From 18564 to 1859. 4 years 350 pages
January 1st 184754
December 31st 1859
Synopsis of W. Woodruff travels & Journals from
1834 to 1853 Inclusive making Nineteen years
Travled during this period through England Scotland Wa | 80558 | miles |
Held public meetings & preached | 1395 | times |
I Attended in the vineyard 86 conferences | 86 | conferences |
I Attended Elders counsels | 123 | counsels |
I Attended General Conferences of the Church | 15 | conferences |
I Attended 217 counsels with the Presidency & 12 | 217 | counsels |
I met 15 times with the High Counsel | 15 | Times |
I Baptized (696) Assisted in baptizing thousands of others | 696 | Baptized |
I confirmed 1004 I helped confirm thousands | 1004 | confirmed |
I was baptized for 36 Dead friends | 36 | Dead |
I ordained 4 Patriarchs | 4 | Patriarchs |
I ordained 10 Bishops | 10 | Bishops |
I ordained 24 High Council | 24 | H Counsel |
I ordained 25 High Priests | 25 | H Priests |
I ordained 13 Seventies | 13 | Seventies |
I ordained 162 Elders | 162 | Elders |
I ordained 142 Priests | 142 | Priests |
I ordained 63 Teachers | 63 | Teachers |
I ordained 13 Deacons | 13 | Deacons |
I ordained 1 president & 2 counsellors of a stake | 3 | Zion |
I assisted the Twelve in ordaining 275 Elders & Seventies in Nauvoo not counted in the above | April 18th | 1842 |
I Administered unto the sick by laying on of Hands | 498 | sick |
I blessed 135 children | 135 | Blessed |
I Administered the marriage covenant to | 13 | couple |
I Planted 51 churches | 51 | churches |
I esstablished 77 Preaching Places | 77 | |
I Had 10 mobs rise against me | 10 | mobs |
I recorded in my Journals 30 of Joseph Smith | 30 | sermons |
I Recorded 25 of the sermons of the Twelve | 25 | Apostles |
I wrote 1557 Letters | 1557 | Letters |
I Received 1063 [letters] | 1063 | |
I collected for the Temple in kirtland & Nauvoo | $1674 | dollars |
I Procured subscribars for our Papers | 205 | subscribars |
I Printed the Times & seasons & Nauvoo Neighbor
in company with John Taylor for two years
we sterrotyped the Doctrins & Covenants
I Printed 2500 copies of the Millennium Star
I Published 3000 copies of the Doctrins & Covents
And secured the copy wright in England
I Published 20,000 Proclamations of the Twelve Apostles
I have been ordained during the foregoing period
To the office of Teacher Priest Elder member
of the second quorum of seventies first quorum
of seventies & to the quorum of the Twelve Apostles
I blessed 45 missionaries Appointed to go to the world
I received my washings & Anointings sealings
And Endowments under the hand of President
Brigham Young
I received the washing of feet under the hand
of President Heber C. Kimball
I was Appointed a member of the Regency
And met with them 16 days 16 days
I was Appointed a chaplain in the Nauvoo Legion
I was elected a member of the Legislature
And spent with them 107 days
I was Appointed Clerk & Historian of the Twleve Apostles
I Attended the dedication of the Temple ground
in the city of the Great Salt Lake And the laying
of the cornor stones of that Temple on the 6 April 1853
I spent 111 day in overseeing the tithing hands
while diging out the foundation for the Temple
~ Sunday
JAN 1st 1854. Sunday I attended meeting at
the Tabernacle the people were addressed in an inter-
esting & ediyfying manner in the morning By Elder
Orson Hyde. In the afternoon By Elder Wilford Woodruff
& Followed By Presenident Brigham Young. He spoke as He always
does much to the edifycation of the People
~ Monday
2nd ^
^ I delivered an address to the inhabitants of the 14th
ward ^at the^ school House was followed by several others
in the fore part of the day I attended a party in
the evening at the Social Hall time was mostly spent
in music & danceing we had However an interesting
address from President Young on the subject of danceing
He said I consider this a suitable place to give some instrution.
we have assembled here to have music & danceing
the world have had vary strange Ideas concerning these things
they have supposed it was a vary wicked thing for a Christ[ian]
to dance or hear music many preachers of the day have
said that fidling & musick came from Hell But I say that
their is no fiddleing or music in hell their is not a fiddler in
hell or any music of any kind music belondgs in heaven
to cheer God, Angel, & man. if we could hear the music
their is in heaven it would overwhelm mortal man the
Lord gave us that organ that makes music so delightful to
man & the Devel has stolen musichk & many other things
that was ordained of God for the Benefit of man & has
turned it to an evil use but music & danceing is for the benef[it]
of the Holy ones & if those that come here to night are
not Holy & righteous & feel to worship & Praise God they
have no business here what strange Idea the world has
of a prophet they would expect to see a man with finger
na^i^les a foot long with his hair hanging to his hips, with
his body covered with dirt & filth with his head bowed
down in sorrow for the sins of the world that He would not
have a house or lie in one, or in a bed, but lie in the caves of
the rocks & on the Ground th& must never smile or appear
happy. And as to seeing an Apostles the people would
expect to melt if one came along. But all of these
Ideas are vain & foolish for this company before me
to night does not begin to be adorned inside or out as
they should be in order to meet with the Angels in heaven who
are adorned in purity power & Glory clothed with clean
white linen. I will say a word concerning danceing with the
Gentiles. As I have got up this party If I had felt disposed
to have invited some Gentiles herse would they have
contaminated me or this company No because the
priesthood rules here with the keys of power truth light
& knowledge. And I would not suffer any thing that
is rong for I would controlls things & have them my
own way or break up the party. But if any Elder in this
church was to follow after Gentile parties they would
submit themselves to their spirit partake of their evils
& go to the devel any Elder would fall that persued this
why do not the gentile merchants of this city embraced
this work because they have locked barded & bolted
their minds against it with evry lock they could
put on they swore by evry power they possess before
they left home they would not embrace it they came
with but one object & that was to gain money & they
are determined not to be turned from their purpose
many good remarks were made by the presidnt
I tarried at the party untill 12 oclok & then returned
~ Tuesday
3rd I spent the fore part of the day at home writing
~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday
4th to 7th I spent the time at the Legislature
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I attended a meeting Lorenzo^in^ Far^r^ preached
I reported his sermon
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
9th to 14 I spent this week in the Legislatur the mail
came in this week I received a Letter from
Sister William Benbow a& a paper from O.
~ Sunday
15th Sunday we have 8 inches of snow on the ground
this morning I spent the day at home.
~ Monday to ~ Friday
16 to 20th I spent this week in the Legislature which closed
on this 20 day of Jan 1854
~ Saturday
21st I commenced a school this morning in my family
with my own children
~ Sunday
22nd ^
^ I attended meeting at the Tabernacle & I preached
in the morning to the saints from the following words
"whatsoever ye sow that shall you reap" [Doctrine and Covenants 6:33] I told the pepople
that if they sowed good principles in their own minds
& in the minds of their children that they will bring
forth good fruit which will tend to exhaltation & glory
so can we judge of the nations of the Earth if they indulge
in sin wickedness & abominations & their children are
brought up in the same they must expect to reap the
whirlwind arrow & death, Judgment sorrow wo &
destruction. We should warn our children of all
danger & escape all sin ourselves we were here in
these vallies through the mercies of God & we should
make an improvement by our situation
President Young Preached in the Afternoon And I reported
his sermon At the close of the meeting I went in company
with President Young to see President Willard Richads
who was vary sick with the palsy he was in an awful
spasm lying upon the floor with sever[al] men trying to hold
him he suffered immensly it seemed as though he was
strugling in the agonies of death He had been sick several
days I spent the night with him He suffered much during
the night the presidency & Twelve administered to him by the
laying on of hands & prayer we were almost fearfu[l]
that He would not recover from this sickness still
we had hope
~ Monday
23rd I left President Richards this morning and
returned to my house & spent the day at home
~ Tuesday
24th I spent the day at home with my children &
in the evening I delivered a lecture upon the subject of
education in the school house of the 19th ward school
~ Wednesday
25 I spent the day at home with my children
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
26th 27 & 28 I spent the time at home in school with my
children Dr Richards is still failing & suffering much
~ Sunday
29th Sunday I attended with Dr Richards in the fore
part of the day He suffered much O Hyde preached
in the fore part of the day and P. P. Pratt in the afternoon
at the close of the meeting the Presidency & Twelve went
to Dr Richards and Administered to him by the laying
on of hands and we have done it freequently & at
times had a testimony by the spirit of God that He would
get better but all outward appearances have been against
his getting up again. I met in the 14th ward school
house at candle light & preached to a full house was
followed by P P Pratt we had a good time the spirit of
the Lord was poured out upon us at the close of the
meeting the spirit I went to Dr Richards & spent 2
hours. He was vary low & it wappeared as though He
would not live till morning
~ Monday
30th Dr Richads is alive this morning and appears
some better I wrote 2 letters to I F Carter & J M Bern-
hisel I spent the remainder of the day at home
~ Tuesday
31st Dr Richards still lives and appears some better
And I pray the Lord he may again get well for many
reasons one is the Twelve have administered to him
many times and felt moved upon at times to promis
him that he should live and get well and stand in the
midst of his brethren and also to administer to his
family this I promised him once while the Twelve and
all his wives were administering to him at the same
time I attended the Bishops meeting this evening
with Elder Thomas Kington I addressed the Bishops
and had the spirit of the Lord we are now begining
to ordain our young sons to the lesser ^priesthood^ here in Zion
~ Wednesday
Feb 1st we are now gathering all our young children
from eight years old and upward in the several wards
one evening in each week for the purpose of speaking
and praying I met with the children in the 14 ward this
evening and addressed them & herd some 50 of them
speak and it was an interesting time
~ Thursday
Feb 2nd I spent the day in school with my children
In the evening I attended the prayer meeting at
the 14th ward school house & herd about 50 of the saints
speak I also Addressed them at the close of the meeting
and had the spirit of the Lord & felt well
There is one thing I will here record in my Journal
which I take great pleasure in I united with the
Bishop & his counsel & ordained 1 Priest 2 Theachers
& 2 deacons and the Priest which I ordained was
my ownly son now living with me Wilford Woodruff sJr
He is 13 years old He is now to begin to officiate in the
priest office of the lesser Priesthood And I thank the
LORD that I have lived to see this day when I have a
son hwho has received the Priesthood and is recogni-
zed as such by the Church and is about to officiate
in it I Pray the blessings of the God of Abram Isaac
& Jacob may rest upon him that He may honuour the
Priesthood all the days of his life and do much good
in bringing many souls into the Kingdom of God and
always maintain the Kingdom of God with all its laws
& principles which may the Lord grant for Christ
sake Amen
~ Friday
Feb 3rd 1854 As my son Wilford was to commence
this morning to begin to officiate in the priests office by
going through the ward to visit the house of each member
in company with Brother Ross in the capacity of teachers
I called my family together for the purpose of Prayer
and Dedicating my son unto the Lord his father and
mother laid hands upon his head and Blessed him and
Dedi[c]ated him unto the Lord. The following is a coppy of the
Blessing bestowed upon his head
Wilford Woodruff Jr Born In Montrose Iowa March 22nd 1840
Received the following fblessing under the hand of his father Wilford
Woodruff sen one of the Twelve Apostles city of the SGreat Salt Lake
Feb 3rd 1854 when he was 13 years & 323 days old
Wilford in the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of the
Holy Pristhood I lay my hands upon your head and seal upon
your head a Fathers blessing and seal upon ^you^ the priesthood of Aaron
which you have received, and also to dedicate you unto God for
the purpose of the ministry. I seal upon your head all the blessings
of Abram Isaac & Jacob. I seal you up unto eternal life and no power
shall take your crown. And you shall live long upon the Earth
and do great good and bring many souls into the kingdom
of God. And you shall stand in the defence of Zion and if you
will be faithful in keeping the commandments of God you
shall receive the fulness of the priesthood and the Apostheship
and the keys thereof and shall follow the footsteps of thy
father wherein he has been faithful in the Apostheship, and
tho shalt live and not die. thy body shalt not be laid in the grave
but thou shalt live till the coming of Christ. then shall thy body
be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to [3 Nephi 28:8]
immortality, and shalt be caught up to meet the Lord
in the air when he shall come in the clouds of heaven to
meet with the saints on the earth. [1 Thessalonians 4:17] thou shalt be a great
man on the Earth. thou shalt have posterity and thy sons
shalt bear the priesthood after thee. thou shalt be a comfort
and consolation to thy father & Mother in their declining
years. thou shalt cause the heart of thy mother to rejoice
who has laboured hard to preserve thy life from thy
infancy up to this day. thou shalt have power to teach
the great things of the kingdom of God and do great
miracles thou shalt heal the sick & cast out Devils
in the name of Jesus Christ. thou shalt see visions &
dream dreams and angels shall administer unto thee
and teach thee great things. thou shalt see Zion Zion
esstablished in great power and glory. I seal all
these Blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
theis Blessing was sealed upon the head of my son
Wilford and recorded under my hand on this the
3rd day of Feb A.D 1854 Wilford Woodruff sen
I spent most of this day in school with my children
during the evening Sisters Whitney & Eliza Snow called upon
us and spent the evening we talked over the days of Kirtland &
others times I red over several of the old sermons of Joseph not
recorded any whare ownly in my Journal. we spent a plesant evening
before they left Sister Whitney sung in tongues in the pure
language which Adam & Eve made use of in the garden of Eden
this gift was obtained while in Kirtland through the promise of Joseph
He told her if she would rise upon her feet (while in a meeting)
she should have the pure Language she done so and immediately
commenced singing in that language. it was as near heavenly
music as any thing I ever herd.
~ Saturday
4th I spent the day in school with my children
~ Sunday
5 Sunday Brothers Kimball & Benson Preached to the people in
the foorenoon & President Brigham Young in the afternoon
and it was a choice feast one of the best sermons ever
deliverd to the people it was rich in principles & Godliness the
hearts of the people were feasted and all rejeoicd. At the close
of the meeting I attended the prayer circle then I went
to the 9th ward and preached &
~ Monday
6th I attended meeting with the perpetual fund company
Adjurned till 1st monday in ma[r]ch I took out of the
Library the 1st vol of Benjamin Franklin By J Sparks
which consisted of 10 vol I red the first vol through which
I found Highly instructing & interesting the following is an extrct
of his rules of perfection which He endeavored to carry out in his
The names of virtues with their precepts were
1st Temperance—Eat not to dulness; drink not to elevation
2nd Silence—Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself
avoid trifling conversation
3rd Order—Let all your things have their places. let each part
of your business have its time
4th Resolution—Resolve to perform what you ought perform
without fail what you resolve
5 Frugality—Make no expens but to do good to others or yourself
that is waste nothing
6th Industry—Lose no time be always employed in somthing useful
cut off all unnecessary action
7th Sincerity—Use no hurtful deceit think innocently and justly
And if you speak speak accordingly
8th Justice—wrong none by doing injuries or omitting the benefits
that are your duty
9th Moderation—Avoid extremes forbear resenting injuries so much
as you thing they deserve
10 Cleanliness—Tolerate no uncleanliness in boby, clothes or
11th Tranquility—Be not disturbed at trifles or at accidents
common or unavoidable
12 Chastity . . . . .
13 Humility—Imitate Jesus and Socrates
Says Franklin—My intention being to acquire the habit
of all these virtues I judgesd it would be well not to distract
my attention by attempting the whole at once but to fix
it on one of them at a time & when I should be master of
that, then to procede to another, & so on till I should have
gone through the 13. And as the previous acquisition of some
might facilitate the acquisition of certain others I aranged
them with this view as they stand above. Temperance first
as it tends to procure that cooleness & clearness of head
which is so necessary whare constant vigilance was to be up
and a guard maintained against the unremiting attraction
of ancient habits and the force of perpetual temptations.
This being acquired and esstablished Silence would be more
easy and my desire begiing to gaing knowledge at the same time
that I improved in virtue & considering that in conver-
sation it was obtained rather by the use of the ear than of
the tongue, and therefore wishing to break a habit I was
getting unto of prattling, punning, and jesting which ownly
made me acceptable to trifling company. I gave silence the
second place this and the next order I expected would
allow me more time for attending to my project and my
studies. Resolution once become habitual would keep me
firm in my endeavours to obtain all the subsequent virtues
Frugality and industry releiving me from my remaining debt
and producing affluence and independance would make more
easy the practice of sincerity & Justice &c &c
Conceiving then that agreeable to the advice of
Pythagoras in the golden verses daily exemination
would be nessary, I contrived the following method for
conducting that examination. I made a little Book
in which I allotted a page for each of the virtues I
ruled each page with red ink so as to have seven columns
one for each day of the week, marking each column
with a letter for the day I crossed these colomns with
13 red lines marking the begining of each line with the
first letter of one of the virtues on which line on which
line and in its proper column I might mark by a little
black spot every fault I found upon examination to have
been committed respecting that virtue upon that day
Form of the Pages
Eat not to dulness, drink not to elevation
Sun | M. | T | W | Th | F | S | |
Tem | |||||||
Sil | * | * | * | * | |||
Ord | * | * | * | * | * | ||
Res | * | * | |||||
Fru | * | * | |||||
Ind | * | ||||||
Sinc | |||||||
Jus | |||||||
Mod | |||||||
Clea | |||||||
Tran | |||||||
Chas | |||||||
Hum |
I determined to give a weeks strict attention to each of the
virtues successively. thus in the first week I could my
great guard was to avoid even the least offence against
temperance leaving the other virtues to their ordinary chance
ownly marking evry evening the faults of the day.
Thus ^if^ in the first ^week^ I could keep my first line marked T
clear of spots I supposed the habit of that virtue so
much strengthend and its opposite weakened that I
might venture extending my attention to include the
next and for the following week keep both lines
clear of spots proceding thus to the last I could get
through a course complete in 13 weeks and four courses
in a year. And like him who having a garden to weed
does not attempt to eradicate all the bad herbs at once
which wood exced his reach and his strength but
works on one of the beds at a time and having acco-
mplished the first proceds to a second so I should
have I hoped the encouraging pleasure of seeing on my
pages the progress made in virtue by clearing success-
fully my lines of their spots till in the end by a num-
ber of courses I should be happy in viewing a clean
Book after a thirteen weeks daily examination
This my little Book had for its motto these lines from Addisons Cato
Here will I hold if there's a power above us
And that there is all nature cries aloud
Through all her works He must delight in virtue
And that which he delights in must be happy
Thus I have copied so much out of the life of Franklin think-
ing it an excellent & worthy example, and hoping it masy
do me or my children or some other persons some good.
Another principle of Dr Franklins life & recommendation
is vary good under many circumstances in life He recom
mends to all persons in the pulpit, at the bar, in debate,
in conversation to take the modarate ground in Phrase-
ology to say I think or apprehend, I believe or I am
of the opinion that things are thus & so. And not that I
know, I declare, I affirm, that things are thus and so
~ Tuesday
7th I spent the day at home with my children
~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday
8 9 10 & 11 I spent the time in school with my children
I attended meeting in the 14 ward with the children
on the 8th & had a good time we are now holding meet-
ings in the different wards through the city with
the children we get all the children over
8 yards oyears of age together & learn them to pray
& speak of the things of God and it is having a
good influence their is a great responsibility resting
upon parents towards their children
~ Sunday
12 Sunday John Taylor addressed the saints in the
forenoon And President Young in the afternoon He deliv[er]ed
one of the most interesting discourses ever delive[r]ed to the people
I did not reporte it but others did and it will be printed
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
13th 14th I spent the time with my children in school
~ Wednesday
Feb 15th I spent the time in school at attended the children
meeting in the evening near one hundred were present &
prayed & spoke & sung
~ Thursday
16th I spent the time at home during the day in school &
the evening with the children of the 19th ward
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
17th & 18 I spent the time trying to settle accounts
~ Sunday
Sunday E. D. Woolley was called upon to
preach a fun[er]al sermon or rather upon the
resurrection of the dead as some of the saints had
advanced some eronious ideas concerning the resurrection
Brother Woolley had some incorrect ideas when he
closed President Young followed & made many good
remarks he said that we should have the same bone fid
identical body that our spirits occupied while in this life
our graves would litterly be opened and our bodies come
forth. the question was asked if children that died in
infancy lost any thing. He said No a person would not
loose any thing they had not got. Children that died in
infancy would be provided for in some way
I at He said that our GOD was Father Adam He
was the Father of the Savior Jesus JeChrist our God was
no more or less than ADAM. Michael the Arkangel
I attended meeting in the prayer circle in the evening & then
went & preached to the 13 ward.
~ Monday
20th I spent the day at home in school with my childr[en]
~ Tuesday
21st I spent the day in the Counsel House Elder Kimball ^Taylor^
deliverd a long and interesting address in the evening among
his remarks he said when strong drink or any evil thing
brings a man down from his dignity to a brute it has no power
to exhalt him I spent the evening with the 12 ward {President Young was in the Council House this day.}
~ Wednesday
22nd I spent the day at home & attended meeting in the
evening at the 124 ward with the children & had a good time
~ Thursday
23rd I spent the day at home with my children
~ Friday
24th I spent the day at home in the Counsel House and herd
an interesting discours from Elder kimball
~ Saturday
25th I spent the day at home with my children in school
~ Sunday
26 Sunday we have a severe snow storm through this day
I spent the day at home
~ Monday
27th The estern mail came in to day brought dates
up to Dec 22nd containing the floaling [following] news of the day
Europe is in war. China in revolution, Harpers Book
esstablishment burnd up at New York with many other
things on the move
~ Tuesday
I received two letters from Ilus
& wrote 2 letters to Ilus sent by maill $70 to him
I also wrote a letter to J. M. Bernhisel. Mrs Woodruff
wrote a long letter to her Father I spent most
of the day in the Counsel House
~ Wednesday
March 1st 1854 This is my birth day I am 47 years old
this day So my days, months, years, & life is passing away I
thank my Heavenly Father that it has been preserved so long
I pray that I may have grace according to my day I pray that
the spirit of God may abide with me & keep my footsteps in the
paths of virtue, integrity, & Holiness all the days of my life and
that I may have favor in the sight of God & his servants
I spent most of this day at home
~ Thursday
2nd I met with the 14 ward at the school house as a fast day
for prayer & the worship of God we had a house full & the spirit
of God was poured out upon us I confirmed 10 that had been
confirmed Baptized this morning I ordained 1 Priest & laid hands
upon 3 that were sick. Dr Richards is still vary sick & weak
I addressed the Saints many spoke prayed & sung one spoke
in tongues & Brother Coveington interpeted it the following is the
substance of it. That you should not give heed to the mediums
& spirit rappers that are in the land. for twhen the Lord sent the
Holy Ghost anciently to the servants of God it came in the form
of a dove And when the Holy Ghost came to Abraham while He was
bound & about to be slain by the Priest of Elkena He came in
the form of a Dove & so when He came to Jesus He came in the
form of a Dove. [Matthew 3:16] We continued our meeting through evening
& had a good time
~ Friday
3rd Wilford went out to day on a mission in the 14 ward as a priest
I spent most of the day at home writing The Calafornia mail came
in the world seems to be in confusion Europe is begining to be involved
in war. Calafornia is resolved to drive the Indians [out] of the satate Santa
Anna is proclaimed Emperor of Mexico & it is reported that He has
sold three states to the United States for twenty three & a half
Millions of Dollars & Plagues famine pestilence & war seems to be
poured out upon almost all the Earth. I laid hands upon Broth
Iria Ames who was sick And He immediately recovered
~ Saturday
4th I spent the day in school with my children
~ Sunday
5 Sunday Brother O Hyde preached in the forenoon &
W. Woodruff & Lorenzo snow in the afternoon it was
quite a stormy day
~ Monday
6th I spent the day at home in study
~ Tuesday
7th I spent the day at home & attended meeting
in the evening at the 14th ward Wheellock & Hollady
preached And I followed them we had much of the
spirit of God resting upon us
~ Wednesday
8th I spent the day at home in study with my children & I spent
the evening in the Prayer meeting in the 14th ward with the
children. all the children over 8 years of age meet in the
different wards of the city for prayer one night in each
week & they have interesting meetings & I think much go[o]d
will grow out of it
~ Thursday
9th I spent the day at home in my school
~ Friday
I met in council with Brother Kimball & the
12. I ordained 2 Elders we had a good counsel &
Elder Kimball gave a strong pointed lecture for 3 Hours
& spoke upon almost evry species of sin & warned the Eldrs
that were going out on missions to be vary careful to
keep all the commandments of God that they might be
saved from sorrow, disgrace misery & suffering which
is the effects of sin may all men give heed to such
counsel & practice it in their lives & it will save them much sorrow
I met with the 70s in the 14 ward
school House many bore testimony to the work of God
I also Joined my testimony with them at the close of
of the meeting by request of the president of the quorum
of seventies I Joined him & ordained members into
the quorum of Seventies
~ Saturday
W Richards
Died March 11th
AD 1854
March 11th 1854 President
Willard Richards departed this
life this morning at about
30 minutes past 9 oclock
after President Richards was reduced
as it were to deaths door by the laying on of hands & the
prayer of faith He was raised up so that He walked about
his rooms & appeared as though he was going to get well
but he has taken a relaps & been failing for several days
& this morning He appeared wors & the Twelve were
sent for to come & Administer to him but before we
could get there He was dead He droped away almost with[ou]t
any struggle or a groan. Thus closes the life of Brother
Williard Richards He has been a man of strict integrity
to his brethren & his God I have travled with him many
miles both in England & America we have been warm
associates many times. He has been the Historian of the
Church many years He stood in Carthage Jail while
the bullets flew like hail around him & Joseph & Hiram two
prophets of God were martered by his side & brother Taylor
fell pearced with many balls but did not die He has
been a great counsellor in the Church & kingdom of God
And He has died a mighty man in Israel O what sweet
counsel he has given me from time to time & many of
the saints of God He has posse[sse]d a strong mind a mighty
intellect & a valuable peculiar combination of intellect &
such another the world can Hardly produce He is the
first man that has died a natural death in this Church
& kingdom from the first Presidency or Twelve Aposthes
all that have died before have been martered
~ Sunday
March 12th 1854 In company with Levi Richards &
G. A. Smith I called upon President Brigham ^Young^ at his
room as He was not able to get out
& conversed with him concerning the buriel of the corps
of President Willard Richards He Advised us to bury
him at 2 oclock I went to meeting in the morning at
the Tabernacle and Jedediah M. Grant Preached to
the people concerning executing the Law of God upon
all persons who broke their covenants.
We met at President Richards House at 2 oclock to
attend to the burial of the body of Wilard Richards
President Young was not able to be present with
us President Heber C Kimball took charge of the ceremony
G. A. Smith made the Prayer. He prayed earnestly
for President Young Heber C Kimball & the Person who
should be chosen as the successer of Willard Richards
Also for the Twelve Aposthes that they might prove
true to their integrity as brother Richards had done
even to the end He prayed for his wives & children that
the spirit of willard might rest upon his oldest son Heber
John that He might stand at the Head of his fathers House
in dignity & honour He prayed for all his brothers & sisters
might that they all might carry out the counsel of their
father He prayed for all the relatives of Brother Richards
& in fine for all the Church & kingdom of God
Elder Watt reported his prayer so I do not enter into the
particulars of it. At the close of the prayer the p[r]ossesion
was formed Brother Kimball & Bishop Partridge Whitney
Hunter walked forward of the corps & the quorum
of the Twelve Aposthes walked by the side of the corps
& the wives & children & relatives followed the corps
& the p[r]ossession formed behind them & while going to
the grave two bands of music played a solom death
march after the corps was lowerd into the vault Elder
Orson Hyde deliverd a short addresse upon the occasion
& the remarks were vary appropriate He said he was the
first person that had died a Natural death either from
the first Presidency or quorum of the Twelve Apostles
all that had died before had been martered & that Broth-
er Richards was in Jail with Joseph & Hiram when they
were martered He said Brother Richard had prove himself
true & faithful untill death He was a man of the strictest
integrity & had now gone home to meet Joseph & Hiram
[on] the other side of the veil. many good remarks were made
upon the occasion & reported by brother Watt. While the
remarks were being made the times which I had spent
with Brother Richads in a foreign country came to my
mind & I felt solumn & lonesome under it. After the
burial I called upon the family & conversed with them
I Attended the prayer meeting with the Twelve & then with
with Brother Kimball & Franklin Richards to Dr Richards
House & spent the evening with the family & Brother Kimball
conversed with them till 9 oclok & gave them much
counsel the following are some of the sentimts & council given
He said that He believed that the Saints [on] the other side of the veil
in the spirit world are gathered together the same as they are in
this life while the world are scattered over the earth ofter death the
same as they are now and in the same confusion & that their would
be head quarters of the gathering whare they would send out messengers
to preach the gospel to the spirits in prision He advised the family
all to hold together & remain as they were on his inheritants &
not marry again but to keep themselves for him & to be united
together & assist each other all they can
~ Monday
13th I wrote 2 letters one to L. N. Scovil & one to Brother Hoyt
~ Tuesday
I spent the day in the Counsel House with Brother Kimball &
the Twelve Brother kimball spoke upon principle & counsel for
four Hours He spoak many good great & glorious truths to the
people (He spoke of the sorrow & tribulation to those who broke the
Law of God)
~ Wednesday
15th I spent the day at home writing I spent the evening in
meeting with the children
~ Thursday
16th I spent the day at home
~ Friday
17th I spent the day in the Counsel House & herd good instruct[ion]
~ Saturday
18 I spent this day at home rieding to Grantsville I
rode 47 miles & was vary weary spent the night at Bishops Clarks 47 [miles]
~ Sunday
19 Sunday
I preached to a large congregations in grantsville
in the morning Gave them counsel to close up their
fort their was many Indians with them though
frendly after meeting I rode 12 miles to Toille City
& preached to the People in the evening I spent the
night with Bishop Roberry 12 mil
~ Monday
20th In company with Brother Maugn I rode to Brother
Bates from thence to the new city near Bensons mill
& held a meeting with the people & they all agreed to build
in a fort I spent the night with brother Mechum 15
~ Tuesday
21 I rode to salt Lake City & spent the night at home 25 miles
~ Wednesday
I received a letter from J. M. Bernhisel
containing some News paper scraps
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
23 24th & 25 I spent the time ploughing & scrapeing on
the city wall
~ Sunday
26 Sunday I spent the day in the Tabernacle Elder
Taylor spoke in the forenoon & W. Woodruff &
Lorenzo Snow spoke in the Afternoon I attended
meeting with the Presidency & 12 in the evening
~ Monday
The Twelve met at my house this evening
to Bless the missionaries who were going to England
we had a good meeting Elder Franklin Richards was
to preside over the mission He received his blessing
on Sunday evening. those that received their blessing
this evening to go to England were George Grant
Wm Kimball Joseph Young Edmund Elsworth
Brother Little & anothe[r] Brother
we also blessed Brother Kesler & Hollady to go to
the states many goods remarks were made &
good blessings given them
~ Tuesday
28 I spent this day on the wall
~ Wednesday
29th I made a sheet Iron pan to day to set in
an arch I attended a meeting to day night
with the children
~ Thursday
I wrote a letter of instruction to Levi Stewart
& sent by him a draft of $200 to Sanbon & Carter
~ Friday
31st I spent the day making an arch for
the pan
~ Saturday
April 1st Brother Levi Stewart started east this morning
with the mail I gave him $100 in gold to send to
Sanbon & Carter making $300 in all which
I send by him.
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
Elder P. P. Pratt spoke in the morning W. Woodruff
followed in the afternoon J. M. Grant spoke I
attended the prayer meeting in the evening &
then preached in the 14 ward school House
~ Monday
3rd I commenced to day to make molasses from
parsnips it done well
~ Tuesday
34 [FIGURE] Sarah was deliverd of a son this morning
at 30 minuts past 3 oclock & doing well I spent
the day making molasses
~ Wednesday
5 I spent the day making molasses I made
about 15 gallons during the last 3 days
~ Thursday
Thursday April 6th 1854
General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints met this morning in the
Tabernacle of the Lord
The conference opened by singing & Prayer by
President Kimball. President B Young then arose
& & addressed the people upon the business of the
conference the death of Willard Richards, filling his
place, Appointing new gathering places for the Saints
& many other things the reporters wrote what
was spoaken He was followed by President Kimball
who also spoke well
PM. Elder O Hyde Addressed the meeting in the afternoon
was followed By G. A. Smith & President Young
concerning the indian war Waker &c much good
instruction was given. Conference adjourned till
to morrow 10 oclock
Their was preaching during the evening at the Tabernacle
By the High Priests quorum the meeting was Addressed
by Bishop Petegrew Phineas Young, Gifford Haywood
John Neff, & several in the congregation that iI did not
know & tthe meeting closed by an address from
W Woodruff & J M Grant upon the Law of consecrati-
I met In counsel with President Young & co[u]nsel
& the 12. And P P Pratt was Appointed to go to
Hornors Ranch in Calafornia to esstablish a stake
Erastus Snow was appointed to go to St Louis to
take charge of the Saints in that Land & O Pratt
to take charge of the stake in Cincinnati
~ Friday
April 87th Conference opened at 10 oclock prayer
by Lorenzo Snow H. C. Kimball made some remarks
He said that what President Young had presented
to the people to carry out was ownly what we had
in our Houses for years all have to be perchased
even George Watt I want all I have to be secure in
the kingdom of God. If the Presidency & Twelve
enter into this order they will swollow up the whole
Church in a little time & also the whole world as Joseph
did in Egypt. The Plurality of wives was esstablished
& many of you have fought it & you may fight it untill
you go into your graves & it will still be the work
of God & will continue to be to all Eternity
President Young followed upon the subject of consecr-
ation & tithing & his remarks will be published hereafter
2 oclok P.M. Singing Prayer by W. Woodruff All took
seats on the outside the Tabernacle their was about 7000
people present they were addressed by P. P. Pratt
The following persons were called to go on Missions
P P Pratt to San Jose, O Pratt & O Spencer to Cincinnati
Erastus Snow to St Louis the Above brethren were to
esstablish stakes to gather the saints to them 7 to the pacific
Island & 9 to the United States
6 oclok in the evening the seventies met in the Tabernacle
& were Addressed by the Presidency of the seventies
~ Saturday
April 78th Conference was called to order by President
Kimball Prayer by Elder Benson then the business of the
conference was presented before the people. All the Authorities
of the Church were sustained
then many received their Appointments to go on mission
to differant parts all of which are published in the Deserett
News of April 13
~ Sunday
April 9th Congregation met in the open air north side of
the Tabernacle. Prayer by Elder Hyde. Lorenzo Snow
spoke upon the subject of Life & salvation
Other names were presented for a mission
2 PM Prayer by W Woodruff. Other men were
called to go on missions. Counsellor J M Grant Appointed
all the Bishops Elders Priests & all the male members of the
Church policemen to preserve the inhabitants in peace
safety & virtue
President Young brought the conference to a close &
Adjourned this conference to the 27 June next at 10 AM
to meet at this place I have not written the procedings
of this conference in this Journal as they are all reported
by G. D Watt & published in the News
I Attended the prayer meeting with the Presidency & Twelve
And President Young said while remarking upon the
offices of the Priesthood that the seventies hold all the
Keys in the Church & Kingdom of God on earth & if the 12
were dead they would have to ordain all the offices of
the Church for they are all High Priests & Apostles I told
Joseph Young to have the 70 All ordained Apostles
It is perfectly right to take High Priests & make Teachers of them
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
April 10 11 & 12 I spent the time ploughing my Gardens &
preparing it for planting. the mail came in & I got
3 letters from J. H. Jones J. M. Bernhisel & Thompson
Woodruff we learned by mail that their was a fair
prospect of a General European war
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
13 14 & 15 I spent this time in planting potatoes corn,
peace [peas] & flowers I met with the brethren & Attended to the
blessing of 145 missionaries
~ Sunday
16 Sunday John Taylor spoke in the forenoon
In the afternoon B Claap O Hyde, & E Snow spoke
I met the 12 at 7 ock to Bless the missionaries who are
going out on missions we blessed 35, & returned to our homes
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
17 & 18 I Rode to Gardners Mill to white fort & [illegible]
fort & back again to Salt Lake City distnce 70 mils
~ Wednesday
19th We had a shower of rain I spent the time at home
~ Thursday
20th I spent most of the day with G. A. Smith in the
Historians office I feft [left] with him 4 volums of my Journal
including 1840 to [18]46 inclusive
~ Friday
April 21st I spent the day draging a 5 Acre lot for corn
I set to day for the first time to have my Portrait
drawn by Mr Cavalio the Jewish Artist that came
with Mr Freemont He commenced one also for
Brother A. O. Smoot. I took a social ride with
President Young He gave me an invitation to go with him
on his Journey to Iron County
~ Sunday
223rd Sunday I attended meeting. A. O. Smoot preached
in the fore part of the day I reported his sermon He treated
upon the scattering & gathering of Israel. Brother Martin-
dale preached in the afternoon & President Young followed
with some remarks upon His Journey south He also
followed A. O. Smoot in the morning upon the subject
of the sugar works. I Attended the prayer circle
at 5 oclock. I Also met with the Missionaries
in the evening in company with O Hyde P P. Pratt
W. Woodruff, J. Taylor G. A. Smith & E Snow of the
Twelve & we blessed about 40 mElders who were set
apart to go to different parts of the Earth at the close
of the blessing they were Addressed by P. P. Pratt upon their
outfit with Mules & waggons as best to cross the plains
& deserts Horses next to mules but dont take oxen G. A. Smith
Addressed them upon keeping a Journal & History of their
travels & the dealings of God with them in gifts Healings &c
J Taylor Addressed them upon the subject of keeping the
commandments of God & not become defiled with women
or any evil. O Hyde spoke his feelings to them upon
things in generel W Woodruff said Amen to the whole
~ Monday to ~ Friday
234th I set for my likeness in the morning then
returned & wrote 34 letters to Wm E. Horner
J. H. Jones I F Carter & J. M. Bernhisel
24 to 28 I spent this week farming puting in potatoes
& corn
~ Saturday
I wrote 2 letters to Milo Andresws & Sanbon &
Carter Enclosed in their Letter a draft upon
Livingston & Kinkade of $300. I also sent $100 in
gold to Sanbon & Carter by Milo Andress
~ Sunday
30th Sunday Joseph Young preached in the Tabernale
in the fore noon was followed by H. C. Kimball in the
afternoon Elder P. P. Pratt Preached I Attended
the prayer circle, after which I visited Father
John Smith the Patraiarch who lay at the point of
death his sons G. A. Smith & John L Smith his sons
were watching over him with the Greatest care &
Attention. His mind & memory was as clear & strong
& his intellectual powers as operative as in any
day of his life
~ Monday
May 1st The Eastern Mail came in this morning
I received 5 Letters 3 from J M Bernhisel
2 from I. F. Carter & Mrs Woodruff 1 from
I wrote 2 letters to I. F. Carter & J. M. Bernhisl
~ Thursday
3rd4th JOURNEY May 3rd Presidents Young & Kimbal
with a company Left the Salt Lake City to visit all
the southern settlements I left with them I had
Trouman O Angel & Dr Sprague as my companions
I drove to Bishop Smoots at the sugar works the[n]
stoped untill Brother Angel could lay out a part
of the sugar works Mrs Woodruff & child rode
down there with me I parted with them at this
place & drove to Union ward & spent the night Silas
Richards is Bishop distance 12 mile
We held a meeting in the evening President Young
Addressed the People I was not in at the comm[encem]ent
& had no chance of reporting his discourse the following
is a key to his address which I have to write from memory
I do not wish to spend my time neither is it profitably
for any man to spend his time in telling the people
what was done in the days of Adam, Enoch & Noah
thousands of years ago or what will be done in
the malinum thousands of years hence but my business
is to tell the people what they should do to day in order
to be saved this is my doctrin all the time. What
can I do or this people do this day in any one thing in
order to help build up the kingdom of God or to advance
one step further towards ^the^ salvation of ourselves or our
brethren. Now hwhat has been the counsel to this people
throughout this Territory for several years it has
been to Fort up, to wall in your cities with strong
walls. this has been the voice of the Lord unto them
all the day long have the people listened to this voice
have they carried out this counsel No they have not
but what have they done. they have been ready
to say what need hath the Lord of this thing. do you
think there is any danger of the Indians. do you think
that Brother Brigham really believes that it is necessary
to go to so much expens in building walls around our
cities Instead of going to work & doing what they are
told to do the people spend their time in talking about
it & trying to evade it.
Now I wish to ask a question. The Lord has appointed
me to lead this people the people has chosen me as their
leader & covenanted to sustain me & obey my counsel
Now if I tell the people what to do & they do not do
it, nor carry out my counsel, but turn from it
& go to work & do sumthing els & they continue this
year after year while at the same time I am
warning them of the danger of their course
& telling them of the Judgments that will
come upon them if they do not alter their
cours & go to work & do as I have told told the[m]
do you suppose they will escape the chastening
rod of the Almighty No they will not if the
people continue to persue this course & the
chastening rod does not fall upon their heads
I should become disgraced in the sight of God
Angels & men. this people may rest assured that
they are preparing a rod for their backs if they
do not listen to my counsel & do what I tell
them. but says one I would go to work &
help build a wall around the city if I knew
it was a revelation from God & that it was
his will that we should do it. I want to say to
such that it is my will that you should do it
& that is enough I am responsible for it & if
you want to know any further about it do
right pray unto the Lord & have faith before
him that you may have visions & revelations
from God tso that you may understand the
truth & know what lies before us as I do, then
you will not question the reasonableness of these
things but go to work & do them with all your might
My teaching is to tell the people what to do to be saved to
day for if you get out of the path of salvation today
you are in danger of being out of it tomorrow &
the further you stray from it the more difficulty
you will meet with in ever finding it again. it woud
be folly in me to spend my time in telling the people
about the glories of the Millennium while I see them
straying from those paths that would lead to those glories
now many of this people will say I have fine farms, Horses, cattle
goods gold & riches the possesser says I look upon them I say
thes are mine & at the same time you do not once even think
that there is not one thing in your possession that is youres that
it all belongs to God & even you yourself belongs to God & all you
have belongs to Him & He has ownly loaned it to you & yet
you do not acknowlede his hand in any thing while you should
acknowledge his hand in all things.
I know what the design
of the Lord is in leading this people to this place & his design
concerning Israel and it is none of your business what I coun-
sel you to do it is your business to go to work & do it. leave the
event with God I want this people to build their forts as I
tell them & when you have built this fort & made a wall
6 feet thick & 12 feet high & get comfortable in your houses then
go to work & build one on the outside of it 12 feet thick & run
them both up together 25 feet high & keep building untill
I tell you to stop, & be in a situation that you may shut up
your gates & lie down & sleep in safety with your wives & chi[l]dren
many other interesting remarks were made by President Young
upon this occasion which I am not able to record
~ Friday
May 5th Friday We left Union fort rode to dry creek settle[men]t
made a short halt then drove to the American fork 25 miles
& spent the night the ^people^ Assembled for a meeting I was called
upon to address the people the following is a key to the remarks
which I made I said to the people that I should confine my
remarks to those things that immediately consern us you have
[been] counselled to build forths & wall in your cities with strong
walls for several years throughout this Territory but the people
have not done it the[y] have been vary slow to harken to the
counsel of the servants of God from the begining even in the
days of Joseph all the people were ready to acknowledge
he was a profit & looked to him to receive salvations
at his hands & was ready to have him controll them in all
matters appertaining to what the people termed spiritual
things but if He wanted $100 dollars in money He would have
to employ all the Twelve & mortgage his farm in order to
get it the traditions of the people were so strong that they
could not bear the Idea of having a Prophet dictate their tem-
poral affairs but I wish to ask a question which is the
most important to you A part in the first resurrection in
exaltation & glory in the celestial kingdom of God with all
its attendant blessings or a few Horses cattle gold & goods Judge
ye then why should it be thought a thing incredible or unjst
unjust for a profit of God who is called to guide & controll us in
all the weighty matters that consern us should also counsel us
in those lesser matters of every day life now go to & build
your wall around your city as you have been commanded to do
& the blessings of God will rest upon you but if you refuse
to follow the counsel given there is a rod preparing for you
& it will be but a short time before you will see the hand
of God visible in the counsel that has been given to this people
in building strong walls around these cities many other
remarks was made but not here recorded
President Kimball followed & said that what Brother
Woodruff had said was true his words are true President
Young comes here to visit the people & tell them what He wants
done He has sent men to you also to tell you what to do & that
is the same as though he had been with you himself you have
got to follow his counsel. And you have to fulfill your coven[an]ts
which you made at the waters of Baptism we must not forget
God He intends we shall do that which we ought to do when
God tels us to do any thing we should go to work & do it willingly
I am telling what is our duty. many often want to Jump
over under officers so as to get to President Young I have
lived in the days of Joseph & in the days of President Young & I
have always obeyed those men for they were placed over me
to obey them it is the duty of this people to obey their lead-
ers it is the duty of my family to obey me I have no misteries
to give you for I have none but my busness is to teach you
the truth well you are told to make a wall around your city
and you have it to do you read in the Book of mormon that
the people had to wall in their cities in ancient days we have it
to do in our day you have to become one or you are not the Lords [Doctrine and Covenants 38:27]
you are a good people but their is great room for imp-
rovement in this city. the last one that we visited.
I would like to see this people in good houses & gardens
& in good forts. now when you come to the conference
you all vote to sustain President Young now you have got
to honour this man he holds the
of the kingdom of God
and sustain him or the Lord will not save & exhalt
you in his kingdom. I pray that you may do right & serve
the Lord I ask it in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
President Young arose and said I am willing to say a few
words If the Latter Day Saints cannot become one hart &
mind & work in their temporal things which they do
understand they cannot become one in Eternal things which
they cannot understand. If you would too [do] as you are told then
all would be right when the Lord requires any thing
at your hands dont ask any questions but go to & do as
you are counselled to do you may ask is their any danger
of the Indians you do not always know what danger you
are in but always do as you are told & then you are
~ Saturday
Saturday 6th Rode to ^Battle Creek 3 mils^ provo 12 mils spent the
Sabbath and held a meeting with the people
Sunda President Young arose & said that I am
not in the habit of taking a text but I will now take
for my text the last line that was sung "God is his
own interpetor" He will make all things plain but do the
people understand those things which are for usour good
the Lord will not explain all things unto us whe under
stands but he will make his people walk by faith He
will not explain all his mistaries to the people we read in the
New Testament that faith is the assurance of things hoped
for & the evidence of things not seen [Hebrews 11:1] have we all got
faith it is our duty to have itfaith in God & his word & promises
you have to trust in God. He will not reveal all things u[n]to
us some men are tried will the counsel given & will
not obey they will not have glory in the kingdom of
God they are bastards & not sons [Hebrews 12:8] the Lord intends
for the people to be tried so as to prove the faithful
What God does reveal He reveals for the purpose of
leading men in the way of salvation the people do not
know the way of the Lord they come here and
say I am going to build myself up I have to work so hard
I cannot get time to pray but are you doing right when
you do this we may labour to get all things abot us yet
the Lord will controll it as seemeth him good. If you
get into the dark still hold on to the work of God no matter
if I dont fell like praying I will do it if the Lord should
open the visions of the minds of the people that have gone
to Calafornia so that they could see things as they are they
would as soon cut their throats as to have done it but they
dont see it they have to go and suffer untill they are
satisfied I will say the same to this people if we do not
do the things which god requires of us we shall be whiped till we
are sore this is the ownly thing that will save us I now
tell you that those that are gone & going to Calafornia without
counsel will kettch it till they are sore I know the truth but I cann-
ot tell it all to you untill God permits me to do it now if you have
not confidence in me to follow me & believe that I am doing right
drop me and appoint another & I will follow in the wake.
In the begining of this work God tried to get this people to be
one but they would not be one. {I} will now tell you what to do
God intends to make you one you must be one & their must be a
begining to this and you must begin in small things like child[re]n
making cob Houses the people went to Missouri & there they
quarrelled about many small matters then God said I will throw
dow[n] their good houses & God pdroved all the people out & they thought
they were knocked into pi[eces] did they do any better then. no they did not.
God tries the people both in riches & with poverty. if I will be faithful in my poverty I will
own all riches that is needful. now if God wants us to be of one heart & one mind now he
may have no ^other^ motive in view than to make us work together he will tell us to build fences &
forts that our feelings & interest may be united in something now will you do it? we are required
to become of one heart & mind & work together in those little things that we do understand
or else we could not be prepared to work together and be one in those eternal things which we
do not understand therefore we could not enter into the kingdom of God. it is nothing but the
power of God that has preserved this settlement. the Indians could have killed every man
woman & child here, & not a man had a gun ready to defend himself. when you have
become of one heart & mind he has treasures for you & has given us capacity to see if we
will magnify our calling with every thing we have to do in our lives. we are approaching
very swiftly the time when Jesus will come to see if we are of one heart & mind which the
Prophet Joseph said would be in this generation & will manifest himself to the Saints & take
up his abode with him. this was said 24 years ago & in 26 years more if we r not prepared
to meet Jesus & angels we shall be wiped out & sent to hell. we r fast approaching the time
I do not care what was done in the morning of creation or the days of Noah. I want to know
what this people will do. will you be Saints & live your religion & magnify your callings in the Church
I will now tell this people what they should do. I will tell the Bishop in the presence of the people
what to do. Bishop I tell you, go & start this wall & build it 6 feet thick & 12 or 14 feet high
shut up every gate except two & then you can lay down in safety & an enemy cannot come
upon you. if this is not the will of the Lord I do know it is my will & you should not question any
further. God wants it done & I want it done & dont stop until you are secured & that is enough
your stacks have been so placed that one Indian could fire all this place & others shoot you down
while you are fighting the fire. what if the people in Jackson Co had been good & been sanctified
what would have been the situation of the people. why, the liars & goats would have had their heads
cut off but the wheat & tares had to be transplanted together in the wilderness. it was not the act
of Joseph that caused the removal of this people. it is the people that govern & control which is the
democracy of heaven. the democracy of earth is division and mark it, there will be a division
here before long among this people. now if you will all do right & live a holy life angels will come
& visit us & sta[y] with us all night & you will have many revelations & be happy. we know we ought
to pra[y] & would not neglect it, if we loved the Lord. you may do just as you have a mind to
when I am gone but I beg & beseech of you to do right. I want you to build a strong wall & be
safe so that whatever comes along you may be secure & bar your gates & be careful & dont let the
devil reign in you & all will be right & God bless you & I bless you. let us be ^of^ one heart & mind
in the things that we do comprehend & then we shall be one in things we shall hereafter know.
Pres[ident] H C Kimball it is not my place to get up to reveal any thing for it is the head to convey
it to the body but it is for me to carry out his designs & do his will for when I do the will of
Pres[ident] young I do the will of God & no man can get salvation unless he keeps his council
it is his will that the city should be walled & fortified & that is my will. when I do just
as he tells me I do the will of my Father in Heaven for he is the only man that holds
the keys of salvation. when I feel reluctant to do his will I feel bad & so do you all. when
I do his will I can sleep in peace & my heart is consoled all the day long. this is also
the case with you when you do not do as your Bishop tells you. last year your improvements
were all scattered about but now you are got into a smashed suckertash pie. now go to &
save yourselves against all selfishness. I am going to put my property & all my wives
into the Church & then nothing can be taken out of the Church. I am going to dedicate all
I have to God. when a man turns away from the Priesthood he forfeits every thing
even his life for that is no longer his. my body is only lent to me by the Lord
and I forfeit every thing when I go astray. if righteousness was laid to the line
it would take many heads from their shoulders & the day will be when that will be done
now do as your bishop tells you & not go to salt
Lake to President Young to alter this or that I
pray that this people may do right for when you dishon[o]r
the priesthood you dishonor God I have been told
that some have said that I will honor the priesthood
but I will not honor him that holds the priesthood
but I say that you cannot honor one without honoring
the other. Bishop Walker is presiding here follow
his council & all will be right and the blessing of
God will rest upon you even so Amen
Benediction wby W Woodruff
we rode to Provo & spent the night
~ Sunday
Sunday May 7th The people assembled in the meeting
house in two rooms. W. Woodruff Addressed the people
in the morning in one room & was followed by President
Young & reported by W Woodruff. And H C kimball spoke
to the people in the other room & reported by T Bullock
And also Bishop Richards spoke
In the afternoon Joseph Young spoke & was followed by H C kimbal
W Woodruff reported & President Young spoke in the
other room & T Bullock reported we spent the night
at Provo I spent the time with A Williams
~ Monday
Monday 8th we rode to springvill & had a meeting
with the people. President Young Preached to the people
& W Woodruff & T Bullock reported. We also had a meeting
in the evening Joseph Young P. P. Pratt & W. Woodruff spoke
to the people
~ Tuesday
Tuesday 9th we rode a few miles & nooned President
Young went with some others to appoint a Location
for a fort We then rode to Pason or petetnet I was attaked
with the teeth ake & Ague in the face so bad I could not attend
meeting. President Young preched T. Bullock reported I spent
the night at Brother Sirls. President Young got some oxen
in the settlemts to take to walker He counselled the people in all
the settlemts to feed the Indians & treat them Kindly
Elder Taylor spoke some to the people
~ Wednesday
Wednesday 10 We rode 15 miles & nooned we here organize
See T Bullocks Report D. H. Wells was commander in
chief. R Burton capt of guard. W. Woodruff Historian
T Bullock clerk of camp. P. P Pratt & J Taylor
chaplains E Hunter chhief Bishop. Dr Sprague surgeon
& Physician &c we rode to Nephi City & spent the nigh 25 [miles]
we held a meeting President Young Addressed the people
And I reported it.
~ Thursday
Thursday 11th we rode to Chicken Creek & stoped & spent
the night near Walker & his band. we had an interview with
Walker President Young & counsel tried to have a talk with
him at first Walker appeared dogish & was not disposed to
talk when we first formed our carrell within 40 rods
of his camp, He gatherd all his warriors & made quite a
display but we did not go out to meet them at the
time they turned their horses out & went into their
tents. And when we called upon Walker He lay down
in the dirt & did not feel disposed to talk but BPresidt
Young manifested great patience with him even after
the patience of most men was exhausted He went to
him & lifeted him out of the dirt & finally got him
to talk some the following is a synopsis of the conversation
Walker said he had no spirit He had no heart did not
feel as though He could talk And when I herd that President
Young was coming I felt that I had no heart I do not
want to talk I want to hear President Young talk & he
sit still & here others talk President Young gave him some
tobaco he said when he had plenty of tobaco then all his
friends would come in & smoke with him but when He
was out of tobaco Gov Young said I have brought soome
beef cattle for you I want one killed so you kan have
a feast while we are here He wanted to have the mormons
sing before the parties take a smoke. He said E T Benson come
& his heart was good but D Huntington came & his heart was
running. we then sung. He then spoke & said I have not got
the spirit of the Lord and if their is any one here that
kan give me the spirit of the Lord I wish they would
do it. He said white people in heaven was happy
Tulpidge next spoke amid much crying & tears he is the
one that had his wife killed at He said that I (D Huntington)
had been good to him & he had not seen me since his
child died. He said they now had got good hearts & the
mormons hearts was now good that wer here we have now
good peasce & can all lie down in peace without fear And I
want to live in friendship with this people. we left
the Indian camp & returned to our waggons
President Young had another talk with walker & T Bullok
reported I was not present.
~ Friday
Friday 12 we again visited walker at his tent this mor
ning He was still in the same unpleasant mood did not wish
to talk & left his tent & went into the willows
and others talked they had a sick child & they wished the
Elders to lay hands upon it then President Kimball Benson
& Wells Administered to it Also Dr Sprague left some med-
icine for it & for several others that was sick the Indian
said if the child died He would have to kill an Indian child
or a mormon child to go with it (as this is their tradition
the interperter told him he must not do it that it was wrong
that when Mormon children died we did not kill any child
to go with them & they must not do it for it was not right
the Indian said his heart was not so he wanted to kill some one
to go with him. He said He wanted his child to get well &
then He would go with us but do not wants to go till his
child gets well. He said walker was a great chief & President
Young was a great chief & what he said was true that he
could not say any thing wrong. Petetnet spoke & said
that that would be good & not steal nor kill any body
that one could now go alone & not be killed their would
be no blood in their path. Walker wished President
Young to write a Letter so he could show it to the people
& let them know that we were at peace so their would
be no difficulty with the people. President Young wrote one
Dr Sprague gave medicine to the sick child & gave
Walker directions how to deal with the child & 10 others
which Dr Sprague had left medicine for 2 of which was
vary sick they all got well. (Sister Lorenzo Young allso
was quite sick with the Lung complaint Dr Sprague gave
medicine to her she got well & several others in the camp
was under his care) On parting with walker at his tent
He said we now understand each other that they were now
to have all pease so all could now go on the road in peace
& not be afraid could now put in wheat & corn & one
alone without for somebody to kill them He now wanted to have
the road clear without any blood in it He wished for
peace all the time both shook together then all the company
shook hands & the pipe of peace was smoked Walker rece[ive]d
his presents & killed a beef for the Indians to have a feast they
also treaded swaped blankets for Horses & bought 2 children
that were prisoners. After making peace & got through
traeiding we left walkers camp & rode to the severe &
Walker Grosephene & squash head with many others went
with us we spent the night at the severe we made a
Raft & crossed all our waggons over in 1 hour & 30 minutes
I spent all my leasure moments with T Bullock In writing a
history of the Journey
~ Saturday
Saturday 13th we left the severe & rode to Chicken Creek
Bated then rode to Filmore city 35 miles we had hail &
rain storms almost all day arived at Filmore at 5 oclok
~ Sunday
Sunday 14th we held a meeting with the people of Filmore
P P Pratt Adrressed the people & was followed by President
Young W Woodruff Reported were drawn off by T Bullock &
now in the Historians office. In the afternoon the
People were Addressed by John Taylor & followed by H. C. kimball
but not reported.
There was a meeting at early candlelight W Woodruff preached
was followed By E. T Benson was not reported
~ Monday
Monday 15th Travled to Coal Creek 33 miles & camped for the nigh
we nooned on Corn Creek. During the evening we walked
onto the hill among the cedars. B Young D Huntington Walker
& myself we looked through a spy glass & looked to the west
mountain onto a high peak far in the distance it was a beautiful
place to camp a fine view plenty of cedar for wood & grass
for animals I walked onto the highths of the cedar knowls
& took a view of the surrounding country with T Bullock &
Phineas Young we also had prayers together (Phineas Young
said that He was the first that was chosen in the organization
of the quorum of the Twelven Apostles but Brother Joseph said
He wished I would let Wm Smith have that place so I gave
way to him. ^the above shows Phineas Youngs feelings
there is not a word of truth in this statem[en]t^
~ Tuesday
Thursday 16 May we rode to mountain creek it was dry we
nooned. we met with Brother Enoch Reese from Calafornia He
gave us all the news up to the date He left He said the homestead Bill
had passed & thought there would be two pacific rail roads built
pass rode to bever creek & camped for the night I caught a
fine trout & gave it to President Young He said He would not
bake it unless I would come & take breakfast with him
which I agreed to do we travled 27 3/4 miles
~ Wednesday
Wednesday May 17th we had a cold night Ice stood in
the pails. we rode 8 1/4 miles up Hill then down over a vary
stony road we road to red creek & nooned we then rode to
paroan & spent the night the Presidency & company divided them-
selves among the people distance of the day 37 miles. during the
evening the Presidency, Twelve & Authorites of the place Held
a counsel while Elder Taylor preached to the people below
in the tabernacle hWhile we were in the upper room the minuts
of the cousel are reported By Woodruff & Bullok in the Historans
~ Thursday
Thursday 18th I spent the morning writing with T Bullock. we
rode to Cedar City 20 miles I rode Horsback in company with
John Steel & F T Whitney On my arival I went to the Iron
works & examined all the premises & saw several pigs of Iron
Elder Erastus Snow was with me & explained to me the difficulties
they had to encounter there in making Iron which I found to
be manny. we held a meeting in the evening President Young
preached & I reported it & it is in the Historians office
~ Friday
Friday 19th I rode in company with John Steel & F T.
Whintney on hors back to Cazuree Creek called Summit Creek
6 miles from Cedar City last summer their was 12 Houses
which were removed during the Indian war but the fort was
standing. We then rode to Cannarrah Creek 6 miles from
Cazuree & 12 from Cedar City this
is the summit or rim
of the basin we then rode to dry or Battle Creek 7 miles Here we
have splendid mountain scenery of red rocks standing like
piyramids 1000 feet high oposite of this cite is fort Harmony
to be located 6 miles from the base of the mountain on the
east the fort on the west we then road to the present
location of fort Harmony 3 miles making 18 1/2 miles by
the rodeometer & 287 miles from Salt Lake City 287
this is a good grazing country & a splendid mountain
scenery. The brethren are trying to take out the stream
of waters called Ash Creek to water their farming land
they have carried it 6 miles & have ito carry it 2 mils
further to get it onto their new field which is made by
the missionaries who were sent out last winter from
Salt Lake Rufus Allen is their captain John D Lee has now
charge of their old fort. Fort Harmony is 15 miles
from the Rio vergin. I went fishing but caught nothing
though it was said that there were some small trout in
it. I then went ionto the top of the canyon through which
runs Ash creek 1/2 mile south of the fort in company with
T Bullock & Samuel Atwood & in about 2 Hours we rolled
into the canyon 1000 feet below about 50 tons of rock we
rolled off one would weigh about 5 tons it fell about 200
feet perpendicular struck a shelf of rock & took the shelf
with it it landed in the creek & sent a sheet of water
about 50 feet into the Air we made a good deal of thunder
for a while. after being weary of this we returned to the
fort & found the people assembled in meeting President Young
Had spoken & P. P. Pratt neither of which I herd Presidt
Kimball was speaking when I came in He spoke well
He said that if the Brethren would be faithful & united they
would have great blessings that they would bring great good to
Israel that there would soon be thousands of the Lamanites that
would be gatherd together & saved & they would have revelation
& they would do a great work in this kingdom.
Then Lorenzo Snow ^Young^ spoke & had the spirit of God upon him &
profisied upon many things but ther was no reporting of
any part of the meeting ownly T. D. Brown took a minute of presidents
Young speech which He gave me which is with our reports in
the Historians office Thomas Bullock & myself reported all
the Presidnts sermons when we were present as we were app[oin]ted
the Historian & clerk of the camp. At the dismissall of the
meeting I went to my waggon & spent the night with Sprague
& Angel
~ Saturday
Saturday 20th May we rode back on the bench on our return
home 3 miles & the company stoped & President Young located
a new fort ground to be called fort Harmony T Bullock took an
accont of it in his Journal it is a good location a great
quantity of Grass & good soil we than rode to the creek
& nooned we then rode to Cedar City & spent the nigh 18 1/2 mils
abotut 20 miles south of fort Harmony we desend a great distance
into another climate on the Rio Virgin there is a kind of fruit
there that covers thousands of Acres that is vary choice its
flavor is betwen a strawbury & cranbury Wm C Stains
has some of it growing in his gardin
~ Sunday
Sunday May 21 I attended meeting & E T Benson & P Pratt
Preached see w woodruff report We then parted with the
people & rode to Parowan & held a meeting with the saints
there in the counsel House President Young preached to the people
I reported it see report I spent the night with T Bullock
at Brother Steels 20 miles
~ Monday
May 22 Monday we left Parowan at 9 oclok & rode to Bever 30 mils
some of our animals gave out Dr Sprague was quite sick
in the morning & evening
~ Tuesday
Tuesday 23 Left Bever at 9 oclok & rode to a dry creek &
nooned Dr Sprague was still quite unwell we then rode to
Cove Creek & spent the night 30 mils
~ Wednesday
Wednesday 24 we rode to Corn Creek & nooned 20 mils we then
rode to Filmore 12 mils & spent the night distance of the day 35
we held a meeting in the evening Brothers Joseph Young & J Taylor
preached followed By E T Benson not reported I spent the night
at sister Nixon's with G. A. Smith & T. Bullock sister Nixon
was sealed to Richard Johnson by G A Smith
~ Thursday
Thursday 25 we rode to a creek & bated we then rode to
another creek & bated we here had a hard rain & Hail storm
but we rode to the severe & spent the night 33 miles
~ Friday
Friday 26th we begun early & crossed all our waggons
over the severe before breakfast we was 1 Hour & 30 minuts
we rode to salt creek & spent the night we arived at 2 oclok
we had a meeting at 4 oclock John Taylor preached
was followed by E. T. Benson I reported & took supper
I attended another meeting in the evening at the trial of Bishop
Haywood which lasted till midnight T Bullock & W Woodruff
reported see report in Historians office I felt wearied
out I spent the night at Brother Biglers
~ Saturday
Saturday morning 27th We left the fort at salt creek & rode
west across the mountains & made a new rode we travled
about 20 miles & nooned at the foot of the mountain by a creek
the mountain was quite steep & stony that we came over
we nooned in site of the Utah lake vally we had 25 men from
Nephi to help us make a road we left our noon ground at
4 oclok & drove to the bottom of the mountan beside of the
Utah Lake on the west side & camped for the night
~ Sunday
Sunday May 278th We travled across the sage bottoms with
but vary little grass 24 1/4 miles opposite the cotton wood on the west
side of Utah Lake quite a good road but a barren dessert the water
was quite filthy so we could not drink it well we travled 10
miles further & spent the night distance of the day 34 mls
~ Monday
Monday 29th We rise this morning in the midst of a great snow
storm the Lake is vary rough we took breakfast then road through
a driving snow storm to Lehi or Dry Creek 4 miles & spent
spent the day we were quite chilled when we arived here
I spent the day & night at Daniel Thomases He killed a
fat pig for our dinner we had a
meeting at 4 oclock
W. Woodruff preached was followed by H C kimball T
Bullock & W. Woodruff reported. the people had a dance
in the evening I did not attend 9 mils
~ Tuesday
Tuesday May 30 we left Lehi & drove to Unionvill & made
a short halt Bishop Richards had got a good dinner for us
the company did not wish to stop so near home so president
Young told him to eat what they wanted & give the rest to the
poor we rode on to Salt Lake City I spent the night with
my family having travled in 26 days 594 miles
being 287 miles to Harmony & the same back again
~ Wednesday
Wednesday 31st I received 4 letters from Ilus, Thompson
& Ozem Woodruff I wrote 2 letters to Ilus & Bernhisel
~ Thursday
June 1st I rode with my wife & children into the big field
to see my grain I cut some grass
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
2 & 3 I spent the time ploughing & Hoeing my corn I was
quite unwell
~ Sunday
4th Sunday TJ Taylor preached in the forenoon & H C kimbal
in the Afternoon was followed by President Young D Watt rep[or]ted
I attended the prayer meeting
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
5 & 6 I spent my time Hoeing corn I was quite unwell
~ Wednesday
7th I rode to John Benbows with Mrs Woodruff Father two
children & Switzer 10 miles
~ Thursday
8th In company with Father Woodruff I went to fishing IWe
caught about 40 some would weigh about 2 lb I rode
home in the evening to Salt Lake City 10 mils
~ Friday
9th I spent the day hoeing & ploughing my garden
~ Saturday
10th I rode to Fort Herriman with Mrs Woodruff
Emma & bulah & soon after I arived G. A. Smith & E. T. Benson
came we none of us had ever visited the place before
I thought this the best location in this Territory for a Herd
Ground. G. A. Smith & E. T. Benson preached in the evening
distance of the day 25 miles 25 mils
I took out a mare & colt & a calf & left with Wm Smoot
~ Sunday
June 11 I preached in the forenoon on Sunday upon the
same subject that G. A. Smith & E T Benson did ie the
walling in of their city & schooling their children both
of which was vary necessary At the close of the meeting I
returned to the salt lake city & spent the night at home 25 m[iles]
~ Monday
I attended a vary interesting party got up by the
president at the social Hall for his company that went south
with hism it continued till midnight when we all retur[n]ed
to our homes
~ Tuesday
123 I went to mill & spent the remainder of the day in my garden
President Young preached an interesting discourse upon the subject
13of familly government D Watt repo[r]ted
~ Wednesday
14 [FIGURE] we had a hard rain storm through this day and
a great deal of Heavy hail fell one child was drowned
& another nearly killed a cloud broak & the water came down
in torents it washed away a part of the city wall & much
damage was done to houses & gardens on little cotton wood
the Hail cut evry thing to the ground gardens corn & wheat
was destroyed also at North cotton wood it was the same
Nearly all glass was broaken out of the windows
~ Thursday
15 It rained in the morning it cleared at 10 oclock I took
Mrs Woodruff & most of the family into my waggon &
rode to South webber fort & spent the night at Brother
kingtons 35 mils
~ Friday
16 I spent the day at the fort Elder Kingtons was quite
unwell I had a good meeting with the people in the ev[en]ing
I spoke upon the subject of walling in ther city & schooling
their child[re]n for they were doing neither Mrs Woodrff
spoke to the sisters about forming a female society to
make clothing to cloth the indians women & children
~ Saturday
17 I left webber & returned to Salt Lake City Mrs Woodruff
was quite sick I nooned on our returned home at
Ezra Clarks we nooned going up at Brother Steeds I saw
his carriage top & sides was cut to piecs with the Hail
Hail fell as large as small Hens eggs we rode through
one Hail drift 2 feet deep washed by the water down the cre[e]k
I spent the night at mark Halls I had a dream while
[there] {I thought that I was in company with} Joseph {President Young and
others and I thought that many were dying and I thought that I was going to die
and I delivered a strong testimony to those who was present and I awoke}
~ Sunday
18th Sunday O Spencer & O Hyde preached in the fore noon
& in the Afternoon Elder Bullock who had been on a
mission to the shoshonees gave a rehersal of his travels
among them which was vary interesting
~ Monday
19th [FIGURE] President Young & company start this morning to
explore & make a rode through Toille & around the west mountan
I spent the day mending a carriage I broke coming from webber
& went into the big field & saw my crops & I must say that
I never saw a better prospect for good crops since I have been
in the valley
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
[FIGURE] 20, 21, 22, 23, & 24 of June I have spent this week in the Histo-
rians office with G. A. Smith & T Bullock In drawing off all
the sermons & teachings of the Presidency & Twelve & of our Journey
so the[y] can be filled in the Historians office for the Church History
President Young arived home on Friday the 23rd
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I spent the day at home writing the sermons
of the presideny
~ Monday
26 I spent the day ploughing & hoeing potatoes in the big field
~ Tuesday
Adjourned Conference met this morning upon the
June 27th 1854 Anniversary of the death of the prophets
Joseph & Hiram Smith [w]Ho was martered in Carthage
Jail. Conference opened at 10 oclok by singing & prayer
By E. T. Benson there were presient the Presidency & Twelve
& a large congregation of Saints. President Young preached
one of his most interesting discourses G D Watt & W Woodruf
& T Bullock reported. This occupied the forenoon in the
afternoon Elder John Taylor gave a vary minute description
of the Death of Joseph & Hiram & all the circumstances leading to it
this was reported
~ Wednesday
The Mail came in & was opened this morning I
got 3 letters from Ilus, Bernhisel & Azmon I wrote 3 letters
to I F FCarter sent him a draft of $105 by E M Stowell
I wrote Sanbon & Carter a letter & sent in it a Draft of
$256 from Livingston & Kinkade. I wrote Dr Bernhisel
a letter.
we did not have much news by the mail the
war continues in Europe & a prospect of its being long &
The conference continued to day. President Heber C.
Kimball Delivered a long address.
The following persons received missions abroad
John Taylor New York N. H. Felt [New York] A Robins [New York] R Clinton [New York]
M H Peck [New York] Abel Lamb [New York] John Young to U. S ELeman Brown
Michigan Joseph Creigg to Ireland. Preston Thomas to texas
Elder Traipp [texas] Elder Whites ohio. President Young nominated
John Smith the oldest son of Hiram Smith for a patriarch over
the whole church it was a clear vote
J M Grant followed with remarks
PM. J M Grant Addressed the meeting was followed by Lorenzo
Snow all spoke in the spirit & power of God then a little
time was occupied in anecdotes from W. W. Phelps John
Taylor O Hyde & the conference closed by remarks from President
Young we had a vary interesting conference
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
29 30 & 31 I spent this time in ploughing & hoeing inmy corn
~ Saturday
July 1st Saturday I spent this day ploughing & Hoeing corn
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I spent the fore part of this day writing
~ Monday
3rd I spent [ink blot] t[h]is day Hoeing corn
~ Tuesday
Independance 4th July I spent this day in the celebration
of the 4th of July See deserett News containing the Account
of the celebration in Salt Lake City
~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday
5 to 8 I spent the time Haying
~ Sunday
Sunday July 9th Brother Gifford preached upon the subject
of sanctification & was followed by President B Young who
in a measure reproved him
In the Afternoon I attended
meeting & opened by prayer President Young preached upon
sanctification see report I attended prayer meeting in
the evening
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
10 to 15 I spent Haying it was exceding Hot weather
~ Sunday
Sunday 16th President Kimball spoke to the people & was
followed by President Young upon the subject of family Governmt
I did not attend & did not report. P. M O Hyde spoke to
the people I reported
~ Monday to ~ Friday
17 to 221 I spent this week getting Hay
~ Saturday
22nd I commen[c]ed Harvesting to day we cut & put up 3 Acres
of wheat we are blessed with Heavy wheat crops this year
the grass hoppers are now in clouds about us & are doing great
damage to corn & potatoes & Gardens.
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I was quite weary & did not attend meeting though
the [blank]
~ Monday
24th July This day spent by all the people in celebration
of the Arival of the pioneers into this valley it was consid-
erd the greates display ever got up by this people the
procedings are published in the Deserett News of July 27
~ Tuesday
25 I cut & put up 4 Acres of Heavy wheat I had 2 crad-
~ Wednesday
26 we cut 2 Acres of wheat
~ Thursday
27th we cut 4 Acres of wheat & raked & bound it I
suffered much with the Heat to day & at at about 5
oclock we were overtaken by a Heavy wind & rain which
wet us & caused us to become vary chilly I was quite
sick through the night
~ Friday
28th I was confined to my house by sickness
~ Saturday
29 I was quite unwell yet I rode some 10 miles & found
my 2 milk cows which had been lost 4 days
we had a Heavy shower of rain to day
~ Sunday
30th Sunday I am quite unwell & keep my house to day
I wrote a letter to I. F. Carter Lorenzo Young spoke
to the people & was followed By President B Young
~ Monday
31st I was quite unwell but went to the Harvest field
the mail came in this evening & brought me 3 letters
2 from I F Carter & one from J M Bernhisel
~ Tuesday
Aug 1st
I wrote one letter to J M Bernhisel was
quite unwell with a touch of the Irricipales I spent a
part of the day in the post office reading papers the Europe[a]n
war continues briskly I wrote one Letter to I F Carter
~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday
2nd to 5th I was confined to my house with sicknes
I had swellings like carbuncles came out on me
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I was not able to attend meeting today
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
7, 8, ^&^ 9 & 10 I was still confined to my house or not
able to work
~ Thursday
10th I drew wheat to day we had a hard rain in
the afternoon so that it wet the wheat
~ Friday
11th I rode in company with Father Woodruff
to John Benbows. We caught about 40 trout
in the evening in Little cottonwood with hooks 10 m[iles]
~ Saturday
12 We returned home to Salt Lake City 10 mls
~ Sunday
13th Sunday I attended meeting but was not
vary well.
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
14th to 19th I spent this week drawing & stacking
my wheat I had on 11 1/2 Acres 406 doz bundles
of Heavy wheat
~ Sunday
20th Sunday I Attended meeting I spoke to the
people in the afternoo Samuel Richards Just arived fr[om]
England spoke in the forenoon
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
21st to 24th I spent the time drawing wheat
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
25 & 26 I went over the Emigration mountain
& drew a load of poles I came down the mountain
while it was vary dark with both wheels locked &
Father drove & I led the Horses. It was so vary
steap rough & Gullied that it was a dangerous operat[ion]
we camped for the night with Brother Killian at
the foot of the mountain
~ Sunday
Sunday I attended meeting & during our
prayer meeting Elder Orson Pratt arived from his eastern
mission in the city & came into the room with us long
enough for us to shake his hand He walked some 30 miles
today was vary weary we were all truly glad to meet
with him
~ Monday
28th I went into Harkers Canyon in the west mountn
to day & got a load of green powles spent the nigh
in an encampment at the head of the canyon 25 m
~ Tuesday
29 Aug I left the canyon & returned to the city 25 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
30 I went into Harkers Canyon & got a load of pine
for posts spent the night in the canyon 25
~ Thursday
31 I returned home to the city 25
I received 3 letters & wrote 2 to Ilus & Bernhisel
~ Friday
Sept 1st I went into dry creek canyon & got
a load of post & spent the night at at Brother
Lovreigns 25
~ Saturday
2nd I returned home to the city 25
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday Orson Pratt spoke to the people upon
his mission to the states
~ Monday
4th Sept I rented my dwelling House to day to
Mr Perry for $1300 for 6 months & a half till the 1st May
for the governmt officer who had command of the troops
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
5 to 9 I spent this week moving out of my house
& choring & preparing the House for company
~ Sunday
10th Sunday G. A Smith preached & was followed by
Elder O Hyde in the forenoon & O pratt in the aftern[oon]
upon the law of consecration & followed by O Hyde
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
11th to 16 I spent this week drawing wood out of City
Creek Canyon I hiered Robert Scowles Scholes & Thomas
Wheeler for $1 p[e]r day & board. Wilford & Bulah were
both taken sick
~ Sunday
17th President Young preached this afternoon & spoke
upon the Law of consecration & had an interesting
conversation in our prayer circle the subject of
of Elder Orson Pratt publishing the Seer & the doctrin it
contained was brought up in conversation President Young
said He ought not to have published the marriage cerimony
it was sacred & one of the last cerimonies attended to in the
Endowments & ought not to have been given to the world Brother
Pratt said that He thought it was no harm as the Plurality
of wives & its doctrins was to be published to the world
He said He should not have done it if He had thought ther
had been the least harm in it President Young said He
was satisfied that ^He^ entended no wrong in it He said that
the doctrin tought in the Seer that God had arived at that
state whareby He could not advans any further in knowledge
power & Glory was a fals doctrin & not true, that thare
never will be a time to all Eternity but when all the Gods
of Eternity will sceace advancing in power knowledge
experience & Glory for if this was the case Eternity would
scease to be & the glory of God would come to an end but all
of celestial beings will continue to advance in knowlede
& power worlds without end Joseph would always be a hed
of us we should never ketch up with him in all Eterni[ty]
nor He with his leaders Brother Pratt Also thought tohat
Adam was made of the dust of the Earth could nobt believe
that Adam was our God or the Father of Jesus Christ
President Young said that He was that He came from another
world & made this brought Eve with him partook of the
fruits of the Earth begat children & they were Earthly &
& had mortal bodies & if we were Faithful we should
become Gods as He was. He told Brother Pratt to lay aside his
Philosofical reasoning & get revelation from God to Govern
him & enlighten his mind more & it would be a great
Blessing to him to lay aside his books & go into the canyons as
some of the rest of us was doing & it would be better for him
He said his Phylosophy injured him in a measure many good
things wer said by President Young that we should grow up
in Revelation so that principle would goven evry act of our
lives. He had never found any difficulty in leading this
principle people since Josephs death
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
18, 19, 20, 21 I spent this time drawing wood
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
22nd & 23rd I spent my time cutting up corn the Snake
Indians fought thewithe the Utahs & killed 6 & brought in
the Indian scalps on poles through our seetreets & had a
war dans
~ Sunday
24th Sunday O Hyde preached in the forenoon & J M
Grant in the afternoon. Our child is vary sick
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
25 to 28 I spent the time in drawing corn & making
~ Friday
29th the Mail came in to day & brought me 4
Letters 2 from Bernhisel one from I. F. Carter
one from Milo Andrews I setled my matters
with Mr Hornor through Middleton & Riley
who gave his Note payable in 60 days I rode 4 mile
with Mr Hornor & bought one yoke of oxen & paid
$100 dollars for them
~ Saturday
I wrote 4 letters one to I. F. Carter
& one to J M Bernhisel one to Milo Andrews
one to Sarah at South Webber
~ Sunday
Oct 1st Sunday I attended meeting through the day &
prayer Meeting in the evening
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
2nd to 75th I spent the time in the canyons geting
poles for fencing
~ Friday to ~ Sunday
Oct 6th General Conference commen[c]ed this mor-
ning at the Tabernacl at 10 oclok
The Presidency were present of the Twelve
Apostles O. Hyde O. Pratt W. Woodruff G. A. Smith
E. T. Benson L Snow. As all the business of the conference
is published in the Deserett News of O[c]t 12 No 31
I deem it unnessary to record it here Conference
closed Sunday evening Oct 8th President Young
preached to a congregation of several thous[an]d
out of Doors And I Believe that He preached the greates
sermon that ever was Delivered to the Latter Day Saints
since they have been a People eElder Watt Reported
I also took minutes
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
10th President Young & Company started on a Journy
to visit the Saints south
9 to 14 I spent the time diging potatoes Drawing corn
& choreing &c my teams went to the canyon
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I was not well did not attend meeting
spent part of the day writing
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
16th to 21st I spent this week drawing pouls
& posts timber from the canyon
~ Sunday
Sunday 22nd I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
23rd to 28 I spent this week thrashing & cle[ar]ing
wheat I raised 369 bushels of wheat & 400
bushels of potatoes & 200 bushels corn
~ Sunday
29th I attended meeting in the Tabernacle
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
30 & 31 I spent my time labouring
~ Wednesday to ~ Friday
Nov 1st to 53 I spent my time drawing poles
& ploughing for wheat
~ Saturday
4th I rode to south Webber Fort & spent
the night with Elder Kington both of my
Horses were vary sick till midnight 35 mils
~ Sunday
5th Sunday I attended meeting at South
Webber fort Broth Luman Shirtliff preached
was followed By Elder Loren Farr & I followed them
we had a good meeting I also held a meeting
in the evening & I preached to the people
~ Monday
6th I returned to Salt Lake City 35 mils
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
7th to 11 I spent the week soploughing & puting
in wheat
~ Sunday
12th Sunday President Young preached to the
people upon the subject of pruning of the dead
Branches. He spoke well
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
13 to 18 I spent the time puting in wheat I
sowed 15 Acres of wheat seeded 5 Acres to Timothy
~ Sunday
19th Sunday H C kimball preached in the foren[oon]
& AaLorren Far in the Afternoon
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
20 to 25 I spent this week drawing wood
~ Sunday
26th Sunday I attended meeting at the tabernacl
President Kimball Preached in the forenoon upon
a variety of subjects & Aaron Far in the aftern[oon]
~ Monday
27th I left the city to day & started on a misson
to visit the saints in the north. I rode to the
session settlement & spent the night with Bishop
Stoker I did not preach to the people as the school
house was occupied with a corturt to settle a
difficulty with a Gentile 10 mls
~ Tuesday
28 I rode to Farmington & spent the night with
Ezra Clark I preached to the people & had a good
meeting Bishop Brownel presides over the people
in that place the people are makeing great improvmts
there they have a court House built & many good
buildings going up 6 mls
~ Wednesday
29th I rode to Bishop kays settlement & preached
to the people they were doing well I spent
the night with Brother Booth 7 mils
~ Thursday
30th I rode to South Webber & visited the
school in the afternoon & preached in the evening
Bishop Kington presids I spent the night at
Brother Mark Halls 10 mils
~ Friday
Nov ^Dec^ 1st I rode to North Webber & spent the
night with Bishop Wadsworth I preached to
the people in the evening 3 mils
~ Saturday
2nd I rode to Ogden the first time I ever
visited the place It is a large settlement & th[r]i[v]ing
I spent the night at James Brown & preached to
the people in the evening the principle subjects I treated
upon was the subject of tithing the poor fund & the esstab-
lishment of schools, building their wall contrasting
their present position with former days 8 miles
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I rode to Binghams Fort & preached in the
morning dined with Bishop Bingham I found this
to be a flourishing place well calculated for a large
city farming land good & abundant their present
population is 100 families much wheat raised but
did not learn the amount the bishop had ownly 30
bushels of tithing wheat & 15 tons of Hay the remaindr
was in the Hands of the people they had two schools ready
to commence their fort wall was 110 feet long 64
rods wide 3/4 of it was in the way of erection.
A part of soldiers band was here distributed among
the people to support & learn to work they did not like
it & seemed vary mad some were leaving their wickeups
& going to webber River. Bingham fort is 3 miles from
Ogden I left this fort & rode to Ogden Hole & preached
in the evening to a Full House Thomas Dunn is Bishop
Ogden Hole is one of the most flourishing settlemts North
of Salt Lake City. their soil vary rich & water abund[an]t
they have 47 families a school of 50 scholars their
wall is laid out 140 rods long 74 rods wide to be
built of stone 4 feet thick 10 feet high laid in morter
much of the stone is on the ground but not yet laid up
they raised 16000 bushels of wheat. the bishop Had
in hand 600 bushels of tithing wheat & 2 tons of Hay (their
wall was commen[c]ed) they had 13 Head tithing cattle in hand
about to start for the city with them. 12 mil[es]
Had a snow storm in the evening
~ Monday
4th Rode to Willow Creek 8 mils & preached in the
evening Charles Hubbard Bishop Willow Creek has 35
families raised 12000 bushels of wheat their wall was
laid out Half a mile long, 760 rods wide 70 rods was 6
feet high they were vary deficient in schools had not
had but 3 mont[h]s good schools for 3 years the bishop
was vary anxious to obtain a good teacher I spent the night
with Bishop Hubbard Bishop Kington was with me on the
Journey from Ogden City
~ Tuesday
5th I rode to Box Elder & preached in the evening at
the school House this place contains 60 famili[e]s
Brother Davis Bishop. the majority of the people are Welsh
& dDanish & mostly poor but little wheat raised the past
year the Bishop had 24 ^20^ tons of tithing Hay in hand & 15
bushels of wheat they have no school this winter
their fort wall is laid out 200 rods long 100 rods
wide not built to be of stone 3 1/2 feet thick at the bottom
2 feet at the top 8 feet High is in progress of Erection 8 mils
~ Wednesday
6th I returned to Ogden Hole & spent the nigh
with Crandle Dunn it was vary cold 16 mils
~ Thursday
7 I rode to south webber fort & spent the night with
Brother Wolsey I bought 27 sheep of Thomas kington
at $5 p[e]r Head & paid him $135 15 mils
~ Friday
8th I rode to Farmington & spent the night with Ezra
Clark 15 miles
~ Saturday
Dec 89th I Left Farmington & rode Home to the Salt Lake City
& spent the night with my family 16 mls
~ Sunday
10 Sunday night I attended meeting in the Tabernacl
Charles C. Rich APreached to the people in the fore noon
upon the rise & progress of the settlement of San Barnadi[no]
W Woodruff preached in the after noon upon the
subject of tithing, the poor fund & the education of
our children was followed E T Benson
~ Monday
11th Dec 11 The Legisletur of the Territory of Utah
met this morning the following are the members
of the council
H C kimball Orson Pratt
D. H. Wells Willford Woodruff
Great Salt Lake County Albert Carrington
Utah County Leonard E Harrington Aaron Johnson
Weber County Loran Farr Erastus Bingham
the council was organized by Appointing
Heber C. Kimball President
Wm Clayton Secretary
Robert Campbell Assistant secretary
Aaron F. Farr sergent at arms
Edward P. Duzette Door keeper
Joseph W Young Messenger
Wm Jones Foreman
Samuel Alger Chaplain
The President Appointed the following standing
On Printing O Pratt Albert Carrington
On Elections G. A. Smith D. H. Wells
On claims Aaron Johnson Thomas S Smith
On Judiciary G A. Smith D. H. Wells A Carrington
On Public works Aaron Johnson John A Ray
On Incorporations L E. Harrington L Farr
On Appropriations & expenditurce O Pratt, E. Bingham
On Militia D H Wells Thomas S. Smith
On Rods Bridges & Ferries W. Woodruff I Morley L Farr
On schools & Education O. Pratt, W. Woodruff
On Li[b]rary W. Woodruff Geo. A. Smith
On Engrosing Orson Pratt John A Ray
On Petitions T S Smith L E Harrington E Bingham
On Agrecultur Trade & Manufactur G. A. Smith
A Carrington D H Wells Aaron Johnson
On Revenue Wilford Woodruff Isacc Morley Loren Farr
On counties Thomas S Smith John E Ray L E Harrington
After organizing we waited upon
the Govornor By a committee who waited upon ^met with^
the two houses in Joint session & delivered his
~ Tuesday
12 spent the day in the Legislature & kept minuts
of the same
~ Wednesday to ~ Friday
13, 14, 15 I spent the time in the Legislature on
Thursday evening I deliverd an address to the inhab
itats of the 13th ward upon the subject of
~ Saturday
16th I spent this day in the big fild & at home
writing a report of my travels to the north
I met with the regency in the evening
~ Sunday
17th Sunday I attended meeting at the tabernacle
J M Grant preached upon the first principles of the
Gospel & bore testimony to the Healing of the sick at Montrose
by Joseph Smith H. C. Kimball Joined in the same testimony
In the Afternoon O Hyde spoke upon the subject of
How we ouugh to live in our families
I met with the presidency & Twelve in an upper room
in President Youngs office the room was dedicated for prayer
& the sick prayed for & oil consecrated
I preached in the evening to a full house upon the subj[ec]t
of Egucation in the 17th ward
~ Monday
18th I spent the day in the Legislature
~ Tuesday
19th I spent this day in the Legislature And at night
I delivered a lecture to some 60 young men who
had assembled at the 16 ward for the purpose of
forming a Philosophical society I spoke upon the
subject of Education the meeting was in the school
house I felt the importance of this subject they appointed
a committee of 5 to draw up a constitution & appoint
or look up a president
~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday
20 to 23 I spent the time in the Legislature
~ Sunday
24 Sunday J. M. Grant Preached upon the first
principles of the gospel was followed by H. C. kimball
In the afternoon President Kimball addressed the people
~ Monday
Christmas I met with the inhabitants of
the 14 ward & deliverd an address to the people & was
followed by remarks from Isacc Morley Bishop Hoagnd
& others meeting continued till 1 oclock when we were
dismissed for 2 hours when the people came together ag[ai]n
& spent the afternoon & evening in the dance & all seemed
to enjoy themselves well. There was a great excitement
[FIGURE] through our city during the fore part of
the day. some of the souldiers that were
quartered in the heart of our city became intoxicated &
began to fight among themselves & soon some of the citizens
became mixed with them the soldier mixed fired upon
the people & the people flung stones in return some
were wounded on both sides but none killed. the Military
officers drove the soldiers into the Barracks & the Mayor &
Marshall of the city cleared the streets of the citizens
which ended the fray
~ Tuesday
26th I attended the Legislature during the day And in the
evening I attended a splended party got up by Judge
Kenny & Col Steptoe the Presidency & Twelve were
invited & many others It was held at the City Hotel
kept By Wilkie we had a good supper & a plesant
~ Wednesday to ~ Friday
27, 28, & 29 I spent the time in the Legislature during
the evening of the 29th I attended the
assembly at the House of Elder Lorenzo Snow & spent
the evening in a vary agreeable manner the time was
spent in the performance of music speeches poemes
songs the whole room was beautifully decorated with
flags & emblems of the different Arts & sciences, & the whole
scene was variety
~ Saturday
30 I spent the day at home writing I wrote 2 letters
to J. M. Bernhisel & I. F. Carter I sent in my
Letter to JI F Carter a Draft of $1302 drawn
by J. L. Haywood United Stats Marshall upon
the United States Treasury I Also sent I F Carter
the Deseret News
~ Sunday
31st Sunday Richard Cook addressed the people
upon the first principles of the gospel followed by
President Kimball who gave good advise to the people
Elder Lorenzo Snow spoke in the Afternoon. we attended
to the prayer circle at President Youngs in the evening
President Young was quite out of health. I preached to a
full house in the 17th ward during the evening
I looked over my Journal & found the following a
synopsis of my doings the past year
Synopsis of My labours In 1854
I travled eighteen hundred eighty nine | 1889 | Miles |
I Attended | 47 | Meetings |
I Preached | 44 | Discoures |
I Attended two general Conferences (spent 9 days) | 2 | Conferences |
I Attende | 10 | Times |
I spent 28 days with the Legislature | 28 | days |
I spent 5 days in the Endowment Room | 5 | days |
I Confirmed 10 Persons | 10 | Confirmed |
I Ordained two Seventies | 2 | Seventies |
I Ordained two Elders | 2 | Elders |
I Ordained two Priest | 2 | Priest |
I Ordained two Teachers | 2 | Teachers |
I Ordained two Deacons | 2 | Deacons |
I Blessed 101 Missionaries | 101 | Missionaris |
I Administered to 5 sick persons | 5 | sick |
I Attended one council of the Twelve | 1 | of the 12 |
I wrote 33 Letters | 33 | Letters |
I Received 28 Letters | 28 | Letters |
I Reported 11 Sermons | 11 | Sermons |
~ Monday
Jan 1st 1855
[FIGURE] The Governor & Legislative Assembly of the Territory
of Utah made the most splendid party ever got up in
these mountains as far a feast & decorations were
concerned. The U. S. Judges & Military officers were
invited. danceing commenced at 3 oclock dinner at
9 & supper at 12 oclok an account of the procedings
was published in the Deserett News
~ Tuesday
2nd I spent this day at home. The eastern mail was
sent out but none came in
~ Wednesday
3rd The Legislator convened again this day I met with them
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
4th 5, & 6 I spent this time in the Legislator
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I spent the time at meeting
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
8th to 13 I spent this week in the Legislator & kept a minute
of the procedings
~ Sunday
14th Sunday I spent the day at meeting
~ Monday to ~ Friday
15 to 19th I spent the time in the Legislator. we Adjourned
at 12 oclok P.M. on the 19th Jan 1855 The secretary
furnished the members with a good supper of pies cakes
oysters &c
~ Saturday
20th I spent the time at home
~ Sunday
21 Sunday I spent the time at meeting
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
22 to 27th I was quite unwell through this week with
a severe head ake originated from overtaxing the eyes
~ Sunday
28 I spent the fore part of the day at meeting & the after-
part at home
~ Monday
I wrote a letter to I F Carter & sent
him the first Bill of exchange for $1302 by
Adams & co express
~ Tuesday
30th The Southern Mail came in & brought many
letters & papers the papers contained an account of
the European war the storming of Sebastepol with a loss
of 13000 men 5000 of the allied forsces & 8000 of the
Russians also an account of the steamers Artic & Ocean
with a great loss of life
~ Wednesday
31st I spent the day home
~ Thursday
Feb 1st I attend a grammer school 3 evenings in a week
taught by Elder Orson Hyde He has about 30 schollars
I visited Betsey Cosset & her husband this afternoon
~ Friday
Feb 2nd I visited Brother Pulsipher & family in the afternoo &
attended the grammar school in the evening
~ Saturday
I spent most of the day at home but at 6 oclok
in the evening I Attended the Universal sccientific
Association it received its organization this evening
the following persons were Appointed the board of the
society Wilford Woodruff President.
John Taylor Orson Spencer Ezra T. Benson Albert
Carrington Lorenzo Snow Samuel Richards
Vicse Presidents
George A Smith Wm W Phelps corrisponding Secretaris
Robert Campbell Clerk G D Watt ^Reporters^ Assistant clerk
the object of this society is to promote evry good
science esstablish a mueseum & Library & lay a founda[tio]n
for useful knowledge
~ Sunday
4th Sunday
This was an important day
to the saints some of the strongest preaching ever
deliverd to the saints was herd this day. Orson Pratt
preached in the morning upon the subject of Zion in the
last days & the kingdom of God built upon the mountains
of israel. He was filled with the spirit of God & made
the subject plain & spoke vary pointed. In the Afternoon
Brother D. H. Wells spoke concerning his faith & first acqua-
intance with Joseph Smith Also of our public works. Then
J. M. Grant Arose & then commenced the tug of war strong
& large guns were fired with red Hot balls the gentiles were
told of their wickedness, corruptions, & abominations &
strongly warned against attempting any further to traduce
& corrupt the wives & daughters of the Latter Day Saints
and the Latter Day Saints was strongly warned against
Associating with the gentiles in an unholy manner
When He closed President Kimball arose & followed
him in the same spirit & testimony He said that He
would withdraw fellowship from any sister that would
run after any of the gentiles & He would withdraw
fellowship from any mother that would give her
consent for their daughters to go & associate with
the gentile or from the father if He gave his consent
And if He caught any man commiting Adulterry
with one of his daughters He would kill them both
& so ought any righteous man but let not any
person that has commit Adultery ever kill another
person for commiting the satme act many important
things were said which were reported by the writers
& will be published in due time
At the close of the meeting at the Tabernacle we met
at the Presidents House for Prayer. report came
that the Indian Walker was dead that He died
in his tent with the consumption this drew out some
remarks from President Young upon the subject
of the Indians He said that He was thankful that we
had got along as well as we had with the Indians since
we had been here He thought they had improved
in thereir condition considering what advantages
they had quite as much as the Saints had.
After meeting I walked down & laid hands upon
Sister Anderson a dDanish woman who was quite
~ Monday
5th There is quite an excitement through the city
to day among the Gentiles in consequence of the
preaching yesterday I Attenrode to little Cotton
wood & bought 2 Lester sheep of ofBishop Richards
I paid $15 for them on my return I stoped
to look at the sugar works which had Just got
in operation they were making up beets vary
fast. I attended the grammar school at night 25 [miles]
~ Tuesday
The Eastern mail came in
last night at 10 oclok which
brought me 3 letters 2 from Ilus F Carter & one
from Thompson Woodruff He also sent me 31 different
kinds of Apple grafts the choisest fruit He had I
hope I shall be able to save som of them. We also
have received News of the apopintment of a new
Governor it is said that Col Steptoe is our Governor
there is a good deal of excitement through the city
on this account it has also been reported that secretary
Harris is again to be sent back to us as our secretary
most of the paper mail was left at Laramie
the Indians dind not disturb them on the way but
many were gathering east of Laramie. the papers report
a war in the Nebraskie Territory between the
Missourians & settleers
~ Wednesday
7th I spent the day at home writing & grammar
school at night
~ Thursday
8th I rode to south webber & spent the night at Brother Kingtons 35 mils
I took up two fine Lester sheep & put into his flock
~ Friday
9th I spent the day in the fort I attended the school taught by
Sarah. she had taught 6 months this day closed her second
quarter she clioses her school to day & settles her business &
is prepairing to return home
~ Saturday
10th I returned to the city of the salt Lake And attended the meeting
of the Universal scientific society. the constitution was aga[i]n
redad & the committee reported that all the officers appointed had
received their appointmt speeches were made by several
members & by the President & vice Presidents 35 mls
~ Sunday
Sunday 11th I spent the day at the Tabernacle & evening at
Prayer circle. {I wrote a lengthy letter during the night to Emma upon the principle of obeying counsel}
~ Monday
12th I spent the day in study & the evening in the Grammer school
~ Tuesday
13th I attended a party at the social Hall got up by Zions
workmen upon the public works we had a good time it
lasted till after midnight
~ Wednesday
14th I spent most of the day in study & the evening in the Grammar school
~ Thursday
15th I spent the day studying & I met with the board of
the universal scientific society at the Historians office
we spent several hours together in laying plans for the
edifications of the people when they assemble together the board
wished me to deliver an opening address on saturday evening
before the society
~ Friday
16th I attended the grammar school during the evening but
part of the day at the Historians office examining my Journls
containing Joseph sermons preparitory for publication in the
Church History
~ Saturday
17th The universal scientific society met at 6 oclok at
the council House. I deliverd my opening address was
followed by G. A. Smith W W. Phelps S. Richards G. P. Wallace
~ Sunday
18th Feb 1855 [FIGURE] Notice had been given out a week
a week ago that President Brigham Young
would preach to the people to day upon our views concerning the
government of the United States and all strangers were
invited to attend at an early hour the tabernacle was
filled & a thousand people that could not get into the House
a large company from those out of Doors was called togeth[er]
& preached to by Elder Orson Pratt. A good many strangers
were gathered together in the Temple After singing & prayer
by W. Woodruff President Young arose & said that as He
did not expe[c]t to be able to speak to the people He had prepared
a peace to be read before the assembly & when that is
read I will say a few words. Thomas Bullock then
read the address before the assembly. He sustained the con-
stitution of the United States also its laws but He used a
sharp two edged sword against wickedwness & wicked
men He sharply rebuked sin in high places, & when the
address was finished, He followed with a lengthy sharp cutting
Orall Speech which was more pointed than his written docum[en]t
this speech was fully reported by the reporters
The meeting was addressed in the afternoon by Brother
John Gibson followed by O Hyde & H. C. kimball. At the close
of the afternoon meeting I met in the prayer circle & at the
close of prayer I had the Happy privilege of seeing John
Smith the son of Hiram Smith the martered Patriarch
set in the middle of the circle & Presidents Young, kimbal
& Grant & O. Pratt W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & Lorenzo Snow
of the Twelve Apostles laid Hands upon his head & ordained
Him unto the office of the first Patriarch in the church &
kingdom of God. This blessing was sealed upon him
as it belonged to him by right throug the linage of his
Fathers it was recorded in the Historians office taken
from the report of Thomas Bullock.
At the close of this meeting I returned home & took
most of my family & went to the 14 ward school house
the house was filled to overflowing I went into the stand
with the Bishop I felt as though I was full of fire I
was full of that Electrickt fluid or spirit of God that had
flown through President Young during the day there
was no reporter to record my words, but the following
is a synopsis of my remarks as far as I can recoll[ec]t
I arose & said I wam thankful for the privilege of meeting
with you & to speak of the things of the kingdom of God &
to hear from my brethren. I have been full of thought
& reflection this day while sitting & hearing from president
young, & I feel to thank God with all my heart that He has
bestowed upon us such a leader in this dispensatoion yes president
Young is a leader in Israel & one that is not ashamed to
rebuke sin in high places He will guard well the interest
& salvation of this people reguardless of all consequences
& I feel it my duty as an Apostles of Jesus Christ & an Elder
in Israel to sustain him in his office & back up ^his testimony^ by my faith
& works & I also consider it the duty of evry Apostlese
Bishop, Elder, & officer & member in the Church of Jesus
Christ to do the same if we are not willing to do it we are
not worthy of the place we occupy & when we know that
sin wickedness & improper conduct exhist in any of our
wards we should rebuke that evil & correct it in our own
houses & wards & not leave it all for President Young to do. we
have Evils in our own ward we have wicked men who will
blaspheme the name of God & who are striving to destroy our
wives & daughters. I have seen some of those same men
come here to meeting & set & laugh me in the face all the
while I was speaking & they will set & laugh the
Bishop in the face while he is speaking this class of
young men some of them are members of the church yet
they will join with the wicked & come here to meeting &
take a seat in the back part of the house & get together in
a group & agather all the young women & girls around them
they can & then conduct in a rediculous manner instead of
paying attention to the preaching. that class of men should
stay at home for while they conduct as they do I would
rather have their room than their company. they are also
useing evry exhertion to draw away our young women & girls to
parties & would drestroy them if they could. shall we sleep
unconcerned as Elders & parents while these scenes are enacted
around us no I will not do it & I feel to exhort this con-
gregation to wake up & know what is going on around them
& their families & not suffers your wives & daughters to
mingle with Military officers soldiers, Horseslers & cooks & gentils
in balls parties rides & other amusements untill they are defiled
& destroyed it its much easier to keep your hands out of the
fire than to cure them after they are burned. I would
far prefer to bury any wife or child I have than to
have them live to dishonor my name & disgrace themselves
by commiting sin with the gentiles. If the Bishop sees
any member of my family children or wives come here
to meeting & take a seat in the back part of the House &
spend the time in play instead of attending to the preaching
I wish him to call them by name & let them be reprooved
openly if they will take that course for they all know that
that to be against my council & I wish the Bishop would
persue that course with all persons who come here & do not
do right. we should not be ashamed or afraid to rebuke
wickedness sin & abominations whence ever we know of their its
existance in our midst, for by doing right we will ever be supported
by the right hand of the Lord. there is not the least trembling
in my boydy or spirit because of the results that myay arise from
resisting & rebuking sin for I would rather die wifeless &
childless & see my dwellings laid in ruins & my own body fall
in the gap than to permit whordoms, wickedness & abominations
to exhist in our families wards & cities unrebuked & unchecked
for we as a people have to sanctify ourselves before the Lord
in order to sanctify have the blessings & approbation of the
Lord upon us. It will be far better for us to restrain our
children from Evil than to suffer them to go headlong to ruin
& they will thank God to all Eternity that there parents have
given them good council & restrained them from Evil rather
than to be permitted to plunge into misery sin sorrow & woe
we should treat our wives & children with kindness &
affection & give them good council & when we have done all we
can for them then if they will do ^w^rong & go to ruin our gar-
ments are clear & I hope from this time forth that we
may not look upon sin with any degree of allowance of
approbation which may God grant for Christ Amen
I was followed in my remarks by Bishop Hoagland Phineas
Richards Joseph Horn & Samuel Richards all backed up my
testimony. the spirit of the Lord rested upon us & we had
a good time
~ Monday
19th I spent a part of the day in the Historians office & the
evening in the Grammar school.
~ Tuesday
20th I spent the day at home studying English Grammar we
had a snow storm
~ Wednesday
21st I spent most of the day studying & the evening in Grammar school
~ Thursday
22nd I spent part of the day studying. I was called upon & went
& laid hands upon Father RJoseph Russel who was taken vary sick
I met in the evening with a part of the board of the Universal
cientific society. we did but little business & returned home
~ Friday
23rd I called to see brother Russel to day He was sum better
I attended the Grammar school at night
~ Saturday
I settled with the tithing office this day & paid them
cash to balance Books $52.50 I have paid some $250
for tithing since my last settlement I wrote 4 letters to day to
L. N. Scovil, Elisha Wilcox, Jonathan Campbell, & Crandle Dunn
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I Preached in the Tabernacle in the morning
& was folowed H. C. Kimball we both preached vary plain
in the afternoon O Hyde & H. C. Kimball preached we had plain
pointed preaching all day I attended the prayer circle
in the evening
~ Monday
26th My son wilford & mysel rode to the west mountain
& had a storm most of the day I bought a two year old
heifer of Lorenzo Young & she proved to be of the Calafornia
breed we got her into the city & she tried to returned
back she tiered us & our horses out & I got 3 men to help
me & we got two larrietts on her & she fought us till
midnight lightke [like] a tiger but we finally got her into a pen
at home after being wearied out & came nigh being killed
several times & our Horses tired out travled 40 mils
~ Tuesday
27th I spent the day at home was abotut sick
~ Wednesday
The calafornia mail came in last night &
brought me one letter from J. M. Bernhisel & the N. york
Tribune we did not get much news I wrote one
Letter to J. M. Bernhisel
~ Thursday
March 1st 1855 This is my birth day I am 48 years
of age this day, thus time is rapidly hurrying me through
life like the rest of mankind I spent the day mostly at home
~ Friday
2nd I spent the day drawing post into the field I attended the
grammer school at night
~ Saturday
3rd I spent this day drawing post I attended the meeting
of the Universal scientific society during the evening we had a
good meeting
~ Sunday
4th Sunday Elder Carnes preached in the morning was follow
by H. C. Kimball. In the afternoon E. D. Woolley preached was
followed by O Hyde
~ Monday
5th I spent the day drawing post three cmen commenced ditching
for me to day I attended the grammer school this evening
~ Tuesday
6th I drew posts & rails to day for fenceing
~ Wednesday
7th I drew posts & rails to day attended Grammar school at
~ Thursday
8th I rode to the west mountain through Lorenzo Youngs
herd of cattle & to white Herd & got a two year old Heifer
out of whites Herd & a cow out of Youngs Herd belonging
to me & drove them home I rode some 50 miles
~ Friday
9th I drew some poles & posts to the field & attended school at
~ Saturday
Brother Joseph Russel died this morning 20 minuts
past 2 oclock about 70 years of age from Merimichi He
Has been a faithful Latter day Saint & High priest He
has given nearly all his means to the Church amounting
to about $70000 dollars in all
~ Sunday
11th Sunday I attended Brother Joseph Russels funeral I made
a prayer & delivered a short address to the people before going to
the grave I accompanied the corps to the grave in the midst of
a cold rain storm the coffin was in the same shape the [that] Dr
Willard Richards was who died one year ago this day I did not
at attend meeting in the tabernacles but attended the prayer circle
President Young suggested that I had better Administer upon the Esstate
~ Monday
12th I spent the day at home & evening at the Grammar school
~ Tuesday
13 I spent the day labouring at home
~ Wednesday
14th I spent the day at home & eenvening in school
~ Thursday
The Eastern mail came in to day & brought me 2 letters
from Ilus F Carter & Ozem Woodruff I also received a Letter from
Lucian N Scovil I received a paper from J. M. Bernhisel
~ Friday
16th I drew poles into the big field for fensing & attended school at night
~ Saturday
17th I spent the day mostly at home I attended the meeting of
the Universal scientific society in the evening
~ Sunday
18th Sunday Brother Kesler preached atin the morning was followed
by H. C. Kimball who spoke vary plain & pointed in the Afternoon
Elder O Hiyde delivered a written address & took for his text a
portion of the presidents message He was followed by G. A. Smith
with a vary interesting discourse I attended the prayer circle
in the evening & the meeting at the 14th ward School House
Samuel Richards spoke & I followed him the spirit of the
Lord was with us
~ Monday
19th I drew poles in the big field I got my feet wet & took cold
I attended a grammar school in the evening
~ Tuesday
20th I spent the day at home writing I wrote 2 letters to Ozem
Woodruff a long letter & sent him 2 paper D News containing
the Universal scientific society organization & Joseph Smith & B Young sermons
I sent the same to I F Carter & also a letter both mailed to day I also received
two papers from J. M. Bernhisel
~ Wednesday
21st I spent the day at home reading & writing I met with the
Board of the society in the evening
~ Thursday
22nd I spent a part of the day ploughing in the afternoon I attended
the Mayor's court the military officers had entered complaint
against some boys for running Horses by them & insulting them in
the street the suit was dismissed on account of no law against
running horses & the officers had the cost to pay
~ Friday
23rd I spent the day ploughing & attended Grammar school in the evening
~ Saturday
24th I sowed 2 Acres of Oats to day & attended the Universal scientific
society in the evening we had a full house & an interesting address
from David Cantling upon the history of the Russians the Russian
war & its results upon the war upon the world
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I spent the fore part of the day at home reading &
writing I attended Prayer meeting in the evening
~ Monday to ~ Friday
26 to 30 I spent the time ploughing & sowing oats & other labour
~ Saturday
31 I rode through Lorenzo Youngs herd of cattle Hunting for
some of my own but did not find them I then rode to the
city oEf E. T. in Toille valley ^I attended a conference of Elders in the evening^ & spent the night with Brother
Maughn Distance of the day 40 mils
~ Sunday
April 2nd1st Sunday
E. T Benson & myself met with the Elders & Saints who had
assembled from the different settlements in the valley for
a general meeting I preached to them in the forenoon. we
had a great shower of rain in the afternoon & during the night
yet Brother Benson preached to them in the after noon we
had a good meeting I spent the night with Brother Cory
~ Monday
2nd I left Toilly valley & hunted cattle all day on my
return home & spent the night at home 240 mils
~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday
3, 4, & 5 I spent the time gardning & makeing Fence
~ Friday
April 6th 1855 General Conference met in the Tabernacle
at 10 oclock. President Brigham Young Presiding H. C.
Kimball, & J. M. Grant in the stand Of the Twelve Apostles
O Hyde O Pratt W. Woodruff G A Smith E T Benson C C.
Rich & L Snow. the whole procedings are published in
the 5th No vol 5th of the Deserett News so it will be unne-
cessary for me to record it in this Journal this day was spent
in addresses from the presidency & presenting the Authorities of
the Church
~ Saturday
7th The Tabernacle could not hold the people so they met out
in a Bowery there were supposed to be 12000 people present
this day was spent in hearing the financial offairs
of the Church presented which was vary satisfactory to the people
Also in organizeing the Deserett Theological Institute
& some Addressed
~ Sunday
8th Sunday this day was mostly spent in hearing the testimony
of the Twelve Apostles & the Presidency much of the spirit of
of God rested upon the people & we never had a Better conference
about 160 men were appointed missions mostly to the Lamanites
the conference Adjourned till the 6th Oct next I herd an important
addresse from B Young to the Bishops reported By Dr vale
~ Monday to ~ Friday
9th to 13 I spent this week mostly in tearing down & re[arra]nging
~ Saturday
April 14th I spent this day with the Presidency Twelve & missionarr[ies]
who met at the 70s Hall we had an address from President
Young & others I met this evening with the Universal scientifics
in their Annual meeting
~ Sunday
15th Sunday I Attended meeting in the Tabernacle President
Grant Preached in the morning upon natural Phylosophy & was
followed by President Young both discourses were vary interesting &
were taken by the reporters. I met O Hyde preached in the afternoon
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
16 to 21 I spent this week mostly Gardning I met this
evening with the Universal scientific society
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday I met with the quorum of the 12, & the missionaries
at the 70s Hall at 8 oclock for the purpose of blessing &
setting apart the missionaries & ordaining men to the ministry
there were over 100 set apart by the laying on of hands to their
various missions among the Lamanites this was done by the
Twelve & seventies I blessed about 40 persons & ordained 10
seventies in company with Joseph Young & A. P. Rockwood
our meeting closed at 3 oclock the missionaries were addr[ess]ed
By O Hyde & E. T. Benson we then went to the prayer circle
& arangements were made for us to go south with President Young
Capt R Ingals has been arested for the crime of abduction
& a bill found against him forom the Grand Jury after several
days trial it was withdrawn from the court
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
223 & 24 I spent the time labouring in my garden
~ Wednesday
25th I spent ^the day^ at work & in the evening I attended the first meeting
of the Deserett Theological Society the Presidency Twelve & a
large assembly of saints were present & we herd an interesting
address from President Young upon Theology which was taken
by the reporters
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
26 27th & 28 I spent the time mostly ploughing & planting potatoes
In company with the Twelve in the evening we laid hands upon
John L. Smith who lay vary sick with the inflamitory rheumatism
not able to move any part of his body except one hand He was appointed
to go on a mission we rebuked his desease & set him apart to this mission
O Hyde was mouth He manifested much faith in going & resolved to start
if he had to be carried on a bed. I then attended the universal cientific
~ Sunday
29th Sunday I spent the day at home writing an account of
Josephs interview with the Potawatamie chiefs. O Pratt Preached
a vary interesting discourse at the Tabernacle on the resurrecti[on]
O Hyde preached in the afternoon I attended the prayer circle
in the evening
~ Monday
30th I spent the day at home
~ Tuesday to ~ Friday
May 1, 2, 3, & 4. I spent this time wattering wheat the grasshoppers
are destroying nearly all the crops of the Earth
~ Saturday
May 5th I met with the Presidency & 12 in the House of the Lord
built upon the Temple Block & we dedicated it before the Lord Broth
E. T. Benson opened by prayer & after the usual cerimonies H C kimball
proceded to dedicate the House by prayer He named in his prayer evry
room from top to bottom evry wall & material Adobies sand clay
stone Lime from the fo[u]ndation to the top prayed that the spirit of God
might enter into it that it might be clean sweet & Holy & that
no unclean thing might enter into it so that Holy men women
God & Angels might visit it. President Young said He would
name it the House of God & when the Temple is built He would
call it the Temple of our God after we closed several missionaries
received their endowments. this House was dedicated by B
Young H. C. Kimball J. M Grant O Hyde O. Pratt W. Woodruff
D Wells E. D. Woolley Dr Sprague & J Cummings. I spent the
remainder of the day & settling my business. I attended the Univers-
al scientific society in the evening we had quite a frost during the
~ Sunday
6th Sunday John Young preached in the Tabernacle in the fore-
noon. George Q Cannon preached in the afternoon concerning His
mission to the Islands the customs of the Natives the special manifesta-
tions of the work of God among them certain acts, customs, & deeds
which if men practiced they were to suffer death. He was
followed By President Young in an interesting discourse upon
the subject of our building up the kingdom of God, Having faith,
trusting in God under all circumstances in life his discourse
was reported.
I attended the Prayer circle whare I herd
some interesting teaching from President Young in social
conversation which was not reported. the following is a key
to some of the principles He advanced. He refered to the preach-
ing of Orson Pratt & Orson Hyde the sabbath before upon the subj-
ect of the resurrection. He said the Identical particles of matter
in which we had honored our spirits with ie our tabernacles in
which we had suffered, travelled, laboured, & built up the kingdom
of God that would be the Identical body & no other that would be
raised from the grave to immortality & Eternal life. Adam & Eve
had lived upon another Earth were immortal when they came here
Adam assisted in forming this Earth & agreed to fall when He
came Here & He fell that men might be [2 Nephi 2:25] & the opposite principle
to good the devel, the serpent, the Evil was plased upon the Earth that
man might know the good from the Evil for without an Experience
in these things man could not know the one from the other as soon
as the devil was on Earth He sowed the seeds of Death in evry thing
so as soon as they began to eat of the fruit of the Earth they received
into their system the seeds of mortality & of Death so their children
wer mortal & subject to death sorrow pain & wo then when they
partook of life, Joy, ease, & Happiness they would know how to prise it
Father Adam would never scease his labours to redeem his posterity
& exhalt them to all the glory they were capable of receiving He did
not doubt but that Father Adam knew in the beginning how many
of his posterity would receive a celestial glory & who they were &
also a Terrestrial & a Telestial yet man had his agency to act
chuse & refuse good or evil as seemed him good & he would be rew-
arded according to his works. O. Pratt asks will Adam or any God con-
tinue to make worlds people them taste of Death to redeem them
Answer I have no doubt but ^it^ is his privilege but whether that He
will do it is a question in my mind. How then can his seed increase
to all Eternity, through the increase of his posterity.
many other remarks were made by the President
~ Monday
Monday 7th I bought 50 bushels of wheat at $100 & 900 lbs flour
for $54. I then rode to Toillee & took one yoke of red oxen & one
pair of Horses & 3 calves to leave with Brother Maughn at the city
of E. T. untill my return I preached to the people in the evening
& had a good time I spent the night with Brother Maughn 25 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
8th I returned home to the city of the great Salt Lake & spent
the night at home 25 mls
~ Wednesday
9th Wednesday I left the city of the great Salt Lake & in
company with Brother [blank] Cherry I started to overtake the
Presidency & company who had started the day before to visit the
Southern settlements as far as Iron County we rode to dry creek
in Utah valley & spent the night with Brother Daniel Thomas in
Lehi City I preached to the people & had a good time 35 mils
~ Thursday
10th I rode to Petetenet & there overtook the company we had a
meeting. J. M. Grant Preached was followed by H. C. Kimball
& W. Woodruff. I spent the night with James M. Jones 40 mls
~ Friday
11th We rode to Salt Creek & nooned we then rode through
Salt Creek Canyon & camped at Uinta Springs 45 miles
their is a good clear stream of water running through
this valley containing many trout I cought 5 with a hook
some others cought some this a good valley of land a good
number of the brethren accompanied us from salt creek
Fort they sung In the evening & we had prayers
~ Saturday
12th We rode 7 miles & camped we then took a few waggons
rode 3 miles to the west to the foot of a small canyon we there
left our waggons & Horses & walked 1 1/4 miles to the head of the
canyon & their visited a splendid good coal mine the vein
was about 6 feet thick it diped to the west about 20 degrees
the coal was of excellent quality we brought some of it away
with us it was in sight on both sides of the canyon this
coal bed lies about 10 miles north northwest from Fort Ephram
after returning to camp we rode 7 miles to Fort Ephraim & spent
the night we held a meeting J M Grant ^Brother McIntosh^ Preached was followed by
H. C. Kimball & athe few meeting was dismiss
by J. M. Grant I spent the night with Brother Isaac Behunnin 20 mls
Fort Ephraim is laid out with an inner fort 12 1/2 by 15 rods built
with a stone wall 2 feet thick 10 feet high finished. An outside
wall built of splendid white limestone 4 feet thick at the
bottom 2 feet at the top 18 feet high 60 by 44 rods the
coity contains 400 inhabitants two thirds Danes. they have
a shch school taught by a man in the winter & female during
summer. This city has been esstablish or setteled but about
one year the inside wall is built & outside wall is built & two
thirds of the outside wall is built 7 feet High & a part of ist
is 14 feet high the intention is to build the dwellings against
the outside wall making the wall one side of the dweling. Reuben Alread is bishop
& Elijah Everett is president
~ Sunday
13th Sunday meeting at 10 oclock the Danish brethren sung. J. M. Grant preached
was followed by H. C. Kimball & President Young. W Woodruff reported
at the close of the meeting the company rode to Manti & held a meeting Broth
Cherry lost his horses & as I rode with him we did not get there till near
dark so I did not get there to attend the meeting Lorenzo Young preached & was
followed by some others the Presidency did not attend. On my Arival
President Young requested me to get the brethren together who were
appointed to go the Elk mountain & set them apart for their mission we
met at the House of Brother Billings & President Grant & myself set apart
12 persons to the Elk Mountain & 2 to Los Vegus we ordained 6 to the quorum
of Seventies President Grant addressed them in the spirit & power of God
Truman Angel bore testimony & was followed by W. Woodruff who reported
J. M. Grants remarks see report The whole number appointed & set apart
to the Elk mountain was 40.
I spent the night at Brother Shoemakers 14 mils
Manti contains a population of 140 families 560 souls
14th we they have 2 schools 100 scholars in winter & 50 in summer
The city of Manti contains an Inside fort built of stone 10 rods square
2 feet thick 10 feet high. their outside wall is 102 rods square 3
feet thick at the bottom 18 inches at the top 12 feet high. this wall
is finished 8 feet high & 40 rods is 12 feet
~ Monday
Monday 14th we left Manti & rode to Greese wood creek & nooned
we then rode to the seveare bridge & crossed it & rode 2 miles & camped for
the night by the cedars we met with Brother Charles C Rich & camped
at the severe bridge who camped with us at night distance 40 mls
we had a hard shower of rain in the evening
~ Tuesday
15th we rode to some springs & nooned we then drove to Filmore
City & spent the night It was a vary disagreeable day to Journey a high
wind which drove a cloud of dust most of the day in our faces we held
a meeting with the people of Filmore at 5 oclok President Young H C ki[m]ball
& J M Grant Preached W. Woodruff reported. Brothers McCintosh &
Eleback took some not[e]s as they have at all the meetings on the Journey
we had a good meeting & the spirit of God was with us see report
we have found nearly all the wheat eat up by the Grasshoppers all
the way from Salt Lake City to this place wthe president has refered to
this in most of the meetings. at the close of the meeting In company
with J. M. Grant I visited the wing of the State House which contains
a roof & it is a noble Edifice indeed I spent the night with Brother
Johonsen distance of the day 35 miles
Filmore city contains 100 families numbering 500 souls. the
present encloser is 1/4 mile square 10 feet high 20 inches thick one
half Adobies & the other half pickets all built the intended city is
to include 200 lots, 1 1/4 acre per lot making 24 Blocks. they have quite
a commodious meeting house finished.
they have two schools & 75 schollars The wing of the state House
in Filmore has the roof on & is a stately Edifice it is 61 feet 8 inches
long and 40 feet 4 inches wide on the ground. The basement story is 10
feet high & the 2nd story 12 the 3rd or upper story 19 feet making the
side walls including width of Joist 43 feet 6 inch the battlement
end is about 10 feet higher than the sides. the Basement has an Alley
running length ways through the bilding 7 feet wide each side is divided
into 4 rooms each. the second story has the same width Alley
running through the building & the sides rooms are divided into 3 rooms each
the upper story is to be finished into one room or Hall. the basement
story wall is 3 feet thick the remainder of the building 2 feedt
the cornish is on & a part of the roof shingled
[4 lines blank]
~ Wednesday
Tuesday ^Wednesday^ 156 we left Filmore rode to Corn Creek which contains an
Indian settlement of the parvants kanosh is David kanosh Tashabets
is their main chief. Parashon is also a chief. Teweepponekary is his
present name we stoped a short time with them about a doz of the Indians
with their chiefs mountained their horses & rode with with us on our Journey
we travled till 1 oclok & nooned then drove to Cove Creek & camped for
the night the Indians camped with us. Distance of the day 40 miles &
a hard road some of the teams gave [out] the Indians shot prarie Dog & rabbits
for ther supper they rosted the dogs a little then eat them entrails
young ones & all.
~ Thursday
167 we rode to the bever & spent the night I cought 2 trout which
I gave to Presidents Young & Kimball. Distance 35 mile
~ Friday
18th We rode 30 miles without water to a small creek then nooned
then crossed Red Creek & drove to Parawan distance 40 miles
we met with G. A. Smith here we visited his flowuring mill
which is a good esstablishment. We held a meeting with the
People President Young Preached upon the Law of consecration
W Woodruff reported see report I wrote a Letter to my wife
at Salt Lake & sent by the Calafornia mail which came in yesterday
it brought me one letter from Edward Partridge & 2 Numbers of
the mormon I spent the night with Samuel West
~ Saturday
19 Saturday the wind is blowing a gale & has been for several days
it raises a cloud of dust which blows in our faces & waggons which
makes it vary disagreeable travelling. we rode to Cedar City 18 miles
I stoped with Brother Pugmire after dinner I visited the
Iron works. And I felt to rejoice to find them in blast & making
good Iron & casting pipes, cranks, & any thing they needed about ther
works. they have tried for several years to make Iron but could not
accomplish it untill of late the Presidency & most of the company was
presitent to see them cast & was much pleased with it. we exhamined all
the works coak, coal, ore of different kinds & took specemins with us
we then returned to the city the Iron works are about 1 mile from
the city. Cedar City contains 145 families, 725 souls their fort
is surrounded with a wall half a mile square 18 inches thick 8 feet
high built of Adobies & stone they have 145 dwellings vary good buildings
for the time it has been settled. They have a tithing office built 43 By 25
feet two stories a good suller & upper room finished. it cost $2500. the
main portion of the building is not finished. they have a meeting house
60 by 25 feet. they have had 3 schools during winter, 2 men schools 1
female. 2 schools during summer. This settlement much needs men
& teams to carry on their Iron works. We had a council in the evening
the Presidency & 12 were present the time was spent in chit chat upon
the consecration & other things
Thomas P Smith gave me the following report of Fort Johnson
6 miles north of Cedar City it contains 6 families 40 persons
the fort wall is 10 rods square 4 feet thick at the bottom 2 1/2
at the top is now built 8 feet high is to be carried up 12 feet
the place contains many fine springs enough to watter 100
Acres of land a good grazing country for a large heard of
~ Sunday
May 20th Sunday the People assembled at the meeting house
at 10 oclock. Meeting was opened By Prayer by W Woodruff
J. M. Grant addressed the people & was followed by H. C kimball
both had the spirit of the Lord & we had a good meeting.
at 2 oclok the people again assembled & was Addressed by
President Brigham Young * & all was edifyed W Woodruff report-
ed through the day Brothers Ellebeck & MCIntosh both took not[e]s
at the close of the meeting ^(* and He was followed by G A Smith)^
At the commencement of the meeting in the Afternoon President
Young said we have some Church business to attend to & I move
that we resolve ourselves into a special conference it was seconeded
& carried unanimously. It was then moved & carried that Isaac
Haight be appointed the President of this stake of Zion which
imbraces Cedar City, Harmony, & Johnsons Fort & that He chuses
his two councillors. It was then moved & carried that Jonathan
Pugmire sen Robert Wiley, Samuel White, Richard Harrison
Perry Liston, Iria Allen Samuel Lee, Laban Morrel, Rufus
C Allen Thomas D. Brown, Joshua T Willis & Charles Hoppkins
be chosen & ordained as the twelve High councellors for this
stake of Zion. At the close of the meeting William Rees
Davis was ordained a Bishop for fort Harmony under the ha[n]ds
of the first Presidency President Young being mouth. they
also ordained Isaac Haight to the Presidency of the stake
president Young being mouth
The Twelve High councellors were then set apart by Presidts
Kimball & Grant.
I then went with Brother Lee & pPugmire to see Brother James
Boswell ({He let me have his Indian boy for which I paid him} $30.) I met with a number
of the brethren from fort Harmony among the number was T D Brown
A Hardy & S Atwood & Thomas P. Smith of Fort Johnson I took
supper with Elder J. D. Lee. He gave me the following report of
Harmony: Fort Harmony is 200 feet square 8 feet high when finished
is to be 22 feet high forming one wall for two story buildings the
foundation is stone & the remainder is Adobies the first story is 3 feet
the 2nd story 2 feet this fort contains 42 rooms on the ground
15 by 16 feet there are 40 families & 260 persons. One meeting
house 26 by 16. A tithing House 20 By 15 feet. A guard House 12 by 16 feet
One Female school kept. there is one public well in the fort 86 feet
deep stoned up & good water. They have a field of 500 Acres one half
of it fenced, 300 Acres of it in wheat. They have but one gate to their
fort which is 10 by 12 feet & one foot thick, strongly hung cannot be
opened from the outside One woman on the inside can shut it but it
takes several men to open it. They have made a farm for the Indians of
50 Acres 25 is now in wheat. They made a good road forom Fort Walker
to Fort Harmony on a strait line of 12 mile was made by a machine drawn
by 8 yoke of oxen. During the evening I met with several of the Brethren
in the upper room of the Council House After [ink blot] G. A. Smith officiated in some
we set apart Brother Hulse to his mission to Israel remarks were
made by W. Woodruff C. C. Rich & several others upon the subject of the
~ Monday
21st Morningnday I got an Indian boy of Brother James Bosnel He
was about a doz years of age his name was Moroni. Eliza Bosnel his
wife wishes her Endowment & they wish me to write & inform them
when they can have it. I met with several Brethren from Harmony
among the number was Brother Atwood, Allen, T D Brown & Augustus
B Hardy who wishes me to request Elias Smith to send him occasionally
a paper to cheer their Hearts. Direct to the Upper station on the
Santa Clarra by the mail carrier.
We left Cedar City & rode to Parawan I took a minute of the place
I stoped at Brother Samuel West We had a meeting at 4 oclock
a full House The people were addressed by President Young upon the
Authority of the Priesthood in its different offices W Woodruff reported
at the close of the meeting John P. Hall, Charles Hall, Preddy Meeks
Horace M Allexander Samuel Gool, & Elijah Elmer was called to fill
up the vacancy in the High Council. We then repaired to the upper room
of G A Smith. And we ordained the High Counsel or set them apart
to their office 4 of them we ordained High Priest they were set apart
ordained under the hands of J. M. Grant W. Woodruff & J. C. L. Smith
J M Grant W. Woodruff & G. A. Smith also set apart John Steel & Wm C.
Mitchel to their mishion to the Loss Vegus. distance of the day 19 m[iles]
I took supper with Brother Hall & spent the night with Brother West
Parawan contains 400 inhabitants their wall is 108 rods square 12 feet
high. 7 feet of it is built. it is 6 feet thick at the bottom 2 1/2 feet at the top
with 4 gates. ^wall^ made of Earth. it contains 80 dwellings some of which are
two stories & good ones Their meeting House is 48 By 22 feet with two Ells
16 feet square 2 stories high. 3 rooms above one finished for a prayer
circle. their is one school House 22 by 18 feet. one Grist Mill
35 by 30 feet on the ground 3 stories High, now grinding belonging to G A Smi[th]
& J. C. L. Smith. a sash & chair factory & machine shop 2 Blacksmi[th]
shops. Their public square 10 Acres. A Liberty pole single stick 87 feet
One man school & 1020 schollars. Their big field contains 1120 acres
enclosed with a good fence John C. L. Smith President
Tarlton Lewis Bishop
~ Tuesday
Tuesday 22nd We left Parawan & rode to Bevear 35 miles & camped
for the night I cought 3 fine trout
~ Wednesday
23rd We left Bever & rode to Corn Creek 52 miles we met the miss-
ionaries on our rout to day going to Los Vegus
~ Thursday
24 We rode to Filmore to Breakfast 12 miles I took breakfast at Brother
Johnsons We had a meeting with the people at 10 oclock W W. Phelps Preached
upon the subjects of common schools followed by J. M. Grant who spoke upon
the subject of Plurality of wives & other things in an interesting manner
but it was not reported after meeting we rode to Lake valley 24 miles whole
whole distance of the day 36 miles. The missionaries destined to the white
mountains under the presidency of Bishop Evins arived in camp soon
after we did & spent the night with us they were in good spirits 36
~ Friday
25 We rode to the severe & wattered our horses we then rode to chicken
creek & nooned we crossed the new bridge over chicken creek Just made
for $100 by United States appropriations we then rode to salt creek
in a rain storm. Salt Creek Fort is 104 Rods square 6 feet thick at the
bottom 2 1/2 feet thick at the top 12 feet high & nearly finished. It con-
tains 80 families & 350 persons they have 1 man school of 50 schollars
we took supper at this Fort & rode on to the Springs & camped for the night 54 mile
~ Saturday
Saturday 26 We started at 5 oclock rode to summit & on to payson & took
breakfast. Pason wall took is 96 rods square is to be 12 feet High
6 feet thick at the bottom 2 at the top the wall is now built 6 feet high
this Fort contains 90 families 4050 inhabitants 110 Able bodied men
3 schools containing 100 schollars.
we rode to Palmyria but did not
stop I did not get the statistics of the place. their wall is 72 by 74 rods
we then rode to springville & dined. springville Fort wall is 3/4 of a mile
square 12 feet High 6 feet thick at the bottom 2 1/2 at the top 40 rods is completed
& 2 sides 6 foot high. Springville contains 1000 inhabitants 200 Able bodied
men. 3 schools, 1 Male 2 Female schools.
