Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)

Document Transcript

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[sideways text]
Main 2869 Jan. 23rd 1894
[end of sideways text]

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~ Sunday

Jan 1, 1893
I spent most of the day at home I spent the Evening at Beebe

~ Monday

2 I spent most of the day at my Daughter Clara

~ Tuesday

3 I met in the morning with the beach company
I accompanied Prest G Q Cannon to the Temple & spent
3 Hours with the contracters of the different parts of the
Temple Each one was required to tell how long it would
take them to finish their part. They represented
they could get their parts done in time for the dedication
a Brother Jenson called to state the Bad feelings at
Mannassa they are sueing Each other

~ Wednesday

4th I met at the office Wm H Colson who presented us
with the views furnished for furnishing the Temple
from the firm of Tiffiny & Co for us to decide upon
we met with the Bank Board and transacted all necessary
Business. The board of the University of the Church met
Sister J M Grant died at 6:30 on the 3rd Jan /[18]93

~ Thursday

5 {I had a vision last night} I met Mr Lamborn this morning upon
the subject of the Painting of Adam Ondi Ahman
we met with George Taylor who represented the state of
the first National Bank of Provo. The Amnesty from
President Harrison Appears in the Papers this Morning
Herrald but it is of Little benefit to the People we had
a Meeting with President Shirtliff about the Standard in Ogden

~ Friday

6. We had a Meeting with many of the Brethren & we visited
the Temple and decided about the paintings on the wall
I Paid $500 to day on the Temple which made $2000 on the
Temple for 1892, & $200 on tithing which made $980.40 cts in /[18]92

Page 10

~ Saturday

Jan 67, 1893
I spent the day in the Office I met with C C Richard
Shirtliff & several Brethren from Ogden concerning
the Ogden Standard a good deal was said upon the subject
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote 3 Letters sent one to [blank] Woodruff sent her
my likeness and the Contributor containing the likeness of
the House I was born in I came home & fixed up
my Journals

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I spent the day at home reading I was quite sick
through the night & could not go to the office on Monday

~ Monday

9 Brother Smith the guard came down & spent the fornoon
with I done a little Journal writing in the Afternoon I was
quite Poorly through the night

~ Tuesday

10 Prest George Q Cannon called upon me in the morning
And administered to me I was better to day I slept
Better through the night

~ Wednesday

11. I wrote 3 Letters to Asahel in New York & to Sarah
and George Q. Cannon.

~ Thursday

12 Met with the Artist for Painting in the Temple
they Asked $17000 dollars for painting two rooms
we could not pay that Price we finally agreed to give
them $300 a month W met with the Apostles

~ Friday

13. I met with the Twelve we setled some difficulties
with M Thatcher on the 12. G. Q. Cannon was blessed

~ Saturday

14. I spent the day with J Jaques on my will

~ Sunday

15 I spent the day in my house reading G Q Cannon went East

~ Monday

16 We had a hard snow storm I went to the Temple
but done but Little J. F. Smith had a tumor taken from
his oldest daughter weighed 20 lbs

Page 11

~ Tuesday

Jan 17, 1893
I Called upon Carloss Young the Architeck about the
Temple he has not been to the Temple much lately
I spent the day in the office Attended to the business

~ Wednesday

18 Brother Joseph was with me to day we spent an hour in the
Temple Brother Stephens called upon us to day about the
going to the wordds fare Brother H. J. Grant & Lyman
called upon us at the office

~ Thursday

19. I had an interview with C. L. Christenson about
the Navijo. I gave him an order of $1.50 on the
Tithing off on the Sanwan stake. We held a Meeting
with the Twelve we Mett F. S. Richards & Legrand Young
about their services we agreed to Let John W Taylor
go to Canida & carry out the canal scheme if He wished

~ Friday

20 Dr Wm Smith called upon me about his family
we went to the Temple & Examined our affairs we decided
upon several matters in the Temple

~ Saturday

21. I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I spent this day at home reading

~ Monday

^ A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box^ 23 I received Letters from David P W, Sarah, Genia Cody, Asahel 11 page
and 3 others total 7. I wrote toone Letter

~ Tuesday

24 I wrode Down to our salt Lake R R. I met with
F. S. Richards on our business

~ Wednesday

25 I visited the Temple with Brother J F Smith & Br Winder
we addressed the workmen And urged them to finish
the Temple by the 6 of April A hand pointing to the right I said if I lived & could stand
on my feet I expected to go into that Temple & dedicate it
on the 6 of next April I wrote to Sarah Mary David P W
A hand pointing to the right

Page 12

~ Friday

Jan 27, 1893
James G Blain Died this morning. I spent the day
^ A hand pointing to the right^ in the office I wrote to G. Q. Cannon

~ Saturday

28. I spent the day at home reading {I sent a letter} to {[illegible shorthand]}

~ Sunday

29 Sunday I spent this day at home reading Owen was sick

~ Monday

30. A Hard snow storm in the morning M F Farnsworth called
at the office He visited the Temple I received a Letter from
Mr Carroll Political Editor of the Independent New York
Keys crossed We found to Day in Exami[ni]ng the Temple that the Architect
had made No provision for Dressing Rooms in the Temple
I was quite unwell through the night Did not sleep well

~ Tuesday

31 I felt quite unwell through last night I went to the Temple
The furnishing committee were Present After Leaving
the Temple I Attended a party at Brother Beaties on
the Birth Day of Sister Zina Young I left at 9 oclok

~ Wednesday

Feb 1. I went to the office Met with the Bank board and
attended to its duties Answer sent to the indipendent

~ Thursday

2 I met with the Twelve And the subject of our Architect
was up before us He is not Doing his duty in the Temple

~ Friday

3 I met with the commishers of Utah & Salt Lake Counties
upon the subject of the waters of Utah Lake & Jordon River
We met with Eckles about the contract of the pavilion on the
Lake &c

~ Saturday

4 I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

6 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I received a communication from President Cannon I wrote 2 letter
to M. W. Hatch Telegram to J McA

~ Tuesday

7 I Appointed Joseph F Smith Lorenzo Snow & Abram H Cannon

Page 13

A committee to see to the finishing the Temple to
Employ Architects to furnishing patterns, & specifications
for the workmen to work to to its finishing inasmuch
as J. D. Carloss Young is sick and not able to furnish
Patterns to finish the work they went to the Temple to
Meet with the Architeck at 12 oclok. We met with
A O Smoot & David Johns at the office to talk
about the pay of the Teachers of B Y Academy
at Provo Also He had prefared [prepared] a charge against
Booth before the High Council we Appointed
Elders Merrill Lyman & Lund to try the case

~ Wednesday

8 I met with the Deseret Board of Land Company at
10 oclock we Elected a New Board or rather mostly the
old Board & agreed to Bond the canal, or assess the
company to Pay about $16000 dollars. I then Met
the Temple Committee and several contractors we
talked plain to all parties and they agreed to take
hold & all do all they could to finish the Temple
A hand pointing to the right I Borrowed Ten thousand dollars of Asahel H Woodruff
as trustee in trust to pay a Church debt And I
gave him a Note of $10000 at 10 per cent interest
for two ^one^ years This money was paid for the
sale of 15 Acres of the farm which belonged to the farm
3 Minors A Owen Mineford Blanch & Alice I met
with Many Men to day

~ Thursday

9. I met with C. W. Penrose who spoke upon his petition
Tour I met with the 12 at 2 {o'clock} I wrote to G Q Cannon

Page 14

A hand pointing to the right I wrote Newton & Sylvia sent her $10, to Malinda Hatch sent 10
Carloss Young the Architect called wanted to resign
his position as Architect on the Temple I told him
No but to do what He could & others must do the rest.

~ Friday

10 Moses Thatcher called upon me to day gave us
a photograph of the City of Logan which was qute nice
A hand pointing to the right I wrote to M. B. Webster F S Richards called upon me at Home

~ Saturday

11 I went to the office in the Morning I met with C C Richards
Judge Elias Smith John Henry & Abram Cannon and
Moses Thatcher To Answer the following Telegram
Cheyenne Feb 10 /[18]93 C C Richards Ogden Rick
Budge & Hodge are moving Heaven and Earth to
Elect a Republican this is not keeping Promise and
Means war to the knife. Have wired Washington
If we are defeated Mormons are responsible. Cannon
wired Penrose & called him Home A L New
The following Answer sent
Hon John L Russell & Hon Harvey Allred xxx
Having been informed that my name is being used
to influence your action in the Legislature, I reaffirm
my former declaration as published; Every man should
be true to his party. W Woodruff
After attending to this I returned home I got my left
Eye filled with mud which distressed me seriously

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading

~ Monday

13 I received Telegram from G Q Cannon Answered

Page 15

Receivers fees to Jan 1, 1893 is $22531.
Receivers Attorney's fees to Jan 1, is1893 is $15260.
Fund has been in Bank since July 1890
Interest on same $27,446.39.
Fund has Decreased in Receiver Hands $31,316.
After receiving credit for all interest Paid
Had an interview with Wm Bromley

~ Tuesday

14. I visited the Temple with J. F. Smith Abram H Cannon
went through the Temple with D. C. Smith Young we
decided a number of things about the Temple

~ Wednesday

15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Prest G. Q. Cannon gave him an account
of my telegram cannot get our personal property Appeal
Dismissed. Soliciter General willing but Atorney General
opposed He is our Enemy A sugar Meeting Held at
the office we Also met with ZCMI Board

~ Thursday

16 sugar company met at the office this morning
Their Assetts $679055, Including $27,335 Reserve fund
Indebtedness cash $363,055. Yearly interest on Money $30,560
Expect to net $150,000 in 1893
if they get 130,000 tons of Beets
I met with the Twelve)
M. F. Lyman made his
Report of the settlement in Mannassa stake with
Silas Smith which was quite interesting. We paid a Church
Note to day of $25000.

~ Friday

17. I met with Bishop Preston this Morning & Lorenzo Snow

~ Saturday

18 I came to the City with Emma called upon Clara Administered
to Vedi who was sick

~ Sunday

19 Sunday we to went to Clara's children better

Page 16

~ Monday

Feb 20 1893
I received 2 letters one from H B Clawson wrote
to Sarah & Newton {Sent twenty dollars}

~ Tuesday

21 I Listened to the reading of two chapters including
all the Mountain meadow Massacree read by O F Whitney

~ Wednesday

22 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to G. Q Cannon Clawson & Trumbo invited
them to My Birth day Party

~ Thursday

23 I met with the Twelve Distributed invitations tickets
we went into the Temple & all through it there is still
a great Deal of work to be done there before the finish

~ Friday

24 I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

25 I spent the day at home writing

~ Sunday

26 Sunday I spent the day at home

~ Monday

27. I spent the day at in the office Owen started for Calafornia
with the Missionaries at 11 oclock on the 25. I Paid $120 at the
Bank for Abram Owen

~ Tuesday

28. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a sentiment on 50 cards to give my guist [guests] on
my birth Day

~ Wednesday

March 1, 1893 This is my birth day & also [o]f my wife Emma
I am Eighty Six years old to day & Emma is ^Fifty five 55^
we had a party at our house in the Evening including the
Presidency & Twelve Apostles, that were at home George Q
& several of the Twelve were Absent. I had the three Presiding
Bishops & A M Cannon the President of the Stake & Bishop
Burton of the Farmers Ward Also Mr Wm Cooly of
Ioway 3rd I signed 46 cards to day for my own family
Emma Nellie Asahel & Naoma, Ovando & Clara

Page 17

A heart Wilford Woodruff
Born March ^1,^ 1807.
Aged 86 years
Old this Day
A heart Emma Woodruff
Born March 1, 1838
Aged 55 years
Old this Day

~ Thursday

March 2 I met with President Budge & son I got a
Letter from Owen. I met with the Twelve Apostles
& J. D. T. McAllister many questions came up concerning
the Temple A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to M W Merrill A M
& Sarah M Kimball. The Committee visited the Temple

~ Friday

3. Joseph Lyman Abram & McAllister visited the Temple I filled
six more cards for my family

~ Saturday

4 I spent the day at home Bought a pump for the spring

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I spent the day in the house reading

~ Monday

6. I was sick but I went to the office I received Letters from
Malinda Hatch & A. Badlam I wrote to Eliza Smith sent $110

~ Tuesday

7. Keys crossed I was taken with sever cold on the Lungs and spent
the day in the House sick

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

8 & 9 I spent these two days in the House mostly abed

~ Friday

10 I went to the office but was quite weak I had an interview
with President Brigham Young Just returned from England
Brothers Smith, Snow, and several others went to the Temple I did
not feel able to go, I feel quite weak I got a letter from Mr Osborn

Page 18

~ Saturday

March 11, 1893
I spent this day at Home Brother Jaques called upon me He read
some Papers to me {my will} Alice was taken quite sick in
the Evening Appeared like Diphtheria Had a vary sick night

~ Sunday

12. Sunday Alice was some better this morning but throat
vary sore the ground is still covered with snow & vary cold

~ Monday

13 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Sarah, Mary, Newton, Jesse Moses
to A O Smoot, & George L Ferrill Alice is still quite sick

~ Tuesday

14 ^ An arrow^ The Loan & trust Company building at Ogden is burned
out this morning which is a great Loss to the people said
to be $200000. I met with the quorum of the Twelve
Apostles & Joseph F Smith upon the subject of giving
Recommends to the members of the Church to go to the
Dedication of the Temple & we resolved to give recommends
to all who had a standing in the Church to attend the
dedication of the Temple I visited the mum^m^ies that were
got in the caves of Sanwan County & were to be taken
to the worlds fair in Chicago not as well preserved as
were the Mummies of the catacombs of Egypt. On my
returmn home I found Alice worse we sent for Dr Richards
He reported she had a light form of the Diptheria

~ Wednesday

15 I met with the Board of Z.C.MI and heard the report
of the Business of the year 1892. They sold during the year
$3,100232.76 cts Received cash During the Month of Feb $126847.12 cts
The committee went to the Temple we will have all we can do
to get it ready for dedication

~ Thursday

16 A single key with teeth to the right I met with Prest George Q. Cannon He just returned to the
city from Washington He was unwell

Page 19

~ Friday

March 17, 1893
Received Letters from, Sarah & Bell wrote to Newton
Bell & Sarah we read over the Dedicatory Prayer
and made some Aditions to it

~ Saturday

18 I went to the office I wrote some addition to the
Prayer I listened to a communication from Prest
Cannon to be published to the saints before the dedication
that they may confess their sins and make reconcil-
iation one with another befor they go to the Temple I
went to the Temple with my councillors & went through
it from top to Bottom we are in hopes to get it ready
for Dedication but it is a load upon us

~ Sunday

19. ^Sunday^ I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

20 I went to the office & Met with the Salt Lake shore board
Thomas R Cutler called upon us and asked us to help him
to get a loan of $25000 for the sugar factory I had an
interview with Br George Teasdale Mr Murry a Man
connected with a Publishing House wanted to know
about some of your our Doctrins

~ Tuesday

21 A Hard snow storm in the morning A hand pointing to the right I received a Letter
from Sarah I met with the Saltair Board I also met with
the board of the Utah Telegraph line we had a good many
visitors to day I signed a guarantee for the sugar company
to Draw from the Deseret National Bank $25000

~ Wednesday

22 A hand pointing to the right I received 3 Letters from Sarah David & Sylvia
A hand pointing to the right I wrot to Sarah & Sylvia & sent her $10. I had a letter
from David & wrote him I met with the Twelve to unite &
to be of one heart & mind we met with the Saltair Beach board

Page 20

I met with the Twelve Apostles & my councillors upon
the position that Moses Thatcher occupied towards the
Presidency of the Church & the Twelve Apostls He was not
in Harmony with us He was in danger of his standing
I went to Joseph E Taylors to supper & then took cars
and went home ^6 M[iles^

~ Thursday

23 I spent the day with my councillors & the Twelve Apostle
& we had a glorious day All of us were United as the
Heart of one Man. Moses Thatcher was sick and not with
us we partook of the sacrament And took supper with
Joseph E Taylor instead of yesterday I had a vary
interesting meeting with my family in the Evening

~ Friday

24 I met with Bishop Clawson informing me that Col Trumbo
had I also arived I also met with Mr David Labeker
a great Grape Grower in Utah & other Places Recorded in council Book
I also met with Brother Cederstrom who showed us sample
of his Onyx Mine at Pelican Point

~ Saturday

25 We spent this day in fasting & Prayer throughout
Utah which Done a great Deal of Good

~ Sunday

26. Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle
President Cannon spoke about 70 minuts & W W 10 Mi[nu]ts

~ Monday

27. ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from A Badlam I had a good Deal
of company through the day spring is opening sun shining

~ Tuesday

28 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote to Newton & Sarah & Phebe C Scholes

~ Wednesday

29th ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote 2 letters to Wilford & Delight I visited
the Temple with my councillors & went through the House
I also met with the March 29/[18]93 Malinda W Hatch Died today

Page 21

~ Thursday

March 30, 1893
I met with Penrose with my councillers upon his
Political affairs He confessed & asked forgivnes whare-
in he had done wrong I wrote a Letter to Alfred
to England to Release Henry A Woodruff
to come home to Utah I also worote to Henry

~ Friday

31. ^ A folded letter/box^ wrote to M Ross, to M Thatcher (Paper Mill burned April 1.)

~ Saturday

April 1. Keys crossed I had my lot srveyed & divided up for the
family I was vary busy through the Day

~ Sunday

2 Sunday I spent the day at home was quite unwell

~ Monday

3 I met with many Brethren this morning Susan and
Phebe Scholes arived this Morning

~ Tuesday

4. Met in conference at 10 {o'clock} W Woodruff spoke 40 M.
G. Q. Cannon spoke 70. Met at the office at noon Afternoon
Prayer By B Young J F Smith spok 60 M. L Snow spoke
35 M. The Power of God was with us

~ Wednesday

5. We met with Segmiller & he had a Bab [bad] spirit
Met in conference at 10 oclok Prayer By J W Taylor
F D Richards spoke 35 M B Young spoke 35 M. We
Met the stock Holders of Z.C.MI & heard the report
of W Woodruff as President of the Institution. I met
with the Board of Zions Savings Bank. We met at 2 {o'clock}
A H Cannon Prayed The Authorities of the Church
were then presented and Exaccepted F M Lyman then
spoke 45 M, John Henry Smith spoke 24 M, G Teasdale
spoke 20 M, W Woodruff spoke 15 M.

~ Thursday

6 Keys crossed A crown The dedication of the Temple commencd inat the
10 oclock near 3000 Assembled at the upper room

Page 22

April 6, 1893
I attended the Dedication of the Temple the spirit &
Power of God rested upon nus the spirit of Prophesy
& Revelation was upon us & the Hearts of the People were
Melted and many thing wer unfolded to us
We Met in the Afternoon at 2 oclk & we had a glorious time
W Woodruff & G Q Cannon & J F Smith occupied
most of the time W. Woodruff offered up the prayer
in the forenoon & G Q Cannon in the Afternoon

~ Friday

7 We held three Meeting in the Temple on the 7 April
forenoon Afternoon & Evening the Power of God was
with us. The first Presidency occupied most of the time

~ Saturday

8. We met in the Temple & held 2 Meeting forenoon
& Afternoon the Power of God was with us B Young
offered Prayer then the shout of Hosannah was offered
The presidency spoke by the power of God J F Smith spoke 11 M

~ Sunday

9. Sunday we held 2 meetings All of the Presidency spoke
The power of God was with us John Henry smith offered
Prayer in the forenoon & G Teasdale in the afternoon

~ Monday

10 Prayer offered By H. J. Grant, John Henry Smith
spoke 10 Minuts G Teasdale 16 10 M W Woodruff 15 M
G Q Cannon 10 M. Afternoon Prayer offered
By J. W. Taylor W Woodruff spoke a few Minuts
H J Grant spoke 7 M J W Taylor spoke 15 M,
W Woodruff spoke 10 M, G Q Cannon spoke 15 M
J F Smith spoke 15 M.

~ Tuesday

11. Met at 10 oclok Prayer offered By F M Merrill
A shout of Hosannah is offerd at all the Meeting

Page 23

April 11 1893
W Woodruff spoke 11 M. Afternoon Prayer offered
By Antone Lund F M Merrill spoke 10 M, WW 20,
G Q Cannon 10 M. The spirit of God was with us

~ Wednesday

12. Met at 10 oclok Prayer offerd By A. H Cannon
J D T McAllister spoke 20 M G Q Cannon 7 M, WW 10 M
Afternoon Prayer offered by G. Q. Cannon, J F Smith
spoke 30 M G. Q. Cannon 10 M W. Woodruff 10 M

~ Thursday

13. Met at 10 oclok Prayer offerd By J F Smith
Hosannah offered G. Q. Cannon spoke 24 M,
W. W.oodruff spoke 25 M, J. F. Smith 5 M.
Afternoon Lorenzo Snow offered the Prayer
J F Smith spoke 25 M, G Q Cannon spoke 22 M
W Woodruff spoke 10 M.

~ Friday

14 Met at 10 oclock Prayer offered By F D Richards
the shout of Hosannah was offered WW spoke a
few moments Abram H Cannon spoke 12 M,
J F Smith spoke 28 M W Woodruff 10 M
G. Q. Cannon spok 10 M. Afternoon prayer
offered By Brigham Young G Q Cannon spoke 24 M
W Woodruff spoke 20 M J F Smith spok 10 M
I was taken sick with the Billius Cholic I was sick till
Monday 17.

~ Saturday

15 Saturday

Afternoon John Henry Smith Prayed Loreno Snow
spok [blank] F M Lyman [blank] J F Smith [blank]
G Q Cannon [blank]

Page 24

~ Sunday

Apraill 16, [18]93
sunday Morning G Teasdale prayed J F Smith spoke
Afternoon H J Grant Prayd John Henry spoke
& G Teasdale J F Smith [blank] G Q Cannon [blank]

~ Monday

17. I went to the office & wrote some in my Journal and
then Attended Meeting at 10 oclock Antone H Lund offerd
Prayer the shout of Hosannah was given

~ Tuesday

18 On the 26 Meeting of the Assembly of the Dedication
of the Temple I attended the Meeting A H Lund read the prayer

~ Wednesday

19. ^ An arrow^ I attended the Meeting ^all spoke as usual^ of the Presidents of 70 in the
[blank] 118 prsent All spoke & the Meeting held 5 Hours W. W
was taken sick with the Billious Cholic & went home
vary sick Keys crossed which Lasted me one Month & 14 days
before I went to my Desk in the office
I Attended the dedication of the 18 of April the Temple the Last time
I attended the Dedication of the Temple Abram H Cannon offred
the Prayer W Woodruff spok & dire[c]ted the services all
the Presidency spoke I attend[ed] the first 25 Meeting of the Dedication of the Temple
I had one of the Hardest spells of sickness of my life
An arrow On Snday the 7 of May, my family with the Aposiles were
gathered around me to see me breath my Last. Dr
Richards & Cox said I could not live more than 2 Hour
but at that time there was a change for the Better I began
to revive but I continued to improve slowly I suffered
with my kidney Trouble vary severly. I went to the Temple
on the 26 of May & spent a few hours. I went to the office
On the 19 May I went to the Temple & with my councillors
I set apart Lorenzo Snow to preside over the Temple

Page 25

May 31, 1893
May 19 & G Q Cannon set apart John R Winder as the
first assistnt & Joseph F Smith set apart Adolphus
as the seconed Assistant

~ Wednesday

May 31. I went to the office spent a few hours & wrote
up this Journal was not vary well Returned at 2 oclok

~ Thursday

June 1. I went to the office, Met with quite a number
of the Brethren upon various subjects I staid at the
office untill 2 oclock then I went to the Temple
& met with the Presidency & Twelve A hand pointing to the right we discussed
the question of continuing the Saltair RR. to Loss Angels
On Sunday ^April 30th^ the 7 of May when I lay at the point of Death
and was breathing my Last No one thought I would
Live. Thousands of the Saints were Praying for me
and there Prayers were heard & Answered and the
Lord saved my life for a little Longer

~ Friday

2 I went to the office & gave to John Jaques $744.40
to make my first Payment on Paving the Road on
the East Side of the Valley House I wrote a letter
A hand pointing to the right to J C Hatch

~ Saturday

3 I went to the city with Emma & done some traidng

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I spent the day at home

~ Monday

5 I went to the office Received 2 letters we were
visited by Dr Richard Bieber & his of Berlin Jemay [Germany]
she is a countess we Met with Zions Savings
as stock Holders & Reappointed for the
next 2 years the same officers that are now
Acting we had many visitor to day

Page 26

~ Tuesday

June 76, 1893
I received 3 Letters & wrote 1 to Wilford I spent the
day in the office had a good deal of company

~ Wednesday

7. I spent the day in the office I met with Zions savings
board we voted to declair a Dividend of 8 per cent

~ Thursday

8 A hand pointing to the right In company with J F Smith & several of the Twelve
Apostles I occupied the Private car of Mr Wilby who
is the general Manager of the D & R G R R and went
out to Saaltair Beach Pavillion at the General opening
opening there were about 10000 People at that
Pavillion to day speaches were mad B[y] Gov West
Wm H Smith & C C Goodwin & Prest W Woodruff
Declaired the Pavilion opened to the Public I think
they collected near $5000 some of the family did
not get home untill Midnight Prest George Q Canon
started for London to Day with H. J. Grant on a
Mission to gather some funds

~ Friday

9. I spent the day in the office at 5:10 I took cars on
the D & R G with Emma Clara & Alice and Rode
to Provo And stoped with A O Smoot He had a
tree fall upon him & came Near killing him it kinked
his neck, bruised his head & Back & other Parts of his
Body I spent the day & night with Brothe Smoot 50 Mile

~ Saturday

10 I spent the day at Brother Smoots several Brethren called in

~ Sunday

11 ISunday I spent this day with Brother Smoot

~ Monday

12. In company with wife & Daughter & Br Smoot & wife
we rode to Brother Madsons at the Mouth of Provo River &
& returned took cars at 4:10 & Returned to S L City 56 Miles

Page 27

~ Tuesday

June 13, 1893
The well driving machine was set at my house last
night I went to the office & spent the day

~ Wednesday

14 I went to the office I signed a Note for $20000
to be payable in on[e] year to Goldberg at 8 per cent

~ Thursday

15. I went to fishing in the creek a short time
in the morning but caught Nothing the water vary
muddy I went to the office & spent the day

~ Friday

16 I spent the day in the office got a Telegram from
President G Q. Cannon that He would have to go to England
alone as H. J. Grant will stay in New York I was taken
An arrow with pain in the stomach in the fore noon I went home
at 5 oclk & was taken with great suffering with pain
in the upper Bowels & stomach like the Billious cholic
which lasted me 5 hours I took castor oil & terpetine
& finally got relief but was poorly all night

~ Saturday

17. I spent the day in the House was quite poorly

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I spent this day in the House

~ Monday

19. I was not able to go to the office I spent the day at
home A company of Artesian well diggers commenced
diging me a well with a vary large Machine they
went down 40 feet when my Man Peter Hansen
shut off the water from the Ditch He caught a trout
that weighed 3 1/2 lbs

~ Tuesday

20 I went to the office in the morning attended to the business
of the day I& visited the rases in the Afternoon for a ride

~ Wednesday

^21^ out the Utah Horses carried the day mostly

~ Thursday

22. I met with the Twelve in the Afternoon

Page 28

June 22nd 1893
We Met with the Presidency of the Webber Stake
& Appropriated $5000 out of the Tithing of that stake
on their Webber Stake Academy

~ Friday

23 Friday I spent the day in the office Except I met
with President Snow & the Twelve in the Temple
Prest Snow talked to the workers I followed him
& talked plain & gave my views what ought to
be done in the Temple & how work should be done

~ Saturday

24 I went to the office And attended a Dinner
got up in favor of Gen Clarkson some 12 of us

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I spent the day at home

~ Monday

26. I spent the day in the office I wrote to Chandler
A hand pointing to the right Hatch & Hattie Woodruff 2 letters Received Letter from Asahel

~ Tuesday

27 I went to the office & Met with Gen Clarkson & Trumbow
I had a private interview with the General & Afterwards
with Trumbow {money very tight.}

~ Wednesday

28 I met with the 2 boards of the state & saving Bank
some wished the savings Bank to give Notice to the
Depositers of the Bank to draw their money But I
did not think it wisdom to do so our cashire &
others felt as I did

~ Thursday

29. I spent the day in the office I met with the Twelve
at 2 oclok and the Bank board at 3.

~ Friday

30 We have many visitors this Morning we were
visited By Allexander Pletnev Imperial Russian
Commission Worlds Columbian Exposition.
Also Mr Lda Dimcha of University de St Petersburg

Page 29

~ Saturday

July 1, 1893
I spent the day mostly at home I went to
the city for several hours and returned home
Owen & Ovando went to the Granite in the Evgening
I finished my Artesian well to day board down
300 feet sunk a 3 inch Pipe & had a flow
of good pure soft water cold of 20 gallons
a munite

~ Sunday

2nd I Attended a Bank Meeting in my office at 9 oclok
one hour & a half I then took street [car] with Emma &
Brother Newton & rode to sessions settlements & found
Sister Sarah Foss Aged 93 years quite feeble
Brother Fox arived at 12 oclok we visited with
Sister Foss & family untill 6:30 then took cars
& returned home to Farmers ward 35 Miles

~ Monday

3. I had conversation with Sister Cluff
about her affairs with her Husband I spent
the day in the office

~ Tuesday

July 4, 1893. Independence Day while the sons went
to granite canyon I spent the day at home
reading & watering a patch of Potatos with my
Artecian well water

~ Wednesday

5 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letter to Asahel & spent the day in
the office I took a walk to the bank

~ Thursday

6. I met with the Twelve besides having many calls

~ Friday

7. A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Phebe snow got a letter from her
Charles W. Wilcken had a child died to day from
a Burn by matches on the 4 July President G. Q. Cannon
Daughter Elizabeth buries her ownly child to day

Page 30

~ Saturday

July 8, 1893
I spent this day at home I pruned grapes & raspburies
& tied them up in the forenoon I and my family were served
with a warrent on an Irigation ditch I put it into the
Hands of my Lawyiers Legrand Young & F D Richard

~ Sunday

9. Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

10 I spent the day at the office I met with Legrand Young
& F. D. Richards upon our water suit I met with
sever[al] of the Brethren upon a variety of subjects

~ Tuesday

11. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to F. S. Richards & Legrand Young
& to Brother Wadell. I met with Joseph F Smith & the

~ Wednesday

^12^ Twelve in the Temple & partook of the sacrament

~ Thursday

123 I went to the office Met with several Gentlemen
I met with senator Puffer from Kansas A plesant Gentleman
I Also Met with Hon Joseph E Washington Reprentives [Representative]
from Tennessee He seemed a frendly man I met with
Z.C.MI Board & voted to Declair a Dividend of 2 1/2 perct

~ Friday

14. I spent the day in the office and met with
many Persons

~ Saturday

15 A hand pointing to the right Mr Yeager law suit about water Ditch
commenced this Morning but it was put off for
one week I went to the office Owen started
this Morning for the National Park this Morning
in company with Mrs Woodruff & Libby Cotter I went
to our place in the granite canyon 18 Miles

~ Sunday

16. Sunday I spent the day in camp reading

~ Monday

17. I spent the day in camp Ovando Beebe cought 54 trout

~ Tuesday

18 We returned to Salt Lake City 18 miles

Page 31

~ Wednesday

July 19 1893
^ A folded letter/box^ I spent the day in the office I received a Letter from
^Prest^ G Q Cannon & one from Owen I met with J F. Smith
& Mitchel & Cluff on Money Matters I got my Artecian
well fixed in the Evening By Brother Wilckin & Cannon

~ Thursday

20 I signed a Dozen Recommends for 2nd Anointing
we got up 126 names to Borrow $1000 cash to help
the church for a season through their difficulty
I met with J. F. Smith & the Twelve in the Temple for Prayer
And we conversed upon the financial condition of the church
I met with the Lawyiers to day upon the water question

~ Friday

21 Asahel came home this morning He joined me this
Morning at the office with me & F S Richard & Legrand
upon our water suit with Yeager, but the court

~ Saturday

^22^ Adjourned one week untill the 29. I returned home

~ Sunday

23 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading we had a Hard
Thunder shower in the Evening Asahel & Alice went
up to the Granite in the Evening. The whole country

~ Monday

24 A hand pointing to the right is in Arms upon the silver question The west
wants silver & the East wants Gold I met the saints
Keys crossed at the Tabernacle at 10:30 for a consort I made a
vary short Address followed by the Govornor then the Quire
of singers occupied the forenoon I went home

~ Tuesday

25 I spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

26. I met a Number of Brethren at the office I met
with Parley P Pratt who had Nothing to Eat we made
arangements for him to get some food at the Tithing office

~ Thursday

27. I met with the Twelve & J F Smith in the Temple for Prayer

Page 32

~ Friday

July 28 1893
I had an interview with Legrand Young and
others in the fore noon. In the Afternoon I went
with Emma & several of the Brethren to Saltair about
4000 were there we returned by car at 7:50 35 Mils

~ Saturday

29 I went to the office to be prepaired to go to court if called
Court adjourned till Aug 5 I returned home

~ Sunday

30 Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

31. I spent the day in the office I wrote to Owen

~ Tuesday

July [August] 1. I spent the day in the office Prest G. Q. Cannon arived
home to day I Paid $300 Dollars Tithing to day

~ Wednesday

2nd I spent the day in the office we held 3 Meetings
one with Zions savings Bank, one with a joint Meeting
of State & Savings Bank, & one with the Presidency
{It looks as though the two banks would have to stop and close up.}

~ Thursday

3 I went to the office found a Meeting of the deseret
Company I met with Prest Cannon & Smith & the
6 of the Twelve in the Temple for Prayer we all Prayed

~ Friday

4 I spent the day in the office Sarah & Mary called while on
the way to Provo

~ Saturday

5 I spent the day at the office waiting for the
court to act upon our water case but they adjou[rne]d
untill Monday

~ Sunday

6. Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

7. I went to the office Brother & Sister Riser from
Calefornia called upon us. Our water suit came before
Judge Bartell Demurrer to Answer argued and submitted

~ Tuesday

8. Judge Bartell Decided our Answer good testimony taken on the 14.

Page 33

Aug 8, 1893
I spent the day in the office Met with Prest Wm R Smith of Bountiful
& Bishop on Business of his stake I received a Letter from
Sarah {It looks as though temple [illegible shorthand] was [illegible shorthand] us could have mercy upon us}

~ Wednesday

9. I met with Zions Savings Bank at 8:30 And
conversation was had upon the critical condition
in money Matters we were in, various plans for
relief was talked upon, & a committee of G. Q. Cannon
& H. J. Grant appointed to see what they can do for
our Relief

~ Thursday

10 I spent the forenoon in the office The Presidency & Twelve
met in the Temple for Prayers at the close W Woodruff
Addressed the Apostles upon our Financial condition
followed by most of the Apostles

~ Friday

11 I spent the forenoon in the office I met with council
Young & Richards & with Moses Thatcher I wrote Letter to
Wm Atkin & Wm H Thompson

~ Saturday

12 I spent the day in the office I met with the Presidents
of stakes
to see if we could [get] any Money from
the People Remarks were made by many

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I spent the day in the House, reading

~ Monday

14 I spent the day in the office I met with many
of the Brethren on business Henry A Woodruff arived

~ Tuesday

15. A hand pointing to the right I wrote A Letter to David P Woodruff. I Blessed
a son of Frank Y. Taylor namd Wilford Woodruff

~ Wednesday

16 I met with a son of Gen Clarkson & a companion
I Paid C H Wilcken for 9 tons of Hay $6, $54 for G Q Cannon
In company with Emma I visited Brother Butterworth 14 mile

Page 34

Aug 16, 1893
Keys crossed I went to the office & signed Notes as Trustee in
for $105000. Also as the President of the church
I received a Letter from Mary & wrote her one

~ Thursday

17. I went to the Temple Had Prayers. {[illegible shorthand] responded to us}

~ Friday

18 A Meeting with James Brown about the Islands which
we maid an Account of I visited Brother Butterworths

~ Saturday

19 I spent the day at home attending to a variety of work

~ Sunday

20 Sunday I spent the day at home reading & resting

~ Monday

21 I Attended the funer[a]l of Brother [blank] Butterworth
A coffin William Butterworth
was born Aug 5, 1827
Died Aug 19, [18]93 Aged 66 years
At Mill Creek ward I spoke
followed by Angus M Cannon
& George Q Cannon, And
Bishop Neff I did not go
to the Grave I went to the office
with Prest G Q Cannon & Met with Mr Royle & Ryan
& 2 other gentlemen who inquired into our Affairs
The court was occupied under Judge Barch with the
Yeager trial. The witnesses on both sides gave
their Testimony. I returned home in the Morning Evening

~ Tuesday

22nd I called at the Bank talked with the cashire
^ A folded letter/box^ I got a Letter from Sarah & Mary I wrote to them

~ Wednesday

23 I spent the day in the office I signed Notes for
the sugar works to the Amount of $225,000.
And the sugar company gave me Notes for
the same amount I met with several persons

~ Thursday

24. Keys crossed I went to the office in the morning Held a
Meeting with Bishop Whitney upon the History of the church

Page 35

Aug 24, 1893
Keys crossed A crown I went into the Temple and Had [blank] Persons
of the [blank] Adopted to me
Also I officiated for my Brother Azmon in
having [blank]

~ Friday

25 I went to the office held a Meeting with
Bishop O F Whitney and Decided to allow him
$2700 dollars on the 3rd vol of the History of Utah
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Sarah I met with the board
of Z.C.MI and had an account of their financial con-
dition I met with many brethren to day

~ Saturday

26 I spent the day at home I had my Minister Potatoes
dug to day I took a severe cold upon my Lungs getting
my feet wet

~ Sunday

27. Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

28. Keys crossed I received Letters from Gen Clarkson & Col Trumbo
& Wm H Thompson with $50 from him & $50 from Cottam
I visited the Pulman car sent for the Presidency
of the Church to go to Chicago in it was superb

~ Tuesday

29. In company with my councillors G Q C & J. F. S
And the Utah Quire of singers And wife Emma
& Daughters Blanch & Alice we went on board of
the cares [cars] to start upon our Journey There were
some 2500 persons Present to see us off we stoped
a short time at Ogden. We crossed green River in
the night I was not well I did not sleep last night
I felt quite unwell this morning

Page 36

~ Wednesday

Aug 30, 1893
We took breakfast on the cars stoped a short
time at Laramie also At Greely we arived
in Denver and the Quire sang in the Methodist
Episcopal Church & the congregation was over-
whelming many could not get standing Room
we took a ride through the city in the Afternoon
with a veicle that carried 15 of us there were
a great Number of splendid & Expensive dwellings
The Quire took in $1220 for their singing

~ Thursday

31. We travelled & stoped at Ellis and other places
as we passed through the day

~ Friday

Sept 1. we were Met by a committee from Jackson
Missouri we Met the Mayor & committee
on the Temple Block and the Quire sang there but
it was so crouded we went into the Tabernacle
near by the Temple Block & we sang there The Mayor
had lost one Arm in the Armey but the one
arm left He kindly gave to me while I was
with Him One vary stricking incident was worthy
of record I went through Jackson County with Harry
in 1834 on a Mission to the southern states at
that time we had to keep secreted so the people would
not know that we were in the county as our lives would
be sacrafized if they knew that two Mormon Mission-
aries were in the county. Now the Mayor of the city
of Independance comes & greets us with the warmest
reception. How Great the contrast we give God the praise

Page 37

Sept 1, 1893
We returned to Kansas City And the Quire sang
in Kansas City we took a ride through Kansas
City but found the city far inferior in many respects
to Denver in respect to the private Residences

~ Saturday

2. We reached St Louis a little before 10 oclok aM all were
Pleased with the scenery in Missouri the track ran
near the river a good Deal of the time Presidents Cannon
& Smith visited the city & Bridges I did not feel able
Mr Dudgridge & Townsend RR superintendents visit
us. The consort was held at the Exposition Building
which seats 3500 and the seats mostly ocupied

~ Sunday

Sunday 3. we reached Chicago half past 8 And the
choir had to be taken to the various Hotels the Labor
was variy great Esspecially [for] the femals as they were
faint for the want of food. We finally went to the
Montreal Hotel. We had a Difficulty about our trunks
and Baggage we spent the day here

~ Monday

4 We went to the Utah House on the fair grounds
& Met with G Q Cannon & H J Grant on Money
Matters we spent a part of the day visiting the fair
I occupied a chair a part of the Day Brother Grant obtained
some money at a fearful per cent. He obtained a loan
of $250000 for 2 years at 6 per cent and a bonus of
$50000 this is to save the banks. He had another progect
in his mind about obtaining Money

~ Tuesday

5 I have a cold upon my Lungs I went to the fair & visited
all the fisheries this Morning which was vary interesting

Page 38

Sept 5th 1893
At the close of the Fishe[r]ies I visited the Liberal Art
Galery it was a vary grand scene A man would
want a Month to go through this fair ground & to
do Justice in Examing what the Grounds contained
This was the day when the Maile Members of
the various Quires contested for the Prizes I did
not attend but Prest G Q Cannon did. The Welch [Welsh]
drew the prizes in this contest. I spent most of this
day in the Liberal Arts Building

~ Wednesday

6 We visited the Auditorium Hotel in Chicago the
grandest Hotel in the city we visited the Masonic
Art Building
21 Stories high we went up near the
top in an Elevator said to be about the Highest
Building in the world

~ Thursday

7 We went to an Oyster House for Breakfast we visited
Mr Pulman who gave us the use of the Pulman Car
Mr Pulman informed us that his Grand Mother
was a Mormon It is reported that Mr Pulman
had made $55000000 Dollars out of the Pulman
Car. He treated us vary kindly At 3 oclock P.M.
we visited Buffalo Bills Wild West Show and
Enjoyed it vary much Mr Alexander Majors
was Here & at the close of the show He took us to
Mr Codys tent, who had a plesant interview
with us and our company was introduced to him
He admitted our party free. There was the finest
shooting by Cody & a woman I Ever saw
He had a whole [herd] of Buffalo on the ground to shoot at

Page 39

~ Friday

Sept 8, 1893
I went to the Utah Building & Met with Gov West
& R C. Chambers Col Lett & C Crane & other citizens
we went to the Administration Building and we were
introduced to the National Committee The President
Ex Senator Palmer suspended Procedings during the
cerimon[y] Gov West made a nice speach to which the
Representative from Deleware made a vary happy resp-
onse I was requested to speak to them as a Pioneer
which I did in few words We then went to the
Festive Hall to Attend the contest of the four Quires
of singers for the Prizes. The Salt Lake Quire did
splendid and made a fine appearance The first Prize
was given to the Searton Quire. The second Prize
was awarded to our Quire. I think without Doubt
that our Quire was the Best & should have had the first
Prize But the Quire that took the first Prize was Welsh
and the Welsh furnished the Money And it could
hardly be Expected that they would give it to a Mormon
Quire Though one of the Judges said the Salt Lake Quire
ought to have it In the Evening I Attended a reception
in the Utah Building I stood on my feet & shook hands
I think with several hundred person from the various
Nations of the Earth untill i was tiered out

~ Saturday

9. I took breakfast at the Burton Hall and went to
Festival Hall & Lincoln Park which covers
^{Sunday} 10^ 675 Acres it was beautifully adorned with flowers
Powns & Lawns we traveled 25 Miles

Page 40

Sept 9, 1893
In company with Prest Cannon I went to the
Festive Hall arived at 11:30 aM R. C. Chambers
the Chairman of the Utah Commissioners Presided
over the Procedings. The Salt Lake Quire sang several
Peaces. Mr Chambers made some opening remarks
Gov West made the oration occupying about 25 M
and spoke vary well. W Woodruff spoke about
5 Minuts on the Pioneers of Utah President G Q
Cannon spoke abot 15 M. I spoke with a strong voi[c]e
and was listened to attentively so was the speech of
President Cannon I returned to the Utah building and
was introduced to several Gentlemen among the number
was Honore J. Jackson he had some Indian Blood in
him He was in the Canadian Rebellion He has sympathy
with all indians He believed in the Mormon History
towards the Indians

~ Sunday

10 I spent most of the day in riding through Lincoln
Park as spoke off on the 9. In the Evening I took up my
abode at Mrs Osgood House at Michigan Avenue
No 1628. we took our baggage there

~ Monday

11 I went to the Utah House & was taken quite
sick with the Cholary Morbus I returned to my Boarding
House & was sorely afflicted with Purging & vomiting
I was quite sick through the night

~ Tuesday

12 I was better this morning but kept my bed
most of the day was taken bad again in the night

~ Wednesday

13 I got some better to got up & Dressed G Q. C. visited me

Page 41

~ Thursday

Sept 14, 1893
I was much Better this morning and I went to the
fair And I saw more to day than half the time
I have been in the fair I visited the fine Arts building
went through it And it was like a sea of sculpture
& Art Painting it was immens Then I visited the
streets of Cario saw the Camels & Asses & Belowan
Arabs & Turks & their Harams I visited their
Temple saw 10 Mummies Heard a Lecture of the Temple
I then went through the old Moorish Palace it was
about the grandest affair I Ever saw it seemed as
though a person should spend a week in it in order
to Examine what it contained

~ Friday

15 Keys crossed I made an appointment with Prest Cannon
to go and visit Mr Joseph S Woodruff & son
Joseph B Woodruff we found them at the Hartford
Building which they had built up themselves at the
(cornor of Dearborn & Madisons streets) They are
from the same country as myself probably distant
Relatives He agreed to send me a record of his Fathers
Household He appeared to be a rich Man. In the Evening
in company with H. B. Clawson & Daughter with Blanch
& Alice I visited the Crucifixion on canvass it
was the Most Exciting scene on canvass I Ever
saw we could see All over Jerrusalem & the surroun-
ding country for 30 miles & those who were assembled
at the Crucifixion the Lecturer pointed out the Temple
Harrods residence & all the ressidences of the country

Page 42

Sept 15 1893
This was all upon canvass not 30 feet from our Eyes
we had the same view with the Burning of Chicago
also the representation of the Burning Mountain or crator
of Kilauea they were all vary Natural and splendid
views I ought to have stated before speaking of the
Evening work that at 2 oclok PM. We were
called upon by Councillor Boyle & Mr Beatie with
a fine carriage & took us with Bishop Clawson
to the Chicago Stock yards which was truly a
great sight to see the Expiditious manner in which
the cattle, hogs, sheep & calves were slaughtered it
was wonderful what an amount was slaughtered
in a Day

~ Saturday

16 I spent most of the day in my room the
children went to the fair & Emma visited the
Cruscifixon the Burning of Chicago & other things
I paid my Bill $62 for Board & Room. We went
in the Evening to our car the Pickwick to start
upon our Journey home by the Rock Island route
we started about 11 oclok I did not sleep during the night

~ Sunday

17 Sunday we traveled in sight of Many thousands of
Acres of corn in the state of Ioway it is a great state
for corn the Ioway State House in the fair was in a
great measure composed of corn in the Ear it was
a sight to see it we passed Council Bluffs on the
Banks of the MO River we stop a short time
in Omahaw a few miles from Council Bluffs

Page 43

~ Monday

Sept 18, 1893
We passed over 100 miles of Barren Plains still we
Passed many thoughsands of Acres of corn. We
Passed through the grand Gorge

~ Tuesday

19 we passed through Price this morning Early and crossed the summit and down the spanish fork
arived at Provo & stoped a short time then continued
on to Salt Lake whare I met with my family
& friends and was welcomed home with Glad hearts Having travelled to Chicago & Back 3000 Miles

~ Wednesday

20 I went to the office & Met many friends
who rejoiced at our return. we find money needed
upon Every hand to Pay debts I received 10 Letters

~ Thursday

21 I spent most of the day in the Temple & office

~ Friday

22nd I spent the day in the office & attended to the duties of the same

~ Saturday

23 I spent the day at home I was visited By Mrs
Pendleton and Mr B H Maples from Connecticut
my Native Place. We spent several hours together
He wanted to investigate Mormonism wanted to
Read the Book of Mormon I told him to call
at my office & I would give him some of our
Books and show him what attention I could

~ Sunday

24 Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle
Moses Thatcher spoke 50 M G Q Cannon 45 M
& W Woodruff 5 Minuts at the close of the
Meeting Mr Maples called upon me at the
stand. I Also attended a Meeting in the Farmers
ward & spoke a short time

Page 44

~ Monday

Sept 25 1893
I met with Mr Maples in the office also
Mr Green. I gave Mr Maples A large Print
of Book of Mormon Doctrins & Covenants The
History of Utah By Whitney the seer voice of
& A single key with teeth to the right key to Theology He wanted to inves-
tigate Mormonism He spent an hour in
conversation He is publishing a Paper and said
He would do what He could for us We received
a Draft of $10000 from our sugar factory
on the Islands we divided it up & Paid Debts with
it as far as we could

~ Tuesday

26. A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to David P Phebe Scholes
A Telegram came from Col Trumbo And about
midnight G. Q. Cannon H B Clawson & Nephe
Left for Sanfrancisco

~ Wednesday

27. I spent the day in the office & sufferd with sore throat

~ Thursday

28. I am quite Poorly M Thatcher & H B Preston
L Snow with others of the Twelve called upon us we
adjourned our Meeting at the Temple in consequence
of my State of Health

~ Friday

29. I went to the office & Met with Brother Cederstrom
& several other Brethren from Utah Lake concerning
A Quiry [quarry] of Onyx They had not means to Devellop
it & called upon to assist them which we thought
of trying to do Also my son Marion in connexion
with sever[al] other men was inventing & Preparing
A new saw to saw rock which would saw 10 times as fast as the old way

Page 45

~ Sautday

Sept 30 1893
I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

Sunday Oct 1. I was not well I spent the day at home

~ Monday

2 I went to the office Met with J D T McAllister He had
come to Salt Lake to Attend the funeral of his son
Daniel Handley McAllister 36 years of Age. I went
to the Temple with Prest J. F. Smith & Bishops Preston &
Winder to Examine some finishing up which ought to
be done before winter Bishop Preston wants $10000
dollars to day & we do not know how to get it

~ Tuesday

3 I met with A O Smoot who was liable to be
sued for $80,000 Dollars on the B Y Academy
we did not see any way to help him I Paid
Wilford Jr. to day to pay on a Note which He had
undersigned on another mans Note $336.

