of sensations as ever vibr-
ated my bosom. I beheld my sister my
ownly sister seventeen years of age,
adorned with youth, modesty, and lovlin-
ess, her face veile'd with the true
picture of PHILO. With a degree of
admiration I gaz'd upon the change five
years had brought upon her. Her spri-
ghtly step with energy was marked wh-
ile teaching the young. To more per-
fectly call to mind the recollection of
youth and past scenes and to enterta-
in my mind amid the passing hours, this
Sister presented me, with a cheerful
grace, a bundle of Letters from an
absent Brother. I look'd them throu
gh and throug, they pressed my soul
with feelings. Asahel yes thy letters
I read fifteen in number to thy sister
directed. They brought to my soul as
great ^a^ variety of feelings, as matter they
contained. They presented before they ^my^
mind ^view^ the display of a cultivated mind
and the refineed talents of a brother
presented to a sister with the most
untarnished friendship, and deepest
feeling for her wellfare that can grace
the human soul. Such teaching as
those to Eunice directed if followed
by the female youth would lead them
by a thousand snares. The name of
Willford was mentioned oft {I think
he mistakes my call} (O, GOD protect my Brothers,
my sister, my wife, and my Parents,
for Jesus sake) While at once I vie
wed this three years convers of Asahel
I smiled, I wep't. Eunice preserve those
in memory of a brothers LOVE. I left
the house and by my sisters side I
viewed the Colebrooke landscapes as
we walked. O I spake of Asahel, I tho
ught of him. We visited our Parents dw
elling at Sages mills, but they had gone to
Farmington. Stumps & stones, house and
all looked natural, the house I visited no
parent or brother was there, all silent as
death. I drop'd a tear, Eunice pluck'd a rose
as we left we was soon receieved dby
Jonathan Stillmans took a seat at his board
and closed the scene

How pleasing and how painful are the scenes of life

Page 162

~ Thursday

June 29th Spent the day in writing walked in the evening to
Colebrook river Litchfield County Con[necticut] preached at night
in the methodist meeting house Spent the night at the house
of Wid[ow] Mills distance of the day 4 mils

~ Friday

30th We had an interview with a methodist priest he rejected
our testimony & said that God had neither body or parts & that
it was rediculous to worship one that had. We told him the God we wo-
rshiped had both body & parts & warned him to repent, and left him
in our walk Elders Stillman, Hale and myself dined in the field
upon a rich repast of strawbury's we walked to William Smiths
and preached at the schoolhouse and spent the night at Elias Crane
distance of the day 8 miles

~ Saturday

July 1st Walked to Deacon Daniel Stillmans Preached to him
he rejected our testimony I warned him to repent &c. from
thence we walked to Melven Smiths and spent the night 5 miles

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday we preached at the methodist meeting house I
preached upon the authanticity of the Book of mormon from thence
we walked to Mr Fineas Bidwell preached at his house & spent
the night distance of the day 7 miles

~ Monday

3rd We left Mr Bidwell and beach hill and repaired to a stream of
pure water aside from the abodes of men and in company
with my brethren Elders Stillman & Hale and myself we
clensed our hands and feet in testimony against the inhabitan-
ts of beach hill who had rejected us and our testimony
from thence we walked to Brother William B. French in
North Canaan distance of the day 10 miles

~ Tuesday

4th INDEPENDANCE. I walked in company with Elder Hale to
Brothers Benedict and Moses after dining with the friends I proc-
ured a horse to ride to Colebrook post office and to visit Sister
Eunice I found two papers at Sages store directed to father
and Sister Eunice from Brother Asahel I found no letters for us
I did not have a visit with Eunice she had joined a party to sail on
Doolittles pond on my return holm I saw them crossing the pond in a
sail boat I raised a flag in token of friendship they answered me
but did not know it was a brother as they past my sight behind a groove
I bowed to them in silence ownly said God save my sister Spent
the night at J Moses distance of the day 24 miles

~ Wednesday

5th Walked to Brother French's then in company with Brother Hale I
took the stage to New Hartford i had an interview with Richard B Cowls from
thence to AVON Spent the night at aunt Helen Wheelers visited
my kinsman & former friends in the place distance 30 miles

Page 163

~ Thursday

A view of the place of my nativity

July 6th This was a day of great interest to me I left aunt Wheelers,
after visiting Daniel Luther, and many in the place I walked in comp-
any with Elder Hale on the canal to Uncle Adna Hart's from thence
to Woodfords mills built and formerly owned by my father
Aphek Woodruff I was born and spent my youth upon the place
after viewing the mills, I walked to the house whare I was born &
visited each appartment. The house and farm all look'd natural
Bogue Hill not accepted. I called at Mr Henry Woodruffford; & saw
Mrs Woodford. I also called upon Mr Judds, Mrs Allens, Z. & O
, at Roger Woodfords I saw Eldad ^W^ & Lavilla Day. I called
upon Uncle Titus Woodruff's family I saw Caltha Herd, I called upon
Capt Francis Woodruff, Erastus Woodruff, Adna &c all glad to
see me. I visited uncle Ozem Woodruff's family he was absent
I saw Almirah Fuller & many other friends. During this walk
I passed the school house in which I had spent many of my youthf-
ul days I gazed upon it and also upon the grave yard in which
lay the bones of many of my progenitors & friends my Mother not
accepted [excepted] in visiting their tombs I read the inscription of several numbe
red with the dead who were well when I left Connecticu in 1832
I read the following inscription upon the TOMB stone of my
Mother BULAH WOODRUFF, the daughter of Lot Thompson

[FIGURES] A pleasing form a generous gentle heart
A good companion Just without art
Just in her dealings faithful to her friend
Beloved through life lamented in the end

Bulah Thompson ^Woodruff^ was born 1782. Died June 11th 1808. Aged 26 years

Aphek Woodruff was born NOV 11th 1778 {[descendent]}
Married. NOV 29th 1801

Azmon born NOV 29th 1802
Ozem Thompson born Dec. 22nd 1804
Willford born March 1st 1807

Page 164

Azubah Hart born July 31st 1792
Married to Aphek Woodruff Nov 9th 1810

Philo born Nov 29, 1811. Died Nov 25th 1827 Aged 17 years
Asahel Hart born April 11th 1814. ^Died Oct 18 1838, 24 year^
Franklin born April ^march^ 12th 1816 Died June 1st 1816
Newton born June 19th 1818 Died September 1820 {drowned}
Julius born April 22 1821 Died [blank]
EUNICE born June 19th 1820 Died Aug 4th 1841 Aged 20.

After spending most of the day in visiting the before mentioned
friends I walked from Ozem Woodruffs to Farmington to again
visit my parents who had mooved from Colebrook, a few days
previous, to their former place of residence. I arived at my fathers
house at the setting of the sun whare I was once more in life
blessed with the happy privilege of taking my parents by the hand
& of beholding them face to face after being seperated from
them rising of five years I was joyfully receieved and made
heartily welcome. I visited the mills whare I had spent sev-
eral years & found things looked natural I spent the night
plesantly at my fathers house distanc of the day 16 miles

~ Friday

7th Spent the day at my fathers in writing wrote a Letter to
Brother Asahel H Woodruff

~ Saturday

8th I walked from my fathers house into the west street
of Avon I called upon Uncle Thadeus Thompson, Grandmother
Thompson & her household & many other relatives & neighb
ours all of which manifested pleasure in seeing me. I spent
the night at Uncle Titus Woodruff & was rejoiced to see
him once more the distance of the day 7 miles

~ Sunday

9th Sunday walked to Uncle Ozem Woodruff & found him at
home. I was truly rejoiced to once more tkake this dear friend
by the hand. Oft hath this friend led me by the hand in my youth
Oft hath Uncle Ozem taught me the gifts & graces of the Church
of Christ {I saw him in the celestial kingdom in a vision.} O God have mercy upon
him & enable him to stand in the new and everlasting covenant. I
also visited Alson Thompson, & other friends. I preach at the
lovly streat [street] schoolhouse to a full congregation of relatives
& friends that gave strict attention & treated me with kindness
the spirit of God rested upon us I spent the night at Uncle Alson
Thompson's distance of the day 4 miles

Uncle Ozem Woodruff & his wife receieved the word into good
and honest hearts they believed the word & bid me God speed

Page 165

~ Monday

10th I walked in company with Elder Hale to Colleinsville I had an
interview with Samuel Barber uncle Ozem was assisting
in building a stone dam across the river at Collensville. I visited a
pine grove that I often retired to in 1830 for prayer & meditation
I had many interesting seasons by day & by night while tending
a mill for Collins in 1830, in the pine grove above spoken of. I
spent about 3 hours in this hours groves reading the book of mormon
and prayer. I met at the city hall in Colleinsville at 6 oclock PM
for the purpose of preaching the gospel to the people. immediat-
ely after I arose and commenced speaking the beating of
drums was herd at the doors laughing & sneering was prev-
ilen [prevalent] in the congregation the prysbeterian Priest was en-
raged against the truth as soon as I closed the priest hurried
himself to the place whare I stood I was immediately surro-
unded by the congregation. The priest said I had no righ[t]
to enjoy my opinion he became angry & said many verry
inconsistant thinkgs after presenting him with some cutting
truths he left me. & rege the priest & the people with very
few exceptions rejected us & our testimony Brother Hale
& Ozem Woodruff & myself repaird to the groves for
prayer we had a good time. We spent the time or night at
BMr Bush distance of the day 3 miles