After dining we rode to Provo
made but few moments halt. Provo wall is one mile squairre 6 feet
thick at the bottom 2 at the top 12 feet high one half of the wall
finished population 250. 500 families & houses some good
improvements 1 seminary containing 4 school rooms 4 schools
now kept containing 100 schollars two grist mills 2 saw mills
1 carding machine cloth dressing &c, & one tithing office
we drove on to Plesant grove & took supper. Plesant grove
wall is 80 rods square 8 feet high built of stone 3 feet thick
at the bottom 18 inches at the top it is finished 4 feet high
it contains 60 families 300 persons 1 Adobie school House
18 By 30 feet 60 dwellings Erected.
we drove through Lake
City containing 75 families 375 persons did not stop.
we dDrove through Lehi their wall is 120 rods square 12 feet
high 6 feet thick at the bottom 3 foot thick at the top it is finished
5 feet high. Lehi contains 640 persons 3 schools 75 schollars
one Tithing office 33 By 24 feet 2 stories high. we drove
on to the point of the mountain & camped for the night
whole distance of the day 55 miles
~ Sunday
Sunday 27th The camp was called at 3 oclock in the morning
Arropene with his band had been camped upon the bank of Jordon for a day or
two to have an interview with the Govornor & as we began to leave the
ground at the break of day they discoverd our camp moving & set up
a howl hoop or hollow for us to stop but Brother Huntington the interpeter
waited till they came up they inquired if we were mad. Interpeter
answered no the Governor answered no had presents for them for giving
up the murderers of Gunnison but it was sunday & he wished to get
to the city to attend meeting we left the point of the mountain & rode
to the Great Salt Lake City by 9 oclock 25 miles thus we had made
a Journey to Cedar City via Sanpete & back a distance of 3600 miles
in less than 3 weeks. Brother Charry stoped & took breakfast
with us then went on home. I found my family well on my return
I received 2 letters from Ilus & many books & papers
from J. M. Bernhisel by the Eastern mail. we found that nearly all
the wheat crops & other vegitable were eat up by the grass hoppers through
the Territory as far as we went & most of the crops & vegitables in
the city gardens were also destroyed.
On our arival in the city we
separated to our several homes. we attended meeting in the afternoon in
the Tabernacle & found a full House. J. M. Grant spoke to the people was followed
By H. C. Kimball & B Young the spirit of the Lord rested upon the people
& those hwho spoke & we had a good meeting. after President Young
closed, Arrowpene the chief that was appointed in Walker plase arose
asked the privilege to speak President Young alintroduced him to the people
He gave a short but spirited address which was interpeted by Brother
Huntington the purport of his Addresse was was texhorting the people
to give heed to the council of President Young if they would do
this & keep the spirit of the Lord they would not be sick & die
as the wicked do but would be healthy the Lord is given you great
blessings in food & rament oxen cows & horses & we should be faithfu[l]
& thankful. I attended the prayer circle in the evening & had a good
time I herd several letters read from Joseph Smith upon the Islands
Joseph Young Wm CKimball, G M Grant & others which were vary
interesting & showed that thate spirit of the Fathers was in them
~ Monday
28th I spent most of the day in writing in my Journal
~ Tuesday
I wrote 2 letters to I. F. Carter & Edward Partridge
at Kalikiwai Kauai Sandwich Islands I also wrote an acco[unt]
of the Journey of President Young & company south for the
Editor of the News
~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday
30, & 31 I spent the time mostly night & dray drawing of[f] the sermons of
President Young which He preached to the people while on his Journey south
I have in my possession my own notes not drawn off of Presidents Kimball
& Grant the nots o[f] MCIntosh & Ellibeck containing the same sermons
or portions of them are in the Hands of the Historian
~ Friday
June 1st I spent this day drawing of[f] the presidents sermons
~ Saturday
2nd I took my wife & children & rode to the city of E T in Toille
Elder Benson had arived a short time before me
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I preached twice to ^the^ inhabitants of E. T. during the
day & brother Benson in the evening & I followed him He also
preached at Grantsville during the day. I spent the night at
Brother Cory's 25 mi[les].
~ Monday
4th I returned to the city of the gGreat Salt Lake
~ Tuesday
5th I planted potatoes, corn, squashes, pumpkins &c on the
ground whare the grass hoppers had eat up my wheat
~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday
6th to 9th I spent the time wattering garden drawing stone &c
I attended the Universal scientific socity at night
~ Sunday
10th Sunday I spent the fore noon writing the afternoon I attended
we had an interesting discourse deliverd by Dr Richerson on
Saturday Evening upon the subecject of Generation was followed by
J. M. Grant & W. Woodruff He made the subject very interesting
& showed that it was of vast importance to posterity that parents
kept good & holesom laws in generation many interesting remarks
were made by Dr Richardson & Grant
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
11 to 16th I spent the time drawing stone & hunting cattle
~ Sunday
17th I spent the time at meeting in the evening I attended the prayer circle
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
18 President Young & company started on their tour north
18th to 23rd I spent the time drawing stone sand clay &c for building
me a grainary & dwelling House
~ Sunday
24th Sunday I spent the time at home & attended the prayer circle
& also preached in the 14 ward school House in the evening
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
25th to 30 I spent the time wattering ploughing, Hoeing & planting corn
I received a letter from the inhabitants of Springville U.T.
upon the subject of organizing a branch of the Universal Scientific
society I also received 89 Nos of the mormon & a Book from
Washington I rwrote a letter to Springville & one to I F Carter
July 1st Sunday 29: Judge Shaver was found dead in his
bed to day at 1 oclock
30 The funeral of Judge Shaver was attended to day with high
honour & respect
~ Sunday
July 1st Sunday I attended meeting at the tabernacle Joseph
Young spoke in the forenoon & took for his text this is Eternal
life to know God & Jesus Christ whom He has sent [John 17:3] & in the
afternoon liberty was given to the congregation & several spoke
I attended the prayer circle in the evening
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
2 & 3 I spent the time planting & hoeing
~ Wednesday
July 4th This day was spent in the celebration of the indep-
endence of America And a great display was made in the
city of the Great Salt Lake see Deserett News July 11th
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
5 to 7 was spent Haying
~ Sunday
July 8th
Sunday J. M. Grant spoke from the Lords prayer [Matthew 6:9-13]
and was filled with the spirit of God. He spoke
vary plain concerning the kingdom of God & Gentiles who
worked abominations in Zion He was followed by O pPratt
upon the same subject in an interesting manner
In the afternoon President Young Addressed the people upon
the subject of the Gentiles coming to Zion & interfereing with
our institutions polluting our females & committing abominations
in Israel He declaired they should be put to death if they
followed it any more I attended the prayer circle in the
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
9 & 10 I spent the time Haying
~ Wednesday
11th I left the city of G. S. L in company with G. A. Smith
& Samuel Richards to go to provo to hold a mthree days meeting
with the Presidency & Twelve we rode to Lehi in Utah &
spent the night with Bishop Evens distance 30 mls
~ Thursday
12th we rode to Provo went down the Provo River & caught
some 2 bushels of fish wisth a net I spent the night with
G. A Smith President Young & compa[n]y came in the evening 18 mils
~ Friday
13th The conference opened at Provo this morning by prayer
& the People were addressed by President Brigham Young
in the fore part of the day & followed by H. C kimball in the
afternoon by J. M. Grant & Samuel Richards in the afternoon
~ Saturday
14th President Young, Joseph Young, E. T. Benson & Brother
Clements occupied the time to day
~ Sunday
15th Sunday Many of the Lamanites were present President
Brigham Young Preached upon the subject of the Lamanits
in an interesting manner He told the Latter day Saints plainly
their duty towards them An Indian chief called High
forehead followed him & spoke in a vary interesting manner
He was followed by G. A. Smith & Aaron Johnson
In the afternoon the people were addressed by O. Pratt while
the sacrament was administering & followed by W. Woodruff
At the close of the meeting President Snow nominated his
towo councellors Diminicus Carter was his first councellor
the people did not all vote two voted against him their
is a strange spirit in provo many do not pray & have not
the spirit of God in the commencement of the meeting it was
vary hard work to preach the people seemed cold & indifferent
& it seemed as though they expected the Presidency & 12 to
bring oil enough in their lamps to fill all the lamps of
3000 people & have light enough for them all without their
bringing any themselves J. V. Long reported all the sermons
& doings so I did not report any thing we had a good meet-
ing the President Preached strong doctring He told us our duty to
the Lamanites & the consequences that would follow if we
did not do it He warned us against neglecting that
people, & neglecting prayer, & against our opposing any
commandment, revelation, or doctrin that comes from
God. O that we might be wife [wise] & listen to the things of God
for we shall inherit the kingdom of God with all its
blessings if we do & sorrow morning & wo if we do not
At the close of the meeting we rode to Lake City & held a
meeting J. M. Grant Preached was followed by Brother Clements
I spent the night with Brother Clements 12 mils
~ Monday
16th we rode to Lehi took breakfast rode to John
Benbows took Dinner then rode to Salt Lake city & I
spent the night at home Distance to Provo & back 90 mils
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
17 to 21 I spent the time Haying & Harvesting
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
23 to 28 I spent the time Harvesting & hoeing
~ Sunday
29th I Attended meeting at the Tabernacle Brothers Kimball
& Phelps preached in the morning & O Pratt & & B Young
in the afternoon
On the 24 & 25 of July I attended the Polosophical society
in the social Hall & Herd till midnight the most thrilling soul stiring
speeches, essays, Addresses, songs, music &c &c that I ever herd
it was truly interesting to enjoy such a feast of the production
of sthe stronges talent in the world we also was addressed ion
saturday evening at the Universal scientific society by
[blank] on the subject of Phronology followed by O.
pratt & W Woodruff
I received a letter from Wm Smoot at Los Vegus
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
30 & 31. I spent the time watering & Hoeing corn
~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday
Aug 1st to 4th I spent the time building my Adobie grainery
Seth M Blair Arived home from his mission in Texas
He had done a good work & brought his shieves with him
~ Sunday
Sunday 5 I was quite sick the latter part of the night &
through the day I was not able to attend meeting S M Blair
Preached in the morning followed by President Young in the Afternoon
Lorenzo Young & others I attended the prayer circle in the evening
several missionaries were chosen to go to texas & some Jerman
Swiss, & Norwegen Elders to go to those of their nation in the
states. In conversing upon various principles President Young
thought none would inherit this Earth when it became celestial
& translated into the presence of God but those who would be crowned
as Gods & able to endure the fulness of the Presence of God except
they might be permitted to take with them some servants for
whom they would be held responsible all others would have to
inherit another kingdom even that kingdom agreeing with the
law which they had kept yet He thought they would eventually
have the privilege of proveing themselves worthy & advancing
to a celestial kingdom but it would be a slow progress
On Saturday evening Aug 4th The Universal scientific
society met in the Music Hall And herd an Address
deliverd by Professor Orson Pratt He there made
known the Law govenning the Planetary rotation
which was the first time that Law was ever made
known to the inhabitants of the Earth in this age of the
world & we have no account of its ever being revealed
to man before it is the Law which Asstronomers have
diligently sought to find out for many centauries
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
6 to 11 I spent the week laying up my Adobie House I Attended
the Universal scientific society at the Social Hall Brother
Mitchel Addressed the Assembly & was followed by David
Cantlind subject Utah as she was, is & is to be it was
an excellent Address
I wrote a letter to Crandle Dunn
~ Sunday
12 Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle & prayer
meeting in the evening. O Prat Address us saturday
evening upon the subject of the organization of the worlds
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
13 to 18 I spent the wook [week] laying up my house
~ Sunday
19th Sunday O Pratt preached during the forenoon upon
the subject of the origen & organization of our planetary
system. P P Pratt arived last evening the 18 & att[en]ded
meeting to day & made some remarks I attended the
prayer circle in the evening
to ~ Tuesday
20 21st I spent the time building
~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday
22 [FIGURE] Mr Charles H Oliphant put in 111 pe[a]ch
buds into my young peach orchard this day & a few
Apricotts into plum stocks. He put in the ^most^ choistest variety
that He could find in the valley the following were some
of the kinds put in
Brigham Favorite | |
Woodruffs Mountain sweet | Grants Vandyke |
Woodruff Prolific | Grants Early red Ra |
Carringtons white | B Y. Exelcier |
Spragues Yellow | B Y Neplus Ultra |
Cannons' Early |
J Youngs Pride of |
22 to 25 I spent the time sheeting & shingling my House
~ Sunday
26 Sunday P P Pratt preached in the Tabernacle
upon the Gospel. I attended the prayer circle J M B
was set apart to his mission at washington He had a
good blessing
~ Monday
I wrote 43 letters to Thompson Woodruff
& Brother C Dunn & one to FI F Carter
I went to the salt lake & shovelled up a waggon
load of salt 12 mils there 24 mls
~ Tuesday
28 I spent this day & night wattering corn potatoes
& buck wheat I was vary weary & sore
~ Wednesday
29 I left my watering field at sun rise went home
took breakfas & spent most of the day abed I put
in 19 buds into peach trees
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
30th & 31st I spent the time at home
~ Saturday
Sept 1st I spent the day at home And attended the
Universal scientific society at night I addressed the people
for a short time & was followed by P P Pratt who spoke
much to our edifycation
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday Joseph Young spoke to the people in the forenoon
W Woodruff in the Afternoon was followed by Erastus Snow
~ Monday
3rd I rode with my family to willow creek & camped
~ Tuesday
4th I rode to Lehi Dined with Brother Wadsworth then
rode through Battle Creek spanish fork settlement & within
5 miles of Provo river camped for the nigh.
~ Wednesday
5 I rode to the mouth of the provo & camped for the day
my object in coming to this place of fishing was to get some
fish & take my family out to a ride
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
6 7 & 8 I spent the time upon this fishing groungd but the wind
being in the north was against us as it drove the fish away
from the mouth of the provo which was their fishing ground
the fishermen drew their net every day but ownly
caught about what they wanted to eat daily I caught
some 15 fine trout with a hook some of them 3 or 4 lb
weight the Fishermen put me up a barrel of succors
& I started for home Saturday morning & drove to Bishop
Walkers & spent the night
~ Sunday
9th ^{Wednesday}^ I drove home to the city of the Great Salt Lake & spent the nigh
whole distance to the mouth of provo & back 80 miles
the Eastern mail had come in & brought me
one letter From I F Carter & some mormons
~ Monday
10th I spent the day at home looked over Dr J M. Bernhisel
goods & sent to his family all that He ordered me
~ Tuesday
11th I spent the day at home I attended a committee
at Bishop Hunters in the evening we were a committe for
the pomological society
~ Wednesday
12 I spent a part of the day in my peach orchard which
Is loaded with the fineest of peaches ready to break under
its load
~ Thursday
[FIGURE] 13 I spent a part of the day at home & In the evening we
met at the Social Hall in the capacity of a pomological
sociey we had a society full house the subjet of raising
fruit was warmly discussed & the formation of a Horticultural
sociey was recommended & a committee was appointed to draft
a constitution & by laws for said society
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
14 & 15 I spent the time at home
~ Sunday
16th Sunday I attended meeting at the bowery & prayer
meeting in the evening with the council
~ Monday
17th I spent the time at home
~ Tuesday
18th I spent the day labouring at home & met at 7 oclock in
the evening at the Lirbrary room the committee to draft the
constitution & by laws for the Horterculteral society the committ[ee]
presient were W. Woodruff Presidet & J. C. Little Wm Stains
E Hunter S. W. Richards O. H. Oliphant L. D. Young
vice Presidents we formed a constitution & by laws
which were unanimously adopted.
~ Wednesday
19 I spent the day labouring
~ Thursday
20th We met at the Social Hall &for a public meeting of
the Horticulteral society. Our constitution & bylaws were
red & adopted & a sample of Fruit from the best orch[ar]ds
in the city was exhibited & then distributed to the Assemble
then adjorned till the 27th
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
Sept 221, 22 I spent the time labouring On the 22nd I attended
the Universal scientific society in the evening
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I Attended was quite unwell & not able to
attend meeting Elder G. A. Smith preached a vary interesting
discourse upon the History of the rise & progress of Mahomit-
anism & was followed by P. P. Pratt both published in
the Deseret News of Oct 10th 1855
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
24 25 & 26 I spent the time labouring with my hands
~ Thursday
27th The Horturculteral society again met at the
social Hall speeches were made about three bushels of
choise peaches were distributed to the assembly about 20
new signers obtained to the signosiety
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
28, 29 I spent the time labouring
~ Sunday
30th Sunday I attended meeting at the bowary & prayer
meeting in the evening
~ Monday to ~ Friday
Oct 1st 2, 3, 4, & 5 I spent the week gathering potatoes &
other crops
~ Saturday to ~ Monday
^ Oct 6th 1855 Saturday A General Conference of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met at
the bowery at 10 oclok this morning which Held three
days Ended monday night Oct 8th There were prese[n]t
during this conference all the First Presidency & P. P. Pratt
O. Pratt W. Woodruff G A. Smith E. T. Benson, L. Snow
& Erastus Snow of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
& the other Authorities of the Church & about ten
thousand of the Saints all the procedings of this confer[ence]
is published in the Deseret News of October 10th 1855
so I deem it unnecessary to publish it in this Journal
At hthis conference E. T. Benson & Erastus ^Lorenzo^ Snow were
appointed missions to England & P. P. Pratt O. Pratt
& W Woodruff of the Twelve were appointed Home missions
with many others in Utah Territory.
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
9th, 10, 11, & 12, 13 this week was spent getting up
corn & potatoes. I attended the Universal Scientifi[c]
society meeting on saturday Evening & herd a lecture
Delivered by P. P. Pratt on the Art of plenty followed by
President Young.
~ Sunday
14th Sunday I attended meeting at the bowary & herd
addresses from Wm Pitt Br C[l]ark & Erastus Snow
I attended prayer meeting at a circle & herd President
Young Prophesy that the Lamanites would not conqur
ther Enemies nor get much Advantage over
them in ther battles but they would continue to be destroy
& distressed untill they sought unto the Lord & his servants for
assistance & Embraced the Gospel & became a righteous people
then they will begin to prosper & not before
~ Monday
Oct 15th Monday night P. P. Pratt W. Woodruff G. A. Smith
& Erastus Snow of the Twelve & others met at the House of
P. P. Pratts to organize the Territory of Utah into missionary
districts & appoints missionaries to the various fields
of Labour the following are ^is^ the division of the Territory
in 6 districts Utah Co 1st, Juab, Sanpete, & Millard Co[un]ties
the 2nd. Iron & Washington Co 3. Davis Co 4th Webber Co 5.
Salt Lake & Tooele Co. the 6th District & Missionaries appointed
to Each district. all the procedings are published in the
Deseret News of Oct 17th vol 5 No 32.
~ Tuesday
16th I went to President Youngs mill & got 30 bushels of wheat
~ Wednesday
17 I boiled up some 10 bushels of beets & gotmade about
9 gallons of good molasses
~ Thursday
18th I spent the day at home I paid Joseph Horn my
14 ward school House tax $60.80 & got his receipt
for the same. The Indians are beginning to again be
Hostile they have shot at the Elk mountain mission 3 of
the brethren viz Wiseman Hunt Wm Behunin & Edward Edwards
& broke up the mission also are makeing disturbance at Green
river mission
~ Friday
19th In company with Elder T. Kington I rode to
Farmington Davis County to attend a quarterly conference
to commence on the 20th inst I spent the night at Brother
Steeds Distance of the day 16 mils
After retireing to bed I prayed to the Lord to show me what we
should teach the People and I received for answer Let my
servants obtain the Holy Ghost & keep my spirit with them
& that will instruct them what to teach the people continually
& instruct the people to keep my spirit with them & they
will be enabled to understand the [ink blot] word of the Lord when it is
taught them
~ Saturday
Oct 20 Saturday morning at 10 oclock the people assembled
& there were present of the Twelve P P Pratt O Pratt &
W. Woodruff Also L. D. Young Gilbert Clements T D
Brow & John ^Richard^ Cook of the missionaries. The Quarter
Conference was opened by Prayer by O. Pratt After
Singing P. P. Pratt Addressed the People for 2 1/2 hours
Evry missionary present had a cold sore throat & was
hoarse it had came on during the last 24 hours it was a
complaint that was quite universel among men women
& children many hundreds were Attacked in the same
way there was no change in the weather nor any thing
in the outward appearance of the Elements to cause it. Elder Pratt
was quite unwell He said He did not intend to preach this fornoon
but He had got to Preach or go to bed. He spoke in a vary interesting
manner for 2 1/2 hours upon the subject of the birth Life Deat[h]
& resurrection of Jesus Christ He took for his text the 10 & 11
verses of the 2nd chapter of St Luke "And the Angel said unto them
fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great Joy which shall
be unto all people for unto you is born this day in the city of David
A Saviour which is Christ the Lord" [Luke 2:10-11] This is the Saviour born in
Bethleham of Judea. He said one cause of his ^why I^ taking this tex[t]
was ^is^ that a school teacher in gGreat Salt Lake City asked her
whole school if they would tell her whare Jesus was born
born & not one of them could tell her it is true they were
mostly small schollars but there was one almost a man
grown & he could not tell. I think theire is a neglect among
this people in not teaching their children as they should do
the Old & New testament the History of the Prophets & Jesus
& the Apostles And I think it time to teach the people the simple
things of the word of God And this message of Good News is
as necessary to this assembly as it was to the people of Judea
we and our children should read the Bible more than we
do at least Our children should read it untill they should
learn whare Jesus Christ was born & understand his
History I wish to come down to the capacity of children
& if they can understand me their Parents can. Perhaps
almost evry child in these vallies at 8 years old know it
is necessary to be baptized at that age because they have
been taught it by their parents or others but many of
them do not know what they are baptized for. But was
it not for the name of Jesus Christ all our ordinancs
& administrations would be in vain & of no Effect for
if we did not Baptize in the name of Jesus Christ our sins
would not be remitted & if we did not lay on hands oin
his name for the Holy Ghost or the Healing of the sick the
candidate would not receive the Holy Ghost nor the sick be Healed
for their is no other name given under Heaven whareby
men can be saved [2 Nephi 25:20] we have no promise of obtaining any
blessing from God except through & in his name. then it is
vary important that we sh& our children should understand
his life & History. some do not know whether He was born
in Asia or America. Jesus Christ told his deciples that He
had other sheep which were not of this fold [John 10:16] (those in Jerrusalem)
He came to this continant descended from Heaven & stood
in the midst of a congregation of Saints that were assembled
to worship God [3 Nephi 11] but He was not born here but He preached
the gospel here after his death, and holding a three days
meeting in Hell & preaching the gospel to the spirits in prison [1 Peter 3:19]
while his body lay in the tomb then rising from the tomb
& asscending into heaven then He descended to this contin-
ant in his immortal body & not ownly preached the Gospel
here among the Nephites but chose twelve Apostles Here [3 Nephi 12:1]
& taught many plain, simple, Great & glorious things the
whole History of which you can read in the Book of mormon
He told the people He was Jesus Christ who was born in
Jerrusalem & there crusified for the sins of the world. He told them
He had other sheep yet which were not of this Fold neither
at Jerrusalem but were the lost sheep of the House of Israel He
must also go & visit them [3 Nephi 16:1-3] & when we get the record of of the
Ten lost tribes of Israel we shall get an account of his visit
among them I want to Preach Jesus Christ to you this day
Plainness & simplicity for untill you receive the fulness of the gospe[l]
of Christ you arne not a proper candidate either for a fulness of
celestial glory or to become sons of Perdition For those who have
not received a fulness of the gospel & the Holy Ghost will not always
remain in hell but be redeemed in the own due time of the Lord
& receive some kind of a glory like the stars in comparison to the
son but whare God & Christ & celestial Saints dwell they cannot
come worlds without End but those who have partaken of
the fulness of the Gospel & the Holy Ghost & they deny the Lord
& shed innocent Blood or give there consent thereto they
commit the unpardonable sin & there is no forgiveness in
this world nor in the world to come, [Doctrine and Covenants 76:32-35] and I wish you all to
understand that if you are Baptized & receive the Holy Ghost
& your Endowments & are sealed up unto Eternal life against
all manner of sins & blasphemies except the against the sin of
the Holy Ghost that mercy cannot rob Justice that after all
this th if you commit any sin you will have to answer for
it & pay for it in this life & if the sin is great enough tyou will
have to be destroyed in the Flesh & if necessary be deliverd over
to the buffitings of Satan untill the day of redemption & if your
sins are not unto death you may then come forth & be exhal-
ted to glory Immortality & Eternal life but it is a great
deal better not to sin at all. I want all the children that
are 8 years old & all young persons & all old people & strangers
that have not been baptized to come foreward & be baptize
& also those who have commit sins for which they should
be baptized for that they may begin to be candidats
either for the fulness of celestial glory or sons of
perdition. Many other interesting remarks were made
by the speaker but no one reporting they were not taken
At 3 oclock PM. Elder Gilbert Clements addressed the assembly
He took for his text "examine yourselves whether ye be in the
faith or no [2 Corinthians 13:5] and said many may think they possess things
which they do not possess & this may be the case with
regard to their faith. do we feel as we once did I think
not at least I can say that many are not as faithful as
they once were I look upon the saints as subject to a comp[le]t[e]
warfare the question was asked anciently shall there
be faith on the Earth when the Lord comes. [Luke 18:8] I know of
No people on Earth that have to make greater exertions
to keep from being worldly minded then this people
for we have been broaken up so many times & driven
from place to place that we have had to labour night
& day in order to live or to obtain the necessaries of life
but in the midst of our labour do we remember our
prayers, do we pray three times a day but says one I
have to go to the canyons to get wood & I have not time
to stop to pray. But I can say I never knew a great
man in the kingdom of God but what was a praying man
Daniel was a great Prophet & business man yet He alway
found time to pray 3 times a day & he even kept up this practice
when He became prime minister of Babylon & presided over
all the princes & business of that great kingdom [Daniel 6:10] what a
glorious example for this people for let us have ever so
much to do we should never neglect our prayers
when I see a saint eat & lie down & sleep without praying
I think that man is in the road to ruin. there is sufficient
before our eyes to cause us to pray. I do not think there
ever was a greater miracle than this people coming here
& doing what they have done How has this been accomplished
by the faith of the faithful of this people & the blessings of the
Lord upon us. I have often wondered why so few out of
the thousands who hear the testimony of the servants of God have
received it & again whoy so few remain faithful to the end
who do receive it. it is because they have lost their faith if
they ever had any. we should not ownly have faith but
works & treasure up evry useful knowledge within our reach
for I do not believe that the spirit of God will go out of his
course to te[a]ch men those things which they are to lazy to
learn when they have the means within their reach. I
know that this people can learn more in 3 months than
other people can in 12. He spoke of schools and the duty
of parents to children He said that the painter & artest presented
their paintings & sculpture which were preserved as the
choice monuments of art & greatness but mothers & teachers
will make an impression upon the mind of youth which
will last long after the painting is worn to threads & the
marble crumbles to dust.
At 7 oclock in the evening the People again assembled at
the school House & were addressed by Elder T. D Brown
addressed the people. He said I am appointed a missionar
but in another part of the vineyard I felt a desire to come
to this place it does not seem but a short time since I began
travelling & preaching I have thought of the words of Brother Clemets
do we believe in God I have thought much upon this subject
I have spent most of my time for the last two years among the
Indians I have seen much of the dealings of the Lord
among that people & we have been blessed in admin-
istering unto them. I have red of late the History of
Joseph as published by O Pratt the simple testimony
in that work is Good & is calculated to do much good
the instance of his lameness & under the necessity
of having a bone taken from his leg & the doctor
wanted to bind him He said no bind me not I
can endure what is necessary to be done I do not
wish my mother present as it will cause her pain
to see me suffer & I wish to save her all the sorrow
I can this act showed his strong character in the days
of his youth & his effection for his mother. God has
bestowed great blessings upon this People and I would
Here ask how many there are in this congregation
that are 8 years old who have not been baptized
& there are some parents who do not teach their
children the necessity of it every family should
have in their Library the bible Book of Mormon Doctrin
& Covenets & the Life of Joseph, & we should learn
to practice the preceps of our savior we should
love our Brethren feed the poor cloth the naked
for how can we Hate our Brother whom we have seen &
love God whom we have not seen. again if we have
ought against our Brother we should go to him &
be reconciled & not go to law & if we do wrong or
injure the feelings of another unjustly we should ask
forgiveness & make recincileation & when a person gets
a thorrough victory over themselves in thes matters they
gain a far greater victory than they would in taking
sebastipol. I listened with attention to the remarks
of Brother Clements upon the subject of Prayer I believe
the Lord Hears prayer we had a sample of this in Harm[o]ny
the grasshopers had destroyed the crops in the settlemts
north of us & they began to approach our fields & began
upon our grain we called a meeting & made the matter
a subject of prayer at night we went out next
morning & there was no live grasshoppers to be to
seen but the ground was coverd with dead ones I have
spoken of my mission among the Lamanites the question has
been asked will the Lamanites work I will say that the
Lamanites work hard whare I have been some of them
have worked for me & they would do more hard labour
in a day than I could while making our picket fort two
of the Indians would cut 100 cedar Pickets in a
day. I have known old Indians plant Acres of land
& dig up the ground with a paddle & when they saw us
plough the ground they rejoiced much to see how much
faster we could trurn over the ground with an Iron plough
than they could with a woodden paddle. Brother
Parley pratt said I was ingaged in the best ^work^ I could
be ingaged in I feetl that we are bringing that people
to a knowledge of the things of God when I have travled
among them they have treated me vary kind I called upon
a chief one day & I was hungry His squaw went to work
& dryed some wheat heads by the fire rubed out the wheat
in her hands put it onto a smooth stone & took another
smooth round stone & ground it fine & made me a
cake of it & baked it by the fire while she was doing
this her daughter made me some good wine out
of some buries she had preserved so I had bread &
wine for my dinner, all manufactured in a few
moments. they rejoicce at our visit with them &
many of them have been baptized & in some instances
try to imitate our practices. In one instance a company
of them came to visit us all highly painted up & dressed
in the best they had when they came to us we told them
the mormons did not paint they went to the creek &
washed it all off. we feel that much good is begining to
be done among that People
~ Sunday
Sunday Oct 21 Meeting opened by singing & prayer
By T D Brown at 10 oclock. Brother Lorenzo D Young
addressed the People in the forenoon He spoke upon the subject
of the setting up the kingdom of God on the earth in our day & the
blessings which God will give us & refered to the coming of
Crhrist in the flesh to the Jews who were looking for a
Great king to come to come sit upon the throne of David
spake of the crusifixion of Christ. His blood was shed &
that Nation had to be chastized in consequence of it &
they deserved it for they were worthy we know the
Blood of Christ was shed for the redemption of mankind
He spoke of the Endowments in the temple said the people always
were afaraid of the truth & always prejudicest against the profits
of God but that did not stop the spread of the work of God. some
say shall we stay here long I do not know but I can say that
we shall stay as long as we wish to. If all the Nations of the
Earth were to come against us they could not drive us away
if we driveo our duty before the Lord & put our trust in him
& do unto all men as we would wish to be done by in all things
& if all will do this we shall not have much trouble in the
kingdom of God some think that we have not as much faith
as we used to have I cannot believe this I believe we are
advanceing in the kingdom of God. some are much tryed
because all are not healed that they lay hands upon but I do not feel
so I had a case during conference concerning the case of
Sister Baris she was sick & I laid Hands upon her & blessed
her with life & helth & went to meeting in an hour I had
word that she was dead. it did not try me. the Lord saw fit to
take her & all is right. there is many duties devolving upon us
& one of those duties are to pay our debts if I owe a man
& He comes to me & says you owe me so much & I need it
in my family I will pay that man to the full extent of
my power I will divide the last loaf with him. I consider
this one of our duties & I will say I never knew
a man get rich by taking great Interest neither
do I ever expe[c]t to. He requested the Brethren
to remember the Twelve & administer in tempora[l]
things while they Adminst[er]ed in spiritual things
Sunday PM. Elder O. Pratt addressed the Assemb[ly]
He arose & said I should have been pleased to have heard
from Brother Woodruff & others if [I] had not been called
upon to speak I dont know when I have been mor
Edifyed than in the discourses I have heard at this
conference esspecially the discours of Brother Parley
yesterday morning it was so plain & simple I tried
to enter into the feelings of the speaker. I tryed to
bring mysel to this scene & fancied to mysel how I
would feel in Hearing the message of Glad tidings that
a savior was born & also in being associated with him
in life then the sorrow of his being taken away & crucified
then the great Joy in his resurrection & his teachings
while in his Immortal body. but when I think of
the greater things which are to take place in our
day I do not regret that I did not live in that day
for there are greater things to come forth than was
manifest in that day For that kingdom of God of which
all the prophets have spoken since the world began has now
come forth as a preparation for the second coming of
Christ not coming to be born in a manger but He will
come From Heaven clothed with all that great Glory & power
of which the prophets have spoken no[w] are we preparing for
thsis great Event now if a stranger was to come to us
they would not suppose that we were preparing for this
great Event but was merely cultivating the Earth to raise
potatoes corn wheat &c. I do not believe for a mom[en]t
that is the case for I do believe that this people are preparing
for the Comming of Christ. what will take place at that
time I have red in the book of mormon what that book
says will take plase we can read the great things that are
spoken in that Book (He read some unto the people) I will
take it to myself I will ^have^ not been as diligent in readi[ng]
that Book as I should have been I have red many other
books of late but not so much in the book of Mormon as formerly
I have seen the time that I could read nearly whole Books
in the book of Mormon without looking upon that book I am
trying to get all the sayings in the Books in my own mind
that are spoken concerning the signs of the times in the day
in which we live for I am well aware that it will over-
take many as a thief in the night in the midst of the saints [Doctrine and Covenants 106:4]
now let us look at the tokens or singns of the times that
are passing before us oras many as present themelves
to our minds. I will read a revelation given to P P pr[a]tt
& others "Jesus Christ will not come in the form of
a woman nor like a man walking upon the face of the
earth. but look forth for the Heavens to be shaken & the
mountains to be laid low &c when shall thes things be
when the Angel shall sound his trumpet two events will
take place at the same time. also the Lord said the La-
manites shall Blossom as the rose in the wilderness [Doctrine and Covenants 49:22-24] now
we know that this will not take place in a moment
for we know it will take some time to prepare the
Lamanits for this work it will require a great
miracle to bring that people to that state or it will
take some great changes to bring it about this is but
one of the Events that is to take place before the coming
of Christ. I am glad to hear the account of the brethren
who have gone among that people I am satisfied that
that people will not be prepared to resceive the blessings of
God untill they cultivate the Earth & when this done we
shall Have accomplished the great work but ^not^ untill that
time is done then sumthing will be done then we
will be inspired to teach them & ther children and
all men will be blessed who labour faithfully to bring
them to this state of things. Jacob shall flourish in
the wilderness the Lamanites shall blossom as the rose [Doctrine and Covenants 49:24]
we shall hear of Israel and of their prophets & Revelatons
in other parts of the Earth. I do not say that they will
have the priesthood from this people nor I do not
say they will not for there are other men who hold
keys of the kingdom of God on the Earth the Revela-
tor & the three Nephits hold the keys of the kingdom
of God & they will administer unto the children of men
Zion shall flourish upon the Hills & rejoice excedingly [Doctrine and Covenants 49:25]
upon the mountains [Doctrine and Covenants 49:25] when this revelations was given
there was no gathering at all Joseph had got to kirtland
I have no idea that the prophet himself knew at that
time whare this would be. We are now here in the
mountains in fulfillment of that Prophesy and
Revelation Also in the 40th chapter of Isaiah com-
forting words were spoken concerning the Jews & Jerrusalem
they were to go to Jerrusalem for they had received
double reward for all their sins now comfort them
a did all thes things take place in the wilderness in Zion
& in Jerrusalem in the days of the ^Birth of the^ Savior No they did not
then that same John Had yet to do a great work in the
Earth in the last days who first delivered the priesthood
to Joseph Smith the prophet & founder of the Church of
Christ in this dispensation it was this same John the
Baptist so he has fullfilled a part of his last day mis-
sion. O Zion get the[e] up into the High mountains that
bringest good tidings [Isaiah 40:9] we say that this was not
done at its first organization. why shall Zion get
up into the High mountains w[h]y to Judge the Nations of
the Earth. this people will know righteous Judgment
this people will be protected & shall Judge the people
of the Earth. it is said God will pour out knowledge
& power upon Zion these [are] some of the things that will
take place before the coming of Christ. now that we may
know that this is the case see what the Lord says
Behold the Lord will come He will gather his people
& carry them in his arms. [Isaiah 40:10-11] we have come up Here
in these mountains. well now have we flourished
yes we have, we have flourished yet not as much
as we shall. the Lord has said that we shall be the rival
of all people yet we are cautioned to beware of pride
lest we become like the Nephites of old & some prophets
have said that we should be chastized that the church
wandered in the wilderness were faint & ready to fall down
this people from the commencemt have passed through
oppression & difficulty we that have not been in the
church from an Early day & do not know the History
of it can learn it by reading the News published
in Salt Lake City and we can Just als well read
the future History & events of this church by reading
the prophets that have spoken concerning us. shall
we be in thiese mountains when Christ comes No
at least head quarters will not be here it will have
to be on more ground it will be in Jackson Co Mo
we may leave some Millions here but the Head quarters
will be ion more ground whare shall we go to the new
Jerrusalem whare there will be built a great Capitol
& Temple & we have got to build it. we & all our children
who are 8 years old know that when we have tryed
to build a city the Lord has suffered it to be thrown down
so that we may have experince so that we shall know
how to build up a New Jerrusalem so that it will
be exceptable unto the Lord so that it will never be
thrown down but be saved & taken into Heaven
and preserved in Eternity & when that is done Jesus Christ
will come to visit it Angels will come that will be
before the great day of Christ coming & our dwellings will
be overshadowed bwith a cloud by day & a pillow of fire
by night so we can see to get home without stumbling [Isaiah 4:5]
it will be the most improved plan of ligh[t]ing up our
City. How will it be with the Lamanits they will
be the most important actors in the scene we shall
be secondly in that work they will be so delightful
& have such great knowledge of Architecture that
they will be able to build up a New Jerrusalem
then we shall go out throughout all the land to
gather all the remnant of Jacob the Lamanits to come
to the New Jerrusalem what For why that they may
be prepared to be caught up to meet Christ in the clouds
of Heaven then Christ will come & stand in the midst
of this people & they will be prepard to be caught up to
meet Jesus Christ in the air then do I want to have
lived in the day when Christ was born no I do not
I would rath[er] live in this age now some of us may
live in that day to see the seed of Israel gathered what
should you expect we should expect to see Jesus come
but should we see him come without any sign No we
should see Angels flying through the Heavens crying
to all the Earth to prepare for the great day of Judgmt
is coming what next should we see there will be a
sign that all people will see in all the Earth as Israel
made a calf to worship so will there be five foolish
virgins in the midst of all these signs. what shall
we hear then. we shall hear another Trumpet
sounded saying that the great day of God will come
upon Babylon that her bands are made strong so
that No man can losose them then shall the curtain
of Heaven be unfolded as a scroll [Doctrine and Covenants 88:92-95] so you can see
it as you would gaze upon a map then you may
know the time has come tofor the Saints of God to be
caught up into Heaven that will be the great day for
the Saints of God, but awful to the wicked then the
earth will reel to & fro like a drunken man [Doctrine and Covenants 88:87] it will
be the greatsest Earthquake there ever has been
on Earth what next will take place the graves of
the Saints will be opened & they will come forth
out of their graves clothed with glory Immortality
& Eternal life & Enter in to the cloud [Doctrine and Covenants 88:96-97] Jesus Christ
does not come yet for there is other signs to take
place. The Angels are to sound there Trumpets O
what must be the feelings of the people of all the Earth
when they see the Heavens opened and the New Jerrusa-
lem with all its inhabitants & the resurrected Saints all
asscend into the cloud while they are left upon the Earth
there feelings must be awful. there are many more
things I might speak of but time will not permit.
There is many of the greatest things to take place in our
day that has ever taken place on Earth are we prepared
I think not I mourn over this people to see them so
stupid I feel that there hearts are more set upon the
things of their farms than they are to prepare for the
great day of the Lord. I pray the Lord to Bless us &
give us his Holy spirit to prepare us for his kingdom &
comeing for Christ sake Amen
at 7 oclock in the evening the people again assembled &
Filled the House and they wer addressed by W. Woodruff who
said Brethren & Sisters I am truly glad to meet with you in
the capacity of a quarterly conference & visit you as a mission
I am truly thankful that I have a mission appointed me in con-
nextion with Parley P & Orson Pratt two of the Twelve Apostles for
it is the first time since the organization of this church & Quorum
that I have had this privilege of being associated together with
those two men on a preaching mission ownly as we have met
ain a conferene from time to time to transact business as a Quo[ru]m
I called them Apostles, is it true that they are apostles it is eithr [true]
or false. if it false then your faith is vain your religion is
vain you have not the kingdom of God with you nor the priesthood
with the blessings have you. but if you they are true Apostles
then you have the kingdom of God with you the Priesthood & the
keys of the kingdom of God & a presidency who hold the keys of the
kingdom of God on the Earth & govern that kingdom for the benefit
of the people then you are bound to listen to our words & teaching &
to the teaching of the presidency of this Church. when I arived in this
place I spent the night at Brother Steeds after I retired to
rest I prayed to the Lord to show me what he wished me to teach
to the people the spirit of the Lord said to me teach the people
to obtain the Holy Spirit that they may receive teaching
then let the missionaries keep the spirit of the Lord with
them & that will constantly dictate them what to teach
you have had a flood of light poured out upon you since the
commencement of this conference & we should listen to it
we should pay particular attention to our children & tea[c]h
them good things & not permit them to spend their time
in reading novels & filling their minds with fals hood &
folly & things wharein there is no profit which will lead
them asstray & make them fit subjects for destruction
when this is the case through the parents neglect they will
have to answer for that sin. The Bible Book of Mormo
& Doctrins & Covenant should be read by our children
instead of French novels & negro songs for whatever seed
is sown in the minds of our children the same kind of fruit
will be produced
[rest of page blank]
~ Monday
Oct 202 I returned home to salt Lake City distance 15 mils
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
23 to 27 I spent the week at home. IA Quarterly conference was
held at Provo on 27 & 28 by P P & O. Pratt & others
~ Sunday
Sunday 28 I spent the day & night ah [at] home writing conference minutes
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
29, 30 & 31. I spent the time at home labouring
~ Thursday
Nov 1st I rode in company with P P & O pratt to south webber
did not arive till a late hour it was vary dark we got lost
in the bluffs came near runing our carriage of[f] a steep
bluff I went to ^the^ fort, got a pilot & lantern & we got in in
safety the people were assembled for a meeting I spoke to them for
a short time & spent the night for a short with O pratt at Br
T kingtons distance of the day 35 mils
~ Friday
Nov 2nd I rode to Ogden City we met the people in the capacity
of a quarterly conference at 11 oclock prayer By O. Pratt
Brother Gibson preached to the people W Woodruff reported
He had the spirit of the Lord & we were edifyed
P.M. 2 oclok the people again met & was addressed By J. W. Johnson
who spoke well & unto the Edifycation of the people
the people again met at 7 oclok in the evening & were addressed at
length By P. P. Pratt who spoke by the spirit & power of God
we had a strong wind through the day & night nIt was the strongest
gale we have ever experienced in these vallies much damaged was
done Many Adobie houses were blown down & unroffed
fences laid prostrate carriages & waggons mashed to peacs
Hay & straw stacks blown over many chimney blown off
~ Saturday
3rd Saturday morning it was gloomy this morning in
consequence of the destruction by the wind the people met
at 12 oclock & were addressed by O Pratt in an inter-
esting manner at length
the people again met at 7 oclock & was addressed by
W. Woodruff
~ Sunday
4th Sunday wind has continued strong up to this time
the people met at 10 oclock & were addresed by Richard
Cook & was followed by P P Pratt
they again met at 2 oclok & were addressed at great length
by P. P. Pratt. I came away & left him preaching & rode to
South Webber & preached in the evening 8 miles
I preached in great plainness to the people upon the subject
of keeping the commandments of God The spirit of the Lord
rested upon me & we had a good meeting. I reported all the
discourses of the Elders at the oOgden Conference & drew minuts
of them off for the Editor to publish
~ Monday
5 I left Webber & rode with Brother Kington to Salt Lake
City & spent the night at home 35
~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday
~ Friday
9th In company with H. S. Eldridge Joseph Young & Henry
Harriman I rode to Toeele & spent the night at E. T. at Brother
Moss Brother Thomas Grover stoped with me distance 25 mls
~ Saturday
10th Saturday we rode to Tooele City to attend the Quarte-
rly conference the people Assembled at 11 oclok meeting opened
by singing & Prayer By Brother Lyon. then W Woodruff
said I am glad to meet you in the capacity of a quarterly
conference & I am glad to have the privileg of meeting
with you as a missionary in connextion with so many
other missionaries we know it is necessary for you to have
the spirit of God in order to be benefited by our teaching & it
is necessary for us to have the spirit of God as missionaries [in]
order to teach to your edifycation. the Lord has a great
deal to communicate to this people for we have much to learn
before we are prepared to dwell in the presence of God, so
I wish you all to get the spirit of God that you may all be edify
& that you may by faith draw forth those things from
the Lord which it is his will you should obtain through his ser-
vants who shall address you. I leave thes remarks with you
& give way for Brother Lyon to address you.
Brother John Lyon addressed the people for about one
hour I reported his sermon as I did all others who spok
during the conference. The conference was held in the
tabernacle or large school hous.
The people again assembled at 2 oclock & were addresed By Joseph Young
by Zerah Pulsipher offered up prayer
Brother Joseph spoke quite lengthy & we were Edifyed by his
teaching he was blessed by the spirit of God
The people again assembled at 6 oclok. Prayer by Brother
Harriman Zerah Pulsipher addressed the people & we were
all interested in his teachings
Henry Harriman followed & the two occupied the evening
till 9 oclok then an appealed case of trial of a sister came
up before Bishop Robarry which lasted till midnight much
Instruction was given by W. Woodruff & E. T. Benson upon
principle I spent the night at Brother Kelseys
~ Sunday
11th Sunday the missionaries met at 8 oclok & passed res-
olutions concerning other Quarterly conferences in the
District which are published in the Deseret News
at 10 oclok the conference again opened prayer & singing
the people were addressed By H. S. Eldridge & followed by
E. T. Benson who spoke at length to the edification of the people
the People again assembled at 2 oclok & were addresed by
W. Woodruff who took for a text the fore part of the Lords
prayer "May thy kingdom come & thy will be done on Earth as
it is done in heaven [Matthew 6:10] was followed by Brother Pack who bore
testimony to the truth
the people met again at 6 oclok & were addressed by Elders
Lorenzo D. Young George Woodward Joseph Young & W Woodruff
the spirit of God rested upon us & we had a good time
~ Monday
12th we returned home to day distance 35 mils
~ Tuesday to ~ Friday
13 to 16 I spent the time at home hunting an ox & butchering him
& working on the high way
~ Saturday
17th In company with Orson & Parley Pratt & wife
I rode to the city Bountiful to Attend a Quarterly
conferen. The People assemblyed at 11 oclock meeting
opened by singing & Prayer by Henry Harriman the people
were addressed by H. S. Eldridge who compared the faith
& blessings of the Ancient Saints with the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints He spoke to the Edification
of the people
He was followed by Zerah Pulsipher who also spoke to
the Edifycation of the [blank]
P.M. Meeting opened by Prayer by Elder Orson Pratt
& the People were addressed by Henry Harriman & followed
by Elder Orson Pratt who spoke at length in the power
of God
The People again met 6 oclok in the evening & were addressed
By Gilbert Clements the spirit & power of God also
rested upon him & all were much Edifyed in what He
said. Bishop I. L. Haywood followed & bore testimony
to the truth
~ Sunday
18th Sunday the People assembled at 10 oclok Meeting op[en]ed
by singing & Prayer By Joseph Young the People were addressed
b[y] Elder P. P. Pratt at length who spoke much to the edifica-
tion of the people
The People again assembled at 2 oclok Prayer by Thomas
Grover & the People were addressed by Joseph Young & follo-
wed by Erastus Snow & evry man during the confernce
spoke in the demonstration of the Holy Ghost
The people were again assembled at 6 oclock & prayer
by Orson Pratt. W. Woodruff addressed the people &
said that when I look upon the mountains & vallies & hills &
dales & both in the Heavens & on Earth I behold a great
variety in all the works of God & in looking upon the portr-
ait of the Presidency & Twelve I see no two men or things
look alike & what constitutes a part of the glory of God
is the great variety of his works so in the preaching of the
Presidency & Twelve each man might preach upon a diff[er]ent
subject & Handle it in a different manner yet all by the
same spirit & will edify the people. so I feel incouraged to think
that notwithstanding such a great flood of light & truth
has been presented to this people since the commencement of this
conference that the Lord will still give me sumthing that may
edify the people this evening. I would warn the people to give
heed to the strong teachings & exertations which they have
had presented to them during this conference this people sho[u]ld
give themselves to the studying of the revelations of God as con-
tained in the Bible book of Mormon & Doctrin & Covenants
Some have thought they should follow the living oracles &
neglect the study of all other Revelations but this is not
so all men should follow & harken to the living oracles of
God but they should not neglect the study of the scriptures for
God has commandsed it and any man that will search the
revelations of God thouroughly will be far better prepared
to carry out the council of the living oracles at all times
their is another subject that I wish to speak of & that is the
principle of recording the dealings of God with us here on
the Earth while all other prophets & Apostles record the dealings
of God with them why should not the Elders of this last dispention
it is true that the Prophet Joseph wrote the History of the chur[c]h
in his day & that testimt is now gladdoning the harrts of
thousands while the testator is dead so with the presidency
of the Church who are now leading us they keep a History
of the dealings of both God & man with them the History of
which will be interesting to millions of future generation
but does this excuse the many thousands of Elders & High
priest & Apostles rwho have travelled for many years & built
up this Church & kingdom & had the gifts of the Holy Ghost
with them so they have had power to heal the sick & cast
out devils open the eyes of the blind unstop the ears of the deef
cause the lame to leap as an heart & commanded the Elements
& they obey them & have had guardian Angels to preserve
them from Danger & Death I shay shall the Elders be blessed
with these things & not count them worth recording not
even make the mark of a pen to leave the Acccount on
record for their children & future generations to read I say
they should. I think the Lord requires this at our hands
& it is a Rich & Holy legacy which is Justly due our posterity
And I do desire that the Elders of this Church would keep a
history & Journal of their lives I also wish that our young
men would become acquainted with Phonography that we may
have one thousand reporters whare we have one now that
they miay reports the teachings of the servants of gGod & the work
of God in this generation many other remarks I made to the
people concerning the gathering of Israel & other subjects & was
followed by Elder Orson Pratt the spirit & power of God
rested us all during the conference I laid on hands upon a
sick woman with Brother Orson Pratt
~ Monday
19th In company with Orson Pratt I administered to 2 of
Bishop Stokers children who were sick with the mountain fever
we then returned to salt Lake city with Brother P. P. Pratt 10 mls
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
20 to 24th I spent most of the time this week in writing conference
minutes for the Editor of the news I was quite lame with a swelling
on my left leg in the form of a bite
~ Sunday
25 sunday I spent the day at home as I was lame & could not
go to meeting
~ Monday
26th I had my Hogs killed to day I spent most of my time in writing
~ Tuesday
27 The Eastern mail got in last night I got 10 Numbers
of the Mormon ^
I wrote 4 letters to Tooele^ the Mail Brought news of the fall of Sebastopol
the southern part of the city was taken by the Allies the Russians
built blew up their magazenes sunk their ships & set fire to the
city as they retreated the first dispatch said that each side lost
30000 men total 60000. orther Accounts say 740000 in all
~ Wednesday
28 I spent the day in reading & writing
~ Thursday
I spent the day at home untill 3 oclok PM then I
attended a missionary party got up By the Presidency of the church
they made a feast & invited all the missionaries in the place amo-
unting to some 70 persons with therir wives they danced till
11 oclok took supper during the time at 7 oclock the spirit of the
Lord was with them & they felt well. they were addressed during
the evening By President Grant & the Quorum of the Twelve
President Young was sick & President Kimball was unwell
so neither of them could attend although they made the
I herd during the evening of the Death of Orson
Spencer many Friends mourn his loss he was a firm
Piller in the church & kingdom of God
~ Friday
30th I received $50 dollars today from the secretarty
being $2 over my travelling feas
~ Saturday
Dec 1st I spent the day in closing up my business preparito-
ry to leaving on Monday morning for the south. W. Hickman
& company got in from the Hombolt to day brought in
a prisioner with them
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Brother Hugh Finley
Preached in the morning & Elder Amasa Lyman in the afternoon
Brother Finley gave an account of his travels in India Bombay
& Hindustan & the customs of the people which was vary interesting
Brother Lyman spoke of heaven & peace in our hearts & families
I attended the prayer circle in the evening {I gave to the Presidency what debts I had against them.
President Young} $197, {Brother Kimball} $160, {Richards paid} $200. {President Young would not take his but gave me credit in
~ Monday
3rd Monday I parted with my family & started for Philmore
to attend the Legislator. I took passage with Brother L^o^ren Farr we
were 4 in company L Farr, L. Snow J. C. Wright & W. Woodruff
we rode to Lehi in Utah valley. we spent the night with Alonzo
Raymond we had a meeting in the evening I addressed the people was
followed by O Pratt & E T. Benson we had a good meeting. P. P. Pratt
was kicked by a mule & could not attend meeting
~ Tuesday
4th we rode to the spanish fork settlement & spent the night at Brother
James Pace we held a meeting. J C Wright addressed the people was
followed by E. T. Benson W Woodruff & Erastus Snow. we had a
good meeting
~ Wednesday
^5th we rode to Nephi Held a meeting E Snow O pratt E T Benson
& W Woodruff Preached^
~ Thursday
56th we rode to the severe & on to the round Prairie & all camped for the nigh
together the Governor & members of the Legislators about 50 in number
~ Friday
67th Dec We rode to day to Filmore the capitol of the Territory
& Brother Farr, &Wright, & myself took our board & lodgings with Brother
Chandler Holebrook at $5 per week distance from G LS L city 160 miles
~ Saturday
78th I spent the day in visiting the Brethren & reading the Luminary
I wrote one letter to Mrs Woodruff we held a meeting in
the evening E. T. Benson & W. Woodruff Preached & had a good meeting
~ Sunday
Sunday I attended meeting at the City Hall P. P. Pratt preached
to the people in the morning He gave an account of his travels through
this country in the dead of winter in deep snows to Iron co
before their was any settlemt. He then took up the coming
forth of the book of Mormon He spoke of those prophesies which had
been fulfilled since the book was printed & those which are to
be fulfilled He spoke of the blood which had been shed in this
Church from the commencemt which was crying from the
ground for vengence many good remarks were made I met
in council with the Presidency & Twelve on the welfar of the Territory
~ Monday
10 The Legislative Assembly met in the State House & both
Houses organized & adjourned till tomorrow 1 oclk I spent
the fore part of the evening in reading to Brother Kimball & the remai-
nder in the meeting at the school house Brother James Brown Preached
& I followed him I spoke of the progress of the kingdom of God & the
necessity of prayer & the wickedness of the world. I was followed by
Brother Ray
~ Tuesday
11th I spent the fore part of the day in writing & study I met with
the council at 1 oclok at 2 oclok we met in Joint session The Governor
appeared & deliverd his message 1000 copies was ordered to be printed it
was resolved that 100 copies of the minutes of each day should be printed
for the benefit of the two Houses The Secretary A. W. Babbit arose &
insulted the Assembly to a great Degree by threatening them that their
bills should not be paid if they printed that Number he wished to dictate
to the assembly what they should do which was out of his place. The
Govornor arose & gave the Secretary a hard lashing with his Tongue
& said he ought to be kicked out of the house, as a poor miserable
dog. Babbit followed & said he had as good a wright to occupy the
Governor seat as the governor had & made use of much insulting
language. The Assembly then resolved that the freedom of the House
be withheld from the Secretary A. W. Babbit the Assemby adjourned
till tomorrow 10 oclok at ther several Houses. The Secretary threatened
to take all the money & return to the Salt Lake City & pay no more
expenses for the Legislator He was under the influence of liquor
~ Wednesday
12 I met with the council at 10 oclok standing committies were
Appointed I was Appointed chairman of three committies viz
On roads Bridges & Feries & On Library, & on Revenue.
we adjourned till tomorrow 10 oclock
I atttended meeting in the
evening at the school house. O. Pratt Preached one hour upon the gifts
& graces the importance of our calling upon God by mighty Prayer &
faith in order that we might rend the veil and obtain those blessings
which the Ancients obtained He made many interesting remarks He
was followed by Loren Farr who gave an exhortation to the people
upon what Brother Pratt had said urged the people to give heed
to the council of the servants of God
I followed Brother Farr the following is a synopsis of the remarks
which I made. Brethren & sisters I count it a privilege to
Join my Brethren in bearing my testimony of the things of God I
have a feelings of solemnity resting upon my mind concerning
our duties as a people this feelings is increasing upon me daily
I can bear testimony that what brother Pratt has said is true
The Lord has a meaning in sending the Apostles & Elders into
the vineyard in this Territory to preach to the Saints, and I know
as God lives that the same spirit that rested upon the Ancient
Prophets before some great Event has rested upon the Ancient
Apostles & Elders upon this mission the spirit of God has rested
upon them to prophesy & teach great things in the name of the
Lord. I feel that as Prophets, Apostles & Elders we have no
time to sleep, slumber, & rest upon our lees & feel that we
have nothing to do but eat, Drink, dance & be merry for I
know there is a mighty responsibility resting upon us as a
people & we have no time to loose or throw away if we do our duty
to God to the Gentile Nations, to the whole Hou[s]e of Israel, to Zion &
Jerrusalem, & are prepared ourselves for the great & mighty Events
which are rushing upon us with the rapidity of lightning. Look at
the House o David the tribe of Judah alone see the rivers of Blood
which have run from their veins shed by the hands of the gentiles
for the Last 1800 yeasrs by the hand of Evry gentile Nation
under heaven their rivers of Blood have quenched the flames
of their burning Temples synagogues & cities their treanches &
cities have been filled with their mangled bodies left unburied
untill the stench has asscended up towards heaven from Generat-
ion to Generation evry Gentile Nation have demanded tribute
taxation of them beyong endurance & persecuted them unto death
The old Jewish Rabbies & Priest have turned their faces tow-
ards Gerrusalem for 1800 ye[a]rs & cryed unto God in great sorrow
& affliction. the God of Abraham has declared that the day
should come when their afflictions should scease & they should
be redeemed deliverd from the Gentile yoke redturn to Jerrusalem
rebuild Jerrusalem & their Temple & have great blessings again
given them by the hand of the God of their Fathers but for all
these blessings He would be inquired of by the House of Israel
to do int for them. The dawning of that day has come, the
fulness of the Gentiles is fast coming in, the time has come
for them to begin to go home to Jerrusalem but awho is to ask
for this blessing at the hand of God is it required at the hand of the
Jews alone their is a veil ostill over them the kingdom of God
is taken from ^them^ the priesthood with its keys & powr is not within
their reach by which they can rend the veil of Eternity in
order to obtain thes blessings at the hand of the God of ther fathers
they have not a partical of faith in the name or blood of the
Son of God but they are doomed to go home & build their
city in unbelief then at whose hands does the God of heaven
require these things. It is at your hands O ye Latter Day
Saints you are of the house of Israel linege of Joseph through the
tribe of Ephraim your fathers have been mixed with the
Gentiles & God has called you out & given unto you the kingdom
with all its powers & Blessings He has given you the Holy Priesthood
& taken the veil from off your eyes & you are the ownly people
under Heaven who now hold these blessings & know &
see the things of God in the true light. Hence the Lord requires
this people to call upon God day & night for the redemption of
this branch of the House of Israel that his promises may be
fulfilled concerning them. Inasmuch as we cannot do any
thing for the Jews but give them our prayers we should not
with hold that blessing from them. Again let us turn our
thoughts to the Lamanites of who are of the linage of Joseph
who surround us in these mountains & vallies who are also cursed
& cast down below the brute creation there is also a thick dark
veil still hanging over them the God of Joseph has said they
should be redeemed & become a white & Delightsome people [2 Nephi 30:5-6] here
the Lord requires sumthing els at our hands besides praying we
have manual laborur & work to do we have them to redeem
no body els will attempt it. our duties are great towards
that people. we have carried the Gospel to the Gentiles Nations
& they have rejected it & our own Nation has shed the best blood
that rolls in the veins of men. they have slain the prophets &
saints & driven the whole Church & kingdom of God into
these mountains in the midst of the Lamanites here the ark of
God rests shall we cover it up & let it rest idle I say no
the Lord requires the salvation of this branch of the house of
Israel at our hands As Prophets, Apostles, Elder & Saints of
God we have no time to loose or sleep upon our oars & wait
for somebody els to perform the work. we have it to do & the time
has come. I nknow the day is at our door when the worship of
that people will be excepted at the hands of God they will be
visited by the Holy messengers of God who will be coworkers
with us then let us call upon God earnestly in their behalf
& do orur duty towards them & they will soon stand in Holy
places & recieve the ordinancs of the Holy Priesthood & appreciate
them & do a great work which will be excepted of the Lord thes
things are resting upon my mind with great wait day &
night. If we as a people have fallen asleep it is time we
awoke to our duty or we shall come under condemnation as
a people who bear the Priesthood. I feel to give Brother Orson
Pratt my heart & hand in Joining him in calling upon God that
we may rend the veil that we may obtain greater Blessings
from God. we must pray earnestly in order to obtain the
Holy spirit. many other remarks were made which are not now
I wrote a letter this morning to Mrs Woodruff
& to my son Wilford & Daughter Phebe which I sent by
Mr Babbit who started for the salt Lake City he felt better
this morning & did not take away the funds belonging to the
Legislature as he threatened he wood
~ Thursday
13th I met with the Legislative counsel we adjorned untill monday
to give the committies time to bring in business & the carpenters time
to finish the room
~ Friday
14th I spent the day reading & writing I attended the meeting during
the evening. The meeting was addressed by Phineas Young who
spoke of the Lamanites said He had distributed the Books of
mormon to the various Indians chiefs from the Cherekees
to Florida He gave Ross the Cherikee chief one he made
many remarks upon that subject. He made one Error
in saying that the Indians would not imbrace the work
of God or be gathered by the Gospel untill they had gone
through among the Gentiles & trodden them down as
the Book of mormon declairs But the book of Morm-
on declairs that they shall be gathered
He was followed by Lorenzo Snow & Samuel Richards
both spoke much to the Edification of the People
~ Saturday
I wrote 7 letters to my family to Mrs Woodruff
to Phebe, Susan, Bulah, Moroni, Emma & Sarah which
I sent By mail. I spent the afternoon on a committy
on Education
~ Sunday
16th Sunday
the mail came in to day & brought me
a letter from Mrs Woodruff. P. P. Pratt Preached to
the People in the forenoon upon the practical duties of life
but I was at home writing. President Young Preached in
the afternoon & I reported his sermon the following is
a synopsis of the same
President Youngs text was Arise & shine O Zion for ^thy light is come^
& the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee [ Isaiah 60:1] He said I have
always felt since I have been called to preach to speak of the
practical things of evry day life insted of some great misterry
a long way ahead in theEternity which the people do not know nor
never will as the thing tought does not exhist I felt in the
begining of my being called to the ministry that I had no right
to preach except I was filled with the spirit of Revelation
& prophesy as the Ancients & I feel the same to day in order
to be qualified to preached we should be filled with Reve-
lation I do not consider that any man is qualified to preach the
Gospel & the sayings of the prophets unless he is filled iwith the
spirits of the prophets. We are commanded to arise & shine
but for us to sit down & say that we believe in this work
we believe that ^Joseph^ was a prophet, and still not carry out the
work which we are commanded to do, not to build up or
beautify Zion we shall find that we shall miss of our aim
we shall not enter into the Celestial kingdom we shall not
enter through the gates. We must show to the Lord that
we are willing to fulfill What he requires of us and
this we shall not do unless we are willing to arise & shine,
but how are we to [do] it. we have got to build up Zion and
we have got to make Zion the most holy and polished, Refined
& beatiful place upon the face of the whole Earth. So we may
expect to see Zion in all that beauty majesty & glory which
God has spoken of. But the people do not understand the
things of God. I will prophesy that unless this people
will rise up & build up Zion as God has commanded
usthem they will be removed out of their place & another
people will be raised in their stead who will perform the work
& this I say in the name of God. I also say in the name of the Lord
that the desendants of Ephraim who are among the Gentiles
are tohe first born and they are the first ones to receive th[e]
fulness of the Gentiles gospel in this dispensation they are the first
to be gathered together and this work was not to be given to
any other in the begining of this kingdom. this has been done.
the Ephraimites are before me here to day. Now if I was to
ask you if you are willing to do as you are told you would
say yes. But let me tell you ther is not one of you that
are willing to do as you are told. I have given the people
council for years past how to build their forsts, walls, cities
Houses, & how to begin to beautify & adorn Zion but have
the people done as I have told them in these things, no. You
may say these are of miner consequences. But let me
tel you that if you are not willing to do the small things that
is necessary ^on earth^ then you are not willing to do as you are told
in heaven, & you will loose your glory and exhaltation
Now do you not rembember that I told you years ago to go to
& build up a beautiful city in this place but there has been
nothing done towards it. we have many that have been in
the Church fqor quite a number of years & yet we have
not a Builder or Architect that knows enough to build
the meanest house of any kind not even a keitchen in
the New Jerrusalem. Then how can we build up the
New Jerrusalem? I have told the people all the day long
to be prepared to build up this city. And I will say that
if we could take all the knowledge that exhists among evry
nation upon the face of the whole Earth & boil it down into
an essenc & put it all into one man He would not know
enough to lay the first stone in the wall around the New
Jerrusalem to say nothing about building the city & Temple
we have got to improve continually and build up good
cities & adorn & beautify Zion and let me tel you that
if you do not come to thisat place ^whare^ you will not stand set
your heart on any riches or gold you are not worthy to
do the work of God, and if this people do not build up
Zion they will be moved out of their place. evry time we
build a House or city we should better it. evry thing around
us should be neat & clean. now look at this building for
a school house. the ground around this building should be
prepared for a play ground, & kept neat & clean & prep[ar]ed
so as to make the child Happy. Children should be in a cle[a]n
plase but how is it here. the moment the children step out
of door they see nothing but filth all the day long. the
minds of our children while young are pure & they should
not spend their time in filthy places for it effects their
minds & feelings they should be in a clean place, for
they are visited by the Angels of God but parents do not
realize this although it is true. Yo[u] may say I do not have
time to keep my dwellings, school Houses, door yards &c
clean. no nor you never will have till you die upon the same
principle, but you should take time. now it should not take
a week till I would clean out my door Yard. But
the people in this Territory have not had time to clean
out their door yards, or to make any thing els they ought
to do. I will show you that I will set an example for
my children to follow. I will teach those things which we
ought to do to day. I have preached this doctrin from the
begining the first time I ever preached was to tell the
people the duties of to day. now if you had all the gold in
the world what would you do would you go to calafornia No
but go to & build up Zion. You may say their is no calafornia
here we have no gold, but it is not gold that is going to bui[l]d
up Zion though we shall use a good deal of it, but we have
it to do with our hands. You can make a begining & do
sumthing. you can set an example. you can clean out your
house & yard & make that clean, & you can stop the Bed
bugs from runing around you. I do not see the first
fruit or shade tree in this city. come up to the Salt Lake
City & get some Fruit trees & set out & have some fruit
growing. Now this is Zion and the light has come, & shines
upon you & you are call upon to build up Zion. How by going
to Calafornia No, for there is millions of Gold here & the Lord
will send it in sight when He thinks it is best ^for us to Have it^ as He did in
Calafornia. If you think it is not best to come here go back
to Missouri. Old Father Harris said that He would stay
at Kanesville so when the church got ready to go back
to Jackson County He would have but a short way to go [to] what
the people here wood. brother G. A. Smith told him He migh
Happen to find it much the nearest way there by the
way of the Rocky montains & many will find that
to be the case the longest way aroungd will be the shortest way
there. we have been called great spe[c]ulators & misers
I have told the people I was the greatest miser & spe[c]ulator
in the world, for I am laying plans to try to obtain evry
thing there is on Earth & in heaven that is good that is
what I am after all the time. I have told the world that I
would possess Heven while they would become servents toin the
next world. my speculations are not confined to this world alone
Now I say go to & make a fine house in this place. You may
say I have not the capitol. vary well look at the salt Lake City
we have built up that city without capitol that was built
up with the strength of our hands which is our capitol
Now I want to say to the people here, what do you say to
going out on to your lots to build to build your houses &
set out Fruits trees. Your wall around this fort is
not much protection you might as well stick up a row
of willows to scare & stop the Indians as any thing there
is here. Now go to & build up some good Houses in this
place I wante to Join some 16 of the Brethren to come here
& build up some houses & a wall around it, but I shall build
humble here. I shall not build large, but I want you to lanch
oucht and then come & see Salt Lake City & If I have not
beat you I will try again. I am determined to improve in all
the building I do while I live. If we get our temple built I
mean to go to work & build another one as much better than
the one we are now building as this is better than the one
that we built in kirtland and this wing of the State House
which we have built here is a better building in its finish
& structure than that temple was. Now go to & do what God
requires of you, and what ever you want to get get lawfully
& then it will be a blessing to you allways & you will enjoy
it But steal it & it will be a curse to you & cause you
sorrow & misery. Whenever I get so that I set my
heart upon Houses, lands, Gold or any thing Els on earth
so as to begin to turn my heart away from the Lord IThe
Just want to die before that comes to pass day before that
comes to pass I want the Lord to take me away. May God Bless
you Amen
President Heber C kimball followed & said I felt quite well
in the forenoon but I do not feel well this afternoon in healt[h]
I know what President Young has said is true we have
come here & we have Dedicated this people & this place to
God. Now do the people realize why we are here no they do
not. we are here for the benefit of all Israel we have not
come here for a salary we have come here to do the w[il]l
of God and I will say that the yoke is off from our neck
& it shall never be put on again not on the necks of this
people. for if we do not do as God wants us to do he will raise
up a people that will do it. I tell you that God will smite any
people that undertake to stop this work And I say that
what President Young has said is true you nknow that
what President Young has our children have to learn
the Alphabet first so it is with this people the things
which God teaches us are small & simple in many resp[ec]ts
but they are just as necessary for us to learn & practice ias it
is for the child to learn his letters in order to understand
the Arts & sciences for we have to learn & practice small
things before we can obtain & carry out the greater things
of God. Now we are required to begin to build up &
adorn Zion we should set out fruit & shade trees I have
not done as much as I would liked to have done, but I have
raised some 15 bushels of peaches. President Young has
a large orchard he has raised a good many peaches & apples
& some 10000 1000 lbs of Good grapes as good as I ever
tasted. And that is as hard a place to live as there is
in these mountains. My wood for one fire cost me
some $1.75. These canyons are full of Good fruit which
you can get & set out. I have several kinds of good currands
which I got from the canyons which bear large & fine
fruit these things all heplp adorn the Earth. now go
to & build up this place & make a beautiful city. you have
a good place around the state house for a city & gardens
& orchards the soil is sandy & you have a plenty of ma[n]ure
to make it rich. The people must learn & practice clean-
liness in this life some people think they can live all
their days in filth & dirt never even wash their bodies
then die & go to heaven & be clean but if you do not
learn & practice this lesson in this life you will have to learn
& practice it in the next before you will be received into the society
of those who are clean pure & holy. you have got to be
passive in the hands of God. As the prophet has said if
we are ^not^ passive in the hands of God as clay is in the hands
of the potter we shall have to be cut off from the whell
& flung into the batch & ground over again before we
we can be made vessels of honour what can we be made vesels
of honour after we have mared in the hands of the potter
& ground over again yes this will be the case with man but
it is far better to be passive in the hands of God & be made
a vessel of honor the first time than to wait thill till we
have to be ground over again this is a figure which the
prophet Jeremiahah made use of. [Jeremiah 18:2-6] Now President Young is
the Master Potter here on Earth & we should be subject to him
in all thingst we should all remember that we have got to render
up our stewardship to God therefore we should be faithful in
all things And I pray that the spirit of God may rest
upon you that you may do right & be saved with a full
salvation. And I ask it in the name of Jesus Christ Am[e]n
~ Monday
Monday 17 I spent the fore part of the day in the council & the
after noon in Joint session
~ Tuesday
18th I spent the fire [fore] part of the day in the counsel the afternoon
in Joint session
I wrote 7 Letters to my family which I sent by Brother
Pugh viz to Mrs Woodruff Wilford Phebe Susan Bulah
Moroni & Emma
~ Wednesday
19th I spent the day in the counsel the whole day was occupied
in debateing the subject of the Education of our children
~ Thursday
1220th I spent the fore part of the day writing & the afternoon in
the council attending to the legislative business
~ Friday
21st I ment in Joint session with the two houses to appoint a
census agent L. W. Hardy was appointed we adjourned till monday
~ Saturday
22 I spent the day in reading & writing I read the Books of
Ecclesiastes, Songs of Solomon, & Isaiah through And I could
see by the Prophet Isaiah that one of the causes of the universal
destruction & abolishment of all the gentile Nations upon the face of
the whole Earth in the last days will be in consequence of the univer-
sal Ill treatment of the House of Israel viz the Jews among
all Nations & the Lamanites in America.
The mail came in this evening & brought the Deseret News
And a Letter from My Daughter Phebe A. Woodruff the
first letter I ever recieved from one of my children while I
was away from home
~ Sunday
223 Sunday I spent the day at home writing & reading
I wrote a letter at home to my Daughter Phebe. I. Morley
& W. W. Phelps preached in the forenoon
~ Monday to ~ Friday
24th to 298 I spent the week in the Legislature the calafornia
Mail came in & brought papers & letters I[t] brought one
letter to me from Edward Partridge on the Islands
I wrote a letter to Edward Partiidge in answer to his
we are having cold weather & snow storms
~ Saturday
I roatspent the day writing I wrote 3 letters to I. F. Carter
Col T. L. Kane I rote to J. M. Bernhisel to Pay $105 for me
& I wrote to I F Carter that I had requested Bernhisel
to pay it. I wrote a full letter to col Thomas L. Kane & requested him to write to me
A Quarterly conference commenced to day Erastus
30 Sunday Snow preached a good sermon in the forenoon
& in the afternoon Elder Wallace ^prayed^ & Elder Gates preached to the people
a good discourse was followed by Claudious Spencer
then J. B. Nobles and Erastus Snow all had the spirit of the
Lord & spoke unto the edifycation of the people
~ Sunday
Dec 30th Sunday Conference opened at 10 oclock J. M. Grant
addressed the people & was followed by President Kimball I was
not preasent & did not report. I attended in the afternoon
& Elder Orson Pratt spoke in a vary interesting manner
concerning the fulfillment of Prophesy, the second coming
of Christ, the building of the New Jerruselem, the blowing of the tru[m]p,
the opening of the seals, the pouring out of the plagues, the resurrectin
of the dead &c. He said in 1829 He had this voice continually
ringing in his ears "Prepare ye the way of the Lord & make his
paths strait" After he was baptized he went to kirtland &
told Joseph that He knew he was a Profitphit of God & wanted
him to inquire of the Lord for him when he obtained this
revelation recorded in the Doctrins & Covenats given Nov 1830
recorded on page 280 there the Lord told him to lift up his
voice long & Loud preparing the way for the second coming of the
Lord then I understood my former feelings.
I attended the meeting in the evening Br Ray spok 1st Phineas Young attempted
to speak to the people but vary soon chocked down with caughing
or sumthing in the throat & stoped. Erastus Snow followed &
spoke at Length in a vary interesting manner upon a great variety
of subjects much to the Edifycation of those who herd. Before the
close of the meeting I spoke to the people a few moments the following
are some of the remarks which I made
Brethren & sisters I feel to say a few words before closing I have
listened with attention to the teachings we have herd during
this afternoon & evening & I can bear testimony that they
are true. Elder Orson Pratt has spread before us this after-
noon the fulfillment of that grait chain of Prophesyies which
are to take place before the coming of the Mesiah like a great
panarama spread upon the wall so that evry person can see &
behold it. Now can we realize that these great & glorious events
are to transpire within 40 years even in our day & the days of
our children. no we cannot but yet it will be so. The Presidt
has said that it was necessary to send missionaries through
this Territory to preach to the people in order to save them
this I believe is true we as a people have got to rise up &
become sanctifyed pure & holy in order to be prepared to meet
the great events which are rushing upon us with the rapidity of
lightning we have got to make up our minds whether we
will keep a Celestial Law or what Law we will keep. It is
necessary for us to send messengers of salvation to stir up the
minds of the people as long as there can be found an Adulterer
a thief, a liar, a Blasphemer or a Parent in all Israel that does
not bow down morning & evening with his family & call upon the
name of the Lord. Let us seek to lay aside our sins & call upon
the Lord untill we do enjoy the Holy spirit continually. evry ma[n]
& woman in all Israel may know what law they are ceeping &
to what Glory they are bound. But all persons may know that they
will miss of a full salvation while they are committing sin of any
kind now let not the people think [it] strange because the Presidency
of this Church chastise them it is their duty & place to do ^it^ when
it is necessary. let us fully realize that we should not go to
sleep & be careless & indiferent towards the events which we
are called to pass through we should overcome the world the flesh
& the Devil, & trust in God for evry blessing. their is neither
Male nor female that finally overcome & receive a Celestial
Glory no matter how great the sacrifice may be in order to obtain
it but what will be satisfyed with the reward & would not
wish to obtain it ^on^ any easier term
31st Dec This is the Last day of 1855 we spent the day in
the Legislative Assembly. Thus time rapidly flies with us
evry year grows big with Events both with Mount Zion & great
Babylon. while the past year has been an Eventful one
In taking the gospel in a measure from the gentiles & carriying it to
the Jews even the Lamanites who are begining to come to understanding
& while Zion is spreading herself & enlarging her borders
in strength. Great Babylon is visited at the same time
with wars & Bloodsheds pestilence & famine which is
ownly a fore runner of what is to come to pass
What the future Year will bring to pass, time must deter
mine, but it will lay many low in death. Judgments
will continue to increase upon the gentile Nations & great
calamity awate the wicked. May the Lord Preserve me from
evil sin & transgression may he enable me to keep the word
of wisdom & be preserved in life & health with my wives
& children
I looked over my Journal & found the following synop-
sis as recorded on the following Page to be my labours during
the past year
A synopsis of my labours in 1855
I Traveld 1505 Miles | 1505 Miles |
I Attended 80 Meetings | 80 Meetings |
I Preached 31 Discourses | 31 sermons |
I Attended 10 General & Quarterly C. | 10 Conferences |
I Attended Prayer circles with the Presidency & 12 | 35 meetings |
I Assisted in ordaining John Smith first | 1 Patr |
I ordained 6 High Priests | 6 High Priest |
I ordained 16 Seventies | 16 Seventies |
I ordained 6 High Council | 6 H. C. |
I Blessed 58 Missionaries to the Lamanites | 58 Missionaries |
I Administered to 15 sick persons | 15 sick |
I met with the Legislature 40 days | 40 days |
I was Appointed President of the Universal scientific Society | 25 times |
I was Appointed President of the Horticultural Society and met with them 6 times. | 6 Times |
I Attended A Grammer school | 37 evenings |
I reported 25 sermons | 25 sermons |
I wrote 44 Letters | 44 Letters |
I Recieved 17 Letters | 17 Letters |
~ Tuesday
JAN. 1st, 1856 ^Tuesday^ I spent the day at home writing
~ Wednesday
2nd I spent the day in Joint session. All the officers of the
Territory were Elected the Judges, & Notary Public of the co[u]nties
The commissioners, Treasurers, Auditors, Marshalls, surveyors &
Attorney Generals, The Chancellors & Regency of the University
of Deserett. I was appointed as one of the Regency.
~ Thursday
3rd I spent the day In the council I attended meeting in the
evening. Elder J. C. Wright Preached was followed by J. C. Little
& E. T Benson. J. C. Wright spoke upon honesty, paying Debts,
making no dishonest contracts, his teaching was good Elder
Little backed up Brother Wrights testimony & exhorted the people to
go to & build up the place as the presidency had directed. E. T Benson
spoke of men proving themselves true in this Church & kingdom
& then they would be blessed, to trust in God for their reward
~ Friday
4th I spent the day in Joint session
~ Saturday
5th I spent the day in council. The Judges secretary Babbitt
[FIGURE] Marshall Haywood, capt Hardy with all the attendant
train came in this evening their was a mistery hanging
over the company which is almost unexplainable part of the company
were prisioners among whom was babbitt he wore chains a
part of the way about half in Earnest & half in Jest. I received
14 Letters from My Family 3 from Mrs Woodruff 2 from
Phebe & Susan 1 From Willford, Bulah, Moroni Sarah & 2
from Emma. I was truly glad to hear from home
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I wrote 8 Letters to day to my family in answer
to theirs. I did not attend meeting through the day
President Young spoke to the people in the forenoon upon
the subject of mens Judging each other. He said He reproved
men for their acts but He was not prepared to cast men
down to Hell for their imperfections & acts untill he knew the
hearts of men & principles by which they were governed
He also said that a person always had to experience the oppositi[on]
& pass through sorrow, pain, & affliction before he could be
exhalted to glory & if a man had the exact glory that
Jesus had he would have to die in the same way & if a
man passed through this world without passing through
the dregs of poverty he would have to pass through it hereafter
before he could be exhalted to Eternal riches in their fulness
their is no other way for men to get an exhaltation but
to follow their file Leader. The Twelve have no right
to ask the Presidency why they do this or that or why they
tell the Twelve to do this or that ownly go & do as they are
told & this same principle should go through evry quorum
in the church & kingdom of God on Earth & ^when^ this rule is observed
then the kingdom will be ours.
He reproved the people for selling their land warrants said
the wicked would put those vary land warrants upon our
possessions & then there would be a fuss with the Mormons & that
was what the people of the world
Lorenzo Snow spoke to the people first & was followed by presid[ent]
Young. Brother Snow spoke upon the subject of obeying council
& following their leaders without inquiring why they are
called to do it
Dominicus Carter Preached to the people in the Afternoon
a Discourse upon the subject of the potter with his clay
& vessels of honor & dishonor [Romans 9:21] he spoke well. He was followed
by J. C. Wright. He bore testimony that the Lord has been
with this people from the beginning up to this day the gifts &
graces were manifest. He spoke of many of the sick being healed
even the dead had been raised to life. He spoke of the Law of
God a woman was under the Law of her husband & no other if
she obeyed his Law she was under no transgression because
her husband was her head & evry man & woman had a
head the Presidency of the Church is the head of the Church on
Earth & if we obey them we shall be saved. Elder Felshaw
followed & gave an Exertation to the Saints & spoke of the privilege
the Saints were now enjoying in fillmore in hearing from
so many of their brethren.
The people Assembled again at candlelight & were addressed by
O. Pratt ^spok^ upon the Law of consecration he made many good
remarks concerning the benefits of the Law of consecration
He was followed J. C. Little who spoke well bore a strong
testimony of the work of God & He was followed by
~ Monday
7th I met in Joint session. A discussion took place
{Some American whores}
~ Tuesday
I Attended court & took minutes of the proceedings
of the trial of Judge Drummond for Murder
~ Wednesday
9th I attended council or the Joint session of the Legislature
In the forenoon & the court in the afternoon on the trial
of Judge Drummond On an accusation of Murder it
was first brought Before the Probate Court then Judge Drumm[ond]
got out a rit of Hebeus Corpus given by Judge Kenny the
case then of the right of writ was tried before Judge Kenny
yesterday. Mr Miner & Mr Kelting plead in behalf
of the prisioner they both took a strong stand against the
Probate Court, against the Legislature & the Laws of Utah
Kelting made a fool of himself it was thought by some
that He was insane and knew not what he said. J. C. Little
T. Williams & Wm Hickman plead in behalf of the state
& sustained the probate court & Utah Laws to day as
soon as the court opened, Judge Drummond informed
the court that He wished to withdraw the whole suit from
before him the Judge informed him that He would have to be
remanded back to the probate court. He said He knew that
but He wished to withdraw the suit without Malace it was then
withdrawn & the court closed
Jan 9th At 7 oclok in the evening the Legislature & citizens
of Fillmore met in the school House to take into consideration
the propriety of Esstablishing a weekly or daily line of
stages & Mail from the Missouri River to Sacramento the
secretary A. W. Babbitt spoke first. He was followed by Judge
Stiles Porter Rockwell Orson Pratt, Enoch Reese, John S Folman
then Governor Young closed they brought to light many in-
teresting things. W. Woodruff reported all their speeches &
has them in reserves the meeting was adjourned to the Tab-
ernacle In Great Salt Lake City Saturday 26 Jan. 1856
~ Thursday
10th I met in the counsil & spent the fore part of the day. I attended
meeting in the evening And I addressed the people & told them
that we had been with them 5 weeks & the presidency & Twelve
& the Legislatures had preached to them many good things
I exhorted them to give heed to what they had herd I advis-
ed the young men to improve well their time & store their minds
well with knowledge while in the days of their youth that they
might have the benefit of it when they come to do business
in the Church & kingdom of God. Spoke of the responsibility
which was resting upon parents. the work of the kingdom
of God would continue to increase as fast as its numbers increased
Brother Enoch Reese followed & bore testimony to the
work of God & spoke much to the Edifycation of the people. He
was followed by Brother Felshaw, Dobson, & others
~ Friday
11th I spent the day in Joint session on the Melicia & Herd Bills
I wrote a letter to Elias Smith for publication
~ Saturday
12th I met in Joint session in the forenoon & spent the
Afternoon writing. I wrote one letter to Father Woodruff
the Mail came in in the evening & brought me
one letter from Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff which I
was glad to get
~ Sunday
13 Sunday I spent the fore part of the day at home
writing I wrote 2 letters to Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff
One family letter, the other personal.
On the return of the brethren from meeting they informed me
that President Brigham Young had preached one of the greatest
sermons he had ever deliverd on earth the following are the
items Delivered to me of his sermon by Jonathan C Wright
^but mostly from Thomas Bullocks report which was copied from his report^
He Arose & said By our acts
we have said to the world we are
Christs and we have exhibited it more than any other (of the
Christian world). Evry thread & tie that binds man to man
has been broaken assunder (in consequence of receiveing the fulness
of the Gospel of Christ.) Men have left their wives, wives their
husbands children their parents & parents their children, (Brothers
their sisters & sisters their Brothers in order to be gathered with
the saints of God that they might partake of salvation). This people
have proven to the world by their acts that they have a knowledge of
the way of life & salvation. This people have proven (to all men)
that they can sacrafize evry endearment (in this life) for (Eternal)
life & salvation & we prove that we bear this principle through
evry difficulty (which we are called to pass through) it is our duty
to make evry sacrafice that is required of us so that our Father
in heaven, the Holy Angels, & all Just men who sit enthroned in
glory power, & dominion may look upon us in this capacity ie that
is that they may see in their kingdoms that we do prove to them
that we are willing to make evry sacrafize ^if i may call it a sacrifize^ on Earth endearing
to man in order that we may secure a seat with them in
Eternal light & glory. (But not withstanding all the light & knowledge
we have of life & salvation) do you not see how easy it is for us
to turn away to the right & to the left & say & do many things which
we afterwards regret & wish we had not done is it not the case
with us all more or less, it is. I see a thousand weakness in myself
that I ^now^ regret and it is so with all those who have the light of
the spirit of God they can see their weaknesses (& regret them
& they will try to over come them. I can not ownly see these things
in myself but I can see them in my brethren for when I learn
myself & Brigham I learn my brethren by this rule I know all
of you) we give way to temptation and angry feelings against
our Brother & want to be revenged on them. I ask is this a
righteous feeling, No it is not, and yet we live day by day &
week byafter week & year after year in this year way. the
People will be guilty of a little lying a little swareing a little deceiving
& a little stealing. do you think that you can repent of all your
sins & be forgiven in a moment. no you cannot, evry latter day
Saint knows better. this would be sectarianism. the religion
of the world is that a man may commit Murder & when on the
gallows he can repent & be forgiven & go right straight to Abrah-
ams bosom but this is fals doctrin it is not true. Some say
that I cannot overcome my passions when I am tempted &
tried I cannot help giving way to my feelings I must
give vent to them and scold & sometimes swear swear and
I cannot help it. But I tell you that you can help it you
have got to help it sometime or other or you cannot be saved you
have got to begin to learn to over come. you should begin to im-
prove day by day. Shun the errors as you see them and improve
upon them be better men & women tomorrow than you are to day
Continue to improve there is not a man or woman here
but what can do better here than they do. But says one
Brother Brigham says hard words. So I do use harsh
words. I am Death & Hell on the wicked, but you never
hear me speak evil of my brethren. But I will reprove
wickedness among the Human family. As your leader I
will say let us try to improve our lives. Let us overcome evrery
temper and evil passion [that] arises within you you can shut
your mouth and keep your tongue still and quiet, and the
next time you are tempted you can overcome it easier. Keep
silence & it will give you a great victory. Mothers when you
are cross & attempt to correct your children conquer your-
selves first. Fathers when you feel any of the evil passions
of your natures arise then you need the grace of God to help
bring yourselves into subjection that you may go in the spirit
of meeknees untill you get the victory over your feelings. we
are liable to get out of the way. we should not do wrong knowingly
for if we say or do things which are wrong we are under obligation
to confess our faults. it would be a hard matter for me to confess
that I had done wrong knowingly. You should be governed by
righteousness. Let every Elder in Israel look upon his brethren
& sisters like little children. When a person does a wrong
in his foolish weekness look upon it as such. (We see the child[re]n
of man laboring hard to obtain wealth they labour night & day
to obtain this object) but wealth will not give you wisdom, but
if you will shun evil and extend the hand of charity to evry living
being & do good to all (as far as you have an opportunity) this will
grow in you & you will increase (in wisdom & knowledge) we
should live so as to enjoy the spirit of revelation that we may
know the will of God concerning us in all things. You should
not live for yourselves alone for if your Affections are not
placed on the Lord Jesus Christ and do not possess charity you will
mis the gate (& not enter into the glory of God yourselves) for you
will not receive the spirit of the gospel. your hearts should be
empted of evry thing but the spirit of the gospel. (that you may be
filled with the spirit of revelation that you may know the voice
of the good shepherd for if this people was to loose the spirit
of revelation & turn from righteousness they would be liable
to be led down to hell but while the people keep the spirit of
God & of revelation with them they would know the voice
of the good shepherd.) If I was to get out of the way
would not all that had the Spirit of God se[e] it, as they did Sidney
& Strang & Wm Smith, yes they would. When Sidney Rigd-
on claimed to be the shepherd & leader of this people the people
knew not his voice. But when the true shepherd spoke unto
them they knew his voice and they followed him. It is the
duty of this people & their privilege to live in such a manner that
they cannot be deceived by any deceiver. It is your duty to
live your religion. No man can magnify the priesthood & their
calling unless they live their religion, unless they are filled
with the spirit of revelation, of the Holy Ghost, & of the Holy Priesthood
then they can magnify their calling and do their duty to their
Neighbor & to all men then their would be an end to Bishops &
High Councils trials. Parents are under the deepest obligation
to live their religion And the young men & women also that when
you get married your children may be begotten in Holiness &
born in Holy^iness^ Brought forth into the world in Righteousness &
then you cannot make any thing but Saints of them. Begin
your work right. Carry it on right. Bring up your children right
then when they are old they will not depart from it. [Proverbs 22:6] This is the coven-
ant which God made with Abraham that to his seed there should
be no end. And this promise was made to him when he was childless
He received this covenants from the Lord & desired to see them fulfilled
upon the Earth. Abraham was driven from his Father's house after
he was driven f had received the Priesthood. The Lord Bestowed
his Priesthood upon him by a man whose name was Melcheisedek
when Abraham received the Presthod the people were so wicked
that no man would receive him But the Lord promised him a
seed through whom the Holy Priesthood should be perpetuated
forever and that to the increase of his seed there should be no end
The Lord promised to Abraham this great blessing. A man can
have no greater Blessing than was promised to him that He should
have children who should have the priesthood. I would not
ask the Lord for any greater blessing than this for myself the
Lord promised him that the various ordinances of his Kingdom
should be administered through his posterity forever whare ever
the kingdom of God existed. Then let evry child for the future
be begotten in Holiness and remember this one thing live your religion
I now want to speak of another thing. A vary small portion of
our time was spent in the Temple at Nauvoo whare we began to ad-
minister the ordinances according to the words of Malachi in the 4th ch
5th & 6 verses "Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the
coming of the great & Dreadful day of the Lord." "And He shall turn
the Hearts of the Fathers to the children & the hearts of the children to
their Fathers lest I come & smite the Earth with a curse"
Abram received the promise from the Lord that his seed should
be saved. And all the seed of Abraham in all the Gentile Nations or
among the uncontaminated of the house of Israel will be gathered
That have signned they have changed the ordinances, & broaken
their covenants, or you would not see the children of these Mountains
in the degradation in which we now find them. The Lamanites upon
this continant are Manassehites almost exclusively, their is but
little of the seed of Ephraim among them, they are counted as
the seed of Abraham and they must be saved or they would
not have become so loathsome as they are. they are punished
in the flesh to make an attonement in the flesh for their
sins & transgressions, and when they pass through the veil the
enemy has no power over them. In the day of the Lord Jesus Christ
all the particles of the Blood of Abraham will be gathered together
The seed of Abraham has not been counted for many years
nor never will be again. If an Angel was to commence now
to number them all when he had got the numbers together before
they could be computed there would be a great number more
born during the time of there numerration so they could not be
numbered & this is the reason why his seed cannot be numbered
Brethren & sisters you are of the seed of Abraham & you should live
your legio religion that you may claim the promises of Abraham
This priesthood will turn the hearts of the children to the Ancient
Fathers & the children to the Fathers now & those which are to
come will be made perfect this chain must not broaken for
mankind cannot be saved any other way. This Priesthood must
be linked together so that all the children may be linked to Father
Adam. It may be asked when will this work be done, it will be
done in Temples in our day & in the days of our children. we shall
go into the Temples & be pillars therein & go no more out [Revelation 3:12] & we shall
plant trees & vineyards & eat the fruit thereof. [Isaiah 65:21] I will call it the
Millennium. I carry it in my heart I say it has begun
evry saint carries it with him then let us increase in evry
good thing & we will extend this influence from Zion untill
it roots out evry evil & brings iall in subjection to the kingdom of
our God. We will administer in the Temple which we have now
begun & that is one point gained & we will sealed man
to man by the keys
of the Holy Priesthood this is the
highest ordinance it is the last ordinance of the kingdom of God
on the earth and above all the endowments that can be
given you it is a finall sealing an Eternal Principle
and when once made cannot be broaken by the Devel
when we return to Zion & build the great Temple which Joseph
saw & the centre of Zion is Esstablished the glory of God
will rest upon it by day & by night & those that are prepared
will see the face of the sun of man & they will see Joseph &
Hiram in the flesh in their resurrected bodies. Then will the
armies of Israel be terrible to all Nations then will one chase
a thousand & two put ten thousand to Flight. [Deuteronomy 32:30] Who will resurrect
Joseph`s Body? It will be Peter, James, John, Moroni, or some one
howho has or will receive the keys
of the resurrection it will proba-
bly be one of those who hold the keys of this dispensation & has
deliverd them to Joseph and you will see Jesus & he will eat peaches
& Apples with you but the world will not see it or know it for
wickedness will increase. Joseph & Jesus will be there they will
walk & talk with them at times & no man mistrusts howho they
are. Joseph will lead the Armies of Israel whether He is seen
or not, whether visible or invisible as seemeth him good Joseph has
got to receive the keys of the resurrection for you & I. After he is
resurrected he will go & Broresurrect Brother Brigham Brother
Heber & Brother Carloss, and when that is done then He will
say now go Brother Brigham & resurrect your wives & children &
gather them together while this is done the wicked will know nothing
of it though they will be in our midst and they will be struck with
fear this is the way the resurrection will be all will not be raised at once
but it will continue in this way untill all the righteous are res-
urrectioned. Atfter Joseph comes to us in his resurrected body He will
more fully instruct us concerning the Baptism for the dead & the sealing
ordinances. He will say be baptized for this man & that man & that
man be sealed to that man & such a man to such a man, and
connect the Priesthood together. I tell you their will not be
much of this done untill Joseph comes. He is our spiritual Father
Our hearts are already turned to him and his to us. This the order of
the Holy Priesthood and we shall continue to administer in the ordin-
ances of the kingdom of God here on Earth. Joseph will not officiate
in this low capacity any more neither did Jesus after his Resur-
rection if so he would have baptized Saul but he was exhalted above
the Earth and he told Saul to go to a certain man in a certain street
& he would administer to him the ordinances upon the Earth. [Acts 9:10-18] I say
to you dont hurry in the ordinances dondt do what you ought
not it is not time to hurry we should not undertake to do now
what we ought to do 50 years hence. what have we to do to day. Purify
your hearts that you may receive the manifestation of the spirit
of God. When you sow your wheat you prepare the ground then
sow your wheat & watch it untill the hearvest it is Just so in the
priesthood you will be just as busiy as you can be to do the things
which are to be done to day. Now dont be in a hurry I say we are going
to have time enough. I say I will be on the Earth to do all I can. And
after I die & get my body again my resurrected body I mean to come
back to the Earth again and fight the Devils and be here at the winding up
scene. I want to see righteousness prevail & the Saints have peace on the earth
I wish now to speak upon another subject I am here as the
Governor of this Territory And I wish to commence my remarks
upon this subject with the President of the United States. Is he the
Master of the United States no he is not. He is selected to sit there
as one of our servants to act for us to do what we wish to have done
so it is with the Congress & the Governors of the several states and
I am here as one of them as the servant of the people. Congress
has prepared a constitution for this Territory which they call
the organic act and have granted certain rights to this people as
a community. They have said this Territory should be organized
thus & so with a Govornor & Legislative Assembly and the
right is given to the people to select 26 Representatives & 13
councellors Annually this body may enact Laws to controll each
of us & all the inhabitants of this Territory including the governor
the Judges the Secretary the supreme coart the District court
& the Probate court. they have said they shall have all the
power given to them by the Legislative assembly we have a Legislative
Assembly & Magistrates courts congress will send certain men
to hold supreme courts & send other men as officers to the Territory
of Utah to transact business for the Territory of Utah so as to
make it as easy as possible. The United States Judges are not
here as Kings or Monarchs but as servants of the people
And when you see a Judge puting a city under Martial Law they
manifest Boyism & you should pitty them & give them a peace of
cake. If a man wants to be what he is not, it is certain that He
wants to get out of his sphere. When some man know a
hundred words He thinks he knows all of webster some will
try to study a hundred sciences of the day & then know no
more than a child. When a person studies Divinity 5 years
they are ownly fit to be put down upon the ground as a block
to stand upon to get upon your horses. sI see some here who
have come 50 or 100 miles at the squa[w]king of a goose crow &
dont you know if you want a court had there, that the
Judge should go there & hold it. And if a Judge dont know this
it is because he is vary ignorant And He ought to [illegible] learn his
duty. I am perfectly asstonished at these my Brethren to think
that if a man takes a pumpkin & says it is an Apple you must
acknowledge that it is an Apple & swallow it as such or if they
take a rotton potatoe & say it is a peach then cram it down your
throat as a peach. When you see a rotton Potatoe why dont you
acknowlede it is a rotten potatoe. Now I say to you Jurymen
& witnesses pack up your dudds & go home & stay there till you
have business. If I come here & act the tyrant insted of a Gover-
nor you ought to kick me out and all officers ought to be
served in the same way when they get out of the way & act the fool
or els let the people swallow the rotten potatoe & call it a peach
I know the meaning the marrow & the pith of the Laws and the
vary principle upon which they are built much better than the
Judges do. I know the meaning of them & the Duty of all the
officers in this Territory. I say this for your instruction
To see men come here at the calling of a foolish boy, freezing
your toes & killing your horses in the cold month of December is foolish-
nesh. when you want him send for him & pay your respects to
him but they do not understand the Law. take some of the
boys & learn them sumthing and treat them as Gentlemen & make
them treat you as Gentleman. when I see Lawyeiers & Judges rising
up here & saying that our laws are not right & we should not
be governed by them, It puts me in mind of the Anecdote of the
of the fox that went to a hen coop to cketch some chickens the owner had
had put a cord from the platform to a Bell ove[r]head so as soon as the
platform was tuched the bell would ring as soon as the fox jumped
onto the platform the bell rung & away the fox run with all his might but
on looking behind him he saw nothing so he went back to the coop & examined
to see what the matter was. He touched the cord with his foot & it rung but
did no hurt so he Jumped into the coop & got his chicken He looked up
& saw the bell was hollow & had a longue tongue and the Fox exclaimed
you are a poor miserable Hollow headed Devil. Lawyiers & Judges should
be made to keep the Laws of this Territory as well as other citizens & if they
wont do it put them in a the way that they will be made to. And I
say to evry man who has no business here pack up your goods & go home
Let the Judges honor me, & our laws & the officers of this Territory
or they will not receive any honor from me.
I see one man on my right who will go strait & tell the judges
what I have said he is a kind of perpetual Telegraph and if any
man come to me & says Brother Brigham do you mean me I will
say you are the Man. (Alluding to Elisha Hoopes)
choir sung I will praise my maker while I have breath
Benediction By J M Grant
The people again Assembled at 2 oclok prayer By Dominicus Carter
President Brigham Young addressed J M Grant Addressed the people
& spoke much to our edefycation I reported He said if President Young
did not entirely lift up the veil so that we could could look intirely through
it was lifted so that we could have a glimps. He was followed
by E. T. Benson who bore testimony of the work of God.
~ Monday
Monday 14th I spent the day writing president Youngs sermon
~ Tuesday
15 I spent the day writing
~ Wednesday
16th I spent the day in Joint session which was the last days
business in the Legislature we done a great deal of business it continued
untill in the night. we had a speech delivered in the Afternoon
from Canosh the Chief of the Parvans the following are sum
of the remarks which He made.
I am just begining to get my eyes open I [k]now that President Youngs
talk is good what He says is so. He tells us more good I am like the sun
just rising in the East & so with my people we have been in the night
I have had Eyes but I could not see, & ears but I could not hear
& this has been the case with my people our hearts could not understand
but now our eyes see, our hears hear, & our hearts understand, all that
Brigham & Heber has said is strait. But when I talked to Col
Steptoe & his men their talk was not strait. I could not believe for
a tenth part of their talk is not true & so with the spanyards & all
white people till I saw the mormons they are the first to tell me the
truth. You are here to make laws I hope you will make good
laws to punish the guilty & spare the innocent. I wish to do right
& have my people do right. I do not want them to steal nor kill
I want to plant, & raise wheat & learn to plough & it isdo as the white
people do, this I am going to do in the spring. I want to learn to
read & right & have my children so we can understand what you say
to us that is good
~ Thursday
17th I spent the day writing & preparing to leave for home tomorrow
~ Friday
The Legislature met this morning at the state House at 5 oclok
and adjourned till the 2nd Monday in dec 1856 after adjournment
The Governor & all the Northern Members & Judges started for home
it was a vary cold morning we rode to the severe & on to within 1 mile
of Chicken Creek & camped for the night 45 miles it was an extrem
cold night we camped on the side of the mountain in the snow many lade
down cedar boughs on the snow to make their beds but it was to cold to sleep. I arose
at 2 ock & set by a cedar fire to warm myself. It was understood that
~ Saturday
189th The company was to start at 4 oclock to go to Nephi to Breakfast some
of the waggons started out at that hour. T. Bullock J. C. Wright myself
& others started out at 4 oclock to walk thinking that our waggons would
soon be along, but they did not start till 2 hours afterwards, we walked 7 mils
and it was so exceding cold in the snow, & on &so high an altitude that we
thought we should freeze so we stoped in a patch of Greesewood & struck
a fire & staid by it 2 Hourse before the waggons came up. Several frooze
their feet & fingers. when we arived at Nephi we were thoroughly chilled
through. we got warm took dinner & rode to Pason & spent the night [with]
Brother Hancock Bishop we rode 45 miles to day Lorenzo Snow & myself J M.
Grant & J. C. Little & Ladies spent the night at Brother Israel Calkins He charged
us all 50 cts per meal & 25 for lodging
~ Sunday
20th It stills continued vary cold we rode to Provo took dinner th[en]
rode to the 1st settlement south of Lehi I spent the night with Brother & Sister
Parsons. President Young and Kimball preached to the people in the evening
I did not attend & did not report
~ Monday
21 we started at 8 oclok & rode to the City of the Great Salt Lake I arived
home to my family at 4 oclok I was truly glad to meet with my family
again after being asbsent from them 7 weeks distance to Filmore 160 Back 160 total 320
~ Tuesday
22nd I spent the day at home mostly I went to the tithing office to
settle my tithing. A Note was brought against me for taxes on goods
for $104.80 cts which I paid in 1850, but did not take it up but by refer-
ence to book accounts it was found that I had paid it
23rd ^& 24 & 25^ I spent the time at home reading & writing. I read a work
Entitled wild scenes in a Hunters Life Including Cummings
Adventures Among the Lions & other wild animals of Africa esspecially the Elefant
it was an interesting work it gave an account of the nature of all the wild Animals
of Africa in the Hunt & nearly all animals in the world
Saturday there was a mass Meeting of the people
according to the madjournment at Fillmore who met to day at the Tabernacle
for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of esstablishing
a daily express & passenger communication betwen the western states
& Calafornia or more extendedly between Europe & China. The meeting
was organized by chusing Gov Young President.
Chief Justice J F Kinny Presidents H C Kimball J. M. Grant, Hon
A W Babbitt, J P Stiles D. H. Burr D. H. Wells G Hurt Wm Bell
W. Gerrish & Hon P. P. Pratt were chosen vise presidents
& W. Woodruff O. Pratt & Wm H Hooper secretaries G. D. Watt reporter
The Governor stated the object of the meeting
and made a few remarks after which A. W. Babbitt delived an
address & was followed By Judge Stiles, Dr Hurt T. S. Williams
J. C. Little E Reese O P Rockwell S. M. Blair & W. H. Hooper
Mr Thomas Bullock read several resolutions upon which the
Governor offered some suggestions. whare upon a committee was
appointed to draft resolutions to be presented at the next meeting
Adjourned to meet at the same place on Saturday Feb 2nd at 1 P.M.
27th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle President Young spoke
to the people. He was followed by H. C. Kimball & J. M. Grant. Br Watt
reported. I attended the Prayer meeting in the circle then I attended
the 14 ward school House & preached to the people. Father Morley made
a few remarks before me & I was followed by Bishop Hoagland &
Br Horn we had a good meeting & a full House
28th I spent the day at home reading & writing
I spent the day at home but the evening at the Social Hall I att-
ended the Legeslative Party with my family it was a splendid got up
affair we staid till 2 oclock
30 I spent the day at home I was unwell had taken could.
31st I spent the day at home & in the evening I attended the Polosophocal
Juvinile society & herd the children speak their peaces & read their
compositions the school was Addressed By Brothers Clements Mills
Babbitt & W Woodruff we had a good meeting
Feb 1st 1856 The Calafornia Mail came in & I spent the day reading
the news of the European war the Missouri rail road Accident
& the general News of the day.
2nd We are having a hard winter cold weather much snow it is
reported that a vast number of the cattle Horses Mules sheep & young
cattle are dying it is snowing this morning. The adjourned mass
meeting on the express daily line met at 2 oclok. Prayer By
J. M. Grant Brother Enoch Reese addressed the meeting & was
followed by J. M. Grant, Judge Kenny, L. W. Hardy O. P. Rockwell
& closed by a lengthy & good speech from Gov Young. I took
minutes of the meeting. Elder Watt reported in full
3rd Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. P. P. Pratt addressed
the people spoke upon drilling wheat cultivating less land & doing it
better. He was followed by President Kimball who said what
Brother Pratt had said was Gods truth evry word of it for all
truth was gods truth some people cannot see the end of theire nose
if they did they would know more I believe men in their resurrected
bodies eat or they would die I believe they eat as well as men in ther
mortal bodies. You have got to be subject to the priesthood & learn to
obey your head or you will be damned. We have the Apostles here to
lead us and if we are passive in ther hands we shall be saved
you should be vary careful of the Apostles while you have them
with you speak well of them & treat them kindly & do them good or
you will suffer you expect to be saved But you have got to do right
A Man asked me if I had not got women sealed to me that
were rebellious to you I told them it was none of their Business
He asked if that would take away any of my glory I said No it will
not. If your wives are rebellious against you let them go away
if they want to it will not take away my glory for my wives to leave
me. If I do my Duty & do not have women that will obey me
I will go to heaven & the Lord will give me all that I want. I
would like to raise up a good Posterity on Earth if I could but
I dont want to fight in order to do it. many other remarks was
made which I have not written
4th I spent the day at home writing I wrote one Letter to Br
Covington. I met with the Regency at President Young's
room at candle light it held till 10 oclok the main subject
that was dwelt upon was the getting up of a first & 2nd Reader
for our children in this Territory. A committee of three
was appointed to get up those Books & present them to the board for
exceptance the committy were G. D. Watt Samuel Richards &
W Woodruff. we adjourned for one week
5th I walked down into the big field with Brother Whittle in the fore
part of the day & in the afternoon I met with the committee at
the Governors room we commenced upon the first reader
6th th & 9th I spent nearly all my time through this week till 9 or
10 oclok at night in President Youngs office in company with Brothers
Watt & Richards in making the manuscript for the first reader
to be published in the Deserett Alphabet. I spent some time in
searching other Books for matter to make up our Books with but
my mind was dark in that channel & the spirit that was upon
me lead me to make up our Books out of our one experience, travels
incidents, History, doctrin, & location mostly my mind was clear free
& open upon these subjects, & we commenced to write upon such subjects
as the Pioneers, Mormon Battalion, Salt Lake valley & Utah Territory
Griserly Bear & Buffalo Bull fights &c &c
10th Sunday A hard snow storm a great number of cattle
are dying through the Territory. the snow is two feet dep in
Davis & Webber counties. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
and herd Elder Orson Pratt Preach to the people upon our
evry day duties. He thought the Saints ought to be more faithful
& interested in the spiritual things of the kingdom of
God. He said that Allan Huntington whowas appointed a
missionary to the Indians had been guilty of swareing a
great deal. He had herd him. it was then Moved & carried
that He be cut off from the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day sSaints it was carried unanimously. I
attended the prayer circle in the evening. the candidate ticket for
the convention was made out by the council. Arropene the Utah Chief
attended meeting & sat in the stand with me to day. Brother P. P. Pratt
said to me that He thought the three Nephites could not vary well visit
the Lamanites yet & tell them to believe what the Mormon Missionaries
told them lest there might be occasionally a bad man among them
who would sware as Huntington did or would take the advantage
of them in some way so that it would cause the Lamanites to loose
confidence even in the Holy Messengers
11th I spent the day in the Presidents upper room with the committee
to work on the reader. President Young kindly offered the committee
his upper room to work in while getting out the Books.
We met with the regency this evening at the Presidents upper
room the work of the committee was red & excepted the rema-
inder of the evening was occupied by exercises upon the black board
Another committee of revision or examination was appointed to
assist us who were appointed as the first committee. President
Brigham Young has had his mind deeply exercised upon the getting
up of the Deserett Alphabet & carrying it into the practical use. He has
laboured hard from the begining upon this subject & we are now
making Books under his direction to be published in this Alphabet
we have got to get the type made as the letters are entirely new
from any others now in use. I am satisfyed that great good will
grow out of the Deseret Alphabet it is an entire change of the English
Auorthography of our English language, it spelsls all words by sound
The committee who were last chosen were A. Carrington D. H. Wells &
Wm Willis
12 to 16 I spent this week with the committee making Books. I attended
Mrs Kimballs school friday evening which was a Juvinile polosophical
society And the same kind of a school in the 14 ward taught by Mr Cobmbs
the scholars have made good progress during the winter
17th Sunday I attended the meeting in the Tabernacle. Father Isaac
Morley spoke to the people for a short time & was followed by President
Brigham Young in a vary interesting manner. G D Watt reported &
it is published in the [blank] No [blank] Vol of the Deserett News I
attended prayer meeting in the evening circle. President Young asked
Elder Orson Pratt what He thought of his preaching that intelligent
beings would continue to learn to all Eternity. O. Pratt said that He believed
the Gods had a knowledge at the present time of evry thing that ever
did exhist to the endless ages of all Eternity. He believed it as much
as any truth that he had ever learned in or out of this Church. President
Young remarked that he had never learned that principle in the Church
for it was not taught in the Church for it was not true it was fals doctr-
in For the Gods & all intelligent Beings would never scease to learn
except it was the sons of perdition they would continue to decrease
untill they became dissolved back into their native Element & lost
their Identity.
In speaking of this people He said
if they would behave half deesent thiey would not be driven away from
this place
I attended meeting at the 14th ward school House in the evening Elder
P. P. Preached a good discourse. He told the bishop to cut off all the
Liars thieves, Adulterers, & profane swarers from the Church for they
would rot the body if they continued on it. and many wicked men
would stick by the Church but they would never repent of their
sins their was a time when men could repent & have the spirit
of God but when that time was past men might pray till their
knees were callaced & they could not get the spirit of God. How long did
the people that were destroyed in the flood have to wait before they could have
the offer of the spirit of God or the gospel, they had to wait more than two
thousand years till after Christ came & was crusiphfied. He then went
& preached to the spirits in Prision. the gospel was then offered unto
them. And how has it been with the Jews they once saw the day when the
when the gospel was offered unto them but when theiry put to death
their king & savior the gospel was taken from them & given to the
gentiles it was also given to the Lamanites & ten tribes of Israel. the
first were to be last & the last first [Matthew 20:16] it will now come to the gentiles
first then to the ten tribes of Israel & to the Lamanite before it will go
to the Jews they will be the last to received it who has ever herd
of the Jews having the spirit of God, or the Gospel, or kingdom of God
offered to the Jews since they put to death Jesus Christ & the kingdom
went to the Gentiles. No one for it has never been done. they will go
home in unbelief & wickedness & rebuild Jerrusalem in that state & they
will be so far from the gospel that when the Gentiles come against them
to battle rifle their houses ravish their women & carry half of their
city into captivity & Jesus Christ comes & delivers them in the midst
of this hour ^of^ perrill & trouble they will not know him or even imagin
Ho he is till they ask him about his wounds & he tells them then
the gospel has to be preached to them & they repent & are baptized & receive
the first principles of the gospel.
He also said their was a promise
that the three Nephites & angels should visit the Lamanites but they could
not be sent to them with messages to recieve & obey the Mormons untill
all the Mormon Missionaries were righteous men & would not steal, lie,
sware or commit Adultery for if the Angels were to tell them to obey
the Mormons & they found the Mormons to do wickedly they would loose
confidence in both the Mormons & the Angels
18th I spent the day in the committee room to work at Books
19 I spent the day in the committee room I attended a party at
Mrs Kimballs school house with her schollars the evening was spent
in danceing & speaking
20 I spent this day in the committe room
21st I spent this day in the committee room & the evening in
the Seventies Hall with the Polosophical society & herd many good
Essays speeches, songs & musical entertainment we had a good time
22nd I spent the day in the committe room & attended two meeting
in the evening one the Horticultural society & chose J. M. Bernhisel
our deligate or agent. I also attended the Tipographocal society the
constitution was adopted a President & Board Appointed I was
appointed seconed reporter
23rd I spent the day in the committe room
Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle and herd
a discourse from Elder Joseph Hovey he spoke vary well. he told
his experience from the begining of the work he was followed by
President Brigham Young who sustained Brother Hovey in what
he had said. He then took up the subject of the courts as held in
Great Salt Lake City and also the ungodly course of the Lawyiers who
carry on those courts. He cursed them in the Name of the Lord with
a great curse & All Israel said Amen. He spoke in the spirit &
power of God. He called Zerubabel Snow by name & he cursed
him and all that He had. His serman is published in the times
Deseret News Vol [blank] Number [blank]
I attended the prayer meeting at the Presidents Office
{President Young said I do think that my brethren of the} 12 {and all others that belong to the church that have no other
business only to go to those courts should come and give up
their license and be dismissed from their calling. It is no place
for us. I will say that to any one of the} 12 {or any elders that
have done their duty know more about law than lawyers do.
President Young said to} E Snow {that if he held to} Z Snow {that he should share in his blessings if it was in hell fire.
Brother Snow asked forgiveness of the Quorum for what he had done}
At the close of the Prayers I went to the 13 ward & Preached then
to the 14th ward & Herd Elder Benson Preach. We had word in counsel
that the Indians had again commenced war had killed three
Boys & driven off Horses & cattle several Indians had been killed
& wounded
25 I spent the day in the commitee room I attended a Horticultural
Meeting Also a Bishops Meeting in the evening
26th I spent the time in the committe room. the regency me[t] at the
Presidents Office in the evening. W. Woodruff chairman of the committee
reported considerable Matter on hand but had not been revised by the committe
on revision
27 I spent the day in the committee room
28th I spent the day in the committee room and attended the polosophical
society in the evening
I wrote Dr Bernhisel a lietter via Calafornia. I spent a part
of the day in the committee room
March 1st 1856 This my birth day. I am 49 years old this
day. I spent the day fanning up wheat. I raised 60 bushels of
wheat last year on 15 acres this we had to glean it being small paches
which the grass hoppers left
2nd Sunday Amasa Lyman spoke to the people & was followed by
President Young who reproved the people. He considered the people
were not ownly asleep but working wickedness He considered many of
the people were like a company of Men rushing to a precepice on
a dark night on horsback whare neither horse nor rider could
see any thing but would soon be dashed to peaces. He wanted the
Elders to put away their velvet lips & smooth things & preach
sermons like pitch forks tines downwards that the people might
wake up. H C Kimball preached in the Afternoon & backed up
President Young in what he said. He spoke vary plain & p[oin]ted
He was followed by President Grant who rained down pitch-
forks & forked lightning figuratively speaking upon the Gentiles
who were working wickiedness upon this people & defileing the
females. He spoke vary plain & pointed. At the close of the
meeting I attended the prayer meeting or circle at the presidents
office the Calafornia Mail had came in and the time was spent
till dark in reading letters & papers some letters were from Dr
Bernhisel we learn from the papers that Armies are gathiering
at Kansas for civil war. and commotions are increasing in all
the Earth. I attended meeting at the 14 ward school house
& preached to the people I was followed by Brother Balantine &
Bishop Hoagland.
The Indian war continues. 3 more brethren
have been killed. Squash on[e] of the war chiefs was put in prision
& the report is that he cut his own throat He is dead
3rd I spent the fore part of the day in the committee room I
4th ^[FIGURE]^ received a mission from President Young to day to prepare
and go East in the spring to get the Deseret type Alphabet type made
& som books printed in it. I attended the exhibition in the evening
at the Social hall with my family
4th & 5th I spent the time in the committee room
6th I spent the day in the committee room. In the evening I
had a visit from Sister Foss & family, & Johnson & Ladd we spent
the evening in ta[l]king over past events. their had been some
hard feelings in days past all of which were amicably settelled
this evening [FIGURE] with all parties concerned
7th I spent the day in the committe room I met with the
Regency in the evening
8 I spent the day in the committee room I spent the evening at home
9th Sunday Brother D. H. Wells spoke to the people in the forenoon
& was followed by Presidents Kimball & J M Grant. W Woodruff
spoke in the afternoon & was followed By Brother Grant & Kimball
I attended the prayer circle in the evening & Preached to the people in
the 17th ward
10 I spent the day in the committe room & met with the regency
the evening was spent in writing upon the Black board
I spent a part of the day in the committee room &
met with the Regency in the evening the time was occupied
till 10 oclock writing lessons upon the black board. Then the
subject was brought up concerning Adam being made of the
dust of the Earth And Elder Orson Pratt persued a course of
stubbornness & unbelief in what President Young said that will
destroy him if he dos not repent & turn from his evil way
For when any man crosses the track of a leader in Israel &
tryies to lead the prophet He is no longer led by him but is in danger
of falling
12 I spent the day in the committee room
13 I spent the day in the committee room & in the evening I
attended the polosophical society
14th I spent a part of the day in the committee room & attended
the Lecture at the Social Hall delivered by Professor Carrington
before the Typographical & Press association He spoke well He
was followed by W Woodruff & A. Lyman
15th I spent most of the time at home
16th Sunday I spent the time in the councill tabernacle. Brother
Vernon Preached a vary interesting discourse to the people
& was followed by President B Young
17th I spent the day in the committee room & in the evening I
met with the Regency & at 10 oclok I went to a stream of
water & Baptized all my family that was over 8 years
old three wives 3 children & a lamanite Boy called Moroni
I returned to My house & confirmed them all
18th March 1856 Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff & myself in
company with our two oldest children Wilford & Phebe
repaired to the house of the Lord that our children might
receive their endowment I washed & anointed my son Wilford
and ordained him to the office of an Elder & sealed upon him all
the Blessings of his ordination, Anointing, & my Birthright in
complyiance with the council of President Kimball.
{The following is the synopsis of the blessing sealed upon the head of Wilford Woodruff by his father Wilford Woodruff}
I spent the day in the Council House & had an interesting day long
to be remembered for the Blessing that Father Joseph Smith the
Patriarch sealed upon my head before I had any children was
fulfulled this day upon my head in a measure for He said that
I should live to have posterity who should recieve the priesthood
& my oldest son received it this day under my hands
19th to 22nd I spent the time ploughing for wheat
23rd Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. H. C. Kimball
Preached in the forenoon & J M Grant in the afternoon. I Attended
meeting in the evening in the prayer circle
24 to 29 I spent this week ploughing & sowing wheat
March 30th Sunday I attended at the Tabernacle the
meeting throug the day & the prayer meeting in the evening
March 31 to April 5th I spent this week ploughing & putting
in wheat I finished putting in 14 1/2 Acres of wheat
April 6th 1856 Conference commenced in the Bowery
this morning at 10 oclok the Minutes of which are
published in the Deseret News of April 9th. At 5 oclock pm
Elders P P Pratt O Pratt, W Woodruff L Snow & E Snow
Blessed 115 Missionaries who were appointed to go on Missions
to the Lamanites & Gentiles. The day was occupied by President
Young G. A. Smith And O pratt.
7th The fore part of the day was occupied by P. P. Pratt &
L. Snow in the Afternoon W Woodruff delivered an
Address upon the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society
All the Authorities of the Church were presented & received
And W. Woodruff was Appointed Assistant Historian was to
take care of charge of the office during the absence of G. A. Smith
The Twelve met in the Tabernacle at 5 oclok & Blessed &
set apart 88 Missionaries thay blessed & set apart 257
255 persons in all During the conference W. Woodruff ordained
in company with others 12 to the office of Seventies He Blessed
Wilford Woodruff Brandon & ordained him He was named
after me 18 years ago I Baptized his Father & Mother 22 years
ago in Tennessee his Father has been dead several years I
took him home to my house gave him one Dollar a Blessing
& good council & let him go his way
8th The day was mostly occupied by E T Benson O Pratt
& Patrick Lynch. Conference Adjourned till the 6th day
of Oct next
9th to 12 I spent the time farming & gardning the Calafornia
Mail had came in about the first of the Month & brought me
one letter from J. M. Bernhisel & the Mormon I wrote
5 letters 3 to J Taylor & 2 to J M Bernhisel I was
called to lay hands upon sister J. M. Bernhisel some 2 weeks
since she was delivered of a fine son the same night
13th Sunday Elder O. Pratt preached in the forenoon upon
the evidences of the Book of Mormon. He quoted a good
deal from Lord Kingsborough extensive work upon the
Antiquities of the American Indians & Mexicans the most
extensive work ever got up by the gentiles upon this subject
it is in 9 volumes each vol will weigh 30 or 40 lbs many of
the manuscrips have been deposited among the Archives of
Europe for hundred of years there was but 30 or 40 copies
ever published it is said, & but two of those copies are in America
one in the Philadelphia Museum & the other in the City of the Great
Salt Lake owned by Professor Orson Pratt.
J. M. Grant Preached
in the Afternoon spoke of Golightly's shop being broaken open & 150
lbs of flour taken from it. W. Woodruff lost 35 lbs from his
bakery. W. Woodruff followed & said that those that took his
flour if they took it because they were suffering with Hunger
& would ask a Blessing upon the bread when it was made & send
him home the bags he would not bring an Accusation against
them at the close of the meeting the bags were put in sight &
brought to me next morning
I met in the prayer circle in the evening And the
following named persons received their blessings & was
set apart for their Missions. Elders O. Pratt G A Smith, E. T. Benson
Erastus Snow, Truman O. Angel, & Phineas Young. W Woodruff
wrote them all from memery 3 days afterwards & had them
copied into the Historians Book of Events. G A. Smiths Blessing
was written by his dictation By T. Bullock the remainder
W. Woodruff wrote
14th I spent the day mostly at home part of the day in the Historians office
145th I met with President B. Young at his office with
G. A. Smith & T. Bullock red Church History to him. I am about
getting inniciated into my office as assistant Historian
while reading the revelation upon the patriarchal marriage &
while reading that paragraph relating to sthe sheding of inno-
cent Blood President Young remarked that that was a vary
nisce point to distinguish between innocent Blood & that which
is not innocent. were we now commanded to go & avenge the
Blood of the prophets whare it wood ^reach^ infants from the cradle to
the third & forth generation would they know what to do in such
a case they would not. But their is one thing that is a consolation
to me And that is I am satisfied that the Lord will not require it
of this people untill they become sanctifyed & are led by the spirit of
God so as not to shed inocent Blood. Again what does the saying
mean that sayes all shall be damned that does not keep this Law
unto whom it is revealed does it mean that they shall take more wives
than one. I think it includes the whole law with its covenants. I think
that many that come into this world will be damned or disorgan-
ized. And I think this is the Death that is refered to that the Broad
road leads to, while few will enter throug the straight gate into the
fulness of Eternal life [Matthew 7:13-14] for their are many who will not keep the law
of life
President Young Had Brother Cannon take a Daguerreotype
likeness of the temple draft for Truman O Angel to take
with him to England. The likeness was taken in miniature of the
Temple drawn by the Architet Truman O Angel & it was an excellent
likeness the first time trying. Brother Cannon was paid $6 for his
labor. President B. Young then wrote the following words to be
put upon one of the stones of the Temple
Holiness to the Lord
The Temple of our God
Built by the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints
commenced on the 6th day of April A.D. 1853
156th I met again to day with
President Young & G. A. Smith
& T. Bullock read ^manuscript of the^ Church History
to him up to Joseph & Hirams
Death in Jail it brought fresh to mind
the scenes of those sorrowful days. This is the last day G. A. Smith
spent with President Young reading History before he started upon
his Journey for Washington As a Delegate from the Deseret
State convention. We dined with President Young I paid cash
$75 as a Donation to the poor fund into the Hands of Brother McIntosh
167th I spent A part of the day writing the Blessing of those of
the Twelve who were Blessed last sundyay night By the Presidency
& Twelve I had them recorded in the Book of incidents
in the Historians office By Robert Campbell. O. Pratt W. Woodruff
& G. A. Smith laid hands upon Elder P. P. Pratt who was vary sick
& had been insensible of any thing for two days
18th I went to the Historian office in the morning spent some
time writing Journal. Elder G. A. Smith & myself laid hands
upon the head of Samuel Harrison Bailey Smith the son of
Samuel Smith the witness of the Book of Mormoon G. A Smith
was mouth we ordained him one of the Seventies & set him
apart to go upon his mission to the United States. He had a good
Blessing it was written By Thomas Bullock
19th I spent the day at home at work in my door-
20th Sunday David Fulmer preached in the morning
was followed By President B Young. He spoke much
to Edifycation it will be published in the Deserett News
J. M. Grant & H. C. Kimball preached in the aftern[oon]
& we had a good meeting. In company with
J. M Grant Bishop Hoagland & Joseph Horn wI
laid hands upon P. P. Pratt who was vary sick
we annointed him & rebuked his sickness &
as his family was out of Bread we 4 men gave
50 lb of flour each making $200 lbs.
I met with the Presidency & Twelve in the prayer
circle after prayers President Young asked those who
were going away if they were satisfied with him
& felt satisfied that He was keeping up with the spirit
of the times they all said they were. they asked if
he was satisfied with them. He said he was. He
Advised Elder G. A. Smith not to indulge in Arguring
an point question or principle which he did not
believe for the sake of Argument or to draw sumthing
out of others as it was dangerous ground. Brother
Smith thanked him for his Advise & promised to follow it
Brother G. A. Smith spoke in plainness his feelings concerni[ng]
some principles of Elder O. Pratts wharein he differed
from President Young concerning the creation of Adam out
of the Dust of the Earth & the final consumation of knowledge &
many other things I am afraid when he comes to write he will
publish in opposition to Presidents Youngs views but he promised
he would not many remarks were made which Thomas Bullock
took & it is filed in the Historians office
21st The Historians office was crouded with clerks taking a copy
of the census. 29 was the highest number at any one time
it was a vary busy day I called upon Bishop Haywood in the evening
with G. A. Smith. He was preparing his waggon to leave in the morning
I wrote a letter to J. M. Bernhisel sent By G. A Smith it con-
tained Brother Houtz Bill. ^My ox died this morning with mortification
I ennoculatid my arm with it while skining him^
The missionaris left this city this morning & met
at the mouth of the canyon I took my family in a carriage
& went to the mouth of the canyon to visit them & take minutes of
their organization. President Young arived at 1/2 past 10 oclock
& organized the company by appointeding A. O. Smoot captain
Wm Miller Captain of the guard Elder Benson Chaplain
James Ure clerk. He gave them some instruction concerning
their Journey, & gave them his parting blessing. Br J. V. Long
reported his speech. W Woodruff took a list of the names of those
going to the states & found them to be 36 in number
Professor Pratt goes to to Liverpool to take the place of Franklin D.
Richards. Hon G. A. Smith Delegate from Utah is in route for
Washington. He in connection with Hon John Taylor will urge
Utah's claims to be numbered with the states. Elder E Snow is on
his way to take the presidency at St Louis & publish the Luminary
Marshall Haywood & others is on an official trip to washington they
left in good spirits. I returned to the city & still found all
the clerks busy making out the papers for Hon G A Smith I slept
till midnight in the office I wrote a letter to G. A Smith &
sent him a pac[k]age of papers most of the clerks remained all
night to get the cencus papers ready
23rd At 8 oclok this morning John Sharp starts as an express
with the cencus & other papers to Hon G. A. Smith I spent most of
the day at home
24th John Sharp returns to day Brought me a letter from
Hon G. A. Smith. I spent a part of the day in the office we had
a hard snow storm in the fore part of the day peach & Apple trees
in full bloom snow soon melted
25th A vary cold day, raw winds. I went into the field planted
15 square rods of potatoes I was quite unwell through the night with
pain in my left side.
