From 1886 to 1892 6 years 480 Pages
January 1st 1886,
December 31, 1892.
A synopsis of Wilford Woodruffs Travels and
labors taking from his Journals by himself from
1834 to 1885 inclusive Making 51 years of Labor
in the Ministry as a Member of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
I travelled during this Period through
England, Scotland, Wales, six Islands of
the sea 23 of the United States and Five territories
including the Rocky Mountains Utah Idaho
Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming Nevada,
& Calafornia. I crossed the Atlantic Ocean
four times. I Travelled 143,369 Miles
I held 4191 Meetings I Preached 3250
discourses. I Attended 73 Semi Annual
Conferences. I Esstablished 77 Preaching
Places in the vineyard. I Organized
51 Branches of the Church in the Vineyard
I added to the Church 1800 souls in 8
Months labor in the South of England in
1840, among whom were 200 preachers
of the various sects of the day, 50 of the
Preachers Belonged to the United brethren
who had broaken off from the Wesliem Meth-
odist. There were 600 of the United Brethren
all were Baptized Except 1 person. I Ordained
Elders and Priests who done a good Deal of the
Baptizing I ownly Baptized 1045 persons
I confirmed 3343 for the living I assisted
in confirming 4499. I spent 603 days
in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City
and most of two years in St George
Temple in giving Endowments I
Presided during the time There were
Baptized during this Period for the
Living and the dead 85,851 and the
same Number confirmed we
gave Endowments during this time
for the living and the Dead 41,398.
I sealed at the Altar for the living and the
Dead 11550 couple. Others sealed during this
time 21991. Most of whom I witnessed
Total Sealed while I was Present 33541 couple
for the Living and the Dead I was Baptized for
443 Dead friends the rest of my family was
Baptized for 2745. Total Baptized for my Dead
friends 3188 For the Woodruff, Hart, & Thompson
families. I had Endowments in the St George
Temple for 2518 of my Dead friends this
was through the assistance of my friends. I
have 427 more Endowments to finish my
Record This up to Aprail 1883. I had 336
single Dead women sealed to me of my
relatives By the council of President Young
This includes 1885 I was sealed at the
Alter for 1117 couple of Dead friends up to
Jan 1886. I had 233 persons Adopted to me
by their own request. I was adopted to my Father
Aphek Woodruff He was Ordained A High Priest
and Patriarch. I Officiated in Adoptigng 96
others men to men I sealed 806 children to
Parents and assisted in sealing 1004 children
to Parents My Father Aphek and Azubah
Woodruff had 6 children sealed to them.
Ezra & Sarah Carter had 4 children sealed
to them all were Dead, this was in 1881. I gave
488 Their seconed Anointing I assisted in
giving 590 others their seconed Anointing
I received second Anointing for Father
Aphek Woodruff, Uncle Ozem Woodruff,
and the Prophet Robert Mason also Samuel
Smith Father of Emma Smith Woodruff My
Daughter Phebe. A. W. Snow was Anointed
for my Mother Bulah & Azubah Woodruff
and three wives of Robert Mason Aprail
9, 1871. Ezra Carter sen, Sarah Fabyan Carter
Ozem Woodruff, Acksah Merril & Hannah
Hart Woodruff Robert Mason & 3 wives were
all Adopted to Wilford Woodruff sen and Phebe
Whitamore Carter Woodruff on the 13 day of Aprail
1877. On the 10 day of Aprail 1877 Samuel
B Hardy & wife Josiah Hardy and wife were
Adopted to Wilford Woodruff sen the first
Persons Ever adopted to me on Earth
I Attended 32 High Councils, and 20 Priest-
hood Meetings. I attended 130 meetings of
the Elders Quorums; I attended 398 councils
with the Presidency & Twelve. I attended 1102
Prayer Circles with the Presidency & Twelve
I Attended 213 Meetings with my Prayer Circle
I Attended 43 Meetings of the Young Mens
Mutual improvement Association And 5
sabbath school unions
I assisted in organizing the first Presidency of the Church in 1880
I ordained 1 Apostle & Assisted in ordaining
8 Apostles. I Ordained 23 Patriarchs. I
Assisted in ordaining 84 Patriarchs
I Ordained 93 High Priests Assisted in ordaining
17 High Priests. I Ordained 24 High Council
& Assisted in ordaining 75 High Council
I Ordained 59 seventies, I ordained
one of the first 7 Presidents of the seventies
I ordaind 667 Elders & Assisted in ordaining
4347 Elders I Also assisted in ordaining Elders
for the Dead 4932 Total in Ordaining for the
living & the Dead 9948 I ordained 23 Bishops
& 17 councillors to the Bishop. I assisted in ordaining
5 Bishops & 4 councillors I ordained 446
Priests, 66 Teachers & 15 Deacons
I set apart & blessed 1034 Missionaries and
Assisted in setting apart 4512 Missionaries
I set apart 12 Midwives Assisted in 27 others
I Blessed 283 children
I administered unto 922 sick persons by
the laying on of hands and anointing with oil
and rebuking in the name of Jesus Christ, and
many were healed by the Power of God, Devils
were cast out, The dumb spake, the Def herd,
The Blind saw, the Lame walked, The sick
were raised up. And in one instance the
Dead were raised in the case of my own wife Phebe
after the spirit left the Body she was raised to life
by the laying on of hands and the power of God in
the presence of many witnesses
I organized 16 Branches of the United Order
I held 16 meetings with the United Order
I wrote 4767 Letters I received 3576 Letters
I Paid Tithing from 1850 to 1885 $4903.57
I recorded in my Journal 30 sermons of
Joseph Smith the Prophet and 24 ^81^ sermons of
President Brigham Young & of the Twelve Apostles.
I recorded in my Journals from 1834 to
1885 inclusive 4000 Pages, and My Autobyogr-
aphy contains 1194 Pages I did not write
but a small portion of the Autobyography
Edward Tullidge wrote the most of it
I sealed 9 dead Persons to Joseph Smith the Prophet
5 to Hyram Smith the Patriarch, 4 to Father John Smith
3 to Samuel H. B. Smith, 3 to Don Carloss Smith, 3 to
Wilford Woodruff Jr I dedicated the Baptismal Font
in the 14 ward 1857. AI dedicated the Assembly
Room in the 13 ward Jan 1, 1861, The Assembly
Room in the 14 ward Dec 24, 1861, The Farmington
Meeting House 1864, The Pason Meeting House
Utah Co July 20, 1872. I dedicated the cornor
stone of Z.C.M.I. Nov 25, 1875 I dedicated the
Z.C.M.I Building After it was finished March 13, 1876
I dedicated the Relief Society House in the
2 ward Feb 28, 1875. I dedicated the Mill Creek
ward Meeting House May 21, 1876. I dedicated
The St George Temple under the Direction of
Brigham Young in connexion with Erastus
Snow & Brigham Young Jr Jan 1, 1877.
I also Attended the following Dedications
The Meeting House in the Kays word Sept 17, 1863
G A Smith was mouth. The Baptismal Font Temple
Block, Great Salt Lake City 1864 Brigham Young was
Mouth, The Nephi Meeting House June 24, 1865
G A Smith was Mouth, The City Hall Salt Lake City
Jan 8, 1866 G. Q. Cannon Mouth, The Grantsville
Meeting House July 14, 1866 G Q Cannon Mouth,
The Cooperativ Store of Wm Jennings March 1, 1849
Brigham Young G. A. Smith & D H Wells all prayed.
The Springville Meeting House Aprail 17, 1869 D H Wells
was Mouth. The coleville Meeting House, sept 21, 1869
D H Wells was Mouth. The Toolele City Meeting
House Sept 21 April 30, 1870. D. H. Wells was Mouth.
The Insane Asslum S L City June 27, 1870
John Taylor was Mouth. I Attended the Dedicatin
the Dedication of laying the cornor stone of Logan
Temple sept 17, 1877. The Twelve Apostles laid
the South East cornor, Bishops & High Council
the South West cornor, The High Priests
the North west cornor, The seventies & Elders
the North East Cornor. I Attended the
dedication of the Temple ground in Salt Lake
City and the laying of the cornorstone of the
Temple on the 6 day of Aprail 1853
I deposited the Books & Records in a stone in
the foundation of Salt Lake Temple on the 13 day of
Aug, 1857 President Brigham Young dedicated
the same. I was Appointed to superintend the diging
out of the foundation of the Temple I spent 111
days in that service. I attended 169 meeting
with the school of the Prophets in S. L. C. I collected
for the Temple in Nauvoo $1674. I printed the
Times & Seasons & Nauvoo Neighbor in connexion
with John Taylor for two years. I printed 2500
copies of the Millenal Star in 1845.
I Published 3000 copies of the doctrins & covenants
in England and secured the copyright in Stationers
Hall in London in 1845. I Published 20000 copies
of the Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles by order
of Parley P Pratt on his own responsibility
I have been Ordained during the foregoing period to
the office of Teacher, Priest Elder 2 Quorum of seventies
first Quorum of Seventies and of the Twelve Apostles
I received my Endowments under the hands of
Brigham Young under the directions of Joseph
Smith the Prophet. I received the washing of feet under
the Hands of Heber C. Kimball
I officiated as a Member of the City Council in
Nauvoo. I was appointed a member of the regency
in Salt Lake City. I was Appointed Chaplain of
the Nauvoo Legion & officiated as such. I was
Appointed Clerk & Historian of the Twelve
Apostles. I moved to Provo with 30 tons of freight
with my family, flocks & Heards and prepard
for the burning of the country in AD. 1858 in the
time of the Buchannan Armey And returned at the
close of the war. I spent two days with the Presidency
Twelve, & Peace Commissioner And acepted of
Presidents Buchannon Pardon for sins we never
commit And Peace was restored
I was Appointed President of the Universal
sicientific society & held 25 Meetings with them
I was Appointed President of the Deseret
Agricultural and Manufacturing society in
1862 And served as such for ten years.
I was Elected A Member of the Territorial
Legislator and served as such 22
years. 20 years in the Legislative Council
in which I spent 733 days. I was Elected
a member of the Senate of the State of Deseret.
I was Appointed Assistant Historian in
AD 1855 I compiled & published the History
of 8 of Twelve Apostles in the Deseret News.
I was Appointed President of the Horticultural
society in 1855, and served as such.
I was Appointed President of the Jorden
Irrigating Society in 1862 And in 1864
I was Appointed Treasurer And G A Smith
President. I was Appointed Chairman of
the Medical board of Examination in 1862
and served as ^such^ (But I think a vary inappropriate
Appointment) I attended Zions Camp Party
in 1864, the first meeting of the company in
30 years. I was foreman of the Grand
Jury in Salt Lake City in 1867 And attended
6 days session.
I Attended 30 Meetings of the Gardner Club
I was Elected a Member of the City Council of Provo
And officiated as such
I was chosen President of the Cooperative
Stock Company in 1876
I was Elected a Members of the board of
Directors of the Merchantile Institution of
Z.C.M.I. And officiated as such two years
I was Appointed Historian of the
Church on the 7 day of Oct, 1883
And have officiated as since
I Wilford Woodruff Testify that I
heard Heber C. Kimball and President Joseph
Young say that they heard Joseph Smith
the Prophet say in thereir presence & in the
Presence of others in 1832 the first time
the Prophet Ever had an interview with
Brigham Young, He said the day would come
when Brigham Young would presid over the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
that was 4 years before there was any
quorum of Twelve Apostles Chosen, And
No man knew that Brigham Young would Ever
be An Apostle unless God reve[a]led it to the
Prophet yet after sixteen years of Revelation
and change in the Church this Prophicy came
to pass to the vary letter for He was President
of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles years before
He became President of the Church
~ Friday
Jan 1, 1886
I spent this my new years day in my comfortable
retreat Asahel spent a part of the day with me The
year 1885 which is past & gone has been an Event-
ful one in some respects. The persecution of the Gover[nmen]t
against the Latter Day Saints has commenced in
the year 1885 And there is a prospect of its being
vary severe during 1886. It seems as if the whole
government hade turned Mob including the President the
Supreme Court the Cabinet & Congress all seem det-
ermind to mob & rob the Latter Day Saints under
the form of Law But we still maintain that God
Reigns & will untill He puts all Enemies under
his feet, and He will fight the battles of his saints
and He will bring Judgment upon our Enemies & destroy
them in his own due time this is the Testimony of Wilford
Woodruff at the close of the year look to this page &
see what the signs of the year has been
I wrote 5 Letters to Nellie Emma & Asahel wrote
with me. I sent 20 stamps I wrote to Wm H Thompson &
Amelia Thompson I sent her A likeness I wrote 2 to
~ Saturday
2 I spent the day reading
~ Sunday
3 Sunday I spent most of the day reading the D & C
~ Monday
I wrote to Phebe & Susan I wrote 10 miles
South & had an interview with Presidents Taylor Cannon 20 Miles
& M Thatcher on Y M. M. I. Association The
Decision was the young People might hold their Stake Conferences
but not a general Conference at the time of our semi Annual
conferences as it would have a tendency to draw from the general interest
~ Tuesday
Jan 5 1886
I spent the day at the farm I wrote to Phebe
^ & susan I received Letters from Pheb & Susan
~ Wednesday
I helped Asahel clean out the stables & I
wrote ^5^ Letters to Brockbank Hilton to Jaques,
Jack, Phebe & Susan spent the night at Frides
I received 8 letters from Sarah, Roskelley, Thompson
Jaques, Bleak, Delight, Anna Tenney, & Paxman
~ Thursday
7 I wrote to Joseph Richards at St Joseph
~ Friday
8 I wrote a Letter to Jaques, Emma & Asahel visited me
~ Saturday
9 I spent the day compiling my Journal
~ Sunday
10 I spent the day looking over my Journals & Letter
~ Monday
^11^ I Bought a Horse for the farm of Black Prime
stock of the Church for $130. A double Harness
for $45 dollars Total $175.
I recived 2 letters from Thompson & Jaques
~ Tuesday
I wrote Letters to Jaques, J. W. Taylor Gibbs
2 to Sarah, & Bishop Farrell F D Richards. I received
Letters from Susan Milton Jaques F. D. Richards
I told Jaques to put in my will 75 sheep to Each four
~ Wednesday
I wrote ^5^ to Bleak, F. D. Richards, Wm. H. Thompson
J McAllister & Anna S Tenney I received a
^ 2 Letters from Milton & Susan
~ Thursday
14. I wrote to James Pieler Wm Paxman I received
Letters from Jaques, G Teasdale Wm H Thompson
& Wm Atkin I met in the Evening with 9 of the
Twelve including G. Q. C. on important Church business
staid untill 12 oclok Returned to the farm & spent
the night 8 mile
~ Friday
Jan 15, 1886
I wrote to Milton W Snow & sent him a copy of
a synopsis of my Journal for some 51 years as He
wanted to keep it during his life I wrote to Nellie
~ Saturday
I wrote 8 Letters to Milton, Susan Phebe
Orion, McAllister, Thompson, G Teasdale
and Jaques. I receivd ^3^ Letters from Jaques
^ President Taylor Susan Asahel & Emma called
~ Sunday
{Sunday} I wrote ^5^ Letters to Richards, Nellie
Jaques, Susan, ^&^ Henry Cox.
~ Monday
18 I wrote to A M Tenney & Phebe C Scholes
~ Tuesday
I wrote 1 Letter to J Jaques I received
6 Letters from Paxman, Azmon, Thompson
L W Snow, McAllister, & F D Richards {I hid well}
~ Wednesday
I wrote Letters to Emma to Jack, Jaques
Susan, Bulah, F. D. Richards Wm Paxman & Snow
~ Thursday
I received Letter from Thompson, Jaques
Lot Smith, & F. D. Richards & Susan I wrote
56 Letters to, Thompson, 2 to Bleak; Azmon McA & Bleak & Jaques
~ Friday
I receivd Letters from Bleak
Sarah, Hanes F D Richards Thompson I wrote letter
to Sarah, Mary, Newton, Jaques, Lot Smith & Hanes
I helped Asahel Paper a room
~ Saturday
23 I spent the day upon my Journals I spent the night {at the farm}
~ Sunday
24 Sunday I received ^5^ letters from Phebe, Milton, Susan
Jaques F D Richards I red the propositiens to
President Taylor & Endorsed them I wrote ^5^ Letters to Susan
Jaques, Spence, Richards & Phebe I spent the night at the farm
~ Monday
25 I spent the day on my Journals & Reading
~ Tuesday
Jan 26, 1886
I received 2 letters from Bulah & Jaques
I wrote Letters to Jaques & Bulah I kept a copy of
Bulah Letter I spent the day writing & Reading ^wrote^ Susan
~ Wednesday
I receivd Letters from F D Richards Emeline
& Nellie I wrote 1 Letter to Emeline I spent the day reading
The whole Nation seems stired up against the Saints
The Grand Jury now find from 1 to 6 Indictments against
the saints for the same crime
~ Thursday
28 I wrote one letter to J Jaques I spent the day writing
~ Friday
I received ^7^ Letters from Jaques, Susan
Thompson, McAllister, Sarah, Newton & Mary
I wrote 4 Letters to Nellie sent $10, Henry Jaques
^&^ David
~ Saturday
30 I received ^4^ Letters from Sarah Mary Newton Amelia
9 ^I wrote to^ McAllister, Sarah, Newton, Mary Amelia, Thompson
Jaques Susan & Bulah
~ Sunday
I received 4 Letters from M. Teasdale, F. Spencer
I Hanes, Jaques I wrote 5 Letters to Wilford, Susan, Jaques
J. W. Taylor, & David Hilton.
~ Monday
Feb 1.
I wrote 2 letters to George H Taylor & F Spencer
we had a Rainy day
~ Tuesday
I received 7 Letters from Pheb scholes, I. F. Carter, Duffin
McAllister, Reynolds, Emeline, & Ensign. I wrote ^2^ Letters
to Jaques. I spent the day in the Historians Office Met with
the Manti Temple Committee. I wrote to Phebe A Snow on
Land Matters I spent the night at E Smith
~ Wednesday
3 I spent the day at E Smiths I conversed with him on Law
Matters Public & Private Land Matters I spent the Evening in
Feb 3, 1886
the Office on Auditing Church accounts I wrote one letter
to Bulah Asahel got a waggon to day of John W Taylor
on rent Asahel took me 3 miles to my lodging place I signed
5 Deeds at Historians Office of my Personal Real Esstate
~ Thursday
I wrote 5 Letters to Jaques, Elizabeth Browett, Phebe C.
Scholes and Emeline & Ensign
~ Friday
I wrote Letters to Jesse & Bell Moses, Leslie, Bleak
McAllister, Thompson, & Brigham Y Duffin
~ Saturday
I receivd Letter from Sarah, Newton G Teasdale
I wrote Letters to G. Teasdale & M. E. Teasdale
~ Sunday
7 Sunday I wrote 7 Letters to Pheb, Susan Milton
Sarah C. L. Christianson Roskelley & Jaques
I went to the farm and spent the night Emma was quite sick
~ Monday
Feb 8th 1886
Glory Hallelalulah [Hallelujah] to God and
[FIGURE] and the Lamb for his mercies Endureth forever
Let all the Earth Praise the Lord. The History of this day
is one of the Most important Events of my life and is well
worth a place in the Records of the History of the Church
I was requested to meet with the Twelve at the office
this Evening on Church business Accordingly I left the
farm at 5 oclok AM on a pair of running geers, and
Asahel drove me up to the Historians Office I arived
there at 6 oclok I had to sit out of Doors untill 8 oclk
before I could get in not having keys with me I found
Brother Erastus Snow abed I talked with him a short
time He drested & Eat his Breakfast we counciled
upon various things I attended to some business
with Brother Jaques. Then some brethren came in
[FIGURES] Feb 8th 1886 [FIGURES]
to convers upon some Legislative Business and
Brother Franklin D Richards came in and
Anounced that Our Office was all surrounded
by a body of Marshals I imediately locked up my
Papers in a draw[er] Put on my overshues hung up
my overcoat and took a survey of our position
I saw we had some 20 Marshals surrounded the
Gardo House & Our office, and there was No Escape
Brother Erastus Snow & myself were the ownly two
Persons that they would be liable to arest we went up
into a small Bed Room & locked ourselves in &
we were there an hour watching the Marshals
guarding outside while others were searching the
Gardo House they searched that Building from top
to Bottom also the Lion & Behive House & President
Offices and were searching the Tithing Office and
after we had Been shut up an hour in our little
bed Room like two Rats in a trap we thought it
was not wisdom for us to be go caught in that
Brother Milando Pratt thought they were about
to search the office Brother Snow & myself then
went down into the Lower Room occupied By F D
Richards we saw the front of the Office occupied
By the Marshals I saw we had got to take some desperate
chance and But Little time to do it in the Marshals
wer all around & many were gath[er]ing in the streets
At first the Brethren seemed to think that one of
the Brethren had better drvive a Buggy up to the door
Feb 8th 1886
and I Better try my hand at getting in to that and 2
Buggies were Driven up I prayed in my heart for the
Lord to direct me at that instant Brother Jenson stept
in to the Room with his glasses on I put my Glasses on
I said to Brother Jenson I will walk with you acrss
the street to the other Office we walked out of the
door to the gate together there was a Marshal each
side of the Gate & a Dozen more on each side of the
side walk leading to the Gardo & Greenman coming
upon the west with the squad of Marshals who had
been searching the Tithing Office and we walked right
right through betwen the two lines of Marshals
to the crossing from the Gardo House to the Presidents
Office and then crossed the street into the office
through all the Marshals perhaps 20 of them & many
of the Brethren who had gathered in the street and
the Eyes of all the Marshals was closed By the
power of God and all they saw was Jenson quite a
smart Danishman and me an other Old Codger of
a Danishman The saints knew me The Marshals did
not The street and yard Before the Presidents office was
full of Brethren who knew me I recognized No one nor
paid attention to any one The dangerous feature in
the operation was the Eyes of all the Brethren in the street
followed me from time I left the Historians office untill I
Entered the Presidents office so said the observers when
I shut the door of the clerks office Behind me I felt to
shout Glory Halleluhah [Hallelujah] though I said Nothing ownly thank God
Feb 8, 1886
As soon as I got into the Office I passed into
the upper Story I was on ^met^ by Br Hyde Seymour B
Young & others as ther was ^4^ Marshals stationed in the
Rear of the Lion & Beehive Hous I went through a
gate on the East & got into a Buggy of Seymour
B Youngs & He drove me to his Mothers whare I got
dinner staid untill 8 oclok when Brothe Hide took
me in his Buggy & took me to Emmas whare I found
them in a Excited state I spent a few moments with
them than wient to my safe Resting place Now for
Brothe Snow As soon as I was safe my heart was
drawn out for Brother Snow I felt to Pray God to deliver
him as He had done me when He undertook to
leave the Office as I had done He met Greenman
at the Door with his Marshals to search He said
Gentlemen dont leave here untill we get through
As Greenman was about to go into the office
Gilson handed him quite a Bundle of papers
probably warrants As they Entered F. D Richards
Office one of the Marshals By the Name of Smith
knew Erastus Snow and steped up to him & commenced
to thtalk to him as the Marshals were Examing the
Room & preparing to go through the House F D Richards
steped up to the Marshal Smith & said I suppose you
have No particular Business with this friend of yours
I want to speak with him I have a little Business with [him]
The Marshal says O No I have No Business with
him and Brother Richards walked off with him some
Feb 8, 1886
and like myself He was saved Now from this
House [Hour] Let not Wilford Woodruff, Erastus Snow
nor any other Saint Ever distrust the God of Israel
or the Son of God from Protecting or Delivering any
servant of God who should be delivered, and when-
ever it is otherwise it is because it is the will of God
as in the Death of the Savionur & of Joseph & Hyrum Smith
~ Tuesday
(Feb 9 I arose this morning rejoicing in the victoy & deliver[ance]
we received yesterday) The whole force of all the Marshals
yesterday in searching the Gardo House The President
Office the Behive & Lion House The Tithing Offices
& Historians Office not a Man, woman, child, was
found or a paper served on any one And thank the
God of Heaven for all this.) I spent the day writing in
in my Journal & Rejoicing in the Lord.
I wrote to President Taylor and gave him an account
of our victory yesterday {Emma stopped with me [Wed] night}
~ Wednesday
I wrote Letters to Erastus Snow, F D Richards
J Jaques & J McAllister, Thompson, Bleak, Eyring
D. H. Cannon & McArthur, all in one
~ Thursday
I wrote Letter to Sarah, Mary, Newton, & Amelia in one
and Jaques I spent the whole day writing I wrote
6 Pages to G Teasdale see Note
~ Friday
I wrote to Bishop Harrison Sparry George Teasdale
& Leslie W Snow & Emeline Woodruff & F D Richards
^ and Jaques I received 11 Letters from St Georg & SLC &c
~ Saturday
13 I wrote A letter to Ezra Carter of 12 pages
~ Sunday
14 Sunday I wrote, ^5^ Letters to McA Thompson Bleak, Jack & Jaques
Feb 15 1886
I was informed tonight that President G. Q. Cannon
was Arested on his way to San Francisco on the C. P
I am in hopes the report is not correct. I spent the day
in my room writing I wrote one Letter to Sarah &
~ Monday
15 I wrote Letter to M. E. Teasdale & Mrs P A Christofferson
~ Tuesday
It is confirmed to day that George Q Cannon
is arested & in the Hands of the Marshals we are in the
Midst of a National Persecution The United States
Government is making war upon the Latter Day Saints
Judgment is begining at the House of God But if the Saints
suffer for their Religion our Persecuters will suffer for ther
sins Great things await this Generation Behold the
signs of the times watch for the coming of the Son of Man
~ Wednesday
I received 5 Letters from Richard, Jaques, Sarah Andrews
& Emeline. I wrote Letters to Emeline sent order for $10 wrote
F. D. Richards, Jaques, Mr. Andrews, Tenney Emeli
My abode was visited to day by 2 spotters they did not
finally search the House But they made a great Deal of Enquiry
about the House but finally went off {I was hid.} Asahel spent the night
~ Thursday
I wrote to Henry & Nellie Woodruff to Sarah & Newton
I received ^6^ Letters from Richards, Jaques, susan & Phebe,
Phebe Scholes & Wm Paxman John S Gleason spent the night
~ Friday
I wrote Letters to Jaques, Richards, Paxman, Phebe & Susan
I received ^4^ Letters from Mrs Teasdale, Sarah F Spencer & Jaques
~ Saturday
I wrote Letters to F Spencer, Mrs Teasdale, Jaques I walked
to the farm in the Evening & spent the night I received Letter
from Mrs Andrews, Jaques, Pope, & Thompson
~ Sunday
Feb 21, 1886
Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
22 I wrote ^5^ Letters to Phebe, & Susan, Thompson Pope Jaques & F. D. Richards
~ Tuesday
23 I spent the day reading History of the world Ward & Lock.
~ Wednesday
I received Letters McAllister 2, Thompson David & Jaques
I wrote ^3^ Letters to Thompson, McAllister ^&^ Sarah
I met at Wm Cahoon and signed my will &
2 deeds of the Valley House Lot in Salt Lake City
and returned South to my place of Abode
~ Thursday
I received 5 Letters from Wilford, Jaques
F. D. Richards, & Teasdale, & John Q Cannon I wrote ^7^ Letters
to James Jack, Wilford, Jaques, J. Q. Cannon, Mrs Teasdale
F. D. Richards L. W. Snow
~ Friday
I receivd Letters from G Teasdale, Sarah F D Richards
& Jaques I wrote 7 Letters to Andrews, Farnsworth, Sarah
E Snow, David P. W. Duffin Jaques & Emma
~ Saturday
I wrote 5 Letters to G. Teasdale, Richards, & Jaques
& Joseph F. Smith & Enoch Farr I went to the farm
~ Sunday
28 Sunday I spent the day at the Farm reading the Miricle in Stone
~ Monday
Mar 1, 1886
Wilford Woodruff
79 years old
this day
March 1, 1886
This is my Birth day I am
79 years old this day How strange
thes figures look to me That I have been
Preserved to this age while all the Prophets
and Apostles have been taken away much younger Joseph
Smith the Prophet was 39 when Martered I had a Meeting in the
Evening at my farm House with my wives & sons & daughters
the first time I had met with them together for more than
a year Then I was the first to leave to go to a safe resting place
March 1, 1886
I spent this my Birth day at the farm at work the first
days work I had done for a long time I helped Asahel make
fence Posts a part of the day I fixed up the Hen House
and shoveled gravel I met in the Evening with my
family at the farm & had supper together Emma &
her family got up the supper. There were present
Emma with 5 childen Asahel, Clara Owen Blanch and
Alice Also Wilford and Delight, Emeline & Ensign
also My Son James J. & wife Fanny & Daughter & my
Daughters Bulah & Ella Also Brother and sister Jaques
it was the first time I had met with my family for over
a year, at 11 oclok I bid my wives children & friends
good by and I went to my place of abode. Anoth
Antimormon Bill is presented in the House of Congress to
deprive all the Mormon of all civil & political rights
I received 4 Letters from Jaques Lot Smith Emeline
& Wm Paxman I wrote 1 Letter to Brigham Young
~ Tuesday
2 I spent the day reading & writing
~ Wednesday
I received 6 Letters & wrote 3 Letters to Prest
Taylor, Bulah, ^&^ Jaques and ashael for Mrs Frink
I had an interview with B. Young F M Farnsworth
& Empy I spent the night at the farm
~ Thursday
I wrote Letters to G. Teasdale, Lot Smith, Bleak,
Jaques & Newton & Sarah Woodruff
~ Friday
I received 3 Letters from Jaques, Richards & Carter
I spent the day at farm I met in the Evening with 9 Brethren
~ Saturday
I receivd Letters from Jaques Richards I wrote ^2^ Letter
to Jaques & Richards I spent the day at the farm I hung a grind stone
~ Monday
March 7,8 1886
This would have been Phebe W. Woodruff Birthday if she
had Been alive she would have been 79 years of Age But she
was taken home a short time before having Died the 10 Nov
I spent Sunday the 7 at the farm
I received Letters from Jaques, Thompson, McAllister
Richards Susan and H. H. Bancroft I wrote ^6^ Letters to
S. H. Nichols & sent him a recommend wrote to Jaques, to
James Cushing, J. McAllister Thompson & I F Carter
~ Tuesday
I received Letters from Sarah, Jaques, & McAllister
I wrote Letter to Jaques Sarah Newton & Mary
More raiding to day
~ Wednesday
I wrote to Jaques {Sent for money.} wrote to David and
Nellie I read in the History of the world the great
last Battle & seige of paris by the Jermans who beat
the French Armey who numbered 660000 Men
and the German Army 610000 Total of the two armies
1270000 Men The French had to pay the Germans as
an indemnity for the war $1,000,000,000 besids a
great Loss of Life on both sides
~ Thursday
11 ^
^ A foot of snow on the ground this morning I recd
Letters from Jaques & Clara I wrote Letter to Jaques
and Clara Asahel called in the Evening The
Governor Murry has vetoed Evry Bill the Legislature
has passed this session & the Government has refused to
pay the Legislature
~ Friday
I received 98 Letters from Clara, Jaques, Duffin
Hatch, Leslie, Electa Woodruff, Nellie & Mrs Peterson
I wrote one Letter to Clara Asahel visited me ^wrote^ A H Cannon
~ Saturday
March 13, 1886
I wrote ^12^ Letters to F. D. Richards, Jaques, Asahel A. H. Cannon
L. H. Hatch S Roskelley L W Snow Henry & Nellie Electa
Woodruff Isabella M Peterson & Brigham Y Duffin
I received Letters from Richards Jaques & Sarah
~ Sunday
14 Sunday I spent the day in reading & Prayer I went to
the city in the Evening I met several Brethren at the
Endowment House I administered the 2 Anointing to {Caroline Cannon}
I had an interview with Judge Smith he looked feeble 6 M[iles]
~ Monday
I received 3 Letters from Sarah Newton & Mary
I spent the day at the farm Asahel & Owen drew Logs
and Lumber from the old stables & yard
~ Tuesday
16 I wrote Letters to Jaques Sarah Mary & Newton $10.
~ Wednesday
I received 3 Letters from E Snow Jaques &
J. G. Bleak I wrote 3 Letters to J. G. Bleak, J McAllister
Wm Thompson. G. Q. Cannon Did not appear at Court today
and the Court declaired his bonds forfeited $45000
~ Thursday
18 Another snow storm. I wrote ^8^ Letters to Bleak, McA,
Wm Thompson John & Emma Squire Samuel B & Josiah
Hardy and Erastus Snow And John Jaques I sent him
a Note {for five hundred dollars} And B. H. Shetler I received
Letters from F. D. Richards, Jaques copy from E Snow
and Wm H Thompson Govornor Murry is removed
thank fGord for that
~ Friday
I wrote Letters to Wm H. Thompson, Jaques, F D Richards
Jesse & Bell Moses
~ Saturday
I received Letters from Richard Thorn Jaques
John Morgan M Scholes Susan Schols {and Leslie}
~ Sunday
21 I spent most of the day Reading Napoleon
~ Monday
March 22, [18]86
I wrote Letter to Jaques I spent the day reading I received
6 Letters from Wm Russell, Jaques C. NA. Foster Newton
Sarah & Mary ^&^ F. D. Richards
~ Tuesday
23 I spent the day in reading
~ Wednesday
I wrote 2 Letters to Jaques & F W Richards I received 2
^ 2 Letters from Jaques 1 from A O Smoot
~ Thursday
I wrote Letter to A. O. Smoot Susan, Phebe &
M Scholes, Newton, Sarah & Mary & Charles A Foster
and Jaques I spent the night at the farm
~ Friday
26 I wrote 2 letters to Henry & Nellie & Wm Russell
~ Saturday
27 I spent the day at the farm Asahel & Emma went to the city &
boght an outfit for travelling of $180. I stoped at the farm
~ Sunday
28 Sunday I spent the day at the farm reading I left in the Evening
~ Monday
29 I wrote 2 Letters to F. D. Richards & Jaques I recd 2 letters
~ Tuesday
I received 4 Letters from Jaques, Phebe C Scholes, Mary
and Sylvester Low. I spent the day reading the History of the
visitation & Exploration of all the Artic Explorers including Franklin
Kane, Hall, &c. It is a strange History of what Humanity can
go through
~ Wednesday
I wrote 6 Letters to Jaques, Bleak, Low, Newton
Haynes Phebe A Schols. I received 6 Letter from Jaques
^ F. D. Richards Wilford Emeline Ensign D H Cannon I wrote
to F D Richards
~ Thursday
Aprail 1, 1886
I wrote 3 Letters to Wilford Ensign & Em
I spent most of the day reading I reced 5 Letters from Hardies
M E Teasdale Ray, Jesse Moses and Jaques
~ Friday
I wrote 56 Letter to, Ray, Moses, Jaques, Tilley T
2 to Hardys I copied to Josiah Hardy from my Journal
~ Saturday
April 3, 1886
I receivd 2 Letter from G Teasdale & Jaques
I met in the Evening at Brother Grants with Broth Richard
Jack & Mussar I signed the report of the auditing committy
~ Sunday
4 Sunday I spent the day at the farm reeding
~ Monday
I spent the day at the farm the Afternoon cutting potato.
I had a visit from Br Jaques He brought me 4 Letters from
Henry, Jesse & Bell, Bleak & Jaques I went to Brother Truman Frink
And Blessed Brother & Sister Frink who were going on a visit
East to visit there friends Asahel planted several of Early
Rose potatoes today in the old Barn yard in the new of the Moon
see how they come out in their crop. War commenced in Texas
between Labor Knights & R Road Company 7 killed many wounded
~ Tuesday
6 I wrote 3 Letters to Bishop Foreman Leslie & Jaques
~ Wednesday
7th I spent the day reading I spent the night at the farm
~ Thursday
8 I packed the Medicine Chest to day and staid at the farm
Br Wm H Thompson arived & spent the night with us
I received 7 Letters 2 from Jaques Sarah, Sylvia,
Low Bleak Roskelley sent work for Logan Temple
for March Baptized 4430, Endowed 1681, sealed 605 couple
I wrote Letter to Jaques & sylvia sent sylvia $10. I spent
the nights at {Frinks} with Brother Wm M Palmer
{I got my trunk of books to Brother [Frink] for storage} Aprail 9, 1886
~ Saturday
10 I read to Brother Palmer A Revelation I wrote 3 letters
to M Thatcher, Roskelley and Sarah I went to the farm
in the Evening & Wm H Thompson walked with me to my
Place of abode I spent the rest of the night with Br Wm Palmer
~ Sunday
11 Sunday I received a Letter from Br Jaques I Blessed Br & Sister
Frink I wrote their Blessing Asahel copied it
~ Monday
Aprail 12, 1886
I spent most of the day reading the Life of Lincoln wI went
to the farm at night.