~ Wednesday

4 I spent the day in the office I met with the board of
the savings Bank & found times close also the State Bank
we had a rainy day to day

~ Thursday

5. I went to the office Met with Prest Cannon went
to the Temple Partook of the Sacrament had a good time
returned to the office Met the Board of Savings Bank
untill 4 oclok we then Met with the board of ZCMI

~ Friday

6 I was quite Poorly to day But I attended the first day of
conference G. Q. Cannon Lorenzo Snow & F D Richards spoke
in the forenoon & the Teaching was all good. in the Afternoon
H J Grant, HJohn Henry Smith J W Taylor & & M W Merrill
spoke & we had a good Day

Page 46

~ Saturday

ApOct 7, 1893
Conference Met at 10 oclok F M Lyman G Teasdale
A. H Cannon spoke in the fore noon At Noon David
H Cannon
was set apart to Preside over St George
Joseph F Smith was Mouth Afternoon the
Authorities of the Church were Presented & report of the
work in the S. L. Temple was read. B Young spok 30 M
& M Thatcher 29 M. Reports of the ordinances in the
Temple was read And Primary Association &
Church Schools was read

~ Sunday

8 Sunday Joseph F Smith occupied Most of the fore
noon. W Woodruff spoke 30 M, & G Q Cannon 45 M
W Woodruff dismissed

~ Monday

9. I met with the Priesthood & scientific Association
in the Church University. After the scientific Association
society was Dismissed we then met with the Priesthood
The Presidency & L Snow all spoke W. Woodruff give
the Authorities to understand they must not interfere
with the Reliefs Society about storing up wheat
in the Afternoon I met many at the office

~ Tuesday

10 B H Roberts made his report of the Religious Congress
Mr Haweis spent 2 hours with us He lecturd at Night
Brother Grow from Palestine give a History of the country

~ Wednesday

11 I met the Presidents of Seventies

~ Thursday

12 We met with Col Trumbo & talked over our affairs
we visited Mrs Trumbo we held a Meeting in the Temple
& Prayer circle we were visited By Mr Budgett Meakin
we are visited by many strangers these days

Page 47

~ Friday

Oct 13 1893
I spent the day in the office met with Many visitors

~ Saturday

14. I spent the day at home I pruned the grape vines

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

16 I received 5 Letters I wrote to Sarah & Mary I met
with the Board of Education the Parent Board {I had the [illegible shorthand] in the [stomach]}

~ Tuesday

17 Keys crossed I Met with GQC. J.F.S with several of the Twelve
& McCallister, D. H. Cannon M W Merrill who preside over
the Three Temples & L Snow of Salt Lake Temple & spent
three hours in harmanizing the Different Modes of
ceremonies in giving Endowments {I burned up} $10000000 Notes

~ Wednesday

18 I met with Br McDonald about Mexican Lands
Also with Br James about Money the Saltair Co
owed him we had a good Deal of company
I Paid taxes $1127, $52, $1.65 $119.15 total $1299.80

~ Thursday

19. I met with the Twelve in the Temple Had Prayers and a
council. we had a good Deal of company at the office

~ Friday

20. We met with the Twelve on Mexican affairs we met
with Allexander McDonald about Mexican Lands
I met with Phebe & Marian Phebe got her Package
& Marion wanted me to sign a Note for $100 with 25 percent
interest which I would not sign

~ Saturday

21 I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I spent the day reading History of Joseph Smith

~ Monday

23 Met Armstrong on the Onyx Beds Brother & Syster Horn
called upon Endowments for Dead friends I wrote to
Wm Atkin I Just Received a Telegram saying
that Both Houses of Congress had passed the Bill restoring
our Personal Property to the Presidency of the Church

Page 48

~ Tuesday

Oct 24, 1893
F S Richards Account of the Bill giving us back our Money
was Recived we had quite a Number of callers

~ Wednesday

25 I received one Dozen cutting of grapes Black-
Scuppernong from the South called a vary valuable Grape
Wm W Cluff called upon us for some council. I wrote
^ A hand pointing to the right^ 2 letters one to Bishop Farrell & one to Sylvia M Thompson

~ Thursday

26 Legrand Young called spoke about the Atorney General
interfereing with our Money Bill that Passed
Congress & signed By the President interfered with
By the Atorney General Legrand Young says He
cannot hender the Payment of the Money

~ Friday

27. We were visited By A Mr Lewis from Honolulu

~ Saturday

28. I spent the day at home and in the Evening I went on
Board of a Private car twith the Apostles to attend the conference
we arived at Logan about midnight 100 Miles

~ Sunday

29. Sunday we stoped at Brother Moses Thatcher & took
Breakfast & Met the Saints in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok
At which time conference opened By Prayer By
Bishop Farrill ^M W Merrill^, W. Woodruff spoke 15 Minuts G Q Cannon 465,
B Young 15 M. Afternoon sacrament Administered
And an overflow Meeting of several Hundred below
W Woodruff spoke to the general congregation 45 Minuts
J F Smith 50 M. We held a Meeting in the Evening & WW.
spoke 20 GQC. 40 M, F. M. Lyman 42.

~ Monday

30. Met at 10 {o'clock} Prayer By Bishop Ferrill WW spoke 15 M
G Q Cannon spoke 45 M. Afternoon Prayer By C W Wilken
M Thatcher spoke 20 M F M Merrill 5, J F Smith 12 M

Page 49

30 1893
We went into Smithfield to hold a Meeting I met with
my Daughters Bell & Sylvia & their children we Met
in the Tabernacle with a crouded House W Woodruff spoke 25 m
G Q Cannon 20, J. F Smith 20, J F. Smith 15, C W Wilken
10 M, Arthur Winter 5 M, WW 25. We went on board of carrs

~ Tuesday

31. We left Smithfield at 5 oclok & arived in Salt Lake at
9 oclock we had an interview with Brother Clawson and
Brothe Bean. We attended a Meeting in the Temple & took
Dinner in celebration of the marriage of J R Winder
speaches were made & Dinner partaken off 100 Mile

~ Wednesday

Nov 1. we met many Brethren in the Morning

~ Thursday

2nd We met the Twelve in the Temple at 3 oclok & we spok
upon business in the fore part of the day we were visited
by the sisters in the interest of the Deseret Hospital

~ Friday

3. we heard correspondent Letters being Read then
to the report of F. S. Richards in his labor in wash-
upon our Personal Property

~ Saturday

4 I spent the day at home reading & attending to Duties
of the day visited Brother Cannon family & Admin-
isterd to 2 of his family who were vary sick

~ Sunday

5 Sunday
I spent
the day at home mostly reading, we went to Claries
in the Evening

~ Monday

6. I spent the day in the office had many visiters

~ Tuesday

7. We had the Election to Day I voted for the first time
in many years it was a vary Exciting Day The
citizens gained the Election in Salt Lake City

Page 50

~ Wednesday

Nov 8, 1893
Report comes in this Morning that many of the Eastern
Democratic states have gone Republican And Salt Lak
has gone into the Hands of the citizens instead
of the Liberals I received a letter from Mary saying
her Mother was vary sick

~ Thursday

9. The political card shoes [shows] a great Majority for the
Republicans throughout the United States and that
the Utah Legislature will be a majority Repullican
while last session there was not a Republican in the
Legislature My Daughter Arabell Moses called upon me
On her way to visit her Mother in Provo

~ Friday

10 In company with G. Q. Cannon J. F. Smith & F Armstrong
I took cars rode to Lehi Junkson then went west to
Camp Floyd [and] on to the RR Station we then took a
carriage & rode south west to the Mountains to see
some Onyx beds we took Dinner at the tent then
went to the East & visited the Largest Onyx Bed
opened we then returned to Camp Floyd & onto the
station took cars & returned to Salt Lake Distance 85 M

~ Saturday

11 Emma & myself took cars & Rode to Provo to visit
Sarah who had been vary sick also May we found
Mary well & Sarah much Better we found Br A. O Smoot
much worse with his kidney Disease we return 5100 M

~ Sunday

12 I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

13 I met at the office H B. Clawson H. J. Grant on
Business I received 2 letters we received a Letter
from Gen Clarkson

Page 51

~ Tuesday

Nov 14, 1893
I met in the office Mr Bannester with Frank Cannon
wanted to Esstablish a chemical Bplant in Ogden
wanted us to Father it He thought it would be a
great Blessing to the People of Utah we Met with
Wm W Cluff & H B Clawson upon coal matters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote one Letter to Nellie

~ Wednesday

15 Bishop Clawson called upon us. Judge Zane and a
Mr Lawrence called upon us He was Judge Zane Brother
in Law this is the first time that Judge Zane Ever called
up[on] us they talked upon many subjects we had a good
Deal of company Lorenzo Snow called upon Temple work

~ Thursday

16 Mr Rion called upon us & conversed
upon Bullion Beck Matters Legrand Young called
upon us upon business we had a cold snow snow
storm last night we went to the Temple at 2 {o'clock} & had
Prayers and attended to the duties of the day

~ Friday

17. I spent the day in the office Brother Webber & Row
called upon us & informed us that Br Row had
resigned his position in the Z.C.M.I & we made
an Appointment to meet the board of ZCMI
on Monday the 20.

~ Saturday

18 I spent the day at home Done some choreing
I tied up my Jappan wine buries &c

~ Sunday

19 Sunday I took cars with G. Q. Cannon & J. F Smith
& Rode to Provo & Attended the Young Mens Mutual
improvement Association
Reports were given J F Smith
spoke in the forenoon 64, WW. Afternoon 58, & GQC 35. returned to Salt Lake 100 Miles

Page 52

~ Tuesday

Nov 21, 1893
I received a Box of cut flowers sugar cane & Rice
from C M Hanson Alabalma we had many
calls. Brother Webber & Carlson called upon us for
instruction concerning L H Hill a Banker the
Presidency of the stake called upon us & Discussed
some Matters of Duty J. R. Winder called & we
talked with him about his son. Wm W. Cluff
called upon Business I went to the Theater in the
Evening ^ An arrow^ I had a terrible fall from a log a foot
above the ground fell whole broad side & stood a good
chance to have broaken my limbs but it ownly bruised
me some we talked to Bishop Winder about his son.

~ Wednesday

22. I gave Deeds to day to Emma S. Woodruff to one quarter
section of Land in Deseret 160 Acres & to Abraham Owen
80 Acres Joining south of his Mothers & Asahel
H Woodruff
480 Acres joining Owens on the south
I met with Bishops Preston & Burton about Borrowing
Money for the Church on my Valley House Property I was
advised by my Brethren not to do i&t & took their advise
We held a Meeting with Frank Cannon about entering into
a stock company to form a Reservoy in Ogden Canyn
to carry out a business of Irigation & Manufacturing
&c which we agreed to do I wrote to Sarah & sent her
$20 & $10 tithing

~ Thursday

23. I spent the forenoon in the office & went to the Temple
at 2 oclok & had Prayers And attended to such business
as was before us

Page 53

~ Friday

Nov 24, 1893
[FIGURES] We met with Mr Banester & Frank Cannon
From Ogden & Finished up the Names for the organization
of the Pioneer Electric Company of Ogden
The names of the Board in Salt Lake City are
Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon Joseph F. Smith
Asahel H. Woodruff & John R Winder, And in Ogden
Frank J Cannon C K Bannister And A. B. Patton
of Ogden. G. Q. Cannon is President, Fred J Keiesel
Vice President C K Bannister secretary & treasurer
& Frank Cannon general manager

~ Saturday

25. I spent the day at home choring

~ Sunday

26. Sunday raining some I spent the day reading

~ Monday

27 I went to the office in the morning and at 2:45
I took carr with G. Q. C. & J F Smith & J R Winder &
Asahel H Woodruff & went to Ogden & met with
several Men & finished our orgianization of the
Pioneer Electric Company of Ogden We spent
the night at Frank Cannons 40 Miles

~ Tuesday

28 We returned to Salt Lake City And Met with
the company who built the Saltair Pavilion they
wanted a settlement with the Saltair Company 40 M

~ Wednesday

29 I met with several of Twelve in the morning we
listoned to the Reading of a lecture of Professor Talmage
on doctrin was visitage by M W Merrill

~ Thursday

30 We held Thanksgiving to day I staid at home
Asahel & Owen went to Cedar fort to shoot Rabbits
Their were 40 Men & they Killed 600 Rabbits 15 Each.

Page 54

~ Friday

Dec 1, 1893
I spent the day in the office Brother George Emmett Browning
A Missionary from the Samoan Islands He gave
us a history of the Island the war cutting off the
A hand pointing to the right Heads of the Natives in the Battle &c. I wrote 2 letters
to James G Bleak & Bishop Ferrill of Smithfield it rained
most of the Day

~ Saturday

2 I spent most of the day in the office Brother G. Q. C
and H B. Clawson was contemplating going East on
church Business I spent the Evening at home

~ Sunday

3 Sunday I spent the forenoon at home Reading I visited
Clara & family in the Evening

~ Monday

4. I spent the day in the office A meeting was held
at the office of the Board of Bulione Beck Mine a
dividend was Declard A meeting was held of
the Pioneer Brigham Young Monument Company
Meeting [with] Mr Heywood corresspondent of N. Y Tribune,
Chicago Tribune, Boston Transcript. He spent several
hours with us taking items I gave him 4 of my liknesses
for the Different Papers I Paid my paving tax on
west Temple street 2nd Payment of $712.99 & Wilfords $180.66
total $893.65, two more Payments in 6 Months Eachh

~ Tuesday

5 I met with senator Warren had conversation with
him. Myself & Cannon & Smith Received a Present of
Painting from Alfred Lambourne of Adam Ondi Ahman
I Paid him $7.50 cents for the frame as did Brothers
Cannon & Smith Brother G Q Cannon & H B Clawson
Prepared for Leaving in the Morning

Page 55

~ Wednesday

Dec 6 1893
We Met at the office Brother Wm w Cluff who called
to make his Report of his visit at the coal & Iron beds
of Iron County which was vary interesting we also met
Mr Heywood & wife who spent an hour with us. The
Ex Marshal Parsons called upon us concerning his
Ranch that Charles Wilcken had visited. He
wanted us to visit Buy it

~ Thursday

7. quite a company of Burlington R R Men called
upon us Also Alexander Nichelson who went to
the Tabernacle to hear the organ we held a Meeting with
the Pavilion Company about their loss we adjourned
the Meeting untill Br Cannon Returned we went to
the Temple & had prayers

~ Friday

8 Wm W Cluff called upon us & made a report
of his visit to Iron County & the coal Beds I had
a conversation with Martha N Sawyier about
her family Affairs. I consented for the Tabernacle
to hold a conscert with Madam Patti to join

~ Saturday

9. Saturday I spent the day at home choreing with
the Men in fixing up things on the Place
The visit to us of Alexander Nichelson K C. Knight
commander of the Royal Household Portugal, Atache to the
Imperial Russian Commission, Worlds Columbian Exposition
This man is among the most Noted Dignitaries of the
Russian Government. I gave him my likeness, & 2 volums of
the History of Utah. we are begining to be visited by the great
men of the whole Earth The revelations of God are being fulfilled concerning Zion

Page 56

~ Monday

Dec 11, 1893
^ Keys crossed^ I spent the day in the office I called my son
Abraham Owen Woodruff with several other young
Men upon a Mission to Jermany He is willing to go
John W Hess & J H Grant called upon me from
Davis wanted help to pay for an Academy
Professor Talmage & Nichelson called & Read Br
Talmage Lecture on Doctrin

~ Tuesday

12 I spent the day in the office I met with Governor
MConell of Idaho spent an hour with us this
Morning Brothe Budge was with the Governor
B H Roberts called upon us upon business

~ Wednesday

13 I spent the day in the office I met with quite
a Number of Parties upon Business
13 Keys crossed A crown Glory to God in the Highest for He
fulfills his word to the Sons of Men. What we
have been looking for so Long came to Pass
this day. The House of Representatives of
the Congress of the United States P^assed^ a Bill for
the Admission of Utah into the Union with
Equal Powers of the other states with ownly five
5 opposing votes. I think it is an Event unheard
of in the whole History of the American Government
we trust it will soon Pass the Senate, and
be signed by the President & soon become a Law
we received Telegrams from G. Q. Cannon
Col Trumbo, & Gen Clarkson, which we answered
by Telegram. Also sent congratulations to Rawlins

Page 57

~ Thursday

Dec 14, 1893
14 Thursday we went to the Temple & had Prayers
in the forenoon we granted the use of the Tabernacle
for the use of the Educational Board

~ Friday

15 Keys crossed in company with Joseph F Smith & F D Richards
I rode to Ogden & Met with the conference of the
Relief Socity & Young Ladies Mutual there was
supposed to be 1500 persons Peresent I shook hands
with more than 100 persons WW spoke in the
forenoon 20 M J F Smith 20 M. Afternoon
W Woodruff spoke 60 M Emily Richards reported
our cause at the fair W. Wood Bishop MCquarrie
spoke 10 M F E Brown 10 M, Sister Monch 6 F D Richards
15 M. Jane Richards spoke 10 M W Woodruff Dismissed
we administered to a sick woman we went to Brother
F D Richards & took supper & Returned to S L C. 80 Miles

~ Saturday

16. I spent the day at home Reading

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I spent this day at home reading

~ Monday

18 I met with F. S Richards & Bishop Preston at the
office About a Deed of Land in Mexico A mistake
was made in the Deed

~ Tuesday

19 I met with several Dignitaries of the Railroad
I Received a Letter from G. Q. Cannon Telegrams were
sent to the Chairman on Territories from both parties
pThe Liberal Party disbanded last night and to day
cease to Exist The Clergymen of various sects
met Last night & the Majority voted to no longer oppose
Statehood for Utah a great change is manifest concerning The saints.

Page 58

~ Wednesday

Dec 20, 1893
I spent the day in the office And attended to the duties of the
A hand pointing to the right day I received 3 Letters, one from G. Q. Cannon

~ Thursday

21. Received a Letter from G Q Cannon concerning
his son we Met at the Temple & had prayers

~ Friday

22. I spent the day in the office & had a good Deal company

~ Saturday

23 I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

24 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading

~ Monday

25 Keys crossed Christmass I had my family together
all well and Happy Prest G. Q. Cannon arived home
this morning &from New York & called uppoon me.

~ Tuesday

26 I went to the office found Cannon & Grant company
together And I met quite a Number of Men
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to Brother Thompson Cottam & Atkin

~ Wednesday

27. We met with the onyx company in the morning
then with F. S. Richards upon the Saltair business

~ Thursday

28 I met with Jaques & Carter in the Morning upon the
Valley House Rent Met with H. B. Clawson about the Hospital
with Roberts about politics. I wrote 2 letters to Sarah
sent her $15 in tithing & $10 cash to fish culture $1

~ Friday

29 A snow storm I met at the office & at
10 oclock with the Twelve & continued our
Meeting upon the subject of Building a Rail Road
to Loass Angels speeches were made upon
the subject of our providing work for the People
Keys crossed We spent two days 28 & 29 in the Temple with the
Twelve upon the purchasing of some coal Mines in
Cedar City & the building of a Rail Road to Loss Angels

Page 59

Dec 29, 1893
These two Last days have been vary important
ones in my History My two councillors & the Twelve
Apostles Depend upon me to Decide upon this
important subject After two days discussion upon
this subject I decided it wisdom to Buy the Mines
or coal Beds Examined By Wm W Cluff, also
to build the Rail Road if the Lord opened the way

~ Saturday

30. I spent the day at home

~ Sunday

31. Sunday I spent this day at home mostly reading

This is the Last of the year of 1893. It has been a vary
important year in Many respects It has been a hard
year throughout the world in financial Matters money
hard to obtain. Their has been the Greatest changes taken
place concerning the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints during the year 1893 Ever known since it's
Organization A Bill for the Admission of Utah into
the Union as A State Passed the House of Representatives
with ownly 5 opposing votes. The Mormon Quire took
the 2nd Prize in the Chicago fair in contesting agains the
world W. Woodruff G Q Cannon & J F Smith as the
Presidency of the Church was Received with open
Arms at the Chicago fair by the Leading Men of the world
Even the Mayor & citizens of Jackson County Enterta-
inded us & made us welcome And all our opponets
in Utah have laid down the weapons of war And
Ask for a state Government Our Temple is Dedicated
on the following Page will be recorded A synopsis of 1893

Page 60

A Synopsis of Wilford Woodruff Labors in 1893
I spent most of this [year] at my Desk in my office
Attending to the duties of the Presidency which
were various and Extensive. I travelled 3913 Miles
I Attended 8 conference Held 35 Meeting Deliverd 30 Dis[courses]
I attended 52 Meetings with the Twelve, and 25 prayer circle
I wrote 72 Letters, Received 56. Blessed 5 children
I paid $1299.80 Taxes and $900 Tithing
I paid $2000 Donation on the Temple in 1893
The greatest Event of 1893 was the Dedication
of the Great Salt Lake Temple Wilford Woodruff
Dedicated it first And attended the first
21 Meetings & through sickness was absent on the
15 & 16. The power of God was Manifest in the
dedication of this Temple & many things revealed
by the power of God to the Presidency of
the Church Near 50 years ago while in the
city of Boston I had a vision of going with the Saints
to the Rocky Mountains Building a Temple And I dedicated it
two nights in succession biefore John Taylors Death president
Young gave me the Kees of the Temple & told me to go and
Dedicate it which I did

Page 61


Page 62

~ Monday

Jan 1, 1894
I spent most of the day at home went to Clara
& took Dinner of Turkey went to the Theater in the Evening

~ Tuesday

2nd Received a Letter from Sarah at Provo Professor
Talmage called & read his lecture upon baptism
J Jaques & Mr Carter of the Valley House called
upon the Business of the House

~ Wednesday

3 I spent the day in the office Mostly in company with my
two councillers I went to Nephyi Claytons & took a Meal
of fresh oysters on the shell & clams. I attended a Bank Meeting

~ Thursday

4th I spent the forenoon in the office the Afternoon in the Temple
And had Prayers

~ Friday

5. I spent most of the day in the office Professor Talmage 6 Mils
read to the Presidency his lecture upon Faith Repentance and
Baptism and the reception of the Holy Ghost

~ Saturday

6 I attended the priesthood meeting at the Assembly Hall
some 20 Men were called to be ordained Elders A M
gave instruction to the Meeting followed By
G. Q. Cannon & W. Woodruff

~ Sunday

7. Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

8 I met with quite a company of Bankers & business
^ An arrow^ men at the office to see what could be done for
Leonard WG. Hardy who was a Defa^u^lter in the Money He
had collected for the county & city Amounting to $28000.
We have strugeled several Days to relieve him but have
not been Able to Accomplish it

~ Tuesday

9. We met again this morning on Hardy's affairs
we were full of business all day

Page 63

Jan 9, 1894
Keys crossed This has been an important day concerning affairs
of the Church the U.S. Government has had possession
of the Real Esstate of the Church, & nearly $500000 dollars
of our money & stocks for several years in the courts
for years & the Congress of the United States
Passed a Bill to restore our personal Property
& the supreme Court ordered the money to be
turned over to the Presidency of the Church but it
had to be turned over to the supreme Court
of Utah Territory to day the supreme Court
here ordered the Receiver to turn over the
Money to the Presidency of the Church amounting
to ($438174.39) which will help us to partly
to Pay our debts Also the shares 4742 of the
Telegraph Line And office furniture in the hands
of James Jack in church office, in Presidents office
office furniture and Books in Historians office and
office furniture andturned over By late receiver
Dyer to present receiver Lawrence Now this order
to turn over this money will assist us to pay a
Part of the Debts. We had much company Bishop
Preston called upon us again about $140000 dollars
He owed to the Banks Br Goosebeck & wife called about
a Bill of Divorce

~ Wednesday

10. I spent the day in the chur office Had a report from
Smith & Hardy concerning there survey for a Rail Road
& we talked about the Bank

Page 64

~ Thursday

Jan 11, 1894
We attended to some business & went to the Temple had
Prayers & went to President G. Q. Cannons
House, took supper this Meeting was in honor
of Brother Cannon Birthday he being 67 years of age
this 11 day of Jan 1894 we had a good Party speeches
were Maide & a good speechesirit prevailed

~ Friday

12 Keys crossed We The Presidency of the Church signed a
releas of the Church Money in the Hands of the receiver
wh[o] was to turn it over to day to us. We heard
the Lecture on the Sacrament Read by Professor

~ Saturday

13 A hand pointing to the right I signed to day as Trustee in trust
$438,000,174.39 [$438,174.39] drafts upon several Bank
This is the Money turned over by the Congress of
the United States & the supreme Courts to the Presidency
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
I met with my councillers at the office to arange
our Financial Matters

~ Sunday

14 Sunday in company with G Q Cannon & J F Smith
I rode on the UP to Provo & Attended the General
Brothe James E Daniels Prayed F M Lyman
spoke 35, J F Smith 55 M at Noon we met at A. O. Smoots
& G Q Cannon & J F Smith ordained John P. R. Johnson
^and George Holladay^ to the office of Patriarchs &
& Wm D. Robinson to the office of Bishop. In the Afternoon W Woodruff
spoke 36 M & G Q. Cannon 41 Minuts the House
was full & we had a good Meeting we returnd in the Evening 100 Miles

Page 65

~ Monday

Jan 15 1894
We Met at the office in the ^morning^ several of the Twelve and
with the board of ZCMI at 11 {o'clock} we voted to give to the
poor $150 in addition to the $125 given before we also
voted to omit Declairing a Dividend for the next 6 month
we had a Party of young People at our House in the Evening

~ Tuesday

16. We have a hard snow storm this morning we have a
Meeting this morning with the Twelve and we had
Meetings with others we voted to Build a Rail Road to Coleville

~ Wednesday

17. I met this morning with Wm W Cluff upon the
Coal Mindes of Coleville we also Met with Brother Eccles
about the settlement of the Saltair Pavilion work
it was voted to Allow the Bill of cost over the
contract price to Brother Eccles if He would buy
out Mr White of his $20000 dollar of stock in
the Mi Saltair Beach Company Brother Armstrong
called upon us we went to the Temple Attended to the
sacrament & other work

~ Thursday

18 YOU ARE HERE Prest G. Q. Cannon & H. B. Clawson left for New York
I spent the day in New Ythe office attending to the business

~ Friday

19th I spent the day in the office ^I Ordained A O Woodruff to the office of seventy & set him apart to a Mission to Jermaney^

~ Saturday

20 I spent the day at home Emma & Owen went to Provo
And just as they arived there Anna Smoot wife
of Abram O Smoot Died she has been low for Months

~ Sunday

21. Sunday I spent the day at home. I & Emma laid hands upon
the Head of Abraham Owen Woodruff our son and Blessed him
He also blessed me & his Mother He felt well about his Mission
and was willing to go upon his Mission

Page 66

~ Monday

Jan 22, 1894
I spent the day in the office F Armstrong & Heber Bennion
called & we done some business with them. My Nephew
A. H. Woodruff wrote to me saying his Father my
Brother Thompson was Dead. He died on the 28 Dec
1893 Aged 89 years & 6 days Being born Dec 22, 1804
A coffin Thompson Woodruff
Born Dec 22, 1804
Died Dec 28, 1893 Aged 89 Years 6 days
I also received a Letter from John H Woodruff on his Father Dead

~ Tuesday

23. I PAccompanied my son to the Depo to Join his
companions on their mission to Jermany it was hard
Parting with Owen & his Mother, & his home After
leaving home we drove to Ovando Beebe, & He parted with
her & the children I wrote one Letter to Asahel & one to
A hand pointing to the right A M Woodruff on the death of His Father

John W Hess & Brother Grant from Davis Stake called
As the President of the stake Wm R Smith was Dead they
called for council

~ Wednesday

24 I I spent the day in the office had a good Deal of company

~ Thursday

25 An Exceding busy day had an interview
with Professors Kingsbury & Stewart called upon
us & offered to give the Presidency of the State University
to Professor Talmage & wished us to unite
the Church University with the State University as
there is not means or students to sustain but one

Page 67

Jan 25 1894
we met in the Temple & took up the subject of the uniting
of the Church & state Universities did not decide

~ Friday

26. A Hard snow storm I got a card from Owen
A hand pointing to the right I sent a Letter to Henry & E to Nellie I also wrote
a letter to Owen in care of Asahel I met with
Emil Maeser who has been on a Mission to Germany
& is called to go again

~ Saturday

27 I spent the day at home mostly reading

~ Sunday

28 Sunday I spent most of the day reading the History of the
Prophet Joseph Smith And when I contrast the great changes
of the Latter Day Saints between the Persecution of the people
in Jackson, Clay, Ray, Davis, [blank] Counties Missoury and our
condition to Day in Utah in the Rocky Mountains I feel
to thank God for the condition we are in to day

~ Monday

29. I met with Professors Kingsbury, Stewart & Talmage
Keys crossed I gave my consent to permit Professor Talmage to be
president of the State University & to suspend the Church
believing that if we carry on our Church
colleges, Academies, & schools it will be all we can do
for Many years while the University will be occupied
by our own sons & Daughters

~ Tuesday

30 I received a Letter from Philo Dibble And Answered
it I met with Brother Robert & others on reading his
Book on the succession of Priesthood

Keys crossed A crown I examined my trunk of Journals at night &
found all my Journals lost or missing from 1835 to 1847
I am in hopes to find them in the future ^F D Richards Has all these Journals.^

Page 68

~ Wednesday

Jan 31, 1894
I spent this day in the office Met with several of the Brethren

~ Thursday

Feb 1. I met with John Howard who gave me 1 Name of the
Woodruffe Sir Richard Woodrouffe in the 16 cent [16th century] I learned
that F. D. Richards had my lost Journals

~ Friday

2 I spent the day in the office I wrote a Letter to Jacob Brewer

~ Saturday

3 I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacl Joseph F Smith
spoke 1 H & 20 Minuts W Woodruff spoke 15 Minutes & bore
Testimony of the work of God in the Last days

~ Monday

5 I met with Orson Smith & James Sharp bringing Arguments
in behalf of the State University & Agreculturer College
A hand pointing to the right I received 5 Letters for the family from Owen I wrote
a Letter to Owen also Emma in the same Envellope

~ Tuesday

6. I met with several Brethren upon business I met with
E H Butler Editor of Buffalo Evening News He was
a Presbyterian Editor He was a good man and
Promised to do what He could for us & I think
He will I visited Bishop Burton with Asahel The
Bishop was vary having been kicked with a Horse on
both Legs beneah the knee & blood Poisen had set in
but he was better we administered to him

~ Wednesday

7. I met Wm W Cluff at the office and attended to business
with him I met with the Bank board & met with
F. D. Richards & F S Richards concerning some Matters
in Ogden

~ Thursday

8 I spent the forenoon in the office The Afternoon in the Temple

~ Friday

9. I spent the day in the office I signed a Note of $2000 for Reed Smoot

Page 69

~ Saturday

Feb 10, 1894
I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

11 Sunday I spent the day reading

~ Monday

12 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Wm Atkin & to Owen & sent him an
invitation to our Birth Day Party. I got 250 invitations
to the Party Printed and I spent the Evening to a late hour
in singgning a hundred and fifty of the invitations to the
partys invited we sent 2 to Owen & 1 to each of these
with [blank]

~ Tuesday

13 I met with many parties to day got word that the
Steemer Dubbeldam upon which Owen & company
sailed would reach Rotterdam to day, later it has arived.

~ Wednesday

14. gave Br Wilcken My large likeness fo Calafornia fair
I signed 66 License for students in the Religion
classes to teach in any school in the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints. James Jack paid to day
J. T. Rich $4500. We still owe him $25000 on the Ioesepa
Ranch to susstain the Hawaiians

~ Thursday

15 G. Q. Cannon & H. B. Clawson arived this morning
Both came to the office and the Presidency were together
again we met with the board of Z.C.M.I Then with
Bishop Preston Bishop Burton of the farmers ward
is vary low I am afraid we will loose him

~ Friday

16 we are having the Hardest snow storm of the winter
I got a Letter from A. O. Smoot saying that He was failing fast
Cannon & Grant company are having a meeting at the office

~ Saturday

17. I spent the day at home reading & writing

~ Sunday

18 Sunday A Hard snow storm I spent the day at home

Page 70

~ Monday

Feb 19 1894
We had calls at the office several companies of Gentlemen
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Owen containing Letter for Wilford
& Emma W Woodruff G Q Cannon & J F Smith
laid Hands upon John Miller & ordained him to a High
72 years of Age & Brother to Bishop Reuben Miller

~ Tuesday

20. I met with Mr & Mrs Wright from Colombus Kansas
we met with David Ecckles & co., And with several men

~ Wednesday

21 I spent the day in the office attending to an appeal from Brigham City

~ Thursday

22 Washington Birth day I spent at home reading the
History of the United States

~ Friday

23 I met with Brothers Clawson & G. Q Cannon on their
visit in the East. We met with some members in the
^ A folded letter/box^ Legislatures. I received 3 Letters

~ Saturday

24. I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I drove to Sessions to visit Sister Sarah Foss I
herd she was dying we found her alive but she was vary low
& suffering much I Blessed her & dedicated her to God
for her burial I then returned home distance 25 M

~ Monday

26. Keys crossed A crown This was a day Appointed for me to have
a Meeting with the leading Authorities of the Church & the
Temple workers in celebration of my 87 Birth day
instead of the 1st of March Our Meeting was in the Annex
of the Temple I went to the office in the morning
I received a Letter from my Grand Daughter
Eugenia Cody & sent Photograhh of Herself & 2 children
We met at the Temple at 1 oclock we met with 230 persons
we had speeches songs and a fest it was one of the greatest days of my life

Page 71

~ Tuesday

Feb 27, 1894
A plesant day I went to the office in the Morning we met
yesterday the 26 with members of the Legislature giving an
account of the Laws they were passing I received Telegrams
this Morning congratulating me upon the celebration of my birth
I received several Letters from Brethren in St George

~ Wednesday

28 This is the Last day of winter sfor 1893 & 4. we met
with Wm W Cluff on the coal Beds of Coleville. Also
with Brother Scearse on Legislative Business our church business
is becoming formidable God ownly can carry us through.

~ Thursday

[March 1] A heart Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 87 years
old this Day
A heart Emma Woodruff
Born March 1, 1838
Aged 56 years
old this day

We celebrated this our birthday in the Annex of the Temple
by meeting 230 of our friends, including the Presidency
of the Church, the Twelve Apostles, the workers in the Temple
our families, & other friends we had speeches singing
and Prayer we also had a feast At the close we shook
Hands with the whole company with the salutation of God Bless you

Page 72

March 1, 1894
I went to the office & met with a large Number of
the Members of the Legislature upon the financial condition
of the Territory & of the school system many remarks were [made]
^ A folded letter/box^ I received my first Letter from Owen in Paris

~ Friday

2nd I with my councillors went to Savages to get our
likenesses taken in a group to see how I looked on my 87
Birth day He took us in various positions we Met with
the Twelve A hand pointing to the right On our return to the office the Presidency & Twelve
Met on the business of the Church and the business was vary
complicated so much was required of me that it was difficult
for me to decide I was quite unwell & went home sick

~ Saturday

3. I was quite sick through the day I was quite dizy & my
nerves were quite affected

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I spent the day in the House reading

~ Monday

5. ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I read received a Letter from Owen & wrote to Owen
Enclosed one from Emma & Blach

~ Tuesday

6. I am quite unwell to day talked with the Apostles
concerning my condition & Church affairs

Sarah B Foss Died (at Sessions) March 4th 1894
At 8:15 AM Aged 93 years [blank] Month [blank] Days
A coffin Sarah B. Foss Died
March 4, 1894 Aged 93 years
5 Months 4 Days.

Page 73

~ Wednesday

March 7, 1894
I felt some better this morning we were visited this morni
by Wm B Wood from boston I received a Letter from
^ A hand pointing to the right^ Henry & wrote one in return we were busy untill I went home

~ Thursday

8 A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from Owen one to me & one to Alice
All [at] 11 oclok In company with G Q Cannon & J F Smith
I went to the 14 ward School House to Attend the
Funeral of Sister Sarah B Foss This is also the birth day of
Phebe Woodruff or would be if she was living W. Woodruff
spoke at the funeral & said No Person could Mornurn upon
this occasion He was followed by J. F. Smith F. D. Richards
Bishop Hess & G. Q. Cannon the corpse was then taken
to the cemetry Brothe Budge called upon us we Met at the
Temple I wrote to Owen & Jacob Weiler

~ Friday

9. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote to Sarah I met with several parties I sent
a card to Dr Scammans & Shuah C Moulton on
the Burial of Sarah B Foss

~ Saturday

10 I spent the day at home writing

~ Sunday

11 Sunday I Attended Meeting at the Tabernacle G. Q. Cannon
spoke 1 Hour W. Woodruff 30 M. the spirit of the Lord was with us

~ Monday

12. We met with many parties I sent a Letter to Owen from Blanch
I administered to Sister McEwen

~ Tuesday

13 I wrote a Letter to Owen we met with several
Brethren to convers upon church business, also with Sisters
Zina & Barshebe upon holding a conference upon April 5.

G Q. Cannon & W Woodruff ordained Darias Race
to the office of High Priest & Patriarch He was 89 years of age
& well & mind clear I had a Meeting with Professor Talmage

Page 74

~ Wednesday

March 14, 1894
I rode down North Temple street to Silvers to see
A New Pump. The Meintype inundater Force Pump, set in
the stream of water & pumps 1500 gal in a Minute I received
a good Letter from Owen to Ovando & Clara it was
an Excellent Letter I was much pleased with the
spirit He manifests we took supper

~ Thursday

15 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote to Owen I & Emma sent Letter. I received
a Letter from Brother Naegle The board of sugar factory
Met at the office

The ZCMI Board met and recepts for Feb were
$162,845.33 Disbursment were $149,070.92 recepts for
1843 [1893] were $2497916.48 cts. We also got word that
Spencer Clawsons wife Nabbie Young Clawson
died to day at 1:10 oclock Aged [blank]

~ Friday

16 I met with Brother Cutler upon borrowing $100000
on the sugar works I met with Professor Talmage who
read a lecture on the Book of Mormon

~ Saturday

17. I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I was not vary well & spent the day at home

~ Monday

19 ^ A single key with teeth to the right^ I had a Dream in the night I met with Benjamin Franklin
I thought He was on the Earth I spent several hours with him
And talked over our Endowments He wanted some more work
done for him than had been done which I promised heim He
should have {his} (2nd {anointing}) I thought then He diedd and while
waiting for burial I awoke I thought vary strange of my
Dream I made up my mind to get 2nd Anointing for
Benjamin Franklin & George Washington

Page 75

March 19, 1894
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I received 3 Letters from Owen to myself, Emma & Asahel
He manifested a vary good spirit I also wrote 2 Letters
to Cornelius D Schettler & Wm McEwan I had an inter-
view with J J Schaerrer who has been presiding in the
German Mission He gave me an account of How the brethren
were situated John R Winder called G Q Cannon sick

~ Tuesday

20 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote to Owen 5 pages we have a call for Money Everyday
& other Assistance in these hard times and we cannot
grant the request ownly in Part

~ Wednesday

21. I spent the day in the office Afternoon W Woodruff J F Smith
F. M. Lyman Abram & G. Q. Cannon called upon Prest G Q
Cannon who was sick & laid Hands upon him J F Smith
Anointed him W Woodruff was mouth He was afflicted with
what is called vertigo I then went home

~ Thursday

22 Prest ^G Q^ Cannon came to the office & went to the Temple
with us He was quite feeble

~ Friday

23 Prest G. Q. Cannon could not come to the office
Brother Jack & Clayton went Down to see him
Wm W Cluff called upon me I wrote 2 Letters to
Newton Mary

~ Saturday

24 I spent the day at home I laid out ground for planting
a fruit orchard. In the Evening I Attended a party at
Br McDonalds with my councillors & quite a com-
pany of friends and we had music & Dancing & speeches

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I spent the forenoon at home & the Afternoon at
Claras with the family and came home in the Evening

~ Monday

26 I spent the day at the office

Page 76

March 26 1894
I met with many of the Brethren at the office I met
with George Teasdale & Brigham Young from Mexico
and Brother Talmage on the University [and] several Elders from
the Islands several asked from for money Brother Benjamin
Cluff Jr
called I received a Letter from Owen He
A hand pointing to the right gave a history of his sea voyage to Germany He was
sick nearly all the voyage He wrote to Wilford Beatie
His Letter was vary interesting

~ Tuesday

27. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote to Asahel ^Owen^ as did Emma I also wrote
to Nellie. Two rail road Dignitaries called
upon me also Lgrand Young F D Richards &
others I signed 43 Licensces of the board of Educatin
Judge Harkness & Professer Talmage called upon us
upon the University

~ Wednesday

28 I spent the day in the office & Attended to the
business of the same several called upon us

~ Thursday

29 Emma & Asahel went in Brother Farnsworth
Private carr to Deserett I called upon Thomas
in the E[v]ening with G. Q. Cannon J. F Smith & the
Twelve with several others to Meet with Mr B Nagarker
A man from Bombyay India it was reported that
He called to study Mormonism Dr Utter brought
him in But I learned that Neither Mr Utter nor
Nagarker believed in the Bible or Jesus as the savior
of the world or the resurrection

I set out an orchard of 30 fruit trees at the farm House
of Apple Peach Pares & Chery

Page 77

~ Friday

March 30, 1894
A hand pointing to the right I mailed a Letter to Owen from Blanch this morning
I wrote a letter to him also Professor Talmage called
us to make arangements for us to Endow a chair in
the University upon Geology

~ Saturday

31. I spent the day at home fixing up the garden
tying up grapes & raspberies pruning trees &c

~ Sunday

April 1. Sunday Jesse W Fox died this Morning
vary suddenly at Bountiful
A coffin Jesse W. Fox
Died April 1, 1894
Aged 75 years
Aged 75 years
He has been a vary
useful man in
Utah & Salt Lake
as surveyor & filling other offices

~ Monday

2nd ^ A folded letter/box^ I received 2 letters from Owen one to me
& one to Blanch Also 1 from James J Woodruff
Owen wrote in a vary good spirit Presidents
Cannon & Smith returned from Bannock conference
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote 5 Letters to Sarah, Mary, Owen James &c we
met with several of the Twelve concerning the course
John W Taylor was taking

~ Tuesday

3. I got an order from the Tithing office for Asahel
on the Millard Stake for 2000 lbs of oats for feed &
100 bushels of seed grain this Borrowed for AW [Asahel Woodruff]
till fall to cultivate the Desert Land for seed
The Twelve meet this morning in council I had an
interview with Orson Smith of Logan & Jary Langford
about afairs in the west

Page 78

~ Wednesday

April 54 1894
I met with quite A Number of the Brethren who
had come to conference among the number is David
, Bleak, &c we had Many callers Asahel ^Bysickle^ stolen

~ Thursday

5 I had a long Letter from Tobias upon our Affairs in
the East I met with the Presidency & Twelve Apostles
[FIGURES] upon the subject of Endowments & Adoption
And the following is a Revelation to Wilford Woodruff
upon that subject

Page 79

~ Friday

April 6 1894 The Presidency & Twelve Apostles
met in conference in the Tabernacle ^Temple^ in S L City
at 10 oclok Prest W Woodruff a Revelation concerni[n]g
the Endowments & Adoptions which was received
by my councillors & Ten of the Twelve Apostles
All of the Apostles present Br Lund in England
& M. Thatcher at home. We opened the conference

April 6. The Presidency & Twelve met the cong-
regation of the Saints in the Tabernacle on the
64 semi Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter day Saints at 10 oclok prayer by
J F Smith W Woodruff spoke 5 Minuts Abram
spoke 25 Minuts

Page 80

April 6, 1894
M W Merrill spoke 30 Minuts John W Taylor
3025 M. Afternoon prayer By ^Reynolds^, H J Grant spoke 18
G Teasdale 45 M. John Henry Smith 40 M.