26th I am unwell this morning I am broaken out all over my
body my family think it is the measels but I had the measels
when I was a boy. I spent a part of the day at the office. During
the evening I broak ouut all over with sumthing resembling the
Hives I Just begin to understand what it is that is making me sick
I had an ox die on the 21st it was supposed that he died with poison he was
mortified while assisting in skining him i scractched my wrist
sufficient to innoculate myself with the poison which is now begining
to affect my system
27th Sunday I was quite unwell & did not Attend meeting the
cut upon my Arm began to gather poison & turn dark
I have been a marked victem as an attack
for the power of the destroyer from my infancy up to the present
day. I have faced Accident, misfortune, & apparently death so many
times & in so many shapes & forms from my childhood through
life thus far that it has become a proverb with me to say that
there has seemed to be two powers constantly watching me & at work
with me one to kill & the other to save me thus far the power to save me
& preserve my life has prevailed. How long I shall be belessed with this
preserving power & care time must determin. I have never untill now
been called upon to war with poison & mortiforcation in my system
untill now, but I am satisfyed to day that I have this enemy to mee[t]
& that to in its worst form their is but a small chance for a man to
live that is innoculated with poison & mortification by dissecting
the body of either man or beast it is much worse than drinking poi[so]n
or being bit by poisonous serpents for it is in a much more deadly
form. several have died this spring by skining cattle who have died
all should be more cautious than what I have been in this matter
& not run the risk of looseing their lives by trying to save the skins of
Animals who die with disease, the following Account will show
the operation of this disease with me from day to day & how near
I came of loosing my life in fact I was ownly saved through the power
& mercy of God. This morning the affected spot upon my wrist had
grown about the size of a dime had risen above the arm & main flesh
about half an inch & turned black as ink my arm began to swell
& pain me & I felt its workings through my system I called upon
President Young & showed him Arm and asked his advice He
counciled me to go to immediately & clense my stomach & bowels
& poultice my Arm with onions, Earth, or any thing that would
draw it from my system. He also advised me to show it to
Dr Sprague. I did so & he in addition to what President Young
had recommended dug me up soom sum dock Elecompane &
Blazing star roots & advised me to make a tea of it & drink
it also to make a poultice of it & put it on my Arm I went
immediately home & began to put these things into execution
for I saw that I had a strong warfare in order to save my life
Tuesday this was a trying day to my life the poison
had so circulated through my system that it was affecting
my whole body seriously I became so weak I could not stand upon
my feet, it took two persons to lead me from the fire to my bed
I could not talk no more than if I had been drunk. my stomach
& bowels sceased to Act And to Judge from outward appearances it
seemed as though I should not live 24 hours my wife & friends labored
with me through the day faithfully & with Emetics & injections
& with raw onion poltices upon my arm I got my whole system
in operation before night. President Brigham Young called
upon me in company with Dr Sprague at about evening I
was some better than I had been through the day Brothers
Young & Sprague laid hands upon me & blessed me the
following is a synopsis of the blessing which He pronounced
upon my head which I wrote from Memory After my recovery
Brother Wilford in the name of Jesus Christ & by virtue of the Holy priesthood
I lay my hands upon your head to Bless you And I ask my Father
in heaven to stay the deisease which is resting upon you & to cleanse your
Blood & to heal you up & I say in the name of Jesus Christ that
you shall not die but shall live to finish your work which is
appointed you to do upon the Earth. the Adversary has sought many
times to destroy your life from the Earth but the Lord has preserved
you & will preserve you untill your work is done I feel to say that all is
right here I fell to ask the Lord to bless all the means you make use of for
your recovery. You shall be healed up from this deisease & live to
enjoy the society of your family & your children shall grow
up around you & you shall be a blessing to them let your heart
be comforted all shall be well with you. And I seal these Blessings
upon you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
30th I spent a sick day. I polticed my Arm through the day it continued to
swell to a great extent & as the poison was drawn into it from my
system it continued to inflame & mortify & it looked as though my
whole body would soon be mortified I continued to poltice my arm
with raw onions Earth & pounded roots which continued to draw
all the impurities iof my body into my Arm the poison that was
drawn out of my arm would blister my flesh like a hot iron when-
ever it touched it the flesh turned black & dead & I could not
draw the poison & mortification out of my Arm by onion or
Earth poltices. So I pounded up some charcoal fine & mad it
wet with the juice of worm wood rag weed & wild sage & put
it onto my Arm as a poltice & it began to take the mortification
poison & swelling out of it I was vary sick & having a hard warfare
between life & death but president Young promised me that I should
live And I act in faith upon that promise in all that I do I feel that
I shall live & not die.
May 1st This was also an exceding sick day with me I took a course
of medicine to clense my stomach I continued to use charcoal poltace
on my arm which had a good effect
2nd I felt some better to day yet I was vary sick I was enable to
set up some. I was quite excited in the evening Wilford & Moroni
was ploughing in the big field 4 miles from home & about 4 oclk
in the afternoon one of the horses came home upon a run with a part of
the harness on we did not know but the boys were killed untill we sent
a man down into the field with the horse he found the boys not hurt
they had run away with the plough, while Jumping over the bars they
left the plough sticking in the post, & doubletrees they broke the
whippletrees & harness to peaces but I felt thankful that the boys
escaped unhurt.
3rd I was some better to day the pain & inflamation continued to
leave my arm. I found the charcoal the most effetual in remov-
ing the mortication from my arm I was still confined to my bed
most of the time
4th Sunday I was confined to my room & not able to get out
I find a good deal of Dead flesh in my arm I am vary weak
& feeble but little strength
5th I took another course of medicine to day & had a vary sick
day I suffered much with Lobelia in my stomach my arm is still vary bad
6th to 11 I have still had a sick week vary weak & feble my arm
vary sore & lame And a good deal of Dead flesh. Dr Sprague cut
out a portion of it with a penknife but did not get it all out
the Eastern Mail came in on the 9th & brought most of the Mail since
last Nov many thousands of letters was received in this city I got
two copies of 3 Numbers of the Mormon. J. M. Bernhisel sent me
the Baltimore Sun N Y Tribune, pamphlets from the Horticultures
& gardners we Also received A letter from the chief gardner
of her Majesty Queen Victoria who wished to open a correspondence
with the Horticultural society of this valley & make an exchange
of seeds &c. I received 2 letters one from I F Carter & the other
From Thompson Woodruff I Attended the prayer circle on sunday
evening & sat about 2 hours & herd letters read from correspond[ents]
in varyious parts of the Earth. we herd many interesting letters from
New York, washington Liverpool London, & other parts of the Earth
12th I found I could not get rid of the Dead flesh in my Arm
without using sumthing to eat it out so I took 20 grains of
lunar costic or nitred of silver & dissolved it in 2 table spoon
full of water & washed the edges whare the dead & living flesh meet
& it began slowly to separate
13th & 14th I am feeling a little better in health the dead flesh
is parting in my arm but I still feel weak & feeble
15th I am able to walk to the historians office I was called upon
to administer to Sister Orson Pratt at 1 oclok in the morning
I promised her that she & her child should do well
And in about 15 minutes she had a daughter born that weighed
12 lbs. Both Mother & Daughter doing well
16th I got all the Dead flesh out of my arm to day so
that it is now fast healing up I had another shock of
excitement to day Wilford took the Horses to carry sum
post & poles to my pasteure with the running gears while
coming home my new horse started suddenly into a run
Wilford could not hold them they run three blocks with
him & while turning the corner they turned the hind wheels
three times over with Wilford siting upon the Exeltree the
Horses continued to run with the fore wheels untill they
run against the fence. Wilford was stunned & picked
up for dead but He soon came to & finally led one of the
Horses home & a man rode home the other. Wilford was
hurt in one leg & badly jared in the head but He had
a comfortable nights rest. I felt thankful that He was not killed
17th I feel better to day than I have since I have been
sick my Arm is fast healing up I spent most of the
day in writing. It has been vary warm to day we have
had more rain this spring than during any spring
since I have been in the valley
18th Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle it being the first
time I have been out since I have been sick John Young preached
I attended the prayer circle in the evening I herd a number of
letters read
19, , & 21. I spent the time atin home the Endowment House except
the 19 I spent at home
I wrote 6 letters to Father Carter Ilus F Carter
Freedom & Shuah Moulton, Luther & Rhoda Scammans
Ozem Woodruff & Ozem Thompson Woodruff
23rd I spent this day in the Endowment House
24th I spent the day at home
25th Sunday I attended meeting in the Bowery P. P. Pratt preached was
followed by Father Morley & President Young. In the afternoon A
Lyman & Joseph Young preached I attended the prayer circle
26th The Calafornia Mail came in & b[r]ought me 2 letters from
J. M. Bernhisel & 5 standards & 8 mormons
^ ^ 27 I wrote J. M. Bernhisel A letter on family affairs my sickness &c
28th I spent the day at the Historians office writing
I spent the day at the Historians office writing
to correspondance I write a Letter to Sir Wm J.^ackson^ Hooker Director Royal Gardens Kew London
In answer to a letter from him wishing
to open correspondence with us in order to get an exchange
of seed, flours, herbs, or any thing that grows in our Territory
I also wrote Letters to Honrs J. M. Bernhisel, John Taylor G A
Smith, Erastus Snow, The Western Standard, C. C. Rich &
O. Pratt, & A. Bablam
30th I read to President Young the Letter we received from
Sir William Jackson Hooper. He requested us to write an
answer thought we had better get Brother Sprague & Phaineas
Young should bring us flowers & we should forward him
seeds &c
31st I arose at 1 oclok watered my Garden till 4 oclok
then rode down to my pasture returned home went to office
at 11 oclok & spent the day in writing
June 1st Sunday President Young is 55 years old to day we
met in the Bowery. Leonard I Smith returned missionary
from South Africa Preached in the morning was followed By
Brother Kimball in the afternoon. Brother Grant spoke followed by
Presidents Kimball & Young in consequence of the water wfailing
President Young wished all the able bodied men in the city to
go immediately to work & finish the canal oto bring big cotton
wood creek to water the 5 Acre lots. He requested the Bishops
of each ward to stand up & all the men of the ward that could
go to dig on it and 333 names were obtained the 14 ward
had the most men offered to go of any ward in the city they
obtained at their evening meeting 45 names
I Attended the prayer circle in the evening the subject of the
kansas question was spoken of W. Woodruff asked B Young
President Young if He remembered his dream that He had
several Years since. He said did not recollect it. He said
several years since that He dreamed he saw two Armies
met one came from the south & another from the East & met
& fought & as fast as they were killed they continued to have
new recruits from the East & South & I Wilford Woodruff
testify that I herd President Young relate this dream
several years ago but cannot state the Date
2nd The mail started out this morning for the East. President
Young rode to the cotton wood canal to lay out the work to bring
the water to this city. He was followed by hundreds of men
who go to labour on the canal to bring the water out to this
city for it is evident that if the water is not brought that
many of our crops will be destroyed for it is now vary
hot & dry
3rd I spent the day on my farm in the big field opening ditches
to prepare for wattering I found my crops drying up vary much
4th I spent the day watering my wheat. I was vary weary
at night the weather is vary hot & dry & much grain
is suffering for the want of water
5th The Easter[n] mail has finally arived after looseing 3
bags of Mail matter in the Webber river. I spent the day
ploughing & hoeing potatoes. My Hiered man went onto
the canal to work
76th I spent this day in the Historians office reading History
7th I spent this day in the Historians office
8th Sunday I spent the day at home but attended
the prayer meeting in the evening
9th I spent the day at the office on the History all day
10 I spent the day irrigating land
11 I spent the forenoon irrigating my city lots called
at the office in the evening
12th I spent this day making bridge & opening water
Ditch in the 5 Acre lots
13th I spent the day in the office reading history
14th I spent the day in the office
15 Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle &
I heard President Young Preach all day. He preached
two vary interesting discourses I attended prayer
meeting in the evening
16 & 17 I spent the time in the office reading History
18th I went into the field spent the fore part of the day
pulling weeds the afternoon in the office
[FIGURE] watered garden in the morning. Paid Territory
& county tax $46.98. Paid city tax 23.50
went into the office at 9 oclok spent the day in the office
20th I commenced watering land at 6 oclok in the big field &
worked hard for 24 hours through the day & night I was vary
weary in the morning
21st I spent most of the day at home I was vary weary through
the day
22nd Sunday I spent the fore part of the day at home. Joseph Young
preached in the forenoon followed by H. C. Kimball. President B.
Young preached in the afternoon one of the most interesting sermons
containing the most interesting information light, truth &
knowledge ever revealed by God through any Apostle or prophet on
earth G. D. Watt & J. V. Long both reported the Discourse. He said the
Devels were cast out of heaven to this earth & they are still around
us their condemnation is that they can never have a taberna-
cle but they seek to get into the tabernacle of all men they can
all good & bad when they die remain here upon Earth the same
as the living they are mixed up the same as the living are in a great
measure. Joseph & Hiram & all the faithful Elders in a great measure
are at work to preache the gospel to the spirits in prision & prepare
them for the coming of Christ the wicked spirits will gather
together against Joseph there the same as here but neither the Devil
nor the wicked have any power over him there but he can dispens
them at his will but those who have shed innocent blood or
consented thereto will be angels to the Devil untill they are dis-
organized with the Devil, our children & friends are all with
us or near us many interesting thing were said we are now in
eternity as much as we ever will be
I attended the prayer meeting in the evening herd 5 letters read
from Lyman Wight to Father Porter the subject of the day was
spoken of by President Young. J. M. Grant preached at East Webber
Fort all day taught them to keep clean & set out trees &c
23rd I spent most of the day in the office I watered my garden through
the night was weary in the morning I took Brother Hodge statement of
the body guard of Joseph & names
I spent the day in the office. Brother Bullock showed
the papers he had collected & Journals in the secretary since
he had been a clerk to the Church which was a great amount
I have many reflections concerning President Young we find
a great Difficulty in writing the History of Joseph esspecially
During the last few days of his life as no one kept a Journal
of the same except Dr Richards wrote some but Died before
the History was written out I have a great Desire to have
President Youngs Daily History written so that all things may
be plain to the future Historian
we have vary hot dry weather the Church or inhabitants of
this city have laboured hard for 13 weeks to bring the water
of this the big cotton wood to this city. President Young
has spent much of his time during the last 3 weeks on the canal
President Young said to me that G. A. Smith said
in speaking of the Church History, in future that it would
be the History of the Church & not of a man. I said vary well we
could not write the History of the Church without writing the
History of the prophet & President of the Church. President
Young conversed freely upon the subject. I inquired of the clerks
of the presidents office what they had written concerning him
daily they read some to me I do not think it is sufficently
full. J. M. Grant went to Ogden
25th Presidents Young & Kimball went on board ^to the Island in their carriage^ the Timely Gull
a new boat built at Jordon Bridge ^was taken^ & went downe the Jordan
& into the Great Salt Lake for a voyage to the Island. I spent
the fore part of the day in the office I attended the meeting of
Agricultural society at 2 oclok in the Bowary. President Hunter
two directors, some 25 of the awarding committees including
5 Ladies were present. The fruit committee examined the
currants in the gardens of W. Woodruff, A Carrington
John Nebeker & Edward Hunter. J M Grant went North
P. P. Pratt returned from his mission south in good health
He had been as far as Washington County
26 Strong south wind Ther sta Ther 95º at 1 PM I
spent the day reading History. Presidents Young & Kimbal spent
the day on the Island among the stock. The Church has some 3000
Horses on the Island & other stock traveled 7 miles & back I spent
the day in the office reading History
I spent the day reading History. Presidents Young & Kimball
remained in camp on the Island. J. M. Grant returned to this
City from the North P
28 I spent the day in the Historians office or the forenoon
Presidents Young & kimball returned home to day. I had an
interview with Brother Grant. Invited him to call upon us at
the office & give us any items he wished us to record in
the History. I called upon President Young. He gave me an account
of his Journey to the Island. while I was at the office the Brethren
from Sanpete arived with 311 Tithing sheep from Manti & other
settlements brought By Warren C Snow Bishop of Manti they arived
at 4 oclok. Bishop Snow reports that Arropeen is living 12 miles south
of Manti & feels well but has a hard time to keep his people right
while trying to get some of them to give up stolen Horses & cattle
several of them made an attack upon him & injoured his breast which
has made him sick for 2 weeks. Dr Hurt has 160 Acres of wheat
in 80 Acres of it they cannot get water upon it so it will be lost
Arrapeen has Delivered up 17 Head of Horses which Tintics band
had stollen. Tintick who has stollen so many horses & cattle & killed
so many men has sent word that he wants to come in will give up
what He has left wishes to know if we are mad. President Young will
make him no promises but thinks he deserves to die. Kanosh has been
kicked by a wicked horse has 3 ribs broke. He shot the Horse dead
I called upon President H. C. Kimball & he took me all through his
house & garden was building a storehouse of cobblestone & cement showed
me his stone wall has built 200 rods at $20 dollars a rod I visited
his private room built 16 feet squair done off vary neatly
The Eastern Mail arived at 6 oc[loc]k brought me 1 Letter from J M
Bernhisel & many papers. I spent the evening looking over the mail
29 Sunday I wrote to our correspondens from the Historians office
to J. M. Bernhisel A. O. Smoot G. A. Smith J Taylor The Mormon &
Lumanary, & Richard R. Hopkins. I attended meeting in the afternoon
P. P. Pratt & A Lyman preached in the forenoon & J. M. Grant & H C Kimball
in the afternoon. I Attended a prayer meeting in the evening & heard
letters read from James H. Hart F D Richards J Taylor J. M. Bernhisel G A.
Smith J. L Haywood Israel Bullock & 2 from Wm H. Kimball
Monday 30th Wrote 8 letters to correspondants as named under the 29th which
is a mistake in date I watered my wheat through the day & night
President Young was at home all day writing to correspondents. H. C. Kimball
was at home dealing out flour to the poor. J M Grant was at home
July 1st I returned from the field this morning feel quite an attack of the
rheumatism from being with wet feet & in the cold I spent the afternoon
in the Office. President Young spent the day at home at the office business
H C Kimball spent the day at home at work upon his storehouse
I received a letter from Mrs White on Rhachael Robinson at the
point of the Mountain concerning her rights there I read it to President
Young He said that the Church had reserved one mile East & 2 miles west
of the rock for Church purposes a bathing esstablishment &c. I spent the day
in the office except an hour with the president in the morning he rode to his mill
A Lyman was with the president in the morning. H. C. Kimball spent the day
at home. P. P. Pratt asked President Young what He should do with
regard to tithing said he had been travelling & preaching a good deal & had not
paid any tithing. President Young said the Law of tithing reached evry man
He should pay his tithing if he had to have five times as much from the
tithing office in order to live & all that he had from the tithing office should
be charged to him & he should consecrate what he had to the Church
He said that he should consecrate what he had to the Church that his children
when he was dead should not squander his property & go to Hell upon it
I attended the Agricultural meeting at 7 oclk
3rd I spent the day in the office. President Young spent most of the day
at home he rode out towards evening. President Kimball spent the day
at home
July 4th Independance. Their was quite a ^military^ display this day in the
City of the great Salt Lake during this day in celebration of the
Anaversary of the American Independance. the fireing of cannon
ringing of Bells, display of flags, an oration from Gov Young
& toasts, were among the scenes of the day. A Ball in the social
Hall & through the various wards during the evening was manifest
the Account of this days celebration will be found in the Deseret
News of July 9th
5th I spent most of the day at the office. President Young went
up City Creek Canyon. H. C. Kimball at home
6th Sunday I had a severe attact of the Rheumatism & did not
attend meeting. President Young preached in the morning & A
Lyman in the afternoon I attended the prayer meeting in the
evening was vary lame I was called upon in company with A
Lyman to Administer to Sister Mary Pratt who had been in
labour all day. I was mouth I promised her all should be well
with her & her child, in 15 minuts she had a fine boy born
7th I was quite lame all day I rode down to the grass lot spent the after-
noon in the office President Young was at home & H. C. Kimball,
was at home building a store house
8th I was vary lame & spent the fore part of the day at home & the afternoon
at the office I visited a peace of Australia wheat or barley in the
garden of sister Rich she gave me a few heads of it & I sowed a
part of it in my garden it is a vary fine grain. President Young
has gone to big cotton wood canyon so reported to make preparation for
the 24th July. H. C. Kimball is at home at work on his store house
9th I am still quite lame I spent most of the day at the office. President
Young returned from Cottonwood canyon at 6 oclock H. C. Kimball
was at home at work Brother A Lyman called in the office in the morning
10th I am some better this morning I conversed with Brother Wm Carter
concerning smoot in wheat He says there is a good deal of smot in the
wheat in the big field this season, he says there is smot in the wheat
which has not been watered & also that which was watered in the blow
unless it was well soaked is quite smutty. whare wheat was well soaked
with water is free from smut. I spent most of the day at the office
I am still quite lame I spent the day at the office I called upon
President Young read a peace of History on Book E-1, page 1681-2
concerning Hyram leading the Church & tracing the aAaronic Priesthood
it was in detached sentances. President Young thought it was
not essential to be inserted in the History & had better be omitted He
spoke of the peace of History published in the News Vol 18 VI No 18
concerning Joseph say ^words^ upon South Carolinia He wished it not published
H C Kimball was at home. D. H. Wells was in the office in the afternoon
my men commenced carting hay to day
12th I spent most of the day at home watering & pitching Hay & was
puite sick. Presidents Young went East in his carriage this Morning
President Kimball was at home
13th Sunday I spent the fore part of the day at home & the afternoon at
meeting. J M Barlow spoke for a short time was followed By Br
Kimball who dwelt upon a great variety of subjects. President
Young preached spoke upon the sanctification & Holiness of the
saints their final exhaltation & the spirits in the Eternal world
that were to come & take tabernacles the scene of this Earth would
not be wound up untill the last spirit had come & taken a body on
the Earth & inasmuch as the last spirit Gentiles do not wish child[ren]
but use evry exhertion to stop having progeny I pray God they
may be prospered in their desires untill their seed is dryed up
& that those spirits who have not taken bodies may come through
the linage of the Saints. I attended the prayer meeting in the eve[nin]g
14th I spent the fore part of the day in the office. Called upon
President Young at 10 oclok read History till 1 oclok. He then Dined
called at the Historians office at 3 oclok & read 2 hours we have
revized about 50 pages to day the President became weary & we closed
& walked to the stray pen to see about 50 head of stray cattle brought in
to day
15th I spent the day in the office. President Young sat in our
office during the afternoon & herd History read. President Kimball
also came in & soon J M Grant Having Just returned from his
Journiy at Fillmore had benen absent about 15 days said the crops
were good south. He came into the office & all the presidency sat for
an hour together & herd History read
16th President B Young bought 33 Head of stray cattle at
auction paid $700 at $221.21 cts each I spent most of the day at
the office. He called into the office & heard History read for about 2
17th In company with Professor Carrington Elders S Richards &
Joseph Cain I rode to Farmington to see McCormic's reaper operate
we found it operated extremely well we found the reaper would cut
all the grain & gather it & scearsly leave a head of grain it will cut
about 12 Acres a day we found the crops good North, most of the fields
were ripe & the people were harvesting we found a great quantity of
weeds in the wheat fields & streets a good deal of Hay put up & many
of the stacks were vary poorly put up. we returned home at about 7 oc[loc]k
had a pleasant ride. Distance of the day 30 miles
18th In company with Elders J. C. Little J. W. Cummings ^&^ Claudius V.
Spencer I left home at 9 oclok to visit rush valley we rode to the point
of the mountain watered & fed I saw my cattle we then rode to E. T. city
stoped at Brother Maughn's a short time then rode to Bishop Roberries
took Dinner. Brother Roberr Rowberry took his horses & went with
us to Rush vally we rode to Toille City & spent the night. 30 miles
19th we started at 5 oclok & rode into Rush valley we saw a large
smoke thought it to be Johnsons settlement when we came in sight
we found it to be the government Barracks on fire it looked as though
it had been on fire 12 or 24 hours evry thing was burnt down the shanties
carrolls &c. We saw some of the Indians before we got there it was
supposed the Indians set it on fire, we examined the Lake, or slew, the grass,
& valley as far as we had time. we at first could not find
Dr Johnson & his company we finally found a road & followed it
over a ridge of cedars near to the Mountain whare the creek comes
out of the Mountain forming a small valley here we found Dr Johnson
with a small company scattered up & down this creek with about
half a dozen houses abut 30 or 40 rods apart in a dangerous position
half a Dozen indians mite come & scalp the whole settlement. we called
upon Dr Johnson he went with us through the settlement we found
some 75 Acres under improvement we called the people together & o[r]gan[ize]d
them by Appointing Luke Johnson President of the Branch. Carried
by all except Robert Colwell who voted against it we advised them
to go to & fort up & bring their Houses together as they were in danger
of being killed. Resolved that Wilford Woodruff stick the stake for
a fort. He told them to fort on a knowl whare there was a spring & have
the spring in the fort. we then left them at half past 4 oclok we
left for Toille City arived at 9 oclock & spent the night at Brother
Alfered Lees. Distance of the day 30 miles
20th I was quite sick this morning we started before breakfast at
5 oclok & rode to Bishop Rowberry took breakfast then rode
to the Black rock fed Horses then rode to Great Salt Lake City & arived
at 1/2 past 4 oclok & spent the night at home distance of the day 30
21st I had an interview with President B. Young I spent the day in the office
I wrote letters to John Luce, to A. Carrington, to Mrs Cunningham
to Sister Browet total 4 letters. I spent the day in the office
President Young started this afternoon for big Cotton wood canyon
Also H. C. Kimball. J. M. Grant is sick.
23 & 24 Presidents Young Kimball & Grant & a large company
of saints went to the Lake in big Cotton wood canyon to celebrate the
24th of July the account is published in the Deseret News of July 30th
I was lame with the Rheumatism my men are getting up my Hay
25 The Presidency & saints returned from the Cotton wood Canyon
I spent the day at home
26th I spent this day in the Harvest field I commenced cuting my wheat
the Presidency spent the day in the city
27th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Orrin Smith preached
in the Morning from Connecticut his fathers name was Joseph Smith
He was followed by Joseph Young. James Townsend spoke in the afternoon
I attended prayer meeting in the evening
28th I went into the Harvest field with the men & spent the day with them
29th I spent the day in my Harvest field I had a 4 Horse reaper
& 8 binders we cut about 8 acres my field ripened vary uneven
whare we got water on it it was vary good but some of it was so
short we had to pull it up the re^a^per done good work on smooth
ground & stout wheat but on rough ground short & thin wheat it would
run over it. I was vary weary at night
I wrote Letters to J. M. Bernhisel C. C. Rich G. A. Smith
the Mormon Lumanary & Standard. The Calafornia Mail arived
last night
& brought me a Letter from Brother Edward Partridge
I spent most of the day in the office I was with the president in the Evening
T. S. Williams called in to see the President with a man driving 4000 sheep
from New Mexico wished to sell either the sheep or wool the president
did not wish to buy either. President Kimball was at home. J. M. Grant
called at the office in the evening
31st I spent the day in the office writing the Eastern mail came
in & brought me one letter from J. M. Bernhisel and a package
of Bills of Laden & goods which he is sending on to me I also
got many papers of seeds & newspapers & books Also a letter
from G. A. Smith & his Journal of travels J M Grant gave us his
Account of his trip to Filmore
^Aug^ 1st I spent a part of this day in my orchard. Brother Oliphant
put in 101 Apple & Apricott buds into my orchard most of them
were from the States choise Apples the remainder of the day
I spent in the office J. M. Grant was with us in the office
2nd I spent this day in my Harvest field pulling wheat for it
was so short I could not cradle it.
3rd Sunday I attended meeting in the afternoon & evening
J. M. Grant spoke upon clenliness followed by H. C. Kimball & B Young
4th I spent the fore part of the Day obtaineding grafts & puting in to my
offi orchard Br Nebeker put them for me he put in 90 buds most
of them were choice fruit from the states the remainder of the
day was spent in the office. we learned soon after ariving at the
office that one of our clerks viz that Jonathan Grimshaw was
about to leave us for England could not stand the hard times &
did not know whether Mormonism was true or not so he is going
home but he has taken a vary honorable course in all his business
& deal[ings] I learned from the New York Herald of June 24th 1856
that James J Strang was shot by 2 men who had been
his own party one ball lodged in the Head went in near the
nose & the other in the spine of the back. Also during the Evening
there was a row in our street & one of the surveyors a pole
was nearly killed
5th I spent the day in the office except 1 hour in President Youngs
office He was about home. I put into my orchard one tree of buds of
president Youngs Yellow Peach
6th I put ^into my trees^ about 50 buds of Carringtons large Early white & late
white preserve peach I spent the day in the office President Young
was with us 3 1/4 hours in hearing history read he asked if there had
been any note made of his meeting in Nauvoo at Josephs house at the time
Hiram had preached the Book of Mormon & Doctrins & Covenants as
the standard, while I took the ground that therey were of no account
to us without a living prophet & revelation I told him we would examine
& see
7th I was quite sick through the night & day with the bilious coholic
I spent the day in the office reading History. President Young rode out
some during the day President. Kimball called in the office & spent a
short time with us. He said he told Brother G. A Smith to give me credidt
in the history what he prints in the History. He wished the history to be
continued as the history of Brigham Young & they would show the
history of those that were with them
8th I spent the day in the office reading History & looking over
congregressanal reports I made an Index of part 1, & 2, &c 3
of Messages & Documents & of Financial reports concerning
Utah & put it in the front of each book for a refference. President
B. Young went to big Cottonwood canyoun. Heber C. Cimball was
at home laying on Joist in his new building. In company with
Thomas Bullock I laid hands upon upon Sister Agathy Pratt while
in labour I promised her that all should be well with her & her
child she had a Daughter in 15 minutes after
9th I arived at the office at 10 oclok. President Young was there we spent
the fore part of the day reading History a good deal of it was taken
from My Journals. President Young said I knew while in England by revelation that
as we now are God w^o^nce wonce has been and as he is we shall be if faithful
10th Sunday I attended at the tabernacle morning & afternoon prayer circle
at 4 oclok. 14th ward Meeting at 6 oclock I spoke upon Home manufacture
& carriying out the council of the presidency. Gilbert Clements preached in
the morning upon Home Manufacturing, followed by President Young
Br F Kesler spoke in the afternoon followed By J. M. Grant & H. C. Kimball
we had a spirited Meeting through the day. A company of men
called upon to go on Missions to Europe & to go with Brother Blair west
on an exploring tour. Elder Thomas Bullock our chief clerk in the
Historians office
11th I put in 28 Apricott buds this morning into plum & peach stocks
I spent the day in the office. The First Presidency B. Young H. C. Kimball
& J. M. Grant spent the afternoon with us to day in hearing the minutes
of the April conference of 1844 read, the last conference the 12 ever
spent with the prophet Joseph before his death
12th I spent the day in hearing the Church History read to Presidents
B Young H. C. Kimball & J. M. Grant D. H. Wells was also present
we read through the 22nd of June
13th [FIGURE] Presidents B Young H. C. Kimball J. M. Grant & D H Wells
spent the day in the office reading History we finished up to the
death of Joseph in Carthage Jail. the brethren felt full & felt that
they had heard enough for one day we all dined with President Kimball
viz the Presidency & Wells & myself. I attended the 14 ward meeting
of Agricultural society & organized an Auzilary branch of the
Agricultural & manufacturing society appointed Bishop Hoagland
president & C. H. Basset John R. Winder D. Candland & G Clements
Dr Luke Johnson called upon me in the evening
& conversed upon affairs in Rush valley
14th I spent the day in the office. President Young spent the day at home
President Kimball was also at home. Aslso President Grant. He called in
the office spoke his views concerning some items of Markhams statement
concerning Josephs remarks in Jail my family were in the field gleaning
wheat & have been for the last week most of the we are trying to save
all the wheat that we have grown so that nothing be lost I met in
council with ^J. C^ Little cCummings & L Johnson concerning matters in
Rush valley we concluded to survey it & controll matters there according
to the charter given us
15th President Young rode up City Creek Canyon in the morning
spent the day in the office reading History. I read an Article in the [working]
Farmer concerning the cultivation of the Black bury [blackberry] esspecially
the Lawton black bury the best in the known world they measure
3 or 4 inches in circumference & more than 600 burries have been
raised on the latarels of a single stem. Can we not get someone
in the states to send us some of the roots or seeds this berry was
named after Mr Lawton by the American Institute of New
York as he was the man who first found it by the rode side or in
his field whare it originated no one knows. we had a vary
hard shower of rain & hail in the afternoon. Presidents Young &
Kimball came in & we red History to them & D. H. Wells Mrs Woodruff
& phebe & Susan spent the night in the harvest field or about it
also Father Woodruff they got thoroughly soaked with rain
16th we had a vary hard rain through the forenoon I went into the
field in the forenoon after my Family we all got vary wet I went
to the office in the afternoon President Young went North to day to
Farmington accompanied by Presidents Kimball & Grant & profesor
Carrington who took minutes of the Journey they attended a meeting
of the citizens upon the subject of takeing out the webber river
17th Sunday I spent the fore noon at home & afternoon at meeting
& evening in the prayer circle. President Young preached in the
Morning in a vary Edifying manner & Phileman Merrill & S. Woolley
in the afternoon in a vary spirited manner
18th I called upon President Young in the morning made some inquiries
about his trip to Farmington on Saturday. Presidents Young & Kimball
called upon us oin Saturday the office in the Afternoon & we finished up the
History of Joseph Smith & we took doon an account of Brigham
Youngs Father & family & Grand Father & Mother &c I spent the day in
the office. I had an interview with Brother Day who had just
arived from Salmon River Mission Green Taylor had charge of
the company they came with ox teams 415 miles in 17 days over
24 miles each day they brought in some pickled salmons thare were
13 teams in company most of the crops had been destroyed by the grass
hoppers but thought they had raised about 200 bushels of wheat
50 of which would be cut & the remainder would be draged in for seed
see the Letter of Elder Cummings published Wednesday 20 Aug 1856
will give a history of that mission in a measure
19th I procured A Utah Mountain spider or Tarantula
which I preserved in a tin Box to send with other insects to Dr Fitch
of New York I spent most of the day in the office Presidency at home
20th I spent the day in the office & picking up matter for History President
Young was about home. President Kimball was at work building his wall
in front of his store house. I had an interview with Brother Hullhand ^Edwards^
who had Just arived from the States in company with Brother Whiting
they have been preaching in the Town of Hiram whare Joseph Smith was
formerly mobed. they have brought some choice states fruit with them
among which is the golden sweet & seek no further & English read & white
currant I attended the 14 ward Agricultural & Home Manufacturing meeting
21st I spent most of the day in the office I grafted 8 buds of Dr W Richards
sweet Apple into my orchard. I had a plesant interview with Dr J. Clinton
who has just arived from the states he gave me an account of his travels
labours &c. He was with Elder Orson Spencer when He died he was resigned
composed & fell asleep in peace. He talked with Many influential in the
states upon the subject of our being admitted into the union the general feelings
were to receive us. He brought on Machinery to Manufactur petal
pails can make 600 per day his machinery cost $800 & weigh
4200 ^lbs^ he has also turning laths & circular saws of many sizes going im-
mediately into the business has also obtained the latest information for
making gass & camphene. I visited the new Historians office & went
over President Youngs garden with his gardner & was pleased with
its appearance He has a great variety of fruit & a large quantity of Grapes
nearly ripe. President Young went North president Kimball was at home
building. J. M. Grant was North on his farm President Young went
to Judson Stodards to buy some mules I took a slack lime sweat for my
rheumatism but it did not seem to do me any good
22 President Young was at home ^called in the office in the afternoon^ to day also Brother kimball & J M Grant
was North I spent the fore part of the day in the office I went down to
my field in the evening found the Black birds had nearly destroyed my
spanish corn they destroy the spanish corn much wors than any other
23rd I am quite unwell I spent the day in the office President Young said
while conversing upon Eternal improvement that He knew by revelation
while in England that there would be an Eternal increase in knowledge
& as we now are God once was & as he now is we shall be if we continue
faithful I told this to Br Lorenzo Snow while conversing with Brother
Wilard Richards upon the things of God it came to me that the Priesthood
is a perfect system of Government. Elder Amasa Lyman spent a
short time with us in the office in conversing upon the things of the kingdom
President Young came into the office a few moments. President
Kimball is about home attending to his business president J. M. Grant
called upon us in the evening had just returned from the north had
brought Br Thomas J Thurstin from webber valley whare he has lain
almost dead with the rheumatism one leg is almost parished He has
suffered a great deal
24th Sunday morning I did not attend meeting through the day I attended
meeting in the prayer circle R in the evening. President Young
spoke upon good Manners good breeding & setting a better example
before the world than they do before us. we read the account of
the great Eastern ship, which is the greatest ship in the world
Brother Ranay preached in the morning followed by President Young
& Samuel Woolley. Brother David Fulmer preached in the afternoon.
J. M. Grant preached in Centrevill in the morning
25 I set out a large strawbury bed about 90 feet long & 8 feet wide
I set out 6 rows thrugh the length of the bed. I spent most of the day in
the office. I received of A Carrington a few buds of choice Apples
the strawbury or ^read^ June Eating, waldwin, Green winter, 2 lb Apple
& one kind not know I budded them into my apple trees. Broth
Daniel Carter brought us one of his read core Mellon we saved the
seeds in 3 separated parts the stem, Blossom & middle parts were
each kept separate to try an experiment & planting each severate
& make a report of it.
Presidents Young & Kimball were at home
also Brother Grant I spent most of the day in the office
26th Brother Oliphant put in 180 buds of choice fruit into my fruit
trees to day. I gave President Young 2 water mellons of my
garden & some plums I called upon him & spent some half an
hour with him I spent most of the day in the office. President
Young went into the City Creek canyon President Young Kimble
was at home also President Grant
27th I spent most of the day in the office in preparing matter for
History Brother oliphant put in 13 spitzenhorgh Apple buds into one Apple tree
& 8 buds of Almonds into young peach stocks for me. President Young
was at home also H. C. Kimball & J. M. Grant attending to their daily duties
28 I spent most of the day in the attending to the correspondence. I put into
my peach Nursery 31 buds of Carringtons 1st & 2nd Early peaches &
25 buds into my peach orchard total 56 buds this makes 400 buds
I have put in this season including Apples, peaches, Apricotts plums &
Almonds. President Young & Kimball spent the day at home during the
evening I walked with President Young & Kimball to see the New Font
for Baptizing in rear the Endowment House now being built it was
[blank] feet long & [blank] feet wide as we came out of the Temple block we saw
the Eastern Mail drive up the earliest arivel we have ever had
as soon as the Mail was opened I obtained Letters from John M Bernh[ise]l
G A Smith & I. F. Carter. President Young got letters from J. M. Bernh[is]el
G. A. Smith John Taylor Wm Smith W. I. Appleby J. L. Hawywood
& many others I went to his office & Herd D H Wells read till
half past 10 oclok we find the Nation in great confusion
& discord & a vary strong feeling against Utah our Delegates
have not yet presented our memorial to Congress & probably will
not this session the spirit & power of Darkness wickedness & abominations
are prevailing to a great extent throughout the Nations
~ Friday
29th I spent the day in the office writing
~ Saturday
I wrote letters to J. M. Bernhisel G. A. Smith, Editor
of the Mormon, The Lumanary, Orson Pratt, Wm R Prince & to
Thompson Woodruff, I. F. Carter total 8 letters most of which
was put in the copying book it was a vary busy day with us.
President Young was at home through the day attending to the corresspondence
President Kimball & Grant was at home
~ Sunday
31st Sunday President Young Preached in the morning & prophesied
concerning the oposition of the gentiles to us {Said they could not drive us from these valleys} He
was still govornor & should be untill the Lord saw fit to remove him he spoke
by the spirit & power of God. Elder J. Clinton first spoke gave an
account of his mission & spoke well. He was followed by Elder Robbins
He told what he had done, then President Young followed him
In the Afternoon Amasa Lyman spoke was followed by Presidents
Heber C. Kimball & J. M. Grant. I attended the prayer circle in the
evening. President Young went to Faremore Little's to administer to his sick wife
The roof of the Blacksmith shop was burned this morning in part
~ Monday
Sept 1st I spent the day in the office. President Young was in his office
looking over the News brought by the Calafornia Mail which
arived at 11 oclock to day J. M. Grant was About Holme also & H C
Kimball was at home. The Following is a copy of the Geneologo
of Phebe Whitmore Carter Now Phebe Woodruff
First Generation
Daniel Carter born in Newburyport Mass The 2nd generation of Carters From England
2nd Ezra Carter born Feb. 1734
3rd Ezra Carter born March AD 1773
4th generation Phebe Whitmore Carter born March 8th 1807 Married to Wilford Woodruff April 13 1837
5 generation Sarah Emma Woodruff born at Scarborough Maine July 14th 1838
1st Generation Joseph Fabyan & Mary Bracket
2 [Generation] Joshua Fabyan Esq born March 1742 / Sarah Fabyan born April 8, 1750
3 [Generation] Sarah Fabyan born April 8th 1775 Married to Ezra Carter Oct 2nd 1797
4 [Generation] Phebe W Carter born March 8th 1807 Married April 13 1837
~ Tuesday
2nd I spent the day in the office preparing History I called upon
President Young. Brother Kimball & Grant was there reading the Calaforn[ia]
News. President Young called upon me at the office & conversed
upon the subject of his history & Journal. R. L. Campbell T Bullock
& Myself walked with him to see the Font which is building in the public
or temple Block. I then walked with him to the New Historians
office. I then returned to the office & met in council with the Directors
& spent sever hours together H. C. Kimball & myself laid hands upon A.
Lyman & blessed him Br Kimball was mouth blessing is Filed in Historians Office
~ Wednesday
3rd I settelled with Hooper & Williams & paid all demands against me
I spent the day in the office. President Kimballs granary is 34 by 24 feet
laid iwith cobblestone & cement. Also President Youngs barn is 102 B[y] 60 feet
built of the same material
~ Thursday
4th President Young went up to Feramore Littles we had a cold
rain storm in the valley. Robert Scholes & my son Wilford lay on
the mountains all night in the cold I spent the day in the office on
the History
I wrote a letter For the Standard
~ Friday
5th President Young was about home most of the day also president
Kimball & Grant Brother Grant is doctering Brother Thurston who is
vary much afflicted with the Rheumatism the following remedy
is given for a cure take a cucumber about ripe cut oput one
side take the seeds out put in salt as much as the Juce will dissolve
put it in an oven & bake it soft squzees it all through a cloth rub
the Juce on the parts Effected. Annother cure is given take skunks
oil, beefs gall, spirits of Terpentine, & High wines mixed together
& rub on the parts Effected is said to be a cure. Also brandy & soap
rubed on hot. Also salt peter oil & vinegar rubed on I have tryed
many of these without any good. I spent this day in the office
on the History
~ Saturday
I spent the fore part of the day in the office on History. I met
with Parley P. Pratt and a company of Missionary in the 70s Hall
P. P. Pratt W Woodruff Joseph Young, Z. Pulsipher A. P. Rockwood
& H. S. Eldridge Blessed 24 Missionaries 20 To England & 4
To the states we ordained 2 Elders & one seventy W Woodruff spoke
to the Missionaries a short time & exhorted them to keep a Journal
of their Ministry every day of their lives. He said I would advised
you to get all of your blessings written & preserve them. In writing your
Journal I do not care about your keeping an account of what you eat
or drink or whare you sleep unless you should be in a Desert, in the
wilderness or on a mountain & have nothing to Eat then if the beast of
the field or Fowls of Heaven come & Feed you as the ravens did Elisha [1 Kings 17:1-6]
then I would want you to record that, but I do feel to Enjoin it upon you
to make a record of Evry official ackt of your life. If you baptize, confirm
ordain or bless any person or administer to the sick write an account of
it if evry man will do this the Church can write an correct account of it
we are not apt to think of the importance of Events as they transpire with
us but we feel the importance of them afterwards. we are living in one of
the most important Generations that man ever lived on Earth & we should
write an ofaccount of those important transactions which are takeing place before
our Eyes in fulfillmen of the prophesies & the revelation of God there is a great
flood of prRevelations fulfilling in our day & as they are transpireing before
our eyes we want a record made of them if the power & blessings of
God are made manifest in your preservation from Danger & death
you should make a record of it keep an account of the dealings of
God with you daily. I have written all the blessings I have received
& I would not take gold for them. I am in the Historians office & I find
it vary difficult to get or find a record of Events as they past
along shuch as we want to make the History but if the Elders will take
pains to write their Official Acts so the Historian can get hold of
them it will be a benefit to the Church the History of this Church
will remain throught time & In Eternity *
Elder P. P. Pratt followed & backed up my testimony & said he had
reflected upon this subject for years to know what a man should write
& have come to the conclusion that a man should write his
official acts in the priesthood I have been sorry that I have not
kept more of a Journal than I have I wish I had written evry
mans name that I had ever baptized or administered unto it
is necesary for us to keep a Journal.
* W. Woodruff said if their was no other motive in view ownly to have
the privilege of reading over our Journals & for our children to read it
would pay for the time spent in writing it
I left while Elder Pratt was speaking & wento to the Council House &
attended the Agricultural Meeting see minutes of meeting in the D News
of Sept 10th. I spent the night at home was poorly in health I
suffer much in the rheumatisms
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I did not Attend meeting. P. P. Pratt spoke in the morn-
ing upon the Priesthood & those who held the priesthood or the keys thereoff
Elders Tripp & Coleborn spoke in the Afternoon. Br Trip said said
He called upon Mother Smith & she clasped him in her arms (they were
formerly acquainted) & she said In My son Enoch I am glad to again
see you I am glad to see a man again from Salt Lake she cryed
for Joy, and said she had desired for two years to be with the Saints
in the vallies of the Mountains but others had hindered her she alluded
to Emma she says give my love to Brigham & Heber & all the
Faithful Saints for my heart is with them
I attended the prayer circle in the evening. After prayers President
B. Young J. M. Grant W Woodruff & all in the prayer circle laid Hands
upon Elder P. P. Pratt Head & blessed him. President Young was
Mouth I never heard a better blessing given to man it was not
written at the time but afterwords an outline was written by
Elder pratt & filed in the Historians office Elder T. Bullock was
also blessed J M Grant was Mouth I then
President Young remarked at the closed of the blessing that I am
going to take a mission I will name it here. I want to go through this
Territory with H. C. Kimball & J. M. Grant & I want the 12 to go (Brother
Parley says Brother Woodruff the Historian is all of the Twelve there is here)
I want to go through among this people & preach the gospel to them If I can
get red of some of the care of my temporal business I do not feel that
I am in the path of my duty to spend so much of my time in attending
to temporal Matters I think more of one soul than I do of all that
I have scraped together I feel that with the assistance of my brethren that
I could make a great wake by going through this Territory & preaching the gospel
to the people. I feel that some men ought never to be called upon to do another
days work but they should spend there time in preaching the gospel they should
have a man to take care of their Families this should be the case with P P Pratt
He should spend his time preaching we should devote our time to the ministry
as far as possible
At the close of the meeting I returned home & found sister sayers & sister
Cob at my house. Sister sayers wished me to Bless her as she was going on
her Mission I lade Hands upon her & blessed her as she was going East on
her mission the spirit bore testimony that all should be right with
her & that she should prosper on her Journey & return in peace
~ Monday
8th I visited Brother Lamberts garden & saw his plums he had red &
yellow & they looked vary well I budded a few buds of two kinds
of his plums & I put in several buds into my locus of of his
I spent most of the day in the office on history & writing I wrote
A letter to Dr Asa Fitch of New York & sent him a box of
insects from Utah including one Tarantula, 2 bugs called scorpeans Miller
1 Tobaco worm Miller one small spider several grass hoppers {President Young called to see us}
Dr Asa Fitch, Salem Washing County, New York is his Address
~ Tuesday
I wrote a letter to
Sir Wm J. Hooker, Director Royall Gardens Kew London England
& sent him a tin box soelberd [soldered] up tight I sent him the
Black & yellow Mountain currant of Mr Hemmingways I sent
some service berries. I Also sent one paper of Muskeet seed & one
paper Mus screw the Latter I could not describe. The Muskeet
grows from 10 to 20 feet high is a desert shrub grows in dry ground
has the Appearance of the black locus has thorns that resemble the
prickly Ash
I spent the day in the office on history I called upon President
Young & asked him if we should send out circulars to the bishops
for the cencus &c He said once a year would do. He said we might move
into our new office tomorrow
~ Wednesday
Sept 10th 1856 Elder Thomas Bullock took his leave of us &
started upon his mission to England. Brother Leo Hawkins went
with him over the mountains & spent the night with him
[FIGURE] We moved the Historians office or all the contents of it up to the
new office ofposite Presidents Young House we had 3 large
secretaries filled with Books & papers they were 6 feet wid
8 feet high 18 inches deep beside about 20 other secritaries Desks
tables &c & about 1 cord of papers which Dr Willard Richards
& G. A. Smith had gathered together I was vary weary at night
President Young rode out
~ Thursday
11th I spent the day in the office regulating Books & papers I rode
to the Sugar house ward with my Family & sister Smoot. I preached
in the evening in the school house upon the subject of home Manufactur
at the close of the meeting I returned home 8 miles
President Young went up City Creek & saw 2 bears Brother Kesler killed one of them
~ Friday
12th I spent the day in the office. The Presidency B. Young H. C. Kimball &
J. M. Grant called into the office & spent some 30 minutes with us Br
Kimball said may the Blessings of God rest upon this place from this time
Hence forth & forever. we overhaled some papers during the day. Dr Richards
had taken great pains to lay up files of all papers he could get
~ Saturday
13th Br Kimball said he wanted to know a certain thing so He inquired by the rod
^{President Young and} H[eber] C K[imball] {both had that gift}^
I spent the day in the office I had an interview with Preston Thomas
who arived last night from Texas. President Young has finished his
ston wall to day to the south East corner the barn which president
Kimball is building sfor president Young 102 By 60 feet built of cobble
stone laid in our mountain lime mortar which makes a good cement
is getting along well
~ Sunday
Sunday 14th I was unwell & did not attend meeting
In the Afternoon I attended meeting President Young gave liberty
for any of the saints to confess or bear their testimony to the truth
several of the brethren & sisters spoke then President Brigham
Young arose & delivered unto the saints one of the strongest
addresses that was ever delivered chto this Church & kingdom there
was neither of the regular reporters present but Leo Hawkins
reported the Latter Day Saints or people called Mormons were
justly, &strictly, & strongly chastized & rebuked by President Young for
lying, stealing, swareing, commiting Adultery, quarielling with Husbands
wives & children & many other Evils. He spoke in the power of God &
the demonstration of the Holy Ghost & his voice & words were like
the Thunderings of Mount Sina.
I Attended the prayer circle in the Evening. I officiated in Brother
Bullocks place in keeping minutes as he had gone on his mission
Sarah was taken sick in the evening I administered to her by the laying
on of hands & she recovered we had a vary strong wind & some
rain during the night
~ Monday
I met with the brethren in the morning in the Historians office I told
them my feelings were to dedicate the office unto the Lord to which
they all agreed so we all knelt down except J. V. Long who wrote
the prayer I was mouth the following was a synopsis of what was spoken
in the dedication prayer there was present Elders Leo Hawkins
Robert L Campbell & J. V. Lond & W. Woodruff
Prayer offered by W Woodruff
O God our Eternal Father we bow before thee this morning beneath
this roof for the purpose of dedicating this Historians Office unto
the Lord our God. We feel this to be our duty as we consider that
this is a blessing unto us, and that we have the privilege of being located
in thes vallies of the mountains that we can worship thee & build Temples
Tabernacles & cities unto thy Holy Name & have none to molest us or make
us afraid: and we realize that we have this blessing from thine hand
O Lord we rejoice in the power of the priesthood which though hast given
unto thy servants in these vallies of the mountains through the power of which
& the mercy of God we are protected & preserved from the wickedness & abomin
ations that are in the world. We thank thee O Lord that the power of the
priesthood & righteousness governs & controlls us & predominates in these vallies
of the Mountains for these things we feel to offer up our prayers with
thanksgiving. And inasmuch as we have the privilege of having an office
built for thy servants to occupy while writing & keeping a History of
thy Church & kingdom upon the Earth in these last days we feel it a privi-
lege to bow before thee & dedicate this house unto the Lord our God even our
Father in heaven & by virtue of the Holy Priesthood vested in us we do
& in the name of Jesus Christ we do dedicate it & consecrate it unto the
Lord our God & we set it apart that it may contain the Holy records
of the Church & kingdom of God & we ask in the name of Jesus Christ that
it may be sanctified & hHoly unto thy name. And we pray that we may
be inspiried by the gift & power of the Holy Ghost while acting as Historians
or clerks for the Church & may we keep a true & faithful record
& History of thy Church & kingdom & of thy servants and may it be
kept in that way & manner that it may be acceptable unto thee O Lord
and unto they servants the Presidency of thy Church & we dedicate this
House unto the[e] from the Foundation to the top thereof And we pray that
the spirit & power of the Devil may never have Dominion over any man
or power or place in the mind of any man who labours in this room
we pray that thou wilt bless us O Lord with thy holy spirit that we may
never profane they name in this house or dishonour the Holy priesthood
or bring reproach upon thy cause or grieve thy Holy Spirit in any way
& we ask the[e] to bless us & to prosper us in all things & we pray that thou
wilt bring to our rememberance all things which is necessary to the writing
of this history & that papers & documents & all things necessary may be
brought to us to enable to compile a right, usful, & proper History. I
pray the[e] My Father in Heaven that thou wilt bless these my brethren
that are my companions in this office that our hearts may be united
in the bonds of the Holy Priesthood according to the Anointings & Endow-
ments givingen unto us that we may be one in spirit, in heart, in faith,
works as touching the cause & kingdom in which we are ingaged
& we ask the[e] to bless all things that pertain to this office & we pray
that when thy servants Brigham, Heber, & Jedediah may come to visit
us that they may feel the spirit of God & the spirit of peace resting
upon them & that they may feel at home with us while they are beneath
this roof and may we understand our duties towards them & in all
We pray thee to hear us in all things & to accept of this
dedication & we pray thee to bless our households our wives & children
from this time forth & forever. We pray thee also to bless the
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles The Seventies & all the Authorities & Quorums
of thy Church. And bless those of thy servants who are among the Nations
of the Earth & grant that they may be inspired to send tous an account
of there works that we may be enabled to keep a true & faithful
record that when we have gone into the world of spirits that the Saints
of God may be blessed in reading our record which we have kept
we ask the[e] O Lord to grant these our request & every other blessing
which thou seest we kneed. And in the End of our probation may we
be saved in thy kingdom & the glory of our salvation we will ascribe
to God the Father through Christ our Redeemer even so Amen
I spent the day in the office compiling History
~ Tuesday
16th I spent the day in the office on History I attended the meeting of the Female
relief society in the 14th ward in the evening
~ Wednesday
17th I spent this day on History
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
18 & 20. I spent these three day thrashing my wheat with an old
crazy threshing Machine they broake out 3 cast Iron cogs at one time
& 4 iron teeth at another time still we so patched it up that we were enabled
to finish it
~ Sunday
21st Sunday
H. C. Kimball B. Young J. M. Grant, Joseph &
John Young preached in the Forenoon & by the power of the priesthood &
the Holy Ghost they sent arrows into the harts of men & at the close of
the meeting President Young called upon all the congregation who were
for God & who would covenant to keep his commandments to rise upon
their feet & evry person rose in the congregation
B in the Afternoon Leo Hawkins read the 5 chapter of the book of Helaman
& the propheccy of Samuel the Lamanite then B. L. Clap spoke a short time
gave an account of his feelings & his travels. He was followed by President
Brigham Young who spoke in the power of God reproved & rebuked the sins of
the people. He said that the blood of Heifers calves lambs Doves &c would again
be offered for certain sins but for some sins no blood would be acceptable
except the life & blood of the individual. He made the Harts of many tremble
he also said that He would give evry woman in Israel 2 weeks to make up
their minds whether they would stay with their Husbands or be liberated
for at the General conference he would liberate evry woman in Zion then if
they remained with their Husbands they should keep the Law of God & not
murmer or complain
I attended the prayer Meeting in the evening. D. H. Wells read several letters
from Orson Hyde & R Kelly who informed us that the gentiles would not be subject
to Law but came against the sherriff with arms & swore they would take his life
if he attempted to execute the law & sent for council to know what He should do
President Kimball said it is as I expected President Young remarked that it was
not a pure thart the gentiles would desire. He knew what He would do if He was there
he would knab any one of them as often as He caught them out & bring them to
Salt Lake for trial.
we walked up to presidents Youngs barn to see some of
his stock I then returned home & spent the night reflecting & dreaming
~ Monday
22nd I spent the day in the office on my Journal & History I attended a meeting
of the directors of the home Manufacturing society
~ Tuesday
23rd I spent the day compiling History it rained some in the morning. The
Presidency all visited the public works. J. M. Grant called upon us during the day
~ Wednesday
24th I spent this day in the office compiling History
~ Thursday
25th I spent this day in the office compiling History I learned that
that Joshua Whitney had his arm torn to pie[c]es in a threshing machine
~ Friday
This was a vary important day in the History of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints word was brought in last evening that
two companies of the Saints called the Hand Cart Companies were
camped between the two mountains & would be in today so president
B. Young called together the company of Lancers, Ballows brass band,
Accompanied by the Nauvoo Brass band, & President Kimball
Gen Wells Professor Carrington with many other citizens in
carriages & went out to escort them into the city they past up
the Emigration Canyon & ove met the company at the ofoot of the
Little mountain on the west side of it. Elder Edmond Elsworth Brigham
Youngs son in Law was the captain of the first company & Daniel
D MCarthur was the captain of the 2nd company. Both companies conta-
ined 96 Hand Carts 8 waggons and 486 souls it was a
vary effecting meeting Presidents Young & kimball walked up the mountain
through the company saluted the saints then organized the company
for travelling in to the city one half of the company of Lancers went
in Front followed By the Presidency & citizens then the Marshal of the
City J. C. Little then the bands of music then Capt Edmund Elsworth
with his Hand Cart company, then Daniel D MCarthur with his
hand cart company & the remainder of the Lancers brought up the rear
in this way they started for the city Capt Leonard Hardy took Bishop
Hunter & myself into a Buggy & we met the company as they came into
the city edge of the city & we fell into the ranks behind the presidency
ithe people of the city gathered on each side of the road & the streets were
& it was an effecting sight to see such a strange sight about 500 people
enter the City of the Great Salt who had traveled on foot 1500 miles
having drawn there hand carts all the way women children & old men
had drawn their bedding, clothing & food, the whole distance & this company
of poor people from England had travelled this whole distance in
9 weeks they were covered with dust & some worn down but
cheerful they had beat any horse or ox team during the time they
past up on South Temple Street by President Youngs House the
Deseret Store by W Woodruffs, down to the grove then down to
the public square, there formed in two lines & camped for
the night. No tongue can tel, No pen can write, the sensation it
created in the reflecting mind to behold the scene. as soon as they
were camped President Young stood up in his carriage & called
upon the bishops & multitude who had gathered to see the Hand
Cart Company to bring them provision & feed them to night
to morrow mornind & noon & night again, & while they stop here
"I wish you all to tarry here untill you are dismissed & I bless you
all in doing good & keeping the commandments of God["] we then
returned to our homes & the bishops & people brought them all
the provisions that were neccessary. Edmund Elsworth saluted
his wives & children as He past his house but did not stop for
any thing untill his company was camped. He lead the Hand Cart
Company by drawing the front Hand Cart with 3 others it reflected
more honour upon him than if he had been mounted upon a
fine horse decked with gold & silver the sisters danced to the music
as they drew the hand carts & wa[l]ked through the streets
~ Saturday
I called upon President Young in the morning. President
Young sat & herd the minutes read of his sermons also Brother
J. M. Grant & corrected them. President Young said it was thought
a wonderful [thing] for this company to walk so far but take many women
that spin as some do & their steps counted & they would travel 30
miles in a day my children in ther play some times would
run enough to make 10 or 15 miles in a day. wells Little & L. W. Hardy
President Young said He thought the Hand cart company had a
Better time than the teams had "they have not had as hard
a time as we had in going to Moissouri in 1833^4^ then I went
to Missouri stayed in the cholera 15 days then returned to Kirtland
within three months over 3000 miles & walked all the way & lay on
the ground evry night. But if I had to fit out a company I
would have fitted out the carts different from what they
were. Soon came in Lewis Robinson & ward from Green
river. President Young said that washakeek the Indian chief
had cut up smoothest bad trick that I ever heard of so Brother
Robinson related the circumstances as follows. Washakeek with
several other Indians came in to his store & ordered him to give them
some spirits. He told them He had none to sell they undertook to get
it by force & robinson pulled them out of the store. He went away
& soon came back with 100 Indians & pulled Robinson up to the
door & told him he must open the door & give him some liquor
so they forced him to open the door & deal out Liquor to them the
100 Indians drank 20 gallons & all got drunk but behaved vary
well they offered to pay for the Liquor. He has been used to
such sprees Brother Robinson said that if he was to do the same
over again He should present a pistol to him & try his luck at it
Elder Elsworth came in President Kimball came to him & told him to
pick him out a family to go & stop with him through the winter wanted
a handy man. He said I have not a handy man in my company
but I will pick you out as good one as I can. Mr Dones came in
& gave president Young some Notes against Capt James Brown
of some $3000. Had paid some $1400 in county orders asked president
Young what He should do he would sell the whole for $1200 dollars
President Young told him that He was able & as the Lord had made him
Able the Law should make him willing he said that He was willing the
debt should be collected but did not wish to collect it himself He
said he had trusted him upon the credit of H. S. Eldridge. "It makes
me righteously angry to see Elders go out on a mission & come home
Merchants get trusted for goods & not pay for them.["]
Presidents Young Kimball & Carrington Elsworth & myself rode
down to the square to visit the Hand Cart Company they generally
looked well & cheerful they shook our hands warmly they had
a great quantity of provisions in camp brought in by the people
I laid hands upon one brother who was taken sick last night
President Young said the people might have their hand carts
after going through the encampment & Elder Kimball got the
family that He spoke for we rode back to the stray pen to look
at the cattle & Mules which the company had brought in Elder
Elsworth pointed out a Mule which he rode after a Buffalo
which He had wounded the Mule took right after the buffalo
& the Mad wounded Buffaloo turned & took after the Mule &
they met almost together but the Mule turned to run back so
suddenly that He flung Elsworth to the ground the Buffalo
plunged at him & Elsworth punched the animal with the
muzzle of the rifle into the Eye so hard a blow that the
Buffalo fell to his knees but rose up & run the other
way it broak his rifle his Mule run 5 miles to camp
which left Elsworth to walk in
Brother George W Bean came in from Los vegas & reported
that Jons was getting on well with his lead
~ Sunday
28th Sunday I attended the meeting. President Young preached in the
morning followed By Elder Edmund Elsworth & Daniel D Mcarthur
in the Afternoon. Elder Oakley Truman Leonard & President
H. C. Kimball I never heard as strong & powerful sermons ever
delivered by the presidency of this Church as I have heard it
from them of Late. I attended the prayer meeting in the Evening president
B. Young went to Feremore Little's in the Cottonwood Canyon & spent
the night. President Kimball said I have told the people to day of far
greater things than drawing hand Carts to Zion. Joseph Smith took
President Brigham Young & myself to the vary spot In adam Ondi
Aman whare Adam offered up his first sacrafize on a spot now
called Hogback.
D. H. Wells said I had a dream last night & saw
a butchers ^cleaver^ in the Heavens in the East. I tryed to show it to Bishop
Pettigrew & he could not see it I felt that there was a strougle near
& a great slaughter, & much nearer than the people are aware of. President
Kimball said it would be better for one half of the people to be cut off than
for the rest to suffer as they had done & to go through what we would have
to. At the close of the council I walked with H. C. Kimball to Presidents
Youngs Barn it contains 6130 square feet of ground building by
president H C Kimball
~ Monday
29th I Entered many articles for the state Fair I met with the Nauvoo
Legion on Parade. Lieut General Wells Addressed the Legion & reproved
them sharply for not being more interested in the interest of the Legion
He was followed by col Little A Rockwood & W Woodruff &
E D Woolley
~ Tuesday
30th [FIGURES 1]
The Calafornia Mail came in & brought me 1 Letter
from C. C. Rich. I wrote Letters to the Mormon, the Standard,
the Lumanary, to Hon's J. M. Bernhisel & G. A. Smith to O. pratt to
C C Rich Total 7 Letters & spent a part of the day in the fair
~ Wednesday
Oct 1st I met in the state Fair with the board of Directors &
as chairman of the Fruit Committe in awarding premiums I preached
in the evening to the 13 ward in the social Hall was followed by Edmund
Elsworth J Gates & E. D. Woolley the spirit of God was upon us & we
talked vary plain to the people
~ Thursday
2nd It is fast day in this city & many of the people spent the day
in fasting & prayer. The State Fair is open to day. President Young
& family go through in the Morning then it is open to the public
The following Apples were named by the fruit committe
Nebekers No 5 Nebekers winter, No 7 spotted Fall, No 3 winter spot
W. Woodruff (large read & white) Mountain Beauty, winter Red
Stains Deseret Sweet (W Richards) Willard Sweet
New names for Peaches B. Youngs, Sweet Cling & Tart Cling Tart Free
A. Carrington Lemon Cling
I passed through the state Fair several times I attended the ploughing
Match at 2 oclok. 9 Men entered for ploughing. 3 prizes wer given
to J. M. Woodlley 1 prize To B. Adams 2nd prize To Wm Carruth 3rd prize
1st premium on wheat | $10 |
1st [premium on] Peas | 3rd Div |
1st [premium on] Beet Molasses | $1 |
1 [premium on] on Early Corn | $2 |
2nd premium on squashes | $1 |
2nd [premium on] Pumpkins | $1 |
2nd [premium on] Beets | 2nd |
2nd [premium on] on Yellow Corn | 3rd Div |
2nd on seedling Apples | $5 |
There was a large throng visited the
fair all day their is a vary fine
collection of evry department almost
even beyoung [beyond] our expectations & is vary
incourageing in this thing
I met with Presidents B. Young J M GrantH. C. Kimble & J. M. Grant
at the House of the Lord at 6 oclok P.M. for the purpose of Dedicating
the Baptismal Font which has of Late been built on the east
side of the House of the Lord there was also present Besides the Presidency
W Woodruff E Hunter Joseph Young D. H. Wells A Carrington L. W. Hardy
J. C. Little & Gilbert Clements.
We went to the Font & knelt down around it & dedicated it unto God
President B. Young called upon President Heber C Kimball to
be Mouth in the dedication prayer. the following is a synopsis of
the dedication prayer reported by W. Woodruff
He said O Gogd the Eternal Father we bow down before tThee upon this
Font which has been made by thy servants to baptize thy people in, for the
purpose of dedicating it unto the Lord our God. we dedicate ourselves before
Thee O Lord & we ask the in the name of Jesus Christ to forgive us all our sins
that we may have tThy Holy Spirit to guide us in all things that we may
be guided in the ways of the Lord & that we may never do wrong. Look
upon us O God that have now bowed before thee around this Font & help us
to do thy will in all things Acknowledge the[e] in all things and honor Thee &
worship Thee at all times. help us to Honor our Tabernacles that we
may never disgrace ourselves in any thing. Grant unto us thy Holy spirit
that it may quicken our understanding & bring to our understanding rememb-
erance all things which are necessary for us in the discharge of our
duties. We now dedicate this Font unto thee O God. We consecrate it
unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ. Let thine Angel O Lord touch
this water & this Font with his Finger that it may be holy unto Thee
Lord. May no unclean thing ever enter into this Font to pullute it
We dedicate ourselves our wive [ink blot] children & all that we have unto the[e]
O Lord our God, may we be thine forever & all that we have.
Now O Lord except of this dedication at our hands and as we go
into this water may our sins be forgiven & not be remembered against
us any more. May we feel the power of God and have power to
work a great Refermation among this people. and may this
people triumph over our enemies & may not our enemies ever
again have power over us but wilt thou cause thine indignation
to burn against them that they shall not have any power
to do thy people harm. Now O Lord look down upon thy servant
Brigham & cloth him with thy power that he may know
the workings of the power of the devel in the Earth & among
this people and he have power to stregth [stretch] forth his
hand unto thy people & do thy work. We now dedicate this
Font to Baptize the Living & the Living for the dead & for
evry purpose which is necessary to perform the work of the
Lord our God, even that the generations which are dead
& passed away may be saved & that the sins of the Living may
be washed away & that the sick may be healed of evry infir-
mety that we may be renewed in body & spirit in all things
except [accept] of this dedication at our hands O Lord & hear
our praysers and we will give all the glory to God our
Heavenly Father and we ask it in the name of Jesus
Christ Amen
After the Font was dedicated President Brigham Young went down
into the water in the Font & Baptized Presidents Heber C. Kimball &
J M. Grant & he laid his hands upon them & confirmed them
mebmbers in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints & blessed
them in the name of the Lord. He blessed Heber C Kimball & Heber C Kimble
was mouth in blessing J. M. Grant
President Young said unto Heber C. Kimball
Brother Heber Chase In the name of Jesus Christ I lay my hands
upon your head and I confirm you to be a member in the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & I seal upon you the gift
of the Holy Ghost & Eternal life and I ordain & seal upon your
head to be a prophet, seer & revelator in the Church & kingdom
of God & over the house of Israel and I seal upon you all the keys
of the Kingdom of God on the Earth that was ever sealed upon
the head of any man & I seal these blessings upon you in
the name of Jesus Christ Amen
Heber C. Kimball then said to Jedediah M. Grant
Brother Jededeiah In the name of Jesus Christ we lay our hands
upon your head & we confirm you to be a member in the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & we seal upon you all the
keys of the Holy Priesthood even to be a Prophet seer & Revelator
in the Church & kingdom of God & evry blessing which has
ever been sealed upon you & we seal upon you the gift of the
Holy Ghost, & we seal you up unto Eternal Life in the name of Jesus
Christ Amen * [see * on next page]
President Brigham Young then Baptized me & all the Presidency
laid hands upon me & J. M. Grant was mouth in confirming me
& said
Brother Wilford Woodruff in the name of Jesus Christ we lay our
hands upon your head & we confirm you to be a member in
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & we seal upon
your head all the gifts & blessings of the Apostleship & priesthood
& evry blessing which has ever been sealed upon you in any
Temple or place we seal & confirm upon you in the name of Jesus
Christ & we bless you for your infirmaties & ill health & pray
that you may be healed & have the gift of writing the truth as
a historian & we ask our Father in heaven to grant unto usyou
these blessings in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
President B. Young then baptized Bishop Edward Hunter
& confirmed him. He was mouth & said
Brother Edward Hunter we lay our hands upon your head in the name
of Jesus Christ & we confirm you to be a member in the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints & we seal upon you the gifts of
the Holy Ghost & the Priesthood & bishopprick & the keyes thereoff and
we seal upon your head all the gifts Blessings priesthood & power which
has been sealed upon you by the prophet Joseph or any of the servants
of God & we say that you shall have power to magnify your calling
as the chi[e]f bishop in the Church & Kingdom of God on Earth the
spirit & power of the Holy Ghost & revelation shall rest upon you
in power & we seal you up unto Eternal Life & we seal upon your
head evry blessing your heart can desire in the name of Jesus Christ
President Young then baptized the following persons Joseph Young
D. H. Wells A. Carrington L. W. Hardy J. C. Little & Gilbert Clements
& was mouth in confirming them all except D. H. Wells. H. C. Kimball
spoke upon his head, this made 10 persons which President Young Baptized
& confirmed.
* Heber C Kimball then baptized President Brigham Young & confirmed
him & said (J. M. Grant also laid on hands)
Brother Brigham Young we lay our hands upon your head & confirm
you to be a member in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
& we seal upon your head the Holy Priesthood with all the keys powers
& blessings appertaining theretounto even to be a prophet seer &
revelator in the Church & kingdom of God & over the House of Israel
& we seal upon your head all the blessings all the blessing which were
sealed upon you by the Prophet Joseph & we say unto you that you shall
have power over your Enemies & you shall not be slain by them but
you shall live to see them overthrown & to see the Saints come off
victorious over there enemies & I seal these blessing upon you in the
name of Jesus Christ Amen
At the close of the dedication & baptism I attended meeting with
J. M. Grant & other Missionaries at the 17th ward JElder Wallace spoke
Johnson spoke to the people followed by J. M. Grant who spoke in the spirit
& power of God in calling upon the people to repent & reform He was
followed By Gilbert Clements & W. Woodruff who bore testimony
to what had ben said we had a soul stiring meeting
Judson Stodard had his horse runaway with him in his buggy & nearly killed him
~ Friday
3rd I spent the day writing & attending the State Fair
President Young Kimball & Grant Attended the Fair
President Heber C. Kimball rebuked Albert P. Rockwood in
the presence of the Saints in the Deseret Store for his stupidity
& folly. Brother Kimball says as I pass by you I cannot even get your
eye you do not speak to me you are as dry as an old cabage leaf
wilted up you have not the spirit of God & you have tryed to ride
me for years & If you do not wake up & do your duty I will
ride you & that to with sharp spurs I feel to rebuke you in the
name of the Lord & Brother Woodruff you wright it that it
may stand on record against him
~ Saturday
4th I spent The Missionaries returned home into this city this
evening at 5 minutes past 3 oclok & there was great rejoiceing in the
city. The company consisted of Joseph ^A.^ Young Wm H. Kimball F D.
Richards, Daniel Spencer James Fuerguson George D Grant, N. H.
Felt, James McGaw, John Vancott C. H. Wheelock Wm C
Dunbar & John D. T. MCallister, when presidents Young &
Kimball met their sons & Friends with a Harty welcome there
were tears of Joy shed. After greeting was over they went
to their homes.
~ Sunday
5th Sunday All met at the Bowery the First Presidency 3 of the
Twelve & the Missionaries who had lately returned took a seat upon the
stand. D Spencer F D Richards & B Young occupied the stand
in the forenoon. G. D. Grant Wm H. Kimball Joseph A. Young
& others spoke in the afternoon they were full of the spirit &
power of God & the Gift of the Holy Ghost the people were edefyed
& blessed.
At the close of the meeting we repaired to
the prayer circle had prayers then we went iunto the Font
& President Brigham Young went down into the Font of water
& baptized men women & children of his own family about
75 in number. Then President Heber C. Kimball went down into
the water & baptized about 75 mostly of his family some were of
my Family & &others of the Twelve. Then Lorenzo Young went into
the water & baptized about 25 persons making 175 persons
all of which were confirmed under the Hands of H. C. Kimball
J. M. Grant W. Woodruff, Joseph Young J Vancott & D. H. Wells
confirmed a few of the Last. President Young call at meeting to day
for 60 Teams, 12 tons of Flour, 40 extra teamsters to go into the Mountains to fetch
in the back emigration
~ Monday
6th Oct Conference met at the Bowery this morning at 10 oclock
there were present Presidents B. Young H C. Kimball & J M Grant
& W Woodruff L. Snow & F. D. Richards of the Twelve & the
Missionaries who had just returned home & a vast congregation
of people. The full quorums of most of the presidencies were full
After singing & prayer President Young said our conference
is now open & the first business is to gather together the clothing shoes
flour & Teams & men & start them into the mountains after
the Hand Cart & other companies who are back on the plains they
there were below Laramie some of them there were the following
Articles brought in to send back to clothe the poor Saints who
wrere back on the plains. The Following is a list of some of the Articles donated
This offering
was made By
request of President
Brigham Young
for the poor
President YKimball moved that President Young & Himself
& J. M. Grant should go into the mountains to Meet the companies
& bring them in the vote was put to the people but few voted for
but the great Majority against it
President B Young spoke upon the necessity of a refermation
among the people
President Kimball called upon the blacksmiths in the congregation
to return home to mend their waggons & shoe the Horses of the people so
they might start back upon their Journey
President kimball then presented the Authorities of the Church to
the people all of which were voted for & sustained
J. M. Grant spoke upon the propriety & importance of evry mans having
the Holy Ghost upon him in all places & times
The 18 ward was then Divided & John Sharp was appointed as
Bishop to preside over the 20th ward
President Kimball addressed the people & closed up by moving that
Seth Taft be droped from his office as Bishop carried unanimously
President Young then said I wish to Fullfill the promise which I made
2 weeks ago I then told the people or the females that I would release
them at conference I will do so on certain conditions & that is that you
will appear forthwith at my office & give good & sufficient reasons
& then marry men that will not have but one wife
In the Afternoon the following Elders addressed the Assembly
Elder C. H. Wheelock, James Ferguson, Wm C. Dunbar Elder Bunkerd &
C. G. Webb all spoke in the spirit & power of God & there words were
sharp & pierceing like the vived lightnings of heaven President Young
said that he had never herd any missionaries speak on returning from
Missions that He was more satisfyed with than than with those who
have Just returned home though He was as well satisfied with the Twelve
on their mission to England in 1840. Adjourned till to morrow 9 oclok *
A Large number of saints assembled in the Tabernacle for a meeting
Elder John Banks opened by prayer
I spoke to the people upon the subject of the Hand Cart Companies & the fulfill-
ment of prophesy & the necessity of repentance & refermation J V
Long reported. See report *
Elder John Banks followed related his experience in travelling
in the East his address was musing & interesting
President J. M. Grant then Delivered a Brief but powerful address on
Refermation. Benediction by Elder Edmund Elsworth
* At the close of the meeting I went to the Font & the House of the Lord
to assist in baptism & confirmation. Elder Franklin D Richards
went into the Font & baptized his brethren the missionaries who had
been with him & their families & Elder Lorenzo Snow & myself
myself confirmed them about 65 in number the
spirit of God rested upon us while administering to the people we went
direct to the evening meeting as named above
~ Tuesday
7th The conference was called to order by President Kimball at 9 oclk
and he said I want to say a word to the congregation and to all the
House of Israel if you expect to be blessed & have the word of God come
through his servants let there be peace & silence. Let evry man take
his seat & set there till the meeting is out & you are dismissed
God says that his house is a house of order & not of confusion
& let evry man be in silence & the women not one whit behind the
men I will inform the congregation men & women that if there is
any one that wishes to go out they had better go out now For
the poliece will be at those gaps & there can none go out when they
once take their seats, & we want the poliece if the men that are
in the caucuses make the noise that they did yesterday to just knock them
in the head those are my I do orders, for men to come hundreds
of miles & then to sit & talk & chatter & do their business here at
this meeting it is not proper. You may say I am severe I am not
half as severe as the Lord wants me to be I have seen Joseph when
men were in council meetings with him & rose to leave, cut them
right off from the Church before they got out of the door. You grieve
the spirit tramel the spirit & it is grieved with the confusion & interrup-
tion if you do not believe this, get the spirit of God & come on this
stand & attempt to talk to this people. The above reported by Leo Hawkins
After singing & prayer The meeting was addressed by Daniel D Mcarthur
James McGaw, Elder France, & David Grant, & W C Dunbarson
then S. W Crandle & D. D. Mcarthur spoke followed by a song from Dunbar
followed by N. H. Felt with a spirited address, followed with
the cricket song by J. D. T. Mc'allister. Benediction by D Spencer
Met at 2 P.M. President Kimball called to order after singing &
prayer by John Young. The meeting was addressed by Elders
MCDonald John Young H. W. Church Canute Peterson Wm Butler
Elder Boley & Edmund Elsworth, they also spoke in the spirit & power
of God
John Woolley was voted to be bishop in the 9th ward
It was then resolved that the missionaries who had just returned
to the valley should stop a few days with there families then go
through this Territory & strengthen there brethren
President Kimball spoke a short time
President Young moved that this conference adjourn till the 6th day
of April 1857 carried unanimously
J M Grant told the Bishops & all men when they got home to live
their religion. He exhorted them in the spirit & power of God
President Young Exhorted the People to listen to what Brother
Grant had said & lay it to heart & put it in practize & then
Blessed the congregation of Saints. Elder Dunbar sung &
the Assembly was dismissed.
I met at Early candle light with the seventies & Elders in
the Tabernacle the House was nearly Full the First seven presidents
were present with Joseph Young presiding. President Joseph
Young occupied the fore part of the meeting in transacting the busi-
ness of the Quorums. 70 Quorums were called upon & found to
be mostly full.
President J Young then called for a
subscription for the Seventies he got but Little
President J M Grant then arose & said I feel that there are
things that greeve me. President Young was asked if
it would not be well to send the Presidents of the seventies out
He said No they would Preach the people to sleep & then to Hell
Now this shows me that the Presidents of the seventies the sefirst seven
Presidents are asleep and their is sumthing wrong with them. if
this is the case that they would preach the people to sleep & then to
Hell Then this body of counsellors are guilty of great sins either of
omission or commission & I would advise Joseph Young to cut off
his council & drop them & appoint men in his stead who are full of
the Holy Ghost & will act with him & assist him. Now we will take
up his council & look at them. Now here is brother Levi Hancock
why he will fiddle diddle di fiddle diddle do fiddle diddle dum & tweedle
diddle ta. Now he might preach a month & ther would be no more spirit
of God in it than their would be in a Cabbage Leaf. Now If you would
preach the people to sleep & to Hell you are guilty of some great Henious sins either
of commission or omission you have either committed Adultery or some other
sins & you ought to be droped. Here is Brother Harriman now if you will preach
the people to sleep & to Hell you are guilty of some great sins either of commission
or omission have committed Adultery or some great sins & you ought to be
droped. Brother Harriman might preach a month then you might put it all
in the Eye of a cambrick Needle & there would be as much room in it as
there would be for a bulfrog in the Atlantic ocean. Albert P Rockwood if
you would preach the people to sleep then to Hell you are asleep dead, & guilty
of committing Adultery or some great sins there is no sap in you you are
as dry as an old musk rat skin & you ought to be droped. And Zerah Pulsipher
if He would preached the people to sleep & to Hell you are guilty of some
abominable sins of commission or omission of committing Adultery or some
great sins & ought to be droped & I will say the same of Benjamin Clapp
& H. S. Edldridge according to the presidents words they are asleep & ought
to be droped. I think that Brother Joseph ought to cut them off & prune
the trees around him how can the body be kept awake & Healthy when
the head is asleep & dead. It has been with great reluctance that I have
voted for the presidents of the seventies for a long time And I will say
to these seventies if your Presidents have gone to sleep dont you go to
sleep. but keep awake. If your Presidency have committed Adultery
& done wrong & committed great sins that will damn them dont you
do it but wake up. Is there any man that ins in that council that
has been ordained a councellor to Joseph Young if so I do not
know it but each man was ordained a president & is under as
much obligation as Joseph Young is to magnify his calling & do his
duty but they never think of such a thing of taking any burthen
upon their shoulders but leave it all for Joseph Young to do & he has to
drag them along when I vote for Rockwood, Pulsipher, Harriman &
Levi Hancock I do it vary reluctantly, & I have done so for years &
now I want to have you to wake up & do yor duty. There is no life
spirit sap or Juce in Hancok, Harriman &pulsipher & Rockwood's preaching,
to more than there is in an old mummy. These are the kind of men
that are your presidents. And the seventies as a body are as dry & dead
as an old chip & you are as tight as the bark of a tree. It is the duty
of the seventies to sustain Brother Joseph Young to furnish him with
food fuel & rament that He may give himself to the work of the min-
istry who has esstablished the president to take men who were
in the battallion to be presidents I would take men who were full of
the Holy Ghost I do not care whare the Hell they come from. This
is what I want I say again the Presidents of the seventies are asleep
and if they do not wake up they should be cut off. He spoke in the power
of God & the gift of the Holy Ghost
Levi Hancok followed him & said He had not commit Adultery he never
courted any woman but his wife & she courted him. He justified himself
in a measure. He was followed by Benjamin Clap who said He had
not committed adultery & if he hag [had] gone to sleep he had done it since
he came here for he was not asleep when he came home. He intended
to serve God with all his heart & was willing to go through this territory
with his pack upon his back & preach the gospel. A. P. Rockwood received
the chastizement & ment to repent & go into the waters of Baptism as
soon as He got a chance
J. M. Grant asked me if I had not sumthing to say that the seventies
were under the Twelve. I told him I would like to bear testimony to
what He had said. I Arose & said to the people that I wished them
not to trifle with the teachings of President Grant for what He had
said was true he had shot arrows of the Almighty among the people
and if they did not wake up & take the warning & repent of there
sins for the day has come when it will not do to trifle with the Things of
God nor with his servants who hold the keys of the kingdom & are called to
lead us I called upon the Presidents of the seventies & all the seventies
to begin this hour to call upon God for the Holy spirit & advised them
to stop work & give themselves to prayer untill they could get the spirit
of God. I had the spirit of God in speaking unto the people I told them
I had recorded what Elder Grant had said & I should keep it on
I was followed by Joseph Young who spoke well & in a good spir[it]
~ Wednesday
^ 8th I spent most of the day in the office President Young called upon
me in the evening & spent about half an hour with me. It was a vary
cold windy rainy day considerable snow fell upon the mountains
I spent the evening at home I wrote a Letter to Brother James Bosnell
~ Thursday
9th I called upon President Young at his office found also H C Kimb
J M Grant D ^H^ Wells A. Carrington N. V. Jones & others. I herd a
difficulty between N. V. Jones & Bringhurst stadted before the
presidency which resulted in sustaining Elder Jones & cutting off
Elder Bringhurst or disfel[low]shiping him. President Young had sent
Elder Jones to make led & Elder Bringhurst had not sustained him but
opposed him. F D Richards & company called upon the President
to settle all their matters as Agents for the Church abroad
Presidents Kimball & J. M. Grant spent the ramainder of the
day in the House of the Lord. I spent most of the day in the office
Some remark were made last sunday night relative to the famil[y]
of Joseph Smith. President Young said I have no fears with
regard to the children of Joseph God will take care of them
& all will be right
Remarks by W W. We have passed through another Conference &
such an won I never saw before. The Spirit of God is like a
flame among the Leaders of this people & they are throwing the
arrows of the Almighty among the people. J. M. Grant is
pruning with a sharp two edged sword & calling loudly upon
the people to wake up & repent of their sins. The Elders who have returned
are full of the Holy Ghost & power of God the account which they give
of their missions & the dealings of God with them have been vary
interesting & edifying unto the people
I attended meeting in the 14th ward this evening. I addressed the people
was followed by Bishop Hoagland who spoke well he reproved Brother
Ballantyne for the saying the Head or Bishop of the ward was out of the
way & while the Head was rong the body would be wrong. The Bishop said He
had done the best he could & He did not feel to take the reprof
Brother Balantyne arose & made his confession before the people which was
W. Woodruff remarked that the people should learn a lesson
by that circumstance that no man in the Church has a right to reprove
any man that is over him in the priesthood if he sees that he is really doing
wrong He has a right to go to the man & pray him to desist but He has
no wright to speak of it to any one ownly to report it to those who are
over him that the evil may be corrected by proper authori[t]y
samuel Richards followed & spoke upon the same subject, much to
Edification. He was followed by Gilbert Clements who spoke lengthy
Bishop Hoagland spoke a short time & closed the meeting
The Bishops of this city were baptized to day & confirmed
~ Friday
10th I called upon A Carrington found him unwell. I called
upon President Young & asked him to hear History read. It was a cold
day I spent the day in the office. ElderPresidents Kimball & Grant were about
home attending to their duties. I attended meeting in the 14th ward
Wm Taylor spoke to the people rather cold & dry. Followed by Brother
Horn who spoke good sentiment not vary spirited. I followed him
spoke of the various sins which we were liable to commit among others
fals promises in deal spoke of the great Blessings which God had
given us from the begining through his servants had revealed great
& mighty principles unto us through the prophets who lead us for which
we ought to be thankful & live our religion I had a measure of
the spirit of the Lord but not as much as I would have liked
I was followed by Bishop Hoagland who had a good deal of the
spirit of the Lord. He reproved his councellors & said they were asleep
& did him no good if he got any thing out of them He had to go after
them they should come to him. He said the people were not suffic[ien]tly
awake he wanted them to wake up & get more of the spirit of God
He spoke well
~ Saturday
11th I spent the day in the office making a commencement upon the History
of Brigham Young. Presidents Brigham Young H. C. Kimball Joseph
Young & John Young came into the office & herd read what whe had
written & corrected what was wrong. The Texan Company arived
in this city at 4 oclok P.M. I attended meeting with the Board of direct-
ors at 7 oclok in the evening
~ Sunday
12th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. President Daniel Spencer
spoke to the people followed By President Grant then By President Young
all of which spoke in the power of God. J. V. Long Reported. in the
Afternoon Heber C. Kimball addressed the meeting & he spoke in
the spirit & power of God. J. V. Long & Leo Hawkins reported
I met inwith the circle in prayer being 17 persons present
At the close of prayer Elder Leonard Wilford Hardy was called
forward & presidents B Young H. C. Kimball J M Grant F. D. Richards
& W Woodruff laid hands upon his head & ordained him to the
office of an High Priest and a Bishop & also the first Councellor
to Bishop Edward Hunter. The following is a synopsis of his blessing
President Young was mouth
Brother Leonard HardyWilford Hardy in the name of Jesus Christ & by
virtue of the Holy Priesthood we lay our hands upon your head & in
ordain you to be a High Priest & a Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints And we also ordain you to be the first Councellor
to Bishop Edward Hunter, who is the Chief Bishop in the Church & we
seal upon your head all the power & Authority of this priesthood &
Bishopprick & we seal upon you the spir[it] of Counscil & Revelation that
you may council the people to pay their tithing & we bless you with the
gift of Disernment that you may have power to magnify your calling
& you shall have the spirit of Prophesy & revelation visions Dreams
& the Administering of Angels & you shall be filled with wisdom
& shall assist in building up the kingdom of God on the Earth &
& shall be an active assistance unto Bishop Hunter in gathering the
Tithing of the people that the Temples of our God may be built &
his works carried on. Let your heart be comforted you shall be
blessed with evry hgood thing your heart shall desire & your heart
words areshall be like a two Edged sword among the people & we seal
you up unto Eternal Life & no man shall take your crown we
seal all these Blessings upon your head in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
J. C Little was then ordained unto the office of a Bishop & the ^2nd^ councellor
to Bishop Edward Hunter the following is a synopsis of the Blessing
Brother Jesse C [blank] Little In the name of Jesus Christ ofwe lay our
hands upon your head & we ordain you to be a Bishop & a second
councellor unto Bishop Edward Hunter in the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints & we seal upon your head all the blessings appertai[ning]
the Bishopprick & we pray God to Let the Holy Ghost rest upon you &
we say it shall rest upon you at this time & you shall live long upon the
Earth & stand by thy Brethren untill death even with thy brethren whose
hands are upon thy head & be with them both in time & in Eternity
you shall have visions Dreams & the spirit of Prophesy & thou shalt
shalt have the gift of disernment to know the harts of the children
of men & we seal these blessings upon you & seal you up unto Eternal Life
in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen
I Attended meeting in the 14th ward school House & herd Elders
Wm W. Phelps J. Vancott & B L Clapp preach they had the spirit
of the Lord & spoke well I followed them. The spirit of the Lord was
upon me I warned the people to repent of all their sins & turn unto God
from this hour to set their houses in order & evry man woman & child
fill their place & do their duty that the spirit & power of God might
rest upon them. I was followed by Bishop Hunter Hoagland who had the
spirit of the Lord upon him we had a good Meeting
President Kimball remarked that it was no use to baptize the people
13th Monday untill they had made restitutions to those whom they had
injured. He also said that the men who had been to work for him He
had given $1.50 cts per day & they were dissatisfied & went away to provo
whare they said they could get $2 per day. Elder F. D. Richards said
that he had found the people more ready to carry out the principles
of this kingdom who had been taught it in the English Language than
those who ownly understood the Welsh & other Languages. It has
seemed like speaking through a quill to the Welsh Churches all the time
~ Monday
13th Monday I spent the day in the office writing at 4 oclok Presidents
B Young H. C. Kimball & J. M. Grant also D. H. Wells & some others
left this city for a Journey to Fort supply Fort Bridger, & Green River
&c &c & to meet with the companies who were coming in from the states
with Hand Carts & ox teams
~ Tuesday
14th I spent the day in the office writing History of Brigham Young
Joseph & John Young spent a part of the day with us
I had a meeting with my family I had a good time I confessed my
own faults & told my families theirs exhorted them to take my council they
covenanted to do so the spirit of the Lord was with me at the close
of my family meeting I went down to the Elders meeting & herd them
speak for a short time
~ Wednesday
15th I spent the day in the office on President Youngs History Joseph Young
spent a part of the day with us we received word that President Young
was quite sick. Brother Sprague was sent for & the whole company was
returning they all arived home about 7 oclok
~ Thursday
In company with President Kimball I visited President
B Young. We found him feeble but much recoverd the
sickness had mostly left President Young as soon as he came
over the big mountain this way. There seemed to be sumthing
mysterious about his sickness he was taken vary severe in
the evening of the 14th with pain in the kidneys & bowels & he
nearly fainted away. EPresidents Kimball & Grant administered
unto him & prayed for him & he began to recover the brethren
felt that the valley was full of Devils, they had to go onto the mount
ain before they could get the spirit of prayer they felt that
there was a Legion of Devils in the valley congregated ag[ain]st
them & trying to destroy them they felt also that there was
evil intended against them on the road & that they should
leave the valley & return home they hitched up their Horses
in the morning & started for home & the nearer they drew to
the city the better they felt. Brother Kimball & myself
called upon Sister Fanny Young a short time in speaking
of her history she said she had been alone a good deal
through life & she did not wish to have a history of her
life published she did not wish any one to have her
likeness neither after she was dead.
I attended meeting at the 14 ward during the evening there
17were present J. M. Grant F. D. Richards W Woodruff &
Bishop Hoagland & his councellors. J. M. Grant preached
in the power of God he is a quiver in the hands of the
Almight[y] among the people. He took up Bishop Hoagland & his
two councellors then the Teachers then the 14 ward & all the
people in it & looked at them with the Light of truth &
the candle of the Lord & the whole body was searched with
a scrutinizing Eye & all sins rebuked by the power of God
He left as soon as he got through speaking was followed by
Elder F. D. Richards who bore testimony to the words which
had been spoken. He was followed by W. Woodruff who also
bore a strong testimony & the spirit of God was upon the
people. Phineas Richards made a few remarks after Bishop
Hoagland had spoaken in the spirit of God, then the meeting closed
~ Friday
17th I went down in the fore noon into the big field I
found my ditch fence had some of it dug down by boys &
they were burning up poles & stakes. I spent the afternoon
in the office I called upon President Grante. He preached the
funeral sermon of a Brother Merrill who had died 18 years of age
lived on Big Conttonwood
~ Saturday
18th I have taken cold & am vary sore I spent the day in the office
President Young has recovered from his illness
~ Sunday
19th Sunday I spent the fore part of the day in the Historians
office in committee with the board of Directors on prepari[ng]
matter for the prest. Elder MCarty E. D. Woolley & J. M. Grant
In the afternoon President H. C. Kimball J M. Grant F D.
Richards & Z Pulsipher occupied the time President Kimball
& Grant flung the Arrows of God into the Hearts of the
Transgressor the spirit & power of God was upon them
I attended the council prayer circle. At the close of prayers
President Young called upon Bishop Hunter & his
council L. W. Hardy & J. C Little to ordain Frederick Kesler
a Bishop in the 16 ward. They laid hands upon him and
ordained him. The following is a synopsis of his blessings
Brother Frederick Kesler in the name of Jesus Christ we lay
our hands upon your head & we ordain you a High Priest
& a Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
& we seal upon your head all the blessings which have been
sealed upon by any of the servants of God in days which are
past & gone & we seal upon you all the power Blessings & keys
of the High Priesthood & Bishopprick & you shall have power
to sustain & comfort the drooping spirits of the people & we seal
upon you all the blessings which are needful to sustain you in your
calling & every blessing which your heart can Desire in
righteousness befor the Lord we seal these blessings upon you
in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
President B. Young said to J. C. Little I wish you would see
Hosea Stout & see if their is any Law whareby I can Handle
Judje Drummand for He has trampelled over all Law of this Territ[or]y
& walked over the Legislature of this Territory & all their Enactments
& if their is any Law that I can get hold of I want to send
for him & Judg him up. He has said there was no Marriage
in this Territory that was Legal whether a man had one wife
or more. And that we had no right to collect a tax for the
improvement ofn the soil of this Territory, & I want to write
him a Letter to inform him that the Law requires me to
take his cause in hand
D. H. Wells read the peace in
the Mormon on the Murder of Strang & expulsion of that people
President Young said I have got a Letter from Elder
Hyde. He officiated as clerk in Drummonds Court &
wrote things there day after Day against God our religion & the
people for a few dimes. He ought to be cut off from the
Quorum &of the Twelve & the Church. He is no more fit to stand
at the Head of the Quorum of the Twelve than a dog. His soul is
entirely occupied with a few dimes & it is much more in his
eyes than God Heaven & Eternal Life. He is a stink in my
~ Monday
20th A Cold stormy day I spent most of the day in the printing
office I held a council with J. C. Little J Cummings C Spencer
& R H [blank] Porter untill about midnight we formed ourselves into
a Herding company to take stock into Rush valley. The following Resoluti-
ons were adopted Resolved that Wilford Woodruff be President of
this company. Resolved that James Cummings be clerk of
said company. Resolved that R. H. Porter furnish one man with himself
[FIGURE] And that W. Woodruff J. C. Little J. Cummings & C. Spencer furnish
a man each to assist in taking charge of the Heard that each of
one of the fore named mentioned company share share equilly alike in
the profits & Losses arising from the Hearding.
Resolved that we use a horizontal [FIGURE] Brand on the left broad side
as a company brand & get it recorded in the recorders Books
Resolved that we get out 100 Hand Bills forthwith & advertize the same
in the Deserett News that we heard for 2 cts per day
~ Tuesday
21st I spent the day in the office I went in the morning with J Cummings to
Wm Clayton & got the [FIGURE] Recorded on the left Broad side as the brand of W. Woodruff &c
for a General Herd brand. Presidents B Young H C Kimball & J M Grant
spent the day about Home
~ Wednesday
22nd I covered my Grape vines in the morning, carried 10 bushels of potatoes
to the Tithing office, & 6 bushels to Elias Smith on Brother Freemans Ac[count]
put up 20 bushels of wheat sent to presidents Mill then went to the office
& spent the day writing Journal reading D[eseret] News & on History
It snowed vary hard nearly all day. My Father & Boys went down to
finish diging potatoes the storm sceased at about 4 oclock which
left the ground covered with a white mantle of snow
Brothers J. M. Grant & F D Richards called into the office & spent an
hour in conversation upon home missions in this city & Territory
~ Thursday
23rd Thursday [FIGURE] I called upon President Kimball & asked him
for his back Journals. He said he would let me have them I called
upon President Young & He wias in company with Bishop Taylor
& John Sharp Feramorz Little & others making a contract about
diging the Tunnel to take out Webber River into Davis County
The follow conversation took place with President Young. He
said he would not undertake this Job unless the Bishops would bind
themselves to pay as fast as we get the Lumber for them and I
want $1000 pay kept in advance and the People must back this matter
up. Brother Taylor said they would do it the people are expecting to
back it up. This Tunnel will be one mile & a quarter long. President
Young asked Brother Taylor if He wanted us to commenced this
Job & go on with it. Brother Taylor said I do. President Young said
to John Sharp are you prepared to take hold & boss this Job as I
cannot attend to it. Brother Sharp said he would. Now Brother
Taylor you go & get your hands & go to that dam & build that & do
it well do not trust to any man to boss that Job who is not well
aquainted with the business. Now I want to give you some council
& instruction abut this Job get you a Gang of Hands & say to
them now I will give you so much interest for doing so much
on this canal. Let the bishops take their men & go with them
& have the canal staked off & say to the companies that those
who get their Job done first that they shall have a silver
Meddle. Brother Taylor asked shall we enlarge Kays settlement
Answer No what untill the people build up & improve what they
have got; what shall those do who are there & have no place to
build upon "let the people who have more Land than they can improve
to a good advantage divide with them. Now you will want some
shanties but I dont want any thing built but dug outs dig your holes
in the bank & cover over with slabs as they will [be] temperary buildings
Brother Elebrbeck will make out the bill of Lumber. It will take
23254 feet of Lumber for the bottom peaces of the Tunnel it will
cost $27,301.25 to dig out the Earth admitting that it is sandy Loam
as they expect it is. "I will give $2 per bushel for wheat delivered
at my upper Mill
A committy from the Poly Literary Musical society consisting of
Wm Edirngton, Hugh Finley ^&^ Wm G Mills called upon President
Young to consult his feelings upon the subject of continuing those
Entertainments. President Young said I do not like some things that
have been there most of the Sisters & Brethren have written vary
good Essays but some have been vulger but I have no objections
to their being continued if they can be conducted in wrRighteousness
I would like to have you get a globe revolving there & give Lectures
upon Geography History & science they all belong to our religion
and there is but few that can retain in there memory the geography
of the world so lectures would be interesting to many upon those subjects
I do not want to hear balde[r]dash, but I want to hear thoat
which is right & tends to good
Presidents B Young H C Kimball & J M Grant came into the
office at 2 oclok to hear History read they staid through the afternoon
& heard history read while reading James Gorden & Jacob
Wilder came in & reported that thirteen families had got the small
pox & that it was spreading. He received orders to keep the people at
home who had or had been exposed
~ Friday
24th I spent the day in the office on History & Journal. A man arived
last evening from Laramie informs us that A. O. Smoot was at
Green river will be at Bridger to night will be expected in in 10 days
The last company the Indians Killed they had killed the same
Number of the Indians whites as the souldiers had killed of the Indians
then they were satisfied & gave themselves up & also surrenderd
Mrs Margeetts who they had taken prisioner. He herd from
Laramie the 24 sept. snow 8 inches deep on the big Mountain
there was snow to Green River. Porter Rockwell was laid up for
the snow on hams Fork
Dan Jones arived to day quite unwell
~ Saturday
25 I spent this day choreing went to Mill got 20 bushels
of wheat ground, drew 2 load of Adobies
~ Sunday
26th Sunday I attended meeting all day at the Tabernacle
Elder Dan Jones was called upon to speak he was
vary weak & feble He looked nearly worn out his
lungs was vary weak. He spoke but a short time when He
closed He was followed by President Kimball who spoke
in the power of God at the close of his remarks He called for
all the Horse teams in the city & country to go into the Mountains
& pick up the companies who were coming with hand Carts
& bring them into the city. 115 Teams were raised in a few
moments, all were to be prepared to start in the morning they
were to take grain to feed them with. this is a great [expos]
to this Territory to send out so many teams to bring in the
companies in consequence of their starting so late this was in
consequence of some who were in Authority not obeying council
but rather blocked up the way. An the Afternoon President J. M. Grant
& H. C. Kimball & L. W. Hardy all spoke in the power of God & in
the demonstration of the Holy Ghost, they reproved, rebuked, exhorted
in the power of God accompanied with prophesying
I Attended the prayer circle. President B. Young was present He was
unwell & did not attend meeting through the day. The subject came
up concerning the Emigration starting so late that it had
ICost this Territory more than it would to have bought oxen
& brought them through for we have had to send some
250 teams out to meet the Emigration & send some
20 Tons of flour & many thousands of Dollars worth
of shoes & clothing. President Young asked why they were
so late Brother Richards said that Elder Taylor wanted to
controll the emigration & means & would not take hold &
assist in the work without it President Young said Brother Young
Taylor was a good man in many things but he was not
fit to handle means I no more than a child. I am going to
inform Taall churches people & agents next season who do
not take my council that they shall be suspended from the
Church. Elder Taylor said that they could not be forwarded
short of £12 $58 which would not do at all President
Young said you had your positive instructions what to do
but John Taylor stood in your way & you did not do as you
were told & then people were sent so late that it has cost
us many thousands of Dollars to get them in now what
did you think of itsuch things. Elder Franklin Richards
said the ownly excuse I have to offer is that Orson Spencer
was dead & John Taylor took charge of all things in the states
& informed me that he had instructions from President
Young to attend to it which it appears was not correct
Elder Taylor wanted tho handle the money himself which
was wrong
I went to the 12 ward & preached & had the spirit of God
upon me. I was followed by Bishop Hardy & several others who
spoke in the spirit of the Lord
~ Monday
27th I spent most of the day preparing my waggon & team to go
into the mountain to assist the poor saints who are in the snow & on
the road with hand Carts I also put up a new boiler to day
to make Beet Molasses. I met with President Grant & all the Mission-
aries at Brother F. D. Richards
President Grant said Elders Woodruff & F. D. Richards would preside
over the missionaries & direct them in their work
W. Woodruff called upon President Grant to pray who opened the meeting
by prayer. W. Woodruff then gave an account of the procedings
of the former missionaries & what course he thought we ought
to persue. J M Grant then said we should do as though there
was no missionaries before. I want you to go through this Territory
& I want you to do as God wants you go prepared for Battle when
it is nessary. Jirk men up by there names wake up the bishops &
all presiding officers & then the people. The Church at Grantsvill on
the 4th of July lifted up an independant flag organized themselves &
appointed a president which was Brother Coolley He came to me
to know if he should except it I told him I would not & If
he wanted to get into a scrape He might do it otherwise He had
better let it alone I told them to go back & preach the gospel to them
& tell them to clean up &c.
Now we want to know what all men
are doing through this Territory the people are dirty & filthy &
they want to reform in this thing. many do not treat their
children right but use them roughly now if a man has the spirit
of God he will use his Children well & treat them kindly
I can tell you that Children are very sensitive & the treatment
they meet with has a great Effect upon them we want to
see to that the people are imployed the reason why we prosper in
this city more than any other we labour. I went to Taylorsville
with Joseph Young and the people ware so dead & so bad that Brother
Joseph wanted to go home & not stop I told him I would not
go untill I converted that people & I staid untill I done it th[ey]
got the spirit of God before I left them I conquered the people
so at the city Bountiful I preached there untill the spirit stoped with
us for days but at first the bishop was asleep & when you go to a
place treat the people right get the spirit of God then you will
know all that is going on & when gyou go to a place preach to that
people dont get into Noah ark or into the city of Jerruselem
but just tell the people what you want them to do other remarks
were made by Brother Grant
F D Richards followed was glad to get home & when abroad was
in the preaching mood but not so much in this City but wished to
get into the spirit of it
President Grant wished all the Missionaries to meet at social Hall
on Friday night at the Theological Meeting
Daniel Spencer, James Furguson, Dan Jones E Elsworth Brother
Smith Vancott & D Grant all spoke in ther turn & spoke well
W Woodruff spoke upon the subject of Journal keeping & & wished
the people to do it
~ Tuesday
28th Robert Scholes started this morning with my
Horses & waggon to go into the mountain to assist the saints
I spent most of the day making a beet press & boilers
~ Wednesday
29 I spent most of this day at work at home on making
Beet molasses some of the day in the office. I put up 16 gallons
of good Molasses
~ Thursday
30th I spent this day in the office mostly. I spent the night
making Molasses till 4 oclok in the morning
~ Friday
I met President Grant He told me that there had come
an express from the 1st Hand Cart Company & that there was bad
news they were caught in a snow storm & dying vary fast
I went with him to the presidents office & saw the messengers who
were Gideon H. Gibs & Horace Newiel they went out to meet
the hand cart companies when they met the Hand cart company
there had been some 25 deaths 20 were men they were caught in
a snow storm & the people became chilled would draw all day & die
at night those who would dig a grave for ther brethren would die the same
day there were 5 deaths the day before we met them. Ther were
4 deaths the day after we arived the 21st october 2 deaths the 2nd day & 15
burials the 3 day & 4 on sunday morning the day the expres left
they had not heard from the 2nd company of Hand carts but
Joseph Young & Wheelock went ahead with the news that help was
coming. G. D. Grant followed with 10 of the best teams there had
been about 55 deaths in the first company in consequence of the cold
The Captain of the Company dealt out all the provisions to the people
the night before any help came & they did not know that any help
was coming they dealt out 11 oz to men 9 to women & 6 to children
there was but little help snow on the road till you got to rocky ridge 30 miles east of the pass
but vary cold several of the brethren froze their
feet Brother Wm Kimball had. A. O. Smoot was at Bridger
lost 20 Head of oxen in a few days will leave 75 or 100 Head
at Bridger thinks they may winter. Smoot camped on
Muddy on the 30 oct when President Young came in & herd the
news He said He said there had so many gone to glory & would
not come Here to apostitize but we are learning a lesson by this
but our agents will not learn they will shove people out onto the
plains in sept & think all Utah will go out to meet them with
open arms. President Young said Brother Heber I will tell you
what we had better do we had better take Franklin & Samuel
Richards & Orson Pratt & let them esstablish posts at
wood river the first Year, atBelow Laramie the 2nd year
& at Deer Creek the 3rd year & let them stop & not come
here next year at all but let those brethren go to those
places & esstablish stations & raise grain & what they cannot
raise lay out there means in the states to buy & bring untill they
can raise that is what we ought to do
I felt quite unwell to day I spent most of the day in the office
~ Saturday
Nov 1st I spent most of the day in the office a part of the
day at my beet press. The Calafornia Mail got in this
evening. President Young & Ferrymore Little sent each
with a team of 4 mules on each waggon with feed to
their teams in the mountains who had gone after the
emigration one waggon had on 1800 lb the other 1500
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I spent the day at the Tabernacle. F. D. Richards
H. C. Kimball & B. Young spoke to the people in the forenoon &
J. M. Grant in the afternoon it was a day of strong reproof
against sinners & sin President Young treated strongly upon
the ungodly those who had broaken any of the Laws of God were
made to tremble. I attended the prayer circle in the evening
President Young requested me to write out a list of the comm-
andments which He wished to make use of. I did not attend any
other evening meeting. I spent the night at home & had a dream
of meeting with President Young & he blessed me. I awoke it was a dream
~ Monday
3rd. I called upon President Young at his office one of the brethren
was in From Fort supply & asked council about walling in Fort supply
President Young said it would not do any good to try to wall in
that City as the gates would be open day & night but go to work &
wall in a Fort make a place secure where you could keep your tithing
& other grain in safety. I would rather make a good Earth wall than
a cobble stone wall as they will be tumbling down
Benjamin F. Johnson came in & asked council of President Young
in behalf of sister Babbitt what she should do in setling the
esstate. He advised her to chuse Capt Hooper & B. F. Johnson to
settle the esstate for Brother Johnson to go to Kanesville in the spring
He thought sister Babbitt was a good woman & would enjoy Mormonism
Brigham H. Young arived to day called upon President Young
who was glad to see him. He had been with A. O. Smoot to St Louis
Nauvoo & Keokuk. Nauvoo looks Desolate weeds growing up in the
streets. He went to Emma Smiths mansion but could not see any
of the family. He said Emma had instilled into the minds of her children that
it was President Young who had caused the deaths of Joseph & Hiram Smith
(an idea more fals never entered the Human soul. President Brigham Young
said he thought that Joseph would have as hard work to dig her out of
Hell in the next world as he did in this
Brother Young informed us that Eldridge was quite sick thought that Brother
Smoot would be here on Friday
I attended the Missionary meeting at Farmington the Historians office
President Young addressed the meeting in the spirit & power of God &
reproved & rebuked in the power of God & gave great & glorious teachings
unto us upon principles of the Kingdom of God. G. D. Watt reported
see report. We had the Law of God containing many questions
by which the Missionaries were weighed it was a soul searching meeting
~ Tuesday
4th President J. M. Grant F. D. Richards met with me at the
Historians office & we assigned the Missionaries their various fields of
of Labour through this city
At 2 oclok President B. Young called into the office Dimmock Huntington
called into the office with Pintets & anothe Indian. President Young question
Him with regard to some accusations made By Dr Hurt against some men
in Filmore. President Young said that Dr Hurt had laboured Hard to
find fault against this people in order to have sumthing to write to washington
A Young man came in by the name of George W. Hughs who had
came from the Army & been baptized offered himself as a missionary
to teach the young people. President Grant gave him good council
& he went his way. The Presidency, The Twelve, the seventies
the High Priests, the Bishops with their Council all met in
the social Hall & President Brigham weighedYoung ^weighed^ the whole of
them in the scales of the Celestial Law of God & there were
but vary few that weighed clear in evry point President
Young taught the people good doctrin & in a fatherly spirit
~ Wednesday
5th I spent the day in the office. I wrote a Letter to EBrother Kington
I had an interview with President J. M. Grant & F. D. Richards
upon the subject of the gospel scales used to weigh the people &
its effects
I spent the evening at home we had a snow storm
during the night
~ Thursday
6th Presidents Kimball & GJ M Grant called into the Historians office
& conversed upon principle. Brother Kimball said that any man
that was faithful in the priesthood would have all the blessings
He could imagin or think in his heart and when Father Joseph
Smith was on his dying bed I asked him to bless me so it might
be written as he had blessed me several times & it was not written
but Father Smith told me to write down every thing that I could think
of in my heart or imagin & he would sign it & it should come
to pass but He said a man must keep the Commandments of God
in order to obtain the blessings. we had a hard snow storm at mid-
day Elder F. D Richards spent a part of the afternoon with me in the office
I had a pleasing [interview] with President B. Young J. D. Grant upon various
principles things remarks were made upon by gone days
I met with the 14 ward in the evening with the missionaries I
spoke to the people was followed by Brother Daniel D. Hunt E. B. Trip
& Levi Richards & Bishop Hoagland the spirit of God was with us
& we had a good meeting
~ Friday
7th I spent the fore part of the day at home the afternoon in the office
President Young was in the office a short time
~ Saturday
8th The Presidentcy & 12, & others met in council at the Historians
Office they took up the subject of reading the sermon of president Young
concerning the late emigration & what caused so much sufferings. He
caused cast reflections upon J. Taylors & F. D. Richards as Taylor
had Hendred the brethren from doing business for several weeks
the greatest reflections were cast upon him the Presidency finally
concluded they would strike out those sentences that cast reflection
upon those brethren & print the rest. President Young said to Bishop Hunter
when the Hand Cart Company comes in I want to have the bishops take the
people to some empty Houses & appoint an over seer over them so that
they may not eat themselves to death for they would kill themselves if
they had an oppertunity.
President B Young & council voted that the indignation of the Marshall
of this City rest upon Henry J Jarvis from this time forth H C Kimball
said Hear it O ye Heaven & execute it upon the Earth O ye men of God
I spent most of this day in the office I preached in the 14th ward
on the refermation in the evening
~ Sunday
9 Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. B. L. Clapp spoke followed
By B. Young who spoke in the power & spirit of God in giving insrruction
in the afternoon. Brother Heber C. Kimball J. M. Grant & W. Woodruff
occupied the afternoon the spirit of the Lord rested upon them President
Kimball said that He did not wish to have the people partake of the sacrament
unless they were clear of all sin or had made resteration whare they had
done wrong. President Grant Exhorted the people in the spirit & power of
God & the testimony was backed up By W. Woodruff. I attended
the prayer circle in the evening then went to the 15th ward & preached
to the people followed by Elder E Elsworth we had a good time
Elder A. O. Smoot & James G Willie both came in this evening with their train
~ Monday
10th I called upon President Young we went to the endowment
House & spent the forenoon. I spent the afternoon in the office
Elder A. O. Smoot Brought in the Church train goods &c
& Brother Willie the Hand Cart Company there had been
60 deaths in that company they were nearly chilled to death
by the snows & cold in the mountains
Elder Steel from Iron County called upon me. He gave me an
account of the Lead mines. He said there should be a settlement
on the Rio Virgin say 15 miles from old Harmony. By putting a
settlement on the rRio Virgin go down the Rio Vergin and up the Santa
Clara & you will get as good a road & save 6 miles oin going on the
Calafornia Road. their is plenty of cotton wood on the Rio Vergin &
pine in the Mountains & grass on the Hills & building Rock this settlement
would be about 12 miles from a good saw mill now running & there is
no place beyound this point whare you could make a settlement for a
great distance as it is a barren Desolate country
I attended the Meeting of the Presidents of the Seventies at the 70s Hall
President Joseph Young called upon all the first Presidents of the Seventies to
Pray in ther turn so that He could feel of their spirits. Brother Joseph
spoke to the people & then I Pradyed & addressed the Presidents of the seventy
as they composed the congregation the spirit & power of God rested upon
me & while I was speaking President Brigham Young came in when I
closed I was followed by Henry Harriman Levi Hancock Zera Pulsipher
& President Brigham Young. He promised the people in the name of
Jesus Christ if they would repent & turn from
their sins from that hour all their sins should
be forgiven them & not remembered against them No more
forever either on Earth or in Heaven O what Joy this should
give the people for they have nearly all signed [sinned] more or less. my soul
was filled with Joy at the teachings presented by President Young
~ Tuesday
11th *** I spent the fore part of the day on a missionary tour I lade
hands upon 2 persons & blessed them one was sick & in sorrow
I spent the afternoon in the office. A O Smoot dined
with me. An express came in from the teams saying
that the teams had gone to the Sweetwater & hearing
Nothing from the companies they turned back
President Young immediately took measures to raise an express to [go] back immed[iatel]y
& turn the Teams back again to continue back untill they met the company
& several Horsmen went with them
I attended the Bishops Meeting at the Seventies Hall there was a full House
Bishop Hunter spoke & was followed by many of the Bishops & also President
Brigham Young addressed the people & gave them instruction & showed them
their duties as Bishops. W. Woodruff made some remarks upon the
improper course that some of the Teachers were persueing. J. C. Little was
also spoke to the people
~ Wednesday
12 President Young started off 3 more teams this morning into the mountains
President Young F. D. Richards & Samuel Richards came into the office
& spent a short time. I spent the day in the office. I attended meeting
in the 14 ward. Elder Hunt & Tripp Preached followed by the Testimony of
several other Brethren then I spoke to the people a short time
~ Thursday
I herd early this morning that an express had come in from
the Hand carts company. I went to the Presidents office with all the
Presidency the following is a synopsis of what I learned in the morning
Brother Joseph A. Young & George Grant parted they agreed that
they should not go any further than Devils Gate th untill George
came thup then He did not find the company so Joseph then went
on to the platt & found them at the upper crossing of the Platt
they were in camp & had been 9 days waiting for the snow to go off
Soon brother Grant Arived & prepared the camp for moveing He asked
Joseph what would My Father Do now if he was here, Joseph said
if my Father was here He would take all the Books & Heavy materials
& cash them in order to save the Lives of the people so they agreed to
do it they cashed all their Articles at Devils Gate & took up the week
the feeble & started towards home they then sent an express back
to have the Teams come on to them that was on the road but Brother
Vancott & Claudius Spencer had got to the sweetwater & not
hearing any thing from the Hand Cart Companies they turned back
with their teams & nearly all the company followed them this news
arived in the city several Days since & an express was sent out to meet
them & turn them back all the Companies were together 2 ox trains & the Hand Cart
train when the Brethren found them many of the old oxen had died but the young
oxen many of them were fat & fine. Brother Tenant who had bought President
Youngs place is dead He died near scotts Bluffs the people were suffering with
cold & hunger some. David Kimball & others went ahead picked out
camp grounds made up fires shoveled off snow when the camp came up
they would take the old men & women & children that could not walk &
carry them to the fire & help them get supper & then would dance
around their fires & sing & shout to keep up the spirits of the people
& while Journeying during the day & would wade over all the streams & drag
the Hand Carts over & carry over all the lame women men & children
When Wm Kimball met with Brother Vancott He took one pair of his
Mules & put onto his own waggon & told him to turn around with the other
& follow him to the east untill they met with the company as the compan-
ies had came back tofrom the sweet water to webber. when the Companies ^express^
had found the company they were all together & had been camped 9 days
in about 1 foot of snow waiting for the snow to go off & to recruit
the cattle. Elder G. D. Grant wrote a good Letter to President Young
giving a Description of the company & ther situation He says that not
more than one third of the Hand Cart Company was able to walk
& many were barefoot & freezeing ther toes
The conversation turned to Brother Vancott & Claudious Spencer
& Elder Kimball said Brother Young has got much better Eyes than
I have for I never could see Brother Spencer He is so small &
President Young said that Brother Vancott took after Orson Pratt in
Philosophy if he had the spirit of God with him he would not have
turned that company back but I am not agoing to blame them
Among other things the subject of miracles came up & President
Young said sI have had a $5 gold piece put into my pocket now
two days in succession I do not know from what source it came from
Brother Kimball said it was an Angel
Broth Young then related a circumstance that when He & Brother Kimball
was travelling East to gether they had $13.50 ownly & they travelled untill
they paid out $87 out of it & had sixpence left & they received
no addition by any known hand. Brother Kimball said that an Angel
had taken that money out of some body pocket & put it into our
trunk. I spent most of the day in the office
~ Friday
14th I spent most of the day in the office I was quite unwell I called
upon Presidents Young & Kimball both spent the day mostly at home
President Grant was sick
~ Saturday
15th I spent the day at the office I was quite unwell
~ Sunday
16th Sunday Joseph A. Young James G. Willie Wm Woodward
President B. Young & H. C. Kimball all spoke in the fore noon I was not
able to attend in the forenoon. Levi Savage spoke in the afternoon was
followed by Mellen Atwood, both spoke well gave an account of ther
travels in India England &c & the progress of the Hand Cart Companies
at the close President H. C. Kimball moved that Thomas S Williams
Henry J. Jarvis Loren Babbitt & all those that went with Babbitt
to Calafornia all be cut off from the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints it was Carried unanimously by the whole
I attended the prayer circle in the evening & President Young said
that all that would not come direct from the tabernacle to the council
room for Prayers might consider themselves cut off from the circle
I went to the 14th ward meeting in the evening they met for the
1st time in the new Music Hall built by Capt Bellows band in the
14th ward. The Hall was dedicated unto God W. W. Phelps made the
dedication Prayer after which W Woodruff was called upon to
address the people who spoke about one hour related a Dream that
He had of meeting with Joseph the other side of the veil. Joseph A Young
followed with a short Discourse bore a strong testimony of the work
of God He was folowed by F. D. Richards & Bishop Hoagland & the
meeting was dismissed
~ Monday
17th I was quite unwell & spent most of the day in the office I
had a visit from Zina Young & Sister Cobb in the evening I spent the
night at home. was quite unwell
~ Tuesday
18th I am quite poorly this morning I spent most of the day in the office
Wilford started to day to get my Beef ox at Charles White.
President Young F D Richards & D. Spencer rode to Dr W Richards
pasture. It rained some to day & a hard shower at about 5 oclok &
snowed during the night I spent the evening in reading Comodore Perrys visit
to Jappan
~ Wednesday
19th Snow upon the ground this morning I spent the day in the office
I was visited by the Missionaries & teachers in the 14th ward I was visited
20thby Elders Hunt & Tripp & S. M. Blair & Taylor. They presented the Law of
God & myself & family was weighed by it. They laid hands upon
me That I might be healed from sickness for I had been heal
sick several days. I attended meeting in the evening with the council
of the 14 ward I spoke to them my feelings. Bishop Hunter spoke
& others spoke. I left & called to visit Parley Pratt family as they
wished some council upon some matters which I gave them
J M Grant called at this office at 12 oclok the last time He was out
~ Thursday
The 14th ward Had a meeting at the Music Hall in their ward
the day was spent in fasting & prayer the House was full the forenoon
was taken up by the Teachers makeing a report W. Woodruff gave an
address & was followed by F D. Richards. Vary Plain Preaching was
given through the day. I attended meeting in the evening with Brother
Richards at the 9th ward we both preached vary plain the spirit of God
rested upon us & we taught in great plainness
~ Friday
21st We had a severe snow storm through the day. It looks dismal
to think of the Poor saints who are now in the mountains in the
midst of the snow. I Killed an ox & put up my winters Beef today
~ Saturday
22nd I spent the day in the office I laid Hands upon President
J. M. Grant who is vary sick in company with F. D. Richards
I had a visit in the evening from F. D. Richards & wife & sister Pratt
they staid till 12 oclok we had a plesant time in conversing upon the
things of the Kingdom of God
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I spent the day in the Tabernacle W. W. Phelps spoke in the
morning was followed by Elder A. Farnham & in the Afternoon
by Robert Skelton who spoke upon their mission gave an account of their
travels in India Calcuty Rangoon &c also Farnham in South Australia
I attended the Prayer Circle in the evening I however spoke in the afternoon
a short time at the close of the meeting & had the spirit of the Lord at the close
of prayers I went in company with H. C. Kimball F D Richards J. C.
Little D. H. Wells & we all laid Hands upon J. M. Grant & rebuked his
sickness he was vary sick. There was a call made at noon for more
men & Animals to go into the mountains about 100 men arose in the congrega
gation to go with Teams. President Young said that if they had to send
many into the Mountains He thought it best to move the City into the Mountains
& spend the winter
~ Monday
24th Presidents B. Young & H. C. Kimball called & spent the fore part of
the day Hearing the History read. Brother Grant is still vary sick the pres-
idency laid hands upon him. The Missionaries met at the Historians
office. President B. Young was present. The meeting opened by prayer &
singing W. Woodruff made a report of the progress of the work of the refer-
mation & was followed by a report of all the Missionaries through
the City which took till 9 oclok then we had an address from Presi-
dent Young & it was glorious. G. D. Watt reported. President Young
is filled with the spirit & power of God & is Like God is filled with
Mercy & evry other good Principle
~ Tuesday
25th I spent the fore part of the day at home & the afternoon in the office
I attended the bishops meeting in the evening Bishop Edward Hunter
addressed the people followed by L. W. Hardy E. D. Woolley & W. Woodruff
all spoke plain & had the spirit of God
~ Wednesday
26th I called upon President J. M. Grant & found him
vary sick indeed I laid hands upon him & prayed for
him & rebuked his disease I spent most of the day in
the office. I Paid Silas Richards $29.25 to pay the taxes
of J. M. Bernhisel for 1856, & took receipt for the same
I attended meeting at the 7th ward with the Priesthood. Bishop perkins
27thwas present the teachers were asleep & it was cold & dull I herd the ward
represented then Brother Richards spoke & I followed him & we both exhorted
them to wake out of sleep
~ Thursday
27th I called upon Brother Grant to see how he was I found him vary
weak & restless. Brother Sprague & Ivins were attending upon him as
Physicians J. C. Little & L. Hardy were watching with him & unursing
him I spent the day in the office
~ Friday
28th I went to Mill this morning. I attended the trial of
Luke Johnson & the settlement in Rush valley before Bishop Hunter
& council the Bishop decided that Colwell should leave that valley
& the company should pay him $165 dollars for his improvement
Brother Porter agreed to take the place & pay for it. President
J. M. Jrant is still vary sick I spent the evening at home my
family all came together & had a good supper together
~ Saturday
29th President Grant Had a vary sick night the worst that He has
since he had been sick the Devil worked hard all night to kill his body
the brethren laid on hands upon hism many times & rebuked the devel
the devel would lay upon him a strong hand from his feet to his head
all through his limbs & stomach & a rib at a time & it seemed as though He
would crush his body. Brother Grant though vary weak would rebuke him for
an hour at a time from Limb to Limb & rib to rib & it was a perfect
warfare all night. He is easier this morning. We got word this morning from
the Hand Cart company that they will camp to night at killions
at the foot of the Little Mountain many of them are frozen their
fingers & toes are droping off & flesh droping off their bones it has been vary
bad management in starting out companies so late upon the plains. Brothe
Decker came in last night He brought in the express He says that the ox trains
cannot even get to Bridger they sent in for 40 tons of flour the cattle are
dying & also the people there has never been so much suffering among any
people as their is this season it is truly deploriable. I spent a short time with
the Editor of the News
~ Sunday
30th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Ephraim Green spoke
a few words was followed by Allen Finlay & John Chesley then some
remarks made By President Young concerning the Hand Cart Company
who was now entering the City He wished the inhabitants to take the
people in to their houses & nurse them up. He said He woould take all that
was left. when the Meeting was dismissed we held a short interview with
the members of the Legislature we then went into the street & saw the
poor saints who had Just arived their was about 100 waggons containing
the company many were cripples had their hands & feet froze nearly off
they were immediately distributed through the City
I attended the prayer circle in the evening & preached in the 14th ward sc
in the Music Hall was followed by F. D. Richards & S. Richards & others
~ Monday
Dec 1st President J. M. Grant is vary low this morning I met with S. M. Blair
& John Brown at the office & made some arangements about bringing up
a Bill to esstablish a cotton farm on the Rio Virgin. I called upon
President Young at his office He had been down to lay hands upon
president J. M. Grant who lay vary low his lungs appeared to fill &
no power to raise any thing from his Lungs it appeared as though he
could not live but a short time unless there was a change soon for
the better. He said he felt as though He wanted an apple some
grapes or wine or sumthing upon his subject stomach President
young sent him down some & they rosted an apple & he eat it about
12 oclok & seemed to relish it well. He also drank some butter milk
which he relished well. but it seemed to be sumthing like a death Apetite
The missionaries met at the Historians office soon President Young
came in & opened the meeting with prayer. F. D. Richards made a
short report or address & was followed by W. Woodruff who
expresedsed his feelings in great plainness concerning this people taking of[f]
from the president a part of the burthen which is resting upon him
for he was wearing out. Then all the Missionaries who was sent to the
different wards were called upon to report & all made their report
& spoke incourageingly of the refermation the meeting held till 10 oclok
F. D. Richards & myself started down to see how President Grant was
Jedediah Morgan Grant
Died Dec 1st 1856: 20 minuts past 10 oclok PM
Aged 40 years 9 months & 7 days
I met Dr S. L. Sprague who informed
me that He was dead had
Just breathed his last we
immediately went into the
House & found his wives &
children weeping bitterly
J. C. Little L. W. Hardy D. H. Wells George Davisson Grant & Dotctors
S L Sprague Israel Ivins & Dunyon was standing aroung his body
as I gazed upon his claye Tabernacle without his spirit I felt to
expclainm A mighty man in Zion is laid low A valiant man in Israel
has fallen. I felt that a great champeon in the kingdom of God was taken
from us we felt his loss deeply for two months it seems as though he had been
hurried to close up his work He has been preaching for several months calling
upon the people to repent his voice has been like the Trump of the Angel of
God & he has laboured night & day untill He was laid prostrate with sickness
He has shot the arrows of the Almighty with great power among the people.
He called at the Historians office on the 19th Nov the last time He was out. He
was then sick. He was confined to his house 10 days before he died. He had
a great vision while He was sick which he told to the brethren he preached
nearly all the time that He was sick & he related all that he sayw in the spirit
Soon after I entered his house his wife Rosetta was seized with
great trembling & nervous excitement & it seemed as though her frame would shake
to peices we lade hands upon her & rebuked the Devil which seemed to sieze her
tabernacle & she became more calm.
I assisted Dr Dunyon in
laying out the body of Brother Grant I spent the night with him
~ Tuesday
2nd I left Brother Grants family a short time in the morning called upon Capt Hooper
found him quite sick. I administered unto him then I went to my house got
a piece of fine linen & Mrs Woodruff accompanied me to Brother Grants
I gave them the linen to make a garment & robes to lay out the body in. I
went to Presidents Youngs to get Zina Young to go down & help make the
robes she gave me a seat. President Young came in & spoke of Brother
Grants Death said we had done all we could to save his life but the
powers the other side of the veil were stronger than we were & he was wanted
there. Sister Zina Young walked with me to President Grants & spent
the day with the sisters in makeing the robes. I felt sick & went home & went
to bed & was sick through the day. Leo Hawkins started for Filmore today
~ Wednesday
3rd I spent most of the day writing the obituary of J. M. Grant
~ Thursday
3rd4th. [FIGURE]
At 9 oclok preparations were made for the Funeral of J. M. Grant
The doors of the House was flung open for the people to visit the corps many
thousands went through the House to visit the body at half past 9 the Military
began to form in open lines from the residence to the Tabernacle 3 bands of
Music were in attendance. The Lieutenant General & staff, General Grant staff &
Lancers were in attendance & a company of York masons formed in the posse
procession the corps was removed to the tabernacle & the House filled up
& many that could not get in. But it took so long to get through
with the ceremonies of the Morning that it was 10 minuts to 12 oclok when
President Brigham Young arose to speak as it was so late He did not
speak but a short time & said He did not answered his mind but his
remarks were vary interesting & instructive at the close of the meeting
the procession was formed & the corps conveyed to the grave followed
by the largest procession ever formed on such an occasion in this
valley. at the Grave President Young made some remarks. He said
we have no cause to mourn for Brother Grant and you have made
a far greater display here than was necessary for [far] more so than
Brother Grant would have wished & a far greater display than
I wish you to make over my body when I die. Brother Grant
is well off & He has lived more in advancement & far riper for
Eternity in 40 years than many would in a Hundred. when I die
I ownly want you to let my body rest in the grave I want to be buried decently
but I do not wish any great Display at my funeral let your flags lie still
& all your military display. I hope the body of Brother Grant may lie here
undisturbed thill till the resurrection. I see the warm feelings of the
people for Brother Grant. it is cold let the people go home & let the bearers stay
& see the grave filled up properly. The procsession then returned to the House
during the evening I called upon Brother Grants family I then attended
meeting in the 14th ward. I was some unwell. I spoke a short time
~ Friday
5th I spent most of the day at home I was unwell
~ Saturday
6th I spent the fore part of the day in the office I attended meeting of
the Bishop & council & priesthood of the 14th ward at 2 oclock F. D. Richards
was present. I sat & herd the report of the Bretheren & when I
was requested to speak by Bishop Hoagland I arose & said
that as Bishop Hoagland & the missionaries had appointed
Men as teachers to the gentile stores to preach the gospel to them
But the spirit said to me it was not wisdom to send men to preach
the gospel to them I considered they were wicked & corrupt &
it was like casting pearls before swine [Matthew 7:6] when I closed F. D. Richards
Backed me & up & bore testimony that I said was true. Then Bishop
Hoagland arose & opposed me vary strongly & said He presided over the
14 ward & had sent the Teachers to preach to the Gentiles & he wished
them to go & do it. I at once saw the gentiles were devil had ensnared
him when He sat down the Teacher arose & said what shall I
do? Brother Woodruff says do not go to those Gentiles. Bishop Hoagland
says go. I arose & said to the teachers obey your Bishop for He
says he will take the responsibility upon himself in sending teachers
to them many of the Priesthood were fired up upon the subject
but the meeting closed & we went home. At about 5 oclok the
Calafornia Mail came in & Brother Richards & myself went up
to Presidents Youngs we related to him what had taken place with
us & Bishop Hoagland. President Young was asstonished at the position
which Brother Hoagland had taken. He said the devil was leading
him into dificulty which he could not extricate himself without
Help. He immediately sent for Bishop Hoagland who came up & the
subject was all talked over & President Young showed him his
error & he saw it President Young told him that the Twelve
held the keys of the Kingdom of God in all the world where
the presidency are not, & that No Bishop presided over any
one of the Twelve in any place the Bishop Made his confession
and went home we santt a while & read Letters & papers
several were received from Elder Hyde
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. Edward Martin
& Daniel Tyler Preached in the forenoon & C. G. Webb & Wm
Clough Preached in the afternoon. I Attended the prayer
circle. Heard the Letters read from Elders Hyde & others
Elder Orson Hyde calls for 100 more men thinks there will be
a prospect of a fight with the Calafornians. President Young
said He wished all the men were at home & that Elder Hyde
was at home & in his store & that He would not take another
Mission while He lived for He had lost the spirit of his
office & was of no account. It made the President feel
sorrowful to see the Twelve & others not feel the spirit of their
office. At the close of the meeting I went home & with my
family went to the 14 ward meeting in the Music Hall. I was
much pressed in spirit. After listning to the speeches of Brothers
Hunt, Candland, & Pack I was requested to speak I arose upon my
Feet though heavily pressed in spirit yet the spirit of God was in
my tabernacle like fire shut up in my bones and I spoke to the people
about 3/4 of an hour and I scearsly knew whether I was in the body
or out of [it] neither can I remember but little what I said, the following
is are some of the remarks which I made while the House was as still as
the House of Death while the spirit of God filled the House.