~ Tuesday
13 Clara is quite sick & Owen is bad in his Lungs I
spent the day at the farm I receivd ^2^ Letters from
Phebe Schols & Jaques I wrote 4 Letter to Jaque &
Susan & Phebe & wilford
~ Wednesday
14 A snow storm Emma Asahel & myself rode to Br James
Moses on Big Cottonwood Creek 7 miles I take up my abode
there for a Month
~ Thursday
I went fishing caught 4 trout I found them vary scarce
in the creek I received 5 Letters from Jaque Richard [Jouce]
Ensign Jesse Moses I wrote 2 Letters to Jaques & Emma
Leslie W Snow & Asahel visited me I did not know Leslie at
first He had changed much during the 2 year absence
~ Friday
16 we had quite a snow storm I spent the day reading Irvin
~ Saturday
17 we had quite a cold rain in the Afternoon I spent the day reading [Irvin]
~ Sunday
18 Sunday
I wrote 4 Letters to Jaques, Moses, Asahel &
~ Monday
19 A vary hard wind to day I spent the day reading Irvin
~ Tuesday
20th ^
^ Emma & Asahel visited me Blanch stoped with my
Daughter 10 year old I receivd 10 Letters from Richards,
Jaques, Sarah, Azmon, M Thatcher, J F Spight (Smith)
Stephen C Parry, Leslie, C A Foster & Hammond
~ Wednesday
I wrote 4 Letters to Sarah, Thatcher Jaques & Richards
~ Thursday
I wrote 6 Letters to President Taylor, Azmon, Newton
William, J. F. Spieight {Smith} S C Parry A rainey day to Henry
~ Friday
23 [FIGURE] I went fishing a short time to day in big cottonwood
I caught one trout that weighed 4 lbs & 2 oz
~ Saturday
April 24, 1886
I received 4 Letters from Jaques, Josigh Hardy, Leslie
& Emeline & Delight ({not good}) I spent the day reading
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I spent the day reading the News of the day
~ Monday
I wrote Letters to Delight sent order on coop to $15
wrote to Phebe & Leslie sent Phebe $5 on 1 share of coop
I sent an order by Asahel to the coop for $10 for
wire for Ensigns
~ Tuesday
Emma & Asahel called I received 7 Letters
from Jaques M S Ray, Phebe Cosie & Florence Schole,
Phebe A Snow, Sylvia M Thompson
~ Wednesday
I wrote Letters to A C Brixen, Isaack
Brockbank Wilford Cox 2 orders on Jacks &
Jaques Emma & Asahel Left for Home
~ Thursday
I wrote Letters to Susan, Phebe, Cosie Florence
Robert & Wilford Scholes Jaques, Asahel, Sylvia, Asahel
and Sarah
~ Friday
I received Letters from Jaques, Wilford, Nellie, David
& B Duffin I spent the day proining Apple trees got weary
~ Saturday
May 1. Brother Moses had a horse with a New Disease
in his hind leg swelled from hoof to the Belly He called upon
Dr C. W. Nunn Veterinary surgeon He ordered a Black oil rubed outside
And a Bottle of Medicine inwardly without this Medicine the
Leg would Birst & Bleed to death after applying the oil on the Leg it broke
out in a discharge of yellow matter from the thigh to the foo[t] to almost
a stream
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I wrote Letters to Jaques Nellie Wilford
~ Monday
3. ^
^ I wrote to John S Walker on sheep & wool I spent
most of the day proining the orchard
~ Tuesday
May 4, 1886
Asahel & Clara visited me to day I received
6 Letters from Budge, Thompson, J McAllister, G Teasdale,
Sylvia, Jaques & Sarah I spent the forenoon pruning Trees
and the Afternoon in reading Letters & papers
~ Wednesday
I wrote 9 Letters to McAllister, Bleak, Thompson, Budge
Phebe, Snow, H. J. Jrant Sylvia Sarah & Jaques
~ Thursday
6 I had a visit from Julian Moses & H Stout
~ Friday
I wrote 4 Letters to Teasdale, Duffin, Foster & Ray
I receivd 4 Letters from Presidts Taylor & Cannon
Budge Jaques & Musser on the valley House
~ Saturday
8 I spent the day pruning Apple Trees
~ Sunday
9. Sunday I wrote Letters to A. M. Muss & Jaques
~ Monday
I wrote Letters to Jesse & Bell I sent Bell $10.
I wrote to Sylvia & sent her $5. J Jaques Regesterd
Both Letters I spent Most of the day pruning
~ Tuesday
11 I finished proining this forenoon I worked vary hard
I pruned 100 trees some of them vary large
I returned to the farm & spent the night 8 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
I received 7 Letters from Bleak, Thompson,
J Taylor, Wells, D M William Roskelley, Jaques I wrote
to Jaques Foreman
~ Thursday
I wrote to Phebe, Sarah Thompson & Bleak
F D Richards
~ Friday
14 I was quite unwell through the day J Jaques was
with me in the Afternoon & Junius F Wells & C W Penrose in
the Evening
~ Saturday
I wrote Letters to John W Taylor, J Adams John
Peterson on the rent
May 15 1886
Brother Jaques spent most of the day with me A M
Musser called upon me and talked about my
renting the valley House to Beck or Hall
~ Sunday
I wrote 7 Letters to G Teasdale, M. T. Wm H Thompson
Sylvia Thompson Sarah, L. W. Snow & Jaques I had an
interview with Phebe C Scholes
~ Monday
I wrote a Letter to Marion had an interview
with Phebe Scholes in the Evening
~ Tuesday
I wrote Letters to Henry & Nellie and susan
we had a vary Busy day packing & Loading up
~ Wednesday
19 We left the farm at 1.30 in the Morning and arived
at Hardys ranch at daylight & took Breakfast then with
hard Labor we reached the f summit at Noon we drove
over vary rough Roads to parley Park & Pitched our tent west of
Kimballs we had 3000 lbs one 3 inch waggon with ourselves
in 7 in Number. Distance of the day 24 miles
~ Thursday
20 We spent the day in camp all being weary
~ Friday
21 Our cow gave us a good Deal of trouble she would
not lead by the horns or neck without Holding back which
not ownly hurt her but made it vary hard drawing
we left camp at 8 clok & drove to Heber City & stoped with
Bishop Wm Foreman & spent the night 19 Miles
we found Provo River vary High
~ Saturday
22 we spent the day at Brother Foremans He & Asahel
went up the canyon the creek & road was impassabel
to the Mill we spent the night
~ Sunday
23 Sunday I spent the day in the House I wrote 2 letters
to J Jaques & Henry & Nellie
~ Monday
May 24th 1886
We had a terrible day we went up Daniels Can-
yon 10 Miles we had a Dangerous road we got our
team & waggon into a bad mud Hole came near crip-
pling then we finally pitched our tent in Cleggs
Canyon and spent the night 10 mils
~ Tuesday
25 Asahel & the children went up the canyon
1 1/4 miles to a snow slide I went fishing & caught
4 trout
~ Wednesday
26 I caught 6 trout Asahel brought up our last
Load of Freight from Heber City
~ Thursday
27 I caught 6 trout Asahel went up to the Mill
with 1000 lbs freight
~ Friday
278 I spent the day in camp
~ Saturday
29 We struck our tent & moved up to Foreman Mill
^ & occupied a Room By ourselves I received 3 Letter from
Foreman Jaques & Sylvia
~ Sunday
30 {Sunday} we took a Buggy ride to pick out a camp on the
Strawbury we found the stream vary high we met a hard rain
& Hail storm we got wet & chilled
~ Monday
I wrote 1 Letter to J Jaques Owen & Nephi went to
Heber Asahel Benjamin & the children rode over to Strawbury
~ Tuesday
June 1.
I wrote 1 Letter to Jaques I rode into Strawbury
valley to look out a camp ground I was quite poorly at
night hard work to Breath in the High Altitude
~ Wednesday
I wrote 2 Letters to Wm Thompson & Sarah
Brother Foreman & Asahel took the tent into Strawbury
valley & pitched it
~ Thursday
June 3.
All of our family moved over the Mountain 2 miles
to our tent on the East side of Strawbury Valley
and made our beds in the tent 2 Miles
~ Friday
4. we fished in willow creek 6I caught 6 trout
they wighed 4 lb 1 weighed 4 1 1/2 lbs Asahel caught 4
~ Saturday
5. Brother Foreman & son Asahel & myself went
to Willow Creek Owen caught one fish all
that was caught By the company
~ Sunday
6. Sunday Emma, Asahel & the children all
went Back to the Mill I kept camp I wrote
One Letter to Henry
~ Monday
7. we spent the day in camp
~ Tuesday
8 We broke camp & rode 5 miles to a small creek
unloaded our goods & Asahel went wack [back] to the Mill
& got what goods we left there while he was gone I caught
6 trout we then loaded up & drove to trout creek
in strawbury vally we got stalled in a grassy Mud swamp
had to unload & dig out our waggon it was Near dark
when we camped on trout creek
~ Wednesday
9th We turned 2 creeks and caught 30 trout Asahel
used his bare arm under the banks to catch trout & Blistered &
Poisend his arm
~ Thursday
10 we broke camp drove to Deer Creek & Nooned we met
on the way 1000 Head of cattle that the Hearders were driving
from Currant Creek to Strawbury valley we had quite a
Job to get through them 4 young calves lost the heard
run like Deer into the Mountains 4 Horsemen followed
them & Larrieted them & draged them by the neck &
June 10 1886
killing them we drove to currant creek & camped on the
Bank a short distance up the creek & camped 16 Mile
~ Friday
11 We went fishing on Currant Creek. &I caught 35 trout
Asahel & Owen 25 David camped on trout Creek
~ Saturday
12 I caught 10 trout Asahels Arm was inflamed & we had
to poltice it He fished some caught 13 trout A cold night
~ Sunday
13 I caught 16 trout Asahel & Owen 25 It was a cold
night Ice froze 1/2 inch thick
~ Monday
14 A plesant Morning David came on to Currant Creek &
caught 3 trout we travelled in the Afternoon to red creek 7 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
15 we drove 22 Miles over vary rough ground up &
down stone steps without water & camped on Strawbury 22
~ Wednesday
16 We drove & crossed the Dushane Bridge & Nooned
on the Dushane Bridge and Drove to the Leavey of the duchane
River & Nooned we drove to the Uinto & camped for the ^camped for the night on the slough^ night distance of the day 28 Miles
~ Thursday
^17. we drove to the Uinta River & camped^
The US Marshal of Ashley camped on the opposite side
of the Road
~ Friday
18 We drove without water 12 miles & Nooned on good grass
then Drove to Ashley & spent the night with Henry &
Nellie Woodruff distance of the day without water 25 M[iles]
we took a few Gallons of water with us which was a
good help to our Animals
~ Saturday
19 All the family went to a Big Jubilee in Ashley
~ Sunday
Sunday I wrote ^4^ Letters to Jaques, G. Teasdale, Sarah,
& Wm H Thompson I had an Interview with I J Clark
& Bishop Jeremiah Hatch
~ Monday
~ Tuesday
June 22, 1886
We drove up the Canyon to Davis Mill over a vary rough
Rocky road to go to a fish Lake we camped at the Mill 20 Miles
~ Wednesday
23 We started this Morning to find the Lake at the North End
of Balld Hill we had No guide in fact there was No one at
the Mill who had Been there it was called ownly 6 Miles
But we travelled all day over High rocky Mountains Deep
vallies, swampy water in the midst of fallen timbers which
our Horses had to Jump it was a vary hard days work
we did not find the Lake we came to a grassy patch & camped
for the Night but knew Not whare the Lake was After
camping Henry & Asahel went on to the plat of Bald Hill
& say the Lake and went to it but did not get Back to the
camp untill 9 oclok & I thought they were lost when
they arived they were thoroughly Exhausted we have
No idea the distance we travelled for in some cases we
had to work vary Hard to get a Mile in 2 Hours we think
we travelled during the day 15 Miles but had not got to the
6 Mile Lake 15 M[iles]
~ Thursday
24 we drove to the Lake arived about 10 oclok after turning
out our Horses we visited the Lake we Judged the Lake
covered about 20 Acres. The watter was vary shallow on the
shore of the Lake with the Exception of the South East side under
the rocks was said to be quite Deep We saw No fish Except
trout and they were quite small I Judge the Altitude of the
Lake to be 10000 feet I found great Difficulty in Breathing The
Boys went fishing I had but Little spirit of fishing I fished a
short time I caught 16 Owen 30 Asahel 66 Henry 76 Total 183
There was a small stream came in on the East End of the Lake
June 24, 1886
& an Out Let on the West End a small Stream which formed
some small Lakes which abounded with small trout vary few
over a quarter of a pound. we camped for the night we had some
rain. it was supposed the Country abounded in game but we
saw None during the whole Journey Except one or two deer 3 Miles
~ Friday
This was one of the most strange Histories of a
days travel that I Ever Experienced on Horsback in my life
we left the Lake and started on our return Journey to
the Mill we followed back to our camping place on the
night of the 23. we then took the trail of 3 Men Thomas Davis
Wm Wall & W Hollinger who had gone to the Mill the Day before
And No Eye hath seen nor Ear heard Neither hath it
Entered into the heart of Man to conceive of such a road as
that trail lead us this day we followed the trail down a Mountain
for near a Mile so steep & rocky that we had to go a head of
the Horses & roll the rocks out of the road so thay could get a
foot Hold we had to lead them by the bit step by step to keep
them from falling to keep them from falling down the Mountain
for 1000 feet and being Dashed to peaces it seemed a Miricle
that our Horses were not killed & ourself also I fell twice &
stood a chance to have broaken my limb & when we got into the
Bottom of the Canyon then we had to travel through fallen timber
the Horses had to Jump Logs near 3 feet high amid thick
brush & rocks & turn Evry point of compass and it rained
untill all the Brush & grass was wet so we in walking & leading
our Horses was wet to our middle we traveled in this way
untill night & knew not whare [we] were and concluded we
would have to camp for the night in the Midst of this fallen timber
June 25 1886
we finally concludied to climb a High Mountain or Bluff
with our Horses which we accomplished with great Difficulty
when at the summit we were in sight of the High ridges
bordering upon Brother Davis Mill this caused us to rejoice
we all mounted our Horses & rode down the steep Bluffs
to the Mill all vary weary both Man & Beast Sister Davis
got us a warm supper we dryied ourselves by a camp
fire and made our beds upon the ground & went to sleep
& felt thankful that we and our Animals were alive
and Not crippled distance of the day 15 Miles
~ Saturday
26 We returned to Ashley to day and found the
family all well 20 Miles
~ Sunday
27. Sunday I spent the day reading the Deseret News
~ Monday
I wrote 3 Letters to Presidet Taylor & Cannon, Jaques
& Sarah I kept copy of Presidents Taylor I had an interview
with Nathan Davis & Thomas Colwell & Isarael J Clark
~ Tuesday
29. I spent the day at Henry. I was visited By Br
James H. Glines Probate Judge & Charles C. Bartlet
Asahel took me & his Mother to Brother Glines in
the Evening & we spent the night 3 Miles
~ Wednesday
30. I spent the day at Brother Glines Reading Emma is
quite Poorly with Newralgie of the heart has suffered for
10 days with it. Bishop Glines & myself administered to her
~ Thursday
July 1. I spent the day reading
~ Friday
2. I spent this day reading and in the Evening we returned
to Henrys and spent the night 3 Mils
~ Saturday
3 I wrote 2 Letters to Azmon & Malinda Hatch
4 I spent the day reading the rest attended the 4 July
~ Monday
July 5th 1886
Henry & Asahel went to the Mountain & brought a load
of timber
~ Tuesday
^6^ I bought Owen an Indian yearling Pony
I Paid $5 dollars for it
~ Wednesday
6. 7 The Men went to the Mountain again for Timber it
was vary hot to day Thermometer 100 in the shade
~ Thursday
8. I spent the day reading it was vary hot Luceren Mowed
~ Friday
9. Asahel Dug a well & went for Brush I hoed the orchard out
~ Saturday
10 I gave Asahel $10 to By wheat I finished the orchard
it is hot to day conference commenced in Ashley to
~ Sunday
11 Sunday I spent the day reading the Doctrine & Covenants
~ Monday
12 Henry & Asahel stacked the Lucern to day we fixed up
for a Journey to the Mountains Bishop Glines accompanied
us & we drove in the Evening to Ashley River & camped for
the night. distance of the day 10 Miles
~ Tuesday
13 We drove to Brush Creek and pitched our tent, we went
to fishing I caught 2 Br Glines 3, Henry caught 12,
And Asahel 7. Total first day 24
~ Wednesday
14 we all went to fishing I caught 5, one weighed 1 1/2 lbs
Henry caught 18, Asahel 20. Total 62 Trout caught
on Bush Creek & they weighed 50 lbs the Largest
caught weighed 2 lbs
~ Thursday
we drove to Davis Canyon & Nooned we
Then Drove to the Famous Bush creek cave and camped
for the night Most of the company visited the cave
Distance of the day 12 Miles 12 Miles
~ Friday
16 Friday we all prepared & visited the cave with Lited
candles we set our compass & went in S By S.E. we went
in 261 yards 783 feet The roof of the cave at the
July 16 1886
Mouth was 70 feet high & 100 feet to the top of the Ground
There was a small spring of cold water droped Down from
the top of the roof this cave was about 300 feet wide
at the Mouth. There was No water in the bed of the creek
that runs through this cave. There is a very large stream
runs through when the snows Melt from the Mountains
and the Bottom of the cave is filled with vary large
Bolders and trees some 2 feet through washed into
the cave untill it was choaked up at the End of 261
yards so we could not travel any further that way
The cave was vary Damp & cold & I took a severe
cold while in there. soon after Entering this cave
A large Branch turns to the North East & runs under
the Mountains Bishop Glines, Henry, Asahel, & Nellie
followed this Branch of the cave for 500 yards 1500 feet
But did not go to an End we fastened Balls of
twine at the mouth & unwound to the End of our
Journey and Measured the twine on top of the Earth
Clara also took a severe cold it is believed
this cave is vary Extensive Neither of the main
Branches were Explored to the End. This cave is about
28 Miles from Ashley settlement
~ Saturday
17. Saturday The Horses went back 4 miles this morning
Asahel went Back & got them we highted up &
started for Grand Park. On the way Clara was taken
Deadly sick we had to travel over vary rough ground
vary rocky roads and one Mile of vary rough condt-
in Roy road Built By government it was vary severe
July 17, 1886
On Clara we had to stop & make a fire heat water &
soak her feet and gave her hot composition tea we
then went on to Big Park & camped we had a hard
thunder storm most of us soaked with water & vary
cold, it was a gloomy time. distance of the day 8 miles
I was Near sick & Clara was quite sick all night
~ Sunday
18 I was quite sick in the Morning but I had to get up to
{Sunday} settle a Row between two persons in camp. Our Horses
were so tormented with large flies thay broke & run out of
the valley into the timber The Brethren went to fishing Asahel
caught 83, Bishop Glines 85, Henry 25, Owen 33, Nellie
6, Clara 1, W W 4. Total 186 But all small panfish
half of the camp was sick with colds & fevers
~ Monday
19 we broke camp & returned to Ashley we Nooned on Ashley
River the 3 Men caught 3 each total 9. We arived at
Henrys after Dark all tired out. distance of the day 30 Miles
~ Tuesday
20 I wrote up my Journal. My cold was bad My
friends Believed that my Enemies were on my trak
that Marshal Brooks had returned from Salt Lake with
two Marshals with him and that they were after me
so I left Henrys House & went & spent the night
with Bishop Harvy J Glines I spent the night alone
I received 8 Letters to day, 2 from Jaques, McAllister
Thompson, A. M. Musser E Farr, G. Teasdale & Sarah.
~ Wednesday
21 I spent the day at Bishop Glines I was quite poorly in
health I kept my room most of the day I had an interview
with Brother Clark He was Thoroughly satisfied that
Marshal Brooks & Co was after me I was poorly through the night
~ Thursday
July 22, 1886
I wrote Letters to Emma & J Jaques In consequence
of my Enemies being on the Elert and after me at 9 oclok
in the Evening I bid farewell to Emma & all of her children
Except Asahel who was absent and in company with
with Bishop Harvy J. Glines & Brother Colwell we
started with a 2 Horse spring waggon and travelled
west ward all night and stoped for Breakfast at the upper
crossing of the Uinta River
~ Friday
23. We travelled through the day & camped on the west
side of the Duchain River Distance from Ashley 46 M[iles].
~ Saturday
24 We traveled all day up to the summit & down through
the whole Length of surprise canyon down to 9 mile
creek we were travelling all day almost 13 Hours and
40 miles distance without water for Man or Beast Except
a Bucket of mudddy water gathered from rain in the road 40 m[iles]
~ Sunday
25 we drove up the 9 Miles Creek drove to [Look] ranch
& camped for the Night [12 Miles] Brother Calwell shot
a Dear which we dressed I rosted some of the ribs
on the coals and Eat for supper and it gave me a
severe Diahrher 12 Miles
~ Monday
26 We spent several Hours in Barbacuring our dear
I was quite unwell this Morning with a severe diarrhea
we drove to Price River & camped for the night 25 m[iles]
I was sick through the night with the diarrhea
~ Tuesday
27 I am still vary Poorly this morning we drove to
Huntington & stoped for the night with Brother Crandle
Brother Colwell rode 32 Miles in the Night up &
down the Canyon to get Br Crandle Home distance 25 Miles
July 27, 1886
Sister Crandle nursed me up with Milk porridge &
cured me up with that & Chicken Broth
~ Wednesday
28 I am much better this morning I had an interview
with Brother Crandle we changed Horses this morning
we took his & he kept ours which was a Blessed change
for us for the Journey as our Horses had nearly given
out we drove through Castle Dale to Ferron
Emery County we stoped with Edson King distance 22 M[iles]
~ Thursday
I wrote 2 Letters to J Jaques & Wm H Thompson
we drove to oak springs & camped distance 35 Miles
it was a spring of cold water we took supper & drove
30 2 Miles & camped for the night
~ Friday
30. We drove to Salina Creek & camped for the day 10 Miles
we went fishing WW caught 21 Br Glines 25 Br
Calwell 10 Total 56
~ Saturday
A strange thing took place to day yesterday
we passed Sam Gilsons Ranch There was 2 of
Gilsons sons & 2 of Wm Jennings sons together they are
considered about Equil Br Colwell asked them about
the Road down the Canyon they said the road down
the canyon could not be travelled it was washed
out they started for the waggon to see what was in
it Br Caldwell drove on & Left then we
all felt impressed to go down the canyon we
did so the Main road went over the Hills Had
we taken that road we should have Met Sam
Gilsom & 4 men who were on his way to his
ranch Had we met the consequence is not known
July 30, 1886
we drove to Salina & spent the night with Bishop
Jens Jensen distance of the day 25 Miles
~ Sunday
Aug 1. Sunday we spent the day resting with Bishop Jensen
we administered to Sister Jenson who was sick
& his daughter who was Def & dumb
~ Monday
2 we drove to Richfield and on to Elsenore 27 m[iles]
one of our Horses was quite Lame we spent the
night with Brother Soren Sorrensen 27 Miles
~ Tuesday
3 I took a Bath which I much Needed we drove over
the Mountain to pine creek and camped in the sage
Brush & cedars distance of the day 45 Miles
~ Wednesday
4. We drove to Bever & on to Buck Horn Springs
it was a very dusty day distance 42 Miles
~ Thursday
5 We drove to Parowan to Cedar & on to Kanarah
distance of the day was [blank] spent the night with John Ray Bary 50 miles
~ Friday
6 we drove to Belview & spent the night with
Brother Sylvester distance of the day 18 miles
~ Saturday
7. we had a rain through the night & some this
morning we left this morning at 9 ocllk
we missed the road & went to Tokerville & crossed
the Hills to grape vine spring back again we
Lost 6 mils in this operation we broke our
king bolt put in a wooden & broke that &
bought an Iron one at Harrisburgh & which
^put^ an end to the trouble. We arived at St Gerge at
9 oclock and stoped with John & Emma Squire whare
we spent the Night I slept in the same bed Whare I had
slept for 6 months last year. distance of the day 30 M[iles]
~ Sunday
Aug 8th 1886
Sunday we had travelled 448 Miles from Ashley to
St George I spent the day reading & writing I wrote 2 letters
to John Jaques & Wm H Thompson I received a package
of 21 Letters 6 from Jaques 1 from Presidents
Taylor & Cannon 1 from J. F. Smith & from the following persons
Wilford A. M. Musser H F Hall, 2 from S Roskelley
F Spencer E Farr H. J. Grant, B. H. Shetler, L. H. Hatch & John Reading
~ Monday
I wrote Letters to John Jaques, to Emma, Asahel,
Sarah I spent the day writing Letters & in my Journal
~ Tuesday
I parted to day with Brother Glines & Colwell who
started back home I spent the day reading Letter & writing
~ Wednesday
I wrote 2 Letters to H J Grant & B H Schettler I
spent the day reading & writing
~ Thursday
I wrote 4 Letters To J. F. Smith E Farr, Roskelly
& L Hatch spent the day writing
~ Friday
I wrote 5 Letters to G. Teasdale, Wilford, Phebe Snow
& Phebe Scholes Jesse & Bell Moses & J Jaques
~ Saturday
I received 2 Letter from Wm H Thompson & McAllister
I shot 4 quails & 3 doves I spent most of the day reading
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I spent the day reading it rained Last night &
was quit cool
~ Monday
16 I wrote to Moses Thatcher
~ Tuesday
I wrote 3 Letters to Sylvia M Thompson, John L Blith
F. D. Richards
~ Wednesday
I received 6 Letters from Malinda Hatch, Ensign
Roskelley, Lot Smith, Jaques & Ezra Carter
~ Thursday
19 I wrote ^3 L^ to Jaques, E. Carter Malinda Hatch
Aug 19, 1886
I wrote 9 Letters to Lot Smith & kept a
copy wrote to Roskelley James Moses Sarah
Bulah & Asahel
~ Friday
I wrote Letters to Presidts J Taylor & G Q Cannon
& J Jaques I had a visit from Wm H Thompson in the Evening
~ Saturday
21 John Morrel Squire sold 500 lb of Grapes to day at 3 cts I shot 3 quail
~ Sunday
Sunday I received 8 Letters, 2 from Jaques, E Snow
sylvester Low Emma, Clara, Sarah & Newton
~ Monday
I wrote 8 Letters to Andrew C. Brixen
Jaques, Emma, Clara, Blanch Newton Sarah
S Low I spent the day writing & spreading grape
I shot 6 quails at one shot
I wrote to H & Nellie
~ Tuesday
I received 5 Letters 2 from Jaques from Sarah
Delight & H. J. Grant
~ Wednesday
I wrote 3 Letters to Jaques, to Delight, Sarah
I was taken quite poorly in the night I made a singular
^ discovery to day I found it difficult for a week past
to understand what people said to me I put a watch up
to my right Ear I could not [hear] it tick I found it all
right at the left I find myself about half Deaf but
I hope it is ownly temporary
~ Thursday
I wrote to Emma to day & sent it with Jaques
I moved down to Brother Cottoms to night I received
4 Letters to day from Jaques G Teasdale Leslie Rodgers &cc
~ Friday
27 I receivd 3 Letters to day from Jaques Asahel & Hall
~ Saturday
I wrote 7 Letters to H. L. Hall & Musser, Jaques
Asahel, Emma J. F. Wells Rogers & Smith snow Flake
~ Sunday
29 I wrote 2 Letters to Leslie & G Teasdale see copy on Lot Smith
~ Monday
Aug 30 1886
I wrote Letters to Jaques Wilford & & Brixen
I spent the day I receivd 2 letters from Jaques & Wilford
~ Tuesday
I receivd 1 Letter from J Jaques & copy of M Thatcher
sermon of which comments have been Made
~ Wednesday
Sept 1. I wrote Letters to J Jaques to Phebe & Susan Scholes
~ Thursday
I wrote a Letter to Jaques to St George Temple
closed today for the present {and I think the Logan} I had an interview
Last Evening with J. G. Bleak today J McA.
~ Friday
I wrote to Sarah & spent the day reading
~ Saturday
I received Letters from Jaques, Sarah, Emma
Clara & Blanch & President Taylor I wrote Letters
to Emma, Clara, Owen Blanch Alice & Jaques
~ Sunday
I receivd 3 Letters from Jaques Sarah & Sylvia
Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
I wrote 7 Letters to Jaques, Emma, Delight, Sarah,
Newton & Sylvia & Wilford
~ Tuesday
I received 2 Letters from Jaques I spent the day reading
I went to John squire's in the Evening we are having most
Beautiful weather I mostly keep my room
~ Wednesday
8 I wrote ^2^ to Jaques & Emma
~ Thursday
9 I wrote 2 Letters to President Taylor & A M Tenney
~ Friday
I wrote to John Jaques this is the Last day I spend
in this room for a Month I pack up my things & Prepare to Leave
I received a letter from Clara I leave this Journal in
my chest untill I return
~ Saturday
Sept 11. I left St George in company with Wm H Thompson Daughter
Amelia & rode to Belview & spent the night with Br Sylvester 32 M[iles]
~ Sunday
12 We rode to Kanarer & to Cedar spent the night with Brother Webster 32 Miles
~ Monday
Sept 13, 1886
We drove to Parawan & to paragoona & spent the night
with Brother Barton I was taken with a vary strange
turn I turned almost Blind & speechless & lost my
Memory it came on & went off gradually it lasted
about 30 Minutes I dont know whether it was paralises
or not I soon recovered. distance of the day 22 Miles
~ Tuesday
14 We rode to Beaver & spent with the night with
George Mumford 30 Miles
~ Wednesday
15 we drove through Beaver & over the Mountain down
clear creeke and camped 40 Miles
~ Thursday
156. I caught 6 trout and drove to Richfield & spent the night
with Brother A. K. Thurber distance 30 Miles
~ Friday
17. we drove to warm creek settlement and spent the
night with Brother Bartholomew 40 Miles
~ Saturday
178. We passed through Levan & drove to Nephi and spent
the night with James Picton I conversed with sisters
Matilda and Etta Teasdale I saw his 3 children 40 Mile
19. ^
^ {Sunday} Brother Thompson stuck a pitchfork into his knee
which lamed him we drove to spanish Fork and spent
the night with Alfred Beck distance 30 Miles
~ Monday
20 I was vary weary last night we drove to plesant
grove and stoped with John Thorn 22 Miles
~ Tuesday
201. We drove to the Farmers ward Salt Lake County we
got there to Early I took up my abode with Brother
Truman Frink whare I had stoped Before distance 40 Miles
~ Wednesday
22 I had an interview with Emma spent the [day] reading
~ Thursday
I received 7 Letters from Wilford Beaty J Taylor & G Q Cannon,
Duffin J F. Wells O Jacobson Lot Smith H L Hall
Sept 23, 1886
I wrote 7 Letters to Wilford, Bulah, Wilford Beatie, President
Taylor & Cannon, H. L. Hall O Jacobson & J Jaques
~ Friday
24 I wrote 2 letters to Lot Smith & B Y Duffin
~ Saturday
25 I read the History of President Lincoln I had an
interview in the Evening with F D Richards Jaques Thomp-
son & Asahel
~ Sunday
26 ^
^ Sunday I wrote a Letter to F RD Richards
~ Monday
I wrote 3 Letters to J Jaques, G Teasdale, Bulah
I receivd 6 Letters from Jaques, Hall, Wilford Beatie
J McAllister Lot Smith I met Owen in the Evening
~ Tuesday
28 I wrote 2 Letters to J McAllister & Thomas Cottam
~ Wednesday
I wrote to J. Jaques Amelia Thompson sent her $5.
I had an interview with Asahel & Br Thompson
~ Thursday
30 I spent the day reading Brother Jaques spent the night with
Me Emma & owen called upon me
~ Friday
Oct 1. A cold cloudy day I finished reading Napoleon
what a Man of war he was. Br Thompson spent the night with me
~ Saturday
2 I spent the day reading {Emma spent this night with me.}
~ Sunday
3 Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
I received a Letter from Bulah. I wrote a letter to
Jaques Br Thompson spent the night with me
~ Tuesday
5 I wrote to J Jaques
~ Wednesday
I received A Letter from Ovando P Beebe
asking for my Daughter Clara in Marriage I gave my
consent. I had an interview in the Evening with Brother
John Jaques & Wm H Thompson
~ Thursday
I wrote to Wilford Woodruff Jr I wrote to Asahel gave
him an order on Jaques for $150 I had Borrowed
~ Friday
Oct 8, 1886
I received 4 Letters from Jaques, Hall, Jacobson & McAllister
Asahel was with me in the evening
~ Saturday
9. I received 1 Letter from J Jaques I heard of the release
of A. M. Tenney, Christoffers & Kemp from Prision. I was
visited By Br Thompson & Emma
~ Sunday
10. Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
I wrote ^3^ to Jaques & to Asahel sent him an order
on the Blacksmith shop I received Letters from Hall &
Bulah I wrote to McAllister
~ Tuesday
I wrote Letters to Bulah, to Wilford Beatie sent him
$5 to Buy a Bible & Book of Mormon
~ Wednesday
I wrote 3 Letters to Wilford Asahel & Emma
Jaques & Thompson spent the Evening with me
~ Thursday
I wrote ^2^ to Wilford & Jaques I received 2 Letter
from Jaques & Bulah
~ Friday
I wrote 2 Letters to F D Richards J Jaques I had an
interview with F D Richards & Thompson
~ Saturday
I wrote ^3^ to Sarah & Jaques & Asahel. I had an
interview in the Evening with Asahel & Thompson {Emma stayed with me.}
~ Sunday
I wrote 2 Letters to Jaques & H. J. Grant I asked him
to Let Brother Thompson have a 2 3/4 waggon on Tithing which
He agred to do
~ Monday
18 I wrote an Epistle to the Church to day
I received 2 letters from K Maeser & Jaques Brother
Jaques Thompson and Asahel spent the Evening with me
~ Tuesday
19 I spent the day reading the Doctrins & Covenants
~ Wednesday
I wrote 1 Letter to G Teasdale I had an interview
with Jaques & Thompson
~ Thursday
Oct 21, 1886
I wrote 2 letters to Wm H. Palmer & A M Tenney
I received 2 Letters from Edward Tullidge & J Bull
I had an interview with Blanch & Alice Br Thompson spent
the night with me
~ Friday
I wrote 9 Letters to E. Tullidge, J Bull, Wilford, Bulah
Elias Smith McAllister Emma F D Richards Jaques
Brother H J Hall has arived and all is right. I received
4 Letters from F D. Richards, Jaques Sarah, & E Snow
Br Thompson spent the night with me I went to bed at 12:30
~ Saturday
I wrote 3 Letters [to] H. J. Grant F. D. Richards & Sarah
I visited Judge Elias Smith in the Evening passed through
Main street all lighted up many people travelling in the street
I had a pleasant Evening with Brother Smith I met Wilford
and Bulah at Brothers Smith a few moments
~ Sunday
24 Sunday I spent the day reading dreams Visins and
Revelation in the Doctrin & Covenants Owen called in the Evening
~ Monday
I wrote 2 Letters to J. G. Bleak J. F. Wells. I met
in the Evening at Emmas house Brothers Hall Jaques & Simmons
We Both signed the Lease of the valley House & Brickhouse
for 5 years from Nov 1st The Brick House from March 1, 1887
Brother Thompson was with us & stood guard And from
a fals alarm I left the House & went with Asahel to the
creek but returned and took supper & done our busines
then I returned to my lodgings
~ Tuesday
I wrote 2 letters from to Huwlet J Hall & H B Schettler
~ Wednesday
27 In company with Emma Alice Brother Thompson &
Amelia we left Salt Lake County and started South we
rode to American Fork & stoped with Br John Thorn 35 Miles
~ Thursday
Oct 28th 1886
we rode to spanish Fork & spent the night with Joseph Beck ^25 M[iles]^
~ Friday
29. We rode to Nephi and spent the night at Brother
James Pictons I wrote in Matilda Teasdale Album 30 M[iles]
~ Saturday
30 We drove to warm creek and spent the night
at Brother Bartholomews 40 Miles
~ Sunday
31. Sunday we rode to Salina and to Richfield and
spent the night at A. K. Thurbers distance 45 Miles
~ Monday
Nov 1. We crossed the Mountain in the snow and mud
and drove to Brother Andrew Olsons and spent the
night it was quite cold. distance of the day 45 Miles
~ Tuesday
2 We drove to Beaver and spent the night at Br Mumfords 20 Mils
~ Wednesday
3. We drove to Paragoony and spent the night
at Brother Joseph Bartons ^32 Mils^ Emma Dreamed in the
^ night that her gold ring was broaken in to and split
open lengthwaise that night Martitia Smith
Emmas Mother Died Aged 75
This was a remarkable thing
Died Nov
3, 1886
~ Thursday
4 we drove to Kanara and spent
the night with John Berry 40 Miles
Historians Office raided again to day
by 4 Marshals No one found they wanted
~ Friday
5 we drove to Belview and Nooned with Br Sylvester
I wBlessed Wilford Gregerson and drove to Leeds took
supper with Sister Wilkenson as one of our horses was
vary lame we left it and took Brother Wilkenson Horse &
drove into St George and arived at 1 oclok in the Morning we
stoped with Brother Thomas Cottam distance of the day 40 M[iles]
we were cold and weary Martitia Smith buried to day
~ Saturday
Nov 6, 1886
we did not get to bed untill 3 oclok this Morning
got up at 8 oclk took breakfast I looked over my Mail
and I had awaiting me 31 Letters as follows 2 from
E Snow, 2 from Teasdale 2 from Lot Smith 1 from C J
Kemp, J. F. Smith Wm H Palmer H J Grant 3 from
J Jaques, Andrew Jenson, B. H. Schettler, J. F. Wells,
F D Richards 2 from James H Glines Henry & Nellie
Woodruff 2 from Sarah, Phebe A Snow Dr L W Snow
Susan C Scholes 2 from Jesse Moses James Moses
Milton S Ray S Roskelley & Sylvia M Thompson
I wrote 2 letters to Jaques & Asahel. Emma heard
her Mother was dying
~ Sunday
I wrote one Letter to Asahel I rescieved one letter
from J Jaques saying Martitia Smith was dying on the
3 Nov. I spent most of the day reading Tulledge History
of Salt Lake City
~ Monday
I wrote 6 Letters to Jaques, Asahel, & Schettler on Sister
Smith Death & to H J Grant E Snow & Teasdale
~ Tuesday
I wrote 11 Letters to Lot Smith, F. D. Richards,
Junius F Wells, Henry & Nellie, Sarah, Phebe A Snow,
Jaques, Clara, Owen, & Blanch.
~ Wednesday
I wrote 6 Letters to Susan, Jesse & Bell Moses Susan
James Moses, Roskelley, M. S. Ray and Leslie
~ Thursday
. I wrote 3 Letters to J F Smith, Sylvia M Thompson
C. J. Kemp. McAllister received an interesting letter
from E Snow which He brought up & read
^ ^ I received 1 Letter from G Teasdale
~ Friday
12 I finished up my Journal to day
~ Saturday
Nov 13, 1886
I wrote 3 Letters to Jaques Asahel and Clara and told
her to write to her Mother I receivd 3 Letters to[day]
from E Tullidg Baull & Jaques I sent word to
Jaques to Pay the Printer $50 for Tullide [Tullidge]
~ Sunday
14 Sunday I wrote 2 letter to H L Hall & Jaques
I read History of Salt Lake City
~ Monday
I wrote 3 Letters to Joseph Bull, E. W. Tulledge & T Frink
I asked Bull & Tullidge for my steel plate of my likenes to be given
to John Jaques
~ Tuesday
16. I spent the day reading the History of Tulledge History of
^ Salt Lake City I received 1 Letter from Jaques & one from Clara
~ Wednesday
I wrote 5 Letters to Clara, Owen & Blanch, Jaques &
Picton and family
~ Thursday
18 I wrote 1 Letter to G Teasdale
St George Temple Nov 17, 1886 Leroy Winslow Beebe
was ordained Bishop, W. Woodruff was Mouth President
McAllister Eyring & McArthur assisting.