~ Saturday

^April 7^ F M Lyman 22 M, B Young 15 M F D Richards 26 M
Lorenzo Snow 29 M. At noon we Met a Number
of Brethren ^who^ called upon me on Business Afternoon
prayer By B H Roberts the Authorities of the Church
were presented & reports given about 200000 members of
the diferent stakes and reports of the sabbath school &
young Ladies. The reports of the sabbath school showed
74221 members members of the Primary 29489 Total

~ Monday

April 9 we met in the Assembly Hall with the Authorities
of the church the following spoke J F Smith, B. Young
F M Lyman, G Q Cannon & W Woodruff

~ Tuesday

10. I went to Ogden with my councillors & others &
met on the Board of the Pioneer Electric Power Co
we heard the report Frank Cannon As manager
& Mr Bannester as secretary and Engenees [Engineers] concerning
the power company A good deal of business was
done but we had to adjourn in order to Attend a
a party at my House we returned to Salt Lake and
Met Brother G. Q. Cannon J F Smith D. H. Cannon
Wm Thompson J McAllister G Teasdale & G J Bleak
at my House & took supper. Distance of the day 86 mile

~ Wednesday

11 Met with Brother Smith & Langford {upon mines}
Met the Brethren of the 12 on Mexican Lands

Page 81

~ Thursday

April 12.
W Woodruff signed a $50000.0 dollar Note with W S Mccormic
took up $15000 dollar Note with Mr Duly which makes
the Last we owe him. The Presidency Met & heard
read the Discourse of W. Woodruff & made such corr-
ections as was necessary before Publications
13We met with the Board of the Ogden Power Company and done
a good Deal of Business

~ Friday

13 I met in the morning with Brother Card upon Canadian Land
Matters I met with my councillors, H. B. Clawson Frank Cannon
upon our Railroad affairs. Wife & Daughter of John Morgan
called upon me to see if we could help them to pay $2000
dollars interest upon the money they Borrowed upon their
house Cannon & Grant Co held a Meeting in the office
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from Owen one to Father & Mother & one to Blanch
A hand pointing to the right I wrote Owen a Letter

~ Saturday

14 I spent the day at home mostly reading

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I spent the day reading

~ Monday

16. ^ An arrow^ Henry McEwan was killed by his team runing away
died this morning. I met with A M Cannon & C.
W Penrose
of the Presidency of the stake upon business
I met with Orson Smith & Jerry ^E.^ Langford {I gave
them one} 1,000 {dollars in business.} J W Clawson the Artist
called upon to take my likeness I went to Dinwoody
to pick out a chair to sit in we had snow all day

~ Tuesday

17. ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received 3 good Letters 2 from Owen one from Jacob
both manifested a Godlike spirit I wrote
one Letter to Owen of 4 pages Blanch & Alice wrote

Page 82

~ Wednesday

April 18, 1894
A stormy morning Prest G Q Cannon & H B Clawson
started this morning for New York to attend to busines
In company with J F Smith we visited the Temple and saw
the ordinances of the Endowments Performed for the first
time since the Dedication of the Temple The funeral of
Henry McEwan was Attended to day

~ Thursday

19. Alford Lambourne called in the morning & showed us
plate of Big Cottton wood snow slide scenery for a Book
we went to the Temple at 2 oclok & had Prayers with
the Twelve Apostles Emma Dreamed of meeting Owen

~ Friday

20 I spent the day in the office Attending to Duties of the day

~ Saturday

21 I spent the day at home Assisted planting potatoes Not wise

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday spent the day at home reading was rather poorley

~ Monday

23 I called upon J. W Clawson the Artist who started to paint
my full likeness I spent 2 Hours with him then went to
the office met with Wm Rydalch He spoke of working in
the Temple for His dead freinds I received a letter from
Owen to his Mother He manifests a Noble spirit He also
wrote to Asahel And I never saw a Better spirit in
a young missionary in my life than his Letters manifest

~ Tuesday

24 Keys crossed I received 2 letters from Wm McEwan and
Cornelius Schettler they were both Excellent
Letters we also received a package of Photographs of
the five Missionaries who went as Missionaries
from Salt Lake including Owen we also got
near a Dozen single Likenesses of Owen I also wrote
A hand pointing to the right one Letter to Wm McEwan it is a warm plesant day

Page 83

~ Wednesday

April 25 1894
Keys crossed A crown I wrote a Letter to Owen to day of 6 pages
And a private Letter A copy of which I kept we decided
to send Professor Talmage to Ireland on the museum
question As they had admitted Utah Museum into the
Europeum Conference as the ownly one received in
America. The wife of Henry McEwan died today she had been
sick a long time she was the Daughter of Leanard W. Hardy

~ Thursday

26 A stormy day. We met with Messrs Mirsyers &
Bourfield two Gentlemen who wish to unite with
us in building a Rail Road to St George & coal & Iron fields
fouth [south] in Iron County The Twelve met met
with us in the Temple we had prayers

~ Friday

27. I spent the day in the office I met with Brother H E Baker
about building a Reservoir in Blue water in New Mexico

~ Saturday

28 I spent the day at home reading & overseeing things

~ Sunday

29. Sunday I spent the day at home reading I spent
a short time at Dr Benedicts in the Evening talking
with Loran Pratt who is Deaf & Dumb but still I
could convers with him vary well

~ Monday

30. I spent the day at the office I visited the Continental
Market that has on Exhibition the Home Products
of this Territory which is vary fine I wrote two
A hand pointing to the right Letters to Owen & Brother Naegle I asked Br Naegle to
send Jacob Weiler or some one to labor with Owen

~ Tuesday

May 1. I mailed a Letter from Blanch to Owen. The
Utah Armey went south last night to Murrey
The speeches of the Leaders was quite warlike

Page 84

May 1, 1894
These Armies of Men out of work gathering into larg
Bodies and Marching to Washington I think is going to
lay the foundation of Great Trouble for surely there is
great trouble awaiting the Nations of the Earth including
the United States. There is already begining to Earthquak
in Divers Places which are Destroying much property
and lives Also storms, cyclones & the sea Heaving
itself beyound its bounds which are causing great
Destruction through out the world I met with President
Hess & council one Man was set apart as his second

~ Wednesday

2 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received 2 letters from Owen one to Me, one to Blanch
Both vary good Letters Owen suffers vary much with fleeas
we Met with the Zion's Savings Bank|savings Bank]] board {I had quite a sad day on the wages and money}

~ Thursday

3 I was sick nearly all day went to the Temple in the Afternoon

~ Friday

4. I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

5 I spent the day at home. I worked some in the Garden

~ Sunday

6 Sunday I spent the day at home resting & reading

~ Monday

7. I spent the day in the office we held a Meeting with the
Board of the Rexburgh Mill a Dividend of 8 per ct was declair[ed]
And the old Board was realected

~ Tuesday

8 I met with the Board of the scientific society I received
^ A hand pointing to the right^ a Letter from John H Woodruff & wrote one in return

~ Wednesday

9. I went to the office in the morning and Met
wet with the Board of the Literary & Scientific
to make lease to the Deseret University
of the college & instruments

Page 85

May 9 1894
I Accompianied Mr Herbert the Secretary of
the Navy and his party in a private car to the
Pavilion at the Lake. He was vary much
Pleased with Salt Lake City and our pavilion
at the Lake 26 Mils

~ Thursday

10 I spent the forenoon in the office Afternoon in the Temple

~ Friday

11. I suffered much last night with the Asthma hard Breathing
I spent the day in the office Col Henry Watterson
called upon me And I attended his lecture in the
Theater in the Evening on Money & Morals He spoke
an hour and a half and had a gift to Entertain
^ A hand pointing to the right^ His Hearers received Letter from & Answered it

~ Saturday

12 J. F. Smith & myself went to the D. & R. G
to go to Manti to Attend the conference The marching
Army under Carter had stolen carrs at Lehi
& the Governer had gone Down to arange the
Matter & after we waited two hours we got
word that the train could not connect with
the Manti train & we returned home.

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I was not well & spent the day at home
I received an {insulting letter [illegible shorthand]} Letter from Delight

~ Monday

14 A hand pointing to the right I received a Letter from Owen Dated April 28
to Father & Mother Prest G. Q. Cannon Arived home
to day & again met with us He looked well I wrote
Owen 8 page Letter Blanche Enclosed a letter

~ Tuesday

15 A rainey morning Brother Farnsworth from Manti
called Presidency in council

Page 86

~ Wednesday

May 16, 1894
I met with my councillors on Business

~ Thursday

17. Keys crossed Me [We] met for the first time with Mr Perbeck the
Presidency & several of the Twelve went to the Parvilion
with him He is vary favorably impressed with our Affairs
I have felt that the President Lord had raised up
that man to Assist Us in our temporal Deliverance

~ Friday

18 I spent the day in the offic I met with Mr Perbeck
& spent most of the day with him in making arangement
about Busines of Railroading

~ Saturday

19. We spent most of the day with Mr Perbeck

~ Sunday

20 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Owen to Father Mother
and Blanch I spent the day at home

~ Monday

21. I went to Ogden with Asahel through a
Mistake took Breakfast with Frank Cannon &
returned home 80 Miles

~ Tuesday

22 In Company with my two councillors I went
to Ogden & held a Meeting with the Board of the
Ogden water power company & Entered into a
contract with Mr George Perbeck the second part
As our financeer Agent to raise $1,200,000 dollars
to Esstablish the water power company we then
returned home distance 80 Miles

~ Wednesday

23 we held a Meeting with Mr Perbeck to Esstablish
^ A hand pointing to the right^ Rail Roads [railroads] I mailed a Letter to Owen with one
from Emma, Blanch & Alice

~ Thursday

24 We met with Mr George Perbeck on Esstablishing
a RailRoad we went to the Temple and transacted some businese

Page 87

~ Friday

May 25 1894
We met with Mr Perbeck on our Affairs I
also received a Recommend from Joseph S Woodruff
to Mrs Godfrey McDonald of Chicago to visit
Salt Lake City we appointed a carriage to take her
and Escort through the city & to the Beach

~ Saturday

26. I went to the office Met with Burbeck & co I Received
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right a Letter from Mary wrote her in return {Sent} 25 {dollars}

~ Sunday

27. Sunday I went to the Tabernacle Br Penrose spok
one hour on the Gospel W Woodruff followed 20 Minuts
We received a Letter from Owen & a Doz knives

~ Monday

^ A folded letter/box^ 28 I received 3 Letters from Owen to Father Mother
& Alice I received a Letter from Wm McEwan
I Mailed a letter to wOwen of 4 pages & 4 from Mother
Blanch 4 pages I had a visit from the President
of the German Mission

~ Tuesday

29 Decoration Day I spent the day in the office
I Met in Meeting with Mr Perbeck. The presidency
took supper with Mr Perbeck we parted with
him at the office He took cars for New York

~ Wednesday

30 Decoration Day I spent the day in the office

~ Thursday

31. I spent the forenoon in the office I met with the
Deseret Canal Company & found we had
more Money to pay we spent the Afternoon
in the Temple & had prayers. Sarah & Mary called
on there way home

~ Friday

June 1. I spent the day in the office I signed 30
drafts on Zions Savings Bank

Page 88

~ Saturday

June 2nd 1894
I spent the day at home worked most of the day in
the Garden

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I spent the day at home reading & resting

~ Monday

4. ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a Letter from Owen to Father & Mother
I mailed a Letter to him this Morning one from Father
& one from Mother $I sent him $5 He wrote to Ovando
said He had received $5 from him the first He
had received I met with the Stock Holders of
Zions Savings Bank & reelected the former board

~ Tuesday

5 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote David P Woodruff a letter to day
Cannon & Grant Board Met at the office to day

~ Wednesday

6 I met with councillors & others on the organization
of the Utah Company $25000 {pay in for a} company
we met with the Bank board and attended to its business

~ Thursday

7. We went to the Temple in the Afternoon from
the Temple we went to Mayor Armstrongs
to dedicate his house there was a large [blank] present
G. Q. Cannon was Mouth in the Dedication
The House cost about $40000 one of the
Best in the Territory All of the presidency made
a speech

~ Friday

78. F H Argo of Evanston Episcopal Minister called
to visit our city He spoke well of us J. C Leonard

~ Saturday

9. I spent the day at home was visited By Dr Joseph Richards

~ Sunday

10 Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

11 Sister Stephen called. Her Husband died on Samoa
with company she had a child on arival home

Page 89


Attended the Conference in the Tabernacle Brother Kimball &
Teasdale spoke in the forenoon W Woodruff and G. Q Cannon
in the Afternoon & Brother Grant & J F Smith in the
Evening And had a good Meeting
I went to the office in a snow storm I answered
Brother Frank J Cannon Note with the flag
I wrote to prest Naegle & kept a copy I gave my Note & flag
to John Q Cannon Elder

Page 90

(page 24)
Black raspberry
1 Doz $3
The Arame pertake (page 46)
1 peck $1
Black dimond wertormella 1 oz 3 cents final page
85 + 86 Randolph street charge
Vaughn seed [slae]

87 x 40
3 3
5 6


Page 91

June 11 1894
We held a Meeting with the Ogden Power Company they
wanted us to Raise some Money

~ Tuesday

12 In company with Harrison Sperry & Ensign
my son I rode to Cottonwood ward to visit a farm
that Ensign was about to buy will swap his House
& Lot in Farmers ward for the Farm & pay $2500
dollars to Boot we think it is a good thing for
our Boys to buy a farm to live upon I spent the
Afternoon in the office we had to raise $7,000
on a loan on the Ogden Power Company

~ Wednesday

13 [FIGURES] I received a Letter from Owen to his Mother
I Mailed a letter to Owen to day 4 pages from
Blanch & 4 for myself. We we met with Bishop
Samuel ^W^ W Woodlley to dedicate his House Joseph
F Smith
was mouth in the Dedication

~ Thursday

14 I went to the office in the forenoon I met in the
Temple in the Afternoon The subject of sun light
in our Library instead of Gass light was discussed

~ Friday

15 I spent the day in the offiice I met with Z.C.M.I
Board we received cash during the Month of May—
$214872.69 with cash on hand May 1. Made $248992.32

~ Saturday

16 I spent the day at home reading & choreing

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
Josiah Burrows spoke a short time followed
By G. Q. Cannon & W Woodruff both spoke upon
the Holy Ghost & its office & bore testimony of
the work & Zion of God in these Mountains

Page 92

~ Monday

June 178 1894
I Attended the Exhibition of the common schools
it was vary interesting My Daughter Alice gave a
Resitation which I think done great honor to herself

~ Tuesday

19. A rainey Morning I had my first crop of Lucern
cocked up in the field I met with Dr Grow and
George Godard at the offic we Appointed Brothe
Godard to collect means for the statuary of
President Young

^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a Letter from Owen to Me & one to Blanch
I wrote one to Owen of 4 pages today

~ Wednesday

20 I went to Ogden to Attend a Meeting with
the power company I was quite unwell I attended
the meeting took Lunch with Mr Bannister then
rode up Ogden Canyon 10 Miles & back again
& to Salt Lake City Examed the site for the dam I was
vary weary at Night. Distance of the day 100 Miles

~ Thursday

21. I spent the forenoon in the office the Afternon in
the Temple Attended to considerable business

~ Friday

22 I met with Wm W Cluff & brother on business
And left Salt Lake City on the UP at 2:40
for Brigham City our company consisted of the
workers in the Temple about 150 persons A large
company of children paraded at the Depo at Brigham City
awaiting our return but a heavy shower of rain
drove the children into the Town for shelter we drove
around the Town passed the children and then went
to our places of Abode Myself & wife went to Phebe A Snow 60 mils

Page 93

~ Saturday

June 23 1894
Our company all went up Box Elder Canyon to Mantua
we there met with a large company of children on parade
And their Parents They filled the Meeting House full and
Myself & councillors addressed them we then went into a
large room & sat down to a rich feast 150 of us as guests
At the close of the feast we addressed the sabbath school
children we then returned to our carriages & drove down
the canyon then up onto the bench containing the
waterworks for the city below which was vary
interesting we went to the Theater in the Evening
whare we had quite an Exhibition of Talent

~ Sunday

24 Sunday we Met the Sunday school children in the
Meeting House in the Morning and were addressed
By G. Q. Cannon who questioned them upon upon the
first principles of the gospel & the History of the Church
W Woodruff Addressed them upon the History of the
United States & the wors [wars] thereof, and gave an
account of his Boyhood. Joseph F Smith
Addressed them upon the Gospel of Christ and
gave them good council & advse

In the Afternoon All the Presidency addressed
the Assembly upon the work of God & signs of
the Times
. In the Evening 150 of the workers in
the Salt Lake Temple occupied the Body of the Hall
And there were 20 of the Temple workers called
upon who spoke about 5 minuts each & bore
their Testimony of the work of God

Page 94

June 24, 1894
Sunday Night
[FIGURES] At the close of the 20 speeches made
President Wilford Woodruff arose and delivered the
following Address. Brethren & Sisters As President
of the church I have many Duties to Perform As have
these my councillers & the Apostles And I feel
impressed to make a Declaration unto you at this time
It is reppresented to us that there is about fourteen
hundred Millions of Human beings upon the Earth at the
present time And while I am strongly impressed
with the Principles of the Eternal truths of the Dealings
of the Dealings of God with the inhabitants of the
Earth in the Day and generation in which we live
I wish to Ask this Assembly a question. What
Protection have this vast body of Human being to
Enable them to Escape those tremendious Judg-
which GOD has proclaimed shall come to
pass and be poured out upon the wicked in the
last days before the coming of the Son of Man
These Judgments are recorded in the Bible
the Revelations of St John, The Book of Mormon
& Doctrins & Covenants The men who made these
Declarations were Prophets, Apostles, & inspird Men
and spoke as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost
And their word^s^ were true. I again ask what
Promise or Protection have those vast Millions to
Escape those tremendious Judgements which have
now commenced to visit the Earth. I will answer

Page 95

June 24, 1894
The question for you. Wherever the Eternal
Everlasting and Holy Priesthood or its influence
Dwells there is Protection and salvation and
Nowhare Els. For the ritghts of the Priesthood are
inseparably connected with the Heavens and the Heavens
can ownly be controlled upon the principles of righteousness
The Lord Revealed to Joseph Smith the Prophet
and said that Angels were standing in the Temple
in Heaven holding in their hands sharp sickles and crying
unto God dDay & night saying let us go down and
reap down the fields. But the Lord [said] unto them pluck not
up the tares while the Blade is yet tender Lest you
destroy the wheat also wait untill the wheat is gathered
and the tares bound in Bunddles then the field rem-
aineth to be burned [Doctrine and Covenants 86:6-7] I now bear testimony to this
Assembly that that day has come. These destroying
Angels are sent forth to visit the Earth and have
commencd to poor out the Judgments of God
upon the wicked and will continue untill the
scene is wound up and all fulfilled that God
has promised. Therefore Judgment awaits
the wicked. President Cannon followed and
bore his Testimony upon the same subject

See 86 section of D.C. 5 6 & 7 verses. W Woodruff
Also Testified that the Prophet Joseph sealed upon
the Heads of the Twelve Apostles All the Keys of the kingdom [of]
God that God had sealed upon him And commanded them
to bear off the Kingdom of God or they would be Damed

Page 96

~ Monday

June 25 1894
Much of the Spirit of God rested upon us in our meeting
last Evening we took carriages this morning and
rode to Willard on the way we stoped a short
time to speak to several hundred children who were
paraded in the street as we passed. At Willard we
held a Meeting with the people in the Meeting House
W Woodruff read the 49 chapter of Isaiah
from the 13 verse and spoke to the people was follow
By G Q. Cannon & J F Smith. We then took
dinner 150 persons seated at the Table At the close
of the feast the children gathered in the Meeting House
and Addressed By the Presidency we then rode
to the cars & went onto Ogden & spent 2 Hours
at Ogden then took cars to Salt Lake 60 Miles
I was quite weary when I got home

~ Tuesday

26. I spent the day in the office Met many people

~ Wednesday

27. I Attended to the business of the office I received
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ a Letter from Owen to Father & Ovando I mailed
a Letter to Owen & one from Blanche I also received
^ A folded letter/box^ A letter from Owen to Mother & Blanch

~ Thursday

28 I met with Brother CM Cowley about his Mothers
Debts with H J Grant Met with F D Richards
upon Utah silk business, & with H J Grant
on giving stake organization to Randolph
Woodruff & Lake town. We met with the Twelve in the
Temple (The subject of the Holy Ghost was discustsed)
Wisdom says let mysteries alone

Page 97

~ Friday

June 29, 1894
A warm morning I spent the day in the offic

~ Saturday

30 I went to the office to Attend a Meeting but the
Parties did not come

~ Sunday

July 1. Sunday In company with G. Q Cannon
J F Smith I went to West Jordon Ward to attend
A ward conference we had a vary full congregation
J F Smith spoke in the forenon about 60 minuts
& W Woodruff 30 Minuts. In the Afternoon the
Authorities of the ward were presented & received
then G. Q. Cannon spoke one hour followed By
W Woodruff 5 minuts then returned home 30 M
On my return home I had a fall over a trunk
in my Bedroom which badly hurt my right knee
pan. The Rail Roads [railroads] through the United States being
tied up on a strike stoped all business on RR

~ Monday

2nd A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Susan & Florence I sent Susan $10
I attended to the Business of the day

~ Tuesday

3 I spent the day at the office and attended to the business

~ Wednesday

July 4. I spent the day at home The family went to granite
An arrow all Rail Roads in the United States are tied
up on strike many of our Brethren are away
from home and cannot get Back

~ Thursday

5 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I sent a Letter to day to Owen with one from
Blanch to Him A great deal said about the
RR being tied up all through the U. S. we met in
the Temple

~ Friday

6 I visited the Artist, and in the office

Page 98

~ Saturday

July 7, 1894
I spent the day at home was not vary well

~ Sunday

8 ^ An arrow^ Sunday The strikers in Ogden turned mob & burned
near $100000 dollars worth of Property the US Armey
at Camp Douglass went by call to Ogden to defend the
city of Ogden against the strikers They have also burned
up one Million Dollars worth of Property at Chicago
and the Rail Roads [railroads] are tied up nearly all over the
United States I spent the day in the House reading

~ Monday

9. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I spent the day in the office 400 men are tied up in this city
through the strike several of them visited us today
we give them the use of the Tabernacle to night to hear
the organ & singing I sent a Letter to Owen today with
one from his Mother

~ Tuesday

10 Keys crossed Myself & councillors Accompanied the old Folks on
their Excursion to Saltair we had a vary interesting
Day. They spent the day under the pavilion whare it
was cool & comfortable we returned to the city at
4:20. 30 Mils All the Presidency spoke there were
four of Zions Camp present W Woodruff J B Nobles
S Foster & [blank] Brown. Utah Bill passed the Senate for statehood

~ Wednesday

11 I spent the day in the office Met with Judge Patten
^ A hand pointing to the right^ from Ogden we had several Letters from Puerpeck
The great strike & R Road Blockade is now being
broaken throughout the United State sent Letter to Blanch Owen

~ Thursday

12 Sent Letter to Forest & Stream with $5.
Great Earthquake in Constantinople

~ Friday

13 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a Letter from Sarah & wrote her spent the day in the office

Page 99

~ Saturday

July 14, 1894
I spent the day at home reading &c

~ Sunday

15 Sunday In company with G Q Cannon & J F Smith
I went to Ogden to attend a conference we Attended Meeting
forenoon & Afternoon it was a vary warm day Brother
Percy was speaking when we went in & He was followed
By Joseph F Smith the House was crouded we
took dinner at F. D. Richard's Afternoon G. Q. Cannon
spoke 40 Minuts & W Woodruff 25 M. the House was
crouded to suffication we took supper with President
L W Shirtluff & returned to Salt Lake 80 mils
I was quite sick during the Night with Cholera Morbus

~ Monday

16 I was quite poorly but went to the office to attend
a Meeting with ZCMI I received a Letter from
^[FIGURES]^ Owen to the Editor of the News & one to Father & Mother
I Mailed a Letter to Owen

~ Tuesday

17 July 1894 President Cleveland signed the
[FIGURES] Bill this day which gave Utah admission
into the Union as a state Government
This has been a hard struggle for years as it had
seemed as though all Earth & Hell had been combineded
against the Latter Day Saints Having a state Government
And now we have to Give God the Glory for our
admission into the Union. We met with several
Brethren to Day among the Number was Wm H Segmiller
upon the subject of the price of the University Lands
that are to be sold He represented He thought they
would range from $3 to $12.50 per Acre

Page 100

~ Wednesday

July 18 1894
I spent the day in the office I had a Meeting with
the Utah Company or with Members to be organized
into that company And with Legrand Young

Keys crossed We had a visitation by Cyrus H Wheelock who
was Approaching Death by a cancer on the Tongue
& in the mouth He was the Last Man that left Joseph
& Hyrum Smith in Carthage Jail before their
Martidom we laid hands upon him & Blessed him

~ Thursday

19. I was unwell this morning but am at my Desk
I went to the Temple & had prayers there was 9 of us
at the Alter Mrs Woodruff was quite unwell this morning

~ Friday

20 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I mailed a Letter to day to Owen we Met with the
presidents of Malad who wanted Help on Meeting House
Emma was vary sick through the night with Cholera Morbus

~ Saturday

21. I spent the day at home Emma was sick through the day

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I spent the day in the House Emma
was some better but quite poorly

~ Monday

23 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a Letter from Owen to Father & Mother
and wrote 1 Letter to Owen with one from his Mother
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I also wrote a Letter to Asahel

~ Tuesday

Keys crossed July 24, 1894. 47 years ago this day I brought Prest
Brigham Young into this valley in my carriage
Nearly all of that company to day are in the spirit
world I spent this day at home vary quiet

~ Wednesday

25 I spent the day in the office we Met with the
Utah Company that was about to be organized

~ Thursday

26. Herd B Youngs report upon Mexican Mission

Page 101

July 26, 1894
Met with several cases of Adoption & sealings we
went to the Temple in the Afternoon

~ Friday

27 Spent the day in the office had an interview with
Mrs Abbot & her Husband she had a gift from
childhood of a power like Electricity she weighed
about 90 lbs she could lift several Men at the same
time she could place a child on the floor & no
man was strong Enough to lift it up. She Exhibited
her strength at Saltair for one week

~ Saturday

28. I spent the day at home choring

~ Sunday

29 Sunday in company with G. Q. Cannon and
J. F. Smith went to South Cottonwood ward
& Attended a conference there were two [hundred?] sabbath
children assembled & were addressed by G Q.
Cannon W Woodruff & J F Smith Afternoon the
Assembly was Large but grown people they were
Addressed by all the Presidency we then returned home 16 Miles

~ Monday

30 I went to the office & Met with much company
J McAllister & F Farnsworth Met with us to get
some instruction concerning Endowments

Mrs Anie May Abbott & Husband called upon us and
Exhibited her peculiar strength & power in lifting
several Men while she a small woman weighing 90 lbs
the gift came upon her in childhood

A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to day. Cannon & Grant company
Met at the office we received a long important Letter
from General Clarkson Moses Thatcher vary sick

Page 102

~ Tuesday

July 31 1894
we spent Most of the day in reading a Letter of
General Clarkson to Wilford Woodruff of 61 pages
giving the History of the Passage of the Enabling Act
through Congress to Admit Utah into the Union as a
state Also in Attending to our Temporal Business

~ Wednesday

Keys crossed ^Aug 1^ The Presidency & some of the Twelve went to Saltair
to attend the celebration of Utah Admission into the
Union sever[al] speeches were made upon the occasion
I received the following card to day. Hopeful, & Thankful
Borieslaw Pomerskey of St Petersburg Russia
Sir I Ask of you a few minites interview
will call in the Morning 30 Mils

~ Thursday

Aug 2. We held a Meeting with the Board of the Ogden
power company Also Wm W Cluff called & done
some business Also Brother Langford Also two Men
from Russia called upon me I wrote 1 Letter to Asahel

~ Friday

^ A hand pointing to the right^ 3 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I mailed 3 Letters this morning to Owen to
Asahel & Nellie We heard corressponding
Letters read Met a good Deal of company
I went to Granite or wasash in the Evening with
Emma. Ovando & Clara came up the same Evening 20 M

~ Saturday

4 I went down the creek with Ovando He caught
30 trout I used a hook & line a few moments &
cought 2 trout

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I spent the day in camp

~ Monday

6 I returned home to day & went to the office & spent
the day in business 20 Miles

Page 103

~ Tuesday

Aug 7, 1894
In company with G. Q. Cannon & J F Smith
I rode to Ogden then to Huntsville held two Meeting
& returned to Ogden & Salt Lake City 105 Mile
80 Miles by rail & 26 by carriage was quite weary
at night received 2 Letters from Asahel & Owen

~ Wednesday

8 I met with Col Isaac Trumbo for 2 Hours He
give me an account of the Great Labor He and Gen.
Clarkson had in getting the Utah Bill Through Congress
& to get it signed by the President {It cost the Republicans three hundred and thirty
thousand dollars to get that bill passed} It has Been
a great Labor to get Utah admitted into the
Union. We commenced to Organize the Utah company
to day I am worked altogether to hard I dont sleep
Nights and am weary by day As Trustee in trust
and the Presidency of the Church we have taken
such a load upon us it is Difficult to carry it

~ Thursday

9. ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a Letter to Owen to day. I met with H B.
{He spoke of a personal property claimed by heirs}
There is a vary Heavy Load resting upon us in church
affairs our debts are vary Heavy

~ Friday

10 We administered to Sister Keddington who was
blind according to her request J F Smith
Anointed her G Q Cannon was mouth we Met
with Wm W Cluff and the Utah Company
I was quite unwell during the day Keys crossed I signed
to day ^a^ Note on Grant Livery Stable Dues of
$25000, payable in two years at 7 percent

Page 104

~ Saturday

Aug 11 1894
I Attended A Republican Meeting at Saltair
with J F Smith speeches were Made by the Republicans
we returned at 6 oclok the recepts on Aug 1.
was $3776 Aug 11 $3496 difference $280.

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I spent the day at home was not well
Had an interview with Col Isaac Trumbo &
Son of Gen Clarkson at my House

~ Monday

13. ^ A folded letter/box^ I received A Letter from Owen to Blanch
a good Letter Asahels youngest child Asahel
has been vary sick is some better this Morning

~ Tuesday

14 Keys crossed ^John Morgan Died 5:30 to day^ I met with several parties to day with
Legrand Young with Kletting the Architect
with I Trumbo {I think T[rumbo] is taking too much liberty with us.} He talked
about many things when I got home I found Emma

~ Wednesday

15 I went to the Gardo with Cannon & Smith Clawson
and Trumbo. The Biuilding was badly damaged
by the Keley institute

~ Thursday

16 A coffin John Morgan
Died Aug 14, at 5:30
Aged 52 years & 5 days
I met with Clawson
in the Morning I went
home & then to G Q Cannon
who was sick confined
to his bed with vertego I met with some of the Twelve
at the Temple then went home {I had a bad night. Could not sleep.}

~ Friday

17. ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I mailed a Letter to Owen from self, Emma Blanch
& Alice. We had an inerview with Judge Howell
Keys crossed Jackson Member of the Supreme Court of
the United States He was Accompanid by his wife

Page 105

Aug 17, 1894
son and two Daughters. They called upon us at
the office at 10 oclok I had quite a lengthy con-
versation with the Judge They visited Saltair the
Temple Block & other parts of the city & seemed
well pleased with what He saw

Keys crossed We held a long Meeting with Col Trumbo, &
H B Clawson our rail road affairs was Thoroughly
talked over between the Presidency & Col Trumbo 12 Miles

~ Saturday

18 Many parties called Among them Professor Talmage
^ An arrow^ I attended the fun[er]al of John Morgan & Brothers
Roberts, Kimball, Fjeldsted, John Henry, Seymor B Young
& G. Q. Cannon all spoke

~ Sunday

19. Sunday I attended Meeting in the Afternoon Dr
Hinsdale Delivered a Lecture on Education
Asahels youngest son Asahel is quite low

~ Monday

20. This is the pioneer Day we go to the Saltair
to have a celebration of the Pioneer day
we went to Saltair at 2:25 we met about 20 of the
remnant of the pioneers they were aged feeble men
I think I was the oldest man of the pioneers present
all were introduced to the Assembly of some 4000 persons
speeches were made by quite a Number of the Pioneers
Bishop Weiler & Lorenzo Young were among the
number both vary feeble we returned home at
6:30. It was a vary interesting day 30 Miles

~ Tuesday

21 I Paid a Debt of $3000 to Gen Clarkson
for Expenses while laboring in the cause of Utah

Page 106

~ Wednesday

Aug 22, 1894
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I mailed a Letter to Owen to day I met with
Ogden Power Company Board upon the subject of Buying
the canal of Webber River Below Ogden

Henry Nellie & 2 children arived in the Evening

~ Thursday

23. Brother Cannon & Smith & Asahel & Br Winder
went to Ogden to day I went to the Temple at 2 oclok

~ Friday

24 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter to day from Owen to his Mother
He writes in a Noble Spirit Brother Roberts called
about his labors on Sunday we held an important
Meeting upon Business Matters Frank Cannon
was with us

~ Saturday

25. I spent the day at home Henry & Nellie Woodruff
& 2 children were with us

~ Sunday

26 Sunday myself & councillors Attended the conference
at Mill Creek A vary large Assembly were present
G. Q Cannon, W. Woodruff ^J F Smith^ spoke in the forenoon & G Q.
Cannon & W Woodruff & A M Cannon spoke in the
Afternoon much of the spirit of the Lord was with us
Mrs J. Ellen Forster spoke in the Tabernacle

~ Monday

27. I spent the day in the office Mr & Mrs J Ellen
& Mrs senator Warren visited us at the
office to day Mrs Foster seems a vary Able woman
we had several Meetings during the day

~ Tuesday

28 I Met with the Utah Company on business
^ A folded letter/box^ I mailed a Letter to Owen from Father Mother & Blanch
Mr Buil & partner from Chicago called upon us
President G. Q. Cannon was Appointed to be chairman

Page 107

Aug 28, 1894
of the Irrigation Company for Utah to go to Denver

~ Wednesday

29 G Q Cannon gon to Ogden this morning to Meet
with the Delegation I wrote a Letter to prest
A hand pointing to the right Antone H Lund & George C. Naegle both in
type writing. We had an interview with
Bishop Preston & H B Clawson

~ Thursday

30. Brigham Young arived this morning. We met with
the Utah Company a good share of the day to attend
to the busness of the same Blanche had a large party at
our House to night. {[when] people [quite aloof].}

~ Friday

31. This is the Last day of summer I spent the day
in the office I had a Meeting with the [Utah company]]
I signed for 6 volums of the National CEyclopedia
of the America Biography

~ Saturday

Sept 1. I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday I Attended the Salt Lake conference at the Tabernacle
reports of the stake was Made Penrose & A M Cannon
spoke in the forenoon B Young & W Woodruff in the Afternoon

~ Monday

3 I went to the office in the Morning got my Maile
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ returned home & spent the Day reading I read of
^ An arrow An arrow^ the Terrible forest foire of Mishigan & Minesoto
the Most Terrible Destruction of Life & Property Ever
known in America sent Letter to Owen ^from Emma^ Blanch & Alice

~ Tuesday

4. I spent the day at the office J F Smith was
with me we herd the corresponding Letter read

~ Wednesday

5 J F Smith has gone to Ogden & G Q Cannon
to Denver to Attend the Irrigation Congrese

Page 108

Sept 5, 1894
Henry & Nellie Woodruff with their children
left our House for Vernal this Morning having been
visiting with us for 2 weeks I went to the offic
Met with the Board of Zions Savings Bank

~ Thursday

6 I spent the forenoon in the office Afternoon in the
Temple with the Twelve talked about Anthony Ivins
being called to go to Mexico

~ Friday

7 I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

8 I spent this day at home reading & writing &I wrote
a Letter to Owen

~ Sunday

9 Sunday I spent the day at home reading & resting

~ Monday

10 I mailed a Letter to Owen this morning with Letter
^ A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box^ from Father Mother Blanche & Alice Prest G. Q. Cannon
returned home this morning from the Irrigation
in Denver

~ Tuesday

11 We met with Brother More from Logan Temple & an
interview with H. B. Clawson I spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

12 I met with the Utah Company Frank J Cannon
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ & Nephi Clayton of the committee were Apointed to
Go East & Meet Gen Clarkson. M Thatcher & Moses
Thatcher called I sent a Letter to General Clarkson In [reply]
to one from him of 60 pages Encased in a Copper Box

~ Thursday

13 We got a Lease of the Gardo House from Preston today
Keys crossed day we had published to day in the News, Herrald & Tribune
the orginization of the Utah Company with the presidency as
its Head and vary faverable remarks made by the Editors
Mr Si [blank] & wife visited us

Page 109

~ Friday

Sept 14, 1894
I spent the forenoon in the office Afternoon in the Temple
with the Apostles I spoke to them concerning the organ-
ization of the Utah Company

~ Saturday

15. I spent the day at home. Enoch Davis the Murderer
was shot to day He was a vary foul mouth Man

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I spent the day at home reading I maild

~ Monday

17. ^[FIGURES]^ Letters to Owen &from Blanch & Father & to Blanch
from Mother & Father we had an interview with Orson
spoke well of the spring of water ain the west
Had an interview with Senator Teller Brother
& A Mr Green from Irrigation Congreen We
had a Meeting with Col Trumbo And talked
over our rail road Business

~ Tuesday

18 [FIGURES] I spent the day in the office & had an interview
with General Clarkson & Col Trumbo who read to
us a long document concerning the Admission
of Utah & the railroad {and some matters vary unpleasant}

~ Wednesday

19 Prest G Q Cannon & wife & myself & wife took cars
on the UP & rode to Provo stoped at Brother Smoots 50 Mils
In the Afternoon we rode to Bishop Partridge^es^ & visited
his orchard & place. 6 Mil

~ Thursday

20 All our company went up Provo River to the falls
there was one fish caught by the company I
was quite weary at night. 10 M

~ Friday

21. I spent the day in Presidents A O Smoots offic
with G. Q. Cannon Frank J. Cannon Wm W Cluff &
N Clayton in attending to Gen Clarkson & I Trumbo Business

Page 110

~ Saturday

Sept 22, 1894
Our company went to Brother Madsons at the mouth
of the Provo River & in company with Brother Madson
we drove South on the shore of Utah Lake There found
half a Dozen boats And all the company took boats
and rowed about 2 miles onto carp ground whare
we fished a while but being in the Middle of the day and
the water covered with Moss I caught one Bass 1 1/2 lb
& A Brother caught 7 being all that the company caught
we returned to the city with our faces badly burned
by the sun we were quite weary distance 12 Mils

~ Sunday

23 Sunday I spent the forenoon with Sarah & Mary I
found Mary vary Highly Educated. She was good in
German & Latin & had received the Highest Diploma
given in the instituion. She bought a piano & pays
for it in her wages as a teacher In the Afternoon I
attended the Meeting at the Tabernacle G Q Cannon
spoke some 20 Minutes & W. Woodruff 10 Mi some
upon politcs at the close of the Meeting we took
UP cars & returned to Salt Lake & spent the night at home 50 M

~ Monday

24. We met with Gen Clarkson & Col Trumbo we had
quite a lengthy interview we gave him in writing our answer
to his leangthy communication He returned to his room to
read it After reading the letter He had an interview
with the committe till midnight Col Trumbo called upon
me at the farm for some 30 Minuts & spoke upon our business

~ Tuesday

25. I spent the day in the office was takin sick, with
severe cold upon the Lungs

Page 111

~ Wednesday

Sept 26 1894
I was taken sick with a severe cold all through my system
which confined me to my Bed & room untill the 2nd day
of Oct for 7 days Prest G. Q. Cannon visited me for
several Days & Administered to me

~ Tuesday

^ A folded letter/box^Oct 2. Received Letter from Owen got 2 Likenesses
of him Owen had a change was moved from Frankfort
& sent to preside at Dresden Altsladt and to labor
with Br McEwan whit was pleasing to him

~ Wednesday

3 I am still quite poorly I went to the office & wrote Letters
to Sarah at Provo & & Sarah D.

~ Thursday

4 I went to the offic was quite poorly did not attend Meeting

~ Friday

5 I Attended the 65 semi Annual Conference at the Tabernacle
All the Presidency & Twelve were present Except Prest
A H Lund in London. Lorenzo Snow opened By Prayer
G Q Cannon spoke 35 M, B Young 17, J F Smith 35.
Afternoon prayer By J. D. T. McAllister L. Snow
spoke 30 F M Lyman spoke 33 M John Henry Smith
spoke 25 Minutes

~ Saturday

Oct 6. I went to the fair grounds in the morning looked at the
stock, Agricultural products, fruit & the great
variety gathered at the fair & sheep swine & fowl
and it was counted the best fair Ever gathered in
Utah I went to the conference in the Afternoon
^ A folded letter/box^ I received 2 letters from President Lund & L. W. Snow
Golden Kimball prayed in the Afternoon, Wm W.
Taylor spoke 32 M, W W Merrill spok 30 M
Afternoon Abram Cannon spoke 30 M.

Page 112

~ Sunday

Oct 7, 1894
Sunday I Attended conference which was opened
By prayer by L W Shirtliff G Q Cannon spoke
65 Minutes W Woodruff 20 Minuts I had a severe
cold & not able to speak in public. Afternoon
prayer By Wm W Cluff An overflow Meeting
was held in the Assembly Hall. President Cannon
presented the Authorities of the Church and reports
was read F D Richards spoke 36 M, J F Smith
spoke 38 M

~ Monday

8 I Attended Meeting with the presidents of stakes
& Authoraties of the Church & council was given
upon many subjects I was quite unwell

~ Tuesday

9. I spent the day in the office I met with the
Utah Company and we had a great Deal of
company Col Trumbo & Lady called upon us in
the Evening Gave us an invitation to go to Sanfrancisco

~ Wednesday

10 We met at the office Charles W Green
Chicago interocean we had a good Deal of company

~ Thursday

11 I Met with the Board of the Utah Compan[y] & Col Trumbo
in the forenoon looking at Maps & talking upon the con-
templated railway in the Afternoon I met with the
Apostles at the Temple we had prayers

~ Friday

12. I met with the Ogden Power Company I mailed a letter
[FIGURES] to Owen from his Father & Mother I met with a number
of the Brethren on business

~ Saturday

13 I met with the Power Company in the Morning and
spent most of the day in the office upon the Power Company Business

Page 113

~ Sunday

Oct 14 1894
Sunday I spent the day at home

~ Monday

15 I spent the day at the office I met with the board
of Z.C.M.I & heard their report I met with
many persons

~ Tuesday

16 I had several meetings with H. B. Clawson concerning
some of our Affairs in Calafornia we had Meetings
with several individuals among the rest Black Jane
wanted to know if I would not let her have her
Endowments in the Temple this I could not do
as it was against the Law of God As Cain killed
Abel All the seed of Cain would have to wait for
redemption untill all the seed that Abell would
have have tha had that may come through
other men can be redeemed I attended a Meeting
in the Evening at Brothe Wm B Dougall's whare
speeches were made by several of the sisters concerning
the Evils that were creeping into the society of the
young people of Utah speeches was made upon the
subject by the Presidency of the Church {The reports were painful.}

~ Wednesday

17. ^[FIGURES]^ I mailed a Letter to Blanche from her Father & Mother
I wrote to Sarah & Mary I met with F S. Richards
on business

~ Thursday

18 I visited with my councillors [at] the Gordo House which
was being repard. I met in the EveAfternoon the Twelve
in the Temple I delivered 1500 lbs of flour to Bulah, Deligh
& George, 500 to Each which left 500 lbs for Emma
& family

Page 114

~ Friday

Oct 19, 1894
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I mailed a Letter to day to Owen from Father ^&^ Alice

~ Saturday

20 In company with Emma Alice Vedi & Roxie I went
on board of James Sharp private car with himself & family
at Provo we took aboard A O. Smoot & wife, Blanche
& several other Ladies when we arived Near Mona
we took a side trak & remained untill 3 oclock
during the time Br Sharp caught 2 trout in a small
stream near By one about 1 1/2 lb & the other 5 1/2 lbs the
largest Ever caught in that small stream the Boys
killed a Dozen Rabbits we then returned home

~ Sunday

21. Sunday I spent the day at home resting & reading

~ Monday

22 I spent the day at the office I was visited By a
Russian Prince by the Name of
Prince Gregory Galitzin, Lieutenant General
Senator & Member of the Imperial Council of State
31. Grand Morskaya St Petersburg Russia
Also Rev Francis Laslow
we finally Granted the Prince the privilege of visiting ^the^ Temple
^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Owen.