~ Tuesday

101th We walked to Uncle Ozem Woodruff. Brother Hale & myself
repaired to a stream of pure water & we there cleansed our hands
and feet and bore testimony before God against Mr Vanarsdalen
a prysbeterian pryste priest who rejected our testimony
& against the whole villedge who rejected our testimony
I preached at the Lovly Street schoolhouse at candlelight
upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon the people gave good
attention I spent the night at Uncle Ozem Woodruffs We
conversed upon the things of the kingdom untill the following Day

~ Wednesday

12th And during the night at 2 oclock AM, Uncle Ozem Woodruff &
his houshold believed the fullness of the everlasting gospel &
I led them fourth at the same hour of the night and baptized
them for the remission of their sins, being three of them, viz
Ozem Woodruff, Hannah Woodruff, & John Woodruff,
their son. Glory to God in the Highest for this blessing the Lord
hath given me the desires of my heart in this think thing which
is in fulfillment of a vision given me in 1818 all is now fulfilled

Page 166

After Baptizing the before mentioned friends I walked in company
with Elder Hale to Simsbury to visit aunt Cossett's household
they receieved us kindly & believed our teachings. I was truly
glad to behold them face to face & teach them the things of the
kingdom. Spent the night with them distance of the day 10 m

~ Thursday

July 13th I took the parting hand with Aunt Anna Cossett &
Bulah Hart, Cousin Betsey, Anna, &c & walked to Adna Harts
in Avon distance of the day 12 miles

~ Friday

14th Spent the day in visiting my relatives, rode to Farmington &
took supper with father, mother, & Sister Eunice, & had the
happy privilege of reading a letter from {my dear} PHEBE {my wife} which
gave me the information that she was on her way to farmington
we returned & spent the night at uncle Thadeus Thompson's 10 m[iles]

~ Saturday

15th Walked to Brother Ozem Woodruff & preached at the school
house Spent the night with Brother Woodruff distance 2 miles

~ Sunday

16 Sunday walked to aunt Wheelers from thence to Adna
whare we had an appointment for preaching I had the
happy privilege of once more striking hands with Phebe, my wife
She came to attend the meeting in company with Mother & Sister
Eunice. I preached to a congregation at 5 oclock, PM. which
was composed of relatives, neighbours & former friends after
meeting I took the parting hand with Brother Ozem Woodruff
& John & other friends & walked to my Father's in farmington
with Brother Hale whare we spent the night with my parents &
sister & wife. distance of the day 10 miles

~ Monday

17th Spent the day in writing at my father's in company
with my friends, Phebe, Eunice Mother &c.

~ Tuesday

18th Spent the day at my Fathers I wrote an acrostic
for Sister Eunice Woodruff in her ALBUM. I took
a walk in the afternoon with Phebe and Eunice

~ Wednesday

19th Spent the day at fathers. I took the parting
{hand} with Brother Hale who started gfor New Rowley
I preached in the methodist meeting house in Farmington
at candle light to an attentive congregation they app
eared satisfyed with the doctrin, my parents, sister,
& wife were present. the congregation requested
me to hold another meeting with them

~ Thursday

20th I took the parting hand with my Father & Mother
& Sister Eunice {My father gave me} $5. may the Lord bless
my fathers household. I took the stage in company
with Phebe & rode to Hartford. 10 miles {My wife took the stage tonight inland to} worcester

Page 167

~ Friday

JULY 21st I left Hartford at 5 oclock AM & on
foot I walked during the day 52 miles & stop't
for the night 14 miles west of worcester at 8 oclock
making 15 hours that I walked 3 1/2 miles per hour
through a hot sultry day {Distance} 52 miles

~ Saturday

22nd Arose much refresh'd by sleep & walked
into Worcester whare I took breakfast after
a 14 miles travel. from thence I walked to Grow
ridge tavern within 13 miles of Lowell here I sp
ent the night. The whole distance of the day. 48 m

~ Sunday

23rd Sunday I walked into Lowell & took breakfast
from thence through the different town's into New
, Essex County, Mass. whare I arived at about
6 PM & was joyfully receieved by Brother Nathaniel
, ^&^ Sister Holmes his wife being the parents of
Elders Jonathan & Milton Holmes. I was here again priv
ileged of striking hands with several dear friends
such as Elders M Holmes & J. Hale & my Phebe
who was ^I^ truly rejoiced to again meet. the distance
of this days walk was 36 miles

The whole distance of the three days walks above
spoken of is 136 miles making 45 miles pr day
Excell this ye who can & not be weary in body or
lame in limb or joint & it will be because you are
assisted by higher power than man {Limit a Nephite's journey.}

~ Monday

24th Spent the day at Brother Holmes in writing

~ Tuesday

25th Spent part of the day in writing I wrote a Letter
to Brother Asahel H Woodruff in the afternoon
I went to hear two quaker women lecture in public upon
the abolition question they found fault with the constitution

~ Wednesday

26th I wrote a letter to Brothers A & T Woodruff

~ Thursday

27th I preached at Brother Nathaniel Holmes

~ Friday

28th I went to Haverhill & returned to Brother Holmes' 10 m[iles]

~ Saturday

29 Elder J Hale preached in New rowley I followed him

~ Sunday

30 Sunday I preached at Brother Holmes communed
with the Saints & at 5 PM I again preached at the school house

~ Monday

31st I wrote a Letter to Julian Moses & returned to Elder
Holmes & spent the night distance 3 miles

Page 168

~ Tuesday

Aug 1st I took the parting hand with the friends in
New Rowley & walked in company with Elder Hale
to New market River in Rockingham County New Hampshire the
seatide was in & the water being salt we went into it & bathed
ourselves we then took the stage & rode into Dover a place
of six thousand inhadbitants spent the night at Capt Benj[amin]
the distance of the day 40 miles

~ Wednesday

2nd Spent the day in Dover visiting the cotten Factories &c

~ Thursday

3rd Walked to South Burwick York County state of Maine
this is the first time I visited the state of Maine we dined at
Mr Henry Plumer's then walked to Mr Moses Cooper & found
Sister Sophia Cooper strong in the faith. I preached in the
evening Elder Hale was sick through the night & I felt much
unwell we were both poisioned {by eating oysters} distance 8 miles

~ Friday

4th Walked to Wells a village standing upon the sea shore we
were Ill through the day distance 18 miles

~ Saturday

5 Walked to SACO Mane population about 4000 from
thence to Brother Edward Millicken & spent the night 21 m[iles]

~ Sunday

6th Sunday we had an interview with Elder Lord we visited
Mr Samuel Lowell & his family spent the night {A child was born}

~ Monday

7th Walked to Brother Townsend spent the night with him 3 [miles]

~ Tuesday

8 Walked to Brother E Millicken & soon Elder Milton Holmes
arived from New Rowley bringing my wife with him we were
all happy to again meet. After dining I wrode in company
with PHEBE my wife to Mr Ezra Carter's my father in Law
this is the first time I ever visited his house, or saw any of
the family. It had been about one year since Phebe left
her fathers house to go to Kirtland. When we arived at
father Carter's he was absent. Mother Carter was confin
ed to a bed of sickness & had been very low, but was fast
recovering. one brother was at home & all of the sisters
being four of them, viz Sarah Foss, Rhoda, Shuah, & Mary
Joseph F Carter was present, two other brethren were
absent viz Ezra & Ilus. It was an affecting meeting we were
both joyfully receieved & made wellcome. during the evening
father Carter came home & we all rejoiced {Distance of the day} 10 miles

~ Wednesday

9th Spent the day at father Carter's in company with Elders
Hale & Holmes & others friends. I wrote a letter to My
Parents in Farmington Con & inclosed $5 dollar to them

Page 169

~ Thursday

AUG 10th {Having the offer of a ride in Father Carter’s new chaise} I rode in company
with Mrs Woodruff to Cyrus Fenderson's we had an interview
with {Sister} Aphia Woodmans Mother & Brother & sister from thence
we rode to Brother James Townsend & saw Elders Hale & Holmes
sup'd with them & returned to Father Carters whare I was
privileg'd with an interview with Ezra Carter jr & his Lady 20 m[iles]

~ Friday

11th in company with Ezra & SFabyen Carter I entered a fish
boat & put forth into the sea for the purpose of fishing we
spent the day and night at anchor & caught 250 fish such
as cod, Haddock, Hake, &c. I also saw four WHALES two
of them appeared in view at the same time, this was the first
time I ever saw a fish belonging to that kind that swallowed
Jonah {I was somewhat sea sick.} Spent the night at sea {Distance of the day} 8 m

~ Saturday

12th Returned to Father Carters 3 miles

~ Sunday

13th Sunday rode to Brother Edward Milliken held a meeting
with the saints & returned to Father Carters distance 14 miles

~ Monday

14 Wrote a letter to Sisters Aphia W{oodman} & Sarah M{illken}

~ Tuesday

15 Spent the day at Sister Sarah Foss {We all went out berrying and had good success.}
we returned & spent the night at Father's

~ Wednesday

16 Spent the day at Father Carter's

~ Thursday

17th Wrote a letter to the Saints in Zion directed it to
Elder A O Smoot or Levy Taylor