Charles Peter Burk was set apart as 1 Councillor to
Bishop Beebe by J. D. T. McAllister. Joseph Hilton was
set apart as 2 Councillor to Bishop Beebe These 3 Men wer
set apart to officiate in the Virgin City ward Joseph
Hilton was set apart by Brother Eyring
~ Thursday
18 I received 2 letters for Asahel & Jaques
~ Friday
I wrote 4 Letters to B. H. Schettler Jaques, Asahel
Clara Owen & Blanch I wrote about Martishia Smith [property]
~ Saturday
Wm Thompson with myself & Emma T & Emma W went
over the virgin river & spent the day at Wm Atkins I shot 9 ducks
& 1 qual [quail] Br Thompson shot 5 ducks we returned in the Evening 16 M[iles]
~ Sunday
Nov 21, 1886
I wrote 4 Letters to Clara, Blanch, Jaques & Marcus and
Prepared for Moving in the Morning I received 3 Letters
from Jaques Clara & Blanch
~ Monday
22 we moved south to Wm Atkins
~ Tuesday
I crossed the river & tryed to get a shot at some geese
while there Br Thompson came & Brought B Young & I
had an interview with him & Ben Hoven we took a
ride in a Boat was together several Hours & He returned to
St George I shot 2 ducks
~ Wednesday
I wrote 2 Letter to Jaques & Asahel E wrote to all
3 of the children
~ Thursday
We received Letters from Jaques, & hi[s] correspondence
with President Taylor on the Tithing Office. from, Hall, Asahel
Clara, Blanch, & Owen & J. F. Wells I went to the pond & shot
3 ducks I was quite weary at night
~ Friday
I wrote 23 letters to Jaques & all 4 children & Newton & Sarah
~ Saturday
27. I wrote 3 Letters to H. L. Hall, Jaques & Wilford
~ Sunday
28 ^{Sunday}^
I received Letters from Jaques Kemp & Tenney I
wrote Letters to Susan
~ Monday
29. I wrote Letters to Asahel, & Jaques I went to the pond
~ Tuesday
I receivd 2 Letters from Jaques & Lot Smith
Emma received 2 Letters from Clara & Blanch
~ Wednesday
Dec 1. I took a boat went up the pond I shot 3 ducks
1 Mallard & 2 teal
~ Thursday
2 I spent the day Mostly in the house I wrote 3 Letters to Jaques
Lot Smith & Thompson
~ Friday
3 Emma wrote to Asahel I spent the day in the House reading
~ Saturday
4th Br Thompson called & we returned to St George with him 8 M[iles]
~ Sunday
Dec 5 1886 Sunday
I received 8 Letters from President
Taylor containing one from {Mary Jackson} I received one
from Jaques Asahel Clara Blanch & owen & sylvia &
Wm Carter. I wrote Letters to President Taylor
Carter, Jaques, Asahel 2, Clara ^2^, Blanch, & owen
I received 1 Letter from B H Schettler
~ Monday
I wrote ^6^ Letters to President John Taylor
Jaques J. F. Wells, Sylvia M Thompson O Jacobson
and Wm Freeman enquired about sheep
Emma wrote to Martishia Owen & Clara
~ Tuesday
I spent most of the day reading I received 5 Letters from
Asahel, Jaques, Jesse Moses, Milton S Ray & Roskelley
~ Wednesday
I read the Juvenile & Contributor & rote to
^6 Letters^ Jaques, Asahel, Schettler Moses & Bell Roskelley & Ray
~ Thursday
9. I received 1 Letter from Sarah I spent the day reading
~ Friday
I wrote Letters to Jaques, spence, George Romney
Rodney Badger & Miles P Romney
~ Saturday
I wrote ^5^ Letters to President Taytor, Jaques, Owen
Asahel Clara & Blanch, & Delight. Emma wrote to all in one
~ Sunday
12 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading In the Evening I met
at the Temple Apostles John Henry Smith & H J Grant & conversed for
several hours with them upon various subjects
~ Monday
I received 1 Letter from M E Teasdale I wrote letters
to Azmon, M. E. Teasdale Leslie W Snow and Sarah
~ Tuesday
14 I spent most of the day reading
~ Wednesday
we rece[ive]d 2 Letters from Jaques & Clara Jaques sent me $10.
I wrote 5 Letters to Jaques, Asahel, Clara, Blanch & owen Emma wrote Clara
~ Thursday
16 I spent the day writi reading
~ Friday
Dec 17, 1886
I wrote Letters to Jaques, Asahel, Owen
Blanch and Phebe A Snow. We received Letters
from Jaques Clara and Blanch I received a [letter]
from Oliver Shelby Covington Fountain Co Ind [and]
containing a present of a splendid crimson
silk Hankerchief A telegram informed us
that Marshal Thompson shot Edward Dalton
at Parawan Dead while sitting upon his horse
He was arested & the Grand Jury & 50 Men
at Beaver went to Parawan to take him
out of the hands of the sheriff on a Habus Corpus
~ Saturday
18 with Emma Thompson & wife we rode to Atkins
visited the pond Thompson shot 2 ducks & 1 Rabbit I
shot 5 quails atin one shot all the game I got we returned
at night weary I receivd 2 letters from B Young
and Lot Smith Daggs the great sheep Man
of San Francis Mountains and his herder a stout
Englishman undertook to kill Lot Smith But Lot got
the first shot cut off one of the fingers of the Englishman
and stove his gun to peaces so he could not shoot, they
then beged for quarters and the fight stoped
~ Sunday
19. Sunday I wrote 3 Letters to Jaques, Lot Smith, and
Asahel I sent a copy of Lots Letter to Jaques and
part of it to Asahel I gave Lot some advice
~ Monday
We received a Letter from Nellie & wrote
^3^ 1 Letter to Nellie & 1 to Henry and 1 to Clara and Blanch
21 I spent the day reading I went to the Temple in the Evening
22 I spent with Emma She got 2 Anointing for her Mother ^Martishia^ Smith
On the night of the 17 Dec Emma & myself went into the
Temple & was sealed for 34 couple of our dead friends among
the Number Martishia Smith Emmas Mother was
sealed to David W. Patten the Martered Apostle
Emma Smith Woodruff received her second Anointing
for her Mother at the Temple in the Evening of Dec 20, 1886
~ Tuesday
21. I spent the day reading
~ Wednesday
22 I received 2 letters from Jaques & M E Teasdale
~ Thursday
I spent the day reading in my chamber I wrote to
Jaques Clara Owen & Blanch
~ Friday
we received Letters from Jakes Sarah Clara Owen
And President Taylor I wrote Letters to Jaques Asahel Em
wrote Clara and Owen
~ Saturday
25 Christmass Morning warm & plesant. Emma had knit
13 pair of Mittens in which she put money & candy for
for the children in their stocking and there was a
great Row among the children this morning Grand Pa
& Grand Ma got $2.50 each in their stocking with other
things There is a great time in the street this Morning
A Band of Music representing Negrows are serinading
before the House and a regular Chiristmas Hollowday
We had our dinner at 3 oclok Brother Thomas Cottom
had all of his children together and 23 grand children
There was 20 grown persons & 24 children at the table the
Evening was spent in music & singing
I received 8 Letters from Jaques, Wilford, Elias W
& James, Sarah, Sylvia, Wm Freeman & Jacobson
I wrote Letters to Jaques & Wilford I had an interview with McA
~ Sunday
Dec 26 1886
I spent the day in the House writing & reading
I received Letters from Jaques, & Schettler
~ Monday
27. I spent the day looking over my records with
James G Bleak and correcting mistake ^
^ wrote to James J & Mary
~ Tuesday
28 I spent this day looking over my Record
~ Wednesday
I wrote 7 Letters to Jaques, Phebe Snow, Wilford
Elias, Sarah, Newton, & Sylvia
~ Thursday
I received a Letter from Joseph F Spight (Smith)
I wrote a Letter to J. F. Spight of 6 Pages, & J I. Kemp
John M Bowen and Asahel.
~ Friday
I received Letters from Jaques, Jesse Moses, Charles I Robson
& Crazy William I wrote ^4^ Letter to Jaques, Clara, Owen, Blanch
Robson & Jesse & Bell Moses.
I looked over my Journal and have recorded a
synopsis of my labours of 1886 upon the opisite page
The year of 1886 is past & gone it has been an important year
in the History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints
it has sent to Prision hundreds of the Leading men of the Church
and rriven into Exile the Presidency of the Church & Twelve Apostles
and many other Leading Men all for obeying the Celestial Law
of God and the patriarchal order of Marriage And our Nation
are uniting in passing unconstitutional Laws for the purpose
of Destroying the Latter Day Saints from off the Earth. Our
Nation is becoming vary wicked and fast ripening in iniquity
and preparing for the Just Judgments of God which await them
we have now to look forward to see what the year 1887 will
bring forth I was Born the 1 day of March 1807 Eighty years
ago the coming March The Lord Reigns Let the Saints rejoice
Synopsis of W. Woodruff Labors in 1886
I spent this whole year in Exile, and had not the
privilege of Attending one public Meeting or
Conference, And have been deprived of officiating
in any of the ordinances of the Church in a Public Manner
I wrote 626 Letters 626 Letters
I Received 490 Letters 490 Received
I Ordained One Bishop
Assisted in Ordaining 2 Councillors to a Bishop
Assisted in Ordaining One High Priest
I was sealed for 34 Couple of Dead Friends
In company with my wife Emma Woodruff,
Martishia Smith was sealed to David W. Patten
And was Anointed to Him Wilford and Emma
Woodruff acted as proxy for them
I travelled 1600 Miles Mostly in Lumber waggons
I administered to 6 sick persons, and Blessed 1 child
I paid $100 cash & $200 Labor tithing total $300
while going to Ashley with Emma & family
I caught with hook & line 146 trout, Asahel 254,
Owen 73, Henry 127, Glines 72 Nellie 6, Clara 1.
Total Trout caught while on the Journey 679
~ Saturday
Jan 1, 1887
we have commenced another important year in the History of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This New Years Day
finds scores of the Leading Men of the Church in prision and the
Presidency & Twelve & many others in Exile for obeying the Law
of God. The saints have been mobed, & persecuted by towns counties
& States and the general Government has united together to Mob
the saints under the form of Law and they are depriving the
Latter day Saints of all Civil Religious & political rights
which the Constitution guarantees unto us and to for our
religion Earth & Hell with the priests & people of this Nation
are uniting together to try to destroy the Church of Christ
& the Zion & Kingdom of God from off the Earth. But
the God of Israel still reigns and He will protect the
Righteous and Defend his kingdom and fulfill his promises
whare the End of this year will find the presidency & 12 Apostles
of the Church & myself in particular time will determine
Jan 1st 1887 In company Bwith Brother Thompson Emma & Alice
I went 8 miles to Wm Atkins & spent the day I walked considerable
& was quite weary at night I received a letter from Phebe ^S^ 16 Miles
~ Sunday
~ Monday
^3^ we received 6 Letters from
3 ^
wrote to Jaques^ Jaques, Clara, Owen, Blanch Gibbs & John P. Sorrenson
He wrote a vary strange Letter. Sister Catherine
Cottam Romney with her 6 children started this
Morning for Salt Lake & Mexico to Meet her husband
~ Tuesday
4 I spent the day in looking over my Accounts & on
my Journal.
Mary Alice Woodruff was Baptized
yesterday in the font in the Temple wiBy Wm H Thompson confirmed
By J. D. T. MCAllister this on the 3 day of Jan 1887
~ Wednesday
Jan 5, 1887
I received 1 Letter from B. Y. HamptonDuffin I wrote
Letters to Jaques, Asahel, Clara, Owen, & Blanch & Phebe Scholes
~ Thursday
6 I spent the day writing to John P Sorrenson
~ Friday
I received Letters from Jaques, Asahel, Marion & Emeline &
Miles P Romney, & Lot Smith. I wrote ^2^ Letters to Asahel
& Jaques Had an interview with McAllister gave him A
Letter to copy, which I wrote to Sorrenson I got 1 Letter from O Snow
~ Saturday
I wrote 6 Letters to E. Snow & M. Thatcher M. P Romney
Jaques Lot Smith & Ovando Beebe Emma wrote 4 to
Ovando, Owen Smith, Sister Richie & A O Smith
M Cahoon
~ Sunday
9 ^
^ I spent the day reading I received 12 Letters from Jaques,
Sunday Asahel, Clara, Owen, Blanch, Sarah, Mary, Newton,
Azmon, Roskelley, D. B. Dilley Browett
~ Monday
I wrote 7 Letters to Jaques, Asahel Richie, Sarah,
Emeline, Marion Roskelley. {A child born today.} wrote to Clara
~ Tuesday
I wrote 5 Letters to D. B. Dille Azmon, Susan,
Leslie & Duffin I spent the day writing
~ Wednesday
I wrote to Jakques, Orion & wBowen two young men
Just out of the penetentiary came to st George stole 2 saddle and
2 Horses they hid the saddles, and in the Evening to night they
brought the Horses to whare they hid the saddls the sheriiffs
Posse lay in wait for them as they as they mounted the Horses
they called upon them to halt one started to run and they shot
him and He was Mortally wounded He was the son of John Y Green
They were taken to the Court House
~ Thursday
13 Green is still alive this morning I have learned it was not
Green that was [s]hot his name was Merrill
~ Thursday
Jan 13 1887
The house of representatives of the Congress of the United States has
this day turned the Last
key that seals their condemnation
and lays the foundation for the overthrow & final destruction
of the United States government. They have this day passed the Edmund
Tucker Bill which takes away Every political, Civil, & Religious
right of near 200,000 of the Latter Day Saints because of
our religion. This Bill will pass the Senate be signed By the
President & Become a Law, the most unconstitutional Law
Ever past By any Republican government on Earth
I received 6 Letters from Asahel, Clara Blanch
Jaques Mary & James J
~ Friday
14 I wrote 3 Letters to Jaques James ^&^ Mary
~ Saturday
15 ^
^ I received 2 Letter from Owen & H. J. Grant Emma received
Letters from Asahel & Clara. I Became confvinced it
was best to make arangement for Emma to return home
as she was Needed in the family
~ Sunday
I wrote 7 Letters to ^2^ Jaques Clara Owen & H J Grant
Emma wrote to Asahel Blanch Clara & Owen I received
Letters from Asahel & Jaques I wrote Letters to
Jaques & Asahel
~ Monday
17 [FIGURE] We rode 8 miles south then went up the Clara field I shot
10 quails 6 at one shot Brother Thompson got 3 making 13. 16 Miles
~ Tuesday
I wrote to Asahel I had an interview with Asahel ^Atkin^
~ Wednesday
I wrote 2 letters to Emily M Foss & T E Ricks
I had an interview with with Br Pimm
~ Thursday
I received 1 Letter from A M Tenney I wrote
3 Letters to President Taylor, A. M. Tenney and Jaques
I went to the Temple with Emma was sealed for 26 couple of Dead friends
I finished my work in the Temple by being sealed for 26 couple
of Dead friends of the Haart family. That is we were sealed
for all that had their Endowments Wm H. Thompsons wife
Emma were sealed for 6 couple
while at the Altar to night I had the following Reflection.
Sixty years ^ago^ in 1827 I had a promise from the Lord that I should
Live to have a Name & a place within the House of God, & within
its walls as of sons and Daughter An Everlasting Name that
should not be cut off. Six years after this promise I heard
Zera Pulsipher An Elder in the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints Preach the first gospel ^sermon^ by authority I
Ever heard in my ^life^ I offered myself for Baptism And my
Brother Azmon & myself were the first two Baptised in oswego
County New York. this was on the 31 day of Dec 1833. I
have traveled with the Church since that day fifty four
years And AnDedicated the st George Temple in 1877 and
have presided over that Temple now for ten years and have
held the keys for the redemption of my Dead, And through
the Blessings of God and assistance of my friends have Redeemed
almost Three Thousand of my Dead friends including the Woodruff
Haart & Thompson family. I related this to Brother McAllister
& Thompson who were present
~ Friday
21 I receivd 3 Letters from Jaques F D Richards & L Snow
~ Saturday
22 I wrote 2 letters to F. D Richards & Jaques
~ Sunday
I received 3 Letters from Jaques Asahel & Johnson I wrote
2 Letters to Asahel & Jaques I left Emma & rode 8 miles
south and spent the night at Atkins 8 Mils
~ Monday
24 I wrote 3 Letters to Jaques Asahel & Emma I wrode 4 Miles
~ Tuesday
Jan 25, 1887
^ I received 54 Letters from Emma Clara Owen & Blanch
I wrode 6 miles shot at some geese
~ Wednesday
I wrote 1 Letter to Emma Brother Thompson & Emma
came over and I returned to St George with them 8 miles
~ Thursday
I received 2 letters from Blanch Clara & Jaques
I wrote 5 Letters to Jaques Asahel Clara Owen & Henry
~ Friday
I parted this Morning with my wife Emma &
last born child Alice They have been 3 Months with me
And this Morning they leave for Salt Lake City to again return
to our family. They both felt vary bad in Leaving But we
both felt that it was wisdom for her to return to her family
Brother Wm H Thompson felt took them in his waggon to Milford
& they there take the cars for home so I am left alone one more
Brother J. D T. McAllister called upon me in the Evening
Also Brother Croft spent an hour with me At 10 oclok
I had my Prayers and went to my silent Bed alone & had
a good nig[h]ts rest
~ Saturday
I wrote Letters to Jaques Emma Asahel Blanch
Sarah Newton & Mary & Amelia in one Brother J G Bleak
spent the Evening with me on my Records
~ Sunday
Sunday I copied Moses Thatchers remarks
at Lewiston for Brother Croft & Emma I wrote Letter
to Sylvia M Thompson & Phebe C Scholes
Mary Alice Daughter of Wilford & Emma Woodruff
born in Farmers ward Salt Lake County Utah
Jan 2, 1879 Baptized in St George Temple By Wm. H.
Thompson Jan 4, 1887. Confirmed by J D. T. MAllister
witnesses H W Bigler Amelia Thompson
~ Monday
Jan 31, 1887
I wrote Letters to James, Frederick & Martha Moses
& Emma. J. G. Bleak worked with me on my records the Afternoon
~ Tuesday
Feb 1, 1887
I wrote ^4^ to E. M. Teasdale I wrote to Asahel
Clara, Owen, Blanch & Alice all in one, and gave them council
& bore my testimony to them. I wrote to Jaques & Leslie
^ during the Evening a Letter was received from a friend
saying A man in the Church supposed to be in the Church
at St George who had turned trator and offered to sell
12 Men in St George for $50 dollars each one they would
give $100 for we are thouroughly convinced who the man
is his name is [blank] I sent a Note to the
temple in the night I received Letters from F D Richards
Jaques & card from Emma
~ Wednesday
I wrote 3 Letters to F D Richards Jaques & Emma
I had an interview in the Evening with J McAllister
& sThompson and talked over our affairs
~ Thursday
3. Thursday fast day I dressed read several sections in
Doctrins & Covenants And had my prayers alone I prayed
for the saints And for our Enemies even for those who
despitefully use us. I fasted and prayed
I wrote David Whitmer a Letter of 8 pages
& kept a copy of the same the first & ownly letter I ever
wrote him I received Letters from Jaques & James W
~ Friday
4 I left St George with J McAllister & Wm H Thompson we drove
to Pine valley a good deal of the way over rocks & rough roads I
was vary weary at night Distance 35 Miles
~ Saturday
5 [FIGURE] Brother Thompson & myself labored vary hard on the
water wheel all day untill midnight I left at 10:30 He at 12 oclk
~ Sunday
February 6, 1887
{Sunday} [FIGURE]
The water wheel of Brother Thompson Mill was ready to tumble
to pieces it was a 20 foot breast wheel it had been lying still
3 weeks the people wanted their flower flour & we wanted to get
it fixed before we returned, one third of the Bushels were filled
with ice which would weigh about 2000 lbs we cut out about 1000
lbs & had to roll the wheel with the 1000 lb in which was Excedingly
labrious we labored hard all day untill in the night we became
vary weary & sore with hard lifting went to bed vary weary
~ Monday
7 ^
^ we finished the wheel this morning & rode back to St George I was
so weary when I arived I could Hardly stand on my feet. I
received on my arival 12 Letters from Presidents Taylor & Cannon
Jaques, Azmon, Emma, Asahel, Clara, Owen, O. Beebee, Nellin
John Polard Phebe A Snow, & Owen Smith to E
~ Tuesday
I learned that the Supreme Court of the US had
reversed the decision of the Utah Courts in the Lorenzo Snow
case And that the Law could not give them
permission to have but one court. I wrote 2 letters
to day to President John Taylor and John Jaques
I sent John Jaques a Draft on the Bank for $200
with James Jack name on the back. I requested him
to draw it & put it in the Bank for me to draw as I
^ needed I received 6 Letters this Evening from Jaques
Gibbs, Lindsay, Kemp, Tienney, ^&^ Roskelley
~ Wednesday
I wrote Letters to Jaques, Emma, Asahel,
Clara Owen Blanch Alice & Catherine Romney
^ I received a letter from George Teasdale
~ Thursday
I wrote 123 letters to day to L Snow, G. Teasdale, Phebe Snow
Jaques, Gibbs, Lindsay, Azmon, Roskelly, Pollard, Tenney, Kemp Van, ^&^ Thompson
~ Friday
Feb. 11, 1887
I receive 87 Letters from Emma, Asahel, Clara
Blanch, Emeline Marion & Jaques I spent the
forenoon conversing with Brother Croft, And finished
my letter to Brother Teasdale I got Letter from Sarah
~ Saturday
I wrote ^8^ Letters to Bulah, Wilford, Asahel, Nellie,
Emma Jaques Sarah & Sister Frink
~ Sunday
13 Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
14 I went 8 miles south to have an out & some Exeriss [exercise]. I got 2 ducks
& 3 quails Brother Thompson got 2 ducks & 1 Rabbit Distance 16 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
15 I had an interview with Br Benjamin L. Croft I wrote ^8^ letter
to Jaques, Emeline, & Marion, Emma Clara, Owen,
Blanch & Alice It Rained some to day I received
^ 7 Letters from Jaques, Emma, Clara, Owen, Alice,
Jesse & Bell Moses
~ Wednesday
I wrote 9 Letters to Jaques, Emma, Clara, Owen, Blanch
Alice, Sarah & Mary & Erastus Snow 6 pages
~ Thursday
17 I spent this day reading
~ Friday
I received 1 Letter from Jaques & wrote Letters to
J. Jaques sent word concerning Asahel {he [illegible shorthand]} I spent the
Afternoon with J. G. Bleak on my Records
~ Saturday
19 I rode over the virgin River with Brother Thompson
we got 1 Rabbit 4 quails 6 Ducks & 1 goose 16 Mils
we heard to night that the Edmunds Tucker
Bill passed the senate so of course it will become a Law
~ Sunday
20 ^
^ Sunday I spent the day reading I received 2 letters from
President Taylor & J Jaques I spent the Evening at Br Thompson
~ Monday
I wrote 7 Letters to A M Tenney sent Extract from J T letter
Br Bleak looked over Records with me wrote Jaques, Emma, Clara, Owen, Alice & Blanch
~ Tuesday
Feb 22, 1887
^ I spent the day reading & writing I received 1 Letter from Jaques
~ Wednesday
I wrote 3 Letters to Jaques J F Wells, 8 P to Contributor
Marshal Armstrong arived in the Evening in St George
~ Thursday
I wrote Letters to Presidts Taylor & Cannon Jaques & Emma
I spent the night at John Squair. I received ^5^ Letters from Jaques & Emma Owen & Blanch & Sarah
~ Friday
25 I spent the day at Br Squairs I returned in the Evening to
Br Cottams Administered to Sister Cottam & spent the night
~ Saturday
26 I took my bed and luggage with Br Thompson & went to Wm Atkin to
stop a while we got 8 ducks {and I got [eight] with my gun}
~ Sunday
Sunday I wrote to Emma, Clara, Owen, Blanch &
Alice {I gave Emma [illegible shorthand] [quantity] of} $1600 dollars
~ Monday
28 I went to the Pond to day I got 11 ducks was vary
^ weary at night I received 10 letters 2 from Jaques from
Wilford, Marian, Ensign Clara Owen Blanch Alice & Andrew W
~ Tuesday
March 1, 1887
Wilford Woodruff
Is 80 Years old this day
I Thank God for the preservation
of my life unto this day And
fo^r^ what He has Enabled me to
perform in life
March 1. Brother Thompson called for me I rode to St George Administered
to Sister Cottam who was dangerously sick I went to the Temple & spent the
night in a room fitted up for my Benefit 8 Miles
~ Wednesday
March 2 1887
This was an important day in my History. The saints in St George
Met in the Temple to day to get Endowment for my Dead. There was 122
persons got Endowments to day, & 28 Females & 45 men got Endowments
for Me, total 73 This was in commemoration of my 80th Birth day
I addressed them at the Veil, the first time I had spoken to any
of the Saints in the capacity of a Meeting for 26 Months except one
St George I had Adopted to me the following Persons in the Temple
(Calvin Stratton, 2 Gabrilla Stratton, 3 Martin Stratton)
(4 Great Grand Mother in Law Stratton his wife, 5 Timothy Stratton)
(Adopted to Wilford Woodruff & family)
At the close of the labor of the Day I rode to Wm Atkin &
spent the night 10 Miles
~ Thursday
3 I rode with Brother Atkins into Arizona 10 miles & returned 20 M[iles]
~ Friday
4 I spent the day reading a Book called the wonders of the world
I received a letter from Jaques I wrote 2 letter to Jaques & Emma
~ Saturday
5 I spent the day reading the travels of Baker & Livingston
~ Sunday
6 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
I received 13 Letters from David Whitmer, 2 from Jaques,
Asahel, Emma, Henry, Lucy, Phebe Snow, Susan, Phebe C Scholes, Bell
& Jesse & Wm H Thompson I wrote ^13^ toLetters to J Jaques, Asahel, Emma,
Clara, Blanch, Owen Alice, Phebe Snow Susan & Phebe Scholes Mary
& Sarah & Jesse & Bell Moses
~ Tuesday
8 I went on to the pond with my boat a part of the day
~ Wednesday
In company with Wm Atkins & son we rode in a Buggy 10 M[iles]
the 4 on Horsback over vary steep Mountains & Hills vary rocky &
rogh to Atkins spring in Arizona whare He is keeping his sheep
herd it is a vary good cold spring of water we returned vary weary weary
^ I received Letters from McA, Roskelly Jaques, Duffin Wilford & Brown distance 28 M[iles]
~ Thursday
March 10th 1887
^ I wrote 9 Letters 2 to A M Tenney, Jesse N Smith Wilford
Jaques, Asahel, Emma, Henry, ^&^ Lucy. I received 2 letter
from Beebe & Sylvia I returned to St George & spent the night
in the Temple went to Bed at 12 oclok 8 miles
~ Friday
I received 5 Letters to day from, Jaques, Orion,
James J W, Sarah, ^&^ Roskelly I wrote ^5^ Letters to Roskelly
Sarah 8 p, Sylvia & Jaques & Orion Snow
~ Saturday
I receivd Letters from Jaques, Emma Clara Blanch
and Owen. In company with Brother Thompson I road to Atkins
they let the water into the pond to day we went to the pond to try to
get a fish for the sick but got Nothing I conversed with Br
J. D. T. McAllister concerning being sealed for the dead He thought
the Courts would require us to record in the Probate Courts
office all sealings for the dead as well as for the living so I
let the matter rest untill we heard the opinion of President
Taylor. I dreamed last night that the L D Saints were holding a
great Conference at Salt Lake City at the great Temple
and thousands of Mechanics were laboring hard to finish
the Temple I was requested to open the Conference As I
was an Exile and they might not have me with them long the
Key of the Temple was given me to open it As I went to the
door A large company were assembbled and I overtook President
Brigham Young and He asked what the matter was with the
great company at the Door some one Ans[were]d the Elders did
not want to Let the people into the Temple He said oh, oh, oh
and turned to me & said let all all into the Temple who seek
for Salvation I saw several who were Dead and among the Number
my wife Phebe I Believe there is some meaning to this dream
~ Sunday
March 13 1887
Sunday I spent the day reading {I got a revelation given given} to {me in the} wilderness
And I see its fulfillment is upon us & the Nation
~ Monday
I wrote 5 Letters to Emma, Clara, Owen, Blanch & Alice I got
a duck & a quail to day
~ Tuesday
I wrote 1 Letter to Jaques went up the pond got 2 ducks
I dreamed again last night of Attending another Great conference
President Taylor was present but seemed in poor health He seemed
to think he should soon pass away. there was an immense body of the
saints gathered together I dream almost Evry night of these great Meetings
I do not now understand what these Dreams Meam. I received a
Letter to day from A. M. Tenney. President Taylor Died July 25 [18]87
~ Wednesday
I wrote a Letter to A. M. Tenney I received ^4^ Letters from
B. H. Shettler McAllister & 2 from Jaques Br Thompson called
a short time then returned. I wrote 1 Letter to Jaques
~ Thursday
17. I spent the day reading
~ Friday
I wrote 7 Letters to B. H. Schettler, Jaques, Milton S. Ray
McAllister, James J. W, B. Y. Duffin, Wm. H. Thompson
~ Saturday
I received Letters from Jaques, Emma, Clara, Owen
Blanch Alice & Asahel {separated for good} I wrote ^5^ to Jaques, Emma
{paid her} $100. Asahel, McAllister & Milton W Snow. Brother
Thompson came & a Number of Men called during the day
~ Sunday
I wrote ^6^ Letters to Jaques, Emma, Clara, owen
Blanch & Alice. Brother Thompson called & I went with him
to the Temple at St George and had an interview with
Brother H. J. Grant & J. McAllister on the temporal state
of Church Matters I received 3 letters from Bulah, Sarah
^ & Milton SW Snow I spent the night at Broth Cottam 8 Miles
~ Monday
21 I returned to Atkins & spent the day 8 Miles
~ Tuesday
March 22 1887
I was quite poorly this morning I wrote 4 Letters to Bulah,
Ella, Willie & Birdie Betie
~ Wednesday
I wrote 5 7 Letters to Delight, Emeline, Marion, Ensign
John & Julia Woodruff to Sarah & Milton W. Snow
~ Thursday
24 ^
^ I received 8 Letters ^2^ from 2Jaques, Sarah, Clara, Azmon
Electa W, F. D. Richards J McAllister I went onto the
Pond in the Afternoon Brother Thompson came to me &
Brought me the above Letters And I lay awake all Night
thinking upon varios subject I wrote 1 Letter to Jaques
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
24. I arose this morning feeling quite unwell having lain
awake all night I spent most of the day writing
~ Friday
I am suffering with a severe cold I spent most
of this day writing
~ Saturday
I wrote a Letter to F. D. Richards I was quite
poorly all day with a cold I walked out a Little I
wrote to J Jaques
~ Sunday
27 Sunday I wrote 4 Letters to Asahel, Clara Azmon & E-
& Electa And Ovando
~ Monday
I wrote a Letter to Heber J. Grant in answer to
his question "do you know of any reason in case of the
death of the President of the Church why the Twelve Apostles
should not choose some other Person besides the President
of the Twelve to be the President of the Church?" I Answered
him that I know several vary strong reasons why they
should not. 1, Because at the Death of the President of
the Church The Twelve Apostles Became the Presiding Authorit[ies]
of the Church, And the President of the Twelve was virtulally
the President of the Church by virtue of his office as
much while presiding over Twelve Apostles, as while presiding over
two as his Councillors. And in the Appointmen of Brigham
Young and John Taylor, to the presidency of the Church it never
Entered into the Heart of any one of the Twelve Apostles to
claim the right to preside over Brigham Young or John Taylor as they
were already the president of the Church And if they were not
fit to be the president of the Church, they were not fit to to Preside
over the Twelve Apostles. 2nd In case of the Death of the President
It takes the Majority of the Twelve Apostles to Appoint the
President of the Church, And it is vary unreasonable to
suppose that the Majority of that Quorum could be
converted to depart from the path marked out by inspi-
ration & followed by the Apostles in the death of Christ
and also by the Twelve Apostles since the Death of Joseph
Smith. Again I see no reason for discussing this subject
untill there is some cause for it
~ Monday
28 I am some better of my cold this morning I wrote
4 Letters to Jaques Sarah, Mary, Newton, and
S. Roskelley. I receivd 9 Letters from Emma, Sylvia, Florence Snow
Roskelley, Ban Croff, Ovando, Roskelley & 2 from Jaques
~ Tuesday
I wrote Letters to Jaques, Emma, Sylvia, Ovando
and Flossy I went to the Temple with Brother Thompson and
^ received 5 Letters from Jaques, Lorenzo Snow, G. Teasdale, Sorrenson
and Milton S Ray I had an interview with John Henry Smith
untill 10:30 I went to bed with a hard head ake
~ Wednesday
I wrote Letter to Emma sent a gold ring & to Jaques
Lorenzo Snow and George Teasdale I spent the day
in the Temple
I was sealed at the Altar in St George Temple to day for 36 couple
of Dead friends Sister Amelia Young Thompson officiated with
me at the Altar as the female side. {There was some difficulty between Thompson and [Bleak]. It was Saturday.}
^ I received 1 Letter from M E Teasdale
~ Thursday
I wrote ^3^ President Taylor & sent him 2 letters of Ray
and Tenney I wrote to Jaques I wrote M. E. Teasdale
I was sealed to day at the Altar in the Temple for
37 couple of Dead friends total in the two days 73 couple
I find I have still after this date 265 more dead friends
to get Endowments fo[r] to finish up my record for 3200
souls for my Father & Mothers House for the Woodruff Hart
& Thompson families. it has been among the most pleasing
and important Labor of my life to accomplish this work
I went to Brother Cottams and spent the night in my usual
usual chamber
~ Friday
April 1.
I receivd 6 Letters from Emma, Clara
Blanch, Jaques, Phebe Snow, & T. E. Ricks I wrote 9 Letters
to Jaques, Emma, Clara, Owen, Blanch, Alice, Phebe Snow
& Thomas E Ricks & Sorrenson
~ Saturday
I received 1 Letter from Jesse N Smith we rode to Atkinvill
and went to pond caught 2 chub I caught the first of the season
we shot at a good Many Ducks & ownly got one I was weary at night 8 [miles].
~ Sunday
3 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
I received 1 Letter from Jaques I wrote 2 letters to Jaques
& Jesse N Smith I caught 1 duck & 4 chub to day
~ Tuesday
5 I received 1 Note from Bleak to day I went to fishing I caught 15 chub
~ Wednesday
Semi Annual Conference commences to day at the Stake House in
Provo Wm Atkins fished in the forenoon we caught 10 Chub Planted ^wet^ Matter
~ Thursday
April 7, 1887
I received 4 ^Letters^ from Jaques, Tenney, Marion Malinda W Hatch
I wrote 2 Letters to A. M. Tenney & cousin J. C. Hatch 4 page
~ Friday
I received 24 letter from Jaques, McAllister, Sarah &
S Roskelley
~ Saturday
I wrote ^9^ Letters to Jaques, Delight, Marion, Sarah,
Mary, Newton, Malinda Hatch, Roskelley Sylvia
I asked Jaques to give sylvia $10 and James J. $10. it
rained hard through most of the day
~ Sunday
I receivd 4 Letters from Kemp, Beebe, Jaques Clara
I wrote ^4^ Letters to Phebe Emma, Clara, Jaques & Ovando
~ Monday
11 I wrote 2 Letters to C. J. Kemp & Jesse & Bell Moses
~ Tuesday
I wrote a letter to Sister Eliza R Snow, Smith and kept
a copy of the same. I also wrote to Jaques and Mailed 3 letters
~ Wednesday
13 I spent most of the day in the House reading it was cold
~ Thursday
I received 9 Letters from Jaques, Emma, Clara,
Owen, Blanch, & McAllister. I wrote 1 Letter to McAllister
I received Letters from Sarah, Newton & Mary. Brother
Thompson called in the Afternoon and brought my Mail
~ Friday
I wrote 7 Letters to Asahel, Emma, Clara, Owen, Blanch, Alice,
and Sarah. It was a cold rainey day
~ Saturday
I wrote ^4^ Letters to Newton Mary Bell & Jaques I asked
Jaques to sent $10 in Bells Letter
~ Sunday
I receivd 4 Letters from Jaques, Sorrenson,
Asahel AElla Beatie I wrote to Jaques & Asahel
Brother Thompson & Henry Thomas Atkin & wife
came on a visit and spent most of the day we had a
rain in the Evening. The Ewe that had 3 Lambs died
and they had to get another Ewe to nurse them
~ Monday
April 18 1887
We had a vary hard rain last night it has cleared off
fine this Morning we went to the Pond and caught 8 chub
I wrote 1 Letter to H. S. Eldride {I asked him to give}
Asahel $75 {Monday}
~ Tuesday
I wrote to Jaques, Ella Beatie, Asahel & Emma
it was quite windey to day
~ Wednesday
20 It was vary windy to day I went to the pond & got 6 ducks
~ Thursday
I received 11 Letters to day from Presidency 2 from Jaques
John W Whitaker, Azmon, Roskelley, sylvia, Orion, Jesse Moses
Ensign, J. G. Bleak. Brother Thompson called upon me & Brought
my Mail Brother Atkin was quite sick in the afternoon
~ Friday
I wrote 7 Letters to Azmon, Jaques, Tenney sent him order $300
Ray, Jesse Moses, John W. Whitaker Orion W Snow
~ Saturday
23 I spent the day in the House reading
~ Sunday
I attended Meeting with Wm Atkin and family we partook
of the sacrament I ordained Joseph Thompson Atkin an Elder
And John Peter Atkin a Priest and George Alma Atkin a Teacher
Brother Thompson called and I rode with him to St George went
to Brother Cottams dressed went to the Temple Met with some brethren
I set apart Daniel Duncan McArthur first councillor to John D. T. McAllister
also David H. Cannon, seconed councillor. I ordained Thomas P. Cottam
Bishop of the 4 ward St George stake of zion President McAlister
set apart Br. ^John E^ Pace 1 councillor to Bishop Cottam & Br McArthur
set apart David ^H^ Cannon jr as 2 councillor to Bishop Cottam He
also ordained him a High priest At the close of these ordinances
I accompanied Brother McAllister & Thompson to the sealing room
And had a view of the Enlarged likenesses of Wilford Woodruff
& David H Cannon by Wagland for the Temple thay were called
good cost $25 each I then went to Brother Thompson
I laid hands upon Sister Emma Thompson who was commencing
in Labor I then Administerd to Mother Cottam went to my
chamber and received ^11^ Letters from 3 Jaques Emma, M Thatcher,
^ Joseph F Smith, Roskelley, Sarah, Bell, Newton, & Mary I then went to bed
~ Monday
Sister Emma Cottam had a son born at 5 M[inutes] to 7 oclok 12 lbs
^ Mother Cottam was taken worse this Morning I wrote 3 Letters
to toJaques, Emma & Blanch. I received ^4^ Letters from Emeline, John,
& Julia, Jaques I received invitation to Kimballs family party
June 14, [18]87. I received $20 from Jaques and Paid $40 to Br
Thompson for the gun I wrote
~ Tuesday
I wrote 2 to Jaques & Asahel Mother Cottam is vary sick
I left St George at 4 oclok & rode to Atkinville and spent the 8 Miles
night at Br Atkins The purchase of Land in Mexico is 133000 Acres
~ Wednesday
27 I wrote 3 Letters to Moses Thatcher Joseph F Smith & Sylvia
~ Thursday
28 I went to the pond got 1 duck but No fish A Hot day
~ Friday
29 I spent the day in my room reading sea & Land
~ Saturday
30 A cold windy day about 40 persons came to Atkinville
to keep May Day, And it made me keep my room. I spent the
day reading
~ Sunday
May 1, Sunday
I received 7 Letters from B Young, M. E. Teasdale
Sarah, Bell, & Clara & 2 from Jaques I wrote ^6^ to Jaques, Clara
Emma, Owen, Blanch, & Alice. There was about 30 came today
at Atkinsville to keep May day It was still vary cold and
they mostly kept the House played on the Organ & sung it interfered
with our family Meeting
~ Monday
I received 2 Letters from Lorenzo Snow F D Richards
I wrote Letters to Jaques F. D. Richards & L Snow
~ Tuesday
May 3, 1887
I wrote 1 Letter to B Young of 8 pages I visited Br Atkins
sheep heard we brout home 15 Motherless lambs I shot 3 duck
out of five and returned home 6 Mils
~ Wednesday
I wrote 3 Letters to George Teasdale M. E. Teasdale
and Jesse N Smith It was a hot day Brother Atkin & son
took the registration oath to day for voting I did not ask the privilege
~ Thursday
5 I wrote 4 Letters to Sarah, Newton, Bell & Mary
~ Friday
I received ^6^ Letters from Jaques, Emma Ovando
Jesse Moses, Tenney & McAllister. I wrote ^7^ toLetters to Jaques
Emma, Ovando, Jesse Moses, M. S. Ray, Tenney I sent ryay $300 order
& S Roskelley we had a vary windy day
~ Saturday
7. I spent the day Mosly reading. I wrote 2 Letters to
^ Susan C Scholes & Sylvia I[t] was vary windy
~ Sunday
Sunday I attended the family Meeting of Brother Atkins
I ordained Heber Charles Atkins a Deacon Brother Atkin
confirmed his son Hyram He baptized him the week before
I received 9 Letters from Jaques, Asahel, Clara, Owen
Blanch, Alice, Henry, Roskelley, Malinda Hatch
I wrote 4 Letters to Jaques, Asahel, Emma, Clara,
I wrote an order on Jaques to Pay Emma $50.00
Asahel $5, Clara $2.50, Blanch $2.75, Owen $2.50 Alice $1 total $63.75
~ Monday
9 I spent the day reading & writing mostly
~ Tuesday
I wrote 68 letters of 12 pages to cousin Malinda Hatch
I sent her a Mellennial Star containing my Epistle {I gave her a history of my family matters}
we had a hard wind storm. I wrote to James & Martha Moses
To Henry & Nellie, J. McAllister, To David & Br Glines
~ Wednesday
I wrote 2 Letters to Jaqes & Emma Told Jaques to pay Em $20 Clara $20
It is a vary Blustering windy day Mother Cottam is worse
I wrote to Clara, Owen, Blanch & Alice A windy night
~ Thursday
A cold windy day I wrote 1 Letter to Jaques and Enclosed
Phebes & family Letters
~ Friday
I receivd 3 Letters from Jaques, Clara, & Blanch. I wrote
2 Letters to Miles P. Romney & Catherine Romney
~ Saturday
14 I spent the day in the House reading
~ Sunday
15 ^
^ Sunday abot 20 persons visited Atkins family receeived 3 Letters
from Jaques McAllister & A M Tenney
~ Monday
16 We commenced shearing sheep to day we sheared 81
^Wm sheared 20 Joseph 16, John 7, Heber 13 Alma 16 Henry 8, W Woodruff 1^
~ Tuesday
17. We sheared to day 119. Wm Jr sheared 30, Henry 24
Joseph 20 John 11, Alma 11 And Heber 20. I tied up wool & swept
the platform Brother Atkin kept the shears sharp
~ Wednesday
18 We sheared 126 William sheared 31, Joseph 19, John 11,
Alma 16, Heber 27, Henry 22. Total 126 I spent the
time tying up wool & sweeping the platfore it was a warm day
~ Thursday
19 We sheared 112 to day William sheared 33 Joseph 13
John 13 Alma 19 Heber 25 Henry 19 Total 112
I received 11 Letters to day by the Hand of Br Thompson
3 from Jaques 2 from Sarah, Mary, Jesse Moses, Emma, Clara
& Thomas E. Ricks
~ Friday
20th We sheared to day 100 William sheared 26 Joseph 19
John 16 Alma 143 Heber 12 Henry 154 Total 100
I wrote 2 Letters to Jaques & Emma
~ Saturday
21 We sheared to day 68 Wm sheared 15 Joseph 8 John 14
Alma 6 Heber 8 Henry 17 Grand total sheared as follows
Wm 155 Joseph 95 John 72, Alma 71 Heber 105 & Henry 105
WW 1 Total 604.