~ Tuesday

23 I met with the Educational Board & with J R Winder

~ Wednesday

24. Peter started for Deseret for a load of grain

H. A. Woolley was buried to day G Q Cannon spok
at the funeral we were visited by several Gentlemen
^ A hand pointing to the right^ from Abroad I wrote a Letter to J. M. Weiler to day
I also wrote a Letter to Sarah & Mary {I sent ten dollars to Sarah.}

~ Thursday

25 We were visited by 3 Gentlemen from London and
several other parties. Wrote speech on Utah Day

Page 115

Oct 25 1894
A coffin Mary J. W. Ross
Born 18 Feb 1818
Died Oct 25 1894
Aged 76 years 8 M 7 days

Mary Ross died
to day at 12 oclok died
suddenly I spent the
day Evening at Brothe

~ Friday

26 I went to the House & saw the Body of Mary & spoke
to her son Ross I went to my lot in semetry and
picked out a spot for Her burial. I met with
several Brethren upon the subject of paying some
of the Heirs of B. Y. Esstate

~ Saturday

27. I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

28 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ Sunday I attended the funeral of Mary Ross in
the 17 ward Meeting House Prayer was offered By Georg
George G Bywater spoke 20 Minuts Edward
spoke 20 M, & George Reynolds 15 M & W Woodruff
10 Minuts I then followed the body to the Grave & she
was buried in the Norh west cornor of my lot

~ Monday

29. I spent the day in the offic {Emma had a bad spell in the [illegible shorthand].}

~ Tuesday

30. Junius F Wells called I spent the day in the offic

~ Wednesday

31. In company with Emma & a car load of friends
I visited the Lehi Sugar Factory they filled a sack of
100 lbs of sugar in one Minute which would make
1440 sacks in 24 hours making 72 tons in 24 hours
it was to much for me to clime the stairs and
go throug the factory the Heat & steam made me sick
I returned at 1:30 Distance of the day 60 Miles

Page 116

~ Thursday

Nov 1, 1894
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote 2 letters to Sarah & Delight I met with
the Apostles in the Afternoon I Attended the circle prayer
we resolved to organize a Geneological Library in
the Temple. Our business is crouding vary hard
upon Every hand Money matters are crowding hard
upon us we learn from
the Dispatches of today
that the zcar of Russia
died at 3 oclok to day

A coffin The Czar of
Russia Died at
3 oclok this 1 day of Nov

~ Friday

2 Spent the day in the office we had a Meeting
with Professor Cluff Reed Smoot & Susan Gates
about the reports of Evils in B. Y. Academy

~ Saturday

3rd I spent the day at home At work assisting to
lay a floor in a Barn

~ Sunday

4. I spent the day at home (Emma had a severe
Distressed turn of heart affection it almost seemed
as though she would die) one of the Neighboring
women died this morning & Emma assisted in laying
her out I was not vary well myself

~ Monday

5. I went to the office & had an interview with Col Trumbo
{All affairs in California looks dark.} I read in the Evening
Letters from Owen to Asahel & the Sabbath School
which were vary good

~ Tuesday

6 Nov Election in Utah I went to our School House
& cast my vote before I went to the office

~ Wednesday

7 Bank Meeting Attended Meet. Republican carry the country

Page 117

~ Thursday

Nov 8, 1894
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I sent a Letter to Owen from Father & Mother
The whole country is Exercised about the Election
Utah has gone Republican with a great portion of
the United States Frank J Cannon is Elected the repre-
sentative of Congress instead of J L Rawlins I met
with the Twelve in the Temple

Keys crossed I met with the Utah Company on their business

~ Friday

9th. I met with the Board of Education Board of Examiners
& Presidents of Colledges all gave their views upon the
situation & of the Affairs of the institution

~ Saturday

10 I met with my councillors & the Twelve upon the
Mexican Matters we were called to day to pay
some $25000 on Church Matters as the Presidency
of the Church we did not get it all attended to

~ Sunday

11 I spent the day at the office I met with the Mexican
Board of Land & Colinization, Brethern of the Twelve
we spent most of the day in Meeting

11. Sunday I spent the day at Home reading In the
Evening I read in the Messenger & Advotate vol. 1,
my mission to Tennessee Also to Fox Islands it brought
all my Early works to Mind

~ Monday

12 I spent the day in the office. The republicans had
a great celebration in Salt Lake City they had a
great Barbecue on the Agricultural grounds. 2 oxen &
2 sheep were rosted & Eaten by the croud and a
great prosession in the city it was a great victory
for the republicans. They met in the Theater in the
Evening & many speeches were made

Page 118

~ Tuesday

Nov 13, 1894
I went to the office had an interview with Gen
Clarkson & Trumbo talked upon the result of the
late Election in the United States including Utah
I had a Bad night did not sleep well

~ Wednesday

14 A hand pointing to the right I sent a Letter to L. B. Logan Aliance Ohio
with $2 for 4 volums of the American Fishs Culture
for the following Persons. W. Woodruff A. H. Woodruff
O. C. Beebe & John Squires with the Address of Each
{I had a vary bad night in looking over home financial affairs.
O God help us I pray.} Joseph F Smith was not with us
G Q Cannon & myself went to the Nutsford & Met
Gen Clarkson, Osgood, Cockren ^&^ Trumbo & spent
an hour in conversation I then returned home

~ Thursday

15 I went to the office Met with the Twelve in the Temple

~ Friday

16 Mr G G. Neijnejohn congressman from Nebraska we
went through the Gardo House as the repairs & decoration
were Nearly finished it has been vary costly in
repairing up

~ Saturday

17 I came to the office at Noon & Met with the committy
of the Utah Company upon our business

~ Sunday

18. Sunday I went to my Daughter Clara's & stoped with
Ovando Beebe while Emma & Clara attended the funeral
of the Son of John Nickelson who was hurt in a game
of foot ball which cost him his life it was a Dangerous game
A hand pointing to the right I mailed 2 Letters one to Owen from Father Mother
& Blanche & one to Nellie from Mother & Father

KHeber K Nichelson is the name of the son Buried.

Page 119

~ Monday

Nov 19 1894

We held a meeting with the Utah Company And
with J W Wooinder we had a good Deal of company
A folded letter/box I received a Letter from Owen to Mother & Father &
Blanche. Nov 3, I met with Brother Smith of Logan
speaking of our Affairs in Nevada that they were
Prospering Alice also received a letter from Owen

~ Tuesday

20 I spent the day in the office Prest G Q Cannon is
preparing to leave to Attend the Irrigation Congress
at St Louis we all had a vary busy day many callers
we made arangements with Brother J R Winder to pay
some $2000 on the Expens of the Repairing of the Gardo
Moses Thatcher called upon us He is in vary
poor Health

~ Wednesday

21. I was quite unwell this morning but went to the
Office Met with Broths Joseph, Thatcher, & Abram Hatch
Brother Thatcher presented to us a Map of 90000 Acres of
Land in Mexico which the Brethren wished to buy we gave
our consent for them to purchase the Land if they could

~ Thursday

22 Keys crossed I signed 42 License of the board of Education
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I sent a Letter to Owen from Father & Blanche
{I am short this morning some two thousand dollars for money sent} A O Smoot. My Affairs
are crouding upon me vary Hard upon Money Matters

~ Friday

23 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote 2 Letters to L W Snow & Sylvia M Thompson
I spent the day in the office talked with Brother
Jaques & Br Jack upon my temporal Affairs

~ Saturday

24 I spent the day at home choring & Reading

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I spent this day at home Reading I was not well

Page 120

~ Monday

Nov 26, 1894

{I am badly pressed upon my [illegible shorthand] [affairs]}
I went to the office talked to Brother Jack upon our Money
Affairs we are in a critical condition

~ Tuesday

27 I met with many persons to day on business our
^[FIGURES]^ Money Matters seem difficult to Meet I mailed
a Letter to Owen from Emma

~ Wednesday

28 [FIGURES] I mailed a Letter to day to Owen for myself
of 6 Pages word comes this Morning that the Souther
Utes are on the war Path And great Danger of
an indian war. I sent some stocks on
Zions Savings Bank & Trust Co to the cashire for record
^Dr^ Joseph S Richard called & wanted his land affairs
investigated & settled on the Musium Property.

~ Thursday

29 Thanksgiving this is the 80th Thanksgiving I have
Lived to see I gathered my family together all I could
get And had a feast Asahel & Ovando was absent
with 50 other Men shooting Rabbits Asahel got 9 and
Ovando 19 one Man got 35 At the Close of our dinner
we all gatherd into the Parlor And Allice repeats
to the company verses of Poetry sent her by our son
Abram Owen then followed by verses from myself
it was quite Affecting to the company we had a plesant
day I felt to thank God that my life had been preserved
untill the present day

~ Friday

30. I spent the day in the office our secretary George
had to go home with a severe fellen on one
of his fingers.

~ Saturday

Dec 1. I spent the day at home choreing & Reading

Page 121

~ Sunday

Dec 2 1894

I went to the Tabernacl in the Afternoon. C W Penrose
spoke 1 Hour 20 M[inutes] W W spok 5 M[iles].

~ Monday

3 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 Letters from Owen to Father ^&^ Mother &
Blanche I mailed a Letter to Owen from Father Mother
& Blanche I distributed 10 coal to my family to day

~ Tuesday

4 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote 5 sheets to Owen, & 2 sheets to Wm McEwan
& Mailed both this Morning Emma wrote also as did
Blanche to WOwen sent this morning with mine

I sent 2 tons of coal to day to Asahel, also to Clara
It looks now like a Bloody Indian war against our
People In San Wan Country urged on by the people
^ A hand pointing to the right^ of Colorado I wrote a Letter to J M Weston of
4 pages & Mailed to his address

~ Wednesday

5 I met with Broth Smith from Logan this Morning
He wanted to Raise $5000 on our western affairs
I met with Brother Thomas L. Cox from New
who gave us an Account of his Mission
in that Land we had a snow storm on the Mountain

~ Thursday

6 Keys crossed I raised $5000 to day on Commercial & National Bank
on our Affairs in Nevada I put in security 50 shares
of Zion Savings Bank & Trust Company

~ Friday

7. We had a hard snow storm the first of the season
I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

8. I spent the day at home choring was weary at night

~ Sunday

9. Sunday A cold windey day I staid at home

~ Monday

10 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a Letter from Owen to Mother Blanche & Alice
I sent Owen a Letter from Father & Blanche I sat for a Photo John Hafen

Page 122

~ Tuesday

A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Dec 11, 1894

I sent Owen a Letter from Mother, Blanch & Alice
with Christmass greetings from all I sent a Letter
to the Galvanic Co at 171 Sycamore St Cincinnati Ohio
I signed 124 Drafts on Liverpool and 4 Educational License it was a Dark cold day

~ Wednesday

12 I met at the Office Brother Talmage Wm Budge &
other Brethren upon various Branches of Business
we ordained George Albert Lyman an Elder
son of Marion Lyman

~ Thursday

13 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I mailed a Letter to Owen this Morning with ownly
one sheet from myself.

~ Friday

14 got telegram fron H. B. Clawson Met with Gov McConnell
from Idaho Many poor People out of work

~ Saturday

15 I spent the day at home

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

17. President Cannon returned home to day we had
^ A folded letter/box^ aninterview with him upon business to day I received
a Lengthy letter from Judge Estee who gave us good
Advice upon our temporal matters Judge Miner called
upon President Cannon I received a Letter from Brother
Teasdale I receive a peck of fresh shell Oysters

~ Tuesday

18 We listened to the Report of the financial committee
of the Utah Company which seemed Hopeful
I Attended a meeting on the 17 with the ZCMI Board

~ Wednesday

19. ^ A folded letter/box^ I wrote again to L B Logan about the Fish culture
As I had not herd from the lmoneatter nor the money I met
Brothr Staufer & An Armenion Dr called upon us.

Page 123

~ Thursday

Dec 20, 1894

We met with F. J. Cannon & Nephi Clayton and
listened to the Report of their visit in the East with
Perbek & other Business Men there seemed to be
some good Prospect in our financial affairs.

~ Friday

21. ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ We received 3 Letters from Owen to Father Blanche
Wilford Beatie & I sent to day 3 Letter to Owen for
Father Mother & Blanche

^ An arrow^ I held a Meeting with A O Smoot & Son with the
Brethren in Provo Upon their Money Matters we had
a long plain talk and all our situation was laid
before Each other I met at the Temple in the Afternoon
Had Prayers W. W prayed & G. Q. C. mouth at the Altar

22 I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

23 Sunday I went to visit my Daughter Clara Beebe
who has been vary sick During the week

~ Monday

24 We held a Meeting with the Utah Company and with
Tribune Reported

~ Tuesday

25 Dec Christmass Asahel got up the Christmass
Dinner for the family And we had a good Meeting
with most all the family it lasted till near midnight
^ A folded letter/box^ we received Letters from Owen to Father Mother Blanch
& Alice And a Letter from Wm McEwen

~ Wednesday

26 I met with the Bank Meeting Board we declaired
a Dividend of 6 per cent. My Daughter Clara is sick

~ Thursday

27 I drove to Clara's in the Morning she is vary sick
And Administered to her I mailed a Letter to Owen
^ A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box^ from Father & Mother Held a Meeting with the Twelve

Page 124

~ Friday

Dec 28, 1894

I held a Meeting with the Utah Company in the forenoo
At 3 oclock I Attended the Dedication of the Joint City &
County Building I offered the Dedicatory Prayer
we had an interesting day. The Building cost near

~ Saturday

29. I spent the day at home and attended to Business
of affairs at home

~ Sunday

30 ^Sunday^ I spent the day at Claras she had a miscarrige
& came nigh Dying she was better when we left

~ Monday

31. I spent the day at the office

~ Tuesday

Jan 1, 1895 Almost all the people celebrated the day
I had to go to the office to have a Meeting with Mr Abbot
of Hartford Ct about obtaining a Loan of Money Mr Badlam
visited my House

~ Wednesday

2nd I went to the Office Met with the Bank board The
Sugar Company Met I sent for Materials of Pulver macher
Keys crossed Galvanic 1971 Sycamore street Cincinnati Ohio $40.

I looked over my Journal the last of the year and
A synopsis of the work in 1894 will be found on
the oposite Page

Page 125

I Attended Conferences 10
I held Meetings 50
I Preached Discourses 33
I Attended Funerals 7
I Ordained 1 Patriarch 1 HP & 1 Elder
I met with Presidency & Twelve 35 times
I Administered to the sick 7
I wrote Letters 97, Received 78
I Paid Tithing in 1894 $742800.800
I met with Z.C.M.I Board 40 times
I met with Zions savings Bank 45 times
I held a Birth Day Meeting in the Temple Ma[r]ch 1.
I signed 153 Teachers License 153
I Travelled in 1894 Miles 2626
Emma Paid Tithing in 1894 $358.50
Asahel Paid Tithing 1894 $342.65
Owen Paid Tithing 1894 $53.15
Wilford Woodruff sen Paid Tithing 800.00
Total Tithing $1504.30
Page 126


Page 127

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

Jan 1, 1895

The History of Jan 1 & 2 is on page 116

~ Thursday

3 I spent the day in the office Met with the Utah
Met at the Temple I gave Hugh
J Cannan
15 shares of Zions savings Bank
for security on the [blank] Bank making 30
shares as security upon that Bank in a few days
for $3000.

~ Friday

4 I spent the day at the office I wrote a Letter to
A hand pointing to the right Jeremiah Langford

I signed a Note with Hugh Cannon for [blank]
on the [blank] Bank of the Republic

~ Saturday

5 I spent the Day at home at work on my Journals
for 1894

~ Sunday

6 Sunday I spent the day at home

~ Monday

7. I Met with Brother ^Orson^ Smith in the Morning gave me A
History of the work on our Mine in Nevada in putting
up the Stamp Mill thought it would be running soon
After the first of Feb He brought 2 gold Bricks from
a mine in the same line of ours, Hwith ownly one stamp
that produced some $500 dollars a Day with 2 stamps
our Mill was 10 stamps He was satisfied when the Mill
got to Running it would Help us to Pay our Debts
A hand pointing to the right I received a Letter from Asahel

~ Tuesday

8th I met with Wm W Cluff & gave him a Letter to the
People of Parawan & Cedar in the South

Page 128


Sunday - Prest Woodruff
ordained Franklin Marion Barrell aged
13 yrs. a deacon. He is the son of Chas.

He notes in his Jour-
nal that Bro. Heber J. Grant was taken
to the Hospital for a operation for
appendicitis, and that he prayed earnestly
for his recovery. Upon Bro. Grant's
recovery Prest. Woodruff kindly
ordered a carriage to carry Bro.
Grant to his home, that showing
his kindly interest in his affected
brother and co-laborer.

-Anniversary of Bp. Hunter's
Birthday Old Folks day at Saltair, Con-
cert in the Tabernacle in the even-
ing, for which Prest. Woodruff wrote
a speech which was read by Bro.
David Mc'Kenzie. Prest W. spoke
a few words at the close.

- Prest Woodruff sealed
to his son Abraham Owen Miss Helen
. Sister to Mrs Augusta Grant
In the evening Bro. Grant gave them
a reception at his home but Prest.
Woodruff was unable to attend.

Page 129
Page 130


The latter part of - his daughter Alice
was strucken down with a severe illness
and was later healed by a remarkable
manifestation of the power of God.

South. th he notes the funeral of his
daughter Susan Scholes and - attend-
ed with Prest. Cannon in Nephi the funeral
of Prest. Wm Paxman.

On Thur. - Prest. Woodruff was
called upon by Col, Dickinson and several
Hawaiian gentlemen enroute to Washington
to oppose the Annexation of the Hawaiian
Islands to the United States.

Sun. - Pres. W. attended an inter-
esting lecture in the Tabernacle on Russia
and her people by Dr. Talmage

- Prest. W. passed his 91st
anniversary quietly at home with his family.
He wrote in his ^Journal^ words of praise and
commendation in honor of his wives
and children, naming them
-he rec'd a copy of the 1st
edition of the Book of Mormon which
he prized very highly.

at a gathering of a portion of
his family with L. J. Nuttall, Andrew Smith

Page 131
Page 132

and Mazie Barkley, he had Bro. Nuttall
read to them the wonderful manifesta-
tions given him in Arizona in
the early part of 1880, and instructed his
family to remember the thngs con-
tained therein, as they would surely
come to pass. Sister Woodruff gave a
carnation to each persent and asked
that it be pressed and kept in memory
of the occasion.

he notes the funeral of Elder
Geo. G Bywater, and that speakers. Bp. Wal-
ter Beathe
, ^Elder^ Areluis Miner, Ex Gov. Thomas
Prest C. W. Penrose of the S. L. Stake, Bro.
D. L. Davis, Prests L. Snow and Angus M.

-he went to deseret to attend
conference and look into the tempreal
interests of the Saints there who were
having trouble in securing water.

Wed. , he went to Liberty
and shook hands with about 2000
children who were there for a Holiday

On th he celebrated the day in
Sugar House Wd. accompanied by Prest
Col. Isaac Trumbo. In the afternoon
he went to Saltair with Prest Geo. Q.

Page 133
Page 134


Monday Oct 5. 10 am
Prayer by Elder J. D. T. MCallister
Elder J. D Richards spoke 35 min
" B Young " 22 "
" F M Lyman " 35 "
Benediction by Elder S. B. Young

2 P. M.
Prayer by Elder E. Partridge
Pres W. Woodruff spoke 30 min
" L. Snow " 25 "
Elder John H. Smith 15 "
" B. Young 10 "
" H. J. Grant 5 "
" Geo Teasdale 17 "
Pres Jos F Smith 12 "
Benediction by J. G. Kimball

Tuesday Oct 6th 10 am
Prayer by Elder Hugh S. Gowans
Elder John W. Taylor spoke 45 min
" M. W. Merrill " 25 "
" A. H. Lund " 28 "

Penediction by Elder Geo Reynolds

Page 135


Page 136

Office of
The First Presidency
of the
Church of Jesus Christ
Latter-day Saints

P.O. Box B Salt Lake City, Utah

1st Book . Jan 1 - 1838 to Dec 31 - 1839
2 " Jan 1 - 1840 to Dec 31 - 1830
3 " Jan 1 - 1841 to Dec 31 - 1842 R S. April 28/42
4 " Jan 1 - 1843 to Dec 31 - 1844
5 " Jan 1 - 1856 to Dec 31 - 1846
6 " Jan 1 - 1847 to Dec 31 - 1853
7 " Jan 1 - 1854 to Dec 31 - 1859
10 Jan 1 - 18[73] to Feb 7 - 1880
9 " Oct 22. 1865 " Dec 3 1 1872
11 ' Feb 8th 1880 to Dec 31 1885
12 " Jan 1 1886 to Dec 31 - 1892

Page 137
Page 138

~ Wednesday

A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Jan 9, 1895

I received a Letter from Owen to Father & Mother
I wrote to Owen 4 pages And to Cornelius Schettler
4 pages

~ Thursday

10 ^ Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right^ I subscribed for A Libary of Chise Litteraton
of 10 volums at $5 a volume paid Monthly. It is said
to be the Best History in the world The Twelve met
in the Temple to settle some Difficulty between
Moses Thatcher & M W. Merrill it was not setled

~ Friday

11 I spent the day in the office I had a Numbers of
callers, Brother Merrill, Thatcher, Grant, & others

~ Saturday

12 I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I went to Clara's in the Morning I took
Vedi up to Sabbath School Ovando was at the school
He returned at Noon I spent the Afternoon with him

~ Monday

14 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Prest G Q Cannon

~ Tuesday

15 Keys crossed I signed a Note to day as Trustee in trust
for $500000 for three years at about 5 pr cent
I met with Wm Budge & Met with the board of
Z.C.M.I. And several other Parties

~ Wednesday

16 I Borrowed $1500 of Zion Saving Bank
for a short time on company Affairs
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 Letters from Owen one on the 14th
& one this morning Both to Father & Mother I mailed
a Letter to Owen this Morning containing Letters
from Father, Mother & Blanche I also wrote Asahel
A hand pointing to the right I got measured for a pair of calf Boots at Coop

Page 139

~ Thursday

Jan 17, 1895

We granted the use of the Tabernacle for lecture of the charitable
institution for the Benefit of the poor Joseph F. Smith and
Myself met with the Twelve in the Temple And the subject
An arrow of Moses Thatcher was called up whare he had preached
in Bear Lake a political Discourse concerning Brother
Merrill. it was represented that Brother Thatcher had made
a statement about Brother Merrill which was false & Brother
Thatcher now wrote a Letter contradicting theis statement
There was a Party in the Farmers ward Meeting House
to night Nearly all the family Attended Except
my self I sat up till 12 oclok & slept but little during
the night I have not slept well of Late nights. I was
weighed to day & weighed 191 lbs which is to much for health

~ Friday

18 I met at the office Brother Merrill & Budge Also
Brothr & Sister F D Richards

~ Saturday

19. I spent the day at home not vary well

~ Sunday

20 Sunday I spent the day at home mostly reading Ovando
& Clara and children spent the day with us

~ Monday

21. I went to the office

Keys crossed Samuel Cates from Ogden called upon me
And asked me to Fill a carr with 20000 lbs
of flour to take to the starving people of Nebraskia
Cash Valley furnished 6500 lbs I ordered. I brought
Bishop Preston 14000 lbs to fill the cars at Richmond
making 20,500 lbs which we donate as a Church for
^ A folded letter/box^ that suffering People I received a Letter from Asahel

Page 140

~ Wednesday

Jan 23, 1895

A snow storm all day we had a visit from
Nephi Pratt about getting his Brother Alma out of
the Asylum I setled Tithing to day for the family for
1894 As follows. Wilford Woodruff $742.80
Emma W. $358.50 Asahel $342.65, Owen $53.15
Total $1497.10 Tithing of the family

~ Thursday

24 I went to the office And to the Temple with the
Twelve we discussed several subjects Among other
things it had been the custom in Cache valley by M
& others to ordain a High Priest then set him
apart for a Bishop. I decided that was wrong. No man
had a right to officiate in any office of the Priesthood
without being ordained to that office. We also had
up the subject of Evan Stephens the leader of the Quire
we finally voted to give him $2000 dollars a year for
all his time

~ Friday

25 I met with the Twelve in the Temple at 11 oclok And
attended to the business before us

~ Saturday

26 I spent the day at home reading it is quite cold

~ Sunday

27 Sunday I spent the day at home reading & writing

~ Monday

28 ^[FIGURES]^ I received a Letter from Owen & wrote him
a Letter & sent it with one from Blanche Emma is
quite Poorly I met with Nephi Clayton just returned
from the East

~ Tuesday

29. I had a visit from many Brethren the first Presidency
of the Stake called upon me concerning some Matters of
Charles R Savage which was setled satisfactory

Page 141

~ Wednesday

Jan 2930, 1895

I had an interview this morning with Mr Farr
I received a Telegram from G Q Cannon. We Met
with the Utah Company and they gave us an Account
of their work in the East

~ Thursday

31 I met in the Temple with the Twelve President Cannon
being Present. A Matter of C. R. Savage was brought
up & discussed concerning his family Affairs

~ Friday

Feb 1. I called uppon Julia Woodruff, Wilford
wife she is dangerous sick I called upon Dr
Benedits to visit her Afterwards President Cannn
& J F Smith Accompanied me to Wilfords House & we all
administerd to her but she was bloated to a terrible extent
Julia Woodruff wife of Wilford Woodruff ^Jr^ Died at
10.30 oclock Friday night Aged 38 years 8 M[onths] & 26 days

Feb 1, 1895
A coffin Julia Spencer Woodruff
Died 10.30 Feb 1, 1895
Aged 38 years 8 M[onths] & 26 Days

~ Saturday

Feb 2 I spent the day Mostly in preparing for the funeral tomorrow

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday we held the funeral in the Meeting House 9 ward
J. F. Smith spoke 25 Minutes, L. Snow 10 M[inutes], John Henry Smith
15 M[inutes], David McKinzie 10 M[inutes] W Woodruff 10 Minutes. The
grave was Dedicated By John Henry Smith W Woodruff
said he could not mourn for any Latter Day Saint who died in the Lord

Page 142

~ Monday

Feb 34rd 1895

I met in the office with My Councillors Brothers
Orson Smith, ^&^ Jeremiah Langford on some
of our affairs in Nevada

~ Tuesday

5 A vary busy Day Judge M Toll & John W Barrows
from Denver who are visiting us to Examine
our securities on a Lone, they spent the day with
us. We also met with Brother Smith & Langford
about our Affairs in Nevada I received a Letter
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ from Owen & I wrote him a Letter I also wrote
Sarah & Mary a Letter I met in the Morning with
the Board of the Deserett National

~ Wednesday

6 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Owen & sent one from
Blanche with it I met with the Board of Z.C.MI
Also Met with Brother Orson Smith & Langford

~ Thursday

7. A hand pointing to the right I sent a Letter to Owen from his Mother
I met in the Morning with the Utah Company
Also Met with Judge M Toll & John W Barrows
As a parting Hour They Enquired if the Trustees in
trust controlls the Temples we transacted a good
Deal of Business with the Utah Company to day
Asahel & myself administered to Emma & myself
she is in quite Poor health at Present

~ Friday

8th Cannon & Grant Company held a Meeting at the office
^ A folded letter/box^ to day I received a Letter from Wm McEwan & Owen to Blanche

~ Saturday

9. I spent the day at home fixing up my Journal

~ Sunday

10 Sunday Phebe Scholes was quite sick at our House
A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Wm McEwan & Owen in one Envellop

Page 143

~ Monday

Feb 11, 1895

I met with Langford & Orson Smith. I also Met
with Brother Budge {I had [due] less money.} I was unwell at nigh

~ Tuesday

12 We met with Brother Budge & with others we had a
meeting with the financial Board of the savings
Bank {They offered to loan us thirty thousand dollars. This is a great relief to us.}

~ Wednesday

13 The Brigham Young Board Met in the Morning
and done a good Deal done a good Deal of business
A folded letter/box I received a Letter from Sylvia And Answered
her & sent her $10.

~ Thursday

14 I met with the Twelve in the Temple I had an
interview with John Beck

~ Friday

15 I spent the day in the office I met with the Board of ZCMI
Meeting lasted 3 Hours

~ Saturday

16. I spent the day at home reading & writing

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I spent the day at home reading I dont feel
able to go to Meeting this cold weather

~ Monday

18 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a Letter to Owen Had an interview with Brother
Smith & Hugh Cannon we met with A. O. S^m^oot

~ Tuesday

19. I spent the day in the office G Q Cannon
Answered the Libelious Document in the N. Y. times
against him & the Presidency published in the
Herald & Tribune 20

~ Wednesday

20. Presidents Cannons Denial of the slanders
in the [New York] Times was published in Both Herald & Tribune

~ Thursday

21 I met with the Twelve in the Temple the Doctrins
of {J F Smith} was Discused in one of his sermons about
The Apostles not Having the Gift of the Holy Ghost untill after the death of the savior

Page 144

~ Friday

Feb 22, 1895

Washington Birth Day I spent the day at home
writing out invitations to our Birth Day Party

~ Saturday

23 I spent this day at home writing invitations to Birth Day Party

February 24, 1895 ~ Sunday

24. Sunday I rode to Claraies & took Dinner then to Meeting
in the Tabernacle three young Missionaries from Tennessee
all spoke & bore strong testimony I followed them
& spoke 10 Minutes followed by President G Q Canon

~ Monday

25 I spent the day in the Office I received 2 letters
^ A folded letter/box^ from Owen one to Father & Mother & one to Blanche &
Asahel had one They were vary fine Letter

~ Tuesday

26 We had a sugar Meeting Cannon & Grant Meeti[ng]
^ A hand pointing to the right^ & Utah CMeeting. I sent a Letter to Owen

~ Wednesday

27. I delivered the Last invitations to day to our Birth
Party about 250 in all Prest G Q Cannon
read to us several Letters from Frank J Cannon from
New York showing the variety of feelings towards
us some of the Democrats are are attrying in the
East to destroy our Prospect for a state Government
A hand pointing to the right The letter I mailed yesterday to Owen was one
from Father, Mother, Blanche & Alice. I gave his letter
to the Editor of the News for Publication

~ Thursday

28. Spent two hours in the Temple with The Presidency
& Twelve Moses Thatcher Prayed Abram Cannon Mouth
Prest G. Q. Cannon was quite poorly to day
we had quite a Number of Letters to day from
the East upon business Matters

Page 145

~ Friday

March 1, 1895

This is my Birth Day Also my wife
Emmas I am 88 years of Age, & Emma is
57 years of Age. I am in the Enjoyment of Good
Health & sound Mind for which I thank God
my Heavenly Father.

A heart Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 88 years
This Day

A heart Emma Woodruff
B[orn] March 1, 1838
Aged 57 years
Old This Day

We held a Birth Day Party in the Temple with
some 250 workers in the Temple & others it
included the Presidency of the Church, The Twelve
Apostles, seventies And the Leading Men of the [blank]
with many of the Aged Men & women Also the
Leading Bishops. This is the Last Meeting President
Abraham Owen Smoot Ever Attended. He was quite
poorly returned home went to bed & died on the 6
of March I have been a member in the Church up to
this date 601 years and 2 Months

Page 146

~ Saturday

March 2 1895

I was quite sick last night & sick to day I took
cold which settled all through my system

~ Sunday

3 Sunday I was quite sick at night I was allso sick

~ Monday

4 throug Monday quite poorly through the day some
better at nigh

~ Tuesday

5 I went to the office & spent the day transacting such
business as come before hi me Herd Letters read from Frank

~ Wednesday

6 I had a vary busy Day Orson Smith & Hugh Cannon
called upon me Also Col Trumbo, Budge & Also
A hand pointing to the right I wrote A Letter to Newton Woodruff
I met with Zions savings Bank Board I wrote a
A hand pointing to the right Letter to Owen to day

Keys crossed A crown President Abraham Owen Smoot died this
Afternoon at 4 oclok 10 At Provo

A coffin Abraham Owen Smoot born Feb 17, 1815
Died March 6, 1895 At 4 oclock 10
Aged 80 years One Month & 6 Days

~ Thursday

7. I met with the Twelve in the Temple and had Prayer
We also met with Mr S. H H Clark President of the
U P Rail Road He is a good Man

~ Friday

8. We Met with Mr Dooly who informed us that Men
in the East were trying to injure our credit
some Enemies from Salt Lake have published in New Times
that the Mormon Church is Bankrupt this is done to Destroy our
credit May God reward them

Page 147

We met with the Twelve in the Temple and had Prayers

~ Saturday

9. In company with my wife Emma I took carrs
& rode to Provo & spent the night with the family of
President A O. Smoot who lay a corps in the
House Sister Smoot was in Deep mo^u^rning
Distance of the Day 50 Miles

~ Sunday

10 Sunday The Body of A. O. Smoot was laid
out in his coffin made of Locuse wood which
Brother Smoot had raised Himself had it sawed out
& seasoned And it made one of the finest caskets
I Ever saw in my life. All the family took leave
of the Body at the House which was then taken to the
Tabernacle and Exhibited to the people for 1 1/2 hours
The tabernacle was packed as full as it could Hold
At 11 oclock the services commenced. After singing
and Prayer Joseph E Taylor spoke 20 Minutes
J F Smith 20 M[inutes] David John 15 Bishop Partridge 15,
G. Q Cannon 25 M[inutes], & W Woodruff 20 M[inutes], and
Karl G Maeser 10 Minutes. The Meeting was then dismissed
And prosession then formed in the street, Family fir[s]t
in carriges then citizen on foot 4 Abrest then
citizens in carriages. I think it was the Longest procession
I Ever saw in Utah I think it was a Mile long. We
took cars & Returned to Salt Lake City 50 Miles

~ Monday

11 A hand pointing to the right I received a Letter from Owen to his Mother & one to
Blanche. We received a Letter from Gen Clarkson

~ Tuesday

12. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I mailed 2 Letters to Owen to day from Father & Mother

Page 148

I met with quite a Number of men I met with
Orson S[m]ith, Clawson & Trumbo, and quite a
number of subjects discussed

~ Wednesday

13 I took to Cannons Bindery to day the following
works for Binding. 2 Vol. Young Womons Journal [18]89 94
Illustrated American 3 years [18]91, 92 & [18]93
Rout from Liverpool to Salt Lake Illustrated
The Higher Officials vol 1, 3 vol Fish Culture
six volums Forest & Stream
& Picturesque America the land we live in

We had a hard sonow storm last night

~ Thursday

14 I met with the Twelve in the Temple for Prayer
I also met at 2 oclock at my office Reed Smoot
& Dusenbury from Provo, & Legrand Young H. J. Grant
A. H. Cannon F M Lyman J F Smith & others from
Salt Lake City to see if we could do any thing to
save the selling at Auction the Bigham Young Academy
at Provo to [pay] the Debts upon it A committee was
Appointed to see if they could Borrow Money to
pay the Debts

~ Friday

15. I met with the board of Z.C.MI in the forenoon
I learned that the committee could not Borrow any
Money for the B. Y. Academy things looked dark

~ Saturday

16. I spent the day at home reading I spent the night
at the Gardo House

~ Sunday

17 Sunday we rode to Clara's to see the sick children
we then returned home

Page 149

~ Monday

March 18, 1895

I met with F S Richards, Robert, Thurman & Ivins
I talked with them about the Constitution & {the [illegible shorthand] women}

~ Tuesday

19. I spent the day in the office Met with a Number of parties
Mrs Bell Moses lost one of her Twins to day about
9 Months old. A coffin Ethel Moses Died March 19 Aged 9 months Emma was quite sick through
the night

~ Wednesday

20 Sarah called
at the office on the way to Smithfield to attend the funeral
of her Grand child of Arabella Moses Legrand Young
called upon us and read the Bonds of our Coal Mines
we met with L W. Cluff & N. W. Clayton. Thomas Ricks
called upon us Also I received a Letter from Owen And
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ wrote him one in Return of 4 pages Emma was quite
sick through the night

~ Thursday

21. Emma was some better this morning I met
with the Twelve in the Temple & had Prayers

~ Friday

22. A Rainey Morning I spent the day in the office
I had many callers

~ Saturday

23 Emma was better this Morning she rode to the city with [blank]
we called upon Clara found all three of her children
getting better from the measles we chose a company of
Elders to day, to go and Attend the funeral of the dead on
Sunday 24 of March 1895.
The Names were
J F Smith, F. D Richards
Seymour B Young
& Edward Stephenson
4 in all. The ^33^ coffins were brought outside the House

A coffin 53 61 Men killed by an
Explusin in the Alma Mine
32 were Later Day Saints
5.45 Evening March 20 [18]95

Page 150

March 23 1895

I spent the day in the Office I wrote a Letter to
^[FIGURES]^ Prest G. Q. Cannon giving him an outline of affairs
with us and the burial of 53 Men killed in the Explosion at
the Alma mine 32 of which were Latter Day Saints

~ Sunday

24 Sunday I was sick all dally & night with severe
cold in my Head & Lungs

~ Monday

25 I rode to the Fish Car [Culture?] at the D. & R. G and
Exhamined the 2000000 white fish Eggs from
Lake Erie they were just beginning to Hatch they
were in the care of A M Musser who was going
with ^them^ to the Lake as they Hatched out. I then rode
to the Office & held a Meeting with J. F Smith
& Winder & Ogden Company upon the commen[cin]g
of building the water poipe to Ogden I received a
^[FIGURES]^ Letter from Owen & sent him one from Father & Mother

~ Tuesday

26 I had a sick night as did Mrs Woodruff
I went to the office Met with Professor Talmage
who gave a History of the Tobaco & Sigaret trade
which is injuring our trad Boys. Sarah also
called in on her way home from the funeral of her
Grand child

~ Wednesday

27. I went to the office & met with
& met with Jacob Wilder & ordan
and ordainened Jacob Wilered to the
office off Patriarch Joseph F Smith wa[s]

~ Thursday

28. I spent the day at home sick

Page 151

~ Friday

March 29, 1895

A Hard snow storm I went to the office and Br
David MCKenzie gave me a stamp from a seal
cut in London of my Father (Woodruffs) coat of Arme
it was a Beautiful peace of work Brother T G Webber
called & Brought my Z.CM.I Messages to Read
on the 5 April at 12 {o'clock}

~ Saturday

30. I spent the day at home choring pruning &c

~ Sunday

31. Sunday I spent this day at home Aliece
was vary sick commencied with coughing then turned into
A fever I Administered to her

~ Monday

^ A folded letter/box^ April 1. I went to the office I received a Letter from
Prest G Q Cannon And 1 Letter from Sylvia I wrote
to Sylvia & sent her $10. Brother George Teasdale
Arived at the office to day He called upon me at
night & Administered to Alace who was vary sick

~ Tuesday

2nd ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a Letter from Owen to Father Mother
& Blanche. I wrote Letters to Owen to Susan & Phebe
sent $10. I wrote to Sylvia Thompton
I sent her $10 for sickness was visited by a
company of Sisters upon womans sufferage

~ Wednesday

3 Thomas W Ellerbeck died this morning at 7.30
At 66 years of Age He has been poorly a good while
I had a meeting with Br C. O. Card from Canida

~ Thursday

4 Prest G. Q Cannon returned this morning all well
Col Trumbo called upon us {She tells him private news}
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I mailed a Letter from Blanch to Owen to day
I signed my Name 220 [times] in one Hour & 20 minutes

Page 152

~ Friday

April 5, 1895

The 66 Semiannual Conference of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met at
the Tabernacle at 10 oclok to day W Woodruff
made a few remarks followed By Abram Cannon
Merrill & Taylor in the forenoon &
G Teasdale & H J Grant & W Woodruff in
the Afternoon And a Priesthood Meeting
Held in the Evening

~ Saturday

April 6. Conference Met at 10 oclok A S
F M Lyman B Young & F D Richards
spoke in the forenoon F D Richards spoke
upon Keeping Records we held a Meeting yesterday
with Mr Bannester concerning Electric
Compan[y] at Ogden

~ Sunday

7. Sunday I went to the Tabernacle it was
crowed almost to Fsuffication W Woodruff spoke
40 Minutes on the History of the Church followed
By Joseph F Smith one hour I went to Ovando
to Dinner. In the afternoo G Q Cannon
spoke about 1 H 30 Minutes followed By W Woodruff 10 m

~ Monday

8. Monday I Attended the Priesthood Meeting in the
Assembly Hall we gave council to the Priesthood
we held several meetings in the Afternoon Brother
Munch came to my house & copied my Patriarchal
Blessing to put into a frame

~ Tuesday

9. A folded letter/box I received a Letter from Owen we held a Meeting
with the Utah Company I signed 100 Z.C.MI stock Book

Page 153

~ Wednesday

April 10, 1895

I met this Morning at the office many Parties
Card from Canida Smith & Hugh Cannon {Want
fifty thousand dollars on the mine.} I was vary bad through the night
with Kidney trouble the night

~ Thursday

11 I met with the Twelve in the Temple and discussed
several questions one was to take an interest in
Land & water matters in Arazonia Utah and
Nevada with a Man by the name of Wells Hendershott
we decided not to Engage in it At 3 oclok we
went Down to Brother Gallagers & Eat 2 dozen
fresh Raw Oysters as a Donation to us
we then returned to the Office And I signed
my name on a Document 225 times in one H[our]
I Attended a party at John MCDonalds until
11 oclock. our {enemies are determined to make him [detain] us to destroy state government}

~ Friday

12 I spent the day in the office attending to Business

~ Saturday

13 Sunday I spent the day at home choreing

~ Sunday

14. Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

15 I spent the day in the office met with many Parties
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I mailed a Letter to Owen from Father & Blanche

~ Tuesday

16 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Owen to Mother with a
pair of Gloves I spent the forenoon with Legrand
on the Utah Company Business. I met
with Brother Hilton & several others from Samoa
2 sisters came over & left there Husbands
there they speak well of the Mission there

~ Wednesday

17 I went met with Col Trumbo about the suffridge

Page 154

April 17, 1895

^ A folded letter/box^ I met with the Utah Company about commencing
work up Ogden Canyon on the power company
I received a Letter from Owen to Father & George Shopmar

~ Thursday

18. A hand pointing to the right A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right I sent a Letter to Owen from Father Mother & Peter
We had to raise $558,000 dollars to day or meet
with a great Loss it looked a great impossibility
but through the Blessings of God we were Enabled to do it

~ Friday

19. The Presidency met at the Office and attended to
a good Deal of Business. We found that our business
went all all right yesterday I prepared for going to
Provo to morrow

~ Saturday

20 In company with Emma G Q Cannon & J F Smith
& L Snow A. H. Cannon we took carrs & Road to Provo 50 M[iles]
We Attended the conference at the Tabernacle we met at 10 o'clok
Brother John & Partridge spoke a short time W Woodruff
spoke a few Moments F. M. Lyman followed then
A. H. Cannon spoke. We Met at Reed Smoots &
took Dinner. We then Met in council to take
into consideration the importance of Appointing a
Presidency for the Stake we had no one upon our
minds when we came while discussing the subject
the spirit of the Lord rested upon us & Designated
Edward Partridge as President & David John as
first & Reed Smoot as second councillors so
we settled upon that as we were all united upon
that. We met at the Tabernacle at 2 oclok
at the Tabernacle L Snow spoke followed By J F Smi

Page 155

And W Woodruff spoke 20 M[inutes] spoke of his Experience
in the Early ages of the Church

A Meeting of the Priesthood in the Evening L Snow
& G Q Cannon spoke

~ Sunday

21 Sunday The conference Met at 10 oclk B Young spok
23 Minutes John Henry Smith 10 M[inutes] G Q Cannon 12 M[inutes]
Afternoon W. Woodruff took the stand & Presented
the 3 Names for the Presidency of the Stake viz
Edward Partridge for Presidet & David Johns
for first councillor & Reed Smoot for 2nd councillor
we had a full congregation and it was a
universal vote After which G. Q. Cannon spoke followed
by J F Smith & W. Woodruff all spoke we had much
of the spirit of the Lord with us we left the Meeting
at 3 oclk we then went aboard of carr & returned
to Salt Lake City 100 Miles

~ Monday

22 Met with the Pioneer Company at our office
had a Letter from Frank Cannon read the subject of
commencing work in the canyon was Discussed I then
wrote my name 220 times on Business paper

~ Tuesday

23 We Met with Orson Smith & Hugh Cannon
upoon our Sterling Mine Business we met several parties

~ Wednesday

24 The Presidency talked over the stock of the
Sterling Mine Property. I Received 12 Photos
of C. R. Savage

~ Thursday

25 I met with the Twelve in the Temple & we took
up the subject of H B Roberts & M Thatcher Advocating
subject in the convention against our interest

Page 156

I was measured for a suit of cloths By Emil Olson
A hand pointing to the right I mailed a Letter to day to Owen from Father & Mother

~ Friday

26 I spent the day in the office J L Anderson
Land Agent called upon me with Dr Park
And talked over the Timber Question of the Territory
I had an interview with Judge Powers & Patt Lennen
they wanted to get the promise of the Tabernacle for
A United States Political Convention for the
Nomination of A President we agreed to
Give the use of the Tabernacle for that purpose

~ Saturday

27. I spent the day at home choreing with the
two Men making water Ditches & Irrigating &c

~ Sunday

28 Sunday I spent the Day at home reading

~ Monday

29. I spent the day in the office I received a Letter
^ A folded letter/box^ from Owen to Father & Mother. The Sterling Mine
sent into the Commercial National Bank 2 gold
Bars Amounting to $3,600 dollars I am glad we
are begining to get sumthing from the Mine to assist

~ Tuesday

30 Thank God we have a great rain which soaks
the whole Earth I was not well this morning

~ Wednesday

May 1. Received a Letter from Orson Sithmith says they
took out about $4000 in gold in 8 days we were visited
By Mr Pierson we also held a Meeting with Ogden
Power Company
we also Met with the savings Bank
Board & heard the Report which was favorable

~ Thursday

2nd We met at the Temple Had Prayers we Met with
Benjamin Cluff principle of Provo Academy

Page 157

Brother Cluff presented to us the condition of the provo
A hand pointing to the right^ Academy & Teachers &c I sent a Letter to Owen
from Blanche A hand pointing to the right we consulted with Hiram Clawson
about Joining in a New company throughout the United
States upon the subject of a New Telephone. It
continues to Rain untill the whole Earth is soaked
down quite a Depth it Rained all night

~ Friday

3. I met with Claudius Spencer about the conver-
tion of his Father & family to Mormonism which
was quite interestin. I attended a Party with
my councillors & many others at Andrew
who is about to take a Journey around
the world in the interest of the Historian Office
& the Church we set him apart for the Mission
Blessed his child & Dedicated his House to the
Lord & all the Presidency Made speeches

~ Saturday

4 I spent the day at home it rained a good part
of the Day

~ Sunday

5. Sunday I spent the day at home Reading

~ Monday

6 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received Letters from Owen He said He
had been removed to Berlin the Capital of Germany
He baptized 3 a few days before He wrote I sent
him a Letter of 6 pages I gave him some account
of my temporal Affairs

~ Tuesday

7. We the Presidency took cars & Rode to Ogden
& Met with the Power company & learned that the
opposition company had stoped our company crossing

Page 158

the River to their work we all went up the canyon
And after conversing with Leaders they settelled
the Matter for the present we went up the canyon
to the Place whare Mr Rhoades Men are at work
we returned to Ogden & Returned to Salt Lake 95 Miles
^ An arrow An arrow^ On my arival at the farm I found My Grand Daughter
Phebe C Scholes on a By sickle was run over
by a 2 Horse waggon driven by a Drunken Man
she fell between the Horses did not Break any bones
but bruised her up Broke her Bysickle to peaces

~ Wednesday

8 Emma took up Phebe to her school this morning
I met with the board of Education sat severall
Hours and with the Utah Company in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

9 I met with the Twelve at the Temple and
had Prayers & Attended to considerable business

~ Friday

10 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Orson Smith on
the Sterling Mine He says there is 12000 tons of
Ore out in the mine as Deep as they have gone down
at $20 a ton which would be $240000 ^24 tons per day^

~ Saturday

11 I spent the day at home choreing & reading
I Attended a Meeting on the 190 with the Telephone
company & Mr Doty & John A. Marshall
they were invited to Join but I understand
they refuse

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I spent the day at home Rev Mr. Shaw
& Mrs Anthony spoke in the Tabernacle followed by
Bishop Whitney

Page 159

~ Monday

May 13, 1895

I spent the day in the office I attended A sociable
at F S Richards Habitation at 4.30 I met with the
Eastern Ladies Mrs Anthony & Rev Mrs Shaw with a hundred citizens including Judge Zane Judd & Lades
Gov. West with Men & women of all creeds in a
social form all were quite free.