Brethren & sisters I arise to say a few words to you But I am pressed in spirit
& I can say as I have heard Brother Joseph say while smiteing upon his
breast I would to God I could unbosom my feelings in the house of my friends,
but I do not expect to do it but in a small degree for my mind is open in
vision of things which I cannot utter or speak unto you for it is not
lawful or expedient if I had the ability to do so. I am pained in spirit as I
see the Bishop & council & teachers & miossionaries labouring, toiling, rebuking &
pounding the people trying to removeing the darkness & fog which hangs
over this City & the 14th ward. But let me say to the Bishop & teachers & missio-
naries before me to night to go to work & search deeply your own hearts & get
the spirit of the living God upon you remove the fog & darkness from your
own minds & then you can see clearly to remove the darkness from the minds
of the people. The priesthood need the spirit of God in order to know how to deal
with the people & save them for when you knock the people in the Head in order
to wake them, when they get awake you should not still pound them untill you
kill them. but get a Fatherly feeling & try to save them. Some of the teachers
when they go through the ward to teach the people they get the big head &
do not know ^how^ to treat the people. it is not nessary to stand here & jump
& shout & stomp off 50 cts worth of sole leather in order to get the people
to wake up or reform but it is a straight forward business matter to reform
whare any one has stolen or done wrong in any thing let them return what
they have taken & make restitution. It is a momentious time in Israel &
it is necessary for this refermation in order to have the people prepared for the
great things of God which are comeing upon the Earth & upon this people
the line will be drawn & scenes will take place which will try mens
souls & I warn all men & women before me this night that they do not
make light of the things of the Kingdom of God or of this refermation
for destruction is nigh the doors of such as do it & I warn our young
Brethren & sisters that they humble themselves before God & give heed to the
words of Eternal Life listen to the council of the Bishop & Missionaries &
teachers among you for if you despise the council of God & his servants
judgment will come upon you & destress & anguish will be upon you. The
Lord is calling loudly upon this people to repent & do the works of righteousness
& Live your religin. Remember the Testimony of Brother Grant the testator
is dead but the testiment is in force his hard labours to awaken this
people have cost him his life. He has laid down his body in the grave
I made many other remarks while the fire & power of the Holy Ghost
was burning within me. At the close of the meeting I called the Bishop
& priesthood to gether & gave them instruction concerning the wrong cours
Bishop Hoagland had taken with me I taught them the order of the
Priesthood. Bishop Hoagland was humble & made all necessary [illegible]
~ Monday
8th I spent most of the day in the office at night I attended the
Meeting of the Missionaries & Bishops. Presidents Young & Kimball were
present also W. Woodruff & F D Richards of the Twelve
W Woodruff arose & called the Names of the Bishops & Missionaries most
of which answered to their names. F. D. Richards opened By Prayer & singing
W. Woodruff arose & said I feel as though I want to say a few word
it has seemed good unto the Lord to call a portion of us through
the mouth of his servants to go forth unto the inhabitants of this
City to preach the gospel of salvation & repentance unto the people. we
have met each week to give a report of our procedings but
have not here to fore been associated with the Bishops in our meeting
I stand connected with you as a missionary & realize that those
who have assembled here this evening should stand as the candle &
light of the Lord. I have never felt more responsibility resting
upon me than at present. God has an object in sending us to preach
the gospel of Repentance to the people & so had the servants of the Lord who
sent us forth. I feel that it is necessary to purify ourselves & get
the spirit of God before we can properly go forth to preach to the people
if we will get the darkness & fog from ourselves we can take it
From the people & the Elements will be clear. I feel to purify myself I
have felt the spirit of God resting upon me of Late & I feel that there
is great things awaiting us. The Presidency of this Church has
had the Head Heart & soul ake for a long time it has
caused their hearts to ake to see the Apostles & Elders of this Church
who bear the priesthood forget their calling & turn from the work
of God unto Folly & have their hearts set upon the things of the world
We may use the sledge hammer to much but we should be right
ourselves when we reprove others. The Bishops & Missionaries in
some instances have manifested a feelings for the mastery to know
who should be the greatest but they would not have this feeling if
they had the spirit of God. The Business of the Missionaries is
to call upon the people to repent & live their religion & the Bishops
should unite with them in the spirit of God to carry out this Great
work. How Long shall we see the Presidency of this Church weighed
down to the Earth with a Burthen which the Elders & people should
bear. Aris up ye Bishops & missionaries & put on the whole armor
of God [Ephesians 6:11] & the people will live their religion when you live it yours
yourselves then the burthen will begin to lighten upon the presidency
some time when we sharply rebuke the people we are not right ourselves
thies things are true. It is time we arose in the spirit & power
of our calling & help bear the burthen that is resting upon the shoulders
of Presidents Young & Kimball. No man could live with the
Load resting upon him that is now upon the head of those men
unless he was nerved up & sustained Daily by the hand & power
of God. I feel brethren that there is sumthing important awaiting
us. The more I humble myself before God & get the Holy Ghost the
more my heart is drawn out towards the presidency of this
Church. I have never seen the day in my life when I have
felt to prize the society & council of those men as I do at the
present time, this people have not prized them & their teaching
as they ought & if they do not more appreciate their labour
& keep their council better than they have done they will
be taken from us. Brethren lay aside all your selfish feelings
& you will see that God will be with us let us wake up ourselves
& then the people not for this winter ownly but let the refermation
last during our lives. Presidents Young & Kimball are present
& I would like to hear them teach & council us this evening but
I presume they feel as though they had taught us so long & so much
which we have not improved upon that they feel discouraged in
teaching us, & think we ought to know how to walk aright. But
I do not wish to occupy your time the spirit says I should close
May God Bless you Amen
President Young sung "O Happy souls who pray" then said
Brother Woodruff has given us a good testimony a Living testimony
in the spirit & power of the Holy Ghost. Now any of the rest of
you who have the Holy Ghost arise & speak to us those things which
will Edify. B. L. Clapp & E. D. Woolley then spoke a Few moments
then President Young arose & spoke to the people the following
is a synopsis of his remarks as I reported them all Brother Kimball
President Young arose & said, I dont expet to speak much to night
I have learned to governed myself in talking as well as in other things
it may be asked if this is a new work it is not a new work but our
refermation is the work we begun in when we embraced the gospel. I
have pointed out the errors of the people all the time & shown the people ther
faults & told them what to do, but here is the difficulty as soon as the Elders
come home from their missions in a few days they lay down their Armour
while they should keep oit on all the time & keep it bright but their minds
are engrossed with the things of the world & lie down & go to sleep theyir ownly
ambition is to know how they can get theis House built or a farm, Horses
cattle &c, their whole soul is in the work of the world not the building of
the Kingdom of God but any man that gets property upon this principle
it will carode him he has not wisdom to use it. I have told the people
a hundred times they do not know how to get rich. The way for the
people to get rich is to do the will of God & they must be governed by the
revelations & spirit of God. Brother Woodruff has told us here to night
how it is when I look upon the conduct of the people before the refer
mations commenced as I was teaching them the way of salvation daily
& they would not give heed to it pained my heart & I felt as if I
should die but when Brother Jedediah M Grant steped forward
& took the Burthen off from me I was relieved But it has cost
him his life. Had he not have taken that burthen upon him he would
have lived a few Years longer in our midst. I have felt that unless
this people would awake & live their religion I must go down to
the grave. But the burthen of this people was taken from me & rested
upon him & it has not yet returned to me although he is dead should
it returne to me as it has been I shall soon follow him to the grave
for I could not live long with that wait upon me. When you first
recieved the gospel did ^was^ not your heart filled with love & you put on
the gospels armour & would it not have continued with you all the time
if you had lived your religion all the time but you have had bad
feelings in your Breast & against your Neighbour but if the spirit of
God had continued with you it would have overcome those evil
feelings and what if we were all to put our armour off & partook
of the spirit of anger & Hatred God would spue us out of his mouth [Revelation 3:16]
& we would go down to hell together & He would raise up another
people to do his will. After all the stuper that has rested upon this
people they have been gaping for more revelation I do not mean one
man but I mean the whole people while they have already a great deal
more than they are worthy off & if this people do not wake up &
live their religion The Lord will take away the sources of revelation
which they now have from the people, it is not a few men that have
got to live their religion but it is this whole community. If we as
a people will return unto the Lord I know he will receive us with
open arms. I am glad that this winter has commenced without
Fidling & danceing. But would their be any harm in going into the
Hall & haveing a dance if we felt right & kept the spirit of God with
us, No there would not. But as soon as we should open this door
how many would keep the armour on & live their religion & keep
the spirit of God not many, some would but many would say come
let us go & take a drink & begin to get the liquor in them & then they would
say come Brother Brigham I am ready for any thing stand out
of the way here. Hurrah for Hell sware a little, Dam a little steal a
little gamble a little, & raise the Devil. But we will stop Fidling &
danceing untill the Brethren get power to overcome these things & keep
them under their feet. I do not intend to start danceing again untill the
the people will learn to do right, & live their religion. I have to war with the
weakness of man, I am incompassed with it, I know what it is to fight it all the
time. If you are going to continue a refermation make up your mind
to live your religion. If the people will do this it will be as Brother Woodruff
says the darkness will pass away & I can live long among this people &
so can brother Kimball & other men But if this people will go on lieing
stealing swearing & whoreing I do not want to live but I want to leave
the people & go to God & let the wicked go to Hell. I hope that God will
send the wicked that will not repent ^go^ down to hell quickly & be burned up
that they may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. [1 Corinthians 5:5] When I first came into
this Church I was an enthusiast & thought I would never keep an account
never put pen to paper nor never say this or that was mine but it is the
Lords we never can be of one heart & one mind untill we can say that all
we have is the Lords & that we are ^ownly^ his servants & stewards to controll it accord[ing]
to his will. When the Lord gives me property He gives me wisdom to use it.
We have individual rights & shall have to all Eternity. what are those rights
If I have any property Horses cattle, waggons or any thing els my neighbor
has no right to stell it from me. and if the people have the spirit of the
Lord they would know that it was not right to take any thing which belonged
to another without liberty but let it remain whare it is. We are accounting
for our time to the Lord now if you have a months leasure time & you gambele
that away & do not bring to pass any good you might just as well throw
away $20, and you are accountable for theis waste of time. I am often
asstonished at the folly of this people many women are asking their
husbands for some new thing they want a dozen new Dresses & many
unnecessary things but does a person want of Doz new Dresses if this
people would ask for those things which are necessary & do right you would
soon see the people get rich. but what are you doing? are you rich No. the
Lord can send the grasshoppers crickets & Locust they are his Armies & can
eat us up and kill our cattle. He can give us much or little as He pleases
If our eyes are single to the glory of God & we do our duty, the Lord
could make us as rich as sCeesar what would do with it aggrandize
yourselves, no you should not, but send out millions of men to gather
the poor & send men with Mules loaded with gold to buy the Nations
but now we are poor & we can comparitively do but little. Now I am here with
Brother Kimball If you wish to ask any question we can answer right but
for me to teach the Bishops there duty it is folly for I have taught them
over & over for years. Now if I was going to a ward meeting to preach
and the bishop was to oppose me unless it was my duty to reprove him I
should sit & laugh at him but not contend with him. But when their is any
difficulty betwen a missionary & Bishop or any two men they should not
contend about it before the people but talk it over among themselves
& settle all diference of opinion in the spirit of God & not labour for
the mastery
President H. C. Kimball followed & said I am one with President
Young & so was J. M. Grant. He to[o]k hold of the work to wake up the people
with all his might & it killed him. If President Young was to ask me
to go forth in the safme way I would do it but it would cut short my
life as it did his. I have never felt as though Jedediah was dead
the Saviour said thatose that abide in me will never die his spirit is
with us & he can do more for us now than he could before. The spirit of God
is poured out upon some men mightily. The refermation is doing good
& the people are doing better & those who get the spirit of God will stand
& those who do not will fall. The people are forsaking their sins
Their are things in Embrio which will try this people & those events will
ripen as theis dPeople do and all will have to get the spirit & revelations of
Heaven in order to stand, & thes things will be among all Nations &
know it as well as I knew it would be a hard winter. I want you
to wake up yourselves & then wake up your wives & children & stop your lying
& stealing & take that Burthen upon your Backs which belong to you then the
Presidency & Twelve will ownly carry their own burthens. The time has come
or is near at hand when many that have trifled with the priesthood & the
things of God will be destroyed & go to Hell cross lots & those who are
not faithful in magnifying the priesthood it will be taken from them
& given to others and that quickly and I know it for Angels, Prophets,
& Holy men say it & it will be fulfilled. As to danceing I am tiered of it
I never want to see another man dance untill he can do it by the power of
God. I felt that spirit once & Brother Brigham shouted Hosanna for we was
both filled with the spirit. Neither do I want to see any more feasting
at present. I dont want to see any more Jealous feelings some of
our Bishops get Jealous of the servants of God no man would be if
He was filled with the Holy Ghost. I would chastize a man if He stood in
my way when I know that I am a messenger sent of God. President
Young says if the people do not do right He will not stay long with
them but shall go the other side of the veil if He goes I shall not
stay long behind him because we will not have one between us
and if you dont do your duty we shall go soon. I have had many
men try to stand betwen me & president Young & when I have
been to see him many have snubed me but I have seen enough of
this. And that man that will try to do it He must look out
for God & his angels will smite him. I have no objection to men
coming to President Young to comfort him & do him good & when
he gives them a wife give him $10 or $20 dollars according as He
may value his wife. But men must not try to separate us if they
do they will be cursed. I understood that Brother Woodruff got
a whiping from one of them lately But I tell you that although
He is a small man He is all gold & you will find it so in the end
& you may be thankful to ever get as good a place as He will get
for he is the pure gold & I wish you would get as good as He is
the Bishops will not repeat what the missionaries say for they
are Jealous. But if you will get the spirit of God upon you there
will be no Jealous feelings in your heart. you want the spirit
of God & the power of the priesthood to rest upon you as it did
upon Joseph & does upon the Presidency & Twelve, take that priesthood
upon you which belongs to you & magnify it. The Missionaries
want to wake up then wake up the Bishops & then wake up the
people & all live your religion & all will go well and if you
will live up to your priviliges here & get the spirit of this refermation
it will reach all over the Earth & go to the ends of the Earth & the wicked
will not have power over us but this work will go from Zion through
all the world as the sap of a tree will go from the trunk to the end of evry
limb & twig. I want to see the power of God among this people that
they may have faith to remove mountains if necessary but the power
of God will ownly increase as the spirit of God increases among the people
if we will do orur duty ^&^ if the United [States] should be the aggressers the Lord
would say if they came against us Let my servant Brigham send 200
men & they would lick them up, for God would assist to fight our
Battles with the storm hail & snow, & they would be destroyed. I know
this would be done but we must get the faith of the Ancients
As to Brother Brigham Young I have to say that He is just as good a man as
ever was on Earth. Now wake up Brethren & see that you purify
yourselves before you try to purify others then go forth & lift up your
voice like a trumpet & call upon all men to repent get full of the
Holy Ghost & there is not a man that will do it but what will be filled
with Prophesyings as were the ancient Nephites, and little Boys 4 years
old will prophesiey. I do not wish to go to a feast or a dance until this
people reform. and when there is men enough here to bring forth
this refermation & men will not prosper untill they do their duty
to God & each other. I have no desire to attend any recreation untill
this people are filled with the spirit & power of God & I do not
think that President Young has. if you will rise up & do your duty
you will be blessed & no man that rises up against us in this place
will prosper if we do our duty & we wash our feet against them
I believe in washing our feet against our Enemies. The spirit of God
has been upon us for more than a year & the people would play laugh &
trifle about it but if they had the spirit of God & done their duty they would
have seen it this has been my feelings all the time I have felt that the
people were trifling with the things of God. Brother Jedediah is fallen a
mighty man is taken from us but his power is here it still rests upon
Brother Brigham & myself & when we lay hands upon ^another^ hi man the spirit
of God & of Jedediah will rest upon him in full force that he may do the
work & fill his place as a counciller to the president & I know it. May God
Bless you Amen
Elder F. D. Richards followed in bearing testimony. R L Campbell took minutes
He was followed by C. H. Wheelock Joseph Hovey G. D. Grant D. D. Hurt
& savage then Brigham Young said why we take the Elders for Missionaries
who have just came in is that we can set them to work while their
armour is on for it has generally been the case that soon after the Elders
come in they throw down their armour & some are so far left to
themselves they do not enjoy the spirit of God. In answer to the
question of Brother Savage about people restoring what they hav stolen {from [illegible shorthand]}
in the first place I would say I would not steal but whare it cannot be
restored I would say put it into the P[erpetual] E[migration] Fund to gather poor for I would
not have any thing to do with it
A. H. Raleigh then spoke after
which Hopkins Pender, John M. Jones, & Joshua Midgeley were
called to go out on Missions. The Bishops with ther council the High Priest
& their council, The First Presidency of the 70s & the Presidents of Elders priests
Teachers & Deacon all are requested to meet with the Missoionaries in
this place on Monday evening each week. Benediction by Jacob Gates
~ Tuesday
Dec 9th I spent the day in the office writing the reports of Last Evening
I attended meeting with the Bishops I herd Bishop Hunter speak followed
by L. W. Hardy A. H. Raleigh & E. D. Woolley & I made some remarks
[FIGURE] {President Young gave me the following and said keep this to yourself
[It was] a list of names of persons and families as [sent/seen] by J M Grant
He began by saying oh the destruction that is coming shortly upon this people. It will begin at Carson Valley. Orson Hyde will be destroyed and part of his family. Colonel and Enoch Reese will be destroyed and many others in that place. The next that will be mentioned was going to be cut root and branch. Next was Orson Pratt and part of his family. Next was A P Rockwood. Next Fordham and part of his family. Next A Lyman a curse at that place|shorthand}
{L} W {Hardy also said to me that J M Grant named D H Wells and Cannon would be tried}
~ Wednesday
10th I spent the day in the office writing & the night at home Orson Hyde arived home this evening
~ Thursday
11th I spent this day in the office I had an interview with Elder Orson Hyde who
had returned from Carson valley He was in presidents Young office. President
Young was poorly & not able to be out so Elder Hide went in to see him. Elder Hyde
said that He was accompanied home by 10 persons & named them He came home
part of the way on the old road & part on the Beckworth road but I believe the old
road is the best we started the 5th day of Nov we have been one month travelling on the way
The Indians fell upon Gilbert & Gerrishes train of teamtsters & took all they had &
killed a part of them. Elder Hyde travelled through snow from 1 to 3 feet deep
during the last 200 miles no path ownly what we made ourselves. 2000 sheep
was taken by the Indians from the Mexican Heard going to Calafornia Elder Hyde
looked well & some banged with his Journey.
I attended the seventeenth ward meeting Heard the Bishop speak a short time I
then talked to the people near an hour & the spirit of God was upon me I then
went to the 14th ward & samuel Richards was speaking when I went in
He was followed by several others I then spoke to the people a short time
their was a soft quiet spirit upon me I exhorted the people to keep the
commandments of God that they might be blessed I wrote Letters to the
several Bishops in the country to take care of their grain & not sell it
to our Enemies.
~ Friday
12th We are having a vary severe snow storm much snow is falling. I spent
the day in the office. I called at Presidents Youngs office. He is still quite
unwell. Elder O Hyde H. C. Kimball & G. D. Grant & myself was in the office
& H Stout & J. W. Cummings had just arived from Filmore the President
soon came in & they gave an account of their procedings while at Fillmore
the snow was two Feet deep on the road a part of the way they arived at
Fillmore monday morning they met with the Legislature through the day
they organized passed some resolutions & moved the seat of Government
to salt Lake City & Adjourned to meet in the Great Salt City on the
^18^ day of Dec 1856 & started for home during the evening they found
it vary cold & snowing nearly all the way home
On the night of the 3rd inst, the night before J. M. Grant was buried
Mrs Barsheba Smith wife of G. A. Smith dreamed that George A. Smith
was dead & that some other person wished to marry hier which troubled
her mind. On the same night Mrs Rose dreamed that George A. Smith
was hung in Washing[ton] by the members of Congress because he was a Mormon
~ Saturday
13th I sealed up a document given me by Present Young & filed it
in the Historians office snow is more than a foot deep this morning
on a level I spent most of the day in the office. My Son Wilford Woodruff Jr
commenced to learn the shoe Makers trade with Brother Barston the first of this
The following Dream was related by H. C. Kimball Nov 25 1856
Nov 25 I dreamed that I was travelling with a companion & we came
to a powerful rapid stream of water like the Niagara River, the waves were
rolling vary high, & increasing in size the waters had been muddy but were
getting clear, as we came to this powerful stream we did not know how
we should get over it. I turned my Eyes a few moments from my companion
& when I look back I saw him on the other side of the river & climing a
steep hill I did not know how he got there I wanted to cross so I called to
him as loud as I could to stop & wait for me but He paid no attention to me
but went on as Hard as He could then a person came to me & said you
have an iron rod in your hand which I percieve I had several feet long
the Angel said to me you must use this rod & feel your way over the river & I awoke
I considered my dream & interpeted it as follows my companion was J. M. Grant He has
suddenly died & left me & is the other side of the vail the waters mean the people that
are increasing in streng[th]s & growing better & clearer, the Iron rod is the word
of God which I must cling to till I get through death. I consider ther is great
things awaiting this people.
~ Sunday
14th Sunday It is a vary cold stormy day snowing vary hard James
Linforth [blank] And Thos B Roderick spoke followed by Wm Clayton & C H
Wheelock. I then addressed the people about half an hour, sopokke [spoke] the emigration
that was in the Mountains 30 teams would wbe in at 4 oclok with 200 saints
they were diging through snow 15 feet deep in the mountains the remainder
would be in to morrow. I exhorted the people to live their religion I
spok of the wickedness of the world & the shediding of the Blood of the prophets
the wicked would have to suffer for it in the future. We should live our
religion then we will be prepared for any thing
At about 4 oclok the Emigration came in about 30 teams with about
200 souls all in good order none of them frozen teams looked well their
was but 2 inches of snow at Bridger but 15 feet in the mountains in
places whare they had to dig through
I attended the prayer circle then went home with L. W. Hardy to his
meeting in the 12th ward. G. D. Grant Preached followed By Joseph
A Young they both spoke well. Joseph spoke upon the priesthood It
done my soul good to hiear his testimony I followed him & had the spirit
of God resting upon me I was followed by the Bishop L. W. Hardy at
the close of the meeting Joseph A Young carried me home in his
~ Monday
15th It is a fair day. The remainder of the Emigriation all arived in the
city to day about 30 teams containing about 200 souls it being the Last of
the ox train company. Brother & Sister Enion arived I called upon them
& offered to give them a home through the winter but they had engaged
a room on Emigration street.
I attended a meeting with the missionaries & Bishops meeting opened By
singing & prayer By J. C. Little. W Woodruff said we have missionaries
& Bishops from some 20 wards & I would like to hear a report
from them all & I will give each man some 3 minutes to speak in
then all can speak the missionaries all spoke then the Bishops
Bishop Hunter & J. C. Little spoke first. W Woodruff gave some council
at the close. Bishop A. O. Smoot went with me to Bishops
Hunters & we laid hands upon his wife & one child both of which
were sick
~ Tuesday
16th I spent the day in the office. Elders Cumings & Blair came
in & we talked about the presidency & the Refermation & future
Events. Brother Cummings related a Dream that Presidency had a
few days since as follows.
{President Young dreamed that in} 2 {weeks from that date about the} 12th Dec {that he died and in} 2 {weeks President Kimball
died and the people was in the awfullest state of any people he ever saw. But I pray God it may not be fulfilled}
I feel strongly pressed in spirit that some great trials await this
people & many will not be able to stand but will fall away I pray
the Lord to preserve the presidency of this Church. I called upon President
Young a short time found him in his room in quite good spirits. I spent
most of the evening in the office in company with Bishop Hunter who
conversed upon a great variety of subjects I went to bed feelings
unwell I dreamed of being among snakes & was quite worried I was
called up in the night to go & administer to R Ballantyne who was
quite sick but being poorly myself I did not go untill morning
~ Wednesday
17th I felt unwell Yet I called upon Brother Blair we then went to Brother
Ballantyne found him quite sick we laid hands upon him rebuked his
desease & the spirit of God rested upon us & we rebuked his desease & he was
better He dreamed that He was about to die saw his coffin & grave which was dug
deep. Just before he was to die He dreamed He was invited to a wedding but He was
to sick to go. He dreamed that W. Woodruff with some other one came to him &
administered to him & he was saved from death. after we administered
to him we then went to Bishop Hoaglands & found him quite sick confined
to his bed with the Rheumatism & also much troubled with Evil spirits we
administered to him by the laying on of hands & rebueuked the desease & evil
spirits we felt a good spirit in administering to him. we then went down
to administer to F. D. Richards who had been confined to his house for
several days but we found him up & in good spirits. I then called
upon President Kimball who had been sick several days I found him
up & quite comfortable. I sat & conversed with him a short time I then
went to Presidents Youngs & saw him he was quite comfortable I then
went to the office & spent the remainder of the day I rented my front
rooms two of them to Brigham Y. Hamptons who commenced keeping House
to day
I attended meeting at the 19th ward during the evening &
I heard Elder Hovey speak followed by Elder Earl then the Bishop
Brother Rolley spoke lengthy I then followed then for some
half an hour I had the spirit of speaking
~ Thursday
18th [FIGURE] The Legislative Assembly met to day at 10 oclok at the
Music Hall according to the adjournment at Fillmore the two Houses
organized & we received the Governers Messengers & met in
Joint session then adjourned to their respective rooms then
adjourned till tomorrow 10 oclok. The committees were appointed
bfore adjournment. I took a sleigh ride with S. M. Blair called
upon Brother Enion found sister Enion in bed was unwell went
to the office & spent the afternoon It was vary snowey day. I went
to the 15 ward waded through a good deal of snow I herd 5 speak then
I addressed the people for 30 minits I had the spirit of God
~ Friday
19th I spent the fore part of the day in the Legislature & the afternoon
in the office. I conversed with the president upon chartering a
company for cotton raising. He did not wish to have me get
up a Bill upon that subject. S. M. Blair call in spent the time in
conversing upon a variety of subjects the Texan war &cc
~ Saturday
20th I spent most of the day in the historians office at night I attended
the high Priest Meeting & heard the representation of the Territory by the
Delegate from abroad they were addressed by O. Hyde, L. Snow, F. D. Richards,
& W. Woodruff the spirit of God rested upon us & we gave much good instruction
~ Sunday
21st Sunday I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle. President H. C. Kimball
spoke to the people after Elder O. Hyde. Elder Hyde did not speak
long he spoke upon the subject of Moses leading Israel &c. BPresident
Kimball spoke in the spirit & power of God till about 1/4 pas 1 oclok
Leo Hawkins reported. In the afternoon Jesse Haven spoke vary well was
followed by John A. Hunt then I spoke & the power of God rested upon me
& I called upon Elder O Hyde to rise up in the power of God & lead out as
He is the President of the Twelve, & awake up & get the Holy Ghost & the
Twelve will follow you in the field. I called upon the people to awake &
listen to the words of the Presidency of the Church. I attended the prayer
circle then walked to the 6th ward & Preached with F. D. Richards the spirit of
God was upon us
~ Friday
256 A snow storm. It is a cold stormy snowey winter I met in the
Council Chamber & adjourned till monday I called upon President
Young in company with Lorenzo Snow & F. D. Richards we laid before
him several cases of crime Before him He told us what to do. we all
took a sleigh ride up into City Creek Canyon for some 3 miles & back
we then met in council in the Historian Office a short time. I met
in council with O. Hyde L. Snow & F D. Richards till 10 oclok. O Hyde told
his travel over the mountains last winter & how near he came frezing
to death
~ Saturday
267th I spent the day in the office it was a busy day with me many
of the missionaries called upon me for council
27 I spent the day in the office. I attended the High Priest office meeting with
the Twelve we heard the report of several men then the Twelve spoke O Hyde
then Lorenzo Snow spoke with the power of God then I followed him & I felt the
power of God & told the truth
~ Sunday
28th Sunday I attended the Meeting at the Tabernacle. Elder O Hyde spoke in
the morning upon the parable of the 10 virgins. [Matthew 25:1-13] I followed him but was some
tied up was not free the house was filled to overflowing both in the morning
& afternoon. Lorenzo Snow & F D Richards spoke in the power of God I
followed them I had the spirit of God upon me & I asked the people which
they would do go to & get the power of God & sustain the Melchezedec Priesthood
with the first Presidency & Twelve or would they reject it & have the presidency
& Twelve & Melchezedek taken from them & ownly the Aaron Priesthood given them
& a Law of carnal commandments, the people must do one or the other
I attended the prayer circle then went {President Young said that Israel would not be cleansed until some had their}
I attended the ward meeting at 3rd ward I heard S. M. Blair
Bishop Weiler & his two councillors speak I then followed & spoke an hour
with the spirit of God upon me the vision of my mind was open to many things
~ Monday
29th I met in the Legislative Council in the forenoon in council in the
office at noon & in committe or the Judiciary at 4 oclok I went
to President Youngs office with Elder Snow we there found
him & H. C. Kimball & O Hyde. I Wilford Woodruff told
President Brigham Young that we had drawn up a few lines
for the presidents of the seventies to sign I also said to him that
I would not ask my brethren to do what I was not willing to do
myself and inasmuch as I received my Apostleship from
your hands I now surrender it unto you & throw myself into
your hands & if their is any other hands man in Israel that
you think will fill that place better than I do I will freely
take it & not complain about it Elder Lorenzo Snow said the
same thing to President Young. Also did Elder Orson Hyde. President Young
said as for you Brother Woodruff & Brother Snow I have never [seen] you when you
felt the responsibility of your Apostleship &or was as well qualifyed to magnify
your callings as at the present time. But as for you Brother Hyde I
will say if you do not magnify your callings Better than you have done
I shall object to your standing whare you do if no body els does for you
have not had the spirit of your calling upon you, you have been trying
to build yourself up & not the kingdom of God. I remarked yes Brother
Hyde the quorum of the Twelve feel this & have felt it for [a] good while we
want you to take hold & lead as you are our President we want a
leader & if you will magnify your calling we will be with you
President Young made some remarks about Orson Pratt & said if
he did not take a diferent course in his Phylosophy & order of reasening he would not
stay long in this Church. he made other remarks I arose to go out Brother Brigham
said Brother BrighamWoodruff whare are you going come dont be in a hurry I shall be
Jealeous of you does not the spirit of God dwell here I want men to stop
here who has the spirit of God it rests me I am crowded all day with
men & things which makes me weary. I said I did not intend to be in
a hurry I had some appointments to which I thought of attending but I
enjoy myself here & I like to be here so I set with my brethren untill meeting
time then with O Hyde & L Snow I went to the 70s Hall & found the House full
& F D. Richards making 4 of the Twelve. we called upon the seventies to
speaks or the Presidents they all spoke & was followed by the Twelve who had
much of the spirit & power of God & gave much good instruction we still
expressed our feelings to the Presidents of the 70s about surrendering their presidency
to the Presidency of the Church
~ Tuesday
I met with the Legislative Council in the forenoon President Young
was present the spirit of God was present. The 15 Chapter of
St John was read & commented upon it was then moved that both Houses
meet in Joint session. we then came together & speeches were made by
Lorenzo Snow W. Woodruff Brigham Young H. C. Kimball & Hosea Stout
among the remarks made By President Young He said when the first Twelve
were called He & Brother Kimball almost needed a stool in order to reach
high Enough to tie the shoes of John Boyonton Lyman Johnson & Wm
E MCLellin, but now they are gone & we remain Brother Woodruff &
Lorenzo Snows sayes that they never have felt the wait of their Apostleship
& responsibility as they do now this I have known all the time if Brother
Orson Hyde feels the wait of his responsibility as an Apostle to day I am glad
of it for it is the first day of his life that He ever did feel it, many other
remarks were made. It was finally moved that all members of
the Legislative Body of the Tertritory of Utah repent of their sins & go to
[the] font at 6 oclok ion the Temple Block & be baptized for the remission of their
sins which was carried unanimously & the Legislature met at the font
& had to fill it with Buckets from the creek & as the Presidency & Twelve
who had been here had been baptized F. D. Richards went into the font &
Baptized Elder Orson Hyde & some 17 others then James Cumings went into
the font & Baptized the rest also the missionaries 37 in number making
[blank] Baptized in all. we the Twelve laid hands upon Elder O Hyde & confirmed
him. W Woodruff was mouth then we confirmed the whole company. I was
mouth in confirming 9 persons & assisted in confirming 12 others
this was a New feature in Legislation we believed that if we could get
the spirit of God we could do business faster & better than with the spirit
of the Devel or the spirit of the world there was 55 in all Baptized
and confirmed the Twelve done most of the confirming
~ Wednesday
31st I met in council with the Legislature all in Joint assembley
till one oclok there was a good spirit made manifest they adjo[urne]d till
Friday. I went with my family & took dinner with Bishop
Smoot & we had a good time. I met with President Young &
Twelve & the missionaries at the Historians office & we heard
the report of all the missionaries & a vary interesting address from
President Brigham Young who spoke in the power of God upon
our enemies & said the spirit of the Lord told him that inasmuch
as he had delivered us through all our troubles thus far while in
the land of our Enemies that if we would trust still to him & do [o]ur
duty the Lord would bless us & still deliver us & that we need not
have any fears.
See the following page for the end of the year
~ Monday
22nd we spent the fore part of the day in the Legislature I took dinner with
the Presidency & Twelve & members of the council I Attended the seventies
Meeting in the evening Elder O Hyde W. Woodruff L. Snow & F. D. Richards
of the Twelve were present & a house full of the presidents of
the 70s. The first business that was Attended to was to
Bring up G P. Stiles for Adultery. He imphatically Denied it although
the testimony was strong against him. A. P. Rockwood was in the
stand, & he did not know twhat to do with him I bore it as long as I
could. I arose in the stand & said George P Stiles I am going to ask
you a question & if you are innocent you should proclaim your innocence
but if you are guilty dont you deny it before God the Holy Ghost & these
witnesses if you do the Judgments of God shall follow your footsteps
from this hour till you go to your Grave & from then[ce] to Hell {If I had felt the Spirit of God
I should have said that the man that stand on that [verily] that will follow you to your grave} He did not deny it
nor acknowledge it. He was then cut off from the Church. Elder O Hyde
spoke then I followed & the spirit & power of God rested upon me like a
Burning flame & so it did upon Brother Snow & Brother Richards as they spoke
& we all advised the first presidents of the Seventies to go forward &
present a resignation of their Presidency to President Young & let
some men take the place who could magnify it. Hancock & Z
Pulsipher said they would & B L Clapp spoke. We had the spirit
& power of God rest upon us like fire shut up in our bones & revealed
many things unto us. I went home & I did not feel like going to
bed I felt as though I wanted to set up & pray all night
~ Tuesday
I met in the Legislative Council there was no spirit to
transact Business L Snow moved that President Kimball should give us
an address. President Kimball said I do not feel much like speaking to
day I feel feeble in body, & want my Liberty to act as I am moved
by the Holy Ghost. but He began to talk & the power of God came upon
him & he spoke for an hour I followed him & the room was filled
as with consumeing fire & all the member of the House came in & they
all spoke untill sundown & the House was filled with the spirit of God
almost to the consuming of our flesh & many things were revealed
which were marvelous
I attended the Bishops meeting in the evening. Bishop Hunter O Hyde
W. Woodruff L. Snow & F D Richards & the fire of God still burned in
us & many things were said I never spent such a day & night in
~ Wednesday
234th I spent a part of the day in the office. President Kimball came
in & talked a while & I went into the office to see president Young &
I reported to him what we had done in relation to the Presidents of
the seventies & Judge Stiles in cutting him off for Adultery &
President Young approved of what we had done. I met a short
time with the committee on the Judiciary the 5 vol of the U. S.
statutes at Large was given me to examine to see what Laws
were applicable to this Territory. President Young toldt me to
go through this city & remove all the stumbling block I could find
& whare I found a Bishop or any other man that was in his way
to remove him & put a better man in his place
In company with F. D. Richards S Richards & Wm Kimball I
visited the 7th ward & removed Bishop Perkins & put in James
G. Willie in his Place. this seemed to be necessary in order to let
the work roll on
~ Thursday
25th A snowey day I spent the fore part of the day in the office
I took my wife & Buulah & in company with Brother & Sister Smoot
I rode to sugar House ward & I Preached one hour to the people after Hearing
from Carnes Eldridge Wiles Vernon & Bishop Smoot Brother Smoot
had the spirit of the Lord & about the ownly man that did appear to
have it the spirit of the Lord was upon me & I gave them good council
I rode home after meeting through the snow storm 6 mils
(turn back one leaf for 26th)
~ Wednesday
Dec 31st 1856 Thus another Year is closed & past & gone with all its train
of good & evil. It has been an importanyt year in the History of the world in many
respects also in the History of the Church. the gathering of the people with Hand Carts
the commencement of the refermation the Death of J. M. Grant, the great exer-
tion to save the people in the snows of the mountains. But the following year I
believe will be greater still both with the world & Zion. I pray that the spir[it] [page torn]
of God will attend me & my brethren in the Priesthood that we may be saved
from all evil & pthe power of the Devil and have power to build up the kin[gdom] [page torn]
of God on the Earth
A Synopsis of my Labours in 1856 | |
I Travled four hundred & sixty four | 464 Miles |
I Attended 55 Meetings | 55 Meetings |
I Preached 47 Discourses | 47 sermons |
I Attended 2 General Conferences | 2 Conferen[ces] |
I Attended the prayer circle with the Presidency & 12 | 25 Times |
I Baptized 7 Persons | 7 Baptize |
I confirmed 26 | 268 Confirmed |
I ordained 1 Elder | 1 Elder |
I ordained 22 Seventies | 22 Seventies |
I set apart & Blessed 130 Missionaries | 130 Missionaries |
I administered unto 11 sick persons | 11 sick |
I spent 40 days in the Legislature | 40 days |
I spent 7 evenings with the Regency | 7 evenings |
I spent 30 days making Manuscript for D[eseret] Alphabet | 30 days |
I Held 7 meeting with the Horticultural society | 7 Meetings |
I Recieved 28 Letters | 28 Recieved |
I wrote 61 Letters | 61 Letters |
~ Thursday
JAN 1st 1857 This new Years day come in with a tremendious
snow storm. I spent a good deal of the day with President Young &
F. D. Richards. President Young gave us good council & wished us to
become saviors upon mount Zion & told us in what way that we might
have a crown of Glory in the Eternal world I attended a meeting
in the 8th word I went in company with S. M. Blair the House was full
notwithstanding the snow was deep I heard the Bishop & council speak I
followed in few remarks & gave good council but did not feel much like
~ Friday
2nd I met in the Legislative Council in the forenoon & done good deal of
business also read the 17 chapter of St John & 10 chapter Heb. Wethe spirit
of God was with us & many God [good] things said. I held a council
with President YoKimball & the 12 about the Missionaries & Bishop of the 13 ward
and at 65 oclok I called upon Edson Stowell who was vary sick with
the Lung fever. I laid hands upon him & blessed him. I then went to
the social Hall & met in council with the Twelve President Spencer & the
Bishop of the 13 ward we spent the time in council till midnight the object of
the meeting was to unite the feelings of the Bishop & council with the missionaries
we had a good time and all felt benefited when we left
~ Saturday
3rd I spent the day in the office it was quite a thaw. H. C. Kimball came
in & read a letter to his Brother Solomon then He set down & taught us
good doctrin He said that He did not Believe in this custom of Adoption
that had been practiced in this Church no man should give his
Birthright to another but should keep his birthright in the linage
of his Fathers & go to & unite the link through the whole linage of their
fathers untill they come up to a man in the Linage who held the priesthood
like a Branch of a tree the branch of a vine still abides in the vine though
it comes out of it unless the vine is cut of[f] or the branch it will abide
in it. now unless a man is a poor cuss he should keep his priest-
hood & unite it with his Fathers & not give it to another, & the Lord will
save our Father. Evry man that gets his Patriarchal Blessings
& Priesthood He becomes the Patriarch of his own family & should
bless his own family.
I attended the High Priest Meetings in the evening John Young was
President. Orson Hyde addressed the meeting was followed By W Woodruff
& L. Snow the spirit of God rested upon us in power &
the vision of our minds was open upon the priesthood & its power
& Blessings. I told the people that they did not prize the priesthood
as they should & spoke of the great work which we had to perform
who bore the priesthood in preparing this generation for salvation
or damnation in redeeming our dead &c. we had about the
best meeting we have had since the refermation.
~ Sunday
4th Sunday I spent the day at the tabernacle. Lorenzo Snow
addressed the people & was followed by W. Woodruff in the fore part of the
day & O. Hyde & D Spencer in the afternoon the spirit of the Lord was
with us & we had a good day I attended the prayer circle in the evening
& went in company with S. M Blair to the 11th ward & I preached to
the people & several others spoke we had a good meeting
Daniel H Wells was ordained to the Apostleship & as one of the first
5th I spent thPresidency or 2nd councellor to president Brigham Young. He was ordained
under the Hands of Presidents Brigham Young & H C Kimball
~ Monday
5th I spent the day in the Legislator & I attended meeting with the Presidents of
seventies. W. Woodruff L. Snow & F. D. Richards of the Twelve were
present all of the first Presidents of the seventies spoke & several of the
congregation also the Twelve the spirit of the Lord was poured out upon us in
a good degree & we had an interesting meeting. The Calafornia Mail came
in this evening Bringing the Mormon & Standard we learn that Bucannan is
Elected as President of the United States which we would far prefer that
He would be our president than Freemont
~ Tuesday
56th I spent the day in the Legislator we dined upon a sumptuous dinner
given at the Globe by Capt Hooper of oysters, mountain sheep, Beef
vegitables pies cakes nuts &c. I attended meeting at the 70 Hall with the
Bishops &c. Hyde, Woodruff & L Snow of the Twelve attended we all spoke
& had a good meeting. we red the news of the day
~ Wednesday
7th I spent the day in the office I wrote 3 Letters to O pratt the Standard
& G. A. Smith. I met with the Missionaries at the Historians Office the
Twelve were present we herd the report of all the missionaries
& many spoke & we had a good meeting
~ Thursday
8th I spent the fore part of the day in the Legislature the afternoon in
the office in a committee. it was a stormy afternoon. A Brother Wm
Nelson called upon me to lay hands upon him & cast the powers of Darkness
out of him as he was sorely tempted. S M Blair laid on hands
with me upon him & we rebuked the devil & powers of Darkness that
was upon him & he felt better. I attended meeting at the 13th ward
at the social Hall I had a full house I herd several speak D Spencer L I
Smith Wm Clinton I followed him spoke quite lengthy & returned home
~ Friday
9th I met with the Legislature in the fore part of the day & in the afternoon
I met with the committee at the Historians office I met with P P. Pratt
family & spoke to them about one hour. I then met with the Twelve at
the Historians office & set till 10 oclok to hear an investigation of Isaac
Hill & Brother Savage & the missionaries it was a good meeting & good instru-
ction was given.
~ Saturday
10th I spent the fore part of the day in the office. I started in company
with my family & John Pack & A. O. Smoot to Union Fort we
arived in the fort about 5 oclok & held a meeting in the evening it
was exceding cold several of us spoke we spent the night at
Bishop Richards 102 miles
~ Sunday
11th Sunday I met with the people at Union Fort I preached to them
was followed by A. O. Smoot & John Pack & the Bishops of the ward
we took dinner & rode Back in our sleighs in one & a half hours
I attended the prayer circle I then went into President Youngs
house the Lion house & attended the 18 ward meeting in his school
room the assembly mostly consisted of the families of the Presidency. I
preached to the Assembly for about one hour. I spoke of the organ-
ization of the Church & the Patraiarchal order of the Church & the
Blessings given us & exhorted the people to prize the blessings which
God had put into their hands & not to treat lightly the Holy
things of God. I refered to the Blessings of presidents Youngs family
Soon Presidents Young came in & addressed the people for half an
hour or more the following is a synopsis of his remarks
A synopsis of President B Youngs remarks Before the 18 ward Jan 11th 1857
the following is not recorded or reported in any other place
It is wright that we should meet together often to pray, sing preach
teach & recieve instruction in order to assist us to live our religion, but
none of thes things or any of the ordinances of the gospel which we admin-
ister to the children of men or to each other does not benefit the Lord
Our worshiping the Lord is of no particular benefit to our Father in Heaven
but it is all entirely for our own benefit & in this light we should
view it. their is a doctrin taught from the stand & freequently taught
in Public that we should follow Brother Joseph or Brother Brigham
or any man who leads & do as they say & foobey them & that is all that is
required but this is a fals doctrin in one sense. for I will say that
no man should trust to the testimony of another but he should go to God
& get the testimony for himself this evry man & woman should do
I might have heard Joseph Smith preache & testify of the truth of the Book
of mormon & of this work untill he had been as old as Methuselah & in
the end I should have snaped my fingers at him & said to him you
are a foolish old man & turned upon my heels & walked off if I
had not have had some other testimony besides his but I went to
the Lord & the Lord revealed to me that it was true & that it was his word
& I received it upon that principle, & I have lived upon that
principle from that day untill now & it is the right privilege & Duty
of evry man & woman to get the revelation of Jesus Christ for
themselves & evry person should get the spirit of God & live by
it & if all would do this there would not be a man or woman unhappy
in this territory & the flood of complaint which now salutes my
ears of Husbands & wives complaining of each other would be done
away. One man comes & sayes my family will not be subject to
me another woman says my husband abuses me & I want a bill [of divorce ]
to get away from him and a thousand complaints come poreing in
upon me none of which I should hear if the people lived by the
spirit of God you should all obtain the spirit of God & overcome
your passions when you get angry you should put a peace of
Indiaruber in your mouth & bite it untill you could get perfect
controll over your passions do not speak while you are angry for
you will say sumthing that you will be sorry for but if you will keep
your thoughts to yourself when you are angry they will not become
the property of another. Any person who is acquainted with me knows
that I have controll over myself I do not speak in anger to my
wives, children, or the people. I make all my Passions be in subjection
to the priesthood & the spirit of God. people cannot fulfill their
calling & do their duty unless they are filled with the Holy Ghost
I do not know that there is a female in Israel who is worthy of the
appellation of a Mother in Israel for any woman to raise up children
unto the Lord as they should do they should be filled with the Holy Ghost
when they concieve seed & continue filled with the Holy Ghost
untill the child is born & weaned then the Mother should have the Holy
Ghost to teach the child untill He is Grown up so the Father should
be filled with the Holy Ghost when he begetts a child & he also should
be filled with the Holy Ghost in order to train up that child right then
it will be Holy unto the Lord & will have power with God. these are
true principles. the Saints should bring all there passions in subjections
to the Law of God I am learning evry day I live, I see some that
will bear a testimony that they know that Joseph was a prophet
& the Book of Mormon is true & this work is of God & yet if any thing is said
that comes contrarary to their selfish dispositions they will manifest the
most stoubern will & will not yield one hair from what their wicked
dispositions dictate. I see it in families one will growl because one
drops a mop at their door or does sumthing that does not please them
they have no disposition to do any thing ownly for their own Gratification
but this is not right you should feel like this what can I do to help
you I am not above helping my neighbor, do you want your shoes blacked
I will black them I am not to good to do it this is the way you should
feel for the Lord will reward you according to your work. their are
many in this Territory who are miserable why because they have not the
spirit of God they do wrong & get into the dark but no person should be
miserable who has received the Holy Gospel they should be happy all the time
day & night many other remarks was made which iare not now brought
to my mind
~ Monday
12th I spent the day in the Legislature & attended meeting with the seventies
O Hyde W. Woodruff & L. Snow of the Twelve spoke & Joseph Young who
has been sick a long time came out a long ti for the first time &
spoke to the people we were all glad to see him the spirit of the Lord was
with us & we had a good meeting
~ Tuesday
13th I spent the day in the Legislature & in the evening I met with
with the missionaries in the Historians office we heard the report
of the missionaries & the subject of the spirits was brought up &
discused they have begun to visit the Houses in the 16th ward as
the spirit rapping while we were in Meeting there was a visita
tion to Mr Jarvis House by some persons who broke the windows in
& broke furniture & set fire to the House but his wife put it out
~ Wednesday
14 I spent the day in the office & Legislature in the evening
Preston Thomas & S M Blair came in & spent a part of the eve[nin]g
the remainder of my time I spent at home with my family
~ Thursday
15 I spent the day in the Legislature it was a snowy day I attend
ed the 14th ward meeting several spoke F D. Richard & myself both
spoke we had a good meeting
~ Friday
16th It was a vary severe snow storm it fell 18 inches of snow
I spent the day in the Legislature the session closed for this year
there were many interesting remarks made by President Kimball
& others at the close there is so much snow upon hissome houses their is
danger of their breaking, people are shovelling the snow from their roofs
Bishop Hoaglands roof of a large house broke in to day with the weight
of snow. I shovelled off the snow from my houses
~ Saturday
17th Snow is about 3 feet deep on a level this morning it is cold
I spent the evening at home
~ Sunday
18th Sunday I started some messengers for Rush valley to see about our
cattle as they are dying in most parts of the valley & Territory. I then attended
meeting at the Tabernacle. Elder Lorenzo Snow, Daniel Spencer,
D. H. Wells & David Fulmer all spoke to the people & had a good
spirit. Sarah Woodruff was confined & brought forth a son
15 minuts to 2 oclok P.M. this day Mother & child doing well.
I attended the prayer circle in the evening & herd remarks made
by President Young concerning the attack made upon the House of Mr Jarvis
He did not approbate the procedings at the close I went to the 17th ward
& preached to the people Brother Cummings spoke before me & Brother Wright
& I followed them we had the spirit of God & my mind was open & I
enjoyed the meeting well. I told the people to seek for happiness by doing
the works of wrighteousness & not seek for happiness by doing evil
for that was contrary to the principle of salvation as taught by the
Lord our God. I exhorted them to live otheir religion
~ Monday
I wrote a Letter of recommend for John Eninion to Loren Farr
& Thomas Kingdton & spent the day in the Historians office
~ Tuesday
20th I settelled my tithing to day with Bishop Hoagland &
paid for the past year $97.44 cts + 12.00 = $109.44 Besides my per Diem $12
not recor[d]ed in the account but will come in in the [April]
year in 1857 their is still a balance due me on settlement
of the tithing Books of $25.17 cts. At the close of this settlement I
went to the office & herd that Gerrish had just arived from the
states but have not heard any definate news which he had brought
except that the U. S. Government had appointed a post Master
Marshall & Atturney General of our worst Enemies
I took my Horses & sleigh & wilford & Susan & rode to Union
Fort leaving wilford to John Benbows to spend the night as
I went down. I spent the night at Brother Silas Richards
House. 12 miles
~ Wednesday
21st I took into my sleigh 9 sheep & one lamb which I had
[FIGURE] bought of Silas Richards & drove home & put them in a
warm pen to save their lives. I spent the afternoon in
the office, & staid till 10 oclok translating an address 12 miles
delivered By J. M. Grant to the 17th ward on the evening of
the 2nd of October
~ Thursday
22 I spent the day in the office looking over the exchanges [scraping]
& reading History President Young had an interview with Mr
Wm Garrish who said that at the time that Drummond made
out his papers vouching for the expenses of his courts for the Govt
to pay Marshall Haywood that at the same time Judge Drummond
wrote for the Government not to pay them. Judge Kinney
done all he could to get the pay made from Government but
He had $1000 paid him for his servieces. Mr Garrish had some
trouble with the Chief clerk at Washington the same man that
Thomas Williams had trouble with
I attended the ward Meeting at the 14th ward. J. V. Long J W Cumings
J. W Johnson Bishop Hoagland, W. Woodruff & Bishop Hunter
all spoke we had a good meeting. I told the people to live their religion
to sustain their Bishop to get the Holy Spirit I spoke against interfer-
eing with a mans family that a mans family was his throne
& kingdom & no man had a right to interfere with him that many
women would spin street yarn & go from House to House & try to
turn away women from their Husbands & stir up strife in family
we had a good meeting
~ Friday
I wrote a Letter {to Lydia Maxline} and sent it to Provo by
Bishop Blackburn. I spent a short time with President Young
He said J. D. Brown might keep a daily Journal of matters
in his office for the Historians office {He gave me permission to marry Lydia Maxline}
H. C. Kimball D. H. Wells & F D Richards was with the President
I also had an interview with Bishop Blackburn, it has now
been thawing for several days. I met with the Twelve &
Bishop Benjamin Brown & B. L. Clapp & George B. Wallace & Bishop Hunter
on an investigation of matters in the 4th ward & his surrendering his
Bishopprick. but it resulted in sustaining the Bishop in his calling &
office. O Hiyde wished me to be on the watch for our herd there was
one Kersey stoping there which he was suspicious of
~ Saturday
24th We started off a large heard this morning for rush valley. I
spent the fore part of the day in the office. I rode out with F. D. Richards
to A. L. Taussig tannerry. I attended the High Priest meeting in the
evening & there was a good spirit. President John Young spoke was
followed by W. Woodruff F D. Richards & D. H. Wells
~ Sunday
25th Sunday I attended meeting at the tabernacle I spoke to the people
in the morning was followed wiby D. H. Wells & then President Heber C Kimball
addressed the [people] for about 2 1/2 hours upon the parable of the vine including
grape pumpkin & cucumber, & Apple tree & took up the subject of all
our domestic associations between Husband & wife, parents & children it
was one of the plainest sermons ever delivered to Israel the Tabernacle was
I attended the 13th ward meeting there was a full house Cyrus
Wheelock Preached I followed his & was followed by F. D. Richards
& Bishop Woolley. I also attended the prayer circle
~ Monday
26th I spent most of the day in the office councilling Journalizing
& reading History. I was with Brother Richard in laying
plans to save his heard of cattle. The Seventies had a good meeting
I did not attend I was unwell.
~ Tuesday
27th I spent the day in the office reading history, writing &c. I attended
the missionary meeting at the Historians office & heard all the wards
reported we had a good meeting.
~ Wednesday
28th I corrected my sundays minutes & spent the day in the office
H. C. Kimball F. D. Richards & A Cordon spent an hour or two
with us Brother Kimball preached a short time with us. The following
persons held a council in the Historians office Bishop Hunter E. D. Woolley
D. Spencer J. C. Little Leonard I. Smith & Cyrus Wheelock I spent
the night at home I had a good time in teaching my family (a rainy day
~ Thursday
29th I spent the day in the office we are having a great thaw it is
is warm & cloudy to day
~ Friday
30th I was quite unwell through the night arose sick in the morning
I went to the office the Presidency came in at about 3 oclok &
spent the afternoon & evening in hearing the History read we read
up to the organization of the Church after the twelve returned to Nauvoo
we also read a part of President Brigham Youngs History
~ Saturday
31st I spent the day in the office writing Letters & office business &c
~ Sunday
Sunday Feb 1st 1857 I went to meeting at the Tabernacle & the House
was Filled to overflowing. At the opening of the meeting A Cordon
spoke a short time to the people while He was speaking H. C. Kimball
came in & soon President Young came in & it created a great
sensation among the people for it was the first time he had been
seen in the Tabernacle since the day that J. M. Grant was buried. Brother
Cordon soon stoped & President Young arose & addressed the people
for about 1 1/2 hours & he spok in great plainness of the things
of the kingdom of God his words penetrated the Hearts of many
the great assembly felt the wait of his words. He was followed by
H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells who spoke in an edifying manner all
will be printed in the Deseret News. I attended the prayer circle
in the evening when I arived there I saw a large company of men
& women coming out of the Presidents office. He had been sealing men
& women from the close of the meeting up to that time & had to turn away
many which he could not attend to
I preached in the evening at the 2nd ward school house A Cordon
spoke also Brother Tune & Bishop Hill. I then spoke about one hour
& had the spirit of God upon me & the people with myself were edifyed
~ Monday
2nd I spent the day in the office writing letters I attended the
Seventies meeting & had a good time the spirit of the Lord was
with us the meeting was addressed by Elders Rockwood & Hancock a short
time then followed by Elder Lorenzo Snow & W. Woodruff. Elder Snows
mind run in a vary interesting channel the spiritual atmosphere seemed
to be heavy when he ^a^rose but the spirit of God came upon him & he
spoke in a vary edefying & interesting manner the following remarks wer
Elder snow was written from memery
Brethren I rise to occupy a short time. I realize that there is a feeling
with nearly all of this people that there is sumthing of great importance
awateing this people some think that we will be beset by a great mob
from the states others that we would have an insurrection in our mids[t]
& others sumthing Els now of [if] the people really knew that we would be met
by a mob & that our lives depended upon our being well armed you would
see this people sell their coat or shirt to buy revolvers & weapons so
as to defend their wives children & their own lives but I am satisfyed
that there are scenes awaiting this people that will require all the grace &
wisdom which we can muster to pass through in safety. now for instance
this people are makeing a great rush to Presidents Youngs office to get wives
sealed to them on sunday night. President Young sealed men & women
till it was time for the prayer circle to meet then He had to turn a room
full out of Doors to wait another time this spirit is increasing throughout
this Territory now do those who are taking so many wives realize that
it will want a great Deal more power with God the Holy Ghost & wisdom
to preside over that Houshold than it does to go to the nations & preach
the gospel, build up churches & organize them & preside over & controll
them, if they do not realize it it is true, now here is this great body
of seventies & every other Quorum of this Church should labour hard
to arm yourselves with all the power of God you can get in order to save
your familyies if you do not if you do not you will soon find a
stamped[e] with your wives you cannot hold them they will break
from you you th need the wisdom of the Gods to rest upon you to save
your families for if you do not have great wisdom you will
meet with trouble. you have many wives & children this woman
wants a gown that one a Bonnet the next one shoes & their children
clothing & one thinks she Has to do more than her part & this one will
not do what she should &c & the man has got to stand in the midst
of his family like a God in order to calm the troubled waters & safe
them. A man may Go to a ward meeting & preach & the power of God
is upon him he comes home he finds one woman scolding & freting
another one in tearess, another one complaining & the children
fighting & by the time he gets well in the midst of it hith [his] faith
courage & patience almost fails him, & he has to rise up in the majesty
of a God as it were & have Great wisdom faith & patience & exercise
much Generalship & show himself a master spirit & a savior & a
Fatherly care & kind ness in order to save his wives & children. Here
is a mission for you ye Elders of Israel. Look for instance at the example
of president Young go into his house & take lessons see him with his
great family of wives & children & se the God like character & exam-
ple of that man & the order which he manifests in his family I
tell you if it was not so you would see a stampede suddenly in that
House but He is a great master spirit & manifests great wisdom
in the perfect order of Government with his numerous family of
wives & children. they all respect him & obey his law for the wisdom
of God is with him. Now brethren strive to bring yourselves to the same
standard become a patriarch over your own Household & seek to
save them connected with order you have to become a financere
& you have to support your wives & children & you want to live
so that you can call upon God to increase your flock heards &
crops this brethren is the greater work which you have to prepare
your minds for almost any fool can go & preach the gospel but
it requires a vary wise man to be a patriarch & save his own
household. Many other interesting remarks were made which I
have not room here to record
W Woodruff followed & said I have been much instructed with the word
of Elder Snow his words are true as the gospel & I bear testimony of its truth
I am watching the spirits of men we come & meet with the seventies and
with all other Quorums of the Church from the 12 down & watch the spirits &
give instruction as the spirit dictates this is not ownly our right &but duty
Here is before me a vast body of 70sSeventies the minds of this body of men
must be fed your presidents should be filled with the spirit & power of God
so that they can attend all the meetings & feed them & give unto them the
mind & will of God if they do not do this they will die & cannot stand
for the minds of these Seventies must be fed but many of them who
have been ordained into these Quorums have not prized the priesthood
which they have had sealed upon them. many times they have been so
anxious to go & attend to some trifling thing that they could not stop
long enough to be ordained at least as soon as the hands were off
they would run & not stop to give their genealogy many of the Elders
of this Church have trifled with the priesthood. there is now a
call made to gather up all the Elders priests Teachers & Deacons that are
^not^ esspecially ingaged as teachers with the Bishops to come forward & be
ordained into the seventies now it does appear to me that the Lesser
priesthood is necessary in the Church otherwise the Lord would not have
esstablished it. the Head cannot say to the feet we have no need of you
no more than the feet can say to the head we have no need of you. [1 Corinthians 12:21] almost
all the Lesser priesthood are striveing to become ordained into the seventies
while the bishops wish them to officiate in the Lesser priesthood. * see the star on the other page
~ Tuesday
3rd I spent the day in the office writing Letters to correspondence &c I
attended the Bishops meeting in the evening at the seventies Hall we had a
good meeting. Bishop Hunter spoke followed by Lorenzo Snow who preached
nearly the same sermon that he did last night to the 70s meeting I
followed him & bore testimony to the truth of what he had said I
was followed by Bishops Hardy & Little
~ Wednesday
I finished my Letters to my correspondence I
I wrote 6 Letters to the Mormon, Standard, Star, G. A. Smith J M.
Bernhisel & Lyman & Rich the Calafornia Mail arived at abut
2 oclok it brought the Standard Mormon & some Letters not much
news it also brought the star. I spent the evening at the office with
with L Snow & F. D. Richards in conversation & had a plesant
interview together.
I received two papers of pear & Apple pie mellon seeds
from C C Rich
~ Thursday
5th A snowey day. I spent a part of the day writing & reading I attended
a trial before the High Counsel & 13 ward of Brother Capaner that was
cut off from the Church after Hearing the testimony of both parties &
remarks from the councellors & decision of president Spenser, then
President Young delivered an address to the people a synopsis of
which was taken by Brother Bolton delivered to me & filed in the
Historians office. He said a Bishop & his councillors might cut
off a man from the Church whether any of the ward voted or not
He said should the people follow a Bishop yes if he is a righteous
man & does right but if he teaches wrong things & does wrong the
people should not follow Him but when this is the case let the people
thunder out the truth as it is then the bishop will see it but
unless the people can point out some better way let them follow
the bishop. See Boltons report
* (From the back page) The Bishops feel to complain & say the seventies
take all of the Lesser priesthood which we have & ordain them seventies
so by the time we get some teachers organized they are ordained to
the office of seventies. The seventies also complain that the Bishops
come & take away their presiding officers & the seventies & make
bishops & councellors of them & ordain them High priest so their
appears to be a difference of feeling in the several Quorums in
order to avoid this I would recommend that the Teachers Priest &
Deacons all that the Bishops wish to make use of as teachers in the
several Quorum remain as they are untill they have magnifyed their
calling & not evry man as soon as he is ordained a teacher go & get
ordained a seventy & hide himself in that mighty forest of men
so that He cannot be found For the Seventies are like a forest
trees of all kinds from the tallest down to the shrubery & men
get lost in such a forest. men should not despise the lesser priest-
hood for it is honorable & if they fully magnify that office they
will have great power & many blessings for the Aaronic priesthood
hold the keys of administering of Angels & their has been but few
men even High Priest or Apostles that have enjoyed all the blessings
that belongs to the Lesser priesthood. Then Let not the seventies seek
to get all the Lesser priesthoods ordained into ther quorums if they
do I do not wish them to complain if seventies are taken out
to Make Bishops councillors & teachers of them as long as nearly
all the timber is in that body. Let a man have what portion
of the priesthood He may he wants to keep it in lively exercise in
order to save himself & family *)
~ Friday
6th I spent the day in the office & evening conversing with with the board
of Directors of the Agricultural society
~ Saturday
7th I spent the day in the office & the attended the High priests meeting
in the evening. W. Woodruff spoke first a short time & exhorted the
High priest to prize the priesthood & not trifle with it or any of the Blessings
which God has given you the spirit of God was upon me I was followed
by Lorenzo Snow who spoke well in the spirit of the Lord & was followed
by John Young & others
~ Sunday
8th ^Sunday^ I attended meeting at the Tabernacle we had a good day James Cummings
spoke in the morning had the spirit of the Lord & spoke much to edifycation
of the people was followed by President Brigham Young who spoke
at length in the power of God & gave a great deal of doctrin & informa
tion He was followed by H. C. Kimball all is published in the news
I attended the prayer Circle in the evening President Young in
speaking of a Blank in the History said that it was during that time in the
fall & winter of 1844 that Sidney Rigdon preached his great sermon when
he was going to take Queen Victoria by the nose. we done a good deal of
work at that time on the temple, & it was difficult to get bread for the hands
to eat. I told the people toor the committe who had charge of the temple means
to deal out all the flour they had & God would give them more & they done
so & it was but a short time before Brother Toronto come & brought me
twenty five hundred dollars in gold the committee & the Bishop met & I
met with them & they said that the Law was to lay the gold at the Apostles feet
yes I said & I will lay it at the Bishops feet so I opened the mouth of the bag
& took hold of the bottom end & gave it a yerk [jerk] towards the Bishop &
strewed the gold across the room at his feet & I said now go & buy flour
for the workmen on that temple & dont distrust the Lord any more for we will
have what we need
I went to the seventh ward to preach I found Bishops Hunter & Willie
Wm H Kimball S. M. Blair & others present to preach Bishop Hunter spoke
first I followed him & had much of the spirit of speaking I was followed
By Bishop Willie with a few remarks Brother Pack spoke first However
~ Monday
My Father Aphek Woodruff was taken vary sick this
morning with the Billious cholic He had a vary sick day I was with him
the Latter part of the day & all night I could not get any thing to pass
his bowels
~ Tuesday
10th I called upon President Young in the morning & told him I did not
think that my Father would live & thought I should spend the day with Him
^He^ said that I had better do it so I spent the day with him & done all I
could for him I gave him about 3 oz of castor oil & 4 drops of croton
oil injection evry hour of fedity lobelia &c still I could not get anything
to pass his bowels they bloated badly & all thought He would die Dr's
Dunyon & France both saw him & did not think that He would live I was
with him all day & night I continued to poltice his bowels & during the
night I got a passage & their seemed some prospect of his living
~ Wednesday
11th My Father had a thorough breaking up of his system & purging he was
thourely cleaned out & a fair prospect of his living I attended the female
relief society at the 14th ward the House was full of females quilting sewing
&c Mrs Woodruff was president sisters Horn & Southworth councillers &
sister Pratt secretary Bishop Hoagland spoke a short time followed by W Woodruff
Joseph Horn & R. L. Campbell also Mrs Woodruff Horn & Southworth,
we laid hands upon them & ordained them & set them apart to their
office & callings I then returned home & spent the evening at home with
Elder Thomas Kington we talked over all our affairs which were many
~ Thursday
12th My Father is getting better & it appears like a miracle tha He is
a live. I spent the day in the office writing I looked over some of my
old Journals & former travels I spent the evening at home
~ Friday
13th My Father is quite smart to day I spent the day in the office
reading History. I copy the following recept
Received at the tithing office G. S. L. C. Feb 12 1857 From Sanpete
by Bishop W. S. Snow, 848 3/4 bushels of wheat
1196 Bushels of oats, 21 3/4 bushels of Barley 1970 lbs of flour
and 1562 lbs of Lead from the Los vegus mines The Presidency
spent the day in ^the^ House of the Lord giving endowments & sealing I
spent the evening in the Historians office
~ Saturday
14th I spent the day in the office on history & Journallizing I spent
a short time with President Young. Brother porter arived from
Rush valley with Mr Louilla Hursa from Calafornia it continues to
thaw I called upon President Young at his office & read a letter to
him I then went to his sealing room & he sealed several couple I
then read to him Backenstos Letter containing the name of the Carthage
Grays &c which President Young said publish
~ Sunday
15th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Brother
George Sims spoke in the morning, gave quite a musical Physioliogical
discourse. He was followinged by Aropene the Utah chief he delivered
a powerful discourse & exhorted the Saints in the strongest manner to
follow their leaders & do right not drink whiskey or do wrong in any thing
I followed him & told the people to lay that exertation to heart as it was
given by a Lamanite chief I spoke at length which was reported
by J. D. Watt. I was followed By D. H. Wells who bore testimony
to what had been said
I attended the prayer Meeting. President Young had the minutes read
of his discourse on the 8th Aug 1844 at the ^re^organization of the Church
after this was read President Young said that he asked Br James to
Preached a funeral sermon he stuck up his nose about it & said if Brigham
Young wanted a funeral sermon preached he might preach it for he should
not do it. the Last time that I herd Sidney Rigdon preached He hised
for the fly & was going to take little [Queen] Vic[toria] by the nose. He also said there
is one thing I want done I want to have these stores removed for they
gathered all the trash of the City
I went to 15 ward & preached to the people. I followed David J Russ
I had the spirit of the Lord upon me & had a good meeting
{I spoke to President Young about my daughter Phebe. He did not wish to take any more young wives but would see that she was take up in due time.}
~ Monday
16th I spent the day reading History & on a trial of
Graham & Porter we decided that if Graham wished
to claim the land He should pay Porter for the improvements
I attended the 70s meetings A. P. Rockwood spoke followed by B L Clapp
& Levi Hancock then Lorenzo Snow spoke at length & I followed Him
& had a good meeting
~ Tuesday
In company with F. ^D.^ Richards I called upon President Young
and asked him what I should do whare council was asked
of me either by the 70s or Bishops. Joseph Young said to the Quorum
of Seventies that when they were called to be Bishops or councillors
that they might still retain their place as Presidents of the seventies &
not be ordained High Priests. Bishop Hunter thinks that they should Be ordained
Bishops & High Priest. what shall I do about it. President Young said if
they would go their ^way^ & hold there tongue about it they might stand as they
are & act as Councellors to a Bishop, but if they will not, ordain them
I said I thought that men ought to walk in the channel pointed out
for them & not complain about it President Young said yes let them
do as they are told. I spent the day in the office reading History & councelling
Elder L Snow & F. D. Richards was with me a part of the day I attended the
Bishops meetings in the evening. Bishop Hunter spoke & I followed him
I told the Bishops to impress upon the minds of the people the necessity
of living their religion after this date for if the people again commit
sin after being forgiven as they now were they would not
again be forgiven but the Justice of the Law would be brought against
them & they would have to pay the penalty or be cut off from the
Church again I told them they should not boast of their authority
& power or that a Seventy was greater than a High Priest or that a
High Priest was greater than a seventy no man should boast of the
power of the priesthood untill he obtained some of that power &
it was manifested upon him & when that was upon him he certainly
would not boast of it for the Holy spirit would teach him sens enough
to know better. It is vary seldom that I have known the power of
the presiesthood made manifest upon the children of men in our [day] to a
vary great Degree but in some instances it was manifest as in
the case of the prophet Joseph at the time his [house] was full of the sick &
dying & his door Yard & they were strewed along the bank of the river
for 2 miles & Joseph rose up & shook himself like an old Lyion
& commenced at his own tent door & healed all the people who was
not dead on both sides of the river by the power of God his voice was
as the voice of God & the earth almost trembled under his feet as he com-
manded the sick to arise & be made whole. It was also manifest with
Joseph while made fast in chains & in prision in Missouri & his wicked
ungodly persecuters gathered around him & while he was made fast in
chains with his chains Brethren yet they goaded his feelings by boasting
of how many murders they had commited & rapes upon mormon women
& how they had cut the mormons to peices then they would blaspheme the
name of God untill his spirit was reigned up & he rose up in the power of
God in the midst of his chains & spoke as in the voice of thunder "Silence
ye fiends of the pit. I will not live another momen[t] & hear such vile
language from mortals, either you or I shall die right here or els you
shall scease from boasting of shall such damnable deeds as you are guilty
of." They quailed before his words like leather wilting in the flames
& they bowed before him & made acknowledgedments to him this was done
by the power of God. "Again David Patten was taken by an armed mob
under a United States warrant & when he was surroun[d]ed with an armed
mob of about 40 men under the garb of Law & would not let him say one word in
his own defence but he arose in the power of God & held them fast to their seats
untill he addressed them about 1/2 an hour he told them they were cowards
rascals & villans & he proved it to them, & they had not power to harm a hair
of His head & they let him & Warren Parrish go, away. Again this power
was manifest with President Brigham Young on the bank of the Missouri River
at Winter Quarters when the merchants brought up goods to sell to the brethren
who were going to the mountains. Old Major Miller the Indian Agent was
surrounded by officers & Miller in order to show his great power He told the
merchants that owned some Alcohol not to roll a Barrel of off from the
boat that He would knock the head in & spill it upon the ground president
Young steped up & told the men to roll it out & if miller spilled it that
moment I will spill his clarret He & all the officers turned pale the liquor
was rolled out & nobody hurt And other instances might be named when
the power of the priesthood has been manifest but these men have never
boasted of it nor never will I made many other remarks. I was followed
by Lorenzo Snow who spoke well.
~ Wednesday
18th I spent the day in the office reading history. Elders L Snow F. D. Richard
& E. Hunter was in the office & conversed upon many things. I copy the following
report from the presidency a month since He said that is (President Young) that He
wished the Brethren at Carson valley would come home. President Kimball
said that I dont want to see the Presidents of the seventies in the stand untill they
get more of the spirit of God for they are dead & the seventies have to receive
their food through them. Brother Young said I do not wish to have Father
Morley not to seal any more men & women without my consent
I was troubled with the teeth ake. I took an instrumen & dug a stump
of a tooth out of my Jaw that was broke off level at the Gum it was
a tedious operation. I spent the evening at the office reading history
~ Thursday
19th I spent the fore part of the day in the office. I started at 3 oclok
with Brother Smoot & our families for the sugar house ward I preached
to the people was followed by Bishop Smoot we had a good meeting. I
spent the night with Brother Smoot 5 mils
~ Friday
20th I called upon Brother Hezekiah Peck He was vary sick we
laid hands upon him. I then walked to Brother Ira Eldridges
with Brother Smoot. I conversed with him & Father Eldridge
for a while I then went to the Penetentiary
& went through it
as inspector according to law I then returned home with Brother
Smoot the rodes were bad I met with the board of Directors & regulated
the list of premiums for the next state fair. Brother Cummings
came into the office & red a report from his brother who had been
exploring from Fort Hall, salmon River, to Bitter Root vallie
He gave a vary flatering account of this country. I spent the
evening at home I had company. Brothers Smoot, Horn & Southworth
with there wives & others were present.
~ Saturday
21st I carried to president Youngs office a Donation from the 14 ward
Female Relief society to the poor fund quilts & clothing amounting to $126
I spent the day in the office reading & compiling History. I attended the 70s
High Priest meeting in the evening Franklin D. Richards spoke I follow[ed]
him & was followed by Orson Hyde. we had a good meeting the spirit of the
Lord was with us
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. S. W. Richards
spoke was followed by D. H. Wells W. Woodruff ^&^ Z. Pulsipher, the spirit of
the Lord was with us & many good things were taught. I attended the
Prayer meeting. The Journal & travels of Benjamin F Cummings to
Bitter Root Valley was read which was interesting. President Young said
I would abandon the road that we have contemplated taking & cross at the south
pass or wind River Chain we will find a good pass there. the price of freight
will come down when settelments are made in that Land. there is a
good place there to make a settelment of the saints I can tell you that we intend
to fill many places yet if they will let us alone. Brother Cummings
says that the mountains are much higher than here that shows that the vallies
are lower than here. Those places are filled with streams & the streams
with fish & the fish with eggs.
The subject of Claytons printing some revel-
ation, & keys came up President Young said that He thought He should
put a stop to people printing matter without his knowledge at their press
I attended the 14th ward meetings, the House was full. Brother Hunt spoke was
followed by Capt Hooper & W. Woodruff F. D. Richards Bishop Hoagland & several
others S. W. Richards &c we had a good meeting
~ Monday
23rd I spent most of the day in the office reading History I called upon president
Young in the morning & asked him several questions which He answered. In the
afternoon I went to President Kimball & read to him his History he did
not think it full enough. I attended the seventies meeting in the evening
the meeting was flung open to the bodey of the 70s some 8 persons spoke
includeding Joseph Young F. D. Richards & W. Woodruff a few words we had
a good meeting
~ Tuesday
24 I called at the office corrected one of my sermons in the morning for the press
I spent the day in the office. I attended the missionary meeting at the
office I made a few remarks was followed by G. D. Grant M. Atwood
J. Cummings D. D. Hunt F. D. Richards & W Woodruff we had a good
meeting I said that there was one principle which was a pleasure to me
as an example President Young is appointed to lead this church now
the Lord in looking upon his work when he sees him walking in the same
path & doing the same things which the Lord would do himself itf he were
here he is pleased with it And so with President Young. He is watching
this people & he is watching us as leaders & teachers & he knows almost every
thing which is going on throughout the Church & kingdom of God & if he
sees us doing the same things which he would do & teaching the same doctrin
He is pleased with us & seese that we are in the right path. It is so with me
to night the vary things which were resting upon my mind since I
have been sitting here have been preached by Broth Cummings & Brother
Richards this is a Joy to me for it shows that it is the spirit of truth
& that it reveals the same things to us all
~ Wednesday
25 I called at the office in the morning & wrote in my Journal, & spent most
of the day in the office correcting minutes & Journal writing. I went to Br
F D Richards House & spent the evening with Mrs Phebe Woodruff
& Brother Richards family & Dr W. Richards family
we spent a plesant evening together.
~ Thursday
I went with my family into the Council House the
first time I ever took my family to the Altar in the House
of the Lord. I had my three living wives sealed to me & one that was
dead in the following order Phebe Whitmore Carter, Mary Fabyan
Carter Deceased, Emma Smith & Sarah Brown I then visited
the family of Dr W. Richards & J. M. Grant. I then went to the
office & corrected some minutes of one of my sermons in the taber-
nacle. I attended the 14th ward meeting in the evening & herd
Brother Clements & Cummings speak I followed them & backed
up ther testimony I had the spirit of the Lord & had a good meeting
~ Friday
27th I spent the day in the office & corrected the minutes of Arropeene
& my speech following & gave council to Allen & willow creek Bishop.
27th I spent the evening conversing with A. Carrington upon a grat
variety of things
~ Saturday
I spent the day in compiling the Life & History of
Samuel H. Smith. I wrote 2 Letters to Orson Pratt &
A Lyman & C. C. Rich also one to Phineas Richards Young
requesting them all to forward us a brief History of their lives. I find
it a great difficulty to obtain information concerning Samuel H. Smith
in any history or Journal
~ Sunday
March 1st 1857 This is my Birth day I am 50 years old
this day I have been preserved unto this age through the mercy
of my Heavenly Father I have many times through life been
snached from the Jaws of death by the power of God I have lived
to see much of the power of God manifest I have seen much of his
work displayed upon the Earth the last 23 ye[a]rs I have spent in his
Church & kingdom travelling & preaching the gospel of Jesus & building
up churches to his name & I pray that the rest of my life may be devoted
in his service that I may do the will of God in all things
I attended meeting in the Tabernacle to day Joseph Young spoke in the
morning followed by Brother Kimball. In the after noon Lorenzo Snow
spoke followed by D. H. Wells & H. C. Kimball the spirit & power of God
rested upon the people & the speakers through the day. I attended the prayer
meeting in the evening at the close of which Lorenzo Snow went home
with me took some supper we then went to the 14 ward meeting vancott
spoke followed by Lorenzo Snow who spoke upon Family government followed
by myself I bore testimony to the truth of what he said
~ Monday
2nd I spent the day in the office labouring hard to get up the History
of Samuel Smith I attended the meeting with the 70s several of the brethren
spoke I followed him upon the subject of taking wives & family government
was followed by Joseph Young we had a good meeting
~ Tuesday
3rd I spent the day upon Samuel Smith History. I sowed in my garden
some goosbury & currant seeds & Cherry I paid a short visit to
Bishop hunters. I attended the Bishops meeting & after hearing from Bishop
Hunter & J. C. Little I followed & told them that there was one principl
manifest which gave me hope & that was to see the spirit of obedience to
the Holy Priesthood. in our day the savior set the same example & we
are trying to do the same. we should labour in all of our work to do
Just as the Lord would do was he here & as president Young would do then
we shall always do right
~ Wednesday
4th This is my daughter Phebes birth day she is 15 years old this day
I am quite unwell this morning with sore throat & cold I spent the day
in the office on History
~ Thursday
5th I was quite unwell this day my lungs were vary sore & tight
my family set out Apple, peach & plum trees to day I spent a
part of the day in the office
~ Friday
6th Calafornia Mail is in & brought Mormons & Standards
I was still unwell spent part of the day setting out trees
President Young called & regulated John Smith blessing &
D H Wells blessing & Herd Samuel Smith History read
~ Saturday
7th I am still unwell President Young came in this morning & Herd
a part of his History read & corrected it I spent most of the
day in the office
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I attended meeting in the officetabernacle. O Hyde Preached
in the morning upon the text "strait is the gate & narrow the way that
leadeth unto Eternal life & few there be that find it &c" [Matthew 7:14] He was followed
by President Young who preached one of the most comforting & inter-
esting discourses ever delivered to the people if we past our inspection
before Joseph we probably should Peter & Jesus then we should be
quite safe. if all this people did not go to a celestial kingdom it would
be their own fault, but will all have the same exaltation & glory in
the Celestial Kingdom by no means there will be but few that go there
that will be crowned kings & Priests & Gods there will be many millions
in the Celestial Kingdom that will not be exhalted to those hier blessings
this People are a good people & they are advanceing faster than any
other people that ever lived it would not be 120 years insted of 365 before
this people would with the portion of Earth which they occupy be separated from
the wicked. the Lord will bless this people if you will do as well as you
know how all will be well with you many glorious remarks were
made by President Young all of which were reported by G. D. Watt
I attended tohe prayer meeting in the evening President Young had O Pratts
pamphlet read called the Holy Spirit & he made the following remarks
after hearing it read He said that Brother Pratt had got beyong [beyond] the
stars He had Carrelled them & got beyond them
President Young asked Wm W Phelps by what authority he had
proclaimed in Public that He (Brigham Young) was the man that
the Lord said he would raise up like unto Moses "Phelps said Joseph
was gone & you are left to lead the People. B. Y that is no Argument
at all I may die & others be left that does not prove that I or they
would be the one refered to. If I thought I was the man I would not
tel of it. But I think I am the great man that none of the prophets
ever thought of or spoke of.
Orson Hyde said there was a man in Provo professed to have a visit
from a Departed spirit he comes to him dressed in his temple
rob[e]s & the man he comes to has not had his endowments and
I want to know what you think of it I thought the whole of it
smelt strongly of Brimstone
President Young said now if the people in Provo can be made to
believe that that is a true visit about the third time he comes He
will say that this Church is not led by the man that ought to lead
it but the man that has thos visits will tell you that he is to lead the
Church. Now I will tell you how you may know it is fals a spirit
will not come to a man in the flesh without he appears in his glory
& men cannot endure his glory a resurrected body may come
& hide his glory, but that visitation is false it is not true
I went to the 14th ward school House to meeting O Hyde & many
others were there as missionaries several spoke I followed with
few remarks & was followed by O Hyde
~ Monday
9th I spent the day in the office mostly I set out some trees &
grape vines
~ Tuesday
10th I set out currant Bushes & grape vines I spent a part of
the day in the office I attended the missionary meeting in the evening
& had a good time I spoke a short time at the close of the meeting
~ Wednesday
11th I spent the fore part of the day setting out vines & currants
the after noon in the office
~ Thursday
12th I set out 5 Almonds & 25 peach trees one Apricott & one
plum in my garden this fore noon I spent the afternoon in the office
~ Friday
13 I spent the day in the office
~ Saturday
134th I spent the fore part of the day grafting Apples & pears the
afternoon I spent in the office. President Young called in & Herd
History read nearly all the afternoon He heard a part of his
own history read, & a part of the continuation of the History of the
the Death of Joseph. I attended a feast at A. O. Smoots Bishop
Hunter J. C. Little & J Horn was present with their wives
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I spent the day at the Tabernacle. G. D. Grant Preached
followed by J. D. T. Mcallister then by Brother Kimball who
spoke at length. In the afternoon President Young spoke a vary
interesting sermon from the following text "who is my Father Mother
Brothers & sisters they are those who do the will of my father which
is in heaven" [Matthew 12:50] I attended the prayer Circle President Young
said he had the following dream. I thought we had a great
crop of wheat the whole Earth was filled with it all around the
Heads were vary long & there was so much of it the people
did not seem to care any thing about it, did not try to save
it I had to continually urge the people to save the wheat they
said they had more than they wanted for this year I told them
to go to & save all the wheat they had then next year they could
work on the Temple."
President said that the King Philip corn was nothing more than the
Jumbo corn some man plants an acre & takes great care of it &
he gets a great crop of it, the way they got corn so early they
will take the ear that sets first & pull the silk out of all the rest
then plant the but part of that Ear & that will make early corn
now that is the way with the best breed of cattle, they keep picking
out the best for stock, & that increases the goodness of them. Owen
wanted his society to adopt this plan to take all the noble men
& women & raise up a society when they had a dwarf send him
President Young said to Elder O Hyde you have been to both
Jerrusalem & Zion & seen both I have not seen either for I
never have been in Jackson county now it is a plesant thing
to think of to know whare the old garden of Eden is did
you ever think of it, or sens it, I do not think many do, now
Jackson County is the Garden of Eden, Joseph has declaired this
& I am as much bound to believe it as much as I am to believe
Joseph is a prophet of God, many in Jackson county have found out
that they cannot cultivate the Temple Block & other places in that
county. we must let the Lord take his own time to prepare the way
for our return to that county & to build up that Temple
16 I spentI went to the 15 ward & preached during the evening to the people
~ Monday
16th I spent the day in the office writing I attended the meeting
of the seventies in the evening. Brother Joseph Young spoke to the people
in a vary edefying manner exhorted them to get the spirit of God
& edify the people He was followed by W. Woodruff I told them that I felt
like bearing testimony to what brother Joseph had said his teachings
were Just & true You cannot edify this people without you speak by
the Holy Ghost a man may have all the eloquence of a Cicero or
the knowledge of the world combined & he cannot feed the immortal
mind of a Latter Day saint unless he speaks by the spirit of God. He may
talk of visions & revelations or any thing els unless he has the spirit
of God He will not edefy this people look at the teaching of the prophet
Joseph all other men might preach though many might preach by the
spirit of the Lord & edify the people yet if the people knew that Joseph
was going to preach the people would poor out of their houses like bees
out of a Hive. So with President Young at this day if the people knew
that He was going to preach they would fill the Tabernacle an hour before
the time of meeting. his words are plain & easy but they are filled
with the spirit & power of God unto edification
I was followed by F. D. Richards who spoke well unto edifycation
~ Tuesday
17th I spent the day in the office on the History of the Twelve &
found great difficulty in obtaining any thing for the History of
those who had apostitized. I attended the meeting of the Bishops
Bishop Hunter spoke & said he wished the clerk to keep a strict
Account of their meetings as it would make a good History He
councilled the Bishops to finish the canal & do all that is required of
them. Joseph Young spoke said that was the first time that He ever
attended a Bishops meeting in his life He spoke vary well I followed
The following is a Brief synopsis of my remarks I said I felt
to say a few words we have had a good exertation from Brother Joseph
Young He said some had thought that we should have the privilege of
coming to thes vallies & setting down & resting but he thought that we had
as much to do as ever I think so to I am thoroughly converted to
the faith that we shall never arive at that period of existance when
we shall not have sumthing to do I believe our work will increase
throughout all Eternity though we may not have to gain our bread
by the sweat of our brow neither shall we always have to cultivate
the soil in the midst of thornes & briers. Our Father in Heaven is
always busy his kingdom & works are increaseing & I believe it
will be the same with us throughout all Eternity if we are saved. There
is another subject which I wish to speak of. Brother Hunter said that
He wanted the clerk to keep a record of their meetings as it would
make a good History this is a subject I have always felt interested
in & as there are many branches in the kingdom of God so their should
be some persons engaged in each branch I have often spoken upon
this subject & I have often thought that to many it was dry and
uninteresting to many I mean the subject of Journal writing & keeping
a history of what transpires with us from day to day. I was deeply
impressed with the importance of this subject to day while reading the History
of the organization of the quorum of the Twelve and the remarks of the
Prophet Joseph upon the subject. He said -["I have for myself learned a fact
by experience which on reflection gives me much sorrow. It is a truth
that if I now had in my possession evry decission which has been given
upon important items of Doctrin & duties since the rise of this Church
they would be of incalculable worth to the saints but we have neglected
to keep a record of such things thinking perhaps that they never
benefit us afterwords which had we now would decide almost
any point that might be agitated and now we cannot bear record
to the Church nor unto the world of the great & glorious manifestation
that have been made to us with that degree of power and authority
which we otherwise could if we had those decissions to publish abroad
Since the Twelve are now chosen I wish to tell them a course
which they may persue & be benefited here after in a point of light
of which they perhaps are not now aware. At all times when
you assemble in the capacity of a council to transact business let the
oldest of your Number preside & let one or more be appointed to keep
a record of your procedings & on the decission of evry important
item let it be what it may let such decission be noted down and
they will ever after words remain upon record as LAW covenants
& doctrin. Questions thus deci[d]ed might at the time appear unimportant
but should they be recorded & one of you lay hands upon them after
words you might find them of infinate worth not ownly to your
brethren but a feast also to your own souls"
"Should you assemble from time to time & procede to discuss import-
ant (subjects) or questions & pass decissions by & by upon them &
omit to record such decisions by & by you will be driven to straits
from which you will not be able to extricate yourselves & not being
in a situation to bring your faith to bear with sufficient perfection
or power to obtain the desired information. Now in consequence of
a neglect to write these things when God revealed them not essteeming
them of sufficient worth the spirit may withdraw & God may be angry
and here is a fountain of intelligence or knowledge of infinate
importance which is lost. what was the cause of this the answer
is slothfulness or a Neglect to appoint a man to occupy a few moments
in writing" "
Here Let me prophesy the time will come when if
you neglect to do this you will fall by the Hands of unrighteous men
were you to be brought before the authorities and accused of any crime
or misdemienor and be as innocent as the angels of God unless you can
prove that you were some whare els your enemies will prevail against
you but if you can bring Twelve men to testify that you were in some
other place at that time you will escape there hands now if you
will be careful to keep minutes of these things as I have said it
will be one of the most important & interesting records ever seen
I have now laid these things before you [for] your consideration and you
are left to act according to your own Judgment"]- (See record of the
Twelve Historians office) ^and History of the Church February 1835^ I have thus refered to sume of the words of
Joseph to the Twelve Apostles at their organization. This shows the
feelings of the Prophet Joseph upon this subject I have had this
same subject upon my mind ever since I have been a member
of the Church I have been inspired & moved upon to keep a Journal
& write the affairs of this Church as far as I can I did not understand
why my feelings was exercised so much in the early age of this Church
but I understand it now I seldom ever heard Brother Joseph or the
Twelve preach or teach any principle but what I felt as uneasy as
a fish out of water untill I had written it then I felt right I
could write a sermon of Josephs a week after it was delivered almost
word for word & after it was written it was taken from me or from
my mind this was a gift from God unto me and I have kept a
Journal of almost evry day of my life for the last 24 years I could
tell each day what I had done, what company I was in & what
was transpiring around me and any teachings or councils from the
presidency of the Church except whare I knew that reporters had
written there discourses & I have urged this same course upon the Twelve
& all the corums of the Church to keep a record of there meetings & the
dealings of God with them & for all men who bear the Priesthood
to keep a record of their lives esspecially of all their official acts in
the Church & kingdom of God. You may say that this is a great deal
of trouble vary well it has been to me in one sens it has occupied
nearly evry leasure moment of my time for 24 years but what of it
I have never spent any of my time more profitably for the benefit of
manking [mankind] than in my Journal writing for a great portion of the Church
History has been compiled from my Journals & some of the most glorious
gGospel sermons truths & revelations that were given from God to this people
through the mouth of the Prophets Joseph, Brigham, Heber & the Twelve could
not be found upon the Earth on record ownly in my Journals & they are
compiled in the Church History & transmitted to the saints of God in
all future generations does not this pay me for my trouble it does in
many instances in this Church men have been appointed clerks
to write for the Church they have kept the records instead of
delivering them to the President of the Church whare they belonged & some
they would appostitize then they would insult the Church by offer-
ing to sell them their own records at an enormous price. I have
deposited my records & Journals in the Historians office whare I
hope they may do some good. We have had a vary interesting
time this winter during the referamation among the Latter day saints
the spirit & power of God has been poured out in a wonderful
manner & many glorious truths have been revealed through
the presidency Twelve & others & in the various quorums meeting
now should not their be a record kept of these things in the comm-
encement of these meeting the clerks took quite full reports
but thinking it to much trouble they now take them vary short &
we can hardly get an outline of the real facts of our meetings
& the power of God & the dealings of God with us evry man should
write a brief history of his life his parentage, His birth his
religion when he was baptized & by whom when ordained what
to & by [w]home give a brief sketch of all his missions & of all his
official acts & the dealings of God with him then if He was to
die & the Historians wished to publish his history they would
have sumthing to go by Many may think this a dry subject
& unimportant but it is not so to me I am now trying to
get up a history of the Twelve Apostles as first organized
half of them are now out of the Church & scarsly any record
left whareby I can get a correct knowledge of their ministry
or work & some of those who remain & are labouring to
build up the kingdom of God have not kept a record of
their missions ministry official acts & decission upon important
subjects & the gifts graces & dealings of God with them sufficient to
give a true & corret History of their lives their are but
few aside from the presidency of this Church who feel the import-
ance of this subject sufficient to put it in practice. It may be
considered by some not important to write or keep a record of our
work or the work of God but I believe it is otherwise the Prophets
would not have been moved upon to exhort us to faithfulness upon
this subject the Lord has told us that what we seal on Earth shall
be sealed in heaven & what we record on Earth shall be recorded
in heaven & what is not sealed or recorded on Earth is not sealed
or recorded in heaven therefore it appears to be vary important
that we do keep a true & faithful record in all things. while walking
in a rapid stream we cannot tread twice in the same water neither
can we spend twice the same time when we pass out of that
door the work of this meeting will be closed to us forever we shall
never spend the time of this evening again then should we not keep
a record of our work teachings & council which we give in this
meeting we should. again Elders go forth upon missions to the
Nations of the Earth the[y] have to enter into a regular warfare the
Lord pours out his Holy Spirit upon them & they war with the world
the flesh, & the Devil, with kings, princes, Lords, Presidents & rulers
He is cast into prision the Lord delivers him. The Devil enters into
some of his converts & He lays hands upon them & he cast them out,
the saints are sick & he heals them. He prophesies in the name of
the Lord & his words come to pass. Rulers declair that He shall not
preach to the people on pain of death. He preaches the word of God &
many believe obey & rejoice in the Lord & he is protected by the
power of God. He goes upon the sea the storms rage & he calms
the water & wind in the name of the Lord. He is shielded & guarded
by the angels of God all the day long & he knows the power of God
is with him & reveals unto him all the evils that lie in his path
And yet he does not view thise great & important things of
value enough to make a record of them to spend a short time in
writing them & the circumstances & history of those blessings
unto him are lost both to the present & all future generation. are
these things wright I do not believe they are. I do not believe a man
is Justified in neglecting to record those things.
Now as an example should the Ten lost tribes of Israel suddenly
come pouring down upon us in the Land of Zion Led by the Holy prophets
of God what would be one of the first inquiries we should make
of them it would be whare are your records & history & the
revelations & dealings of God with you since you were lead away
under Shalmanezar king of Asyria? [2 Kings 17] O do let me see them &
read them & do let me [read] the Journal of your travels from the
North country to Our land of Zion & what would be our disappo-
intment should the prophets & Elders say O we have not got any
history of the dealings of God with us nor any Journal of our
travels we used to hear our Fathers say that there hath been
great & mighty things done in the Land whare we lived the savior
come & taught great & marvellous things & we had a glorious time
in coming here we smote the rocks & the mighty mountains of Ice
fell down with a great noise & great miriacles were wrought but
our Fathers had so much to do & we have had so much to do that we never
had any time to write any thing about it & we did not think that
any body would have any interest in it but ourselves & so we did
not write. would we not be awfully disappointed we should & so
with them should they ask for our records & say that Jesus & the Angels
had told th us that you was building up Zion & doing a great work
in the Earth & that great & glorious things were revealed unto you
& we now wish to read these things & should we tell them that we had
done as they had that we had not kept a record of any of these things
they would be like ourselves much disappointed, but if they & ourselves
should both keep a strict record of all that is useful then it would
add great Joy to both them & us. Then let us lay these things to heart
& keep a true & faithful record that we may be Justified befor God
~ Wednesday
18th I spent the day in the office on History I spent the evening at home
~ Thursday
19th I spent this day in the office on History I commenced the History of the
Twelve Apostles I find it difficult to get much history of some of the
first Twelve who have apostitize & left the Church
~ Friday
20th I spent most of the day in the Office Journal writing & on History
of the Twelve Luke Johnson was with me in the evening
~ Saturday
I bought an Indian boy of Brother Willis this morning abot
6 years old. His Indian name was Saroquetes we call him Nephi
He appears like a smart active good boy I paid $40 for him I am
in hopes to educate him & prepare his mind that He may some day be use-
ful in preaching to his tribe of the Piedes. I sowed some Australia wheat
& french Oats & peas to day
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle F. D. Richards
spoke in the morning followed by W. Woodruff & H. C. Kimball in
the afternoon. Elder Wheelock Wm Kimball & D. H. Wells in the
afternoon. we had a good meeting. I attended the prayer meeting
in the evening President Young said we have got to send men to the
Islands to liberate those who are there we would gather the saints from there
but the laws are against it. F. D. Richards said their was abot 60 saints in
Dresden President Young said the Lord would soon open the way for the gospel in
those governments I would like to send some Elders to Siberia and also to the
Japanees Islands with Proper papers the Lord will soon open the way in the world
I attended the 16th ward meeting this evening & Preached to the people
the spirit of the Lord was with me & we had a good meeting & some to the
~ Monday
23rd Monday I met at the 14th ward school House with the Bishop & members
of the ward & I dedicated the new Font for Baptizing the a Hymn was
was sung & I offered up the dedication Prayer & said, O God the
Eternal Father we bow before thee in the Name of Jesus Christ & by
virtue of the Holy Priesthood to dedicate & consecrate this ground &
Baptizsmal Font unto the Lord our God. we Pray for thy blessing O Lord
to rest upon us in this Holy Ordinance we dedicate this ground & this
Font & the water which it contains unto the name of the Lord and we
pray thee to Bless & sanctify this ground & Font & may iet be Holy
before thee & the water which is in the Font & m[a]y thy power & Holy
spirit rest upon the Bishop of this ward & his councellors and upon
evry man who goeth down into this Faunt Font to baptize the children
of men may no unclean thing enter into this Font or any one come
into it to be baptized unworthyly & may they blessings rest upon all
men who shall administer in thy name in this Font & upon all who
shall be administerd unto by thy servants & we pray that the inhabit-
ants of this word shall lay aside all their sins & evils & may thy blessings
rest upon them we ask the[e] Holy Father to except of this dedication
& consecration at our hands which we offered unto thee in the
Name of thy Son Jesus Christ Amen
at the close of the prayer Elder Franklin D Richards went into
the Font & Baptized his Father Phineas Richards & abut 40 others
I went into the school House & assisted in confirming 14 Samuel
W Richards was mouth in the confermation of his Father. the Elders
continued to Baptize & confirmed members of the 14th ward through
the day. I met in council with the Rush valley Herd company
and we decided to bring over all the Heard & deliver them to the
owners. I attended A councel with the Presidency & Twelve
& others on the case of Bishop Hoagland & his wife Agnes she brought
a complaint against him that He did not pay attention enough to
her & provide well enough for her after hearing the matter on
both sides President Young said now go & do right & let Bishop
Hoagland Baptise you the same as the rest of the ward. I do not wish
to say much about this case but I think many things that I do not
want to say their is many women that care more about their
wives Husband sleeping with them than they do about God or his
kingdom & if a man was to submit to such women he would
not be worth shucks in building up the kingdom of God I have got
some such women & I visit them one a year or once in 3 years as
I please & they may go to heaven or Hell just as they please I
shall not turn away from the work of God for any woman if the
people will follow the council of the 14th ward Bishop they will be
led into the kingdom of God & so will Agness but she wants pillow
council instead of ward council well now if Agnes never hears
any more pillow council or private council take the council which
he gives to the whole ward & you will be saved men must attend
to the duties of the kingdom of God first before any other obj[ec]t
and Now Agnes go home & do right & Brother Hoagland go & Baptize
her if she wishes to be & so here the matter droped
I attended the council of Seventies at the 70s Hall Hosea Stout D
Candlin, & D Willkie addressed the meeting was followed by W Woodruff
& F. D. Richards we had a good meeting I received 6 of my sheep
to night From Thomas Kington
~ Tuesday
24th I sent my men to rush valley this morning with my
sheep to Luke Johnson I sent 15 sheep & 3 Lambs & a Letter of
instructions. L. W. Haywood got in from the East last night
the Eastern Mail got in to day I received 17 Letters from
G A. Smith 5 John Taylor 2, E Rastus Snow 1, B Kelsey 1
(& many papers & Letters to the Presidency) Joel M. Berry 2
John M. Bernhisel 2, E. T. Benson 1.
I spent a part of the day in the Presidents office Hearing his
Letters read I spent the evening at home
~ Wednesday
25 I spent the day in the office reading & writing I had an
interview with Joseph L. Haywood He had a hard time of it
He wintered at Devils Gate. one month He with the whole company
lived upon vary poor beef with Nothing els the next month the
whole company lived upon raw hide alone rosted boiled & any way
they could cook it it was hard fare but they lived through it
He said He had quite an experience in cooking raw hide the[y] also
came near perishing in the snow. one morning while having a large fire
of Dry wood to cook their breakfast their came such a storm
that it put out all their fire & froze up their Breakfast before their
eyes they had to pack up & go on without their Breakfast
they had to make a great exertion to save the mail at all
The letters which I got from the Brethren were date last Sept
& october & July this ownly brought last Oct mail
~ Thursday
26th I spent the fore part of the day in the office the evening I spent
At J. C Littles in company with Bishops Hoagland, Smoot, Hardy
Horn & E D Hunter with their families we had a pleasant
~ Friday
27th I spent the day in the office writing to correspondence
~ Saturday
28th I spent this day in the office writing to correspondence
~ Sunday
29th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Joseph L. Haywood spoke
in the morning followed by Capt Wm. Hooper R. T. Burton & Presidet Brigham
Young. in the afternoon it rained & Hailed vary hard & the people went
into the tabernacle they held the meeting in the bowery in the forenoon O Hyde
& H. C Kimball & T. D. Brown Preached in the afternoon. I attended the
Prayer Circle in the evening. H Eagen got in today ahead of the mail
~ Monday
30th I spent the day in the office writing letters & on History I attended
the Bishops meeting in the evening Bishop Hunter spoke in the evening was
March 31, 1857 ~ Tuesday
^31st^ followed by O Hyde who spoke upon the subject of sending to the states
for sheep I followed & exhorted the bishops to teach the people to take
care of what they had got & tie up their bucks till a suitable time
so the Lambs could come in April when there was a plenty of grass
so the Lambs could live & also take care of your calves & save your
stock which the Lord has given you & not [let] it die as we have done
~ Wednesday
April 1st 1857 I finished my corresponding letters to day
I wrote 8 Letters to the Following persons J. Taylor
G. A. Smith E. Snow J. M. Bernhisel Joel M Berry
I F. Carter Wm R Prince & co O Pratt & E. T. Benson
I sent Wm R. Prince &c some seeds of Muskeret & Muskscrow
& serves buries.
I met in council with the Rush valley herd
company at the Historians office untill 10 oclok
~ Thursday
2nd I spent the day in the office writing history
3rd I spent this day in the office writing on History
~ Friday
43rd [FIGURE] Our rush valley heard came in to day & I spent the
whole day in the office stray pen delivering cattle & keeping
an account of the same & half of the night making out Bills
~ Saturday
54th I also spent this day delivering Cattle & till night &
I was sick & weary
~ Sunday
5th Sunday I did not attend meeting in the forenoon
Elder H. C. Kimball Preached in the afternoon I attended President
Young preached. I attended Prayer meeting & preached in the 14 word in the evening
~ Monday
April 6th 1857 The General Conference of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints met at the bowery at 10 oclok
conference opened by prayer by H. C. Kimball President Young made
some remarks concerning sending missionaries abroad would send
many to the states if He could get those of the right stripe there was
a Great difference in men in preaching spoke of Brother Clapp
in Texas & the Twelve in London. The statistical account
of the financial affairs of the Church was read. In the afternoon
D. H. Wells & H. C. Kimball spoke, followed by President B. Young
who delivered a vary interesting account upon practical economy
I attended the 70 meeting in the evening at the 70 Hall & had a
full House & a good time I spoke a short time to them I followed
Joseph Young. O Hyde attended the High Priest meeting President
B Young spoke to them
~ Tuesday
7th The conference held through the day President Young spoke
of O Hyde & F. D. Richards and chastized their errors vary
severely many spoke during the day I met with the Missionaries
in the evening at the basement of the social Hall 4 of the Twelve
were there viz O. Hyde W Woodruff L. Snow & F. D. Richards
I addressed the missionaries was followed by O Hyde L. Snow
F. D. Richards Joseph Young & others
~ Wednesday
8th I received a large can of choice Apple grafts for
the Deserett Agricultural & Manufacturing Society & I met
with the board in the morning to distribut them I attended
the conference through the day the vast congregation of
people some 10 thousand were adressed by B Young H. C. Kimball
D H Wells O Hyde W Woodruff L Snow F D Richards
John Young Joseph Young Joseph A Young Wm Kimball &
B. Clapp we had a vary good meeting a great amount
of good teaching was given Among other things President
Young said that Babes & children gazed upon Angels a
great deal & they were innocent before God & when they was
brought up properly they would always be Holy men & women
before the Lord. Among other teaching the people were exhorted
to plant build & set out Fruit trees at the close of the meeting
I let the brethren have about 300 peach trees
~ Thursday
9th The conference assembled at 9 oclok President Young
said I give this conference now into the hands of the Twelve
The Twelve then called upon many by name to come to the
stand & the people were addressed by O. Hyde W. Woodruff
L Snow President Brigham Young H. C. Kimball Brigham Young jr
Stephen Taylor, Parley P Pratt Jr Orson Pratt Jr John Young
& many other Young men Heber John Richards there was
much of the spirit of God with the people at the close of
the conference President Young Blessed the people & they ajourned
at noon untill the 6th of next October. I spent the afternoon
at home but the evening I spent at the Historians office
~ Friday
10th I spent the fore part of the day in the office in the afternoon
it blew almost a Hurrycane yet I assisted Brother Oliphant to
graft some cherries, plums & pears. I met with the Rush
valley Herd company to settle business staid till near midnight
I went to bed sick & was quite unwell all night
~ Saturday
11th I arose quite unwell spent a short time in my garden
& went to the office
~ Sunday
12th Sunday I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle Franklin Woolley
[spoke] followed By Clinton OMiner, Whitney & Wells in the afternoon
Brother Chase President Young, & O Hyde in the afternoon I attended
the prayer Circle then went & took supper with J. C. Little & preached
in the 13th ward was followed by Joseph Young & Lorenzo Snow &
Bishop Woolley we had a good meeting
I Blessed a child of Jesse C. Little, called Jedediah M. Grant He
had a great Blessing
~ Monday
13 I delivered into the Hands of F. D. Richards 5 sheep & 2 lambs
I spent the fore part of the day in the office. in the afternoon
I attended Charles while in grafting my orchard
~ Tuesday
14th I spent the day most of it in grafting my Apple Orchard I grafted
the following kinds into my Apple orchard
Sweet Summer Pe | June Eating | Summer Pairmain |
Winter Pe | Esop Spitzenburgh | Red Astrocan |
Yellow Newton Pippin | Mother Porton | Golden Sweet |
Rhode Island Greening | Red June | Rambo or seek no further |
Allexander | Williams Early red | Fall Pippen |
Virginia Greening | ||
Golden Russett | ||
Fall Beauty | ||
Milam & Pecks Plesant | ||
Early June Early Harvest | ||
Baldwin, Tolpoy Hockien | ||
Wine sap = 20 ounce | ||
Winter Queen Newark King |
I also put in the following Pears
Bartlet Bergamont Julianne
white Doyanne ^& Bartlet^
the following Plums
Sweet Damson Smiths Orleans
& Coes Golden Drop
Cherries Black Tortonian
7 grafts of Quinces from Calafornia
while going to the office I saw Thomas Williams at the Council
House drunk & swareing at an awful rate Hooper & Egan were
triying to still him I spent the after noon in the office
I herd that my horses were stolen
15th I herd to day that my Horses were stolen I immediately
wrote a description of them & sent north & south my boys
got home in the night
~ Wednesday
165th I started in company with Henry Horn for Rush valley
I travelled to E. T. Bishop Rhoberry went with me from
there to Toillae City & spent
~ Thursday
176 We rode through Rush valley to Johnsons settlement had
a talk with the Indian about the Horses but learned nothing of them
we returned to Toille City & spent the night
~ Friday
187 We rode throug Toillee valley & returned home in the night
whole Distance 100 miles
~ Saturday
18th I spent the day in the City I wrote a letter to Harrison Severe
to use his influence with the India[n]s to get my horses
~ Sunday
19th Sunday I was quite poorly & did not attend meeting Lorenzo
D Young spok followed by H. C. Kimball Wm Brace Steph Godard & George
Godard & Wm Carter, & in the Afternoon H Harriman & President
B Young follow by many missionaries
~ Monday
20th The Legion is on parade to day I spent the day mostly in the
office. Joseph Cain Died this morning at 6 oclok I called to
see the corps He died of consumption after a long Illness his
health has been vary Poor for many years. I spent the day
about the city
~ Tuesday
21st I spent the day in the Council House with the 12 and
Presidents of 70s in setting apart the missionaries many went
through their endowment to day At the close of the business met
at the Council House I called at Brother Caienes House to attend
to his funerall they were just going out with the corps I rode
to the grave with samuel Richards Sister Cain bore her loss with
great resignation. She was feeble in consequence of the constant watching
over him
~ Wednesday
22nd I spent this day in the Council House still blessing the missionaries
we blessed during the last two days 114 missionaries I was mouth
in blessing 26 persons. The missionaries were called to go to the following
places 10 to the United States, 13 to the Sandwich Islands, 2 to Calafornia
33 to England & Europe 22 to Canida 2 to the Cape of Good Hope
2 to Calafornia to attend to the standard office, 1 to South Africa
1 Denmark 1 Switzerland, 2 to Italy, 19 to the Express company
~ Thursday
23rd The missionaries met at the Temple block & a vast number
of the people assembled they were addressed by O Hyde L. Snow W. Woodruff
J Clinton & Joseph Young. President Young came into the croud &
told the people to go home about there business & for the missionaries
to start upon their Journey so all the Elders had their hand carts
fitted up & started out their was 25 Hand carts from 2 to 3 men
to each cart & many 2 Horse teams loaded with flour to supply
the stations for the carrying company the presidency & 12 went out
with hundreds of people to the bluffs President Young there organized
them then returned & prepared to go north
~ Friday
President B Young & council started this morning with a
large company upon a visit to the north I spent the day in
the office
~ Saturday
25 I spent the day gardning
~ Sunday
26th sunday I attended meeting at the tabernacle. I spoke in
the afternoon attended prayer circle & preached in the 14 ward
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
27 & 28 I spent the time in my field ploughing planting potatoes
& watering wheat
~ Wednesday
289th I spent the day pruning my orchard & in the office
~ Thursday
30th I
I wrote a letter to Mary Jackson I spent the day in the
office on correspondence & conversing with J. Clinton & C. Webb
~ Friday
May 1st
I wrote 2 letters to the Editor of the Star & Mormon
the sunday school children of this city had a May day walk organized under
ther teachers after prominadeing the Hills, canyon, & city about 600 of them
met in the Tabernacl & had an address delivered unto them by W Woodruff &
& Danilel Spencer Prayer by Bishop Hunter. it was quite an animating scene
~ Saturday
2nd I spent the forepart of the day in the office I spent most of the night watering
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I was unwell I did not attend meeting in the fore noon
I Attended meeting in the Afternoon David Candling preached in the
morning was followed By James Mcknight & David Fulmer, in the
after noon Jacob Gates & L. W. Hardy occupied the time I attended the prayer
circle in the evening & spent the night at home I wrote 3 letters to Bishop
T Clark, Bishop Rowberry, & Robert H Porter
~ Monday
4th [FIGURE] I spent this day in my orchard grafting my Apple trees Brother
Oliphant done the grafting I had a package sent me from N. Y by
J. M. Bernhisel they were put up in tin cases sodered air tight all
the fruit cuttings were dead but the Apples & some grape cuttings
of the Isabella & Catauba they were green & good
~ Tuesday
5th I spent the day about Home
~ Wednesday
6th I spent the day about Home I watered the garden in the afternoon
I had an interview with Bishop Rowberry there is some difficulty
with the indians in Grantsville
~ Thursday
7th I spent a part of the day in the office & prepared to go to Rush valley
~ Friday
8th I left home & rode to E. T. City & held a meeting with the people I then
rode to Bishop Rowberrys & spent the night
~ Saturday
9th I rode to Grantsville with Brother Rowberry I met in council with
the Bishop Clark & council on Indian affairs the three indians that stole
my horses had killed them & threatened of killing both men cattle & Horses
so we made arangement to have the Chiefs take those three Indians & we
would confine them in the penetentiary we appointed a committe to
go & see the Chiefs & attend to the business I then left some presents
for the Indians I held a meeting with the people then rode to Toille
City & spent the night
~ Sunday
10th sunday I preached to the people of Toille City in the morning, afternoon
& evening, others spoke also
~ Monday
11 I rode to day to Rush valley to Johnsons settlement & spent the night
I preached in the evening to the people it rained & snowed during the evening
~ Tuesday
12 we had several inches of snow this omorning on the ground we loaded
up our waggon with cedar post & started for home we put 116 on
an ox waggon with 4 yoke of cattle & 40 on my mule team we
rode to the old Barracks it rained hard we turned out our teams to feed
I shot 7 ducks dressed them & shot rosted them for our dinner & while eating
dinner our mules & oxen started for Toille City we had to travel 6 miles
for them we then hitched up our teams & drove in the dark to Toille City
the Brethren & sisters in the various settlements gave me about 60 lb Butter & 2 cheese
~ Wednesday
13th we drove to day to Great Salt Lake City the whole distance of the journey
going & coming 130 mile
~ Thursday
14th I spent a part of the day in the office & part of the day choreing
~ Friday
May 15 It rained most of the day I spent the day mulching my
peach orchard & door yard
~ Saturday
16th I spent the day in the office writing History
~ Sunday
17th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle E. D. Woolly spoke in
the morning said he had been troubled with an evil spirit all night & He
felt that the stand was lean & the congregation was lean &c He was followed
by President Spencer. I spoke in the afternoon was followed by
John Woolly I attended the prayer circle in the evening
~ Monday
18th I spent the day in the office reading history to took supper at Br Horn's
we read History of the month of Jan 1845
~ Tuesday
19th I spent the day about home I attended a party at Brother Orson
Pratts family. P P Pratts family were presient
~ Wednesday
20th I spent the day a part of it in the office & a part of it at
~ Thursday
21st I spent the day in the office writing on my History
~ Friday
22 I spent the day in the office writing & I spent the night watering
my garden by lantern light
~ Saturday
23rd I spent the afternoon in the office writing
~ Sunday
24 Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle A. O. Smoot
preached in the morning followed by Wm Taylor & W. Woodruff
in the Afternoon by James Barnes A. P. Rockwood Wm. W Phelps,
& Abel Lamb. I attended the prayers circle
~ Monday
25 I spent the day in the office writing & reading History I herd the
History read of Febuary 18345. My daughter Phebe had a vary
severe attack of inflamation on the Lungs or sumthing like plurisy she
could not Breath ownly with great Difficulty we holstered her up in the
bed & she would retch for breath like a person strangling she was so
for several hours we annointed her, laid hands upon her, & rebuked the
desease I finally got Joseph Smiths silk Hankerchief which He gave
me in 1839 and said it should ever remain as a League betwen
us as long as I would keep it I laid it upon her stomach. Brother
Dunyon came in to see her in the evening she became some better
& slept some.
President Young arived with his company 1/2 past 6 oclok P.M
they all arived home well
~ Tuesday
26th Phebe is better this morning I had an interview with
President Young a short time I spent the day in the office
~ Wednesday
27th I spent the day in the office writing
~ Thursday
28th I spent this day in the office on the History of the Twelve
~ Friday
The Eastern Arived in this city 10 minutes past 4 oclk
Bringin G. A. Smith J M Bernhisel & T O Angel
& 4 waggons of Mail it Brought me 8 Letters from
2 Wm R Prince &c 1 Ozem Woodruff 1 E. T. Benson
1 J. L. Smith to G A Smith 2 from Thompson Woodruff
one from Ozem Woodruff, one from Shuah Moulton to Phebe
President Young Brought me received a great amount of Letters
I remained in the office with O Hyde F. D. Richards & others till
10 oclok
~ Saturday
30th we recieved a great amount of papers from the mail to day
G A Smith came into the Historians office & had a long talk
upon matters in the East I spent most of the day in the office
~ Sunday
31st Sunday The Presidency & 12 met at the Tabernacle with a large
congregation of Saints President Young spoke to the people was
followed by G. A. Smith H. C. Kimball J. M. Bernhisel D. H. Wells
& O Hyde. In the Afternoon Orson Hyde F D Richard W Woodruff
& G A Smith the spirit of God was with us I was in council with
the circle peices & Letters were red about us & the matter about us
we find that all Hell is boiling over against us among the rest
Wm Smith called upon the government to furnish him with an
army & money He would come to Utah & subdue the mormons &
many other features show themselves in the states
~ Monday
June 1st
I have written 6 Letters to day to the Mormon
the Star O Pratt {on family matters} E. T. Benson Ozem Thompson &
Ozem Woodruff I spent the day in the office preparing letters for
the mail &c
~ Tuesday
2nd I spent the night day in the office President Young called
in in the afternoon also George A. Smith we conversed upon various
subjects herd one of G. A. Smith sermons read we conversed upon
the subject of the present excitement in the states concerning mormonism
we then went into the Temple Block to see the form of the first water
table made of white sand stone I then went into the president office
& spent the evening Bishop Blackburn was present the subject came up
of some persons leaving Provo who had Apostitized some though[t] that
Bishop Blackburn & President Snow was to blame Brother Joseph Young
presented the thing to president Young. But when the circumstances
were told President Brigham Young sustained the Brethren who pres-
ided at Provo He said they had done [blank]. The subjects of Eunuchs
came up & Joseph said that He would rather die than to be
made a Eunuch Brigham said the day would come when
thousands would be made Eunuchs in order for them to be
saved in the kingdom of God. The subject of women &
Adulterry came up Joseph Asked if a woman & man who
were married could commit Adultery Brigham said that Joseph
said they could not yet He was satisfied they could do wrong Presi-
dent Young said we cannot KClens the Platter because the people
will not bear it. Joseph I am willing to have the people clens the
platter if they can do it in righteousness & Judge righteous Judg-
ment. Brigham. This people never was half as well prepared
to execute righteousness as Now. I will tell you that when a man
is trying to do right & do some thing that is not exactly in order
I feel to sustain him & we all should. I wish there was some prophet
on Earth who could tell us just how much sin we must sustain before
we can chastize the people & correct their errors. The wicked may
go to the states & call for troops I dont think the people will get rich
to come after us they have got a long road to travel we have either
got to Join hands with sin & sinners or we have got to fight them
The subject of Adultery again came up Joseph said a man cannot
commit Adultery with his wife so says the revelation on the Patriarchs
Marriage yet a man can do rong in having connexion with his
his wife at times. Joseph Young aske said the Ancient Apostle said this
a man should not put away his wife fsave for the cause of fornication
if He did they would both commit Adultery. Brigham Young
said Joseph taught that when a womans affections was entirly
weaned from her husband that was Adultery in spiri[t] her
Affections were Adulterated from his He also said that there
was No law in Heaven or on Earth that would compel a
woman to stay with a man either in time or Eternity this
I think is true (but I do not know) that if a man that is a High
priest takes a woman & she leaves him & goes to one of a lesser
office say the Lesser priesthood or member I think in the
resurrection that that High Priest can claim her "Joseph
what if she should not want to go with him I should not
want a woman under those circumstances. Brigham I will tell
you what you will find that all those evil traditions & affectio[ns]
or passions that Haunt the mind in this life will all be done
away in the resurrection you will find then that any man who
gets a glory & exaltation will be so beautiful that any woman would
be willing to have him if it was right & wharever it is right
for the woman to go there she will be willing to go for all those
evils will vanish to which we are subject in this life. I have
told the people the truth Just as it is but others will at times
get up & tell the people that they will get no heaven ^[FIGURE]^ ownly what
they make in this life and that it will be in the next world as
it is in this now they do not mean whaat they say they do not
explain themselves Hence the people will not understand what is
said to them. Joseph said I wish I knew what my limits
were. Brigham Your limits are endless & you have not got half
way to the end of it yet. Now hwhen I was an Elder I was as
willing to correct an error in the Brethren as I am now. But
the people do not see it so. Now if you should be with the 12
or any body you would have a right to correct an error as
well as with a member but you could not correct them
by cutting them off from the Church because they are over
you in the priesthood. many other remarks were made at the time
~ Wednesday
3rd Brother Oliphant grafted some of my trees today I spent
most of the day with him I bought a yoke of 4 year old yoked
Durham oxen deep red paid $125 for them of Hooper A Lyman
arived home this evening with the Calafornia Mail
~ Thursday
4th I looked over Accounts to day with J. M. Bernhisel
I wrote a letter to the western standard
~ Friday
45th I spent the day in the office
~ Saturday
6th I spent the day in the office writing the History of the Twelve
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I attended the meeting at the Bowery A Lyman spoke
in the morning was followed by H. C. Kimball & President Young
in the Afternoon I did not attend O. Hyde F. D Richards & B. Young
I attended the Prayer circle I herd a letter redd from Joseph Smith to
his Brother John which was good it showed his strong determination
in the work. it rained nearly all night
~ Monday
8th A rainy day I spent the time in the office over 1 inch of water
fell on a level I attended the meeting of the board of Directers we
appointed the Awarding committees C. C Rich arived from san
Bernadeno at 7 oclok this evening
~ Tuesday
9th I spent the day in the office mostly I went into the field in the
evening to see my wheat I never saw crops better
~ Wednesday
10th I spent the fore part of the day in the presidents office in company
with Carrington Bernhisel G A Smith & Porter Rockwell the
After noon I spent in the office with G A Smith
~ Thursday
11th I spent the day in the office on the History of the Twelve
~ Friday
12 I spent the day in the office G. A. Smith F D Richards A Lyman
& others spent a part of the day in the office
~ Saturday
13th I spent most of the day in the office G. A. Smith C. C. Rich &
E M Green spent the fore part of the day in the office the stray
cattle was sold to day
~ Sunday
14 Sunday at 8 oclok in the morning a large Assembly of
the saints assembled in the Bowery & the clerks spent 4 Hours
in reading the trash & nonsens of the publications of the day on
Mormonism the Heathen rage & the people imaging vain things
& the whole world seems exceding mad against the Latter Day Saints
the After noon was spent in preaching I Attended the prayer circle
the presidency & W. W. G. A. S A Lyman & C. C. Rich of the Twelve were
present there was much confersation upon various subject President
Young said I shall not seal the people as I have done Old Father Alread
brough[t] three young girls 12 & 13 years old I would not seal them
to them him they would not be equally yoked together. The devel can
get as many recommends as He can back many get their endow-
ments who are not worthy but this is the way devils are made there
will be some needed in the next world.
J. C. Little & L. W. Hardy
was sent out to obtain cattle to help pay a Church Debt in few
days they returned Little from the North & SouthHardy from the South their
was cattle gathered so the presidency paid sixteen thousand Dollars
debts with them. The subject of Wm Smith was brought up it
was said that Joseph Smith Prophesied that He would become
a good man when He became an old man the brethren thought
that He said if He ever did become good it would be when was
an old man. President Young then said "whether Joseph
said it or not I will say in the name of the Lord that if Wm
Smith lives untill He is 65 or 70 years old He will become
a good humble man he will do the best He can He will have
to Answer for his sins" write this Brother Woodruff & put
it into the Church History" when a man give way to the power
of the Devil He finds it hard to recover himself again
If the {United States send their troops here} they will have to behave themselves {If
volunteers start to come here they will soon get notice not to enter this territory. If they do they must
take what follows. They do not know what to do with us. They are} determined to make
us conspicuous in all the world
President Young asked Brother Rich if He had any thing He wished
to lay before that council brother Rich then said that concer[ni]ng
their debts in that place that they were paying 3 per cent per
Month for their mony had now got it for 2 1/2 per cent. they we have
Now reduced our debt to $20,000 & our city is released & all
good lands as fast as we pay we think we shall negociate a loan
of mor for less interest & nearer home. Their is a few men
in that place who have turned mob & ^Jerong M^ Benson is at the Head of it
I told them if they began it their should not be a man of them
left alive
~ Monday
June 15th 1857 I spent the day in the office with G. A. Smith.
we read Samuel Smith History
~ Tuesday
16 I spent the day in the office we finished reading Samuel Smiths
History & found the History of David Papton Samuel Smith & Joseph
Smith the Prophet all written by their own hands & we did not
know that they were in the office we were glad to get these
~ Wednesday
17th I spent most of the day in the office on the History
of the Twelve in the afternoon I attended the 14th ward female
relief society at my House with Robert Campbell we both
addressed the meeting there were about 50 present sewing knitting
sewing carpet rags making quilts &c it is a laudable undertaking
all the females in the ward meet at my house each wednesday
afternoon they open & close with prayer Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff
is Presentident & Mrs Pratt Secretary they clothe all the poor in
the ward & during the last Quarter they made a Donation to
the perpetual Emigrating fund of $126. I wish all go & do
like wise
~ Thursday
18th I spent the day in the office writing the History [of] T. B. Marsh ^&^ Wm Smith
~ Friday
19th I spent the day in the office writing the History of the Twelve
tabby & another Indian called upon me to get pay for trying to
get my horses I gave them some Articles
~ Saturday
20 I spent the fore part of the day in the office the after noon
at home
~ Sunday
21 Sunday I attended meeting in the bowery Abel
Lamb spoke in the bowery gave a long panorama of the History
of man from Adam to this day took us through the garden of
Eden the flood the Ark, tower of Babel, sodom & Gomorrow
Abram offering up Isaac Phario Moses, the red sea 40 years in
the wilderness, Christ, the Apostles, the Jews, & Jerrusalem &c &c [Genesis 3] [Genesis 7] [Genesis 11:1-9] [Genesis 19:24] [Genesis 22:1-18] [Exodus 14]
then Joseph Brigham &c He was vary dry untill he come
to our day the the spirit of the Lord was with him & we were edifyed
He was followed by H. C. Kimball who bore a strong testimony
of the work of God He was followed by Joseph A Young
who spoke in the spirt & power of God & bore a good testimony & taught
good doctrin. In the afternoon Hon J. M. Bernhisel gave a relation
of his going to Washington & his labours there. He was followed by H
D H. Wells who spoke upon political subjects & their corruptions
He was followed by Brigham Young who had much of the spirit
& power of God upon him & edifyed the people much I attended
the prayer circle many remarks were made by President Young
upon various subjects He said the devil was mad to be called by his
right name by a saint but if the devil or a wicked man was to call
the devil by his right name all would be well. President Young said while
speaking of the Constitution of the U. S that it was got up by inspiration
it gives all men the rights of conscience so it will be in the
Millennium it will be like the Constitution all will have to bow the
knee & acknowledge the Lord that it is his right to reign but
they must not Blaspheme but they may enjoy there own religion
Men talk about making a Law to stop Poligamy in Utah that
would be an expose facto law & the Constitution declairs that
Congress shall not make any such law & if the time comes when
the United States do make a law & send men to punish me for
poligamy or having more than one wife as there is no law against
it you make up your mind that I shall send them to
Hell I do not think they will do it, but if they do you may
tell them they had better send 100,000 men with provision for
5 years & they may make their calculations upon it & they will
want to make forth from one end of the route to the other
so they can step from one to the other. there is one sweeping
clause against this proceding when they Charter a ship company to
build ships & controll them they cede up their righ[t] in this case
so it is in the Territories, they have a Territorial government
this people should have a right to govern there own institutions
~ Monday
22nd I spent the day in the office President Young called in
in the afternoon a short time with C. C. Rich.