~ Sunday
May 22nd 1887
Sunday I held a meeting with the Atkins family I had the
seconed Lecture in the Doctrins & Covenants read and I made
remarks upon it followed by Brother Atkins we partook of
the Sacrament Brother Thompson arived & spent several hours
I wrote one Letter to Thomas Cottam {Thompson said Lyman Smith would ^come^.}
I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah, Mary, & Bell.
~ Monday
23 Br Atkins commenced Mowing Lucern to day
~ Tuesday
I wrote one Letter to Thomas E Ricks Brother Thompson
called upon me & I returned to st George with him I met
with F. M. Lyman & John Henry Smith we spent one hour together
in the Temple we blessed David H Cannon for a Mission to
Salt Lake I spent the night in Brother Cottam chamber
I received 5 Letters from Jaques, Ovando Leslie
Sylvia and Ogden Herald
~ Wednesday
I wrote 98 Letters to Jaques, Emma, Clara, Owen, Blanch & Alice
Leslie & Ovando P. Beebe & Leslie W Snow I received
^ 2 Letters from Emma & Blanch I was informed there was
a great Loss with our sheep I Blessed Ezra Cottam Thompson
a child one Month old & Administered to Sister Cottam
she had been vary sick 8 Months. I went down to the Temple
and spent the night 8 mile
~ Thursday
I received 6 Letters from Jaqes, Emma, Clara, Owen,
James & Fanney, & John M Bowen on Loss of sheep
I spent an interesting day in the Temple with F M Lyman
& John Henry Smith. Last Evening we met in the Temple & I
Ordained James Andrews Woods A seventy & set him apart
for a Mission to Mexico F. M. Lyman ordained Plesant
Samuel Williams a seventy & set him apart for a Mission to Mexico
We were weighed & measured this morning Woodruff weighed
172 lbs measured 42 1/2 inches around the breast, 43 around the waist was
was 5 feet 7 inches in highth
F M Lyman weighed 245 lbs, 48 inches around the Breast, 44
around the waist, 6 feet 2 inches in highth
John Henry Smith weighed 236 lbs, 44 inches around the
breast 40 around the waist 6 feet 1/2 inch in highth
We spent the day together vary plesantly in conversing
upon the things of the kingdom of God and the wellfare of Zion
we administered to John Henry Smith for Rheumatic
pains we parted at night & I went to my room at Brother
Cottam & spent the night
~ Friday
I wrote 7 Letters to Jaques, Emma, Asahel, Clara Owen & Blanch
& John M Bowen I gave Notice that I wished to withdraw
from the coop sheep Heard I spent the night at Cottam Chamber
~ Saturday
We drove over to Atkinville & Brother Thompson returned
I wrote 5 Letters to Delight, Emeline, Ensign, John and
Julia. I went to the pond but could get No fish but minoes
~ Sunday
29 Sunday we held a family meeting and William started
^ in the afternoon to Fairview Sanpete County I wrote to James & F
~ Monday
I received Letters from Jaques Lot Smith, Susan
Jesse Moses. I wrote 5 Letters to President Taylor, Jaques
Judge Elias Smith, Mary Campbell, Emma & Asahel
~ Tuesday
I wrote 7 Letters to Leslie, Roskelley, A. M. Tenney
Jesse Moses, Susan C. Scholes, Lot Smith & G Teasdale
~ Wednesday
June 1.
I received ^6^ Letters from Jaques, H. C. Hall, McA
A. M. Tenney Jenney Hicks, & Malinda Hatch
I sent A. M. Tenneys Recommend to President Taylor
I wrote 5 Letters to Jaques, J. HC. Hat^c^h H. L. Hall J Hitchs
Jennie Hicks & McAllister
~ Thursday
Br Thompson called upon me and I Accompanied
him to St George Temple and Sister Mariah Marmon officiated
for the female side of the family AnPeder Makkefrons met
And Margaret Sorrenson Makkeprong were adopted into
Wilford Woodruff family with their whole family making 18
Adoptions in all at the close of these Cerimonies J. D. T. McAllister
was Mouth I then went to Br Cottams & spent the night 8 Mils
~ Friday
I am thankful to say that Sister Cottam is Much better
this morning she has been able to ride out in a hand carridge
I returned to Atkinsville with Brother Thompson we caught
24 chub & got one quail for Mother Cottam
~ Saturday
4 I spent the day in the house reading we had a hard wind all
day almost a scyclone
~ Sunday
Sunday I received a Letter from Jaques we held a Meeting
and partook of the sacrament I wrote to Emma & Jaques Br
Atkins wrote to JaquesEmma which I Enclosed in mine. We held
a family Meeting and partook of the sacrament
~ Monday
I went to the pond caught 20 small chub I received 3
Letters from Jaques, Hall and James H. Glines. I learn that A M
Musser As [was] laboring against Br. Hall & the valley House and
uniting with A C Brixen against me & my intents
I wrote 1 Letter to Jaques
~ Tuesday
I wrote 3 Letter to H. Dinwoodey Bishop G Taylor & H L Hall
and sent all to J. Jaqus I accompanied Brother Thompson to the Temple 8 mile
^ I received 5 Letters from Jaques, Roskelley, Clara & Ovando,
and McAllister I spent the night in the Temple
~ Wednesday
June 8 1887
I was informed that President Taylor was in a critical condition
legs bloated full, could not turn in bed liable to leave us any day
his family nor the public are aware of it should he drop off suddenly
it will be a heavy Blow to Israel He is calm and composed
I wrote Letter to Jaques, Phe Emma, Clara & Roskelley I
did not rest well to much deep thinking to sleep
~ Thursday
I wrote 2 Letters to Ovando & Sarah I received 8 Letters
from Jaques, Emma, Asahel, Owen, Blanch, Alice, Leslie & James
Br L Snow spent the night with me
~ Friday
I wrote 6 Letters to Jaques, James, Asahel, Emma, Owen, &
I wrote A Letter to Blanch and it disappeard strangely
~ Saturday
Conference commences to day in st George I spent the
day in the Temple reading did not feel vary well
I received 6 Letters from Clara, Sylvia, Sarah, Mary
And from
Miles P Romney &
his wife Catherine in
Mexico I wrote 8 Letters to Jaques, Sarah Sylvia Mary
Bell, Clara Blanch Alice & Miles P Romney {[illegible shorthand] the last time}
Brother snow spoke to the Conference, and I met with
the Temple Association in the Temple with Brother Snow &
McAllister and some 15 others I receivd another Letter from Jaques
~ Monday
13 Brother Snow left me this Morning
I wrote ^6^ Letters to President Taylor Clara & Ovando Emma
and Jesse Moses I sent Blanch certificates to Clara & Ovando
I wrote to Jaques
~ Tuesday
I wrote 4 Letters to Edmund Richardson, J. P. Christofferson, &
Gilber Greer, and Notified them of a Mission to the Lamanites & Jaques
Br McAllister was quite poorly I administered to him and He was
Much Better I spent the night in the Temple
~ Wednesday
June 15 1887
I wrote Letter to Erastus Snow I wr rode to Atkin
got some things & returned to st George and spent the night
in the chamber at Brother Cottam I receivd 5 Letter from
^ B. F. Croff M. E. Teasdale Emma, Owen & Blanch
~ Thursday
16 I wrote 4 Letters to Jaques, Emma, Owen, Blanch
~ Friday
17 In company with Brother Thompson I started for pine valley
at 10 oclock we watered at Dimond valley and nooned in the
valley South of the summet after leaving Brother Thompson had
a roll of beding tied up and we lost it out of the Hind End
of the waggon but did not miss it untill 10 oclok at
night had traveled 10 miles since Nooning Brother Thompson
walked back 4 miles but did not find it we drove on to
Brother Bennits & spent the rest of the night we arived at 1 oclk
Distance of the day from St George to pine valley 40 Mils
~ Saturday
18 While Brother Thompson was fixing the Mill I went to
fishing I caught 24 trout 1 would weigh 1 lbs I was weary
at night
~ Sunday
19 Sunday I spent the day reading & resting
~ Monday
20 [FIGURE] I went to fishing I caught 23 I went up the canyon in
the Evening it was vary rough work crawling through the brush
^ I run my fish hook into my thumb up to the hand Brother Thom-
pson cut it out with his pocket knife it was quite painful
~ Tuesday
21 ^
^ I went to fishing Early to try to get some fish for Sister Cottam
I ownly caught one & had the luck to run my fish hook into one
of my fingers Brother Thompson cut that out this was the first
time I Ever run a fish hook into my flesh in all the
fishing I Ever done we returned to pine St George 40 Mils
~ Wednesday
June 22, 1887
I wrote 9 Letters to Jaques, Emma, Clara, Ovando, Leslie
Sarah, Bell, Mary, & Jesse Moses I received 7 Letters 2 from
^ Jaques 2 from Hall, Lucy W, David P. W, & Wm Paxman. I
Learned that A. M. Musser was doing all He could to Break up Hall
and the valley House Charles Wm Bennett was adopted to W Woodruff
~ Thursday
I wrote 5 Letters to day to Joseph F Spight {Told him of it.}
wrote to Jaques, Hall, Dinwoody & Schettler
~ Friday
24 In company with Brother Thompson & Bennett I rode to pine valley 40 Miles
~ Saturday
25 I spent most of the day fishing I cought 30 trout and
got wet through with a shower of rain
~ Sunday
26 Sunday I spent the day reading Wm Thompson {looked at the mill}
~ Monday
27 I went fishing in the forenoon & caught 22 trout one
was 1 lb & 1 1 1/2 lb. we left at 1 oclok & rode to pine valley
The Mare Bess was Vary lame we arived at 11 oclok 40 M[iles]
^ on my arrival I received 7 Letters from Presidents Taylor &
Cannon 2 from Jaques 2 from Clara from Delight & Newton
I received Letters from Ovando & Asahel,
Asahel gave me a History of Prince runing away with his
new Buggy I wrote Letters to Jaques, Emma, Clara Delight,
& Ensigns I had an interview with A. M. Tenney &
He spent half a day with me we talked over old times
~ Wednesday
I wrote 13 Letters to Jaques, Asahel, Lucy, Sarah,
Newton, Bell, Ovando, Matilda Teasdale, Hannah
Y Grover B. F. Croff Emma Owen & Nellie
~ Thursday
I received 2 letters from Emma & Owen
I wrote 4 Letters to Jaques, Wilford, David & Wm Paxman
~ Friday
July 1.
I wrote Letters to Jaques & Emma President
Taylor Telegraphed to McAllister that G. Q. C would sign recommends ^had omin of his health much^
~ Saturday
July 2, 1887
I received 23 letters from Jaques H J Grant & Jesse Moses
I wrote 1 Letter to Jaques I wrode with Thompson to Wm Atkins
& back Ther 102 it was hot. I received 23 Letters from Leslie, Mary
^ & Bell she was quite sick 16 Miles
~ Sunday
Sunday I wrote 6 Letters to Jesse Moses, Bell, Mary, Newton
Leslie & Christofferson
~ Monday
July 4, 1887
I wrote ^9^ Letters to day to C. E. Richardson
A M Tenney & P J Christofferson and Jaques Emma Owen
Blanch Nellie & Alice I gave Letters of instruction to
the 3 Lamanite Missionaries. There was quite a celebration
of the 4 in St George
July 4,
I received a Letter from George
Q Cannon giving me an account of the dangerous condition
of President Taylor He is liable to drop off any day
I wrote Brother Cannon a short Letter
Thus I am satisfied that my late Dreams are
abot to fulfilled and that President Taylor is about
to be taken from us. Thermometer 110 in the shade
~ Tuesday
I wrote 7 Letters to Jaques, G. Q. Cannon, Teasdale
F. M. Lyman & John Henry Smith, Jesse N Smith,
S Roskelley Thermometer 109 in the shade
~ Wednesday
I received 2 letters from Sarah & Kemp I wrote
Letters to Sarah Kemp & Azmon
7. I spent the day in my room reading Thermometer 111
I wento to the Temple in the Evening to have Ammon
M Tenney adopted to my family Nathan Cram Tenne Father of
Ammon M Tenney also Meshach Tenney & Anna Sariah Tenney was
adopted to Wilford Woodruf
~ Friday
July 8, 1887
Wm Atkins called upon me to day Thermometer 110
I received 1 Letter from Gilbert Greer and wrote a
Letter to him in return I received 2 Letters from Jaques
1 from Miles P Romney I received a Telegram from G Q
Cannon saying President Cannon Taylor was much improved
in health which was vary glad to hear
~ Saturday
9. I rode to Atkinsville and Back a vary hot day 16 Miles
~ Sunday
10 ^
^ Sunday I received 2 Letters from Lot Smith & Jesse Moses
I wrote 5 Letters to Lot Smith, Jesse Moses, Jaques Emma
and Arobella Moses
~ Monday
I received 2 Letters from G Q Cannon & G Teasdale
I wrote 5 Letters to G. Q. Cannon, Teasdale, Lyman & Smith
Jesse N. Smith & Jaques I receivd 2 letters from
^ Jaques & 1 from sister Carrington Brother Carrington
wants to be baptized
~ Tuesday
12 I wrote 1 Letter to Jaques I rode to Atkin & back 16 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
I wrote 2 Letters to Jaques and Emma 2 {on love and Grover}
Sister Randle died yesterday & Buried to day
I got 2 letters from Jaques & Henry Woodruff Brother
Jaques said President Taylor was worse again and
Liable to die any hour I might be telegraphed to
~ Thursday
I received 2 letters from Jaques & Emma I wrote
2 letters to Jaques & Emma I also receivd a Letter from Bell
^ I stoped Emma & Clara coming to St George and told them to go
to Logan and have Clara sealed there I had an interview with
Heber J Grant untill Midnight we talked over the Utah Constitution
~ Friday
15 I spent the day in the room reading I had an interview today
with Br H J Grant I wrote 2 Letters to Newton & Bell
~ Saturday
July 16, 1887
I received 2 Letters from Jaques & G Q Cannon Both
informing Me of the Low condition of President Joh Taylor we
may look for his death any day now. I wrote ^12^ Letters to Jaques
Emma, Clara, Sarah, Bell, Newton, Mary, Jesse Moses
Joseph F Smith, Erastus Snow, G Q Cannon Phebe W Snow
I packed up ready for starting for Salt Lake in the Morning
~ Sunday
17 We left St George and rode to Br Wilkinsons & took dinner
we then rode to Belview and camped By the wayside 28 Miles
~ Monday
18 We drove to Cannarah & dined with John Berry then
drove to Cedar and spent the night with Br Barton 30 Miles
~ Tuesday
19. We drove to Paragoona and spent the night with Br Barton 22 Mils
~ Wednesday
20. We drove to Beaver spent the night with Br Mumford 32 M[iles]
~ Thursday
21 We drove to Brother Olsons Had a sick colt spent the night 20 M[iles]
~ Friday
22 I felt impressed to Bless Sister Olson which I did
we then drove to Fish Creek our colt was vary sick we camped
for the night I caught 15 trout distance 25 Miles
~ Saturday
23 Colt vary sick this morning I went fishing caught 40 trout
Total 54 trout while camped on Fish Creek we drove
to Excallanti and stoped for the day 15 Miles
~ Sunday
40 years ago to day I brought President Young into
the valley of Great Salt Lake in my carriage He was sick
But He began to Mend from the Hour He came into the valley
He had seen the valley before by vision and when He looked
upon it He said it was the right place I spent the day at Br
Websters & in the Evening we rode to Richfield and stoped
with President Thurbers. I had an interview with Br
Thurber & Councillors Sigmiller & Clark also Br Wheelock
who gave a history of the Prophets 7 Miles
~ Monday
July 25 1887
President John Taylor
5 Minutes to 8 oclok P. M.
July 25, 1887
Aged 78 Years
8 Months, & 24 days
Thus another President of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints has passed away
President John Taylor is twice a Marter at the
Death of the Prophet Joseph & Hyrum Smith
in Carthage Jail He was shot with four Balls &
Mingled his Blood with the Martered Prophets
This was in 1844. Now in 1887 Now He is
Driven into Exile By the United States officers
for his religion untill through his confinement
and suffering He lays down his life and suffers
"Leave Judgment with me for it is mine, and
I will repay" Saith the Lord God sec 82, verse 23 D. C.
President John Taylor Died to day at 5 Minuts to 8 oclk
which Lays the responsibility of the care of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints upon my shoulders
as President of the Church or President of the Twelve
Apostles which is the presiding authority of the Church
in the Absens of the first Presidency, this places me
in a vary Peculiar situation A Position I have never
looked for during my life But in the Providence of God
it is laid upon me, And I pray God my Heavenly
Father to give me Grace Equil to my Day, it is a High
and responsible position for any Man to occupy
and a position that Needs great wisdom I
never Expected to outlive President Taylor (untill
July 25 see the date) But it has come to Pass Bishop
Edward Hunter in several instances said I should
outlive President Taylor and be president of the Church
I chashed him on those occasions, and asked him not
to Prophesy to me upon that subject He said Nevertheless
it was true. It certainly has come to Pass And I
can ownly say Marvelous are thy ways O Lord
God Almighty, For thou has certainly chosen
the weak thing of this world to perform thy work
on the Earth. May thy servant Wilford be prepared
for whatever awaits him on Earth and have power
to perform whatever is required at his hands by the
God of Heaven, I ask this Blessing of my Heavenly
Father in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of
the Living God
~ Tuesday
July 26 1887
we drove to warm creek & spent the night with Brother
Bartholomew I heard at 10 oclok of the Death of President
Taylor, I hardly closed my Eyes in sleep during the night 40 mils
~ Wednesday
27 We drove to Nephi and spent the Night at Brother James
Pictons soon Alonzo Hyde was sent to me as a Messenger
to accompany me to Salt Lake City by rail we slept together
through the night distance of the day 40 Mils
~ Thursday
28 In company with Br Alonzo Hyde I took cars and
rode to Salt Lake City I was Met By Br Arnold who
took me to the President's office whare I soon Met with
L Snow & F. D. Richards & others I spent the day at the
office in the Evening Br A M Cannon took me in his
Buggy & took me to my farm House I there Met with my
wife Emma Woodruff & her children which was certa-
inly a happy Meeting But before I left the Office I crossed the
road to the Gardo House and viewed the remains of President
John Taylor distance of the day 95 Miles
~ Friday
I received 9 Letters from Jaques, Shettler, Sarah
James, McAllister Bishop Farrell G Q. C & J. F. Smith
Whittaker, I rode to the office and Met with with G Q
Cannon & Joseph F. Smith M Thatcher F. D. Richards
L. Snow & D H. Wells. The funeral of President John
Taylor was held at the Tabernacle at 12 oclk & 15 M[inutes] the
congregation was called to order By A M Cannon the
presidt of the Stake (But according to my view it should
have been called to order by Lorenzo Snow the Highest authority
present as He was John Taylor was Presidt of the Church)
I saw the procession of the funeral Pass the Presidents office
On the street Passing the office there were 7 Bands of Music,
43 carriages, 31 Buggies, 19 waggons 1 cart there was 102
vehicles in all and a large congregation. Thus goes
to rest President John Taylor the third President of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
July 29.
I wrote ^5^ Letters to Thomas Cottam, Sarah
Emma Thompson, and McAllister I went to the field
& spent the night wrote to Wm Atkin 6 Mils
~ Saturday
30 I spent the day at the farm Brother Thompson arived
at night I unloaded my things I had an interview with
Br Wilkin at Night
~ Sunday
31 Sunday I spent the day at the House I looked over my
accounts I found the Book containing Robert L Campbells
Account which I was glad to find. My wife Emma & daughter
Clara M Woodruff was to start in the Morning for Logan
as Clara was to get her Endowments & get Married the
young people her companions came to see her in the Evening
and the House was full And Clara felt quite Bad
at Parting with all her companions & her Father
& Mother to Join her Husband but such is Life
I had an interview in the Evening with M Thatcher
& J M Grant I receivd 4 Letters from J McAllister
^ Sarah & Bell & Azmon
~ Monday
Aug 1, 1887. Emma Clara & Ovando Left this
Morning for Logan for Clara to get Endowments &
get Married I wrote 2 Letters to Jaques & McAllister
I had an interview with Br Wilkins I spent
the night at Brother Frinks.
~ Tuesday
Aug 2, 1887
[FIGURES] I received 75 Letters from Wm B. Preston, Azmon,
Mary, & Bell, & Jesse Moses, & Wilford I wrote 7 Letters to
Jesse, Bell, Mary, 2 to Sarah Azmon Malinda Hatch
~ Wednesday
Aug 3 [FIGURES] I met this morning at 10 oclok with The following
Members of the Twelve Apostles were present W Woodruff
Lorenzo Snow F. D. Richards Moses Thatcher John Henry Smith
F M Lyman H J Grant & John W Taylor & George Q Cannon
& Joseph F Smith President Taylors Councillors
Meeting opened By Prayer By G. Q. Cannon
W Woodruff Expressed his views upon the present
Position of Affairs and the authority of the Twelve
Apostles, that they presided in all the world when
there was No first Presidency and when there was
a first Presidency the Apostls presided in all the world
whare the first Presidency were not. A Vote was
taken to reinstate George Q Cannon & Joseph F Smith
into their former place into the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles A good deal of conversation was had
upon several subjects some upon John Q Cannons
affairs. George Q. Cannon made Explanation of the
whole Affair. We had an intermishion of 30 M[inutes]
during which Time we had an interview with Lawyiers
F S Richards & Legrand Young concerning the present suit
to escheat the Church Property. We Met again D H Wells
Expressed his views concerning the Authority of the Twelve
He differd from all the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the Matter
{There was some pointless things talked of concerning} G. Q. C.
~ Thursday
Aug 4, 1887
I received Letters from Asahel, Sarah, Roskelley
I wrote Letters to Sarah sent $10 To Sylvia & sent $10
& sent $10 to Emeline & sent $10. I met in council
at 10 oclock with the Apostles 10 of us The Constitution
for a State Government was discussed John W Youngs
Letter was Read and $5000 dollars was voted to send
to him Auditing Committee was Appointed viz
Wilford Woodruff Joseph F Smith Erastus Snow F D Richards
M Thatcher F M Lyman & John ^&^ Henry Smith we voted
to increase the wages of Wm H Thompson from $1200
to $1500 as the Engeineer of St George Temple $100
dollars was appropriated to him to bear his travelling Expenses
in carrying me through the country which was Paid
me and I paid the same to him we adjourned to meet
on the 12
I wrote to George Teasdale
~ Friday
I receivd ^2^ Letters from J McAllister, James
H Gline. I wrote Letters to J McAllister Judge Elias
Smith called for me & took me to his Fathers House whare
I spent the night I had an interview with Judge Elias
Smith 83 years old we talked over old times
~ Saturday
I wrote up my Journal and wrote ^7^ Letters to
Emma, Delight, Roskelley, P. T. Cragan, Wilford
James & Fanny & Henry I signed 30 Recommds
~ Sunday
7 Sunday I wrote 7 Letters to Ovando & Clara
A. M. Tenney P. T. Cragan, George Farrell
Schettler, Miles P. Romney and Atkin I spent
the night at Br Smiths I received 4 Letters from Emma, L Snow
A Janson & Marion I wrote to Marion & Asahel
~ Monday
Aug 8, 1887
I received Letters from Duffine
I signed 50 Recommends & wrote Letters to O C Beebe Sarah
I sent Emma & Sarah $100 each of sheep Money
I received to $480 dollars for sheep to day which I will divid
with four ^Three^ of my families Emma, Sarah Delight & I give James
J Woodruff I [1] forth of my sheep
~ Tuesday
Aug 9.
I received 6 Letters from Sarah Christofferson
Atkins I wrote Letters to Bleak, Farnsworth,
D. H. Cannon, Cottam, Sarah & Mary I signed 20 Recom[mends]
I spent the night at Br Wilkins {[with] Emma.}
~ Wednesday
10 I wrote 2 letters to Asahel & Ovando & spent the day
~ Thursday
I signed 15 Recommends & wrote Letters to Jakes Emma
Brockbank. I receivd Letters 4 from Daniel Harrington
Roskelley (I signed 15 Recommends) Letter from Hannah Thatcher
Aug 11th 1887 Fred Hop was Executed in the Penetentiary
Yard to day at 12:35 The whole precedings published in
the Deseret News of Aug 11.
I met with the Twelve to day we made appropriation for
Manti Temple of $5000. $300 for J P Christofferson
$150 for Thales Haskel & $50 a Month for Margarett
J Young
I wrote Letters to Sarah & H Grow P. J. Christoffer
& Hammond & Merrill Total 8.
~ Friday
We Met in council 11 Apostles The subject of
a state Government was Discussed W Woodruff G Q Cannon
& Joseph F Smith was appointed a committee to dictate
a certain Branch of it The subject was discussed
at Length
The following Motion was made by Moses Thatcher
and voted by the whole council to Appropriate
Annually in cash the following sums to the following
Persons Wilford Woodruff as President $5000, L Snow $3000
Erastus Snow $3000 F. D. Richards $3000, G. Q. Cannon
$3000, B. Young $3000, Joseph F Smith $3000,
D. H. Wells $3000, M Thatcher $2000, G Teasdale
$2000, F M Lyman $2000 John Henry Smith $2000
John W Taylor $2000 we discussed the propriety of
Baptizing Albert Carrington But the council did not
consider it wisdom it was so decided I signed 35
recommends I received Letters from Jaques Clara Merrill
and Sarah I wrote Letters to Atkin Sarah & Emma
I spent the night at the office
~ Saturday
we Met in council at 10 oclok the state Government
was discussed and a vote was taken to Appropriate
$100,000 for the committee of three to use to carrying
out the purposes of the state I wrote a Letter to Emma
and M. W Merrill I spent the night with Br John C Cutler
~ Sunday
14 Sunday I spent the day at Brother Cutlers
~ Monday
I signed 12 Recommends & 200 Missionary Cirtificates
I received 4 Letters ^
^ I had a slight attack of the Bilious cholic
we Met in council at 10 oclok had a Meeting with Bishop
Preston and Met with some of the finance committee
The Council voted for Me to transact such business as
was Necessary in the absence of the Quorum and have
it presented to the quorum when we Met I was quite
unwell through the day
~ Tuesday
Aug 16, 1887
[FIGURES] I wrote 7 Letters to Newton, Sarah, Bell, Jesse, Duffin
I. F. Carter & Ezra Carter I received a Letter from D H Cannon
I signed 20 Recommends to the Temple
~ Wednesday
17 [FIGURES] I received 5 Letters & wrote 3 Letters to Watson, Clara
and Bywater I signed 11 Recommends to the Temple I stoped at the farm
~ Thursday
18 [FIGURES] I wrote 9 Letters to Card D. H. Cannon Cottam, Emma Thompson
Sarah, Bell, Mary I received 3 Letters & signed 15 Recommends
~ Friday
19 [FIGURES] I receivd 5 Letters from Sarah Prat among others were
A Maitland Stenhouse M. P. P. Member of Canadian Parlament
wants to come to Utah & Join the Mormons I wrote 5 Letters to Sarah
Sylvia, Card, Jaques & Atkin I signed 20 Recommends
~ Saturday
20 [FIGURES] I wrote 4 Letters to A. M. Tenney Sarah &c. I received
8 Letters signed 26 Recommends we had a visitation of A Marshal
in the office we went in the Evening to Br G Q Cannon & spent the night
~ Sunday
21 Sunday I spent the day at G. Q. Cannons we had a family
Meeting Brother Cannon spoke & I followed him I had vary pculiar
feelings & Expressed them there were 20 of Brother Cannons
children present & 3 wives and I spoke upon the subject
Emma spent the day & Night with me
~ Monday
22 [FIGURES] Emma returned home this morning. I wrote ^5^ Letters
to Emma, Asahel, Thompson, Cottam & Atkins I received
6 Letters I signed 14 Recommends I was not vary well
I received 10 Letters I had an interview with E Snow
& F S Richards untill midnight upon Church Matters I did
not sleep any at night
~ Tuesday
23 I arose at 2 oclok rode to Emmas with Br Bateman
took Breakfast took Emma Nellie & her 2 childn drove to Provo
50 Miles in 5 Hour & 30 Minuts & spent the day Night with Van & Clara 50 Miles
~ Wednesday
Aug 24, 1887
I spent the day at Brother Ovando C Beebe with
him & Clara and Blanch our Daughter in the
Afternoon I took a ride with A. O. Smoot through
the town of Provo In the Evening I met A O Smoot
& wife Judge Dusenbury & Brother & Brothers Cluff
& Johns. I wrote 4 Letters to Asahel, Pheb James &
Jesse Moses and spent the night at Brother Beebe's
25 I Administered to sister Webb who was burned
a year ago and had suffered a great deal I was called
up at Midnight to administerd to her it was said
she was Better
~ Thursday
25 At 4 oclk I left Clara Blanch & Ovando & others
and Left Provo and rode back to G. Q. Cannons
Left Emma & Nellie at their home and arived at
Brother Cannons at Midnight 50 Miles
~ Friday
I received this morning 32 Letters and
signed 33 Recommends we received many telegrams
on Business I wrote 5 Letters to Jesse, Sarah, Bell Newton
and Jaques I rode in the Evening to Brother Ruieche 27 m[iles]
~ Saturday
I received 9 Letters I wrote ^1^ to Johnson the Ferryman
{We made an appropriation} of $12000 {[in part payment?]} I pitched quails for Exercise
~ Sunday
28 Sunday
I received 5 Letters & wrote 1 to Kemp
I spent the day reading In the Evening we rode to Broth
Wooleys at Center ville stoped a while then Drove to G Q.
Cannons on Jordon & spent the night 27 Miles
~ Monday
I wrote ^9^ Letters to John Jaques, Sylvia sent her $10,
to A. M. Tenney, Emma, Delight, Emeline, Marion
Cottam & Emma Thompson Receivd 25 ^15^ Letters signed 30 recommends
~ Tuesday
Aug 30 1887
I spent the day with Brother Cannon I received
4 Letters & signed 15 Recommends we rode to the office in
the city whare we spent the night 3 Miles
~ Wednesday
Received 10 Letters wrote 1 Letter to Sarah signed 20 Rec
we spent the day in council & Met with H S Eldridge in
the Evening upon Z.C.M.I. Decided to Appoint the same
office[rs] Except Wilford Woodruff was to be presidt
~ Thursday
Sept 1.
Receivd 14 Letters wrote 6 Letters signed 25 Rec
I spent the day in council and at Night rode to Cannonville
& spent the Night I had an interview with Asahel & paid
Him $150 towards building his house 3 Miles
~ Friday
I receivd 5 Letters & wrote 27 Letters & wrote
5 Private & 22 Publickc wrote to Emma, Susan & Phebe
Clara Ovanda & Blanch & Jaques sent $20 to Susan
& Phebe Scholes. we had a report yesterday from
F M Lyman of the Manti Temple of the Expens up to
sept 1, 1887 Church had Paid $429,902.82
The Stakes had paid up to date $460,760.13
Total up to date $890,6862.975
Almost one half of this Expens was in Moving a
Mountain to get a place to build a Temple on
~ Saturday
I receivd 6 Letters 3 from Sarah, Roskelley, & Atkin
& 3 Public Letters I wrote 5 family Letters to Sarah, Bell
Roskelley Atkin & his daughter Nellie & 10 public Letters
we administered to Sister Davey who was quite sick
~ Sunday
Sunday I recd 10 Letters I attended a Meeting with
Brother Cannon & famil we partook of the Sacrament I spoke
to cthe congregation of 25 followed By Brother Cannon & Nuttall
~ Monday
Sept 5, 1887
[FIGURES] I received 10 Letters & wrote 20 Letters to Clara
Jaques, Thurber, Farnsworth, Bleak, &c I rece[iv]ed telegram
from J. W. Young & Wilkens I spent the day reading & writing
~ Tuesday
6 I spent the day at Brother Cannon reading and in
the Evening we rode to the office in salt Lake spent the Night 3 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
7. [FIGURES] I received 45 Letters 30 Public & 15 privat
from Sarah Newto Jesse McAllister Bleak Farnsworth
Thompson Jaques Schettler &c I signed 85 Recommends
and 54 drafts on Liverpool. We Met in council
at 10 oclok & sat untill 6 PM on Church Business
we had the Report of E Snow on Mexico we passed
one Bill of piping on St George Temple of $164,
and much other business was done
~ Thursday
8 [FIGURES] I wrote 1 Letters to Sarah & Newton
I received 26 Letters 20 Public 6 Private I signed
26 Recommends. we spent the whole day in council I
spent the night at the office
~ Friday
9 [FIGURES] I received 20 Letters, 15 Public & 5 private
I wrote 3 Letters to Delight Marian & Emeline I signed
20 Recomend we were in council all day and a hard
days work we voted to receive & Disburs all tithing at cash
rates. I had a hard head Ake I rode in the evening to Frinks
& to the farm House abot 8 miles 8 Mile
~ Saturday
10 [FIGURES] I receivd 12 Letters 8 public 4 private I wrote
Letters I signed 20 Recommends. We spent the day in
council we voted to sustain Zions Savings Bank to increas
its stock & pay off we adjourned till 29 sept I spent the night
at Judge Elias Smith
~ Sunday
Sept 11, 1887
I wrote 8 Letters to Bleak, Farnsworth, Thompson
Jesse, Sylvia, Emma, Clara & Blanch. I had an interview
with J McAllister & Elias Smith untill 10 oclok A Telegram
was sent from the South notifying the Marshals that McAllister
was in S. L. City in disquise and wanted him arested for
he was living with two of his wives
~ Monday
I went to the office this morning I receivd 26 Letters
18 Public & 8 Private I signed 36 Recommends spent night in office
~ Tuesday
Received 15 Letters wrote 10 Letters to Leslie, Malinda
Lot Smith, J. H. Richards, signed 20 Recommends Had conversation
with Brother Cannon J. F. Smith E Snow & H J Grant {some bad [illegible shorthand]}
~ Wednesday
I received Letters 12 Public 10 Private I wrote Letters
to Lucy Woodruff Jaques Emma.