~ Friday

18th I took the parting hand with the friends, such as father
Carter's household my wife &c. & left Scarborough in company
with Elder Hale for the purpose of visiting the Islands of the sea
to preach the gospel to those that trade in ships &c {We stopped and
bathed in the salt water on the way.} We arived at Portland in the evening. I had an interview
with my Brother in Law Ezra Carter jr. The population of Portland is about
16000. I spent the night in the city at Mr Samuel Hale's distane 10 m

~ Saturday

19th We took the steam boat Bangor at 11 AM for fox Islands. We
arived at Owls Head at sun set, left the boat & went on shore fare
$3 distance 85 miles. {Retired to a grove and prayed}. We went aboard of a sloop and
crossed to fox Islands 10 miles arived at 2 oclock in the morning of the [20th] ^95 miles^

~ Sunday

20th Called at Nathaniel Dyers & retired to rest. Arose in the morning
made ourselves known as servents of GOD. we enquired concerning
meetings & learned there was to be preaching today as it was the
sabbath in the Baptist meeting house in the centre of the North Island
which was part of Vinalhaven. Mr Benjamin Kent accompanied us to

Page 170

the place of meeting. When we arived the meeting had commenced, we
conversed with the Deacon of the church, & informed him we were ser-
vents of the Lord
, had a message to the people & wished to be herd. He con
versed with the Baptist Priest by the name of Gideon J. Newton upon
the subject, he did not object. We were invited into the stand, & Mr Ne-
wton gave out an appointment for us to preach at 5 oclock PM. When
he closed his discourse he invited us home with him & gave us some
refreshment, we presented him the Book of Mormon, he was mild and
said he would read it. Mr Newton accompanied us to the meeting house
the congregation assembled at the appointed time, and amid peculiar
feeling I arose and addressed them from Gal. 1 ch 8:9. this was the first
time that I or any Elder of the Church, (to my knowledge) ever arose befo-
re the inhabitants of one of the Islands of the sea to preach unto them the
fulness of the everlasting gospel and the Book of Mormon. After I closed
I gave out an appointment for each of the four following evenings to
be held in the several districts of North Island. We spent the night with
Mr Benj[amin] Kent distance of the day 8 miles

{Elder Hale and myself had a good time in secret prayer. May God bless us on the islands and help us find the blood of} Ephram

{aeiouy} AEIOUY {aeiouy au oy ou} AU OY OU

Vinal haven is in Lat. 44 North. Long 69.10 East. Pop. 1800. Maine
Vinal haven includes both North & South fox Islands. The inhabitants
are generally wealthy, healthy, intelligent, industrious, generous, and
hospitable to strangers. The people get most of their wealth & living
by fishing. The Town of Vinalhaven fits out rising of 100 licensed sail
beside small craft. North fox Island is 9 miles long & 2 miles wide. Pop
800. they have a post office, one store, a Baptist church & meeting
house & four school houses & a grist mill. The land is rather rocky
& rough yet there is many good farms which produces good wheat,
barley, oats, potatoes, & grass which is the staple production. The
principal timber is fir, spruice, hemlock & birch. Sheep are the pri-
ncipal stock upon the Island. Rasp. & Goose buries grow in great

South fox Island comes as near being without
any form or void as any land I ever saw. It would be difficult
for the best historian to give an exact description of it. It is about
10 miles long & 5 broad and it is one universal mass of rocks formed
into shelves, hills & dales cut up into necks & points to make room for
the cooves & harbours that run through and through the Island. Pop is
1000. They get their wealth entirely by fishing. Their principal stock is
sheep. Their is some small parts of the Island under cultivation, but it is
at the expense of great labour and toil. Many of the inhabitants of this
Island fish at Newfoundland & bring their fish home & dry them upon
their own flakes & prepare them for market. they supply the market
annually with great quantities of dried fish, Mackerel & boxed
herren. There is two stores, three tide saw mills, six school houses
& a small branch of the methodist church & a priest. The timber is
pine, fir, spruce, hemlock & birch. much of the timber & whoretlebury
bushes grows out of the cracks of the rocks. Rasp & goose buries
also grow in great quantities upon this Island

Page 171

There is great quantities of fish inhabit the waters, cooves & harbours
around these Islands, such as Whale, Blackfish, Shark, ground Shark,
PILOT fish, Hors Mackerel, Sturgeon, Salmon, Holloboat [halibut], Cod, Pollock,
Tom Cod, Hake, Haddock, Mackerel, Shad, Bass, Ale wives, Herren [herring],
Pohagen, Dolphin, Whiting, Frost fish, Flounders, Smelt, Skate,
Shrimp, Skid, Cusk, Blebacks, Scollop Dogfish, Muttonfish Lumpfish,
Squid, Fivefingers, Monkfish, Nursfish, Sunfish, Swordfish, Thrasher,
Cat, Scuppog, Tootog, Eyefish, Cunner, Ling, Eels. Also Lobsters, Clams,
Scollop, Mussles, Rincles, {crabs snails} and Porposes, Seal, &c &c. & many
others not named. Thus stands a brief account of the town of VINAL HAVEN

~ Monday

Aug 21st Visited the seashore, we saw twenty gallant ships under sail, it
was a fine day. We went to the North District & Preached in the shchoolhouse
Elder Hale spake upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon I followed him
the spirit of GOD rested upon us. We spent the night with Mr Stephen Luce. 10 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

22nd We again visited the sea shore, we gathered some pebbles from the
beach, white & other colours that were nearly transparent, they wash from
the sea. our intent was to preserve them in memory of the Island. We
accompanied, S. Luce Esq. in a boat to catch some fish in Penobscot Bay
and when we entered its mouth the bay was occupied, by a magnus
school of pohagen fish, they cover'd acres, it was supposed there was
a sufficient qantity in the school to have filled, 500,000 barrels we caught
none of them, but saw & herd them rush in large bodies upon the top off
the water. Numerous fish Halks were busy in catching and carrying
of[f] many of them. From this survey we walked to the south school & I
preached to a large congregation. Priest Newton was among the number
{I was clothed with much of the spirit of God} We spent the night at Mr Benj[amin] Kents. Distance 8 miles

~ Wednesday

23rd We walked to Eleazar Carvers on the east part of the Island I
stood on his farm & saw fifty five Islands a part of them was
inhabited, some were not Also twenty ships under sail. We preached
at night in the East schoolhouse. We spent the night with Esq Luce 4 m[iles]

~ Thursday

24th Preached at the west school house to a large congregation. Spent
the night with Dea[con] Hezekiah Eames. Distance of the day 8 miles

~ Friday

25th Elder Hale preached in the East school house, & I preached in the
west school house at 7 PM. I visited Benj[amin] Crabtree Esq in looking
over his library I saw an account of John Calvin burning Servetus a
french physition for differing from him in sentiment &c. I spent
the night at Lewis Liberters Distance of the day 5 miles

~ Saturday

26th We walked to B. Kents {spent some time in prayer} & visited the sea shore. We bathed
in salt water whare there was several seal swiming around us one
of them came near us. I went to the North schoolhouse & preached in
the evening. Elder Hale preached at Levy Dyers. I spent the night at Maltire Luce 7 mil

~ Sunday

27th Sunday I walked to the East parish, & found Elder Hale. I preached
at 10 AM. on faith. I also preached in the Baptist meeting house to a large
congregation at 5 PM. on the coming of christ, & gave out five appointments
for the weak. While I had a congregation during the Day, I was credibly
informed, that Mr Newton, had not one soul beside himself to attend his
meeting. Spent the night at Capt Justus Eames. distance 8 miles

~ Monday

28th Wrote a Letter to Phebe. I preached in the west district. Spent the night
at Hezekiah Eames. We had an interview with Nathaniel Woster aged 74. He
had been an inhabitant of fox Islands 70 years. he had never been in his life 1 1/2 miles from sea 6 miles

Page 172

~ Tuesday

Aug 29th Preached at the North schoolhouse, spent the night at Malatiah Luce 8 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

30th Elder Hale Preached at the east schoolhouse I followed him. stay'd with Carver 4 m[iles]

~ Thursday

31st Last day of summer I visited many friends. I retired in company with
Elder Hale to a grove & sat down under a fir tree and sung a song composed
by Elders Marsh & Pratt on the last day of summer in 1835. The sun that
declines in the far western sky, &c. We then knelt down and worshiped
GOD. We preached in the south schoolhouse. We spent the night at Capt
Justus Eames distance of the day 7 miles

~ Friday

Sept 1st I preachied at Mr Levy Dyers. Spent the night at Mr Dyers 4 miles

~ Saturday

2nd Elder Hale preached at Mr Sterretts I followed him spent the night with Kent 6 m[iles]

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I preached at Capt Justus Eam's, & delivered two discourses
after I closed, I opened a door for baptism and two offered themse-
lves as candidates, which whas Capt Justus Eames & his wife. We
immediately walked to the sea shore and Elder Jonathan H. Hale, lead
them down into the sea & baptized them. These were the first Elder
Hale ever baptized, & the first baptized upon the Islands of the
sea (to my knowledge) in these last days by an Elder of Israel. I
gave out an appointment for next Sabbath at Brother Eames. I adminis-
tered in the confirmation of Brother & Sister Eames. I spent the night
with Stephen Luce Esq distance 4 miles.