~ Tuesday
The Eastern mails arived at 1/2 past 2 oclok 23
days from Indipendance Ferrymore Little & Ephraim Hanks came
with it, the shortest trip on record we learn that all Hell is boiling
over against the saints in Utah we also are informed that
Elder Parley ^P^ Pratt was Murdered By [blank] MCLain who
s[h]ot him in Arkansaw this was painful news to his family the
papers of the United States are filled with bitter revileings aga[ins]t
us the devil is exceding mad. Sister Sayers & sister Vose both
arived in the mail Sister [blank] Vose is 77 years old & rode 1200 miles
in 23 days she has been a member of the Church almost from the
begining she has given thousands of Dollars for the Elders & building
up of the kingdom of God. I went into the Presidents office with
the first Presidency & Twelve to hear the news by the Mail president
Young was sick yet He sat for 3 Hours & heard reading & cor[res]ponde[nce]
I went with the Twelve, O Hyde, W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & A. Lyman
to visit the family & to comfort them on the Death of their Husband
& Father they were calm & composed I again called in the evening
saw Sister Sayers & had some conversation with her
~ Wednesday
24th I called upon President Youndg with the 12 I spent most of the day
in the office
~ Thursday
25th Wm Hickman is in this city this morning whe was chased
away from Laramie He came through from there in 8 days over
500 miles I spent most of the day on the History
When in the Presidents office on the 23rd President Young asked
G. A. Smith if it was not Hard to Acknowledge the hand of God
in the death of Parley P Pratt by as wicked a man as Mc
Lain yet we will have to do it. T B Marsh pleads for
Mercy & askes if it is not to late for him to fill his mission
B Young says yes it is but I am willing to forgive him & that
he may be baptized & confirmed then let him come here
we read a letter from O Pratt. B Y says if we live our
religion we shall have all the world upon I will tell you the time
has come when the Elders have got to take care of themselves
for the people will publish a lie & they will shoot them if they
are not careful. The People must know there is a God in
Heaven & circumstances will bring this thing to bear. I am
Feble but I hope I shall yet live to preach in Jackson Co
St Louis Cincinnati New York & through the Eastern states
I had a dream I thought I saw my family picking all kinds
of Fruit & flours [flowers] I thought I went East to preach & I saw
the people in the valley had doug down the mountain or cut
it down square & brought the soil out of the mountains &
made some good gardens I went on East & I herd a
Methodist Priest Pray for sinners & Men followed me
& asked me if I wanted some brass I told him no they
wanted me to steal sumthing I told them I would not
do it it was mules to make coin in they wanted me to
steal. I saw stolen goods in great piles & stacks that the
people in the Eastern country had stolen. some tried to
raise a mob upon me but I did not fear them soon I
saw some brethren I saw one Apostate he wanted to kill me
but I told him that if He did not behave himself I would send
him to Hell. I again saw the brethren cut dow[n] the mountains &
make good farms I thought these were good times the above
was presidents Youngs dream" He then said if the Lord our God
does not visit the United States then I am no prophet & we shall
find that all good men will come to the mountains for safety
25 President B Young ^& H C Kimball^ G. A. Smith A Lyman & C. C. Rich
came into the office at 2 oclok & sat & conversed upon various
things. He said that David Patten & T. B. Marsh came to Kirtland
in the fall of 1837. He said as soon as they came I got Marsh
to go to Josephs But Patten would go to W Parrish He got
his mind prejudiced & when He went to see Joseph David insulted
Joseph & Joseph slaped him in the face & kicked him out of the
yard this done David good I could not sleep those days
I spent many a knight all knight without sleeping at all I
prayed a good deal my mind was constantly Active those days
Brother C C Rich gave an account of the death of David
W Patten He said as they charge upon the mob two men
remained behing the bank Patten took after one of them &
C C Rich the other the man that patten was after turned around
& shot him & He fell to the ground but a few steps from
Brother Rich
~ Friday
26th I called upon the president in the morning I spent the day in the office
~ Saturday
27th I wrote a Letter to Brother Robert H. Porter &
to the Rush valley Branch of the Church signed by O Hyde
W Woodruff & F D Richards. The Nauvoo Legion came
out to day G A Smith A Lyman & myself walked to
the public square with General Wells Staff Elder Bunker
& my self were elected chaplains of the Legion in
that staff with the rank of Colonel we all appeared
on foot about 200 appeared on parade. the Govornor
allso appeared with the Legion
~ Sunday
28th Sunday 28. Elder Chislett spoke in the morning Direct from
the swiss Mission He was followed by President Young & J. W. Cummings
both spoke much to our edifycation. Gilbert Clements occupied
all the afternoon I attended the prayer circle. President Young had
2 letters read one from T. B. Marsh & one from Thomas L. Kane
G. A. Smith said I want to be baptized with the rest of you, the rest
of the brethren wished the same. President Young chatechized G. A. Smith
J. M. Bernhisel C. C. Rich & A Lyman all passed well. President
Young spoke of strang & his death J M. Bernhisel spoke of his
death & thought that George Miller was Dead G. A. Smith said
that He was informed that Miller had gathered the following of
strang about 60 in numbers President Young said they did make
a business of stealing but let men come here & they would see that
we have shown the works of industry. Phelps said that the man the
who was [at] Clay County Court House who said He would kill Jo
Smith & if the Turkey Buzzards did not eat out his eyes they
should cut out his own. Phelps stood within a few feet of him
while going home the boat sunk He was drowned floated upon
some flood wood the Buzzards eat out his eyes & his flesh
Phelps saw his body after this was done & a man said He had
fulfilled his own Prophesy. O Hyde told a dream of a man in
Mo who was one of the first settlers & helped drive out the saints
it has troubled him so much he has sold out & left the place
President Young Askes Wm. W. Phelps if Asstrology is true Phelps says
I dont know. B Y Brother Woodruff write that down this is the first
thing that I ever heard off but what Brother Phelps knew He
says he dont know any thing about Asstrology. But I believe
it is true so is Mesmerism or there is true principles in it
~ Monday
29 I spent the day in the office in the fore part of the day I
attended the meeting in the Social Hall President Young spoke
in the power of God & expressed his feelings upon the subject
of our present position & the feelings of the world against
us it did my soul good to hear him He was followed by
H. C Kimball & D. H Wells who spoke to the edifycation
of the people He was followed by W. Woodruff who said
that He had faith in the doctrin taught by President Young
for the rising generation to go on foot instead of Hors back
I said that I knew the good of it by experience I traveled
1200 miles on foot & averaged 40 miles a day then waided the
Missisippi swamp from Little Rock Ark to Memphis Tenn
200 miles & ownly 16 miles out of water one day walked
60 miles & while on the Journey walked 72 miles without eating
& when I got to Eagle Creek with Parish I believed I could
have killed any horse I ever saw walking to have followed
it. How will it be here should we have to go to the mountains
we might ride our Horses to the mountains then we would
have to leave them for we would have to go to many places
whare our Horses could not go there is another thing I want
to speak of we know how things have been in Nauvoo
Joseph & Hiram the leaders of the people were killed if that
cotime ever comes again when the Leaders of this people
are called for I am opposed to thare being given up
I do not care what the consequences are for if any have
got to die let it be some of the rest of us who are not of
as much consequences as they are but I want them
to live to lead Israel as long as their is any body to lead
let us obey council in all things & if necessary go into
the mountains & we will increase untill the wicked
will say let us not go against Zion to Battle for her
sons are terrible & we cannot stand. There was a good
spirit pervaded the whole meeting. J. V. Long reported the
speeches of the Presidency.
~ Tuesday
30 I spent the day in the office writing History mostly
~ Wednesday
^July 1st^ I walked with G A Smith to Mr Sayers & visited his
garden He had a fine lot of Black & yellow wild curants
from Boston & Nauvoo bottoms
I wrote 2 letters to the Mormon & Star
~ Thursday
2nd A hard rainy day which will do great good I spent
the fore part of the day at home & evening in the office
~ Friday
3rd I spent the day in the office & I wrote to the standard
during the night left the office at 2 oclok at night
~ Saturday
4th Independance 4th July the inhabitants of this city celebrated
the day by a splendid Military performance the Legion met
on the public square more than I ever saw out together before
in this city we were dismissed before the Governors
residence at 12 oclok
~ Sunday
5th Sunday I spent the fore part of the day in writing I
wrote a letter to the Editor of the Standard I read to
the Govornor He advised me to lieve out the remarks
concerning Drumingd I did so. I spent the daevening in
~ Monday
6th I walked into the big field & thorough many of the gardens
of the City wagstaffs Hemenway, & others I attended the
Agreculteral meeting then the rush valley Herd meeting till
near midnight
~ Tuesday
7th I spent the day on my farm my 20 acres of Land 12 Acres
of wheat 1 Acre of oats, 1 1/2 of Potatoes 5 1/2 acres of corn all looks
like a miracle my wheat is as high as my head my oats up to
my chin, my corn up to my arms ground mellons & formerly filled with
weeds this year scearsly none at all & we have never had so large
crops throug this Territory as this season & this has been promised
us through our presidency & we have been told to lay up wheat & all
the grain we can against the day of Famine.
~ Wednesday
8th I spent the day in the office writing on the History
~ Thursday
9th I bought a pair of French Poneys to day of Brother Wright
paid him $180. I had my horses stolen by the Indians & have
lived some 2 months without a team & find it vary inconvenient
~ Friday
10th I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House &
the afternoon in the office writing
~ Saturday
11th I spent the day in my field
~ Sunday
12th Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. Thomas Smith
Edmund Elsworth & H. C. Kimball spoke in the forenoon Brother
Kimball cursed the wicked & Blessed the wrighteous in the afternoon
Brother Banks & A. Lyman spoke we had a good meeting
I attended the prayer circle. The council spoke of the Delegate
to Washington J. M. Bernhisel was Nominated. In company
with Edmond Elsworth I called upon Franklin Richards & Admin-
istered to his wife who was vary sick
~ Monday
13th I spent the day in the office writing A Lyman called upon
us & wished some Dates
~ Tuesday
14 I spent the day in the office writing on the History of the Twelve
~ Wednesday
15 I spent this day writing in the office I sent sister Eliza R. Snow
A poem the production of my pen directed to herself
As a Poetess in Zion
~ Thursday
16th I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave 56 their endowment in the Afternoon I fin-
ished copying into my Autobyiography A long letter from
my Brother Azmon & Thompson Woodruff Aug 9, 1834
And my Answer to it of Nov 29 1834
~ Friday
17 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
the latter part I spent in the office
~ Saturday
18th I spent the day Haying
~ Sunday
19th Sunday A. Carrington T. O. Angel and President B Y
all spoke in the fore part of the day in the Afternoon D H.
Wells D Fulmer Joseph A Young & A Lyman spoke I attended
the prayer circle in the evening
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
20 & 21 I spent the time Haying
~ Wednesday
22nd I took my family in my waggon & started for the mouth of
the big Cotton wood canyon to attend the great picknick party
of President Young & company at the Head waters of the Big Cotton wood
~ Thursday
23rd we camped last night in the Big Cotton wood at the place
whare the Brethren were cutting granite for the Temple Brothers
Rich & A Lyman camped with me G A Smith & many others
in fact the whole road was lined with waggons for miles & they
camped whare ever they could drive out of the road we arose
this morning before 3 oclok & started on our road the Twelve followed
the Presidency & the guards the string of waggons reached for
many miles we arived at the camp ground at about 12 oclok
and the last of the waggons did not arive till near midnight
the whole company numberd 2587 persons with 468 carriages
& waggons 1028 horses and mules 332 oxen and cows. Flags were
raised upon the highest peacks that surrounded us & the stars &
stripes were placed upon the Highest trees the surrounding scenery
of mountain, valley, lake, wood & meadow was the most interesting
I ever beheld we had prayers at night & an address from
President Young there were 5 bands of music in attendance
~ Friday
24th This was the aniversatry of the enterance of the pioneers into
these vallies we had music, singing, praying, addresses and each one
enjoyed himself the best he could many trout were caught in
the Lake. the whole mountains & vallies were alive with men & beast
at 20 minutes past 9 oclok 3 rounds were fired from a Brass
Howitzer for the first Presidency of the Church other rounds
were also fired each one enjoyed themselves the best they
could through the day & night I took a walk with the presidency
down to his upper mill their is four built & one building I never
saw finer timber in my life. At about noon Bishop A
O. Smoot Elders Judson Stodard, O P Rockwell, & Judge E Smith
rode into camp the 2 former from the States in 20 days they informed
Us that the United States had taken away the mail contract & that
a New Govornor & Judges & 2500 troops would start for
Utah soon we went into the Presidents tent & questions were
asked and answered And President Young said that if General
Harney crossed the South Pass He should send him word they
must not come into the valley if the Govornor & officers wished
to come & would behave themselves well they would be well
treated. President Young felt determined no more to submit
to oppression either to individuals, towns, counties, states or Nation
~ Saturday
25th at day light the company began to break up & as fast as
each one harnessed his horses they moved out & soon all
was under way for home I arived at home about sundown
having travled to & from 56 miles & spent the night at home
~ Sunday
26th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle G. A. Smith
A. O. Smoot & President Young spoke in the afternoon Joseph
Young & H. C. Kimball spoke. I attended the prayer meeting
in the evening at the Presidents Upper Room President Young
expressed his feelings in plainness concerning our enemies
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
27, , , 30. I spent these 4 days in the Harvest field cutting wheat
I have never seen so great crops of wheat & corn among
the latter Day Saints as this season & this is in accordance
with the Prophesyings of the Presidency
~ Friday
July 31: I called upon Brother Kimball early this morning & had some
conversation with him He told me a dream He said He thought He
had some Hogs caught with ropes & he was driving them up a moun-
tain He had one vary fat hog He said we had better kill him
he would never be as good again to kill as now he told some one to
take care of him for a while till he could attend to some others
and they let him get away from them & the hog ran up the mount
ain with all his might when Brother Kimball saw him he took
after him & told the brethren to help ketch him & kill him
but they could not ketch him so he got away He gave me what He
thought to be interpetation of the dream the Hogs were our Enemies
& one of them run away a few days since. I called upon President
Young & had some conversation with him I then went to the
Endowment House & worked till 2 oclok {President Young sealed Sarah Delight Stocking to me.
She was born in Canton, Hartford County} Ct July 28 1838 I spent the
Afternoon in the office while in the Endowment House Presid-
ent Kimball said He wished me to write the account of the saying
of Joseph the prophet when He plegded himself that He would
not speak upon a certain occasion untill all the 12 Had spoken
so he had to sit 3/4 of a day & hear the 12 express their feelings
& he could not say a word He then said to the 12 you have
caught me this once & I now want to give you some advise
never get caught as I have never go into a cornor unles
s you can see your way out in some manner we gathered
togeth[er] a copy of all our works by request of President
Brigham Young to make a Deposit of them {in the corner of the temple}
~ Saturday
Aug 1st I spent the day in the office mostly. I called upon Eleanor
Pratt & got an account of the death & burial of Elder P. P. Pratt
who was murdered by MCLain
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I attended meeting all day Elias Smith H C Kimball
& B Young spoke in the fore noon in great plainness the
spirit & power of God was upon them the reporters took
a report of their sermons, so I do not make any minutes
of them. G A Smith spoke in the Afternoon gave an account
of his experience from the begining told of being sealed up
to Eternal Damnation 9 times by a prysbeterian priest
when he was a boy because he would not go to an
anxious seat gave a rehersal of the smith family
blesed his friends & cursed his Enemies &c I attended
the prayer Circle many remarks were made upon the subject
of sending the U S troops to this Territory President Young said
that our enemies will perish in their own corruptions. I think it
will be well to send some missionaries through the states and tell
the brethren to pick up their budgets & come to the valley and
go to England let the brethren do this that go with the Mail
The U S are fools to come upon this people & so are those men
who are bringing great quantities of goods unto us this season
if the United States send out troops to fight us this season we
shall whip them out then they will send out reinforcements
then we shall have the Lamanites with us & the more the United
states send out the wors off they will be for they will perish
with Famine. I do not think any thing about guns or powder for
if the United States begin war with us I intend they shall furnish
with arms and aminition all we want if they do undertake is
the Lord will lead them or let them go into a snare and ther
folly will be manifest. G. A. Smith said if we defeat them
you may look for 100000 men. President Young said it would be
so much the worse for them but I do not believe that He will get
a great force here for if they are defeated this year the people
will be down upon Bucannon But I should not wonder if we
heard he was dead soon. Wells said this was Buchanan own
measure some time ago I Baptized G. A. Smith J M Bernhisel
& Truman O Angel. I confirmed them with F. D. Richards
~ Monday
3rd I spent the day in the office writing
~ Tuesday
4th I spent this day in the Office I took dinner at the Globe
~ Wednesday
5th President Young spent the fore part of the day in the
office we read to him the History of his Fathers Family which
he corrected and approved of
~ Thursday
6 I Attended the 14 ward fast meeting and addressed the
people a short time. I was quite unwell & went home I
was unwell the after noon I wattered my garden through the night
~ Friday
7 I called at the office then went to the Endowment House
and spent the evening in the evening office
~ Saturday
8th I spent the day in the office
~ Sunday
9th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Elder John
Taylor preached in the morning much to our Edifycation
Erastus Snow spoke in the afternoon I attended the prayer
circle there being 24 in the circle we occupied Presidents
Young New Upper Room in his new House for the first time
John Taylor & Erastus Snow was with us. Speaking of the Armey
Brother Kimball said we had better do as we said if officers came here
& did not behave themselves we would kick them out soldiers & all. President
Young said that if the Lord permitted the army to come here I believ
He wants us to give them a whiping if He does not wish it I do not
think they will come, that is what I believe. Some emigrants
in the killed each other the survivers asked Thomas Dunn if they
would be taken up for it He said no if they would keep on doing
so. Thomas B Marsh is coming is a poor old man He asked if
Brigham or Heber would not adopt him as their son. John
E Page is not dead Nor G. J. Adams as reported. George Miller
is dead Sylvester Stodard is in St Louis.
~ Monday
10th Monday I spent the day writing in the office mostly upon my
Autobyography. President B Young called & presented some of the first
coin made in this valley for Deposit
~ Tuesday
I called into the Presidents Office in the morning &
Presidents Heber C Kimball was teaching doctrin He said that women
told him that He had no right to controll a woman because He was
not a woman He said that He contained the principle of both the men
and the women for both male & female proceded from him He said
many though[t] that the seat of life or the soul or mind of man was
in the heart others in the brain but whareever the seed of life was located
there was the seat of livfe & the foundation of the soul many other remarks
were made He said any man that was a prophet of God He was born
a Natural Prophet it was through a linage of Prophets there fathers
& mothers were Prophets & Prophetesses by birth through the seed of
Abraham this was the case with Joseph Brigham & himself their
Fathers were prophets. He then Chastized Thomas Ellerback in
a vary sharp manner for insulting him & trying to take a course
to bring a collission between him & Daniel H. Wells. He spoke
for more than an hour upon the subjects of the clerks in the various
offices & his rights place & station & the place & station of all the
Presidency & other men. Brother Thomas asked his Forgiveness &
Brother Kimball forgave him & all was settelled I called upon
President Young & gave him his History to look over from the Hand
of Broth Watt
~ Wednesday
12th Brother Samuel Richards George J Snider & Bryant
Stringham start with an express Mail this day for
the East. The Last Noumber of the Deserett News containing the views
of the Presidency Twelve & Editor was sent to the President &
congress of the United States it is vol. 7 No 23.
I commenced writing a short sketch of my history for publication
in the general Church History. President Young gave orders to break up
our station upon the road & come home
~ Thursday
13th I called upon President Young in the morning He came in asked
if it would not be well to put in the stone into the bottom of the temple
seller & let the men go to & save their grain and for each man
to take what grain will do him for a year. D. H. Wells said
that orders had been sent North & south to watch for
the soldery & not let them come in but to destroy them the best
way they could let grain be cashed in the mountains so they
can get at it. President Young said that He thought it would
be best to secure the grain in the mountain it was said that
vannetting had 500 lb of powder coming & that He would go out
with cattle to bring it in or would do as He was told yes say President
Young except a righteous course. President Young said I had
rather have a good powder horn & charger than any flask in
the world He considered it safer. There is a deep feeling pervading
our city about the soldiers coming in to destrowy us as a
people. I had an interview with President B. Young &
he gave me some important instructions with regard to
Historical Matters at 5 oclok I called upon Brother Carri
ngton and went into his peach orchard & eat a fine
rair ripe peach called Carringtons 1st Early it was a splen-
did Peach, and is well worth cultivating. I was notifyed
to give the 12 Apostles an invitation to meet at the Temple
block at 6 oclok to make a deposit of the works published by
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints and we met
at the Temple Block at half past 6 ocolk the company present
was the Presidency Brigham Young Heber C Kimball
& Daniel H Wells of the Twelve Apostles Wilford Woodruff
John Taylor Erastus Snow & Franklin Richards The Architect
Truman O Angel Alonzo H Rolley, Benjamin F Mitchel
Johnathan Pugmire Jr Edward L Parry (Mason)
Henry Maiban Jesse ^C^ Little Albert Carrington John Lyon
Joseph & Brigham Young President Youngs sons
President Young & W Woodruff packed the Books in a
stone box 2 1/2 feet long 20 inches deep 1 foot 7 inches wide
it was filled with our works. At 7 oclok they were packed
in the stone and 15 minutes to 8 oclock the lid was put
on sodared with lead & covared with plaster paris & turned
bottom side up & set in the South East Cornor then
President Brigham Young made the following dedication prayer
O God our Eternal Father we ask thee in the name
of Jesus Christ that thou will ^Bless^ this deposit which we have
made in the foundation of this temple we dedicate all
these Books, papers, records & history unto thee O Lord our
God And I pray in the name of Jesus Christ Our Father in
Heaven that thou wilt preserve this deposit the paper and ink
that it may indure that no mold ^mildew^ or decay may come upon
it untill It shall come forth for the benefit of the House of
Israel & they people that it may be a benefit unto them
we also pray the[e] our Father in the name of Jesus Christ that
though woulds preserve us from our enemies in this place
that we may have power to finish this temple even to the
top stone will thou curse our enemies & bring Judgment
upon them that they shall not have power to come into these
vallies to disturb us but may we conquer our enemies &
may they be destroyed. We thank the[e] our Father that we
are here in thes vallies of the Mountains we thank the[e]
thou hast blessed the Earth for our sakes that thou hast
caused the desert to Blossom as the rose & caused wheat
corn & vegitation to grow for our Benefit wilt thou
continue thy blessings unto us in these valleyies of the mountain
wilt thou bless the land & the water the vallies Mountains canyons
& streams for the benefit of thy saints but may not the wicked
or ungodly have any power here, But may our Brethren
who go forth to war with our enemies have power to scatter
& destroy them. We pray thee our Father to turn the hearts
of the Lamanites even the sons of Jacob unto us that they may
do thy will & be as a wall of defense around about us. We now
aske the[e] Our Father to except of this deposit & dedication preserve
these records as thou dist the pot of manna Hid up by Aaron [Exodus 16:33]
that they may be preserved to come forth in the own due time
of the Lord All these blessings we ask in the name of Jesus Christ
[unknown writer] List of Books, Pamphlets & newspapers deposited in the Temple, G. S. L.
City, Augt. 13th 1857 by President Brigham Young, Prophet, Seer & Revelator of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
The Book of Mormon, The Book of Doctrine & Covenants, The Latter Day Saints
Messenger & Advocate, The Times & Seasons 6 Vols, The Millennial Star Vols 1 to 18
complete & of Vol 19 from No 1 to No 19, Nauvoo Neighbor, Vol 1 complete, Vol 2 less Nos 4, 5 & [32] [page torn],
Frontier Guardian, Vols 1 & 2 bound & Vol 3 unbound, The Voice of Warning, Orson Pratt's Works
&c, bound, The Voice of Truth, Address to the people of England, The word of the Lord to
the citizens of London, The only way to be saved, A timely Warning to the people of
England, Deseret News: Vols. 1 to 6 & of Vol. 7 Nos 1 to 23, Hymn Book, 11th Edition,
Journal of Discourses Vols 1 & 2, Constitution of the State of Deseret, with Journal of Conventn
[unknown writer] which framed it, Spencer's Letters, The Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith the
Prophet, The Voice of Joseph, Testimonies for the Truth, The Government of God,
Patriarchal Order or Plurality of Wives, {The Star of Deseret}, Vol 1, The only way to
be saved, in German, {Restoration of the Ancient Gospel}, Harp of Zion,
The Italian Mission, The Prussian Mission, One Year in Scandinavia, {The Book of Mormon|Das buch
Mormon|German}, {The Book of Mormon}, {The Book of Mormon}, {The Book of Mormon}, {The Book of Mormon} &
{Doctrine and Covenants}, bound together, Route from Liverpool to Great Salt
Lake Valley, Illustrated, Western Standard, Vol 1 & of Vol 2 Nos 1 to 15, Key to Theology,
Catechism for Children, Poems by Eliza R. Snow, Vol 1, Zion's Watchman, Vol 1,
The Compendium, The Mormon Vol 1, Vol 2 excepting Nos 1, 2, & 45, Vol 3 Nos 1 to 13,
Tracts by Orson Pratt, 1856–7, viz 1, The true faith, 2 True Repentance, 3 Water Baptism
6 Necessity for Miracles, 7 Universal Apostasy & 8 Latter Day Kingdom, Revised Laws
of Utah, Resolutions Acts & Memorials passed at Legislative Assembly of Utah 1855–6,
Acts & Resolut[io]ns passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah 1856–7,
{Zion's Trumpet}, Vols 1 & 2, Vol 3 & Vol 4, which has {The Pearl of Great Price} bound with it, &
Vols 5 & 6, {Hymns}, Y Casgyl, by John Davis, containing Treatises, Songs & letters,
Eurgrawn y sgrythyrol (Christian Casket), {History of the Latter-Day Saints},
{Prophet of the Jubilee or Star of the Saints} 1847, {The Star of Scandinavia}, Vols 3 & 4,
Portraits of 1st Presidency & Twelve Apostles, The Wasp, Vol 1. 1842–3, Deseret
coin, viz. a $20, $10, $5 & a $2 50/100 Gold Pieces of the 1st coin made in the Valley.
~ Friday
14th I spent the day in the Endowment House till 2 oclok from that
time in the office. many of the brethren are preparing to go into the
Mountains to help up the Emigration & meet the enemy they are
now leaving daily
~ Saturday
15th I took my sword which Joseph Smith carried in Zions
Camp to get a New Handle & guard put onto it I got a Brass
one cast I then went to the office & spent the day on History
Robert & Wilford was called upon to get ready to leave for the mountains
on Tuesday I prepared Balls for Wilford that He might be
~ Sunday
Sunday This was one of the most important days
that the Church & kingdom of God has seen in this
dispensation the People met at the Tabernacle several of the returned
Missionaries spoke in the morning Bishop Cunningham & Henry W Miller
they were followed By President Brigham Young who
said when he arose that He desired to speak as the Lord himself
would was he present. He then began clothed with the spirit &
power of God & the revelations of Jesus Christ He recounted
our persecutions & oppressions for the last 25 years & then took
up the unjust course of the United States against us at the present
time then He told us & all the world what the will of God was
& what his intentions were He would no longer submit to their
Ungodly persecutions If General Harney came here with an
armey to destroy this people we would destroy him & his armey
they should not come into this territory or our cityies to destroy
this people the United States had turned mob & were breaking
the Constitution of the United States & we would now have
to go forth & defend it & also the kingdom of God, & should
they undertake to send an army of 50000, or 100,000 men next
year we will lay waste this whole Territory & flee into the mounta[ins]
I will lay all my dwellings in Ashes. I will lay all my mills in ashes
I will cut down evry green tree & shrub in the vallies of these mountains
I will burn evry peace of timber wood & board in the vallies of the
mountains then do you not think that our canyons will be adap[t]ed
for the bones of our Enemies I think it will. O Israel can you
stand these things. The shout of Yes rent the air of the assembled
thousands. All you who are willing to follow me in these things
raise your hands towards heavens there was a sea of hands up
I have had to hold the Indians here for years from destroying
the emigrants I have had to give them many thousands of dollars
to keep them from killing the Gentile emigration to Calafornia
the United States Government now ows me $50000 in my
Official capacity & they will not pay me a dime but are sending
armies at great Expens to destroy me & this people. But I will
now inform them & all people that if they make war upon me
I shall not attempt to restrain them any more but I shall let
them do as they please. The United States do not know what
they are doing, & the Merchants in this place do not know who
they are they are selling the blood of this people for Gold. they
were not going to bring any goods to this place but now that
an army of 2500 men are coming here to destroy this people
they can bring a great amount of Goods let them take
Heed to their ways. If the United States sends an Armey &
a train of goods here I may get a part of the pay which they
owe me I now wish to say to all Gentiles send word to your friends
that they must stop crossing this continent to Calafornia
for the indians will kill them for the Emigrants have shot down
the indians without any cause or provocation & if the United States
make war upon me I shall not attemp to restrain them any
longer I will give all people in this Territory that wish the
privilege to leave I want all to leave that are not willing to
follow me. If there is any of my family my wives that wish
to leave I will send my teams & carry them whareever they wish
to go if it is to Hell I will drive to the gate but will not let my
teams go into hell but they must turn around & come back
but those that wish can enter in. I want this people to go to
& save all their grain & prepare to cash it up in the mountains
but dont let your Neighbor know whare you put it. I want
you to prepare for a 7 ye[a]rs siege. many other remarks were
made all taken by the reporters the spirit of God rested upon us
him & upon the congregation and all the saints felt to say amen
to all President Young said.
I attended the prayer meeting at
the presidents House various remarks were made by Brother Kimball
& Wells.
I attended the ward meeting in the evening & spoke
to the people I bore testimony to what President Young said during
the day I told the people to be passive in the hands of the Lord & be
ready to carry out the council of the Presidency in all things
Brother Stewart returned from the States to day & reported about the Emigration
~ Monday
^17th^ I called at the presidents office a short [time] I spent the day in the office
~ Tuesday
18 The presidency went to Farmington or some place North to
a water mellon Party I spent half a day in the office the rest
& of the time I was budding peach trees I put in 150 of Carringtons
1 & 2nd Early peach
~ Wednesday
19th I put in 75 Carrington 1st Early pech buds into 2 year old
trees before 10 oclk spent the rest part of the day in the office
~ Thursday
20th I spent the day in the office & in the evening O Hyde & Luke
Johnson came in & we wrote out Luke Johnsons History
~ Friday
21st I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
the after noon watering my garden
~ Saturday
22nd A rainey this morning I spent the day in the office
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I spent the day at the Tabernacle Brother Walker spoke
in the morning told of his 5 years mission to South Africa
his return to America He was appointed to assist off the Hand Cart
Emigration He took charge of their baggage could not get but
wintered at Floranc started the train this spring, was on the
way would be here in a few weeks He was followed by Br
Rogers who had been on a mission to the sandwich Ishands He
said but few words was followed By President Heber C
Kimball who was filled with the power of God spok quite
lengthy told the people to obey council & do right, go & glean all
the wheeat in the fields & save it their was 1000 bushels in this
county that could be gleaned, if the people will do as they are
told they shall never be driven from these vallies an Enemy
shall not come in these vallies for we will not let them
if we have to take to our tents at all we will not pitch them
again as a resting place untill we Pitch them in Jackson County
He said that President Young said when He first came in in a
speech that we should lay up grain for a 7 yea[r]s famine & we
should let the land rest on the 7th year Brother Woodruff
herd it. (Brother Woodruff said it was written) Now the U S
are trying to force a govornor upon us we will not receive
him the Lord has said our govornor shall procede out of the midst
of us this is in the Bible Brother Woodruff turn to it. (Brother
Woodruff opened the Bible promiscously & opened diretly to the
passage in the 30 chapter of Jeremiah 21st vers,) & read it
to the congregation mMany remarks were made by the speaker all
of which are reported. In the After noon John Taylor spoke
lengthy had much of the spirit of the Lord & the people were
Edifyed He was followed By President Daniel H Wells who
also spoke in the spirit & Power of God concerning Zion
the armies of Israel, & the armies of the wicked He was
ready to fight & defend Zion, all was reported
We went to the prayer circle President Young was sick but
he was in the circle said he could not feel that the Enemy
would come this season
~ Monday
24th I spent the day in the office on Brother Kimballs History
~ Tuesday
25 I spent this day in the office on History
~ Wednesday
I budded a few peach trees early in the morning I called
in Presidents Young Office An express had come in from deer
Creek Brought the report that our Emigration was getting along
Aug 26 1857
vary well the Chianes had stolen 480 Head of General Harne's
Beef Cattle. Col Sumner had been out with his command 10 day
longer than He was rationed for & fears of his friends was
that He was cut off General Harney was intending to remove
all mormon stations on the road & go by forced marches so that
no word would reach the mormons in Utah before him
President Young said I have sent General Harney word that I
wish for peace & do not wish to fight any body but He must
not come Here with his armey if he undertakes it I shall
stop him. He said to Brother Mathews when you get in
Calafornia the people will try to stop you & hedge you up so
that you cannot strengthen us you must be upon the
watch tower. The Nation is determined to make us free
they are determined to drive us to defend our selves & become
independant. The Nation is breaking to peases in spirit their
is no Union among them & before the United States get through
trying to destroy us they will want to let out the Job I told
the people years ago that if they would let us alone we would convert
& revolutionize the world if they did not let us alone but undertake
take to break us up we would spread abroad the faster & do the
work so much the sooner & we will do it if this nation now
makes war upon us we will be free & build up the kingdom
of God the sooner. The people have tried all the time to destroy
us but they have failed all the time when the government called
for 500 of our men they had no idea that we would comply
with their request this plan was laid to destroy the saints & tomas
Benton then had orders in his pocket to destroy the Mormons
if they refused Jesus said the time would come when we should
sell our coat & buy a sword [Luke 22:36], that time has come and we have got
to go to & deliver ourselves from our enemies & the Lord will
help us he will fight our battles & we will become an independant
kingdom. I fell [feel] well & I will tell you why if I am right
and I know I am and that is this people are now much
nearer their Fathers face than they ever were before they
are united and willing to do the will of God and this causes
me to rejoice. The people now fell to say it is the kingdom
of God or nothing it is not my farm or my house but the
kingdom of God this is the case with this people. Brother
Kimball said Old Buck was now free the yoke was off his
neck & it would not be upon his neck again. Many other
remarks were made but not written. There were present
B. Young H C. Kimball D H. Wells O Hyde W Woodruff
J Taylor Capt Hooper Joseph Young Ferrymore Little
President Young said that I am satisfied that the Post Master
in Calafornia was authorized to open our Mail & read
our Letters & retain what He pleased & send on what
He pleased I will insure that our Letters to the Elders on
the Isles of the sea will be opened & read I pray the Lord
to reveal to those Brethren what our desire is that they
may come home.
President Young came into the Histor-
ians office at 15 minuts to 2 oclok He sent for me I was
at home I immediately went to the office. Presidents
Young Wells & F D Richards was in the office. President Young said
to me as I came in have you a team I told him I had
a pair of small Ponies. He asked If I could spare them
I Hesitated a moment & said IYes sir, I can do any
thing that is wanted. He then said I have a good
pair of Horses that I want to let you have, as you are
labouring here I was taken quite surprised it came
vary unexpeted to me. I excepted the Horses & was
thankful though perhaps I did not say it at the time
Brother Wells went & showed them to me I tok them
home they were a fine large pair of sorrell Horses
they were offered 200 bushels of wheat for them
to day. President Young stayid 3 1/2 hours in
compiling his History. He remarked that the revelation upon
a plurality of wives was given to Joseph Smith in 1831 He revealed
it to Oliver Cowdery alone upon the solem pledge that He would not
reveal it or act upon it it but He did act upon it in a secret manner
& that was the cause of his overthrow. President Young also said
that the United States are driving this people to war sooner than
is for their good for we are civilizing the Indians & if they would
give us time we would give them a knowledge so that when they
do fight the Gentiles that they would have some Judgment & not
kill women & children & those who ought tonot to be killed. There is
now many of the emigration on the way to Carson valley the Gentile
emigrants shoot the indians wharever they meet with them & the
Indians now retaliate & will kill innocent People. One woman who
had fitted out to kome here to investigate Mormonism she was
killed & all her teamsters & all these through the folly of Emigrants
~ Thursday
27th I spent the fore noon in the office the afternoon I watered my
garden & budded my peach orchard with Carringtons 2nd Early
& his large yellow Peach & Apricott
~ Friday
28th I spent the forepart of the day in the House of the Lord giving
Endowments the evening I spent in the office
The present signs of the times show that we as a people
as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & the
Kingdom of God are approaching the most important period &
Craices [crisis] that we have ever seen since the organization of the
Church, their is a solemnity & anxiety resting upon all Israel.
The Government of the United States have now entered the
field as our persecuters & are determined in their harts to destr-
oy us from off the Earth as far as it is in their power
The President James Buch^a^nnan & the Congress of the Nation
containing 35000000 people have sent an Armey of men
of numbering some 3000 armed with all instruments of
death to destroy us as a people they are now marching towards
us upon the plains & one or two month from this date must
decide the case with us whether we have to go out to war and
meet in deadly combat this winter or not. The Gentiles are vary
wicked & the cup of the United States as a Nation is full & they
are enemies to God & his kingdom & people they are determined
in their hearts that God & his Christ shall have no kingdom on
the Earth & they are now about to make war upon his saints
the time is at the door that will try mens souls the Lord has
Aug. 28th 1857
promised to fight the battles of his saints nevertheless the Saints
will be tried whether they will abide in his covenant even
unto death whether we are willing to lay down our lives for
Christ sake, word has been sent out to call in the Elders from
abroad from among the Gentiles, & the gospel has begun to go to
the Lamanites & the Lord is about to remember his covenant
with that people, the Judgments of our God must now soon be
poured out upon the Gentile world & the children of Jacob &
the House of Israel must go forth & fulfill their destiny & help
build up Zion all nations are becomeing vary wicked may
the Lord give us grace according to our day & help us to stand
the test & prove in the hour of trial & temptation torue to our God, our
Brethren, & our covenants. And I ask the Lord in the Name of Jesus
Christ to Preserve the Presidency of this Church with the cities
people & records of the Saints from the hands of wicked and
ungodly men. I pray that the Lord will preserve me for a
season that I may labour to assist in preserving & keeping
a record of this Church & kingdom & the dealings of God
with us & preserve me O Lord from dishonoring my calling
or priesthood but give me faith power & grace to pass through
what ever I may be called to meet. It appears as though
the whole world was about to make war upon the kingdom
of God. In years that are past & gone we have had towns
cities, counties & states with the Govornor & people against
us. Now the whole Nation has risen up against us, vary
well, let lightnings flash & thunders roll & Earth quake bellow
and let all hells dark Hosts gather in battle array against
God and his Christ ag[ain]st the Church & kingdom of our God ag[ains]t
Brigham Heber & Daniel & the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb
of God & all ther followers Let the Heathen rage & the peopl
imagin vain things let them take council to destry the
Lords Anointed. Yet God will laugh at their calamity
& mock when their fear comes for their destruction
shall come like a whirlwind [Proverbs 1:26-27] even in an instant suddenly
it shall overtake them like a woman in treval [1 Thessalonians 5:3] & their
shall be no power to deliver, & all the Judgments which God
the Lord, or Prophets Apostles or Holy men have said shall
come upon them shall be fulfilled upon their heads & not
one Jot or tittle shall fail. Rejoice O ye Heavens & be Glad
O Earth & all the righteous who dwell therein for the Lord
God Omnipitent reigneth & his will will be done in all
things for he holds the destiny of all men in his hands
the wicked as well as the righteous. Let the prayers of thy people
O God come up into thine eares & let them be answered upon the
Head of the wicked & Let the blood of all thy Prophets O God
be avenged upon the Earth untill the wicked shall scease to reign
& untill the Earth shall be cleansed from all the abomination
which now dwell upon it fulfill thy covenants O God which
thou hast made with Israel in the Last days & let the Gentiles
who dwell upon this land be spedily cut off inasmuch as they
will not repent. Send they Judgments O God into the Armies
of the United States who are coming against us to battle & let
them be destroyed that they shall have no power over thy saints
any more at all
~ Saturday
Aug 29th
I spent the day in the office on the History
~ Sunday
30th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle all
day Levis Stewart first spoke a short time was followed
by Albert Carrington then Presidents Heber C Kimball &
Brigham Young they spoke much to our Edifycation
in the Afternoon John Taylor, Orson Hyde, & President H C Kimball
we had a good meeting all day. I attended the prayer
circle in the evening. The contempable speec[he]s of senator
Stephen Arnold Duglass was read & the answer of Albert
Carrington to the speech was also read Also the intention
of Govornor Young in case we were invaded by an enemy
Many remarks were made upon the subject of the present crices
which is apparently approaching us President Young said
that many of the brethren had many fears about the Laman-
ites because the gentiles were making them presents you need
have no fears upon this subject for if the nation gives them a few
millions it will not be all that is due their due & then they will turn
around & take the rest we need have no fears but what the Lamanites
will be prepared to fill their mission I cannot feel that the time
has come for us to do a great deal of hard fighting but I believe
the Lord will fight our Battles when the time comes for us to
do a great deal of fighting we shall have help & strength and
the promises of God will be verified unto us
~ Monday
31st I spent the day in the office on history H C Kimball was with
us 2 Hours hearing his History read
~ Tuesday
Sept 1st I called at the Office G. A. Smith was present He
arived home last evening. I called upon President Young
He went into the Historians office & dictated his history
from 1/2 past 10 oclok till 1/2 past 12 oclok. Brother Hamlin
arived to day from the Santa Clara Mission with some 12 indi
an chiefs who had come to see President Young one was the
chief his name is Tots Igavots the chief of the Piede of
the deserts & Santaclara & Rio Vergin he had a chief
with him of the Indians at Harmony, Canosh the chief
of the Parvants & Amon Walkers Brother Canosh while
driveing his horses down to the carrall in a waggon his
horses got tangled up in the tongue & har[nes]ses & they fell
in a pile & before we could get them up while lying upon
their side they fought like two tigers we were more th
an 5 minutes liberating them. President Young had an
interview with the Indians for about one hour. Mr
Eddy came into the office & spent several hours looking at
our works he is the partner of Mr Sharp the inventing &
manufacturer of Sharps Rifles
~ Wednesday
2nd I spent the day in the office on History
~ Thursday
3rd Thursday fast day most of the people spent the day in
Fasting & prayer
~ Friday
4th I spent most of the day in the endowm[en]t House. Moroni
our Indian Boy is vary sick with somthing like a white swelling
in his arm
~ Saturday
5th We had an Express arived this Morning stateing that Gen ^Col^
Johnson was at Ash Hollow with some 2000 men traveling
some 15 miles per day. Col Sumner had burned some 300 shians [Cheyennes]
lodges killed some few Indians & 2 soldiers killed & 7 wounded
& 60 men with Capt Jones & the wounded to Fort Kerney the
Chians overtook them & cut them to peices so bad that no trace of
them could be found our Emigration was getting along vary well
the Lord is hearing our prayers & hedging up the way of our enemies
Gen Harney was retained as the Military Govornor of kansas
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle H C Kimball
spoke then President Brigham Young Presented Thomas B Marsh
the formor President of the Twelve Apostles to the congregation to
look upon & behold the reck & relic of a man who once was an
Apostle & a president of Apostles but had apostitized & staid in
the world untill he had become old, acriped [crippled], palsied, miserable
unhappy & worthless so much so that his wife the world & the devil
had all cast him off as of no use to any body he had now come
to the Saints for mercy & help President Young made a few remarks
concerning him then Thomas B. Marsh then arose & addressed the
people for a short time warned the people not to Apostitize & look to
him as an example of misery & one who had suffered the wrath
of God in consequence of Denying the faith he wished to be forgiven
by the[m] President Young put the vote to the Assemble if they would
receive him into full fellowship not withstanding all his heino-
us sins all voted to a man to recieve him, then President Young
Addressed the people & the meeting closed.
PM W. Woodruff spoke
to the people & bore testimony to what had had been said by the
presidency, was followed by President Wells.
I attended the prayer Meeting in Presidents upper room
we herd letters read from Samuel Richards & Snider H. S. Eldridge
& Goosebeck. President Young said Brother Bernhisel I presume
we shall not have any one in Congress next winter to present
our memorials & interest (J. M. B. No I think not) I think it
will make some of the People squirm when they hear that I am
taking the property which the Government has sent into this
Territory some of our Brethren going down to the states met
about 60 of the Chians they were vary Friendly to them
the Indians stole 800 fat cattle & the rest was driven back
to the states so the Army has no cattle with them ownly for
their present use. Some said that they believed that those
Indians who stole the cattle were half mormon & began to
dam them Brother Murdock remarked we are all mormons here
in this company & I dont wish to hear my friends abused
President Young said what will the people think in Europe when
they come to hear that Brigham Young is at the Head of
the vigilance committies in Calafornia & the Cansas [Kansas] Troubles
& that the Government of the United States could not remove
him untill the Lord see fit to let them. The world accuse me
of controlling the affiairs of Calafornia & Kansas &c the people
do believe that we have a Band called the Danites but how
could they exist so long without sheding Blood for we cannot
find that they have killed any body But I do not know of any
such men. I think that James Buchanan has got in a Bad
fix he has got the yoke on his neck & has to carry it alone
with no ox to carry the other End but He is pounding his own shins
& will soon pound the shins of others for the moment He gave
consent to send an armey to destroy this people he placed himself
as the shedder of innocent Blood & the Judgments of God will
follow him. when war does break out between the north & south
it will be the most bloody. G A. Smith said that the ownly thing for
the President of the United States to get out of his trouble ownly to
get a Bill through Congress to admit any territory as soon
as they had population Enough to organize a state government
& to be received at once into the Government or Union with
equal privileges with the other states. President Young then said let
me suggest a matter Brother Smith is presiding at Limhi salmon
River now do we not want a station about half way from
here say near fort Hall should we not send men say 20 to
make a station there it was thought best to do so. He said that
the north is the place for us & not the south no one but the
Saints would want the cold North country. This is the
this continent & I think we had better keep near the lock
& kepp the
in our own hand. If we send a company we
want to send them this fall so that we can put in grain
there this season
6th President Young came into the office a short time Thomas B
Marsh spent the fore noon with us helping about his history
I spent most of the day oin the office
~ Monday
7th I budded some peach trees this morning I went to the office at 11 oclok
& spent the remainder of the day in the office
~ Tuesday
8th I budded peach trees in the morning & spent most of the
day in the office. Capt Van Vlvleeit arived this evening
in this city he had an Interview with Gov Young
in the evening
~ Wednesday
9th Capt Van Vleeit met with the Govornor in the
social Hall at 9 oclok with the presidency & Twelve
& some 100 citizens He presented Gov Young with
a letter of Instructions or request which was read
before the assembly & but little said & a great deal
thought. Capt van vleeit asked if there was lumber
to be bought & grain & Hay &c president said that
there was a plenty in the country. President Young asked
if there was any one present who could supply Capt
Van Vleeit any lumber that He wanted Brother Samuel
Snider arose & said that that He could supply 40000 feet
of Lumber No other one said any thing President Young
took had private conversation with the captain in the
afternoon President Young walked with Captain Van Vliet
through his garden & orchard & through Professor Carringt-
ons the capt Asked Mrs Carrington if she was willing to
cut down her fine peach orchard for her faith &
religin she said "yes and would set up nights to do
it if it became necessary
~ Thursday
10th I went into the Big field with a Brother Thomas to set
him to work ploughing my field for wheat. I spent
the afternoon in the office I heard G A Smith's History
read. President Young took Capt Stewart Van Vliet
through his house introduced him to his family &c
~ Friday
11th I spent this day in the Endowment House we gave
83 their endowment.
~ Saturday
12th We got in an express this morning saying that ther
was some 900 troops on the way this side of Laramie
& some 12 government Baggage trains. Capt Van Vlieeit
came into the office & President Young had a good deal
of conversation with him. He said to him I do not
want to fight the United States but if they drive
us to it we shall do the best we can & I will tell you
as God lives that we shall come off conquerer for
we trust in God. For God has set up his kingdom
on the Earth & it will never fall but it will stand
we shall do all we can not to fight but if they drive
us to it God will overthrow them. if they would let
us alone & say to the mobs now you may go & kill the
Mormons if you can but we will have nothing to do with it
this is all we would ask of them But for the Governm[en]t
of the United States to array their armies against us
it is to despicable & damnable for any honorable Nation
& God will have them in derission for doing it. The Govern-
ment has all the time endeavoured to destroy us in an under-
handed manner. But Now if they come against us
we will whip them all the time and you will see
that we will do it. The United States are sending their
armies to hold us still untill a Mob can come and
kill us and they have done this all time. we are the
supporters of the United States Constitution, & we love
the Constitution & Laws of the United States But it is
the corrupt Administration of those Laws which we
are suffering under & not the Laws. if the Laws had
been carried out in Missouri it would have hung Gov
Boggs Between the heavens & the Earth and all his friends
who was in the murdering & expelling the Saints from
the states they shot down the mormons whenever they
could. They killed Joseph & Hiram. Then when Col
Harden came into Nauvoo with his armey He did not inq-
uire who killed Joseph Smith or Hiram or any of the
saints who had been killed but enquired for some missing
Man that we knew Nothing about & said he should Hold
me responsible for the life of that man. This has been the
course with the Government all the time. We got up a
Memorial or declaration to the Congress of the United
States last winter the Declaration was then read to the
Capt Van Vleeit after hearing it he said I cannot
find any fault with it ownly it is couched in vary
strong language. President Young said that is what I
intended. And I will now ask capt Van Vleit if
Aug [Sep] 12, 1857
noDrummond was not the maine cause of the United States sending
thereir Armies against us "I think it is. There is not any
of the government officers which have been sent here
who have any interest with us But they haved tried
to destroy us. Capt Van Vleit said this is the case
with most men in the Territories they received their
offices as a steping stone to the senatorship, but they have
no interest for the people. This people have been lied about the
worst of any people I ever saw the greatest hold the world
have now upon you is they accuse you of Burning 900 vol
of the United States Statutes. Thomas Williams who was one
of the owners of the Books which were burned denies their
being any Books of the United States being burned. I have
told the people all the time all I asked of them was to tell
the truth about us to pay their debts & steal Nothing they
are welcome to go their way. No if this government
has arived at that state that they will tri to kill
the people for their religion No honorable man
should be afraid of them. President Young then told
the story about the Quaker that a Yankey went to whip
the Quaker said that he was not the man that he wanted
He had not done any thing wrong but the man said He would
whip him any how so the Quaker laid down his hat & coat
& said lie there religion untill I whip this man & he did
whip him tremendiously. It will be so with the United States
if they insist in whiping us they will get awfully whiped
Capt Van Vleit we have treated all men as well as we
have you who have been sent here as officers of the U S
government. we wish still to treat them well and we
would like to ward off this Blow if we could But
the United States are determined to drive us to fight
we cannot do any thing but what the government will take
exception to it. They will kill us if they can I have prof
of this. They killed Joseph & Hiram in Jail not with stand-
ing the faith of the Govornor the Armey & the states was
pleged to protect them, & when they had killed them
they then got a writ for me I carried a large Bowye
knife with me and I said that any man that laid hands
upon my sholder and said Mr Young you are my prisioner
I would send that man to hell across lots & I have said
that all the time since and I say it now I have broaken
now law neither will I be taken by any United States
officers to be killed as they have killed Joseph. They did
once take a Bugus [Bogus] Brigham which was Brother Miller
& took him to Carthage & did not find out his mistake
untill they got him there. Capt Van Vleit said that
I do not think that it is the intention of the Government to
take you but to instill a New Governor in this Territory
President Young said I Believe that you tell the truth that
you believe this but you do not know their intentions as well
as I do. when you get away from here you will think
of a great many things which you have seen and heard
The people have all the time accused us of colleagueing with the
Indians against the Governm[en]t & they were much afraid
that Joseph Smith would go amoung the Indians & they
watched to keep him away from them but now they
have driven us into their midst and now I want you to
watch the signs of the times & you will see that God will
work against that Nations who are trying to destroy both
the Indians & Mormons the Government has become corrupt
& they are the ones who are breaking the Constitution of
the United [States] & if it is ever saved it will be saved by the
Mormons who are the Elders of Israel
~ Sunday
13th Sunday I arose in the morning saddled my horse rode
into my field 4 miles & back I then went to the House of
Sister Foss & laid hands upon her with Brother Smoot as she
was sick we then went to Meeting in the Tabernacle &
John Taylor Preached a splendid discourse upon the first
Principles of the gospel He was then followed by President
Brigham Young who said that he had had the persecu-
tions of the Saints before him all the morning that He
was righteously angry He was so angry he could
not preach. But He did preach in the power of God
& told the people his Feelings. Capt Van Vleit sat by
& when President Young spoke of the wickedness & cor-
ruption of the government it made him feel. at
the close of the meeting we met with the missionaries
who were appointed to lecture upon the subject of Home
Manufacturing. we then went into council with the
presidency to select a company of missionaries to go
& make a settlement on Black foot fork 63 volunteered
& 42 of them were chosen at the close of this council I
went direct to the Meeting at the Tabernacle Charles R Daina
spoke first He had Just returned from England when
he went on his mission the Twelve Blessed him I was
mouth He said evry word which I proclaimed upon his
head was fulfilled to the vary letter. He was followed by
G. A. Smith who spoke of his southern tour, &c He
was followed by President Young who gave Uncle Sam
considerable Hell fire for their wickedness. At the
close of the meeting I met with the Missionaries again
President Young made a few remarks to them upon their
organization. we then went into our Prayer Circle & Presi-
dent Young feasted the Breathrens upon Peaches & grapes
as we had so many meetings we had had no time for eating
through the day at the close of the prayer Capt Van Vleit
met us at the close of the stairs & said he had an express
from the States & wished to meet with Gov Young
I then went to the Historians office & prepaired
3 letters to I. F. Carter to O. Pratt & T. B. H
Stenhouse I then went to Capt Hoopers & met
with Capt Van Vleit a short time after President
Brigham Young H C Kimball D. H. Wells A. Carrington
O Hyde J Taylor & a number of others. Capt Van Vleit
was preparing to leave at 3 oclok in the morning President
Young was now to have his last interview with him
& he wished to talk to him in a plain manner He said
He wished Capt Van Vliet to report at Washington Just
as things were here He said I have seen the suffering
of this people through the persecutions of the people of
the United States for the last 25 years and I will not
bear it any longer. we have always treated the United
States officers well but they have constantly lied abo-
ut us & tried to destroy us all the time. we would still
have received their govornors & officers if they had
sent them here without an Army but inasmuch as
they are now disposed to send an Armey here to
hold us still while others run their read hot Iron
into us & then kill us we will now say that we will
not have neither their soldiers Armies or officers
any more here at all, and you may tel them so we will
Just fight for our liberty & rights from this day forth whenever
I think of letting their troops come in here and their
officers I can see nothing but death & darkness before me and
before this people but when I say they shall not come here
light bursts upon me and I can see life before me & this
people and this is the way all of this people feel. the intention
of the Government is to destroy us & this we are determin
they shall not do. If the government of the United
States persists in sending Armies to destroy us in the name
of the Lord we shall conquer them. if the Government
calls for volunteers in Calafornia & the people turn out to come
to destroy us they will find their own buildings in flames before
they get far from home & so throughout the United States
again if they commence the war I shall not hold the Indians
still by the [w]rist any longer for white men to shoot at them but
I shall let them go ahead & do as they please and I shall
carry the war into their own land and they will want to let
out the Job before they get half through and even should an
Armey of 50000 men get into this valley when they got
here they would find nothing but a Barren waste we
should burn evry thing that was wood & evry acre of
grass they would burn and you may tell them that they
must bring with them their forage for their animals
for they will not find any thing to eat in this Territory
when they come, again you may tell them they must stop
all emigration across this continent for they cannot travel
in safety the Indians will kill all that attempt it. You may
tell Judge Douglass that when He comes here again to enter
into a treaty of peace we shall dictate those terms of peace
& not him as He did before.
Capt Van Vleit said that
if our Government pushed forward this thing & made war
upon us He should withdraw from the Army for he would
not have a hand in sheding the Blood of American citizens
After closing HeHis remarks President Young said God had
set up his kingdom upon the Earth & it was here & the Lord
would sustain that kingdom & he would destroy all that
fought against it And if the Armies of the United [States] came
against us the Lord would permit them to be destroyed at the
close of the remarks the President said to Capt Van Vleit as citizens
we are friends & shook hands in a Friendly manner and
sept 13 1857
[wished] each other well we all wished the captain well. I went home
& put up a Box of peaches of 32 dozen for Hon J. M. B.
and Capt Van Vleit I then went to the Historians office
from there to President Youngs office & conversed with presidents
Young Wells & Carrington untill after 12 oclok at night
I then went home & retired to rest J. M. Bernhisel was
Blessed & set apart for Washington I wrote his Blessing
~ Monday
14th President Young spent the fore part of the day in
the Historians office Hearing his history read. In the Afternoon
He met in council with H. C. Kimball D. H. Wells the Twelve
& several others & resolved to proclaim the Territory of
Utah under marshall Law & the proclamation of the Govornor
was read & excepted
~ Tuesday
15th I spent the day in the office on the Journal we had a
Hard wind & rain during the night
~ Wednesday
16 It is cold to day I spent the day in the office some indians
called upon President Young the chief of the Bannocks
was among them. Brother Hamlin was here with the chief
of the Desert Piedes Totsigauah He was ordained an Elder He
called to see me & my garden I gave him some peaches &
peach pitts to take home & plant President Young said He wished
the Elders to marry the squaws of the Tribes to fulfille the
commandm[en]t of God &c
~ Thursday
17th A cold day I have a severe cold & sore throat I spent
the day in the office
~ Friday
18th I spent the day in the office on Journal writing & History
19th I was quite unwell with the Quincy soar throat &
stomach I took a dose of chian pepper upon an empty cold
stomach it set me into the cramp & I suffered immensely
for half an hour. I went into the endowment House &
spent half a day I spent the evening in the office I took into
the office 2 trunk strong water proof to keep records in
an express arived this evening from the Brethren in the mountains
they bring word that 700 of the Army were at the pacific
springs they kept but 5 men on guard to take charge of
their [blank] Animals & they would not give them guns
for fear they would run away they were travelling about 15
miles per day their animals were much worn down and
feed was scearse our own Brethren many of them are
sick are living upon bread alone & they want provisions sent to
them I had a sick night with sore throat or Quinzy
~ Saturday
^19th^ President Young came into the office a short time in the
Morning & herd his history read orders are Issued this
Morning for a number of waggons to be fitted out & go
with provisions to our Brethren in the mountains I was called
upon to send a horse team. Col Harmans ridegiment was out
to day with all their Bagage waggons they made quite a display
~ Sunday
20th Sunday I was quite sick all day I did not attend the meeting
through the day I attended the prayer circle in the evening
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
21st nd & 24 I spent this time in threshing out my
wheat I was sick & not able to labour but I stood at the
tale End of the threshing mashine for three days with a
severe cold sore throat sumthing like the Quincy I was up Early
& late & hard at work my cold broke up on the 24th & I was
better I had 500 bushels of wheat on 12 1/2 Acres making
Just 40 bushels to the Acre I sowed one bushel of clear
white club on one Acre of ground the poorest acre I had
& it had no water that produced Just 40 bushel but some
smut but no smut in my [tause]. I had a great amount
of straw enough for a thousand bushel of wheat I had
300 bushels of wheat left after paying for sowing watering
Harvesting & threshing & cleaning I paid 30 bushels of
tithing upon that
~ Friday
25th I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment
House I spent the afternoon in the office. Elder Nathaniel V. Jones
arived this morning for the United States Armey with the express
He visited with Capt Van Vleit both ritedjments the first
was the 10th ridgment that was a full regiment the officers
were young & full of fire & they swore they would come
in any how they could whip out Utah Capt Van Vleit
advised them not to come for they could get nothing
they would have to fight their way but they swore
they would fight their way through after Van Vleit
left them they marched 30 miles instead of 15 the next day,
the 2nd riegiment he met with they were old officers they
considered the matter over more & thought it an imposition
to be sent out here as a political movement to kill innocent
people or to get killed they will be at the pacific springs
to night & our Brethren will commence operation upon
~ Saturday
26th I did not feel well this morning I was quite poorly I opened
2 Boxes of Goods which Dr Bernhisel sent me the most of
which I took to His family by his order. I had some conversa-
tion with Gen D. H. Wells upon the subject of going into the mount-
ains He said He should soon go take with him G. A. Smith & John
Taylor as his councellors take but a part of his staff he wished
me to stay at home in the office for the present this was according
to council. The following conversation passed between President
Young & Capt Van Vleit not before recorded in this Journal. Capt
Van Vleit said I think that Congress will try to do all they
can against you. President Young said if God inspires
any man to speak for us it will be well we have got
to trust in God If you will speak in favor of us &
I think you will the Lord will bless you for so
doing He will require it of you. we have refuted lies
so long we have got tiered of it and we shall now trust
in God for the future. Congress could send out an inves-
tigating committee to Kansas or any other place but to
Utah but upon the mere rumour of liars they could send
out 2000 armed soldiers to Utah to destroy the people without
investigating the subject at all. Capt Van Vleit said the
Governm[en]t may yet send out one to Utah & consider
it policy before they get through with it. President Young said
I do think that God has sent you out here & that Good
will grow out of it I was glad when I learned that
you was coming. Capt Van Vleit said I am vary
anxious to get back to Washington as soon as I can
I herd officially that General Harney was recalled to Kansas
to officiate as Govornor I shall stop the train on hams
fork on my own responsibility, & leave them there
President Young said if we can ceep the peace for this winter
I do think there will be sumthing turn up that may save
so much shedding of Blood. Capt V. said I think so
to the troops will have to stop on hams fork for their
provisions will be late coming up I do not think their
is more than 1000 troops coming their is one rigm[en]t
from the florida war their is not more than 300 men
they have been reduced by the scurvey that florida
war has cost many millions of money it is a specu-
lating scheme their is not more than 100 warriors
& they have got hiding places which No man can find
it is seldom you can kill one you may accidentally
stum ball onto one as you would a partridge, well
this regiment are old men & the regim[en]t is worn out
~ Sunday
27th Sunday I called upon Elder Taylor in the Morning
to get the History of Joseph which He had written
but He informed me he had left it at the Historians office
the evening before He was about preparing to go into the
Mountains with G. A. Smith & Gen D. H. Wells & his
staff or a part of it they got ready & left the city
about 1 oclok P.M. I attended meeting in the tabernacle
the returned Missionaries occupied the fore noon untill
near 12 oclok I then addressed the people for a short
time. In the afternoon Brother Case from the Cherikes
Nation spoke a short time was followed by Heber C Kimb-
all who gave a vary interesting discourse. I attended
the prayer Meeting in the evening President Young was
quite unwell.
~ Monday
28th We received an express this morning from
the Army in the Mountains saying that our enemies
were marching strongly towards us they tryed to stamped
the Animals of the Army but found them all chained by
the feet so they could not run a small company also
tried to stampede some oxen & they failed in [it]. Brother
Jones informed me that Capt Van Vleit tried to pursuade
the Armey to stay on hams fork to winter or in that
region but the 10th regiment swore that they had started
for salt Lake & they would go there. Capt Van Vleit told
them that we should not let them come but they would
find a diferent warfare from any thing they had met with
the day was occupied by getting the Brethren ready for the mountains
& going out quite a company went out I do not know the
~ Tuesday
29th We have another Express in this morning saying that
the Armey are rapidly marching towards us will soon
be at Bridger & they wish men immediately sent out.
Elder John D. Lee also arived from Harmony with an express
and an awful tale of Blood a company of Calafornia
Emigrants of about 150 men women & children many of
them belonged to the mob in Missouri & Illinois they had many
cattle & Horses with them as they travelled along south they
went damning Brigham Young Heber C. Kimball & the Heads of
the Church saying that Joseph Smith ought to have been shot
a long time before he was. they wanted to do all the evil they
could so they poisoned Beef & gave it to the Indians & some
of them died they poisioned the springs of water several of
the saints died the Indians became inraged at their conduct
& they surrounded them on a prairie & the Emigrants
formed a Bulwark of ther waggons & dug an Entrench-
ment up to the Hubs of there waggons but the Indians fought
them 5 days untill they killed all their men about
60 in Number they then rushed into their carrall &
cut the throats of their women & children except a
some 8 or 10 children which they brought & sold to the
whites they striped the men & women Naked & left
them stinking in the boiling sun when Brother Lee found
it out he took some men & went & buried their bodies
it was a horrid awful Job the whole air was filled with
an awful stench many of the men & women was rotten
with the pox before they were hurt by the Indians. the
Indians obtained all ther cattle Horses & property guns &c
their was another large company of Emigrants who had
1000 head of cattle who was also damning both Indians
& Mormons they were afraid of shareing the same fate
Brother Lee had to send interpeters with them to the Indians
to try to save their lives while at the same time they are
trying to kill us.
we spent most of the day in trying to get the Brethren ready
to go to the Mountains Brother Brigham when speaking of
the cutting of the throats of women & children as the Indians
done south said that it was heart rending that Emigration
must stop as he had before said Brother Lee said that
He did not think their was a drop of innocent Blood in
their camp for he had too of their children in his
house & he could not get but one to kneel down in prayer
time & the other would laugh at her for doing it & they wo-
uld sware like pirats. The scene of Blood has commenced
& Joseph said that we should see so much of it that it
would make our hearts sick. I spent the fore part of the
night getting Robert & Wilford ready to go to the mountains
30th I arose Early this morning & took my horses & put
them with parley P Pratts Mules to draw the Bagage
waggon for 50 men that was called out of the 14th ward
they were to start at 6 oclok but did not get ready till
8 oclok I finally concluded to let Robert go & retain
Wilford a few days for they had left their wheat Bag standing
in the field whare they had been sowing through the day & the
ground not dragged whare they had sowed they started ab[ou]t
9 oclok I then went & took some things to the fair then w[en]t
into the field, finished sowing a 5 acre lot & Draged it in
took a load of corn & come home I then heard that Dr
Hurt had got 300 Indians around him & ran away to the
states we got An express in to night saying that the
troops were near Bridger had formed into 3 Bodies
in travelling Cummings said that if they marched to Bridger
He should fight them General Wells sent word for
them to let them come on to Echo Canyon & there give
them Battle
~ Wednesday
30th I met at 9 oclock at the Deseret Store with the committee
on fruit & flowers & awarded premiums according to the
best of our Judgment other committies met but their were
so many of the Brethren gone to the Mountains to meet the
Enemy that but little is doing in the fair. At 6 oclok this
morning the drums beat & an army of soldiers parraded in
our streets of some 400 who were in readiness to march
at a moments warning to the seat of war when ordered
we have about 800 men in the Mountains it is a solmum
time the Armies of the Gentiles are making war upon us
because of our religion & we have to defend ourselves against
a Nation of 25,000000 of people & the war has just comm[ence]d
we have to trust in God for the result. we shall do what we can
& leave the work in his hands their is a still solemnity resting
over our city all are anxiously awaiting the arival of the express
I told President Young that I was on hand any mom[en]t to
go into the mountains that He would say the word. I walked
up in the evening to the presidents office & learned that the Calafornia
Mail had arived I heard some letters read one stating that the
Government had made arangements to send up light drafts
boats up the Colorado river with men & arms against us from
that point. I read several papers during the evening
~ Thursday
Oct 1st I arose Early in the morning & looked for an express
signal flag but saw none No express in I walked to the
Historians office & wrote a short time there was a good
deal of anxiety through the day waiting for an express I spent
most of the day in the office I visited the state fair the show
was vary Good there was a great variety of full cloths was
presented that were substantial. I called into the Presidents office
found President Brigham Young H C Kimball Carrington G.
Grant & Wm Kimball and an express arived from Col J C.
Little giving us an account of the number of solders which
were with him & about Echo Canyon. He wished a spy glass
some amunition & tools. as soon as we got through reading
his Letters an Express arived from Gen D. H. Wells J Taylor
& G. A. Smith sent By Joseph A Young & J W Cummings
Oct 1st 1857
saying that they had sent an express to the United States
army containing Governor Youngs orders for them to surr
enders all there arms & baggage to Lewis Robinson Quarter
Master General at Fort Bridger or to retreat back to the
States or we should resist them. They were camped upon
Hams fork and they were awaiting an Answer to this
Message & would send an express in as soon as they got it
they related an incident of their triying to stampede their ani-
mals but found them not ownly hobbled but chained with
a log chain. One Brother Simons was shot dead through
the Head acidentally by another Brother the Body is sent in
to his friends
~ Friday
Oct 2nd I spent the fore part of the day in the Endow[me]nt House
& the afternoon in the Office. Susan Cornelia Woodruff
received her Endow[me]nt to day
~ Saturday
3rd I spent the day in the office
~ Sunday
4th Sunday I attended meeting in the bowery the missionaries
spoke during the day mostly I attended prayer meeting in the evening
Emma Woodruff had a son born at 4 oclock PM.
~ Monday
5th I spent the day in the office. President Young called into
the office & heard a part of the account of the death of Joseph by
John Taylor He said that what there was necessary to put
into Josephs History & publish the rest as John Taylors History
~ Tuesday
6th The General Conference commenced this morning I am
suffering immensly with pain in the Head from over taxing
my eyes I attended in the forenoon & remained at home in
the afternoon
~ Wednesday
7th I attended conference this afternoon the conference closed
at night the time was mostly occupied by the missionaries
& the 12 President Young spoke at the close of the meeting
~ Thursday
8th I spent the day at home gringding out some of my sugar
cane for makeing Molasses it works well in this country
we got in an express saying that a company under Lot
Smith burned up 50 waggons of the Government mostly
corn & while it was burning General Harney & his cavalry
came up & that the same company had gone East to burn
up what they could it was thought there would be some
desided action soon
~ Friday
9th I have 2 men pressing out my sugar cane
~ Saturday
10th I spent the day with 2 men grinding sugar cane I worked
vary hard and was unwell all day Mrs Woodruff made a custard
and all of us who partook of it appeared poisioned we became vary
sick & vomited vary hard we could not learn any way that it could
have been poisoned ownly a spoon was boiled in it that was silver
and it was supposed that nitrad of silver came from the spoon
which was boiled in it. I was vary sick through the night
~ Sunday
11th Sunday I was sick all day and remained at home it was
a hard rainy day. ^One of President Youngs wives died to day Clara Chase Young^ Sister Young was buried to day
^I Blessed Emmas child & named him Hiram Smith 11th^
~ Monday
Oct 12, 1857
I am some better to day I spent most of the day in the office
I gathered 1/2 a bushel of peaches to day which was the last I
had I hiered several men to day to dig potatoes 4 men dug
through most of the day & ownly got 25 bushel
~ Tuesday
13th I went into the field with the men to dig potatoes & had
the same Number of men & instead of diging 25 as they did
yesterday they dug 71 & I drew them home & put them in my
sullar. The Brethren came in from the East & brought in 153 Head
of cattle 3 teamsters & one deserter from the Army helped drive
them in. The deserter reported that Neither Johnson nor
Harney nor the Govornor or Judges or any of the Territorial
officers had arived at the Armey neither any females. He said
the soldiers were ownly allowed 3 buiscuit 2 cops of coffee s& a small
peace of Beef per day that they were not half fed. they had 74
waggons burned & the contants of 76—2 waggons saved the
captain of the company who burned them saved all the private
property of the teamsters & when the waggons were burned they
gave back the teamsters all their arms amunition &c One Brother
had his knee shattered by the accidental discharged of a yawger [yager]
they had to carry him on a litter a long distance He suffered
much with it.
I spent the evening with President Young I heard a man give
a rehersal of the burning of the waggons back on the road
Woodmancer spoke of it
~ Wednesday
14th I spent the day in the office in the forenoon hearing John
Taylors Account of the death of Joseph & Hiram in Carthage Jaill read
In the afternoon I spent the time on Brigham Youngs History
The sanpet company arived in the city comprizing 100 men &
11 Baggage waggons they marched 5 men abreast. Col Rockw-
ood informed me that there were 11000 men of our soldiers in
the mountains & 700 camped on the public square & that we could
raise 1500 men in this city & in 15 hours we could place 300
armed men in Echo Canyon. An express arived at 25 minuts
to 6 oclock By Joseph A. Young Jr Benjamin Stringham Brought a lett[er]
from General Wells stateing that numbers of the Army wished to desert
the Army & come into the valley if they had protection the Army
was weakning daily the chief Officers sent a vary polite Note
to Governor Young acknowledgeing the recept of the Deseret News
which He had sent them. Capt Lot Smith has gone East to
Officiate in his office in watching for the interest of Utah the
Enemy were mostly hemed in but no disposition manifest to shed
Blood on Either side. they are in a close place their provissions
are fast diminishing & their is but little prospect of any thing
but starvation before them we have prayed that the Lord would
lead them into the pit which they have dug for the Saints & the
Lord has heard our prayers & our Enemies are in the pit & a fair
prospect of their being destroyed without our sheding their Blood
~ Thursday
15 I am quite unwell this morning but I spent the day in the
office I was in a meeting of the board of Directors till 11 oclok but
was sick & hardly able to sit up
~ Friday
Oct 16th
I am vary poorly this morning yet I went to the office of
President Young. An express had Just arived Bringing a long
Letter to Govornor Young from Col Allexander concerning the
present state of affairs also a letter from General Wells. the Breth-
ren had taken a heard of cattle of some 700 head & were bringing
them in. It was reported in the Army that Col Johnson would
soon be up with 700 cavelry but this is uncertain. Col Allexander
letter was rather savey threatened us with Extermination if we
opposed him He considered himself able to come in & carry out
the commands of Government Governor Young sent him a
strong answer asking him why he staid in camp on hams Fork
for a month if he considered he had force enough to carry out his orders
He gave him to understand that it was now the kingdom of God & the
kingdom of the Devil & we trusted in God for success & should go ahead
In turning from this subject to little children President Young
said when some people have little children born at 6 & 7 months from
pregnancy & they live a few hours then die they bless them name
them & c but I dont do it for I think that such a spirit has
not a fair chance for I think that such a spirit will have a chance
of occupiying another Tabernacle and develop itself this is new doctrin
yet it looks consistant what period of Demarkation or age the
spirit would take another Body we were not informed
I received a letter from G. A. Smith & sent one to him
~ Saturday
17th I spent the day in the office I was sum better than yesterday
I had a lengthy conversation with A. Lyman about the war Luke
Johnson arived from Echo canyon to day. The Brethren took 700
Head of cattle from the Army while they were marching.
I married & sealed Matthias Cowley & Sarah Elizabeth
18th Foss at the Altar in the Bonds of matrimony at half past
7 oclock P.M. we had a strong wind during the evening.
~ Sunday
18th Sunday
we met in the Tabernacle President Young had all
his correspondance with Col Allexander of the U. S. Armey read to
the Assemble it was vary rich and Edifying President Young
than preached to the Assembly in a vary Edifying manner
all of which was reported He said He should prepare for the
worst He should have grain cashed whare the Enemy could not
find it & be prepared to move into the mountains & burn all
yet He believed we could keep our enemies out & still raise
crops in the valley. He was followed by Brother Kimball who
said that He knew that if we would Harken to council that we
should raise grain, oat peaches & Apples & live in our Houses in these
vallies untill we went to Jackson County President Young said
I believe it. I attended the prayer meeting in the evening. O P. Roc-
kwell & Dunbar arived about [blank] oclock reported that there
would be 700 Head of cattle in in 2 days nothing decisive yet in
relation to the army He said some of the Brethren were to ventersome
and in danger of looseing their lives He said one deserter
informed him that the army were ownly fed on Quarter rations
the army are nearly starving to death. Orders were given to Hail
onc[e] and then fire and in trying to carry out the order they
shot an ox they said Bridger & Mogo was in their camp
~ Monday
Oct 19th
It is a cold Morning snow upon the Mountains it is reported
that Mr Ray is vary sick & not expected to live. He is the
last Gentile Merchant in the city now doing business Mr
Bell has sold out & will soon leave for Calafornia Mr Kinkade
is still traiding but will work for us. An express arived
at 1 oclok P.M. Brought a letter to President Young from D H.
Wells & one
to me from G. A. Smith. They inform us that
Capt Lot Smith & his company came near being caught
in a trap by the Enemy in the following manner about day
break they came near the Enemies camp & thought they
saw a drove of mules a distance from the camp they made
a charge upon them to stampede them but as they rushed
in among them they found they were mounted men & could
not stampede mounted draggoons the capt of the company
saluted and said Capt Smith you cannot see vary well
good this morning. Capt Smith replied I can see as well as
you can with your Blind Bridles on they looked at each
other awhile the[n] Lot Smith troted off at a slow pace but the
Enemy tried to surround them & they had to gallop over a
vary rough place to get away when they got about 30 rods
off from them the[y] dis mounted & took a dead rest & shot
about 30 bullets at them one ball passed through one mans
Hat & another Ball grazed a horses leg that was all the dange
that was done they might thank the Lord for the preservation
of their lives this is the first fireing done on Either side &
this fireing was done by our Enemies, but no Blood shed
unless it was Blood from a horses leg. We got through
diging potatoes & drawing corn to day
~ Tuesday
^2^ 20th I put my flax in water to rot this morning at 12 oclok
Col Burton with his command of Draggoons or minute
men arived in this city in good health & spirits President
Heber C Kimball addressed them a short time And said
By virtue of the Office which I hold I bless you all in the
name of the Lord & if you will live your religion & do
right you shall none of you fall by the Hand of an Enemy
but you shall eat peaches & Apples in this valley untill you
go to Jackson County Missouri & your Enemies shall not
conquer you. keep your guns & fire locks in good order &
do not waste your aminition for Naught, it is not a
day for much preaching but a day for hard service this
is not much that we have to meet with this fall but next
year we must be prepared for work Gen Grant followed
with few words & told then whare to go for quarters
they went to the variouse places allotted them. I spent the
day in the office. I spent the night or evening till 9 oclock at the Govornors
office Brigham Young Jr arived at 9 oclok he rode down the Weber to
Ogden from there to this city He brought some Letters to the president
& others. I stoped at the Globe a short time in conversation
with Brother Clements who thinks that Allexander would
surrender if he had an opportunity to do it in a way that He would
not be censured by the Government. The army is in a critical
situation & destruction seems to await them let them do what
they will
~ Wednesday
Oct 21st
Brother Atwood arived this morning with an express from Gen
Wells & 2 letters from Col Allexander who closed his letter by
saying that "He should not obey the Governors Orders & his final
disposals of the troops would depend upon Grave consideration which
I do not deem necessary to enumerate" (words without meaning)
The messenger said that the 5th Regment had stoped near Bear River
in tents, the 10th Regment had moved back on hams fork 5 miles
with all the teams & baggage they were in the snow several inches
deep the Brethren travelled several miles with the army the men
were so week & cold they would wrap up in their coat & lie down
in the snow to rest almost evry mile we cannot tell what
the intentions of the officers of the Army are. President Young
thinks that Col Allexanders intention is to come nearer our camp
so that his men may desert. Robert Burton said that it was 80
miles from Allexanders command to the mouth of Echo Canyon
President Young said Here are the officers around me I will call
a council of war I think it is best for Gen Wells to call
in all his forces to Echo & there rest & not ride his Horses
to death unnecessary but let the Enemy alone now & they will
soon use themselves up keep a few to watch there movements
& let them work & they will all soon be used up. Dr Hickman
is with the 5th Regiment who are left & Allen & his companies
are with the 10th Regim[en]t. Heber Kimball Jr sent Col Allexan-
der a doz onions & the Col said if he had any thing that
Heber wanted He would send it to him. He asked Beaty why
He tryed to stampede their animals and burn the grass He
said we burn the grass to get a better crop next year. I spent
most of the fore part of the day in reading the History of the death
of Joseph & comparing John Taylors account with it some 7 or
800 head of cattle were drove in about 12 oclock accompanied
by some teamsters & soldiers they looked poor & hungry I spent
a short time with President Young in the evening
~ Thursday
22nd I spent most of the day in ploughing I gleaned 17 Bushels
of potatoes on 1 1/2 acres after my men had dug the ground
over I spent the evening in the Historians office on Presidents
Brigham Youngs History
~ Friday
23rd I spent most of the day in the office on Brigham Youngs
History President Young received a letter from Gen Wells, not
much News
~ Saturday
24th I called upon President Young a short time Brothers
Kimball & Lyman ^&^ Lorenzo Snow was also in a few remarks
were made about the Armey Brother Brigham said that He was
satisfied that we could live in this valley & raise crops and
keep our enemies out it is not in their power to he overthrow
us by the Help of God we can remain here & they can not
conquer us I have reflected this thing over in my mind
to see what way I could conquer this people if I was there
And I cannot see but one way & that way they will not
attempt to take The United States have spent three Millions of
dollars this season to fit out an Armey to destroy us &
Oct 24th
And it has done us no harm But if I was going to
attempt to destroy this people I should have let them have
there post office and made One Millions of Dollars of
Appropriation & given them all they asked for then spent
annother Million in carriying in Gentiles & Merchandize &
kept this up yearly untill I had filled the country with
Gentiles but the Lord would not let them do this but I should
know that I could not quer conquer them by forc & they
will find it out. President Young got a letter to day from
Gen Wells who says the Enemy have returned back on
Hams Fork some 15 miles
I had a company of men who were lying in camp from
Toelle City call & Husk out 110 Bushels of Ears of corn
for me I gave them one 10th for husking I spent most of
the day on B. Youngs History. Brother J. V. Long Buried
a child to day 1 year 8 months & 11 days old which died on
the 23rd
~ Sunday
25th Sunday I attended the meeting in the Tabernacle John Young
preached in the Morning followed by Lorenzo Young & Brigham
Young we had a good meeting. The Lord is manifesting great wis-
dom through President Brigham Young as a Prophet & leader
in Israel He corrects the Errors of all his brethren in such a
way it is clearly manifest in the Eyes of all the people.
I attended the prayer circle in the evening at 4 oclok Gen D H.
Wells & Elders John Taylor & G A. Smith arived from the Head
quarters of the Army met in council with us & spent some
time in conversing upon the subjet of the war. President Young
said I mean to send word to the United States that if they have
sent troops here the cattle which we have taken I will give
them credit for upon compound interest but I do not
know that they have sent any they have not notifyed me
officially any thing about it & I have no right to know
any thing about it but shall treat them as a mob
~ Monday
26th Brother Peter W Conover & Oliver Smith arived
in this city this morning & called at Presidents Youngs
office & brought the news from our Carson valley company
they gave a rehearsal of all their travels to carson
Valley & Calafornia & back again which was Highly
interesting the company of the Carson valley saints & those
from Calafornia & Oregon were on the way to this city
they had 160 fighting men with 2700 lbs of Ammuni-
tion belonging to the Church & a great deal with private
individuals & a large amount of Arms. all the Saints are
coming from Carson Valley they left ownly 2 Boxes
of caps & 1 lb of powder in all Carson Valley they sold all
their arms & ammunition to the Brethren for their places. President
Young also received a letter from Gen Grant the Army were
still on hams Fork not desided which route they would yet
take they had got the Chief waggon Master in custidy
The presidency and Twelve were in conversation all the fore noon
at his office upon the subject of the war. President Young said
Oct 26
That the United States Government was looseing their Nation-
al greatness & wisdom is departed from them and we need
not have as much fear of them as we would of an Armey
of Grass hoppers if they take away our charter from us & divide
up our Territory it will be unconstitutional as evry thing is they
do against us. I told Brother Bernhisel that if they took
away our charters to come immediately home as soon as He
could & we would organize our state Government & fall
back upon our original Boundaries. Our East Boundary should
be at Laramie the west the summit of the Siera Nevade & run to the
pacific Ocean &c & we would defend it. John Taylor twho sat
in the Judgment seat Saith that was our legal Lawful & Legitimat
right President Young said I want Sanbernadeno & Carson valley
to remain & not be disturbed for I want the people there to raise
stock to supply us from time to time as we need. The U. S.
may do as they please we will do as the Lord wants us. One
young officer of the Army said that Old Jesus Christ could
not keep him out of salt Lake City But they will find
out who rules on Earth & in heaven Another Officer said
the United States would wipe us out another year should
they send an Army of 20000 men it would take more than
20 miles for their armey & train to move at all and the more ther
is off them the worse off they will be. Mr Ray called upon
President Young and wished him to buy his goods. He told
him his goods were a poor lot in camparison to Mr Bells
yet if ^Br^ Hooper would buy him out He would back him
up, president Young also told Mr Ray that He would
give him a little council if He would take it He told him
to stop taking opium and Alchohol and stop your fears and
hold up your head and be cheerful "Mr Ray I will now
tel you the truth. The Gentile Merchants with yourself
have been the means of Bringing on this present war you
have been selling my Blood & the Blood of my Brethren
from for Gold this I shall not put up with it any longer
I shall not permit any Gentile merchant to do business in
territory after this year in the way they have we have been
kind to them & I have been their friend & our people have
paid them promptly & they should have been our friends
& told the truth about us but they have not realized
what they were doing.["] many other remarks were made
Brother Taylor said will not the armey go into winter
Quarters & entrench themselves & remain untill they get help
from the states. President Young said if an army comes to
help them in the spring we will use up this army first &
then we will use up the other before they get to the south
Pass. In the spring we must ask Allexander what He intends
to do inform him He must not stay there untill He gets rein-
forcements in the spring and if they will not leave in the
spring we will use them up first the best we can in 10 days
we can put 2000 men around them which would soon use
them up. I do not believe that they will have 500 fight-
ing men in the spring. They are in a vary critical situ-
ation they say they have no other way to get a living
for their families but to war. I think it is better to let
the Army alone this winter they will die many of them
and others desert & many be weakened with the scurvey
& in the spring we will wipe them out if necessary if they
do not go away. We do all of our Business in the name of
Israel God and they in their own way. The whole matter
can be sumed up in these few words we are here at home
by our own Fireside while they are a great way from home
I intend to send those teamsters to the south whare they cannot
get Back to the Armey. I spent most of the day in the office
& with the Presidency.
~ Tuesday
27th I spent most of the day in the office in the Afternoon G. A. Smith
A Lyman & myself spent an hour in conversing abut the war
Brother G. A. Smith said He believed their Artillery could be
taken with but little loss by rushing in the night into ther encampment
& about 20 men to each peace put on Larrietts onto the
tongue & draw it off on horse back upon a gallop all being
mounted on good Horses & before the enemy were prepared for
defence their cannon would be leaving them
I have sown 15 Acres of wheat my boys finished Harvesting
this day
~ Wednesday
28th President Heber C Kimball called upon us at the Historians
Office at 11 oclok & read His History till 12 oclock then Presidents
Young & Wells A Lyman & L Snow came in & all conv[ers]ed
upon the war till 2 oclok we had an express in from Box
Elder with a report that soulders [soldiers] were at Fort Hall also one
from the East saying that the Enemy had not moved for
several days but were waiting for Col Johnson to come up
with 4 companies of cavalry & 2 companies of infantry
this is report. It was decided in council that General Wells
John Taylor & Charles C Rich return to the seat of war &
take charge of the command. The following is a synopsis of
the conversation President Young said if any officer comes
to the Armey the Govornor or Judges & send word that they
want to come in Just inform them that they are as near
as they can come Had they have come without a military
aray they could have come & not been molested but
now they cannot come we will not have any cursed
scoundrel forced upon us Jto Judge or rule over us and
they shall not come among us. If Johnson comes
with troops & intends to come in I expect they will
leave their baggage Battery & a company to guard it and
come in on a forced march without it. Then we must
not let them sleep but use them up as soon as we can work
night and day & not let them sleep. Brother Wells thinks they
are determined to try to come in. I have sent word that if
General Harney is on the way to get into camp & kill him if
Possible and take the Animals from Johnson if Possible &
take charge of the goods train. President Young said I am
glad of one thing ie this thing will be Just as the Lord wants
it. If He wants them to come & get killed it will be so if He
Oct 28
wants tohem to go north south or east He will have it Just as He
wants and this I am thankful for and I feel perfectly
easy about it all. You will find when the Lord sees that
we are willing to fight & get Just ready to shoot that He will
fight our battles. He said G. A. Smith may stop in the city
this time let C C Rich go He is a good General & a wise man
in calculation I recon a good deal upon him in the future
Mrs Mogo was sent to the camp & Jones their waggon
Master to day they have also sent back the waggon Master
which they took prisioner they are sending in several
Teamsters, deserters, & one prisioner I spent the evening in
the Office
~ Thursday
29th I spent a short time in the Govornors office Gen D H
Wells left to day to again take command of the Expedition
in the mountains & the company of cavalry commanded by
Heber Kimball also went out. I spent most of the time in the
Office through the day & evening
~ Friday
30th I spent the day in the office & evening. President Kimball [c]ame
in and we read his History for about one hour then Presid
Brigham Young came in & we read his history tinll dark.
~ Saturday
31st I spent the fore part of the day grinding sugar cane
I got 30 gallons of Juce from a small wagon Box of
cane. the afternoon I spent in the office
~ Sunday
Nov 1st Sunday I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle O Hyde
delivered a written discourse was followed by G A Smith. in
the Afternoon John Taylor Preached took his tex from the
2nd Epistle of the Apostle Brigham to Col Allexander the following
words "with us it is the kingdom of God or Nothing["] the discourses
of the day were vary Edefying & interesting I attended prayer
circle in the evening, then Preached in the 14th ward school House
~ Monday
2nd I spent most of the day at home preparing to make Beet
molasses I spent a short time in the office in the Afternoon
The Calafornia Maill arived at as 10 oclok
~ Tuesday
3rd I spent most of the day in the Endowment House a short
time in the office. it rained in the evening & nearly all nigh
An express arived in the evening py [by] Joseph Young Broat
a letter to Gov Young from Col Allexander, saying He thanked
him for sending him his prisioners and He should send
Back his prisioners ownly he had a civil process against
them "probably wants to hang them for treason" It is
rumoured that Col Johnson has arived in their camp with
several hundred men several Calafornia prisioners were
taken to day & brought into this city they are supposed
to be robers from the mountains. The Carson valley com-
pany arived to day
~ Wednesday
Nov 4th
^4th^ I spent most of the day in the office it rained all day
& night
~ Thursday
5th It rained all day and night I spent the fore noon
at home & the afternoon in the office. their is about
2 feet of snow at Echo Canyon no express to day to day
from the seat of war General D H Wells is in command
He had a child died last night at 9 oclok named Luna
about 14 months old. Wilford Woodruff Jr received a letter
from Robert Scholes, which I answered to day
for him
~ Friday
6th It was a hard rainy Day & night in the valley and great
Depth of snow in the mountains I was in the cold & rain most
of the day & was quite unwell at night
~ Saturday
7th Several of the Brethren came in from the mountains with
some 150 Head of cattle & some 50 mules & Horses & several prisioners
& deserters from the Enemy it is cold to day but mostly clear
I am quite unwell
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I was unwell I did not attend meeting I attend a
prayer Meeting in the evening
President Brigham Young related
the circumstances of their seeing a circle of about 40 persons
dressed in white robes & caps in the upper story of the Temple in
Kirtland during the spring of 1835 after the Endowments their
was no person in that room at the time that was mortal yet
the room was filled with light & many personages did appear
clothed in white & freequently went to the windows & looked
out so that the Brethren in the street could see them plainly
Brother Young & Truman Angel stood to gether in the street
& looked at them a long time W W Phelps says he saw them
for 3 hours they were visable by all the Brethren Present Brother
Angel said they must have stood some 2 feet from the floor
if they were ownly the size of common men they could not
have been seen from the place whare they stood except it should
be the head & those personages appeared nearly down to the
waist as they looked out of the window with a front view
See if this is named in the History
~ Monday
9th I arose this morning and found the Earth covered with
snow. I also found that the city had been alive with soldiers
since mid night preparing to go into the mountains to meet
with our Enemies an express arived during the night saying
that the cavalry was advanceing upon Bridger under a gallop
and the picket guard had to run their Horses to get out of
the way. Col Johnson Arived in camp of the main Armey
He said to Maj Allen whom they held a prisioner "God dam
you when I get to Bridger I will hang you" Maj Allen
thinking there was not much chance for his life & p[r]efered
shooting to Hanging during the same evening being closely guar
ded by 24 men He pulled off his Boots & walked up to a fire
to warm his toes while steping around to warm his feet
He made a spring & cleared himself from the guard
He run into the midst of a heard of cattle so they could
not shoot him Horsmen immediately started in persuit of him
but in the darkness of the night they could not over take him
He run in his stocking feet in the snow for 30 miles carrying
his Boots in his hand not dareing to stop to put them on
& arived in our camps in safety. Our men took 100 head
of cattle one night & 300 head another which were now
coming in. I spent the forenoon in the Governors office hear
ing the news I read the Last Mormon Dated Sept 18th &
the New York Herrald Sept 14th which contained Gov
Youngs speech declairing our intentions to oppose the army
there was quite an excitement upon Mormon Affairs the
Herrald is vary Bitter against us
~ Tuesday
10th It snowed all day & was cold 1300 men are ordered
into the mountains in addition to wh those already there
Col Phileman C Merrill commanding the Davis County
troops past the governors office for the mountains with 242
men 56 of which were mounted 17 offercers of the line & 4
of the col staff they had 23 Baggage waggons after stoping a short
time in front of the Gov office they continued their march towards
the mountains of snow as near 2000 of their Brethren had done
before to meet the Enemy many went with wet feet poor shoes
& straw hats on without tents or fire at night as they
could not reach timber untill next day yet it shoes the
willingness the saints have to maintain the kingdom of God
& defend themselves against our Enemies it was a cold night
~ Wednesday
11th It is a cold morning the whole mountains Hills & vallies
were covered with snow it is reported that their is 8 feet of
snow on the top of the Big mountain through which our Brethr-
en have to travel I spent the fore part of the day in triming
& covering my grape vines to save them from the frost,
the afternoon I spent in the office president ^with^ H. C. Kimball
& G. A. Smith in reading Br Kimball History. At 7 oclok
Dr Hickman arived in this city had been a prisioner in
the Enemys camp for a long time but they let him go
He thinks col Johnson will try to come in they talk of
Breaking up into small companies & trying to come in
in various ways I was in the Governors office and
heard him talk a short time
~ Thursday
12th I spent most of the day and night making Beet
molasses I spent the Evening at home
~ Friday
13th I spent the fore part of the day at home & the
after noon in the office on Presidents Youngs History
~ Saturday
14 I spent the day & night making Beet Molasses
we made 24 gallons during the day & night which
closed up our molasses making for this year
we made 110 gallans of Beet Molasses & 15 gallons
of Chinees sugar cane Molasses
~ Sunday
Nov 15th 1857
Sunday I was not well through the day & did
not attend meeting I attended the Prayer
Meeting in the evening at the close I walked to Brother
Smoots Prayed for Wm Smoots child who had fallen out of
a chair onto the stove & burned his face vary bad I laid hands
upon his Mother who was also sick & blessed her
~ Monday
16th I spent the day in the office I had 150 bushels of Beets
I paid 15 bushels of tithing to day. we made 105 gallons
of Molasses out of the rest there was an express came in
to day D H Wells sent a letter to President B Young but
nothing vary important the Enemy were still on Hams
~ Tuesday
17th I spent the day in the Office on Presidents Youngs History I dreamed
at night that Dr J M. Bernhisel arived suddenly in our midst vary
much excited He said that all the Indians on the western borders
were going to war with the whites & the government was going to try
to make a treaty with all the Indians & mormons & settle the diffi-
culties in an amicable way
~ Wednesday
18th I spent the day in the office with G. A. Smith & President
Young & H C Kimball reading their History we read Brother
Youngs History till 3 oclok & Brother Kimballs till 5 oclok
I dreamed at night that our Enemies came suddenly upon
us quite unexpectedly women & children were running before
them I was with a pair of Mules in the waggon & trying to get
away with them as I awoke
~ Thursday
19th As I arived at the office this morning I related my dream
to G A Smith & J. C. Little when Brother G. A. Smith said
He had the same dream himself & related it to his wife when
he awoke I spent the day in the Office on B. Young History
G A Smith furnished us with a supper at the Globe the
clerks of the Historians Office & Brothers Clawson Cain
& Calder were also present we discussed the welfare of
the Nation till about midnight
~ Friday
20th Brother G. D. Grant Joseph Young & others came in this
morning from the seat of war stateed that the troops
were at Bridger & did not know whether they would winter
there or not. I spent the afternoon in the office. Brother John
Heath Broak his leg on the 15th instant was brought into this city
on the 19th & was carried into A. P. Rockwood House & spent
the night this morning Thomas Grover his Father in Law
came with a waggon & took him home
~ Saturday
21st I spent the day in the Office on Presidents History
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday I attended meeting at the tabernacle A Carr-
ington G. D. Grant & H C Kimball spoke in the after noon A
Lyman & President Young spoke. He said this People would
Nov 22nd
do their duty would live their religion & would conquer their
Enemies & overcome an express came in saying that it was
23rd I supposed that Capt Cook had arived with his 300
cavalry & it was supposed that they would try to come in
some 75 yoke of cattle were called for to carry out the
provisions to the mountains to the Armey. I attended prayer
circle I opened with prayer G. A. Smith was mouth in
the circle President Young said that He thought of sending
word to Gen Wells to let the Enemy come in to Echo Canyon
before they were disturbed
~ Monday
23rd A Cold Fog over the Earth I spent the day in the office
I received a letter from Robert Scholes & wrote him
one in return & sent him 2 Bags of corn for the ponies
I had put into a tight binn some 130 bushels of Ears of corn it
not having air began to mould this evening I took it out of
my granary & carried it in one of the chambers of my house
~ Tuesday
24th This is the 4th day that I we have had a cold dark
Fog hanging over our city I spent the day in the office on
B Youngs History.
~ Wednesday
25th The fog still hangs over our city I spent the day in the
office on History
~ Thursday
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] In company with G. A. Smith I called upon Pres-
ident Brigham Young and asked council about publishing
the Endowments or an outline of it telling the time when
the Twelve received their 2nd Anointing & also the organ-
ization of the Council of 50 He gave his concent for
us to publish an account of ist so that the Saints might
understand it {but not the world}. He gave into our hands all
the records of the council of 50 and all of his own private
Letters, Notes, Receips, Pocket Books, &c which I took to the
Historians office & spent the day and Evening in examining
& fileing all that was not for Historical purposes I done
up carefully on file to return to him.
while with President Young Ben Simons a Cherikee
called into President Youngs office had been two days
in the camp of the Enemy. He related his travels there
said they wanted salt vary much their Animals were
dying vary Fast they were cutting timber & diging holes
in the Earth that looks a little like their going into winter
Quarters. The Merchants were suffering for the want of
food they ought to suffer for they have been the means
of Bringing on this war in a great measure
~ Friday
267th A rainy day I called upon the President with
G A Smith I returned to President Young all his Note
Bills Recepts & Private Letters which He gave me yesterday
He sent a load of salt out to Col Johnson & the Armey
President Young sent a letter to Col Johnson which He read
to us which was certainly rich & interesting
~ Saturday
Nov 28th
A stormy day The fog & storm has cleared away all the
mountains and Hills are covered with snow I spent the
Fore part of the day at home the Afternoon in the office
On History. Brother Simons arived in this city last
night with an express saying that Gov Cummings
& Lieut. Col Philip, St. George, Cook, 2nd Dragoons, the Ex
commander of the Mormon Battallion in mexico has arived
in the Enemy camp with other officers on Saturday & Sunday
last with about 300 dragoons they had canvassed over
the walls of Fort Bridger & the carell for stoorage but
their operations look like a temperary work & not like
winter Quarters for the whole Armey it is still thought that
they may attempt to come in
~ Sunday
29th Sunday Early in the morning G. A. Smith & myself was
called upon to go to the Governors office as an expressed had
arived forom the Enemy when we arived at the office
we found Brother Young & Carrington at the office soon
Brother Heber C Kimball A O Smoot Lorenzo Young & others
came & Brother Carrington read a Proclamation from
A Cumming called himself Govornor of Utah & said
that the President Appointed him Govornor of Utah
but did not say what President appointed him whether
it was President Young or Buchannan. He commands
all armed people to dispersed to their Homes & said all
that opposed them would be treated as traitors He also
wrote a Letter to Governor Young accusing him of
treason & said that He should Esstablish his
quarters in gGreen river county & organize a tempora-
ry Government that all will be tried for treason
that oppose them, we went to the Tabernacle &
G A Smith Preached followed By Erastus Snow then
Brother Carrington read the Proclamation & the letters
to Governor Young from A. Cummings. In the Afternoon
President B. Young and H. C. Kimball spoke. President Young
spoke upon the subject of our disiplineing our minds & bringing
them into subjection to our own will & the law of God & our union
in Prayer. His subject was vary interesting. I attended
the prayer circle in the Evening then Preached in the 12th ward
with Bishop Hardy. nearly evry member of my family
went to the 14 ward meeting in the evening G A S[mith] goes to Provo starts at 1'oclok
~ Monday
30 A cold snowy day I spent the time in the office
~ Tuesday
Dec 1st 1857 Tuesday I spent the day in the office President Kimball
called into thise office & we read some of his history to him
He made some alteration in it
~ Wednesday
2nd The troops began to arive early this morning from
the Mountains Having been dismissed by Gen Wells. Maj Snow
command of Horse arived at 7 oclok a part of Col Ross
command arived at 4 oc[lo]ck PM. & Maj Rowberrys command
arived at 6 oclok & they continued to pour into the city till
Dec 2nd 1857
a late Hour. Brothers Groove and Southworth who had
been kept prisioners for some two weeks in the Enemies camp
arived home to day. Brother Grove called upon President Young
and related what He knew in the Enemies camp I had a
conversation with Brother Southworth concerning his impri-
sionment and He said that He was taken prisioner on Green
River by an officer in Capt Cooks Horse company &
put under Guard with orders for the guard to shoot him if
He got 5 paces from him He travelled under guard in this
way untill He got to the main Encampment He was then put
with the main prisioners of the camp & guarded with the mess
He came up with Howard Livingston. He wished Mr Livingston
to intercede with Col Johnsoton to let him go home to his family
as they had nothing against him ownly that He was a Mormon
But Mr Livingston would do nothing for him He reports that
their is much of the spirit of Desertion in the camp the
Officers treat their soldiers in a cruel manner Capt Cook
is considered a Cruel Tyrant & several of his soldiers said
^said^ they would kill him if they had a chance, several soldiers
talked with Southworth & said they would desert if they
could. He said the greatest amount of any one article in camp
was ardent spirits He thought there were 100 waggon loads
Howard Livingston had an outfit of Liquor which cost
him ten thousand dollars worth at first cost, and that all the
Armey had a great amount as well as all the Suttler's the officers
were drunk evry day. He said their was but 2 companies at Bridger
guarding that place & thought 100 men could go in the night &
take all their was in that Fort. they were 5 days moving their
train 6 miles they had not animals enough to move one third
of their train at the same time and they lost 60 of their best
mueles while moving that distance. He says their is a division of
the officers as well as the soldiers a portion of them think
that Govornor Young is Justified in taking the course He does in
his own Defence. He said Col Allexander was an old Granny the
Govornor Cummings was a whiskey tub, in appearance about such
a man as Brother Blazzard would be if He drank a quart of
whiskey per day. Their Animals are dying so fast that they
all expect to be on foot before next spring they have sent
capt Marcy to Taos to buy mules Horses & oxen the expedit-
ion is entirely closed this season and made an Entire faleure
of it as far as they are concerned
We can now clearly see the Hand of God made visably bear
in our behalf concerning the campaign of our Enemies against
us this season past. The American Government with James Bucannan
at their head as president, have sent forth An Armey
of 2,500 men fully armed and Equipt for war for the sole
purpose of destroying the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints & the Kingdom of God from off the Earth. This
Church and kingdom of God has been driven from the
midst of the people in the United States into the vallies of the
Rocky Mountains a thousand miles from the confines
Dec 2nd
^o^ of what is called Gentile Civilization whare they were
in hopes we would perish but as soon as they found that
we would live & prosper they became alarmed & were
resolved upon our destruction and Hence they send their
armies out to accomplish their Hellish purpose as soon
as it was known unto us President Brigham Young the
prophet seer and revelator & leader of the Church and
kingdom of God rose up in the strength of Israel God
and proclaimed Israel Free and said they should be
Free from that hour if they would obey his council
& follow his preceps. His councillors Heber C Kimball
& Daniel H Wells and also the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles backed up his Testimony & sustained him in
his decissions And all the people said Amen so let it
be. President Young testified unto the people in the name
of God if they would be United with him in their faith
prayers & works that the Enemy should not have
power to come into our valley that the Lord would hedge
up their way & we should not be called to shed their
Blood neither should they have power to shed ours
This principle president Young has taught from day to
day when their was evry prospect that the Enemy would
try to come. From two to three thousand of the servants
of God armed themselves & went into the mountains acco-
rding to the council of President Young & they were lead
by the valient & Noble General Daniel H Wells to Hedge
up the way of the Enemy should they attempt to come
in they formed large Entrenchments & ditches & pilled
up large masses of rocks in narrow passes so as to
roll them down upon the Enemy & destroy them should
they attempt to come in. But as the Prophets Brigham
& Heber had said so it came to pass the Lord fought
our Battles & hedged up the way of our Enemies when
they Got on Hams Fork 150 miles from our city the
storms & cold killed their Horses, Mules, & Cattle by Hun-
dreds so that when the whole armey got together with
the Govornor & Judges who had been sent by the
Government to rule & tyranize over us they had not
got team enough left alive to draw one third of
their trains so they are obliege to stop & spend the
winter in the storms of the mountains & their wisdom
is taken away so that they are not capable of writing
a letter or Document in a proper manner and this
the Lord has done in answer to the prayers of his Saints
and our brethren have been enabled to Heard them like
a herd of cattle & they have shot grape musket & minnie
balls at them from time to time & those Balls have flown
like hail around the servants of God & not a drop of
Blood shed neither have the Brethren returned the
fire upon the Enemy in no instance. Fear has so rested
upon the Enemy that they would flee into their main body
at the approach of a small number of our Brethren & thus
has the Lord Frustrated the Enemy in all their designs
Dec 2nd
against us up to this day & through this whole sceneery of
alarm of war & the approach of the Enemy President Young
has been as calm & scerene as a Mays summers morning
and all the time has said victory would be hours & that
Blood would not be shed & he has diffused ^this same spirit^ throughout the
whole Church & kingdom of God esstablished in these mounta-
ins and all the armies of Zion have gone out to war as
calm & composed as though they were going into the field
to their daily labour & now the Armies are returning
out of the mountains of snow to their homes with the
same spirit of composure & quietude as they went out
thanking God that the words of the prophets have been
fullfilled in their behalf & as they pass thby the Habitation
of President Young they give him a quiet salute & pass
on in silence to their homes Hewhile He gazes upon the
passing Army of Zion with a Heart filled to overflowing
with thanksgiving & praise to the God of Israel who had
fulfilled his words which he had been inspired by the
Holy Ghost to utter unto his brethren & was also thankful
that He was surrounded with Brethren who were servants
of God & were united to gether in faith & love to carry
out his instruction & thereby claim the protection &
Blessings of Almighty God upon them, as He walks through
the city under the sable shades of night he beholds &
feels the diferent between the Army of Zion & the camp of
the wicked. Hundreds of men who have Just returned from
the Armey of Israel in the mountains arive in the city in
the city in the night, camp by the road side, have been
two months in the mountains of cold & snow not a
murmer is heard to escape their lips, or the sound of
Blasphemy, or oath, or filthy language, or contention
one with an other. No one reeling under strong drink
but kindness quietiude & Joy filles evry heart & the
spirit of God fills evry bosom. This contrast is vary
great when compared with the Gentile armies & cities
After I returned to my house and about to return to
rest I heard a nock at my door I Bid the visiter come
in when Brother Robert Scholes appeared my hiered
man He had been in the mountains two months with
my Horses in the Army He started at midnight the
night before & had traveled all the latter part of the
night & through the day, many of the men had given out
& the horses had to draw a heavy load of them
~ Thursday
3rd This is Fast day I attended meeting at the 14th ward
school house a part of the day & spoak to the people a short
time I told them the Lord had fulfilled the words of President
Brigham Young by stoping our enemies & not giving them
power to come in without our sheding their Blood or they sheding
ours the Lord had fought our Battles &c. I spent the
evening in the office
~ Friday
Dec 4th 1857
The Calafornia Mail arived last evening we find from
the Calafornia papers that the massacre of the Emigrants in
the south by the Indians is laid to the mormons the people in
Loss Angel held public meeting & passed resolutions to call on
the President of the United States to exhert his power to
bring the murderers to Justice all the saints in Calafornia
are returning home Brother Cannon got out a half sheet
of the Standard their is quite a stir concerning Mormon-
ism. One of the Pannama steemers went down at sea
with $2000000 of bollars [dollars] worth of gold & 460 passengers
160 was taken off & saved mostly women & children
their also seems to be an indian war at Carson
valley with the Indians
~ Saturday
5th I spent the day in the office on Presidents Youngs History President
D. H. Wells arived home about 8 oclok
~ Sunday
^ 6th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Elder John Taylor
spoke in the Morning followed By President D. H. Wells in the
afternoon. I spoke & was Followed By Professor Albert Carrington
reporters took notes I Attended a meeting of the prayer circle
John Taylor opened by Prayer & D H Wells was mouth in the
circle. Brother Wells said that Brother Maxfield had the command
of a small scouting party they took a horse from the Enemy &
was fired at by the Enemy, but no one hurt they went back to
their encampment. Brother Maxfield had an impression that
their was Danger in their path and ought to leave their camp
He told his Brethren so but some of them did not think so &
all went to Bed But these feelings increasing upon Brother
Maxfield He arose from his bed & told his Brethren He was
agoing to leave that place immediately & they all gathered
up their Horses and went several Miles Back & camped for
the night & soon the Encampment which they had Just
left was surrounded by a Hundred men & had it not been
for their warning they would probably have been all
taken prisioners. President Young said concerning the
Enemy I know they will begin to waste away before spring
and I think they will get orders to return back. If they
attempt to come in Col Johnson will ride the best Horse He can
get & will say to Col Allexander & Cook & the other officers now
you go ahead now you had better all get killed than to loose
your next president thinking that He would stand a chance to
be President. I accompanied Brother Woolley to his ward
& preached to a large congregation was followed by D Spencer
& E Snow. I spoke upon the kingdom of God now esstablished, & its
finally distiny. D Spencer spoke of our Educating our Children & E Snow
of Family Governm[en]t said some men would deal honorably with
Brigham Young & cheat their nearest Neighbor. A woman would
try to gain the Effections of her husband but would pull dow[n]
some member of her family. My Family attended meeting at the
14th ward school House
~ Monday
67th I spent the day in the office on History. Phineas Young called in
& read a part of his history
~ Tuesday
8th I spent the day in the office the forenoon in examining the
record of the Council of 50, the afternoon we read Brothers
Kimball History to him he made considerable alteration in
it I spent the Evening in the office
~ Wednesday
89th I spent most of the day in in the office I called in the President Youngs
Office all the Presidency were there & others, while there report
came in that Ben Simons had been buying several head of Horses
to take to the Armey it was also reported that He had loaded
8 Horses which he had bought of the Brethren & started for
the Enemies camp this looks vary strange to see Brethren
sell their Best Animals to go to the Enemy when they were
trying to destroy us this is certainly amoung the misteries
I spent the evening in the Office looking over my corressponding
Letters with the Presidency Twelve & my Fathers Family
esspecially the Letters of Asahel H Woodruff
~ Thursday
910th Presidents Young & Kimball called into the office a short
time I was out I called at 11 oclok & spent the remainder of
the day in the Office on History
~ Friday
11th I spent most of the day in the office I corrected a sermon
for publication, read History Proof and c. I saw Brother
Holebrook In the evening He said two men had been killed
in the south by the Indians and that Bell and his company
had hard work to get along among them. Elder G. A. Smith
arived in the Evening called upon the president then called upon
me a short time in company with ^Bro Wall^
who has Just returned from a Mission in Australia brought
a company of Saints with him to Calafornia He there met
Dr Andrews and other Apostate mormons and they gathered
a mob and tried to kill him But He boldly maintained
his ground & got away from them, and came on with
the mail and his company is coming on Behind
~ Saturday
12th I spent the day in the Office on History
~ Sunday
13th Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle H. C. Kimball
Preached upon the tree & the vine President Daniel Spencer spoke
a short time before him in opening the meeting. In the afternoon
Lorenzo Young & William Wall spoke Brother Wall gave an account
of his return from Australia Dr Andrews & other trying to
Hand him in Los Angeles &c. I attended the prayer meeting
in the circle. O Hyde opened by Prayer Erastus Snow was mouth
~ Monday
The Legislature of the Territory of Utah met at
the social Hall at 10 oclock both Houses met & organized in about
30 minutes we adjourned till tomorrow
~ Tuesday
15 Both Houses met in Joint session the Govornor Young appeared
12 minuts to 11 oc[l]ok made a few remarks then Presented his
Message to the Assembly which was read By the Chief Clerk of
the House James Furguson, it was the most sublime august
document that I heever heard
~ Wednesday
Dec 16
Council met at 10 oclok But little business done speeches
made by G. A. Smith upon Military affairs and trade
agricultural & manufacturing. We adjoured thill next monday
Ben Simons arived in the city and called upon President Young
with D Huntington. He said there was two or three classes
of men now in the Armey One party was the military and
the other was called Freemen there was a Fight between
them and 7 men killed Col Johnson sent the malictia
to quell the mob & Gov Cumings told them to go back
that when he wanted his assistance he would call for
it. The superintendent of Indian affairs said he had
got a million of Gold to give the Indians of this Territory
One man gathered up 1 Bag of salt that our men
flung away which was sent by the Govornor but rejected
by Col Johnson. The man sold it to the merchants for
$20, and they sold it to the merchants to the soldiers
for 2 or 3 dollars per lb. Ben Simons took out 900 lbs of
salt & sold it for $2.50 cts per lb makeing $2250 and
$1 per lbs for service buries. Ben Simons offered to give to
President Young one half of the money He made. President
Young told him He did not want any of his money he had
Enough of his own but as he wanted to make some He let him
have the privilege. Livingston said He would give $500 for
the privilege of coming into the city if he did not stop but
One day MCGraw is the worst man in the Armey and
has the most to say against us. There was 500 men
who had left for the states several of which had frooze to death
John Bigler a great Gambler took out of the Army in
day by gambling $25000 and carried it off in a Buckskin
sack. Ben Simons wanted to continued the trade & has
another Cherekee to have a pass to go with him President Young
asked him if he had not made money enough He said he wanted
to make all he could. President Young told him that He
must not take the Enemy any thing to Eat. He might
sell them salt and Fir but nothing to Eat. They said
there was potatoes & turnips at Fort Supply a plenty
but Governor Cummings would not let them have it
President Young said He felt some of the time like giving them
Hell if they had power they would make this city a
perfect Bedlam and corrupt this people as far as
they could
[rest of page blank]
Lines Written to Miss E. R. Snow
Eliza had I the talent of a Poet, or the gifts which thou
Hast I would write to Thee and spread my thoughts on paper,
But like Anthony I am a plain blunt man. What I have to
say I speak right on without any regard to the Poets measure
or rhyme, or law, or order; Thou hast spread thy thoughts
on Paper for men to read: I have read them many an
hour, they have stired my soul with thoughts, deep thoughts,
thoughts which could not be born. Thy soul hath been
inspired with the spirit of God, and Eternal light and truth
and Noble sentiment and God has given thee gifts to utter
them. Thy lamp hath been lit at Gods Holy altar whare
the oil was pure and the spirit free so thou couldst weigh
Eternal truth and tell it unto men. AndWhy hath this talent
this choice gift been given unto thee Eliza. Ah the spirit whispers
it was to cheer the heart of aA Prophet A Patriarch, An Apostle
in the dark hours of Gloom. It was to give the Lords Anointed
a ray of light, and a consoleing thought while Hells dark Billows
rolled around in the midst of wicked men and Devils who continually
cry out and say that no kingdom on the Earth shall belong
to God. [FIGURE] It was to tell the assassins of Missouri and Illinois
in streams of Living fire that the Judgments of God awaited
their guilty souls and that there Judgment had begun. It was
to tell the wicked Nation who now Pollute the sacred soil of
Joseph that when their cup was full they would find a
grave there to remain untill called to Judgment by the trump
of God. Hast thou not been faithful in thy mission to Earth. Yes
the spirit whispers Yes. Many an hour has Joseph spent in gloom
and sorrow because of Fals Brethren and wicked men, even the
hearts of the saints were so barred by fals tradition that He
could not unbosom his soul in the House of his Friends. This caused
him pain. Then thou dist comfort him. Thy frendly thoughts
and acts and words inspired by Gods Eternal truth was like
a flaming shaft though launch by a female hand, that hand
was nerved by faith and power that it pierced the walls of
Darkness fear and death and gave the Prophet Joy. But who
can tell the best deeds of a true friend in time of need, None
They are not told in time, but like gold in the mine are
concealed from vhuman view, if known at all the Judgment
must reveal them. Thou hast been a true Friend and com-
forted the Heart of Joseph, Hiram, Brigham, Heber, Willard,
Jedediah, Thy Brother Lorenzo and thousands of the saints I need
not name them. Thy words and testimony will live and speak
in flames of Holy fire to inspire the Hearts of Prophets Apos-
tles and Holy men of God to noble Deeds, and steal [steel] the nerve
of many a Noble son of Zion, to avenge the Blood of the Prophets
and martyrs of Jesus Christ, long after thou art with thy Father
in heaven clothed with Immortality and crowned with Light
Thy Pen hath pierced many a wicked withheart with barbed
darts which no earthly power could remove. Thou hast freely
told the wicked their doom and warned them of approaching
Judgment. Thy garment are clear of the Blood of all men.
Thy testimony will remain on histories page and be
numbered among the prophets of God as one of the noble spirits
whom God has sent through the Loins of Abraham and Joseph
to fulfill a Noble mission upon the Earth in the last dispensation
and fulness of times. God Bless Thee Noble Muse. Thy soul
is as pure as the criystleal stream that flows from its snowy
bed. Out of the Heart the mouth speaketh. The thoughts of
thy soul are before the world to read Let them read. It will
live when they are Dead. Continue to let the inspiration
of thy soul be given unto men. Haste thy mission here upon
earth. For Eloheam, Jehovah, Michael Angels seraphs Apostles
Prophets Thy Father and Mother Brethren and sisters await thy
coming with Joy. Thou hast been true and faithful and
art sealed unto Eternal life and secured unto thyself a crown
of Glory. No Power shall take it. It awaits thy coming
Soon this Blessing will be thine. Ah what Joy, what consolation
who can comprehend it None but a saint. Soon will thou Enjoy
this Blessing. Did I say soon, Yes not because I expet thee to
leave us. But shouldst thou remain to see Zion redeemed
(which ma^y^ God grant) and her Enemies conquered and sin and
sinners find a grave, and Zions Land be cleansed and the
Temple of our God in Jackson County be reared, clothed with
the Power of God, with her towreers marked with a pillar of fire
by night and a cloud by day, And the way prepared for the coming
of the Son of Man, it will be soon.
Then Holy Muse continue for a short moment thy mission
upon the Earth. Pass through the Ills of life to still cumfort thy
Friends and administer salvation in the House of God and thy
Reward shall be doubled unto THEE. W. Woodruff
Great Salt Lake City July, AD 1857
To Elder Wilford Woodruff. By E. R. Snow
With true respect and as a tribute due
To friendship Brother Woodruff unto you
As one more Blessed than most your fellow men
I now address the Effusion of my pen
You was Appointed ere your mortal birth
To an Apostleship upon the Earth
The Lord Our God has had his Eye on thee
With watchful Care from earliest infancy
You was preserved mids't Babylonish night
From Atheistic and sectarian blight
From manly rectitude you did not swerve
The priests of Baal you never stooped to serve
From heav'nly courts the light that's shineing now
Shone on your path and mantled oe'r your brow
Eternal visions open'd to your view
You loved the truth and found salvation to^o^
You then with Joy the gospel Banner bore
To distant lands and on your native shore
In truth's defence most valiently you stood
And clear'd your garments of the gentiles' blood
One of the chosen Twelve who're called to stand
To turn the gospel Key for ev'ry land
Your name in honor as a faithful one
To future generations will be known
With heart inspired rich matter to indite
In Zion now your business is to write
With skill you wield the ready writer's pen
Tis yours to immortalize the deeds of men
Full many a righteous act and gifted word
By Saints performed—from lips of Prophets heard
Had slipe'd mem'ries of Judicious men
But for the promptings of your faithful pen
The Church Historians labours to divide
As his assistant coupled side by side
You write for Zion whare her Hist'ory known
Inscribing hers perpetuates your own
Faithful to God and to your Brethren true
Integrity has twin'd a wreath for you
Of never fading laurels which will be
A glorious coronet Eternally
In that blest world whare light and knowledge dwell
Your Blessedness no Earthly tongue can tell
Whare heaven's Effulgence will your Head surround
And you with everlasting glory crown'd
Fill'd with immortal majesty and might
Associated with the God's in light
With gifts and pow'ers of endless lives You'll be
Progressing on and on Eternally
G S L City Nov 23rd 1857
~ Thursday
Dec 17th
I spent the day in the Office mostly fileing papers
~ Friday
President Brigham Young called into the Historians office
20 minuts to 10 oclok and set and heard heard his history read up
to the reorganization of the Church on the 8th of Aug 1844
we spent the day in the office and in the evening we called upon
President Brigham Young at his Office, to make some enquiries
upon certain teachings of Joseph concerning the Endowments
Elder G. A. Smith said that Joseph taught that but one King & Priest could
be anointed at one meeting in a private Room Dedicated by permission
to Anointed in but one person could be anointed in a day but in the Temple several could be anointed in a day
But ^at^ each anointing the meeting was dismissed and them came together
President Young said Joseph taught him to take the Quorums of the Church in their
order begining at the Oldest of Each Quorums & Anoint them Kings & Priest u^n^to God
When I got through with that begin at the begining again to administer
for the dead. When the Temple is finished & a place duly prepared we should
not be confined to any particular Number in sealing and Anointing.
the rooms next to the East pulpit or over it will be the
place to attend to the 2nd Anointings. Under the pulpit in the west End will be a place to
Offer sacrafizes there will be an Altar prepared for that
purpose. So, that when any sacrafices are to be offered they
should be offered there
~ Saturday
19th I spent the day in the office On History
~ Sunday
20th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Erastus Snow then
Albert Carrington read the Govornor message to the Legislative Assembly
in the Afternoon D. H. Wells followed by H. C. Kimball I attended the
prayer meeting in the evening
~ Monday
Dec 21st
Monday I met with the Legislative council most of the time in the
Joint sess[i]on resolutions were offerd upon the merits of the Govornors
Message which resolutions were like a Declaration of independance
against wicked and ungodly men this drew speeches from John Taylor
G. A. Smith W. Woodruff O. Hyde, H. Stout, Bishop Rowberry J. C. Litle
W W Phelps &c many interesting remarks were made G A. Smith
said it was a grave question before us and one of vast import
if we carry out these resolutions we may prepare our necks
for the Halter if our Enemies catch us I am in for the measure
because it is right the United States are determined to destroy
the Mormons if it is in their power but we have to defend our-
selves. In the remarks which I made I said I did not think
their ever was an Assembly of men on Earth that deliberated
upon so weighty a subject upon which hung such important
consequences with the same feeling which pervades the boso-
ms of this assembly, for all that we possess in this life inclu-
ding all our lives are couched in this important subject yet
evry mind is calm and serene and not a disenting vote or
voice, why is this, when Our Fathers sat in solumn
convention upon the subject of our Declaration of Independance
they knew well that their cause was just, yet it required
the strongest talent and argument and language was exhausted
to bring that august body of senators to agree as a unit
in putting their names to that sacred instrument; ^the^ speech
of Sir Patrick Henry was a masterly Effort of talent
& oritory upon that solumn occasion. It does not require
any argument with this body of men to convince them what
course to persue, what causes this difference they were
inspired by the Lord to step forth to esstablish an
Independant Government in America, but this body of
Men are far more inspired by the same God to esstablish
the Kingdom of God upon the Earth and lay a foundation
for the Liberty and salvation of our children and to
lift up a standard for the oppressed of all nations
Our path is marked out as plain asto our view as is our broad
street or the missippii River to the natural Eye. The same God
who inspired our Fathers to esstablish a Free government
said through the prophet Joseph Smith that if ever the Constitu-
tion of the United States or its principles were ever preserved
it would have to be done by the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints even the servants of God Holding the Holy
priesthood. that day has now come & the day is dawning when
we are called to act the same God who has destroyed two
Nations who have dwelt upon this continent because of
their iniquity, has also said that all other Nations who
should occupy this continant when they were ripened in
iniquity should in like manner be cut off from the Earth
and not left to pollute the Land of Joseph, or the Land of
Zion I do not know what Els our Nation can do in order
in order to fill up their cup of iniquity than what they
have done and are doing. I do not know of any other key
the United States can turn to seal fast their condemnation
than the exertions which they are makeing to destroy the Saints
of God for their religion I am in For the measure because it is right
Dec 21st
The council adjourned till wednesday 23
~ Tuesday
232nd Met in the office with G. A. Smith and others spent a part
of the day in looking over & filling Dr Richards papers
~ Wednesday
23rd I met in the Legislative Council. A short speech was
Made By Lorenzo Snow various subjects talked over then
A subscription List was presented to the council to see how
many each person would sustain in the Armey now to be fitted
up for next summers Campaign I signed 2 person which
I have to Furnish with 3 Animals clothing, bedding, Arms, amunit[ion]
food, &c &c. After transacting the business of the day we adjourned
untill the 4th day of January. I have been troubled for
several days with severe pain in one of my Eye teeth I had taken
cold & it had setled in my Jaw & tooth and it was swoolen &
much inflamed. I called upon a Dentist and had it pulled
as soon as He pulled it my Mouth filled with Blood He gave
me a cup of cold water to rens my mouth I spit out the
Blood & filled my mouth with cold water it struck my
brain numb like a stroak of the palsey for a few seconds the
then the numness left me and at each beat of the pulse a
A Pain went through my Brain like an Arrow
or a thunder bolt for the term of two hours untill it appeared
as though my head would burst. This pain continued in my
head untill I covered my head with hot potatoe poultice & got
into a high state of perspiration. I never before heard of an instance
of this kind. I reason upon it thus that it being an Eye tooth
& taking cold water into my mouth before the goum had closed
the water chilled the nerve runing from the thooth through the eye
to the Brain and the cold Blood was instantly carried to the
Brain which created a concussion which was both excruciating
and dangerous had the water been warm instead of cold no
such effect would have been produced. Let surgeons & Dentist observe
this rule when pulling Eye teeth use warm water instead of cold
~ Thursday
24 I spent the day in the office on the Dr papers mostly & scraping
~ Friday
25th Christmast I spent the day in the Office writing Journal
& History it was vary quiet in the streets through the day
I had a supper at my own house and spent the evening with my
children in an agreeable manner
~ Saturday
26th I heard an Early report this morning that the socil Hall was
On fire I soon went over and found the room occupied
by the Legislative ACouncil nearly burned up and a part of
the chairs it smoaked up the whole House it will cost several
Hundred dollars to repair it I spent the day in the office on History
~ Sunday
27th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. W. Woodruff
spoke in the morning followed by President Young in the afternoon
Warren S. Snow spoke followed by H. C. Kimball. I attended the
prayer circle in the evening
~ Monday
28th I spent most of the day in the office in looking over my Journal
Dec 28th
I met with the Quorum of Seventies or the Presidents of seventies
at the 70s Hall I spoke to them about 3/4 of an hour was followed
by Wm Kimball Erastus Snow A. P. Rockwood & Joseph Young
~ Tuesday
29th I spent the day in the Office scraping & hearing Elder Kimball
History read. I spent the evening in the office
~ Wednesday
30 I was in the office a part of the day I corrected a sermon
for the press Brother G. A. Smith went with me through the city
to obtain paper for the Historians office we obtained near
7 reams of paper. President Young advised us to employ
Richard Bently for a clerk as he was a man in whom
he had confidence
~ Thursday
31st I called upon President Young and asked his opinion
concerning a cotton company He said the time had come
for us to act and not talk if the people had done as you and
I have concerning sheep there would have now been a good
supply in this Territory, and with regard to cotton I am
now going to send men into the cotton country to make cotton
for me so I can have some to use myself and if you or any
of the Brethren wish to Join me you can I walked out
with him to the barn saw his stock of Mules Horses cows &c
I saw Col JohnsonAllexander Mule it was the poorest Animals in
the lot. I met in council with the board of Directors
of the Agricultural society heard a report of the treasurer and
prepared an article for the press
I looked over my Journal during the year AD 1857
A synopsis of which will be found on the following page
Thus ends another Years eighteen hundred and fifty eightseven
has past and gone to return no more forever, it has borne its report
to heaven of all men and Nations, it has been an important year
to Zion and the world 1857 will be the year on histories
page which will be dated the commencement of the downfall of
the United States. For it is during this year that they have ent-
ered the field as the open Enemies & persecuters of the saints
of the Most High God and have sent an Armey of 2500 men
1000 miles for the purpose of laying a foundation for the destruc-
tion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints called
Mormons whoave have setled in the great Bason of North
America called Utah Territory or the State of Deserett
Here is esstablished the Kingdom of God as Daniel saw it by
vision, and the people of the United States are Determined to
destroy the kingdom of God from off the Earth. For these things
the Judgments of God will now begin to rest more fully upon
that Nation and will be increased upon them year by year
untill they are broaken up and wasted away from under Heaven
and cease to become a Nation and this calamity will begin
to come spedily upon them. And they will be visited with
thunder, lightning, storm, whirl winds, Earthquakes floods, pestilence
plagues, war and Devouring fire and the wicked will slay the wicked
slay the wicked untill the Nation wais wasted away and broaken up
A Synopsis of my labors in 1857 | |
I Travelled three hundred & twenty 7 | 327 Miles |
I Attended 86 meetings | 86 Meetings |
I Preached 60 Discourses | 60 Tim |
I Attended two General Conferences | 2 Conferences |
I Attended 3 Councils with the Presidency & 12 | 3 Councils |
I Met with the Bishops 7 times | 7 Meetings |
I Met with the High Priests 4 times | 4 Meetings |
I Met with the Presidents of Seventies 8 times | 8 Meetings |
I Met with the Missionaries 8 times | 8 Meetings |
I Attended the Prayer Circle 45 times | 45 Prayer C. |
I Attended the Legislature during 40 days | 40 days Session |
I Met with the Agricultural Society 5 times | 5 Meetings |
I spent 12 days in the Endowment House | 12 Meetings |
I Baptized | 3=17 Baptized & C |
I Blessed 26 Missionaries and 8 Children | 34 Blessed |
I Administered to 6 sick persons | 6 Administered |
I Married 2 Couple | 4 Married |
I dedicated the Baptismal Font of the | 14th Ward |
I Prepared the Books and attended the deposit in the
Temple of the Great Salt Lake City on the 13th Aug 1857
I reported 7 sermons, wrote 44 Letters, and received 27
~ Friday
Jan 1st 1858
This is the first day of a new Year of 1858 It is a
vary plesant warm day, calm and serene, is it an omen of
peace and serenety to Zion for a year to come. time must
determin. we live in a day and generation which is big with
Events As the Church and kingdom of God advances to fulfill
its destiny it carries in its train Events, and is accomplishing
a work which is of the Deepest interes to all mankind whether
the living or the Dead who have ever tabernacled or ever will
tabernacle upon this the footstool of our God. All Prophets or Apostles
or inspired men of God who have written or spoken concerning
this generation whether recorded in records revealed or sealed
have pointed out clearly the events as they have transpired
and as they will transpire before our Eyes. It has now
been over 30 years since Joseph Smith the prophet received the
gold plates from the Hand of the Angel Moroni from which He
translated the Book of Mormon And it will be 28 years the
6th day of next April since the first Branch of the Church of
Jesus Christ was organized upon the Earth containing 6 members
This little Branch of the Church like a small mustard seed has
been nourished by the hand of God through all of its difficulties
afflictions and persecutions, untill it is becoming the greatest off
all herbs according to the parable of the Saviour who refered to
it. It has continued to grow and flourish in the midst of a
strong warfare and oppositions of wicked men and Devils
Untill it is growing into a kingdom in the midst of these moun-
tains and Everlasting Hills as spoken of by Daniel and other
Prophets. The Church and kingdom of God has had to wade
through a scenery of persecution oppression and Blood inflicted
upon her by the inhabitants of the United States from its first
commencement up to the present time untill many have been slain
and martered for their religion including the Prophet Joseph
who was the founder of the Church in this dispensation who was
shot in Carthage Jail with his Brother Hiram by a wicked and
hellish mob. As the Church has increased so has the opposition
increased against it untill the inhabitants of cities, towns,
counties and states rihave ^a^risen up in their wrath determined
to destroy the saints of God from off the Earth. The governors
rulers and people have all been united in this persecution and
inasmuch as the Saints of God continued to grow and thrive the
whole United States Government with President James Buca
Buchannan at there head have sent an Army of 2500 men
to lay a foundation for our destruction. The Saints of God have
prayed that the Lord would hedge up their way that they could
not come into our valley to shed our Blood or that we need not
shed their Blood and the Lord has heard the prayers of his saints
and has hedged up their way they came as far as Forts Bridger
& supply On the East side of the mountains and there have to remain
for the winter while we are still enjoying our homes and Firesides
in peace to all human appearance that Great Nation the
United States with 25000000 of souls are determined to
Expend their treasures & use their force for the Destruction
of the Church and kingdom of God from of the Earth who
are now dwelling in thes vallies of the mountains. But we trust
Jan 1st 1858
in God as we have done heretofore and now looke forward with
feelings of Deep interest to the Events of 1858 Believing that God
will preserve his Saints and chastize his Enemies. The wicked
know not what they do "Darkness covers the Earth and gross darkness
the people." [Isaiah 60:2] "The Heathen rage and the people imagin vain things they
say let our Eye look upon Zion and let her be defiled" "but they
know not the thoughts of the Lord neither understand they his ways" [Micah 4:12]
"The Lord will have them in derision, He will laugh at their calamity & mock
when their fear cometh." [Proverbs 1:26] Their destruction will come suddenly upon
them as a whirl wind and no power can Deliver them. The measure
which they have meeted unto the saints, and seek to bring upon them
shall be meeted unto them again as a Nation, as states, counties, towns,
cities, and families untill evry man who does not draw his sword
against his Neighbor will be oblieged to Flee to Zion for safety And
these things shall shurely come to pass for the Lord God has spoken
it. Then prepare yourself O Land of America for the judgments of
the God of Heaven await ^you^ and are nigh even at your doors For the Lord
hath looked down from his Holy habitation and hath beheld all your
wickedness and abomination and all the Evil designs of your hearts
and all your secrets plans for the destruction of the Saints of the
Most High, for all these things God will bring you into Judgment
and He will require the stewardship at the Hands of the President of
the United States and at the Hands of the Senators, and Represen-
tatives, and Govornors, and Judges, and all the Rulers of the Land
will all be heald responsible for the use they make of the liberties
& blessings put into their hands and the whole people of the Land
who Elect the officers of Government will be held responsible
for the conduct of those officers as well as their own conduct
in their dealings with the Church and kingdom of God upon the
Earth. Let us watch the signs of the times of 1858 And we shall
find that the Lord will soon come out of his hiding place and in
his fury he will vex the Nation and in his hot displeasure he will
begin to cut off the wicked and unjust stewards and appoint them
their portion with hypocrites and unbelievers. [Doctrine and Covenants 101:89-90] Let the Saints of
God prepare for that which is to come
[rest of page blank]
I spent the day in the office upon my Journal and
upon the History of the Church I attended the ward Party
at Bellows Hall with my family the Hall was full a large
assembly. all seemed to enjoy themselves well in the dance I did
not dance. But remained a spectater till 9 oclok I was then
called upon to make a few remarks which I did in the following
Manner. I said I considder this assembly composed of
Gentlemen and Ladies yet I feel disposed to address you as
Brethren and sisters and say I wish you all a happy New Year
and I Pray my Father in Heaven that you may enjoy many
a happy new Year in days to come and I also pray that
when the next new Year arives it may find me you occupiy-
ing your own habitations in these vallies of the mountains
and if you wish as you are doing this evening to spend a
few hours in recreations that you may occupy the Halls in
this city instead of the top of the twin peaks or any other
crags of the mountains. The Blessings which you are enjoying
this evening are from the hand of God we all should acknow-
ledge the hand of God in all things we have had to bow our necks
to the yokes of tyrants and our persecuters in days gone by, the scene
is gone by past the yoke is now upon the neck of our Enemies in a
measure they have to stop East of the mountains in the snow while
we have the privilege of living still in our own house. it depends
upon our own conducts whether we still enjoy our own houses or
have to flee to the mountains I hope that while you go forth in the
dance and Enjoy yourselves that you will not forget God but that
you will not acknowledge the Hand of God in all that you enjoy You
have built Houses I pray that you may Enjoy th inhabit them
You have planted vineyard I pray that you may continue to eat
the fruit thereof. I hope you will not forget your prayers before the
Lord I have a great desire for the prosperity of this people I have been
associated with this Church for the Last 25 years of my life and
all the interest I have in time or Eternity is connected with this
Church and Kingdom I wish to see it prosper we have comm[enc]ed
a new Year much will transpire during this year which will be
of great interest to us as a people the Nations who have persec-
uted us will be heald responsible for their course towards us
Let us keep the commandments of God & live our religion & do
his will and all will be well may God Bless you Amen
~ Saturday
2nd I spent the day in the office on the History
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. O. Hyde & G. A. Smith
spoke in the morning. Joseph Young & D. H. Wells in the afternoon
we had a good meeting. I attended the prayer meeting in the
evening. He sealed a wife to Capt Lot Smith. The subject arose
about the burning up of our city. President Young said that I
think we shall use this room yet for a few Years to come
yet I mean to be ready. Brother Rich said their is snakes
on the desert that have Hornes it was said that ther is also snakes
that have Joints and when struck will fly to peaces then come
to gether again. President Young spoke abot a large green snake
Jan 3rd 1858
found by Brother Woodruff said when He struck him spued
out of his mouth such poisonous matter that it filled the air
with such a stench that he had to leave the ground. The subj[ec]t
of the Death of P. P. Pratt came up E Rastus Snow said there
is some men in this city that thirst for my Blood he felt
this strongly in spirit as he was th about to start for meet-
ing this feeling was so strongly uphon him that He did not
wish to go to meeting Brother Pollard did not think ther
was any danger Brother Pratt made Brother Pollard promise
that he would protect him untill his return before he would
leave for the meeting at this vary time Mr MCClain
had taken lodgings Joining Parley's room and was attending
his meetings with loaded weapons seeking an opportunity
to kill him. G. A. Smith advisied P. P. Pratt not to go
to Arkansaw but to go direct to Salt Lake & take care of
himself He told parly if he went to try to protect Eleanor
& her children He would loose his life. But He did not
take care of himself or take G. A. Smith council But went
to Arkansas & was murdered by Mr MCLain.