~ Tuesday

14 ^ A folded letter/box Keys crossed^ I received a Letter from Owen to Mother on read
Letter Day it was quite interesting He was stoping
with a Farmer on his way to Berlin. He would
plough Harrow & Milk cows day time & Preach
nights in a place whare Mormons citizens were
forbidden to pray under penalty of fine & impris-
and He runs quite a risk himself
of being Arested

~ Wednesday

Brother Orson Telegraphs that He is
^15^ Bringing 15 1/2 lbs of Gold to the Bank from the Sterling
we were visited by theSeveral persons upon
^ A hand pointing to the right^ various subjects I wrote to Owen 4 pages I herd Perbek
Letter read on contracts

~ Thursday

156. In company with Emma Blanche & Alice I took
car & Rode to Brigham City And Attended the celebration
of the Marriage of Florence Snow to Brother Crithlood
we had a large Meeting in the Evening took supper
about 11 oclok went to bed at 12 65 Miles

~ Friday

167 We returned to Salt Lake I stoped at the office
had a vary busy day Among the work we were
visited by the Members of the Silver Convention abot
75 Men they shook Hands with us

Page 160

This Silver Company was composed of about A
Dozen Govornors A Dozen Members of Congress
And most of them Eminent They spoke vary
highly of the Beauty of Salt Lake City & the
Accomodations they had received and Esspecially
the glory of the Tabernacle I wrote 2 letters & sent
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right One to Owen & one to President Naegle & asked
him to Let Ow[e]n take a Journey of observation
through Europe with Dr Leslie Snow

~ Saturday

18 I went to the office & Met with Simon
& John Becke & J. F. Smith Enemies
were trying to Destroy Beck Financially

In company with Phe Emma I rode to Farmington
to Attend the 50 year golden wedding we met in a
large Hall which was full of People A single thing
took place William O Clark Married his Brother
50 years ago And for some cause He wanted
to perform the same ceremony again out of
curiosity I suppose which was done. Speeches were
made untill midnight 18 M[iles].

~ Sunday

19. I returned to Salt Lake & spent the day at home

~ Monday

20. I spent the day at the office Attending to Business

~ Tuesday

21. ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received 2 letters from Owen to Father Mother & Blanche
I wrote a Letter to Owen, & sent him one from Emma
& Blanche I dined with senator Cullom at the Gordo House

~ Wednesday

22. A hand pointing to the right I received a Letter from John Cutler & wrote him one
in return I was quite unwell during the Day Alma Pratt called upon me in the Evening

Page 161

~ Thursday

May 23, 1895

I met several of the Twelve at the Temple & had Prayers

~ Friday

24 I spent the day in the office Met with Charles
W Irish
called upon upon Irrigation Matter

~ Saturday

25 I spent the day at home choreing
May ^ Keys crossed^ 25 1895 I met with my family in the Evening And
Laid befor them some important Principle And duties

~ Sunday

26 I spent the day at home resting & reading

~ Monday

27. ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received 3 Letters from Sarah David &Susan, I
one from Owen to Blanche I wrote 2 letters
to Sarah & Frederick Moses And I wrote one
Letter to Susan C. Scholes

A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed I put into the Hands of Georg F Gibbs (The Revelation
given to Me in the Wilderness in San Francisco Mountain)
to record in my Daily Journal which is recorded in
the back part of this Book we had a rain & snow storm
last night the Earth soaked

~ Tuesday

28 A. H. Cannon & N Clayton returned from the East
Ezra T Shett & wife called upon me

~ Wednesday

29 ^ A folded letter/box^ Received a Letter from Brothr A. H. Lund saying
that Bro Forsburg An Elder Had apostized

~ Thursday

30 was Decoration Day I staid at home and
helped clean out the suller of water I got my
feet wet & took cold

~ Friday

31. Last day of May it is quite cold I received a Letter
from Brother Cannon & a telegram from Hugh J Cannon
& Orson Smith & a Letter from a cashier of a
^ A folded letter/box^ Calafornia Bank I received a Letter from Susan

Page 162

^ A hand pointing to the right^ wrote 1 Letter to Susan and spent the day in the Office

~ Saturday

June 1. I spent the day at home choreing

~ Sunday

2 Sunday I Attended the Quarterly Conference at the
Tabernacle Bishop Preston spoke first followed By John
Henry Smith
who spoke upon the Duties of the Saints
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke for 30 Minutes telling
The Saints what the Mind & will of God was con-
cerning them. He was followed by J. F. Smith who spok
40 Minutes there were some 8000 Saints present

~ Monday

3rd I met with Board of Zions Savings Bank &
we Elected A New Board but the same Men
of the former Board, we also met with Mr
Mires & Marcus E Jones upon Making a Road to
Deep Creek and to Examine for a Road to
St George

~ Tuesday

4 we learn by Telegraph that Many are Dying
in the streets in New york & other cities with
the Heat. Thermometer 100

~ Wednesday

5 I spent the day in the office was quite unwell

~ Thursday

6 I had a bad night slept but Little I went to the office
had an interview with Orson Smith we went to
the Temple at 11 oclok we received a Telegraph from
G. Q. Cannon on our affiairs East some rain in the East

~ Friday

7. Cloudy, I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

8 I spent the day at home choreing & resting not well
The young Mens Conference Met in the Assembly Hall
speeches were made By J F Smith & other Brethren

Page 163

~ Sunday

June 9, 1895

Sunday I Attended the young Mens Conference in
the forenoon in the Assembly Hall Moses Thatcher
Delivered a Lecture to the Assembly in the
Afternoon we Met in the Tabernacle sacrament
Administered & officers Presented & F M Lyman
John Henry Smith & H J Grant were Apo[i]nted
Assistance to the Presidency of the Society IW Woodruff
Addressed the Assembly 30 Minutes followed by several
of the Brethren. There was a Meeting in the Evening
Bishop Whitney Delivered an Address to the Assembly

~ Monday

10 I arose this Morning with a vertigo quite Dizzy
But went to the office And Received 10 Letters
^ A folded letter/box^ one from Owen to Emma & Blanch & one in Jerman
to George I was quite poorly throug the day

~ Tuesday

11 A hand pointing to the right I went to the office And wrote a Letter to Owen
of 4 pages & one from his Mother I am in poor Health

~ Wednesday

12 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from My Daughter Bell Moses
she wants a celebration of her 20 year of Marriag
And wished Me to Attend which I will
Endeavor to do if I can Peter Jenson called
upon me saying some persons was trying to
steal his House & Lot from him I put it into
the Hands of F. S. Richards to Attend to we
had an interview with Col Trumbo who has Just
returned from Calafornia I had a vary bad night

~ Thursday

13 I met with Judge Patten & Banister about the Ogden
Power Company

Page 164

~ Friday

June 14, 1895

I went to Smithfield and spent the Night And
Attended the celebration of 20 years Marriag there
was quite a large company in Attendance Remained
untill after midnight

~ Saturday

15 I returned to Salt Lake City to day 200 Miles

~ Sunday

16 ^{Sunday}^ took cars & rode to Provo & carriage 8 Miles to Carter 58 M

~ Monday

17. I spent the day at Carters the Brethren went to fishing

~ Tuesday

18 Spent the day at Carters considerable fishing

~ Wednesday

19 A Hard frost we returned to Provo & on to Salt Lake 116 Miles
I spent the night at home I am suffering immensly with
Athsma cannot sleep at night at all but am in great Distress
I suffered immensly During the past night

~ Thursday

20 I went to the office & Met with President Cannon
also J F Smith & the Twelve. The Apostles Dedicated a
Bottle of Oil from Palestine then Anointed me & Blessed
me for my Breathing I met Mr Mires Also

~ Friday

21 [FIGURES] We received a Letter from Owen to Father Mother
Blanche & Alice I wrote 3 Letters to Day to Owen Lund
& Nagle we met with JohnGeorge M Cannon On the
Bank Business I had a bad night night last night
was quite unwell to day

~ Saturday

22nd Concluded today, on the advice of my
counselors, to go to the coast, to a lower
altitude, in the hope of benefitting my
health. Left the office at one o'clock
today, feeling quite poorly.

Page 165

~ Sunday

23rd At my request, Prests. Cannon and
Smith are to accompany me to the

~ Monday

24th At home today, getting ready for
my trip

~ Tuesday

25th Took baggage to the cars and went
on board at 5:50 p.m. for the north,
to Ogden, Logan, and at Pocatello we
spent several hours. I am accompanied
by my wife, Emma, and daughters, Blanche
Alice, and Clara and Ovando Beebe, and
Phoebe Scholes, my granddaughter.

~ Wednesday

26th I had a bad night; did not
sleep. we had traveled through
dust all day. We stopped a while
at Nampa. We agreed to take Steamer
at Vancouver for Alaska. Mr Millis
called upon us fourabout transportation to
Portland. It is quite hot to day, 70 deg.
altitude 300. Am much better today
being in a low altitude. We had a
great deal of dust today. We passed
large young fruit orchards and many
improvements. We crossed the Snake
and were in sight of the river
a good deal of the day. We traveled
in the evening for forty miles through

Page 166

the Oregon pine timber.

~ Thursday

27th We traveled along the bend of the
Columbia River, where numbers were
engaged in the salmon business, both
in catching and canning. We arrived
at Portland, and stopped at the Port-
land Hotel
, at $5.00 a day for our rooms.
All the company stopped at this hotel.
I wrote a pencil letter to Owen, and Ma
wrote too. We spent the night at Portland

~ Friday

28th All the company took cars, and rode
by the side of the river for many miles
We traveled all day through immense
timber lands. It was a strange sight
to come upon cities, towns and villages
in the midst of this great wilderness
of trees. We arrived at Tacoma about
5:30. Went to the Tacoma Hotel, all together
of course. We spent the night at this
hotel 140 miles.

~ Saturday

29th We went on board of the Steamer
"City of Kingston" for Victoria. We
stopped at Seattle half an hour. We
stopped at Port Townsend a short time.
We crossed the Sound to Victoria, and
went to the Driard Hotel, and took up
our abode there. It was quite cold

Page 167

crossing the Sound; we had to put on
our overcoats. It commenced raining on
our arrival at Victoria.

~ Sunday

30th We spent the day at the hotel.
We had an interview with Mr. Peabody,
the owner of the Steamer which we
will take to Alaska. We paid him
$50 each for the company to take us
to Alaska. I am quite unwell, getting
too fat about the heart.

~ Monday

July 1st It is quite cold this morning.
We visited a store to buy some things
for our sea voyage. I bought a pair
of garments and a cap. After
finishing shopping I returned to the
hotel. Emma and the girls bought
fur capes. In the afternoon we took
the cars and drove to the dry docks.
There was a three mast English
ship of war on the dock for repairs.
I found it hard work to walk.
I am getting so much fat about my
heart I am in danger of my

~ Tuesday

2nd I spent the day in my room
reading, in fact, I have hardly been
out since I came here.

Page 168

~ Wednesday

3rd In my room reading and writing.
Wrote letter to Asahel. Rode out in a
hack one and a half hours, paid
$2.50, but did not get the worth of my

~ Thursday

4th A rainy morning. I stayed in my
room and read.

~ Friday

5th We received letters and telegram.
Families all well at home. The sisters
had a sewing bee in our rooms, making
garments. I spent the time reading.

~ Saturday

6th Spent the day in my room. We
have been here a week waiting for
the Steamer, and we will have to
wait nearly a week longer. We are
paying $4.00 a day each for room and

~ Sunday

7th I spent the day in my room
reading. The four girls went to the
Catholic meeting. Five of Prest. Cannon's
children arrived to day to accompany
us to Alaska, one son and four

~ Monday

8th Yukon River. Ovando today paid
out $374 for us. We got three letters,
onetwo from Owen, and one from Asa
Owen had not yet started on his

Page 169


~ Tuesday

9th We bought some things. All the
company rode in a small steamer
for three hours, tugging another boat
about eight miles. We passed through
many fish. The captain said there
was plenty of herring, small clams
and crabs to be caught when the
tide was out. I wrote letter to Asahel.
Received the following telegram from Bro.
Jack: "Families of Presidency all well;
also Bro. Beebe's children. Everything
moving along smoothly at office, brethren
well. Had small gold brick forwarded
yesterday. Have clean up at mill
tomorrow. May expect large brick next

~ Wednesday

10th We had a sail last evening, and
came near having a boat load of
the sisters turned into the sea, it
being in tow and going round the
jut while under the breeze. The rope
broke, and this saved the boat from
turning over, which if it had would
probably have drowned some of the
party. I met with Bros. Cannon and
Smith and heard a letter read from

Page 170

Bro. Abram Cannon, about an option
on a new mine through Bro. Sang
We agreed to accept the offer to pay
$100,000 for the same. I received a telegram
from James Jack saying that Naomi
had given birth to a son; all well
I spent the remainder of the day in
my room reading a book entitled "The
"Black Death", telling of the plagues of
former generations.

~ Thursday

11th I wrote two letters one to Asahel,
and one to sSarah. I spent the day
in my room on board the Willepah,
bound for Alaska. It was quite cold.
I had a bad night, and did not

~ Friday

12th We are traveling on the ocean.
This morning we stopped at a place
and took on 17 cars of coal, to last
the whole journey. It was a very
pleasant journey.

~ Saturday

13th We reached some islands where
some seals have recently been seen
on the islands here. It was cloudy
and cool. A wild scene. A man pointed
out on the map a place where some
thirteen men had caught 70,000 pounds

Page 171

of halibut in so many hours. ^{I [don't believe] it} We had
quite a rough sea today for several
hours and many of the company
were sick. We traveled near an Indian
village. We sailed very near the shore
of the islands, on which were seen
forests of timber. In many places
we were but a few hundred yards from
the shore.

~ Sunday

14th A cloudy morning. Passed between
high mountains. It being Sunday,
a Presbyterian sermon was preached
on board. It rained all day. I visited
Captain Roberts in the pilot house.
I had a bad fall.

~ Monday

15th A pleasant day and smooth sea.
We passed through the Straits. We
passed the first glacier today on the
east of us some ten miles away,
about 500 feet high. We saw a good
many ducks. It was quite cold, so
we sat by the pilot house while
going through the straits. In the
afternoon we saw two whales sporting
At the same time we passed two
ice bergs. We stopped at one and a
thick rope was fastened around it

Page 172

and it was pinned solid. It weighed
about 500 pounds. It was pulled on
board, and then cut up and put in
the chest. The chief engineer said it
was a wonder the vessel was not

~ Tuesday

16th Most of the passengers are out
watching the unloading of the vessels.
The custom house officers detected
several cases of smuggled liquor. Most
of the passengers went on shore to
visit the town. I went over considerable
of the town, but found it hard work
to walk. I wrote a note to Asahel,
while Blanche wrote to Naomi. We
went through the greatest stamp mill
in the world; 240 stamps not more than
3 to $5.00 a ton. The noise was so great
that no one could hear a word spoken
I brought home a piece of the ore that
they work. The weather was a little
rough a part of the day.

~ Wednesday

17th We arrived at Sitka at 10 o'clock.
We there turned and went up Sitka
Bay, which is five miles in length
and one mile wide. We saw a pretty
water fall, flowing into the sea. We

Page 173

went back to Sitka and stopped for
several hours. All the company bought
some ornaments from the squaws. I
walked into the town. We visited the
Greek Church, paying $4.00 to go in. It was
a very wonderful sight. The Indians
here appear to be much more civilized
that Ute Indians. Mr. Stewart bought
seven salmons of two of the Indians,
which had been caught with the
hook, at six cents each. We left Sitka
and traveled for the glaciers. It was
cloudy most of the day

~ Thursday

18th We got up this morning and
found hundreds of ice bergs all around
us. Saw a pair of porpoises plunging
in ten feet down, and remaining for
some time. They were about four feet long.
We also ^saw^ several whales. It was cloudy
and quite cold. We cast anchor a short
time at a fishery. We flung out our
hooks and lines. One of the girls caught
a halibut, and one of the boys a
shark, weighing 150 pounds. I had
two or three bites, but caught nothing
We then started for the Muir Glacier.
The whole ocean was covered with

Page 174

ice bergs, from very large ones down to
small ones. The sea was covered in
this way a far as the eye could see.
We stayed three hours at the glacier. The
young people went on shore, and climbed
on top of the glacier. Most of us stayed
on board. The body of ice measured 400
feet high, and 1700 feet under water. There
were huge bodies of the glacier contin-
ually breaking off, it is said that
from 100 to 1000 tons sometimes break
off at once. It is supposed that this
has been going on for thousands of
years, and yet it appears to make no
difference to the glacier. It is from these
glaciers that the ice bergs come that
fill the ocean. We started back. I
felt that I had seen in the wonderful
glacier one of the finest sights of my

~ Friday

19th We arrived at the Takoo Glaciers
at 8:30. Here also we saw most
beautiful scenery in ice. We stopped
for several hours at Juno. Quite a
number of Steerage passengers came on
board at Juno.

Page 175

~ Saturday

20th We are sailing on a smooth sea
this morning, but it is raining. I
had been poorly through the night.

~ Sunday

21st We held a meeting in the forenoon
President George Q. Cannon spoke, and
Prest Jos. F. Smith prayed. Mr. Sterling
spoke in the evening. The captain took
the steamer up Gardner Inlet, for
the passengers to see the water falls.
The scenery there was wonderful. The
largest fall fell some 500 felet.

~ Monday

22nd We arrived at the Gardner Inlet about
five o'clock in the morning. I have
been greatly distressed in my health.
for the last three nights. Presidents
Cannon and Smith administered to me
this morning. We stopped by the side
of a jut, 1400 feet out of water and 1500
feet under water. It was a perpen-
dicular granite rock. We broke several
pieces of as mementoes. This steamer
is the first American vessel that ever
visited here. The scenery was wonderful
and grand. We saw many water falls
For many months the tide had
washed the soil from the stone;
leaving the volume of rock like a

Page 176

mirror. I had a very bad night.

~ Tuesday

23rd We passed through Seemore Narrows,
where two tides meet, forming a great
whirlpool, which is quite dangerous to
ships. I visited Mr. Kendall's furs in
the Captain's office today. He had some
sea otter skins, for one of which he
had paid $1,000, the general price is
from 3 to $400. The skins are nearly ten
feet long

~ Wednesday

24th Had a rather bad night. It is
quite windy today. We stopped at Port
. We learned here that Mr.
Towne of California is dead. We traveled
to Tacoma, and there spent the night.
We had quite a time this morning in
getting our bagage on our private car

~ Thursday

25th Spent the night at Seattle, and at
2:30 we took our private car and started
for Salt Lake City. I had a bad night
on account of difficult breathing.

~ Friday

26th I had a very bad night.

~ Saturday

27th I suffered all night. We passed
Brigham City and Ogden, and arrived
at Salt Lake City, after having traveled
5,000 miles. Our teams were awaiting
us. We called at Clara's, and found

Page 177

July Aug 27 [18]95

the children all well. We went home
and called upon Naomi, Asahel's wife.
We find her with a fine big boy, born
after we left. It weighed eleven pounds
when born. We were very glad to get
home, although I am in quite poor

~ Sunday

28th I spent the day in the house.
I was really quiet unwell.

~ Monday

July 29th Went to the office, and received
letter from Owen dated July 13th.
We had a business meeting with the
Utah Company. I was quite unwell
in the afternoon.

~ Tuesday

July 30 Note I met at the office with the Utah Company upon Business
A folded letter/box I received 8 Letter from Owen to Father Mother 3 Blanche

~ Wednesday

31. I spent the day at the office we Met with 5 sisters
^ A folded letter/box^ upon upon business I gave a Letter to George with
$30 sent I Letter to Sarah with $25 I also
A folded letter/box wrote 1 Letter to Owen with one from Emma

~ Thursday

Aug 1. I met with the Presidency & Twelve in the Temple
A folded letter/box I received a Letter from President Lund

~ Friday

2nd I had an interview with Col Trumbo I was quite poorly

~ Saturday

3rd I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

4. I spent the day at home reading I was not well

~ Monday

5 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Owen to Emma & Blanche
^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Sylvia. Answered & sent her $10

Page 178

^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote Emma at Granite. The 2 Murderers were arested
at Granite & Brought to Salt Lake Coughlin & George

~ Tuesday

6. Sarah & Mary called on their way to Provo we had
a Letter from the Sterling Mine. Had an interview with
Reed Smoot wanted G Q C for senator I paid G Q C.
$30 dollars for Emma

~ Wednesday

7. We Met for Frank J Cannon & held a Meeting ^on^ business

~ Thursday

8 We Met in the Temple & partook of the Tampcrament [sacrament]

~ Friday

9. I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

10 SuI spent the day at home resting & Reading

~ Sunday

11. Sunday I spent the day at home resting & Reading

~ Monday

12 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I spent the day in the office I wrote 2 letters
One, to Owen & one to Mary & {sent [illegible shorthand] dollars} we had an
interview with Senator Stanton an old Friend

~ Tuesday

13 In company with G. Q. C. JFS A. W & Winder we
Rode to Ogden Held a Meeting with the power company &
Returned home Emma & Blanche Returned from the canyon 86 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

14 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Owen A sugar Meeting Held
at the office. G. Q. Cannon son while drivin in a Buggy
about 12 years old at a crossing was struck with a car
killed the Horse stove the Buggy to peaces flung the Boy into the
canal He got out & went home He met his Father at the
door His Father told him to Harness his team as He was in
a Hurry to go to the office He told his Father he was wet &
wanted to change his cloths His Father said He could not
wait for that He got his Team & drove to the crossing found his
Horse Dead carriag stove up & Men looking for his son Karl
who did not tell his Father what had Happen

Page 179

A sugar Meeting held at the office this Morning
I spent the day in the office My councillors went to
the Lake

~ Thursday

Aug 15 [18]95 L F Maunch Brought to My House my Patriarchal
by the Patriarch Joseph Smith all written with
a pen & nicely framed which was nicely got up I paid
Br Maunch $20 I went to the Temple with the Apostles
Judge Judd Brought Judge A company of a ^Doz^ And a company
to the office to have an interview with us

~ Friday

16 I met at the office with the Apostles & Bishoprick
upon the subject of the Church shouldering the Debt of
the Provo Academy we held the Meeting for several
Hours Brother Gibbs kept minutes the sale of pipe spring
was also brought up And a motion made to try
to Get it Back

~ Saturday

17. I had an interview with Joseph Bannigan the
Man we are doing Business with & in the Evening
we went out to the Lake And I took a Bath in
the Salt Water Lake I went into the Lake in 1847
when we came in the Pioneers 48 years ago
these are ownly time I have Ever been in the Lake
it was near Midnight when we got home

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
Brother Morris A missionary returned from London
spoke 40 Minutes Brigham Young 30 M[inutes] & J F Smith 30 M[inutes]

~ Monday

19. I went to the office and Met with Mr Joseph Banigan
we spent the Afternoon with him He bought $400000 sugar Bonds

Page 180

~ Tuesday

Aug 20 1895

We Met with the Brethren in the Morning to transact business
Met with Mr Bannington who transacted business with us
Bought $400000 dollars worth of our Sugar Bonds and
agrees to Enter into other business with us. Ovando Beebe
had a fall from his wheel & hurt him badly He & Asahel
went home to Dinner with me

~ Wednesday

21 ^ A folded letter/box^ Emma received a Letter from Dr Leslie W Snow
At London Aug 7. The ownly Letter we have received
from him since He Left Salt Lake City I did not sleep

~ Thursday

22. I went to the Temple with the Twelve

~ Friday

23 I spent the day in the office untill 12 oclok I then
Met in the 15 ward Meeting House to Attend the funeral
of Peter Hanson Remarks were made by several I spok
a short time Emma went to the Grave

~ Saturday

24 I spent the day at home writing &c

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I spent the day at home resting

~ Monday

26 ^ A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right^ I mailed Letters to Owen to day 8 pages from W W
one Letter from Emma one from Blanche & 6 Photos
from W W & one from Emma & one from Libby I am
quite unwell

~ Tuesday

27. Keys crossed I held a meeting at my House for the Ogden Power
commenced at 11 oclk & closed at 3 oclok

~ Wednesday

28 I spent the day at the office had Many callers

~ Thursday

29. I went to the Temple with G Q C & L Snow I returned to the office & signed $20000 Dollar Notes on the
Ogden Power Company G. Q. C. went to Ogden

~ Friday

30. I spent the day in the Office G Q C in Ogden

Page 181

~ Saturday

Aug 31, 1985

I spent the day at home reading & resting I am quite poorly
not sleeping Nights

~ Sunday

Sept 1. Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

2nd ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I went to the Office & rote 2 Letters to Sarah $30,
wrote to Georg Scherman sent him $34. I wrote one
Letter to Emma Beebe gave her $5

~ Tuesday

3rd ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received 2 Letters from Owen to Father & Moth & to
Blanche good Letter. We had a sugar Meeting we had
a Notification from Langford that we must place $5000
to there credit at the Bank. I wrote Owen 1 Letter

~ Wednesday

4. I had many callers in the Morning I wrote Loren Farr
a Recommend to Manti Temple we had Telegram from
Smith & Langford we Met with the Ogden Power co.

~ Thursday

5. I went to the Temple with the Twelve The Democrats
Held a political convention at Ogden and Nominated
their candidates for offices of the State

~ Friday

6. ^ Keys crossed^ I went to the office this Morning and signed Notes as
Trustee in trust for the Brigham Academy at Provo
to the Amount of $31,505.25 $2000 goes to Zions
savings Bank
for interest we got a Letter from Langford
& Smith on the Sterling Mine informing us that a Mob
had arision and taken possession of one of our mines
& demand money of them and on the n9 we learn that
the mob are arming and the company are Arming and
quite a prosper for Bloodshead

~ Saturday

7. Saturday President Cannon & myself with Brother
Winters went to Farmington to Attend a quarterly Conference

Page 182

^Sunday Saturday^

We met in the Bowery there was quite a large congregation for
Saturday In the forenoon President Cannon addressed the Assembly
in the Afternoon President Woodruff Addressed the Assembly followed
by President Smith followed By President Cannon a short time
we returned to Salt Lake City Distance 36 Miles

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I attended the conference in the Tabernacle in the forenoon
Willard Done spoke to the people followed by A. M. Cannon Afternoon
G Q Cannon spoke 1 H[our] & 15 Minutes followed by W Woodruff

~ Monday

9. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I spent the day in the office I wrote a Letter to Owen sent
^ An arrow^ him one from his Mother ^Dr Leslie W Snow called upon me to day^ We saw a peace from the Western Papers
saying that a Mob had Armed to take possession of the Sterling Mine
and the company owning the Mine were also Arming to defend
it & danger of Blood shed.

~ Tuesday

Sept 10 A Battle 2 or 3 of the Mob shot
10. we had several Meetings to day Met with the coal company & others

~ Wednesday

11 I met with Orson Smith Just from the Mines whare
the killing was Done we talked over the whole Matter. we
also talked over the Land matters with President Shirtliff
about a large quantity of Land at the Head of Ogden river
that we ought to possess. We met in the 9 ward school
House at 4 oclok to Attend a party in honor of Samuel W
Bishop of the 9 ward of his 70 Birth Day we
made some short speeches upon the Occasion then went
to the Pavilion Beach party in honor of Mr M Mires & wife
& friends near a Dozen strangers from New york City
Accompanied us And all Expressed Asstonishment at
the Beauty & Glory of the place. In fact it Asstonishis all
stranger to see what the Mormons have Done Distance 26 M[iles]

Page 183

~ Thursday

Sept 12, 1895

We went to the Temple. Met with Mires & other

~ Friday

13. spent the day in office Attended several Meetings I received
^ A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box^ a Letter from Owen I wrote him a Letter o[f] 2 sheets

~ Saturday

14 Saturday I spent the day at home resting

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I spent the day at home, not well

~ Monday

16 I spent the day in the office I signed $25 for the Liberty Bell

~ Tuesday

17 I met with the board of Z.C.M.I to again reincorporate
for fifty years All of the business of the past month was
discussed Emma started for vernal to Day

~ Wednesday

18 We met with Professors Talmage & Done on the college question
we had a hard rain to day

~ Thursday

19. I went to the Temple & Attended to our business
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a Letter to Owen in same Envellop with Blanche
she also sent 2 Photos we have had a hard rain & cleared
off to day A St Louis Paper published a charature History
of the Mountain Meadow Massacree to stir up oposition against us

~ Friday

20 I met with Andrew Kimball & 3 missionaries from the Indian
Mission. I also Met with J Kier Hardy Member of Parliment
& Frank Smith A secretary of Labor Party wanted to Lecture
we gave him the use of the Assembly Hall

~ Saturday

21 Saturday First Hard frost of the season killed nearly Every thing green
I spent the day at home reading quite cold

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I spent the day reading

~ Monday

23 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received 2 Letters from Owen to Father & Mother &
one from Henry A Woodruff at Provo Henry has had
to assign over his property for some $5000 dollar Debts
His House & farm is Mortgaged for some $1100 dollar Debts

Page 184

^ A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote one Letter to Emma at Vernal Had an interview
with Bishop Preston I wrote one Letter to Owen & one to
Sarah Had an interview with Legrand Young He says
A Man cannot Mortgage his wifes property for his debts and
have the Mortgage Legal without the wifes signature

~ Tuesday

24 I spent the day in the office Met with Wm W Cluff & others

~ Wednesday

25 Brother George Teasdale called upon us to day
Bishop Thomas J Stephens of Ogden who gave us a
History of one of the Elders who was preaching and saying
that the Holy Ghost was with the Democratic Party & inspired
their ticket

~ Thursday

26 Have severe cold upon my Lungs I went to the Templ
with the Twelve we talked over the subject of Re Baptizing
people for wrong Doings &c I went home sick & sent for
Andrew Smith to come & nurse me which He did do

~ Friday

27. I was quite Poorley this Morning was Nursed through the day

~ Saturday

28. I spent the day at home resting was some better

~ Sunday

29 Sunday I spent the day in the House resting

~ Monday

30. ^ A folded letter/box^ I received 2 Letters from Owen to Ma & Blanch from Owen
A hand pointing to the right I held 2 Meetings at my House with T. G. Webber & F J Richards
from the coop I signed quite a number of papers

I Also held a Meeting with G Q Cannon J F Smith & Hugh Cannon
& A. H. Cannon & Br Langford on our Gold Mines

Emma arived home at midnight we were glad to meet I did not
sleep well through the night My trouble in sleeping is the Hart

Page 185

~ Tuesday

Oct 1.

I went to the office & met with the presidency & Brethren
of the Mines I wrote 3 Letters & sent Means to my family
A hand pointing to the right we met with officers of the Savings Bank about the Big Cotton-
wood Electric company

~ Wednesday

2nd I met with Z.C.M.I Board & Entered into arange-
ment to Reorganize for 50 years more I had a {[pivotal]}
Meeting with Moses Thatcher on Politics several of the
Brethren came in for conference Among the Brethren was
David Cannon & M W Merrill

~ Thursday

3. I went to the Temple with the Presidency & Twelve we partook
of the sacrament together the 3 presidency & 11 of the Twelve
Apostles all Except President Lund Presiding in England we had
A Musical consert in the Afternoon & Evening till near

~ Friday

Oct 4 The 96 semi Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints Met in the big Tabernacle this Morning W. W.
spoke 5 M[inutes], L W Snow 25 M[inutes] H J Grant 25 M[inutes] J W Taylor 41 M[inutes]
Afternoon George Teasdale J H Smith, & J W Taylor spoke

~ Saturday

5. Saturday F. M. Lyman B Young & F D Richards all spoke
Afternoon A H Cannon M Thatcher G Q Cannon spoke

~ Sunday

^6^ Sunday W. Woodruff spoke one hour followed by J F Smith
Afternoon Authorities Presented & sustained. G Q Cannon
spoke 1 Hour followed by W Woodruff

~ Monday

7. I met with the Priesthood in the Assembly Hall
whare much business was Done Among other things
J F Smith made a speech that stired up the political
country Greatly

Page 186

~ Tuesday

Oct 8 1895

We Met with Sterling Mine Company

We held a Meeting also with the Board of the Utah Company

~ Wednesday

9 I had a Meeting with the Presidency & G Q Cannon
Left in the night for the East with the Utah Sugar
Bonds to Deliver them to the Men to whom sold I
was quite Poorly to day not sleeping During the night

~ Thursday

10 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Sylvia saying that Heber
was about to be sued for a Note of $54.96 on a
Harness I Attended a Meeting in the Farmers ward
in the Evening for the Benefit of a son of Brother
Christoferso to go on a Mission $50 was collected
for him I wrote a Letter to Sylvia I went to the
Temple with Twelve

~ Friday

11 I spent the day at the office And attended to the duties

~ Saturday

12 I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

13 ^Sunday^ There is a terrible stir to day through Utah over
the Meeting Held in the Tabernacle on Assembly Hall on
Oct 7. The Democrats are trying to break up the
State Government over Br Penrose Preached in the Tabernacle
to day I spent the day in the House reading

~ Monday

14 Monday The Tribun came out with a card from Me to
day Also the News All Hell is stired up with the whole
Democratic Party against the church A terrible war
to day. The News published my card as well as the Tribun

~ Tuesday

15 I met with Judge Patten on Money matters I met with
ZCMI. Board & we voted in Abram H Cannon as a
Member of the Board it was warm pleasant weath

Page 187

~ Wednesday

Oct 16th 1895

I spent the day in the office

~ Thursday

17. Legrand Young called upon us on the political situatin we
Met in the Temple Edward Stephenson called in the
Afternoon Exhibited to us quite a collection of view
of his travels in Missouri He gave me a peice of Rock
from Adams Altar Politics are still boiling

~ Friday

18 Bishop Preston called in the Morning concerning
the Rexburgh Mill we gave him an Order of $3500
to lay out on the Mill Race & Mill

~ Saturday

19. I spent the day at home reading & Resting Asahel while
hunting over Jordon on a Bysickle in the night was chased
by a mad Bull & Asahel had to out run him on his wheel
& got over a fence in order to save his life

~ Sunday

20. Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

21 ^[FIGURE]^ I received a Letter from Owen to his Mother spent

~ Tuesday

22 the day in the office. The Democrats are having a
great convention in the Theater to day. The Salt Lake Herrald
is publishing Lies against the Presidency of the Church And
Republicans who are Presidents & Bishops are made to
say in their Publick speaking things that are false this done
for Political effect

~ Wednesday

223 I Met with John Q. Cannon & J F Smith about publishing
the Democrat Address in the News ^[FIGURE]^ I received a Letter from Owen

~ Thursday

24. President Cannon returned this Morning we were glad
to Meet we went to the Temple

~ Friday

25 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I sent a Letter to Owen to day with one from Ma & Blanche
we had an interview with Joseph Y Manley & family went to the Lake

Page 188

~ Saturday

Oct 26 1895

Brother Fry arived from Germany to our House He
had been Laboring with Owen in Germany He is stoping
with us while He stays here. I took supper with My
councillors, H. J. Grant And Mr Lampson who furnished
the Dinner. He is a vary wealthy man & Deeply interested
in Utah affairs

~ Sunday

27 Sunday The Young Men mutual improvement conference
Met at the Tabernacle at 10 oclok I did not attend in the forenoon
but in the Afternoon. Brother Geddiss spoke 30 Minutes and
delivered an Excellent Address followed by President
Joseph F Smith for 40 Minutes we had a good Meeting A
young Brother Pike 13 years old spoke sung Angels Ever
Bright & fair Mr Lampson sent him $100 dollars in
gold At the close of the Meeting I went to Clara's
took supper then returned home

~ Monday

28 I spent the day in the office I met with several parties

~ Tuesday

29. President G Q Cannon received a check for the mony
of the 300000 Dollar Sugar Bonds

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Owen to day of 4 pages

~ Wednesday

30 I spent the day in the office President Cannon went
South to get some Drafts signed

~ Thursday

31 I met the Twelve in the Temple & Attended to what business
we had. We still have trouble with Debts And the
Political Elements are full of Darkness and lies
^{[---]}^ I never saw such a time in politics in this Church as to day
President Cannon has to Explain in a card what He said
at a Conference at Brigham City. F. M. Lyman is accused

Page 189

~ Friday

Nov 1, 1895

I spent the day in the office A Telegram informed me of
the Death of Daniel J Stewart in the Southern States

~ Saturday

2 I spent the day at home I picked 265 quinces from trees

~ Sunday

3. Sunday I spent the day at home reading & resting

~ Monday

4 We had a great snow storm covering Mountains Hills
& vallies {I lost five hundred dollars.} I spent the day in the office
5I Received A Letter from Owen to Father & Mother & on[e]
from Frank Cutler to Owen

~ Tuesday

5. I went to the Farmers ward & voted for the Constitution
& the State offices we had a Busy day & a bad Day for the
Election. The Republicans got the Majority & Elected
the State ticket

~ Wednesday

6 we held a Meeting with the board of Zions Savings Bank
The returns show that the Election has gone Republican

~ Thursday

7. I met in the Temple with Presidency & Twelve we advized
the Members of the State Legislature not to pledge
themselves to any one for senator but go in Free

~ Friday

8 We had an interview with F S Richards who says that
Gov West has gone to Washington to hav an interview
with President Cleveland and to Advocate the Admissio
of Utah into the Union. Gov West is Determined to hedge
up the Lies of the Enemies of those who are fighting the
^Lies^ Admission of Utah We had a Letter from Hugh Cannon
saying our Mills had been lying still for some time they
sent a gold Brick to the Mint a few day since worth $3750

~ Saturday

9 I spent the day at home Reading & Resting

~ Sunday

10. Sunday I spent this day at home

Page 190

~ Monday

Nov 11, 1895

On the way to the office I called upon Brother Beebe & Clara
Their Son Woodruff has the Typhoid fever we Admin-
to him Clara takes care of him I went to the
office As Blanche is about to be married And I
paid to day to her to help her $100 cash & $50 Tithing
^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Owen to his Mother

~ Tuesday

12 I spent the Day in the Office Joseph E Olis Jr of Chicago
called upon me Recommended by Joseph S Woodruff
I signed several Notes for Money on the Ogden
Power Company
in Ogden I met with theMy counsellors
& J John M Cannon upon the subject of Electing
President G. Q. Cannon to Congress we got 2 letters
from Langford & Hugh Cannon not favorable
I spent most of the Day in signing the Stock Book
of Z. C. M. I. I Met with Senator Dubois who talked
with us about our political Affairs I Attended a party
at Asahels House in the Evening with the old folks

~ Wednesday

13 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a Letter from Owen upon Political Matters
in Utah & wrote him one in return of 4 pages we had
an interview with W. P. Nebeker about Senators
We Met with Brother George H Horn who had come in
with the Dead Body of Daniel J. Stewart who died with
the Typhoid Fever I Attended a party At Asahels

~ Thursday

14 I went to bed at 12 went to sleep at 5 this Morning
awoke at 10.30 went to The Temple at 11 Returned to Office at 2

~ Friday

15 In company with G. Q. Cannon & Abram I went through
The Telephone in Salt Lake City I talked over 100 Miles

Page 191

I met with ZCMI Board

~ Saturday

16 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote Letters to Owen, Nagle, & to Sarah

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I spent the day at home reading & resting H J Grant
spoke at the Tabernacl

~ Monday

18 I spent the day in the office alone ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote to Susan

~ Tuesday

19 I talked with George C. Parkenson

~ Wednesday

20 I talked with Marshal Fife O. C Beebe has Lumbago

~ Thursday

21 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received Letters from Owen to Ma Blanche & Alice
I sent Letters to Owen from Ma Blanch, Alice & Pa
we had sonow last night & vary Cold East Wind on the
Morning of the 22. Lorenzo Dow Young Died this
21 Day of Nov. He is the Last one of the Young family of this
Generation He came with us in the Pioneer Company
21 I went to the Temple with my councillors & the 12 Apostles

A coffin Lorenzo Dow Young
was born Oct 19, 1807
Died 10 m past 1 oclock Nov 21, [18]95
Aged 88 years, 1 M, and 2 days
He was A Patriarch

~ Friday

22. I spent the day in the office and attended to the business

~ Saturday

23 I spent the day at home choreing & Reading

~ Sunday

24 Sunday Keys crossed The funeral of Lorenzo Dow Young was attended
in the Tabernacle to day. W. Woodruff, J. F. Smith F D Richards H. J. Grant
A. H. Cannon J. W. Taylor all spoke

Page 192

~ Monday

Nov 25 1895

I met at the Office Messrs F. J. Kizel, Banister & Judge Patten for
a Meeting on the Ogden Power Company business we adjourned
till tomorrow 10 oclok I spent the day in the office

~ Tuesday

26 Keys crossed I met with the ogden Electric Power Company at
the Office And we had A Letter read from Frank Cannon
containing A proposition from Mr Banigan to furnish
us $1,200000 to Esstablish our Electrict works in
Ogden Canyon. we considered it Favorably but could
not Decide untill President Cannon returned home
from the Irrigation Congress.

~ Wednesday

27. ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a Letter from Owen this Morning to Pa Ma
& Blanche which I read & Answered He did not seem to
be well He was overwhelmd with care & work

~ Thursday

28 This is Thanksgiving Day I spent the day at home Asahel
& Ovando C Beebe Joined with the 100 Men who went to
Camp Floid to shoot Rabbits for the poor. Asahel got 26
Ovando 35 the whole company got 1800 Rabbits Asahel
Lost his $10 gold spectacles and one Man Lost a gold watch
There was 2 or 3 inches of Snow on the Ground I received
^ A folded letter/box^ another Letter from Owen to Father Mother Blanche & Alice

~ Friday

289 We got a Letter from Hugh Cannon about the Mines
far More hopeful than the Last

~ Saturday

30. I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

Dec 1. Sunday I went to Phebe Scholes & took Dinner in
a snow storm the rest of the day I spent at home

~ Monday

2nd ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I met President Cannon at the office I wrote to Sarah
to John C Cutler I mailed a Letter to owen

Page 193

~ Tuesday

Dec 3, 18935

I met with John W Taylor & talked with him about our affairs
we Met with the Ogden Power Company and we decided
to Axcept of the prospet of Mr Banigans offer to furnish
$1,200000 Dollars to build the Ogden Power works

~ Wednesday

4. ^[FIGURES]^ I wrote 2 Letters to Brothr Naegle & to Sylvia & sent her
$20 to buy clothing with we held a Bank Meeting

~ Thursday

5. I met with the Twelve in the Temple And attended to the
Business before us

~ Friday

6 The Tribune publishes this Morning a vary favorable
interview between President Cleveland & Frank
concerning the Admission of Utah
into the union the report was vary favorabl I sent my
Likeness to Judge Julius C. Cable to New Haven Conn
he married a Daughter of my cousin Horace Woodruff

~ Saturday

7. The stake conferous is held to day in the Assembly Hall
I was not well & spent the day at home reading & resting

~ Sunday

8 Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Assembly Hall in the
Morning we had a small congregation we we called
upon the Presidency of the Stake to report the condition of
of the Stake and they did & gave good instruction
In the Afternoon we had a full House And After the
sacrament I W W spoke to the Assembly 40 Minutes
My Lungs was strong & voice was clear And I Enjoyed
myself vary much and Enabled me to give to the Saints
what the Lord had revealed to me by his spirit I was
followed By G Q Cannon for half an hour A Meeting was
Held in the Tabernacle in the Evening I did not Attend

Page 194

~ Monday

Dec 9, 1895

I spent the day at home reading & writing I received a Letter
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ from Owen to Father & Mother I wrote Owen a Letter and
sent him one sheet in print the other in writing

~ Tuesday

10 I spent the day in the office we met with a Number of people

~ Wednesday

11 A hand pointing to the right I Mailed a Letter to Owen this Morning from his Mother
I also wrote him a sheet I met with Brother Parkenson &
talked upon Politics Also upon the fals doctrin of the Stainers

~ Thursday

12 I went to the Temple with the Twelve The subject of
our Historians Office was taken up. Sarah from Provo
called upon me about her affairs there I herd a Letter
read from John W Taylor about our debts I wrote a Letter
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ to SNewton & Telegraphed to Sarah

~ Friday

13 I met with Sarah this Morning ^{I let her have} 800 {dollars to run the house with in Provo.}^

~ Saturday

14 I spent the day at home reading & Resting

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I went to Claras & to Joseph Daynes house whare
he & Blanche is going to Live it is a good comfortable home

~ Monday

16 we Met with Brother Penrose & talked to him about going into
the Historians office to work in compilation of the History
which has been lying still without compilation for many
years I met with the board of Z. C. M. I. I met with Br
Reed Smoot on Account of a case Repeated from the H. C.
by the name of Charles Monk And with Brother Preston
about Debts Due ofn the B Y Academy of Provo

~ Tuesday

17. ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Owen to Blanch All was bussel
at home preparing for the Morrow

~ Wednesday

18 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a Letter from Owen to Father & Blanche
I wrote a Letter to Owen to day

Page 195

[FIGURES] I married my Daughter Winnefred Blanche
to Joseph John Dayns Jr
In the Temple of the Lord the first Married Ceremony
I have performed in the Temple since it was built
we had a Reception in the Evening at our House in the
Woodruff ville about 125 present they
left about midnight we had a vary plesant reception

~ Thursday

19 [FIGURES] The papers talk strongly of war
betwen England & the United States

~ Friday

20 We held a Meeting with Mr Way upon the union
question we talked with Brother Armstrong upon onoxx [onyx]

~ Saturday

21 I spent the day at home reading & scraping papers

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I spent the day at home resting

~ Monday

23. Mr Banister introduced Mr Con[dick?] to the presid[en]cy
He wanted to buy 500 Hors power

[FIGURES] I received a Letter from James S Clarkson
upon politics said who He wanted sent as senators to
Washington I got a Letter also from Owen to Father Mother
& Brother & Sister Ma sent him one in return

~ Tuesday

24 A regutar [regular] Artic Storm this morning I rode
to the office this morning in an open sleigh in my
Esqumaugh [eskimo] fir coat our winter has begun Early

~ Wednesday

25 I spent the day in the office & Met with several parties
This was Christmass I spent the Day at home
2I had all my family with me to day at Dinner who
were At home

Page 196

~ Thursday

Dec 26, 1895

I met with the Presidency & Twelve at the

[several lines blank]

~ Friday

27. I met with John Q Cannon at the Office & talked
with him about our choice of senators to go to Washington
Brother Joseph J Danes visited us He asked for
$1500 a year for services at the organ we gave him
$1200. I received a Letter from David P Woodruff

~ Saturday

28 ^ A folded letter/box^ I spent the day at home Reading & scraping

~ Sunday

29. Sunday I spent this day at home Resting

~ Monday

30. ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a Letter to Clarkson in Answer to his & one
to Sarah sent her a ticket to Smithfield & Returned $6.
Bishop Stephens from Ogden called upon me about the Election
Brother George C Parkinson called upon me upon the change of a Bishop

~ Tuesday

31. A folded letter/box I received a Letter from Owen to Father & Mother
I had interviews to day with many of the Politicions
I talked with Benn E Rich and others upon the Election there
is quite a stir in the Land.