~ Monday

4th We walked to Brother Eames & found them rejoicing in the Lord {I was attacked
with a cold.} A young man came in to enquire what he should do to be
saved. I taught him as Peter did on the day of Pentecost, the spirit of
of God
is like leaven through the Island. [Acts 2] We walked to the Post Office
took sa sail boat to cross to South fox Island, we had a plesant
time & sung on the way, The gallant ships &c. It was about 1 1/2 miles
across tho the place of our landing, on the neck. I felt to rejoice
to stand upon another Island of the sea to preach the gospel. May
God bless us and give us access to the hearts of the people & sou-
ls as seals of our ministry. We immediately gave out an appoi-
intment at school house No 1. Elder Hale preached on the gospe[l]
I followed him. The spirit of God rested upon us. We spent the
night with Mr James Babbidge {my cold increased and lungs very sore} distance 7 mil

~ Tuesday

5 [FIGURE] We walked about a mile from Mr Babbidge and went to the top of
a high ledge and stop'd on a smooth granite rock covering two acres, some
of the face of it was covered with a light soil out of which grew the pine, the
whoretlebury & wintergreen. We sat down under the shade of a pine
for morning prayers, & O, what glorious contemplations vibrated our
souls. Elder Hale read the XVI ch of Jeremiah that spake of the hunters
and fishers that God should chuse in the last days to gather Israel. And
of a truth here we were on an Island of the sea standing upon a rock
whare we could survey the gallant ships, and also the Island, which
was as full of rocks, holes, & caves perhaps as any part of the earth.
But what had brought us here? Ah to search out the Blood of Ephraim &
gather him from these Islands, rocks, holes, & caves, which were numerous
While the sun shed his beams to gladden earth, the spirit of God caused,
our souls to rejoice. I sat down in company with Elder Hale, we read,
and sung, and prayed, and rejoiced. We spake of the ancient Prophets &
Apostles in Jerusalem and Asia, Also of Nephphi, Alma, Mormon & Moroni
in America. We Also spake of Joseph, Oliver, Sidney, & of the twelve

Page 173

& Seventies, esspecially, Kimble, Hide, Goodson & others in England. Of Page
& Blakesley on Canida & many others we thought and spake of. While
filled with these meditations, & the Promises of GOD, we fell upon our knees
and thanked the God of heaven, & Prayed for all Israel, not forgetting
the Church of Latter Day Saints, head nor foot. We plead with God for
Joseph, & for all the Elders and members, esspecially our wives. Our
souls rejoiced, & we went our way with glad hearts. Will not the
rememberance of these things, remain forever, esspecially untill our heads
are silver'd o'er with age. Tell it unto your childrens children. We
preached in No. 2 at 7 oclock PM. & spent the night at Mr John Smith's 6 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

Sept 6th I saw a great variety this day. I passed over & viewed a pleasing
Rocky scenery both on the beach and upland. We dined with Mr Benjamin
, we visited his flakes of fish, which contained about one thousand
quintals of cod, that were spread for drying, these were principly
cought at New foundland. From this place we walked to Carvers
, here we were for a moment diverted to see a school of
Mackerel playing in the water by the side of the whrarf while several
men were cetching them with hooks. Elder Hale and myself flung out
some hooks and had no difficulty in cetching a plenty of them, we
caught what we wished for and went our way, leaving thousands of
them in the water ready to bite the hook. People on these Islands are
now in the midst of haying, & some few began to cut their wheat.
Fruit is now ripe such as cherries, raspburies, Gooseburies, currants
&c. We preached at night in the school house No 4 and spent the
night at Mr Benj[amin] Fernald's distance of the day 5 miles

~ Thursday

7th Preached in the school house No. 3 to a large congregation. Spent
the night at Mr Israel Carvers 3 miles

~ Friday

8th Walked to Mr Luther Calderwoods Elder Hale and myself went
on to the beach and dug a peck of clams & had them cookd for dinner
which made us a frugal meal. We Preached in No 1 upon the book of Mormon
Mr Douglass a methodist priest was present. We spent the night with Carver. ^5 m[iles]^

~ Saturday

9th Mr Joseph Carver conveyed us across the thoroughfare to John
in a sail boat to North Island about four miles. Walked to Br Eams. ^5 m[iles]^

~ Sunday

10th Sunday we met a large congregation at Brother Justus Eames at 10 AM
I preached to this attentive people assembled together from the
different Islands of the sea, from Math 16 ch 17: 18 v. After meeting
I opened a door for baptism, when another sea captain offered
himself as a candidate, by the name of Ebenezar Eames. he was
brother to Capt Justus Eames that we Baptized the Sabbath before. A
young Lady also offered herself for Baptism. I lead them down into the
water & Baptized them. I truly felt to rejoice to behold the mighty
captains of the sea enter the new & everlasting covenant. The spirit
of God
rested upon me. I addressed the people that stood upon the
shore, many were cut to the heart. Spent the night at Capt Eames.

~ Monday

11th Spent the day visiting friends found many believing the gospel
returned to Br J Eames. I accompanied several friends to the meeting
house in the evening to hear Mr Douglass preach, a methodist priest.
He took his text in 1st Thess. 5:21. He then commenced open war
against the Book of Mormon & our principles, after doing all he could
& but little at that, he took the Book of Mormon in his hand, and with an
out stretched arm declared he feared none of the judgments of God that

Page 174

should come upon him for rejecting that Book as being the word of
&c. I took the minutes of his discours & when he closed I arose
and informed the people I would hold a meeting at the meetinghouse
on Sunday and answer his objections. I however rectifyed some of
his mistakes in his presence. Spent the night with Brother Eames. 7 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

Sept 12th We held a meeting at Mr. C. Sterretts & Baptized his whole house-
hold being three of them Elder Hale administered the ordinance un
to them. We spent the night with Brother Cyrus Sterrett. Distance 3 miles

~ Wednesday

13 I walked in company with Elder Hale to the Post Office whare we both
receieved a Letter from our wives. Phebe wrote to me, & Olive to
Brother Hale. We truly rejoiced in our souls to hear from them. {I shed
my tears of joy on them while sitting and reading them as the ships were passing by me} Spent the night at Br Eames. 1 [mile]

~ Thursday

14 I wrote a Letter to Phebe, & Elder Hale to Olive. At Brother Eames

~ Friday

15 I wrote a Letter to my Parents in Connecticut

~ Saturday

16 I wrote a Letter to Aunt Anna Cosset & her household

~ Sunday

17 Sunday I went to the Baptist meeting house, & there ^met^ a large congregation
assembled from both Islands. I dwelt upon the subject that Mr Douglass
handled against the Book of Mormon and our principals. I Preached 2 1/2 hou-
rs and answered avery objection brought against us or the Book.
After meeting Elder Hale Baptized a female. I met the people
again & preached the gospel unto them. Spent the night with Br Eames

~ Monday

18 We wrote a Letter to Brother Joseph Smith jr and the church in
Kirtland greeting

~ Tuesday

19 Mr G. J. Newton returned to the Island & brought several other
Baptist Priest with him to hold a protracted meeting

~ Wednesday

20 Spent the day in visiting the friends, & Preached at night in the east
school house. I preached Christs sermon on the mount. [Matthew 5-7] the spirit of
rested upon me. I spent the night at Mr Abram Carvers. 6 miles

~ Thursday

21 Spent the day visiting friends. Elder Hale went to the South Island
I spent the night with Mr Ephraim Luce. Distance 5 miles

~ Friday

22 I preached at the North school house, spent the night with S. Luce. 2 [miles]

~ Saturday

23 Preached at the North school house & I Baptized one. {The devil tempted some but
we got a victory on him.} Spent the night at Brother Eames {Distance} 6 miles

~ Sunday

24 Sunday Preached at Brother J. Eames to a large congregation {two sermons}

~ Monday

25 Left North Island, & crossed the thoroughfare to the South Island &
called upon Mr Abigah Luce. I here met Elder Hale I preached in the
evening, & spent the night with Mr Luce. distance of the day 3 miles

~ Tuesday

26 I attend a marriage at Mr Jonathan Burgess, his daughter Martha
joined in matrimony to Mr Joseph Sylvester. I preached
in the school house No. 2 the spirit of God rested upon me. I spent
the night at Mr John Smith's & I dreamed of seeing the great
Draggon or beast with all of his heads and horns to the number of six
hundred three score and six. [Revelation 13:18] He was about 20 rods in length with
many riding upon his back without fear or alarm 9 miles

Page 175

~ Wednesday

Sept 27th I preached at No 4 Elder Hale Baptized one Mr Jonathan
. We spent the night at Capt John Carvers distance 6 miles

~ Thursday

28th Walked to Mr Anthony Coombs. Elder Hale Baptized Mrs
Elizabeth Coombs. I preached at No. 3 to a large congregation. the spirit
of God
rested upon me. There is much of the spirit of enquirey manifest
by the Blood of Ephraim in this country. {they know [illegible shorthand] [it/that] [our ancestor]} After meeting
two boat loads of us returned to Mr Benj[amin] Coombs by water, and
while the seamen dip'd their ready oar, we sung the gallant ships &c.
We spent the night with Mr Coombs distance of the day 7 miles

~ Friday

29th We walked from Mr Coombs to our former place of retirement on the
Granite rock (See Sept 5th) and spent a season of interest in prayer and
praise to God {we blessed [each] other in the name of the Lord by the laying on of hands} we went our way
rejoiceing to Mr Joseph Carvers. he conveyed us across in a sail boat
to the North Island. We spent the night with Brother Sterrett. 10 miles