~ Monday
4th I learned this morning that the Calafornia Mail had
come in & that O Pratt E. T. Benson & others was in
Sanbernadeno & would soon be in this city. I attended
the Legislative assembly both Houses sat together the News-
paper was called for & Capt Van Vliet report was read
also the city of Baltimore was placed under Martial Law
7000 troop called out &c. I met with the Joints Committee
in the afternoon, & spent the evening in the Office
~ Tuesday
5th I met with the Joint assembly it was one of the most impo-
rtant days of the assembly. A strong resolution
or memorial to Congress was presented to the Assembly
and adopted and copies prepared for the signitures of the
members. Also the correspondence of Gov Brigham Young
was presented & read viz His correspondence with the United
States armey and was ordered to be printed I spent the
evening in the office on my Autibiogrophy
~ Wednesday
I spent the day in the Joint assembly. Gov Young called
in and herd our memorial to congress read it is a strong
document calling upon the congress of the United States
for our constitutionall rights in strong terms it was sign-
ed by all the members and Officers of the Legislature of this
Territory. I spent the after noon in the office
~ Thursday
I wrote 2 letters and sent to Ilus F Carter
& Ozem Woodruff. I also sent 3 Papers to Ilus
F Carter Dec 23rd 1856 containing the Govornors Message & Jan
6 1858, containing sermons of B Young H C Kimball &
W Woodruff and an extra containing our strong Memorial
to Congress signed by all the members of the Legislature and
Gov Youngs correspondence with the Army I also sent Father Carter
an Extra. Ozem Woodruff 2 Jan 6 1858 & the Extra and
Ozem T Woodruff 2 Jan 6, 1858 and Extra
Jan 7th 1858
I also sent Luther Wheeler 2 papers June 6th 1858 and Extra
I also sent Samuel Demming 2 papers June 6th 1858 and Extra News
President Brigham Young called into the office and heard the
History read of Phineas Young I spent the day and evening in
the office
~ Friday
8th I went to the office at 11 oclock whare I spent the rema-
inder of the day President Young called in at half past
1 oclok to hear Phineas Youngs History read He spent a short
time with us and left spoke of Allexander the great and
of our position in these mountains He did not think there
ever was a people on Earth located as we are whare there
Enemies have to travel 1000 miles to get to them to war
over a Barren plain without any supplies. I met in
the evening with the board of Directers of the Deserett
agricultural and manufacturing society
~ Saturday
9th In company with Brother G. A. Smith I called upon
President Heber C Kimball who had been sick for several
days with the Quincy. He was able to set up we conversed for
some 3 Hours He said that United States would not go down
vary spedily but gradually, and we would be held up as
a target or as an Ensign for the Kings and Nations of
the Earth to look at from time to time and he was satisfied
that the indians would do their rough work in a great
measure before they embraced the gospel many remarks
were made. I attended the anualul meeting of the
Board and Directors & members of the D. A. & M.
Society for the purpose of Electing the Officers of the society
the same President Board of Directors and officers as
last year. Jim Cherekee arived to day from
the army and reports that as soon as he arived in
camp they took him and put him in Irons kept
him over night, then told him to sell what he had
and leave before sun down and not return again for
He was Brigham Youngs spy. A company of men or
Indians called upon Gov Young to settle a difficulty which
they had among themselves it was soon setled and they
went their way. Elders John Taylor and G. A. Smith
~ Sunday
10th Sunday I attended meeting at the tabernacle Brother
Baxter from Australia spoke first followed by John Taylor
in the afternoon W Woodruff and G. A. Smith spoke I
attended the prayer circle in the evening. I then went home
administered to Mrs Woodruff who was suddenly attacked
with a severe cold on the lungs and throat Brother Phelps & F D.
Richards administerd with me Brother Richards being mouth
and she was greatly blessed and relieved I then went to
the 14th ward school house, and heard Brother James C.
Snow from Utah preach followed By Brother West I then followed
them & had the spirit of the Lord with me and was Edefyed
with all that was said by all the brethren
~ Monday
Jan 11th 1858
I met with the Legislative assembly and spent most of the
day in the assembly the subject arose with regard to taxes making
roads paying the armey ando Govornor Young made a speech
upon the subject. He said let us drop taxes altogether and
make our rodes and Bridges through the labor tithing also carry
our mails with the loose horses and leasure boys and men who are
not paying our tithing or doing any thing. As to a paper currency
I can get up one if the people want but it should be so arranged
as not to be worth any thing out of this territory let it be
forfeited when it crosses the line I can do this if the people
will pledge their property for its redemption. mMany speeches
were made upon these subjects. D. H. Wells spoke upon the subj[ec]t
of raising an armey of 1000 men and wanted to command it soon
~ Tuesday
12th I spent most of the day in the Legislature I carried in a report
of the President and Board of Directors which drawed out a speech
from President Kimball and Wells and many of the members &
it was required of each member of the assembly to write his views
upon agriculture & manufactor &c. I spent the evening untill
10 oclok in the office I searched the English report upon sheep
and found that the south down and Leicester were the two
best breeds of sheep in Europe the Lincoln bore 10 lb fleeces which
was the Heaviest
~ Wednesday
13th I attended the Legislature till 1'oclok and the
evening in the Historians office
~ Thursday
14th I spent the day in the Historians office
~ Friday
15th I spent this day in the Historians office I corrected one
of my sermons and wrote a peace on the closeing up of the
History of Joseph Smith signed by G. A. Smith & W. Woodruff
as Historians. I mattended a meeting of the board of Directors
I had a sick night with a severe cold
~ Saturday
16th I arose quite unwell this morning with my cold I spent
the forenoon in doctoring my Horse for an old founder
I phfysiced him with Human dung then gave him alchahal and
cayenne to sweat him I also set his feet in hot water
as Hot as He could bear it I covered him with Blankets
and tryed to steem him with Hot rocks but did not
get him to sweat much
I I attended the mass meeting in the tabernacle about 3000
men were present and they passed strong resolutions
and memorials to the President of the United States
and to the Senate and House of representatives of the Congress
of the United States all of which were received with a unan-
amous voice and ordered to be printed in the Deseret News
committies were appointed speeches made &c
~ Sunday
17th Sunday I was sick all day and did not attend meeting at
the tabernacle. Brother Taylor & Brigham Young preached in the
morning and Heber C Kimball & D H Wells in the afternoon
I attended the Prayer Circle. President Young spoke upon
order. He formed a true circle he made each man toe
the mark and keep good order or stay at home you
must be of one heart and one mind for Jesus said when
two or three are gathererd together in my name and are
agreed as touching any one thing and asked the father in
my name it shall be given unto you [Matthew 18:19-20] now Jesus did not
tel a lie and when any prayer is offered up & not answered
it is because you are not agreed in it and their prayers are
not offered in faith and union. now this is true and I want
good order and must have it. I would rather trust my faith
alone than with company who are not agreed with me
I want the Twelve to go to the meeting to morrow night to make
speeches upon the subject of Home manufacturing I want the
Bishops to organize the words [wards] in such a manner that we can
find the mechanics if there is any man that can take care of
sheep I want him to do it and so with every other Branch of
Business. Brother Heber said that there should not be another Merchant
come into our midst and set up anoth[er] store I sa[i]d Amen and
I mean to hold on to the Amen, and have faith in it. The
subject of the Bank came up and much was said upon the
subject. President Young said of Gen Jackson had with his
influence esstablished a United States Bank and Branches
and not permitted any other Banks in the country it would
have been a good thing for the country
~ Monday
18th I spent the day in the Legislator was quite unwell I
spent the evening at the House of G. A. Smith
~ Tuesday
19th I met in the Legislator in the morning adjourned till
to morrow 10 oclk I spent a part of the day in the office
I called upon President Young at 11 oclok to get a list of
the Birth of his children at 10 minutes to 3 oclok Orson Pratt
E. T. Benson G. Q. Cannon and many other of the Brethren
arived at the Presidents Office. I shook them by the Hand
and was glad to see them. I asked Brother Benson how it was in
the States and He said as Bad as it could be. Brother Benson
said that persecution had commenced through England they
gather by thousands with sticks and stones and they break in the
doors & winders knock down the Brethren and take the clothing off
the Sisters &c
We had a mass meeting in the evening or a Bishops meeting with
the people the Tabernacle was full Bishop Hunter occupid a short
time in reading the Last minutes, and attending to some business
then President Young made a speech upon the business of the meeting
presented the propriety of haveing a paper currency. He also
told the bishops to see to all the people in his ward had a supply of
provision and preparation made to cash it in the mountains
also the organization of an Army of 1000 men the names of the
officers were read and all items of Business presented was recieved
by the people with a shout of a loud Amen. several songs were
sung then an address by E. T. Benson followed By O. Pratt both
spoke in the spirit of God. we had a good meeting
~ Wednesday
Jan 20th 1858
I met in the Legislature in the morning was quite unwell and
returned to the office I spent most of the day in the office
~ Thursday
21st I spent the fore part of the day in the Legislature the
evening in the office. we spoke about printing the History
from the manuscrip & not wait till it is recorded in the Book
there were many speaches made in the Legislator to day
H. C. Kimball made a lengthy speech He said that the thread
was cut between us and the United States and it would never
be tied together again many other interesting remarks were
made He said that power of God would rest upon Gen Daniel
H Wells when He went into the mountains to fight the Battles
of this people as it never did before and upon all the officers &
soldiers that was under his command and they should prevail
against his Enemies in all things
~ Friday
22nd I drew home near 600 feet of Lumber this morning for
Makeing Boxes for cashing up. I spent the afternoon in the office
~ Saturday
23rd I spent the day in the office {[and half] at the [doctor/editor]}
~ Sunday
24 Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle E T. Benson
spok in the forenoon till near 1 oclok gave an account of the state of
the world abroad and his mission the English Nation are beg[in]ing
to mob the Saints throughout England the same as the United States
the poliece look on and help the mob. Orson Pratt preached in
the Afternoon upon the prophesies showed the signs of the times we
had bourn a true and faithful testimony the world had rejected it,
and they now were bringing their armies against us to destroy us
but they would not prevail but we should overcome our Enemies as the
prophets declaire they had much of the spirit of God & made all things
plain. Brother John Kay followed Brother Pratt and bore testimony
~ Monday
25 I settled my tithing with Bishop Hoagland I spent the afternoon
in the Office and the evening at home. Sister Elisha Davis spent the
night at my house
~ Tuesday
26th Elders E. T Benson & F D Richards and others called into the
office I spent the day in the office and the evening at home in
company with Elder Benson & F D Richards I administered
to Sarah Richards the wife of Dr Willard Richards E T Benson
was mouth we also administered to Susannah Richards I was
mouth Sarah was strugling with the monster Death with the brain
fever she died at
6 oclok p.M.
~ Wednesday
27th I went to Fort Heriman and Preached to the people in
the evening I taught the parrents to Educate their children
and the children to improve their time & have evening schools
I spent the night at Brother Stockings 25 mils
~ Thursday
28 I returned home to day Sister Sarah Richards was buried
to day I spent the evening at home looking over paper scraps
~ Friday
29th I spent the day in the office. President Kimball called into the
office wished his History copied again before it is copied Printed
~ Saturday
Jan 30 1858
I spent the day in the Office President Kimball called
upon us in the evening about his History he wished me to go
to the theater with him in the evening I did so the way [play] was
Still waters run deep and the new footman both were well played
~ Sunday
31st Sunday I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle H. B. Clawson
& E Hanks preached in the morning followed by H. C. Kimball
in the afternoon G. Q. Cannon followed by O Pratt & O Hyde
all spoke well and in the spirit of God. I attended the prayer
circle in the evening president Young prayed & H C Kimball
was mouth the spirit of God was with us President Young
asked Elder O Pratt How the travelling Elders were supported
in England and about the tithing &c Elder pratt said that
Brother F. D. Richards had esstablished a tithing system throughout
England so that all pay one tenth of all they recieve and this
stops the constant Duning for money this money is then used
for supporting the Elders to pay their expens to foreign countries
& home and to pay the rent of chapels and all expenses and
when we let the Elders have money to pay there expenses home
we charge it to them. President Young said all persons should
have credit on Book for all the tithing they pay that when
they come here and Enquire about their tithing they can find
they have credit for it and when men use tithing it should be
charged to them. He said I use a good deal of tithing I do not
know that I use a dollar that is not charged to me. Elder Pratt
said I now wish to lay before you my situation and how I have
done when I got to England I commenced publishing my Pamphlet
and from the avails of it I have supported myself I paid
my fare to England and Back and paid what I owed at the office
and I have not used any tithing. Brothers Miller, Scott, and
the other Brethren, Had the tithing money to pay their fare home
they said they were willing to have it charged to them and
would pay it as far as they could. President Young said I
will tell you what they are willing to do they are willing to
keep what they have got if they have A Hundred pounds left
they will be willing to keep it and say nothing about it. At
the close of the council I went to the 14 ward in company
with Elder O. Pratt who preached to the people and I followed
him He preached upon faith and the word of wisdom and
many other things we had an interesting meeting
~ Monday
Feb 1st I spent the day on history President Kimball came in
& preached to president Daniel Spencer & taught him his duties
in relation to filling his office as president over this stake of Zion
spoke upon many principle appertaining to the priesthood. President
Young told a dream which he had last saturday night He said
I saw two United States officers and I told them the History
of this Church and our doctrins and I told them that
the United States must not send any more armies here
if they did I should let loose the dogs of war upon them
and I told them they must remove the army now upon
our borders or we should destroy them. Brother Kimball
called into the office in the afternoon
~ Tuesday
Feb 2nd
I spent the day in the office. President Kimball spent a
part of the day with me
~ Wednesday
The Calafornia Mail arived and brought the presid[en]ts
message which was read in Presidents Young office President
Buchanan recommends a strong force against the Saints and
that 4 new ridgegiments of men be raised against us I spent
the evening in the president's office reading the news of the
day the United States are determined to anhilate the mormons
the war is now
beetween God and the Devil and between
saints & sinners time must determin the contest But
I am sure that God & his friends the Saints will prevail
against the Devil and his hosts what trials and sacrafizes
the Saints may be called to pass through I do not know
but I pray the Lord to give us grace equal to our day
~ Thursday
4th I called into Capt Hoopers store I there saw the mail
carrier He informed me that there was but 10 men that knew
the new south rout and 8 of them were mormons & with A
Lymon or soon will be, & there is but 2 left in Calafornia
& one had shot the other one & the one left was sentenc[e]d
to be hung soon. Brother Clayton informed me that Kinkade
had written & informed him that the last steemer had
received orders to send 4000 men immediately on the
southern route & 4000 from Oregon and 2000 would
start soon from the Missouri River, and 2000 now at
fort Bridger would make 12000 men
I called at the Presidents office and got my Account
which amounted to $410.58 cts I wrote Lyman wights
History to day. I spent the evening at home wreading scraps
sent by the last mail on Mormonism
~ Friday
5th I sent 70 bushels of wheat to mill to day to be ground I spent
the afternoon in the office I attended a meeting of the board
of Directors and was appointed on a comittee to prepare an article for the preston wool
~ Saturday
6th I spent most of the day in the ooffice
I called upon president Young and found a company
in his office reading the scraps sent from the states
against Mormonism. There appears to be a fixed determi-
nation by the General Government to annihilate the saints of
God from off the Earth & to destroy the last vestage of
righ[t]eousness from among men. O Hyde received a letter
from Lucky Bill at Carson valley stating that there was
a company fitting out at Carson valley and at placer
ville to come into our settlements for the purpose of robing
and plundering. O Hyde wrote him a letter stating
that He advised our friends if we had any not to ingage
in a contest against our people for God would smite
them with Blindness and our Enemies would be given
into our hands.
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle B. L. Clapp E partridge
Silas Smith & President Young spoke in the forenoon & G. A. Smith and
H. C. Kimball in the afternoon I attended the prayer circle
~ Monday
Feb 8th
I spent the day in the office on History H C Kimball spent a
part of the day with us
~ Tuesday
9th I spent most of the day in the endowment House about
50 received their endowments I have a severe cough
~ Wednesday
10th I spent this day in the Endowment House about 60 rececived
their Endowment I was vary unwell
~ Thursday
11 I spent this day in the endowm[en]t House near 60 received
there Endowment I remained in the House as long as I
could I went home sick and was so filled with cold that
I had a hard shake of the ague and a high fever followed
I had a vary sick night
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
12 & 13. I was confined to my house with sickness
~ Sunday
14 Sunday I was confined to my house & did not attend
meeting. John Taylor & Orson Pratt in the fore noon &
E T Benson & J L Heywood in the afternoon
~ Monday
15 I walked up to the Historians office then to the presidents
Office President Young & D. H. Wells C C Rich & C. S. Wandle
and others were present. President Young conversed upon
principle and said that all our sufferings in this life was for
our good that we might learn the contrast between good and
evil Jesus descended below all things that He might ascend above
all things all men have to pass throug the same thLaw in order to
receive the same Glory Enoch, Elijah, and Moses, who were
translated will at some time have to pass through death because
the Law is that all men must tast of Death and the Lord does
not counteract his own laws or break them. Some are
alarmed because so many of my family are sick But I have
as good a right to be sick as any body I would not wish to
escape affliction, sickness, paine & sorrow no more than others
for if we make a right use of them they will return us
Brother Charles Wandle related to President
Young his life since he saw him told him sins & errors
his sorrow and affliction and his missions, and that He
had tried to reform &c He was now on hand to do any
thing the servants of the Lord wanted President Young told
him some Young women for wives as his first wife had
drawn him away and was opposed to poligamy and had
kept him away from the Church a long time & had turned
to whoredom & had a child by another man He now had
better let her stay in the Church states whare she now
was. He said he had had a great Deal of sorrow on her
account and even had taken to drinking Brandy to overcome
the sorrow & to get sleep he had taken a half pint tumbler full
of strong Brandy when he went to bed to get sleep. President
Young remarked I made up my mind years ago that I would
be governed by certain principles and among them I decreed
that women should not govern me neither should my passoins
of Lust or anger But I would be boss over myself my passions
and appetites which principles I have endeavored to carry out
in my life and if all men would do it it would be a great
Blessing to them.
In speaking upon Utah affairs Brother
Wandle said that Brother Hunt Had a good deal of influence in
the Calafornia Legislature and He told them and their senator
to Congress that He wanted them to appoint a Mormon for
Govornor but their senator said that was an impossibility for
President Buchanan had marked out his course in relation to the
Mormons and was resolved to carry it out and that was He was deter-
mined to over throw the Latter Day Saints and their institutions
let it cost what it would and the president would do nothing in
their favor and the government were determined to back him
up in this they were determined to blot out the Church govern-
ment from Utah and no power could help it. President
Young said that God had helped it so far and he would continue
to help it unto the end and they cannot Help themselves all the
people want us killed and those that wright write in our favor
among the gentile Editors are full of sin and do not wish us well
but they have a motive in view to accomplish the Lord puts that
motive in their minds yet they will not honor or serve God or
acknowledge his hand in any thing but the Lord will govern &
controll them all Just as He pleases. When Capt Van Vleit was
here He many times refered to the inexaustible overflowing treasury
of the United States and twenty five million of people and asked
if we could stand against such a Government, and when He got
back he found an Empty treasury and the Government wanting
to Borrow money I have no doubt but he thought of these things
and marvelled at it
~ Tuesday
16th I spent a part of the day in the office I was in poor health
many are taken sick through the whole territory with a kind
of Deistemper or pestilence that almost evry one is taken with
it contains chills fever, cold & caugh it confines people to ther
Houses for 3 or 4 days then they go about again but few if any
of the Saints die with it
~ Wednesday
17 I spent most of the day in the endowment house about 60
received their endowments. I spent the evening in the
Historians office
~ Thursday
18th I spent most of the day in the Endowment House & the
evening in the Historians office. I had an interview
with D Huntington we talked upon Indian affairs. He said that
that a portion of the Utes and snakes were about uniteing and
appointing Ben Simons their chief. The Bannock Prophet is com-
ing down soon to see president Young. Several indians have sold
their poneys to the U.S soldiers for Blankets &c. I commenced
packing flour in Boxes for cashing this morning
~ Friday
19 I spent the day in the office reading history
~ Saturday
20th I spent this day in the office reading the History of President
~ Sunday
21st Febuary 1858
Sunday I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle all day
G. D. Grant D H. Wells and G A Smith preached in the forenoon
W Woodruff and O Pratt in the afternoon. I attended
the prayer circle O Pratt Prayed and G A Smith was mouth
President Young proposed sending some men into the desert
to look out habitations for this people and to plant some grain
He said if any one of the brethren wished to Join in sending
a man they could do so
~ Monday
22 I spent the day in the office Brothers Wandle & Nicholas
Grooebeck called in the office and gave an account of
their missions wandle to Australia and Calafornia affairs
& Groosebeck to St Louis bringing on the Church train and the
intention of the armey to take him and his his finally selling
to Rashaw and his escape across the country to Salt Lake
Wandle said that A. C. Bennett who is now in Cedar City He
was the captain of the company who undertook to cross the
desert they lost evry animal and burned all their waggons
about 70 in number. He is now going into the desert with a
company at Cedar City to get the Iron Wandle Baptized him
and many others that went through the salt Lake City. I set
out several pears on quince stock One Almond, and 2 peach
trees of Carringtons 2nd Early. we had a snow storm in the
night and the wind blew hard
~ Tuesday
23rd I spent the day reading the Church history and correting
in company with G A Smith
~ Wednesday
24th I spent the day in the office on History
~ Thursday
25 G A Smith started for Provo I spent the day in the
[FIGURE] Office. A Lyman arived it this city at 4 oclok bringing
with him a Messenger direct from Washington who left
the 5th day of Washing Jan He came in 20 days from
San francisco. Elder Lyman picked him up near San ber-
nadeno he was barely accompanied by one servant he comes
with dispaches from Washington to Governor Young and to
the Armey of the United States. Govornor Young called
a council of the Presidency and Twelve at his house at
7 oclok when the following Persons were present Presidents
Brigham Young Heber C Kimball and Daniel H. Wells
TOf the Twelve Apostles Orson Hyde W. Woodruff John
Taylor, A Lyman C C Rich. Also A Carrington
At 8 oclok the Messenger was introduced to us By Joseph
Angel Young as Dr Osborne which was Col T. L. Kane
He was vary formal in his introduction he was vary pale
and worn down having travelled night and day He was
seated in an easy chair. his arival was at 8 oclok He addressed
us in the following language (though he had great difficulty
in speaking.) Govornor Young and Gentlemen, I come as
an ambassador from the Cheif Execative of our Nation
and am fully prepared and duly authorized to lay before
you most fully and definately the feelings and views of the citizens
of our common country and of the feelings of the execative
towards you relating to the present position of Officers of
this territory and the armey of the United States now upon yor
Borders and after giving you the most satisfactory evidences in
relation to matters concerning you now pending I shall then
call your attention and wish to enlist your sympathies in behalf
of the poor soldiers who are now suffering in the cold & snows of
the mountains and request you to render them aid and comfort
and to assist them to come here and to bid them a Hearty
welcome into your hospitable valley. Governor Young may I be
permitted to ask a private interview for a few moments with
you Gentlemen please excuse my formality for a few moments
they were about 30 minutes in secret session. they then returned
to the room. Dr Col Kane Then said that Capt Van Vleit
made a good report about us and used an influence to have
the Armey stop East of Bridger and had done a great deal
in our behalf you all look vary well you have built up a great
empire here in a short time. He spoke upon our prosperity wheat
Bread vegitables He was asked if Dr Bernhisel took his seat
in Congress He said yes he took his seat he was opposed by the
Arkansaw members & a few others but they made fools of themselves
for if he had been refused his seat it would have been a d[e]clerat-
ion of war you have bourn your part manfully in this contest I was
pleased to see how patiently the people took it. Govornor Young asked
how the Presidents message was received the Dr said as usual in
his appointments he has been cruelly impartial. So far he has
made an excellent president. He has an Excellent cabinate they are
more united and work together better than former cabinets have
done. President Young said I suppose they are united in putting
down Utah. Col Kane said I think not. Buchanan made
one Balk in the spanish affair and in the Black warrior affair
the Cansas [Kansas] affair is not setled as yet and I hope it may grow
worse untill the people will take it in hand. In speaking of the
money pressure he said it commenced with the failure of the Ohio
Life insureance and trust company and then the Banks and
other firms followed in their turn. Col Kane said I wish you
knew how much I feel at home I hope I shall have the privilege
of Breaking bread with these my friends. Gov Young said I
want to take good care of you. I want to tell you one thing and
that is the men you see here do not look old and the reason
is they are doing right and are in the service of God and
if men would do right they might live to a great age. there
is but few men in the world that have the great amount of
Labure to do which I have I have to meet men evry houre in
the day. I stand in the streets and do more busines in an hour
than any president, king or Emperor has to perform in a day
I have to think for the people constantly. I think that
you can endure more now than you could 10 years ago. if you
had done as some men have you would now have been in your
grave before now. Col Kane said that I fear that I can
endure more than I could 10 years ago for I feel that my life dont
pay and I feel like going away as soon as it is the will of God to take me
President Young remarked I know to take this life as it is
and as men make it it does not appear worth living in
but I well tell you that when you see things as they are
you will find life is worth preserving and blessings will follow
our living in this life if we do right. Now if God should
say I will let you live in this world without any pain or
sorrow we might feel life was worth living for but
this is not in the economy of God. We have to partake
of sorrow affliction sorrow and death and if we pass
throug through this affliction patiently and do right
we shall have a greater reward in the world to come
I have been rob[b]ed several times of my all in this life
and my property has gone into the hands of my Enemies
but as to property I care no more about it than about
the dirt in the streets ownly to use it as God wishes it
But I think a great deal of a friend a true friend
an honest man is the noblest work of God and to live
in such a society is a great Blessing but we shall live
to enjoy that privilege. It is not in the power of the United
States to destroy this people for they are in the hands of God
and so are we and he will do with us as he pleases and
if he does right God will preserve us. The Lord does
many things which we would count as small things.
A poor man came into my Office I felt by the spirit
that He kneeded five dollars in money. I took it out
of my pocket and gave it to him I soon after found a
five dollar gold peace in my pocket which I did not put
there. I soon found another this was put in my pocket by
the Lord or some agent. many think that the Lord has nothing
to do with gold but he has charge of that as well as any other
element. Brother Kimball said in Nauvoo if we had to leave
our Houses let then go we will go to the mountains and in a few
years we will have a better city than we have here, this is
fulfilled He also said we will have gold and coin twenty
dollars peaces and we came here formed a city and
coined the first twenty dollars peices in the United States
and seeing the brethren poorly clad He said it would not
be three years before we could by clothing cheaper in salt
Lake valley and before the time was out the gold digers
brought loads of clothing and sold them in our city at
quarter price. He then said Brother Thomas the Lord sent
you here and he will not let you die No you cannot die
till your work is done. I want to have your name live with
the Saints to all Eternity you have done a great work and you
will do a greater work still. we then parted and went to our homes
~ Friday
26 I spent the day in the office Journalizing I had a social
sit down in my hous with G. A. Smith A Lyman pOrson Pratt
and A. O. Smoot
~ Saturday
27th I called upon Col Kane Mrs Woodruff also he received
us cordially soon G. A. Smith came in we spent several hours
conversing together talked over old times spoke of government
affairs also the travels of Dr Kane in the polar regions the world
did not [know] his sufferings in that land he had a mad lunitic company
to deal with and came near starving to death even he killed poor
skeleton rats and sucked their blood to keep him alive He spoak of
his death he suffered much in the last hours the world lost an
valuable man at his death he had a knowledge of many things
which would be valuable to the world that died with him.
At the close of our interview we called upon President Young
He spoke of his interview with Col Kane last evening, and
He learned the following fiact in relation to his visit to us in
1846. That Maj Mitchel reported to President Polk that the
Mormons were receiving large sums of Money from the British
Government and they were conniving with the indians against the
government But it was not Generally believed and some said we
were a poor persecuted people and ought to be helped instead
of being persecuted and it was proposed to give us a part of
Kansas Territory which would have been done had it not have
been for Secretary Marcy he said he would resign if it was done
and finally when it was known that General Carney was friendly
to us he was sent off and when Col Allen was appointed to
take charge of the Mormon Battalion and he became our friend
the Doctors killed him Col Kane was sent out by the presid[en]t
to know the truth concerning us as a people and make a true
report of it which he accomplished and done us good. I spent
the evening in the office
~ Sunday
28th Sunday I attended meetings at the Tabernacle all
the presidency were present and O. Hyde O Pratt W. Woodruff
J. Taylor G. A. Smith A Lyman C. C. Rich E Snow and F. D. Richards
of the Twelve were present A Lyman O Hyde Ferrymore Little,
Heber C Kimball and Brigham Young spoke in the fore noon
Samuel Butler John Taylor and President Young spoke in the
afternoon Butler had been cut off from the Church By Bishop
Cahoon, yet he partook of the sacrament and forced himself
upon the people and preached a Bundle of nonsens the president
called a vote to have him remain out of the Church and
go back to the states if he wished much testimony was brought
against his character.
I attended the prayer meeting in
the evening. O Hyde Prayed John Taylor was Mouth.
29th I was not we
~ Monday
March 1st 1858 I am 51 years of age this day time
flies with that rapidity that I can hardly believe my own
senses. I fitted out Robert Scholes who started to relieve
our guard in the mountains. I took up 300 peach and plum
trees which Brother Wandle took into the country I spent
the afternoon in the office
~ Tuesday
2nd I spent the most of the day in the Endowment house we gave
Endowm[en]t to about 40 persons I had an interview with Col Kane
and conversed upon many things. Elders John Taylor E Snow &
Capt Hooper all called to see him as we were leaving President
Young arived and took him from Brother Stanes to his own house
~ Wednesday
March 3rd
I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 53. My Men commenced gardning to day
~ Thursday
I wrote a lengthy communication to Col T. L. Kane
giving a reason of our hope and faith and the cause of ofur
defending ourselves in these vallies of the mountains it
contained 6 pages of fools cap I spent most of the day in
the endowment house we gave the endowment to about 50.
~ Friday
5th I went into the big field to see my wheat I had not
seen it since I put it in last fall, their did not seem to be
but little wheat on the ground and several lengths of fence
was down I spent the afternoon in my office
~ Saturday
6th I spent the day in the office on my history
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I attended meeting at the tabernacle. O. Pratt
preached was followed By President Heber C. Kimball
and Daniel H Wells made a few remarks. in the afternoon
John Taylor spoke followed By E. D. Woolley I attend[ed]
the prayer circle John Smith prayed Erastus Snow
was mouth. President Young said I saw this city
last night in a dream placed upon high rocks thousands
of feet high men women & children with a river
at the Bottom that was full of Barges and boats with
our Enemies in them but they could not get to us
~ Monday
we had an express in this morning from salmon
River bringing sorrowful news the Snakes and Bannocks
made a break upon the Breethren at the fort and drove
off nearly all ther stock left them but 4 Horses and a
few Yoke of cattle they killed two or three of the Brethren
and wounded several more they wounded Capt Smith
the Indians were lead by a white man named Powell
I took 150 peach treets [trees] & 25 plum trees to the tithing
Office as my tithing on fruit trees.
~ Tuesday
9th I spent most of the day in the tithing Endowment house
a large company received their endowment I spent the evening
in the office
~ Wednesday
10th I spent most of the day in the endowment House we gave
about 50 th^e^ir endowments. One hundred mounted men
were ordered to the North with the 100 men that went out with
Col Cunningham, and 50 men was ordered East their
is a report that all the Indians in the sothern settlements
have gone into the mountains and that the mountaineers
and Indians north East of Salmon River have gathered
large flocks of cattle and Horses for the U.S Armey if we
were to Judge from the present signs of the times we might
expect an Indian and white war but all things are in the
hands of God and he will govern & controll all things right
On my returned home I found that my corn which was
put up in the upper story of my granery in ethe ear and the damp
state began to heat and mold I went to work and carried about
200 bushels of ears in baskets down a ladder on my sholder
then wimy wives and children took it and carried it and spread
[it] in my chambers in the house when I got through I was vary
weary and sore. Elder G A Smith returned from Provo at 5 oclok
~ Thursday
11th I went into the endowment house early this morning and
laboured incessantly till past 2 oclok I then went into the office
and spent the evening Elder Nathaniel H. Felt was badly kicked
yesterday with a Mules
~ Friday
12 I spent a short time in the morning in my garding
setting out strawburies, sowing cabage onions and radish I
then went to the office found Elders Kimball O Hyde G A Smith
waiting to read history to the President. Brother Hyde said
that mother Eldridge had a dream of late Father Eldridge
appeared to her was dressed in the most splendid military
aray She said Father are you going to fight with the soldiers
I am going into the mountains to help defend the Kingdom
of God. The president got a letter from Ben Simons stating
that he and his men are friendly that they have one stolen
horse from the mormons which they will send in or any other
animals that his men may steel. it is also rumured that
the Indians south who have been to the armey are vary
hungry and wish to come into the settlements ang [and] get
sumthing to eat. President Young son came in we read
to him the history of Thomas B. Marsh, D. W. Patten Wm E.
MCLellin, Wm Smith, Lyman E Johnston, John Boynton
Luke Johnson John E. Page and Lyman Wight.
~ Saturday
13th I sowed some peas in the morning and trimed up my
peach trees which had been budded I also sowed some Australia
wheat. I met in the Historians office at 10 oclok with Elders
O. Hyde, O. Pratt, G. A. Smith & E. T. Benson. O. Pratt said that
Charles R. Dainy wrote a pamphlet in which he said
that He had a vision and warned me while going east to
move my waggon and I done so and soon an oak tree
fell whare my waggon stood I had this impression myself
and named it myself to my wife before I got out
of my carriage. Presidents Young and Kimball came
in and we read the history of Orson Hiyde P. P. Pratt
and E. T. Bensons
~ Sunday
14th Sunday a cold stormy day there was a meeting at
the Tabernacle in the forenoon I spent the day in the office
writing my history I attended the Prayer Circle in the
evening. Bishop Edward Hunter opened by prayer E T Benson
was mouth in the circle
~ Monday
15th I spent most of the day in the endowment House the
remander of the day in the office on Brother Kimballs History
~ Tuesday
March 16
The rush valley company met in the Office in the morning
Luke Johnson was present the Indians are stealing horses
and cattle and threatning life to such a degree that President
Young sent word to Bishop Rowbury to gather in the people
and stock on the outpost and set a guard to watch the
passes I called upon President Young to ask his council
about the Johnson settlement He said he would advise that
the women and children be moved to Toillee and the men
to guard at Johnsons settlement so they could put in spring
crops and gather up the cattle near the Lake and guard them
Segoet and Naraket are the chiefs and leaders of the Band in
those vallies who are stealing Green Jacket said that He
was opposed to killing the mormons Battees concocked the plan
of killing the man that was killed last summer.
~ Wednesday
17th I started my team and wilford this morning to rush
valley to help move the women and children I spent the
fore part of the day in the endowm[en]t House the afternoon and
evening in the office on Brother Kimballs History an express
arived at sundown from Skul valley that about 30 Indians
had made an attack on the men in that valley shot at them
and drove of[f] all the Horses and cattle they could they
would have massacreed all the families ownly they were
kept off by about 10 armed men who had just arived in
season to save them. Governor Young ordered 50 mounted
men to start by light in the morning and order his own
waggons and teams to go and carry baggage
~ Thursday
18th Three signal guns were fired this morning for the
armed men to gather 60 or 70 men started on horsback
and many baggage waggons followed with instructions to
take the indians and bring them in to this city and try them
and shut them up and keep them as hostages for the good
Behavior of the others. I spent the forenoon in the office on
history. G. A. Smith called upon President Young and asked
him if we should publish the History of T. B. Marsh and
D. W. Patten before Brother Kimball as his was not ready
He said yes. I called upon Elder Kimball and asked the
same question He said yes he would as leaves have his
History published last as first
A council of war was called at the Historians Office at 2 oclok
Their being present BPresidents B Young H C Kimball D. H. Wells C C Rich
and O. Hyde O. Pratt W. Woodruff G. A. Smith F. D. Richards Benson & ^E^ Snow
of the Twelve A. Carrington and 30 Military officers
speeches were made by the presidency Twelve and other Officers Presidents
Youngs plan was to go into the desert and not war with the people
and let them destroy themselves. Robert returned home in the night
~ Friday
19th I spent most of the day in the council House gaveiving endow[me]nts [to]
38 persons I spent the rest of the day in the office on H C Kimballs
History I had a meeting with my family and taught them prin-
~ Saturday
March 20
I called at the office in the morning and spent the day in the office
Presidents Young and Kimball spent about 4 hours with us in
reading history we read Presidents kimball synopsis of his
history which has cost us vast labour and perplexity we also read
Amasa Lymans History both was approved of I feel very thankful
that we in a measure are getting through with the History of the
Twelve for it has cost me nearly a years hard brain labor
~ Sunday
21st Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle the Presidency
and a part of the Twelve were present I spoke in the morning then
the meeting was turned into a special conference the Presidency
spoke then it was resolved to move all the people and provision to
the southern country and go into the desert as soon as possible
and evacuate this city and be ready to burn the whole city
to ground before our enemies tocome to take possession of it. I atte-
nded the prayer circle while there Daniel Spencer told me
that he met my son Wifford in rush valley wallowing with his
team through 2 feet of snow and thought he might perish
~ Monday
212nd I started this morning for Rush valley to look up wilford
fearing that he might be in trouble I rode to E. T. City preached
to the city people was vary lame with riding
~ Tuesday
223 I started for Rush valley got a short distance learned that
Wilford was near by with Luke Johnson family he soon came
up He had had a very severe time he had broke his way through
35 miles of snow from one to two feet deep got lost in a
storm travelled into the canyon if his team had not been vary
stout he and his team would have perished the horses were much
used up But I was glad to find my son and team alive I took
my team and Wifford my horse and returned to the city the Breth[ren]
have not over taken the indians. Wilford said that He herd Tabby
a freiendly Indians say that the chiefs had been to the soldiers camp
and Col Johnson or Harny had told them that Brigham Young had
charmed their children and they had died and Brigham
Young kwooud kill them all the officers said that Joseph Smith
was a great captain and they cut his head off easy and
Brigham Young was a small captain and we will cut off
his head much easier and in this way they stired up the Indians
to war again[s]t us
~ Wednesday
24 The whole city of the great Salt Lake is stired up and
packing up for leaving I spent the most of the day in the office
packing it up &c The Presidency and Twelve met in council
at the office Meeting opened by Prayer by O. Hyde I presented
before the meeting the case of O. Pratt who did not believe in
some of the teachings of President Young and thought President
Young had reproved him unjustly the subjet was discused
at length by the Twelve and President Young. much instruction
was given at the close Orson Pratt confessed his faults and said
that He would never teach those principles again or speak them
to any person on the Earth we all forgave him and voted to receive
him into full fellowship
~ Thursday
March 25
I sent about 870 bushels of wheat to E. T. Bensons Mill I had
an interview with Porter and he came over to settle his
rush valley difficulty I then went to the office and spent
the day packing up office matters. I was vary weary at night
we had a hard snow storm in the evening
~ Friday
26th I felt unwell this morning I packed up a Box of Books &
then went to the office and spent the remainder of the day
~ Saturday
27th I finished my synopsis of History to deady and read to G. A. Smith
~ Sunday
28th Sunday I was unwell I attended meeting at the Taber[nac]le
G A Smith L D Y President H. C Kimball preached in the
morning. O. Hyde and President B. Young in the Afternoon
I attended the prayer circle in the evening
~ Monday
29th An Express came in this morning by Wm Kimball
saying the enemy are still determined to come in Col Kane
with company ais expeted in soon I revisied some of my History
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
30, 31 I spent the time in the office and packing up for moveing
Brother Isaac Bullock took two loads of flour for me to provo
~ Thursday
April 1st Thomas Roylance took 5 boxes flour 1707 lbs
to provo I spent a part of the day in the office. The Presidny
went to provo.
~ Friday
2nd I spent a part of the day in the presidents office the
Calafornia Mail arived in the evening I spent the evening in
the Govornors office looking over the news, which was much
mixed. many were opposed to the Utah war
~ Saturday
3rd The Presidency arived home this evening I spent the evening
with them.
~ Sunday
4th Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle and the prayer circle
~ Monday
5th Wm Summerville took Sarah and Emma & children and
their things to provo. I spent a part of the day reading ^my history with G A Smith^
I met with the Twelve in the evening and Dedicated the City Hall and had a good time
~ Tuesday
6th The Legion was called out and
the General Conference commenced at 10 oclok in the Tabernacle
the Legion met in the Tabernacle with the congregation & was
addressed by President Young the conference closed at night
to give the people the privilege to continue their labours in mov-
ing to the south the "north is giving up and the south keeping
not back" we are all vacating our towns and cities and
going into the southern settlements we shall evacuate the
city of the Great Salt Lake if needs be into the hands of
our enemies or burn our habitations and lay waste evry
thing we possess inasmuch as our enemies are coming upon
us and determined to destroy them us because we are deter-
mined to worship God and accknowledge his hand in all
things the rodses are lined with men, women and Children,
teams and waggons all moving south
~ Wednesday
April 7th
I spent the day in loading my waggons I took one load of
o4 secretaries in the historians office onto my waggons
~ Thursday
8th I started this morning with f3 loads for provo
two loads of secretaries and one of Goods it soon
began to snow and I rode 12 miles on a slow walk
in the worst snow storm we have had this winter
I came near freezing my hands and I became
so chilled I could hardly move when I got to
Unionville the rode was lined with people and teams to
Provo for 50 miles many suffered and some came near
perishing horses died by the way side men unloaded
their goods in the mud others took their team off and
left their teams waggons sticking in the mud some teams
gave out and whole families lay in the mud under their
waggons over night women carried their children
in their arms and waided in water mud and snow
knee deep I stoped at Unionville and spent with
sister Martecia Smith and was glad to get into a
~ Friday
9th I spent the day at Sister Smiths and it snowed
and rained all day
~ Saturday
10th I learned that the roads were impassible I unloaded
2 of wmy waggons and left the other one took my
teams and returned home to Great Salt Lake City
~ Sunday
11th Sunday I spend the day in the tabernacle and
heard the Presidency and Twelve preach I attended
the prayer circle in the evening
~ Monday
12th [FIGURE] A. Cummings that would be Governor of Utah arived
in this city to day with Col Kane accompanied by a small mormon
Guard. when he saw the streets lined with people moving he said
dont move you shall not be hurt I will not be Govornor if you
dont want me. the poor Devil should have thought of this
principle before he started from home and not come with an
armed force to force himself as govornor upon a people who did
not want him. I spent most of the day choreing I spent
the evening at the presidents office in talking upon a variety
of subjects among others orders had been given to the police to go
and clear the five acres lots of cattle and the city lots where
they were doing damage on wheat, fruit and Gardens they went
with Josiah Hardy at their head and drove all of Presidents
Youngs cattle off from his pasture into the stray pound and mired
two of his cows so that they could not walk President Young
told them if they would pay him two hundred dollars damage they ^He^
would settel it otherwise he would put them through to the extent
of the Law
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
123th, 14, 15, 16, 17 I spent the week in moveing to Provo on the 17th I
drove my team home from Provo 50 miles through a hard rain storm
I took down the Historian office secretaries 50 [miles]
~ Sunday
18th I attended meeting in the Tabernacle and prayer circle in the
evening President Young closed the prayer circle as we were moving away
~ Monday
April 19th 1858
I spent the day in preparing to move 3 loads to provo
~ Tuesday
20th I took up most of my choice budded peaches, plums, Apricotts
grapes &c and loaded them in Brother Wandles carriage to take
to Beaver
~ Wednesday
21 I took two horse teams went to Jordons Mill got 47 bushels
of wheat Ground went to Union ville and spent the night my
ox team took a ton on the waggon with tran Wandles carriage tied to
it. the Load was to heavy and tired out the oxen Brother Wandle
run them out of the road into a creek with the fore wheels against
a high bank then left the waggon brought the cattle to Union Fort
and spent the night. 15 mil[es]
~ Thursday
22nd I drove to provo arived at 10 oclock P M. 40 miles
~ Friday
23rd I spent the day in Provo unloading and packing flour I
visited G. A. Smith spoke with H C Kimball and spent the evening with
President Young at his office in the seminary he had spent the
day in hunting for a herd ground
~ Saturday
24th Presidents Young and Kimball left provo early in the morning
before 5 oclock arived in Great Salt Lake City at about 1 oclok having
drove 50 miles in 8 hours I left provo at 7 oclok arived in
Great Salt Lake City at 5 oclok stoped an hour on the way drove
50 miles in 9 hours. I spent the evening at President Youngs
office which was full of the brethren they spoke of the Indian attak
at Fort Limhi said that Powel tryed to Justify himself by Giving the
Brethren warning of the Attack. Kimball and Worthing returned
from the Armey and reported to President Young what they saw and
heard they saw Stowel he sent a letter home to his wife. Col
Johnson said it was strange that the people in Utah Territory should
think that he had hostile intentions in coming into this Territory
President Young said concerning this Armey whether the Lord inte-
nds us to whip them out or bring them to shame in some other way I
do not know. When A Cummings got to Toille City on
his way to Rush valley he found all the people Moveing he said
My God have I come to late to stop all this moving and burning of
property I must stop the burning some how. we got a report
that Col Kanes Father was Dead. It is also reported that
Col Forney the superintendent of Indians affairs will start for
this city to day
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle Mr A Cumings
and Col Kane attended the meeting Gov Cummings address
the people professed to be our friend wished if any felt oppressed or
wanted his protection to manifest it by vote and to write to him under
^a^ sealed note a vote was taken and 3 hands raised out of 3000.
Mr Cummings was answered in a masterly manner By Br
Gilbert Clemients John Taylor followed but being vary hard and
personal to Mr Cumings was stoped by President Young, who also
introduced Mr Cumings to the congregation at the commencment
I attended the prayer meeting in the evening. President Young
said the family Altar was the same as an A[l]tar in the prayer
circle it is for parents and children to Join hands over the
Alter and pray. President Young said we have a report from
the brethren who went into the desert and they have found a
desert as we have been looking for He said I told Hiram to make
some thin Boxes and put my windows in mark them so we may know
whare they go for I should not think strange if we used them
in the same place. If the devil had all power I should not have
any hope but would say Mr Devil go at it now and use us up as
soon as you please But I know Jesus Christ has more power than
the Devil I have rebuked the devil many times and he has
obeyed me and many Elderls in this when we have spoken in the
name of the Lord
~ Monday
256th I loaded 3 teams and started for Provo
~ Tuesday
267 I arived in provo at night
~ Wednesday
268 we unloaded our teams I spent the night in provo
~ Thursday
279th I returned home to Great Salt Lake City distance to & from 100 mls
~ Friday
30 & 31st I spent the time at home
~ Saturday
May 1st I spent the day at home
~ Sunday
2nd I rode to Toillee & spent the night at Brother Luke Johnsons
~ Monday
3rd I had all my sheep sheered 38 in all 23 Ewes 15 weathers
I had 20 Lambs 7 weathers & 13 Ewes total of sheep & Lambs 58
we had 106 lbs of wool 22 weathers & 36 Ews
~ Tuesday
4th I returned home to the city. Distance to & from 50 mils
I spent the evening with the Presidency and Twelve reading the news by the mail
~ Wednesday
5th I loaded 3 waggons for starting for Provo
The President of the United States seems determined on
our destruction by sending armies to make war upon us but
God will overrule it all for our good.
~ Thursday
6th I took Mrs Woodruff and her youngest child and started
for Provo with 3 teams I drove to Dry Creek & camped
for the night
~ Friday
7th I drove to Provoo & spent the night
~ Saturday
8th I ploughed draged & planted about two acres of ground
into sugar cane & corn
~ Sunday
9th I drove 50 miles home to G S Lake City and spent the night 100 mils
~ Monday
10th I spent the day in the city our messengers returned
from the Army Col Johnson sayes he shall come in the
first of June & plant one post in Great Salt City and
one on Provoo bench President Young and G A Smith
started for Provo last evening Samuel Richards arived today
11th I started to provo with two teams camped on the way
Presidents Heber C Kimball D. H. Wells & F D Richards
accompanied Samuel Richards to Provo soon after He
arived in the city to see President Young He reports
that the work of the Latter Day Saints was spreading in
England they had again opened the preaching places which
had been closed through persecution he left the Mo river
about the 3rd of May. he saw no supply or trains or troops
on the way but said Congress had passed a Bill giving the
President power to raise four Rigments of volunteers to
go against Utah President Buchanan is determined to do
all in his power to destroy the Latter Day Saints from off the
Earth and to stop their preaching the Gospel, and worshiping
God according to the dictates of their own conciencs but this
he will never accomplish however much he may distress the
Saints the people are all moving from the North Country North
to the south the rode is lined for 50 or 100 miles from Box
Elder to Provo with horse Mule & ox teams and loose cattle
sheep & hogs and also men women & children all are leaving
their homes including Great Salt Lake City resolving to
burn evry thing to the Ground at the approach of the Enemy
the Lord will over rule all things right. I had an
~ Tuesday
11th I started with two teams froor Provo camped on the way
I had an Interview with Col kane last evening & was intru-
duced to Gov Cummings I bid Col Kane good by and God
speed he will do us what Good he can in a quiet way
~ Wednesday
12th I arived in Provoo and spent the night
~ Thursday
13th I spent the day in Provoo most of the day labouring
I spent a short time in the Historians office with Presidt
Young G. A. Smith A Carrington L Snow & others G. A. Smith
said my history was about ready to read if the President
wished to hear it He said he did not care about hearing
it read onwnly my chapter of incidents which I read
to him
~ Friday
14 I drove my team home to Great Salt Lake City in
abot 9 hours 50 miles whole distance 100 mils
~ Saturday
15 I spent the day in the city I learned that Dr Clinton
with several other Brethren had arived from their
Eastern Mission they were taken prisioners by the troops
on Green River they were released on bail of $4000.
the Army were hard up for food they were deserting from
ten to fifteen daily.
~ Sunday
16th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Dr Clinton
spoke in the morning followed by Samuel Richards, & President
D H Wells in the afternoon Daniel Spencer spoke followed by W
Woodruff and E. T. Benson there was about half a congrega-
tion present. Brother Wells said there was to many people present
He wished the people to leave the city during the week
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
17 & 18th I spent the time in loading three waggons
~ Wednesday
19th I started for Provo with three teams and it was the
and it was the worst day to travel in I ever saw. the dust
sand and gravel filled the air filled my face with it untill
I could not see at all and it was difficult to keep the road
~ Thursday
20th I traveled to Provo bench the air was filled with
dust but not so bad as yesterday
~ Friday
21st I arived in Provo to day unloaded my goods
~ Saturday
22nd I went up Rock Canyon to get some polls to make pens
I found it the worst canyon for travelling in I ever visited
I came near killing my horses but we got two loads and
returned home
~ Sunday
23 Sunday I spent the day in the Historians office the
people assembled for a meeting O Pratt President B Young
spoke & A Lyman, in the afternoon O Pratt spoke. In
the evening with G. A. Smith I visited G A Smith President
Brigham Young at his habitation and also President Kimball
~ Monday
I met with President B Young & H. C. Kimball
& O Pratt G A Smith A. Lyman C. C. Rich A. Carrington
Cummings Sprague and held an interview with
two men from Niquiorgo [Nicaragua] as Agents from Mr Kenny
owner of some thirty millions of Acres of land in the
Musketoe Kingdom they come to make proposals to the
Latter Day Saints to go and occupy that country
after introduction the conversation commenced upon the
latitude, climate, soil, production &c President Young said if
Mr Kenny would give other the Filbusterers every other sextion
it would make him rich Mr Cooper replyed that Mr Kenny
did not believe in that system. President Young said the
United States are determined to lay their hands upon all
that country. Mr Cooper said their is a treaty with
England and the U. S. that Neither party can take
possession of that country. B. Young said they care no
more about any treaty than a Horse does a spiders web
in his way to his feed they will break any treaty they
please when they have the power. Now if you have
any Proposals to make we will ^hear^ them. Mr Cooper said
we would like to hear your proposals. B Young said I
have no proposals to Make Mr Kinnays rights & titles
were discused B Young said as far as I am conserned
I will say that if Mr Kenny owned all that countyry &
Mexico and would give me the whole of it I would not go
there their would not but vary few from the Nothern
country that would live their J. V. Cooper thinks that we
underrate the climate. The Letters were read of introductn
G. A. Smith smaid iby the time we have got theire and spent
several years in improving the country themn they would
pour in by thousands and take what we have. Mr Cooper
said I look at treaties different from what you do for
upon that principle we could have no confidence in any
Nations. B Young said Bless your soul I have more confidnce
In the governments then they have all they have
care about it is they want to get power & they will
use it. What do the United States care about the Constitutin
Houper said, they are doing away with the Constitution
as fast as they can. their is no people in the Nation
that keep the Law as well as this people then what business
had they to send armies here None at all ownly because
they have the poower but they will also want some power
to maintain their armies when they get here Mr Cooper
said that He thought the Filbustering was at an end in that
country Presidnt Young asked if Mr HCooper was acquainted
with the political beat of the puls of the Government of the
United States He said he had observed a good Deal B young
said they are intending to annex all North & South
America as fast as they get the power Mr Cooper
said the country was ^as^ Healthy as this it contains the
Mountains rolling, & bottom lands their is the a great
amount of logwood, rosewood, and all kinds of woods and
fruits that grow in that climate. sugar cane, indigo, and
all kinds of fruits grow spontaineously B. Y. said that
the U S was so greedy to get territory they would soon
burst up & ruin themselves. Mr Kinny sympathizes
with us in our war but we have No war with any body
the United States are making war upon a little handful
of men they may make war as long as they pleas and
if they drive us hard enough we will show usthem fun
and their has not been a more imbecil Government
on Earth than President Buchanan has manifested during
his administration if hise had sat in his chair and said
not a word but remained as a monument and employed
a Boy 10 years old to have done his his business he would have
manifested more wisdom than he has done. If you have
any propisition to make to me I wish you to do it itn writing
but with a strict understanding that none of us will ever
go to that country. if we occupy that country we will do it
with people from other country. they said they would make
their proposition in writing these remarks are ownly a
sketch of the Conversations which passed The men returned
Then the speech of General Houston in the senate of the
United States was then read He defended the rights of the mor-
mons and dayre speak the truth, and he is the ownly man in
the senate that dare stand up and defended the rights of the
Inhabitants of Utah. The subject came up relatives to
the war. Edleex Williams said give me 50 men and I
will meet 10,000 men, and stop all and if one gets in
I will never come back A Lyman said take poisioned
Arrows and shoot the stock and shoot at the stock & not
the man all the time President Young said if it is the volun-
teers that come here they come on purpose to kill the
Mormons and I should be in for killing them as fast as we
have a chance. President Young told Mr J. B Cooper
& James M. Harbin when they get to Calafornia to tell
the people who seek our destruction that we ask no odds
of theyem they will yet see the day when they will
asx aid and assistane at my hands. I spent the
evening at the office and wrote a Letter to Mrs. W.
~ Tuesday
25th I spent the day in the office upon my history
President Young spent the fore part of the day in
the office. while speaking of Col kane President Young
said Col Kane did say to President Buchannan that
he owed Gov Young an apology for sending an army
to Utah in the way he did and persuing the course
he had towards the people of that territory and He
should make that apology to Gov Young for President
Buchannan and he was an agent sufficient to do
it. we will never bow down to their opression we will
not have a mock trial over us we will sooner apply
to the mountains and then to the rifle, before we will
do it. Col Kane is as good a Lawyier as we will find
abroad and he sustained us in our course and said
that it was the cream of creams. you have taken
the right course and I want to have you keep in
the right. I would not have you had you taken any
other course for nothing. President Young said
this is the reason why we have let the army alone
Col Kane said I have feared all the time that
you would chew that whole Armey up.
President Young said Gen Houston had it right when
he said if you make war upon them you will get
awfully whiped. But President Young said Buchanan
is determined that it shall be war and Nothing
but war He wished to be President now or never
exspected to be. while speaking upon the subject of
treason and being tried for treason, He said to
Hosea Stout I want to have you get all the testim[on]y
upon that subject you can together in the defence
I should show that I as the Governor of this Territ[or]y
had a right to resist an armed force entering into
this Territory In as much as the President of the
Unite States gave me no notice of sending an army
to this Territory or of removing me from office, then
show that the President of the United States had no right
to make war upon any states or Territory upon
mere rumour untill investigating the subjet
Now for the President to make use of the language
he did in that Early stage to empl[o]y spies what use
had they for spies when their was No war. poor
Devils they laid a plan to make war upon the people
and not to make peace.
Brother Box and Allen called in to report what they
found in researches they saw they found good grass
on the mountains but no water for stocks but in
places snow was 15 feet deep. they found one pocket
large enough to hide all the people in Provo
President Young said I will not be tried in a court by
our Enemies while under their power it will be
settelled either amicably or by the rifle. President
Young sent a Letter to Gen D. H. Wells. A company of
Apostates left for the enemies camp an man on
guard at Echo Canyon left his post and went into
the apostate camp President Young said give him a
pass and let him go with our Enemies. In the
after noon with G. A. Smith I visited President
Young at his house ahe wished me to buy a place ne[a]r
his place as we should move the Historian office
near him. He soon called at the Historians office
with a proposition to sell us 30000000 acres of land
in the Musketoe Country for 10 cts per acre one third
to be paid down when we take possession of the
country & the remander to be in instalm[en]ts annually
with 10 per cts interest all to be paid within 10 yers
the President refused to purchase & wrote an answer
accordingly G. A. Smith read an aco[u]nt of central
~ Wednesday
26th I spent the morning in the office on my history at
half past 10 an express arived to Gov Young by Barlow we
wento to see President Young met him coming to the office
in his carriage he brought us down to the Historian office
we met in the office viz president Young G. A. Smith
W Woodruff A. Lyman C. C. Rich A. Carrington
Cummings, Bentley Campbell & D. Carter the corresponden[ce]
betwen Gov Cummings & Johnson was opened and
read Gov Cummings said their was no organized troops
in the Territory. Johnson said that it would be 30 days
before he should attemp to come in said he should not
any further hender any Egress or ingress of postal or
mail arangements but should soon send the mail in
One paper was sent the 9th of May April but contaned
nothing of importance. President Young said I can read
them just as easy
The paper reports that the London
times sends out a correspondence with the army also the
Herrald and times were sending out writers they are
sending out some 8000 men or preparing to send them
the paper also inform us that two peace commissioners will be
sent to Utah {President Young says that if Bovier comes in he ought to be put under the sod.} Several
peaces were read from the paper. I received a letter from
C. W. Wandle. aI wrote a Letter to him in reply. BPresident Young
and G A. Smith Rode out and returned to the office
in the afternoon. Mr Cooper called also, and said that
he was in the Musketoe country 9 months and that he found
it a good country and would rather live theire than to
in any other country. President Young said to Mr Cooper
what could Mr Kenny mean or think of us to send
to us as he has, does he think we are fools The United States
would give millions of dollars to have us go to that country
for then they could lay their hands upon us. I would not go
to that country if it was covered 15 inches deep with gold
and we owned it all. we are here and here we will stay
in this Territory. He conversed one hour upon our faith
policy and intentions. He said that President Buchaneran was
not a man to plan or lay wires or chaulk out the way for
the prosperity of the Nation. If the whole Nation was
bouiled down into one man and he possessed the knowledge
of the whole I could teach him the principle of Law and
Government for I know more than the whole of them
President Buchanan has manifested the greatest folly of
in his official acts of any man that ever occupied the
Presidential chair. I know ^w^hat the United States wish
to do with us they wish to kill us but they [will] not accomplish
their design if they drive us to far then wo be unto them
they will soon go to peaces. we had a hard rainy night
~ Thursday
27th I spent most of the day in the office Bovier came
from the armey to Provo to day. Barney Ward came
worith him said two Indians shot Jim Chericcokee
& another man in a carrell and killed them dead
~ Friday
28th I left the city of Provo rode [to] Great S. L. City as did
President Young & Kimball G. A. S & A Carrington I
spent the night at my own habitations the city looked
deserted but few men, and far less women and children
in it. I found my orchard loaded with fruit strawburies
begining to get ripe currands loaded peach Apricotts &
Aple trees bearing full my houses mostly empty Mrs
Phebe W Woodruff & her daughter Bulah was all that occu-
pied the house
~ Saturday
29th I pruned my orchard & vineyard visited my pasture
found many poles carried off I visited the President at his
office and met with several of the brethren
~ Sunday
30th Sunday I called upon the President in the morning He was
visited by Col. Clarkson, Maj Brookie, ^&^ Judge Cliff who
talked with President Young a short time they came
on the same business that John V. Cooper came on
to sell to the mormons the Muosquito country they
visited the city our gardens & orchards spent seve
several hours at Brother Stanes
~ Monday
31. MI spent the day most of the da packing up & loading
my waggons
~ Tuesday
June 1st I took my wife & child and the last of
my Effects & started for Provo I left Robert to
take charge of the premises. I picked 3 quarts of
srrawburies in my Garden before I left I rode
to willow creek & camped
~ Wednesday
2nd I rode to Provo and spent the night with my family
~ Thursday
3rd I unloaded my waggons & spent a part of the
day in the office
~ Friday
4 I called upon Gov Young and spent a part of the day in
the office
~ Saturday
June 5th
I spent the day in the office
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I took my Horses & carriage & took Elder O.
Hyde to Pownnd toown & held two meetings we organized
the pond town district into a ward and we Appointed
A. O. Smoot Bishop and to preside over the people in that
place we had a good time and returned home in the
evening 30 miles
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
7 & 8th I spent the time hoeing corn & sugar cane Brother
Bean arived in the city on the 5 June and gave a report of
their Journey on the Desert. He says the white mountains
lie 150 miles west of Filmore they explored the whole desert
to near Carson valley all around to the rim of the bason
it is rather open to the north from ruby valley through they
found a great cave in the desert which they explored
some half a mile under ground the longest place is about
50 miles without water. the Lower Beaver is one of
the best vallies in these mountains
~ Wednesday
9th I went on to the mountain some 9 miles & got two
loads of maple wood and passed up and down Hills so
steep that it seemed almost impossiple to get up or down
with animals. On my arival home which was an hour
after dark I learned that the peace commissioners wished
an interview with the leading men, and that the Presidentcy
and 12 were going to the city in the morning
~ Thursday
10th In company with the Presidency and Twelve I left
Provo at abut 4 oclok rode to the American fork took
breakfast then rode to the city of the Great Salt Lake
arived at about 3 oclok we stoped at President Youngs
Mansion I took supper at his house but spent the night
in my own house with Robert Scholes. I found my orchard
both Apples, pe[a]ches, plums and grapes all hanging full of fruit
~ Friday
The Presidency Twelve and many others met
with the peace Commissioners in the Council House Govornor
Powell a senator Elect Hailing from Kentucky and
Maj MCCullough from Texas were then introduced to
the Assembly as the peace Commissioners sent by
President Buchanan Gov Powell spoke to the people &
informed us what the President wished at our hands
President Buchanan sent by them a proclamation
accusing us of treason & some 50 other crimes all of
which was fals yet He Pardoned us for all those
offences if we would be subject to the Constitution and
laws of the United States and if we would let his troops
winter in our Territory He pledged himself that they
should not interfere or infringe upon any city town
or people of this Territory that he had no right to
interfere with our religion, tenets, faith, or practice in
any of our religion. The peace confirmed the same they
did not wish to enquire into the past at all but let it all
go but talk about the present & the future President Buchanan
had made war upon us & wished to destroy us because of our
religion thinking that it would be popular but He found that
Congress would not sustain him in it he had got into a
bad scrape and wished to get out of it the best he could
now he wants peac because he is in the wrong & has met
with a strong resistance by a strong high minded people in
these mountains which he did not expet to meet. we are
willing to give him peace upon any terms which are
honerable but not upon any terms which are dishonor-
able to us. we know our rights and dare maintain them
trusting in God for victory. The Lord has herd our prayers
and the President of the United States has been brought to a
point where he has been oblieged to ask for peace when
Gov Powel had closed his remarks President Young spoke
much to the point after which, Erastus snow D. H. Wells
& G Clements followed and all spoke vary pointed and
plain expressed their determined ^{feelings}^ that their rights
should not be infringed upon. At the close of the meeting
which closed at 3 oclock the Presidency then met with
the commishers in private council till 10 oclok at night
~ Saturday
112th A public meeting was again held in the Council
house with the commissionars Col Forney and the
Presidency Twelve and a House Full of the Saints they
were addressed by John Taylor G A Smith & James
Furguson spoke much to the point. President Brigham
Young then addressed the Saints and spoke in the power
of God those commissioners herd the voice & roar of
the Lion. all the speaches were reported at 5 oclok
we herd an address from Governor Powell He
said all arangements were made we should now have
peace and he seemed to be much rejoiced at having peace.
~ Sunday
123th ^Sunday^ we left the City rode to the American fork took dinner
then met in the afternoon with the Saints in that place
President Young addressed the Saints. He said I will say
a few words upon those subjects which we feel interested
in at the present time I feel interested in all things that
concern this people many want to know what will be
the result of this summers troubles or movements the
hand of God is visible in all things with us he has brough
us to our present position of peace and has hedged up the
way of our Enemies hHe spoke much to our Edifycation
& was followed by Orson Hyde who wished the people to
unite together and not Buy any thing from the merchants
or sell them any thing ownly by the advice of Presidt
Young the meeting closed & we rode to the city of
Provo & spent the night 100 miles
~ Monday
14th I spent the day in the offices of President Young
& the historians
~ Tuesday
15th Wilford started home to day the Peace Committee
arived in Provo at 1/4 past 11 oclok
~ Wednesday
June 16th
I spent the forenoon in taking cows to D Carters pasture
& visiting my crops In the afternoon I spent a short
time in the office Gov Powell Delivered an address before
a large assembly of Saints male & female the Authorities
of the Church were present. at the close of the meeting
Gov Powell & Maj McCullough with Presidents Young
& Kimball met with us in the Historians office &
conversed abut the present Armey & war with the
Indians &c for an hour. McCullough has been
fighting Indians for some 25 years
~ Thursday
17th We had a hard rainy night and is still raining
this morning this is quite uncommon this time of year
in this country President Young feels rather Dubious
that the United States Government will not carry
out their pledges towards us
~ Friday
18th I rode some 30 miles to day to find 7 Head of cattle
which Moroni lost yesterday we found them.
~ Saturday
In company with Brothers G. A. Smith C. F. Oliph[an]t
we visited the main peach orchards in the city & we
saw 33 Green tea plants growing in his garden whi[c]h
seeds he had picked out of imported tea the plants had
stood the winter well we then called upon Presidt
Young Wells & Carrington at their office it has
rained nearly all day we have never had as
much rain in June as this year since we have
been in these vallies Col Johnson has made a
proclamation to the Inhabitants of Utah upon rec[ei]ving
the news of peace
~ Sunday
20th Sunday The Eastern Mail arived this morning Bringing
a few papers they speake of Col Kanes arival & peace with
the mormons. I attended meeting at the Bowery Lorenzo
Snow spoke I followed him in the fore noon. iIn the afternoon
John Taylor spoke & was followed by President Brigham
Young who delivered a strong Discourse concerning
our present position. I spent the evening in the presidents
office reading the papers the Presidency conversed upon
a variety of subjects
~ Monday
21st I spent the day in the office scraping Mr Cooper
called upon us wished to make another proposals to
President Young concerning the Miosquito Country
~ Tuesday
Brother Enoch BReese arived in provo
this morning with several others direct from the
States He called at Gov Youngs office In company
with G A Smith & A Lyman I called at Presidents
Youngs office and I gleaned the following News 110 of
the missionaries Left the States the 3rd of May the
Government had started 210 trains of supplies 26
waggons in a train total 5,460 waggons and over
six ^thousand^ troops on the way but it was reported that they had word
to stop untill they heard from the peace commissioners
sent to Utah. he said when we left England we expected
to be taken prisioners when we reached the States but the
way was open before them from day to day when they
passed forts Carney & Laremie they were overshadowed
by a cloud & dark mist so they passed unseen. we passed
Johnsons command & came into the road 12 miles below
them in the Echo & came suddenly upon two companies
making a road they asked us whare Johnson's command
was we replyed we had not seen any thing of them.
whare did you come from then we came from the
States we passed around the Armey. Are you not afraid
of being taken prisioners No their is not men enough
in these mountains to take us prisioners.
The Journey
was harder than the hand cart Journey for we had to
take care of our animals besides walking they met Col
Kane near the Chimney rock 13 days from our city
The people in the states are now for stoping the war the
current is strong against President of the United States
evry thing which he touches is a course [curse] to him our
prayers have been answered in his behalf. he is devided
in all his councils and troubled by night & day and all good
sense & Judgment is taking away from him The times
are worse in the United States than have been known for many
years. Garrish wrote a Letter in the states calling Gov
Young all kinds of Bad names and done us all the injury
he could. The Brethren called at kirtland Martin Harris
had reorganized the church in that place with 6 members
appointed Wm Smith their Leader Prophet seer & revelator
in few days Harris drove Wm Smith out of the place
& damned him to Hell.
A man called upon President Young said Arropene
was vary sick & wanted some things. Joseph A Kelting
called upon the president to know if he might not sell grain
to the armey. President Young said I dont want you to
ask me any such Question. If you love the kingdom of Gogd
more than you do gold you wont trade with them or
sell them wheat I have sold them no wheat to sell them
and this people should not sell their wheat but preserve
it against the day of need many people have more inter-
est in a little gold than in the salvation of their souls
many other remarks were made by President Young
~ Wednesday
I received 3 letters by the eastern mail
two from Ilus and one from Brother Thompson I wrote
two letters one from to Ilus & one to Thompson & one
to Robert & Wilford I also received one from Robert
& Wilford. many of the missionaries arival in Provo
today John L Smith among the number
~ Thursday
24th I spent the day in the office on the last revision
of my history O. Pratt A Lyman & G. A. Smith was
in the office through the Afternoon I mailed my letters
for the east we had much conversation upon the
subject of being betrayed by the Government &
their officers we heard the merchants were angry
byecause they could not rent any houses in Great
Salt Lake City
~ Friday
25th I ploughed one acre of potatoes & other vegitable with
a shovel plough it was the first time I ever used a
shovel plough I felt vary weary at night the
Mail arived in G. S. Lake City from the East & brough
word that Col kane arived at Levensworth &
telegraphed to Washing & orders were sent back to stop
the troops for 10 days it is also reported that there is
a prospet of war with England in consequence of
her searching American shiping.
~ Saturday
26th I spent most of the day hoeing poetatoes I spent
the evening in the office
~ Sunday
27th Sunday the anaversary of the murder of
Joseph Smith. I called at the Presidents office
the Eastern mail arived last night Mr MCElraith
called upon President Young with Letters of introduc-
tion from Dr Bernhisel he walked to the meeting
with us. He was a Merchant from New York He took
a seat on the stand took two reporters for the London
& New York paper set in front of the stand & reported
what was said. Brother Harvey Whitlock spoke in
the morning He had been in the Church some 28 years but
had not been with the Church for the last 20 years
he spent most of his time in bringing testimony
of the truth of Joseph Smith being a Prophet of God
He was followed by President Young who spoke much
to the edefycation of the people. He was followed by
the following Missionaries Philip Margetts &
John L Smith in the forenoon in the Afternootn
Isaac Hibgby Thomas Bullock James Taylor Ezra T.
Clark. I spent the evening at Presidents Youngs
office He said I am sorry for the Armey & have
thought of sending word for the Brethren in Great
Salt Lake City for the brethren to sell vegitables to
them I have also had it in my heart when
peace is esstablished to take all the Cattle Horses and
Mules which we have taken from the army and
return them to the officers. In speaking of the
moving of the people out of G. S. L. City is there evil
in the city and I the Lord have not done it Is our
movement an evil no it is for our good. President
Young said Harvey Whitlock spoke well but any
man that would speke a few inwords in the power of
God would do more good Ezra Clark spent the night
with me he had the chills & fever I administered to
him & blessed him
~ Monday
Luke Johnson & Benyon spent the night with me & left this
morning & took with him our pet lamb we had a small
tradgedy enacted in the tavern Joining me this morning
The two reporters Filmore for the New York Herrald
& Simonton of the New York times commencd a quar-
rel upon the subject of slavery Fillmore stabed sSimon-
ton in the side with the small blade of a large pocket
knife & made a wound about 1 1/2 inches deep then
Fillmore went to his room for his pistol when
one Becket took the pistol from him & shut him in
his room which closed the contest. the wound
is not dangerous. I spent a short time in the
Presidents office the remainder of the day in the Histo-
rians office Gov Cummings arived in Provo in the
~ Tuesday
29th In company with G. A. Smith A. Lyman & S. M. Blair
I called upon Mr Simonton who was stabed yesterday
by Filmore he seemed quite comfortable we repaired
to the Historians office & talked over Utah affairs &
Johnstons Armey affairs we then met at Capt Hoopers
President Young ^and council^ Governor Cummings & several of the Twelve
& conversed most of the forenoon upon the Indian affairs
& other subjects. Mr Simonton came in & spoke of reporters
said that it was the duty of a reporter to state facts just
as they were But the Editors would then Handle them
Just as they pleased sometimes they would turn them ^w^rong
side out & publish them Just contrary to what the reporters
stated. Gov Young Cummings said the reporters called upon
him when they first came in and introduced themselves
to him and I told them I considered them poor miser
able Devils ready to lie about evry thing they see and from
his own confession here to day I consider the publishers & rep-
orters of News papers more Diespiseable than a Hoar house for
a woman is to be Despised who prostitutes her body but
when man Prostitutes the most Noble part of man even
his intellect & powers of mind to falshood & deception
he is far more Despisable than a woman who prostitutes
her body many remarks passed upon various subjects
Bishop Burton came in and said it was reported that
there was several Navahoes in the Neighborhood some
300 warriors in one of the canions & it was feared they
would mak war the Indians were vary savey had
turned their horses into our wheat taken the pools to
make wickaups off & was stealing horses & shooting cattle
Gov Cummings was going down to see them I spent
most of the day in the office we wrote a Letter to Lyman
Wight in answer to a Letter which he wrote to me
~ Wednesday
30th I spent the day in provo
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
July 1
July 1st to 24th I spent the time in moving my effects
back to G. S. L. City & in Haying & harvesting
~ Sunday
25 I spent the day at the President office most
of the day the Presidency wished the Twelve to get
up a company each one of them to Form a Prayer Circle
the Following iare the names of the company given to
me to meet on Wednesday evening at the Endowment
Room to Form a prayer circle viz
Wilford Woodruff
Edward Hunter
Leonard Hardy
J. C. Little
A Hoagland
A O Smoot
S. M. Blair
E. F Sheets
G. D. Grant
R. T. Burton
Wm. H. Kimball
Johnathan Pugmire
R. L. Campbell
^Wilford Woodruff Jr
David O Calder
Arza Hinkley
John T Caine
[blank] Willey^
I notifyed them to attend
during the Evening I called upon
President Young with E T Benson
& he wished the Twelve & some others
to accompany him to the Big Cotton
wood Canyon tomorrow night
~ Monday
26 During the After noon we had
a hard shower of rain at about dark
with 15 wagons, 56 horses & mules started for Big Cotton-
wood Kanyon, and camped up the kanyon a short
distance and camped for the night
~ Tuesday
27th President Young and company started early and
drove to Mill C & took Breakfast then drove to the Lake
the head waters of Big Cotton wood Canyon visiting
the Mills as we went up. we spent the remainder of the
day and night at this encampment Prayer in the evening
J Taylor was mouth
~ Wednesday
July 28
at 9 oclok we moved down the Canyon to the 2nd Mill
& drove up the south fork one Mile & camped for the
night the Presidency & others walked up the Canyon
about 1 mile to visit the Timber there being a vast
amount of pine, cotton wood, fir & Quaking asp in
those canyons. we had prayers & sung the songs of
zZion during the evening
~ Thursday
29th I arose vary unwell this morning with a cold
& sore throat at about 9 oclok the camped started
for home visiting the mills as we went down. took
Dinner at Ferrymore Littles and arived home at
half past 6 oclok I was quite unwell through the
night The president arived home in peace & safety
it being the first time He has been out of his gates
since he returned from Provo
~ Friday
30 I was quite unwell to day throat vary sore
I spent a part of the day budding & the evening
in the Historians office
~ Saturday
31st I spent the day in my house confined to my bed with
the Quinzy my throat was vary bad
~ Sunday
Aug 1st Sunday I spent most of the day in my house I
called upon Brother Carrington he gave me anthe Albion
containing the latest News from New York & England
the British Nation was alarmed at the great arming of
the French Nation. several of the Twelve met at the
Historians office for Prayers but went to Brother Bensons
~ Monday
2nd I was some better this morning I called at the
Historians office & at the Presidents office a short time
~ Tuesday
3rd I was sick through the day
~ Wednesday
4th I was vary unwell I called at the historians office
The Presidency was gone to the Island I went to the
endowment room & met with my Quorum in Prayer I was
sick and did not dress Bishop Hunter opened by prayer
& A Hoagland was mouth. they laid hands upon me I
was vary sick & had a sick night
~ Thursday to ~ Sunday
5, 6, 7, & 8th I spent this time confined mostly to my bed with
a severe attack of the Quinzy
~ Monday
9th I am better to day I called at the Historians office then
I called upon President Young at his office I found all
the Presidency & several others there. Soon Mr John
Hartnett tSecretary came in was introduced to President
Young & company it was the first time they had met.
The following is a synopsis of the conversation that passed
between them Col Allexander called yesterday & had a short
interview and it was vary agreeable. President Young said
I was much pleased with him and am satisfyed that
if he had the sole command of the Armey & I could have
had three hourse conversation with him all would have
been right and they could have come in last fall as
well as now President Young liasked Hartney how he
liked the place. He said well ownly I dont like to go
to Parawan to attend to the Legislature. It will be a
pleasant ride tfor you through the snow. I had a plenty of
that last winter. I went back to the states through the
snow. I have been confined some 10 years years in
the merchantile business and it was into close confine-
ment for my health the Journey to this country was
an inducement for me to come that I might have
more exercise. Mr Hartnett asked if our difficulties
were not all settelled. B Y. yes so far as they can be
as far as I know. I have been driven 5 times from
my house and home without any Just cause. this time I
did not wish to be driven. The President of the United
States has given us a good deal of Trouble. Buchanan
sent an armey to us & stoped all communication
with ^us^ by stoping the Mail then laid a plan for our destruct[io]n
Hartney said I did not understand it so B. Y said what
did you suppose they sent an armey for. He said to
guard the trains and protects the people against the Indi-
ans &c. did you not believe that we had burned the
court Records & broaken the United States Laws. He
Answered I did. tThis was all fals. we have never
opposed any good maen who were attending to their
own business but I have alway taken the Liberty to speak
my mind freely upon any subject or the acts of wicked
men who would act outrage[ou]s. Hartney said that He
did not think that president Buchanan intended to
have the army fight. He told me when he found
that there was to be war that He was not willing to
have any Blood shed untill He had sent out Peace Commishion-
ers sent to the people & try ^to^ make peace President asked
why did he stop the Mail without any cause. they have
stoped the mail several times when they were about
to commence a persecution upon us they did it in
Nauvoo. President Polk sent an Agent to demand
500 men of us in the wilderness & made arangements
to have us destroyed if we did not comply. Gov Bogs
Agent told me that the mormons were the best people
He ever saw and if they would mingle with the people
and do as we do all would be well but we did not feel
disposed to do it and we were driven out of the state
because of our religion. this Armey boasted all the
while that they would kill our Edlders & take the women
& do what they pleased with them. Hartney said
I came with the army & did not hear such language
as your people say was among them. No they would
not say before you what they would among themselves
I want the United States to let us alone & let us mind
our own business & keep the Laws of God & the Constitution
of the United States as we always have done then
our difficulties will be settelled as far as they can
be but this people will not be driven from these
mountains we shall fight first. we do take the
liberty to speak of the acts of men when they debase
themselves by their acts, but this People hold the
Constitution of the United States sacred. Now should
I speak about Judge Eckles who came & spent the
winter in Green River County & hadd a mob mo[b] the
court before he took the oath of office & brought in
Bills of Indictment against thousands of citizens
who were innocet of crime Now if I was
to speak about his acts, they would accuse me
of speaking against the Constitution of the United
Stats & say I was guilty of treason No man
can Justly find any fault with any of my
official acts except the stoping of those trains
and that I done to save the sheding of Blood
~ Tuesday
10th I called at the office in the Afternoon called
upon President Young in the evening with Brother
Wheelock & spoke to the president about Holding
publick meetings on the business of the Agriculturl
BSociety He did not wish meetings called upon
any subject. H C. Kimball went with me to
the Historians office He said the Judgments of
God would follow the Nations as the gospel had
gone we should have good peace for two years
what would follow time must determin
~ Wednesday
11th I spent the day in the office attended the
prayer circle at 6 oclok
~ Thursday
12th I spent most of the day in the office Reading
history I called upon President Young. He was
soon visited by Secretary Hartney and
several Military officers who were introduced to
President Young & the company present they conversed
upon a variety of subjects such as the weather, wood
water, coal, Roads, the production of the srinkage of the
wood snow, destination of the Armey, &c &c H C
Kimball & A Carrington came in was introduced
the names of the men were capt Bryan, Lieut Bristol
Lieut Rich, Lieut Kennsel
~ Friday
13. I spent most of the day in the office on history I called
upon President Young Brother Kimball was present
He President Young was talking to John Clawson upon
the subject of making powder he told him he could
make it as well as not we can get salt Peter in
abundance here He told him to go to work & make it &
to make soap.
he said he had read my history
twice & must read it again
~ Saturday
14 I spent a part of the day in the Historians office &
a part in President Youngs office He went up City Creek Canyon
~ Sunday
Aug 15
Sunday I spent most of the day in the presidents office
in looking over the papers & listening to their conversation
H C Kimball Joseph Young & several others were
in soon Harvey Whitlock and came in when the
conversation turned upon a variety of subjects
Harvy Whitlock is a Doctor of the old school
President Young said that good and bad men
will act out what is in them But God controlls all
the acts of men. When Col Kane came to visit us
He tried to point out a line of policy for me to persue
but I told him I should not turn to the right or left
or persue any course ownly as God dictated me I
should do nothing ownly what was right and when
he found that I would not be influenced ownly as
the spirit of the Lord led me he felt discouraged &
said he would not go to the armey But He finally said
if I would dictate he would execute I told him
as he had been inspired to come here he should
go to the armey and do as the spirit led him to do
and all would be right and he did so and all
was right. He thought [it] vary strange because we were
not afraid of the armey I told him we were not afraid
of all the world if they made war upon us the Lord
was able to deliver us out of their hands and
would do it if we did right. God controlls all
of these matters. Now when the armey was coming
here there were many Indians who come here
and wanted to fight the soldiers I would not
Empl[o]y them this made many of them mad
and they Joined the soldiers and wanted to
fight us. If they had commenced war against
the United States it would have been a general
war they would have destroyed the western
cities. Br Kimball said that Col Kane asked
what would be the result of he spoke against
the Mormons Brother Kimball told him his
mind would become Barren and he could
not do any good but would droop & die away but
as long as you will stand up for the truth you will
be fruitful and feel well. Elder Kimball said
that the day would come when our boys who are
now riding around the street will be inspired to do
some of the greatest things you ever heard of the
subject of the three Esstates was spoken off Br
Kimball said that he believed that those who were
valient in the fi[r]st esstate would be in this & would
be crowned in glory in the next the day is at
hand when things will be done here on Earth
as it is done in heaven then Enoch will come
and fall upon our necks & we upon his & we
shall kiss each other. [Moses 7:63] The subject of the church
farm came up President Young said I want the
farm to accomodate me more than it ever has
done for I have furnished all upon that farm except
the making of the fence & the Church has charged me
with thousands of Dollars for eggs Butter & various
things from that farm which belonged to me
I attended the prayer circle with the 12 at Brother
Bensons I opened by Prayer & E. T. Benson was mouth
~ Monday
16th I spent the fore part of the day wattering Garden
& cutting up Courant Bushes & the afternoon in
the office I called upon President Young he was
vary cheerful. Brother Kimball had a dream which
He told he dreamed the city was full of Hogs who app[ear]ed
mad they were foaming & frothing at the mouth they
tried to bite him but he found their mouths was tied
up and they could not bite he got up onto a wall to
get away from them & when he come to look
aroungd to see whare they were and he could not
see one in the city they had all gone away vary
suddenly. Furguson said that forty men went out
under Lieut Lee to chastize the Indians from
Fort Bridger President Young said the Indians
will ketch it yet I want Enmity put between the
wicked & the wicked. I do not care one Groat about
the twhores who will go to the armey they will not serve
God or keep his laws and they may Go to Hell. the
people will prove themselves to be either good or
Bad before the Lord
~ Tuesday
17th I called upon Brother Hemingway early in
the morning to get some summer fruit buds to
bud my orchard I called at the tithing office
{Brother Walters came and castrated} 4 {of my pigs alone and one was in the [thickets]}
At 11 oclok: A portion of the United States
troops arived in the city of the Great Salt Lake
from the East tThey were recruits to fill up the
Armey Now in Utah their was about 300 troops
& about 50 waggons they passed by President Youngs
mansion and the temple Block turned North on
the west side of the Temple Block they halted & rested
under the temple wall a short time. An old
gray headed man with a long beard in a one horse
ve[h]aicle he was some officer of the Armey it was
reported that it was General Harney but this was
a mistake I spent the evening in the office Journalizing
Elder Taylor called in a short time
~ Wednesday
18th I spent the morning in making grafting wax & puting
it on to my trees & the remainder of the day in the office
I called upon President Young in the foforenoon and
found him well I attended the prayer circle in the
evening 11 were present. G. D. Grant opened by Prayer
& E. F. Sheets was mouth I herd it reported that the Ind-
ians stole all the cattle from one Government train & shot at them
~ Thursday
Aug 19th
I went to the office at 10 oclok I spent the remaind[er]
of the day in the office I called at the Presidents He said
I have read your Chapter of Accidents again to day I
said I shall soon begin to think you are making fun of
of me. He replyed Nosiree I looked over the Account
of Br Sims which he keeps in the presidents office & found
that he keeps vary good Account
~ Friday
20th I spent the forenoon unloading three waggons containing
large Boxes of flour & assisting my men to get off again
Mrs Woodruff went with them to Provo. I spent the
Afternoon in the office
~ Saturday
21st I spent most of the day in the Historians office
the eastern Mail arived in the morning I called in
the Presidents office & looked over the papers & at
about 6 oclok Brother Simon Baker was brought up
on trial Before Bishop Hunter and council the Presidency
were all present Broth Baker was tried for whiping
one of his wives vary severely He had married two
sisters the daughters of James Staples one about
5 years ago, the other about two years she had been
the wife of Andrew Hooper. Brother Baker had Quarrled
with wihis wives & children almost daily & Ann
was about to leave him but before she left Baker
had some words with her and then he beat her
on each side of her head with the flat side of
his hand untill the Blood run out of her ears and
one Eye was vary black. She gave her testimony
asbout the whole affair she said he struck her as
though he was going to knock down an ox he struck
her about 10 times on the side of the head in telling the
story they talked back and forth & made cross statement
Betsey was then called upon to give her statement but
she did not wish to talk Her Father James Staples
told his daughters to tell the truth without any regard to
any body and said she had entered many complaints
to him against Baker and if she now would not tell
the truth & tell the thing as it is he did not wish to
have her come home hereafter with a tale of wo,
but she would not talk much President Young then
said Betsey I want you to tell the truth and not keep
any thing back. you will be wanting a Bill [of divorce] by
& By from Baker & if you dont tell the story now
I dont want you to come hereafter with a tale of
sorrow still she did not feel light like talking. I
dont want to have you leave Brother Baker if you do
not wish to but I do not wish you to come home
here after with a tale of complaint your place is
to talk now still she said but little she acknowledged
that Brother Baker took her off from the Bed
and slaped her {bottom} Budt did not hurt her but said
he had whiped her sister hard. But as she would
not talk Brother Baker was kalled upon to tell his story
which was some what lenngthy he acknowledged
hwhiping his wife but said he was not mad but timed
his blows ackcording to the strength of her head. said
he was willing to abide the decission of the council
President Young said that if this woman was subject
to desease these blows would probably cost her her life
If he had have treated me in this way I would have
cut his throat, and there is many women who would
have done it. I would not trust a dog with Brother
Baker or put one in his care for he does not know how
to treat either man or beast. I have women in my family
that would have killed Brother Baker in a momen[t] if he
had treated them in the way he has Ann. But I govern
my family by kind ness I tell them what is right
& I get them to obey me without whiping them If I can-
not get my family to do as I wish them without Quarrel-
ing with them I will not say a word about it.
President Young said to Baker Betsey will come to me
for a Bill [of divorce] yif you do not ctarke a Different coursce
and she will have a long hard story to tell. After
all had told their story the parties was dismissed
& the council met to give in their decision. President
Young said to Bishop Hunter come give in your decision
as to Brother Baker atempering his Blows he does not
know any thing about it. he is not fit to punish a
dog "He is vary rough & vulgar in all his talk in his
family I suppose he is worth $10000 Dollars He said
what if I was to take that course with my famil
or you what would be the consequence we should have
No families. all his wives & children will leave him
if he does not take a Diferent course.
The Decision of the Bishop & council was that Brother
Simon Baker be separated from his wife Ann & that
he pay Eight hundred Dollars for her & her schildren
support to be paid forth with in stock to be prized
by Edward Hunter & Bryant Stringham to be placed in
the hands of Bryant Stringham for safe keeping &
that said Baker be cut disfellowshiped from the
Church of Jesus Church of Latte Day Saints and that
all the clothing of the children be given up to them
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday I called upon sister Smith in the morning
and at Presidents Youngs at noon & looked over the
Papers & at 2 oclok I met with the board of Director
at Bishop Hunters & sat 2 1/2 hours. I then went to
Brother E. T. Benson & met with the Twelve in the Prayer
circle I then returned home & watered my garden till
12 oclok at night
~ Monday
23rd I spent the forenoon in the office Journalizing I called
at the Presidents office in the evening
~ Tuesday
24th I spent the day drawing wheat in my field I
received an invitation from President Young to go
to a party in the Big Cotton wood on the 26.
~ Wednesday
25 Aug
I called upon President Young in the morning & spoke
upon the Loss of the Deseret Alphabet manuscript. I met
with A. P. Rockwood & Samuel Richards as the
inspecters of the Penetentiary to make out Documents
to send to washington I attended the prayer circle
~ Thursday
26th I took a portion of my famil[y] & went into the
field to prepare for threshing my wheat G. A. Smith arived
home to day The presidency with many others had a
party in the big Cotton wood Canyon I had an invitation
but could not attend
~ Friday
27th I spent the day threshing with Brother Smoots Machine
G. D. Grant & Thomas Williams had a fight to day G. D Grant
got Badly whiped it is said that he provoked the fight
~ Saturday
28th I spent this day threshing was vary weary
~ Sunday
29th Sunday I spent the day in the city I called upon
President Young all the Presidency were present & several
of the Twelve am[o]ng whom was G. A. Smith. President Young
received severall Anonomous letters giving him council
about sending out Elders into the world. I met with
a portion of the board. I met with the Twelve at Br
Bensons in a prayer circle & spent the night at home
~ Monday
30 I spent this day threshing I finished my wheat
& assisted Br Job Smith to thresh his I had 393
Bushels of wheat 250 bushels of white taos without smut
& 143 bushel of white club about 1/4 smut I find
the white taos much the most Profitable. Capt Hooper
& John Pack had a fight but neither was hurt
~ Tuesday
31st I spent most of the day securing straw & chaff in the
evening I returned to the city called at President Youngs
& spent some 2 hours
~ Wednesday
Sept 1st We hearad another fight in the streets to day
between two Negroes one was cut on the head with
a knife the other was shot dead I spent the most
of the day in my orchard I spent a short time in
the Historians office I met with my Quorum in the
prayer circle there were 10 present I spoke a short
time by way of exertation to the brethren I told them
as we were surrounded by the wicked Gentiles who
were filled with wickedness and sought our destruction
that we were much exposed & should be upon our
guard & magnify our calling and maintain our
Dignity before all men as Saints of God & Elders in
Israel & not mingle or drink with the wicked
if we have business with them let us do it & go our
way I feel ashamed before the Lord that any man
that holds a station like Br George D Grant should
stoop so low as to create a fight with Thomas Williams
as he did and to mingle and drink with the wicked there
is silence in Zion. no warning voice in the streets or in the
tabernacle of the Lord evry one is left to go his own way
and many are turning away from the Lord and in this
hour of temptation and darkness it is our duty to live
our religin & to set a good example before all men & watch
& pray that we enter not into temptation.
I spent the evening at home with my family
~ Thursday
2nd I spent the morning in budding my peach orchard
I spent the remaining part of the day in the Historians
office revising history. I spent the evening with President
Young in company with G. A. Smith H. C. kimball & D. H. Wells
& others till 9 oclok
~ Friday
3rd I went to the office at 10 oclok we received a Letter
from W W Phelps on a historical correspondance I spent
the day in the office on History I spent the night from
11 oclok till 6 watering my Garden
~ Saturday
4th I arived at the office at 10 oclok and spent the day
on History
~ Sunday
5th Sunday the Eastern mail arived this morning & the
Calafornia Mail last evening I spent a part of the day at
the presidents office reading papers the latest Telegraphing
dispach sayes that one end of the submareine telegraph line
was successfully laid to Newfoundland. their was not much
news I attended the prayer circle in the evening I opened
by prayer G. A. Smith was mouth, in the circle we had a
cold windy Rainy day
~ Monday
6th I went to the office at 8 oclok & spent the day on the
History it was a vary cold day A company of 150 Draggoons
under Capt Haws camped for the night south west of the
city they are on the way to the Goose Creek Mountains to try
to chastize the Indians for robing the mail
~ Tuesday
7th I called at the office at 9 oclok & spent the day on
compiling History. Brother A. R. Wright called
upon me & informed me that He would bring on goods
for me or any one for the first cost & 15 cts per lb
for freight. He says any letter will Reach him at
Cincinnati untill the 1st Jan 1859 afterwords
at Philadelphia till April 1st any money sent
to him in Government Drafts from the Armey or
Forney will be good But Gilbert & Garrish would
be dangerous would rather trust Perry, Livingston
& Kinkade would be uncertain we had a slight frost
~ Wednesday
8th I spent the forenoon at home afternoon at the office I
attended the prayer circle R. T. Burton opened by prayer
& L. W. Hardy was mouth
~ Thursday
Sept 9th
I spent the day in the office compiling History. in the
office in the Afternoon Mr Cooper called upon us He had
been to Calafornie spent but few days then returned to this
city with the mail he has sold the Misquetoe country to
Mr [blank] who is intending to buy several ships & load
them with Men, machinery, & tools to erect mills for sawing
mahogany load his shiping go to england & take emegrants
free to that country to settle it Mr Hardin soon came in
and said that he was driving over 2000 Head of cattle to
Calafornia. Mr Cooper said that the people of Calafornia
are about laying a telegraph line from Calafornia to
Great Salt Lake City.
~ Friday
10th I learned this morning that there was another
Row on East Temple street last evening two Gamblers shot
each other one was shot dead the other had a Ball in his
head & one in his thigh another man was found dead
in a woodpile he was a Draggoon whwo was unmercif-
ully beat a few days ago by a Lieut. thus we have the
fruits of Christianity & Civilization as manifest in the
world introduced into our Territory untill the armey
and its attendants arived here we had no such scenes
manifest in our midst. the priests and people & the
whole Government of the United States have tried hard
to introduce those evils in our midst which are so
common in almost evry city throughout the Gentile
world & they have now accomplished it for a season
& their is hardly a day passes but their is drunkeness
Gambling, swearing fighting & murder in the midst
of the Gentiles in our streets I spent the day in the office
writing Letters & compiling History I wrote 23 letters on[e]
to TOzem T. Woodruff & one to Sister Shuah Moulton
and one to Dr DJ. M. Bernhisel I Requested Br Bernhisel
to send me 1 Bale of cotton yarn 20 or 25 Bunches 6
peacs of good sheeting, 6 of Hickary & 6 of prints, 1 doz
Reeds or stays for weaving of the following Numbers
4 of 500, 2 of 400, 3 of 600, 1 L Reed 1 1/4 wide of 600,
1 L Reed 1 1/4 wide of 700. Also 5 lbs of good Indigo 1 sack
of sugar 100 lb & 1 sack of coffee. these letters was
sent by H S Eldridge I sent 5 copies of the News
to Ozem ^T^ Woodruff & 5 to Father Ezra Carter containing
my History.
~ Saturday
11th I spent the day in the office on History
~ Sunday
12th Sunday I spent the forenoon at the Presidents office
with the Presidency & 12 in looking over the papers by the
Eastern Mail which came in this morning not much News
ownly the laying of the sub marine Telegraph from England
to America the depth of the sea averageing about 3 miles it
was successfully laid & all the Eastern states was Having
a great day of rejoiceing. I spent the afternoon with the
Board of Directors, preparing for the state fair I met with
the Twelve at 6 oclok for prayer E. T. Benson Prayed F D Richrds was mouth
~ Monday
Sept 13.
I met at the office at 1/2 past 10 ock & spent the day compiling History
~ Tuesday
14th At half past 8 oclok Caol Morrison passed through
our city at 9 oclok with 4 companies of the 7th Ridgm[en]t
& one company of recruits & 32 draggoons with abot
50 vary poor Horses the Animals looked worn out
they went through in vary good order. Col Morrison
admired the city much I spent the day compiling History
14 Col Morrison passed today instead of yesterday I
spent the day on History I spent the evening at Presidt Youngs
~ Wednesday
15 Judge Eckels leaves this city this morning for the
states good ridance I bought a large waggon this
morning of Capt Hooper. I spent the day compiling
~ Thursday
16th I spent the fore part of the day in meeting with the
Rush valley Herd company we all agreed to Join together
in taking herds in that valley bear equal chance &
share equal in all expenses & profits. We appointed
Claduas spencer as our Agent in this matter to colle[c]t
cattle & Luke Johnson as our agent in the south part of
the valley I spent the afternoon ion History one of my
sows had a litter of pigs 9 in number and doing well
~ Friday
17th I sent off 2 yoke of cattle 2 cows & 1 calf this mo-
rning to Fort Herriman the police meeting at the social
hall presidents Yard President Young gave them a good
lecture last evening. I spent the day revising History
I spent the evening with President Young and O Hyde
& D. H. Wells at President Young O Hyde asked the privilege
of a Herd ground in Killion's canyon for a dairy & to trade
with the Emigration &c. President Young advised him to go
over Jordon half way to the west mountain & dig a well
but seemed Quite urgent that He should not go into the
canyon to take any of his women there still Brother
Hyde seemed Quite inclined to go
~ Saturday
18th We had a hard wind & blew of[f] much fruit &
broke some of the trees. I spent most of the day in the
office on history we are now in the midst of burning
of morley settlemt by the mob & the scenes which followed
the Mail came in about 3 oclok
~ Sunday
19th Sunday I called upon the President in the morning
looked over the papers till 12 oclok at 2 oclok I attend
a meeting of the Agricultural sBoard we visited the social
Hall to see if it would do for the fair. I attended the prayer
circle with the Twelve all the Twelve were present except Lorenzo
Snow & Orson Hyde. C. C. Rich opened by Prayer & A Lyman
was mouth
~ Monday
220th I had some conversation with Br Fox about the Land down
the Jordon I spent the day compiling History My men
came home with Both waggons broke down one ex [ox] &
a pair of Hounds
~ Tuesday
Sept 21
I spent most of the day compiling History I visited
Brother Haywood's peach orchard & A Carringtons with
the Twelve G. A. S & A. Lyman & the hands in the office
~ Wednesday
22 I spent most of the day revising History I attended the
prayer circle in the evening Bishop Hoagland Prayed &
I was mouth
~ Thursday
23rd I spent the day compiling History
~ Friday
24th I spent the forenoon compiling History I called
upon the President & Presented him with some peaches
& seedling grapes also Professor Carrington President
Young took us all through his orchard their is not an
acre of Ground in this Territory Producing as much fruit
as his Garden he has a great amount of peaches it is thought
100 bushels of peaches 200 Bushels of Apples 10 of Blak
walnuts, & 1 ton of Grapes, a great amount of s[t]rewburies
& other vegitables. I called to see Brother Oliphant
He called to see me yesterday wished to get some peaches
to go to the camp to sell I let him have 2 Bushels He had
a wild pair of Mules when he had got about 3 miles
on the State Road a dog frightened his mules they run
with him broke the tongue then Jirked him head foremost
out of the waggon dislocated his sholder & bruised his
face badly he was brought home & his shoulder set He
is quite poorly to day. Mr MCNeal was tried today
before the Mayor of this city for threateneding life He
drew a pistol on Burton & on Candland He was fined $50
& imprisioned three months.
~ Saturday
25th I spent the day compiling History
~ Sunday
26th Sunday at 10 oclok I met with my Quorum
at the Endowment Room. A. O. Smoot Prayed E F.
Sheets was mouth. I spent the remainder of the time
till 2 oclock with President B. Young ^council^ looking over the
papers which came by the Eastern Mail yesterday
At 2 oclok I met with the Board of Directors. At
4 oclok I met with Presidents B Young H C. Kimball
D H Wells And G A Smith in President Youngs
upper Room for Prayers. B. Young Prayed & H C.
Kimball was mouth President Young requested the
Twelve to meet at the Historians office for their prayer
circle instead of Brother Bensons. The following
Dream was related which President Young [had] on Friday
night Sept 24th 1858 He dreamed that 4 men came
into his room and tried to get in. He tried to shoot them
with his pistol but could not get it off He then drew
a Bowie knife but found it to be a carving knife
with a saw on one side At the same time Mr Clarkson
reached over his shoulder & drew a large Bowie knife
from betwen his shoulders & attempted to kill Presidt
Young who said to him you may think that you
are going to do sumthing but I will show you he then
threw his saw knife at Clarkson & Just as it was about
to enter his body Brigham Young reached out his hand
caught it so that it did not hurt him saying at the same
time yowu now see what I can do. Clarkson said I see that
my life is in your power at the same time he plunged his
knife into his own breast & split it open then handed
the handle of the knife all Blood to B. Young & walked a short
distance & fell dead [FIGURES] ({President Kimball said that he did not want the} 12 {to pray at Bensons
for he did not want them to go to a whore house. President Young said that he did not know but Benson would
always have wives that would whore it}) At 6 oclok I met with G A Smith
O. Pratt J Taylor C C Rich & F. D. Richards of the Twelve
at the Historians office for Prayer. O Pratt Prayed. W. W.
was mouth. I spent the night at Home
~ Monday
27th I spent the day compiling History Bulah was quite sick
I administered to her and she began to recover
~ Tuesday
28th I was unwell this morning Bulah was better this
morning but had a high fever in the afternoon I
spent the day compiling History
~ Wednesday
29th Bulah had a vary sick night & is vary feeble
this morning I called upon President Young Zina
Young went with me to my house to see my sick child
~ Thursday
30th I spent half the day compiling History Bulah is some
better to day I took some things to the fair to day
~ Friday
Oct 1st A winday day I spent the day compiling History
~ Saturday
2nd I spent most of the day assisting about the Deseret
State Fair
~ Sunday
3rd Sunnday at 10 oclok I met with my Corum ^at^ thie Endow-
met room Bishop Hunter Prayed Wm Kimball was mouth
I spent a part of the day at the Presidents office President
Young is quite sick also Brother Kimball He was taken
Quite sick & was administered to by Brother Young who
was siezed with the same I attended the prayer circle
with the Twelve their being present O. Pratt W. Woodruff
G. A. Smith C. C. Rich F. D. Richards & E Snow W. Woodruff
wPrayed G. A. Smith was mouth in the circle. I spent the
evening in the Fair
~ Monday
4th Robert commenced teaming with Wm Kimball
The Deserett State Fair opened at 10 oclok to the
public we had many visiters through the day
~ Tuesday
5th There were many visiters at the fair through the
day The Govornor, Secretary, Judge & other persons were
invited at 2 oclok they came & visited the place & we
provided a feast of fruit for them they partook vary
Hartily & appeared vary well satisfied. the House was
crouded through the day
~ Wednesday
Oct 6th
A Conferance of the prensidents of the various Quorums,
Bishops, & councellors assembled in the Tabernacles on the
Temple Block. Meeting opened by singing & Prayer
by President Joseph Young President Daniel H. Wells
addressed the meeting & was followed by G. A. Smith
O. Hyde, O. Pratt, Josephhn Young, A Lyman & Welsls
~ Thursday
7th The confernce was addressed by Joseph Young, John
Taylor, W. Woodruff, E Snow, & D H Wells much
good council was given the subjects treated upon were
selling oGrain to the armey also sipiritus Liquors keeping
the commandments of God & living their religion
The fair continued through the day & closed at night
The conference Adjurned till the 13 Nov 2nd saturday
in Nov. I spent the evening with the board
~ Friday
8th I spent the day at the office making out a report of
the Fair. it was a rainy night & cold. Wilford was at Fort Herrim
~ Saturday
9th Robert started for Camp Floid with 309900 lbs of Freigh[t]
I spent most of the day in the office Gov Cummings
visited us in the afternoon & held a consultation with
D. H. Wells & others upon the subject of the meeting of the
Legislature He thought it best to have us meet at Filmore we
thought it our duty to meet at this city as the Legislator
made this city the seat of Government & adjourned the
Legislator to this city. Gov Cumings thought it illegal
because it was a joint resolution of both houses but the
seat of Government at Fillmore was esstablished in the
first place by a resolution and if our last act is not
legal the first is not hence we have no seadt of Govern
ment at all. Govornor Cumings agreed to consider
the matter & report. I went to bed sick at night
~ Sunday
10th Sunday I was quite poorly this morning did
not attend my prayer circle the Eastern Mail
came in I spent a part of the day in Presidents
Youngs office and herd the papers red. while I
was there President Young announced to Brother
A Carrington that he had become a Grandfather that
his daughter who had married his son Brigham
was just Delivered of a fine son. I met at
6 oclok at the prayer circle of the Twelve E T. Benson
Prayed & John Taylor was mouth
~ Monday
11th I am sum better this morning I spent half a day in
the office the remainder of the day preparing to go to provo
~ Tuesday
12th I went to Provo and spent the night at A J Stewarts
House whare I found Robert Scholes 50 mils
~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday
13 ^& 14^ I spent the day diging potatoes.
~ Friday
Oct 15
I spent the day diging potatoes met with the 70s in the
seminary in the evening G A Smith preached I followed him
~ Saturday
16th I spent the day husking corn I spent the evening in
the prayer circle
~ Sunday
17th Sunday I met with the people at 2 oclock I preached
to the people was followed by G A. Smith win the evening
G A Smith & myself attended the Bishops & Presidents prayer circle
~ Monday
18. Wilford started home with the team I attended
the prayer circle with G A Smith
~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday
19, 20, 21 I spent the time in provo I visited severel sugar
cane molasses making esstablishments two by water
& one hors power the cane is mostly damaged by frost
4 gallons of Juce that was ripe made a gallon of molasses
but that which was green & frozen it took 8 & 10 gallons
for one of Molasses.
~ Friday
212nd I started for home with my team Robert & Delight
I settled my business in Provo before I started I got
3 gallons of Molasses from one acre the remainder
destroyed by frost & cattle one Acre of corn destroyed
except 8 bushels I had about 150 lb of flax & 50 bushels
of potatoes. I traveled to Lehi & spent the night at Bishop
Evans I collected 10 bushels of wheat which was due
me for trees Brother Evans treated me vary kindly
he showed me 500 bushels of tithing potatoes He had
about 1000 Bushels of wheat of his own he said he had
not sowld a Bushel of any Grain to the armey. An officer
told him that A Council of Doctors had decided that
the army was in an unhealthy situation & most of the
officers were going to the states on furlough & in the spring
He thought most of othe armey would leeve in the spring
~ Saturday
23rd I started for home I met several Government
trains on the way I stoped at Unionville & collected
several bushels of wheat, which I left at Chases Mill
& arived home at 9 oclok P.M. 50 mils
~ Sunday
24th Sunday the Eastern & Calafornia Mail both arived
I called upon the President & spent a part of the day with
him & G. A. Smith H. C kimball D. H. Wells F. D. Richards
& LE Snow. I met with my Prayer circle at 10 oclok
J. C. Little gave an account of a Row last night
Henry E. Phelps with several others knocked down a
man in the streets & robed him of $165, then a
company Gathered ^&^ threatened to kill a polieceman
of he did not go & releace a prisioner he did so several
poliecemen Gathered & the mob fired upon them & Bishop
Wiyler shot himself in the calf of the leg many shots
were fired by the mob. during this morning a man
caught Brigham H Young Horse by the bit & tried to
steal his horse from him or the Bridel Brother Pickston
knocked him down with his poliece stick. I met with
the 12 in the prayer circle at 6 oclok E. Snow prayed &
G A Smith was mouth
~ Monday
Oct 25
I went to the Church stray pen to get a Durham Bull
calf which Brother Wm Rydalch let me have he had
never been halter broak & we put a lariet on his neck & he
nearly choaked to death before we could do any thing with
him he faught us with great force I got him home
& shut him up & fed him I then assisted in cleaning
out four hog pens whare the Hogs was belly deep in mud
Wilford started to Fort Herriman with my two yoke of oxen
& my loped horn heifer & one red calf left ear croped
& [FIGURE] on the nigh shoulder I spent the afternoon in the
office, Journalizing. Brothers A J Stewart & G. S. Clark
arived this evening from Austrailia mission they came
From Calafornia via Carson valley Brother Stewart
Spent the night with me gave me an account of his
Mission Luke Johnson also spent the night with me
~ Tuesday
26 Claudius Spencer started a drove of cattle to Rush
Valley this morning Brother Stewart started for home
The city Poliece has turned one room into a calabose
to shut up their prisioners so they could not be liberated
by the mob. I recieved 500 feet of Lumber of the public
works at $3 per hundred $15. Brother & Sister Smoot
spent the night with me He informed me that Samuel
A Gilbert Had written a liebill of the worst form again[s]t
Utah, the mormons, & Govornor Cummings saying the
court records & Library were burned & that Govornor
Cummings had lied in saying they were not burned
Govoernor Cummings called Mr Gilbert Judge
St Clair & Secretary Hartnett to his room he made
Gilbert acknowledge that he wrote the letter He raised
his cane over his head & swore he would kill him
if he did not contradict the statement in writing
which he did He also made Judge St Clair & Hartnett
sign a document saying that the records & Library were
not burned & that Gilbert had not lied
~ Wednesday
27th I spent the day in the office i
~ Thursday
28 I spent the fore part of the day at work at home
the afternoon in the office I recived 2 letters from
I F Carter & C. W. Wandle
~ Friday
I wrote 2 letters to I. F. Carter & C. W. Wandle
I spent the day in the office compiling History
~ Saturday
30th I spent the forenoon compiling History the
afternoon at home making pig pen I got 3646
feet of Lumber at the temple Block 2 cts $7.32
~ Sunday
31st Sunday I met with my Quorum at 10 oclok Bishop
Hunter prayed & L W. Hardy was mouth. We were informed
that M. C. Donald who murdered Brother Cook while on duty
as a policemon has been killed at Green River under the
following circumstances A man called Scoty a mountainer
while going with the mail said if He saw MCDonald He
should take him He was to go east to the Devils gate &
return but he met the Eastern mail & returned with
it while at Green river stoped to camp & said that
MCDonald had committed Murder & he should arest
him MCDonald herd of it & went to him & drew
his revol[v]er & shot at Scoty the ball passed through the
upper part of his sholder Scoty then shot M. C. Donald
through the neck & he fell dead it was said that sScoty
scalped him & gave it to a Friend to keep as a testimony
that he had done the deed. some people who were in favor
of MCDonald drove of[f] Scoties squaw & horses. A man
that was a Mormon was shot with 3 balls on dry creek
for his money. the murderer is still at large. I called
upon President Young & spent the afternoon with him and
H C kimball D H Wells A Carrington G A Smith &
others Brothers Jeremiah Hatch & William Milles arived
from Sanpete with word from Arrowpeen He says
that it was Tamoke a young Indian the son of Uinta
who killed Brother Brown then Brother CJosiah Call shot
Tamoke through the hips who has since died the indians
followed Brother Call & shot him. The Indians said they did
not wish us to be mad about it Arrowpeen wished to know if
he must skhake hands with the armey he says that all
the Indians want to fight with the army for they have killed
one of our best men & the Indians are mad, and they are
gathering together to fight & Arrowpeen wants to fight
& he will not be controlled by any man but Brigham
Young. They say that Mr Hurt the Indian Agent & other
officers have told them that the United States Armey have
concocked a plan to send all their teamsters among the
Mormons & to distribute the soldiers among the Mormons
and when the snows fall to Block up the canyons they
will fall upon the Mormons & kill Brigham Young, his
councellors The Twelve and all the Chiefs of the Mormons in
all this Territory and if the mormons would not fight now
they will fight when their Blood mingles with the Blood
of the Indians and the indians want to go to war they
all acknowlede Arrowpeen as their Chief & he will fight
unless Brigham Stops him. All the tribes in this region
will come together hold a council & Join in the war He
says the ^Sanpitch [Peobawah] parvantes^ Piedes, Utahs, Shushonies, & Navahoes
will all Join together to fight the soldiers, this is what
they want. They say that men appear to them in their
Meetings come up out of the ground & talk to them & tell
them they must not kill the mormons for the mormons
are good & will soon be one with the mormons Indians
the persons wh[o] appear to the Indians say they are theirs
Brother they said one man had a red pistol & if he shot it
it would blow the mountain to peaces The Indians said that
Judjge Eckels had advised Col Johnson to place a part of the
armey at Bridger a part at Cedar valley & some south
so that when they make an attack upon the Mormons they
could kill them & thougey could not get out of the valley
Col Johnson has done as Judge Eckles advised
him this its the Indians Statement President
Young wrote a Letter to Arrowpene by Brother
Hatch & told him it was not good to shed blood
This places President Young in a vary singular
position while President Buchannan with the congress
and Armies of the United States are all laying plans
to take the Life of President Young and the Indian
Agents are trying to stir up the Indians to kill him
then when the Indians turn round & wish to fight
the United States President Young through his influ-
ence has to hold back the instruments of Death from
killing the vary men who are seeking his own life
but the Lord will reward him for his patience, long
suffering & forbearance & he will also reward all his
enemies. President Young said he believed this war
cloud would blow over the time would come when these
things would come to pass but he was satisfied the time
was not know CaArrowpeen said that Forney was
a Fool that he had a small heart but it was as black
as night. President Young had a great heart & it
was as white as snow when the Lords time come
for war the Indians will not feel like holding back
neither shall I but that time has not come now
I met with the Twelve in the prayer circle Brother
C C Rich opened by Prayer F. D. Richards was mo[u]th
in the circle we consecrated a Bottol of oil
~ Monday
Nov 1st I spent the day in the office Journalizing
Brother Hatch called into the office & gave an
Account of the procedings of Dr Forney he seems vary
penurious allthough Government has put into his hands
a large amount of money to defray the Indian Expenses
far more than they have ever put into the Hands of
Govornor Young & yet Dr Forney wants the Mormon
to feed all the Indians as they have done for
ten years without any pay so that he can pocket
the money as many of the Government officers do
& the whole Nation is wicked & corrupt from the
President down throug every department of the
Government their never was a wickeder Generat[io]n
on the earth than the present one they are ripe for
the Damnation of Hell and righteously deserve
the wrath & indignation of aAlmighty God
~ Tuesday
2nd I covered up my Grape vines and went to
the office President Young said while speaking of
the Indian war that it was better for us not to fight
them but feed them well treat them kindly & they
would kill far less of our people & die much
Faster themselves than they would to fight them
& drive them to subsist upon their former living
upon roots & herbs
I felt impressed during the evening to go to presidents Youngs
I called upon him & spent the evening with him & D H
Wells O. Hyde G. A. Smith John Taylor A Lyman
I did not know that the Twelve were going to meet
there Elders O Hyde & John Taylor gave an account
of their mission North They went to Farmington & preached
to the people They sharply reproved Brother Brownell for
Fault finding & sowing evil through the place against Bishop
Hess & others. Brother Brownell was vary stubborn & it
was finally dicided to cut him off from the Church if He
did not make confession next Sabbath the whole branch
voted for this measure. Brownell called upon Brother
Wells to get council upon it Brother Wells told him it
would do him no hurt to humble himself & make a confes-
sion as he was required. President Young said I have
often thought of the words of Solomon that a wise child
was Better than an old and foolish king [Ecclesiastes 4:13] I could pick
out many Boys in this Church 16 years old more fit
for Bishops than many old men who are Bishops there
are but few men who seem calculated to make Bishops
The Brethren then went to Willow Creek to settle a
Difficulty with Elder A Cordon the President & Bishop
Dives there were three or Four charges brought ag[ai]nst
Brother Cordon but when they were all investigated they
did not amount to any thing as a fault all the Branch
voted to sustain him as President the Bishops councellors
for the men who accused him four of his accusers were
cut off from the Church. The people did not like to vote
for Bishop Dives unless he would go by the council given
him He had it was said that the Bishop had a watch whth [which]
he carried that was tithing property & a cow they had milked
all summer & No credit given on the tithing Books &c
these matters were not much ivnvestigated President
Young said the Twelve should look into all such matters
& regulate them He asked if they saw any body there
that would make a Bishop they said No without it
was Elder Cordon. O Hyde thought He knew much
more than Bishop Dives. President Young said He
is not calculated for a Bishop He is a good man for
a President and in spiritual things But was not calcu-
lated for a Bishop. Their is anoth[er] thing Lorenzo Snow
presides over that region & is a prudent wise man yet he
has strong pregudices & doss not pull on the same strings that
I do there has been a kind of a spirit to keep Dives
Down But I believe if he had had the sole controll of
things there as the president opened the meetings & preached
to the people He would have made a good smart preacher
But I never saw the man that was kept down by his
superiors that could rise above it John Taylor asked
who is the greatest the President of [or] the Bishop. President
Young said the Bishop should attend to his own business
& let the Presidents alone & the Presidents should attend
to his Business & let the Bishops alone, but they should
The President should say to the Bishop can I do
any thing for you & the Bishop should say to the Presidt
can I do any thing for you & they should mutually
help each other President Young asked can a Bishop
try a President Answered yes. can a President try
a Bishop John Taylor thought there might be cases
whare a President Might try a Bishop President Young
said A Bishop Might try an Apostle & cut him off
whare he committed any outrageous Act in his ward
G A Smith said a Teacher might do the same as far as
his authority went But of course he could Appeal
President Young said a man cut himself off or on just
as he pleased by his own acts. But any one of the Twelve
while officiating in his office in any part of the world
are the Presidency of the Church the same as we are
at home their power is the same as ours & they should
investigate & regulate all matters appertaining to the
Church, without any regard to whatever instruction
they may have received
~ Wednesday
3rd I spent the day at home covering vines &c till
2 oclk & the rest of the day at the office
~ Thursday
4th I spent the day compiling History I planted some
peach stones, Apricotts & plums & currants in the
morning I spent the evening with President Young
D H. Wells G. A. Smith A Lyman J. Cummings B
Stringham & Lewis Robinson President Young asked
me if I would go to Filmore I told him yes Presidt
Young [FIGURE] said one of his Boys stuck a nail through his
foot He took the nail greased it & carried it in his
pocket & kept it warm wraped in a peace of paper then
put on a peace of salt pork on nthe wound & it soon
healed up this is always his remidy and he says he
has never known it to fail this is worth remembering
I spent the time at home making out accounts from
9 oclok till 2 in the morning.
~ Friday
5th I spent the day on History
~ Saturday
6th I spent the fore part of the day on History the
afternoon I spent at home I made a family Party
in connexion with A. O. Smoot & his family Bishop
Hunter & family was also present the party passed off
vary plesently ({except one accident}) weD Carnes & Rockwood myself
called upon President Young for council upon keeping prisioners
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I met with my Prayer Circle at 10 oclok
Bishop Hoagland Prayed & J. C. Little was mouth
I called upon President Young & spent most of the day
in his office with him & H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells G. A. Smith
reading papers which come by the Eastern mail which arived
on saturday the 6th there was but little News except the
Atlantic cable telegraph has sceased to work & 22 more persons
were picked up from the Austria making 90 saved & 510 lost the
yellow fever has raged at an alarming rate over 500 death
daily in New Orleans alone from that desease. An opposit-
ion paper is being published in this city by Kirk Anderson
it is called Kirk Andersons valley Tann The first peace
strikes out against valley poliygamy in strong terms. there
are seting at liberty a thousand or more teamsters at Col
Johnsons camp which are filling our cities & towns
with rowdyism & crime to get up a fuss with the Saints
I met at 6 oclok with the Twelve in the prayer circle at
the Historians Closset Erastus Snow was mPrayed John Taylor
was mouth. I spent the evening with President Young &
D. H. Wells & E. T. Benson & G. A. Smith at the presidents
~ Monday
8th I spent the day in the office compiling History Robert started
this morning to draw lumber forom the mouth of the Cottonwood
for Wm Kimball G. A. Smith wento to Jordon Mill. I called
upon President Young & spent the evening with him & D H
Wells We read to him the Article of agreement Betwen Mr
Benson of New York & Samuel Brannan drawn up
By Amos Kendel. President Young said not [to] put it
in History But copy it in a Book & seal it up stating
on the outside of it what it is & let it lie untill we
want it it may be 20 years hence He said President
Polk was at the Bottom of it and Poke wanted to give
the Mormons a grant of Land some whare in the west
But secretary Marcy opposed him strongly & said if
he did it He would resign & do all he could against
him. There was a strong opposition against the Saints
& Thomas Benton had prepared an Armey to destroy
the saints in the wilderness & Nothing saved us ownly
our fitting out the Mormon Battalion to go to Mexico
at the call of the Government
It was reported that Peter Conover was drunk in a
store & nearly crazy. Hopkins Pendor a Polieceman
went in to take him when some of his friends said they
would take care of him He said that was all he wanted
was to have him taking care of. as he was leaving the
store Calvin Foss came to him and asked him if he
was the man that chased him the other night (as two
men were chased who had taken away a mans wife & daughter
for the purpose of whoredom & was shot at while in their
flight) He answered yes Foss then said dam you I will
shoot you if you ever follow me again you just try it again
& I will use you up. Hopkins Fendor went into the street
& told the Mayor of [it] he asked him why he did not knock
him down He said why did you not go into the street & get
help the remark was made that He ought to be taken up
{President Young} one said I would not take him up if he swas to threaten
my life in that way. Brother James Ida called upon
President Young for council to go to Calafornia to settle his
busines President Young advised him to remain & appoint some
men there to settle it this Brother Ida raised a large crop of wheat
for the saints in calafornia
~ Tuesday
Nov 9th
I spent the day in the office compiling History I spent
the evening with President Young the time was spent
mostly in conversation upon taning leather & making
fish oil J Cummings had bought of Homer Dunkan
some 20 gallons of fish oil but it was like soap & good
for nothing he had kept it stiring all summer and
spoiled it. President Young had told them if they
wanted to make good fish oil make a vat or big tub
set it in the sun & throw in all the heads & guts & let
them lie & rot and stink & they will all turn to oil
you can put a little water in the Bottom to keep the
oil from drying
~ Wednesday
10th I spent the day in the office on history I called upon
Wm Kimball in the evening about Lumber I found him in
Bed. I then called upon President Young I found D. H Wells
O. Hyde G A Smith C C. Rich A. Lyman E Snow & W. Woodruff
was with him. I. C. Haight ^&^ Elias Morris arived from
Iron County, & was present He reports that they had
made good Iron in the last blast but it had not run
long before their blast blew out the lining having melted
He reported that they hag a good crop of cotton, one
half of which was destroyed by an Early frost they had
a cotton Gin in operation & doing well. They had a good
crop of sugar cane a part of which was destroyed by the
frost. they report the road lined with with Deserters, Teamsters
& soldiers on the way to Calafornia.
~ Thursday
11th I spent the day in the office on History I spent the
evening at home
~ Friday
12th Wilford commenced drawing rock for the Dam on Jordon
I called at President Youngs office & was introduced
to the Attorney General Mr Wilson. Gov Cummings was
also Present. it was merely an introductory meeting &
but little said A report reached us that Maj Beal & his
party was cut off & his camels runing around loose Gov
Cummings thought the contractors for the Mail would
use camels on this Northern route for the transporting
of the Mail President Young thought they would not
answer in a cold or wet climate. Bishop Tarlton
Lewis arived from Parewan had an interview with
President Young & presented him with some specimens
of led & copper oar from the surface. I spent the remainder
of the day in the office on History
~ Saturday
13th A conference of the Authorities of the Church met
thi morning according to adjournmet all the Presidency of
the Church & Twelve Apostles were present except Amasa
Lyman who hagd gone south by appointment Also a larg assembly
of Seventies, High Priest, Bishops Presidents of Branches
Elder Teachers Priest & Deacons. President Kimble spoke in the
morning followed by O. Hyde W. Woodruff President Brigham
Young then addressed the People for the first time since the
Armey of the United States had entered our valley he gave
much good teaching instruction & reproof
in the Afternoon Joseph Young spoke followed by O Hyde then
Members were cut off from the Church
I met in the evening at President Young with the Legislature
an arangement was made by the members to assemble at the social
Hall on the 2nd Monday in Dec & organize & adjourn to Fillmore this
was done to sustain our own acts then at Fillmore we would organ-
ize to Accomodate Gov Cummings as he considered that the Seat of
Governmet then we would adjourn back to Great Salt Lake City
to spend the session to accomodate all parties. Gov Cummings thought
our adjournment to Great Salt Lake City was illegal because it was
done by a Joint resolution of both Houses in Joint session he consid[er]ed
it not of the same validity as an act in separate houses he was informed
that several of the states in the Union was received & admitted into
the Union by a Joint vote of both Houses of Congress and we establi-
shed the seat of Government at Filmore by a Joint resolution of both
houses & if our removal of the seat of Government to Great Salt
Lake City was not legal then the esstablishment of the seat of
Government at Filmore was not legal Hence we have no seat of
Government. It is a singular argument of Gov Cummings
that the unanimous vote of the two houses in Joint session
weakens the power of Legislation & is not of the same force
& validity that it would be if passed in seperate Houses
such an argumen contains neither force or power
~ Sunday
14th Sunday The conference met at 10 oclok. President
Wells spoke after President Kimball, & He was followed
by President Young who reproved the Elders sharply in
the power of God for the evils which exhisted among them
the conference then cut off from the Church by a
unanimous vote [blank] members and on saturday they
cut off [blank] Members making a total of [blank]
they were cut of for Aposticy, drunkenness, lying, swareing
whoredoms &c. President Young again spoke & asked if they
supposed all was cut off that should be I tell you no if all
shoud be cut off that ought to be there would be many more
than there is to day He said that any man that wilfully sined and
broke the Law of God ought to be cut off men may do wrong & sin
wilfully with there Eyes can I forgive them I will if God
will but he will require the penalty to be paid. I will forgive
men for singing ignorantly. Conference adjourned till 6th April
I met with the Quorum of the Twelve for prayer O. Hyde prayed
O. Pratt was mouth
~ Monday
15th I spent the day at the office Journalizing & on history
~ Friday
Nov 16
Nov 12. friday night I met with BPresident Young G A. Smith
O. Hyde E. T. Benson & Elder Wall & A. J. Stewart President Young
in speaking of the 3 metn that was cut off from the Church
Chesley & James Phelps and anoth[er] He hoped they would not
come back for they were a stink in any place Jiames Phelps
will steal & Get Drunk. William Hickman had his Horse
stolen in the streets to day with saddle & Bridle He was offered
$500 for him in the morning the thieves are getting vary
bold in this city they are stealing horses in our streets in
open day & waggons out of the yard by night. Brother Wall
related a circumstance of an officer of the Armey who ask
him if he was a Mormon yes, I supose you are an out & in
mormon Just as it suits you? I am a thorough mormon I believe
in all their principles. What poligamy and all? Yes. How
many wives have you? I have three & Twelve children.