I looked over my Journal for the year 1895 And recorded
in the oposite page a synopsis of the same

Page 197

I Attended 10 Confereinces 10
I held 50 Meetings 50
I Preached 20 Discourses 20
I Attended 4 Funerals 4
I Ordained 1 Patriarch 1
I met with the Presidency & Twelve in the Temple 37
I Administered to 6 sick Person 6
I wrote 100 Letters & Received 97 Letters 100, 97
I Travelled 5967 Miles 5967
I met with ZCMI Board 47 times with savings Bank 47
I met with the Utah Power Co. 30 time, Sterling Co 9 times
I dedicated the Salt Lake City & County Joint Building
I Paid Tithing $98.40. I Paid Taxes $1148.91
I Paid Tithing $1498.66

[Rest Of Page Blank]
Page 198


Page 199

~ Wednesday

Jan 1, 1896

I had a vary bad day a bad day I have been quite unwell
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ for quite a Length of time I am suffering with Athma & cannot
sleep I spent the day at home I received a Letter from Owen & wrote him one

~ Thursday

2. I went to the Temple with the Apostles & spent several hours I
was quite unwell through the day

~ Friday

3 I spent this day inat theHouse office. met with a good Deal of company

~ Saturday

4. I spent this day at Home at work on my Journals I was
visited by President G. Q. Cannon, Br Wilckin & H J Grant &
Gov Wells who came Down to congratulate me on the Admission
of Utah into the Union. quite Early in the Morning we heard
Keys crossed A crown a great Noise in the city guns were fireing Bells
were ringing And as this was the day for the President
to sign the Proclamation for the Admission of Utah into
the Union of States we supposed word had reached the
city by Telegraph that this had been done which we soon
found was true And it was kept up for a Long time
Keys crossed I felt to thank God that I had lived to see Utah admitted
into the family of States An Event labored for for A Generation
The Evening Papers gave us the Proclamation of the President
He spoke Highly of our Constitution The Citizens of
the country Decorated their Houses & Public Buildings Ovando
& Joseph Daynes decorated the front part of our house
with flags and bunting. Our big celebration of this Event
will be on Monday the 6 of Jan 1896

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I spent the day at home reading & resting
Brothers Bebe & Joseph Danes spent most of the day
with us Also Clara & Blanche

Page 200

~ Monday

Jan 6, 1896 Celebration of the Ad[m]ission of
Utah into the family of States

This was a great Day in Utah it was The C elebration of
the Admission of Utah into the Union Equil to any state
in the Union. This day was celebrated as No other Day in Utah
Presidents Woodruff Cannon & Smith occupied a place in
front of the procession we went through the public Thoroughfares
and got seated in the Tabernacle at Noon which Tabernacle was
crouded to its fullest capacity. The Tabernacle was decorated laveslly [lavishly]
The American flag spread overhead was 150 feet By 75
Acting Govornor Richards called the vast Assembly to order
The opening Prayer Presented By President Woodruff
in writing was Read By President Cannon singing By
1000 voices Star Spangled Banner. The Proclamation of
President Cleveland Admiting Utah into the Union
was then read Acting Govornor Richard then surrendered
up the Territorial Government into the Hands of the Govornor
of the State Heber M. Wells. Govornor Wells & the other officers
took the Oath of office under the Administration of Judge Zane
Gov Wells then gave his inaqural [inaugural] Address refered to the
work of the Pioneers then refered to the Great Labor we
had in Getting a State Governmet And it had now been
accomplished after many years of Hard Labor And
we felt to acknowledge the Hand of God in its ackowledgement
and this was somthing that our Enemies had said
we Never should accomplish. But Praise be to the Lord
it is accomplished. Neither the Devil Nor wicked Men
has had power to stop it I am thankful that I have lived
to Behold Utah a State Government

Page 201

~ Tuesday

Jan 7, 1897 [1896]

I went to the office in the morning I met many callers all
rejoicing in having a State Government

A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 Letters one to Asahel one to Owen giving both
an Accout of yesterday celebration

~ Wednesday

8. I met many at the office this morning including Brother
F. J. Cannon, G Teasdale, Bannester Cluff & many others
I had a Letter from Col Trombow upon the senatorship
we held a Meeting with the board of Zions Savings Bank
and had a Report from Frank J Cannon. I received
a Letter from Col Trumbo He wanted to be Elected senator

~ Thursday

9 I was sick this Morning I Attended Meeting with
the Ogden Power Co. I went to the Temple & Partook of the
sacrament with the Apostles But I felt sick through the
day And went home at 3 oclk & was sick through
the Night

~ Friday

10 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Sarah I met with several Brethren
they talked upon the subject of Electing U S. Senators

~ Saturday

11 Keys crossed I Attended the Birth Day Party of President George
Q Cannon
at his House He had his family & a few fri[en]ds
president [present] He was the Father of 23 Sons & 10 Daughters. We
had a vary plesant Day He was 69 years old to day
we had a good Dinner & speeches were made
and a gold Cronometer was made a president [present] to him
by his family it would strike any hour of the day or night

~ Sunday

12. Sunday I called upon Blanche o[u]r Daughter who had
Just commen[ce]d keeping House & we then took Dinner
with with Claur Beebe Returned home at Dark

Page 202

~ Monday

Jan 13 1896

^ A hand pointing to the right^ I went to the office wrote a short Letter to Owen & sent it
with one from Alice to him we had to raise some
Money on our Mines at Sterling which is being badly
managed at present we met with several Brethren upon
our Legislative business

~ Tuesday

14 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Owen. We had a vary busy day
had several Meetings & much company among others Met
with Col Trumbo. The Republicans Held a corkus [caucus] &
agreed to vote for Frank J Cannon & Arthur Brown
President G Q Cannon came out with a card in
the News refusing to rum [run] for the senate

~ Wednesday

15 We had a sugar Meeting at the baOffice There was
Money on hand to pay interest on the bonds The corcus
last night Decided to Send F. J. Cannon & Arthur Brown
to the senate

~ Thursday

16 I met with the Apostles in the Temple, then Attended
a Party at President George Q Cannon & partook of a
fine feast At 6 oclock I returned home

~ Friday

17. ^ A folded letter/box^ I received Letters from John C Cutler Sarah & Susan ^C^ Schols
& Sylvia M. Thompson

~ Saturday

18 I went to the office Met with some brethren in Difficulty
settled it ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a Letter from Bell Moses giving an Account
of their Debts & difficulties I wrote her An Answer. Our
Affairs in our Sterling Mines are badly aranged & not
satisfactory they are doing us no good

~ Sunday

19. Sunday I took dinner with Blanch & Clara & family
I did not sleep Much at night

Page 203

~ Monday

Jan 20, 1896

I went to the office found trouble in our political
affairs. Col Trumbo is trying to break up the doings of
the Corcus [caucus] & He wants to get Elected

A hand pointing to the right I sent a Letter to Owen from his Mother & wrote a Note

~ Tuesday

21 I spent the day in the office I met with the power
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ company I received a Letter from Owen & wrote
him one in return. We organized a sindicate

~ Wednesday

22 I met with the sendicate and made arangements to run the
Sterling Mines

~ Thursday

23 I went to the Temple & met with the Apostles And the
subject of Moses Thatcher & Roberts was discussed
Joseph F Smith went East with two of his daughter
who were going to qualify themselves to teach Kindergargten

~ Friday

24. G Q Cannon went to Provo to Attend a Meeting I spent
in the office. I met with Bishop George Pitkin concerning
the College Lands in Logan. The Land was sold to the
Brethren in Booming Days & sold to high & now they
cannot Pay for them I received a Letter from Bell
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ & Jess Moses Arabella Moses had a Daughter Born Jan 20 /96

~ Saturday

25 I met with the power company at the office to attend
to the Business of the company we had to reorganize
under the Laws of the State

~ Sunday

26 Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

27. Mr Mor Charles S Morton called upon us & gave a History
of his Life Mr Crittonton will lecture in the Assembly Hall
upon Making Homes for fallen women I wrote Asahel a Letter
A hand pointing to the right upon the subject of my Dealing with him upon Money Matters

Page 204

~ Tuesday

Jan 28, 1896

I ^ A hand pointing to the right^ wrote a Letter to Owen & one to President Naegle
Met with several Brethren Among the Number was Job Pingree
who wanted to repeal his case from the High Council in Ogden
with 5 to 700 pages at the High Council He now wants
to open this case. We had business with A. H. Cannon
on our Money matters G. Q. Cannon was sick to day
was Administered to.

~ Wednesday

29 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a Letter from Owen to his Mother & wrote
one to Judge Estee

~ Thursday

30 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a Letter to John C Cutler I went to the Temple
with the Apostles And the subject of the great stir
throughout Utah in having a Meeting on the 31 in honor
of Sister Zina Young Birth day which was setting an Example
not in wisdom throughout the Church

~ Friday

31 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote to Sarah sent her $25 I wrote a Letter to Owen
A hand pointing to the right And asked him to give me an Account of the Debt
of Brother Ott

~ Saturday to ~ Monday

Feb 1, , 3 I spent these three days at home reading
& looking over my corresspondence & scraping Paper

~ Tuesday

4. I spent the day in the office two Gentlemen called
upon us wanted to get up an Art Book of Utah
^ A folded letter/box^ I received 1 Letter from Sarah I had an interview with
John M Cannon about our Bank affairs ^ A folded letter/box Owen to Asahel^

~ Wednesday

5. A snow storm I met with Brother Edwin D Woodly from
Canab UGiving us a History of Warren M Johnson our ferryman
who fell and broak his back gave a History of the ferry

A folded letter/box I wrote a Letter to Owen

Page 205

~ Thursday

Feb 6, 1896

I went to the Temple with the Apostles had a severe head Ake
through the Day I signed sever[al] important Documents to day

~ Friday

7. I spent the day in the office was better to day

The Policce [police] made a Hall in the night from the Houses of Ill
fame & caught near 100 men Including the Capt of policce
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote to Peter Henderson for a list of vegitables

~ Saturday

8. I spent the day at home reading & choreing

~ Sunday

9. Sunday I spent this day at home reading

~ Monday

10 I spent the day atin the office ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I delivered to Franklin D Richards
My Journals for 7 years 1847 to 53 including our pioneer Journey
^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Owen to day giving an account
of the Death & burial of Brother Ott who died with
the Diptheria Owen wrote a vary good Letter
Legrand Young called upon me to day with
some Docum[en]ts to Read A. H. Cannon got Letters
from Brother Langford, Smith, & Hugh Cannon.

~ Tuesday

^ A hand pointing to the right^ 11. I wrote a Letter to Owen to day we had a hard
snow storm. I received a Letter from M. M. Estee

~ Wednesday

12. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I sent a Letter to Owen from Mother I had a Bad night
did not sleep untill this morning a short nap I met with
quite a number of callers to day Joseph F Smith returned
to the office to day

~ Thursday

13. I met with many People to day one company of abot a
Dozen Gentlemen Catholics from Calafornia. We held a
Meeting in the Temple, and had H B Roberts case up
in a Meeting of the presidents of seventies & 12 Apostles
we do not know what was done

Page 206

~ Friday

Feb 14, 1896

I had a sick night am better this Morning I met with the
board of Z.C.MI at 1 oclok we had a Meeting yesterday with
the Twelve upon the case of B. H. Roberts who is taking an
independent course against the Authorities of the Church
There seemed but [little] chance for him to be reconciled to his

~ Saturday

15 I went to the Office and held a Meeting with the Mining
Company Br Orson Smith was with us I Bought Lumber
to fence my Garden I had a Blind German Woman
moved into one of the Rooms in my old House

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I spent the day at home reading

~ Monday

17 ^ A folded letter/box^ I sent a Letter to Owen from his Father, Mother & Blanche
I sent Owens watch to G Bywater to repair I received
a package of seeds & vegitables from New York $$375 ^freight^

~ Tuesday

18 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Sarah we met with Benjamin
Cluff Jr
& Reed Smoot from Provo who wanted us to take
charge of the Provo Academy & make it a Church school

~ Wednesday

19. ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Owen I was quite unwell
& did not go to the office to work I called upon
Clara & found her about the House able to get around
& attend to Business I attended the Theater in the Evening
to see the operation of the woman mind Reader
it certainly was [won]derful manifestation of the power
of the Mind of a person whare a 100 persons had written
a question & put them in their pockets she in Every instance
would tell the Name of the person who had ask the question
tell the question & give the Answer to it

Page 207

~ Thursday

Feb 20 1896

I met with the Apostles in the Temple and attended to
the Business before us among the matter was H B Roberts
affairs And an appointment was Made to Meet with
him & 7 presidets of the seventies & The Twelve Apostle
with the first Presidency about the 43rd of March
we Met with Mr Banister concerning Land & water west
of Loga Ogden

~ Friday

21 I had several Letters from Frank J Cannon upon our business
East. ^ A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box^ I wrote him one to day upon the subjet of Dan Jones
getting Land from Government for his own benefit while
He pretends it is for the People

~ Saturday

22. I spent the day at home I done some pruning of trees &

~ Sunday

23 Sunday I spent the day at home reading & Resting

~ Monday

24 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote one Letter to Bell Moses I met with
many Parters [parties] to day. I met with Mr Wood Organist
who proposes to change our Organ at some $10 or $14
thousands Dollars

~ Tuesday

25 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Owen. We Met with R C. Lund
on the Southern Rail Road

~ Wednesday

26 A hand pointing to the right Mr Banigan droped in upon us vary suddenly this
Morning to close the Bargan on Business with us
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a Letter to Owen to day Emma was quite sick
to night with a cold choaked up for the want of Breath

~ Thursday

27. Mr Banigan was with us on business most of the day
we got along as well as we Expect

~ Friday

28 Mr Banigan with us today I Attended a party at G Q Canons

~ Saturday

29 I spent the day at home

Page 208

A heart Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 89 years
Old This Day

A heart Emma Woodruff
Born March 1, 1838
Aged 58 years
Old This day

Page 209

~ Sunday

March 1, 1896
I spent this day at home it being Sunday and my
Burth Day as the opposite Page will show. We also had
a hard snow storm through most of the Day of course
I am 89 years old this day

~ Monday

March 2 I had a celebration of my birth day at
My House this Afternoon & Night I think I had more of
my family together than I Ever Met with before at one time
I Had Fifty of my family Present. Presidents Cannon
& J. F. Smith was Also present. We had a vary interesting
Meeting and party. I had as many of my family
as I could get together and being my 89 Birthday
I did not know that I would Ever meet with them again
upon a Birth day I feel to thank God for the presirvation
of my Life untill the present time I acknowledg the Lord in it
^ A folded letter/box^ I received A vary interesting Letter from Owen to day
He was working hard is going from Berlin a while
to build up a New place He is doing a good work
He sent me a History of the whole Church in JGermany
There were 29 Branches in Germany Nombering 1121 souls

~ Tuesday

3 I spent the day in the office G Q Cannon went to Ogden
with Mr Banigan who is about to return home He has
settled up his Bargan with us that is Entered into it so
we know what we have got to do. G. Q. Cannon is president
4And Treasurer J R Winder & Asahel H Woodruff are the
financial committee in connexion with G Q Cannon
as Treasure[r]. we are having a Hard snow storm which
is giving us a good Deal of snow in the Mountains

Page 210

~ Wednesday

March 4, 1896
I held a meeting with the power company & President
Cannon gave us a History of the winding up Meeting with
Mr Banigan I went home in a stinging snow & hail
storm in our faces

~ Thursday

5. A hand pointing to the right I sent a Letter to Owen from Father & Mother we went
to the Temple the Presidency, Twelve Apostles And the 7
Presidents of the seventies we spent the whole Day untill 6 oclk
laboring with H. B. Roberts the seconed Meeting we had
held with [him] to get him to repent of his wrong in what
He had said & Done against the Church & Presidency
on Political principals but He stood like Adament
& He is going to Destruction. We had a party at my House
in the Evening

~ Friday

6. I met with Board of Pioneer Electric Power Company
and done a good deal of work I heard Letters read
concerning our Mining Affairs And the saleries
of the Brethren Engaged in the Mines we were vary
much crouded in business all day

~ Saturday

7. I spent the day at home choreing fixing up
my Journal &c Blanch and Joseph Danes called upon us last Evening ({to settle some trouble}) we are having quite winter
weather conside[rab]le snow

~ Sunday

8 Sunday I Attended conference in the Tabernacle. in the Afternoon
I spoke followed by G. Q. Cannon In the Evening H J Grant &
J F Smith spoke we had a good Meeting

~ Monday

9. I spent the day in the office we had quite a snow storm
I answered F J Cannons Note for Publication

Page 211

~ Tuesday

March 10 1896
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a Letter to Presidet Naegle concerning reeleasing
the Missionaries who are coming hone I received 2 letter
one from Owen & one from President Naegle
I held a Meeting with the Ogden Electric power
Met with several parties

~ Wednesday

11 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a Letter from Mary wrote her one in return
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a Letter to Owen concerning his last Letter I met
with quite a Number of persons to day I wrote a Letter
to Henderson fo 3 Kinds of Stroberies

~ Thursday

12 I met with the Apostles in the Temple The subject of
Moses Thatcher & Roberts was before us to day Roberts
was in oposition to u[s] upon Doctrin Moses seemed to
be failing fast & near his End I had a vary bad night

~ Friday

13 I had an interview with several Brethren. C. O. Card
from Canida wants to sell out all our Heard of cattle
for about $17000 & begin anew J R Winder called
Keys crossed A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a Letter from Mrs Milo Webster
informing me of the Death of her husband I wrote
her a Letter in return

~ Saturday

14 I spent the day at home reading not well

~ Sunday

15. Sunday I spent this day at home resting

~ Monday

16 I met with the board of Z.C.M.I. at the office I sent
A hand pointing to the right Owen a Letter from Mother & Note from Father I received
^ A folded letter/box^ 7 Letters to day from sundry persons I had a sick night ^{I had a terrible night myself} & {Emma.}^

~ Tuesday

17. I held 2 Meeting at Templeton on R R Corporations I
^ A folded letter/box^ also Met with Ogden Electric Power Company I was sick
through last night I received a Letter from Owen

Page 212

~ Wednesday

March 18 1896
I met with G M Cannon on committee business
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a Letter to Sarah I Attended A Rail Road Meeting
at the Templeton or two of them in the organization
of the Rail Roads

~ Thursday

19. I met with the Apostles at the Temple which lasted
untill 4 oclok H B Roberts case was up all Day

~ Friday

20 We consented to Divide the Draper ward

~ Saturday

21 {An ordinance attended to.} I spent the day in the city I called at McHenrie

~ Sunday

22 Sunday I spent the day home I was not well I had taken cold

~ Monday

23 I spent the day in the office we Paid a $5000 Dollar Note
in Calafornia And Mr Banigan sent on the Electric power
Company Account as the first paymen $80000 I wrote
to Wm Woodruff at Spragueville Owswego Co NY
& sent him $20. We had a good Deal of talk upon
our contract with Mr Banagan

~ Tuesday

24 I was quite unwell I spent half a Day at the office
Bishop Jacob Weiler Died this Morning Aged 89
I went home Early done some Gardning sowed peas set out strawburies

~ Wednesday

25 I met the Electric Pioneer Company board at the office
A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Owen sent him word of the Death of
Bishop Weiler Aged 89. I labored in the Garden in the Evening

~ Thursday

86 [26] Keys crossed I met the Apostles in the Temple we had our meeting
with H B Roberts & He met us with a Broaken Heart and
Contrite Spirit
and would do any thing we asked him
to do so his difficulties were all settled. At the close of the
Meeting in the Temple we Attended the funeral of Bishop Jacob Weiler
President G Q Cannon spoke first followed by J F Smith & W Woodruff

Page 213

~ Friday

March 27, 1896
I spent the day in the office we Paid Zions Savings
$13,356.92 for Money spent on the power co

~ Saturday

28 I spent the day at home I was in the garden overseeing
the sowing of seeds & plants in the Garden we sowed onions peas
set out strawburies & Potatoes &c

~ Sunday

29. Sunday I spent the day at home reading & Resting

~ Monday

30. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I sent a letter to Owen from Father & Mother

~ Tuesday

31. ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a good Letter from [Abraham Owen Woodruff|Owen]] all well with him I
wrote to Sarah sent $25 I received Money from the Church
on family Notes which the Church had borrowed of them it was
Money the family Got for the 15 Acres of the farm they sold
President A. W. Ivins from Mexico called upon me
& talked over Affairs there. A vary cold night

~ Wednesday

April 1. President Cannon is offered a place in the board
of the Union Pacific Rail Road I tell him to accept it

^ A folded letter/box^ I wrote a Letter to Owen sent to Berlin I met with
Legrand Young & Robert L Campbell with the presidency
about keeping Accounts I met with the board of Zions
Savings Bank
they had some $90,000 on hand I slept
Better to night

~ Thursday

2 I feel Better this morning I am having trouble with the
water Pipes about the House they are stoped up [with] Apples
Bananna peelings we finally got them clear

~ Friday

3. I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

4. The 66 Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints W. Woodruff opened the Conference
& spoke 5 Minuts followed by J F Smith spoke 45 Minuts

Page 214

April 4, 1896
Conference in session John W. Taylor spoke 30 Minutes
Afternoon President L Snow spoke 35 Minutes H J Grant
spoke 20 M[inutes], Geo. Teasdale spoke 35 Minutes

~ Sunday

5 Sunday 10000 people in the Tabernacle W Woodruff spoke 42 M[inutes]
F D Richards 33 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By G Teasdale,
G Q Cannon spoke 54 Minuts A H Cannon 20 Minuts
F M Merrill spoke 18 M[inutes].

~ Monday

Monday 6. Met at the office with the Presidency & Twelve
& 7 presidents o[f] the seventies we had a Document read
containing the Doctrins of the Church which was signed
by all the Presidency. The Twelve Apostles & seven Presidents
of the seventies All Except Moses Thatcher He refused
to signed it we Met at the Tabernacle Prayer By McCallister
The Document signed by the Priesthood was read by
Heber J Grant G Q Cannon spoke 36 Minuts
The Authorities of the Church were presented All Except
Moses Thatcher not signeding the Document was not
Presented. John Nickelson spoke 12 M[inutes], John Henry
spoke 18 M[inutes]. We had a large Assembly

~ Tuesday

7. We held a Priesthood Meeting in the Assembly Hall with
the General Priesthood Joseph F Smith spoke 25 M[inutes], L Snow 10,
F. S. Richards 3 M[inutes], B Young 8 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 8 M[inutes]

~ Wednesday

8 I spent the day in the Office G. Q. Cannon was called to
Go East to Meet with the Dignitaries of the U. P. R. R
I met with Many Brethren David Cannon J. G. Bleak Jesse N Smith
^[FIGURES]^ & many others. I received a Letter from Sa rote one in return
Cornelius Vanderbilt & Charles C M Depew with many
others visited us to day

Page 215

April 8, 1896
^ An arrow^ At 5:55 Evening A great Explosion occured at the
Power Company works 5 Men were killed 6 wounded
it was a Terrible calamity it created a great Excite-
ment I received the key of the Nauvoo Temple

~ Thursday

9. I went to the Temple with the Apostles And we met
at the office with the Ogden Power Company
Had an interview with Col Trumbo I met with
Col Trumbo several Brethren

~ Friday

10. I went to the Temple with the Twelve we held a Meeting
with the Power Dam Company

~ Saturday

11. I spent the day at home reading & Resting

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I spent the day at home reading & Resting

~ Monday

13 I met with G. Q. Cannon & quite a Number of
Brethren we Met with Messrs Mires & Allen on
the Southern Rail Road I was quite Poorly to day

~ Tuesday

14 A rainey day. I spent the day in the office I Attended
the Meeting of the Ogden Company at the office
I met with a Number of the brethrn

~ Wednesday

15 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I got a Letter from Sarah saying Bell was worse
Dangerous with Pneumonia I had Spence telegraph
to Sarah that tickets would be provided for her I
Met the Twelve in the Temple A cold snow storm

~ Thursday

[16] ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ we Received A Letter to day from Owen & one from
President Naegle about Owen Release. we held a Meeting
with the Twelve in the office we have another hard snow storm

~ Friday

17. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 Letters one to Owen & one to Asahel Naegle
I sent a cablegram to President Lund Not to release Owen untill
his company is Released & can come home with him Owen wants it

Page 216

April 17, 1896
I met with the Ogden Power Company & done a good Deal of business
A hand pointing to the right I wrote to President Lund & sent him a cablegram not
to Release Owen untill his company was released & come home
with him we had a great Deal of company to day

President ^G Q^ Cannon is called to go East Telegram says Bell
is vary sick wants me to go there I have sent fo Sarah to go

~ Saturday

18 I went to the City & got some things. Emma is in poor health

~ Sunday

19. Sundays I spent the day at home reading I was quite poorly

~ Monday

20 I was quite poorly I met with Frank J Carpenter
the great traveller & writer had a vary plesant time with him
A folded letter/box I received a Letter from A man who had the likeness
of my cousin Horrace Woodruff born the same year that I was
a few years months younger I had heard Nothing from him
for a great many years I had Meetings with a great
Number of Men

~ Tuesday

21. I spent the day in the office Met with several Brethren
I looked over my Journal of 1844 looking for an item
with George A Smith

~ Wednesday

22. Keys crossed I took Emma & Susan & George & went to sesion
& Attended the funeral of David Sessions & returned
home and Attended the Lecture of Frank G Carpenter on Jappan
Distance of the day 25 Miles I spoke a short time at the funer[al]

[several blank lines]

Page 217

~ Thursday

April 23 1896
I met with the Twelve in the Temple we took up
several subjects one was Esstablishing Monuments
for Marters for the Gospels sake Also our late
Manifesto H J Grant spoke upon the Quire, Himself &
others in San francisco it was a great Day

~ Friday

24 I spent the day in the office J. F. Smith with a larg
company went to the Head of the Electrict Light in Big Cottonwood Canyon they were much pleased with
it in its operation

~ Saturday

25. I spent the day at home choreing

~ Sunday

26. Sunday I spent this day at Home reading & Resting

~ Monday

27. ^[FIGURES]^ I received a Letter from Owing & Ovando Beebe
received one also He has Got his release & is coming
home about the Last of May we had an interview with
Henry P. Richard ^&^ Harvy H. Cluff concerning several
Persons with the Haywayan Leprosy we advised
them to Build a place with Lumber for them away
from all other persons

~ Tuesday

28 I spent the day in the office met with many Parties

~ Wednesday

29. ^[FIGURES]^ I received a Letter from Sarah. Bell Moses is getting Better
The scientific society Met at the office about disposing
of the Council House Cornor it was [s]old for $60000
Abram H Cannon was the perchaser for a Rail Road
company I was a vary sick man throug the night
I could not sleep Neither could I Breath ownly in
great Distress

~ Thursday

30 I spent the day ^at^ home not able to go to the office

Page 218

~ Friday

May 1, 1896
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote 5 Letters to Newton, Jesse, & Sarah I spent the day in the
Office I wrote to David P Woodruff

~ Saturday

2 I spent the day at home was quite Poorly

~ Sunday

3. Sunday I spent this day at home resting

~ Monday

4. ^ A folded letter/box^ I went to the office at Noon I Received a Letter
from President Cannon upon the business of Building
Rail Roads [railroads] I put in a water trough in my Garden
I had some Mason work done in my House I am quite unwel

~ Tuesday

5 I did not sleep any last night am quite Poorly this
^ A folded letter/box^ morning I Received 2 letters this morning one from Hubert

~ Wednesday

6 I had a sick night but I went to the office & had a letter
and a card from Owen I was sick all day
7.G. Q. Cannon Returned home to day

~ Thursday

7. I was much Better to day I slept Last night about 6 Hours
which I had not done before for 6 Month I went to the Temple
was administered to there for my sickness I was blessed
we talked over business in the Temple

~ Friday

8 I spent the day at the office with President Cannon
on Business Had conversation with Robert Campbell
upon our power company

~ Saturday

9. I spent the day at home Emma was vary sick through
the night And I was sick myself

~ Sunday

10. Sunday There was a conference at the Tabernacle of the sabbath
children I spent the day at home sick

~ Monday

11. I was at home the office & Attended a Meeting of the Miners
and A Matter of Arangement Entered into to settle the Affair

Page 219

~ Tuesday

May 12, 1896
I was sick & staid at home Brother Jack called upon
Me with quite a pile of Documents for me to sign
it was on the Mining Company I signed all the documents
according to request

~ Wednesday

13 I was quite poorly but went to the office signed the
Liverpool Draft Book Attended to the business of
the day got a weather report through the State
^[FIGURES]^ I received a Letter from Jesse T Moses & rote him one
i[n] return I had a Bad night I am growing quite weak

~ Thursday

14 I met the Twelve in the Temple I was quite sick I was
Administered to by the Apostles & was instantly Healed
from the hard pain in my side

~ Friday

15. I spent the day in the office I held a Meeting with the board
of Z.C.MI I met with Many people

~ Saturday

16 I paid my Lumber Bill $15.50

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I spent the day at home reading & Resting

~ Monday

18. I went to the office & Attended A Rail Road Meeting as the
officers of the Church it places us in a peculiar situation
in building a Rail Road from Salt Lake City out to tintic
or Calafornia or Deep Creek as we have these RR
Dignitaries to Deal with & they work against us. There
Present offer may be accepted by the company

~ Tuesday

19. I spent the day in the office we laid hands upoin
John D Chase for a cancer in the neck we had an
interview with A W Ivins concerning Mexican Lands
in Mexico Br Ivins will do much good there I think
I got word that Sarah is vary sick Has Pluresy in right side

Page 220

I wrote to Sarah & Mary ^&^ 10 to Newton ^$5^ Jesse & Bell $5.
Phebe Snow ^$5^ Leslie, Owen & Mother Snow, & John Benyon * &
Henry A Woodruff, Sarah E Foxx. To D Cannon G J Bleak Wm Thompson

[upside-down text] Power Co. Owen's return etc. [end of upside-down text]

Page 221

Jan 21 [18]97
Paid phebe Snow $5 Nellie $5

Page 222

~ Wednesday

May 20 1896
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ Sarah is Dangerously sick she has Now got Pneumonia
& plurisy in right side I got Telegraph from Mary & I wrote
her a Letter {I told her to get} a {deed of the house and lot of her immediately.}
I met with my councillors & other Brethren upon the subject
of the Ogden water Power it will be one of the Most important
improvements in the state

~ Thursday

21 ^ Keys crossed^ In company with Emma I took cars & went to Provo
to visit Sarah we called upon her & found her vary sick
we administered to her And Brother Allen being a Doctor
as Well as an Elder Administered medicine to her
she has Pluricy in the right Lung & Pneumonia and
vary low we took Dinner with Reed Smoot & spent the night at Diana Smoots 50 Miles

I had a variy ouserious night I slept a few moments and
awoke with severe pain in my Heart & Lungs which lasted

~ Friday

^22^ 6 Hours I got more Easy in the morning we visited Sarah
& lefft her still vary low, we took cars for home at 5 oclok & returned home. Distance of the day 50 Miles

~ Saturday

23 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote 2 Letters one to David P & one to Jesse
T Moses
& gave History of Bells condition the best
I could I did not sleep at night ^{I had some painful talk upon family matters with Emma.}^

~ Sunday

24. Sunday I spent the day at home resting

~ Monday

25 I spent the day in the office President G. Q. Cannon
gave me an account of his Meeting with the Union pacific
board & the agreement they had Entered into which was
favorable I met with severalle of the Brethren and strangers
I Met Father Malone who delivered a Lecture against Ingelsole

Page 223

~ Tuesday

May 26 1896
I arose at 5 oclock took Breakfast at 6 oclok took
carriage rode 3 Miles took cars rode 40 Miles
to Ogden there took carriages for our company
& rode some 18 miles west & visited our New canal
which as the power company we have been Diging for the
farmers to waters their lands it is one of the finest
canals in the western world we have paid out over
$20000 upon it. The Land holders give one Acre of
Land for one Acre of water or sufficient water to
water an Acre. The company has received 2000
Acres of Land up to the present for water we visited one
floom in this canal 1500 feet long 8 feet wide a[nd]
5 feet widehigh on top of timber work All tared inside
Already paid out on it $5,700. We returned to Ogden
Attended a Meeting at the Club House took dinner
then took cars returned to Salt Lake City Distance
of the Day 80 Mles by Rail 38 by carriage total 118 Miles
was weary when I got home did not sleep well

~ Wednesday

27. I went to the office Received a visit from Crosby S Noys
from washington Met in Meeting with the RR Co

~ Thursday

28 {Talk with Emma. She treats me badly on money matters.}

[FIGURES] God is visiting this Nation with Judgment He
will Avenge the blood of the Prophets & Saints & fulfill
the Testimony of the Prophets & Apostles upon this Nation
A great Destruction of St Louis Millions of Property
Destroyed by a cyclone. 1000 Deaths steamers sunk
with all on board we went to the Lake with all friends 30 [miles]

Page 224

~ Friday

May 29
I spent the day in the office and talked over our Church
Debts & how to settle them F S Richards Just Notified
me that the Government had sent back our Real Esstate
Property to salt Lake City to be dismissed by the Court
& the property turned over to the Trustee in trust
we are having a rainy time & quite cold

~ Saturday

30 Conference of the Mutual Met to day in the Tabernacl

~ Sunday

31. Sunday we got a Telegram from Owen that they had
arived in New York all well Mutual Conference continue

~ Monday

June 1. went to the office found half a Dozen Letters from
various sources I was quite unwell

~ Tuesday

2 I Met with the Power Company in the morning & Attended
to Business the board all but myself & Asahel went to Ogden
I signed 63 of Z.C.M.I. Stock. We are much crowded
^ A hand pointing to the right^ in business I wrote 2 letters to Mary & Wilford Azmon W.

~ Wednesday

3rd I spent the day in the office {I attended} to {one ordinance} I was quite unwell
^ A folded letter/box^ I received one Letter from Owen who with his company
will be in Salt Lake City on Sunday Morning June 7.

~ Thursday

4. I met with the Twelve in the Temple it was Expected that
Moses Thatcher would Meet with the Twelve at 5 oclok
but we were informed that Br Thatcher was quite bad
last night. The Doctor said He must go to the Hospital
As He could do nother [nothing] for him here. The Coop Waggon Company
Met at our office

~ Friday

5 I went to Calders Farm with my family to Met with
the Reunion of the Missionaries from the Islands of the
sea there were present [blank] Missionaries present & large congregation

Page 225

~ Saturday

June 6, 1896
The quarterly Conference assembled this Morning at
the Tabernacle and the day was spent in Preaching &c

~ Sunday

7. Sunday The Missionaries from Germany arived in
the city in the Night & Owen came in in the Afternoon
I Attended the conference through the day Abram H
& H J Grant spoke in the forenoon
& W Woodruff spoke 25 Minuts & G. Q. Cannon 35 Minuts
I spent the Evening at home in company with Emma
& her children including Owen & two sons in Law
Ovando Beebe & Joseph Daynes we had a plesant time

~ Monday

8. I spent the day in the office I met with several parties
The Church Property in the Hands of the Receiver John
R Winder
was turned over to the Presidency of the
Church to day. We Met with the committee on
the Josepa Colony for & in behalf of F A Mitchel

~ Tuesday

9. A hand pointing to the right I wrote one Letter to Mary & Received one from
Wm. H Thompson. I met with the Board of the Ogden
Power Company
And adjourned to Meet to morrow at
Ogden 1:30 we had a Meeting of the German Missionaries at the House till 12 oclok

~ Wednesday

10. Broth Winters read to me my Discourse on Sunday
The board went to Ogden to attend to Business

I commenced to Day to compile my Journals for the
past 63 years see next Page

~ Thursday

11. I went to the Temple with the Apostles and Had Prayers

~ Friday

12 I went to the office And signed 3 Notes of Cannon
& Grant Affairs for $140^000^ dollars As trustee in trust
^ A hand pointing to the right^I received a Letter from Mary

Page 226

A synopsis of Wilford Woodruff travels in the Ministry
from 1834 to 1895 Total 60 years I traveled 172,369 Miles

I held 7455 Meetings

I Attended 75 Semiannual Conferences

I Attended 344 Quarterly Conferences

I preached 3526 Discourses

I Esstablished 77 Preaching Places in the vineyard

I organized 51 Branches of the Church

I Added to the Church 1800 souls in 8 Months
Labor in the south of England in 1840 Among whom
were many Preachers of the various sects of the day
among the Number of Preachers that I baptized were
fifty belonging to the United Brethren who broak off
from the weslian Methodists. There were 600 of the
United Brethren all of which were Baptized into
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Except one

I Baptized 1043 of the 1800

I wrote 11519 Letters. I Received 18977 Letters

I recorded in my Journals many sermons of
the Prophet Joseph Joseph Smith, and of President
Brigham Young and of the Twelve Apostles

I confirmed & Assisted in Confirming 8942 persons

I spent 603 days in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City
And most two years Presiding in St George Temple
in giving Endowments There were Baptized during
this Period for the Living & the Dead 41,398 I sealed
at the Alter for the Living & the Dead 11550 others
sealed During this time 21991 most of which I witnessed

Page 227

Total sealed 33541 while I was present.

I was Baptized for 443 Dead Friends

The rest of the family were Baptized for 2745

Total Baptized for Dead Friends 3188 For the
Woodruff Hart & Thompson families I got
Endowments in St George Temple for 2518 of my
Dead Friends. This was through the Assistance of my
Friends. ({I had} 336 {dead single women sealed to me}) by the
council of President Young. I was sealed at
Altar for 1117 couple of Dead friends

xxx I was Adopted to my Father Aphek Woodruff
He was ordained a High Priest & Patriarch

I officiated in Adopting 96 Men to Men I
sealed 806 children to Parents And Assisted
in sealing 1004 others In 1881. I gave 488
their Second Anointing And I Assisted in
giving seconed Anointing to 590 Others

See W Woodruff synopsis of his Journal in 1885

A good Deal not Recorded here My labor of
Ordaining in the Priesthood, And my Labor of the
Dedication of Temples Meeting Houses & Public
Buildings will be found on synopsis of my Journal
of 1885

Total Number of Pages of the Journals of
W Woodruff Since 1834 for 60 Years 6891 years [pages]

Page 228

~ Saturday

June 12 [13] 1896
I spent the day at home Resting The fish Pond was cleaned out

~ Sunday

14 Sunday I Attended the Meeting at the Tabernacle My son
Owen with three other Missionaries attended the Meeting
And occupied all the Time I had Great Joy in Listning to
the first Discourse I Ever heard Owen Deliver The other
three Missionaries followed all spoke well Owen had
a fund of knowledge and all truth necessary at his
Tongues End. They spoke from 35 to 40 Minuts Each
I followed them a few moments

~ Monday

15 We spent the day in the office I attended the RR
Meeting Then Met with the board of Z.C.M.I. I went
to the Theater in the Evening with the Missionaries

~ Tuesday

16. I met with the Rail Road Company & done a good
Deal of Business to Attend to I wrote a Letter to
A hand pointing to the right David P. Woodruff I met with Bell Moses and
Ensign Had an interview with Mr Dickenson
a Rail Road Man I had a Bad Night

~ Wednesday

17. I spent the day in the office It was a vary warm
Day. We had an Account of F. M. Lymans Doctrin
Preached in the Last Conference in Salt Lake City read
to us some things would have to be corrected in it

~ Thursday

18 I went to the Temple G Q Cannon to Ogden it was warm
J F Smith & A. H, Cannon went to Calafornia

~ Friday

19. I spent the day in the office & Met Sister Horn & Taylor
wanted us to Meet with the Relief [Society] Conference

~ Saturday

20 Saturday I spent the day at home Built a Harness House

~ Sunday

21 Sunday I spent the day at home resting I was quite poorly

Page 229

~ Monday

June 22 1896
I spent the day at the office I received a Letter from
A Hinkley upon Taxes

~ Tuesday

23 I spent the day at home watching over the building of
the Harness house

~ Wednesday

24 I had an interview with Frank J Canyon on
Account of his labor in Congress I met with Zions
Savings Bank
board. The wages of the four Men were
set back to there former Price we Declaired a Dividend
of 6 per cent My private stock was 130 shares at
6 per cent was ($780) We set apart Rulon S.
to take the place of Br Lund to preside over
England & Joseph W McMurren as his first councellor
I Paid John Jaques $20 in Tithing Orders on the
Valley House it was charged to Me

~ Thursday

25 Keys crossed Owen Baptized My Grand Daughter Vedi Clare
8 years old I confirmed her. On my arival
at the Office I listened to the reading of the Account of
the Arival of Frank J Cannon at Ogden I met
Andrew Kimball the president of the Cherokee Mission

~ Friday

^26^ A Man called upon us to day wishing us to permit
him to Publish the History & likenesses of the four
Presidents of the Church Joseph Smith Brigham Young
John Taylor & ^&^ Wilford Woodruff And including the Temple
& Tabernacle in the Byographical History of the
United States I signed Papers to that Effect I talked
with N Clayton about Garfield Beach

~ Saturday

27. I spent the day at home resting

Page 230

~ Sunday

June 28 1896
I spent the day at home resting & Reading

~ Monday

29 I spent the day in the office & Met with Frank
J Cannon
& talked on Matters of the power company
I looked over Matters my Journals on the
Numbers of Pages recorded in my Journals for
57 years total No of Pages 6891

~ Tuesday

30 I received cash & Paid Accounts Done some business

~ Wednesday

July 1. Met with Power Company. The city is being Decked
for the Carnival

~ Thursday

July 12. I went to the city and saw the parade it was a great
Day for Salt Lake one of the Grandest procession I Ever saw

~ Friday

3 In company with G. Q. Cannon & Frank J Cannon
& many others I went up Ogden Canyon to see the
works of the Great Power Company we visited the
Buildings in which both the wood & Steel Pipes
are to be Manufactured. The Machinery will
take the steel plad [plate] 25 feet long 12 feet wide an inch
thick & bend them up cold & make them into a
solid pipe the Holes are punched & rivited cold The
Ingineer says that water will leave the Lower End
of that pipe at the rate of 2 miles a Minute No one could
make a Dent in that water with an Iron bar

~ Saturday

4 I spent the day in the city viewing the procession one of the Greatest Days Utah has Ever seen outside of
the Temple Dedications One of the Most important features
of the procession was the Chinees Draggon

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I spent the day at home Resting

Page 231

~ Monday

July 6, 1896

I spent the day in the office the Literary & Scientific
met at 10 o'clock in the office Wilford
Woodruff was Apointed a Member of the board
I had an interview with many to day

~ Tuesday

7. President Cannon spent most of the day singing [signing]
Bonds I spent the day in the offie Abram H Cannon
is a vary sick Man He had a successful operation
performed in taking of his Ear in taking out a Polipus
a fungus growth He is vary sick

~ Wednesday

8 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I spent the day in the office I received a Letter from
Sarah I wrote one in Return Abram H Cannon is
vary sick

~ Thursday

9. I went to the Temple with the presidency & Twelve &
partook of the Sacrament & talked over Brother Thatcher
affairs {but [illegible shorthand] said things that were wrong} I signed 50 Drafts

~ Friday

10 A folded letter/box I spent the day in the office had some pleasing
conversation with Brigham Young

~ Saturday

11. I spent the day at home reading & Resting

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I spent the day at home Resting

~ Monday

13 We have a vary hard rain this morning Abraham H
is but vary little better

~ Tuesday

^14 [FIGURES 10] A hand pointing to the right^I went to the offie & it began to Rain I received a letter
from Sarah I wrote one in Return I[n] company
with President G Q C & J F S I visited A H Cannon
And found him almost at Death Door J F Smith
Anointed him & I Administered to him He seemed
Better After being Administered to A Hard rain with Thunder

Page 232


Page 233


Page 234

~ Wednesday

July 15 1896

We Met with the Z.C.M.I. Board A sugar Meeting was
held at the office The prospect Never was better for a
crop of Sugar Beets than this Season

Abram H Cannon is worse to day Nothing but the
Power of God can save him We had a Hard Rain through
Most of the Day a good deal of Damage was Done in
^ A hand pointing to the right^ several Parts of the State I wrote a Letter to David P. W.