~ Saturday

30th I retired aside from the abodes of men in company with Elder Hale
and we clensed our feet in the pure water of the sea as a testimony
against Gideon J. Newton for rejecting our testimony of the Lord & of
the Book of Mormon. We also bore testimony unto God against Mr
Douglass the Methodist priest for rejecting the Book of Mormon & our
testimony & declaring that he feared none of the judgments of God
for rejecting these thing The Lord rebuke him. 5 miles

~ Sunday

Oct 1st Sunday preached at Br Justus Eames. Elder Hale Baptized
one. We organized a small branch of the Church to the number of twelve
and partook of the sacrament with them. This was the first time
we ever administered the Eucharist to the Saints upon the Islands of
the sea. We were blessed with a good time. We took the parting hand
with the Saints as we were about to return to our family & friends
we spent the night with Brother Justus Eames

~ Monday

2nd We took the parting hand with Brother Eames & family, & made
preperations to return to our friends in Scarborough. Capt Voluntine
vary generously offered to convey us to Thomaston in his
sloop we accepted the invitation. the wind being against us we did
not reach shore untill the setting of the sun. We took the parting hand
with Capt Eames, he promised to obey the gospel when I returned
we spent the night in Thomaston Distance of the day 36 miles

~ Tuesday

3rd We walked from west Thomaston to Warren 8 miles to Waldoboro
8, to Nobleboro 9, to Wiscasset 9, to Bath 12, crossed at the steam ferry
into Bath & spent the night at the house of William S. Crooker's. 46 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

4th I spent the day in Bath and attended the Baptist convention. I
preached at early candlelight to a large congregation of the citizens
of Bath in Pierces Hall. The people gave good attention and wished
to hear further upon the subject

~ Thursday

5th We walked to Brunswick 10 miles & viewed the colledges, from
thence to Ereeport 9, to North Yarmouth 6, & to Portland 11 miles
we did not eat or drink during this walk of 36 miles we spent
the night in the city of Portland at Mr Samuel Hale's 36 miles

~ Friday

6th I dined with Ezra Carter jr {my brother-in-law} then walked to Scarborough
whar I was again privileg'd of greeting my wife & friend. Elder Hale
receieved a letter from Kirtland containing important intelligence. 10 mile

Page 176

~ Saturday

Oct 7th Spent the day visiting the Saco branch of Church, the night at fathers 23 miles

~ Sunday

8 Sunday rode in company with Elder Hale from Scarborough to South
we preached at candlelight at Mr Moses Coopers. We found
Sister Sophiaia Cooper strong in the faith of the saints distance 33 miles

~ Monday

9 The time had now come for me to take the parting hand with Elder
Jonathan H. Hale we had travled together during the season about 2000
miles. I accompanied him one ^1^ mile on his Journey we retired to a grove
and knelt down and prayed together and we had a good time and after com-
mending each other to God we took the parting hand {and a kiss} he bent his
way for Kirtland while I return to the Islands of the sea. I preached at
Mr Coopers in the evening. I spent the night with him

~ Tuesday

10 I rode from Mr Coopers in South Berwich to Father Carters in Scar-
and spent the night at his house {with my wife} distance 33 miles

~ Wednesday

11 Spent the night day at Father Carters writing my journal [FIGURE] note this DATE {Phebe}

~ Thursday to ~ Saturday

12 & 14th I spent in writing in my Journal. I receieved two Letters one
from my Parents in farmington the other from Brother Asahel H Woodruff

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I preached at the house of Sister Sarah B Foss from
Job XIX ch [blank] which included the comeing of Christ {This is the
first time I ever preached before the household of my brother-in-law and neighbors in Scarborough} I receieved
an interesting and affectionate Letter from Brother Asahel H Woo-
, bearing date of Terre Haute, Sept 27, 1837. {Spent the night at Father Carters}. 2 m[iles]

~ Monday

16 Spent the day in visiting Mr George Boothby {in company with Mother Carter and my wife}. 4 mi[les]

~ Tuesday

17 Spent the day at Father Carters in writing upon the death of Calvin
a member of the Church of Latter day Saints who Died Fed 28, 1835 Aged 37.

~ Wednesday

18 Spent the day in writing

~ Thursday

19 I Preached at Father Carters at early candlelight

~ Friday

20th I wrote a Lengthy Letter to Brother Asahel H Woodruff

~ Saturday

21 I receieved a letter from Kirtland from Sisters Aphia & Sarah
also a paper from Brother Asahel. I rode to Mr Joshua Mo^u^lton
& spent the night at his house {Visited Miss Woodman} distance 10 miles

~ Sunday

22 Sunday visited Brother Townsend spent the night at Mr Lowels 6 miles

~ Monday

23rd visited Brother Miliken's returned to father Carters spent the night. 10 [miles].

~ Tuesday

24 I spent the day at the house of Sister Foss

~ Wednesday

25 I wrote a letter to Brother Ozem Woodruff in Avon & Preached
at candlelight at the Dyer schoolhouse 6 {[miles] Foss spent the night at Father Carters}

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

26 Spent the day at father Carters; Also the 27th

~ Saturday

28th I took the parting hand with my friends & rode in company with
Mrs Woodruff to Portland, we dined with Mr Ezra Carter jr
We spent several hours visiting the city, we had a fair view of
Portland from the Observatory, we walked around the fort & through
the burying ground & in the courthouse. We visited Mr Samuel Hale
and spent the night with Ezra Carter jr Esq distance of the day 14 miles
^Purchased Journal Portland^

~ Sunday

29 Sunday we rode to the wharf & went on board the steamer Bangor at
6 AM there being a high sea she did not go out. I attended meeting in
the evening at the Prysbeterian church and herd a lecture deliverd
by the Rev. John W. Chickering. I returned to Mr Carters, was made
acquainted with Col Arnold Carroll and Judge Upham Spent the night
at Ezra Carters Esq 6 miles

Page 177

~ Monday

Oct 30th I visited the Bangor I found a high sea & saw a vessel wreck'd

~ Tuesday

31. Spent the day at Mr Ezra Carter's we had a visit from our sisters
viz. Shuah & Rhoda. We spent the night on board the Bangor

~ Wednesday

NOV 1st We left the wharf at Portland, at 7 oclock AM. on board
the Bangor, Howse captain. The wind that had been blowing for several
days caused a high sea, & it still continued. We had not gone far before
we came in sight of the waves & breakers mast high. We had a snow-
storm during the day, most all of us on board were sick: after being
tosted upon the sea for eight hours, I landed In company with Mrs
Woodruff at Owls Head, at 3 oclock PM. our fare $6. I enquired
among the shiping for a passage to Vinal haven (the Islands) I could
find none. I called upon several to get conveyance to Thomaston
but without affect, & after spending several hours in the snow
storm & suspens about getting further, I returned to Mr Paine's
tavern whare I had left Mrs Woodruff. I retired to the grove,
& knelt down to call upon God in the same place whare Elder
Hale & myself made prayer & supplication unto God, for deliv-
erance, on the 19th Aug. The Lord herd our prayers then
& I believed He would again: & I called upon him to open
our way. I then returned to the Inn, retired to rest with a
determination to trust in God. distance of the day 84 miles

~ Thursday

2nd We arose in the morning, refreshed by sleep & rest. Mr.
Paine, conveyed us in his chaise to east Thomaston. We soon got
passage on board of Capt Wright's sloop, for the Islands. We left
the shore {after much suspense} at noon, reached the Island in two hours,
& I truly felt to rejoice and thank God for the privilege of setti-
ng my feet again upon North fox Islands in Vinalhaven, & to add to
my happiness was accompanied by my companion. We walked to Mr
Hezekiah Eames & dined with him, from thence to Br Justus Eames;
& of a truth we met a welcome reception, & found all of the Saints
rejoicing in God, & strong in the faith. We spent the night at Br Eames 20 [miles]

~ Friday

3rd Spent the day at Br Eames in writing. Had an interview with Mr Sprague

~ Saturday

4th Spent this day at Br Eames.

~ Sunday

5th Sunday, I preached in the meetinghouse, & had an interesting
prayer meeting, ain the evening, at Br Justus Eames.