How do you suppose those children will look upon you when
they get Groan up? I will tell you how they will look upon
me they will point to me & say theire is my Father
who has raised me fed, clothed, & Educated me and owned
me through persecution oppression & scorn and I will
own honor & obey him, while your children at Fort
Levensworths St Louis & all places whare you have been
which you will not own nor provide for they will not
own you & their mothers will point to you as they see you
pass & will say there is your father but dont say a word
about it for the world those children will both Hate &
despise you & the vary Ground upon which you tread
Capt Wolf replied scratching his head By . . . that is
true but I never looked upon it in that light "what
would you do if the Government should give orders to put
you to death if you did not put away your wives? I would
take my wives & wives children & go to some secluded spot
of Earth whare I could enjoy my wives & children & liberty
"what if Government should pounce onto you & not give you the
privilege? then I would take my family into the mountains
& I would fight you over evry hill & dale as long as I lived
cCapt Woolf replyed I will not shoot at you. Capt
Woolf said Governor Young ought to be the next President
for He is the smartest man in the United States He has
been playing a game of Ucre [Euchre] with the United States and
has beat them. he has gained five points while the
United States has ownly had a march & he ought to be
president & I would vote for him.
The man who was
a waggon master of the train which Lot Smith burned
said Capt Smith & his men were Gentlemen it was the
best thing for me & your people that could have been done
it released me & sent me back to the states or I should
have suffered with the rest in the mountains and it was well
for the mormons for if this train had not been burned the Armey
would probably have pushed on had a fight & blood been spiled
The Gentiles have undertaken to build a city on Provo Bench
Wall offered to take the water out for $200000. President Young
thought they would do not much in it.
~ Tuesday
Nov 16
I spent the day in the office compiling History & Journalizing
The U. S. District Court met to day organized called
the Jury many were absent some were fined $25.
orders were issued to fill the Juries Gen Burr was
admitted to the Barr He then filed an affadavit to
reject Hosea Stout J. C. Little & James Furguson
from the Bar. At the request of Mr Wilson the U. S.
District Attorney for Utah the court adjourned
for one week. I spent the night at home
~ Wednesday
17th I spent the day in the office on History & separating
scraps we have many strangers in our streets
~ Thursday
18th A plesant morning we are having fine weather for
the time of the year I spent the day in the office dividing scraps
which business all the hands in the office was ingaged in we
had a great Quantity on hand & we found it necessary to divi-
de them into years, months, & days, & put them into scraps
Books and index the Books so that we could [find] fany thing
which we wished to refer to which is quit a tedious
task. I called upon President Young in the evening
He wished to have a certain Note which he gave
several years ago & was published in the Eastern states
He also wished the Names of the first six persons
who were Baptized into the Church I went to the
Historions Office and obtained the Note he wished
which G. A. Smith delivered to him I gave him
the names that were first Baptized into the Church
which I took out of the Church History as follows
Oliver Cowery By Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith [By] Oliver Cowdery
Samuel Smith [By Oliver Cowdery]
Hiram Smith [By] Joseph Smith
David Whitmer [By Joseph Smith]
Peter Whitmore [By] Oliver Cowdery
Heber C. kimball D. H. Wells W. Woodruff G A. Smith
E. T. Benson & Nathan C. Tinney & Hosea Stout was
with the President during the evening Hosea Stout
gave an account of the present position of the U. S.
court in this city they are entangling themselves
in a close trap. John Banks was cut off from
the Church during the last conference He was
Baptized again to day & thinks of studying Law
Brother Nathan E. Tinney was asked By Presidt
Young about John D Lee marrying a squaw He
told the story President Young said I thingk there
has been more fuss made about it than was necssary
President Young said we have sent Elders for several
years to go among the Indians marry their squaws
& identify themself with the Indians go and live with
them but up to this day I could not get an Elder to do
it I have said if any man could get appointed to take
my place I would show hthem how it was done He said
when an Elder goes among the Lamanites & finds
a good spirited young squaw let him take her & make
a wife of her & if any of the Brethren in the south
want to take a squaw to wife let him go to Amisa
while He is in the south & let him seal them the
same as any body Brother Tenny gave us a relation
of his experience in Bringing about 400 goats from
Calafornia He says the she goats have Lambs three times
each year & they have from 1 to 6 kids each birth they
lambed twice while driving from Calafornia & lost them
all He says he drove them 130 miles across the burning
desert before they would drink & he was a week going
that distance He says if they are left to run on the p[r]arie
without a shepherd they will loose half or two thirds of
their kids they will drop their kids & stand a few
moments & look at them & then would follow the flock
& leave them & when the shepherd is with them & they
do this He takes the kids & carries them to a pen & when
the goats are drove in the pen he takes the kid to the dam
& she will not own it he then ties up the fore leg a foout
or two high to a fence then sometimes she will take the kid
in her mouth & throw it away the shepherd then ties a
string to her uppnder Jaw & ties it to a fence & makes
her stand an hour or so & lets the kid stand & suck
& in a little time the Dam will own it He keeps the kids
in a pen till a month old before he lets them run loose
with their Dams when Dams loose their kids they
are vary profitable to milk for either milk butter or
cheese their milk is much riches than cows their
[FIGURE] Butter is as white as snow He has taken 20 lb
of tried tallow out of one goat he alters the
Bucks the same as sheep they get their full
groath at two & half years they are then killed for their
meet & skins & they produced meat faster than any
other stock. He says he can herd 200 sheep & 200 goats
together & drive them to any place easier than he can 100 sheep
alone as he can drive goats to any point of compass & the sheep
will follow Buck sheep will mix with Goats which does
not injure the meat But Buck Goats will never serve a
sheep when a she goat produces a Buck land [lamb] gendered
by a Buck sheep they have two pair of horns, but it
is not often they mix in this way A she goat will give
from one pint to 3 pints to milking
~ Friday
19th G A Smith went to Provo I spent the day separating
scraps of 1858 I spent the evening with President Young
Brother E. Snow G D Watt & Tinney were present
~ Saturday
20th I spent the day separating scraps it snowed mostly
through the day I called upon President Young in the
evening at 9 oclok. I conversed with him upon
the Deseret Alphebet all our former manuscript was
lost and he wished me to Join Elder G. D. Watt in making
out another at 4 cl 5 oclok P Dodson came to serve
A writ upon Brigham Young sen Brigham Young jr Joseph
A Young, Hiram Clawson, & James Ferguson at hal
President Young sent word for him to leave a copy &
He would acknowledge the serving of the writ at half past
5. One Gilbert came again to serve the same writs & was
Determined to go in but they did not let him but acknowledged
the writ The Gentiles are trying to make a Fuss
with the Saints in this place But God will controll the matter
this puts me in mind of my dream last winter that the
Armey came in & I was taken three times with warr[an]ts
I herd President Young acknowledge the servece of the
writ. This writ was issued upon a complaint that Presidt
Young had taken the property of Mr Burr which he left
He was sewed in the sum of $3000. I remained till near
9 oclok.
~ Sunday
21st Sunday I met with my Quorum at 12 oclok for prayer
A. O. Smoot Prayed & E F Sheets was mouth. The Eastern
Mail arived this morning report some 18 inches of snow
on the mountains their was not much News by the mail
the state Elections show that the North was going against the
President & his measures. I met with the Twelve at 6 oclok
in the Prayer Circle. After which we called upon the
President Brigham Young viz O Pratt W Woodruff
John Taylor, E. T. Benson & Erastus Snow of the Twel[v]e
& D. H. Wells & G D Grant. we spent the evening till
9 oclok the conversation was upon the subject of the court
to morrow mostly & the spirit of the Gentiles President
Young said Gov Cummings was much opposed to the course
that Burr & Judge St Clair is taking in this matter
President Young has turned the property over to Gov
Cummings a long time ago
I went home & administered to my child Hiram Smith
who was taken sick on Friday & has now a severe attack
of the Quinsey & vary dangerous this is Emma's child
Mrs Woodruff Sister Smoot & Smith sat up with it
mostly through the night it was vary sick they gave
it Lobelia & oil & molasses & relieved the lungs & a fever
seemed to settle in the Head. we administered to it several
times & it seemed to get some relief we prayed for it
in the prayer circle W Woodruff prayed & John Taylor
was mouth. we had a snow storm through the daynight
~ Monday
22nd My child Hiram Smith is quite sick this morning He
has spasoms or fits & the fever seems to be in the head I
spent the forenoon in the Historian office Journalizing the
court met this morning at 10 oclok. Brother Joseph S.
Murdock called into the office & said one ^Vinson Hamelton &^ Stephenson
told him that He would inform him of all the plots that were
laid against this people. Wm Rogers who defended Joseph
Smith at Dixon is keeping a Boarding House with Stephenson
at Mulners & he will also reveal what he knows about our
enemies. I have Just learned that our manuscript was
found on the Deseret Alphabet I am glad to hear it
I called upon the President Young in the evening with
E. T. Benson & Erastus Snow & Wm C. Stains & conversed
till 9 oclok upon the affairs of the court & the present excited
state of the people I sat up with my child till 1 oclok during
the night the men & clerks at Kinkades store came
out & kicked the police & stoned them then the police
turned upon them & knocked some half a doz down &
laid them cold on the pavement one was a surgeon
of the armey three Balls was shot from the store
at the poliece but none of them was hit but they
shot one of their own men the Police did not shoot
at all but used their Baton's or clubs
~ Tuesday
23rd My child is some better this morning I met
the mayor A. O. Smoot going to make out the papers
to arest the men at Kinkades store for assaulting
the police. Brother Stanes reported that Mr Wilson
the U. S. districts Attorney considered Judge Sinclair
was entirely out of order in his charge to the Jury
& insult to himself in not giving him the opportunity
of meeting with the Grand Jury they are becoming
diveided among themselves. I called upon the president
at 2 oclok Brother Sharp came in & gave an account
of the row at Kinkades last night He said that He
was in it from first to last Mr Charles Kinkade
was at the head of the row He tried to provoke a
Quarrel with the Poliece they made all kind of noises
to attempt the police to arest them but the police
did not interfere with them untill they came
out & kicked & stoned the poliece they then knocked
down some half a dozen of them several shots were
exchanged but nobody killed the Poliece quelled the
mob several of which were severely hurt one
asked for two poliecemen to guard him while He
wento to Mr Hartnets to get Dr Hurt to come &
dress the wounds of those who were hurt two
policemen went with him & while returning with
Mr Hartnet one of the poliecemen pistol accidentally
was discharged & the ball went into the ground this
Frightened Mr Hartnet for He thought He was
shot at But He was informed that it was an accid[en]t
the Gentiles are vary anxiouse to get up a row
with this people. The Court met to day at 11 oclk
& done no business except to decide that 2 indians
in the penitentiary should be tried in the next district
I took all the papers or manuscript that
we had written in English for the Deseret Alphabet
& brought it to my draw[er] in the Historians office
~ Wednesday
24th My child commenced to fail about midnight
and we immediately considered him dying & he contin[u]ed
to fail untill 25 minutes past 12 oclok [A]M. when He expired
^Josep Hyrum Smith son of Wilford & Emma Woodruff
was 1 year, 1 Month & 240 days old when He died^
The Mayor A. O. Smoot had an interview with Govornor
Cummings who thoroughly sustained Gthe poliece
in their course with the mob on Monday night he
told Brother Smoot that the ownly fault he found
in the whole affair was that they did not notify
him that He might be on the ground to met the mob
& head the battle Himself for it was better for the
responsibility to come upon him than upon the
mayor & poliece of the city. He said he had had
an interview with the Judges & civil officers of
the U S court & they asked him tfor a posse to take
Brigham Young before the court & asked for council
He told the Judges he would advise them to rule
in court that when any man wished to supobpoena
a man to come before the court that the man shold
make an Affidavit that the person was an essential
witness & state what he wished to prove by him
& send it to the man before he forced him to appear
Judje Sinclair thought favorable of it but
Cradle Baugh swore he would not submit to
it Judge Sinclair said he would not esstablishing
rulings in his court without notifying the Govornor
of it Govornor Cumings said he should not think it good
policy to esstablish Forcible measures in Forceing Brigham
Young to& others to appear in court on evry frivolous case
& even not at all untill the character of the United States
courts had been better esstablished in this Territory than
they had heretofore for you all know damned well that
the people Here arehave not been vary civilly or lawfully
treated in many instances by dignitaries, and during
the present excited state of things I think it would be
policy to take pacific measures & not try to create disturb-
ance among the people. He told Brother Smoot that if there was
any more mobing in the street He ment to take the Booll by
the Horns himself I do not wish to get into rows but
the police shall not be driven out of these streets they
shall be maintained in the discharg of their duty
The court is resolved to Bring out Brigham Young
before them on a subpoena as a witness in the case of
Burr Guvornor Cummings felt troubled about it more
than any thing He had met with fearing President
Young would not comply but all things will be right
The Mayor made arangements to move the court to the
social Hall
~ Thursday
25 I spent most of this day in preparing for the funeral
H S W & the burrial of my child which I buried in the first
lot on the south side of the road after passing through the
west gate of the Burying ground it is the third grave visible
some graves have been dug up in making a road
I spent the evening with the regency with President Young
there were present Brigham Young D. H. Wells O. Hyde
W. Woodruff G. A. Smith E. T. Benson F. D. Richards A.
Carrington W. W Phelps, Hosea Stout, Samuel Richards
G. D. Watt ^&^ R. L. Campbell & Joseph A Young we agreed
upon the arangment of the Alphabet to have it stand perpendiclar
also to print the first Book in the Deseret Alphabet & to print
some in each Number of the Deseret News. President Young
has laboured unceseingly to esstablish the Deseret Alphabet
& have it taught in our schools. Judge Sinclair ruled
that [since] they had sit in court but 7 days instead of nearly 60
that He should not count time ownly while sitting in court
The Deseret News published the procedings of the court
which has made the Judge & his party quite mad.
~ Friday
26. We have a hard snow storm this morning I spent
the day in the office scraping
~ Saturday
27th It is a cold day I spent the day in the office scraping
& preparing matter for the deseret Alphabet. Mr kinkade
& his parrty were tried before the Mayor and fined
$20 each Kirk Anderson plead their cause or
rather Pled guilty for them
~ Sunday
28th Sunday President Young was confined to his room
all day with illness The eastern Mail arived last night
at 12 oclok, a vary dry mail nothing of interest. I met
with my Quorum at 12 oclok for Prayer R L Campbell
prayed Brother Pugmire was Mouth I spent several
hours in the Presidents office looking over the mail
but found but little of interest I met with the Twelve
in the Prayer Circle G. A. Smith Prayed & C. C. Rich was
mouth The subjects of our prayers were for the Presiden
& for the Lord to overthrow the evil designs of our enemies
against us & to divide them in their councils that they
may do us no harm
~ Monday
29th A plesant morning Brother Riser came into
the office & spoke of his mission in Jermany He had
four trials & 23 days imprisionment in Hamburgh
for preaching the fulness of the Gospel called mormonism
The court met this morning at 11 oclok Judge Sinclair
has tried to rig a purchase to take up Brigham Young &
his council & the Twelve for treason he gave a charge
to the Jury to Bring in a charge of treason against
the leaders of this people but to day the District Attorney
has argured before the court & the Grand Jury that they
had no Jurisdiction upon treason that was committed
at any period before the peace commissioners left this
Territory for Washington. It is a Historical fact that
treson did exhist in this Territory it is equally a Historical
fact that all treason which exhisted in this Territory was
pardoned By James Buchanan the President of the United
States and By the Govornor of this territory and the
Grand Jury have no business to enquuire into any thing
before the leaving of the pease commissioners left this
territory neither the Judge or Jery has nothing to do with
any thing that transpired before that event so this ends
the matter of trying to bring up Brigham Young on treason
Judge Sinclair ruled that Green river county was not
in his Jurisdiction. I spent the evening with President
Young & the committee on the Deseret Alphabet
~ Tuesday
30th Wilford started with a team to carry Jesse Fox
to Rush valley to esstablish the south line of our Grant
I went with my team & carried G. A. Smith & others
on the west Bank of Jordon to hold a meeting with
the company to deside whare we would build the dam
to take out the Jordon River to water land we spent
two hours on the ground & adjourned to the Historian
office on wednesday night. We called upon the President
we were informed that the court was trying to get him
to appear as a witness on the morrow it was expected
that there was a plan laid to kill him But God will
ward off the Blow Hosea Stout had an interview with
Sinclair who said He believed that the object was to get
Brigham Young out & not to carry out law or Justice
I spent most of the afternoon in the office I spent the
evening with the President & the committe on the Deseret
Alphabet we laboured till near 11 oclok on the word Rule
the brethren could not agree upon the sound of it most
of the company wanted it {r-oo-l} others want it {r-i-oo-l}
~ Wednesday
Dec 1st Many plans had been laid to get President Brigham
Young before the court it was supposed to be effected to
day hence the court room was nearly filled with Mormons
so but few Gentiles could get in at 11 oclok Judge Sinclair
arived their with the members of of the court with the Lawyiers
Gov Cummings & about 300 spectators mostly mormons
The Judge called the attention of the assembly said he had
tried to keep order & he should punish any attempt to distu
rb the court. The clerk then red the minutes of yesterday
& the court said he was ready for Business & said he was
ready for the trial of Mr Feurgerson Mr James Ferguson
presented his resignation as a member of the Bar The court
would not receive his resignation at the Bar but wished
to have it go to trial. Some person in the court room
said that there were a few seats empty which could
be filled The court said that if the person was not an
officer of the court it was out of order. The court
then red some law touching the case before him & said
it must be tryed. If you wish to plead guilty to the
whole charge then I can give my decission accordingly
Mr Furguson then said that he had not met with this
court & could not be guilty of any charges beforte the court
and in the accusation it was not stated whare it was
done. The Judge then gave the papers to Mr Burr to
Fix them right so the case might be tried. it then
Read David H. Burr and was done before Judge G. P. Stiles
Furgeson then asked if the court intended to open & exam[ine]
the Records of Judge Stiles He said he should as far as
was necessary to try his case. The court then sent for
the records & red some in them. Mr Smith then spoke
and said that as it was a personal nature he wished the
two Atturneys to manage the matter themselves without
any assistance forom either side if Mr Furgeson has help
upon the other side I wish to help Mr Burr Mr Ferguson
said several of my Friends volunteered their services
But I prefered to act alone upon my side that Mr Burr
might upon his side. The Judge then red some more Law
or the same Law over again. Thomas Williams then notified
the court that He should file an action against James Furguson
to be stricken from the roll as an alien. The court told Mr
Fergurson that as there was so many changes in the charge
against him that He would give him time if he wished
He asked for time till next Friday. The Judge Gave it to
him & adjourned till next Friday night. I spent
the afternoon in the office and evening with President Young
& the committee on the Deseret Alphabet The Jordan Dam
company met at the Historians office and decided to build the
dam on dry ground in a crook of the river and turn the
river through it instead of building it in the river thinking
it could be done much better & safer than in the river Brother
Forsyth offered to dig out the Earth & stop up the river for
$1700 dollars the channel has to be dug out 16 Rods long
70 feet wide 7 feet deep the Earth is composed of sand
clay & hard pan
~ Thursday
2nd We had a cold night & we have a cold morning and
it remained extremely could through the day I spent the day
through in the office Journalizing & scraping I spent the evening
with President Young & the regency in reading the first Book
in the Deseret Alphabet {alphabet} Thare were present B.
Young D. H. Wells O. Hyde W. Woodruff G. A. Smith E. T. Benson
F. D. Richards Samuel Richards Hosea Stout G. D. Watt R L.
Campbell Wm Willis, & Brother S^c^honefeld we were dismissed
at 10 oclok
~ Friday
3rd A vary cold night & morning I called at Presidents
Youngs at 10 oclok He concluded to go to court I went at
11 oclock the House was nearly full mostly of mormons soon
President Brigham Young came in with G A Smith O pratt
John Taylor and a croud of Friends soon Judge Sinclair
with his Lawyiers Doctors &c including Burr, Hurt, Forney & a number
of others there were about 300 persons present. The court was
ordered opened the minutes were read. the Judge called up the
business James Furgerson then presented a De murr the Judge
then ordered Burr to make out New Papers which he did then
Furgersson asked for more time the Judge gave him till monday
11 oclok the court was then adjourned till next monday 11 oclk
thus this court has now set & ben open over 60 days & no business
of any account has been transacted the cost of court to day met
one thousand Dollars counting the value of the time of those who
~ Saturday
4th It is vary cold weather we hear of vary many anim
als freezing to death & several men Brother Samuel Lever on
Cottonwood froze to death it is rumoured that several others
are frozen to Death I spent the day in the office on scrap Books
I spent the evening at President Young with President Young
D. H. Wells G. A. Smith O. Hyde Samuel Richard J. W. Cumings & Br
Winder we learned that the wind had Blown down seven Houses
in Farmington also President Youngs tannerry some Barnes
and a part of the Penetentiary Br Lever called upon J. V. Vernon
to warm him & he turned him & Dusett & 2 Boys outdoors & would not let them warm
~ Sunday
5th Sunday we had a vary windy night & a cold morning
I met with my cuorum at 12 oclok Arsa Hinkley prayed
I was mouth in the circle. I met with the Twelve FE Snow
Prayed. F D. Richards was mouth we conversed upon a variety
of subjects. it was a cold night
~ Monday
6th The court met to day at 11 oclok Mr Burr swore to the
charges which he had prefered against Furgerson Mr
Furguson swore that there was witnesses which were of import
ance to him one was Judge Stiles & Orrelius miner he adjourned
his court till next monday. I spent the day butchering
my hogs I killed 3 Hogs one weighed 324 one 30019
& one 233 Total 876. I salted up my pork & went
to the office in the evening. Phebe was taken wvary sick
with the Hives to day. for one hour it seemed as though she
could hardly breeth She had a vary sick night
~ Tuesday
7 Phebe is vary sick I called upon Zina Young & Eliza they both
occompanied me to my house & spent the forenoon with her she suffered
vary much I called at the office at 2 oclok I called upon President
Young in the evening He had been poorly for the last two days. Phebe
remained vary sick till midnight when her phicysic operated which opened
her system & releaved her in a measure it was a strong attack
of the destroyer to take her life I was with her till one oclok
~ Wednesday
8th A plesant morning but cold I read the account of the death
of Brother Samuel Lever who was frozen to death Mr Vernon
manifested the spirit of a Brute in turning him with three
other men from his door in a freezing condition & one lost
his life and two of the others frooze their feet badly. Wilford
returned home this noon he had been out 9 days & a half in all the
cold weather he had become vary much chilled & frozen his
feet & fingers. I spent the evening with President Young
D. H. Wells G. A Smith J. W. Cummings A Carrington G. W.
Watt & some others Robert got home this morning evening
And reported my cattle doing well
~ Thursday
9th Phebe is much better this morning I spent the day in
the office on History Brother Fox called in the office this
afternoon & gave me an account of the distances from
the Temple Block toin great Salt Lake City to Johnsons settle-
ment in Rush valley which are as follows
A Table of Distances from Great Salt Lake City
To Johnsons Fort in Rush Valley Shambip County
Council House to Jordon Bridge | 1.81 | Miles | 1.81 |
Jordon Bridge to point of Mountain | 11 | [Miles] | 12.84 |
Point of Mountain to Black Rock | 6 30/100 | [Miles] | 19.14 |
Black Rock to E. T. City | 3.74 | [Miles] | 22.88 |
E T City to Bensons Mills | 2.73 | [Miles] | 25.61 |
Bensons Mills to Ormus Bates | 3.35 | [Miles] | 28.96 |
O Bates to Toille City | 5.49 | [Miles] | 34.45 |
Toille City to Old Barracks | 8.91 | [Miles] | 43.36 |
Old Barracks to Johnsons Fort | 8.22 | [Miles] | 51.58 |
From Bensons Mills to Grantsville | 10.58 |
He run the south line of the rush valley Herd Company grant
12 miles south of Hickmans springs which brought it 30 rods
south of a warm spring the government waggon road runs
near it there is a spirit manifested by some of the settlemt
to deprive the Grantees of any right there & rumour
sayes that Bishop Rowbery is ingaged in it
~ Friday
10th I spent the forenoon isn settelling with the Rush valley
Herd company. I spent the afternoon in the office on
History I spent the evening with President Young D. H. Wells
G. A. Smith & C. C. Rich in his private room. he was not well
Brother Candling called in & said that Judge Sinclair & his
court were in hot water & did not know how to get out
they are wound up in there court operations & kirk
Anderson who published his valley tan & made war
upon us is also about wound up he cannot support his
paper. I feel to acknowledge the Hand of God in all these
things The Lord has sustained us through the war and is
now sustaining us through the courts & is thwarting all
the designs of our Enemies in all their wicked designs
against the Latter Day Saints the Lord has given Presidt
Young wisdom to out general all the United States with
their Armies Judges & courts so that they have had no
power over him or this people for which I feel to praise
the name of the Lord
President Young wished the Twelve who went to Fillmore
to inquire into the Charivari^ing^ of Brother Hoyt & family all
night while his wife was having a child born unto him it
being the first child he ever had though he had been marr[i]ed
26 years. Also to inquire into the case of McBrides
sons who Bishop Bronson was jealeous were laying plans
to kill him
We made an estimate of some of the expenses of the war
of the United States against the mormons we made including
soldiers, teamsters & waiters for 1858) 12730 Men
Russel & Wardles Government freight amounted to | $5,445,468 |
20400 Governmt waggons cost of each outfit $1500 | $9,180000.00 |
Paid for 3200 teamsters 480 dollars each | 1536,000.00 |
Paid 4600 soldiers $300 each | 1380000.00 |
sum total for the Above four items | $17,540,468.00 |
~ Saturday
Dec 11
I spent the day in the office on History I spent the evening
with President Young in his private Room reading the Calafornia
news he had taken a warm Bath & was some better
~ Sunday
12 Sunday A snowey day I met with the Quorum at 12 ock
Bishop Hunter prayed L. W. Hardy was mouth. I met with
the Quorum of the Twelve at 6 oclok O Hyde Prayed O pratt
was mouth the spirit of God was with us & we had a good
Meeting all the Twelve were present except A Lyman &
Lorenzo Snow. we all called upon President Young at
his private Room when the following conversation
took place. President Young said have you any message to me
O Hyde said I do not know as I have ownly we came in to
tsoe [see] you. I have a message to you. you are some of you memb-
ers of the Legislature and I want you to so conduct business
in such a way that it will be exceptable unto the Lord and
that the Devil cannot find find fault with you. President
Young asked if we had been to the coircus. none of the Twelve had
been He then said Thomas Williams would cut our throat if
he had the power and yet he has full houses I wonder who sup-
ports him. President Young said that Martin was getting
out Bills to circulate through this country which was to
speculate out of the people He promises to pay Treasury drafts
on the government when $400 dollars was presented to him
& the people shouuld not take it for it will be a Loss to this
community I want you to Find this out yourselves & put a stop
to it ore yuse your influence to do it without the peoples knowing
that I said any thing about it. In speaking of the opposition
against this work President Young said I should loose all
hope if I did not know that God begun it & begun it in
the right time and has sustained it & carried it on
ever since and he is able to Finish it & will do it
~ Monday
The Legislative Council metand House of Representative met
at at the Social Hall in Great Salt Lake City at 10 oclok AM.
The council organized by appointing Daniel H. Wells President
Leo Hawkins Chief Clerk Joseph F Smith Serjent at Arms
John L. Smith Assistant Clerk Samuel L Sprage Messenger
The House Organized by Appointeing John Taylor Speaker
Thomas Bullock Chief Clerk George P Bilesings Sergent at Arms
Patrick Linch Assistant Clerk Heber John Richards Messenger
Joseph Busby Foreman, Joseph Young sen Chaplain
Judge Smith came forward & swore the President &
officers in both Houses. Both Houses then adjourned to meet
in the State House in Fillmore on Saturday the 18th of Dec
Both Houses voted to excuse the absent members untill we
met at Fillmore. We made an estimate of the Armey as follows
3000 soldiers remaining in the Territory 800 to origon 400 to Mexico
400 to Levensworth total 4600. Governmt teamsters 3200,
Cotractors teamsters 4930 sutlers & whiskey dealers 1,500
gamblers 170. General Harneys command 2700 total, 17100
14400 came to the Territory Contractors oxes 13 to each 4006
waggons 52078 = 1200 suttlers waggons 12 oxen each 14400
Baggong waggons for Armey 19,200
while the Quorum of the Twelve met in there pray circle
the conversation turned upon the subject of the dictation
of the spirit of God & the great importance of following
the dictation of that spirit in all our lives President
O Hyde said he had often found it difficult to dissern
betwen the dictation of the spirit of the Lord and his
own desires in things which he wished accomplished
O Pratt said that a few days since while praying for
the preservetion of his family it came forcibly to
his mind about taking care of one of his boys who
had broaken one of his arms but he put off the imp-
ression & in less than two hours he broak his arm
again. W. Woodruff said that he had from experien[ce]
learned so much of the leading & dictation of that spirit
that he knew it was good to follow it his life had
been saved from time to time by following its dictates
a short time since he was impressed to go to president
Youngs in the evening he went & when he got there He
found the Quorum of the Twelve assembled And O
Hyde & John Taylor gave an account of their mission
North & He kept a record of it. G. A. Smith said
that while He was on a mission in virginia in 1837
it was manifest to him that He would be appointed
one of the Twelve these thoughts worried him & he
thought it was an evil impression but it afterwords
proved true He also said I had been 3 days in the
snow & cold & was chilled through & while the man
Zimri H Baxter in Nephi City went to take care
of my Horses & Sister Baxeter to get a pan of milk
hI felt impressed to lay hands upon thieir sick child
which they had given over to die I done as the spirit
directed & the child was healed instantly. Elder C. C. Rich
then said while I was going from Los Angelos to
San bernadeno I was strongly impressed to stop at
a certain place over night & next day to leave the main
travelled road which I strictly followed & by doing
so I escaped being robed & Murdered by a gang of 60
assassins div[id]ed in three different companies Elder
John Taylor said it was revealed to him he would be
one of the Twelve F. D. Richards said it was revealed to
him that He would be appointed one of the Twelve
W Woobdruff said it was revealed to him while on
Fox Islands that he would be appointed one of the Twelve
before he got a Letter Notifying him of his appointing
G. A. Smith said that the night after Joseph & Hiram Smith
was murdered A spirit came to me & said Joseph & Hyrum
are killed ant you glad of it I was in Michigan at the
time 500 miles from Carthage. O. Hyde said that the
Lord had revealed to us in many ways that the armey
would come in but our desires was so great that they
should not come that we would not received it
~ Tuesday
Dec 14th
In company with Lorenzo Snow, Hyram Clawson, Joseph
A. Young & Patrick Lynch I started from Presidents
Youngs House in his carriage drawn by four Mules for
Fillmore several other carriages started about the same
day. It was a vary cold day & vary Blustering we road to
Lake City & spent the night we held a meeting with the people
I spoke to the people & was followed by C. C. Rich L Snow ^&^F. D.
Richards. I told the people to get the spirit of God & follow
its dictates & to remember daily their prayers & to pray for
the Presidency & all the Authorities of the Church & to pray
for the President of the United States & for all men in Author-
ity as the spirit of God shall dictate. we had a good meeting
Lorenzo Snow spent the night with me at Brother Burns 33 mi[les]
~ Wednesday
15th We travelled to Pason 33 miles held a meeting with the
People their was a Division among the people some had
petitioned to President Young for a New Bishop. F D.
Richards spoke & I followed him & then C. C. Rich
followed. Lorenzo Snow & myself spent the night with
Brother Gardner We Preached concerning the Bishop
& the people their feelings against each other. Brother Gardner
told us that Brother Hancock said in one of his meetings
that there was no person stood betwen him & President
Brigham Young. He wanted the people to give their money
to him & let him dictate their temperal Business for them
He said no person had a right to petition president Young
against him. He makes the roads into the canyons controlls
all the timber sells it to the armey works all the time sundays
He lets the tithing property go to waste &But takes care of his
own He sells the tithing potatoes to the Army for $2 & pays
the Church 75 cts. He ordered a house to be pulled down
if they would not stop a party These are some of the compla[in]ts
against the Bishop
~ Thursday
16th We rode to Salt Creek 245 miles we held a meeting
with the people. Lorenzo Snow, ODaniel Spencer, Samuel Rich-
ards & W. Woodruff spoke to the people L. Snow & myself
spent the night at [blank]
~ Friday
17th We travelled to the severe Baited our animals then drove
to Cedar Fort 450 miles & spent the night with Brother
~ Saturday
18th Saturday We rode into Filmore took Breakfast at Broth
Hoyts We then met at the State House Organized the
Legislature with its officers in separate Houses we then
met in Joint Assembly Received the Govornors Message through
the Secretary had it read through ^by^ the clerk dissolved the
Joint Assembly, met in seperate Houses, excused Absent
members Passed a Resolution adjourning the Legislature
to the Social Hall in Great Salt Lake City at 10 oclok on
Monday the 27 of Dec we then returned to Brother Hoyts
took Dinner then I met with Lorenzo Snow F. D. Richards
& Daniel Spencer for the purpose of Hearing a statement made
By Brother & Sister Hoyt concerning their being disturbed
by a company of the Saints the following is their story
On the 28th Sept at 10 oclok they had a child born it being
the first child born unto them they having been married
over 20 years A company of the Mormons came & surround
his house about 25 of them they blew Horns & sung the
most vulgar songs for about one hour then went
away about an hour & returned & appeared to be more
than at First they commenced to tear things to peaces
killed some hens made them squall opened the windows
& flung the fowls onto the beds filled his windows with
fence polls also his chimney dirtied up their beds the
wind blew upon their children. as fast as they would
open the windows on one side they would shut them till
they were fastened open they poured out a Judgg of
vinegar they yoked up a pair of his oxen facing
each other. they said the Bishop told them to go dow[n]
& suerenanade him till he would treat. He said the
Bishop would till him what he did say to them. He lent
them a Base drum to go with. Brother Hoyt said He
had talked the matter over with Bishop Brunson & had
agreed to settel it He also read a Letter which He had
written to President Young & accused Brother Brunson
of trying to get one of his wives away from him
The mob shot many pistols while in their operation
Our Horses were hitched up & I had to leave in the
midst of their story. I talked with Brother Brunson
& he denyed being the institggator of it
We then left Filmore Rode to Cedar Springs took
supper & bated our animals. it began to snow hard &
we were fearful we would be blocked up so we all agreed
to Harness up & all travel through the night which
we did arived at the Severe at 4 oclok in the morning
whare we bated. we Brokedke our Iron eaxletree inside
of the hind wheel. we raised up the carriage placed the end
of the axletree betwen two spokes on the side of the Hub made
all fast with ropes & in 10 minutes started again drawing
our wheel as though it was locked like a sled runner
we had traveled to day over 50 miles & snowed nearly
all night
~ Sunday
19th Sunday we left the severe at abotut 6 oclok & travelled
to the Salt Creek settlement atcalled Nephi got there at
11 ock we here spent the day Joseph Young got his
Carriage mended they had a meeting in the evening I
did not attend but went to bed early not having slep
but little for 2 nights. 25 miles
After I had got to bed Brother Warren Snow & Peacock
called upon me also F D & Samuel Richards They informed
me that one hundred soldiers had gone into Fort Ephraim
the commander had called the people together & hurranged
them & through the influence of Benjamin Clapp had
deceived the people through fair promises & got the consent
of the people & let the souldery in Father James Alred & his
son had opposed it But Benjamin Clapp used all his influen[ce]
with the people who were mostly Danes & they had let them
in & rented them their public carrells for four months
Benjamin Clapp had taken the Job of supplying the
soldiery with Grain & hay at a cheep rate & Brother Snow was
afraid they would get into Manti I advised Brother Snow
to go dire[c]t Back to those settlements & take all the measures
he could to stop the procedings & block up the way of their
going into Manti. He said he would do so
Sonon Secretary Hartnet arived with his escort & wishd
to camp in the school house for the night which was granted him
we spent the night with Charles H Bryan
~ Monday
20th We rode to Springville & spent the night with
Bishop Aaron Johnson we preached at night in the new
Meeting House had a full hosuse. Lorenzo Snow preached
I followed him
~ Tuesday
21st We started at 5 oclok & drove to Great Salt Lake City
at 20 minuts past 4 ocok 57 miles. we called upon
President Young D. H. Wells & A Carrington I put into
the presidents Hands, the Govornors Message, the minuts
of the Legislator & gave an account of our [ink blot] J[ou]rney &c
I then went home took supper returned to the Presidents
& spent the evening, & spent the night at home having
Ben absent 8 days travelled 300 miles averaging 37 1/2
miles per day & met with the Legislature & performed
such business as was necssary 300 miles
~ Wednesday
22nd I spent the day in the office Journallizing I rep[or]ted
to G. A. Smith an Account of Brother Hamblins
mission to the Moquises He travelled about 300 miles
from the Rio Vergin he had to go about 100 miles up
the Colorado before they could cross it He was received
rather cooly at first as they had been visited by
some white men who had lied to them, but they soon
had confidence in him he found them located in
walled cities built of stone the Houses 3 stories hig[h]
which were built on the Hightest mountains ownly
accessible on foot or horsback they have cisterns
to ketch their water for use & pak their wood on
the Bak of Animals their wealth consists mo[s]tly
in sheep & goats they cultivate the Earth & make
their own cloth, &c but we shall have a full report soon
~ Thursday
23rd I spent the day in the office I had an interview
with Luke Johnson in speaking of the spirit of those who
are against us Lysander Gee said they were agoing to
rip up things in that valley & they should expose us to
the army Shelton said He should expose us to the Army
many threats were made by the party. Brother Johnson
informed me that I had 9 of my Ews were missing
out of my flock of sheep. President Young D. H. Wells
G. A. Smith H. C. Kimball Joseph A & Brigham Young J
visited Govornor Young Cummings
~ Friday
Dec 24th
Judge Sinclair manifests a disposition to make all
the trouble he can He rules against all law and
precedent. Christianson a polieceman had in his
custody a Man called Dumne who made an attack
upon Christionson to kill him & Christionson killed
him in self defence A cornors inquest was held
over the body & it was buried. Judge Sinclair had
the disintered examined & Christianson put into the
hands of the Sherif for safe keeping He has ruled
against all Territorial Jurisdiction and acts in the
spirits of persecution
~ Saturday
25th Chrismas mornining I went to the office in the
morning the city seemed to be Quiet I took dinner
with A. O. Smoot with Mrs Woodruff & spent the evening at
his house I was informed that Judge Sinclair got vary
drunk fell into the gutter drew a pistol upon Craig & Craig
drew a knife upon him but both were two drunk to do any
~ Sunday
26 Sunday I met with my Quorum for prayer at the Historins
parayer room. Brother Pugmire prayed A O Smoot was
Mouth I spent the Afternoon at the presidents office. I
Met with the Twelve W. Woodruff Prayed C. C. Rich
was mouth. we called upon President Young & staid till
ten oclok D. H. Wells W. Woodruff John Taylor G. A. Smith
O Pratt C. C. Rich & Lorenzo Snow was wpresent we
conversed upon the subject of the Legislature & other Business
~ Monday
27 Monday I Attended the Legislature Adjourned till tomorrow
11 oclok. I called upon President Young with several of the 12
& others A copy of the valley tan was brought in conta-
ining the Presidents Message which was read it was leangthy
& laid out business enough for several Armies to attend
to I went to Brother Blackhurst with O. Hyde, O. pratt
G. A. Smith J. Taylor & F. D. Richard & their wives
to take supper we returned home about 9 oclok
~ Tuesday
28th I attended the Legislature Kirk Anderson sent a
copy of the valley tan to each member &of the council
& we found it lying on our desks it was moved & carried
that they all be gathered up & returned to the secretary
W Woodruff & B F Johnson was Appointed said committee
At the adjournment of the council we called upon
the secretary the Govornor was present I informed
the secretary that we had come as a committee to wait
upon him to say that we had found the valley tan on our
desk & we now returned them to the secretary not out of
any disrespect ofto the secretary of the message but considering
that the Editor of the Valley Tan had taken an ungentle-
manly course which was calculated to stir up strife bet[we]en
the people & the Government Hence we did not wish to tak
it. Mr Hartnet said He had not any thing to do with it
it was kirk Andersons doings about this time Anderson
came in cursing & swareing said that He had heard the
dambedst tirade of abuse against him in the House & he would
be dambed if he did not have the Hide of some of them. several
in the House spoke vary plain upon the subject such as Clawson
Cummings & O Hyde which kirk Anderson herd Mr Hartnet
went with us to the Social Hall on the way we met H B Clawson
& others as a committee from the House going to return their
papers to the secretary I informed him Mr Hartnet said
He had Nothing to do with it they were then returned
to Kirk Anderson. I called upon the President a short time
I spent the evening at Brother Churches with A O Smoot
S M Blair & Joseph Horm & Townsend & their wives
~ Wednesday
29th I attended the Legislature till 12 oclok we adjourned till
tomorrow at 101 oclok I met in committe in the Historians
office H C Kimball called in I was unwell with a severe
cold Brother Kimball said He packed up about 25 tons
of flour turned in 7 tons into the tithing office.
~ Thursday
30th I attended the Legislature & spent the evening at home
~ Friday
31st I attended the Legislature in the fore part of the day
I spent the afternoon at the Historians office, the Presidents
office, at home & atthe Sevening at S M Blairs
The Eastern Mail arived last night brought but little news
Thus ends the year of 1858 It has been an eventful
year a year in which the hand of God has been made
more visible than in any other period during the present
Generation. Some of the greatest events have transpired
during the past year ever manifest among men. th[e] [page torn]
successful laying of the submarene Atlantic Telegraph
by which communication has been made betwen two
continents by means of an electrict wire on the bottom
of the Atlantic Ocean is the most steupendious work ever
achieved by man. Europe & America have made liberal
treaties with China & Jappan which have opened their
ports to the trade, commerce & intercourse with the whole
whorld which have been heretofore entirely closed up
for thousands of Generations. The Emperor of Russia
has laid the foundation for the liberation of millions of
surfs from a species of slavery which has existed
for scentauries. The inhabitants of British India have
risen in their wrath to throw off the British yoke and
rivers of Blood as it were has been caused to flow in that
land and the spirit of war has been poured out upon
all Nations and France & other Nations have been
arming & preparing for a Deadly conflict. The whole
Earth is becoming corrupt before God. wickedness and
abominations are rapidly increasing throughout all Nations
The Gospel of Jesus Christ has beeen offered to all Nations
By the Elders of Israel whareever they could get access
to the people and the world in a great measure have rejected
the Gospel and the Lord is withholding his spirit from the
inhabitants of the Earth and the people are waxing worse &
worse and are becomeing filled with all manner of lying
deceavings robing owhoredoms, murders Blasphemies & wicked-
ness of evry kind. Yea Emperors, Kings, Princes, Lords
Presidents Govornors Judges and all the Ruellers of the whole
Earth as well as the people have become so corrupt before
God that He is angry with them and the Lord is begining
to visit them with war & bloodshed & with pestilence tempest
thunder lightning & great hail, whirelwinds & devouring fire
this is plainly manifest in our own Nation even the
United States which is corrupt above all other Nations. they
have sought the destruction of the Saints of God in this land
but the Lord has faught the battles & preserved his Saints
The Lord hath done ^it^ his work has been visible before our eyes
and we will acknowled[ge] his hand therein. The United States
Govorment sent fourteen thousand men including souldiers
& teamsters to Utah to put to death Brigham Young Heber
C. Kimball Daniel H. Wells The Twelve Apostle & other leaders
of the Church. they travelled One thousand Miles & expended
some thirty Millions of Dollars to accomplis hedthis evil design
even to shed the Blood of the Lords aniointed. But the Lord
Hedged up their way they had to spend the winter in the
snows of the everlasting rocky mountains and live upon
the flesh of their animals and when they did enter our
valies and cities it was by the permission of the prophets
& Saints of God for whom they had come one thousand
miles to slay, and instead of haveing the privilege of sheding
the Blood of the Prophets in Utah but vary few of them
have been permitted to behold their faces. President
Buchannan also sent Judges & officers to this territory
who are filled with wickedness, madness and abominations
of evry kind. they have also laid secret plans to destroy
the prophets & bring distress upon the people by their
decrees from the Judgment seat but the saints have called
upon the Lord in mighty prayer & the Lord has heard &
answered them & he has taken away the wisdom of the
Judges and their power and their folley is manifest in
the eyes of the people and the power of God is manifest in
all these things and he has preserved his prophets Church
& Kingdom, against all the wrath of the President, Congress,
their armies, Judges and all the Devils who enter into
the tabernacles of men to fight against God & his saints
Judge Sinclair has held an open United States Distrit
Court tofrom the 4th day of Oct. up to the last of Dec
being 88 days and tried all in their power to get
up some action against Brigham Young & the leaders
of the Church but have accomplished a solumn Nothing
ownly tried to persecute James Furgerson & have not
been enabled to do much of that for the Lord has held
them so fast that they have not been enabled to accom-
plish any evil plan which they have laid The God
of Israel hath laid the foundation of his church and kingdom
upon the Earth in these last days & he has guided it by
his Almighty power up to the present day he has preserved
his Saints in the midst of all the ware fare against them
of wicked men and Devils He is bringing to pass daily
the fulfillment of the Holy scriptures & the Book of
Mormon, the fullness of the Gentiles is fast coming in
and the Lord is fast preparing the way for the salva-
tion of the House of Israel he is withdrawing his spirit
from the inhabitants of the Earth and at the same time
inspiring his Prophets with wisdom Knowledge
& understanding that they have been enabled through the
Mercy of God to thwart all the evil designs of the wicked
and ungodly who have laid snares for the feet of the right-
eous. The signs of the Times clearly indicate that the
gentile Nations are ripened in iniquity and that God
is about to sit in Judgment upon the^m^ Nations
[rest of page blank]
A synopsis of my labors in 1858
I travelled one thousand nine hundred | 1925 Miles |
I Attended Thirty four Meetings | 34 Meetings |
I Preached 14 discourses | 14 discourses |
I Attended two General Conferences | 2 Conferences |
I Attended the Prayer Circle | 36 times |
I spent Eleven days giving Endowments | 11 days |
I Attended the Legislature | 40 days |
I spent five days with the D.A.M. Society | 5 days |
I | 10 sick |
I wrote Fifteen letters | 15 Letters |
I Received Eight Letters | 8 Received |
I moved all my Family and Effects to provo
amounting to thirty tons with my flocks & herds
with all the inhabitants of the north country
to prepare our cities for the burning, when
peace was made we returned again.
I spent the remainder of my time
in the Historians office compileing the
History of the Church & of the Twelve Apostles.
JAN 1st 1859
~ Saturday
This is a vary plesant New Years morning. One year
ago this morning I reflected in my own mind upon the
scenes which lay before us as a people and asked the Question
whare another new Year would find me and My Brethren for
we were threatened with war and extermination by the General
Government and an armey of several thousand men lay upon our
borders ready at the opening of spring to try to begin to put their
threats into Execution but the Lord has warded off the blow & we
still occupy our houses, gardens, orchards, fields, cityies & Tabernacle
and this is the Lords doing, & it is marvelous in our Eyes, and
we now have the army in our midst under the form of peace
we have the United States courts in our midst who are striving
to stir up strife in the midst of this people May the Lord protect
his saints through 1859 and in all time to come from the
evil design of our Enemies And may he so lead the President
& Congress of the United States that they shall not be able to
accomplish any evil design against the Church, Kingdom
& Zion of our God which dwells in these vallies of the mountains
but may the Lord so guide & controll the helm of state
so as to give us a state Government or esstablish the Kingdom
of God on the Earth May he inspire the heart of his servant
Brigham continually with power, light, & truth so that He may
continue to lead the Church & kingdom of God in peace &
safety as he has done heretofore untill the saints of the Most High
shall possess the kingdom in power & Glory and be prepared
for the comeing of the Son of Man
I spent a part of the day in the office & the evening at home
Several of the Brethren called in & spent the evening with me
Lorenzo Snow, S. M. Blair Joseph Horn & H. W. Church & their
Families were present Also A. O. Smoot & Family.
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday The saints met in the Tabernacle this morning at
11 oclok for preaching it being the first time the saints had
met for a publick meeting since the 30 day of May 1858,
Being 7 month, being the longest time the Church ever
remained without public meetings since its first organization
The organ had been removed to the center of the East
wall oposite the stand their was a pa[r]tition runing through
the center of the tabernacle separating Male from female
the females occupied the north side & the Males the South side
Elder Orson Pratt addressed the people 1 Hour & 50 minutes upon
the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon & the Bible He compared
the strength of the two He showed that there was hardly a vestige
of Human testimony in exhistence to show the divin authenticity
of the Bible while there was an abundant of testimony to prove
the authenticity of the Book of Mormon. Many of the Gentiles
were present & some of them said after meeting that his
Arguments were unanswerable. At the close of the meeting
I met with my Quorum at the Historians office G. D. Grant
prayed & E. F. Sheets was mouth. The Eastern Mail came in
& Brought a large amount of papers the tone against the
saints seems to be much milder & more favorable than
it has been I met with the Quorum of the Twelve E Snow
was mouth in opening & F. D. Richards was mouth in the
~ Monday
3rd I met with the Legislature I attended a land meeting
at the 16 ward Meeting to make a new fence around the pasture
~ Tuesday
4th I called at the office at 9 oclok I attended the Legislature
and during the day the Grand Jury decided that Christionsen
was not guilty & wrote on the inditement Ignored
the Deseret Agricultural Board of Directors met at the
House of Brother Winder S. M. Blair was present He was
so overjoyed that Christianson was liberated that He was
filled with excitement he hollowed shouted horaw for
for Israel He was so excited all the evening that we could
[do] no business He said that He had suffered so much through
the trial as theye court had tried to make Brigham Young
Daniel H Wells A. O. Smoot & many others accessory to the
death of Chr Andrew Burnard called Dummy who attempted
to kill Christianson whileo was on duty as a polieceman
& Christianson killed him in self defence 9 of the Jury
was against Christianson & 12 for clearing him two of
the Jury that was for condemning him viz David H. Beck &
G. W. Bayliss insulted Blair & Blair drove them both
out of the street. Captain Tyler & Mr Tabbott came
in the council Capt Tylor said in the Globe that they
were going to send over 24 commissioned officers of
the Armey & Hold a court Marshall in this city &
hang Just who they pleased Govornor Cummings
had to meet with the mad Gentiles to keep them quiet
many of them were mad because Christion[son] was cleared
their was quite a sensation through the city.
~ Wednesday
The Eastern
^5th^ Mail came in & Brought a Letter from Joseph E Johnson
saying that He would remove with his Family & press to
Deer creek & form a New settlement & esstablish a New
paper called the Mountain Echo I spent the day in the Legislature
~ Thursday
6th I spent most of the day in the Legislature I spent
the evening at S. M. Blairs with Bishop Hunter
A. O. Smoot Lorenzo Snow & many others
~ Friday
{I had a difficulty to settle this morning.} I attended the Legislat-
ure I was informed this morning that Mr Burr had started
for the states with an express to Washington to get Gov
Cumings removed But I do not think they will make
much of it. The distrect court set today upon the case of
James Ferguson who challenged two of the Jury which was
argured during the after noon
~ Saturday
8th I met with the Legislature and spent the afternoon
in the presidents office I herd a Bill red and discussed
concerning the appointmet of Jurors. the subject of
appointment of the Judges in the several counties it was
resolved not to appoint any member of the Legislator
as a Judge in any county Lorenzo Snow wanted
Smith for Judge at Box Elder instead of Cordon at willow creek
~ Sunday
Jan 9th
Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle the House was
full & crouded in the Male department. Elder Orson Pratt
spoke again to the people upon eveidence of the Book of Mormon
he took for his text the 4th vers of the 29 chapter of
Isaiah he spoke about two hours confining himself
mostly to this chapter he spoke vary plainly in the power
of God there were many Gentiles present and gave good
attention no man has power to gainsay his doctrin. at the
close of the meeting I met with my Quorum for prayer
Richard Bentley prayed & S. M. Blair was mouth in the
circle At the close I went to president Youngs office
& spent the afternoon. The presidentcy several of the Twelve
& others were present. In speaking of the state of affairs
in this city President Young said that the Brethren
had bourn a good Deal but it was wisdom for them
to still bear and not get up a fuss untill the army was
out of the way. But a person was Justified in defending
his own life if a man draws a weapon upon him
he is not required to wait untill he is shot before
he shoots.
I met with the Twelve at 6
oclok O Hyde was unwell with the flux & did not
dress F. D. Richards was not well & did not dress
Erastus Snow came late & did not dress. O. Pratt
W. Woodruff G. A. Smith E. T. Benson & Lorenzo Snow
dressed O. Pratt prayed W. Woodruff was mouth
& while praying O Pratt Fainted & fell on the
floor or rather eased himselfed down on the floor
& lay their untill we got through.
~ Monday
10th I spent the day in the Legislator
~ Tuesday
101th I spent the forenoon in the Legislator in the
council the House adjourned to make room for the
District court who occupied the lower room on
the case of James Ferguson who was taken up
for intimidating Judge Stiles this case has given
the Judge Sinclair much trouble it has been in the court
100 days & the Judge has set upon ^it^ 38 days James Ferguson
was making a speech in the forenoon the Atturney Wilson
followed then the case submitted to the Jury which
set till 8 1/2 past. Calvin Foss & Stone hung out till
that hour then they brought in a vierdict of not
guilty the Judge got vary tiered of it The Eastern
Mail came in Brought papers to the 10 dec.
I met with the rush valley Herd company at the
Historians office there being present W. Woodruff
Luke Johnson J. W. Cummings J. C. Little L. W. Hardy
we resolved to inclose 250 acres of grassland
250 Acres would be 200 rods square
also 100 Acres farming land 126 49/100 rods square
or 150 Acres farming land 154 91/100 rods square
we agreed to make a half ditch around the grass land
and a cedar stake fence around the farming land
to be done this spring the ditch would be 50 cts/rod
the cedar fence $1 or $1.50. we had a time of rejoicing
in the liberation of Gen James Ferguson
~ Wednesday
Jan 12th
I attended the Legislature & spent the afternoon & evening
in picking up papers for Binding
~ Thursday
13th I attended the Legislator we went into Joint session
and appointed all the Judges & Notairey publics in
all the counties in this Territory which was organized
Luke Johnson was appointed Probate Judge of Shambip Co
& sSamuel Benyon Notary Public [of Shambip Co]
we have had a steady snow storm all day
~ Friday
14th I spent the day in the Legislature I wrote 4
Letters one to I. F. Carter one to Ozem T Woodruff
one to Joseph Harris Rochester New York & sent
him $6 for 16 subscribers for the Genessee Farmer
I send this letter by John Y Green I also send by
Him $186 to deliver to me in Great Salt
Lake City one of Hodges Free & Co One horse
cast Iron virtical Mill for grinding sugar cane
the wait is 650 lbs 20 cts per lb freight $130 price of
Mill $56 total $186. President Young sent the above
Money with some of his by Brother Green to Brother
Kesler to bring on the Mill for me I put $6 in gold
in the Letter to Mr. Harris & sealed it up and rush
it in the post office in the states after Brother Green
gets there or it is delivered to H. S. Eldridge to mail He will
mail all my letters on their arival
~ Saturday
I wrote a Letter to J. M. Bernhisel saying that He need
not send me the sugar & coffee but send the reeds and
indigo I delivered the $186 to John Y Green for the
Mill He gave his recept for the same which is in
the hands of Thomas W Elebeck He aslso sent for a
Sacrarometer which cost $1 which I did not pay
for I attended the Legislature at the close of which I
called upon the secretary Mr Hartnet but He was to
drunk to do business with so I went home
~ Sunday
16th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. O Pratt continued
his lectures upon the evidences of the Book of Mormon He preached
one the most convincing interesting sermons I ever heard He
Quoted the 49 chapter of Genesis He spoke of the Blessings of Jacob
upon the Head of Joseph also pupon Ephram & Manassah [Genesis 48:5-15] and the
Blessing of Moses upon Joseph land & the word of the Lord through
Ezekiel concerning the sticks & recor[d]s of Judah & Joseph becoming
one in the Hands of the Lord in the Last days and Ephraim [Ezekiel 37:16-17] becom-
ing one a multitude of Nations in the midst of the Earth which
was in America [Genesis 48:19] He called strongly upon the Gentiles to open
their Eyes throw off the vail & prepare for the Great day of
the Lord which was nigh at the door. I opened by prayer {but I
could not pray much} I met with my Quorum for prayer Arsa Hinkly
prayed R. T. Burton was mouth. The Eastern Mail came in I
spent most of the Afternoon in the Presidents office reading the
papers I saw a copy of the Book of Mormon published by
James O Wright & Co 377 Broadway New York to sell for specula[tion] [page folded]
He had petitioned to Congress to make an approprition to purchase
his Edition & circulation it gratis to the people. I felt to rejoice
that the Gentiles had commenced to published the Book of mormon
that the word might be circulated among the people if it is done
through Evnvy President Young said that he wanted O Pratt [to] take the
Book of Mormon to the Historians office which the Gentiles had
published & compare it with the third Edition American, & see if they
were correct I met with the Twelve in the prayer circle O Hyde
prayed J. Taylor was mouth. I went with O. Hyde O. Prat
J Taylor G. A. Smith & L. Snow to President Youngs and spent
one hour with him in conversing upon the subject of the Book of
mormon and News by the mail
~ Monday
17th I called upon Governor Cummings & secretary Hartnett
in the morning to get a list of his expendatures to put in the appro-
priateion Bill I attended the Legislature I called at the secretaris
office to get the Items of the expenditures to make out the appropriation
Bill I spent the evening at Brother Horns it being his birth day He
made a feast for his friends. Elder John Taylor read the New York
Herrald of Dec 17th 1858 which is full of war the British Government
has boarded our steamers & Blockaded the mexican
ports stoped the American transit routt & war with England
& France is inevitable
~ Tuesday
18th I attended the Legislature and spent a short time in
the evening at the Presidents office the subject of the Allied
fleet in the gulf & on the Mexican Co[a]st was the subject of
conversation President Young said they were vary anxious
to shoot & they would have the privilege of doing all they
would want. D. H. Wells A Carrington & others were presnt
~ Wednesday
19th I attended the Legislature I spent the evening at President
Young W Woodruff J Taylor O Hyde & C. C. Rich of the Twelve
President Young conversed upon the subject of the present
position of the United States in connexion with England
& France in relation to the South American Question He
said If I had been President of the United States 7 years ago
I would have disbanded all of the armey, and expended
the same amount of money in building a Navy of armed
steamers I would have setled the Southern Mexico with
americans & bought out the Mexicans & finally annexed it
to the United States. And now if we have war with England
the United States will have to send their armies by Land.
He also said I have found out of Late what I have said
before that the British Government sent four regiments
to Lake superior to stop the mormons from going into
the British possessions & told the Govornor that England
would support him with all the British force if necessary
to keep the mormons from entering the British possessions
President Young said we are here in these valley whare we
shall stay untill the Lord shall lead us we shall never be
driven from these Mountains I do not believe. Elder Hyde
told a dream which He had a short time since, thought that
He was riding on a horse through a vast water like a roaring
[page torn] terock his horse had to wade in deep water one narrow strip
Dec [Jan] 20th
of land in order to keep from Drowning but he got out safe
~ Thursday
20 I Attended the Legislature & we sat till 8 oclok at
[FIGURE] night we had a Petition again to day from the Rush valley
settlement wanting the herd grant to Brigham Young & co
Repealed President Young said let it be repealed & we
repealed it through both Houses without any oposition {Men lied
about it} [blank] Miller [blank] signed the petition
~ Friday
21st I spent the whole day & night in the Legislature till
3 1/2 oclock in the morning The Govornor remained up
untill all the Bills were signed except a Liquor Bill & united
Shambip County with Toille those are the ownly Bill that
the Govornor has veto'ed we turned off much business
during the Last 24 hours we adjourned to meet on the second
Monday in Dec 1859 in Great Salt Lake City. The secretary
refused to pay the members ownly the identical siting days
this created some considerable in the Assembly and an
unusual thing. The Assembly offerd a resolution of thanks
to Govornor GCummings for his wise policy in keeping
the peace & maintaining the Laws in this Territory I
went home at 4 oclok
~ Saturday
22nd We met at 2 oclok not as a Legislative assembly for that
adjourned last night but we met to take into consideration the
conduct of Secretary Hartnet who had refused to pay any member
of the Legislature except the identical days they had set He would
throw out Sundays and all day while travelling From Filmore
to Great Salt Lake City after the adjournment, From Filloremore
or oif any one was sick or excused for a day this is an unherd
of course in Congress or in the Legislativere of any state or
Territory. A committee was appointed to wait upon the
Secretary & Govornor but they could not see them & adjourned
till 6 oclock we met at 6 oclock had a full house the committee
reported that the Secretary would not pay ownly the sitting days
E. D. Woolley made speech & entered into a Dialogue with the
Members which showed up the secretary in a vary unf[avor]able
light he was using partiality J. W. Cummings testified
that he had paid him his full milage & per Deium many
remarks were made by the members we adjourned about 9 oclok
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Elder O. Pratt
Preached upon the Kingdom of God to be set up in the Last days as
spoken off by Daniel He spoke in the power of God much to the
edifycation of the people. I met with my Quorum in the prayers
circle John T Caine Prayed & David O. Calder was mouth
in the circle. I spent the Afternoon in the Presidents office
looking over the papers as the Eastern Mail came in last
night there was not much news in the papers there was a Bill
in Congress to grant each Territory the right to electe theire
own officers including the Govornor, Judges, Marshall, & all other
officers & they must bear their own expenses & not the General
Government. I asked President Young If Robert Scholes &
Susan C. Woodruff my second daughter might be married
He had no objections to it {He asked me about Phebe. I told him all about her. He
released her and set her free. He did not wish to take any more [wives]. He said we should [well] be pressed for an off[er].}
I met with the Quorum of the Twelve for Prayer C. C. Rich
Prayed F. D. Richards was mouth. we conversed till 9 oclok
upon the subject of the Education of the people in this Territory
& the furnishing of the people with Books they estimated that it
would cost about one million of Dollars to furnish Books &
stationary to educate what people there was now in the Territory
in speaking of the Deserett Alphabet they thought we would have
to continue the English Books as well as the Deserett Alphabet as
we could not print but few Books in the Deseret Alphabet
~ Monday
24th I spent the fore part of the day in the office but all the desks
were painted fresh & the paint made me sick. I met in the
evening with the Deseret Agricultural & Manufacturing society
at Bishop Hunters we appointed an Agent for the society, I
received a Letter from Dr Bernhisel & two papers
~ Tuesday
25th I spent the day Journalizing in the office I spent the
evening mostly with President Young Warren Snow &
George Pecock from Sanpete came in President Young
enquired where Arrowpene was Snow said he had just
returned from the Armey & wished to see Brigham Young
before he went back from to Sanpete. The Army showed
him their big guns aArrowpene told them some mormons
some Utes, & some Americans lied. President Young said
that the secretary had no right to refuse to pay the Legislature
but he should pay them for the 40 days session this was
the custom of all Legislators
~ Wednesday
26th We have had a steady snow storm all day I
[FIGURE] called in the Presidents office a short time President Young
was well I spent the evening at home I carried to the
Book binder to be bound the following works
The Mormon Vol 1, 2, 3, Nauvoo Neighbor Vol 2, & 3,
Frontier Guardian Vol. 1, 2, 3 Western Standard vol. 1, 2,
New York Messenger Vol. 2, all up to 2No. 20,
Deseret News Vol 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7. I also gave him two
News papers Dated 1806 & 1814 & several others for binding
Also the Seer vol 1, vol 2, 8 Numbers.
~ Thursday
I called upon the Secretary with Lorenzo Snow to get
our pay He paid me $105 per diem & $50 for Mileage $155
{I conversed with Brother Snow upon the good of his taking Phebe for his wife.} The Secretary
still owes me $15 for the 5 days while going to Fillmore
the Secretary takes a strange course He pays some their
Full per diem $120, others He pays $105, and other Less.
I paid my tithing to Brother Calder $15.50. I settled with
Bishop Hoagland my tithing which amounted to $205.74
I had paid it all except $20.50 which I setteled with
an order to that amount from
I spent the evening at home it had snowed all day wilford
Robert, Susan, & Delight all went over to Fort Herriman
through the snow storm. Elder Lorenzo Snow spent
the evening with me till midnight {He had some diversion with Phebe}
~ Friday
Jan 28th
I spent the forenoon in the office I was not well I delivered
to W. W. Phelpls the Nautical Almanac of J M Bernhisels
for 1860. Their will be a great Eclips of the Sun 17th July 1860
[FIGURE] S. M. Blair conversed with President Young upon the subject
of Manufacturing sugar molasses, tobaco & hemp he wishes
companies to enter into the business upon a large scale so as to
supply the Utah Market instead of Bringing it from abroad
He thought the Deseret Agricultural & manufacturing society
should enter into this Business, and set the example themselves
~ Saturday
29th I spent the day scraping in the office I attendinged the
Meeting of the D. A. M. society we formed a company to engage
in raising sugar cane & tobaco. W. Woodruff S. M. Blair
A. O. Smoot W. C. Stains form the company to commence
with & other may be added to it. Bishop Edward Hunter
L W Hardy & J. C. Little for a company to engage in the raising
of the Hemp
~ Sunday
30th Sunday I was quite unwell I did not attend the
Meeting John Taylor preached upon the first principles
of the gospel in the Tabernacle. I met with my prayer
circle at 2 oclok I did not dress R. L. Campbell prayed
Bishop Hunter was mouth in the Circle I did not meet
with the Twelve E. T. Benson prayed Erastus Snow was
mouth in the Circle
[FIGURE] At half past 6 oclok P.M. I gave my Daughter
Susan Cornelia Woodruff to Robert Scholes and Joined
them in the Holy bonds of Matrimony. this is the first child
I ever gave in marriage. The eastern mail came in I
looked over the papers but found but little news. I
~ Monday
31st I spent a part of the day in the presidents office
looking over the papers. the remainder of the day in
the office. I attended the regency at President Youngs
during the evening. D. H. Wells spoke upon the subject of the
Deseret Alphabet urged the adopting of the Deseret Alphabet
into our scholes as soon as possible. The subject of introducing
a uniform class of school Books into our Territory Brother
O Hyde presented an Epistle for this purpose He recommended
Rays Arithmetic Towns speller & Definer 1, 2, 3, & 4 Readers of
Towns & his Grammar school Reader, & Kirkham Grammar
D. H. Wells Advocated Websters spelling Book But Towns
was prefered by most of the board. I informed the board
that I could get from Sanbon & Carter of Portland all
those works which they were manufacturing at a cheap
rate that that was the class of Books now in use throughout
the New England states, this was done through the common
consent of a convention of teachers who sat at Portland
President Young spoke upon the subject of the New Alphabet
He said I think we are the Head & not the tail and now
if I had my way I will tel you what I would do I
would put Books into the hands of children in this Territory
printed in the Deseret Alphabet I dont want many Books
to learn children. I told the Bishops when I first came
to this country to build their school houses on a plan which
I gave them there has been many wings built but not
a centre building in the Territory I would calassify all
the children I would put the Little children all together & I
would take a girl or some one capable of teaching them & I
would have a good Black board and I would teach the Alphabet
upon that one book would be enough in the room I do not
believe in putting Books into the hands of Little children to
pour over & make them sit on a hard Bench untill they ake
all over. If I was a Teacher I would make them rise up &
march around the house and I would try to interest their
minds so they would delight to learn but many persons
who have learning sufficient to teach a school yet they are
not fit to teach children as soon as a child does sumthing
that does not pleas the teacher He begins to pound the child
with a ruler over the Head & back or slaps him in the side of
the Head with his hand this is not the way to treat children
You put a work into the hands of a Jerman Frenchman
Dane or Sweed or any other Nation printed in the Deserett
Alphabet & in a little time they will all read and spell alike
much sooner than they could learn a new language several
of the brethren spoke D. H. Wells said that he was satisfied
that the Lord had inspired the mind of President Young in this matter
~ Tuesday
Feb 1st A. O. Smoot S. M. Blair & myself called upon
President Young to get council concerning our Joint
company in raising sugar cane & tobaco he said he would
advise us to form a company of one and not have a
parcel of Books to keep and a company to settle with the
partnership is a bad ship to sail in so we took his council
dissolved partnership and concluded to go upon our own
hook I spent the night with [blank]
~ Wednesday
2nd I spent the fore part of the day in the office scraping I
[FIGURE] called upon Elias Smith He gave me an account of the
gold company explosion which was a rich affair Mr
Mogo had a Brewery at the foot of the mountain near the
warm springs at the south End of the warm the Great Salt
Lake valley. He wanted to sell his Brewery at a high price,
so he came to Great Salt Lake City & gathered together [FIGURE]
about a dozen merchants & others among whom was Abel
Gilbert, Judge Sinclair, Secretary Hartnet & other dignitaris
and Mr Mogo told them that He had found gold He addressed
them sumthing like the following. The mormons have hunted
all this country over the Hills & dales for gold they no find
him none at all But I find him plenty, heap more than
in Calafornia. I fraid mormon get him now me friends
I want you to Join me & take possession of him, me sell
you me place you go with me & get him he heap of gold
the company not dreaming of a sell or being decieve
agreed to buy the place it was put in ^30^ shares of one thousand
dollars each Mr Gilbert bought 8 shares Hartnet 2 shares
& so untill he was paid $30000 the company started off
in the night secretly so as not to be seen and went
And camped at Mogo's Brewery. Mogo said one must
stand guard so the mormon no see him Mr Brookie
stands guard all night in the cold swareing about the
cold weather at 3 oclok the party was called & climed the
Mountain with spad[e]s & sacks & dug into the hole filled
their sacks with mud dirt & packed it on their backs
down the mountain to Mogoes spring & got some old pans
& began to wash the dirt Brookie stands with a magnif-
fing glass to his eye watching for the gold the rest stand
around in the circle watching with great anxiety when
the following conversation ensues. Gilbert Brookie "what
do you ?see?["] "nothing but mud" there there what is that
Nothing but mud by G[o]d Mogo goes & brings another washer
washer another bag is put in & washed. Brookies with
his glass watching intently. Brookie what do you
see nothing but mud by G[o]d when the last sack of dirt
was washed Gilbert hollows out at the top of his voice
with his hands on his hips & his hair standing up like
hedg hogs quills Brookie what do you see Nothing but
mud By GOD." Gilbert we are sold by God we are
sold by God, & the company mounted their carriages
& started like a street for Great Salt Lake City feeling
much $30000 poorer than when they started Mogo
puts for Camp Floyd with thirty thousand dollars &
leaves his good Friends to dig all the gold they can
out of his mault tubs. I spent the evening at Brother
Smoots with a party of friends. The mayor A. O. Smoot gave us
an exhibition of the gold company explosion J Taylor J Horn F. D.
Richards John Sharp, Bishop Hunter, Dunbar & W Woodruff
with their Ladies & Col Little with their Ladies composed the
company. We broke up at about 12 oclok
The committee of the board of Regents met at President Youngs
& continued to write theChrist sermon on the mount on the black Board
~ Thursday
3rd. I called at the office in the morning & spent the day scraping
I spent the evening at home the young folks had a
party at our house till midnight. The Regency Committee
met at Presidency Youngs & spent the evening on the Deserett Alphabet
~ Friday
4th I gave Bonds in the penal sum of $5000 for
the faithful performance of my duty as Inspector of
the Penetentiary. Jeter Clinton & James MCknight
were my bondsmen. I filed in the office of the Auditor
of public accounts viz Wm Clayton at Capt Hoopers
Office. Luke Johnson is in this morning From
[FIGURE] Rush Valley with Ormus Bates I was informed
that Gov Cummings would not sign a Bill repealing
the Rush valley herd ground he would not sign away
the rights of men I spent most of the day in the office scraping
~ Saturday
5th In company with Luke Johnson & son I rode to Samuel
Benyons took dinner then rode to John Benyons we walked
out 4 miles to Brother Benyons Herd of sheep & help him
drive them in I had lost 10 sheep 9 Ewes & 1 weather &
they were in his flock & I wished to get them we spent the night wit him
~ Sunday
Feb 6th
{Sunday} As soon as It was light enough to see we commenced
to examine Brother Benyons herd of sheep to try to
find my own I found the number which I had lost
with my ear mark but Brother Johnson had put a Brand
of a J on the forehead & it did not show ownly on five
& Brother Benyon did not wish me to take ownly the
five that showed the J But the other five belonged to me
as much as those which I took we put the 5 we got
into Samuel Benyons Heard being 4 yearling Ewes
& 1 Black Bweather with left ear croped & a hole th[rou]gh
the right ear. we then rode Back to the city 24 mi[les]
My Quorum met in the After noon [blank] Prayed in
[blank] was mouth. I called in to the presidents office
& President Young made some remarks. Elder O Hyde
told a dream which he had last fall. He saw the prophet
Joseph who told him we should conquer in the first
campaign. President Young we shall conquer all the
time if we do right for I can tell you the time has
come when the Lord will sit to Judge the Nations
and he will controll things in such a manner
that the people of the world will not understand that the
Lord has any thing to do with it, no more than the Jews
did in the days of the Saviour. He said their are some
officers in this city from the Armey, some companies
that wish to kill some men thinking that will start
up a general war and we must be on the watch.
Mr Wm Martin told S. M. Blair that Benjamin Clapp
& about 40 others in sanpete was going to Calafornia
Martin had Bought Boxes heard out to fit them out
Italy was making a Demonstration against Austria
and France was sustaining Itialy in it. The Papers say
that the Government does not sustain Sinclair in
his chair to the Jury in Utah. President Young said
He dreamed that President Buchanan sent him a fine
time peace saying you may now regulate your own time
I expect He will soon send us the time peace or pass the
act giving Utah as well as other Territories the right
to elect their own officers which I consider to be the
time peace. The Govornor may soon call the Legislature
together and Elecht their own officers and regulate
their own affairs. I met with O. Hyde O. Pratt &
C C Rich of the Twelve in the prayer room O. Hyde prayed. O
Pratt was mouth we conversed upon the things of the Kingd[om]
of God spoke of prayer & fasting O. Pratt said that He
had often wished that He could get faith enough to enjoy
the Blessings the ancient Apostles Enjoyed He said Joseph
taught that unles the Apostles and Elders of this Church
did fast & pray untill they could get the Heavens opened
unto them so they could see the face of the Lord their testimony
would not be worth much to this generation. Brother Hyde
moved that we asked the privilege of President Young to Fast
and pray as a Quorum in the Endowment House for one
week to which we all agreed
~ Monday
Feb 7
I spent the day scraping I met with the board of Directors in the
evening we Elected J. C. Little Treasurer & agreed to talk with
Wm G. Mills for corresponding secretary & T Bullock for secretary
James A Little made a good report of his Travels & lectures
~ Tuesday
8th Luke Johnson started home this morning I spent the day
scraping. I spent the evening with President Young & the
committee of the Regency they have commenced a Dictionary
are at work on Ao. I called upon Leo Hawkins He was vary poorly
~ Wednesday
9th A plesent morning I spent the day in the office scraping I
spent the night at home reading with my family
~ Thursday
10th we had a hard snow storm last night their is some 5 inches
of snow this morning I spent the day scraping which fin[ishe]d
up the winters mails. I spent the evening at Presidents
Youngs exerciseing on the black board till 10 oclok
~ Friday
11th I spent the day in the office. S. M. Blair called in & said to
me that Govornor Cummings told him that He was going to
the states & thought Col Johnson was going also Govornor
Cummings has been informed that Congress intended to
repeal our organic Act organizing Utah Territory, what
they intend doing with it I am not informed.
Elder G. A. Smith arived home at 7 oclok He called upon
President Young a short time. The committee of the Regency
spent the evening with President Young writing Hebrew in
the deseret Alphabet on the black board, for exercise. I spent
the evening at home teaching my Family the Deseret Alphabet
~ Saturday
12. I spent the day in the office examining letters for History I
spent the evening with the board of directors of the DA & M
Society we appointed Thomas Bullock our secretary as R Campbell
had resigned in consequence of a multiplicity of busines.
I wrote a Letter to Joseph Harris & sent 1 subscriber
~ Sunday
13th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Gilbert Clements
Preached upon the first principles of the gospel was followed by
Elder O Hyde with a strong exertation He objected to any
person selling whiskey & then coming into this desk to preach
which Brother Clements had done yet he did not call him
by name. I met my Quorum my son Wilford Prayed
& I was mouth in the circle. The first Patriarch of the
Church Joseph Smith sen blessed me & my wife Phebe he
said I should have sons who should bear the Holy Priesthood
& be great men in the Earth & be honorable men in Zion
while he [Wilford] was praying I thought of my Blessing. I spent
an hour with President Young in the afternoon. He spoke upon
the subject of the Book published by Mother Smith called Joseph
Smith the Prophet He said he wished us to take up that work
& revise it & correct it that it belonged to the Historians to
attend to it that there was many fals statements made in
it and he wished them to be left out and all other statements
which we did not know to be true, and give the reason why they
are left out. G. A. Smith & Elias smith should be present
That Book makes out William Smith according to WiMother
Smith's statement to be full of the Holy Ghost & the power
of God while at the same time I herd him say in the
presence of Heber C. Kimball while Joseph Smith was a
prisioner in the hands of his enemies and I said that God
would deliver him, William Smith said Dam him Joseph
Smith ought to have been hung up by the neck years ago
and Dam him he will get it now any how.
President Brigham Young said Wm Smith is the most
wicked man I ever saw in my life He has been filled
with all manner of wickedness. When I was in Nauvoo
I commenced to build me a carriage William got up a rumor
that I was Finishing a carriage for my own use which
Joseph had commenced for his mother then Mother Smith
soon reported that I was building her a carriage and
the first time she got me in company she asked me
for that carriage I did not care much about the carriage
but I was sorry to have her take that course. W Woodruff
remarked that Mother Smith was under the influence of Wm
Smith and the spirit of Aposticy which was in Nauvoo President
Young said yes I do not think the Lord would impute Evil to her
and I shall meet with her in Eternity and I am sure I shall
not bring an Accusation against her. Elder O Pratt published
that work & bought it of A. W. Babbitt at a high Price when
we had a copy of it in our office, it is marvellous that He
should have published it without my council. Many other
remarks were made by President Young (see private Journal)
I met with the Twelve in the prayer circle I opened by prayer
G. A Smith was mouth we conversed upon a varyiety of
subjects we agreed to meet as a Quorum a week from
tomorrow for prayer and fasting Letters were written to
John Taylor and Lorenzo Snow to meet with us
during the evening Bishop Heywood & Richard Balantine came
before the Twelve and made a report of their doings at Salt
Creek they had got into a difficulty with the Bishop & people
sumthing in the following manner they claimed to be acting as
Missionaries sent by Brother Kimball or Brother Hyde in preaching
in that place Brother Balantyne did not think He was received
as a missionary should be and He told the people the history of
that place showed that they had been in the habit of rejecting
the servants of God this gave offence to the Bishop & people in
connexion with other things, and he would not make satisf-
action and teachers was sent to laboured with them Brother
Balantine called upon the Bishop Bigler & he considered that
he was grossly insulted and he told Br Balantyne to leave
his house or he would break his Jow [Jaw]. Brother Bigler had
written a letter upon the subject said that Balantyne had
taught that Haywood was the President of the place & that Balantyne
had privately thaught the people that Brigham Young would be
massacreed bey the armey &c. The Twelve decided after Hearing
the case that they would dismiss Elders Heywood & FBalantyne
from any further missionariesy duties at Present & G. A. Smith
wrote to Bishop Bigler saying that the Twelve thought that He
would have a more salutary influence with kind words
and looks instead of a blow with the fist or a kick &c
~ Monday
we found about one foot of snow on the ground this
morning the Eastern mail came in this morning I spent
an hour in the Presidents office looking over the mail but
we did not find much News I received one paper & a letter
from Elder Lorenzo Snow, and a letter to his sister E. R. Snow
which I delivered to her and had some conversation with her
concerning her Brother Lorenzo. I wrote to Brother Snow
an answer to his Letter I spent the evening in the office G. A. S
was present & herd the Book Entitled Joseph Smith the prophet red
and found many errors in it
I had a conversation with D Huntington upon the subj[ec]t
of a conversation with Arrowpene & Ben Simons as
follows. Arrowpene had Been to camp Floyd for several
days He came to Dimick Huntington & spent the night also
Ben Simons they lay and whispered to gether all night and
Brother Huntington[t] said he was full of Hell Arrowpene was
sullen and he said in the morning the mormons was the cause
of the death of Pintets. Huntington asked who told him so he
was silent a while then said Nobody. H. yes sombody told
you so was it the Black bearded man. He said yes then Ben
Simons said that Dr Hurt had said that the Mormons had
teased the Govornor to send the soldiers to chastize them
the Indians & this was the cause why they shot Pintets
Ben Simons said some body had got to die for shooting
at him last winter in the mountains he did not say
who it would be their is no dout but what Dr Hurt has
tried all the time to stir up the Indians to war against
the morning Arrowpene said that He could not tell what He
should do untill the snow should go off.
~ Tuesday
15 I spent the day on History and the evening at home in
the evening. Elder H C. Kimball & D. H. Wells called during
the evening. G. A. Smith made out an account of the
Early History of the Smith Family for Brother Kimball
~ Wednesday
16th I spent the day in the office on History I wrote
a letter to John Bennion about sheep I met at the
8th school house at a water meeting we Elected Br
Nobles as the first watermaster over the Canida ditch
Brother Sanders over another ditch Wm Smoot over anoth[er]
dit[c]h & Brother Turnbow watermaster over the Wilen
~ Thursday
17th I spent the day on the History in the evening Brother
Fox arived from Rush valley some of the soldiers have
been killing some cattle of the brethren & insulting the
~ Friday
18th. it comm[enc]ed snowing about 8 oclok from the North
with strong wind the air was filled with snow
I spent the day on History President Young called upon us
a few minutes and left with G. A. Smith I spent the evening
at Home & red a Book entitled Revolution in Russia
~ Saturday
Feb 19
The earth is coverd with snow this morning I spent the day on History
I met with the board of Directord of the D.A. & M.
society we regulated the premium list and appointed the
committies over the various classes
~ Sunday
20th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Jacob
Gates spokes first & gave a good exertation & was followed by
Elder O Pratt who spoke much to the Edefication of the people
At the close of the Meeting I met with my prayer circle A
Hoagland prayed & J. C. Little was mouth
I called upon President Young a short time TE. T. Benson
C. C. Rich Erastus Snow came in. President Young said
their was a Hand Bill stuck up in the city for a Ball with
Thomas Williams Name to it. I have had a ticket or invi-
tation to go to the Ball and it is rumoured that Col Johns-
on would attend, but if Col Johnson waits for me to make
a Ball and bear the expenses of it & invite him to in in
order to see him He will wait a good while And if Col
Johnson is the man I take him to be I do not think He will
come over to Join these rowdies in their Ball. There is
many of this Church who does not know the diference
between inviteing our Enemies, the Gentiles, ^or^ the wicked to
Join in our feast or dances, or gioing to their parties & being
under their dominion. If we invite a wicked man to
our dance we preside over him. If we go to his party He
presides over us and has an influence over us. If Col
Johnson will stay whare he is and maintain his own Group
I have no objection I mean to stay whare I am and main-
tain my own Ground by the help of the Lord
I met with the Twelve in the circle C. C. Rich prayed & E. T. Ben[son]
was mouth we made some arangments about prepareing for
a Prayer & Fasting meeting of the Twelve Apostles
~ Monday
21st Feb 1859 The Twelve Apostles met at the Prayer closit
in the Historians office, for Prayer & Fasting. There was
Present O. Hyde O. Pratt W. Woodruff G. A. Smith E. T. Benson
C. C. Rich Lorenzo Snow Erastus Snow & F. D. Richards
O Hyde opened by Prayer & spoke upon our position
and the day in which we live said the gospel had been
beging amoung the Gent[i]les for 30 years & he believed the
time was soon over he believed the time [was] at hand when the
Gentiles would beg for the Gospel
G. A. Smith Prayed in the spirit of the Lord and asked
for all things necessary for the Church & kingdom of God
the salvation of the Presidency, Twelve, our family & all Israel
& the destruction of our Enemies
We then sung Come all ye that love the Lord
O pratt Prayed that the Holy Ghost might be poured out
upon us, that our hearts might be filled with good desire[s]
that we might be taught to pray & what to ask of the Lord
we then sung O our Father thou that dwellest
W Woodruff prayed and called upon the Lord to pour
out his spirit upon us & give us the gifts of the Holy Ghost
to Bless and preserve all Israel who would keep the comma-
ndments of God & to curse & destroy our enemies who would
not repent but seek our destruction
We sung this Earth was once a Garden Place
Erastus Snow spoke said he felt rather stupid but he had
a great desire to enjoy the Holy spirit. He talked as stupid
as he felt, and I thought rather Quenched the spirit, but he
prayed and asked for many things which were good
O Pratt spoke and said that as Brother Hyde first remarked
that in attempting to pray this morning his tongue was all
doubled up and seemed hard work to speak O Pratt said that
it made him think of Brother Whimer before he saw the
Angels he had to struggle hard with the powers of darkness
and in one instance the Devel appeared in the form of a
personage and he had to contend with that person & overcome
him, then an angel of God appeared to them Joseph said that
Moses was visited by the Devil and He said to Moses son of
Man worship thou me He told the Devil that He was a son of
God and he would not worship him soon the Lord appeared to him [Moses 1:12-13]
C. C. Rich recommended that no one speak unless he had
the spirit of God but to pray then we would have a good meeting
several ingaged in the conversation.
O. Pratt said there is one thing I think would be of advan-
tage to us in prair the Lord has said that whare two or
three agree as touching any thing it shall be given you He
said we should cast in our minds what the spirit would
wish us to ask for, then we should agree and all ask for the
same thing and exercise all the faith we could upon that
one thing, now if we asked for a hundred things & all difer[ent]
it does not seem as likely to be answered as though iwe askd
for a few things the Nephites when Jesus appeared to them
asked for the Holy Ghost and it was given them [3 Nephi 19:6-13]
O Hyde said that He must confess that he was more
stupid & dull than He wished to be he thought it was in
consequence of going without food & tobaco, which he
had been in the habit of useing. He said if we get the spirit
of the Lord & pray in the spirit we shall be agreed
W. Woodruff spoke & said that we were living in an impo-
rtant eria & that God required much at our hand as the Quorum
of the Twelve Apostle, the Heavens were full of Judgment for
the wicked & Blessings for the righteous, and the Lord has said
that He would be inquired off theby the House of Israel to do thoses
Blessings for them we should be united in asking for what we
want & we should go before God & ask him to stay our Enemies
& hold them that they shall have no power over us we may
not be confined to one thing we want the Holy spirit & we will
ask for that and we will ask the Lord to Hold the Congress of the
United States & all our Enemis in that way that the will of God
may be done He said this year would be more filled with Judgments upon the
wicked than any year we have seen & 1860 will be far more so
E. T. Benson said that He fasted 3 days and was blessed in int
and thought we should not be discoraged but fast & Pray and
ask the Lord for what you want Now if we use coffee, tobaco
whiskey, & stuff ourselves ^with^ meat we will be like the Gentiles & can-
ot expect much of the spirit unless we prepare our bodies for it
I believe that good will grow out of this meeting
G. A. Smith said that I understand the Idea of Brother Pratt is
that we be united in what we ask for but not to limit us I
know that we want the Holy spirit. And one of the greatest
gifts that we want is wisdom to help us to use the Holy spirit
when we [get] we want a gr[e]at deal of wisdom to know when
to speak & when to be silent, as to the Congress of the United States
their is not ten men but what want to cut the throats of the
Presidency & Twelve Apostles and I want to Pray God to curse
them & give them No power over us & I want to pray for the
removal of the armey. Joseph Smith wrote his ^dedication pray^ prayer & went
and read it to the assembly & some were tryed with it
We all dressed in our robes. Lorenzo Snow prayed &
F D. Richards was mouth and prayed long and asked
for many things ^for^ the Church & Kingdom of God
The Brethren then spent a short time in mixed conversation
concerning the the death of Joseph & other things. we then
adjourned till tomorrow 10 oclok, ^1/2 past 3^ I spent the evening at home
I met in the evening with my family and taught them the
things of the kingdom. Elder Lorenzo Snow spent the
evening with me. The mail came in the evening
~ Tuesday
22nd I called at the President's office in the morning to see the
Mail but few papers came in & not much
The Twelve Met in the prayer closset at 12 oclok their being
present O Hyde O. Pratt W. Woodruff John Taylor G. A. Smith
E. T. Benson Lorenzo Snow, C. C. Rich Erastus Snow F. D. Richards
Elder Taylor opened by Prayer and asked the Lord for all
things nessary for the Saints
O Hyde wrote a note to H. C. Kimball giving him an invitactoon
to meet with us
we conversed upon variosus subjets till 1 oclok
we then sung A poor wayfareing man of grief
E. T. Benson Prayed & called upon the Lord for his
Blessings upon all the Authorities of the Church and upon
all Zion and for the Holy spirit to be poured oput upon us
and for the Lord to hedge up the way of our Enemies that
they shall have no power over us
we then sundg Come let us Anew our Journey persue
O. Hyde Prayed in the spirit of the Lord and asked for evry blessi-
ng upon the Church & Kingdom of God which the free spirit of
the Lord dictated unto him
Erastus Snow spoke concerning the feelings of many of
the people against seeing the Twelve prosper in Temperal things
He thought if the Lord did not sanction this, He permited it to
be & he thought perhaps it was not the will of God that we should
[be] engaged in Temperal business when I was ordained Brother
Brigham told me to lay down my hoe & all farming tools & labouring
in the ministry and I do not prosper in any temperal business
F. D Richards said he Brother Snow had spoken his feelings
exactly he did not feel like engaging in any temperal Business
C. C. Rich spoke upon the same subject & said that He did not
no as all the Twelve all experienced the same thing but I think
the people are exercised by a spirit othat they do not comprehend
or know what it ment but their is an opposition to Joseph &
the Presidency & Twelve against their prosperity. I think we
should use wisdom in the preservation of our bodies & lives we
have received a gospel and principles which will save us, but
we must apply it to our bodies as well as to our souls in the season
thereof in [order] to be saved.
Brother C. C. Rich called upon
the Lord in prayer and asked the Blessing of God upon us
Lorenzo Snow spoke, was thankful to meet with us & when
He herd of it thought he would undergo a great deal in order
to meet with us, if we did not have those great & marvellous
things that was manifest on the day of Pentecost yet it was
good to meet & pray and while our Enemies are seeking our
overthrow we should call upon God for our protection we are
differently situated from the Ancient Apostles they had
not the kingdom of God to build up as we have. Now the power
seems to be assimulated among the people & not confined to one
or two men or Twelve yet I consider Brigham Young is
performing a greater work in saving provideing and orga-
nizing his family, in the way he has than he would to divide
the waters, or heal the soals, cast out Devils, or do other miracles
and the wisdom of God is with him with regard to our atten-
ding to temperal matters I think we shall have to attend
to temporal matters & understand them in order to build up
the kingdom of God. I have no dout but that if Bishop
Hunter would take care of our Families & we do nothing els
No doubt we should be great & powerful men in spirit
& make the hearts of men tremble & be filled with the power
of God but would this benefit the people more than for us
to know how to teach the people in temperal things
O Hyde said I have thought of the subject as Erastus spoke of
but I have thought it was best for us to take a medium course
we must have cares and if we could do as Bishop Hunter
spoke of we might become dry & dull I believe we shall
have a variety sometimes fat & sometimes lean & sometimes noth
ing we shall have trials but I think we ought to do our duty
magnify our calling and trust in God and all will be right
I believe the day is not far off when the Twelve will have
all that is necessary. He related a dream about Bull[i]on &
gold &c J Taylor said I will prophesy that it shall be
fulfilled Lorenzo Snow said I will prophesiy that the Moon is
made under which it shall be fulfilled. O Hyde said I will
Prophesiy that the time will soon come when we shall have all
that we want
E. T. Benson asked how much wood O Hyde got at Sessions
settlement He said he had paid $5 for one load of maple wood
of the Bishop that is all that I had in that settlem[en]t.
we had a mixed conversation upon the subject before us we finally
concluded to fulfill our mission ^first^ and be industrious and provided
for our families as well as we can & then trust in God
~ Wednesday
23rd The Twelve met in the Prayer closset at the
Historians Office at 1/2 [past] 120 there being present O. Hyde
O. Pratt, W. Woodruff J. Taylor, G. A. Smith E. T. Benson
C. C. Rich, Lorenzo Snow Erastus Snow F. D. Richards
O Hyde made a statement of his doings in New Yourk
at the Time that Roberts was overturning the Church thrugh
fals doctrin. The course was sustained by Joseph Smith
His instruction to the Twelve was read. B. Young said
that when any one of the Fwelve [Twelve] was abroad it was their
duty to preside & regulate all things
O Hyde Prayed in the spirit of the Lord and then spoke
said he wished the brethren would pray and aske for those
things which we want & contend for it untill we obtain
I feel as though we shall not always be kooped up here
I do not believe we shall always be together but the
Lord will call ous out we have a work to do in the Earth
the Lord has said "with you I will rend their Kingdom
saidth the Lord" will this be done while we are here, we
must pray for the spirit of God to be with us
At a quarter to 12 oclck H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells called
*H. C. Kimball said this madtoe me think of the time when
I returned from England JosephJames [illegible]Foster ^was president^ & the presidency of
the Seventies ^they^ had met with a seers stones to see what they
could see when I went in they treated me vary cool &
Z Pulsipher said dont be excited Brother Kimball is
Nothing but a man, they treated me vary cooly & I went
home and wept* The 12 all rose up & shook hands with them &
recieved them Joyfully
O Hyde explained to Brothers Kimball & Wells what we
had done, and would like to hear from them
Brother Kimball said I consider evry ruling man in
the Church that Has the Holy Ghost is a prophet seer & rev-
elator & he should have the spirit of that office
G. A. Smith read ^from the Doctrin & Covenants the duty^ the Authority of the Twelve Apostles Br
Kimball said it was plain. The Nations were spoken of whare
the layws were so hard that the saints could not enjoy the
gospel openly. F. D. Richards spoke of esstablishing several
Branches in Dresden in a secret manner through the mercy
of God
Brother Kimball conversed upon a variety of things refered
to the stakes which the Twelve once set to see an Angel but
we did not seen an angel but prayed ourselves into darkness
He spoke of the time that Joseph tried the Twelve but the
Twelve was united & tied Joseph down & Joseph said now
dont you now never let any body tie you down as you have
me. Brother Kimball said we appointed ^Joseph nominated^ G. A Smith to
take the place of Thomas B. Marsh and Lyman Shermon
was appointed to take the place of Orson Hyde But Brother
Sherman ^was vary^ was taken sick & died in 3 days ^shortly arm after^ Brother G. A. Smith
said when he heard of Brother Shermons death He thought
his time would soon come. Brother Kimball said ["]it was not
the will of God for a man to take Brother Hydes place. The
Twelve can ordain men to the Apostleship and give them
all the power you have and you have all that we have got
But you cannot make a prophet ownly the natural way
and a man cannot be a patriarch & not a Prophet for a
man must have the spirit of a prophet before he can bless
and prophets [prophecy]" The gifts & callings of God are without
repentance there are thousands of prophets among the Gentiles
and spiritualist that have not repented or obeyed the
gospel there are natural gifts to men if they would
receive the gospel their gifts would be made more manifest
G. A. Smith red some in the Doctrins & Covenants. H. C. Kimball
said I always believed that Lyman Wight would be saved. I
never had any but good feelings towards him
Joseph Young came in at 1 oclok
President Brigham Young came in at a quarter past one oclok
W Woodruff red the minutes. President Young said
Brother Box said the Armey was wanting to get up a viga-
lance committee & wanted to get my head. But they will
not do it. well Brethren I called in to see you a minute
I supposed you called meet to gether to know more, well I
wish we all understood our calleding & ministry before
God. At the time Brother Kimball speaks of the Twelve We
praid untill it was so dark we could hardly see to get down
stairs I then ^last time I met with the Twelve in Kirtland^ [I] praid to God with all my heart that I might
never again meet with that Quorum ^with the spirit they possessed^ and I never did
I dont want you to run into the same thing
Brethren I will say one thing to you that you should understand
that evry minute of our lives we should watch vary carefully
evry thought act and word in such a manner as not to
grieve the spirit of God. I do not know how your feelings
are here but when you close you should ask what advantage
it has been to you and if you have gained any ^thing by^ profit by it
if you meet for past time to pray for your friends & Enemies that
is right, but if you meet to fast & pray & call upon the
Lord for special Blessings you will have to be vary careful not
to indulge in light or vain conversation because it will grieve
the spirit of the Lord. I met with the various quorums of
the Church & many of the councils of the Church are like
the door upon its hinges we are as we were, But we should
improve by every opportunity we have. He then left us
Brother Kimball said as Brother Young has opened the way I
will say, the less you to meet to gether to talk over matters the less
better it will be for you, to meet & complain of one another
and of the Presiden[c]y, or the people it is not profitable for you
& if I had been in Brother Woodruff's Place I would not have
red what he has I would not have written them.
Brother Kimball said bear with me untill I get through and
be kind to me and I will be kind to you and if you will always
take my council you will find it will lead you into the kingdom
of God & that you will not find in Books
The Brethren spoke in social conversation upon a variety of
subjects. Brother Hyde said I will remark concerning the object
of our meeting it was not to get cloven tungs to set upon us of
fire but it was to convers & pray together & ask the Lord to
preserve us & to overthrow our enemies, we have stuck our stake
but was glad to have the Presidency come in with us
H. C. Kimball said I will predict in the Name of Jesus Christ
if you will be one with the Head, the Presidency and sustain them
and you will never see the Body of Christ moved or disturbed
I do not mean members but the Body, untill the coming of
Christ and if you will be one with the Presidency not any
of you or the Presidenycy shall fall by the Armey or By the
Gentiles But you shall all be crowned in the presence of God
you are connected with all the prophets and Apostles from
the Begining and they are united with us and will sustain
us if we do our duty. And we shall never be broaken up
if we will be united all Hell cannot move us you unite with
the presidency and have an Eye to the head all the time, & sust-
ain the Head & no power will prevail over us. I have the best
of feelings towards this Quorums if these two Quorums ownly
Just stands together the kingdom will stand and prosper
go to and prune yourselves & begin at the root Brother
Brigham told it that we should not do any thing but what
we know is right
Brother Wells said I rejoice to meet with you I was glad
to hear that you was going to meet I feel like a little child
among you you have more experience than I have I offten
fell not qualifyed to fill my calling but by the grace of God
I fell to try to do my duty but one thing I no it is the work
of God and if any of us get in the way it will rooll on without
us for the Lord will carry it on. I have a great desire to have
the spirit of God so that evry act thought & word may be except-
able before the Lord we should triy to healp Brother Brigham
I have tryed to help him & have been called upon by him to do
many things that I though[t] many others was Better Qualifyed
to attend to But I have done it freely & for that things I believe
it has [been] excepted I am thankful to see the Twelve & Presidency
so well united and the friendship & confidence the Twelve
have in me this is our safeguard the devil has not the power
over us that many think when we are united we should try
to keep the devil out of our houses & out of ourselves sometime
we may have a member in our houses who will let the devil
dwell in their tabernacles we cannot always help this but if
we are firm before the Lord we will gain ground untill we
will bind the devil and cast him out of our houses & finally
out of the Church I feel to Bless you my Brethren this Quorum
of the Twelve Apostles with evry feelings of my heart in
the Name of Jesus Christ and by all the Authority that God has
given me let us be up & doing & feed the flock of God the
Saints are weak many of them, and are tempted & tryed & they
wanted feeding & if you see any thing in me that is wrong I
wish you would come to me and tell me esspecially I should be
much oblieged to you to tell me any fault before you tell anybody
els. I consider it is a great blessings to belong to the Chiurch of
Christ I never did ask for any office in the Church of Christ
I want to be passive in the hands of God. I never did have those
great manifestations that some have I have thought that I
would like to have some of those manifestations if it was the will of
God but not if it is agoing to do me any harm I would not wish
to see an Angel or hear the voice of God if it would make me
apostitize or do me an injury but let us act for to day &
we will have all the Blessings that is necessary for us
O Hyde said I believe & I may almost say I know that
there is not a feeling among the Twelve against the Presidency
and do not offerd up a prayer without asking God to Bless the presid-
ency & call them by name.
The question was asked had we
not better met hear evry thursday to fast. Brother Kimball
said I thing if you will meet with the people you will have
more of the spirit of God than to meet here
Preside[n]t Kimball dismissed us and Blessed us in the name of Jesus
Christ and said we should be blessed and the spirit of good should
be with us and be with our wives, and it should rest upon
the Earth around about us and these are the begining of Good
Better days
~ Thursday
24th A cold wind I spent the fore part of the day in the office we read
G. A. Smith labours in Washington & ordered it to be recorded
in the Journal of the Twelve Apostles I spent the day in the office
on History
~ Friday
25 I spent half of the day in the office on History. I rode
to the Penetentiary in company with Samuel Richards
as Inspe[c]ters A P Rockwood had gone before us we
visited the whole of the Buildings and found some of
them damaged by heavy winds. there was but 2 prisi-
oners in the penetentiary & they were Indians waiting trial
[FIGURES] I gave President Young a peace of Susans wedding cake
and an Apple I wrote a Letter to Felix H Benton St Louis Mo.
for 50 descriptive Honey Bird Grass pamphlets sent 10 cts
~ Saturday
Feb 26
It commenced in the night to snow vary hard and continued to
snow till about 10 oclok I spent the day in the office on history & the
evening I met with the Board of Agricultural & Manufacturing
Society. The inhabitants of Provo County had organized
a Branch of the society sent us their constitution and wished
us to sanction it the members did not exactly agree as to
the management of the matter our agent seemed to stand
in the way it was refered to a committee of three W Woodruff
W. C. Stanes J. R. Winder
~ Sunday
27th Sunday I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle
Wm. I. Appleby Preached a gospel & Historical serman. I
met with my Quorum. A. O. Smoot Prayed R Bentley was
Mouth. I met with the Quorum of the Twelve F. D. Richards
Prayed. O Hyde was pmouth we talked abut the spirits of men the
varius glories, & come to the conclusion that all things was right
with the Lord & that there was but few of the spirits of men who
were capable of receiving a celestial glory and the Telestial glory
was broad enough to catch evry thing that ought to have any kind
of salvation
~ Monday
28th It commenced snoowing in the night & snowed hard all
day till near night I spent the day in the office on History
and the night at home conversing with Brother Stocking
& my family upon the different glories & reading in the
Doctrins & Covenants
~ Tuesday
March 1st 1859 This is my birth day I am 52 years
old this day I was born on the 1st day of March 1807
thus I have lived over half a centaury I pray the
Lord to preserve me through through the present year & in
all time to come and enable me to be useful during the rem-
ainder of my days and fill me with wisdom & understa-
nding and preserve me from all presumptious sins and
unwrighteousness, that I may stand approved in the sight
of God & my Brethren which I ask in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
It is a warm plesant morning the sun shines bright &
warm upon about 1 foot of snow. Joseph Young called
into the office & we conversed upon the dedication of the
Temple & the dedication Prayer which Joseph Young offered
I spent most of the day looking up Fills [files] of Papers I met
with the committee in the evening on the Business of the
Provo Branch of the D.A. & M. society I was unwell in
the evening
~ Wednesday
2nd A Plesant day. The mail came in about 9 oclok brough[t]
me two Letters from J. M. Bernhisel I spent the day in
the office on office business
~ Thursday
3rd I was quite sick with a severe cold on my lungs and
was confined through the day mostly to my bed and House
~ Friday
4th I called at the office in the morning was poorly in Health
I wrote 2 letters to J M B 1 to H. S. Eldridge. We have a tremen-
dious snow storm I spent most of the day on History
~ Saturday
March 5
We had a cold night the storm yesterday was the worst storm
we have had this winter the sun shone bright this morning
I spent the day in the office. I attended the D.A. & M society
at the Historians office the President & board of Directors
received our report as a committy concerning the Provo
Branch of the society
~ Sunday
6th Sunday G. A. Smith H. Stout S. M. Blair John Kay & J. V. Long
started for Provo at 8 'oclock A.M. President B Young
Fitted out a team of 4 mules to take them down to attend the
court I Attended a meeting at the Tabernacle Wm G Mills
Preached, was followed by Presidet D. H. Wells & Elder John Taylor
all of which bore a strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ
and of the work of God in the last days. My Quorum met at
2 oclok for Prayer E. F. Sheets Prayed & J Pugmire Jr was Mouth
Brother Wm Worstenholm was Prayed for as he was about
to be cut open by Dr France to take a stone out of his Bladder.
Brother Worstenholm wished some of the Twelve to be
present at this trying operation I went in company with
C. C. Rich, Dr France, Dr Anderson, Dr Levi Richards W.
Y Appleby A. H. Ralleeigh, E. R Young S. B. Rose Wm
Moss, & Wm Durr to the House of Wm Worstenholm in
in the [blank] ward within about half a mile of Jordon Bridge
I am informed By Brother Levi Jacksonman that his name
is Wiolstenholme Wm Wolstenholm. we arived at his
house at half past 3 oclock he met us vary cheerfully and
made evry preperation for the operation. we could not get
any clohloroform so the surgeons concluded to use Ether
they got 3 ounces at Godbys and he was about one hour in
breathing it but it did not put him to sleep they then
sent & got 5 ounces more & used that all up and it ownly
made him crazy they used 8 oz. of Ether & was 2
hours about it & it did not put him to sleep this was
the Effect of Adulterated medicines if it had been good
a quarter of the Quantity would have answered. we had
to leave him without operating upon him untill we could
get some chloroform I returned home Attended the prayer
circle with the Twelve, there being present O. Pratt W Woodruff
J. Taylor & C. C. Rich O Pratt Prayed W Woodruff was
mouth. We then all called upon Preside[n]t Young spe[n]t
an hour with him.
~ Monday
7th I called at the office in the morning In looking over
my Papers, I Found the following which I had ^not^ reported
April 15th ^1858^ Sunday President B Young said If the U S Troops
make a war of extermination against this People
they will have all the Indians on this continent to Fight
For they are of Israel and the course which the army are
now taking towards them will have a tendency to cause
the Indians to make war upon them. If Gov Cummings
comes into the city I do not want any man to go and
see him without a permit. If I am not esspecially requi-
red to go & see him He will stop a long time before I shall
go to see him President Young said this war will dry up afor
the present I think but should it not be so, should I have to
burn up my Buildings and if we are driven to lay waste our
cities & fields, I will tell you that we should not build build
much more here but it will be a great war and we shall
live in tents & shanties till we go back to Jackson County ^Mo.^
The Catholicks are laying deep plans to overthrow the Protestant
Nations who are watching us but the Catholics say but little
about us.)
I spent the day on the history. I spent the
evening at President Young with the regency upon the
Deseret Alphabet
~ Tuesday
March 8 I wrote 2 letters one to Col Thomas L. Kane
& one to Luke Johnson Brother Reddin ^A^ Allred called
upon me said he had called upon President Young
and told mehim he was going to Rush valley BPresident
Young said that He should appoint Brother Allred
the Bishop to Preside there. Brother Allred says that
He heard Brother MacIntosh & others say that Bishop
Rowberry say that those Grants were unconstitutional
James Jordon said that Brother Benson told him
that he had had a great deal of trouble with the Grantees
& he thanked God that it was over that they had all
given up their claims and evry man might now
go & chuse land as he pleased. It commenced snowing
at about 2 oclok & it snowed vary hard untill 4 oclok
I spent the evening with President Young D. H. Wells
E. T. Benson J Banks & others. J Ferguson read a
story of a Paddy swiming the Atlantic ocean with
a Bag of meal & a ham on his back was picked up by a
ship he rolled around the ship in the water like a
hoop to please the Ladies. many subjects were
talked about during the evening such as tanning leather
& milling. I spent the day in the office
~ Wednesday
9th We had a stormy day I spent the day in the office
scraping and the evening at home
~ Thursday
10th I called at the office at 9 oclock Bishop Bigler called
upon us this morning & gave a report of the Provo Court
Judge. Cradlebaugh had 80 soldiers with him to guard the
Prisioners. The Judge had given his charge to the Jury wished
them to inquire into the Mountain Meadow massacree, & several
other murders he seemed quite vindictive against the mormons
Sinclair was there drunk or nearly so & dam[n]ing the Mormons
I had a conversation with James Cummings he says he
had a talk with Samuel J Lees He says he knows who
is writing those synonomous [anonymous] Letters to President Young it is
done by a committee who are turning Infidels & apostitizing
from the Church they are vary vindictive against Brother
Kimball Cummings thought they would seek his life & many
other things were said I called upon the President & had
a private conversation with him upon this subject He said
the Lord would controll all this matter & the Utah Court too
see office Historians Private Journal I spent most of the
day Journalizing I Attended a party at Sister Kames
with Mrs Woodruff A. O. Smoot & wife J. C. Little &
wife J. Horn & wife Samuel Richards & wife & others
after partaking of a good feast I was called upon to make
a speech I spent 3/4 of an hour Preaching the gospel of Christ
& speaking of the things of the kingdom of God was followed
by A O. Smoot J. Horn J. C. Little another Brother & S
W Richards which occupied the time till near midni
~ Friday
11th I wrote a Letter to G. A. Smith & gave him all the News I
could think of. Brother L. W. Hardy buried a child to day
about 2 years old I delivered a short Funeral address
was Followed by Bishop Hunter & A. O. Smoot I prayed
I called upon President Young. He had been poorly through
the day but said he felt better now he was going to take
a warm bath in the evening sent for Dr Sprague. He said
he believed that Cradlebaugh would fizzle out in his court
and not be as long winded as Sinclair was while speak-
ing A messenger arrived From Provo with Letters to the
Presidency & others. Cradlebaugh called the Jury to him
or he met with them & gave them another charge
told them that when 12 of their Jury agreed to find
a Bill & if their foreman did not agree with them
to appoint one of their number Foreman & write up
the Bill a Bill found signed by the Foreman recommend-
ed them to appoint a clerk & to keep a secret Book
for their benefit & destroy it when they got through
they were sworn to secrecy & must not tell there
Procedings while out of court He explained the reason
why he had called a company of soldiers to his aid
to guard the Prisioners &c. Brother Carrington read
a Letter to Brother Calkings, from the President and
some other Letters. In speaking at the funeral today
of Brother Hardy's child I said little children when
they died went home to God who gave them and I
had no fears about them not half as much as I
had about those who lived. I had great anxiety abo-
ut the children of theis people that they might walke
in the light of the Lord & be prepared to sustain this
kingdom in their Generation I said those who were
faithful in keeping the commandments of God would
have their children again but those who were wickd
& would not keep the commandments of God would be
seperated from their children for their children
would inherit a Celestial Glory while their wicked
parents would be thrust down to hell therefor it becomes
evry Parent to keep the commandments of tGod that
they may have their children in the family organiza-
tion in the celestial world.
We are having a terrific cold snow snorm the wind blows
a gale & exceding cold it was a vary cold distressing night
for cattle. President Young was in his office till 10 'oclok
Heis feelings are that the court in Provo would flush
out and they would not have Power to accomplish his evil desigms
~ Saturday
12 March
It is a cold bright sunshinee morning Brother Bigler starts
for Provo. I spent the day scraping
~ Sunday
143th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Samuel
W Richards Preached at the close of the meeting I
company with Doctor's France, Anderson, Richardson
Dunyon, Sprague, Levi Richards, Elders C. C. Rich
A H Raliegh Durr Wm Moss W. I. Appleby King &
two others I went to Brother Wm Wolstenholmes to
again try to operate upon him & take the stone out of his
Bladder. we arived there at half past 2 oclok we comm[enced]
to administer to him cloriform at 7 minuts before
3 oclok we first consecrated a Bottle of oil & administer
to him by the laying on of hands we gave him an ounce
of cloriform & some 3 oz of Either we were 45 minuts
giving him the cloriform they commenced operating upon
him at 25 minutes to 4 oclok they run a tube up the penus
into the bladder, then cut into the body by the side of the tube
in the bladder He was 10 minutes cutting to the stone & 14
minutes taking it way making 24 minutes in the operation
the stone was of a dark sand stone couler; vary rough
surface, the following is the length of it or circumference
of it both ways and around the middle it was of an oblong
shape He did not bleed much in the operation
Fac Similee
3 1/4 inch round
Mulbury couler [color]
[sideways text]
4 1/4 inches round
Thickness standing
on edge
[end of sideways text]
He was not sensille [sensible] during
the operation being under the
operation of cloriform but
when he came to his senses
he was in a good deal of
pain, which continued throug[h]
most of the night. He bled
much during the night Dr's
France & Anderson called in
the morning & drew away
his water & blood from the
bladder with a tube and opened
the wound & took away a large
quantity of cloded blood he had bled much during the night
I attended the Prayer circle with the Twelve there was
Present O. Pratt W. Woodruff E. T. Benson & C. C. Rich He prayed
& E. T. Benson was mouth. we conversed upon various things
the business of the Provo court was spoken of Prayed for we
also spoke of & Prayed for Brother Wolstenhome. I called
upon President Young a short time in the evening. The
Calafornia Mail came in in the evening, no Eastern Mail
~ Monday
14th Still cold weather I made an account of the above surgi
cal operation for the deseret News I showed the stone to
President Young & many others I spent the evening at Presi
dent Youngs with the Regency Many samples or ornam-
ented capitols were Presented for the {Deseret Alphabet}
~ Tuesday
March 15
I spent the day scraping in the office Robert set post & made
a fence on the East end of my orchard garden of Pinepost
I had a talk with F. D. Richards upon the propriety of
puting a stop to the trespassing upon our fields by
the men & boys as they have done heretofore. I spent
the evening at home And commenced a Journal for
My son wilford.
~ Wednesday
16th I spent the day in the office scraping was quite
unwell I spent the evening at President Young Hearing
the Life of Napoleon read through his Italian wars
& Austrian his taking the bridge at Lodi &c which was
quite interesting.
~ Thursday
17th Brother Orson Hyde returned from Rush valley
whare he had been to settle the difficulties He done away
will [with] the Rush valley Herd company & the citizens staked
out the land, and that makes an end of our claims in
that land the sellers gave him some $30 dollars in
Money & promised him a keg of Butter & a grant of
20 Acres of the Best land in the East canyon for his
services. IHe Appointed a President and two councel-
lors. I called upon the President a short time The
Mail carrier reported that Amiasa Lyman was vary
dangerously sick & not expected to live
I received a letter from Lorenzo Snow I also
received a letter from G. A. S at Provo the court are
mad & triying to do all they can. Gov Cummings areis there
and trying to remove the Troops. The court has supenied
witnesses about one doz on some cases of murders
there has been Bills Found against two Indians for
rapes And, John Cazier for helping away deserters
No other Bills found as yet, about 150 persons applyied
for naturalization papers they seem to have a good
deal of business on hand. The mayor and city council
wrote to Judge Cradlebaugh an answer to his reasons
for Bringing the troops to Provo to guard Prisioners
condemning his course for so doing. Brother Southworth
arived in the evening bringing later News from Provo
but nothing of much interest I spent the evening
at President Youngs He had the Provo Comumunica-
tions read, also the Life of Napolion which was vary interesting
~ Friday
18th I spent the fore part of the day in the office discharge
of duties at home and the afternoon in the office & the
evening at home reading Napoleon & his armey
we had a warm day
~ Saturday
19th It commenced snowing this morning with a strong
North west wind and it was the most terrific storm of
the season & will be dreadful upon cattle upon the ranges
it left a foot of snow upon the ground at night it stoped
snowing at sunset I spent the day on the History
~ Sunday
Sunday I met with my quorum at 1 oclok I prayed & Bishop
Hunter was Mouth. The Eastern Mail came in in the afternoon
I spent some time in the Presidents office looking over the
news of the day. A Land Bill passed the senate House giving
to evry American cityizen a quarter section of Land if they
ocupied it 5 years the majority was 44 if it Passes the senate
it will become a Law. I met with the Quorum of the Twelve
E. Snow Prayed J. Taylor was mouth we went to the Presid[en]t's
& spent the time till 9 oclok In speaking of the soldiers
in Provo President Young said I would like to be Govornor
awhile I would remove them soon if the captain did not
and if Governor Cummings did his duty he would do it
Judge Cradlebaugh spupenied some witnesses & when
they arived they Judge arested them upon a Bench
warrant among whom was Benjamin Kimball Bullock
the Mayor of the City for murder when they had no
accusation against him President Young said they
wanted to get up a Fuss but not Enough to cut their
own heads off G A S said it would be A fearful thing
to them if they begun it
~ Monday
We have an express this morning saying that
their is 800 Men on the way from Camp Floyd to
Provo, and Levi Stewart reported that their was
one redgment & a Battery ordered to Salt Lake City
if this is true it seems they are determined to have
a fuss with this people they seem determined to
provoke a war. G A Smith arived from Provo
on saturday night the 19th travelled all night ^day^ through
the storm. The Lord has sustained us thus far
and we shall trust him to do it still I spent the day
in the office on History. I spent the night at Presid[en]t
Youngs till 1 oclok the fore part of the night was spent
with the regency upon the subject of the large dictionary
writing in the Deseret Alphabet, it was abandoned
& Juvenile works are to be written instead. The latter
part of the time was spent in conversing upon the state
of affairs at Camp Floyd & Provo & the sending of
troops tointo our cities to slay the People. An express
came in saying that the Troops had arived at Lehi
see {private [illegible shorthand]} I went home at 1 oclok
~ Tuesday
I received a letter tofrom Lorenzo Snow & wrote a letter
in return we are having another tremendios snow storm to
day I spent the Evening with the Twelve & others at Presid[en]t
Youngs most of the evening was spent in reading the Life of
~ Wednesday
There was a meeting in eeach ward of the city
to get signers to a petition to Gov Cummings to remove
the Troops from Provo & report to Congress or to the Presid[en]t
affairs as they are and the course the Judges have Persued
thousands signed the petition. I spent the Evening at
^23^ President Youngs. John Kay & John KWm Hornor aarived
from Provo with an express at 9 oclok Judge Cradlebaugh
is full of the devil He has dismissed both Juries Grand
and Pettit & he gave a wicked Hellish speech to the Jury when
He dismissed them. Wall the Marshall & sheriff of the county
went by order of the court with the Marshall of the court to
arest President WJames C. Snow & Aaron Johnson as the
court wish to secure all the Leading men he could, but they
did not arest them Wall reported to the court that He could
not find them Judge Cradlebaugh told him he was a dam-
ed liar he had help[ed] them to get away and all the Community
were ingaged in the murders he had a800 soldiers around
him and he is holding a military inquisition around his court
and will not let a mormon go into court except the Lawyiers
ownly such men as they arest the[y] subpena men as witnesses then
as soon as they come into court arest them with Bench warrants
and put them under military guard without food or Blankets to
lie on at night it is another Missouri Military mob court
soon another Messenger arived from Rush valley B[r]inging News
that Howard Spencer the son of Orson Spencer was nearly
or quite Killed by a soldier in that Place under the following
circumstances. Alfred Cliff made the following report He went
to rush valley with Howard Spencer to see about their
cattle when they arived there on the ground at the House of
Daniel Spencers they met 5 soldiers they told Spencer He
could not stay there over night this appeared to be an officer
Howard Spencer told him that the House belonged to him
& he should stay there over night The soldiers then went
away & returned with about a dozen men in all the
officer told Spencer He should not stay there over night
Spencer said He would & got off his horse & went through
the first carrall into another carrall whare his feed
was & the man that seemed to command the soldiers
rode up to him on Horsback & took the gun by the brich
& struck him over the Head by the barrel with all his
might across the head side of the head and laid his [head] open
and he fell dead to all appearance he straitened himself
out as he fell soon Luke Johnson came up to him apparently
to take care of him But Cliff then left for this City
& reported not knowing what followed, or whether Spencer
was dead or not. Daniel Spencer & some others started
right away to get him whether Dead or alive. Unless
the Lord wards off the blow it looks as though we was
to have war & Bloodshed our Enemies are determined on
our over throw as far as possible But I have faith to believe
that the Lord will protect us as he has done.
Judge Cradlebaugh revised his speech to the Jury before
Long sent it to this city we had a copy of it read & the
procedings of the court
~ Thursday
24th We packed up a Box of Journals Books & Records
for safe keeping in case of war some person had an interview
with the Govornor this morning the Govornor came in the mail
last night and asked him what He was going to do in this dis-
turbance He seemed a little troubled about it He had reported
to Government that He could not be responsible for the peace
of this country unless he had controll of the military &
they be not at the controll of the Judges and he will not
make the same report the next mail He says their was
no necessity for calling out the Military at Provo He
wasked [was asked] if he would required the citizens to be taken to
Camp Floyd to be tryed he said He should not say that
He should require it He was told the circumstances
of the attack upon Howard Spencer He said he would
immediately have that subject investigated these questions
were asked Govornor Cummings by D. H. Wells An
old coger of a looking man came on a mule tiered out
enquired at Presidents Youngs for Govornor Cummings
He was directed to his residence, it may be an express from
the Provo Armey
[FIGURE] I received the following receipt [recipe] for dissolving & curing
the stone in the Bladder drink freely of fennel tea
of the seeds & stocks And for the gravel sweeten your
tea with Honey and sugar mixed, that it will cure the gravel
I was informed by by Brother Bolton that Mr Hartnet
was vary much excited about the fuss of the soldiers
and was mad against the Judge for calling out the soldiers
& that Gov Cummings was vary mad he had received
a letter from Col Johnson what the perport of ^it^ was we did not
know. I spent the evening at President Youngs the fore
part of the evening was spent reading Napoleon. A messenger
arived from Rush valley informing us that after Spencer
was knocked down they sent for an army surgeon who
examined his head found his skull was broaken & one
part laped on the top of the other he sawed a peace of the
skull out & placed it together and they think there is
a chance for him to get well. several Brethren came
into the Historians office & conversed about the procedings
of the court in Provo Brother Fox & . . . others walked down
the street with me
~ Friday
I received a Letter from L Snow, wants the
News about the court. I understand that Marshall
Dodson is in the city after men one Durfee & & Bar-
tholomew, at Hartnets rumour says they are after Snow
& Blackburn, but why do they look for them in this
city they live in Provo.
Word has just came that
Howard Spencer is brought into the city & some
prospect of his living. Brother Foxx called upon me
a short time this morning I spent most of the day
in the office on History. I spent the evening at home
~ Saturday
26 An Express arived this morning from Provo
Bringing all the minutes up to yesterday of the proceding
of the court, and the army. they are still trying to arest
men as far as they can. I had an interview with
two men from the south they say there was another
company of Draggoons on the way from Camp
Floyd to Provo John L. Smith arived this evening from
Provo with Letters and Papers nothing new they were
waiting for two witnesses on their way down with Dodson
the Judge is sitting as an exam[in]ing magistrate and is
aresting evry man he can and putting him under military
guard without any reguard to whether he is guilty
or innocent
it is another Missouri Military mob court and evry
exertion is making by the court and Armey to get up
a row and collission with the Saints so that the speculators
can keep an armey here to make money out of the
Government without any reguard to the rights or lives
of men. I visited 2 Brethren at G. A. S. House {Bishops Evans and Walker and advised
them to leave as they expected his house to [be] searched and also visited Bishop Blackburn and Snow and advised them
not to write any letter}
~ Sunday
27th Sunday Orson Pratt Preached in the Tabernacle to a
small congregation. I met with my Quorum J G. Willey Prayed
melted A Hoagland was Mouth we had a snow storm but it soon
melted off [FIGURE] I spent the fore Part of the day in assisting Wilford
to make out his Journal of his life. I have taught him to keep a
Journal of his life to commence while young & keep it up through
life as I consider evry good man should do who holds the Holy
Priesthood & record his official acts that his children and future
Generations may know what he has done & the dealings of the Lord
with him. I met with the Quorum of the Twelve F. D. Richards
Prayed. O. Pratt was mouth. we called upon the President
& spent the evening. History of Napoleon was read a short
time. Two weeks of the Eastern Mail arived this evening
but we could not get any Mail till morning. I spent
the night till 1 o'clok writing the History of Wilford Woodruff Jr
~ Monday
28th The Eastern mail was received this morning I
spent some time in looking over the papers not much
News. Col Johnson has leave of absence and the command
is to be left in the hands of Col Smith who is said to be
bitter against this people. Origon has been admitted as
a state. The Homestead Bill was a tie in the Senate & the
Vice President gave his vote to lay it on the Table for the
President Present we are having another PrStorm of snow
~ Tuesday
29th We have another snow storm I have never seen such a
winter in this country so long, could [cold], and so many storms
the winter has commenced early and held on vary late it is
now the 29th of March & still snowing
Governor ALFRED CUMMING Has issued a proclama-
tion to the inhabitants of Utah protesting against the proc-
eding of the United States Courts, in calling out the
Army to protect his court or to intimidate the witnesses
Jurors & citizens, of this territory I spent the day in the
office on history I finished reading the Letters of 1846.
Their was a row in the main street about 2 oclok Mr Hart
the Chief Gambler drew his pistol swareing he would shoot
some mormon A young sprouse followed his example & swore
he would shoot a mormon he mounted his mule & shot 3 Balls
into the croud & run the croud shot 6 Balls at him while
running, shot one ball into his mules neck Hart also run away
~ Wednesday
March 30th
Brother Meeks got in from Provo last night reported that
the Judges & Armey were vary mad at the Extra. The proc-
lamation had Just arived but not circulated when he
left. They had privately examined Durfee and he had
tried to implicate President Young and this is what our
Enemies have been triying to hier some one to do a long
time. But their is not a man in the world who can
sware in truth that President Young advised anyone
to murder any body he has always advised evry man
when he has advised at all not to shed Blood except in
self defence. It is a vary cold day I wrote some today
to Lorenzo Snow. It is rumoured to day that Col Johnson
has 100 deserters in Irons in his camp inand he had one
man whiped 120 lashes on the bare back who swore he
would kill the man who sentenced him to be whiped as
soon as he got a chance, we learned that the snow was
vary deep south and their had been No communication with
any settlem[en]t south of Fillmore for several weeks
I had two dreams last night I dreamed of having a terrible
[FIGURE] battle with a rattlesnake he tried to bite me all over
but did not seem to hurt me after I awoke I again fell
[FIGURE] asleep & and dreamed that I had an orchard of several
acres of Appletrees and I thought the ground was covered
with vary large red ripe Apples I thought there was
hundreds of Bushels so ripe that they must be used up
in order to save them I was making preperations to
make them into cider when I awoke. An express came in
last night bringing the reports of the court they are mad at
the governors Proclamation
~ Thursday
^31st^ I herd the report of the doings of the court Judge Cradlebaugh threat
ened to arest Gov Cummings they came near a collission some
boys threw stones at the centinels they reported that to the com-
mander [who] gave orders oif any more was flung to fire in the direction
and if the fire was returned to kill all the prisioners immediately
it seems a difficult matter to keep from having a collision
betwen the citizens and troops.
I attended the funeral of Sister Woolley. A large congre-
gation assembled, there was also President H. C. Kimball
& D H Wells presient also O. Prat W Woodruff J. Taylor
G. A. Smith E. T. Benson & Erastus Snow, also Bishop Hunter
Hunter & many Bishops & Elders they sung "O My Father thou
that dwellest" O Pratt Prayed. Another Hymn was sung
Elder O. Pratt then addressed the People. And said what
I may say I do not know, but I hope I may be led to say
what will be for the best. Since I came here my eyes have
been saluted with one thing, and that is that death has power
over all thing, that we see. we are called upon to part with
our best friends and have them taken away from us what
we now see in death, and what has happened from the Beginning
in like manner will all the millions who now dwell upon the
whole Earth will be called to pass through the same change. If we
had no knowled[g]e of God we should feel vary diferent from what
we now do. If we thought our bodies would lie in the dust and
never be raised again we should have great cause to mourn
but we have learned that the being which inhabits this Tabernacle
will live forever and not die. we have to lay our tabernacles
in the dust but they will again be resurrected with an immor-
tal body for Jesus Christ through his death and sufferings
restored unto all the children of men the privilege of the resurrec-
tion of their bodies, and if we keep a celestial lay [law] we shall
have a celestial resurrection but all the righteous & the wicked
will have their bodies again. we cannot imagin the greatness
of the glory of the saint of God after the resurrection. Notwithstanding
all that our bodies suffer in this life in pain sorrow & distress
the want of food &c still we cling to them and do not wish to
give them up. we do not realize the great difference there is in
being in this world or probation & the next all the knowledge we
formerly had was taken from us when our spirits took these
bodies some think we never did exist till we came here because
we cannot remember any thing neither can we remember any
thing of the first year or two of our existance yet our spirits
remained in our bodies as much as they do now but as soon as
our spirits leave these imperfect tabernacles or rather bodies
cloged with mortality & evil our spirits will be in lively reco-
llection of evry thing that took place with us before we came
here and all things appertaining to us since we came in this
world. It is right for us to take proper care of our bodies and
do right & when we have done that we should leave all in the
hands of God and not be over anxious for our lives for if we are
faithful I expect we shall be raised in the morning of the first
resurrection. And if we expected to be crowned Kings and
Priests & sit upon thrones we want experience in this world and
the next in order to be prepared for thes things. If we were
to be judged by the knowledge we once had before we came
here it would not be right, for we have to be judged according
to the light we have and if we break the Law of God after having
received great light and knowled[ge], our condemnation would
be accordingly. when the righteos come forth with their resur-
rected bodies, they will have great Joy in the remembrance
of their faithful deeds while the wicked will have great
sorrow in the rememberence of their wicked deeds, & the persecu-
tion of the Saints, their sorrow will be increased a thou-
sand fold while the Joy of the Saints will be a thousand fold
It has been thought by some that when the spirit leaves the
body that will never be called upon to labour either befor or
after the resurrection, but I believe that all the children of
God will be called to perfore duties through all Eternity as
great as they are capable of performing, that they may
continue to receive the blessings of their Father in heaven
Those who lived and died before the coming of Christ who were
faithful received their resurrected Bodies after Christ arose
and if you are faithful you will also have your resurrected
bodies at the second coming of Christ and when we
come to meet with them we can then tell our labours &
toils over together, each in their generation, and if they
had persecution so have we, and if they were driven from
their homes & had perils for Christ sake so have [we] and we
can be mutual in our communication together
And the Zion on the Earth will ere long metet with the Zion
of Enoch and there we will greet each other and we shall
have such Joy as we have never seen on the Earth
President Heber C Kimball then spoke a short time He said
in regard to what had been said by O. Pratt is all good.
In regard to the abobe [abode] of departed spirits I have no doubt
but this wourld will stand forever. Jesus says in this world
ye have tribulation but in me ye have pease [John 16:33], But I am going
to say a few words about Sister Mary W Woolley, we call
her dead she is dead in one sense, but not ^in^ another. I have
known her before she was in the Church, she is a good woman
she has always stood by her husband and has been true to
him and if she has been true in this life she will be in
the next and have her reward which will be the case in
the next probation with all. I believe in many Probation
When Sister Woolley gets in the next probation she will
sit down with Sarah and the ancient Holy women as well
as the Prophets and Apostles who have lived in this proba
tion when they go into the spirit world they sit down with
Abram and the Patraiarchs and Prophets. She has had
many troubles in this life but she has got through them
all and I am confident she will sit down with all the
Holy men & women in the Eternal world, and will
remain with them Eternally. what she has past through
she has done for salvation and she has stood it well and
now has gone to rest, and I can say of a truth that I know
that she is now well off and all is well off with her. She has
sustained Brother Woolley in carrying out the doctrin of the
Patriarkal order of marriage and this because God had
Had commanded it we have often herd President Young say
that He did not enter into it because he likied it but because
God had commanded it. If we had not done it we should have
been damed. He commanded Law Marks & others to enter into it
but they did not obey the word of the Lord and they have gone
and denied the faith while we remain and God will sustain
us here in the mountains, true yes it is as true as the sun,
and those who are faithful will be saved Sister Woolley
has been true and so has Brother Woolley and their sons
and daughters have been true men and women and
I say God Bless you Brother Woolley and your family
and I Bless you all that are faithful But a curse will
come upon the Nation that has sought our destruction
and as God lives what the nation seeks to bring upon us
will be brought upon them so we must be patient, the
Lord has them in his power and they cannot move ownly
as the Lord permits and God will regard all that we have
done in the Temple of God and we will have to fully carry
it out and if we have not done wrong or broaken our cov
enants we shall receive all that has been promised unto
us and all will be right And may God grant that all may
come upon our Enemies that the Lord may wish to bring
upon them. Amen
Prayer by D. H. Wells a large train
of carriges accompanied the corps [corpse] to the grave. S. M. Blair
arived in the evening from Provo we had a conversation with him
~ Friday
April 1st
It is a cold day I had some conversation with S. M. Blair
upon affiairs in Provo, there is some excitement throughout
the Territory arests are being made all over the country as
far as they can find men but most of them flee as they
do not wish to be put under military guard. I spent the
night in the Historians office & printing office till midnight
I wrote a Letter to I F Carter & sent him the last paper
containing the Govornors Proclamation & doings of court
Arurelius Miner Testified to us that He herd Judge Cra-
dlebaugh say that if he could get testimony enough ag[ain]st
a Mormon he would condemn him & hang him before
the Govornor could have time to pardon him
~ Saturday
2nd S. M. Blair started for Provo this morning I had some
conversation with him before he left. it is a cold morning
The Deseret News Extra is out this morning I spent most
of the day in the office I wrote a Letter to I. F. Carter & sent
him the Governors Proclamation and the last Deseret News
containing the proclamation and a full account of the pro-
cedings of the court I was in the Printing office till midn-
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle J. M.