I decided to Give Hannah
Grover her 2 Anointing to D H Wells she had been Anointed once
to Thomas Grover but through bad treatment she was liberated
from Thomas Grover got Divorce and sealed to D H Wells this is the
first time I Ever gave concent for a woman to twice have second Anointing
I wrote to Spencer, Sarah, Bell, Leslie. I signed 26
Recommends I met with the board of Zions Saving Bank
we voted to take up our Notes and the 25 percent
I had 150 shares at $50 each amount to be paid was
$18.75. I spent the night in the office
~ Thursday
I received 20 Letters 15 Public 10 Private from Teasdale
Emma &c I wrote Letters to Jaques Emma
I signed 10 public Letters, I signed 20 Recommends
I had a plesant interview with Mr Badlam son of Alexander
and Mr Trumbell from San francisco they are our friends
and laboring for our interest I was glad to Meet them
~ Friday
Sept 16th 1887
Received 14 Letters public 10, Private 4, wrote 9 Letters
6 Public 3 Private [to] G Teasdale, Zina Young Jaques
I signed 20 Recommends.
~ Saturday
I received 10 Letters 5 Private & 5 public
I wrote 15 Letters 10 public 5 Private I wrote Udal &
Bushman for Lot Smith I signed 10 Recommends
~ Sunday
18 Sunday I spent the day reading {with Emma}
~ Monday
I receivd 37 Letters 31 Public 6 Privat I wrote
2 Public 3 Private Letters I signed 52 Recommends
~ Tuesday
I received 14 Letters Public 12 Private 2, wrote
46 Letters 3 Public, & 23 private to Emma Leslie & Jaques
I signed 25 Recommends to the Temple. I had an interview
with Brother Brigham Young in the Evening
~ Wednesday
Received 14 Letters 10 public Private 4, wrote
Letters 3 Public 2 Private signed 23 Recommends to the Temple
23 We heard a report of Franklin S Richards concerning
his visit East Wms & J W Young made a Mistake in
Employing McDonald & Butler we supposed they had Employed
them to Defend the church case before the Courts But we had
to make a New Bargan with them in order to Employ
them for that purpose
~ Thursday
I received 19 Letters 15 Public 4 private I wrote
2 Letters I signed 27 Recommends
we had quite an
interesting interview with Mr Trumbow upon the
Los Angelos & Salt Lake Railroad I spent the Evening at
the farm with G Q Cannon & wife C. H. Wilcken & wife
Samuel Bateman & wife, Zina Young, and several others
we returned to our rooms at Midnight 6 Mils
~ Friday
Sept 23, 1887
I received 13 Letters 10 Public & 3 Private I wrote 24
Letters to Sarah, Bell, Delight, & Marion we Met in council, &
discused the subject of Employing Lawyers to Defend us against
the suit of the United States to disorganize the Church of L. D. S.
and Escheat its property to the US. We decided to Engage
senator McDonald & Butler
~ Saturday
I received 15 Letters, 10 public 5 private wrote 4 Letters
to Sarah & Bell &c signed 15 Recommends I went to Br [blank]
and spent the Night
~ Sunday
25 Sunday
At 10 o'clok I was taken with a hard
chill followed with Cholera Morbus I fainted and fell to the floor
in falling I hurt my back I was vary sick all day I was
taken to the field at night and had a sick night
~ Monday
26 I spent the day in bed and was sick all day
~ Tuesday
27. I spent most of this day in bed Diarhea following me
~ Wednesday
I went to the office Early this Morning but was vary poorly
I received 15 Letters 12 public & 3 private I signed 15 Recommends
I spent most of the day in bed and was vary poorly
~ Thursday
I spent most of the day abed I read 10 Letters,
& wrote 4 to Jesse Moses, Mary, Sarah, & Bell. The quorum
of the 12 Met to day I was not able to Meet I signed
15 Recommends
I wrote a private Letter to Dr L W Snow
~ Friday
I spent the day in the office I sat up all day for
the first time since I was taken sick I receivd 12 Letters
& signed 15 Recommends I have Letters from Azmon Susan
Teasdale, Atkin, Bleak, Farnsworth, & Tullidge unanswered Brother
Bateman took me to the field & spent the night Before leaving we
signed our Answer to the Court on the Prosicution of the U.S.
~ Saturday
Oct 1, 1887
I feel much better this Morning I wrote up my Journal
I wrote 1 Letter to Azmon and gave him a
History of my Dealings with him
~ Sunday
2 Sunday I spent the day at the farm I wrote 4 letter
to Susan, Tenney, Ray, & Sylvia
~ Monday
I signed 70 Recommends receivd 55 Letters
45 Public & 10 private I wrote 3 Letters to Jaques,
Sarah, ^&^ McAllister and 8 public Letters I spent
the Night at Brother Frank Armstrong
~ Tuesday
I signed 20 Recommends Received 23 Letters
wrote Letters 10 publice 10 Private 2 To Roskelley
~ Wednesday
I signed 33 Recommends I rece[ive]d 33
Letters 25 Public 8 private Teasdale Mary
Preston Jaques & J. P. Richards I wrote 6 Letters
We Met with the Twelve Apostles
and sat all day & night until 12 oclk In
trying to settle some Difficulties it was painful
~ Thursday
[October] April 6, 1887 The 58 Semi Annual Conf-
erence of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints Met at 10 oclok this
Morning in the big Tabernacle I receivd 30
Letters 27 Public 3 Private. I signed
40 Recommends I had an interview with
Franklin S Richards gave us an account of
his Journey East and interviews with Mr Broadhead
& Butler ^
^ I met in council at 7, closed at Midnight
we united together at the close of the Meeting
~ Friday
Oct 7, 1887
I signed 20 Recommends I rece[ive]d 15 Letters
10 Publicc, 56 Private from Azmon, Teasdale James J
Thompson, Jaques, Udall I met with Apostls for
2 Hourse I then attended a Meeting with
Bord of Directors of Zions Savings Bank, a
report was made by the committee which was
Accepted. The officers of the Bank was Elected
Wilford Woodruff was Elected President
George Q Cannon & Joseph F Smith vice President
~ Saturday
I signed 25 Recomds rece[iv]ed 20 Letters
17 Public & 3 private I had an interview with
Wm W Riter I spent the night at the office
~ Sunday
Sunday I wrote 3 Letters to Wm Atkin Mary & Leslie W S
I for the first time in about 3 years went into
the great Tabernacle and met with 10000 saints &
spoke to them 30 Minuts followed by H J Grant Nickolson
O Whitney & F D Richards I rode to Meeting in a Barouch
& left before the singing it was a grand sight to look
upon the faces of 10000 Saints. I left & took supper with
G. Q. Cannon and spent the night at Mayor Armstrongs
~ Monday
I signed 30 Recommends I receivd 20 Letters
15 Public and 5 Private I wrote 14 Letters Public
and 14 Private to Preston, Udal, Bleak, Thompson
Farnsworth, Arobella Teasdale A. M. Cannon
J Jack F S Richards H Eyring & Cummings D
H Cannon C. W. Penrose & Paxman
~ Tuesday
11 I signed 23 Recommends I received 11 Letters 5 private
6 public wrote 10 Letters spent the day in council
Sat in council through the day we made the following Appropriation
To C. J. Kemp $300 and to Bui^l^d school or Meeting House $300
K G Mazer $500, To Mary E Lightner $100 cash & $200
Tithing annually To Jacob Hamblin family $800.
~ Wednesday
12 signed 17 Recommends Received 13 Letters 10 public
3 private I wrote 10 public Letters I met with the Twelve
^ & Bishop Preston & council I also Met with Erastus Snow
B Young & S P Nave and Picked out the carpets from
samples for Manti Temple amounting to some $6000 dollars
I spent the night at Mayor Armstrongs
~ Thursday
I signed 16 Recommends Receivd 15 Letters
I wrote ^10 11^ Letters to Dinwoody, Lot Smith, Phebe C Schols
Preston & council, A. M. Cannon, G Reynolds, A Stayner
J McAllister, on sealing P. P Pratt Jenney Haight
and George Spencer sent $13 and Keep the Land
~ Friday
I signed 26 recommends I received 22
Letters 14 public & 8 private I wrote to McAllister
Azmon, Mary, Jaques, A circular for the
collecting Money to furnishing of Manti Temple
wrote 10 Letters. G. Q. C. held a Deseret News Meeting
~ Saturday
I signed 25 Recommendations I received 15 Letters
12 Public 3 Private I wrote 8 Letters I helped pick 15 B[ushels] of Apples
I had an interview with Marshal Dyer A friendly
chat of 30 Minutes, And then an interview with
Senator McDonald and Col Broadhead of St Louis our two
Lawyiers Employed to plead our cause before the courts on
the suit to take our property they were both aged Men
they had not been gone but a short time before H B Clawson
informed me that Marshal Dyer wanted to subpoeny me to
attend the court to testify about Church property I said No
I immediately left went to the field & spent the night 3 M[iles]
~ Sunday
I received 2 Letters from John Murdock & Davis
I wrote 34 Letters to Clara Blanch, Nellie & Henry. I went
to Brother Eckles & spent the night 3 Miles
~ Monday
I signed 18 Recommends I received 37 Letters 27 Pub
10 Private I wrote 4 Letters to McAllister, Bleak, Thompson, Jaques
received Letters from Bleak Thompson, McAll, Jaques, Murdock & Bentley
I was informed that Marshal Dyer was vary anxious to
serve a subpoena upon me to Attent Court and if I dont
wish to go what then
on the 15 I wrote to Azmon Wm
H Thompson McAllister & Bleak I wrote to Emeline 17th
Peters was vary anxious to subpoena me to court
~ Tuesday
I signed 20 Recommends I received 20 Letters
15 Public & 5 Privite we spent nearly the whole day
with John W Young concerning our Eastern affairs
we had an interview in the Evening with Legrand Young
~ Wednesday
I signed 58 recommends I received 22 Letters
mostly public I wrote Letters to Asahel, Emma
J. T. Cane J. M. Stenhouse J Moses, Sarah, John Stay
John M Bowen, McAllister & Cannon, Wm Thompson {sent ring}
Farnsworth, Jaques, & I received a Bill of piping
for Manti Temple to Bring water from a spring $2753.
~ Thursday
I signed 30 recommends & rece[iv]ed 25 Letters
& wrote 5 Letters
~ Friday
I signed 8 recommend received 10 Letters wrote
Letters to Lucy Stainer Felt, Stainer, Wells Pimm & Cannon
I had interviews with McCray J T. Caine ^&^ Gibb I
went to the field & spent the night 3 Miles
~ Saturday
22 In company with E & Alice I rode to Provo 50 Miles
in the afternoon we drove down to the Lake Brother Bateman
& Ovando tryied to shoot Ducks but got none
~ Sunday
23 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
24 Brother Ovando shot 6 Ducks we had duck for dinner
we left Provo at 3 oclock and rode to S L County arived at
the Farm at 9 oclok all of us chilled through I was
nearly sick through the night
~ Tuesday
25 I rode to the office & Met in council & spent the whole day
in council I signed 30 Recommends I received 47 letter
30 Public & 17 Private John W Young occupied a good
Deal of the time to day
~ Wednesday
I signed 20 Recommends I received 15 Letters
we spent the day in council upon a variety of subjects
G Q Cannon was sick at night we administered to him and
He was better
~ Thursday
I signed 45 recommends I received 23 Letters
17 Public, 6 Private I wrote 11 Letters 6 Public 6 private
~ Friday
I signed 26 Recommends I received 20 Letters
and wrote 10 Letters I wrote to Sarah, Mary, Susan
~ Saturday
I signed 28 Recommends I received 13 Letters I wrote
Letters to Sylvia Phebe C Schole
~ Sunday
30. Sunday I spent the day at the farm I had an interview
with Azmon & Elizabeth after going back to York state
to their children they have returned to Utah to die in zion
I spent the night at the Farm Blanch was better & Emma returned
~ Monday
Oct 31 1887
I signed 58 Recommends I received 27 Letters 15 Public &
12 Private I wrote 6 Letters Public
~ Tuesday
Nov 1, 1887 I signed 11 Recommends, I received 12 Letters
I wrote 10 Letters 6 Public 4 Private I wrote to Bishop Tingey
to A. Carrington, to T. O. Angel, C. H. Wheelock
~ Wednesday
I signed 33 Recommends I received 15 Letters
15 Public 8 Private. I wrote 11 Letters 10 Public 1 Private
~ Thursday
I spent Last night at the farm travelled 6 Miles
I signed 41 Recommends I receivd 21 Letters 15 Public
6 Private I wrote to David P, Sarah, Roskelley, Thompson
Jacobson &c
I received my certificate for 200 shares of Zion
saving Bank to day I was quite poorly all day with cold
~ Friday
I signed 30 recommends I received 25 Letters
18 Public 6 private I wrote 8 Letters to Emma, Jaques
Sarah, McAllister, Thompson, & several others
I went to the farm & spent the night 3 Miles
~ Saturday
To day will deside whether we have a receiver
or not Br Bateman Brought into the barn 25
Barrow loads of squaches from the Garden Owen drew
Loads of chaff. The court finally decided to
appoint a Receiver And the Government sews me
& the Twelve for abot $3000000 dollars I dont think
they will get that much
~ Sunday
6 Sunday my cold still affects me Ella & Wilford Beatie
visited me to day Wm H Palmer preached
in the Farmers ward on the gathering of Israel
~ Monday
I wrote to G. Q. C. & Jaques I spent the day at
the house oiled Harness moved stable petition put up grain
~ Tuesday
Nov 8, 1887
Two years ago to night I visited Phebe & found her vary [blank]
I received 8 Letters and started at 5 oclok to visit Brother Matson
at the Mouth of Provo river in company with Emma Br Bateman
& Wilkin we arived at Br Madsons at Noom & the Breth[ren] took
thare guns and went out to shoot ducks I got one
Brothers Solomons & Birt came by rail the whole company got about
20 Ducks Emma went to Provo and spent the night with Clara
~ Wednesday
9. [FIGURE] in the Morning Brother Matson took a small scene & drew an
a dozen carp from a small pond one of the two year old
weighed 6 lb the to yearlings would weigh 2 lb we put th[em]
into a larger pond after this we went to the Lake and Brother
Madson & I took the Boat went up the Lake it was so still
the ducks staid out in the Middle of the Lake & did not
come in the company got 15 ducks we went up lake all
~ Thursday
10. Emma & Clara with Ovando came Down to visit us
Ovando shot 7 ducks I 1. the whole company got 20.
Clara was taken vary sick Emma & my self with Wilford
& oOvando went to Provo with her we were afraid she would
die we sent for Dr Pike He gave her some Medicine &
she was some better I left Emma and the rest of us
returned to Madson. I caughed most of the night I am suffering
much with my Lungs Distance to Madson 56 M[iles]
~ Friday
11 ^
^ 4 Anarchist at Chicago were Hung 1 commit suicid
& 2 were sent to Prision for Life instead of being hung our
Black off Horse got his hind foot in a Barbed wire
fence & cut him so bad we had to leave him we got a Horse
of Br Smoot & returned home Distance of the day 53 M[iles]
~ Saturday
Nov 12 1887
I receivd 5 Letters & wrote to G. Q. Cannon & Jaques
I am suffering much with cold on my Lungs I had an
Interview with Brother Cannon & J. F. Smith in the Evening
Br Joseph was vary lame with his broaken Ancle
~ Sunday
Sunday I received 108 Letters signed 25 Recommend
Had an interview with Mayor Armstrong
~ Monday
I signed 41 Recommend, received 58 Letters
Pub & Private 16. Total Letters received 74. I wrote 11
Letters 7 Public & 4 Private I wrote to Newton, Sarah, Jesse
Ensign & Wm Thompson we had a vary hard Days work
we had interviews with Preston, Winder, Clawson, F S. Richards
we went at 9 oclock to Wm W Riters & spent the night I
^ was vary sick with the severe cold on my Lungs I was taken
with great Pain in my Lungs & stomach for 2 Hours I slept
but vary Little during the night
~ Tuesday
I signed 25 Recommends received 15 Letters 12 Pub
and 3 Private I wrote 3 Letters to A M Tenney & E E Richa
rdson. I had an interview in the Evening with John W, Cain, Richards & Young
I arose sick this Morning could not Eat Breakfast retired
to my room lay down & slept for 4 Hours and awoke quite
refreshed I spent the Evening at Br Armstrongs the night at Riters
~ Wednesday
I signed 12 Recommends. I receivd 16 Letters
I wrote 13 Public Letters, 7 Private to Phebe, Jaques, Cottam
Winder, Legrand Young, Preston, Emma
We held Private
council concerning our Affairs we finally council the
Brethren to accept of the proposition of $1 a Month for
the possession of the Temple Block I spent the night at
Wm W Riters
~ Thursday
Nov 17, 1887
I signed 34 Recommends, 38 Letters 227 Public, 11 private I wrote
18 Letters, 13 pubic & 5 Private I wrote to Wilford F S Richards
Jaques, McKenzie & Newton I paid Wilford $20 & Newton 15
G Q Cannon & myself spent the night at Brother Riters
~ Friday
I spent the day at Br Riter I signed 27 Recomm[ends]
I receivd 18 Letters 12 Public, 6 private I wrote 10 letters
8 public 2 Private I went with G Q Cannon to Brother
Whites & Blessed his Grand child I then had an interview with
Legrand Young on our Government Suit I then went
to the farm & spent the night 4 Miles
~ Saturday
I spent the day at the farm I am commencing
to dig a fish pond for carp in the North East cornor
of the Lot Jacob Chamberlain is diging it for me and
Br Samuel Bateman is helping him I signed 18 Recommends
receivd 18 Letters 12 Public & 6 private
~ Sunday
Sunday I wrote ^6^ Letters to Sarah, Bell, Jesse
Leslie, Mary & Mary & Wm Taylor
~ Monday
I signed 40 recommends I received 34 Letters
I wrote 3 private Letters I had interviews with Sheets &
Rallins & Legrand Young and Riter & Wooley and
Byron Groo & had a Busy day
~ Tuesday
I signed 18 Recommends. I receivd 15 Letters
Public & 5 Private I wrote 6 Letters had a long interview
with J. T. Caine Legrand Young J. R. Winder & Judge
Sutherland upon our question, upon the suit brought
against us by the United States. We are in the toils
of our Enemies and we can ownly trust in God
for our Deliverance I went to the field & spent the night
~ Wednesday
Nov 23, 1887
I spent the day at the farm I wrote 3 Letters to
J McAllister, Thompson, & Farnsworth. My carp pond
was finished to day. Marshal Dyer took posession
of our Office to day Locked up all the Desks & took
the Keys I had an interview in the Evening with
G. Q. Cannon & Br Wilkin they took supper with me
~ Thursday
Nov 24 1887 I am keeping Thanksgiving to day
at the farm Brother Bateman & Asahel gone North
to Centerville to Hunt Geese & chickens Owen & Willie
Beatie gone over Jordon to hunt Rabbits
I received 5 Letters from Edwin Mulford
Wm Thompson, & James Jaques & Wm Atkin
I wrote 5 Letters to Jaques, McAllister
Thompson, James & Atkins
~ Friday
245 We find the ground white with snow this morning
the first of the season. The boys got home from their
hunt Asahel brought 3 chicken Owen shot 3 Rabbits
I wrote 6 Letters to David, Bushman, Duffin,
Edwin Mulford, M. G. Trejo it stormed all day
I wrote to Nellie & Henrite I received
6 Letters from Sarah, Newton, A. O. Smoot
T. H. Young L Francis & H Sperry
~ Saturday
I signed 25 Recommends. I receivd 20 Letters
15 public & 5 Private I wrote 10 Letters 7 Public
& 5 private. I wrote Letters to A. O. Smoot Mc[♢♢♢♢]
Merril Sarah & Newton I had interviews with G Q C
Legrand Young & Clawson & Wilkin
~ Sunday
Nov 27, 1887
^Sunday^ I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
I went to Legrand Youngs before day light
I signed 25 Recommends, received 12 Letters 10 Public
2 Private I wrote 5 Letters to Maud, Merrill
Arobella, Mary, & Jaques
Telegraphed to John W Young & J McAllister
Br Young was a vary Plesant Place to take up our
abode in retired & convenient
~ Tuesday
I signed 18 Recommends I receivd 10 Letters
we had a plesant interview with Lorenzo Young
~ Wednesday
30 I signed 10 Recommends I received 6 Letters I wrote
3 Letters I spent most of the day in reading Shakesspere
~ Thursday
Dec 1st I signed 25 Recommends I received 10 Letters
I wrote 10 Letters to Sarah, Jesse Grant, Merrill
Brown, Waddell, Preston. Had an interview with L D Young
& H B Clawson A Hard wind storm
~ Friday
I signed 22 Recommends I received 14 Letters
I wrote 11 Letters 4 public & 7 private to Asahel, Emma Delight
Ensign Jaques & Malinda we had an interview
to day with John R Winder upon Tithing Matters I rode
to the farm & returned {Emma came with me.} 3 miles
~ Saturday
I signed 12 recommends I receivd Letters 12.
I wrote to I. F. Carter & Lot Smith 4 pages I went
to the field and spent the night 3 Miles
~ Sunday
^4 Sunday I spent the day at the farm^
~ Monday
45 I spent the day at the farm It was a busy day Emmas
Parlor was prepared new, A Negro white washed
her House. At Asahels House Emma with several
Sisters sowed carpets all day they sowed A velvit carpet
We rode to Brother Abram Cannons house in the
Evening wite had an interview iwith Isaac
Trumbo & Badlam
~ Tuesday
I signed 20 Recommends I received
15 Letters I wrote I wrote 8 Letters to Welland
D Woodruff
I had an interview with J Jack L Snow
& others
I visited Wilford and administered to
his wife Julia whose left leg was swoolean to her
body with Milk sickness I administered to her
we drove to Br John Clarks & spent the night
~ Wednesday
I signed recommends 22 I received 12 Letters 12
from Jesse, Sarah, Mary, Bell, Spence & Public
I wrote 7 Letters to Jaques, Emma, Sarah, Bell,
Jesse, Mary sent $20. wrote 6 public
Dyer took possession of our office Books to day
I had an interview with Young Sheets & Reynolds
& 3 Apostles
~ Thursday
I signed 22 Recommends I receivd 17 Letter
I wrote 12 public Letters and 6 Private to James &co
McAllister, Thompson, Elias Smith, Lucy, & Malinda
Hatch, sent her $10 to Aunt Hannah Woodruff
I receivd to day $2000 on subscription from H J Grant
H J Grant and paid $550 to H B Clawson on
state Matters receit signed by committee
Deseret News Committee Held a Meeting today
with G. Q. C & J F Smith at John Clarks
Asahel called to day
~ Friday
Dec 9, 1887
I signed 14 Recommends. I receivd 15 Letters ^12^ Public ^3^ Private
I wrote Letters to Jaques, Merrill, Bleak Sarah
I wrote to Jaques, Sarah, & Bleak. I rode to
10the farm & spent the night
~ Saturday
10 I spent the day at the farm Ovando & Clara
came at Night Clara was sick through most
of the night I came to Savages Gallery and
set for a likeness
~ Sunday
11 I visited Azmon found him in poor state
of Health
Clara was vary sick through
the night Emma & Ovando worked with
her nearly all night we administered to Clara
~ Monday
I arose at 6, came down to the Dining
room found the Looking glass that had hung
there 10 years had fallen to the floor & broak
all to peaces it affected Emma as a Bad omen
I road to Brother Clarks and spent the day
I signed 25 Recommends, Received 20 Letters I wrote
12 Letters Private to Jaques, Sarah, & Delight I met at
Z.C.M.I with the Board Meeting and heard a report
of the business of the instituion
~ Tuesday
13 I signed 48 Recommends I received 27 Letters
24 Public 3 Private from Jaques, Bell, Mary she says
she got 2 frisirst prises of the college in debating upon
two questions was Appointed President of the Young
Ladies Mutual Improvement Association of Logan
I wrote 16 Letters 10 Public 6 Private to Jaques Arobelle
Mary &c I went to the farm Found Clara vary Low
~ Wednesday
Dec 14th 1887
I spent the day at the farm Clara was sick nigh unto
Death she had convultions Dr Ship visited her it
seemed as though she would die we administered
to her freequently I received 3 Letters from
Bishop Preston & & others I wrote to G. Q. C ^&^ Nellie
~ Thursday
15 I signed 23 Recommends I received 31 Letters 24 Pub
Private 6 I wrote 8 Public Letters 6 Private to Jaques &c
I spent the day at John Clarks
~ Friday
We went to the Office before day light and
held a Meeting with some of the officers of the City $2500
was appropriate for Church purposes. We then held a meeting
with the board of the Bank & reports made, we then held
a Meeting with the Telegraph Company Wilford Woodruff
was Elected President of the Telegraph company I had
an interview with Bishop McCray & Langly A Baily
I signed 15 Recommends, I received 10 Letters I went
to the farm with Brothers Cannons, & Smiths, Wilkens &
Bateman and we had supper. Brother Cannon Prayed with
us and Dedicated the House unto God we administered to
Clara she was vary Low I receivd a Letter from Henry
~ Saturday
Clara is vary low this morning I wrote Letter
to Henry and Wm H Thompson. We moved Clara
below & she was better
~ Sunday
18 Sunday Clara was much better this morning eat
some breakfast and was much better through the day
sister Zina spent the day with us
~ Monday
19 signed 15 Recommends, Receivd 13 Letters I wrote 1 Letter
to John Jaques
~ Tuesday
Dec 20th 1887
I signed 6 Recommends I receivd 12 Letters
I wrote Letters 6 public & Private to Jaques
Ensign I sent Marion $20 & wrote him a letter
~ Wednesday
I signed 14 Recommends I received 16 Letters. I wrote
19 Letters 15 Publick & 4 private to Jaques, James J, Bleak
& T G BWebber. I spent the day at Brother A Cannon
~ Thursday
I signed 20 Recommends. I received
12 Letters. I wrote to Malinda Hatch I went to the
Office at 6 oclok I met in council with 7 of the
Apotles & Bishop Preston & Winder we made
Appropiations to St George Temple Expense $2000
for Future $10000 we made Appropriations
for Manti Temple some $5000. Then for
Jacob JGates $500 a year Henry Harriman
$250 a year and $500 cash to Judge
Elias Smith to reimburse him for his public
Expenses $500 Dollar to Rudger Clawson
& appointed him President of Box Elder Stake
Appointed Matthias Cowley Assistant to Br
G Parkinson of Onida Stake. We signed
Bonds of $1000 each as Directors of the
Deseret Telegraph Company we Apointed a
committee of 3 to investigate the case of S H
B Smith Refered a petition of Milo Andrews
to his sons to pay his fine of $300. A committee
waited upon A. M. Musser concerning his Printing we
dismissed I visit Elias Smith & Delivered to him
the $500 Appropriated He was much affected
~ Friday
Dec 23, 1887
I received 5 Letters & wrote Letters to Jaques
Jack, Mary, Elizabeth Browett Atkin.
I spent the day at Abram Cannons In the
Evening I rode through mainstreet & went to Br Heber
M Wells to a carp supper I met about 20 of the Brethren
G Q Cannon & J. F. Smith Mayor Armstrong, Wilkins
Bateman Judge Piper & many others it is the first time I
Ever tasted of carp we all pronounced them good fish
At the close of our supper I rode to the farm & spent
the night 5 Miles
~ Saturday
24 I spent the day at the farm I helped to get out
manure in the afternoon & got vary sweaty
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I spent the day at the farm
~ Monday
I received 15 Letters I wrote 6 Letter to Sarah,
Moses, Rudolph Whitney &c Asahel & Ovando went hunting
we had a vary hard snow storm all day
I attended the Theater this Evening for the first time
in 3 years & Enjoyed the play. Asahel & Ovando
returned home in the Evening & had killed 16 quails
~ Tuesday
I signed 15 Recommends I received 12 Letters
We found some important missing documents we
drove to Brother B. Y. Heptons & spent the night
I wrote 32 Letters to Jaques, ^&^ Asahel & 6 Public Letters
~ Wednesday
I signed 10 Recommends, I received 15 Letter
I wrote 4 Letters to Bleak, Farnsworth, Sylvia {Sent} $5
to Sarah
~ Thursday
29 I signed 15 Recommends received 12 Letters
wrote 6 public Letters Held Meeting with the City Council
we held a Meeting with the City Council and discussed
the propriety of Granting a Minority representative
in the City Council which all presient unanimously
voted to do I spent the night at B Y Hamptons
I had an interview with David
~ Friday
30. I signed 15 Recommends. I received 15 Letters I
wrote 5 Letters we had a hard Thunder
storm last night in the midst of a snow storm
we went to the farm and spent the night Emma
went to to Harry Herald to a party
~ Saturday
31st A Hard snow storm Mrs Ship came & visited
Clara washed her & changed clothing & she was Better
she has suffered much for the Last two days
I wrote a Letter to Charles Rinwood
about taking the farm
I attended the Theater in
the Evening in my Box with G Q. Cannon & J F Smith & wife
& Emma & Wilken & Bateman and herd Dixie in his great
play Adonia
Thus Ends the year 1887 which has been a peculiar
year for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
The prisions are filled with Elders of Israel Because
they will not abondon their wives & children. It will be
all right with the saints of God if they will ownly commit
Adultry, fornication & whoredoms as the Gentile Christians do
and not Marry their women But the whole Christian
world seem to be persecuting the Saints of God and seeking
their destruction we will see what 1888 will bring forth
On the following Page will be found my Labor in 1887
A Synopsis of W Woodruff
Labors in AD 1887. I spent the
whole year in Exile for my religion
the same as in 1886 This has deprived
me of Officating in the various ordina-
nces of the Church. As President
John Taylor Died on the 25 of July
1887 it Placed the responsibility of
Presiding over the Church upon
me in connexion with the Twelve
Apostles from that Date
I Travelled 1204 Miles
I Attended the General Conference at
Salt Lake City and spoke a short
time. I signed 2317 Recommends
I wrote 1144 Letters
I received 2188 Letters
I ordained 1 Bishop, 2 Seventies, 1 Elder
1 Priest, 1 Teacher, & 1 Deacon I Administered
to 20 sick persons. I had 18 persons adopted
to me. I was sealed for 36 couple Dead friend
I got 78 Endowment for the Dead I met with
the quorum of the Twelve 18 days
~ Sunday
Jan 1, 1888
Sunday I spent the day at the farm Clara is
still quite sick I received 25 iLetters in the Evening
~ Monday
2 I spent this day at the farm. I spent most
of the day looking over my Journal and making
a synopsis of the same I visited Azmon
and Elizabeth in the Morning And they were
quite poorly. My Daughter Blanch had a vary sore
~ Tuesday
I went to the office Early in the morning I signed
30 Recommends I received 25 Letters I wrote 12 public
Letters we held a meeting with the Board of Zions savings
Bank had an interview with H S Eldridge & John Morgan
we had a vary busy day we spent the night at B Y Hamptons
~ Wednesday
I signed 18 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I wrote 7 Letters to Sarah, Ensign & J Jaques &c
~ Thursday
I wrote up my Journal I signed 10 recom-
mends I received 15 Letters I wrote ^12^ Letters to
Men on business public. I held a Meeting with several
of the members of the Legislator in the Evening
~ Friday
[FIGURE 10 I signed 10 Recommends I received 5 Letters from
Jaques, Wilford, Mary & Public I wrote Letters to
2 Jaques, Thompson, Brother & Sister Cottam, & Mary
[FIGURE 9] I got word that Br Hall could not pay rent that
He had but vary Little company and could not meet his cash
I attended a feast at the Court House with some 30 of
the Brethren Judge Elias Smith & myself were the two
oldest Persons I staid untill 10 oclok & went to the field
and spent the Night I found Clara much better 3 M[iles]
~ Saturday
[FIGURES] Jan 7, 1888
I rode to the office in the Morning had an interview
with Wilford & Jaques & Hall on the Valley House &
family Affairs. I signed 18 Recommends I received
17 letters 1 from Mary Jackson I wrote 12 Letter
10 public 2 private I received Letters from Glines & Abinadi
Pratt on his fals revelation I went to the farm & spent the night 3 Mils
~ Sunday
8 Sunday I spent the day reading & writing
[FIGURES] I received Letters from James J & Mary
Woodruff and Mary Jackson I wrote Letter to Mary
Woodruff James J & Mary Jackson
~ Monday
9 [FIGURES] I signed 10 Recommends I recieved
18 Letters & wrote 8 public & 3 private Letters
I spent the day at Wm V Dougall I
attended the Theater on Saturday Evening and
saw a Man tie himself up into knots
as though He had No bones in his body
He bent backwards and put his head in
the middle of his back & Between his legs He is
the greatest Prodigy I Ever saw in that Line G. Q. C.
J. F. S. and myself attended the Theater to attend the
consort I herd some of the best music of my life
~ Tuesday
10 [FIGURES] I signed 15 Recommends, I receivd 8 Letters
I wrote 7 Public Letters I Met with the board of the
Z.C.M.I. at their office After the business was
over we heard a report of Arthur Stainer on the
Manufacture of sugar from sorgom we apointed
of three to investigate it who were Romney Grant
& Winder I had an interview with Folsome & James J
~ Wednesday
Jan 11th 1888
I signed 12 Recommends I received 8 Letters. I
wrote 5 public Letters
~ Thursday
I signed 10 Recommends, I receivd 8 Letters I wrote ^5^ Letters
I met at the office a committee we talked over the
Legislative Matters at 10 oclok I went to the farm & spent
the night 3 Mils
~ Friday
13 I spent the day in the House it was a vary cold day
I received 8 Letters from Phebe Scholes, Alread, Tenney
2 Jaques, Mary, Lot Smith & Folsome Thermometer 6 degrees Below 0
~ Saturday
14 A vary cold day Thermometer ten 10 degrees below zero °
Owen Rode a Horse 40 Miles to ogden & came near
freezing to death, his right Ear was frozen stiff He
was sick all night Clara was some better
~ Sunday
15 Sunday 16 degrees below Zero this Morning I wrote 2
Letters to Lot Smith & J. Jaques
~ Monday
I signed 15 Recommends I received 35 Letters
I received Letters from Malinda Hatch & Sarah
I wrote a Letter to Sarah I held Meetings with
A Number of citizens and the Twelve upon
some Public matters. I met with sever[al] private
individuals among the rest with Andrew
Jenson who wanted to publish the History of
Joseph Smith and wanted the sanction of the
Presidency of the Church Br G. Q. Cannon said oif
He published it He should do it upon his own responsibility
We went to the Theater in the Evening G. Q. C. & J. F. S
with me. Governor West, Marshals Dyer, Pratt
Cannon was in a Box in oposite of us spent the night at Dougall.
~ Tuesday
Jan 17, 1888
I signed 16 Recommends I receivd 18 Letter. I wrote
^37 pub Letters^ 2 Letters to Malinda Hatch & Mary wrote 8 public Letter
~ Wednesday
I signed 44 Recommends I received 27 Letters
25 Pub & 2 Private I wrote 20 Public Letters I wrote
~ Thursday
I signed 20 Recommends I received 18 Letters
I wrote 15 Letters to Delight sent $10, Marion
Jaques Thomas Cottam & Wm H Thompson sent $10.
~ Friday
I signed 25 Recommends I received 25 Letters I wrote
12 Letters 10 pub 2 private G. Teasdale & Atkin & Sarah
I met at Brother Wilkins in the Evening with some friends
G. Q. C. was present {Mary}
~ Saturday
21 I rode to the farm in the Morning and spent the day I
went to the Theater in the Evening with my family and
some friends and saw a french Play it was vary fine
~ Sunday
22 Sunday I wrote A Letter to Henry & Nellie and spent
the night at the farm
~ Monday
I rode to John McDonalds & spent the day I
signed 18 Recommends I received 43 Letters 40 Pub
and 3 Private I attended Meeting in the Evening with
the Members of the Legislature I met with James J
~ Tuesday
I signed 10 Recommends Received 15 Letters
I wrote 10 public Letters I met in the Evening at
the office with several of the Twelve & members of the
Legislatures. On the Evening of the 23 we voted to
redistrict Salt Lake City for Electioral Purposes to
night we recalled orsinded that vote in consequence
of informations that it could not be carried out in
time to reach the present Elections we spent the night ^at^ Br McDonalds
~ Wednesday
Jan 25, 1888
we spent the day at Brother McDonalds
I signed 26 Recommends. I receivd 18 Letters I wrote
6 Letters 4 Pub, 2 Private to Mary & Sarah & Jaques
~ Thursday
I signed 35 Recommends I received 25 Letters
3 private At 9 oclok we Met with A. O. Smoot
& council upon Appointing Men to preside as
Bishops & councillors in the Absence of those who
were abroad upon Missions we Met with
the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles & Bishop Preston
& councillors and done a great Deal of business
We made Appropriations to square up the Debt
of President McAllister D. H. Cannon & J. G. Bleak
some $2500. We made Appropriations for Many
Purposes. F D Richards & George Reynolds took
the Minutes of the Meeting $500 was Appropriated
to councillor McArthur
~ Friday
I signed 60 Recommends I received 35
Letters I spent the day in council with the
Twelve we done a good Deal of business I went
to the farm & spent the night 3 Miles
~ Saturday
I wrote a Letter to Phebe A Snow I receivd Letters
from F. S. Richards C. O. Card Phebe A Snow I spent
the day at the farme reading & writing
~ Sunday
29 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
signed 95 Recommends. Receeived 35 Letters
wrote 3 Letters to Jaques & James J was in council
all day and done much business I was nearly
sick all day with cold
~ Tuesday
Jan 31, 1888
I signed 20 Recommends I received 10 Letters
I wrote 20 Letters 15 Public 5 Private to Jaques ^$15^
Marion, Ema, James, Mary, Sarah $25.
~ Wednesday
Feb 1. signed 55 Recommends Received Letters 20 Pub
5 Private, wrote 12 Letters 10 public, 2 private I had
a Hard days work I cannot write the particulars
~ Thursday
I signed 43 Recommends I received 20 Letters
20 Public 3 Private we met in council most
of the day I had an interview with Bulah I
wrote 2 Letters to Jaques & Bulah in company with G Q C
& J. F. S I visited By invitation Brother Galagers and for the
first time in Utah I eat 1 doz oysters on the shell of which
I had not tasted in in 40 years yet they were fine and
tasted Natural I went to the farm & spent the night I have
spent four days in council from Monday Morning to
Thursday night we have done a great Deal of business
during that time Among other things we voted to send Joseph
F Smith to Washington to preside over our delegation
there and to take the charge of our political affairs there
~ Friday
I spent the day at the House I wrote
5 Letters to E Snow T. Cottam Wm Thompson
Jaques & Mary. It is Asahels Birth day
He got up a supper for his friend He is [blank] years
old I am thankful to say that Clara is
much Better has been to the City to day I went
to a party at Cannonville in the Evening Met with about 30
couple in the dance I spoke to the people followed by sever[al] others
I spent the night at the farm 7 Miles
~ Saturday
Feb 4, 1888
I received 10 Letters & wrote 10 Letters to Jaques, E Snow
Thompson Cottam, Mary W &c I received 10 Letters
from Jaques, David, & 8 Public I went to the Theater
in the Evening. Clara was quit sick through the Night
~ Sunday
5 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading Clara
was quite Poorly through the day
~ Monday
I rode to Brother John McDonalds I received
My Mail I signed 48 Recommends I received 50 Letters
45 Public & 5 private I wrote 4 Letters to Jaques, Emma
Wilford, Whitney.