~ Thursday

16 I went to Ogden with the old folk it was Raining when
I left home but soon cleared off The D & R G R R
took the company from Salt Lake to Ogden took
1200 of the old Folks besides many others on the arival of
the company to Ogden carriages took the people from
the Depo to the Public Park when they were all
Assembled I should there were 8000 people President
Shirtliff took myself & Joseph F & our wives to his house
we soon went to the Park Mingled with the people & took
Dinner with them then we went onto the Stand and
had a general Meeting Myself Tanner & Nobles 3
of Zions Camp, were present & 20 of the Mormon Battallion
were present Myself & Joseph F Smith Addressed the Assembly
Also F. D Richards with Many others we returned at 5 oclok
to our Homes Distance of the day 80 Miles

~ Friday

17 Emma & Naoma went to Granite I went to the office
I learned that A. H. Cannon was still vary low, but things
on the improve a Little we had up Parsons Ranch Account

~ Saturday

18 I spent the day at home resting I visited A H Cannon ^He seemed to be dying^

~ Sunday

19. Sunday I spent the day at home
Page 235

A coffin Abram Hoagland Cannon
was born March 12 1859
Died 15 Minutes past 5 oclock
July 19, 1896 Aged 37 years, 4 Month
And 7 days

Abram Hoagland Cannon Died this Morning
15 Minutes past 6 oclock He was a Member of the
quorum of the Twelv Apostles Having been Ordained
an Apostle on the 7 day of Oct 1889 By
President Joseph F Smith

Brother Cannons Death is a great Loss not ownly
to his family but the Church Esspecially to the
Presidency of the Church as He was attending to a
good Deal of our business vary few Purer or
Better Men Ever lived on Earth than Abram H.
Cannon On Saturday the 18 Emma & my self visited
Brother Cannon at his Death bed He seemed to be
Dying while we were there I spent sunday the 19
at home

~ Monday

20 I spent the day in the office & the night at
home I spent the night writing I wrote 6 Letters to Ovando
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ Beebe Joseph Daynes Asahel Nellie Owen & Alice

Page 236

~ Tuesday

July 21, 1896
I spent the day in the office A vary busy day Hugh Cannon Arived from the Nevada Mines I met with a good Many
During the day I was sick through the night

~ Wednesday

22 I was sick to day & did not go to the office It is raining

~ Thursday

23 I went to the Office we met in the Temple till
12 oclock then returned to the office & met Frank J
& talked over business meeting

~ Friday

24 IThe Pioneer Day I went to Granite with Emma
& looked over Affairs there & returned home was
quite weary Moses Thatcher & wife called
upon me & talked about 30 Minutes about A H Cannons
funeral & about his sickness and other things

~ Saturday

25 I spent the day at home resting

~ Sunday

26 Sunday This is the day of the funeral of the Apostle
Abram H Cannon, Emma & myself went to the House A
Little befor 11 oclok we viewed the body & most of the
Twelve came Several Hundred people came The corps
looked vary Plesant at one oclok the procession
started for the Tabernacle & Arived about 2 oclok & we
found the Tabernacle crouded to the fullest capacity The
ceremonies & Procession witnessed by Tens of thousands
The Decorations at the Great Tabernacle was most
Beautiful & Elaberate & Appropriate All the Stands were
draped in white crepe looped with cord & tassel in the
Most Graceful Design *seats were prepard not ownly
for the family but for Boards of the various societies with
which He Stood connected W Woodruff J F Smith and

Page 237

Several of the Twelve occupied the upper seat of the Stand the
2nd seat was occupied by the Twelve Apostles Heber J Grant
gave out the Hymn when first the Glorious light of Truth
Franklin D Richard Prayer Then was sung I know that
my Reedeemer Liveth Then President Snow Addressed the vast
Assembly followed by President Wilford Woodruff, Then
the Hymn O my Father was sung by R C Easton Then
President Joseph F Smith spoke All Three of the discourses
are published in the Deseret Evening News of Monday July 27, [18]96 Brigham Young pronounced the Benediction
The march to the cemetry The procession started from
the Tabernacle under charge of Gen R. W. Young at 445 The
Procession was one of the Largest Ever seen in the State it
was over a Mile Long Wilford Woodruff L Snow J. F
Smith & F D Richards lead the procession followed by the
corpse & Twelve as paul Bearers then followed the Family
& procession & the street both sides was crouded by a
vast body of People clear to the TCemetry & hundreds
had already occupied that We could Hardly beleave
that there was Ever a greater Gathering on the
occasion of Any funeral in the State than upon
this occasion

~ Monday

27. we held a vary Plesant Meeting to day with Mr Banagin
He accepted an Account of $7000 on the first work
not before put into his Account In the Afternoon
we held a Meeting of the Stirling Mining Company
done what we could to lay a foundation for a Settlement

Page 238

~ Tuesday

July 28, 1896

I spent the day in the office Presidents Cannon & Smith
was in Ogden with Mr Banagan & Bannister Owen came home

~ Wednesday

29 I spent the day in the office Brother Cannon is in
Ogden I had a Number call upon me

~ Thursday

30 Owen & Emma took Susan & her 3 daughters
up to Granite I went to the office & Met with Br Lund
F. S. Richards called & Met with President Cannon

~ Friday

31 We Met with the power company in the fore noon And
Also in the Afternoon The Subject of the Experts of the power
company was called up & some plain talk had upon the
subject of course we have a heavy load upon us

~ Saturday

Aug 1. I spent the day at home in a variety of business

~ Sunday

2 Sunday I spent the day at home resting

~ Monday

3rd, Keys crossed I went to the office & listened to the Reading
of the History of David W Patten By
L A Wilson which was quite interesting
Also Arangments were made to get a frame for
My Likeness from Clawson for the Temple

~ Tuesday

4 I met with the Board Meeting of the Ogden Power
A Meeting of the Mining Co was Held, we
looked up some old Letters written By Joseph Smith Liberty Jail
I decided to Day not to go to the park so high an Altitude

~ Wednesday

5 I met at the offie The Mining Committee Also had a talk
with President Cannon upon our voyage at sea
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received a Letter from Sarah I wrote her one yesterday
{Unless God opens [to/dead] deal it looks as though [we had means] but the Lord [has more] for us}
it seems as though ruin was uppon us unless we raised some money

Page 239

~ Thursday

Aug 6, 1896

Asahel is quite poorly suffering with severe Head
Owen & I administered to him I spent the day in the office
Except while in the Temple 3 Hours

~ Friday

7. I spent the day in the office Attending to the business

~ Saturday

8. I went to the office a short time in the Morning the Rest of the day at home

~ Sunday

9. Sunday I Attended Meeting at the Tabernacle with
G Q Cannon & J F Smith with a large congregation
& 100 visiters I took Dinner with Joseph Daynes & Blanch

~ Monday

10. ^ A folded letter/box^ I received 2 Letters from Sarah saying Newton
was quite sick had a Meeting of the power company
at 2 oclok AP.M. we were visited by about 150 Ladies of
the Annual Meeting of the fire chiefs of the United States
they came in at one Door went through our office
& out of another Door we shook hands with them all
as they went through

~ Tuesday

11 Keys crossed I spent the day in the office we Met with the Ogden
Power Company
there was a good Deal of Excitement
Mr Banigan sent a check for $70,000 but word
came that Mr Banigan had his Real Esstate
& his bank accounts all seized by the Rubber company
and the $70000 Dollar check which He had sent
Us could not be paid which would stop our work
in Logan Canyon The Rubber Company had sued Mr Banni-
gan for $300000, & Bannigan had sued them for $1000000
but we soon got a Dispatch saying that his checks to
us would be paid which settled the Matter with us
Elizabeth Foss & Phebe Sessions visited us at the House

Page 240

Aug 11, 1896

I went to the Lake with my family in the Evening & staid
till 10 oclock And among the Exhibitions of the Evening was
some of the most splendid fire works I Ever saw Esspecially
the birsting of the fire balls in the Arc and raining fire
& Brimstone we returned home at 11 oclock Distance 320 Mils

~ Wednesday

12 I met with the board of CZC.MI Received the following
Dispatch from Mr Bannigan (Have No fear Bannagan
is all right & on top) Those were our feelings concerning
him ^[FIGURES]^ I received a Letter from Sarah & Mary & wrote
one in Return I met with quite a Number of Saints today
several Missionaries called upon me in the Evening

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

13 I rode to the office got something for home I got $500
for my Journey ^[FIGURES]^ I wrote A Badlam a Letter in
1849 from Cambridgeport to San francisco That 3 pages
of manuscript made 9 Pages in Type writing F M Lyman
found that Letter among his Fathers papers it contained
News from almost all over the World Cholary through
the U.S. & Terrible fires through the World I am
Now Preparing to leave for Portland & San Francisco.

myself and wife Emma President George Q Cannon
and wife Caroline and my son Asahel H Woodruff
left the city on the Union Pacific Railroad at 7 o'clock
p.m. for Portland. On the cars we found there had
been some mistake made about our transportation
Asahel was supposed to have got the tickets, but
we found that nothing had been said to him about
them, and Prest Cannon had no ticket for Asahel.

Page 241

Mr D. E. Burley the U. SP Superintendent being
on the car. he took the matter in hand and provided the
proper transportation for the party so that we got
along all right. I had a good night's rest, and traveled
the next day (the 14th) the heat being very oppressive
and the dust annoying which continued all night.

~ Saturday

Aug 15th We arrived at Portland this morning about 8
o'clock. I find I feel better. We took breakfast at the
Portland Hotel. I wrote letters to Ovando, Owen, Blanch
and James Jack and told him about the mistake in not
providing Asahel with tickets &c. We spent the day at
the Hotel and went on board the Steamer "State of California"
at 8 o'clock and sailed down the Columbia River and out
to sea quite smoothly.

~ Sunday

^Aug 16th Quite cloudy. We took break-
fast at 8 o'clock. Sea quite smooth. we saw some whales. I find I can both eat and sleep.^

~ Monday

Aug 167th Quite a pleasant day. Many large Sea gulls
followed the steamer. It came on foggy and when
night came on they blew the fog horn. On arrival
at the wharf at San Francisco. we had all we
could do to get through the crowd. We drove to
the Palace Hotel at 930 oclock, and were soon
comfortably located.

~ Tuesday

Aug 18th We stayed at our room this morning.
The price for rooms and board for Asahel, Ma and
myself is $13.00 a day or $91.00 a week. I wrote to Owen,
Ovando, Clara, Joseph, Blanch, alice and James Jack.

~ Wednesday

Aug 19th I wrote to Joseph F. Smith. We took a carriage
in the morning and rode to the Park and Sea shore, and

Page 242

viewed many places saw a forest occupied with all
kinds of birds and squirrels. we saw a plant Sily, the
leaf as large as a big wash tub. there are but very few of
the kind in America. We traveled over much ground, and
saw much. We had an interview with Prest. Lorenzo Snow
and Brother Henry S. Tanner who presides in San Francisco.
We concluded to attend their meeting.

~ Thursday

August 20th We took cars and went to the Cliff House
and saw the great number of Sea Lions on the Rocks.
It was very interesting to see those great Seals,
they would weigh from 1000 to 1500 lbs each. I
received two letters from Mary and Elias Woodruff.

~ Friday

August 21st I wrote three letters, to Wilford,
Owen and Alice, and sent Elias' letter to his
father in the letter I wrote to him. All the company
but myself have gone out to day. Bro Cannon
has gone to the Railway office to enquire of the
railroad people about the letters wrote him with
regard to our transportation tickets, which have

~ Saturday

Aug 22nd Ella called upon us this morning with
her babe. We paid our bill at the Palace Hotel and
took cars for Monterey. Had a very interesting journey
of 124 miles. A vast amount of fruit orchards, the most
of which are prunes. Monterey is one of the most
interesting places in America, especially the flower
gardens, we staid at the Hotel Del Monte. We had an

Page 243

interview with Col. I. Trumbo, A. Badlam and Judge Estee.

~ Sunday

Aug 23rd We took a walk through a part of the gardens. The
Arizona garden was the most interesting. We saw ten century
plants in bloom. I seem to have taken cold and it has
settled all through my system.

~ Monday

Aug 24th. For the first time in years I see and hear crows
in the trees near the Hotel. We took a carriage and rode
through Monterey. This is described as one of the most delightful
places on earth, magnificent trees, wide spreading lawns and
every variety of flowers. We rode through the Pacific Drive
about 17 or 18 miles; which is probably unequaled because
of the scenery. There was a Cypress Grove, the driver said
the only one in the world. Drove through the Pacific Companys
lands of some 7000 acres. We passed through a herd of
large ground squirrels, and had a view of a bunch of
Pelicans and other large birds on a high ridge and
posts in the Sea. We stopped and bought some sea
shells from a Chinese girl on the road side.

~ Tuesday

Aug 25th Brother Cannon, Asahel and myself
took carriage and rode to the city of Monterey and
hired a fishing boat, paid $500, and sailed out
to sea to the fishing ground and fished all day.
We caught about 200 Rock fish and one Red Cod,
of about 8 lbs weight. we caught one Rock fish of about
5 lbs weight. All the fish were very small. Brother
Cannon profesed never to be a fisherman, but
he caught his share to day. Asahel hooked a

Page 244

Fish but lost him, he would weigh 25 lbs.

~ Wednesday

Aug 26th I spent most all day at the Hotel. We had a
paper race in the afternoon.

~ Thursday

Aug 27th We took cars in the morning and rode to
San Francisco 125 miles. went to the Baths. then took
cars for Los Angeles ^and San Diego^ (482 miles). rode all night. I
did not sleep, as I did too much yesterday.

~ Friday

Aug 28th We got up in the morning, travelled through
the most romantic country I ever saw, a great
deal of the way was through tunnels, the east one
is half a mile to the bottom of the valley. The sun shone
bright, this is the highest elevation we reached.
It is the roughest piece of railroad I ever traveled
for over 90 miles. We took breakfast at Harveys
and passed through Los Angeles at 130 and
through Santa Anna at 315. We saw the old Mission
on San Fran, and came to the Sea San Diego at 10
min to 5 o'clock, and registered at the Coronado
which is on an island in the bay of San Diego.

~ Saturday

Aug 29th we went out on the pier, got a fish
pole and line, caught a small stinger fish.
The location of this Hotel is excellent, and as a winter
resort has few equals in the land. The summers are
mild the weather cool and bracing, but the heat now
was greater than had been felt, it was said by old
residents, for 25 years. Spent most of the day reading
the morning papers.

Page 245

~ Sunday

Aug 30th. The company went to visit the Sweetwater dam,
one of the most complete dams in America. I spent the
day in my room. Asahel went out this evening and
met with the Saints in San Diego, and addressed
them for about an hour on the Gospel, had an interesting

~ Monday

Aug 31st Several of our brethren met with us to go out
on a fishing excursion, they were Bro Alex Hammer
and wife. P. T. Wright & fwife E. A. Bushman, Jos A Berry and
Miss Cooper of San Diego. Captain Polson with his
Naptha Launch took us on board and went out to Sea
to the fishing grounds about 8 miles. The captain
tied 5 lines to the stern of the steamer and gave
me the charge of them. These lines were for trolling for
fish, they were about 200 feet long, the hooks were
without beards and fastened with fine wire onto
a white bone, we did not use any bait at all. The
fish seeing the white bone grab it. It was the most
interesting fishing I Ever had in my life. We fished
about two hours and caught some 600 lbs of fish.
They were spanish mackerel, yellow tails and barracuda
I caught the largest [blank] weighing from [blank] to [blank] lbs
They kept us very busy for a while. Emma caught
quite a number and helped me to haul in mine.
The Barracuda fish that we caught would measure
near three feet in length. It was the most exciting hook
fishing I ever was in. They were put into the hands

Page 246

of our friends who went with us. I think they gave most
of them away to their acquaintances. We were somewhat
weary when we got to our quarters. 30 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

Sept 1st We took the cars and rode to Los Angeles,
stopped at the Hallenbeck Hotel, after dinner all the
company went out for a ride to see the country. I wrote
a letter to Owen and gave him an account of our fishing
trip. also sent him an account of the same from a paper.

~ Wednesday

Sept 2nd We took the cars to Pasadena, visited the orange
and lemon groves that cover thousands of acres. Took a
carriage and rode 2 1/2 hours through the orange, lemon
and Pepper trees. Some of the pepper trees were near
two feet through the butt. These trees are green and bloom
through the year. at the close of our visit, returned to
Los Angeles, distance of the day 30 miles.

~ Thursday

Sept 3rd Emma and Asahel done some shopping
I received a package of letters this morning. 6 for
myself, 2 for Asahel, 1 for Emma & 2 for Bro Cannon.
Prest. Joseph F Smith says in his letter, that sister Ellen
Spencer Clawson
is dead. At 2.40 we took the cars to
San Pedro to go to Catalina Island. We traveled about
30 minutes in the cars and then by Steamer to the island
which is about 30 miles, and spent the night at

~ Friday

Sept 4th We took a small Electric Steamer with
two men, Bro Cannon, Asahel and myself on board,
and sailed on the East side of the Island some 9 miles.

Page 247

We trolled with lines 125 feet long at the stern of the boat, and
caught several Spanish Mackerel. I caught 2 and Bro Cannon
1. We went onto the Jew fish ground but caught none, they
weigh from 100 to 400 lbs each. The boatman took us to a place
where it is said there is a flat stone of some 200 yards wide
and about 500 yards in length, and at a depth of about
650 feet. We cannot anchor, but the captain labors to
keep over the rock. We used lines 650 feet long and
at the end is fastened about 1 dozen short lines and
hooks, and on the end of the line fastened a rock about
3 lbs weight to sink the line to the rock, the hooks
were baited with Sardines. We cast over these
lines and Asahel's got caught in the Stern of the
Steamer and lost the whole 650 feet. The one I had
went to the bottom, and it was too hard work for me
to pull up 20 or 30 lbs of fish 650 feet. I only pulled up
once with some 12 or 15 lbs weight of fish. I then gave
it to Asahel. The man with us, James Gardner, helped
him let out the line and haul it up and brought up
6 fish which would weigh about 40 lbs. The next time
he had 4 on about 25 lbs. It takes a long time to make
a haul. The fish will weigh from 6 to 15 lbs each, nearly
as red as blood, and they are dead when they get to the
top of the water. Their bladders burst; being relieved
from the pressure of water causes this. They are
said to be good to eat. The name of this fish is Grooper.
There must be thousands upon the rock, for the hooks

Page 248

are taken as soon as they strike the rock. The fisher-
man does not have to wait but a minute or two before
he pulls up his line. After making 3 hauls we left for
home. The sea was very rough. Prest. Cannon was sick
a good deal of the day. I was not sick at all. Distance
of the day I should judge to be about 30 miles.

~ Saturday

Sept 5th I had a bad night, did not sleep well.
I rested to day. The company went out on the
water in a Glass bottom boat. They gave a very
interesting history of it. I spent most of the day
in my room reading. The Steamer arrives in the
evening. I saw most of the people of the place go to
the pier when the Steamer came in.

~ Sunday

Sept 6th I rode out in the morning with Asahel,
Emma and Sister Cannon in the glass bottom
boat, and in 50 or 60 feet of water we can see
everything in the water to the bottom clearly. I
learned one important thing that I never knew before
This growth that floats on the sea, grows in a forest
on the bottom of the sea, like a forest of timber. We
saw large trees of it 50 feet under water, with branches
growing out from the main body. We could see all
the fish swiming in the midst of this growth. We
saw more gold fish in the water than any other kind.
I wrote a letter to Owen giving him an account
of our fishing and saying that we start for home
tomorrow. The two Steamers both left the Island.

Page 249

Asahel went to the Congregational Church meeting. Emma
was sick through the night.

~ Monday

Monday Sept 7th This Island is 22 miles long and from 1 to 8
miles wide entirely mountaineous. We took Steamer and
arrived at San Pedro, thence by rail to Los Angeles 40 miles.
We stopped and took dinner at our former hotel, and parted
with our Mormon friends and took cars for home. We
rode through that afternoon & night. I suffered much
through the night, did not sleep at all. I got up and dressed
and slept a short time.

~ Tuesday

Sept 8 We traveled through the day over mountains
hills and plains. I have not slept 30 minutes in 7
hours during the night.

~ Wednesday

Sept 9th We arrived at Ogden, and on to Salt
this evening. Distance on this journey 1280

~ Thursday

Sept 10. I went to the Office got 6 Letters 1 from Bell
A hand pointing to the right I wrote her in reply and sent her one in reply
& sent $5 to David we went to the Temple & spent 2 hours
in council I was poorly through the day

~ Friday

11 I spent the day in the office The Mining Company
held a Meeting I wrote a Letter to Newton & sent
^ A hand pointing to the right^ $10 to David $5 for Myself & $5 for Owen but the
company had already Gone we had word this
Morning from Wells Farg & Co that they held
Notes against the Presidency of the Church for $60000
that must be paid soon. I wrote to Mrs Wm Woodruff

Page 250

~ Saturday

Sept 12 1896
Saturday I spent the day at home

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I spent the day at home resting And had
of the Diarhea & was quite Poorly, it lasted through the night

~ Monday

14 I was quite unwell but went to the office & we were
full of business with our Debts I had $60 which I
turned over to Brother Jack to help as far as it went
to help Pay the interest on our Notes & G Q Cannon
raised several hundred dollars I received a Letter
^ A folded letter/box^ from Jesse T Moses saying the companies had started
to go to see David P Woodruff who was burned out
we had a Meeting of the Mining Company we had
a Meeting with [blank] Cannon on Money.

~ Tuesday

15 I held a Ming with ZC.M.I took out $200000 out
of the Reserve fund we done a good Deal of Business

~ Wednesday

16 I spent the Day in the office The Mining Company
held ^a meeting^ The Utah Company Dissolved to day had
a part of the property taken from it we are called upon
to pay the body of our debts

Lorenzo Snow wife the Houts woman is Dead & buried
Alice our youngest Daughter is vary sick

~ Thursday

17. The Presidency & Twelve Met in the Temple & took up the
case of Moses And all felt that it was time for us to
Deal with him The Apostles Expressed themselves upon the
subject and it was Decided by a universal voice that
a committee of three of the Apostle be Appointed to Meet
with him and give him the demand of the Quorum
Then the Presidency & Twelve met upon our Political

Page 251

situation And after all Expressed themselvs
freely upon the subject it was Decided that as
the Presidency & Twelve Apostles we refrain
from taking any stepts in Advocating Either
Gold or silver in a public capacity Frank J
& the Governor Wells were invited
& were with us in our political Meeting

~ Friday

18 I spent the day in the office I got a Letter
from Sister Gates we had an interview with J. Talmage

~ Saturday

19 I spent the day at home resting the best I could Alice is
vary sick to day we administered to her

~ Sunday

20. Sunday I spent this day at home several of the family
were present Emma was vary sick through the night

~ Monday

21. I spent the Day in the office we had an interview
with several of the Twelve I signed 37 Recommends
of Orson Smith for 2d Anointing I had a Bad night
Emma had a vary bad night Ovando a vary sick
night & Sister Butterworth Naomas Mother Died
last night will be buried Thursday the 24 sept

~ Tuesday

22 I Borrowed $2000 this morning of J R Winder
& George Romney to pay upon our Notes that
were crouding upon us we are in a terrible finan-
cial condition Susan called upon me to day for
some council about renting her farm

~ Wednesday

23 I Went to the office And Learning that Samuel Batemant
[FIGURES] was vary sick President Cannon & myself with
Br Wilken visited him & Administered to him He seemed Better 20 Miles

Page 252

~ Thursday

Sept 24, 1896
Sister Butterworth funeral & burial is held to day
I spent the day in the Temple in council I met
with quite a Number of the Brethren & Sisters At Asahels
who had been to the funeral

Phebe Whitmore Carter Woodruff Born March 8, 1807
She Died in Salt Lake City Utah Nov 10, 1885
Aged 78 years 8 Months & 2 days

~ Friday

25 I spent the day in the office I received on Utah which
I had subscribed for & Paid $22.20 for the same

~ Saturday

26 I spent the day at home reading

~ Sunday

27. Sunday I spent a part of the day at Ovandos took dinner

~ Monday

28 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Jesse Moses 2 spent the day in
the office Attending to the business of the day I delivered
to Emma & A O Woodruff the Deeds which I held of theirs

~ Tuesday

29. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I spent the day in the office wrote to John Jaques
& T. G Webber ^ A hand pointing to the right^ Received Letter from Webber

~ Wednesday

30 We Met with the Mining Company {It looks as though the Presidency would be ruined unless God opens the way.}
our Affairs are in a Desperate
condition in a Temporal condition Point of view

~ Thursday

Oct 1. I spent most of the day in the Temple with the Apostles
& we partook of the Sacrament to gether we talked over
the Debts of the Church & & our individual Debts
all of which are pressing us vary Heavily now

~ Friday

2. I spent the day in the office Had an interview with J Q.

~ Saturday

3 I spent the day at home

Page 253

While in San francisco on the night of Tuesday
Aug 18 I was vary much troubled in the fore part of
the night with Evil spirits that tried to Afflict me finally
A spirit visit me that seemed to have power over
the Evil spirits And they departed from me. I had
concluded not to attend the Mormon Meeting for
Testimony in the City but the spirit said to me it
was wisdom for us to Attend the Testimony Meeting
as the Saints knew we were here in the City and if we did
not attend it would have a bad Effect upon the Saints so I
concluded to Attend. This same spirit said to me
Not to grieve because of the Departure of Abram Hoagland
for the Lord had called him to fill a vary important
Mission in the spirit World. As a pure Holy Apostle from
Zion in the Rocky Mountains A Labor which would not
ownly prove a great blessing to his Fathers Household but to
the Church and Kingdom of God on the Earth

The spirit of God rested upon me at the close of this
manifes^ti^tiation in a powerful manner and bore testimony
to me of the truth of the Revelation to me concerning
Abram H Cannon

Page 254

~ Sunday

Oct 4, 1896
Sunday the 66 Annual Conference of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met in the Tabernacle
W Woodruff spoke 26 Minutes in opening the Conference it
is published in the D News Joseph F Smith spoke 48 M[inutes]
Then W Woodruff 12 M[inutes]. Benediction by Pat John Smith
2 PM Prest George Q Cannon spoke 58 Minuts, L W Snow
spoke 25 M[inutes] There was a sunday school Meeting in the Evening
Geo Godard, Karl J Maeser Heber J Grant F M Lyman
& G Q Cannon were the speakers

~ Monday

Oct 5. Monday Prayer By J D T McAllister, Elder F D
, spoke 53 M[inutes], B Young spoke 25 M[inutes], F M Lyman
spoke Benediction by S. B. Young. 2 PM E Partridge Prayed
W Woodruff spoke 20 Minuts upon his Experience
with the Devels in the City of London with G A Smith
& their Deliverance by the Administration of 3 Holy
Messengers Also spoke of Moses Thatcher
L Snow spoke 15 M[inutes] & John Henry Smith 25 M[inutes]
B Young 10 M[inutes], H J Grant 5 George Teasdale 17,
Joseph F Smith 12 M[inutes] Benediction by J G Kimball

~ Tuesday

Oct 6. Elder John W Taylor spoke 45 M[inutes], {in the spirit of God}
M W Merrill 25 m[inutes] A H Lund 28 M[inutes] 2 PM

Joseph F Smith Presented the Authorities of the Church all
of whom were sustained George Q Cannon spoke 47 m[inutes]
Elias S Kimball 10, Wm Gardner 5, Geo Q Cannon
Dismissed the Conference By requst of President Woodruff
And the Conference Adjourned till April Next

Page 255

~ Wednessday

Oct 7, 1896
The General Authorities of the Church Met in the
Assembly ^Hall^ at 10 oclok The Presidency of the Church
with the Twelve Apostles Met with them L Snow
spoke upon the work in the Temple W Woodruff follow
him upon the same subject Joseph F Smith spoke
upon the rearing of children & the Duty of Parents
to watch their children G Q Cannon spoke
& gave council upon various subjects

~ Thursday

8th We had a visitation of Many Brethren at the office
we went to the Office & to the Temple & spent the
day and Done a good Deal of business we resolved
to make a change in our Labor at the office as
it was overwhelming us all with fatigue the business
was more than we could pass through & do justice
to it we would Apoint some Man to take some
of the care of[f] from us

~ Friday

9 I spent the Day in the office we Met to arange the
Mutual Improvement Presidency W Woodruff is the
superintendent & Joseph F Smith H G Grant
& Brigham H Roberts are my assistance We took
up one $25,000 Dollar Note from Mr Clarkson
through the Assistance of John M Cannon

~ Saturday

10 I spent the day at home resting

~ Sunday

11 Sunday I spent this day at home I met with
Hon Abraham Fernando who is a Latter Day Saint
and has labored hard for the Church of L.D.S. He is
here on a visit & Now returning home

Page 256

~ Monday

Oct 12 1896
I spent the day in the office I met with the General Church
board of Education & with the business board (on my return
home I met a Letter written 20 years ago)

~ Tuesday

13 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received two Letters one from Dr Lelslie W Snow
concerning M Thatchers state of health one from ZCMI
I looked over my tax list and we find that the public
taxes are a great Burthen to the people they cannot Pay them

~ Wednesday

14 I spent the day in the office & had an interview
with Br Edlefsen we obtained a Letter from Orson Smith
saying Moses Thatcher was preaching to the people when
He had not setled his difficulty

~ Thursday

15. Moses Thatcher came to the Temple & was not admited
by the instruction of the first Presidency, his case was
discussed & decided for the Presidency to Publish a card
forbidding him to Preach untill his case was setled

Senator Proctor called upon us to day with a request
that we send President ^G. Q^ Cannon to the senate of the
U.S.A the request made by leading Men of the Nation

~ Friday

16 In company with President Cannon I took car
to Provo to Attend the great Celebration of the founding
of Brigham Young College ^Academy^ we had a great Day President
G Q Cannon was the oritor but many speeches were made
Emma & Owen went down to Provo in a Buggy we spent
the Night at Sister Diana Smoot Her Son Parley got
into Difficulty with a girl & He or some one Els got her in
a family way And they have trouble over it

I was quite unwell through the night with the Hives or sumthing like it

Page 257

~ Saturday

Oct 17, 1896
Saturday I took cars & Returned to Salt Lake City
and spent the night at home 100 Mile

~ Sunday

18 I Attended the conference at Ogden too[k] cars &
Rode to Ogden with Presidents G Q Cannon & J F Smith
we put at at Brother Peerys I spoke an hour. In
the foorenoon & had good Liberty in speaking
I was followed with by G Q Cannon we all Dined
at Broth Peery's Afternoon Lorenzo Snow spoke
abot an hour followed by Joseph F Smith spok untill
5:30 we had a vary interesting Day it was the
first time a Public Meeting had been held in
the Tabernacle since it was remodelled it is now
a vary fine building but there were hundreds who
could not get seats I spent the night with Brother Peery

~ Monday

19 We Met at 10 oclok W Woodruff spoke one hour {in the power of God}
I took up the subject of the office of Administration of
& the Office of the Holy Ghost I testified that the Lord
did not send Angels to Men on Earth ownly for the
purpose of Performing a work which Men could not do
while Holy Ghost should be with Every Saint of God to
reveal to him his duty hourerly I was followed By F D Richards
Afternoon F M Lyman spok followed by H J Grant we
had a glorious time through the conference we returned
home in the Evening by cars 80 Miles

~ Tuesday

20 we held Meetings all day with various Brethren
Brother Budge & Stephen Met with Col Trumbo
about the Gardo House I Attended a party at Sister Eldridges

Page 258

~ Wednesday

Oct 21, 1896
Brother Cannon & Smith was in Ogden I went to the
Office a part of the Day and part of the day at home

~ Thursday

22 we met with several of the Brethren in the Morning
we went to the Temple & held a Meeting with the Apostles
we herd a Letter read from Moses Thatcher while
He has not been in unison with his quorum since
the Death of John Taylor He does not seem to think
any thing is the Matter with him

~ Friday

23. I spent the day in the office Brother Stephenson
Attorney came to the office & informed us that Br
Stephenson wanted to deed some Land to the L.D.S
Brother G. Q. Cannon was not well, & did not
come to the office

~ Saturday

24 Saturday in company with a whole car load of
Brethren & Sisters I went on the Rail to the sugar
at Lehi I found that the company was
improving upon any former year the Last time I wa[s]
there it took 60 seconds to make 100 lbs of sugar today
it took ownly 40 seconds & Beets went as high as 18 per
cent of scearing some as low as 12 per cent but
a small portion below 14 per cent. They were also putting
up a large quantity of Beets for seed for Next Year
The seed they are saving is much better than imported seed

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I Attended the young Mens Mutual improvement
in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon several
of the Brethren spoke among the Number W Woodruff H J Grant
& J. F. Smith we had a good meeting & one in the Evening

Page 259

~ Monday

Oct 26, 1896
I called upon Brother G. Q. Cannon He was
not vary well but finally came to the office
it commenced a cold hard Rain abot Noom [noon]
I had an interview with F. S. Richards

~ Tuesday

27. An arrow An arrow On my arival at the Office we got a Telegram
from the sterling saying that our Agent at work on
our Mine was shot Dead. We did not learn who
by but we supposed by a wicked Man who sent
us a threatening Letter Demanding so Much Money
we had to Notify the family & make arangements for
the body to be brought home his Name was [blank]
we had a hard Rain today quite cold

~ Wednesday

28 The Scientific Association Met at the Office
this morning And the Mining Company held
a Meeting at the office what to do with the body
of Thomas P. Gallespie who was shot yesterday
at the Sterling Mine It was finally concluded
to bury it there

~ Thursday

29. I held a Meeting in the Temple. We met with several
in the Office Ovando Beebe spent the Evening with us

~ Friday

^ A hand pointing to the right^ 30 I wrote to Sarah {and sent forty dollars} I received Telegrams from
Idaho on Politics wants an Answer

~ Saturday

31 I took cars with Mrs Woodruff for Nephi when
we got to the point of the Mountain 3 train of cars was
stoped for one hour waiting for Wm H King who
came to Late to get the cars He overslept himself
And all the train of cars were stoped waiting
for him & when He arived He ownly rode 2 o[r] 3 Miles
before He got off & went another way this was vary strange

Page 260

Thing that 3 trains should be stoped for an hour
for a political Man to come & get on the cars &
ownly rode 2 Miles we Did not reach Nephi untill Noon
I met with the conference in the Meeting House at 2 oclok
several of the Brethren spoke for near an hour then I spoke
about an hour I als[o] attended the Priesthood Meeting in
the Evening & spoke 50 Minutes, & had a good Meeting

~ Sunday

Nov 1. Sunday I Attended the sabbath school in the Morning
they had a large school I Addressed them at the close
Afternoon the Meeting house was cramed fuller than
Ever before Brother Teasdale spoke some 40 Minuts
And the Power of God was upon Me & I had a good
time the spirit of the Lord was upon me All the Saints
seemed to appreciate my visitation there vary Much

~ Monday

2 I spent Most of the Day at Brother Teasdales
we took cars & Returned to Salt Lake City in
the Evening I was quite Poorly through the night
had the Rheumatism in the night

~ Tuesday

3. I went to the office & on the way stoped at a pooling
place & cast my vote for the Men of my choice
I met with my councillors & others at the office
I spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

4 I spent the day in the office & Attending to
the Duties of the same

~ Thursday

5 I went to the Temple And we done a good deal
of Business Among the Rest we voted to change our
fast day from the first Thursday in the Month to the first Sunday

Page 261

~ Friday

Nov 6th 1896
I met at the office several Brethren upon varyous
subjects A Letter from President Lorenzo Snow
to Moses Thatcher concerning a Meeting with
his quorum

~ Saturday

7. I was at home resting through the Day was not well

~ Sunday

8. Sunday A Morris Daniel J Lang spoke first in
the Tabernacle followed By President G Q Cannon they
had a good Meeting I spent the day at home

~ Monday

9. I spent the day at the homethe Office we were called
upon by Mr Arnold on the Keeley Cure. Owen
went to Ogden & returned

~ Tuesday

10 Keys crossed A crown We were visited this Morning By that Noted
Lady Virginia Dodge she was vary much
interested in Salt Lake City and the Morman community
we held a Meeting with the Salt Lake & Loss Angellous Railway
this Morning. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote to Newton

~ Wednesday

11 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I wrot to Heber Thompson to come to Ogden
I Also wrote to Wilford Beatie

~ Thursday

12 I spent a part of the day in the Temple in council with
the Apostles. Moses Thatchers case was brought up
it does not now look as though He would Ever
be united with his quorum the Twelve Apostles

~ Friday

13 I spent the day in the office And attended to the
Business of the same

~ Saturday

14 I went to the city and office got Mail & returned home

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I spent the day at home & Attended Meeting in the
ward My Son Owen spoke I followed him

Page 262

~ Monday

Nov 16 1896
^ A folded letter/box^ I Received 2 Letters ^one^ from Sylvia M Thompson
held a Meeting with the ZCMI Board
cash on hand $71,3235.60 Recepts for Oct 286,859.68
Disbursments $277 939 52 cash on hand 80,155 73
The institution is doing well

~ Tuesday

17 Presidents Cannon & Smith went to ogden I spent
the Day at home

~ Wednesday

18 Keys crossed A crown My Daughter Blanche who Married Joseph
had a Daughter to day, her first child I blessed
her before the birth of the child. ^Makes 90 grand children^ 12 ^12^ great grand children. 33 children

~ Thursday

19. ^ An arrow An arrow^ The Twelve Apostles held a Meeting in the Historians
at 10 oclock this morning And the following Notice
is the Result of there work published in the Deseret News of Nov 10 [18]96

To the officers and Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints. This is to inform you that At a Meeting of
the Council of the Apostles held this Day (Thursday TNov 19 1896)
There being Present Lorenzo Snow, Franklin D Richards, Brigham Young,
Francis M Lyman, John Henry Smith, George Teasdale, Heber J Grant,
John W Taylor, Marriner W Merrill, And Anthon H. Lund.
which Meeting was called for the purpose of considering and
taking Action on the case of Elder Moses Thatcher and of
which Meeting and its object He had been Duly Notified After
a full consideration of all the circumstances of the case And after
Each Apostle present had Expressed himself upon the subject
it was unanimously Decided that Moses Thatcher be severed from
the Council of the Twelve Apostles and that He be deprived of his A Apostleship
And other Offices in the Priesthood. Lorenzo Snow President council of Twelve Apostle

Page 263

~ Friday

Nov 20, 1896
I spent the day in the office Met with quite a Number
of the Brethren including Brother Budge Legrand Young & other

~ Saturday

21 I went to the Office & attended Meeting untill 2 oclok
then returned home

~ Sunday

22 Sunday I spent the day at home resting I was
quite poorly in Health

~ Monday

23. ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Sarah Newton called
upon me on his return home from Provo Moses
is trying to Make war upon the Twelve Apostle
& Presidency & Getting all to sympathize with him
that He can. John Haven our Architect was out of
work & out of provisions I raised him $55 from
the Church $5 in cash & $50 on Tithing office that
He might have sumthing to Eat on Thanksgiving

~ Tuesday

24 Nov I spent the day in the office President Cannon
Returned from Ogden we met with several of the

~ Wednesday

25. I spent the day in the office we held a Meeting
with the board of the syndicate it was decided for Br
^ A hand pointing to the right^ G Q Cannon to go East I wrote to Sarah

~ Thursday

26 Thursday Thanksgiving we held a Meeting with
the Twelve concerning the Election of a senator to the
Congress of the U.S. After Hearing the views of the
Brethren we thought it not wisdom to Present the Name
of President George Q Cannon for fear of a
failure to Elect him Moses Thatcher case was
taken up & discussed and we all became satisfied
that He was a great Apostate & was Doing all against the Church He could

Page 264

Thanksgiving day Many of our Young Men went
South Near Camp Floyd to have a Rabbit Hunt Three
of our family went Ovando Beebee took the Premium
of $5 He got 51 Rabbits Asahel 22, & Owen 23. No
accident Happened to the company

Keys crossed I Blessed my Grand Daughter the child of my Daughter
Blanch & her Husband Joseph Dayns I sealed upon her
head the name of Florilla Woodruff Daynes

~ Friday

27. I went to the office & Met with Mr Bannister
who presented to us the various bids to build our
Dam at the Reservoir I also Met the committee
who were Appointed to give Answer to the Public on
Moses Thatcher affairs ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a Letter to
John Jaques

~ Saturday

28. I I went to the office had a Meeting with
Hatchadoor Mardirosiam A Russian Minister who
had come to Utah to study up the Mormon faith & doctrins
He belonged to a church of 30000 in Russia who
believed a good Deal as we do in Religion & ordina-
nces Except they lacked the Priesthood we received the
Men helped him to a place to stop and attend the Meeting
investigate we had several German Saints came
into spend the Evening

~ Sunday

29. Sunday I went to Claras & took Dinner with
Brother & Sister Beebe

~ Monday

30. I spent the day in the office I had a vary bad night
caughed all night & suffered

Page 265

~ Tuesday

Dec 1, 1896
I went to the office but was in a good Deal of distress
in my stomach I lay down but could not sleep. The
communication by President Snow on Moses Thatcher
was published in the Herald and part of it in the Tribune

~ Wednesday

2nd was sick & not able to go to the Office I kept my Room

~ Thursday

3. I spent the day at home we had company in the Evening

~ Friday

4. I spent the Day at the office Met with Br Tanner from
San Francisco & Brother Hart & Spencer also Br Roberts
& John W Taylor abought his Mission to Colorado &c
Brother John Bohn who brought to me as a Gift to the Temple
of the Burial of the Savior After the crusifiction of
the savior this is the seconed one for the Temple

~ Saturday

5 I spent the day at home was not Well

~ Sunday

6 Sunday I spent this day at home was quite unwell

~ Monday

7. I spent the day in the office B H Roberts called upon
me & gave me a History and gave a History of his
mission East. The Court closed upon the water question

~ Tuesday

8 I met with the Ogden Power Company to give
out the contract on building the Dam A Brother
by the Name of [blank] Plant who married Mrs Norman
Normans widow. This woman wanted me
to send a Lawyier to her to Make out a Deed
of her Property to me as Trustee of the Church as
she wants the Church to have her property when she is Dead
Our condition on Money Matters we are in
More Debt than we can pay I had a vary sick night
& without sleep

Page 266

~ Wednesday

Dec 9, 1896
I spent the day in the office was quite unwell I looked over
Zions Savings Bank Accounts that the Cashire George M. Cannon
had sent me {I am sorry that they got so [illegible shorthand].} I was some better to Night

~ Thursday

10 I met with the Apostles at the Temple and Attended to considerable
business At the close of our Meeting we returned to the
Office had an interview with Mr Bannister &
Learned that C. C Richards was at the Head of
a plan to stop the progress of the power plant in
Ogden Canyon This seeme strange to me I got
a Note from Duly wanted one of his Notes paid
Brother Jack is paying the interest

~ Friday

11 I went to the office Met quite a Number of Brethren
I talked with F D Richards concerning his son C. C. R
on his work in Ogden against the pipe line

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to day to Geo. Q Cannon

~ Saturday

12. I spent the day at home sick

~ Sunday

13. Sunday Conference at Tabernacle I am at home sick
suffer much with cold on my Lungs & cough

~ Monday

14 ^ A folded letter/box^ I spent the day in the office I received 3 Letters. I was
visited by the coulered Chaplain of the Armey & others

~ Tuesday

^15^ Keys crossed we had a party in the Evening of all our family in the
city with Brother & Sister Roberts & others. I went
to the Theater to see the old Folks play

~ Wednesday

156 ^ A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Sarah saying that Mary
was confined to her bed with Inflamitory
Rheumatism was quite sick I Answered her & sent her $20

~ Thursday

17 I went to the Temple & done a good Deal of business

Page 267

Our settlements in Mexico & their Doings we discussed
that the agents who had been there had made some bad
Mistakes in the land Business

~ Friday

18 I spent the day at the office Attending to Business

~ Saturday

19 I went to the office & got my tax List stamped
As it is supposed that we will get a Rebate

~ Sunday

20 Sunday I spent the day at home was quite unwell

~ Monday

21. I spent the day in the Office and attended to the business
of the Day A hand pointing to the right I received a Letter from E A Scammans
son of Dr Ezra LScammans wh[ich] informes me that
his Mother is Dead on Friday Dec 18, 1896

A coffin Rhoda F Scammans
was Born March 12, 1807
Died Dec 18, 1896
Aged 87 years 9 Months & 6 days

Thus all of the Carter family are now Dead Except
Shuah who lives in scarborough Maine I wrote
A hand pointing to the right a Letter to Dr Ezra A Scammans

~ Tuesday

22 I spent the day in the office President G Q Cannon
Arived to the office

~ Wednesday

23 We held a Meeting with G Q Cannons Associates on the
Rail Road west

~ Thursday

24 We met in the Temple & talked over the Affairs
of the Church

Page 268

^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a Lengthy Letter to Dr Ezra A Scammans
of Columbus Kansas

~ Friday

25 Christmass I had many of my family together to day &
Evening & had a Happy time

~ Saturday

26 I spent the day at home mostly reading

~ Sunday

27. Sunday I spent this day at home was not able to Attend Meeting

~ Monday

28 I spent the day in the office I wrote a Letter to
^ A hand pointing to the right^ Mrs Shuah C Moulton about the Death of her sister
Rhoda F Scammans we were visited by a Number of
the Brethren on business

~ Tuesday

29. I spent the day at the office

~ Wednesday

30 I spent the day in the office it was a vary important
Day in many Respects we the Presidency of the church
are so [o]verwhelmed in Financial Matters it seems
as though we should Never live to get through with it
unless the Lord opens the way in a Marvellous Manner
it looks as though we should never pay our Debts
Brother G. Q. Cannon has to go right back to
Meet with Mr Banigan