Brown spoke was followed by C. C. Rich E. D. Wooolley a
few words from D. H. Wells he exhorted the people to get
the spirit of the Lord & keep it. I met with my Quorum for
Prayer L W Hardy Prayed J. C. Little was mouth. I spent
several hours with President Young, D. H. Wells G. A Smith &
A Carrington we took dinner with the President in the course
of conversation President Young said we must begin to look
out some good hiding places to put the women and children
& old men & provisions & Prepare for another war I am
satisfied the Present one will fizzle out I would recommend
to lay up a good quantity of Dried Beans and peas they
will keep longer than any other grain & we want to find
a place which will be hard of access that cannot be taken
but that has water that cannot be cut off and we want
to go {[illegible shorthand] where it is warmer to the south} and store up provisions against a
time of Need. Lorenzo Snow accompanied me home &
we met with the Twelve in our Prayer Circle O Pratt
Prayed & G. A. Smith was mouth They called upon the
Lord to ward off the blow of our enemies and that their
folley & wickedness might be made manifest in the Eyes
of the Nation and that the Judgments of God might rest
upon the wicked who were seeking the lives of the righteous
the views of the Brethren were expressed concerning the
illegal procedings of the court in Provo and believed the
Lord would overrule it for the good of his people. I went
to Brother Smoots & returned home with Mrs Woodruff
who was there while on the way home I learned that
an express came in saying that the court had adjourned
sine Die and the armey is to return to Camp Floyd this is
good News it is reported that He dismissed Mr Nethercot
saying that He was a damed Fool and did not know enough
to tell the truth but He kept Mc Donald, Kearns, J Daily He holds in custidy
~ Monday
April 4th
I got a letter from Orrin Wight giving an account of
the death of Liman Wight It is a plesant morning but
their is still a good deal of snow on the ground I spent most
of the day in the office Elder Lorenzo Snow called at my house
And in company with him and Mrs P. W. Woodruff
and my daughter Phebe Amelia I went to Presi-
dent Brigham Young's and he sealed Phebe Amelia
Woodruff to Elder Lorenzo Snow. He took supper
with his family at my house Sister Smoot was also
present I think a dream which I had a short time since
was fulfilled {A dark cloud was in the dream}
~ Tuesday
5 Brother Wm WM. Wall called at this office last night. he made
an Affidavit concerning the order to kill the prisioners
the ground is frozen and there is a vary cold wind to day
The Eastern Mail came in to day Brought News up to the
close of the session, no action taken upon Utah affairs
in any way. The Homestead Bill killed in the senate The
Bill to distribute land for colleges &c vetoed by the president
Hon Mr Sickles a member from New York shot Mr Key
U. S. Attorney of the D. C. for the seduction of his wife
this is creationg much excitement at Washington. I
got several papers And a Note from Brother wright saying
He had got several hundred lbs of freight & wished $20
for his Family which I paid and took recept.
~ Wednesday
6 April 1859 The general conference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter day Saints Met at the Tabernacle in the
City of the Great Salt Lake There was Present all the
Presidency & Twelve Apostles Except Amasa Lyman
who was south, allso a large congregation of the Saints
The conference was opened by Prayer. Joseph Young spoke
to the People followed by Heber C. Kimball. In the afternoon
G. A. Smith & John Young addressed the people followed
by D. H. Wells all gave good advise
~ Thursday
7th There was a crouded house to day All the Authorities
of the Church presented and sustained except B. L. Clapp
He was cut off from the Church. Elder John Taylor spoke
in the fore noon, & President Young in the Afternoon
to the Joy and consolation of the Assembly He spoke in the
spirit and power of of God. among his interesting
remarks He said many wondered if they were in their
place if they are not they will be in the next world for
evry body will be rewarded according to their deeds &
if they cannot keep a celestial Law and are not able
to abide a celestial Glory, they will have a glory according
to the lay [law] they do keek [keep] and they will will have a fulness
as much as they will be enable to Endure. We adjourned
till the 6th of Oct.
~ Friday
8th I opened all my ditches in front of my lot tore up my
Bridges & made over new. I spent part of the day in the
I wrote 2 letters to H. S. Eldridge & Joseph Harris
I sent for a Bill of sheet Iron & for the Farmer
~ Saturday
April 9th 1859
I sowed a quantity of Peas & beets to day The eastern mail
came in this Morning But they kept it for some purpose till
near night. we had some light showers of rain I took up
a quantity of peach & Appletrees & sold I spent the evening
at Presidents Youngs & Mrs Bernhisels.
~ Sunday
10th Sunday David Candland Preached I met with my
Quorum A. O. Smoot Prayed. G. D Grant was mouth. I met
in the evening with J. Taylor & O. Hyde a short time & then
went home.
~ Monday
11th We have quite a hard snow storm to day I have nev-
er seen such a winter and spring in any country we have
not been able to put in any wheat in this county I sold
$6 dollars worth of peach trees H. C. Kimball called in to
the office with G. A. S E. T. & E R Young, and conversed
about going East for the Woolley Factory & goods we have had about
10 snow storms to day & as many sun shine
~ Tuesday
12. We are having a vary hard snow storm to day occasionally
the sun will come out & shine a few moments warm then it will
set in & snow enough to darken the air. I saw Lysander Gee he said
he had been arested by Marshall Dodson for steeling horses was
taken to Camp Floyd and turned loose, he stoped till yesterday
when Judge Cradlebaugh & Marshall Dodson came to this city
& Gee came with them and they did not object to his going whare
he pleased. Cradlebaugh told Gee that He was going to Calafornia
in few days & was going to locate thare. Thus with every exertion
which has been made by the Gentile Judges, Army, Merchants,
Gamblers, and all our Enemies to get up a war with the morm-
ons in this territory The Lord God of Israel has warded
of[f] the blow has faught our battles and giving us the victory and
to him be all the glory, and he will reward the wicked as well as
the righteous.
~ Wednesday
13th We had about 10 inches of snow on the ground the sun shines
clear to day. Elder Amasa Lyman called upon me this morning
and went with me to the Historians office after conversing
with G. A. S they both wente to President Youngs. I spent
the day scraping. I took supper with A. O. Smoot.
~ Thursday
14th G. A. Smith gave an account of a lead mine on the north
side of the Beaver 25 miles down Beaver from the settlemet
some of the Brethren are going to work it. I spent the day mostly
scraping. I rode into the field to point out a place to build a House
& stables on my 20 Acre farm.
~ Friday
15th I went in company with G. A. S & A. Lyman & called
up U. S. Atturney Wilson and had a plesant morning
chat, was introduced to Mrs Wilson. She appeared like much
of a Lady. {Mrs Woodruff sent her} 4 {[baubles/papers]} A Lyman S. M. Blair & others
called into the Historians office conversing upon a variety of
subjects, some letters were read
~ Saturday
April 16
I had a sick night with cold on my lungs it is a warm plesant
day. Thomas Bullock called in & I let him have two
Journal for helping Brother Kimball on his history
for 1838, [183]9, & [18]40. It is a warm plesant day. Mr Morrel
the Post Master had a fight with Dick James He told
Morrell that he was a Dumb Gentile Post Master who
stole peoples Letter broke them open & read them. Dick
James was Garland Hurts Indian Interpeter. Morrell
pitched into Richards James and and they both come
out best Morrell had his face scrached up badly, & Richards
hid his Eyes gouged some & was parted by the poliece & taken
before the mayor. this was on the 15th G. A. S. received a
Letter From Calafornia containing one for President
Young I carried it to him He opened it found it from
John V. Cooper who tried to sell us the Musketoe country
asked some two or three million dollars for it now he offers
it for $100000. $10000 dollars down & the remainder
in Annual Enstallments. President Young told him
while in this City if the whole country which he prop[ose]d
to sell was covered 18 inches thick with solid gold plate
& he could have for picking it up he would not take
it as a gift if he had to move this Church & people there
President Young said he must be a fool to still try
to get him to buy that land, after telling him what
He had. President Young attended the High Council on
a case appealed, from referees Betwen Bishop Smith &
Sanford Porter the High Council sustained the decisin
of the referees who sustained Bishop Smith
~ Sunday
17th Sunday 17th A Lyman Preached in the morning
O Pratt in the Afternoon I met with my Quorm in the
morning we did not Pray I met with the Quorum of the
12 at 6 oclok O. Hyde Prayed I was mouth.
~ Monday
There was an Express came in in the night
saying that 2000 of the army with Judge Sinclair would
start in the night for Salt Lake City All the police were
called out in the night and arangements made to meet
them if they attempted to meet them come in. I set
out 40 young trees to day. I also attended a surgucal opera-
tion by Dr France & Anderson one of the worst surgercul
opperations ever performed his name was [blank] Hawkins
from Bever it was a malignant canser commenced on the
lip iat first it was not larger than a pea it could then
have been cut out with safety but some Friends advised
him not to do it thought they could cure it, but It continued
to spread untill it eat up two thirds of the lower Jaw & nearly
to the pallet, they cut out 2/3 of the lower Jaw & one third of
the lower lip & took out all the chin but the skin & one third
of that they sowed the tung to the upper lip whare it has to
remain untill it heals up if his tongue was now loose he would
swallow it. it was the awfulest affair I ever witnessed. their
has been about 100 opperation of the same kind in the world for
the last 100 years 60 out of the 100 lived Needles were used for stitches
~ Tuesday
I laid hands upon Brother Hawkins & Blessed him he looks
as well as could be expected after such an awful operation
I washed, brined & limed 10 bushels of wheat to put on 5 acres
I spent a short time in the office & President D. H. Wells called
in & I accompanid him to the House of George Alley soon
the surgeons came to cut his right Eye out he had tumor
grown in the back part of his Eye which had pushed his Eye
out of head about an inch & bursted the ball they gave him
cloriform in 10 minutes he was insensible they took his
Eye out in about 10 minutes more he lay asleep all the time
& was not sensible of any thing during the operation when he
came to Brother Wells asked him if he knew what they had
been doing he did not know Brother Wells told him they had
taken his Eye he said thank God for it. I anointed him
Brother Wells was mouth in administering to him. He
rather felt as though he would get well a hard substance had
form about 2 inches long & about 2 inches in circumference the
bone was effected & they were afraid it was a canser if so
there may be danger of its forming again
~ Wednesday
&20. I spent the fore pardt of the day in my Garden pruning
my trees setting out curants &c. I spent the after noon in
the office. S. M. Blair returned from Camp Floyd. The Calafornia
Mail came in not much News
~ Thursday
21. I trimed my buddied trees this morning I went to the office
at 1/2 past 10. Johnson the gambler came from Camp Floyd
He reports that the army are still determined to come in
will be in in two or three days he says time will determin
it I dreamed last night I saw a large Lion got loose among
a large flock of sheep he was within a few feet of me I
got out of his way I did not see that he done any damage
or hurt any thing I spent a part of the day in the office
I spent the evening at the Presidents office conversing upon
various subjects. Father & Moroni sowed peas Robert & Wilford
put in about 5 acres of wheat. A cold night.
~ Friday
22nd I sowed some peas to day Robert sowed some oats
I spent a part of the day in the office. I had some conversa-
tion with Zerubbabel Snow about Camp Floyd A rumour
is abroad this morning that a company of volunteers from
Arkansas toare on their way to Iron County to punish
those who had a hand in the Mountain meadyow massa-
cree & that a thousand men are on the way to guard
the Government money in route for the armey This afternoon
the city is filled with rumor's saying that Johnson is
coming to this city with two ridgments, that Col Johnson
sent word to Gov Cummings if he did not straighten
out Brigham Young & the mormons he should take the
matter into his own hands. Also that 5 marshall went
to Wm Hickmans to take him. Also that Judge Cradle-
baugh went south with several hundred men to make
arests &c &c. James Furguson was vary sick and came near
dying drinking poisioned whiskey Bentley helped me move Books
~ Saturday
April 23rd 1859
There is so many rumours afloat concerning thee troops
coming here we packed up all the records of the office to savee
them from being burned in case the city should be burned
Brother Bentley helped me move a Box of Books {I put it in the safe}
~ Sunday
254 Sunday John Taylor Preached in the forenoon I met with
my Quorum in the morning Brother Pugmire prayed Brother
Richard Bentley was mouth. I met with the Twelve in
the evening. E Snow prayed. C. C. Rich was mouth.
President Brigham Young D. H. Wells & G. A. Smith had
an interview with the Govornor Cummings. He talked vary
plain to him He told Governor Cummings he should not
go into that military camp alive for he should not live
5 minutes when he got there if they come to this city he
should not be here & He told his Excellency he should look
to him to protect his property & family and if the Army
shot a gun in to his house he would find it would be a
deer shot for they would hear a voice from the mountain
& they would find he would not be far off President
Young said He was willing to go before any civil court
and all the men on Earth might testify against him if they
would tell the truth they could not testify that He had
been guilty of any crime or sanctioned any criminal
act but he would not go into a military court to be linched
He said I will stay in these mountains while I live &
If I cannot live in peace I will destroy all the property
in the Territory and our Enemies shall find it as barren
as we did when we came here He said "I will not take
the council of any man that lives on the Earth but God"
Himself Our Enemies are not at war with me but
they are at war with God & his kingdom & the Holy
Priesthood, & If I would renounce my religion
I could go into Camp Floyd or any whare in the
world & be respected & treated kindly but I will not
renounce my religion but I will maintain it while
I live I care nothing about property or a good name
among the world all I ask is the favor of God & to do his
will" And many other things He said to Gov Cummings
I spent a short time in the Presidents office with the Twelve
& others. The Eastern mail came in containing 23 sacks
two weeks mail not much News It was not decided
whether their would be an European war or not.
~ Monday
25th I spent the forenoon in the garden I planted two
rows of grapes one row of Calafornay graps is the north
row the south row is Woodruffs white wale seedling I got
a letter from J. M. Bernhisel & the Genessee Farmer
I had a feast & meeting with G. A. Smith & Family & several
speeches made. I called in the evening upon President Young
~ Tuesday
26th I received all the Genessee Farmer this morning & sent
Jacob Biglers to him Bry Br Samuel White who was going
south I took a waggon to the Blacksmith shop to get
the tyre set. 7 {men} were ready to commence ploughing
I called at the office a short time in the evening A company
was called out as a guard I walked up on the Hill I saw some
of the guard. I met 2 teams {We took} 2 {cannon in the mountains} I spent the
night at home. 7 {cannon were prepared for defense in case of any attack}
~ Wednesday
27 Robert & Wilford started for the west mountain
to cut timber. It is a plesant morning I suffered much
through the middle of the day with that nerveous head
ake, the nerve of the right Eye leading to the brain was
vary painful it is the worst turn of the nervous head ake
I ever experience It was the 27 I went over Jordon & not the 28
~ Thursday
28 I worked in the garden in the morning & took my
horses & waggon & carried a load of men to a meeting
at Z. Pulsiphers House over Jordon on land business
the company voted to survey about 200 Acres of land
& divide it among those who had worked on the dam
I sufferd much with the hed ake, had to retire to bed
for several houres
~ Friday
29th I suffered much with the head ake I made
five gates in the afternoon & was vary weary at
night I was sick most of the night we had a strong wind
~ Saturday
30th Cold & cloudy Moroni took my Durham Bull
to the heard at Fort Harriman I took my Horses and
waggon & carried G. A. Smith R. Bentley & John Jaques
down the west side of the Jordon to attend the land sales
I Bought [blank] Acres including the full Lot [blank] In Block
[blank] of [blank] Acres and the west half Lot [blank]
it rained some in the after noon the Eastern Mail came
in not much news
~ Sunday
May 1st Sunday it rained all day & soaked the Earth
thoroughly it starts evry thing up green I did not attend
the morning prayer circle I met with the Twelve in the
evening J Taylor Prayed E. T. Benson was mouth. we
all called upon the president till half past 9 oclok
the Eastern ma
~ Monday
2nd A fine plesant morning the whole Earth smiles
with gladness I spent most of the day in putting up
my Grape vines onto frames & poles. W. H. brought 10
Horses to my yard to keep over night they had brought
in a herd of cattle. The school children brought
some flours from the mountains they had taken a
Mays day walk. Moroni went to the west mountains
with the ponies
~ Tuesday
3rd A plesant Morning we had a little rain in the afternoon
and it rained all night I spent the afternoon in the garden
~ Wednesday
4 The Earth is soaked with rain the hills are white with snow
it rained & snowed till after noon.
~ Thursday
May 45th
I drew down 4 loads of poolls & post west of Jordon & made
15 rods & 4 feet of fence for my share in the Joint field for
12 1/4 Acres of Land it was a hard days work for man & beast
~ Friday
6th The roads are impassible for teams to my farm in the
big field so in company with Robert & Wilford I went
around by the sugar house to my farm with two teams
we ploughed & sowed 1 1/2 Acres to wheat put on at the
rate of 2 bushels to the Acre draged it well & laid
it off for wattering & returned home the Calafornia
Mail came in the Editors are vary bitter against Utah
~ Saturday
7th I spent most of the day in my Gardening the Eastern
Mail came in Early in the morning and we obtained
papers but not much news.
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I met with my Quorum. A Hinkley Prayed
R. L. Campbell was mouth I attended meeting in the
Tabernacle. O Pratt Preached upon the different glories
and the class of persons who occupied each glory & the
punishment & reward of all classes I preached in
the afternoon & bore testimony to the discourse in the fore-
noon & the fullness of the gospel & that Joseph & Brigham
and others were true Prophets of God & that all the world
who were fighting against the L D. Saints & their prophets
were fighting against God and his kingdom & the
Judgments of God awaited them and they had not
the power to destroy the kingdom of God for he had
planted the kingdom on the Earth & he would maintain
it if the wicked had power to kill the prophets they
had not power to stop the work of God
I met with the Quorum of the Twelve O Hyde
O Pratt was mouth.
~ Monday
9th I spent most of the day in the garden we ploughed
the remainder of it I planted cotton, corn, sugar cane,
Musk & watermellons, Pumpkins & squashes & Beans
Madder & indigo
Marshall Dodson with James Ferguson & several others
visited the Arsinol to see what they could find the gentiles
are alarmed & have reported that the mormons are
preparing to arise up & massacree them & it is rumoured
they have so reported to Govornor Cummings & that
there is armed man in the mountains & Govornor
Cummings Ordered John Kay the Territorial Marshall
to go into the mountains & dispers all armed Bodies
of men.
~ Tuesday
10th We had a frost this morning it is pleasant but
cool for the time of the year G. A. Smith left with E. T. B
on Thursday last & has not returned yet
On Sunday night while in council May 8th C. C. Rich
introduced to the Quorum of the Twelve Miner Prisbrey
He had married Joice Danse of sanbernadeno & took her to
Cedar City there she wanted a Bill but did not get it he then took
her to Bever she Applyed to Daniel M Thomas Judge of the county
court of Bever County He gave her a Bill she then brought him
up before the Teachers and accused him of Getting drunk &
other things which she could not prove & which he says
was not a word of truth in yet there seemed to be a little
prejudice against [him] so much so that they voted to take away
his licence or rather his Priesthood. He told his story to the
Twelve and showed his Recommend as being in good standing
from Bishop Philo P. Farnesworth C. C. Rich bore Testimony
to the good conduct of Brother Prisbrey O Hyde said He knew
about those Austrailia women who had been in tow by Brother
Farnham & if Brother Prisbrey had not broaken any lay [law] he did
not want him to loose his Priesthood through the Influence
of that woman He called a vote and all the Quorum present
voted that He be ordained to the office of an Elder which was
done under the Hands of O. Pratt C C Rich & F. D. Richards
C C Rich being mouth & a Licence given him signed by O Hyde
on the 8th day of May 1859
I spent the day in the office I called upon President Young
He invited me to walk with him in his Garden. I went
with him A Carrington & B. H. Young we went all through
his Garden o& orchard it was a splended sight Peach & Appletrees
all in Bloom his large grape vineyard is puting forth its young
& tender vines. He requested me to save him some of my cataba
grape & in return would give me a Black walnut tree that would
bear I would have to dig around it in the winter & let it freeze
& it would not injure it to take it up I spent the evening at
S. M. Blairs
~ Wednesday
11th A rumour is circulated this morning that the arm[y]
who have gone south have taken J. D. Lee and some
dozen others I set out some locus trees this morning
on my water ditch.
~ Thursday
12th I went down into the big field to my farm had to
go down via the Hsugar house in consequence of High water
we commenced work at 12 oclok put in 1 acre of potatoes
we camped on the groung except Robert & myself took
a Bed in a coverd wagon it soon commenced Blowing
a strong gale from the East it was the strongest East
wind we have ever experienced since we have been in
this valley. it soon blew of[f] my waggon cover & nearly
blew us out of the waggon we had to abandon it I took
my Blankets went to Job Smith's house it was an exce-
ding cold I lawy down upon the floor I became much chiled
it came near blowing down the chimney. it blew dow[n]
about 40 rods of my fence & many other fences it blew
down some houses & blew in many gable ends of Adobie
Houses in the city. during the night the Embankment above
Lorenzo Youngs house gave way it being on the canal 870
feet high & 200 wide on the bottom and a hevy body of water
came rushing down dand destroyed many acres of land
much of which was coverd of wheat covering the land
with several feet of rock, gravel, clay & sand sweeping
away fenses and doing much damage
~ Friday
May 13
The wind still blows vary hard this morning but we
went to work & planted another acre of potatoes but it
was performed in the midst of great labor as the wind filled
our eyes & face with sand & dirt & it was with great difficulty
that we could stand upon our feet we returned home
& saw the bad Effects of the wind & water as we travelled
my Eyes were in much pain & face nearly blistered
the Easterne Mail arived late in the evening
~ Saturday
I got 2 letters one from Uncle Ozem & one from
his son Seth, both were mostly religious letters. I set
out some locust trees to day & spent a part of the day in
the office. Gen Burr arived by the mail He says that Judge
Eckles is going to return & bring some artillerry with him
~ Sunday
15th Sunday O. Pratt & Erastus Snow Preached in the Tabernacle
I attended meeting with my Quorum. Willford prayed
& I was mouth. I met with my Quorum of the Twelve in
the evening I prawas mouth John Taylor opened by prayer
Elder Kimball was Quite sick & was visited by President
Young G. A. Smith & others.
~ Monday
16th I went into my field & put up some 40 rods of my
fence which had been blown down by the wind I ploughed &
put in about half an Acre of flax and opened a ditch
& returned home
~ Tuesday
17th I took Delight & Willford & went to Fort Harriman
we gathered up twenty of of our cattle & cows & branded them
three we did not get, but they were on the range. out of 23 Head
I did not loose one, although it was a Hard winter. I spent
the night at Brother Stockings. distance 25 miles
~ Wednesday
18th I rented a room of Brother Stockings & left Delight to
keep house by herself to milk the cows make Butter take care
of the calves &c I drew up a load of wood then took up my Horses
and drove across the country without any road to Harkers Kanyon
whare Robert was getting out poles distance 20 miles
~ Thursday
19th I started early in the morning with Robert & Wilford
for the top of the mountain to cut poles A Grizzerly bear went
up before us he made a vary large track in the snow & mud
we waided through snow & over it whare it was 8 feet deep
we worked all day in about 3 feet of snow our boots
soaked full of water and our feet became vary cold in
the Afternoon we cut about 100 poles mostly dry pine
which would averadge 35 feet long. We slid them dow the
mountain through & over 63 or 4 feet of snow, about a
quarter of a mile & went down to our camp at night cold
& wet we made a good fire & dried ourselves mostly
I shot three sage Hens one of which we cooked for
supper, then turned into our waggon & slept for the
~ Friday
May 20th 1859
We arose this morning took breakfast of my fowles, but I felt
as though I had been foundered I was vary sore & stiff still
we went into the mountain & performed the same labour as
yesterday in the snow we cut about another Hundred of
dry pine poles & slid them down the mountain over the snow
It was the first time in my life I had laboured in 3 feet of
snow on the 20 day of may. we had cut during 3 day about 300
poles & slid them down the mountain two days of which time
I labored. Robert cut 90 before I came also 80 pine House
logs 18 feet long to build a House down on the farme we
returned to our camp weary & cold & spent the night
~ Saturday
21st We cut a load of poles & put onto one waggon & put some
mahoganey, oak, & pine in the other & started for home I shot
one Badger, one rabbit, & one hen & took home. I called upon
the President in the evening, the Eastern Mail had gote in
& brings report that the President Had removed Judge Cradlebaugh
& had resolved to sustain Judge Govornor Cummings in his
peace policy in Utah. President Young remarked that "I have
often thought of my saying when I first came here If they would
let me alone for 10 years I would ask no ods of them I believe
I have asked no ods of them as yet
~ Sunday
22nd ISunday I met with my Quorum A. O. Smoot prayed
Bishop Hunter was mouth. I learned that Joseph Abbott was
struck with lightning & killed instantly. also Wm Harris was
also struck & fell & the Horses with which he was ploughing drew
him several rods & he came to, & is now alive. President Young
preached in the morning after Orson Pratt, John Taylor
preached in the afternoon was followed by President Young
I met with the Twelve there was O. Hyde O. Pratt W. Woodruff
John Taylor & C. C. Rich & Erastus Snow present C. C. Rich prayed
O Hyde was mouth.
~ Monday
23rd I spent the forenoon planting my Garden I put in beans,
peas, Beets & Onions we had quite a shower of raine all
the streams are up Jordon is over flowing its banks I spent
the evening with President Young & others
~ Tuesday
24th I went into the big field sowed some half bushels of peas
& planted some 2 acres of corn Robert & Wilford ploughed
I walked home at night.
~ Wednesday
25th I had some Apple cuttings sent me from the states
I cut the buds off & budded them into Apple I spent most of
the day in the office I wrote A Letter to Ilus F Carter
And preached a Leittle to him, in answer to a religius
letter which He sent to me. It was vary cold day and quite
a frost at night
~ Thursday
26 We had quite a Frost on the ground this morning it
killed many things I spent the day in the office I wrote a letter
to Uncle Ozem Woodruff giving an account of temperal
things in Utah. Planted sugar cane in field
~ Friday
May 27th
I went to the office early this morning whare
I was informed that James Johnson son of Luke Johnson
was shot last night by one Gibson there were 4 of them
together, Jason Luce, James Johnson, Gibson & another one, some
words passed between Gibson & Johnson when Gibson drew a pistol
cocked it & drew it upon Johnson when Luce took the pistol from
Gibson & uncocked it & gave it back to Gibson. He then again cocked
it & a few words passed & he drew his pistol & shot James Johnson
the balle entered below the chollar bone on the left side Just escaped
the Left Lung broke the upper rib went downward through the
body Dr's France & Anderson was sent For they cut out the
ball on the right side of the spine of the back. As soon as I herd
of it I went down to see him in the upper story of James
Townsend House I found him lying on his back suffering
in much pain when the ball hole was open or uncorvered the
wind would come out of it evry time he breathed like a whistle
the Physicians staid with him till morning & came while
I was there Dr France thought he could not live over
24 hours Mrs Woodruff Sisters Hiyde & Whitney called to
see him I went to the Council House saw Thomas Williams
& Gibson the Murderer in conversation together Williams will
plead his case. S. M. Blair will prosecute. I soon returned
to James Johnson who was suffering much Mr Miner
& myself took care of him. Many called to see him. He
continued to Fail his limbs & all his lower extremities
seemed paralized & he could not move them & had no
sensation in them which was a strong proof that spine
of the back was injured he continued to fail till 15 minutes
past [blank] oclock when he said to me I cannot stand it
I cannot lie here, I must get up And he flung his
arms wildly over his head, & in about a minute more
he breathed his last. I asked him if he had any word
to say to his Father he said No ownly he wished him
to hasten to him as soon as he was dead we sent for
the coronor Dr Clinton who came & swore a Jury of
6 men who herd the Testimony of the men & surgeons
the Jury all not being satisfyed a post mortom examination
of the body was Entered into it was found that the ball had passed
through the left lung & gone through the spine of the back and it was
a wonder that He lived as long as he did As soon as the examindation
was through the Jury retired to another room & brought in a
virdict of came to his death by a Ball shot from the pistol
held in the Hands of one [blank] Gibson. I immediately went
to work had the body washed shaved & laid out Mrs Woodruff
made his shroud I staid with the corps with Brother Miner &
another Man till 3 oclock waiting for the coffin to put him
in but it did not come. Brother Luke Johnson arived at about
dark having rode some 75 miles and was thoroughly used
up he did not come in to see the corps I went to bed about
4 oclok to get a little rest. The men planted sugar cane
~ Saturday
28th I arose at 7 oclok went to Townsends Assisted in laying
the corps into the coffin, & got a team & carried it to Elder
Orson Hyde Here his Father for the first time saw the body
of his murdered son for a moment it almost over come him
The Funeral of James Johnson was attended at 2 oclok W. Woodruff
opened by Prayer. G. A. Smith spoke upon the evil consequences
of the introduction of so much swhiskey into this Territory
which was was adulterated by strichnine & this was introduced
by the followers of the Army sutlers Merchants and a great
Many persons were making use of it and much crime was
the consequen. When a man was found in the Gutter or had
killed somebody he would make for an excuse that He was strict-
nined but if we all let the Liquor alone we would not get
the strictnine. He made many remarks upon the evils of the
use of Alchahal most of which was drugged.
W Woodruff followed & spoke upon the great responsibilitiy
resting upon Parents towards there children in giving
them good council & the responsibilit of Parents tchildren
to obey their parents & whare children would not take good
council but would have there own way they would soon
go to ruin & destruction. O Hyde followed bore testimony
to the truth of what had been said, & remarked that Parents
should not allow themselves to sware or their children but
should reprove their children when they hear them sware
and many useful remarks were made, the meeting was dis-
missed by G. A. Smith we then went to the grave yard & buried
him in Brother Hydes Lot
~ Sunday
29th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I did not
dress for Prayer. Wilford started for Rush valley to carry
Luke Johnson home I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
Judge Zerubbablel Snow preached well was followed by
President Brigham Young who said that we should be gov[erne]d
by revelation in all things & spoke much to Edifycation
John Taylor & E. D. Woolley spoke in the afternoon. I met
with the Quorum of the Twelve in the Evening. John Taylor
Prayed G. A. Smith was Mouth. We spent several hours
with the President. Leo Hawkins died at 11 oclok with the consumption
~ Monday
30th Sarah had a daughter born this morning at [blank] oclok
I spent the forenoon at the office I attended Leo Hawkins
Funeral in the afternoon there was one of the Largest process-
ions ever attended a Funeral in this city there was 17
omnibuses & carriges loaded accompanied the corps
to the Grave R. L. Campbell opened by prayer W Woodruff
mad[e] a short address was followed by G A Smith with
few remarks.
~ Tuesday
31st I warttered my Garden to day & for the first time
since I have been in the valley I got wateredto
run all through my door yard by means of troths
I went to the office at 4 oclok & wrote some in my
~ Wednesday
June 1st I rode to Fort Herriman with Brother Stockins &
spent the night
~ Thursday
2nd I spent the niday at Fort Herriman & hunting my
stock on the range
~ Friday
June 3rd
In company with Brothers Smoot, Eldridge, & Harris I
rode to Great Salt Lake City & drove some stock I was
quite weary, distance to Fort Harriman & Back 40 mils
~ Saturday
4th I sold a yearling steer to Robert Martin
for $9 per cwt it weighed 304 lbs $27.36 cts
Brother Hamblin called in the office to day and left
with us the History of his travels among the Lamanites from
the commencement. I was taken this morning with the
Influenza vary severly I spent most of the day in the office
~ Sunday
5 Sunday I was sick this morning. I did not attend my
prayer circle I attended meeting Gilbert Clements
preached in the morning followed by President Young
O Pratt preached in the after noon I attended the circle of
the Twelve Erastus Snow Prayed Lorenzo Snow was mouth
we called upon the President a short time
~ Monday
6th I was vary poorly this morning. The Presidents
dam went off this morning carriying the water to the Black-
smith shop. I went to the office at 10 oclok Brother G. A. S
proposed to write our History & keep our Journals in the
deseret Alphabet the clerks commenced writing it
Hon J. M. Bernhisel arived to day I had an interview with him
~ Tuesday
7th I spent the day in the office. Brother Kington A. J. Stewart
& J. J. Stocking spent the night with me
~ Wednesday
8th I spent the day in the office G. D. Watt has been giving
us lessons oin the Deseret Alphabet for several days G A S
left for Provo about 6 oclok Brother Jacob Gates called to
see him a short time before he left & wanted to turn
his herd of cattle up Coones canyon G A S said He would
fight any man that attempted it for He had had a great
Deal of trouble with it Brother Gates said I will go to see
President Young about it I do not know what success he met with
~ Thursday
9th I spent the morning in triming my trees I spent
the day in the office The firm of Livingston Kinkade & co
had a train of Merchandize arive to day from the
East they wintered at Scotts Bluffs, their cotrain
consisted of 35 waggons 8 mueles to each waggon
the waggons cost $65 dollars each
they had $240 mules $150 each
Total cost of Mules & waggons $2375 + 40000 = $42,375.
they Brought 70 tons of merchandize cost not
known by me this information I received from the
Teamsters who drove in the waggons so I cannot vouch
for the correctness of the statement. Dr J M Bernhisel
spent the evening with me I settelled my Accounts with
him $I Paid him $603.81 cts on settlement
including $120 which He Paid W Coward to buy a Bill
of goods for me in St Louis. I have Cowards receipt
for the same.
~ Friday
June 10th 1859
A vary warm day I planted some sweet corn this morning
I called upon President Young in the after noon. Brother Carrington
red his last serman to him I gave him & President Young each
a Calafornia Greening Aple President Young called at the office
to attend our lessons in the Deseret Alphabet
~ Saturday
11th I spent the day {making water gates watering the
garden. We had a very hard wind in the afternoon|Deseret Alphabet}
on the evening of the 11th The Presidentcy of the seventies & the
Twelve met at the historians office. O Hyde presented the busi
ness of the meeting which was to go out once more & warn the Saints
to sell no more grain but lay up all the food they can get to
prepair for a day of famine which is at the door the Saints have
been warned to do this for a long time but they have given no
heed to the warning ie many of them, others have. O Hyde
W Woodruff & E. T. Benson spoke upon the subject a meeting
was appointed on Sunday evening at 6 oclok for the sev-
enties & Twelve to appoint missionaries to go abroad am[on]g
the people for this purpose. The Eastern Mail came in brough
word that war had commenced in Europe
~ Sunday
12 Sunday I met with my Quorum this morning R. Campbell
prayed & [blank] was mouth. I attended meeting at the Taber-
nacle O Pratt Preached upon the seconed coming of Christ the
Building of Zion & Jerrusalem & their final location on the Earth
the Thrones of Christ & his Twelve Apostles will be in Jerrusalem
while the New Jerrusalem & Zion of Enoch & the Zion of the Saints
will be in Jackson County Mo. Adam dwelt in that land as
the garden of Eden was there &c. W Woodruff preached
in the afternoon. I attended meeting at the seventies Hall
O spoke to the Seventies upon the subject of going out to preach
to the people to save their grain & sell no more was followed
by W. Woodruff E. T. Benson & Joseph Young then some
20 missionaries were appointed to go out on this mission
Adjourned to meet at 6 oclok tomorrow evening
~ Monday
13 I replanted my sugar cane in my garden this morning
I set out about 100 cabbage plants I spent the fore noon in
the garden I learn by the last mail that the Armies of France
Italy & Sardena united have began to meet the Austriain army
in Italy & Lombardy & some fighting has taking place &
Blood has been shed it will be a Bloody war Russia &
France are in alliance in the great struggle against Austria
while Fra England is strongly arming but trying to stand
Neutral they say they have an armey of 100000 men in
India 100000 in England & she has the greatest Navy in the
world, & is now offieering a premeum of £10 each for 100000
seamen in addition to their present Navy they have ordered
all the war steemers on the stocks to be immediately clompleted
& prepared for sea. Mr Cooper was in the office to day from
Calafornia to again try to sell the Musketoe Country to the Saints
this is strange as President Young told him when he was here
befor that he would not take that country as a gift & move this
people to it if [it] iwas all covered 18 inches with pure gold. I visited
my field in the afternoon I Found my wheat had been flooded
wisth water some person had raised the gate & let the whole
stream of water run onto my field of wheat & flooded
it like a lake for 2 days & nights which damaged it much
my corn & sugar cane is up well all my crops look well
except whare it was damaged by flooding
two hundred U. S. Draggoons returned from Origon
& went into the South East part of the city & turned all
their animals into a 10 acre lot of wheat belonging
to John Vancott. he went & politely invited them to
take their Horses out & they arested him & kept him
a prisioner all night he was taken out of their hands
in the morning. Governor Cummings made his protest
against it He told Vancott to make out his Bill & send
it to Col Johnson & if he would not pay it He would
write to the department at Washington. The military
power do not regard the rights of the citizens in this
country. G. A. Smith returned from Provo at 11 oclok P.M.
Elder L Snow returned to Box Elder took Phebe with him
~ Tuesday
^14th^ I set out about 100 cabages from Stanes this morning
I have a vary fine bed of Kew Garden strawbury raised
from the seed by Wm Stanes they show the Best of any in
the Territory & worth cultivation they are of the Alpine
strawbury I spent most of the day in the office Judge Eckells
arived in this city to day
~ Wednesday
15th I picked about 1 pint of my best strawburies & took to
President Young He liked them much. Brother Staines
& Edward Sayers called to see my bed of strawburies
Mr Sayers thought they were the ownly strawburies
He had seen in this Territory worth cultivating I
accompanied President Young onto the top of his house
& with glasses viewed the country The Jordon was vary
high & the roads all around us are nearly impassable
the water in all the streams are much higher than they
have been for many years The Probate court of G. S. L.
Citiy commenced its regular session on Monday the
13th is in session to day. The case of Gibson for murdering
Johnson was to be brought before the Probate court for trial
But the U. S. district Attorney Wilson is to take up the case
& argue the Jurisdiction of the probate court in criminal
cases. A young man From Grantsvill attempted to kill
Charles White in Front of my house I stoped them Fighting
~ Thursday
16th I resurrected some records which had been laid
away for safe keeping. I spent the day in the office, it is
vary warm The Probate court in session today Elias
Smith Presiding
~ Friday
17th I budded a few 20 ounce Apples to day it is vary warm
I spent the day in the office we had our lessoss [lessons] at 5 oclok on
the deseret Alphabet President Young came in at 6 oclok
soon Hosea Stout came & said he had been with Judge
Eckles he had been with the other Judges in council the
other two Judges was disposed to try to set asid last winter
procedings of the Legislature, while Eckles contended that
that the Laws are valeid & this is the seat of government
Eckels asked H Stouutt about the authority of the county
court they talked over Utah affairs vary freely G. A. Smith
spoke upon his Travels in the East the improvements of the
roads &c
President Young has labored hard for several years to
get the Deseret Alphabet introduced among the Latter Day
Saints He has finally introduced it in his office by having
his Journals kept in it & we have come to the conclusion
to keep our Journals in the Historians office in the same
so from this date I shall be gin to keep my Journal in
the Deseret Alphabet
~ Saturday
18th {It is a very warm day I spent the day in the office W. H.
Hooper called upon us today and gave us a plan he
had in his mind to bring goods into this territory so the
people can have them cheap and the means be in the hands of the Saints|Deseret Alphabet}
~ Sunday
19th {Sunday I met with my qur quorrum E. Hunter prayed
W. Woodruff was mouth I attended meeting at the tabernacle and
heard the army chaplain preach he was an Episcopalian President
Young followed him and spoke in the spirit of God much to
our edification E. T. Benson and H. C. Kimball [spoke] in the
afternoon I met with my quorum in the evening. O Hyde
prayed E. T. Benson was mouth B Young was with us for an
hours|Deseret Alphabet}
~ Monday
20th {Wilford came home at daylight this morning, Robert
came at|Deseret Alphabet} 8 {o'clock one of the horses had got his hind leg
fast in the rope around his neck and rolled|Deseret Alphabet} 300 {yards down the
mountain and broke his skull and cut himself very bad
yet he is alive, at home. I went into the field and helped
make a road. The eastern mail came in today a small battle
had been fought and few killed|Deseret Alphabet}
~ Tuesday to ~ Friday
21, , , 24. {I spent this week hoeing my corn, sugar cane and
potatoes|Deseret Alphabet}
~ Saturday
25 {I went to the office at} 10 {o'clock I read historical
letters in the forenoon. President Young came in the office and spent
some|Deseret Alphabet} 3 {hours and conversed upon a variety of subjects
Governor Cummings said he thought he and Mr. Hartnet should
go to Camp Floyd to reside there was a letter printed
in the bulletin from one Linch about Hamblin ill treating
the children that were left of the massacre. Marion G.
Shelton took it to Dr Forney to see if he would endorse
it Shelton told Forney it was a lie and Forney acknow-
ledged it was. I spent the evening in journaling|Deseret Alphabet}
~ Sunday
26th {Sunday I met with my quorum Bishop Hoagland prayed
I did not attend meeting today I met with the quorum
of the|Deseret Alphabet} 12. {H C Kimball was present and stayed} 3 {hours
he appointed|Deseret Alphabet} 52 {men to be taken in to the various
prayer circles of the|Deseret Alphabet} 12. {The eastern mail came in today
I spent most of the day in the office|Deseret Alphabet}
~ Monday
June 27th
{I spent most of the day in the office. The eastern mail came in today
Not much news not much fighting yet the Pikes Peak gold mines
mostly proves a failure and a humbug it has deceived
many thousands and caused great distress. Many are passing
through this city daily for California|Deseret Alphabet}
~ Tuesday
28th {I spent the forenoon watering my garden Brother Watt
said I must not work|Deseret Alphabet} so {hard}
~ Wednesday
29th Majer Reynolds Battery of Artilery with 6 Brass
peaces & an Extra carriage to Each peace was was paraded
this morning on South Temple Street oposite the Temple wall
they took up their line of march for fort Vancover
about 10 oclok there line of Baggage soon followed
The Deseret News is isuede this morning containing Judge
Black's Letter to the Utah Judges reproveing them sharply
For there course. The Valley tan is also out but is more
mild than usual {This is the hottest day of the season the thermometer
showed|Deseret Alphabet} 90° {in the shade}
~ Thursday
30. {I spent the day in the office}
~ Friday
30July 1st {I budded some this morning I spent the day in the office}
I called in Presidents Youngs office at half past 5 oclok
I was introduced to Mr Waggoner A Campbellite preacher
by President Young. Soon Capt A. B. Miller of the firm
of Wardle, Russell, Miller, &c called in to see President Young
& had quite a long interview with him He said there
were two & a half Millions of Dollars worth of goods
at First cost on the road for this market there is more
than 1000 waggons loaded with merchandize with 2 1/2
tons to the waggon. I think there is more than one
million dollars worth of good more than can be sold in
this market for the next year The western Merchants have
been anxious to sell goods to come to this Market for they
paid up so well last year but they will not be as anxious
to sell to the transient Merchants next year for it will be
a long time before they will get their pay & I expect we shall
have to buy out the Merchants in this city before they get through
There is a vast amount of Cattle, Horses, Mules, waggons,
goods & people on the way to this Territory. Cattle will
be cheap this fall, though many young cattle will be
driven through to Calafornia. Mr Miller said the people
estimated that the mormon Emigration alone will be 25000.
President Young said he did not think there would be
1000 Mormons, an Indians said all the white men
East were going to Utah. they pulled up some grass & asked
the Indian if he could tell whare it come from ior if He
would miss it from the field of grass before him. He said
No they told him it was so with the white men they were
not missed whare they came from. Mr Miller thought
Mr Livingston Bell & Co. will loose some $20,000 $30000 or
their contract on Flour. President Young thought not, that they
would by their flour for goods at a high price & would probably
samve themselves. Mr Miller said that much flour would
be wanted ^He wanted^ flour to feed about 1500 men mostly at Bridger, many
men who are on the way to Calafornia will come through here
to get their flour. Mr Miller says that all Freight can
now bye carried from St Louis to St Joseph either via rail
road or steemer for 15 cents per hundred. He said that a rail
road would be in operation to Kansas City in two years
President Young said Mr Miller perhaps you can inform
the people whether the Armey in this Territory belongs to
Majors Russell Miller & Company, or the United States for
many people are at a loss to know who it belongs to Mr
Miller Did not answer Direct. President Young asked if
they were going to let us live a little longer here He
said yes the army will be reduced to 1000 men by fall
we must keep them moving to keep money stiring. President
Young said there is going to be a great sale of Mules they
will be sold cheap & go out bought back deear. Miller Nodded
assent. President Young said I under stand that you brought
word that Stephen A Duglass stands Fair to be the candidate
for the next President. Miller said He was sure to be the
next President the South has to unite on him to get votes
in the north so as not to get Defeted. If he is President
I shall do business in this line for 5 years then I will
quit but Wardle will remain in Washington to regulate
affairs there & attend to business He said they had got
the contract of carriying the Utah & Calafornoia Mail & has
the whole controll of it & all the government transportation for
the army. After some other remarks Mr Miller took
his leave. After he left President Young remarked
that I cannot tell what to believe by what Mr Miller
says. He talks so much he does not expect to be believed in
all he says. He has a motive in view in calling here he
wants to lay a plan to make our boys his servants in
carrying the mail if Wardle Majors & Co tell the Army to
move to any place they will move for that company has
all the power in their hands except the buying of the flour
Mr Miller Further said that Just before I left we received
2nd A telegraphic Dispach not to organize 1500 larg freidt [freight]
waggons for Utah & New Mexico we sent word that they
were to late for we were already organized Mr Russell
went immediately to washington to see what was up
~ Saturday
2nd S. M. Blair {got a letter from Judge} Eckles {saying
that|Deseret Alphabet} Col Johnson {had said if the prisoners were not removed
soon he would turn them loose|Deseret Alphabet}
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Arza
Hinkley Prayed & R. L. Campbell was mouth I attended meeting
in the morning. O Pratt preached upon the first principles
of the gospel. President Young preached in the afternoon
a vary interesting discourse. I did not attend the meeting
I met with the Quorum of the Twelve J Taylor Praid & G A
Smith was mouth. We conversed upon both Temporal &
spiritual subjects, concerning our present interest in this
~ Monday
July 4th
At 4 oclok in the morning we were saluted with 9 rounds of
cannon & several Bands of music National Flags were hoisted
at President Youngs Gov Cummings, Tithing office, &
several other places J. C. Litltle Marshall of the city, Gen
J. J. Ferguson & Staff accompanied by 2 peaces of cannon
& a Band of Music march thrugh various parts of the
city saluted President Young Gov Cummings Atturney
Wilson. The Horses ran away withe one canon & injured several
men An assembly met at the court house & red the Constitution
of the United States while doing this Charles Benson son of
E. T. Benson rode up [on] Horsback & tryed to ride into the court
House while intoxecated He was stoped by the guard
Joseph Taylor Benson drew a self cocking colts revolver
upon Joseph Taylor & came near shooting him Sheriff
Burton interfeared & Benson drew his revolver upon
him & came near shooting him. Then the Marshal J. C. Little
took after Benson overtook him on horsback & collered
him & Benson & Benson drew his revolver urpon him
& would have killed him if Brigham Young Jr
had not hurled him from his horse & took the pistol
from him Charles Benson was then confined in the
lock up it is lamentable that young men in our
midst should persue such a course
A meeting of some of the prominent citizens met at
the Historians office to form a Chambers of Commerce to
Benefit our condition speeches were made by W Woodruff
D. H. Wells Wm H. Hooper John Taylor S M Blair &
A. P. Rockwood. Capt Hooper presented a plan for
organizing a company to engage in merchandize
for the Benefit of the people to Bring goods cheaper
& leave the profits in the Hands of the people & to root
out the Gentile merchants who are sucking our lifes Blood
Bishop Hunter was called to the chair & Richard
Bentley was chosen secretary. A committee was
chosen to wait upon President Young & lay the
plan before him this committee was D. H. Wells
Wm hH Hooper & A O Smoot the meeting adjourned
till wednesday evening
~ Tuesday
5th Mr Christopher Hoover son in law of Luther
Scammons of Lamoile Bureau County Ill. called upon
me this morning He had been to pikes peak for gold
said it was a Humbug their was but little gold found
there He judged there was but little gold there & 100000
men had been to those mines for gold & been disapoi-
nted & great distress was among the people & He was on
his way to Calafornia. He camped the first night in
Vinson Shirtliff's pasture had 5 good Horses stolen
the first night, had traced them to the little mountain
East I took Mr Hoover through my Garden & prenises
to the Historians office & printing office &c. J. W. Fox called
at the office to day and gave an Account of my land in the field
over Jordon it is Block 16, Lot 11 over 8 acres, west half of Lot
12 over 4 Acres total 12 acres it is 52 rods E & W, 37 1/2 N. & S.
~ Wednesday
I took an exploring tour over Jordon with A O Smoot G. A.
Smith S. M. Blair J W Fox & [blank] Chrisman we rode down
the Jordon down to Bakers place then turned south west
&towards the Lake we visited a tract of land of some
400 Acres of level Farming land with the intention of
locating some Farming land it lies some 6 miles from the
Great Salt lake City. We returned & attended the meeting
at the Historians office at 6 oclok There being presient
Presentident Young Kimball & Wells Elder G. A. Smith W. Woodruff
A. O. Smoot S. M. Blair & many others President Young
was chosen charman. Minutes of the former meeting [were read]
D. H. Wells chairman of committee reported that they had
laid the plan before president Young. He had not given his
view upon the subject but had kcome this evening to learn
what was going on & wished Capt Hooper to lay his plan
in a Brief manner before this meeting. Capt Hooper
did so and spoke at length laid his plan before the people
President Young then spoke & called a vote of the few present
to know who would enter into it heart, hand & means
about a dozen voted President Young then spoke & said
that he knew the feelings of the people & their spirit &
said that the people would trust their souls salvation
with him but would not trust their money with him
& that He had sent to the states to buy his own goods but
no man had put their money into his hands & said
now lay out this money for your benefit & mine He said
he had laid down ^groceries^ at about 16 cts per lb cotton cloth at
12 1/2 cts per yard. He did not recommend the present
system the people would not be satisfied with Capt Hooper & Capt
Hooper would not be satisfied with the people in the plan & it
would prove a curse to both parties, & we would see sorrow
in it He said the best thing we could do for the people would
be to raise sheep, mix black & white wool make sheeps
gray & cloth the people. If this community had done
as much as I had to introduce sheep the whole Territory
would make their own clothing I would make my
own clothing & wear sheeps gray it is good Enough for
me & my family & I should wear it but my Friends
give me fine clothes & I wear them out of respect to
them I told my family that when they had used
up what they had on hand I should not buy them any
more they must color with the products of this land I
should not buy any coloring stuffs from the states "I shall
not stop my labor untill we can make nails and Iron
I have sent for nail machines & intend to make our own
nails we have spent $20000 dollars to make Iron & if
those ingaged in the business had not had the devil in
them we should have made good Iron before now But
I mean to keep to work at it untill I accomplish it
I will here reveal a secret which I have not told Bell
& Livingston came to me last summer & asked my
advise they told a sald tale of losses & said they could not
sell sugar & coffee short of 65 cts cotton cloth 35 cts and
all things in proportion I told them to ask it for I
did not believe their were 20 fools in this territory but I
found there were thousands He sold all his stock out at
those high prics before winter I beat myself in giving
that council I wish they had charged $1 per lb for groceries
if the people are a mind to be fools enough to give it. I have
not bought goods of these merchants they have paid me
$7000 in gold annually for rents & I have sent most of
it to the states for goods. I hope I shall have an opportunity
of telling Mr Bell that He will not get my influence as he
has done with this people at the close of his remarks
He & Brothers Kimball & Wells Left I made a few remarks
sustaining President Young in his remarks & moved to
adjourn, sin[e] die it was carried & the meeting adjourned
~ Thursday
7th G. A. Smith & A Lyman took the stage for the south
country at 8 oclok this morning I spent the morning
in wattering I went to the office at 11 oclock I met with
Elder Danea C. R. Dana He had made a statement while
in England to Orson Pratt that when my life was preserved
on the night of the 5 day of July 1848 by moving my
carriage from an impression which I had to move
it, also to move my mules from an oak tree standing
beside the road, Both of which I done (see my Journal
of July 5 1848) He says that He had the impression &
urged me during the afternoon several times to do it
he also sayes that my mules were turned out & not at
the tree both of these statements are incorrect acor-
ding to my best knowledge & belief & recollection & the
account of my Journal, & testimony of my Journal
written next morning & testimony of my wife &
Dominicas Carter, both of which were present. I told
Brother Dana that I considered his statement not
true I havd no recollection of his saying any thing
about it untill I named it to him, and I knew I
moved my mules from the tree & tied them in a
Hickory grove whare I found them in the morning
He had been to the trouble of making a New Journal
whare he had detailed the account at great length
apparently to esstablish his version of the story But
I am of the impression that he has told the story so
often that He received a revelation by which my life
was preserved that He either believes it to be true
or wishes to try to maintain what what He has stated
so often. He did not move the waggon in which he slep
himself and the tree fell in about 1 foot of it. I felt
thankful to the Lord for preserving my life & I wish
to give Brother Dana all the credit which belong to him
in the affair But I have No recollection of his saying
a word about it to me untill I named it to him
Neither has any one who was with me any recollection
of it this I told him & we parted both of firm in
our own belief I spent the afternoon in the office
~ Friday
July 8th
{It is a cool morning. I spent the day in the office we had a hard
rain in the evening and a shower in the night|Deseret Alphabet}
~ Saturday
9th {A cool morning I spent a part of the forenoon in the office
I called at the president's office at noon He was settling
some difficulty with blind [Bradford] Leonard Captain Hooper
on Babbits estate he rode out in the afternoon it rained
some in the afternoon I called op upon President
Young|Deseret Alphabet} H. C. Kimball, & E. Hanks was sitting with President
Young {Soon} H Stout {came in. a man had been arrest}ed
{for forgery. they would not let him have counsel}. H
Stout {gave} B Young 3 {letter from} G A. Smith {saying
that the prisoners were let loose and they had not
come to Provo|Deseret Alphabet}
~ Sunday
10 Sunday I met with my Quorum W Woodruff prayed
Bishop Hunter was mouth John Taylor preached in the
morning at the Tabernacle & O Pratt in the afternoon
I called at President Youngs there was presidetent all
of the Presidency Elders O. Pratt W Woodruff C. C. Rich E. Snow
SH. Stout & Snow of Provo A. Johnson Isaac Bullock Rigs
& several others. The subjects of the Prisioners that
were turned out of Johnson Camp was brought up, they
were put into the Hands of Isaac Bullock the sharif of
Provo City all the prisioners went with Bullock to
Provo except Durfee He prefered to remain in the camp
Bartholomew said he had done wrontg in testifying at camp
had said what was not true & wished to get into the good graces
of the people. they sent to Hosea Stout for council & wished
to imployed him to conduct his suit. President Young
in speaking of the crops said that we shall have potatoes
yet this season they will grow yet.
I met with the Twelve there was present O. Pratt W. Woodruff
J. Taylor C. C. Rich & F. D. Richards. C. C. Rich Prayed F D.
Richards was Mouth. Mr Hoover spent the evening
at my House.
~ Monday
11th The Eastern Mail came in last evening & was opened
this morning the war continueds in Europe some battels
fou[gh]t & blood shed. Horace Greely Editor of the Tribune arived
in this city with the mail He has been with Dr Bernhisel
this forenoon went to the Hot spring with him. Mr Hoover
called at the office gave O. P. Rockwell a description of 4
Horses & 1 Mule stolen out Mr Mousley pasture He gave
him authority to take the animals whare ever they could
be found. I learned to day that Col Johnson sent an escort
of cavelry to guard the prisioners out of the camp so they
would not be mobed. President Young called at the
office a short time. Hoosesea Stout received a Letter From
David McKenzie wrote a letter to requesting Him to
come & plead his cause & bring such evidence as he thought
proper. He was accused of Forgery. H Stout asked
President Youngs council. He said He did not wish to
talk about it but said The Lawyiers were not required
by any law to go to that camp & he should not do it & if
He was his Lawyier he should advise him to let the Judges
do as they pleased at the examination & if I was in his
place I would Neither Deny nor confess any thing but would
remain silent. if he is guity he ought to be cuffed for
I have employed him for 2 years & paid him & helped
his family & for such a man to ingaged in such a business
I feel like spanking him they seek evry opportunity to
Hatch up an accusation against me. If MCKinzie will
tell the truth it will be all right as far as I am concerned
But if my enemies can get him to lie against me or any
body els so they can make a war on me then their will
be a fight on hand and this will be as soon as the Lord will
Brother Hosea wrote to MCkinzie, that the holding of a court
at Camp Floyd in a military camp was illegal & contrary
to the instructions of Judge Black & President Bucannan
I shall not come to plead any cause in that camp
A man called upon President Young & informed him that
he had found a good bed of stone colal on the Webber from
4 to 10 miles above the mouth of echo canyon. He found three
veins of the coal about 3 feet each & the man is an old colyier [collier]
He ingaged to deliver to President Young 100 tons of coal at
$20 per ton
~ Tuesday
12 President Young called into [Co &c] Commission Room
E. T. Benson was present. He has been to provo & held a meeting
saw Brother Carns & told him that he herd that He
was Brain cracked & low spirited He said that it was
true and any man that could be shut up in a dirty sell
as long as I was with some 25 drunken Irish who were
cursing, swearing, fighting, spewing, & shitting & trampling
over me without being Brain cracked & down spirited then
He has a stronger spirit than I have I vomited many
times nearly all there was in me. H Stout said that
Wilson remarked that He expected that Judge Cradlebaugh
& Sinclair would Join Issue against Buchannan & Judge
Black. But whatever they done Stout said they would
Bemean themselves. President Young dreamed a few
nights since that He saw those Judges drunk & they behaved
as ^bad as^ they could evry thing they done was dirty and filthy
The Probate court has been in session about four weeks and
Adjourned to day senedi. I spent the day in the office
~ Wednesday
July 13th I went over Jordon & staked out my grass ground
& went to the office at 1 oclock I found President Young
& D H Wells in the office President Young invited me
to meet at his House at 2 oclok as He was going to have
an interview with Horace Greely I met agreeable to invitation
I Found Mr Greely A singular looking man He
was midling well dressed white but bald Headed his
head vary dirty looked as though He had not washed
his Head since He came off the plains He had quite
a feminine soft green appearance He asked many Questions
Questions Asked By Horace Greely & Answered By Brigham Young
At 2 oclock P.M. The following Persons met at President Youngs
upper Room Lion House in the Mansion B Young H. C. Kimball
D H. Wells J. M. Bernhisel W Woodruff S M Blair H Stout
A Carrington, J. Ferguson Elias Smith, & Horace Greely Editor
of the Tribune when the following conversation took place
after the company was introduced to Mr Greely by the
Hon J. M. Bernhisel. Also Joseph & Brigham Young Jr was
introduced But they soon left. Mr Greely asked President
Young what is the difference between your religion & Church
from the Christian world. B. Y. The difference betwen us is
that we believe that No Church is the Church of God who
has not the Holy Priesthood. We have the Priesthood & the
sects of the day have not got it. The Lord has delivered the
Priesthood unto us & without the priesthood no man has auth-
ority to administer in the ordinances of the gospel. G do you
believe in faith & what is it" B Y We do. Paul said it was
the substance of things hopede for & the evidence of things hoped for ^not seen^. [Hebrews 11:1]
G. What do you Believe about slavery. B. Y. We believe what
the Bible sayes about it, there was a curse put upon Cain
& his seed & that curse will remain untill it wais taken
off they were to be servants. G is this a slave territory
or are there slaves here. Y There is slaves here or have been
from time to time. G Then this would become a slave state
would it not if it was admitted. Y. No the climate & situ-
ation would not admit of it. slavery is a thing I do not
want any thing to do with it. I consider it more of a
course [curse] to a man to have slaves than a Blessing. G So I
think. do you tithe the people if so what for. Y. Yes
one tenth to Build Temples, & to Feed the poor, and I
want you to understand one thing & I want you to write
it just as I tell you & that is I do not have so much
as one cabbage or ear of corn of the tithing ownly what
I pay for. G Do you have a salary. Y. No sir not one
cent. G Then how do you get your living. Y I would
think myself a poor financeer if I could not work
for Nothing & keep myself. There is No man from the
Highest to the lowest in the Church that Has a salary. The
Presidency Twelve, Seventies & all the Elders who labour for
the interest of the Church do it without a salary the Elders
travel the world over as it were & go without purse or
scrip or money & all preach without a salary. While building
a Temple in Kirtland we had a committee of three who
spent there whole time they were allowed $1 per day each
man. We had a committee of three in building the
Nauvoo Temple they had $2 per day each. WeI do not no
know of any other who have a salary. Joseph Smith
on[c]e gave H. C. Kimball credit of $2 on Book for some
labour. Brother Kimball had it taken off said he would
not have a credit for it. We have appointed a committe
of one Mr D H Wells here to superintend the building
of a Temple here. He has No salary. I prefer a committe
of one instead of any more to transact any kind of busines
if I want to do it with dispatch then he does not have
others to council but can act upon his own judgment
we hire men ^& clerks^ to work in the Church who spend all ther
time as day labourers we pay them wages. G. Do not
the Bishops have salary's? Y. No Sir. [G.] Are all the Mormons
under obligation to gather together and upon what principl
are they required to gather. Y Yes we consider
ourselves under obligation to gather together By the comma-
ndments of God the Bible teaches the subject of the Gathering
in the last days. G we have understood that the Bible
teaches the Jews to gather to old Jerrusalem Y. Yes &
it also teaches the Saints to gather to Zion. G Do you
think there can be any collission between the Mormons
& the United States. Y Not if they let us alone & do not
persecute us more than we are able to bear, but they can
croud us to a point which would make a collission
[G.] What was the cause of so much oposition to Joseph Smith
they accused him of stealing Horses & cattle & doing much
evil. Now the Methodist used to be much opposed &
were vary unpopular But I do not recollect of hearing
them accused of such crimes as the Mormons are
I am vary unpopular in my religion I am a whole
souled Universalist yet we are not accused of such
crimes & I do not recollect that the Saints were in the
days of Christ. B. Y I think sir if you will look
carefully at the History of Christ & the Apostles you
will find that all manner of Evil was spoken against
them falsly. As to Joseph Smith he was a good man
& he was persecuted even unto death becasuse he did
do good. He passed through over 30 law suits got up
by his enemies & it was shown in evry instance that
He was innocent & it was got up through persecution
G What are the Danites and what information can you
give me concerning them. Y I cannot give you any
information conserning them you will have to enquiring
of our Enemies & they can tell you all about it, we know
nothing about any Danites we have no such society or
company among us. G You are accused of many crimes
Y And so were the saints in the days of Christ & the Apostles
evry exertion has been made from the begining to Bring some
accusation against us while trying Joseph in Missouri before
Judge A King. He asked Joseph if he believed in the setling
of the kingdom in the last days that the prophet Daniel spoke
of Joseph said he believed what the Bible said about it the
Judge said clerk put that down that is treason Col Dona-
phan who was Josephs Lawyier said you had better
make the bible treason & don with it. In the days of Christ
the Jews said if we let him alone he will come & take away
our state & Nation that is what our enemies are afraid
of now that we shall esstablish the kingdom of God
G do you believe in infant sprinkling. Y. No we baptize
Believers By ememersion. G do you believe in any New
new doctrin Y no none ownly what the Bible & Book of mormon
teaches, have you not read the Book of Mormon G But vary
little of it. How extensive are miracle in the Church & are
they confined to the leaders of the Church. Y They are as
extensive as it is the will of God to give they arne not confined
to the Head But all Elders lay hands upon the sick when
called upon and the sick are often healed. G yes but some
die I suppose. Y Yes the saints & sinners have died in
every age. Death has passed upon all mankind & they cannot
escape it. G Your doctrin of Polygamy is not that
against the Bible. Paul said A Bishop should have one wife [1 Timothy 3:2]
Y. that is correct Doctrin you should not take a single
man for a Bishop he should at least have one wife But
Paul did not say that he should not have but one there
is nothing in Pauls words against his having a dozen
[G.] How many wives has any one man had in the Church
B. Y. I suppose I have as many as any one man I have
some 15 I have some aged women sealed to me upon the
principle of sealing which I no more think of making
a wife of than I would my Grand Mother. G Has it
been long that Poligamy has been practiced in the Church
Y it has ben practiced for some 16 years have you not read
the revelation given upon that subject? G I have not I think
it has not been published till late. Did Joseph Smith have
more than one wife. Y The revelation was publishis
in Aug 1852. Joseph Smith had more than one wife
G How do the women receive the Doctrin Y Quite as
well as the men. I do not think there is a woman in the
Church that opposed it inmore than I did in my feelings
How many wives have you Mr Greely. G ownly one
H. C. K. How many Misses do you keep. G Not any.
B Y I do not think their is a member of the Church in this
room that has had any connexion with a woman except his
wife if Mr Greely can say as much, then I think you are
virtuous. (He did not answer it.) G. I would like to visit
your schools while here do you have free schools do the
Church pay for the schooling of all the children Y No all
pay their own schooling at present. G I hear that the
Church is rich. Y The Church have some buildings here
G While Journeying here it was reported that the animals
of the emigrating trains belonged to the Church. Y The[y] are
not Church animals they belong to members of the Church
probably. G. Were not the leaders of the Church poor you
say you have no salary. you seem to be wealthy I do not see
how you get your property B. Y. I gathered some property
in kirtland. I earned it with my hands except half
of a pig which weighed 90 lbs which Joseph Gave me we
had to leave kirtland through persecution I came to
Nauvoo with nothing I there got a property through
my labor & the Blessings of God. We were driven from
our property there & I had to Borrow to get here & now
my Property I suppose is worth some three hundred thou-
sand dollars and you may ask any man in heaven
Earth or Hell, if I have wronged him out of a dollar
and if you can find such a man I will make it right
I have wronged No man I have paid for what I have
had as I have said I do not have as much as an ear of
corn out of the tithing office ownly what I pay for I Borrowed
money to help the poor when I came here and I want
you to write my statement as I give it for it is true as
the Son. I financeer my affairs according to the wisdom
God has given me & I trust to him & he alone gives
me my increase. there isare fears here that there will
not any potatoes grow I shall look for potatoes when it
is time to dig them I do so with all my business the
Lord kan make me rich or poor Just as he pleases
I care not a groat for all the gold & silver in the world
and Jesus Christ did not. G. The leaders of the Church
must have some advantage the city lots here sold for some
price did it not go to the leaders of the Church. Y No all
the setlers paid for their city lots was $1.50 $1 to the
surveyor Mr Sherwood & 50 cts to Thomas Bullock the
recorder. G How do you get farmes here. Y The
land belongs to the United States and all the claim setlers
have is possession and improvements when men take
up unsurveyed lands they pay the surveyors fees & when
they buy improvements they pay for them according
to there value. & what they produce all men like to
speculate more or less & men are apt to get what they
can. G I calculate that I am about the ownly man
who speculates who has not bought some land in the wes-
tern country, or a city lot, many who have speculated
in land have become poor.
You have had two or three
split off's. How do you consider them? Y. The same as
all apostates. G Do the Bishops make Bishops or how is it
done. Y The people meet in conference and if they want
a man to preside over them as a Bishop they vote for him
and he is ordained a Bishop to preside over them.
G Can the people reduce a Bishop to the layity Y. The
people can remove a Bishop from presiding over them by
a vote & chuse the one they wish. G who is the President
of the Church. Y you know that I am the President
of the Church. I have my two councellors Mr Kimball
& Wells here are my councellors. Then we have Twelve
Apostles & Seventies & various Quorums in our organizat-
ion. G My neighbors religion does not trouble me any
how & I see no particular harm in your religion and
I am glad to learn so much from you about the rule
management, & orgainization of your Church I now
[k]now much more about your Church than I ever have
before. How many clergy men of other sects have Joined
your Church. Y not a great many & they are not often
worth much when they do Join. For the clergy men
Doctors & Lawyiers make about as poor Saints as any class
of men we have for they do not like to work much & the
mormons work for a living and I believe I am about
the ownly man who does not work. G I think there
is not many Editors come among you by the looks of the
papers published here. Y No and if they should we should
be careful not to employ them to publish for us
G I think it would be a good plan to sow the Canida thistle
all over the sage plains & deserts it would renevate the
soil & make food for cattle. Y if that is your opinion
pray dont tell the people of it for you could not introduce
a worse plague if the people was ^to^ introduce Canida Thistles
it would come Nearer to driving out the mormons from the
country than any elsthing els. they would ruin any country
G O I think they would be a great Benefit & if they got
into your grass & farming land you can eisily kill them by
mowing & salting them. Y I think not. G I think the
Army was sent here esspecially for your Benefit & the
Benefit of Wardle & Russel, you are getting rich through
the army. Y The people are making money from that source
they introduce money, cattle, waggons Horses & Mules.
The people buy the waggons for the Irons for $15 or $20
of the largest class, containing some 6 or 800 lbs which
is quite a help to the country whare Irons is scearce. G.
The whole country is lined with Iron. there is many
miles of chains & if I lived in the country I would pick
it up & cash it. Y The Government would claim it
G I would give them so many days Notice then to take
it out of the way & if they did not do it I would take
it myself. There is more good timber in one of those
large freight waggons than grows in this whole Territory
I dont believe in your having a Famine or that there
is going to be any Famine. Y what do you refer to. G I
see it published in the Deseret News. Y. yes you refer to
Orson Hydes Famine sermon. G We had 2 frost in the
states & it was reported that evry thing was killed on
the 11th June in the North But I do not think that the
frosted district was vary extensive. [Y.] We are improving
evry year in agricultural pursuits & when we get all the Dr
& Lawyiers to work we shall raise all you want. I dont
think we shall have any Famine. I have travelled through
many parts of Europe they are capable of raising much
food, I think Lombardy with its irrigation is the richest
part of Europe. [G.] Mr Young I shall have to state in my
report that I consider your system of poligamy is reducing
the female Here to the oriental state I see no chance for the
female here for her to develop herself. I see no Female signs
out in this city. I see no chance for a woman ownly to be
a first or fifteenth wife. Y A woman here has all the
chance or liberty here to develop her talent or capabilities
of doing good & filling her sphere that she has in any country
But I do not want any woman to council & dictate me
in the direction of my affairs if I did I should think I
ought to have been made a woman. G I dont care whether
a person is man or woman I think they should have the priv-
lege of Developing their Talent, it is well enough for a
woman to bear children But I think they ought to rule
when they are capable of it. Queen Elizabeth was the greatest
Ruler England Had And Catherine was one of the greatest
sovreigns of Russia But Poligamy I think has a tendency to bury
up the talent of women. H. C. K. is it worse to be a mans second
wife than to be a horewhore? G I dont know that it is.
Here Mr Greely closed his interigations. Took his
hat Bowed to the company & retired
After Mr Greely left conversation turned upon the oppositi-
on of our enemies. President Young said the Lord has said he
would fight our Battles & give us the victory & he has done it
thus Far. Should the Lord say now draw the sword & fight
many would cut their way through an Enemy & turn
around & fight over the spoil. this would gratify two many
evil hearts and that would not do President Kimball said
God holds Gov Cummings to do his will for us if He was to
leg go of him he would be our bitter Enemy
~ Thursday
14th I spent the forepart of the day in the office the afternoon in
getting Hay
~ Friday
15th I spent the day in the office in the after noon I called
upon President Young & red to him my report of his inter
view with Mr Greely. He was pleased with it, it met his
approbation. I also red it to D. H. Wells in the Historians
I wrote a Letter to G. A. Smith
~ Saturday
16th I spent the day hoeing sugar cane & corn. I attended
a meeting of the Typhographical Society at the Counceil House
Mr Horace Greely was present the meeting was got up for his
specil Benefit there was quite a room full of Brethren
& sisters, and a Band of music. after a few tunes by the
Band & a short Prayer By Gilbert Clements we herd
a speech from Mr Horace Greely & I must say that
I was entirely disappointed in the man I was asstonished
at his speech, &language, & appearance. he appeared far more
like a clown of the lowest grade than he did like a
man of letters, ability, & extensive influence & a
conducter of one of the most popular Journals in the Nation
I was at a losts to know whether he was playing the possum
or had lost his senses. He appeared to me like a man
who had accidentelly stumbled into notiriety popularity
& wealth, for neither his head, Phisiognomy, looks,
acts, or speech indicated indicated in the least a man
of knowledge, refinement talent, influence or abilitey
sufficient to edit a Tribune his speech was reported by
G. D. Watt I did not take Minutes it is true there was
some sense in what He said but the language he used
& his manner of speaking nearly destroyed all interest
in the sentiments advanced. He commenced in a whine-
ing drawing out of his words in a vary flat manner in
a babiyish stile as though he had neither a knowledge of
language or Grammar while at the same time we must
be fully aware that he is vary proficient in both for
He has Edited & conducted the Tribune the most popular
& widest circulated paper in America for more than
thirty years. He commenced by saying Mr President Gent-
lemen & Ladies I am happy to meet with you here to night
esspecially to see so many females I havent seen a woman
before since I have come into this ere place not that belong to
this people & I dident expect to see one while I was here
well I do declair I am glad to see so many women here
to night I thought I was ownly going to meet a few poor
printers. I dident expect to see any women at all But I
expect you are connected in the printing business in some
way or other. The printers talked of gitting me up a dinner
well I declair I thought it was to hot to eat dinners
much I could get along without any dinner & with
but a poor Breakfast if I could ownly in the morning
take up a News paper & read what all the world had
done the day before & gess what they would do today
I could get along with the loss of all the luxeries that
you are deprived of if I could have a telegraph wire
that would tell me all that was going on in all the world
He confined his speech to the printing business telegraph
wire & the improvements of the day told how long he had
been in the printing business the improvements that had been
made in that art since He commenced He know had a stea[m]
press that could print 20000 sheets per hour & should not
be satisfied untill he could put on one ton of paper in one
continues rooll onto his cilender & print 40000 sheets per hour
& fold, cut, & direct them by steam which improvement
he was sure would soon come in use He was followed by
Elder O Hyde who spoke upon a variety of subjects & belie-
ved in a telegraph wire which would reach from heaven
to Earth so we could get revelation of God from heaven &
other worlds. Elder John Taylor followed & spoke of many
things & of the conduct of the Judges in this Territory
Gilbert Clements spoke also John Banks. James MCknight
red to Mr Greely a poem from Mr Lions welcomeing
Mr Greely He flourished a candle with such velosity
around Mr Greely's head that I think he left a sprink-
ling of [spearm] upon his close Brother Dunbar sun a
song Brother Mabyan sung a song about the man that could
never get warm and at 11 oclok they adjourned to the
Globe to take Ice cream &c but I returned home & did
not attend.
~ Sunday
17th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
A. O. Smoot Prayed Bishop Hoagland was mouth. I attended
meeting at the Tabernacle. O. Pratt preached in the morning
upon the evidences of the Book of Mormon Mr Greely was
in the stand He paid particular attention to the feamales
as they came in but he slep most of the time during the
sermon. Mr Greely also attended in afternoon & slept while
John Taylor preached upon the systems of the day. I met
with the Twelve in the evening John Taylor prayed &
Erastus Snow was mouth. We conversed upon a variety
of subjects Brother Benson gave an account of Mr Greely
going into a store to buy a neck tie which was quite amusing
~ Monday
July 18th
Robert & Father commenced cutting my barley to day
I spent a part of the day in the office. The clerks were
cleaning the office. Hon J. M. Bernhisel Horace Greely
J. Taylor & orson Pratt visited in the Afternoon they
visited Presidents Youngs H. C. Kimballs & ^W.^ Staines also.
~ Tuesday
19th They finished cleaning the office I watered the
guarden in the morning called upon J. M. Bernhisel
& done some choreing. The Eastern Mail came in gave
an account of the wars. The European powers have commenced
some hard fighting in one battle it is said that the Aust-
rians lost in killed wounded & taken prisioners about
20000 men the French some 12000. We had a hard rain
last night
~ Wednesday
20th Robert Scholes {started for Camp Floyd this morning
to buy a pair of mules. I spent the day in the office|Deseret Alphabet} I met
with the Presidency and Twelve at President Young office at
8 oclok for the purpose of taking into consideration the subject
of our candidate or Delegate to Washington we ascertained
that our enemies intend to run Dr Hurt for a candidate
and Hartnet would give him a certificate if he did not get
more than 5 votes on the plea that Horace Eldridge was
not a resident of this Territory having been absent nearly
a year a Number of voters came in we organized a
corcus [caucus] or meeting by appointing S. M. Blair chairman
& A Carrington secretary. The meeting resolved to
Drop the name of Horrace S. Eldridge & insert in its stead
the Name of William H. Hooper so that our Enemies
will have no chance to cavil about it. It was resolved
to print a circular forthwith & that F. D. Richards
& Joseph A Young start early in the morning for
all the southern settlements & distribute the circulars
as far as the lowest settlements also that John Taylor
& oOrson Hyde go South North as far as Box Elder & Cach
valley for the same purpose President Young wrote a letter
I left the office at about 1 oclok at Night it was supposed
that the Gentiles would try to vote at Camp Floyd & get
the armey to vote.
I Baptized my Daughter Bulah Augusta at 7 oclok
in the Evening she was 8 years old yesterday the 19th
~ Thursday
21st I confirmed Bulah Augusta this morning I spent
the fore part of the day. ^{in the office}^ in the afternoon in company [with]
J. L. Smith I budded George A Smith's orchard we
put in about 200 buds of the choisest apples I have
in my orchard
~ Friday
22 I spent most of the day budding in my orchard
I spent the evening in the office it has been a cloudy
windey day. Robert returned from Camp Floyd
& brought a pair of Bay ^or mouse couler^ mules with a black streak on
the back He paid $185 for them Wm Kimball made
the purchase I had a Bill of sale they are marked U. S.
and C. on the near sholder and [FIGURE] on the Near sholder
~ Saturday
I called at Presidents Youngs office & herd 2 letters
read to him from Joseph W Young & Coward from
St Louis. Brother Busby will start with a train on
the 5 of June. The Hand cart train on the 10 with 200
men 52 cart's & 8 waggons. The Church train on the
15 with 59 waggons for the Church & 11 of other men
in the charge of Brother Horton D. Haight is a good
Judge of animals. James Brown is coming with
60 waggons of Emigrating Saints. vary Healthy no
death, good feelings & unity. J. W. Young & George
Q Cannon got the fixings for the outfits all doing well
pikes peak Excitement arising again
~ Sunday
24th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Br
Bentley prayed Br Pugmire was mouth. O Pratt preached
in the morning E D. Woolley & Wm. W. Phelps in the afternoon
I met in the evening with O Pratt & Erastus Snow O. Pratt
prayed I was mouth we consecrated 11 Bottles of oil for
President Young we called upon president Young & spent
about 2 Hours
~ Monday
25 I spent the day ploughing & Hoeing potatoes they were
vary weedy they should have been hoed 3 weeks before
The District Court opened yesterday in Secretary's offi[ce]
& sent the marshall out to summons a Jury while our
laws have appointed a way for the Juries to be appointed
but the Judges pay no regard to our laws.
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
26, , , , & 30 I spent the week laboring with
my hands. 2 men called upon me by the name of
Brown from Richland Oswego County New York
who were Neighbors to me when I lived there
they were well acquainted with my Brothers
Azmond & Thompson Woodruff they were on the
way to Calafornia
~ Sunday
31st Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
& Wiford Woodruff Jr prayed and E F. Sheets
was mouth. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Presid
Young spoke in the morning. He said, it appeared to
be dark among the people He said he could feel it. He
spoke of the way to life & the way to death. Elder Vancott
spoke a short time. in the Afternoon H. C. Kimball
spoke & was followied by B Young upon the kingdom
of God. He preached one of the most interesting discour-
ses I ever heard. it was was reported By G. D. Watt
I met in the evening with O Pratt & Erastus Snow
for prayer. E. Snow prayed O pratt was mouth
~ Monday
Aug 1st I drew 2 loads of Hay in the forenoon & drove
my mules to Fort Harriman in the afternoon. Emma
& Wilford went with me. 20 miles
~ Tuesday
2nd Wilford & I rode all day afer our horses & could not
find them on the range. I went on to the top of the highest
peaks & traveled till dark then got my supper & started
for home Sarah Delight Woodruff with me. it was dark
we could not see the road & the Mules would not keep it
so we lost the road & wandered about for some time
without any road when about half way home we met
Robert Scholes coming with one of the Horses we were
hunting they had gone home to the farm across the lots
& fields & had got separated & but one could be found
I arived home at about daylight having been riding
or walking for 24 hours having travelled about 80 mils
~ Wednesday
[FIGURE] After resting about 1 Hour I mounted a
Horse & Robert & Moroni a mule each to
go & again hunt for my horse when Robert got about
40 rods from the House being on a strange Mule that
had not been broak to ride the Mule plunged into the
air with him & Jumped stiff legged & flung him
over his head & then Jumped onto him with his
fore feet & then kicked him in the head split his
right cheek open & cut a gash in his head & came
nigh killing him He walked back to the House & left
the Mule I put him up. Dr France sowed up his cheek
& in the evening he walked out. I rode some 15 miles
after the Horse Wilford & Moronin Hunted nearly all day
but we could not find him I went to bed about
sick at night
~ Thursday
4th We met at the Tabernacle for a fast meeting
President Young spoke in a feeling manner said if
there was a man that had a spark of fire in him
either the Twelve or any body Els he wished they
would blow it into a flame that others might ketch
it lest the fire go out. He was followed by H. C. K.
John Young, Joseph Young, Elijah Everet several
other Brethren & 2 women also spoke & the meeting
dismissed. The Calafornia Mail came in to day
~ Friday
5th I went to cradeling wheat & oats to day I
cradelled about 1 1/4 acres it being about the first
cradleing I ever done
~ Saturday
6th Robert got able to go into the field to day. He
finished cutting the oats I raked & bound
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I watered my garden in the forenoon I met
with my Quorum in the morning [blank] Prayed
Dr Dunyon was mouth in the circle. Wm Gibson preached
in the morning. President Heber C. Kimball O. Pratt
& Daniel Spencer in the afternoon. I met with the Twelve
in the evening. O Hyde Prayed O. Pratt was mouth.
~ Monday
8th I drew 4 loads of Hay which finished my Haying I
Paid for tithing 37.85 lbs of Hay
I spent the fore part of the day at home
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
9th to 13 I spent the week mostly Harvesting I laboured
vary Hard. I had 7 acres of wheat, 1 of Barlrey 1 3/4 of oats
1 1/4 of Hungarian grass. I washed wmy wheat clean & put
about 2 quarts of lime & 1 1/2 of salt to the bushel & mixed
it all up on a floor let it stand 24 hours I then sowed
two bushels to the acre I had heard strong brine recom
mended for seed wheat to cure smout so I tried it &
I put on 2 bushels to the acre in the spring so that it might
be thick enough but when it came up it was vary thin
not as thick as I have had it with one bushel I am
of the opinion that the salt killed a good deal of the wheat
so it would not grow. I Judge the crop to yeaild about
30 bushels to the Acre. I have had 40 with one bushel of
seed what I did have was good it contained No smut
~ Sunday
14th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Orson Pratt
preached a great sermon upon setting up the kingdom of God
as spoken off by Daniel [Daniel 2:37-45] it comforted the heart of the
Saints & made the Ears of men tingle who were opposed to the
Kingdom of God. He was followed in the afternoon by
John Taylor. in the Afternoon evening I met with the
Twelve. O Pratt prayed I was mouth.
~ Monday to ~ Friday
15th to 19th I also spent this week Harvesting we finish-
ed cutting wheat on the . The Merchant trains
are coming in almost daily a vast amount of Goods are
now in this market and many are selling quite low
~ Saturday
20th I spent the day in the Endowment House I assisted
Orson pratt in the washing & anointing. I called in the evening
at the Historians office
~ Sunday
21 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
A. O. Smoot prayed & Bishop Hunter was mouth at
the alter. O Pratt & H. C. Kimball spoke in the fore noon
& Jeter Clinton in the afternoon. I met with the Twelve
in the evening. E. T Benson Prayed & C. C. Rich was mouth
I was up nearly all night watering my Garden I was
quite unwell
~ Monday
22 I spent the foorenoon in bed the afternoon in
the office A Lyman returned from the South called
upon G. A. Smith I conversed with him a short time
~ Tuesday
23rd I spent the fore noon at home the afternoon in the office
the Eastern Mail came in bringing the News that Peace was
again proclaimed in Europe. The emperors of France & Austria
had an interview & had made peace. I called upon President
Young & herd some letters red from Brother Kesler he
said there cattle were dying of the marren & wanted 100
yoke sent to there assistance President Young wished the
Twelve to get up the Teams & send them out. we met with
Bishop Hunter & arangements were made to get the
oxen F. D. Richards was appointed to go out & meet with
the Teams & people. I walked with President Young to the
Blacksmith shop & then to his New building put up for
washing wheat it was quite an ingenious affair. I received
a letter from Lorenzo Snow upon the battle between the soldiers
& Indians at Cash valley
~ Wednesday
24 I budded an Apple tree in the morning with Rhode Island Greening
I spent the day in the office
~ Thursday
25th I spent the day in the office I wrote a letter to C. W. Wardle
~ Friday
26 I spent the day in the office. President Young called in
in the afternoon a short time. Brother Joseph Young called
a short time & conversed upon the sugar works
~ Saturday
27th I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we
gave 12 persons their Endowments 4 men & 8 women
President Young done the sealing I spent the evening at
the office. The first Number of the Mountaineer
came out to day I read it, it is quite creditable paper
After I retired to bed in the evening near 10 oclok I heard
fir fireing in East Temple Street some over 20 shots were
fired in rapid succession I immediately dressed & went
into the street I went to the Historians office & to the President
office & found all quiet I made all enquiry I could & could
not learn what had been done some thought a rowdy
company had fired ownly for the purpose of creating an
excitement I returned home & went to bed.
~ Sunday
28th I wattered my garden from 5 till 9 oclok. I then
met my Prayer Circle. Brother Sheets opened By Prayer &
Brother Pugmyre was mouth at the close we learned sumthing
of the effects of the shooting last night which was sumthing
like the following. Wm Hickman Had a difficulty with Charles
M Drown who had suewued Hickman & got Judgment
against him He Wm Hickman & his company was in
Town During the day. Rodney Swazey son in law of
Drowns called upon Drown During the day & told him he
must settle it with Hickman or take the consequences in
the Evening several men came to Mr Martins House where
Mr Drowns & Eddy the spiritualist & Arnold were stoping
Had gottne to bed with there wives on the floor, the man wished
to come into the House to get a light they would not let them
in, they then went away. The[n] Arnold took the ownly pistol
in company & went out to his waggon soon the men came
back being several of them, they had on legings & spirs
they came to the door & ordered them to open it or they
would mash it open Eddy & Drowns tried to hold the door but
the men outside burst it in then commenced shooting
at random at those within they shot Mr Drowns through
the Body & came near shooting Eddy & his wife Mr
Arnold who was outside run to the mouth of the lane &
shouted murder as loud as they could Hollow one of the
party ordered him to stop his Hollowing it was all right
another one of the party said shoot him Dam him shoot
him they then shot at him several times & shot him through
the thigh. He then returned the fire & saw a man drop
this is the report of Mr Eddy who was an actor Mr Drow-
ns died at about 11 oclok. He gave his Dying Testimony that
it was his son in Law Rodney Swazy Judge Sinclair took
his Testimony. A post mortom examination was held upon
his body. I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. Orson Pratt
preached in the forenoon H. S. Eldridge spoke in the afternoon &
gave him an account of his mission the situation of all the Emigra-
ting companies all getting along well. He was followed by H C.
Kimball who gave an interesting variety discourse. I met
with the Quorum of the Twelve there were O. Pratt W. Woodruff
& G. A. Smith present. O. Pratt prayed G. A. Smith was mouth
I themn went to Bishop Hunters to attend an agricultural meet-
ing which lasted untill 9 oclock
~ Monday
29th I called at the presidents office with E. T. Benson & G. A. Smith.
President Young was not in we did not see him. I spent
the day in the office. Brother Bentley called at Mr Drowns
to get a correct account of the shooting, which Mr Eddy
Elder James Brown the 3rd arived in this city to
day as the captain of the 1st emigrating company. He called
upon President Young, who advised that some of the Twelve
meet the company on the public square & address them &
give them some advise. I called upon Elder O Pratt to go
with me to meet them. they did not get carralled untill
after Dark & as they had not anything for supper we conclu-
ded not to address them till morning. we provided food for their
supper they had about 390 in their company they had 2 deaths
& 5 births while on the Journey they were well united & their
Captain James Brown had done all in theirhis power to do them
~ Tuesday
30th In company with Elder Orson Pratt I went to the Union
square to meet with the emigrating company. The Horn was
Blown at half past 6 oclok & the people came together who were
composed of many Nations they were from Iceland
Norway Sweeden Denmark, Jermany, switzerland, Sweeden
Italy, France, England, Scotland Ireland & the United States
I addressed them & welcomed them to this land I gave
them council upon a variety of subjects. I was followed
By Elders O. Pratt C. C. Rich O. Hyde & A Lyman & some
remarks from James Brown the captain of the company
at the close of the Meeting. The company began to disperse
various ways to go amoung the tsettlements. I took home
with me A Brother [blank] Cole & his wife & 5 child-
ren & gave them one of my front rooms. I spent
the day in the office we read Ezra T. Bensons History
Brother Josiah Hardy & Robert Scholes commenced Hewing
their logs to build a log house on the farm. D. Hunting reported
that the Indians killed 3 emigrants & Burned 5 waggons
~ Wednesday
Aug 31st
I spent the day in my field drawing & stacking wheat
& Hungarian grass & mowing sunflowers, after I Had retired
to rest Dimick Huntington called upon me & informed
me that Elder Hyde wished to see me I went & had an
interview with him He informed me that a young man
had rode 100 miles to inform him that Judge Eckless
who was holding a court at Nephi had issued a
warrant for him on the fals testimony of a woman
who said that he gave council concerning the killing
of the Parrishes which O. Hyde said was fals the messen-
ger said a possee was sent for at Camp Floyd to come
and take him & he new not what hour the posse would
come He said his course was marked out {I had an interview with
President Young [illegible shorthand] who said let Hyde take care of himself}. Ormus Bates informed me
that Wm Hickman told him that what he was doing
was by the council of the Authorities of the Church
meaning the crimes which was committing such as
stealing cattles &c I told Bates it was Fals their was not
a righteous man in Israel who either councilled him
to take such a course or sanctioned his doings. I told
President Young what He had said
~ Thursday
Sept 1st I attended fast meeting at the Tabernacle
President Young gave vary good instruction was followed by
D. H. Wells & many others. The Church train arived & was
drove into Presidents Young yard at half past 4 oclok
they had about I70 waggons loaded with goods all
in good order under the charge of Brother Kesler
some theives came into my Garden in the night & stole
about a Bushel of Apples they took some of my best
Grafted Apples my 20 ounce & Jersey Blue a vary fine
Apple. Thieves are vary troublesome in this city at
the present time
~ Friday
2nd In company with G. A. Smith I visited Presidents
Youngs sugar Mills & Nail Mills Burr stones &c which
came in the train yesterday. He also brought a fine young
Jack & Jinny. I spent the day in the office
~ Saturday
3rd I spent most of the day in the Endowment House O pratt
& myself ordained one Elder & gave endowment to some 10
men. we attended to their washing & anointing President
H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells attended. President Kimball
gave an interesting account of past days & gave good
instruction upon principle of Being true to each other
& doing right & not mingling with the wicked for the
sake of gold
~ Sunday
4th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning R. L.
Campbell wasopened. Anthony Ivins was mouth. I attended
meeting iat the Tabernacle. Brother Michelmas preached in the
morning & G. A. Smith in the afternoon followed by Brother
Kesler. The Hand Cart train arived at about 6 oclok followed
by a large croud of citizens they camped at the public square
~ Monday
Sept 5th
I visited the Hand cart camp on the square the company was
dispersing vary fast & getting homes I Bought a waggon of
Claudious Spencer at $60. I spent the evening in the offic
~ Tuesday
6th I called at the House of Brother Wm ^P^ Mcintyre at 11 oclok
Amasa Lyman soon arived & sealed Edwin Henry Moss
to Elizabeth Ellett who had been married a year. soon
Dr France & Anderson arived to operate upon brother Moss
who had a leakage of the main artery which formed a
bone or shell vessel which would near a gallon around the
thigh bone which is supposed to be filled with Blood from the
main artery. Brother France said if he was to open it it
would kill him almost instantly so they intend to cut into
the body above the groin to the main artery & tie it up so
they can take the limb off it is a vary critical case they
concluded they would not operate upon him to day as they wished
to move to some better place. We stand much in need
of a hospital in this city whare such cases can be attended
to. I went to the office in the afternoon & herd history read
the Eastern Mail came in at 10 oclok & there was a hint
that it would be opened at 6 oclok
~ Wednesday
7th I spent the day at home in the forenoon & the afternoon
in the office we had a strong wind it broke down some of my
peach trees. I visited Joseph Youngs sugar works & sayers
garden the sugar works look well but I do not like the Boiler
as well as I do the heavy sheet Iron pans as I think it will
take three times the amount of wood
~ Thursday
8th cool morning I called upon Elias Smith & requested
him to republish the premium list for the Benefit of the public
I spent the fore noon in the office the after noon getting
Adobies to make my furnices. Farrymore Little arived
reports that Brother Homer will be in, in 14 days. He passed
Brother Wright the 7th Aug Below Ash Hollow thought
He would not get in this year without Help. He said
the road was lined with thieves they tried to steal his
animals & did steal 5 of the best Mules He had
~ Friday
9th I weighed my sugar Mill this morning it weighed
680 lbs I cut off some of my best graphs for President
Young & sent him 2 of Woodruff sweet pippens. We are
informed that Lord Richard Grovesner son of Marques
of westminister (of London) is in this city on a visit
& will visit President Young today. I wrote 7 letters
To the following persons. Ezekiel Kellogg & Thomas
Burnett of Provo. Isaac Shepherd Farmington,
George W Crocheron North Ogden, Wm Butler Kays ward
Bishop Isaac M Stewart South Willow Creek, and Rufus
Allen of [blank]
~ Saturday
10th I spent the day in the office reading History
~ Sunday
11th Sunday I met with my Quorum J. M. Mody prayed
W. Woodruff was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
Sunday Elder O Pratt preached in the Tabernacle in the mor-
ning upon the first principle of the gospel. He spoke lengthy
but made his subject vary plain. Lord Richard Grovesnor
son of the Marquis of Wiestminster was present. He had
an interview with President Young who feasted him on grapes
& fruit took him on to the top of his house whare he could
have a good view of the city. Lord Grovesnor is a young man
about 22 years of age small in stature vary plain in dress
and puts on no more airs than a plain contry farmer
G. A. Smith preachesd in the afternoon followed by N. V. Jones
& President Heber C Kimball. I met with the 12 in the evening
F D. Richards Prayed & Erastus Snow was mouth. we all went
to President Youngs & stayed till 11 oclok at night conversing
upon a variety of subjects. President Young said that N V Jones
said an old man in India variy ages [aged] & a vary learned man
told him that there was a History in the Percian library
giving an account of 2 families leaving Jerrusalem & building
a vessel & set sail for a western continent which agreeed
with the account of Lehi & Ishmahel & their families coming
to America as given in the Book of Mormon. President Young
also said that the seer stone which Joseph YouSmith first obtained
He got in an Iron kettle 15 feet under ground. He saw it
while looking in another seers stone which a person had
He went right to the spot & dug & found it. in speaking of the
Lamanites He said we could not do much for them & the
Lord would not a great deal until they were willing to do sum-
thing for themselves
~ Monday
12. I took my team & carried G. A. Smith & A P Rock-
wood to the penetentiary Samuel Richards also went.
We went as inspectors. we visited the penetentiary in
all its appartments & had some conversation with
McCkenzie & Thorp the ownly two prisioners.
we returned
home I spent the evening in the office
~ Tuesday
13. I visited A O. Smoot in the morning who was
quite sick with the Bilyous fever & Bloody flux I administered
to him with L. W. Hardy I spent most of the day at home
~ Wednesday
14th I visited Phineas Youngs garden in company G A Smith
& J. L. Smith. Brother Kesler called in the office a short
time I spent most of the day laboring for myself
~ Thursday
15 I disposed of 115 doz peaches this morning I have to
guard my orchard day and night in order to save my fruit
there are so many stealing I caught a man stealing my
peaches on a tree about 10 feet from my Father who was lying
down asleep. I took after him but he out run me & got
away many persons have stolen fruit from me this season
I spent the evening at the office
~ Friday
16th I spent most of the day in my office. Capt Stevenson
arived with his train about 6 oclock with about 70 waggons
~ Saturday
Sept 17th
17th we had a hard storm of wind & rain last night
some thieves went into my garden last night &
stole about a dozen musk mellons took them under a
peach tree that was loaded with fruit eat the mellons
& cut them up then stole about a bushel of fruit
I spent the day in the office
~ Sunday
18 Sunday I met with my Quorum at 9 oclok Bishop
Hunter prayed Richard Bentley was mouth I attended
meeting at the Tabernacle. J Gates O. Pratt T. B. H Stenhouse
& H C Kimball spoke in the morning & Erastus snow
Oleen Liljinquist, Robert Nuslin & H C Kimball in
the after noon. At 6 oclok A.M. I met with Presidents
Young Kimball & Wells, & O Pratt W Woodruff
J Taylor Erastus Snow E T Benson & F D Richards
of the Twelve to Bless the missionaries. The Presidency
& O Pratt & W Woodruff Blessed & set apart for mis-
sions John Vancott Jacob Gates, E. H. Blackburn N. V.
Jones Lewis Bertrand Oleas Liljinquist for foreign
missions & Wm H Hooper as delegate to Washington
& Andrew Moffit to go on Busines & John Taylor
Blessed Marian J Shelton to go on a mission to the Moq-
uiches. President B Young then gave the Missionaries good
instruction promised them great Blessings if they would
do right & keep out of the snare of women which is the
overthrow of more men than any other Evil & among
other things. He said they should do a greater work than
the same number of Elders ever did & when you labour
in thinking till you get exausted dont tax your mind
in that stage but stop thinking it is a wrong doctrin
to always keep up a constant thinking this is the
way I get through so much business. I will deal with
fifty different subjects in an hour & when I get through
I will think no more about any of them I can lie down
& go to sleep in a minute & let my mind & Body rest &
my business to dont fret or get a hurrying spirit for
that wears the body. This is a gloriouse doctrin & one that
would do me much good if I could or would practice it
He said Capt Hooper would be much better off if He would
practice it
The Twelve did not met in the circle.
~ Monday
19th I started my sugar mill to day. I paid for two
waggons, 1 gallon measure, 1 schimmon, some Barrel
Iron, & 10 lb osf sugar. I groungd some cane for J
Hardy & made a gallon of fine surrup about as thick
as Hunney out of 6 gallons of Juce I groung some for
A. O. Smoot it did not take over 4 gallons of guce to one
of surrup it was vary ripe, but it was injured by
letting the seeds be on some of it & poorly striped which
made it bitter. I made some for J. L. Smith 8 gallons
of Juce to 1 of surrup it was green.
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
20th I spent the day at home, also the 221st
~ Thursday
212nd I planted out my strawburies to day we had a rainy
~ Friday
Sept 23rd
A rainy day I spent the forenoon in the office
I went into the field in the afternoon with the men &
got two loads of cane it was not ripe I cut my left thum
quite bad
~ Saturday
234th I was quite unwell to day I spent the forenoon in the
Endowment house we ordained one Elder & [7] men had their
Enodowments. I spent the afternoon & night Boiling Molasses I made 37 gallons
Brigham Young D H Wells & O Hyde visited my works
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I was unwell. John Taylor preached in the
morning Joseph W Young in the afternoon & W Woodruff
spoke upon the subject of the coming fair I met with the
Twelve in the evening. O. Hyde Prayed O. Pratt was mouth
it was the first time Elder Hyde has met with us
for some time He has been ab[s]ent for some 3 weeks in
consequence of hearing that there was some warrants out
for him. The evening was spent in conversing upon the
subject of the Ten tribes in the North Country, the Higher
law of god in oposition to the law of gravitation in the assencion
of Christ. Elijah & Enoch & the City of Zion to heaven upon
the same principle a portion of the North Country containing
the ten tribes may be separated from the Earth [Moses 7:21]. O Hyde
& others believed they would soon return
~ Monday
26th I spent the fore part of the day choreing for myself
the after noon in the office. I met with A. P. Rockwood
at the Historian office & wrote a letter to Daniel Carnes
the warden of the Penetentiary & gave him directions as
inspectors to provide a certain list of articles to supply
the prisioners. We called into Presidents Young office
and there learned That John Geen had just been found
dead in the street was shot dead throug the head it seemed
quite doubtful whether he shot himself or was shot by another
He had been abed most of the day got up in the evening aran-
ged his accounts called his family together had prayers
put on his pistol went out into the street & soon two repo-
rts of a pistol was heard when he was found his pistol
was lying betwen his legs two barrels was just discharged
& another cap broke the general impression is that He
shot himself. He killed a man by the Name of Condit
on Keg Creek in Ioway in 1847. President Young in
speaking upon the subject of the wicked men & Devils that
surround us at present that we should soon have peace
& have power to controll the evils around us. A messenger
has arived in advance of the mail & reports that government
has ordered the army to stop selling the government animals
& to immediately fit up one ridgment & move on to the
Santa Clara to winter & in the spring go to Calafornia &
a rumour is that President Buchanan has sent word to
Brigham Young that He will prove to him & to the people
of Utah that He will remove evry obstruction out of their
way & give them equal rights to any other Territory in the
union. It is also rumoured that orders have been sent to
wind up the firm of Russel Miller & co in this city I
went home at 10 oclok & spent the night boiling molasses
I went to bed about daylight some person came & stole
about 8 gallons of good thick molasses after I left the
works. I also heard last night that 3 men was seen on
sunday night at the window of Blair & Fergusons
office armed with pistols. The same night some men came
to my Front Door & tryed to get in by using fals keys
~ Tuesday
27th I spent the forenoon at home & the afternoon in the
office. The Eastern Mail came in this morning it was not
opened till near night I obtained The genessee Farmer
The daily Advertiser, and one Millennium Star I
spent the night at home making molasses but the evening
I spent at President Youngs reading the news of the day
we had a hard storm of wind & rain through the
night. I was up late
~ Wednesday
28th I am not well to day Brother Cole is again sick
& confined to his bed Robert & Wilford are runing
the cane mill
~ Thursday
29th Robert & Wilford went off to sell a load of peaches
Brother Cole is vary sick I spent the day & night at
the sugar mill
~ Friday
30th Brother Cole is som better to day
~ Saturday
Oct 1st I spent most of the day in the Endowment House
I carried in my fruit & vegitables to the state fair which
was open to receive all articles today
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I met with my Quorum this morning A Hinkley
Prayed. H Stout was mouth. At 12 oclok [P]M. I went to the
House of Brother MCIntyre with Dr's France & Anderson & Rich-
ardson & [illegible] Blair Ferguson & others we administered
to Edward Henry Moss who was in an awful state with an
osteo-aneurismal tumor of the thigh. The surgeons amputated
his leg at the hip Joint the operations was performed in 6 minuts
and the leg lay on the floor at the foot of the surgeon & in a few
minutes more the arteries were taken up wound dressed & the
patient put to bed. The case was one of great interest esspeicially
to the surgeons. The tumor extended from the Hip Joint to within
a short distance of the knee and measured to within twenty four
inches in circumferance which was an extention of the Bone
The patient was comfortable after the operation he had suffered
with it for many years
I met with my Quorum in the evening. W Woodruff sen prayed
John Taylor was mouth the evening was spent in conversation
concerning our duties.
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
3, th ^&^ 5th I spent most of my time in the state fair
~ Thursday
6th I met in the general conference & fast meeting the people
spoke & much of the spirit of the Lord was with the people
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
Oct 7th
7th & 8th I spent the time in the conference President Young
preached several Discourses which edifyed & instructed the people
in a manner which asstonished both Jew & Gentiles. the power
of God was greatly upon him & he made the great truths of Heaven
plain unto the people. Presidents Kimball & Wells also spoke in
the same spirit most of the Twelve also bore testimony.
~ Sunday
9th Sunday I met with my Quorum W Woodruff prayed
A Hoagland was mouth. I attended the conference through the
day. President Young Preached in the fore noon upon the
text "What is man that thou art mindful of him" [Psalms 8:4] it was one
of the greatest sermons I ever heard it imparted great light
& knowledge to the people it will be published to the world
several spoke in the afternoon & the sacrament was administered.
At Noon I sealed a woman to Brother Mumford at President
Youngs office. I met with the Quorum of the Twelve L Snow p[rayed]
was mouth O Hyde was mouth
~ Monday
10th I Bought 20 lb Hoop Iron & Lumber to make barrels to
Hold my molasses. My family gathered the last of my peaches
in my orchard I spent half a day in the office
~ Tuesday
11th I spent the forenoon at home the afternoon in the office
I spent the night Boiling molasses I made 55 gallons
of the vary best surrup it took 5 1/4 gallons of Juice to
make one of surrup. The eastern mail came in but little
News of any kind
~ Wednesday
12th I spent most of the day at home the evening in
the office. Elder Wheelock called at the office a short time
said Judge Eckles would call to see him to morrow. President
Young called into the office a short time spoke of his visit
up City Creek Canyon yesterday. He went up yesterday
spent the night returned to day had a plesant time
A young man had made a discovery of a New
Motive power by which one man could increase the
power to 200 men He is in Paris & upon experiment
it had proved to be successful it was creating great
sensation in France. President Young thought it would
not prove true
~ Thursday
13th I went into the big field found 15 Head of
cattle had spent the night in my corn field had
Nearly destroyed 40 shuck of corn I drove them
into the stray pen the damaged was prised at $33.
I spent the evening in the office.
~ Friday
14th I spent the day in the Council Endowment House
I anointed 14 men their iswas about 35 persons had their
endowment two were cripples with the Rheumatism we had
to carry them through the House in a chair at a Quarter past
3 oclock I went to the Historians office & found President
Young in the office conversing with G. A. S upon the History
& foundation of the modern Governments of Europe Presidt
Young said He had been informed that Col Forney and General
Stambaugh wished that the probate court of Washington wCo
would take up the Mountain Meadow massacree and it was
thought that Gov Cumings was in favor of the same
~ Saturday
15th I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we
gave endowments to some 20 persons I called at the H. office
& found President Young was in conversing with G. A. S.
I paid my Territorial & county tax amounting to $32.40
I met with the Quorum of the Twelve for our prayer
circle A. Lyman Prayed W. Woodruff was mouth
~ Sunday
16th Sunday we had a rainy night. I met with my Quorum
in the morning but we did not dress or pray. I attended meeting
in the morning. G. B. Wallace preached in the morning I did not
attend in the afternoon. Brother Kimball & Wells preached. I
attended the meeting at the 14 ward school house went home
and had a severe attack of the inflametory Rheumatism
& cramp in the stomach I suffered immensly for 3 hours
with hot mint tea & hot water I got relief. we had a vary
hard frost last night
~ Monday
17th I arose at 10 oclok was vary poorly I walked to the
Historians office & spent a short time I received a letter
from G. A. S in Deseret Alphabet informed me there would
be a council with the Presidency, Twelve, & the presidentcy
of the seventies in order to fill up those Quorums. A man
was shot through the head on saturday night He was found dead
in the morning. I met with the Twelve in the evening at the upper
room of the Historians office the evening was spent in speaching
upon the subjects of the Twelve keeping Gentiles Boarders
of Having them associateing with our familyies. TElders E. T.
Benson & F. D. Richards Both were keeping Boarders
they both expressed there willingness to dismiss there
Boarders as soon as they could without temperal
loss to themselves we had a good meeting I was poorly
through the night.
~ Tuesday
18th I was poorly through the nightday I spent most of the
day at home I spent a part of the day at the office
~ Wednesday
I spent the day at home I
labored throug the day I was not well at about dark
I was taken vary sick and I was sick all over I had
a vary sick night. I had a severe attack of the Lung
Fever & Pleurisy in my left side
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
20 & 21. Mrs Woodruff nursed me, but it was eviident
I was to have a hard fit of sickness
~ Saturday
22nd Sisters Eliza R Snow & Zina Young was sent for
and they called to see me I was exceding sick Sister
Zina staid through the day and left in the evening sister
Eliza Snow spent the night with me. I had a tremendious
raging Lung fever. Sister Snow gave me 20 drops
of the strongest Hemlock oil it went through my whole
system it hagd a great tendency to check my fevers
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday Sister Eliza spent the day with me
A most distressing cough siezed me which seemed
to rend my left Lung in peaces. Whenever the caugh
sieezed me the it was as sudden as though I was
struck with a thunderbolt and at evry cough it
seemed as though a sword pierced through my body
it seemed as though I must perish
~ Monday
24th I was still in great distress Presidents H C. Kim-
ball D. H. Wells & F. D. Richards & Samuel Richards
called and administered to me. H. C. Kimball was
mouth. He promised me that I should live. In the
afternoon President Brigham Young & Lorenzo Young
called to see me. President Young spoke about my hard
labor, doing to much, did not think I would ever
stop hard work unless I was shut up. I was vary
sick and in great distress President Young laid
hands upon me and again promised me that I
should be delivered and live, but it would be through
suffering. He recommended me to send for Dr Sprage
to Doctor me I done so & He came the same night
He doctored me with roots & herbs and Nursed
me vary wisely I took a good deal of the tincture
of Lobelia. John L. Smith & R. Bently called to wait
upon me I could not lie in Bed while coughing but
had to be lifted into a chair which was a large Arm
chair. it was much labour to take care of me
for I had to be lifted moved & turned often, as
I was in great Distress both night & day I suff[ere]d
with my left Lung and side immensly
~ Tuesday
25 I grew more weak and distressed many called
to see me and enquire after me, many thought I
would die, and all outward appearances favored it
~ Wednesday
26 This was an awful day and night to me, we had
[FIGURE] a raging wind through the night, and a raging
struggle through my tabernacle between
life and death. My desease pain & suffering had nearly
b[l]own out the lamp of life my nose, mouth, & lips
was black with malignant sores caused by my
desease and I hardly strength left sufficient to
endure my sufferings. it was one of the longest
and most bitter nights of my life not ownly the
pain and misery of my cough Lungs and side, But
all the Horrible imaginations that the Devil or disease
could invent was heaped upon my feble spirit which
was fluttering between life & death and struggleing
for the mastery to remain in the tabernacle these were
sufferings which remained during that long stormy
night, sufferings which no pen can describe or tounge
can tell it was not any fear of death but a visita-
tion of the most ^damnable^ vampyres to torment both body
and spirit that could be congured up eithe^r^ real
or imaginary. Mrs Woodruff and others was with
me & also Brother Squares set up with me most of
the night at last day light appeared
~ Thursday
Thursday 27 Oct 1859 This day was like the previous
night it was the turning point of my fever in the morn-
ing I was under the impression I should die still the way
did not seem clear for me to die, yet I did not see how
I could live as I did not see how I could seem to have
strength, power, or breath sufficient to breath much longer
my family came around me to see me die, I gave each of them
a word of council and instruction But could say but little. I sent
for Wilford who was in the field, He came I said a few words
to him among other things I exhorted him strongly to always
treat all dumb animals in his charge kindly. He said he
would try to. John L Smith was with me in the morning. I
gave him a word of council concerning my History & Jour-
nals sin case I should die. I also conversed with J C. Little
the sexton and A. O. Smoot the mayor, concerning the place
of my burial, and my family burial ground. J. C. Little said
if I died He would bury me acko according to my request
but said I should not die at Present. I named these things
to the Brethren in consequence of all outward appearances
showed more that I would die than live. Soon Dr Sprague
came in he saw my low situation, still he gave me such things
as he thought I could bear. Towards evening I began to revive
a little it was evident it was the turning point of my fever
I spent the night more comfortable than the past night
~ Friday
28. I was sum better to day but vary feeble. Dr Sprague
visited me daily. Presidents H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells called
to again administer to me. D. H. Wells was mouth he said
I should live and not die, I told him I should hold on to his
~ Saturday
29th I was some eiasier to day and gained a little strength
~ Sunday
30th Brother A. O. Smoot was spending considerable
time with me. Judge Eckles has issued a warrant against
him & put it into the hands of the Sheriff Peter K Dodson
to bring him to Camp Floyd which was not a vexatious
warrant without any Just cause or provocation so he spent
his time with me to avoid being taken. He assisted in taking
care of me I still had to be lifted and turned in bed as
I had no strength to turn myself.
~ Monday
31st I began to mend a little my lips and mouth are still
covered with sores caused by my disease
~ Tuesday
Nov 1st I am still vary feeble and weak yet I am mending slowly
~ Wednesday
Nov 2nd
I was attacked in my left right lung with severe pain and
caugh which somewhat alarmed me. I had to lie upon my back
or sit in a chair as I could not lie upon either side. Up
to this time my right lung had been sound, this attack did
not last me ownly about 2 days before the caugh left me &
soon the soreness also.
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
3, , & 5. I continued to mend slowley I began to have
a little appetite nearly all the food I had taken during my
sickness was roasted sour Apples and a little bread coffee
~ Sunday
6th Sunday Bishop Hoagland called upon me and several
subjects was spoken upon. I was enabled to sit up and eat
some but talking hurt my lungs. Dr Bernhisel called almost
daily and advised me not to talk as it would injure my lungs
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
7, , & 9. I continued to gain daily my appetite increased
untill I felt quite hungry & had to use wistdom in my apetite & diet
~ Thursday
10th I walked a little to day with a cane for the first time during my sickness
~ Friday
11th I walked into the adjoining room to day, and down into the kitchen
and felt vary thankful to again have the privilege of
walking upon my feet without pain after suffering so much
~ Saturday
12. I walked about the House to day I have a good appetite
and have to guard against over eating
~ Sunday
13th Sunday I walked out the door to day was happy to take the fresh air
~ Monday
14th Monday our men commenced threshing today. Moroni
went to Fort Harriman took dDelight & 6 sheep I walked out
of doors a good deal to day I took some cold & felt sore at night
~ Tuesday
15th The men are still threshing. Brother Mulfords son came
after his Father to day, Heis had beenFather had been on the road home
2 days. Moroni returned to day brought home our hog dressed
He went down into the field with the team to bring home a
load of wheat it rained vary hard through most of the
~ Wednesday
16th I spent most of the day reading the Deseret News &
valley tan
~ Thursday
17th I walked about considerable to day it is cloudy & looks
like a storm. The men are drawing corn
~ Friday
18th I eat some fat meat for dinner & it made me vary
sick I vomited much & purged & had a sick night
~ Saturday
19. I am better to day the men got through threshing
F. D. Richards & Erastus Snow called to see me in the evening
~ Sunday
Nov 20
^20^ Sunday I spent the day quietly in the House reading the Book of
Ezekial & Isaiah. Brother Hunter called to see me in the
~ Monday
21st We have snow upon the ground this morning. Wilford and
Moroni spent the day delivering my tithing I paid 48 1/2
gallons Molasses 5 Bushels oats, 1 1/2 Barley, 1 Hungarian
grass seed, 5 of Beets, 2 carrotts, 15 Heads cabbage
22 doz Apples or 1 Bushel For myself And 40 squashes
2 1/2 Bushels corn & 4 of potatoes for John Stocking, it
is a vary sloppy day. Brother Cole has got a relaps & infla-
mation in the Bowels under the care of Dr Richardson who
is feeding calomel Blistering &c and has but little hopes
of his life. I being satisfied that He would soon die if
He continued to follow his directions I counciled him
to lay aside his calomel & take fine powdered charcoal
mixed with starch & take it as injections & to drink
some of it. He followed my directions & began to recover
~ Tuesday
22nd I spent the day in writing Notes we set up our new
stove got a New pipe.
~ Wednesday
23rd Robert, Wilford & Morini started with 3 teams For Fort
Harriman to get out lumber. The family packed up in Boxes
with chaff all the winter Apples we had left. I had 7 Hands
Danish Brethren shucking corn for evry 10th Bushel the
Boys and Father was diging Beets in the mud I Bought an
ox of Brother Cole paid $40 for him sent him to Fort
~ Thursday
24th Stormy weather I spent the day mostly in the House
~ Friday
25 Still stormy and Bad Weather I spent the day in the House
~ Saturday
26 Vary heavy weather Fogy & damp air I spent the day
in the House except visiting the grainery
~ Sunday
27th It is still heavy weather I spent the day in the house
~ Monday
28 [FIGURE] For the first time since I have been sick I went
abroad I called at the Deserett & Mountaineer office
and stoped my advertisements in both papers. I then
called upon President B Young. He asked me what news
I had from the spirit world I told him I had none
Elder Hyde & Benson had Just returned from their missi[o]n
to Cash valley which they organized into a stake of Zion
and preached in all the Northern settlements. They gave a report
of their mission to President Young. We then went to the Historians
office this was the first time I had been in the office since I was taken
sick I found Broth G. A. Smith still lame with his sprained
ancle which was sprained more than 3 months ago and he has
had it laid up in a chair ever since. after spending a short
time with the Brethren in the office I returned home
~ Tuesday
Nov 29
29 It is still vary Heavy weather. I walked out into East
Temple Street. The Dains finished husking my corn. I
had 112 bushels of shelled corn. One half of my corn was
destroyed in my Field by unruly cattle after it was shucked
up I had half of a Beef sent me to day from the tithing office
~ Wednesday
30th I spent the day at home
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
Dec 1st & 2nd I spent the time mostly at home
~ Saturday
I went to the Historians office and also I went to Presi-
dents Young office. He was conversing with J M Bernhisel
& E. R. Young concerning Govermental affairs. President
Young said that He heard that General Black told President
Buchannan that if He permitted the Judges in Utah or in
any other portion of the United States to use the military
to the injury of the citizens he would resign his office
as a member of the cabinet. "It has been said that
Buchanan was in his dotage & feeble in mind which was
the cause of his course towards Utah & many other acts of
his Administration but this is not the case, he is just as
much of a man now as he ever was in his life and it was
the first time He ever was in a situation to fully carry
out the evil designs of his heart, and his acts are carrying
out his principles. E R Young said that the Judges in this
Territory would not have taken the course they did if they
had not Believed the President would have sustained them
in it. President Young said He did not think they
would do much more, But they may try to get up a fuss
and do sumthing. Other remarks were made.
Wilford & Moroni came home to night
~ Sunday
4th Sunday we have had a raging snow storm throgh
the night it is vary cold to day most of the people keep
indoors to day snow fell in the city some 8 inches
~ Monday
5th An exceding cold day I spent the day in the Historians
office. It was a Bitter cold night I wrote 5 letters to
L. Johnson, Benyon, Kelsey, Scholes & S D Woodruff
~ Tuesday
6th The Thermomitur stood this morning at 22 degrees
Below zero G. A. Smith had a caulf freeze to death in
the pen. Wilford & Moroni started this morning for
Fort Harriman with a load of Hay & double Horse team
I spent the day in the office reading the History of Zions Camp
last night was the coldest night ever known in
this valley since we have inherit this land. President Youngs
Thermometer made 21 degrees Below zero & W. W. Phelps 22 degrees
I spent the evening at Presidents Youngs. In speaking of the
weather He said that last night was the coldest night by
5 degrees we iever experienced in this city. Robert arived
home this evening
~ Wednesday
7th The weather is more mild to day I spent the day in the
office Readying History
President Young called into the office and spent about an
hour with us I spoke to President Young about our getting
out the History of Joseph striped of all of its appendages
and to be published as the plain History of Joseph
Smith, he said let it rest at present, we shall not do
any thing about it now. President Young said in speaking
of the Temple we I herd a man say to day we would go back
to Jackson County in 7 years I said Amen but if we go back
in that time we shall have to hasten to get our temple Built
I chink we must commence it next spring, uncover the
foundadtion But I shall have to take up one tier of rock
all over the foundation, For Brother Raleigh appears as though
he wished to destroy that Temple. He would not take Brother
Angels levil which He had got up with great care and
he would not trust to his own Judgment but got Brother Fox
to help him get the levil. But Raleigh made one himself
and he made the foundation not levil & in order to levil up
the last tier he put under small stones which would all crush-
edBeneath the building and one quarter of an inch setling of
that Building would crack it from top to Bottom I have
had much trouble with masons upon this subject, and it
is strange to see this spirit manifest among our leading masons
I should be glad to see the day when all men who profess to
be saints will impart what knowledge they possess to
each other I do not know as Brother Raliagh realizes what He
is doing but it appears to me that He is trying to destroy the
Architecture of that Building. A. Lyman & C. C. Rich arived
home tahis evening & called upon the President & gave an
account of their mission south.
~ Thursday
8. Robert Left for Fort Harriman. I spent the day in
the office. President Young called into the office met with G. A. S
in the Code Comission Room. I spent the evening at home
~ Friday
9th I went into the office in the morning. G. A. Smith related
a circumstance of a Mr Woodson who has got possession of
the Land upon which the Temple Block stands in Jackson Co
Missouri in 1857 Ferrymore Little was in Jackson Co
& Mr Woodson said to him I have heard that your people
expected to return to this country and ^Build^ a Temple on the Temple
Block on my farm. Brother Little Answered to be
sure they do. Woodson said you are a Hell of a set. G. A. S.
also said He got a statement from Lewis Bidemon that
the people of the towns of Warsaw, Carthage pontoosuc
& Appanoose made up a subscribtion of $500 & paid
it to Joseph Agnoe for Burning the Temple and He went &
burnt it for that sum of money I spent the day in the
office filing High Council Records
~ Saturday
10th I spent the day in the office filing High Council Record
~ Sunday
11 Sunday I spent the day at home it was a cold day
Lorenzo Snow spent the night with us
~ Monday
Dec. 12.
A cold morning The Legislature of Utah met this morning
Brother Bentley and I drew hiBrother G. A. Smith to
the Legislative Council at the Social Hall on a hand sled
He being still vary lame with his sprained Ancle. I
staid in the council untill it was organized & then returned
to the office. I spent the day in the office I visited J. L. Smith &
administered to him with Lorenzo Snow
~ Tuesday
13th I spent the day in the office on H Council minutes I called
into President Youngs office in the evening did not see him
I spent 2 hours in Historians office, 1 one hour in Judge Smiths
office. The Eastern Mail arived we obtained a few papers but
not Much News
~ Wednesday
14th The sunshine again this morning upon our city which
has been higd for weeks by clouds & fog. I spent the day
in the office I got one letter from Ilus F Carter. I wrote
to Ilus F Carter I spent the day in the office. I spent the
evening at home
~ Thursday
145th I spent the day in the office examining corresponding
letters. I called upon President Young in the evening the
subject was brought up of cold weather and freezeing
He said He said on the cold Friday in 1814 He choped timber
all day for Browse. He froze his feet vary bad. He put them
in cold water but He had always been troubled with
the chilsl Blains untill 1835. He was at Sister Brewers
in Boston. He there went & stood with his bare feet
upon the stone hearth whare there was a fire
and poured viniegar upon heris feet which boiled untill
his feet was almost boiled this cured the Chill Blai-
ns and he never was troubled with it since. we were
informed that a young man froze to death in Cash valley
on Monday
~ Friday
16th I spent the day in the office. In the evening Presidents
Young & Wells with many others met in the Historians
office to read & discuss the laws got up by the code
commission at the close of the reading President Young
made some remarks upon govermental affairs. He said
their would be an exertion made to take away our charter
or organic act, the vary next best thing to our becum
ing a state would be for them to take away our charter
then we would know who would govern this country
it would not be long before we would have an election
~ Saturday
17th I spent the fore part of the day in the office
Hearing the code read I was quite unwel I spent the afternoon
at home I met with the Quorum of the Twelve in the
evening at the upper room, Historian Office. C C Rich
A. Lyman Prayed John Taylor was mouth at the close
of prayers we met in the Historians office Heard letters
read & discussion
~ Sunday
Dec 18
Sunday I was quite unwell I spent the day at home Robert
returned home in the evening. APresident Young spoke
in the Tabernacle vary well and to the edifycation of
the people was followed by John Taylor. A. Lyman spoke
well at night in the 114 ward followed by John Taylor
~ Monday
19th President Young sent me a Black walnut tree some
7 years old I had it set out this morning I spent the day in the office
~ Tuesday
20. I spent the day in the office reading Historical Letters
~ Wednesday
21st I Had 6 Hogs Butchered to day I called at President Youngs
in the evening. The subject was discussed concerning the code of
civel proccess got up by the Code Commission it was voted down
by the Legislative assembly. The Presidency did not wish it to
pass. President Young said a Letter was received by Musser
by the last Mail from Brother Gibson who was on his
mission to England saying while travelling on a rail road they
had a collission with another train and mashed up the Engine
and care that he was in & yet not a soul was hurt as they
walked out of the ruins one man said there must be some
man of God on that care by which they were saved. Brother
Gibson remarked it was in fulfillment of prophecy for
Brigham Young said when He Blessed me that I should go
in safety by rail road & steamboat and this is in fulfillment
of his Blessing. The question was asked President Young
if he did not think the Nations were inspired to [go]
North as Columbus was to find this continent President
Young said they have had vary bad luck at it. No they are
not inspiried ownly by there own desire to open a North
west passage to China some think it is to open the way
for the 10 tribes but it is not so the Nations will have
Nothing to do with preparing the way for there return
but when the time has come for there return the Lord
will do the work the[y] are on a portion of Earth separated
from this globe in the North sewhich cannot be
seen from this Earth and when the time comes
the Lord will unite their land with ours & prepare the
way for there returne. President Young said there
was an exertion made to separate the union without
war but it cannot be done the union cannot hold
together but a few years it must soon part. The
southern people have more fears of there own servants
than anybody els. Many other remarks were made
~ Thursday
22nd I killed a Beef to day or had one killed. I spent
the day in the office
~ Friday
23rd I spent the day in the office. General ^Samuel^ Stambaugh
visited us for an hour. We had a plesant visited with
him he manifested a good spirit. He complained of the post
Master in this town for not getting his paper. He wished
us to give him all information we could upon the imp
rovement & facilities of this Territory
He said he would not use it for our disadvantage. He said he had often
passed through Nauvoo it was a beautiful situation and He would
not give Hancock County for this whole Territory. He spoke of the
cole mine in ColeEcko Canyon. He said if he owned one half of that
mine he would sell it less than one year for $100000. He said the
soldiers ought to be imployed in making the roads through these
canyon. He spoke upon many other subjects
During the evening President Young spoke upon the subject of
fencing. A Carrington advocated the principle of doing away
with fencing entirely. President Young thought it would not do
entirely at presidentent. He also said he thought we had better extend
our settlements Northward. I met with the Board of the
D. A. M. Society. Bishop Wm Crosby mad a report of the
southern cotton growing country. He made the most favorable
report of Washington Co & the Rio vergin and Santa Clara region
that we have ever herd from that region He represented that country
as being good for cotton, sugar cane, wheat, fruit, dy stuffs &
grazing country and all kinds of grain. George Day & Prime
Coleman made Four tons of cheese the past season with their
own hands
~ Saturday
24th I spent the day in the office and the evening at home
~ Sunday
25 Sunday and Christmas I attended meeting for the first
time since I was sick, at the Tabernacle A. Lyman Preached a
good moral discourse I dismissed the meeting I spent the afternoon
& evening at home. At about 1 oclok there was a fracus in
Main Street Between Wm Hickman & Lot Huntington they had
some difficulty about the division of some monyey and
agreed to meet to day at 1 oclok to settle it and after
they met the difficulty was renewed & William Hickman shot
Huntington, then Huntington returned the fire the ball struck
Kickmans watch glanced down the groin broke a peace from
his thigh Balle bone & broke the ball to peaces. Hickman was surroun-
ded with several friends & they all chased Huntington and
shot some 30 shots at him they followed him to George
Grants House. Huntington run into the House & the rest did
not go in. Hickmans Frends gathered around him Hickm[an]
soon grew pale and said He would not give 3 cents for
his life they took him in a slay to Butchers House many were
excited and run to and fro surgeons were sent for and
they thought it doubtful about Hickmans Living
~ Monday
26th I spent the day in the office and the evening at home
I heard that Hickman was vary sick. We had a snow storm during the night
~ Tuesday
27th I spent most of the day in the office looking over
corresponding letters. In company with Lorenzo
Snow I spent the evening at Brother Houtz.
~ Wednesday
28th Robert, Wilford & Moroni, left this morning for
Fort Harriman with my Flock of sheep. The Eastern
mail arived last night. I spent an hour in the office
looking over the news. Mr John Borown was Hung
in Charleston Jefferson Co Virginia, on the 2nd
inst I attendded the meeting of the seventies at
the seventies Hall opened By singing & Prayer By Henry
Herriman. The meeting was Addressed by Brother Hunt
and Willis. Brother Hunt spoke of a speckled Buird visited him
I followed Brother Willis the spirt [first] time I have spoken since
I was sick I spoke some 15 minutes I was followed by President
Joseph Young, another meeting was held in the evening
I spent the evening at President Youngs with A. Lyman
Brother Carrington read from a Letter to us From Capt Hooper
who said "This union will be disolved within 18 month." He
also read the message of the Govornor of Missippi, whos recom-
mendation to his state is that they call a state convention
and call upon all the slave holding state to Form a
Southern Union and seced from the North if their was a
Republican President elected in the United States
J. Ferguson reportful that he was informed that He was way laid
by a party who thought he spoke to Free upon some subjects
~ Thursday
29th I spent most of the day in the office, and the evening
with the Twelve and others at Brother Gibs.
Wilford Robert & Delight returned home
~ Friday
30th I spent the day in the office and I spent the evening
at a party at Bellow's Hall got up by the 14 ward I attended
with my Family the evening & most of the night was spent
in danceing. I did not dance, it was a plesant party
~ Saturday
31 Dec 1859 This is the last day of the Year and
we are approaching 1860, a year which has been looked
for with much interest since I was a Boy, in my own
mind I do not suppose that it will be much different
From the years which will follow. We are istanding in
the midst of a Generation which is full of interesting
Events, we are approaching Revolutions & changes which
will shake kingdoms, Thrones & republics, from the Earth
to circumference and lay them in the dust and open the
way for the esstablishment of the kingdom of God and
of more freedom and liberty than now exists upon Earth
The signs of the times show that 1860 may be the
commencement of the desolution of the American Union
and of Bloody European wars But the Lord will guide
the destiny of ^the^ world in such a manner that his will
will ofbe done and the Prophets Fulfilled
I spent the fore part of the day in the office in reading
& conversation with G. A. Smith who gave an
account of his hard wardk from a small boy and that it
had injured him & he would not advise for young Boys
to be worked to hard
A Synopsis of my labours in 1859 | |
I Traveled one hundred & 85 miles | 185 Miles |
I Attended Thirty fiv meetings | 35 Meeting |
I Preached six Discourses | 6 Discourses |
I Attended Two general Conferences | 2 Conferences |
I Met with My Prayer Circle | 32 Times |
I Met with the Twelve Prayer Circle | 33 Times |
I spent Ten Days giving Endowments | 10 Days |
I Attended The Legislature 17 | 17 Days |
I Met Nine times with the D.A.M Society | 9 times |
I Administered to 10 who was sick | 10 sick |
I Wrote Thirty Three Letters | 33 Letters |
I received Ten Letters | 10 Letters |
I Blessed six Missionaries | |
I Baptized & confirmed my Daughter | 1 B & C |
I Married Three Couple | 3 Married |
54 to 59