~ Tuesday
7 I signed 25 Recommends, I received 41 Letters
wrote 27 Letters wrote Jaques and Delight I
went to the Theater in the Evening with G. Q. C. and saw
the Gipsey Baron played the marching of some 75 girls
in Military was vary fine Emma Asahel & Owen was
~ Wednesday
signed 50 Recommends Received 44 Letters 35 Pub
9 private, wrote 12 Letters, to Jaques, A. D. Woolley, Sarah
David, & Mary & 7 Pub I had an interview with J. F.
Smith & C W Penrose
~ Thursday
I signed 46 Recommends I received 30 Letters
I wrote 12 public Letters I spent the night at Br McDonalds
~ Friday
I signed 23 Recommends, I Received 28 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters to Jaques, Webber Beebe & Emma
I attended Meeting with the Bord of Directors of ZCMI
went to the farm & spent the night 3 Miles
~ Saturday
11 I spent the day at the Farm I wrote 2 Letters to
J G. Bleak & M. E. Teasdale
~ Sunday
Feb 12 1888
Sunday I wrote 1 Letter to Nellie Emma wrote to
~ Monday
I signed 25 Recommends, I receivd 28 Letters
20 Public 8 Private. I wrote to 2 Jaques E N Austin Mary
Atkins & Sarah sent Sarah 2 {rings} we& 9 Public
Letters we road to Br McDonalds & spent the night
~ Tuesday
I signed 17 Recommends I receivd 17 Letters
I wrote 4 public Letters I went to the Theater in the Evening
~ Wednesday
I signed 16 Recommends I received 24 Letter,
I wrote 10 Letters. I wrote to Jaques & Wilford
~ Thursday
I signed 35 Recommends Receivd 30 Letters
I wrote 10 Letters 8 Pub 2 to Jaques & Sarah I
had an interview with James J., T E Ricks & the
City Council of the Legislature I went to the farm
& spent the night 3 Miles
~ Friday
17. I spent the day at the farm I received a telegram
from Maud and sent one in return ^
^ I took a vary
severe cold which made me sick all night
I received 5 Letters to day
~ Saturday
18 I spent the day in the House we had a hard snow storm
Ovando & Owen Moved the col coal House I was sick all
day & night with my cold
~ Sunday
I was quite poorly to day I sufferd much all last night
Sunday I looked over the Expression of 252 Members of
Congress upon the Utah question 54 were for the Admission
of Utah 124 against it & 74 Non committal
I wrote 3 Letters to G. Q. Cannon Jaques, Wilford
~ Monday
20 I spent the day in the House quite poorl I had interview with G Q C
~ Tuesday
Feb 21
I spent the day in the House I am some better to day I
received 6 Letters 2 from Jaques Marion Sarah Raleigh
& Bleak
I had an interview with G. Q. C.
and Learned that Dyer the receiver had taken possession
of a Note of $45000 for city gass stock which was
sold to James Jack I am better in health
~ Wednesday
Emma left for Provo at about 7 oclok I wrote
7 Letters to Jaques, Raleigh, Simpson, Bleak, Marion,
Sarah & Mary I rode to the office in the morning
~ Thursday
23 I Met in council & was in Meeting all day I met
with Twelve & with 4 Lawyiers in the Evening I signed
50 Recommends I received 25 Letters
~ Friday
I signed 30 Recemmends I received
20 Letters I spent the day in council with the 12
upon church business I wrote 1 Letter to Mary
and sent her $20.
~ Saturday
I received 25 Letters I wrote 13 publick Letters
^ I spent most of the day in council & business {I spent this night at a farm [illegible shorthand] it}
~ Sunday
I met with Bell & children & Martha Moses
who spent the day with us I wrote 2 Letters to
Jaques & Malinda Hatch 6 pages
~ Monday
I signed 18 Recommends I received 15 letters
among the number from Jaques Bulah & Marion I wrote
12 public Letters I spent the forenoon in council with
the 12 I held a Bank Meeting at 1 oclok I met with
Maud & Trombow twice I went to grave yard in the
Evening & Bought 4 lots together will cost $200 to Levil them
I was quite Busy all day
~ Tuesday
Feb 28 1888
I signed 24 Recommends I received 26 Letters
I wrote 8 Letters 2 to Marion & Jaques
~ Wednesday
I wrote Letters to to [Derreck?], Sylvia
Austin, Sarah, Thompson, Mary, Bulah
& Jaques
~ Thursday
March 1, 1888
Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 81 yers old
to day
March 1, 1888
Emma Smith Woodruff
Born March 1, 1838
Aged 50 years old
this day
Thus my life has been
preserved fo 81 years
My Brother Thompson
is 83 years of Age
still living, but blingd
My brother Azmon
is 85 but quite feeble
I have been in the
Church 54 years last
December I pray the
Lord to give me power
to finish my labors on
the Earth in a way and
Manner that will be
Acceptable unto Him
The United States
Government are now
siezing the church property
through a receiver and
what the End will be God
ownly Knows May his will
be done
This is my Birth day I Am 81 years old this
day And my wife Emma Smith Woodruff
is 50 years old this day I have had a vary
busy day Brother G Q. Cannon and Charles
Wilckken & H. B. Clawson & Brother Thurman
called upon me & spent most of the day with
me I signed 30 recommends & received
30 Letters I wrote 15 Letters among the Number
to Jaques ^&^ Mary Olson Bulah & children
took dinner with us I used my influence
against a Bill in the Legislature to tax the
People of Utah 8 per cent upon all taxable
property $176065.57
~ Friday
2 I signed 40 Recommendations. I Rec[eiv]ed 24 Letters
I wrote 15 Letters public $176,074.57
I wrote 12 Letters publice
~ Saturday
w I Rec[eiv]ed 12 Letter I wrote 10
publicc Letters Due Liverpool $25,000
~ Sunday
4 Sunday I spent the day reading & resting
~ Monday
5 I rode in the Morning to Heber Wells & spent the day
I signed 55 Recommends I received 35 Letters
I wrote 12 Letters 2 to Jaques Milando Pratt, Asahel,
James, J. E. Taylor Zina D. Young Teasdale Hart &c
I met with the 12 in the Evening with Members of the
Legislature & staid untill Midnight it was reported
that the Marshals would raid my Farm House
~ Tuesday
March 6, 1888
I signed 10 Recommends I received 20 Letters
I wrote 16 Letters wrote to Sarah Asahel A caucus
was held at the social Hall Most of the Twelve
met with the Legislature I did not attend
~ Wednesday
I signed 43 Recommends I received 45 Letters
I wrote 7 Letters to Bleak, Farnsworth sent $300 T. O
wrote to Atkin Jaques Raleigh Susan
& Phebe
and 15 Public Letters
~ Thursday
8 I signed 37 Recommends I receivd 35 Letters
wrote 17 Letters to G Teasdale & Tilley.
~ Friday
9. I signed 14 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I wrote 6 Letters I went to the farm & spent the night 3 m[iles]
~ Saturday
10 I signed 6 Recommends I receivd 8 Letters
~ Sunday
11 Sunday I spent the day in the House mostly reading
I wrote 4 Letters to Jaques, to Leslie, Pheb & Orion
~ Monday
I signed 12 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I wrote 10 Letters public I spent the day in council
~ Tuesday
I signed 20 Recommends I received 22 Letters
I wrote 34 Letters 30 Public & 4 Private to Jaques, Sarah
Mary & Lucy W I spent the day in council
~ Wednesday
14 I signed 37 Recommends I receivd 28 Letters
I wote to Asahel & Lambert wrote 7 Letters
I spent the day in council I went to the field in
^14^ the Evening ^
^ {I cut up some lumber to [shingles.]} I spent the night
~ Thursday
I signed 34 Recommends I received 27 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters wrote to Asahel Lambert M E Cook
I spent the day in council. The spirit of the Lord was
with us I called upon Elias Smith and administered to him ^I administerd to Mary E Cook^
~ Friday
March 16 1888
^ I signed 20 recommends I received 18 Letters I wrote 12 Letters
I was in council with the 12 all day I wrote 12 Letters
I went to the farm & spent the night {[illegible shorthand]} 3 Miles
~ Saturday
I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah & G Teasdale & Jaques
I spent the day at the farm I helped unload 4500
lb of Hay in the Barn
~ Sunday
18 Sunday I spent the day in the House {I saw the coward that told the lie}
{I consecrated a seers stone that} Joseph {found in a well.}
~ Monday
signed 8 Recommends I received 25 Letters I wrote
10 Letters to Jaques, Hall, Romney, Wilford & Bulah I spent
the day in the office I had an interview with Asahel &
Hall then with Wilford Hall and Asahel talk of going
in partnership in taking the valley House I went to the
Theater in the Evening
~ Tuesday
I signed 25 Recommends I receivd 15 Letters I
wrote 4 public Letters I am sorry to have to record in
^ my Journal that there is quite a Division in the
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Most of the younger
Brethren are Bringing Accusations against G Q Cannon
but He proves them all to be fals. We spent a painful
Day A spirit of Jealously has crept into the Quorum
I presented the importance of organizing the first
Presidency the following Names sustained it. W Woodruff
Lorenzo Snow F D Richard B Young & John W Taylor
^& D H Wells^ And the following Name opposed it Erastus Snow
Moses Thatcher F. M. Lyman John Henry Smith
& Heber J Grant we had a vary unpleasant day I
could not sleep at night
~ Wednesday
March 21st 1888
I signed 20 Recommends I received 18 Letters &
wrote 5 Letters ^
^ this whole day also was spent by the
Brethren of the Twelve in bringing Accusation against
George Q Cannon I called upon the Quorum to bring to light
all the Accusations they had against Brother Cannon
As the younger Brethren including Erastus Snow
was filled with Jealousey against him And He
proved Evry accusation against him to be fals He
was Accused of using Church Money to for his
sons John Q for Embezeling Church Money He proved this
to be fals then of paying large sums of Church Money
in the Iron Mine that He proved to be fals Also in
dealing with the Beck Mine that was proved fals and
Evry other Accusation was proved fals it was another
painful day
~ Thursday
22 I signed 12 Recommends I recived 10 Letters &
wrote 6 Letters we spent this whole day in council
the same as the other 2 days hearing Accusations against
G Q Cannon. The same Accusation over & over again
I told the Twelve to bring out Everything they could
off[er] against him and they continued to do it but
it was all fals I could not sleep at night
~ Friday
23 I signed 15 Recommends I receivd 12 Letters & wrote
2 Letters ^
^ we spent this whole day also in bringing
forth Accusations & trying to settle up our difficulties but
it was also A painful day I think the most so of any
one the more we tryed to get to gether the wider apart
we were Erastus Snow Accusations were bitter & fals
Here we have spent four days in listning to the
Accusations of five Apostles against G. Q. Cannon
and six sustained him I never saw as much
bitterness manifest against one good man by 5
Apostles since the days of the Apostate Twelve against
the Prophet Joseph in Kirtland and all through Jealousy
as Br Cannon was first councillor to John Taylor
and the blame of any acts of President Taylor that
five of the Twelve did not think wa[s] right was
laid to George Q Cannon it is painful to record
those things but it is true. we have tryed to
settle those things but so far we are still apart
Erastus Snow accused Br Cannon & in some measure
applyed to myself that we were men worshipers
sycophants & todyism And it stird my blood &
showed up Erastus Snows life & course And
I think I done wrong & went to far in the
matter, but when our Meeting closed we were
not to gether but we adjourned untill Monday at
10 oclok. At the close of the Meeting we held another
Meeting with four Lawyiers with Legrand Young
Sheets & Rawlins & Judge Sonderland upon our
Law Suit we closed at 10:20 & packed up
& went to my farm & spent the night & thankful
to Breath free air once more. 3 Miles
~ Saturday
I wrote 5 Letters to David, Sarah, Mary,
Sylvia Wm H Thompson I spent the day in the house
~ Sunday
~ Monday
March 26th 1888
I went to the office Early in the Morning I signed
23 Recommends I received 14 Letters I wrote 3 Letters. we
spent the day in council All was reconciled at night
~ Tuesday
27 I signed 14 Recommends I received 11 Letters
I spent the day in council I went to the Theater
in the Evening & saw Uncle Toms Cabbin did not like it
~ Wednesday
28 I signed 15 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I wrote 2 Letters, was in council all day
The subject of returning compensation to G Q C
& B Y for what they had paid at the settlement of
the Law Suit against the Church By B Ys Heirs was
~ Thursday
29 I signed 22 Recommends Received 16 Letters
wrote [blank] Letters
we decided to day by vote to restore to G. Q. Cannon
& Brigham Young The $6,666,66/100 which they
Paid in the settlement of the suit against the
Church I went to the farm & spent the night 3 M[iles]
~ Friday
30 I signed 15 Recommends. I received 18 Letters I wrote
9 public Letters I spent the day iwriting & Reading
~ Saturday
31. I spent the day in the House reading. The carpen-
ters were building the Bed room
~ Sunday
April 1. Sunday I received 7 Letters 2 from Jaques
Bleak Phebe A Snow, Sarah & Delight. Our cow
got choacked again with a peace of Beet
~ Monday
2 I signed 47 recommends I received 43 Letters
I wrote 6 Public Letters I spent the day in council
I spent the night at the Gordo
~ Tuesday
April 3, 1888
I signed 7 Recommends, I received 8 Letters. I wrote
12 Letters to O. C. Beebe, Whitney, Emma, Asahel &
Hall, 3 to Jaques, Leslie, Phebe, Bleak, Bulah, & Tenney
I signed 50 drafts to Liverpool I receivd a
Telegram from L W Snow that Mary was quite sick
at the Brigham College Her Mother Telegraphed for [blank]
~ Wednesday
I signed 8 Recommends. I Received 10 Letters
I wrote 12 Letters to McAllister, Thompson Atkin &
9 Public Letters Had interviews with T. E. Ricks A M Cannon,
~ Thursday
I signed 25 Recommends I received 24 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Samuel Roskelley was in council
all day I attended the Theater all day in the Evening
~ Friday
(Conference commenced yesterday.) I signed
16 Recommends. I received 16 Letters I wrote ^6^ Letters
6 Ito Leslie, James Moses, Arabella, & Sylvia & Phebe C Scholes
~ Saturday
I signed 18 Recommends I receivd 20 Letters. I
wrote Letters to James W., Jaques, ^&^ Bulah I was in
council all day. My Epistle was read to the
conference to day I went to the field & spent the nigh
~ Sunday
8 Sunday I came to the office and met with the
Presidents of Stakes & held a Meeting with them for
3 hours I spoke to them 3/4 of an hour I met with the
officers of the Young Mens Mutual improvements
Association the first time in 3 1/2 years that I had Met
with them the social Hall was [blank] J. F. Wells & Moses Thatcher
spoke I spoke 45 Minuts & felt well I went to the field
and spent the night 6 miles
~ Monday
April 9, 1888
I went to the office & spent the day in council
and done a good deal of Business I signed 15 recom-
mends I received 23 Letters I wrote 4 Letters to
James J Woodruff Jaques, Udall & Jesse N Smith
~ Tuesday
10 I signed 10 Recommends I receivd 8 Letters I
spent the day at the gordo I had an interview at [blank]
with Maud & Isaac Trumbo who gave me
much information concerning Matters in the East
I returned to the farm & spent the Night
~ Wednesday
11. I spent the day at the House preparing for a journey
to morrow. In the Evening in company with Emma &
Owen with several friends we took a special cars &
rode to a platform near Brother Madsons his sons {[illegible shorthand]}
met us & took us to his home & we spent the night 45 M[iles]
~ Thursday
12 We spent the ^day^ hunting ducks and fishing Marshal Solamans
shot 31 ducks W Woodruff 8, Bateman 3, B Young 1,
Pratt 1, Owen 6. I was weary at night
~ Friday
13 I spent the day resting. Solomons got 20 ducks Owen 6.
we took cars at night & returned home. 45 Miles
~ Saturday
I spent the day at the farm I wrote 10 Pub Letters
I assisted in planting Potatoes setting out strawbries
& planting fruit Trees I was weary at night
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I spent the day mostly reading Wilford Beatie
was sick I administered to him I received 20 Letters
~ Monday
I signed 13 Recommends I received 18 Letters
I wrote 140 Public Letters & 24 Private
~ Tuesday
I signed 18 Recommends I received 15 Letters I wrote
2 Letters to Jaques & Sarah
~ Wednesday
April 18, 1888
I signed 124 Recommends I receivd 18 Letters
I wrote Letters I wrote 8 Letters to McAllister &c
~ Thursday
I signed 10 Recommends, I receivd 8 Letters I wrote
10 Letters 6 Pub, 4 privat, to McAllister, Bleak, Farnsworth
Thompson I went to the farm & spent the night
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
I received 4 Letters from H. S. Eldridge Atkin &c
I wrote 6 pub Letters I helped the boys draw all the branches
from the orchard & piled it up we made two water
^21^ gates drove down 8 pair of stakes & put up boards
to water Lucern we ploughed a furrow each side
of each row of trees in the orchard & sever[al]
furrows in the garden I was vary weary at night
~ Sunday
22 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading Br
Wilkin & Wilford called upon me
~ Monday
I signed 20 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I wrote 10 Letters to Jaques McAllister, Thompson
Atkins, Stainer, Isaacson the Jew, Sarah, & Mary.
~ Tuesday
I signed 10 Recommends I received 10 Letters
I wrote 11 Letters 6 Pub & 5 Private to Ella Beatie & Owen,
& sent both a Students Pass, & to David P. W & Florence Snow
and John Jaques ^
^ we had an interview with John W Young
~ Wednesday
I signed 28 Recommends I received 25 Letters I
wrote 7 Letters.
we had a rain nearly All day which was
a great Blessing to the crops of the Earth
~ Thursday
I signed 18 Recommends. I received 18 Letters I wrote
8 Letters pub 2 private to G Teasdale & sent him Likeness
to Armstrong gave Likeness & wrote M. E. Teasdale
I went to the office had an interview with J W Young & Legrand Young
I had an interview with Mayor Armstrong I sent
his wife a package from Sarah Brown I sent her
my likeness I went to the farm & Back in the Evening
& spent the night at Orson P Arnolds 6 Miles
~ Friday
I signed 21 Recommends. I received 20 Letters
I wrote 12 Letters, 8 Public, & 3 Private to Bleak
Cottam & Jack I went to grave yard in the Evening
to see my Lot which I have bout I bought 4 lots in
[FIGURE] a square 4 rods square it was in a Deep gulley
I built a wall 8 feet high on the west side and leveled
it up with soil and a stone coping around it the
work cost me $200 & the Lot $48, Total 248.
I then to the farm & spent the night 8 mile
~ Saturday
I wrote 1 Letter to Henry and Nellie. Owen sowed
carrotts & peaes planted sweet corn I spent the day at the
I wrote 7 Letters to the following person & sent
my Photographs as follows To thoms Cottam
J. G. Bleak, J. D. T. McAllister, Wm Atkin I. F. Carter Dr
Ezra Scammans to Rhoda Scammans, schuah C Moulton
Phebe CA Snow, to Orion Milton & Florence To Susan
& Phebe C Scholes. Azmon called upon me twice
to day He is in trouble I received 10 Letters from
^ Jaques, Orion W Snow, Ira Hatch, Lucy Woodruff,
Newton & Sarah, Marion West, G G Marsh, Wm
Thompson & McAllister
~ Sunday
29. Sunday I spent the day at the Farm House writing
and reading Asahel called in the Evening & spent
the night He was going to some Lakes in the Mountains
~ Monday
April 30th 1888
I rode to Orson Arnolds, & spent the day. I signed
16 Recommends. I received 16 Letters I wrote 45 Letters
to Jaques, Emma, Romney, & Johnson, & Ira Hatch. I met with
May 1. [FIGURE] the Twelve or 6 of them & staid till midnight
we were informed that Erastus Snow was danger-
ously sick with Kidney disease
~ Tuesday
May 1.
I signed 8 Recommends I received
10 Letters I wrote 10 Letters I wrote 6 public
Letters I spent the day at Brother Arnolds
~ Wednesday
I signed 21 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I wrote 2 Letters I spent the day in council we had
a report from A. F. McDonald spoke of his mission
with F. M. Lyman in Mexico &c Erastus Snow is
better to day I returned in the Evening to Br Arnolds
~ Thursday
I signed 18 Recommends. I received 15 Letters
I wrote ^2^ Letters to D. D McArthur of St Georg and
sent 3 Photographs to McArthur D. H. Cannon & F M Farnsworth
I wrote to Jaques. In company with F D Richards G Q Cannon
& several Brethren I visited Erastus Snow who was
considered almost in a Dying condition G Q Cannon
Anointed him & we laid hands upon him and I
was Mouth and I rebuked the power of Death and the
Destroyer and commanded it to Depart from him in
the Name of the Lord
~ Friday
I signed ^38^ Recommends I received 30 Letters I
wrote 18 Letters, 8 Public & 10 Private to Jaques Malinda
sarah, Mary Newton Phebe Orion Elias S, & Lucy w & Emma
sent 3 Likenesses to Malinda Mary & Judge Smith
~ Saturday
May 5, 1888
I spent the day at the Farm I signed 5 Recommends
I receivd 6 Letters
My Daughter Clara had
a Daughter born at 9 oclock in the Evening that weighed
10 lbs all doing well
~ Sunday
6 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading it
was a vary cold windy day I was Nearly sick with cold
~ Monday
I signed 43 Recommends I received 27 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters to Jaques, D News, Schettler Emma
and Phebe C Scholes I sent her $10. I spent most of the day
in council I signed 30 circulars to the Presidents of
stakes Br Erastus Snow is failing
~ Tuesday
I signed 13 Recommends I received 20 Letters
I wrote Letters to Emma & Jaques In company
with G Q Cannon A M Cannon & Bateman I went to
Br John Gallighers & Eat an oyster supper
I eat on the shell 14, G Q C 24, A M C 18
~ Wednesday
9 I signed 10 Recommends. I receivd 8 Letters
I wrote 7 Letters to A O Smoot Ozem Thompson Sylvia
to Sarah, Mary, Jack & Jaques ^sent all 8 a photo^
~ Thursday
I signed 8 Recommends I received 6 Letters
I wrote 2 Letters to Jaques & Emma I attended a
Bank Meeting at Z.C.M.I. And apointed a
Board of Directors, President & vice President
cashier assistant cashier I spent the night at E Smith
~ Friday
11 I signed 65 Recommends. I received 35 Letters I
wrote 18 Letters 138 Pub & 1 private to Jaques sent $10.
I attended Z.C.M.I Bord Meeting went to the farm
& spent the Night 3 Mils
~ Saturday
May 12th 1888
I spent the day at the farm I done a good deal of
work I set 19 Posts to grape vines I trimbed a number
of Apple trees & spent most of the day in Labor Asahel
& Owen went up the Canyon. On the 11 Wilford
Beatie had a horse that He was riding rear up & fall
over backwards on to him and injured him some
but broak No bones
I had an interview
to day with Elizabeth & Azmon Elizabeth is
87 years of age but still able to travel all
over the Neighborhood & make mischief
~ Sunday
13 Sunday I met at Asahels with G Q Cannon & F D Richards
to read over and prepare the Prayer to be offered at the dedication
of the Mantit Temple. We laid hands upon & Blessed the
daughter of Clara W & Ovandoe's child and I sealed upon
her the name of Idi Clare Beebe. At 9 oclok I
rode to Mously Street crossing rail Road and at 10 o'clk
I went on board of a private car with G. Q. Cannon
B. Young F. M. Lyman C. W. Wilcken & George [blank]
with James Sharp & Sheridan Jacobs we rode 95 Miles
Near Nephi & took carriage and rode to Nephi 95 Miles
we stoped at Brother G Teasdale till Morning
~ Monday
14 we spent the day at Brother Teasdales had an interview
with several friends And at 9 oclok we Took carriges
to go to Manti to Dedicate the Mantit Temple Brother
Baily drove Brother G Q Cannon and my self while crossing
^ the mountain it being dark He got out of the road & came
near turning us over down the Mountain which if He had
have done would Either have killed us or broaken our limbs
We Met Teams from Ephraim a mile East of Fountain
Green we there changed carriges and rode to the
Temple in Manti arived at 1 oclok in the Morning I
went to Bed & slept uuntill 10 oclk in the Morning 40 Miles
~ Tuesday
15 We took Breakfast in the Temple and Met with
J. D. T. McAllister J. G. Bleak & F M Farnsworth from
St George We visited the whole Temple from the font to
the roof it is the finest Temple best finished & most
costly of any Building the Latter Day Saints have Ever
Built since the organization of the Church it cost over
One Million Dollars I met with several of the brethren
I went to bed at night vary weary and was troubled
with the Asthma & did not sleep at all through the night
~ Wednesday
16 I signed 15 recommends & received 10 Letters I arose
quite unwell this Morning I met some 30 of the Brethren in
the Temple and had the Prayer read for reception or rejection
[FIGURES] We organized the Temple company to work in
the Temple we Appointed Daniel H Wells to Preside over
the Temple & the work of the Temple and Appointed Brother
Lund as his Assistant & F M Farnsworth as the
Chief recorder We met in the Afternoon in council
I met with quite a Number of friends to day I suffered
a good Deal through the night with the Asthma
~ Thursday
17 [FIGURES] We Met in the Temple of the Lord at 10 oclok for
Prayer after being clothed in the Holy garments of the priesthood
George Q Cannon was Mouth I addressed the Brethren
for a short time was followed By L. Snow G. Q. Cannon
B Young & F M Lyman we then adjourned till 12 oclk
We Met at 12 oclok to Dedicate the Manti Temple
The Hymn was sung The Morning breaks the shadows flee
Then President Wilford Woodruff Kneeled upon the Altar and
Offered up the dedicatory Prayer which can be found
Published in the Deseret News of May 1888 After
which remarks were made By Wilford Woodruff, L. Snow
G. Q. Cannon B Young & F M Lyman we then dismised
I felt to thank God that I had lived on the Earth to
once More have the privilege of Dedicating another Temple
in the Rocky Mountains unto the Most High God And
I Pray God my Eternal Father that He will protect the
Manti Temple and all other Temples we have buuilt in these
unto His Holy Name that they may Never go into the Hands
of the Gentiles our Enemies to be defiled by them Arthur
Winters reported our remarks made after the offering
up the Prayer. After this Meeting we held a council below
I received 5 Letters from Phebe Scholes Bell Moses
Sarah, Mary, & Newton. I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah Mary
& Newton. I was informed that Dyer the receiver
had made a Demand for the Logan Temple Tabernacle
Tithing Office & all Church Property in Logan I went
to bed at 11:30 & slept untill Morning
~ Friday
We Met in the upper room & I set Daniel H Wells
Apart to Preside over the Temple L Snow set apart
Lund to be his Assistant. After considerable conversation
we bid ade to All in the Temple. Before leaving I consecrated
upon the Altar the seers stone that Joseph Smith found by
Revelation some 30 feet under the Earth carried By him through life
We left the Temple at 12 oclok rode to Ephraim toook dinner
with Kanute Peterson then took carriage at 2 oclok & we
crossed the Mountain to the rail Road crossing 2 Miles North
of Nephi and took a private car and rode to the Farmers
Word whare I arived at 2 oclok & went to bed for the night 135 Miles
~ Saturday
19. I arose & took breakfast & had an interview
with Azmon who was in trouble with his wife
Elizabeth He wanted to separate from her I spent the
day at the House I had an interview with Sister Ship
and gave her a Bill to go to the Temple or ticket
~ Sunday
20 Sunday I spent the day reading mostly
~ Monday
21 May
To day is the dedication of the Manti
Temple I went to the Gordo at 4:30. I signed 53 Recommend
I received 45 Letters I wrote 6 public Letters
G Q Cannon & myself visited Erastus Snow
and found him vary low we administerd to
him I annointed him & Br Cannon was
Mouth we had an interview to day with several
We learned there was a large Assembly at the
Dedication of the Temple to day
~ Tuesday
212 I signed 8 Recommends. I received
6 Letters
I wrote 7 Letters 6 Pub, 1 to Wm H Thompson
~ Wednesday
23 I signed 10 Recommends I signed 100 drafts on Liverpool
I received 9 Letters. I wrote 2 Letters to David & Atkins
I wrote 8 Public Letters I took a ride in the Evening
we went to the farm & to G Q. Cannons & back 8 Miles
~ Thursday
24 I signed 12 Recommends I received 6 Letters I wrote
6 Letters 4 public to J I Hart sent ^$^10 to Paxman & Bell
~ Friday
May 25, 1888
I signed 12 recommends. I received 26 Letters I wrote
12 Letters 10 public & 2 private
I held a Meeting with
5 of the Twelve Erastus Snow is dangerously sick nigh
unto Death I went to the farm & spent the night 3 M[iles]
~ Saturday
26 I signed 12 Recommends I received 10 Letters I
spent most of the day reading I spent the night at the farm
~ Sunday
27 Sunday I spent most of the day in the House reading
I wrote 1 Letter to Nellie I received a visit from
Marshal Soloman & Heber J Grant. They informed
me that Apostle Erastus Snow died this Evening at
9 Minutes to 7 oclok May 27, 1888
Erastus Snow was born Nov 9, 1818
Died 9 minuts to 7 oclok PM. May 27, 1888
Aged 69 years 6 month, & 9 days
Thus The Apostle Erastus Snow has left us, and gone
into the spirit world to Join with the rest of the Apostles
He making the Twelfth Apostle who has died in the church
since our Arival into these vallies on the 27 [24] July 1847
My turn must soon come I Pray God I may be
prepared for that solemn Event, which awaits us all.
I feel left almost alone, as I am the ownly Man living
who was An Apostle in the days of Joseph the Prophet
~ Monday
May 28th 1888
I went to the office in the Morning had a Meeting
with F. D. Richard G Q Cannon H J Grant & J R
Winder. We decided to have the Funeral of
Erastus Snow in the Big Tabernacle on Wednesday
May 30, at 12 oclok conducted By the Twelve Apostles
and have Everything covered in white instead
of Black G. Q. Cannon & myself visited Brother Snows
Body or his habitation I saw the body Brother
Cannon did not we returned to our room
I signed 22 Recommends. I receeved 14 Letters
I wrote ^3^ Letters to Jaques, Delight, Whitney
& Sarah I spent the night at the Gordo 5 Mile
~ Tuesday
29. I signed 12 Recommends, I received 8 Letters I spent
most of the day in council with the Twelve we wrote
an Address to the Saints for and in behalf of those
of the Twelve who could not Attend And made arang-
ements for the Funeral tomorrow I went to the Theater a
short time in the Evening I was quite unwell through
the day went to Bed quite Poorly
~ Wednesday
May 30 1888
The funeral of Apostle Erastus
Snow was held in the big Tabernacle to day we held a
Meeting with the Twelve & Legrand Young. A plan was discussed
to form a settlement with Peters & Dyer of our suits
with United States Courts to rob the Church of their
Property. There were 47 carriages Behind the Hearse that
carried Erastus Snows Body to the grave we saw
the prosession pass by the Gordo House. In company with
G. Q. C. & M. Thatcher I visited the Tabernacle and Temple
We viewed the stands & decorations in the big Tabernacle
as they were at the funeral it was all decorated in
white as I recomended the committy to do which I
think is much more siuitable than Black And I think
as a Church we should adopt it as a rule. The serv-
ices of the funeral are recorded in the Evening News
of May 30, 1888. We also visited the Temple and the
internal work I then went to the farm 3 Miles
~ Friday
June 1.
I signed 5 recommends I received 10 Letters
I wrote 12 Letters 7 Public 5 Private to Jaques, Jack
Bateman, G Q C, & Thatcher & Blair I attended the Meeting
of the Young Mens Mutual at the social Hall most of which
were the officers of the society it was the Largest meeting of the officers
of that institution that Ever Met together since its organization
They were addressed by Junius F Wells W Woodruff G Q Cannon
H. J. Grant D H Wells & M Thatcher I returned to the farm 3 M[iles]
~ Saturday
2 In company with Emma, Alice, & S Bateman I rode up the
Big Cottonwood Canyon about 4 miles above the Paper Mill
A short distance above steps to visit the New place whare
Asahel is fixing up a place for a summer resort. He
had got up 13 tents and while we were there He put
up a Lumber cook House we spent the night in camp 16 Miles
~ Sunday
3 Sunday I spent most of the day in camp we had a
vary strong wind come near Blowing the Tents down
We left the camp at 6 oclok and returned to the Farmers
ward. Owen drove home the Farm waggon one of the
Horses gave out before He got home & one Horse had to
draw the waggon home alone 16 Miles
~ Monday
June 4th 1888
^ I rode to the Gordo in the Morning I had an interview
with Newton. I signed 20 Recommends. I received
12 Letters. I wrote 1 Letters. several of the Twelve met
at 10 oclok & Adjourned untill 3 oclok. Met at 3 and
Legrand Young laid before us the proposition of Peters
U. S. Atorney for Utah for a settlement of the suit
now pending against us I was not vary well to day
~ Tuesday
^ I signed 27 Recommends. I received 22 Letters. I
wrote 9 Letters 7 Public & 2 to Jaques & Romney I attended
the Theater in the Evening And saw the old Homestead
played it took me back to old Connecticut 75 years
ago it was a vary Laughable play G. Q. C. was with me
~ Wednesday
I signed 24 Recommends I received ^23^ Letters. I
wrote 45 Letters
~ Thursday
I signed 45 Recommends. I received 35 Letters I
wrote 12 Letters. In company with G Q Cannon & F D Richards
I visited Edward Isaacson who is a converted
Jewish Rabbi Now translating B the Book of Mormon into
the Jewish Language at the Historians office I have employed
him to do this work it is the first time any one
has attempted to translate the Book of Mormon into the
Hebrew or Jewish Language
~ Friday
I signed 31 recommends I received 30 Letters, I
wrote 16 Letters 12 pub[lic] & 4 to Thompson, Cottam, Wells & Sarah
I went to the farm & spent the night 3 Miles
~ Saturday
I signed 20 recommends, I receivd 15 I wrote 12
Public Letters I made a Duck carrall & Hoed Potatoes corn
& squashes Planted corn & mowed weeds was tired at night
~ Sunday
June 10, 1888
^Sunday^ I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
I signed 20 recommends. I received 22 Letters
I wrote 8 Letters to Jaques, Whitney, Lambert, Beebe
Henry Levi L. Thompson Malinda W Hatch ^&^ Atkins
I held a Meeting of the Board of Z.C.M.I. called at
the cTheater and spent the night with G. Q. Cannon
& J. F. Smith at LeWm W. Riters 5 miles
~ Tuesday
I signed 15 Recommends. I received 10 Letters
I wrote 6 Letters pub[lic] 1 to Jaques I went to the Gordo
& had a Meeting with Maud & Trombo spent the night
~ Wednesday
I signed 45 Recommends, I received 40 Letters,
I wrote 11 Letters 10 public, 1 to Jaques I was in council
with the Twelve all day we had present two of our Lawyiers
F S Richards & Legrand Young we were trying to lay a
plan to come to a settlement with Peters & Dyer upon
our Church Law suit
~ Thursday
I signed 44 recommends. I received 28 Letters I
signed 33 Public Letters to the Presidency of all the stakes
upon the subject of Education. I had Meetings upon the
case of our Law Suits with the Government Met with our
Lawyiers & Maud & Trumbo
I wrote to Dr Maggie C Shipp
~ Friday
I signed 47 Recommends, I receivd 30 Letters
I wrote 18 Letters 13 Public & to Wilford Delight Jaques Sarah
& sylvia I had several Meetings during the day I went
to the farm in the Evening & spent the night 3 Miles
~ Saturday
16. I spent the day reading hoeing & watering
~ Sunday
17 Sunday I spent the day reading I had several calls
Among the Number were Wilcken & Dr Shipp
~ Monday
June 18, 1888
^ I signed 48 Recommends. I received 21 Letters I wrote
6 Letters 5 Pub[lic] 1 to Emma. I met with the Board of
Zions savings Bank And in the Evening I went to the
farm & returned to Br Wm W Riter's & spent the night 6 [miles]
~ Tuesday
I signed 28 recommends I received 24 Letters
I wrote 6 Public Letters
~ Wednesday
20 I signed 50 Recommends I received 55 Letters
I wrote 7 Public Letters
I held a Meeting with F. S. Richards, Winder, Jack
in company with Brother Cannon & Smith upon a
settlement with Peters & Dyer
~ Thursday
21. I signed 27 Recommends. I received 23 letters
I wrote 9 public Letters I took a ride to the
farm to Cannons & Back spent the night at Br riters
~ Friday
22 I signed 34 Recommends. I received 22 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters. I had an interview with G. Q. C & {Maud}
H B Clawson. ^
^ A peace of board struck me on the left eye
~ Saturday
23. I signed 18 recommends I received 12 letters. The
Men were stacking my Lucern and Brother Hawkins is
diging me an Artesian well gone down 150 feet & got
But Little water
~ Sunday
Judge Elias Smith Born sept 6, 1804
Died at 4 oclock June 24, 1888.