~ Thursday

31. President Cannon leaves for the East this Morning
I met with the Twelve this Morning in the Temple and
Attended to some business I looked over my Journal
& recorded on the following Page my labors during 1896
I received a Letter from Mary

Page 269

I have been on the sick List most of the year 1896
have not been able to Attend but few Meeting
or Conferences I have Recorded the following

I Attended 8 Conferences 8
I Attended 40 Meeting 40
I Preached 18 discourses 18
I Attended 2 Funerals 2
I met with the Presidency & Twelve in the Temple 36 times
I wrote 74 Letters Received 89 Letters 74, 89
I Travelled 3899 Miles 3899
I Met with Z.C.M.I. Board 10 times 10
I Met with Zions savings Bank 9 9
I met with the Ogden Power Co 20. 20
Administered to the sick 6. 6
Paid Tithing $1,056.88
Page 270


Page 271

~ Friday

Jan 1, 1897
I spent the day at home with my Family I had a
large Number of my family to gether

~ Saturday

2 I spent the day at home at work on my Journal

~ Sunday

3 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ Sunday I spent the day at home I wrote to Asahel

~ Monday

4. I spent the day in the office A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Mary
A folded letter/box I got a Letter from Sarah

~ Tuesday

5 I spent the day in the office we had a Meeting with
Joseph Daynes concerning the organ we Met with
the board of Zions savings Bank

~ Wednesday

6 I I spent the day in the ^offic^ I had a good Deal of company

~ Thursday

7. I Met with Joseph F Smith & the Twelve Apostles & Partook
of the Sacrament & heard Read the Answer of B H Roberts
to (Moses Thatcher or) C A Smurthwait who is working
for Thatcher we concluded to have it published in the
D News & in Pamphlet form to be published broad cast

~ Friday

8 I received 2 Letters from Asahel & Sarah

~ Saturday

9 sI ^ A hand pointing to the right^ spent the day at home I wrote 3 Letters to A H Woodruff
and Nellie & Wilford Azmon Woodruff the Last ^one^ I
Put $5 to Wilford to pay his fine of $5 for being in
a waggon whare a pistol was shot off within the Limits of the city

~ Sunday

10. ISunday I spent the day at home resting

~ Monday

11 I spent the day in the office we held several Business
Meetings with Ogden Power Company, and Saltair R R. Co
I droped my under teeth & broke them in the Middle & Charles
mended them. It is Presidents George Q. Cannon
birth day He is 70 years old to day He is smart and
well preserved And ability to do much Work

Page 272

~ Tuesday

Jan 12 1897
we have quite a snow storm this Morning Owen
with Joseph Danes & a Brother Thomas started for the Mountain
I spent the day in the office we listened to the reading of
the contract between the Mormon & Gentiles Rail Road Company
and 3 Men of the Gentile company called upon us &
we talked over our Affairs & came to an agreement upon
the subject Money is Needed vary Much

~ Wednesday

123 I went to the office & Met with the Oregon short Line
and Entered into business with them concerning our Affairs
west. we had a vary busy day Mr Tiernan Met with
us upon the Southern Rail Road to St George

~ Thursday

14 I went to the Temple we talked with the Twelve about
Mr Tierman Southern Rail Road

~ Friday

15 I Met with Z.C.M.I. Board and transacted the Necessary business

~ Saturday

16 I spent the day at home it snowed hard all day

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I spent this day at home

~ Monday

18. I spent the day at the office {I had an interview [with] [illegible shorthand] [Parrish].}
I Attended a Meeting with the saltair company

~ Tuesday

19 I went to Ogden, then up the canyon I visited all the
Electric works And I was overwhelmed with Amazement
of the inventions of Man At the ponderous Machinery
for producing We ^the^ Electricity we took Dinner up the cannon
& Returned to Salt Lake Distance of the day 90 Miles

~ Wednesday

20th ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a Letter to A Danish sister with 3 deaths
in the family I sent her $5 & 1 ton of coal I we had
an interview with several of the Legislature Members

~ Thursday

21 we had a council in the Temple and we held Meetings in the Office

Page 273

~ Friday

Jan 25 [22] 1897
22. I spent the Day in the office had much company
I met with the Irrigation celebration of the
P[i]oneers committee & talked over the Matters

~ Saturday

23 I spent the day at home resting

~ Sunday

24. Sunday I spent the day at home Resting

~ Monday

25 I spent the day in the office was met by a committee
to get up a Reservoir at the severe River

~ Tuesday

26 We had a great Deal of company. Met with grass creek coal co

~ Wednesday

27. I spent the day in the office I met with Brother Hess

~ Thursday

28 I met with the Twelve in the Temple A number of
subjects were brought up for discussion, one was to
Do away with the Juvenile ^instructor^ womans Exponent,
Young Ladies Journal, and Publish a work to take
the place of the other works President Cannon
thought they better remain as they are

~ Friday

29. I spent the day in the office in the power Dam
Meeting untill 1 oclock I spent a vary bad night

~ Saturday

30 I spent the day at home & was nearly sick all
& night with the asthma

~ Sunday

31st Sunday The funeral of Edward Stephenson
was held in the big Tabernacle at 2 oclok
Seymour B Young, & J Golden Kimball W Woodruff
Joseph F Smith were the speakers we had a
good Meeting. I took Dinner with my Daughter
Blanche & Husband Joseph Daynes I wrote in
the Night Letters to Dr Milton & Orion Snow
Phebe Snow & Phebe sessions & Sarah D Woodruff &c

Page 274

A coffin Edward Stephenson
Born May 1, 1820 At Giberalter
Dead Jan 27, 1897
Aged 76 Years 8 Months & 27 days

~ Monday

Feb 21. I spent the day in the office it was vary Exciting in the
Legislature trying to Elect a senator And to Avoid
Elected Moses Thatcher we had a Meeting with the Electricy
Power Company

~ Tuesday

2. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to several persons we had a hard snow storm

~ Wednesday

3 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Sarah sent 25, I wrote to Mary also. the political
Pot is still Boiling, we held a Board Meeting of Zions saving Bank
it is snowing today Joseph F Rawlins was Elected senator
in the Legislator Against Moses Thatcher who has labored
vary hard to get Elected upon the warfare against the Church

~ Thursday

4. We met in the Temple as usual The Presidency & Twelve
& talked over Many things I am having poor Nights dont sleep

~ Friday

5. We held a Electrict power Meeting to day I had a visitation
at the offices to day of Mrs Lydia Von Pinkelstein Mountford
A Russian from Jerrusalem she was Accompanied by
another Lady we also Met with the Power Company to day
I received a sugar Dividend to day of $57.50 cts

~ Saturday

6 Saturday I spent the day at home resting was not well

~ Sunday

7. Sunday I spent this day at home I went to the Theater in the
Evening to Listen to a Lecture of Mrs Lydia Mumford

Page 275

Feb 7, 1897
she lectured upon the customs of the Holy Land Jerrusalem
& the Country it was vary interesting

~ Monday

8 I spent the day in the Office we held Meetings with
Rail Road Company & Telegraph Company Brother & Sister
Neagley called upon us at our home I took them with
my family to the Theater to listen to Another Lecture of Mrs
Lydia Mumford on Jerrusalem Her lectures are the
Most interesting of Any I Attended on the Holy Land
and upon all that was spoken by the savior

~ Tuesday

9. I spent the day in the office I met with several Meeting

~ Wednesday

10 we were visited at the office by a Large company
of Eminent Men & women among the Number was
Mr Justice King & wife Mr Dorsey Ex Congressman
Don C. Dickerson Post Master General & Mr Langsing
& wife also a Large company they seemed Much
pleased with there visit. The Post Master General was
furnished with My Likeness & signiture

We Met with the Church board of Education And
Attended to a good Deal of Business. I received a
Box of small fish from Origon

~ Thursday

11 I Met with the Ogden Power Company an
important Meeting Banister called to Go to
see Banigan we had quite a storm during the night

~ Friday

12 I Met with the brethren on the power company to
day & talked the Matter over I received several com-
munications on various Branches of business

~ Saturday

13 I spent the day at home resting

Page 276

~ Sunday

Feb 14 1897
I spent the day at home but I Attended the Lecture at
Evening in the Tabernacle By Mrs Mumford on Jerrusalem
It was quite interesting

~ Monday

15 I Met with ZCMI Georg O Noble called

~ Tuesday

16 I had a 3 Hour Power Dam Meeting A snow storm

~ Wednesday

17. I spent the day in the office I Met with Charles
& Bishop Preston on Debts

~ Thursday

18 I met with the Twelve in the Temple and Attended to what
Business was before us Moses Thatcher TCase was taken
up & thought to be presented to the High Council of Salt Lake
I am quite unwell Do not sleep nights

~ Friday

19 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote to Sarah sent her $25 c[ash] & $5 T[ithing], $30. we have
had hard snow storm.

~ Saturday

20. I spent the day at home resting

~ Sunday

21 Sunday I spent this day at home

~ Monday

22. I spent this day at home Washingtons Birth Day

~ Tuesday

23 ^ A folded letter/box^ I spent this day in the office I received 3 Letters had
many callers during the day

~ Wednesday

24 I spent the day in the office several called upon us
John W Hess, George C Parkenson Reporter of the Tribune
& many others

~ Thursday

25 The Presidency & Twelve Met in the Temple and
talked over John W Taylors Mission at Denver
and other Matters

~ Friday

26 Nellie Arived this Morning with 3 of her children she
has just Got a Bill of Divorce from Her husband
Henry A Woodruff

~ Saturday

^27^ I spent the day at home

Page 277

~ Sunday

Feb 2728, 1897
This was one of the most important days of my life
By Appointmet the sabbath school children of this stake of
Zion assembled in the Tabernacle and there were thousands
who could not get in as the galleries were occupied with many
Adults there were some 10000 children in the building I was
called upon to address them. The scene perfectly overpowered
me as the whole scene of my childhood & Early manhood and
come upon me the prayers I had offered to the Lord to Let me
live to see a prophet or Apostle to teach me the Gosple of Christ
and here I stood in the Great Tabernacle in the Rocky Mountains
filled with ten thousand children of the Prophets, Apostles & Saints
My head was a fountain of tears still I Addressed them
as did others and we had a Joyful time. I never saw
as many sabbath school children together in my life still
some thousands were left out that could not Get in the House
Another day would have to be Appointed for them The News
Herald & Tribune all published my History and Printed
my Likeness Also the Likeness of my wife Emma it was
a great Day in Israel, and rejoicing by Thousands. Tomorrow
March 1, 1897 is my Birth Day And a Meeting is appointed
in the Tabernacle to celebrate my 90 Birth Day and the 59
Birth Day of my wife, Emma Smith Woodruff I have
been preserved by the power of God to live to a great age in
a generation of short lived people to what they were
Anciently I thank the Lord for the preservation of my life
untill the present time I am bound to Acknowlede the Hand
of God
in the preservation of my Life untill to day

Page 278

~ Monday

March 1, 1897

A heart Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 90 years
Old this day

A heart Emma Woodruff
Born March 1, 1838
Aged 59 years
Old this day

This is my 90 Birth day and my wife Emma 59 Birth
Day. We meet some 12,000 People in the Big Tabernacle who
have Met to celebrate our Birth Day which congregation is
composed of All parties sects & Denominations I deliver the first
address to the Assembly, followed by G. Q. Cannon L. Snow & others
I was almost covered up with flowers & roses. At the close of
the services myself & wife Emma took seats upon Elevated
chairs & shook Hands with the congregation as they passed us
some 8000 people of course our arms aked when we
got through but it was a great Day. All the papers published
our speeches and Liknesses it is vary remarkable how
my life has been preserved through so many years considering
what I have passed through in my day and Generation
I have to acknowledge the hand of God in the preservation
of my Life up to the present hour God Moves in a misterious way

Page 279

~ Tuesday

March 2 1897
This Also is a vary busy day our office was crouded
with people I Attended one Meeting of the Ogden power
I Also Attended a surgucal operation at Br
McHenrys of Dr Leslie W Snow took out a small
cancer of the Nose of Sarah Woodruff Many
of My Family went home to day

~ Wednesday

3 I met with the savings Bank I had a vary Busy
day My Son Owen Baptized a young Man at the creek
to day by the Name of [blank]
I wrote 5 Letters

~ Thursday

4 We met at the Temple & talked upon a variety
of subjects Patriarcharcal order of Marriage Judge
Goodwin called upon me & had a talk

~ Friday

5 I spent most of the day in the office I was taken quite sick
I lay down I was administered to by my councillors I felt
better but soon went home I was visited by Madam
Lydia Von Finkelstein Mountfred. She gave me a history
of her Father who was a Russion but a great Man in his
day He and his family claimed to have been descended
from Ephraim He had a great amount of followers He
lost his life aparrently by visiting a Man with cholery
who died while He was wasith him & He went home & died with
it himself Madam Mountford gave quite a History of herself

~ Saturday

56th I spent the day at home writing & reading

~ Sunday

7. Sunday I met some 8000 people in the Tabernacle the majority
sabbath school children I addressed them At the close
of the Meeting all the presidency sat in Elevated chair

Page 280

Sunday the congregation of children passed before us
it took one hour for them to Pass As we left the Hous
we Entered a terrible snow storm & it made vary
hard travelling

~ Monday

8 I spent the day in the Office was quite unwell. We
had a long talk with E D Woolley about Moses
in the fall of 1887 He was them on the
Road to Apostacy and at war against the Authorities
of the Church we had quite a busy day A good
^ A hand pointing to the right^ many called upon us I wrote a Letter to Mary

~ Tuesday

9. I spent this day in the office I was quite unwell
we had quite a long talk About A. M. Musser as
Fish Comisssioner

~ Wednesday

10 I was quite sick through the day at home G Q. Cannon
& John Jaques came & Administered to me

~ Thursday

11 I was better & went to the office & Temple. There
was a company of Excursionist of About 200 some
50 of them came into the Tabernacle to hear the organ
which was played by Brother McClellan

~ Friday

12 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I spent the day in the office I received 4 Letters from Newton
Mary, Henry A W I wrote to Elias S Woodruff & Mary

~ Saturday

13 I spent the day at home I had a vary sick night I had a
chill & was sick all over

~ Sunday

14 Sunday I spent the day at home was not well There was
a conference in Salt Lake Tabernacle

~ Monday

15 I spent the day in the office attended Z.C.M.I Board
G Q. Cannon was Appointed vice President of ZCMI

Page 281

~ Tuesday

March 16, 1897
^ A folded letter/box^ I spent the day in the office I received 2 letters we
had a pioneer Board meeting I had a sick night

~ Wednesday

17 I spent the Day in the office we held a Meeting with our
coal company Corbit & Fitzsiomons held their fight
which was reported to us while they were fighting it
Ended by Fitzsommens whipping Corbit which waze not
Expected He received a Blow in the stomach which done
^ A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right^ the work. I wrote Letters to Mary ^&^ Newton

~ Thursday

18 I met in the Temple with the Apostles Thatchers case was
taken up & preperations made to try him befor the High
I went home in a snow storm

~ Friday

19 ^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I received Letters from Orson Smith Wm W
and Mary I wrote to Orson Smith, Newton
& Sarah. A snow storm

~ Saturday

20 I spent the day at home was not well I had a sick night

~ Sunday

21 Sunday I spent this day at home resting

~ Monday

22 I spent this day in the office we were visited by several Brethren
I sent for a package of seeds & vegitable of Henderson

~ Tuesday

23 I spent the Day in the office The Pineer ^Electrict^ Meeting occupied
nearly the whole day in setting with Mr Rhodes
who took the contract of building the water Electict line

~ Wednesday

24 I spent the day in the office Met with Pioneer Committee
signed $2000 as Trustee in trust

~ Thursday

25 I spent the day in the Temple we spoke upon the subject
of the Meeting of Nationalities like the Danish & others Brother
Brigham Young is quite sick some of the Twelve Administered
to him President Cannon attended the funeral of Sister Noell

Page 282

I spent the Evening at Brother Joseph E Taylors He had a large
company I was near sick

~ Friday

26 I spent the day at the office. we met Mr Luckey Banker
I spent the Evening at Br McDonald we had a hard snow storm at night

~ Saturday

27. We met with Mr John E Searles the great Banker and
sugar trust

~ Thursday

April 1st 1897 Thursday
I pspent a bad night. at one time my breath seemed to
stop for a minute so that I could not breathe through my lungs, this
prostrated me very much. Prest Geo Q Cannon called and finding
that my wife Emma & Owen & Alice were tired and weary waiting on me
suggested that I have some help, we suggested that Bro L John Nuttall come
for that purpose. Prest Cannon spoke to Bro Nuttall & he came at 12 [p]m, and took
charge of my attention. Elder Franklin D Richards called about 4 oclock. I talked with

Page 283

him and Bro Nuttall referring to the days of the Prophet Joseph of his life, & my early history,
of the visits & some visions I have had of the Prophet Joseph and Prest B. Young. Bros
S. B Young & John R Winder called. Bro H C. Barrell was sent down by Press Cannon
to assist Bro Nuttall, he came at 5 pm. they arranged for Bro Nuttall to attend to me from
during the day & till 12 oclock at night. Br Bro Barrell from 12 at night till 6 or 7 in the morning.
Dr Leslie Snow hwho has been attending me the past 3 or 4 days called at 10 p.m and
after examination said my symptoms were much improved. He was glad that Bro
Nuttall was there to wait on me.

~ Friday

2nd I slept fairly well the past night. Prest Cannon called this morning. I
ate a little broiled beef & bread & drank a cup of coffee. Dr Snow called & felt much
encouraged. Bro Nuttall gave me a bath from which I felt revived. Bro Jos. E
& S. B. Young called, I slept 4 hours this morning. Dr Snow called this
evening & gave me encouragement. I ate a bowl of soup for supper. Bro John R Winder
called. The medicine to work on my bowels operated & caused my going to the closet
sev[er]al times. My left shoulder gave me some pain tonight, but on being rubbed
with alcohol felt better.

~ Saturday

3rd I had a good night slept some 4 hours. I had the orders for my families
written also a few lines to Sarah at Provo. My pulse is about normal, the
swelling in my body is being moved and the humor & swelling in my legs is
changing. ate a bowl of bread & milk for breakfast. Bro Geo Q Cannon & his Brother
David H. Cannon called. He told me of Mr Clarkson of the G.AR & Mr Babcoock
of the R.G.W. Railway and others having called at the office. talked of my attending
the coming conference if able &c Dr Snow called felt that everything was
progressing favorably, gave further instructions to Bro. Nuttall. I slept
during the morning for 2 1/2 hours. ate a little steak & bread & glass of milk. Bros
James G. Bleak & Wm Thompson called. I talked with them on St George
matters for 1 1/2 hours. Dr Snow & his brother Milton called. I told

Page 284

these young men, they should each get them a wife. Leslie said he thought of doing
so when he got settled. Madam Mountford having requested an interview
called at 710 pm & spent an hour very agreeably in conversation. My wife Emma, Alice
& Bro Nuttall present. I had a few minutes private talk with her, and requested
her to call again tomorrow afternooon. My Son Newton called this evening I talked
with him a few minutes on Smithfield Bishopric affairs. Madam Mountford
having stopped to visit with Emma & stayed for supper ^they^ came to my room & talked a few
minutes they then drove to Bro John R Winders residence. I went to bed.

~ Sunday

4th The first day of the April Conference. I slept some 4 or 5 hours during
the night ^but rather restless^. Prest Geo. Q. Cannon called, he wanted to know my wishes to be
presented at the conference. I expressed my desires to attend one of the meetings
at least, and would leave the conference in his & Bro Joseph's hands. he said
he would explain to the Saints my condition and wishes. Nine of the Twelve
are expected to be present. Bro Brigham Young is still confined to his room.
Bro John R Winder called I talked with him a few minutes in regard to Madam
Mountford. Dr Snow called, found I had been restless, said I must keep quiet.
I shaved myself & ate a bowl of bread & milk & slept for 2 1/2 hours, arose much
refreshed. at 345 Madam Mountford & Sister Susa Y Gates called & had a brief
interview. I also had a private talk with the Madam. Prest Orson Smith & my son
Newton called. Prest Smith said nothing had been deacided as to Newton being
appointed Bishop of Smithfield, he was willing to take my counsel. I felt it would
be proper for Newton to go on his mission & so decided, which was quite agreeable
to Bro Smith. Bro Wm Thompson & daughter & Miss Cottam of St George also Bro S. B. Young
& Bro Briggs of Bear Lake called. Madam Mountford, sister Gates & Bro O. Smith visited with
my wife & stayed for supper with the family. I attended the family prayer, Bro Nuttall mouth.
the company spent the evening in singing Hymn's &c. I went to bed & slept for 2 hours.

~ Monday

April 5th I was somewhat restless during the night slept 5 1/2 hours. I ate a bowl

Page 285

of bread & milk & felt well. Bro Geo. Q. Cannon called, I stated my wishes to attend the
conference tomorrow morning, he said he would come and accompany me. Dr Snow
called, said I was doing nicely & thought if I would be careful to day I might go to the
conference meeting tomorrow morning. I directed my gardener in planting 100 strawberry
plants and other garden seeds. I examned a few letters in my trunk and requested Bro
Nuttall to answer them which he did. I also asked him to attend the Stockholders meeting
of Z.C.M I at 12 oclock which he did. Bro H. B. Clawson called with his wife. He
asked me to let the Centennial Committee have the use of my Pioneer journal to copy
from. they also want to print a facsimile of one page of my journal or items enough
to fill a page in my hand writing, for a front page of the programme. I told him my
books & papers were at the office, and I did not feel like letting my journals go
out of my hands, but I would consider the matter. ate some bread & milk, sat up &
read the papers till 330 when Bro Nuttall came & gave me a bath and I slept for 2 hours.
I walked to the dining room, sat at table & ate a bowl of soup & craker and a few shrimps sent by
Mr Brixen, after which I laid down. Elder Nuttall went to the Relief Society conference at 730
& returned at 10 pm. Emma & Asahel sat up with me. Bro Wm Thompson & madam
Mountford called and each staid a short time. I was somewhat restless till mid-

~ Tuesday

April 6th I slept some 5 hours after midnight. Bro Nuttall shaved me, ate
my breakfast of bread & milk, dressed for meeting Pres Geo. Q. Cannon called at 8:40
left with Bros. Cannon & Nuttall in the Carriage at 9 oclock for the office. Dr Snow
had prescribed some strengthing medicine which Bro Nuttall took with him and gave to me
at stated times. drove to the Tabernacle at 945 Pres L. Snow & Elder F D Richards
met us at the door. On entering the stand the Congregation waived their handker-
chiefs, thus expressing their pleasure at my presence. The Choir & congregation
sang "We thank thee o gGod for a Prophet," prayer by Elder John Nicholson, sang,
I then addressed the Conference in a clear and firm voice for 10 minutes.

Page 286

followed by Elder M. W. Merrill for 50 min. Prest Joseph F. Smith 5 mins, &
Elder A. H. Lund 40 min. Sang, Benediction by Elder Angus M. Cannon. On
invitation from Pres Geo. Q. Cannon I accompanied him to the residence of sister W. B.
, laid down & slept an hour, ate some bread & milk. Attended the afternoon
meeting at 2 pm. Sang "O My Father &c," prayer by Elder John W. Hess. Sang,
Elders B. H Roberts and Samuel W. Richards spoke. Pres Jos F Smith read a
brief report of the Relief Society, Y.L.M.I.A. and Primary associations, and
presented the General Authorities of the Church all of whom were sustained. Pres
Geo Q Cannon spoke and I bore my testimony to his remarks for 2 mints
Benediction by Pat. John Smith and conference adjourned for 6 months.

Dr Snow & Bro Nuttall accompanied me home. I shortly went to bed & slept an
hour, ate a bowl of bread & milk at 715 and sat & conversed with Bro Nuttall. he
also read "aAn Open letter to Moses Thatcher" by N. L. Nelson. went to bed at 945 &
slept 70 mints.

~ Wednesday

April 7th I slept some 5 hours after midnight. I washed hand ate a little
broiled beef, bread & cup of coffee at 740, then dressed and with Bro Nuttall drove
to the City at 9 am, called at the office, then to the Assembly Hall at 10 am,
to the Priesthood meeting. Sang, Elder Geo Reynolds prayed, sang, Pres
L Snow spoke on Temple work. F M Lyman on the Rod of Iron & living oracles,
Pres Geo Q Cannon on recommends. Bishops to organize a system that will
relieve the church financially, employ the poor, also provide a system
that immigrating Saints can be cared for. the compensation of the Priesthood
more had been drawn the past year than in former years, prepare for a day of
stewardships & read revelation in regard to the poor. I spoke on the financial
condition of the church, explained the action of the Govt officials in starting our
debt. I did not want to die until the church and myself as Trustee in Trust
are out of debt. I spoke 21 minuts. Elder Geo Teasdale spoke on Tithing &

Page 287

organize the Lesser Priesthood, and the sacredness of these meetings. Elder John Henry
. The Bishops to permit members to pay labor tithing when they have nothing else
to pay. Pres Geo. Q. Cannon Presidents of Stakes and Bishops should not take the
control of Wheat and funds of the Relief Society, let them control these matters
themselves. Secret organizations should not be joined by our brethren. Elder Nuttall
presented a resolution for the appointment by the First Presidency of a committee of nine or
more to devise plans to reliefve the Trustee in Trust financially and consider the
best methods to pursue to bring about the desired results on matters spoken of at the
conference and at this meeting, (Poor &c) which was adopted. Sang, Benediction by
Pres Jos F Smith. I drove to the office attended meeting of Board of Directors of Z.S.B
& Trust Co. at 1 pm, met with Bro Thos Ricks & others. Drove home at 350 undressed
went to bed feeling very tired slept an hour. ate a bowl of bread & milk. Owen staiyed
with me while Bro Nuttall attended the lecture of Pres Geo Q Cannon at the Tabernacle, he returned
at 945 pm. I slept 2 3/4 hours before midnight

~ Thursday

April 8th I was a little restless at times during the night but slept about 6 hours,
after midnight. ate a bowl of bread & milk, dressed & left in carriage at 930 for the office.
attended to business saw several brethren & rested some. Madam Mountford
called at 3 pm for a short time. at 430 drove to Elder Nuttalls residence and was comfortably
provided for hby he & his wife Sophia. laid down & rested for 2 hours slept most of the
time ate a bowl of bread & milk & some shrimps. at 750 we drove to the Tabernacle
& was seated on comfortable chairs provided by Bro Nuttall and listened to Madam
Mountfords lecture on the Life of Jacob for 2 hours. my wife Emma sitting by me.
Drove down home deeming it best to do so, although Bro & Sister Nuttall had made
every preparation for me to stay at their home all night. arrived at 1110 I drank some
Hot Lemonade with a little brandy in it, went to bed and soon to sleep.

~ Friday

April 9th somewhat restless, slept from midnight to 7 am, 4 hours.
Washed & ate a bowl of bread & milk at 830 and at 915 left for the office. Had an

Page 288

interview with Madam Mountford & Bro John R. Winder for a short time. at 1230
left for home very tired & weak. laid down & slept for an hour. Bro Wm Thompson called
& bade me good bye as he leaves for St George this evening. Dr Snow & his mother called, he said
I must take more rest or bad results may follow. I ate some bread & milk, quite
restless until after midinght.

~ Saturday

April 10th Had some distress in my stomach, did not sleep good. drank a cup
of coffee at 730 and slept for 3 hours. Sisters Foss and Sessions called. at noon ate
a small bowl of chicken soup and a little meat. I blessed my daughter Clara for
her confinement also her little boy Woodruff. Bros L. John Nuttall & H. C. Barrell
assisting at 2.30 Bro Nuttall left to visit his family at Provo, to be back tomorrow evening.
Bro Winder called also Bro Jas G. Bleak & wife. Bro Bleak is arranging to write up some
of my genealogy. My daughter Susan Scholes called. Bro. Barrell waiting on me. I
slept some during the day. Emma & Owen sat up with me during the evening.

~ Sunday

April 11th I slept some 3 hours after midnight, ate a few stewed oysters
& drank a cup of coffee for breakfast. rested some during the day, at 620
p.m I ate some bread & milk & had a bath, laid down & slept 2 hours. was
quite restless before midnight

~ Monday

April 12th I slept some 4 1/2 hours from midnight till 8 a.m. dressed and
walked out around the house & to Barn & back. Mr & Mrs Bynon called.
I directed Bro Nuttall in the trimming of some fruit trees. I slept
at intervals during the day. Dr Snow & his mother called at 345.
My appetite is not very good, yet I eat bread & milk with a relish
and I take enough of that. I ate a bowl of oyster soup & cracker & a baked
apple. I slept fairly well before midnight.

~ Tuesday

April 13th I slept from 4 pm yesterday till 6 am, some 7 1/2 hours. had
a cup of coffee & some bread & milk. I kept my room & rested, walked into
dining room at 12 [p]m. Bro Jas G. Bleak called & wanted my Pioneer Journal

Page 289

for genealogical work. it was at the Historians Office where he obtained it. had some
talk with Bro Bleak. Bro John R. Winder called, ate 1/2 dozen oysters & alla little
bread. Received a letter from Madam Mountford. My Son Newton called he
is on his way as a Missionary to the Southern States. I dictated to Bro Nuttall a
letter to my wife Sarah at Provo also one to Elias Woodruff in the Southern States
I have slept fairly well up to midnight.

~ Wednesday

April 14th I slept some 4 1/2 hours since midnight. Bro Nuttall shaved me,
ate a bowl of bread & milk. Pres Geo. Q. Cannon called at 9 for a short time.
Dr Snow called, thought I was doing well. I walked out and directed
the further triming of some fruit trees with Bro Nuttall. at noon I ate
an egg, some bread &c and enjoyed it. I walked out again this afternoon
Bro Jas G. Bleak called and reported he had made such copies of my record
as he needed. he starts for home tomorrow. Bro Winder called, my folks are house
cleaning & laying some new carpets. My wife Emma, Owen and Alice attended the
wedding reception of Bro Jacob M. Weeler & sister Lily S. Nicholson they were married
to day at the Temple. I have had some sleep, feel quite weak but have no pain.
I read some of my letters.

~ Thursday

April 15th I slept well after midnight from 12 ma. to 9 am = 7 hours. ate some
bread & milk for breakfast, dressed & walked out, took lunch with the family.
Dr Snow called changed my medicine. B. Morris Young called & reported Bro B
as being very sick. Bro S. B. Young made the same report but thought Brigham
was improving a little. I slept some during the day & to midnight 7 hours.

~ Friday

April 16th I slept from midnight to 735 am, some 5 1/2 hours. I ate some
bread & shrimps & a cup of cacao for breakfast. Prest Geo Q Cannon called & we
talked of matters at the office. I dressed, walked out and directed in the pruning
of some fruit trees with Bro Nuttall for over an hour. I then rested & slept over
an hour. in the afternoon I directed the planting of some Strawberry plants

Page 290

which I had purchased from the East. I also had 23 young Peach trees dug up
the seed of which I planted some 2 years ago. I assisted in planting out 2 of
these and my wife Emma planted the other one. Bro Nuttall named them
the Woodruff seedling they being a choice kind & planted in my 90th year.
Madam Mountford called & I had some ^personal^ talk with her this afternoon.
I signed as Trustee in Trust a promisory note to David J Davis for $60000 one
to Moses Davis for $25000 and one to Henry E. Bowman for $30000 payable one
year after date with 8% interest per annum and sent them to James Jack.
Bro Nuttall & I engaged in prayer he being mouth. I rested & slept before midnight

~ Saturday

April 17th I was troubled some with phlem in my throat, but slept 5 1/2 hours
from midnight to 9 am. after breakfast Bro. Samuel Bateman called, I directed
the planting of some garden seeds. at 2 pm, Prest Lorenzo Snow & Bro Wm
called and staid for 1 1/2 hours, & we conversed together. He gave
me a list of ^Salt Lake^ Temple Work since the commencement May 22, 1893 to March 31 [18]97
showing 142679 Baptisms for the dead, 3646 for health, 5908 living Endowments
81933 dead endowments; Ordinations 53 living, 32739 dead; sealings
2590 living, 21288 dead; children to Parents 6147 living 17936 dead;
Adoptions 67 living 694 dead; 2nd anointing 1017 living 531 dead.
Total living 19428, Dead 297794 = 317,222. Before they left I asked
Bro Snow to administer to me. Bro Salmon anointed Prest Snow mouth Elder Nuttall
assisting. I had some short naps before midnight.

~ Sunday

Sunday April 18th I slept from midnight to 930 some 5 1/4 hours. I had some pain
in my bowels & was rather feverish some of the night. I ate some pie plant &
asparagus atfor my breakfast, had a bath, dressed & walked out. at 11 am
I drove out with my wife Emma & son Owen, called at Clara's & Blanches
stayed a short time at each place. also called at Bro Sear's & saw Fredd
who is sick. proposed bringing her to our home where she can be taken

Page 291

During the month of January,
1880 I was at Sunset, Arizona, with
Bro. Lot Smith and the brethren
with him who were trying to es-
tablish a branch of the United
at that place. At this time
the Government, through its of-
ficers, was using every means in
its power to enforce the Edmunds-
Tucker anti-polygamy law
the evident intent on the part
of the officers, to break us up
as an organized community.
Being away from President
Taylor and my Quorum, I
felt deeply distressed in mind
concerning our condition as a
people. While thus exercised
I went into "the Wilderness,"
a region of country called by
this name situated about
forty miles west of Sunset;
and while there I stopped
with two young men who were
herding sheep belonging to
the people of Sunset. I re-
mained with them ten days

Page 292

reading the revelations of God
as contained in the Doctrine and
, and praying fervently
unto the Lord to reveal to me
His mind and will concerning
Zion. On retiring to bed on the
night of the 25th of January, 1880,
I found myself wrapt in vision,
and the next morning the follow-
ing revelation was given to me
of the Lord which I wrote at the time:

"Thus sayeth the Lord unto my
servant Wilford Woodruff, I
have heard thy prayer, and
will answer thy petition. I will
make known unto thee my will
concerning the nations who en-
cumber the land of promise, and
also concerning Zion and her
inhabitants. I have already
revealed my will concerning
the nation through the mouth
of my servant Joseph, who
sealed his testimony with his
own blood, which testimony
has been in force upon all the

Page 293

world from the hour of his death.
What I the Lord have revealed
in that testament and decreed
upon the nation, and upon all
the nations of the earth, shall be
fulfilled Saith the Lord of hosts.
I the Lord have spoken and
will be obeyed. My purposes
shall be fulfilled upon this
nation, and no power shall stay
my hand. The hour is at the
door when my wrath and in-
dignation will be poured out
upon the wicked of the nations.
Their murders, blasphemies,
lyings, whoredoms and abom-
inations have come up before
my face and before the heavens,
and the wrath of my indigna-
tion is full. I have decreed
plagues to go forth and waste ^away^
mine enemies, and not many
years hence they shall not be
left to pollute my heritage. [Doctrine and Covenants 105:15] The
devil is ruling over his kingdom,
and my spirit has no place in
the hearts of the rulers of this

Page 294

nation, and the devil stirs them
up to defy my power and to make
war upon my saints. Therefore,
let mine apostles and mine elders
who are faithful obey my com-
mandments which are already
written for their profit and

Thus saith the Lord unto
my servant John Taylor, and my
servant Wilford Woodruff, and
my servant Orson Pratt, and to
all the residue of mine Apostles,
Have you not gone forth in my
name without purse or scrip
and declared the Gospel of life
and Salvation unto this nation
and the nations of the earth,
and warned them of the judg-
ments which are to come, as you
have been moved upon by the
power of the Holy Ghost and the
inspiration of the Lord? You
have done this year by year
for a whole generation, as men
count time. Therefore, your
garments are clean of the blood

Page 295

of this generation, and especially
of this nation. Therefore, as I
have said in a former command-
ment, so I the Lord say again
unto my apostles, Go ye alone
by yourselves, whether in heat
or in cold, and cleanse your feet
in water, pure water, it matters
not whether it be by the running
streams or in your closets; but
leave these testimonies before the
Lord and the heavenly hosts;
and when you have all done
this, then gather yourselves to-
gether in your holy places, and
clothe yourselves with robes
of the holy Priesthood, and there
offer up your prayers according
to my holy law. Let him who pre-
sides be mouth and kneel at the
holy altar, and there let mine
Apostles bring all these testimo-
nies before my face and before the
heavenly hosts, and before the
justified spirits made perfect.
And thus saith the Lord
unto you, mine apostles, when

Page 296

you bring these testimonies before
me, let them be presented by name
as far as the spirit shall present
them unto you,—the presidents of
the United States, the Supreme
, the cabinet, the Senate and
Houses of the Congress of the United
, the governors of the States
and Territories, the Judges and
others sent unto you, and all
men and persons who have
taken any part in persecuting
you or bringing distress upon you
or your families or who have sought
your lives, or sought to hinder
you from keeping my command-
ments, or from enjoying the
rights which the constitutional
laws of the land guaranteed unto
you. And what I the Lord say
unto you, mine apostles, I also say
unto my servants the Seventies,
the high priests, the elders, the
priests, and all my servants
who are pure in heart and who
have borne testimony unto the
nations. Let them go forth and

Page 297

cleanse their feet in pure water,
and bear testimony ^of it^ unto their Father
who is in heaven
. And then,
saith the Lord unto my apostles
and mine elders, when ye do
these things with purity of
, I the Lord will hear
your prayer and am bound
by oath and covenant to
defend you and fight your
battles. As I have said in a
former commandment, it is not
my will that mine elders should
fight the battles of Zion,
for I will fight your battles.
Nevertheless, let no man be
afraid to lay down his life for
my sake, for he that layeth
down his life for my sake shall
find it again and have eternal
. [Doctrine and Covenants 103:27] The nation is ripened in
iniquity, and the cup of the
wrath of mine indignation is
full, [Doctrine and Covenants 43:26] and I will not stay my
hand in judgments upon this
nation, or the nations of the earth.
I have decreed wars and judgments

Page 298

upon the wicked, and my wrath
and indignation are about to be
poured out upon them, and the
wicked and rebellious shall know
that I am God. As I the
Lord have spoken, so will I ful-
fil. I will spare none who re-
main in Babylon, but I will
burn them up, saith the Lord
of hosts. [Doctrine and Covenants 29:9] As I the Lord have
suffered, so will I put all ene-
mies under my feet. For I the
Lord utter my word, and it shall
be obeyed. And the day of wrath
and indignation shall come
upon the wicked. And I say
again, woe unto that nation or
house or people who seek to hinder my
people from obeying the patriarchal
law of Abraham
, which leadeth to
a celestial glory, which has been
revealed unto my Saints through
the mouth of my servant Joseph,
for whosoever doeth these things
shall be damned, saith the
Lord of hosts, and shall be broken
up and wasted away from under

Page 299

heaven by the judgments which
I have sent forth and which shall
not return unto me void. And thus,
with the Sword, and by bloodshed,
and with famine, and plagues,
and earthquakes, and the thunder
of heaven, and the vivid lightnings
shall this nation and the nations
of the earth be made to feel the
chastening hand of an Almighty
God until they are broken up and
destroyed and wasted away from
under heaven, and no power can
stay my hand. Therefore, let the
wicked tremble; let them that
blaspheme my name hold their
lips, for destruction will swiftly
overtake them. All that I the
Lord have spoken through the
mouths of my prophets and
Apostles since the world began,
concerning the last dispensation
and fulness of times, concerning
my church which has been
called out of the wilderness of
darkness and error, concerning
the Zion and Kingdom of God,

Page 300

and concerning Babylon the Great,
and what I have spoken through
the mouth of my servant Joseph,
shall all be fulfilled. And though
heaven and earth pass away, my
words shall not pass away, but
shall be fulfilled, saith the Lord. [Doctrine and Covenants 56:11]

These revelations and testimo-
nies are before you. Let my saints
search the word of the Lord, and
treasure up wisdom, and be pre-
pared for that which is to come.
As I have decreed, so shall my
judgments begin at the house
of God
. There are those in my
church who have a name among
you, who are adulterers and adult-
eresses, and those who blaspheme
my name, and those who love and
make a lie, and those who revel
and drink with the drunken.
If they do not speedily repent of this
wickedness and abomination, they
should be severed from the ordinances
of my house, saith the Lord. There
are many who have need to repent,
whose hearts are set upon the

Page 301

things of this world, who aspire to
the honors of men, and do not
honor the priesthood, nor seek to
build up the Kingdom of God as
they should. Neither do they
learn and comprehend that the
rights of the priesthood are in-
separably connected with the
powers of heaven, and that the
powers of heaven cannot be con-
trolled nor handled only upon
the principles of righteousness. [Doctrine and Covenants 121:36]
Such should repent and turn
unto the Lord, and seek for the
Holy Spirit to guide them. Judg-
ments will begin upon my house,
and from thence will they go
forth unto the world, and the
wicked cannot escape. Blessed
are the pure in heart, for my
blessings await them in this
life, and eternal life in the world
to come.

Thus saith the Lord unto
you, my servants and Apostles
who dwell in the flesh. Fear
ye not your enemies. Let not

Page 302

your hearts be troubled. I am in
your midst. I am your advocate
with the Father. I have given
mine angels charge concerning you.
Mine eyes are upon you, and the
eyes of your Heavenly Father, and
the heavenly hosts and all justified
spirits made perfect are watching
over you. Your works are mani-
fest before the face of my ser-
vants who have sealed their
testimony with their blood, and
before all my servants of the
Apostles whom I have taken
unto myself. The veil is taken
from off their faces, and they
know your works. They await
your coming when you have
finished your testimony in the
flesh. Therefore, be ye faithful un-
til I come. My coming is at the
door. Call upon the Lord in mighty
prayer. Ask and you shall receive.
Whenever you agree as touching
any thing, and ask the Father
in my name, it shall be given
unto you. Seek diligently to build

Page 303

up Zion, and to magnify your
high calling
, and your enemies
shall not prevail over you. Zion
shall not be moved out of her place. [Doctrine and Covenants 101:17]
Zion shall prevail against her
enemies. My people shall not
be hindered in the building of
my Temples unto my holy name,
if they will hearken unto my voice,
and do as I command them.

The blood of my servants Joseph
and Hyrum, and of mine apostles
and elders, which has been shed
for the word of God and the tes-
timony of Jesus Christ, cries
from the ground for vengeance up-
on the nation which has shed
their blood. But their blood
shall speedily be avenged, and
shall cease to cry unto me, for
the hour of God's judgment is
fully come and shall be poured
out without measure upon the
wicked. But hearken and hear,
O ye Apostles, elders and people of
my Church, to the word of the Lord
concerning you, that for all the

Page 304

blessings that I will pour out upon
you and the inhabitants of Zion,
and the judgment and destruction
upon the wicked, I will be inquired
of by you to ask the Father in my
name to do and to perform these
things for you, as I told all the
house of Israel by my servant Moses,
that they should ask at my hand
for all those blessings which I the
Lord have promised unto Israel in
the Latter-days. And as I the
Lord ordained ^mine apostles^ who were with me
in my mininstry, and promised
them that they should sit upon
twelve thrones, judging the
twelve tribes of Israel, [Matthew 19:28] so I say
unto you, mine apostles, whom
I have raised up in these last
days, that I have ordained
you to bear record of my name,
and of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to
the Gentiles first, and then to the
house of Israel. I have also
ordained you to sit upon thrones
and judge the Gentiles and all
of the inhabitants of the earth.

Page 305

unto whom you have borne
testimony of my name in the
day and generation in which
you live. Therefore, how great
is your calling and responsibil-
ity before me! Therefore, gird
up the loins of your minds and
magnify your calling in the
fear of God, and prepare ye
for the coming of the Son of
Man, which is nigh at the
door. No man knoweth the
day nor the hour; but the
signs of both heaven and earth
indicate his coming, as promised
by the mouths of my disciples.
The fig tree is leaving, and the
hour is nigh. Therefore, prepare
yourselves, O ye Saints of the
Most High God, with oil in
your lamps, for blessed is he
that watcheth for the coming
of the Son of Man. Matthew 25:1-13

Again, hear ye the word
of the Lord, O ye mine apostles
whom I have chosen in these
last days to bear record of my

Page 306

name and to lead my people
Israel until the coming of the
Son of Man, I the Lord have
raised up unto you my servant
John Taylor to preside over you
and to be a lawgiver unto my
church. He has mingled his
blood with that of the martyred
prophets. Nevertheless, while I
have taken my servants Joseph
and Hyrum unto myself; I have
preserved my servant John Taylor
for a wise purpose in me. I
have also taken many others
of the Apostles unto myself, for
I take whom I will take, and
preserve in life whom I will
preserve, according to the
Counsel of my own will. And
while my servant John Taylor
is your president, I wish to
ask the rest of my servants of
the Apostles the question, Altho'
you have one to preside over
your quorum, which is the
order of God in all generations,
do you not, all of you, hold

Page 307

the apostleship, which is the
highest authority ever given to
men on the earth? You do.
Therefore, you hold in common
the Keys of the Kingdom of God
in all the world. You each
of you have power to unlock
the vail of eternity and hold
Converse with God the Father,
and his son Jesus Christ, and
to have the ministration of
. It is your right, privilege,
and duty to inquire of the Lord as
to his mind and will concerning
yourselves and the inhabitants
of Zion and their interests. And
whenever any one of you re-
ceives the word of the Lord, let
it be written and presented in
your councils. And whatever,
by united consent, you deem
wisdom to be presented unto the
people, let it be presented by the
president, my servant John
, as the word of the Lord.
In this way you will uphold
him and strengthen his hands,

Page 308

as all the burden should not lie
upon one man. For thus saith
the Lord, All mine Apostles
should be full of the Holy Ghost,
of inspiration and revelation, to
know the mind and will of God,
and be prepared for that which
is to come. Therefore, let mine
apostles keep my commandments
and obey my voice, and the
gates of hell shall not pre-
vail against you. Fear not,
for lo, I am with you until
I come. I come quickly. Even
so, Amen.

Copied by Geo. F. Gibbs,
May 27, 1895

Wilford Woodruff

[upside-down text]
care of. Spent the evening in singing and conversation Mrs Graham & Miss Price
present with us. had family prayer Bro Nuttall mouth. did not sleep much before
[end of upside-down text]

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6891 pages of Journal
in 57 years

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