~ Monday

6. I visited Br Sterretts household, found them strong in
in the faith. I Preached in the evening at the west school
house spent the night at Br Eames distans 6 miles

~ Tuesday

7 I held an interesting prayer meeting at Br Justus Ames

~ Wednesday

8th I Preached at the house of Mr Malatire Luce & Baptized one
Person & spent the night at Mr Ephraim Luce 3 miles

~ Thursday

9th Preached in the East schoolhouse to a large congregation spent
the night at Mr Ephraim Luce 3 miles

Page 178

~ Friday

NOV 10th I took the parting hand with Mrs. Woodruff & other friends
walked to Br Ames from thence in company with Valentine
to John Kents we crossed the thoroughfar^e^ to the South Island
to Mr Isaac Crocketts I preached at his house Mr Crockett
in some respects is a wonderful man {I dreamed a wonderful dream at his house}
in dreams and visions &c distance of the day 7 miles

~ Saturday

11th Walked from Mr Crocketts to No 2 visited the Saints found
them strong in the faith Preached at night at No 2. Spent
the night at Mr Charles Brown distance of the day 12 miles

~ Sunday

12th Sunday preached at No 2 two sermons & spent
the night at Brother Burgess distance 4 miles

~ Monday

13th Preached at Mr Anthony Coombs and Baptized two
Persons Spent the night at Mr Coombs 3 miles

~ Tuesday

14th Visited many friends walked to No 2 through an unco-
mmon snow storm & preached to the people Spent the
night at Capt Benjamin Coombs 6 miles

~ Wednesday

15 I went on board the Susan Eliza with Capt Coombs for
the purpose of visiting the Isle of Holt their was much snow
on board the vessel we had a fair wind & rough sea & ple-
asent over head. I arived at the Isle of Holt at 12 oclock
and dined with Mr William Barters. I Preached at early
candle light in the schoolhouse. Spent the night with John
Esq & I sold him the Book of Mormon this is the
third Island of the sea that I have visited & preached
to the people & left them the Book of Mormon 12 mile

~ Thursday

16th I went on board the vessel and fell upon my knees & pra-
yed for God to have mercy upon the people & cause the
Book of Mormon to prove a Blessing to the Island. We
left Esq Turner's wharf on board the vessel at 12 oclock
at noon. We were becalmed on the way, and if St. Paul
rowed hard to make the land in a tempest [Acts 27] so did we row
hard to make the land in a calm. We were eight hours
in travling 12 miles and after rowing three hours we
reached Capt Coombs at 8 oclock PM. distance 12 miles

~ Friday

17th Spent the day in visiting friends preached at Mr Charles
to a large attentive congregation from Jer 31st
ch 22 v.
the spirit of God rested upon me {Spent the night at Ch[arles] Brown's} 4 miles

~ Saturday

18th Walked in company with several frends to Mr Anthony
at Seal Bay. We took a sail boat & crossed to the
north Island to Br Ames from thence to Esq Luce whare
I found Mrs Woodruff we returned to Br Ames distance 12 m

~ Sunday

19th Sunday I preached at Br Justus Ames & Baptized two
persons vic [viz] {Captain} Valentine Ames & Mary Ames I confir-
med three and communed with the Saints. {We all had the
prince of darkness to contend with through the day The power [of] darkness fails} I spent the night at
Brother J Ames

Page 179

~ Monday

NOV. 20th I wrote a letter to Elder Don C. Smith at
Kirtland I forwarded him 13 subscribers for the
Elders Journal of the Church of Latter Day Saints. I gave
an account of 17 members of the Church ion fox Islands
I also forwarded $10 dollars of subscription money for
the Elders Journal from the following persons. Justus
$1, Stephen Luce Esq $1, Cyrus Starrett $1, Nathaniel
$1, Jonathan Burgess $1, Ezekiel Burgess $1,
Joshua Calderwood $1, Charles Brown $1, John Smith $1,
Ebenezar Ames $1. Also Isaac Crockett, Anthony
Coombs jr
, John Sellers, not paid

I also wrote a letter to Sister Sarah Foss & forwarded
$6 dollars to her Spent the night at Brother Ames

~ Tuesday

21st Spent the day at Br Ames in writing walked 4 miles

~ Wednesday

22. Spent the day in writing

~ Thursday

23 Walked to Malatire Luce, returned to Br Ames. I receieved
a letter from Elder Benjamin Boydstun, from Zion, and
four Papers from Kirtland. I was called to visit the Rainbow,
a vessel that dragged her anchors, and was driven on shore
among the rock in a heavy gale: she lay upon her beams end.
I went on board of her in the midst of a hard gale & high sea^'s^ spray^s^
broke clear over her, she was in bad condition: but the
exertion of the neighbours soon delivered her from danger. 7 m[iles]

~ Friday to ~ Saturday

24th Spent the day at Brother Ames. Also the 25th

~ Sunday

26th Sunday walked to Br Sterretts held a meeting
with the Saints & returned to Br Ames spent the night 5 m[iles]

~ Monday

27th A cold winter morning I went on board the Essex
in company with Mrs Woodruff, Sister Eliza Luce & capt
Ames & his son Valentine, bound for Camden. We
left the north harbour at 9 oclock AM we had a rough
High sea waves broke over the vessel & water run into
the cabin Phebe & Eliza was puite [quite] sea sick we reached
Camden Harbour at noon. We dined with Mr Henry Sherm-
walked to Mr Paul Perry's & visited the Simonton dist
& returned to P Perry's & spent the night distance 20 [miles]

~ Tuesday

28th Walked to Brother Ames & Williams Hopkins & in
company with Phebe & Eliza walked to the Simonton district
I preached at night in the school house to a large attentive
congregation We spent the night with Mr Peas {distance} 5 m

~ Wednesday

29th Preached in the schoolhouse at night upon the
Book of Mormon Spent the night at Mr Peas

Page 180

~ Thursday

Nov 30th Thanksgiving day I preached in the schoolhouse
& spent the night with Mr William Simonton in com-
pany with Mr Earrow a universalest preacher

~ Friday

Dec 1st Walked to Mr Ames & Hopkins preached in
their house at night distance 3 miles

~ Saturday

2nd Preached at Br Ames at night & walked through
the mud to Mr Whitleys 3 miles

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday Preached in the schoolhouse two discourses
and baptized three persons & spent the night at Mr Peas

~ Monday

4th Walked to Camden Harbour & preached at night
in the Masonic Hall to a large congregation of citizens
{I suffered much with sore eyes} I spent the night with C Tilor {Distance} 3 mil

~ Tuesday

5th I had an interesting interview with Mr Simeon Tylor
aged 83 he was a patriot of the revolution he was
in the battle at Bunker hill & the taking of General
Gates & in other battles but was never wounded. Preac
hed in the schoolhouse in Camden spent the night with
Mr Shermon distance of the day 2 miles

~ Wednesday

6 Walked to Camden took my leave of Mrs Woodruff
and Sister Luce who took the Mail boat for the Island
I walked to Brother Ames & spent the night {Distance} 3 miles

~ Thursday

7th I walked a distance with Br Ames we had a view
of the sea and a fleet of sail becalmed, the sun as
pleasent as May, & the water as still as if natures
had sceased to breathe. We viewed, admired, and
rejoiced and parted. I walked to the Simonton district
found the people in an uproar some raging & some beli-
eveing I spent the night at Mr John Brown 3 miles

~ Friday

8th I visited Mr Peas {found him calm} I Preached at night in
the Ingham school house to a large congregation I spent
the night at Mr Daniel Ames {Distance} 6 miles

~ Saturday

9th Spent the night with Mr Robert Harsen 3 miles

~ Sunday

10th Preached on Sunday in the Simonton school house
to a large congregation I confirmed three persons the
spirit of God rested upon me I took the parting hand
with my friends & walked to Brother Ames 3 miles

Page 181

~ Monday

Dec 11th Wrote a Letter to Elder DON C. SMITH & sent
him five subscribers for the Journal and $5 dollars for
the same for the following persons. Elisha Grant $1,
David Stone $1, Coburn Tyler $1, John Brown $1, Robert
$1. I also gave an account of fivethree ^3^ Baptized
making the church 17 in all since Nov 20th. I Preached
at night in the Mansfield district school house the spirit
of God
rested upon me I spent the night with Mr Corner
I co[n]versed with him & his wife untill 3 oclock in the morn-
ing Mrs Corner was a wonderful spiritual dreamer she
rehearsed many interesting dreams to me 3 miles

~ Tuesday

12th Mr Corner & his wife bid us God speed I walked to
Br Ames from thence to Camden Harbour & Preached
at night in the school house spent the night at Mr Tylers. 6 [miles].

~ Wednesday

13th Crossed the Harbour in the Mail boat to North fox
I receieved four letters & two papers one letter
from Elder A O Smoot under date of far west Mo
Sept 23rd 1837. One from Elder Jonathan H Hale from
Kirtland Nov 18th. One from Elder Nathaniel Holmes
or wife New Rowley Nov 19th. And the other from
Brother Asahel Woodruff Terre Haute Nov 24th 1837
I walked to Brother Ames & found {my} friends well I here
saw the first No of the Elders Journal of the Church of
Latter Day Saints which warmed my soul this with
my letters made it a day of interest to me I spent the
night with Mrs Woodruff at Brother Ames {distance} 15 m

~ Thursday

14 Spent the day in writing at Brother Ames & held a prayer
meeting at night at his house

~ Friday

15th I preached in the east school house at candlelight
& returned to Br Ames distance 7 miles

~ Saturday

16th Spent the day at Br Ames

~ Sunday

17 Sunday preached two discourses at Brother Ames
I spent the night at Br Ames & had an interesting
time in the evening I blessed two children & I spake in
tongues & interpeted & Prophesy'd & we rejoiced

~ Monday

18th Spent the day at Br Ames

Page 182

~ Tuesday

Dec 19th I left Mrs Woodruff at Br Ames and walked in company
with Valentine Ames to John Kents we then crossed the
theroughfare in a wherry to the South Island I then took the parting
hand with Br Valentine who returned home while in the name
of Eligah's ^God^ I bend my way to search out the Blood of Ephraim
on South Island, O my God assist me I pray in this work. I
walked to Mr Isaac Crocket's & held a meeting at his house
& spent the night with Mr Merchant distance 7 miles

~ Wednesday

20th Spent the morning in clearing away Ice in the long
cove to prepare a place for Baptizing when the tide
arose I accordingly met at 3 PM & Baptized one person
and Preached at Mr Isaac Crocket's & spent the night

~ Thursday

221ndst Walked to Mr John Smith's and preached in the
schoolhouse at night & spent the night with J Smith. 6 m[iles]