Aged 83 years, 9 Months & 18 Days
June 24, 1888
Brother Elias Smith died this morning at 4 oclok
Aged 83 years 9 M. & 18 Days. Thus has passed away another
of my old friends And a good Noble Man and true & faithf[ul]
Elias Smith has been probate Judge of Salt Lake County
for 31 years He was a good Judge of Law. He was
also President of the High Priest Quorum. Few such Men
as Elias Smith have Ever Lived on the Earth we have been
associated together for Many years. It seems to me that
I am left almost alone on the Earth I expect my time is
not far off I had an interviedw with Elias Smith He
spoke of the death of his Father
~ Monday
25 I signed 52 Recommends I received 40 Letters
I wrote 6 Public Letters & 1 to Jaques. I was in
council with the Twelve most of the day upon the
subject of a settlement of our Law suit I spent
the night wat Wm H Riters
~ Tuesday
26 I signed 20 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I received $100 for Asahel H Woodruff it was
Endorsed on his Note ^
^ I was in council with
^7 of^ the Twelve at the Gordo from 9 oclok untill Midnight
for the purpose of settling our street rail road
affair with Francis Armstrong And all of
the seven voted to confirm the sale of the rail
road to Francis Armstrong and He was to
Pay $51000 to Dyer the receiver in cash
instead of the stock H J Grant voted {further protest await the people}
~ Wednesday
This is the Aniversary of the Marterdom
of Joseph & Hyrum Smith. I signed 65 Recommends
I received ^50^ Letters I wrote 6 Letters we had an interview
F S Richards & A M Cannon
Funeral of Elias Smith to day
~ Thursday
June 28, 1888
^ I signed 28 Recommends I received 12 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters to the Pub. I had an interview
with A. Bablam & Isaac Trumbow & F S Richards &
A M Cannon we are trying to form a settlement
with Peters & Dyer on the church suit they seem
quite Anxious to get all the Property the church has
got & do not seem satisfyed with that I went to the
Theater in the Evening and saw a piece called Adam &
Eve. It is hardly a suitable peace put upon the Salt Lake stage
~ Friday
29 I signed 72 Recommends, I Received 48 Letters I wrote ^11^ Letters
30. I spent most of the day in council
~ Saturday
30 I came to the farm last night. 3 Miles
I spent the day in the garden Hoeing I have been
trying to bore an Artecican well we got a small
stream at 70 feet but wanted more went down 300 feet without water and quit moved the sp
machine 200 feet south near a spring and
intend to try there
~ Sunday
July 1. Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
2 I signed 25 Recommends. I received 25 Letters
I wrote 6 Letters one to Jaques we had interviews
with Badlam & Trombo we finally agreed to settle to
day with Peters & Dyer. My Men bored at the farm
for Artcian well we bored 300 without water &
with Hydrolic Press we drew it up I went to
the farm twice & spent the night 12 Miles
~ Tuesday
3 I signed 25 Recommends I receivd 35 Letters &
wrote 14 Letters to Jaques & Dr Shipp
~ Wednesday
July 4, 1888
The Gentiles & Mormons are Amalgamating to
day in Salt Lake City to celebrate the fourth of
July In company with G. Q. Cannon & Joseph
F Smith I went to the City Hall & saw the procession
Pass we then returned to the Gordo House
I signed 18 Recommends I received 15 Letters I had
company in the Evening at the Gardo House to see the fire
works on the Hill we staid upon the roof untill near
Midnight then the family went home
~ Thursday
I signed 37 Recommends. I received 25 Letters
I wrote 8 Letters 6 Public & to Jaques & Sarah & Mary
I went to the farm & spent the night 3 Miles
~ Friday
6. Hawkins finished boring My Artecians wells the
first one He sunk 300 feet without thwater He
then drew the pipes up to 125 feet and stoped
at a stream of sulpher water of 12 gallons to
the Minute He then dug me another well 8564 feet
got 10 gallons to the munite of good soft soda
water the whole cost me $215.40 I spent the day
at hard work Hoeing watering &c was quite weary
at night
~ Saturday
7 I spent most of this day watering I received
10 Letters
~ Sunday
8 Sunday I spent most of the day reading
~ Monday
I went to the Gordo in the Morning Met with several
Banking Men Then Met with the State Board of Education
Then Met with the Board of Zions savings Bank ^
^ we closed our
U. S. suit with Peters & Dyer. I signed a Note for $157,666.15
This Note which I signed had to be paid by the 1 Sept
This Law of Congress to take all the Property of the
Church of Jesus Churchrist of Latter Day Saints is
the most Ungodly, and unconstitutional Law
Ever Enacted by any Congress since the foundation
of the American Government. The following is the list
of the Property takeingen by the receiver
Gass stock | $80000 |
Interest on the same | 1600 |
Street Rail Road stock and interest | 51000 |
Constitutional Property | 36241.15 |
Wells Lot | 42925 |
Provo Stock Coop | 22000 |
30000 sheep at $2. | $60000 |
Alfales Young Lot | 5500 |
Personal Property &c | 75000 |
Deseret Telegraph | 22500 |
Church Farms Estimated By Dyer | 150000 |
Coal Mine | 100000 |
Total of Property Taken | $646,766.15 |
Also the Theater | 25000 $671766 |
Thus the United States Government has taken from
the Latter Day Saints the Above sum under the Law
created By Senators Edmunds & Tucker. It has been
a hard peace of work to form this settlement with
Peters & Dyer. Besides holding 3 Meetings to day
& consulting with the Lawyiers and settling with
the Government I signed 42 Recommends I received
31 Letters & wrote to Phebe & Susan & sent her $20.
~ Tuesday
July 10th 1888
I signed 30 Recommends I received 20 Letters
I wrote 36 Letters to Jaques, Emma Mary, ^{sent} 15 {dollars}^ Bleak
Cottam & Wm H Thompson I attended the Z.C.M.I. board
Meeting in the Evening 5 Miles
~ Wednesday
11 I signed 20 Recommends, I received 15 Letters. I
wrote 8 Letters I spent the night at Legrand Youngs
~ Thursday
12 I signed 47 Recommend I received 37 Letters. I wrote 10 Letters
wrote I Letter to John H. Woodruff Thompson son his Mother
was Dead, & Father Blind
~ Friday
I signed 54 Recommends received 35 Letters
I wrote 14 Letters 13 Public, 1 to Phebe A Snow I went
to the farm & spent [the night] 3 Miles
~ Saturday
I wrote 2 Letters to Sarah sent $20 to Delight
& sent her $25 for the family
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I spent the day reading mostly
~ Monday
I spent the day at the Gardo House I signed 18 Recommends
I received 20 Letters 7 Letters I wrote 6 pub, & 1 to Jaques
~ Tuesday
17 In company with Emma & Alice & Br Bateman I went
to Young Peak Lodge whare I found Asahel in charge Thay
had 15 Tents & a cook House we spent the night 14 Miles
~ Wednesday
We went on the side of the Mountains & gathered
some oar And drove up the canyon to the Recorders office
And Asahel Entered the Land as Mill Minneral Land
we fished going home I caught 7, Asahel 245. we
spent the night in camp
~ Thursday
19. we staid in camp we had a hard rain storm
in the Evening came into some of our tents & wet the
Bedding Asahel Dug a trench around the Dining tent
~ Friday
July 20
We staid in camp Asahel went up to the Mill
& got a load of saw dust for the Dining tent floor
We returned home in the Evening 14 Miles
~ Saturday
21. ^
^ I was quite sick most of the day in bed
two loads of passengers went up to the Lodge to
day they have not conveniences for all that go up
thare Owen took up Ovando Clara Blanch
& 2 young Men
~ Sunday
22 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
I went to the Gordo & spent the day I signed
18 Recommends I received 128 Letters I wrote 1 Letter
~ Tuesday
July 24, 1888 This is the Great Pioneer day The
Sabbath school children assembled in the Tabernacle
to celebrate the day I wrote an Address, to be read
to the people Also George Q Cannon both of which
was read there was some 8000 people in the
Tabernacle I spent the day at the farm the first
time in 41 years when I was in the valley that
I did not take part in the Celebration. Ovando
Clara & Owen returned from the Mountain
Lodge I spent the night at the Farm
~ Wednesday
25 I went to Sherriff Andrew Burt Residence
at the County Jail & spent the day with G Q Cannon
I signed 48 Recommends. I received 30 Letters
~ Thursday
I signed 40 Recommends I receivd 25 Letters
I wrote 20 Letters 12 public and 8 to Sarah, David,
Phebe A Snow, Leslie Snow Wm Atkin, Wm Thompson
& J G Bleak I went to the farm at night 3 Miles
~ Friday
July 27, 1888
I wrote 1 Letters to Bell Moses I spent the
day about the farm choreing signed 18 Recommends Received 12 Letters
~ Saturday
28 I spent most of the day at the farm we went
up to Youngs Peak lodge in the Evening the place kept by
Asahel H Woodruff we spent the night 16 Miles
~ Sunday
29 Sunday I spent the day in camp
~ Monday
30 Monday I rode up big Cottonwood Canyon & fished
down I cought 20 trout & had 40 Bite I did not
ketch I was weary 10 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
31. I spent [blank] H L Hall Asahel's Partner wrote him a vary
insulting Letter which was vary unbecoming a Saint or
a Man of business
~ Wednesday
Aug 1. I spent the day in camp
~ Thursday
2 I helped Asahel pitch 3 tents we worked untill 3 {o'clock}
we then returned to the farm on Farmers ward 16 M[iles]
~ Friday
3 I had an interview with Azmon He is still in trouble
with his wife Elizabeth she is nearly crazy & she treats
him in such a Manner that He is nearly starving Emma
got him some dinner Bishop Burton & Cummings
called upon me upon the subject
~ Saturday
4 I spent most of the day at work in the garden Owen
came near being killed to day He was riding a strange
Horse He run into a Buggy and fell throwing Owen
many feet over his head and broake Every spoke out
of the off hind wheel it did not hurt the Horse but it hurt Owen
~ Sunday
5 Sunday I spent the day reading. I received 6 Letters
^ Brother Cummings & Burton called upon me & called
upon Azmon & Elizabeth, she would go to her sons in N.Y.
~ Monday
Aug 6, 1888
I signed 63 Recommends, I received 40 Letters
I wrote one Letter & sent $15. I had an
interview with Franklin J Cannon direct
from Washington spoke of his interview
with President Cleveland & Atorney General
~ Tuesday
I signed 27 Recommends I received 18 Letters I
wrote 11 Letters 8 Public & to Jacobson B. F Johnson
& Lucy S Woodruff I sent her $5. I had an interview
with James H Hart & others
~ Wednesday
I signed 56 Recommends, I received 28 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters 7 Public & to Emma & Asahel & sent
Asahel a copy of Halls Accounts
~ Thursday
I signed 60 Recommends I received 26 Letters
I wrote Letters 5 public 2 private Total 7. I went to
the farm at night wrote to Sarah 3 Miles
~ Friday
10 I spent the day at the farm spent most of the day
at work I signed 12 Recommends I received 10 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Wm H Thompson
~ Saturday
11 We finished our second crop of Lucern today
Azmon is now living at Emmas House and
doing as well as He can But He is naturly an
unhappy Man He is one of that kind of Men
that must Mourn about sumthing or they cannot
be hapy
~ Sunday
12 Sunday Emma & Clara went to Meeting
I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
13. I signed 19 Recommends I received 15 Letters I had
an interview with D. H. Wells, Parkinson & Bulah
~ Tuesday
Aug 14, 1888
I signed ^34^ Recommends. I received 23 Letters I wrote
10 Letters 7 to Missionaries, & to Hammond, Bates & Wm Atkin. I went
to the field & spent the night 3 Miles
~ Wednesday
In company with Emma, Clara, & Samuel Bateman I
rode to Farmington And had a visit with Sisters Sarah
B Foss & Elizabeth & Ezra Foss wife. Sarah Foss is 88
years of Age & quite smart I also had an interview
with Ezra Clark & Bishop John W Hess 36 Miles
~ Thursday
I signed 81 Recommends, I received 40 Letters I wrote
22 Letters 21 Public & 1 to Phebe A Snow & sent her $5
I had an interview with Dr Leslie W Snow, Jaques & Stewart
~ Friday
I sighned 30 Recommends. I received 25 Letters I wrote
Letters 12 10 Public wrote to Sarah & Ilus I went
to the farm & spent the night 3 Miles
~ Saturday
18 I spent the forenoon hoeing & watering and the
Afternoon in reading
~ Sunday
19. Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
I signed 45 Recommends I received 27 Letters
I wrote 13 public Letters I Attended the Theater in the
Evening and saw the Great Magicion Herrmann
Perform his Black art among other things He cut off a
womans Head all which looked Natural I spent the night
at Brother John McDonalds
~ Tuesday
I signed 17 Recommends, I received 14 Letters
I wrote 2 Letters to 2 Sarah & Mary spent at McDonalds
~ Wednesday
I signed 41 Recommendsed I Received 43 Letters
I wrote 11 Letters 7 Pub & ^4^ to Badlam Jaques Thompson & Bleak
I spent the night at Br McDonalds
~ Thursday
Aug 23
I signed 32 ^58^ Recommends I received 245 ^45^ Letter
I wrote 8 Pub Letters & 1 to Mrs Young I had an
interview with Wm Budge upon Bear Lake Affairs
~ Friday
I signed ^43^ Recommends I received 45 Letters
I wrote ^8^ Letters Pub. I went to the farm & spent the night
~ Saturday
25 I spent the day at the farm Making cider & choring
I was quite weary at night
~ Sunday
26. Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
{I dictated [dedicated] the handkerchief for a sister sent to me for sickness the first in life.}
~ Monday
I signed 3447 recommends I received 34 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Sarah I was in council all day
with the Twelve John W Young was with us I spent the
night at the Gordo
~ Tuesday
I signed 30 Recommends ^I received^ 23 Letters. I
wrote 15 Public Letters & signed 36 drafts I spent
Most of the day in council with 9 of the Twelve and
Done a great Deal of Business I also had interviews
with Phebe Snow, Bulah & James J. we Left at
10 o'clok & went to John McDonalds & spent the night
Among other Business of the day we voted to Liberate
J. D. T. McAllister from the presidency of St Georg Stake
and confine his labors to The Temple work we also
voted to Donate $50,000 of church funds for Educational
Purposes I Appointed a committee of F D Richards
M Thatcher & John R Winder to take into consideration
some of our Political Affairs
~ Wednesday
I signed 64 Recommends. I received 33 Letters I wrote
Letters to Milton Snow Sarah Newton & Mary sent her $10
~ Thursday
Aug 30th 1888
I signed 36 Recommends. I received 28 Letters
I wrote 18 Public Letters & 2 to F. D. Richards & M Thatcher
My Public Letters were dictated by G Q Cannon
By My direction to Br Winters our reporters and
He copies them and I signe them
~ Friday
I signed 33 Recommends. I received 25 letters
I wrote 4 Letters 2 Pub, & to J Jack to take $20 for Ira
Hatch Tithing & wrote Malinda Hatch sent her $5 for Photograph
I went to the farm & spent the Night 3 Miles
~ Saturday
Sept 1. I spent the day Making cider watering Matters & trees
& choping wood I was choping wood
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday we had a visit from Asahel & Naoma &
Ovando & Clara They all left in the Evening
~ Monday
I rode in the Morning to Br Wm White's to spend
the week I met with G Q Cannon & J F Smith
I signed 42 Recommends I received 40 Letters. I wrote
3 Letters to Wilford, Jaques & Henry & Nellie
~ Tuesday
I signed 37 Recommends. I received 31 Letters
from Sylvia, Henry, & Nellie. I wrote 36 Letters
30 Public I received 31 Letters. I wrote 36 Letters
and to Teasdale, Sarah Henry & Nellie, Sylvia & Bleak
I went to the office and had an interview with several
of the Brethren & returned to our lodgings
~ Wednesday
I signed 60 Recommends I received 59 Letters I wrote
8 Letters 7 Public & 1 to Emma
~ Thursday
Sept 6, 1888
Horace S Eldridge
Born Febuary 6, 1816 in Brutus NY
Died Sept 6th 1888 At 7:30 AM
Aged 72 years & 7 Months
His Funeral was held at his house sunday Sept 8 [18]88
Horace S Eldridge died this Morning at his residence
in Salt Lake City at 7:30 AM Aged 72 years & 7 Month
He was one of the seven first Presidents of the seventies
He was supposed to be the most wealthy Man in the church
He was the President of the Deseret National Bank
and Superintendent of Z.C.M.I. His loss will
be felt by many He is the Last of a list of rich
Men who have been associated to gether in S L City
viz Wm H. Hooper, Wm Jennings, Ferrymore Little
& Horace S Eldridge The rich must die as well
as the Poor I had an interview this Morning with
Asahel and Isaac M Wardell on business
{[illegible shorthand] has rendered asylum financially for the present}
I signed 36 recommends. I received 25 Letters
I wrote 25 Letters 22 public & to Sarah Mary & M E Teasdale
~ Friday
7th ^
^ I signed 44 Recommends. I received 33 Letters I wrote
7 Letters 5 Public & to Jaques & Ensign I attended a
Bank Meeting and went to the farm & spent the night 3 M[iles]
~ Saturday
8 I spent the day Making cider & was weary
~ Sunday
Sept 9th 1888
ISunday I spent the day in the House we Had a visit
from Frank Turnbow & wife & family Also
Asahel & Naoma all took dinner with us &
returned home
~ Monday
I went to the Gardo house & signed 91 Recommend
I received 58 Letters I wrote 7 Letters 6 public & 1
to Jaques I had an interview with Badlam & Trombow
also with M. Thatcher I held a Meeting with Board of
Z.C.M.I. in the Evening I felt quite unwell
~ Tuesday
I signed 60 Recommends I received 36 Letters
I wrote 12 Letters 8 Public & to Jaques Newton Sarah
& Mary I sent Newton $25 to make a payment on
some Land I went to the field in the Evening & Back 6 m[iles]
We saw some person at the House a watching the House
we thought it was Arthur Pratt {Peters and Dyer are on the war path today}
~ Wednesday
I signed 92 Recommends I received 32 Letters I wrote
9 Letters 7 Pub & to Jaques & Thompson
~ Thursday
I signed 43 Recommends. I received ^18^ Letters, I wrote
5 Letters 4 Pub & to Atkin
~ Friday
I signed 55 Recomments I received 25 Letters I wrote
2 Letters went to the farm & spent the night 3 Mile
~ Saturday
I signed 34 Recommends I received 23 Letters
I wrote 24 Letters 21 Public & to Sarah Malinda Hatch &
Brother Peterson & sent him $10 for 1 pair of Boots
~ Sunday
16 ^
^ Sunday we are waiding through Deep waters as Authorities
of the Church Dyer the receiver & Peters the prosicuting Attorney
are doing all they can to rob the church of all the property
they have and trying to get up an Excuse for the same
^Sunday^ I came to the farm last night & found Asahel
Ovando & Clara Asahel Returned to the Valley House
I spent the day in the House looking over to my Journal
& reading
~ Monday
Sept 17, 1888 ^
^ This is an important day in our History
President George Q. Cannon was indicted on
saturday again for cohabitation and this Morning He
went into court and Delivered himself up to
the court & Plead guilty to the Indictment and the
court sentenced him on the first count 75 days
imprisionment & $200 dollar fine and the second
count 100 days & $250 dollar fine total
175 days imprisionment & $450 dollars fine He
was taken im [in] to the Penetentiary w by Marshal
Dyer who was accompanied by C. W. Wilkin H. B.
Clawson & James Jack. The Marshal told the
warden to treat him Kindly He will have all the
Privileges the rules can afford. We Parted in
good spirits This leaves me in a Measure
alone for 5 Months but I will do the best I can
I had an interview with Col Broadhead &
F S Richards concerning our settlement with
Dyer and Peters and we find that they are
Determined to try to Break the settlement as
thay want to Extend it as long as they can
Brother Wilkins returned from the Prision &
reported that Brother Cannon was cheerful
I Pray God to Protect him & all the faithful
I signed 69 Recommends I received 39 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters pub
~ Tuesday
I signed 23 Recommends, I received 15 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters 2 Public & to Jesse Sarah & Mary & sent $20
The Tribune is full of wrath this morning because
George Q Cannon gave himself up yesterday without
the ring having Power to arest him and be made a Marter
of. The ring are Mad Becaus the New Govornor does
not persecute the saints the same as Judge Zane
~ Wednesday
I signed 37 Recommends. I received 37 Letters I wrote
7 Letters 4 Pub & to J. W. Young David & Sarah There
is still a great cry against us becaus Judge Sanford
does not Punish the Elders more than He does
the cohabitation cases
~ Thursday
20. I signed 60 Recommends. I received 40 Letters I wrote
6 Letters public I had an interview in the Evening with 3
Brethren from Ogden upon political Matters
~ Friday
I signed 29 Recommends I received 24 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to David Hilton & went to the field
~ Saturday
22 I spent the day at the farm Hoing making cider
~ Sunday
23. Sunday I spent the day reading I had an interview
with Charles H Wilken
~ Monday
I went to H. B. Clawsons and spent the day & night
I signed 83 Recommends I received 58 Letters I wrote
3 Letters to Jaques F D Richards & D H Wells I had an
interview with Brother Peterson Lund Ricks Arnold &
F S Richards
~ Tuesday
Sept 25 1888
^ I signed 16 Recommends I received 12 Letters
I wrote 5 public Letters I went to the Gordo spent the night
I had an interview with my cousin R M Thompson
His Father was Brother to My Mother Bulah Thompson
I had not seen any of the family for 38 years before
~ Wednesday
I signed 65 Recommends, I received 40 Letters
I wrote 5 Public Letters I spent the day in council with
7 of the Twelve & the Bishops Preston & Winder we
Appointed D. D. McArthur to Be President of St George
Stake we gave Richard W Young the privilege of
Resigning his position in the Armey if He wished
I had an interview with Brothers Budge & Nibley
also with sister Franklin S Richards
~ Thursday
I signed 51 Recommends I received 23 letters
I wrote 8 Letters 6 public & to Asahel & R M Thompson
I spent the day in council with the Twelve I attended
a Bank Meeting in the Evening
~ Friday
I signed ^20^ Recommends I received 14 Letters
I wrote 10 Letters 9 public I went to the Theater in the Evening
And to the farm & spent the night 3 Miles
I Paid to the Zions Savings Bank $500 got recept
Henry & Nellie arived from Ashley I went to the farm
~ Saturday
29. I spent the day at the farm in company with Henry
Woodruff He & Nellie had come from Ashley
~ Sunday
30. Sunday I spent the day in the House Reading
~ Monday
Oct 1.
I signed 77 Recommends I received 47 Letters
I wrote 8 Public Letters {Peters and Dyer are on the war path}
We are having difficulty with E D Wooley in selling Church cattle
~ Tuesday
Oct 2nd 1888
I signed 25 Recommends I received ^21^ Letters I wrote
5 Letters public I was in council with the Twelve untill
Dark we have great Trouble to settle with Dyer and
Peters as we have trouble to turn over the cattle we
concluded to Pay him the Money about $225000
~ Wednesday
I signed 53 Recommends. I Received 36 Letter
I wrote 11 Letters 8 pub & to Jaques, Asahel & Phebe {Sent} $15.
I went to the farm & Back 6 Miles
~ Thursday
I signed 56 Recommends. I received 26 Letters
I wrote 26 ^5^ Letters to Roskelley, Bleak, S W Richards &
& Zina Young I met in the forenoon with some 20 Bankers
& Business Men to arange Matters to Dyer the receiver
some $230,000. We took up our Note at McCormick
& gave New Notes for 3, 6, 9, & 12 Months {Sarah came}
~ Friday
I signed ^42^ Recommends I received 31 Letters I
wrote 7 Letters to Jaques, James J W, Reynolds,
Jack, & Emma I went to the farm & back I attended
the Meeting of the Stock Holders of Z.C.MI. Officiated
as President we had a New Election In which
Wilford Woodruff was Elected President, Moses Thatcher vice
President Secretary & Treasurer T. G. Webber Directors
Geo G Cannon Jos F Smith, H. J. Grant John Sharp, G Romney
J R Winder, H Dinwoody, P T. Farnsworth, W H Rowe
& T. W. Jennings I was in council untill Midnight
with the Twelve & 5 Lawyiers including Col Broadhead
upon our question of settlement with the Government The
question of Poligamy was up I gave my views
upon it and said I should not desert my family
~ Saturday
Oct 6, 1888
I signed 60 Recommends. I received 25 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters Public I went to the farm at night
^ I found Azmon had a fall and came near killing
himself He badly bruised the left side of his face
and nearly knocked his left Eye out D H Wells
spent several hours with me about Endowments
~ Sunday
I administerd to Azmon & Nellie it was a
Hard rainy day. I went to the office at 4 oclk
& Met with a large congregation of the presidents
of Staques [Stakes] & their councillors I talked to them upon
several subjects followed By J F Smith B Young
^ & M Thatcher I receivd 8 Letters
~ Monday
8 ^
^ I signed 10 Recommends. I received 10 Letters I
wrote 5 Letters 3 Pub & to Thompson & Bell I spent
the Evening at Br Richards with Col Broadhead
who with his wife took cars for St Louis at 11 oclock
This 8th day of Oct is an interesting day to us
as our case has gone through the supreme court of this
Territory and been carried up to the supreme court
of the United States for final settlement which has been
a hard struggle for us to get done
~ Tuesday
Oct 9.
I signed 37 Recommends I receivd 17 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters to G Q Cannon Cushing & Mary
~ Wednesday
10 I signed 58 Recommends I signReceived 35 Letters
I spent the day in council with the Twelve And the Evening
in a Meeting of the Board we Appointed T G Webber the
Superintendent of the Coop & M Thatcher H. J. Grant and
G Romney the finance committee
~ Thursday
Oct 11, 1888
I signed 12 Recommends, I received 8 Letters
I wrote 7 Letters 5 Pub & to Moses & Phebe Scholes I
am suffering with severe cold
~ Friday
I signed 35 Recommends I received 23 Letters
I wrote 8 Public Letters I held a council with several
of the Twelve and others I had an interview with Bell
~ Saturday
13. I signed 40 Recommends I received 31 Letters I wrote
9 Letters 8 Pub & to Webber Arabelle went home
to day she called upon me befor she went
~ Sunday
14 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
15 I spent the forenoon choreing In the afternoon I rode
in company with Solomon, Ovando & Emma to Br Madsons
at the Mouth of Provo distance of the day 50 Miles
~ Tuesday
16 I spent the day hunting ducks and fishing we got 3 trout
Brother Alfred Solomons got 24 ducks Beebe 7, Bateman 3
W. 1, the Boys 6, total 38.
~ Wednesday
17 W got 1, Soloman 3, Beebe 2, Bateman 3. Total 9 ducks
and 50 lbs of trout
~ Thursday
18 Solomon got 6 ducks Bateman 3, Beebe 7, total 16. we
caught one carp & Eat it and found it quite a fair
~ Friday
19 Soloman got 207 ducks Ovando 15, Bateman 2 & W. 3. 47
we took cars at night & returned home 50 Miles
~ Saturday
20 I spent the day at work covering Potatoes Picking
Apples &c I received 6 Letters we learned that the Idaho
court decided against us which shows that the saints
in Idaho are still going to be under Tyrany
~ Sunday
201 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
Oct 22nd 1888
I signed 54 Recommends I rece[ive]d 41 Letters
I wrote 12 Letters 10 pub, & to Elizabeth Woodruff &
J Ta Caine I met with the 12 at the Presidents office
and with the Provo Dimocratts & Brother Nibley & Johnson
we staid untill one oclok & returned to Br James Sharp
~ Tuesday
23 I signed 63 Recommends I received 43 Letters
On Oct 2nd for the Note in the Hands of Dyer $157,666.15
for stock & personal Property $75000, for the Deseret
News Stock $5000 for interest on gass stock [unpaid]
$1600, Making a Total of $239266 & 15 cts. These
Notes were renewed A Note was given to McCormick
for $160000. There were $30000 raised from the
savings Bank & $50000 was Raised by F Armstrong
we paid interest of $1600. Total of $241600.
I rote 18 Letters 13 Public, & to Browett, Jaques, Bleak
David & Sarah.
~ Wednesday
I signed 34 Recommends. I received 27 Letters
I wrote 15 Letters 8 Public & to Ensign, Jaques, Atkin, Pheb, Susan Newton & S
I gave a draft this Morning to James Sharp on
Zions savings Bank for $20000 to be sent to John T.
Caine to be paid to the Dimicratic committee of New York
~ Thursday
I signed 30 Recommends. I received 18 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters pub I spent the day at James Sharp
~ Friday
I signed 70 Recommends I received 28 Letters
I wrote 4 public Letters I spent the night at the field after
attended two Meetings at the office one with Woolley of Kanab
& one with the Twelve on Idaho Affairs They are in a critical condition
Naomi Asahels wife had a daughter Born at 3:30 PM Oct 26, 1888
~ Saturday
Oct 27, 1888
I spent the day choring at the farm we finished grinding
up the Apples Azmon had a fall and cut a vein open
in his hand & bled a good Deal. 2 Horses stampedid in
the Lot and one Jumped betwen a horse & Buggy tied to
the fence & broak a shaft & crossbar for Brother Sudbury
we had Difficulty in tying it up so He could get
home I helped carry a cider Mill into the Barn it
was to heavy for us and it lamed me by over lifting
~ Sunday
28th Sunday I doctered Azmons Hand it was badly
swooled I spent the day reading
~ Monday
I signed 70 Recommends I received 60 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters to Jaques, Ensign Winder, Sarah and
Mary. I attended A meeting of Zions Savings Bank
at the Presidents Office Also a Meeting of the Twelve 4
being Present then returned to our room
~ Tuesday
I signed 24 Recommends. I receivd ^13^ Letters
I wrote 10 Letters 6 pub to Cox, Brookbank Milton
& Richards I went to the farm & spent the night {Emma not well.}
~ Wednesday
I signed 44 Recommends. I received 20 Letters
I wrote 11 Letters 9 Public & to Jaques & Wilford
I met in council with the Twelve The subject of
the fees of the received was brought up and He
wanted $25000. it was finally agreed to by
the council that our council Richards & Young would
give them a writing to Dyer that if the court allowed
him that Mouch they would not present objections Our
^ Idaho Matters was also taken up Our Brethren
there are in a vary Critical Condition
~ Thursday
November 1, 1888
I signed 42 Recommends. I received 20 letters
I wrote 7 Letters 5 Pub & to Jack & Jaques I spent
the Evening with James Sharp family
~ Friday
I signed 32 Recommends. I received 16 Letters
I wrote 11 Letters 6 Pub & to McAllister and Cannon Atkin,
Sarah & Jaques. I went to the farm at night 3 Mils
~ Saturday
3. I spent the day at hard Labor I covered all my grape
vines and Banked up the Houses & was vary weary at night
~ Sunday
4. A snow storm this Morning Keets called upon
me this Morning It snowed Most of the day and night
I spent most of the day in the house reading
~ Monday
5 Oct [Nov]
I signed 101 Recommends I received 57 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters
Politics are running vary high Many of our Brethren
in Idaho are being arested for Perjury for regestering
I spent the day at Mayor Armstrong 3 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
Nov 6, 1888 This is the great Election day for America
I wrote 12 Letters to day And sent Money
to the following Person as a Christmass Present as
follows To Emma $10, Clara $5, Owen $5, Blanch 5
Alice $5, Vedi $1, Asahel & Naoma $10, Wilford
& Julia $10, Susan $5, Lucy $10, Sarah 5, Newton 5
Bell $5, Sylvia $5, Mary $5, James J $5,
Delight $5 Marion $5, Emeline $5 Ensign $5, John $5 Julia $5,
Milton $5. Total Christmass Presents to day $131.
No decision yet on the Election I signed 12 Recommends
^ I received 8 Letters I wrote 6 Letters Pub I sat up till
near Midnight to learn of the Election but got Nothing Decisive.
~ Wednesday
Nov 7, 1888
I signed 43 Recommends. I received 31 Letters I wrote
6 public Letters I spent the day at Br Armstrongs it
seems from the Political Returns that Harrison is Elected
President of the United States
~ Thursday
Nov 8.
I signed 21 Recommends. I wrote 7 Letters
I received 33 Letters I wrote ^7^ to Foster M E Teasdale
Sarah Mary & G Q Cannon & 2 Public had an interview
with Brother Budge & Nibley on Idaho affairs
From the returns of the Election it seems that the whole
country has gone republican it does not look favorable
for Utah or the Latter Day Saints But we must trust
in God as we always have had to
~ Friday
I signed 30 Recommends. I received 25 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters Public I went to the Theater in the Evening
and to the farm & spent the Night 3 Miles
~ Saturday
10 I spent most of the day choring I attended a Board
Meeting of ZCMI at the store in the Evening 6 M[iles]
~ Sunday
11 Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
I went to Brother Armstrongs in the Morning
I signed 73 Recommends, I received ^64^ Letters I wrote 4
Letters to Nellie Richards Sarah & Jaques
~ Tuesday
13 I wrote signed 37 Recommends. I rece[iv]ed 21 Letters
I spent the day in council with the Twelve & J. T Cain F S Richards
& Penrose upon our state Business & Idaho Matters
~ Wednesday
14. I signed 33 Recommends I received 44 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters 8 Public & to Sarah sent 10 {dollars} I spent
the day in council with the Twelve. I had an interview in
the Evening with Sister Zina, ^2^ Richards on Relief [Society] Business
~ Thursday
November 15 1888
I signed 27 Recommends I received 19 Letters
^ I wrote 4 Letters 3 Pub 1 to G Q Cannon I went to the Theater
~ Friday
16 I signed 19 Recommends I received 13 Letters I wrote
to G. Q. C. I went to the farm and spent the Night
~ Saturday
17 I spent the day at work at various things
~ Sunday
18. Sunday I spent the day reading I visited Clara in
the Evening also Asahel & Naoma she was quite
Poorly we administerd to her & returned home 7 mile
~ Monday
19 I signed 14 Recommends. I received 8 Letters
~ Tuesday
I signed 22 Recommends. I received 18 Letters
I wrote 4 Pub Letters I had an interview with F S
Richards & B H Schettler in the Evening upon the Bank
~ Wednesday
I wrote 4 Letters to to Jaques, Winder, Schettler,
& Kimball I received 29 Letters, I signed 52 Recommends
I had an interview with F S & C. C. Richards J T. Cain
~ Thursday
I signed 25 Recommends. I received L 24
Letters. I wrote 9 Letters 2 pub, & to 2 Jaqus Gibbs Winder
Thompson & McAllister ^& Sarah^. I had interviews with Richards
& Young, Brigham, & Sudbery on church affairs
~ Friday
I signed 21 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I wrote 14 Letters 8 public and to G Q C & A M C.
Sylvia sent 5 dollars, to Phebe C Scholes sent her 5 dollars
Wm Atkins went to the farm & spent the night 3 Mile
~ Saturday
24 I spent the day at work setting out strawburies &
getting out Manure & sawing wood I went up in
the Evening visited Asahel & Naoma she was quite
Poorly we then visited Clara & Ovando &
returned home 6 miles
~ Sunday
November 25, 1888
I spent the day reading
~ Monday
I signed 26 Recommends I received 30 Letters I wrote 3
Letters to Jaques, Orion Snow & Sarah I attended a Bank
Meeting at the office in the Evening we decided not to take
any more stock holders untill we settled our affairs of the Bank
~ Tuesday
I signed 32 Recommends. I received 28 Letters
I wrote 12 Letters, 6 public & to McKenzie Mulford, Owen,
G. Q. Cannon & 2 to Jaques. I had an interview in the Evening
with Richards & West and Sarah & sent $5
~ Wednesday
I signed 7 Recommends. I received 5 Letters
I wrote 8 Letters 3 Public & to Phebe ^S^ with $5 to Wilford $5
to Jaques & Milton W Snow I had an interview with the
Architect of the Temple I then went to the city and spent
the Night I felt quite unwell 3 Miles
~ Thursday
29. Thanksgiving I spent the day at the farm and took
my Thanksgiving supper there at Emmas with Asahel
& Naoma Clara & Ovando & Owen & Blanch & Alice
I was quite unwell through the night with a severe cold
~ Friday
30. I spent the day mostly chooring but was quite unwell
I held a Meeting at my House in the Evening with G Q Cannon
J F Smith & A Badlam. Marshal Dyer Brought down
Brother Cannon from the Penetentiary & it was a happy
Meeting we talked over our church affairs
~ Saturday
Dec 1. I was quite unwell this Morning But Brother Sevilles
family was quite sick his oldest son 16 years old was
in convoltions and they thought He would die Although
sick myself I went up and administerd to him with
Samuel Bateman and He began to Amend
I was quite unwell to day But I done a little choring I
was quite Poorly through the Night
~ Sunday
2 Sunday I spent most of the day reading I found quite
a help at Night by taking several grains of quinine
~ Monday
3 I went to the Gardo in the Morning & Met in council
with the Twelve 7 of the Quorum & Bishop Preston
& council & Carlos Young the Architect. He had some
complaint and the whole subject was investigated
And it was decided that the Presiding council
of the Church should direct the building of the
Temples the Bishoppric should collect the Means
and the Architect should draw the plans & visit
the Temple and see that the building was Erected
according to the plans and that was the End of his
work we transacted a good Deal of business
^ I signed 54 Recommends 34 Letters. I wrote 7 Letters
3 Public & to McKenzie, Jaques, Mulford, & Sarah
I Paid Bishop Preston to day $350 in Gold for Tithing
I Paid $250 in cash Last Month & $37.50 cash $600
Farm Produce $37.50 Total $637.50. I got Receipts for same
8 ~ Tuesday
I signed 32 Recommends. I received 32 Letters I wrote
3 Letters. I spent most of the day in council and in the
Evening I had an interview with Wilford & Jaques I went
to O P Arnolds & spent the night
~ Wednesday
I signed 16 Recommends. I received 13 Letters, I wrote
11 Letters, 8 Public & to Phebe Snow, David P Wm Thompson
& Wm Palmer I had an interview with Joseph E Taylor
& S H Hill
I wrote to Mulford
~ Thursday
Dec 6th 1888
I signed 29 Recommends, I received 16 Letters I wrote
9 Letters 5 Pub & to Emma Owen & Mary R. I went
to the farm in the Evening a few Moments & returned 6 Miles
I had an interview with Legrand Young
~ Friday
I signed 29 Recommends I received 19 Letters
I wrote 6 Letters 5 Public & to Mary & sent her $10. I went to
Clara's & spent the night
~ Saturday
8 I spent the day at Claras reading I went to the office in the
Evening & held a Meeting with several of the Brethren from Idaho
~ Sunday
9. Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
I went to Brother Wm B Dugles to spend the week
I signed 35 Recommends. I received 33 Letters
I wrote 2 Public Letters I attended the Z.C.M.I. Board
Meeting at their office And returned to my room
Judge Zane has undertaken to break up the settlement of Dyer
with the Church But I heard to night the Lawyiers had
used Zane up & the farce was Ended
~ Tuesday
I signed 26 Recommends. I Received 17 Letters I wrote
25 Letters 21 Pub & to McKenzie, Thompson Jaques & McAllister
I had an interview with J D T M F M Lyman who
had just returned from Canida
Ilus F Carter Died to day Ilus F Carter Died Dec 12 [18]88
~ Wednesday
I signed 40 Recommends. I received 18 Letters. I
wrote 6 Letters 3 pub, & to Susan and sent $10 & copy of grave yard
I received Letters from Phebe & Susan Scholes I wrote
Sarah & Wm Atkin
~ Thursday
I signed 17 Recommends. I Received 9 Letters
I wrote 6 Letters 5 Pub & to Mary I spent the Evening
at Judge Smiths. We had a hard rain in the night
~ Friday
Dec 14, 1888
I signed 15 Recommends I Received 23 Letters
I wrote 13 Public Letters I went to the farm at night 3 M[iles]
~ Saturday
15 I spent the day at the farm choreing
~ Sunday
16 Sunday I spent the day mostly reading & Doctering Azmon
I wrote 2 Letters to Jaques & Raleigh
~ Monday
I signed 28 Recommends. I Received 22 Letters
I wrote to Henry & Eunice I had an interview
with H. B. Clawson I met with the Twelve at the
Office upon a variety of subjects we talked
with Brother Spry upon the subject of a Detcations
~ Tuesday
I signed 5 Recommends. I received 10 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters 3 pub, & to Sarah & Sylvia I went
to the Historians office & Met with Hall Carter & Asahel
Jaques & Wilford. Asahel sold out his interest in the
Valley House to Mr Hall they signed leases &
changed Papers
~ Wednesday
I signed 19 Recommends. I received 10 Letters
I wrote 20 Letters Public I had an interview with Br Budge
~ Thursday
I signed 9 Recommends I receivd 6 Letters I wrote
3 Letters to Jaques, Logan & G. Q. C. I held a Meeting
with the Twelve till near Midnight upon an important
subject we had an address or Document got up for us to
accept to do away with Poligamy But not one of the Apostles
would accept of it All rejected it
~ Friday
21. I signed 15 Recommends. I Received 19 Letters
I wrote 6 Letters public I went to the farm spent the night 3 M[iles]
~ Saturday
22 I spent the day at the farm schucking corn
~ Sunday
23. Sunday I spent the day at the House reading
~ Monday
Dec 24 1888
I signed 18 Recommends. I received 19 Letters I wrote 5 Letters
I had an interview with F. S. Richards from Washington who gave
me an account of Affairs there I went to the Farm at night 3 M[iles]
We had A Christmass tree fitted up in the parler and in
the Evening A Bulls Eye Lantern with kercene oil Burst & filled
the room in flame & Asahel in puting it out burnt his hands
it was put out without much Damage the Christmass presents
were all put onto the Tree & 24 wax candles lit up which
illumanated the Place. Emma {got a clock} & {gold watch and clock} all got
~ Tuesday
25 Christmass Morning All is astir this morning The children
are Examing their Presents Br Wilkin went out
to the Penetentiary they took out 50 Turkeys to get
up a Christmass dinner for the Prisioners Emma
had all her children together Except Nellie & Henry
~ Wednesday
26. I spent the day at the farm & went to the Gardo in the
Evening & met with the Twelve at 7 oclock we met with
F S Richards who gave us an account of our affairs
in washington our Meeting held untill near midnight
^ at 10 oclok while in Meeting I was taken quite sick sumthing
like the Blind staggers, the stopage of the circulation of Blood
I went to Bed sick
~ Thursday
27 I arose from my bed sick this Morning Brother Joseph
F Smith opened & read the Mail this Morning I went home
& went to Bed I signed 6 Recommends & Recieved 15 Letters
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
28 & 29. I spent at the farm
~ Sunday
30. Sunday I spent the day in the House
~ Monday
I signed 26 Recommends I received 38 Letters I wrote 2 Letters to ^Mary $15.