~ Friday

22nd Visited the school in No. 2 taught by Mr Daniel Luce
I gave an address to the school & closed by prayer
I then walked to Mr Charles Browns preached at
his house & spent the night with him distance 4 mil

~ Saturday

23 I preached at Mr John M Sullers the power of God
rested upon me I spoke in tongues & Interpeted & some
cryed aloud & one wished to be baptized {spent the night distance} 2 m

~ Sunday

24th Sunday Preached two sermons in schoolhouse
No 2 to a large congregation then walked to Thomas
Arey's 2nd
Preached to the people and Baptized two
persons to it Capt Thomas Arey 2nd & John M Sullers
before a multitude Spent the night before Br Ar
with Br Arey 2nd distance 5 miles

~ Monday

25 Christmas walked in company with Br Arey to
No 4th district preached in the deep hollow schoolhous
to a large congregation from Acts 13 ch 40, 41. I spent
the night at Mr James Fernal My soul was vex'd
with the wicked procedings of Mr Towl a school teache[r]
in rejecting my testimony &c distance 5 miles

~ Tuesday

26th Walked to Mr Isaac Crockett's preached at his house
& spent the night at Mr Merchant's distance 8 mile

~ Wednesday

27. Baptized two persons in the long cove at full tide amid the
Ice. Walked to Abigah Luce Preached at his house on the Book of
the spirit of God rested upon me distance 3 miles

Page 183

~ Thursday

Dec 28th I spent the fore part of the day in conversation
with Mr William Douglass the Methodist Priest he wanted
me to work miracles to make him believe I reproved him
for taking such a course and left him & walked to N[orth] I.[sland]
on the neck & Preached in the schoolhouse & spent the
night at Mr James Babbadge in company with Messrs
Robert Thompson Esq. & James Thompson, from Islesborough
long Island
they Invited me to visit them. On the same
day Mrs Woodruff crossed the Thoroughfare in a boat
to the South Island & walked tohe whole length of the
Island to Br Burgess distance 8 or 10 miles the greatest
Journey she ever took on foot she was much fatigued. 4 m[iles]

~ Friday

29th I walked from Mr Babbadge to the top of the rock
our former place of retirement for Prayer, it was a
plesent morning the sun shone upon the waters with
the briliantsy of a summers day my meditations were
sweet although alone after surveying the Islands & sea
a few moments I plucked a handful of fir from a tree
and lade it under the pine (whare I had often prayed
in company with Elder J H Hale see Sept 5th) I kneel
down upon the fir (to keep off from the snow) and offered up
the gratitude of my heart unto God I went my way rejoicing
to Mr Charles Brown whare I found a number of Saints
of one accord in one place and PHEBE with the rest. I
was rejoiced to meet with them. I Preached to a large
congregation from Ruth 1st ch 15 16th we had an interesti
ng time several offered themselves for Babtism I spent
the night at C Browns distance of the day 8 miles

~ Saturday

30th I held a Prayer meeting at Br Thomas Arey's 2nd we
had a spiritual time I spent the night at Mr C Browns 2 m[iles]

~ Sunday

31st On the 31st of Dec on Sunday being the last day of 1837
I Preached in No 3rd district to a large congregation upon the
Parable of the vineyard. I Baptized two person in the sea at
full tide before a multitude. I obtained five subscribers

Page 184

for the Elders Journal. The spirit of God is like leaven in the
midst of these Islands of the sea. the solemnities of Eternity
is resting upon the people [Doctrine and Covenants 43:34], the word of God is like a sharp
two edged sword in the hearts of men [Hebrews 4:12] I am now preachi-
ng & Baptizing almost daily. O may the Lord roll on his
work amid the Islands of the sea and give me a rich
harvest of souls. I spent the night with Mr Charles
distance of the day 4 miles

THUS ends the year of 1837 and the 1st VOL of
my Journal. I now find myself upon one of the Islands
of the sea in defence of the word of GOD and for the testim-
ony of JESUS CHRIST, in company with (PHEBE) my
companion whom God hath gaiven me for a bosom friend
& a help meet. I marvel & can exclaim like one one of
old, "great and marvelous are thy works "O LORD GOD
ALMIGHTY" [Revelation 15:3] whenI I consider his ways with the
children of men, esspecially when I consider his dealings
with myself. The past year hath been the most interest-
ing part of my life in many respects. The account of
my procedings during the year 1837 may be found on
the following page, and a continuation of my travels
in the ministry will be recorded in my Journal in the
2nd VOL

~ Wednesday

Jan 3rd 1838 I wrote a Letter to Elder Don C. Smith and
sent him five subscribers for the Elders Journal viz Abram
, Thomas Arey 1st Thomas Arey 2nd Ebenezer
, Jabez Myrick. I sent in the letter $15. $5 was for
the above subscribers $1 for John M Sellers & the other
$9 was for a Bill due William Marks in the hands of A. O. Cowdery

Page 185

IN 1837

I attended the solemn assembly and met twenty times with the quorum of the Seventies
I traveled in Upper Canida and in six of the United States and visited three Islands of the sea making a distance in all of two thousand three hundred & fifty Miles 2,350 miles
I held one hundred and eight meetings 108
^I Planted three churches^
I Baptized twenty one persons three were sea captains and three were kins folk's I was a partner with Elder J H Hale in baptizing nine others 21
^I confirmed^ ^30^
I attended two conferences and jointly ordained nine Elders nine Priest eleven Teachers and five Deacons 34
I Procured twenty three subscribers for the Elders Journal 23
I sold eight Books of Mormon 8
There was five cases of healing under my hands 5
I blessed two children 2
I wrote thirty Letters 30
I received thirteen Letters 13
I recorded two of Joseph Smith sermons
Page 186

A synopsis of this volume

IN 1834 I travled 1238 miles

IN 1835 I travled 3248 Miles. Baptized 43 persons. Held
170 meetings, procured 20 subscribers for the Latter
Day Saints Messenger & Advocate
, & 2 for the reprinted Star
Also 70 signers to the petition to the Governour of Missouri for
redress of wrongs done the Church by the Jackson County mob
Wrote 18 letters Ordained 2 Teachers and 1 Deacon held
3 debates and had 3 mobs rise against ME planted 3 ch[urches] confir[me]d 34

IN 1836 I traveled 6557 miles, held 153 meeting attended
4 conferences held 4 debates and Baptized 27 persons
Ordained 2 Elders 3 Priest 1 Teacher and 2 Deacons. Blest
19 children. 4 persons were healed under my hands in the
name of JESUS CHRIST. I Procured 22 subscribers for the
M & Ad & $70 for the same. also procured $91 for building
the house of the LORD in Kirtland. Wrote 34 letters
& received 7 letters. I had 3 mobs rise against me. ^planted 1 ch[urch] confir[me]d 27^

IN 1837 I attended the solemn assembly. I met 20 times
with the quorum of the Seventies. I traveled in Upper
& in six of the United States also visited three
Islands of the sea making a distance in all of 2350
I held 108 meetings. I Baptized 21 persons three wer
sea captains & three were kinsfolk. I was a partner in
Baptizing 9 others. I attended 2 conferences & jointly
Ordained 9 Elders 9 Priest 11 Teachers & 5 Deacons
I procured 23 subscribers for the Elders Journal and
sold 8 Books of Mormon. there was 5 cases of healing
under my hand. I blessed 2 children. I wrote 30 let-
ters & received 13 letters. I recorded 2 of Joseph's sermons


I traveled 13395 miles held 431 meetings and Baptized 91
persons. I met 20 times with the Seventies I attended 1 sole-
mn assembly and 6 conferences I visited the Canidas
and 15 of the United States & 3 Islands of the sea I ordai-
ined 11 Elders 12 Priest 14 Teachers & 8 Deacons. I ble-
ssed 21 children, there was 9 cases of healings under
my hands. I procured 69 subscribers for the Latter
Day Saints Papers & 70 signers to the petition to the
Governour of Missouri. I procured $91 for the house
of the Lord. I held 7 debates I wrote 82 letters I rece-
ived 20 letters I had 6 mobs rise against [me] but from them
all the LORD delivered me confirmed 92. Planted 7 ch[urches]
esstablished 20 preaching places recorded 2 of J. S. sermons

Page 187


^Medad^ ^Ozem 90 ye. Elijah^ NAMES BORN MARRIED DIED
First Gen. JOSIAH WOODRUFF lived nearly 100 years
2nd Gen. ELDAD WOODRUFF 1751 1806 = 55 y
^3rd Gen^ APHEK WOODRUFF BORN NOV 11, 1778 Aged 82 6 M[onths] May 28 [1]861 82 y[ears] 6 M[onths]
BULAH THOMPSON BORN 1782 Nov 29 1801 JUNE 11 1808 ^08^ 26
WAS MARRIED Nov 29, 1801 Aged 26
^4th Gen^ AZMON BORN Nov 29, 1802 86 y[ears] 1 M[onth] 15 D[ays] Jan 14 1889
WILLFORD BORN March 1, 1807 April 13, 1837
AZUBAH HART BORN july 31, 1792.
Married to APHEK WOODRUFF Nov. 9, 1810. ^54 years^ March 20 1851
PHILO BORN Nov 29 1811. Nov 25 1827 16
ASAHEL HART BORN April 11, 1814. Oct 18, 1838 24
FRANKLIN BORN March 12, 1816 June 1st 1816
NEWTON BORN June 19, 1818 Drowned Sept 1820 2
JULIUS BORN April 22, 1820 Died
EUNICE BORN June 19, 1821 Aug 4 1841 June 14 1853 Aged 32 y 11 m 53
5th Gen SARAH E. WOODRUFF July 14, 1838 July 17 1840 2
Page 188


1st DANIEL CARTER Born in Newbury Port, Mass. the second Gen. from England
EZRA CARTER 2nd Gen Feb 20th 1734 April 29, 1818 84
PHEBE WHITEMORE April 1736 June 1820 84
JOSHUA FABYAN ESQ MARCH AD. 1742 June 20, 1799. 57
SARAH FABYAN April 9th AD. 1740 Aug 29 AD. 1820 80
EZRA CARTER 3rd Gen March 18th AD 1773 ^Oct^ Oct 2, 1[7]97 March 10, 1868 95
SARAH FABYAN April 8th AD. 1775. Oct. 2, 1797 July 21st 1845. 70
^4th Gen^ JOSEPH FABYAN 4 gen Dec 11, AD 1798 Jan 9 1829
SARAH BRACKET Sept 30 AD 1800 Nov 1 182[3]
IRA Sept 19, 1802 Jan 21, 1804
EZRA April 29 1804 Nov. 4, 1834
IRA Nov 23 1805 Jan 2, 1806 ^1.3 m[onths]^ 1 m[onth] 9 D[ays]
PHEBE WHITEMORE March 8 1807 April 13, 1837
RHODA FARNUM March 13 1809 Nov 12 1839
IRA Oct 20 1810 Jan 24 1811. 3 M[onths] 4 D[ays]
SHUAH COFFIN Dec 20 1811
MARY FABYAN March 22, 1814.
ILUS FABYAN Nov 8, 1816
Bulah Agusta Woodruff July 19 1851
Married to Sidney H. Beatie June 30, 1868
Phebe Eleanor Oct 8, 1864 ^9 oclok^
Page 189

Lorenzo Snow Married Phebe Amelia Woodruff
Daughter of Wilford & Phebe W. Woodruff
Lorenzo Snow born April 14, 1814. Married April 4, 1854

Names Births Marriages Deaths Age
Mary Amanda June 1st Sept 4th 1860 Sept 5, 1860 1 day
Wilford Leslie Woodruff Feb 7th 1862 11 oclok P.M.
Orion Sept 6 1865.
Milton Feb 9th 1868 40 M[inutes] past 2 oclok PM
Phebe Agusta Florence Aug 7, 1870

[upside-down text]
Wilford Married Emily Jane Smith Oct 12 1867.
Lucy Emily Born Jan 10, 1869
Wilford Sept 25 1871 7 oclock PM
Elias Smith Dec 15 1873 20 minuts Before 10 oclok PM
Asahel March 30 1876 6 oclok AM
[end of upside-down text]
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z & & & &
{Hebrew alphabet} {ye-he-vav he way} {kavvoo}

^4th Gen^ WILLFORD WOODRUFF March 1, 1807 April 13 1837 Nov. 10 [18]85 y[ear] 78 6 M[onths]
PHEBE W. CARTER March 8 1807 April 13 1837 Nov. 10 [18]85
SARAH EMMA 5 Gen July 14th 1838 July 17th 1840 2 Y[ears] 3 D[ays]
WILLFORD OWEN Jr March 22nd 1840
PHEBE AMELIA March, 4th 1842 April 4th 1850
SUSAN CORNELIA July. 25th 1843. Jan 30, 1859
JOSEPH July 18th 1845 Nov 12th 1846 1 Y[ear] 4 M[onths]
EZRA Dec 8th 1846 Dec. 10th 1846 2 Days
SHUAH Carter Oct 28 1847 July 22 1848. 9 M[onths]
BULAH AUGUSTA July 19, 1851
APHEK Jan 25, 1853 Jan 25, 1853. 3 hours
Ozem Woodruff Nov 3rd 1789 1818
Hannah Hart March 20 1799
Samuel Woodruff 1777 Dec 1869 92

Phebe Amelia Married April 4, 1859
Eldad Woodruff B. 1816. D Nov 1881 y[ear] 65
Page 191

Sarah Brown was Born ^in Henderson^ Jefferson Co
New York
Jan 1st 1834

Sarah Brown Daughter of Henry & [blank] Brown
Married to Wilford Woodruff Sen March 13 1853

NAMES Born Marri[e]d Died Age
David Patten April 4th 1854
Brigham Young Jan 18th 1857 Aged 20 y[ears] drowned June 16 1877
Phebe Arobella May 30 1859 June 14th 1874
Sylva Malvina Born at 3 oclock Jan 14 1862
Newton Nov 3rd 1863
Mary Oct 26 15 M[inutes] p[a]st 8 1867
Charles Henry Dec 5 1 oclok P.M. 1870 Feb 2nd 1871 2 oclok AM Near 2 Months
Edward Randolph Feb 2nd 2 6 oclok P.M. 1873 Feb 8th 11 oclok 1873 6 days
Page 192

Emma Smith was Born at Diahman
Davis County Missouri. March 1st 1838

Emma Smith Daughter of Samuel & Martecia Smith
Married to Wilford Woodruff Sen March 13 1853

NAMES Born Married Died Age
Hiram Smith at 4 oclok PM Oct 4 1857 Nov 24 1858 1 year 1 M[onth] 20 days
Emma Manella July 4th 1860
Asahel Hart 15 minutes to 7 oclok A.M. Feb 3rd 1863
Anna Thompson April 10th 1867 30 M[inutes] to 6 P.M. April 11, 1867 7 Hours 15 Minutes
Clara F Martishia July 23, 1868 15 M[inutes] p[a]st 8 oclok
Abram Owen Nov. 23, 30 M[inutes] to 11 PM. 1872
Mary Alice Mary Alice Wineford Blanch April 9 1876 10 m[inutes] to 12 oclk at night
Mary Alice Jan 2nd 1879 at 5:30 PM
Page 193

Robert Scholes ^Born Nov 19, 1835^ Married To
Susan Cornelia Woodruff Dughter of
Wilford & Phebe W Woodruff Jan 30, 1859

Names Births Marriages Deaths Age
Eugenia Amelia 20 minuts to 3 oclock Mar 21st 1860 Nov 3rd 1883
Phebe Carter Oct 6 1862
Robert Dec 1st 1864
Wilford Woodruff Sept 26 1867 30 M[inutes] p[a]st 8 oclok
George Nov. 19 1869
March 23 1876 12 oclok Noon

[upside-down text]
Bulah Augusta ^Born^ Married. S. H. Beatie ^Died^ June 30, 1868
Phebe Eleanor Born Oct 8, 1869
Preston Carter Born Dec. 7, 1871 at 30 Minuts p[a]st 4 oclk A.M.
Died ^6 oclok AM^ Jan 26, 1872 Age 1 Month 19 day
Wilford 22 Dec 1872
Florence Estella March 20th 1876 20 m[inutes] p[a]st 11 AM
[end of upside-down text]

Page 194

Sarah Delight Stockings Daughter of
John & [blank] Stockings was married to
Wilford Woodruff Sen July 31, 1857

She was born in Canton Hartford Co Connecticut July 28 1838

Names Births Marriages Deaths Age
Marion June 1st 1861
Emeline July 25 30 m[inutes] past 9 PM 1863
Ensign 15 minuts to 3 oclok Dec 23 1865
Jeremiah 29 Aug 1868 Dec 16 1869 1 year 3 Months 17 days
Rosana 4 oclok PM April 7, 1871 Oct 22nd 1872 8 A.M 1 year 6 Months 5 days
John L 3 oclk Aug. 14, 1873
Julia 7 oclok AM June 28 1878
Page 195

Rebeca Brown born in vinal Haven Maine
Oct 30, 1826 Sealed to W W ^June 15, 1867^ Died Aug 1839
Aged 13 year

Mary Webste Giles Born ^About 1806^ in Boston Mass
Sealed to W. W. March 28 1852
Died Oct 3rd 1852. Aged about 52 years

On the 26 Febuary 1857 The followeing
Persons were sealed to W Woodruff at
the Alter in the Endowmt House By
Brigham Young

Phebe Whitmore Carter
Mary Fabyan Carter Deceased
Emma Smith
& Sarah Brown.

Sarah Delight Stockings was sealed to
W Woodruff at the Alter in the Endowmt
House July 31, 1857 By Presidet Young

Mary Giles Webster, Daughter of
Samuel & Elizabeth Giles born in
Marblehead Essex County Mass.
Sept 6, 1803.

Sealed to W Woodruff
March 28th, 1852

Also at the Alter Endmt
House. June 15 1867

Died Oct 3rd 1852
Aged 49 years

Eunice Woodruff sealed to W W June 15 1867

Page 196

Wilford Woodruff Jr Born March 22 [18]40
Married Emily Smith Born MDied May 8, 1878

Their Children

Lucy ^Emily^ Born Jan 10 1869

Wilford 3rd Born Sept 25, 1871

Elias S Born Dec 15 1873

Asahel Born March 30, 1876

Emily Died

Married SJulia Spencer
May 18 1879

George Born March 1, 1880
Died Sept 22, 1881

[ Leo ] Born March 15 1882
at 5 Minuts to 1 oclok

Page 197