I looked over my Journal
Recorded on following page^
A Synopsis of Wilford Woodruffs Labors
In 1888. I spent the whole year in Exile for
my religion I did not Travel & Preach But attended
to the duties of the Church
I travelled 876 Miles
I Signed 7438 Recommends to the Temples.
I Received 5458 Letters
I wrote 2175 Letters including Public Letters
I held 57 Meetings with the Twelve Apostles
I Administered to 9 sick Persons
I Attended 12 Meetings with the Board of Z.C.M.I
I Attended 4 Meetings and spoke twice
I Dedicated the Manti Temple May 17th
I Paid cash Tithing $600.
Produce $35 Total Tithing $6035.74
~ Tuesday
Jan 1, 1889
This day commenses a New year. 1888 is past and gone
and borne its report to Heaven of all Men. what 1889
will bring to Pass time must Determin. Darkness covers
the Earth, & gross Darkness the People And the warfare
of Priest & People is still against the Church & Kingdom
of God on the Earth. There is an Exertion made in
Washington to Get Utah Admitted into the Union as
a state with the other Territories but there is a strong
opposition to it by our Enemies. I spent the Afternoon
& Evening at Ovando Beebe who married My Daughter
Clara He[r] Mother Emma, Asahel, & wife with all
of Emmas children was present Except Nellie
we had a Turkey for New Years Dinner, & spent the
Evening in social conversation I signed 6 Recomm-
endation, Received 8 Letters & wrote 4 Letters
~ Wednesday
Jan 2.
I signed 37 Recommends I receivd 19 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters 6 Pub & to Jaques Wilford & Cummings
~ Thursday
I signed 11 Recommends. I received 8 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters I went to the farm at night 6 Mile
~ Friday
4th I spent the day looking over My Journal and
waiting on my Brother Azmon who is Entirely helpless
~ Saturday
5. Sunaturday I spent the day in the House reading I went in
the Evening to Clara, & Asahels & returned 6 Miles
I am having a serious time with Azmon He has become Entirely
Helpless He has to be fed & lifted about
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I spent the day in the House
~ Monday
7. Monday After attending to Azmon I went to the gardo I signed 23
Recommends I receivd 18 Letters, I wrote 9 Letters Sarah, Mary Tenney &c
~ Tuesday
Jan 8, 1889
I signed 23 Recommends, I received 14 Letters I wrote
9 Letters 8 Public I visited Dr J M Benedict & admin-
istered to his Father who was in a Dying condition His
Name is Francis K Benedict I also went to the farm
& Back & spent the daynight at the Gardo 6 miles
F D Richards administered to Br Benedict with me I had
an interview with F M. Lyman on his Mission South
~ Wednesday
I signed 32 Recommends. I received 19 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters 5 Public, & to Phebe Snow, Jaques, Atkin and
McArthur I had an interview with Joseph A West, and
Shirtliff & Frank Cannon & others
~ Thursday
10th ^
^ I signed 38 Recommends. I wrote 4 Letters I Received
21 Letters I Attended the Z.C.M.I. Board Meeting and went
to the farm & spent the Night. My Brother Azmon
Woodruff has Been in a Dying condition for a week
past and have looked for him to Pass away any hour
~ Friday
I spent the day writing & waiting upon Azmon
I[t] seemed as though his spirit would leave his body
any Moment I signed 5 Public Letters.
~ Saturday
12 I spent the day at the Farm My Brother Azmon has
appeared to be dying all day his ^s^peech had seased for 24
hours I spent the day writing a synopsis of my life
~ Sunday
13 ^
^ Sunday Azmon Has been dying all day to
day & night I have looked for his death for 2 days
& nights I was with him a part of the night
~ Monday
I signed 15 Recommends, Received 17 Letters
I went home in the Afternoon & found Azmon
Dying He breathed his Last at 26 Past 10 oclok
Azmon Woodruff
Born Nov 29, 1802. Died Jan 14th 1889
Aged 986 years 1 Month & 15 days
Azmon has been in a dying condition for 4 days & nights
But Breathed his last to night at 26 Minuts Past 10 oclok
Making his Age 86 years 1 Month & 15 days I never saw
a Man as long dying in my life He seemed to have been
dying for several Days. Asahel Ovando Beebe & C W
Bennett assisted in shaving, washing and laying him
out He is the first of the 3 Brothers to die Thompson
and myself will soon follow. I wrote 45 Letters to
Henry, Andrew & Eunice Woodruff, Samuel
Peter Degarmo & Malinda Hatch and informed them
of the Death of Azmon I went to bed at 1 oclok in the Morning
~ Tuesday
I wrote 3 Letters to Susan & Phebe scholes
to Sarah & Mary sent her $10 for tuition I received
15 Letters I signed 5 Recommends I had an interview
with A. O. Smoot David Johns & H. H. Cluff I went
to the Farm with Asahel, and [spent] the Night 6 Miles
~ Wednesday
Jan 16, 1889 I Attended the funeral of my Brother Azmon the
corps was taken from Emmas Farmhouse to the school
house at 11 oclk. Br Orson Whitney spoke 45 Minuts
& I spoke about 15 Minuts My sons & sons in Law were
Pall bearers I accompanied the Body to the cemetry I buried
him in South West cornor of my New burying Ground &
A place in South East cornor for myself
~ Thursday
Jan 17, 1889
^ I went to the Gordo in the Morning. I signed 17 Recommend
I received 16 Letters I wrote 6 Letters 4 Public And to John
H. Woodruff and sent him an Obituary Also wrote to Henry
I received a Letter from John H. Woodruff son of
Thompson Woodruff I signed 132 drafts in Liverpool
~ Friday
I signed 22 Recommends I receivd 18 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters 7 Public I went to the farm 6 M[iles]
~ Saturday
19 I spent the day washing & oiling my harness. Brother Bennet
was with me
~ Sunday
20 Sunday I spent the day in the House Reading
~ Monday
I signed 41 Recommends I received 36 Letters
I had interviews with F D Richards S. Roskelley Wilford
John Jaques J F Wells & E W Tulledge
~ Tuesday
I signed ^17^ Recommends I receivd 14 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters To Thompson, Cottom, & Pimm.
~ Wednesday
23 I signed 12 Recommends. I received 12 Letters I wrote
4 Letters to L W Day sent Likeness. Lucy W. & Marion $20.
I Attended the Theater in the Evening with Emma & children
~ Thursday
I signed 27 Recommends. I Received 21 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters I went to the farm in the Evening 6 mils
~ Friday
25 I chored about the Ho House & oiled 1 set of Double Harnesses
~ Saturday
26 I spent the day at the farm at various things
~ Sunday
27 I went to the Gardo I signed [blank] Recommends I received
Sunday I spent the day reading Asahel & Naoma Ovando
& Clara took dinner with us
~ Monday
I went to the Gardo I signed 59 Recommends, 34 Letters
I received 34 Letters I wrote 1 Letter I had an interview
with Charles W Stayner at the H.O.
~ Tuesday
January 29, 1889
^ I signed 32 Recommends. I received 9 Letters
I wrote 8 Letters wrote Aphek L Woodruff & Horatio Stanley
~ Wednesday
I signed 52 Recommends. I received 20 Letters
I wrote 8 Letters to J F Smith & Wm Atkin I met in the Evening
with Clawson F S Richards & Jane Zina & Barsheba on
the Hospital question
~ Thursday
I signed 44 Recommends I received 21 Letters
from Henry David & Lot Smith I wrote 1 Letter
~ Friday
Feb 1. I spent the day at the farm I wrote Letters to David
& Henry and Packed up Azmons trunk for Henry
~ Saturday
2 We shiped Azmons Trunk to Henry to day packed
with goods sent it By Express Paid Freight $2.50
~ Sunday
Sunday I wrote to George Teasdale & Henry
Woodruff I attended Meeting in the farmers ward
and spoke to the Y. M. M. & A the first time I
have Met with that society in the ward for 4 years
~ Monday
I sent George Teasdale a draft of $400 to
day to Emegrate To Emegrate Wm B Chapman and
family I signed 39 Recommends I received
19 Letters 1 from Sylvia. I wrote 4 Letters
to Teasdale, Winder Sarah & Mary
~ Tuesday
5 I signed 26 Recommends I received 13 Letters
~ Wednesday
I signed 38 Recommends I received 25 Letters wrote 1.
I went to the farm & spent the night 6 Miles
~ Thursday
7. I spent the day in the House Reading
~ Friday
8. I spent this day reading
~ Saturday
9. I received 6 Letters & wrote 5 public Letters
~ Sunday
10 Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
Feb 11, 1889
^ I signed 77 Recommends I received 41 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters 3 Public & to Horatio Stanley & Sarah
I attended the Z. C. M. I. Board Meeting & spent the night at the Gardo
~ Tuesday
I signed 19 Recommends I received ^13^ Letters I wrote
I wrote 4 Letters to G. Q. Cannon, Bell Moses and Phebe
& Susan Scholes I sent them $5
~ Wednesday
I signed 25 Recommends. I received 13 Letters
I wrote 12 Letters 11 public & to Teasdale I had an interview
with John Smith, A. O. Smoot, Turner Wilford & Jaques
~ Thursday
14 ^
^ I signed 24 Recommends. I received 12 Letters I
wrote 13 Letters 11 pub & to Mrs L. W. Day & to Sarah sent $15 for well
I attended the Theater in the Evening
~ Friday
15 ^
^ I signed 58 Recommends I received 27 Letters I wrote
4 Letters pub I attended A party at Brother John Galigher
House they were mostly Aged People
~ Saturday
16. I spent the day in the House reading
~ Sunday
17 Sunday Asahel Naoma Clara & Ovando spent the
Afternoon with us I spent most of the day reading
~ Monday
I went to the Gardo in a snow storm, Owen
got Prince Horse home I signed 43 Recommends
I received 19 Letters. I wrote 6 Letters 3 public & to
Thompson, S Hardy & to Sarah sent $20 for the well
~ Tuesday
I signed 6 Recommends I received 4 Letters I wrote
6 Letters to Cannon, Lyman, Grant, Dougal, Pratt & Sarah
~ Wednesday
I signed 7 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I wrote 7 Letters 3 Public, to Jaques Ensign Jesse & Bell
~ Thursday
G Q Cannon left the prision this Morning called at
My house at the farm with Br Wilkin I rode with him to his
Feb 21 1889
I went with Brother Cannon to his house took breakfast
then rode to the Presidents Office & met with many of the
Brethren I then went to the Gardo. I signed 33 Recommends
I received 16 Letters I wrote Letters 9 7 Pub to Legrand Young
& J. C. Robson
~ Friday
Feb 22.
This was a vary interesting day to
myself, G. Q. Cannon & many others I drove in
the Morning to the Presidents Office & there met with
G Q Cannon and a great many friends The whole
Salt Lake quire brought an organ into our office
and we shook hands with a hundred or More the
Quire sung half a doz Hymns then Br Cannon addresed
the company And I followed him Than about 50 of
the Sandwich Islands Saints sung several [Cunehan]
songs & Brother Cannon Addressed them I also addressed
them & it was interpeted to them they then shook hands
with us & retired I then accompanied Br Cannon
to his house and helped him Eat a fine fat Turkey
I then went to the farm & spent the night 8 miles
~ Saturday
23 I spent the day choring
~ Sunday
Sunday This was a great day I accompanied
Br George Q Cannon to the Tabernacle and found it
crouded to its utmost capacity it Probably contained
10,000 people it was a vary Affecting scene Brother Cannon
spoke about 45 Minuts I spoke abot 20 Minuts a large
Number crouded around us at the close of the Meeting
we had 6 of the Apostles, in the Stand I returned to the farm
~ Monday
Feb 25, 1889
I signed ^27^ Recommends I received 33 Letters I spent
the day in the Office had interviews with Several Breth
~ Tuesday
I signed 22 Recommends. I received 21 Letters
I wrote ^10^ Letters 9 Public & to Broadhead I went to the farm 6 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
I signed 439 Recommends I received 21 Letters I wrote
4. I spent the day in council with the Apostles
~ Thursday
I signed 1927 Recommends I recieved 16 Letters
I wrote 3 Public Letters I spent the fore noon in
council with the Twelve In the Afternoon in company
with the Twelve I visited the Salt Air works 12 miles
west from the Temple Block, 16 miles by the Railway.
This company have 1000 acres of ground laid
off into salt beds which are filled with water from the
Salt Lake. They extract the soda and mangnesia from the
salt by drainage. They have a large building in which
is machinery run by an engine, for bringing in the
salt from the dump outside, grinding it, drying
again grinding it fine, sacking, or carrying to
the Railway cars where it is loaded in sacks or in
bulk. They make an excellent article of fine table salt
99 2/10 % pure. The water from the Lake is brought in
a canal some 400 yards long and is pumped by a
centrifugal pump 15 or 16 feet high in a quantity to
cover 100 acres 1 inch deep in 10 hours. They have
a capacity of grinding and sacking 50 tons of salt per
day, and have several 100 tons now on hand. It is no
doubt a grand enterprise.
~ Friday
March 1, 1889
Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 82 Years
May God Preserve
me to finish my
Emma Smith Woodruff
Born 1838 March 1
Aged 51 Years
God Bless her to
Council my
March 1, 1889 This is my Birth day I gathered
together My family At Emmas at the farm House.
I had of Emmas Children Asahel & wife Naoma and daughter
Roxey, And Clara & Husband Ovando Beebe & daughter
Vedi, And Wilford & wife Julia & Son Elias and also
Baby, and Bulah and Daughter Ellen And Emmas
son Owen & Daughters Blanch & Allice And Delight
& Son Marion wife & Child & Emeline Husband &
Child Wilford, and Ensign and John & Julia
& James & Daughter I had 67 sons and 5 daughters
Present and 68 grand children I also had G Q Cannon
Br ^C^ Wilken & John Galager Also the Salt Lake glee
club who came to serenade me and Many other friends
we staid untill 1 oclok and had a Joyous time I recd
several presents A nice Morning gown By A. C Brixon
and presents from friends
March 1, 1889
I receivd the following Present from John Galager
A vary nice cake with the following Motto
To President Wilford Woodruff, Four score & tow long
long Eyears have fled in work for Zions cause on
Earth This day we greet our Honored head
to show our love and tell his worth, we pray that
Heaven may long Extend your life to testify,
unmoved. Then with your family in the End
find welcome By the Gods Approvd
This was one of the Most satisfactory Birth day
Meetings I Ever had we had a vary interesting time we had
a Quire of singing we went to bed at abot 2 oclok
~ Saturday
2 I signed 8 public Letters and spent the day at the House
~ Sunday
3 Sunday I took cars with G Q Cannon Reynolds &
Winters & rode to Provo to Attend Conference we met in
to the Big Tabernacle with about 3,500 people Prayer By
George Reynolds W. Woodruff spoke 40 Minuts ^J^ Gates
18 M[inutes]. Afternoon G Q Cannon spoke 1 Hour & 20 Minuts
A. O. Smoot spoke 25 Minuts The Spirit of the Lord was
with all the speakers At the close of the Meeting I met
with the Officers of the Young Mens Mutual & spoke to them
15 Minuts & Br Cannon 10 Minuts. I signed 12 Recommends
I met with the Priesthood Meeting in the Evening Prayer
By George Halladay. G Q Cannon spoke 35 M[inutes], W Woodruff
25 Minuts The Power of God was with us we stoped with
A O Smoot I wrote one Letter to G Teasdale
^ we Met at the Tabernacle at 10 oclk The House full Prayer
By Karl G Maeser G Q Cannon spoke 60 Minuts
~ Monday
March 4, 1889
G Reynolds spoke 15 M[inutes], David Johns spoke 10 Minuts
Afternoon Met at 2 oclock The authorities of the Church
were Presented and sustaind Then W Woodruff spoke
one hour G Q Cannon spoke 17 Minuts
~ Tuesday
5. We drove to Spring ville 6 Miles And Met
the People at 10 oclok A congregation of all parties
Saints & Sinners Mormons & Gentils & Apostates one
Minister Harvey H Cluff Prayed G. Q. Cannon
spoke 50 Minuts & W Woodruff 35 Minuts the power
of God rested upon us and we spoke in Great plainness
We drove to spanish Fork stoped with Bishop George
D. Snell we Met at 3 oclock G Q Cannon spoke 52 M[inutes]
W Woodruff spoke 50 Minuts Met at 7 oclok in
the Evening Prayer By George D Snell A O Smoot
spoke 40 Minuts W Woodruff 39 M[inutes].
~ Wednesday
March 6. Rode to Pason stoped at Bishop Tanners 6 mil
Met at 10 oclok A O Smoot spoke 20 Minuts
G Q Cannon spoke 1 Hour & 15 Minuts Afternoon
Prayer By G Reynolds W Woodruff spoke 33 Minuts
G Q Cannon 38 Minuts David Johns 15 Minuts
we then rode to American Fork and stoped 40 Mils
for the night at Eliza Hindleys I was sick I had
taken a severe cold on my lungs so much so I could
not speak loud we had Appointments at American
Fork & Lehi But I had attended 12 and spoken to all
of them. But now I could not speak so I took the
~ Thursday
7th I took the car & returned to the city this Morning
and Brothe B Y Hampton took me to the farm 45 M[iles]
March 7, 1889
^ I received 10 Letters from Mc Allister Bleak Thompson
Mc Arthur Lot Smith, Sarah, Sylvia, Jaques &c
~ Friday
8, I am some better this Morning I was vary sick
yesterday my lungs are better this morning I
spent the day in the House And I Attended a
Party in the 14 ward An old fashion Party there
were about 200 present, we had a vary hard rain
in the fore part of the Evening we staid untill
12 oclock we then called at Brother Gallagers Eating
House by invitation & got a supper of oysters &
returned home & to bed at one oclok.
~ Saturday
9, I rode to Asahels & returned with the child
I had an interview with G. Q. Cannon about Br
Bromley I receivd 6 Letters I spent the night
at the farm
~ Sunday
10 Sundy I spent the day at the farm
~ Monday
101 I arose sick in the Morning I rode with Br
G Q Cannon to Sessions Settlement to attend the
Conference I spoke 40 Minuts & G Q Cannon D. F
F D Richards Seymour B Young & others spoke
I returned to S L City & Attended a party
at Joseph Hornes in the Evening I spent the
Night at the Gordo distance 420 Miles
I received 8 Letters
~ Tuesday
I signed 20 Recommends I received
16 Letters. I wrote 4 Letters I Attended
a supper Party at Abram Cannon and
returned to the Farm & spent the night 8 Miles
I find I am overwhelmed in Business
~ Wednesday
March 13, 1889
I visited the Penetentiary and went all
through the various Departments with G. Q. C
and the Turnkey There were over 100
of the Saints there including a Dozen Bishops
thay all looked clean & comfortable for
a Prision we then returned to the Gordo
House Harvy Perkins gave me a cock
& 4 Hens of the Plimoth Rock and
Langshand crossd Rooster
I signed 16 Recommends I received
25 Letters I wrote 2 Letters I held a Meeting
with the Twelve John W. Taylor was reproved
for his sayings in a Discourse at Nephi He
manifested a vary Bad spirit
~ Thursday
14 I signed 44 Recommends I Received 20 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters to Andrew W. Phebe Scholes
Phebe Snow & Mary I had interviews with several
Brethren on Business
~ Friday
I signed 17 Recommends I received 19 Letters
I wrote 7 Letters to Lot Smith, Sarah, Mary ^$10^
Bell M. Jaques, David Sylvia, {[Mary]} Henry
& Nellie I had an unplesant day with
John W Taylor I went to the farm & spent the night
~ Saturday
I signd 6 Recommends I received 6
Letters I wrote 3 public Letters
~ Sunday
17 Sunday I spent the day Reading Except in the Evening
I rode to Clara's {and through Camp Douglas} 8 Miles
~ Monday
March 18 1889
^ I signed 62 Recommends I received 36 Letters I wrote
9 Letters I spent the day at the Gardo to Mary $15
~ Tuesday
19 I signed 18 Recommends I received 16 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Newtons
~ Wednesday
I wrote Letter to Received 16 Letters
I signed 21 Recommends I wrote 7 Letters Public
~ Thursday
I signed 31 Recommends I received ^11^ Letters
I wrote 7 Letters 5 Pub, to Mary & Sarah
(I attended the Bank Meeting yesterday (20) at the Gardo
I attended a surprize Party at Asahels I spent
the night at the farm
~ Friday
22. I signed 20 Recommends, I received ^14^ Letters
I wrote 2 Letters Pub. I held Meeting with Merrill
O A O. Smoot F. S. Richards
~ Saturday
23, I spent the day I set out $24 worth of trees shubery
strawburies &c I was vary weary come night
~ Sunday
24, Sunday I spent the day reading the History of Joseph Smith
~ Monday
I signed 23 Recommends I received 17 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters, I held Meeting with 2 ranchers & H J
Grant F. S. Richards H B Clawson & others
~ Tuesday
26 I signed 30 Recommends. I receivd 13 Letters I wrote
6 Letters 4 pub & to Bell & Sarah
~ Wednesday
I signed 27 Recommends. I received 18 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter I attended a Bank Meeting of the board
we voted to build a 4 story building for the Bank
~ Thursday
I signed 31 Recommends I received ^14^ Letters I wrote
9 Public Letters I had a great deal of company through
the day I went to the farm & spent the night 6 Miles
~ Friday
March 29, 1889
I spent the day at the farm Ploughing & planting out
small fruit we also cleaned out our spring I had several
callers amoung the Number Ephraim Hanks
~ Saturday
30 I spent the day on the farm
~ Sunday
31. Sunday I signed 10 Public Letters I received 12 Letters
~ Monday
April 1, 1889 I went to the Gardo in the Morning and to the
coop, I bought me a suit of cloths, and Emma a Dress
and I bought a one horse harness I met in the Evening
with Br George Teasdale we had been separate four years
{I attended the} 2nd {annointing of [illegible shorthand]} Brother Teasdale spent the night
with I signed 21 Recommends I received 21 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters 2 Pub and Sarah Phebe Scholes & Thompson
~ Tuesday
I signed 8 Recommends I received 4 Letters I
wrote 1 Letters to M E Teasdale
~ Wednesday
I signed 33 Recommends I received 18 Letters
I spent the day in council with the Twelve Apostles
9 in Number Moses Thatchers AFals accusation
against George Q Cannon on the Beck Mine was
taken up & discussed and his gross Mistake was
shown him I called upon Judge Smith family
and spent the Evening
~ Thursday
4, I signed 35 Recommends I receivd 16 Letters
I wrote 1 Letters I spent the day in council with
the 12 and transacted a good Deal of Business.
~ Friday
5th April 11 of the Twelve Apostles met in Council
and we organized the first Presidency By
Apointing Wilford Woodruff President &
George Q Cannon & Joseph F Smith Councillers
April 5, 1889
After Meeting with the Twelve Apostles and
Organizing the first Presidency I met with
the Stock Holders of the Z C M I and My
Report as the President of the institution was
and a Devidend of 5 per cent for the half years
Declaired, we then adjourned and I then went
into a Meeting of the State Board of Education
and transacted such Business as was necessary I
called in the Evening at Judge Elias Smiths
and returned at the Gardo & had an interview
with Br Charles O Card
~ Saturday
April 6, 1889 This day is the 59 Annual Conference
[FIGURES] of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints The lower part of
the House was filled And I opened the Conference By
reading the Hymn on first line M Thatcher prayed
H. J. Grant spoke 25 M[inutes], John Henry Smith 40 M[inutes]
Afternoon Moses Thatcher spoke [blank] M[inutes]. John W
Taylor spoke [blank] M[inutes]. At 7 oclok I attended the
Priesthood Meeting I spoke as did G. Q. Cannon
and several others I went to the farm & spent the night
I signed 14 Recommends, I received 7 Letters
I was constantly overwhelmed with callers and
~ Sunday
April 7, 1889
Wilford Woodruff
was Appointed President
of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter
Day Saints
April 7
This 7 day of April 1839 [1889]
was one of the most important
days of my life, for
upon this sabbath day
I was Appointed
The President of the
Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter [day] Saints by the
Unanimous vote of Ten
Thousand Latter Day Saints.
The vote was first taken
By Quorums, then by the whole Assembly of the
Saints of God, Then my Two Councillors George
Q Cannon, & Joseph F Smith, were voted in in the
same Manner This is the Highest office Ever Confered
upon Man in the flesh And what a responsibility
it places upon me or any other Man in the same
Position This office is placed upon me in my 83,
year of my ^life^ I pray toGod to Proteck me during
my remaining Days, and give me power to
Magnify my calling to the End of my days
The Lord has watched over me from my birth
untill the present day. I wish to council my
wives & children & whoever may read this
Journal to honor God & keep his Commandments
to the End of their lives that they may receive Eternal
Life & Celestial Glory in the presence of God and the Lamb.
~ Monday
April 8, 1889
We met at 10 oclock Prayer By Jacob Gates
F D Richards spoke one hour & 7 minuts O F Whitney
spoke 23 Minuts. Afternoon F M Lyman who
got out of the Pen this Morning spoke 30 Minuts
G Q Cannon thn read the reports than spoke 10 M[inutes]
Wilford Woodruff Arose and made some
remarks & Blessed the People begining with his councillors
& the Twelve Apostls and Blessed Each Quorum by
name and then the Congregation and the primaries
Sabbath Schools Mutual Improvement Associations
& relief Societies than the Conference adjourned
untill the 6 day of Next October I went to the farm
& spent the night 6 Miles
~ Tuesday
9th I went to the Gordo and found it full of
Man waiting to do business with me all day
long I attended the State & Stake board at
10 oclock and sat untill 1 oclok and I had a
great Many called upon me for Business
I signed 15 Recommends & receivd 8 Letters
~ Wednesday
I signed 9 Recommends I received 5 Letters
I wrote 2 Letters I met with the Board of Z. C. M. I.
I had a great Deal of Company and Many
Questions to Decide
~ Thursday
11 I signed 230 Recommends. I received 11 Letters
I wrote 3 Pub
~ Friday
12 I signed 209 Recommends I received 16 Letters
~ Saturday
In company with G. Q. Cannon & my wife Emma
I left Salt Lake for Calafornia at 3:30
April 13, 1889
We took cars at Ogden for Calafornia
at [blank] oclok & rode through the night and slept
Quite comfortable. our party consists [Note] of myself and
wife Emma, Brother George Q. Cannon, Brother
Charles H. Wilcken, Brother H. B. Clawson and daughter
Mamie, Brother Cannon and myself and wife
occupied a State room. It rained very hard this
evening about the time we started.
~ Sunday
Sunday April 14th, 1889.
I arose this morning in Nevada, having en-
joyed my rest during the night. We took breakfast
on the car and dinner at Humbolt Wells, and
supper at Reno. There is a company of actors on
our car who spent some time in the evening singing.
They made themselves very interesting.
~ Monday
Monday April 15, 1889
When we arose this morning we were pushing
out from Sacramento for San Francisco, California at
this season of the year appears to the best advantage. We
were met on the ferry-boat at Oakland by Col. Trum-
bo, who, hearing of our arrival, had come to meet us.
The bay between Oakland and San Francisco is
about four miles wide. Myself & Emma and Brother
Wilcken went to the Grand Hotel After taking a bath
and a rest, we took a ride on the cable cars 8 miles for
10 cents. Brothers Cannon & Clawson & Mr Alexander
Badlam called on us this afternoon. We afterwards
went to the Woodward Gardens and passed all
April 15, 1889.
through it. This evening all our party went to the Theatre
the Baldwin where Brother Clawson had provided a box for us
The play was "Little Lord Fauntleroy."
~ Tuesday
Tuesday April 16th 1889
We were joined this morning by Brother Cannon & Wife
Mr Badlam and Mr Trumbo and other members of our
party. Mr Badlam had provided Carriages, and we
drove through the 'Golden Gate Park,' this is a most
charming place. The drives are exceedingly fine. Mr
Badlam had arranged for us to breakfast in the park, at
Dickie's a vary noted house, after which we drove to the
Cliff House, from the balcony of which we sat and watched
the gamboling of the seals. Some of them would weigh from
1200 to 1500 lbs. We then returned through the park, visited
the conservatory, to the Hotel. In the evening myself
and party went to the Bijou Theatre. Col. Trumbo
furnished us a box. Musin, the great violinist,
gave a performance. After the Concert was finished
the Col. took us to a restaurant where we had an
Oyster Supper. Mr John White brother-in-law of the
Col's was with us. I wrote to Ashael Clara and
~ Wednesday
Sunday April 17, 1889.
Col. Trumbo called and took our party through
the ^american^ Cracker Factory in which he is a large stock-
holder. It is a most interesting scene to witness
the manufacture of every kind of cracker and
April 17, 1889.
fancy biscuits and cakes. The machinery was most
interesting. Five hundred barrels of flour a day
are manufactured into the cakes of the most superior
character, and a market for these is found in almost
every land. This manufactory supplies the British
Navy. Care is taken to select every imperfect article
from the rest, and these are sold to poor people at
the cost of the material. There is one kind of cracker
exceedingly light and palatable, the broken parts of
which are ground up into what is called "Angels
Food," for babies. Col. Trumbo took Brother Cannon
and myself from the factory to the Alaska Commer-
cial Co., and introduced us to Mr. Sloss, President
of the company, and from there went to the Pacific
Bank, and was introduced to Dr. R. H. McDonald,
who is the President of the Bank. He gave us a most
interesting discription of his settlement at Nauvoo as a
practicing physician, just before our people were driven
out. He described the part he had taken in defending us,
and the threats he had received because of his friendship. He
had visited Springfield and had seen the Governor, Ford,
and represented to him and to other leading men the
condition of affairs at Nauvoo. He was also at Nauvoo
when the City was attacked by the mob, and spoke of the
death of Captain Anderson and his son. He had seen
them when they were killed. His recital of events there
and of the share he had taken in them was listened to with
much interest by all of us. He spoke very warmly of the
April 17, 1889
Latter-day Saints, Col. Trumbo took us to lunch at the
california market. "we then returned to the Grand
Hotel, and from there we took cars to the railroad
station for Monterey. Mr Badlam accompanied
us. on the cars was Senator Stanford. I had a conver-
sation with the Senator. He is very kindly disposed and
cherishes a very warm regard for President Young,
and our people generally, and I believe he is a true
friend of ours. He got off the train at Menlo Park. The
line of railway from San Francisco to Monterey runs
through a most beautiful country. The San Mateo Co.
Santa Clara, and San Jose and Pajaro Valleys are
very lovely we reached Del Monte, as the hotel and
and station is called, (120 miles), in the evening,
and were driven in the omnibus to the hotel, which
was only a short distance. To avoid being interviewed
Mr Badlam had us registered in his own peculiar
way and we had rooms assigned to us in a very
beautiful part of the house. The manager of the hotel
is an old friend and partner of his, and this was
an advantage to us. The dining room is very large,
and though simply furnished, is very beautiful. We
had a very good dinner. The drawing rooms of this
hotel open to the public, are very beautifully furnished and
very spacious. It is said to be the best appointed hotel in
the world and certainly everything that money could
purchase in fitting it up and providing it with every
modern improvement has been done.
~ Thursday
Thursday, April 18th 1889
Enjoyed an excellent nights rest, and the morning
is lovely. The beauties of this place exceed discription.
Grand old trees of the live oak variety, which nature
had planted, were on every hand, making the scenery
very park-like. The profusion with which flowers grow
is indiscribably beautiful. The grass was like velvet under
the feet. The grounds are most extensive immediately
around the hotel, and the building itself is exceedingly
large and occupies a lovely position. We are told there
is a very beautiful maze in the grounds, which, however we
did not visit. It was arranged last night that we
should get up and have breakfast and be ready to start by
eight o'clock. Mr Badlam had arranged for a vehicle
to carry us all. There were four seats, and they were
sufficiently wide for three of us to fit comfortably together.
To this four spirited horses were attached. There were
thirteen of us, including the driver. The object in starting
at eight oclock was to make the drive of seventeen miles
upon the company's grounds. Probably no finer drive
could be found anywhere. The Southern Pacific Railroad
company found this extensive tract of land in the possession
of one person and with wise forethought and discrimina-
tion, they had purchased the entire tract. It borders on the
Ocean and besides furnishing extensive stretches of
beautiful forest, there are long reaches near the margin
of the ocean furnishing beautiful views of the Bay of
Monterey and the ocean outside. Whales are frequently
April 18. 1889
seen spouting in this bay, and sometimes are caught,
though none had been caught recently. We saw a Chinese
[Junk], and there were a number of Italian fishermen
in their vessels, which carry lateen sails, such as are
used in the Mediterranian. These Italians do a great
deal of fishing here. The Chinese also gather abalone
shells. The meat of this shell fish they dry in large quan-
tities. It is said to be very palatable when dried. They
use large quantities of it in this country, and, we are
told, ship large quantities, as well as shrimps, to China.
The principal timbers of this valuable tract of land is of
a variety of pine and cypress and is very rare. In
fact botanists say that there is no cypress other
than this to be found on this continent, and to see this
variety one must visit the Holy Land. The pine,
also, is peculiar to this region. Botanists praise
the Judicious course taken by the Southern Pacific
company in purchasing this tract and preserving these
varieties of trees. of course, pains are now taken to pro-
pagate them extensively, and in many places along
the coast, and especially in San Francisco, they are
largely cultivated for ornament. We stopped at several
points on the sea-shore, some of the party gathering shells,
and at many places we saw large numbers of seals.
Mr Badlam had a camera with him, and took a
large number of instantaneous views of the scenery, of
some chinese characters that we met, and also of our own
party. This was a drive long to be remembered, and was
April 18th, 1889.
enjoyed to the fullest extent by everyone of our
party. After we left Monterey we passed through
a piece of woods where the Methodists hold their
camp meetings, and the frames of their canvas
houses stood ready to be occupied when the
summer-time should come again. We got back
to the salt water swimming baths at half past eleven.
Mr Badlam informed us that the ocean water is
rather too cold, as a general thing, for bathing. It
comes down along the coast from the Arctic Regions
This bath-house, which has been arranged by the
Southern Pacific Co. is an elegant place for bathing.
There are three large plunge baths under the one
roof divided by partitions. One compartment con-
tains cold sea water, the next to it, water a little warmer,
and the next to that, water still warmer. The bather
can take his choice. The baths are surrounded by seats,
flowering shrubs, and various adornments, and
is beautifully lighted. There are private rooms where the
bathers undress, and bathing dresses are furnished them.
Both sexes indulge in these baths, and we were told that
there are ladies who perform astonishing feats as divers
and swimmers, who frequently are seen in the baths.
Our carriage came for us. We returned to the hotel and
at one o'clock took lunch, and from there went to the
station to meet the train at two o'clock to carry us back to
San Francisco. Everything that wealth can command to make
this place that we visited charming and attractive had been
April 18th 1889
furnished. The spirit of Babylon rests in such places.
The people who frequent this hotel value each other, ap-
parently, by their wealth. Everything is gazed at and
measured according to the observer's idea as to their position
in life. We saw nature in her most beautiful aspects. We
saw places that made one thingk of Eden. Pride of life was
there. The love of the world; the lust for the things of the
world were there, but the love of God, reverence for Him
and His laws and His righteousness we did not see.
~ Friday
Friday, April 19th 1889
I received two telegrams from Salt Lake City
I have been quite sick with bowel complaint during
the night & this morning. Mr Badlam and Col. Trumbo
arranged for a sailing excursion on the bay in a sailing
vessel. Emma accompanied the party but I did not go
I felt better in the evening
~ Saturday
Saturday April 20 [18]89
I am not feeling very well in my health. This morning
myself and party met Mr Badlam and his daughter
Maud and Mr Swan, a friend of his at the Tiburan
Ferry. We took ferry-boat to San Rafel, I thought a ride
might do me good. From San Rafel we went by rail
through beautiful vallies to a town called Clover Dale
125 miles from San Francisco. The principal valley is
Sonoma, which is extensively covered with vineyards,
and is noted for its grapes and wine. Extensive
April 20, 1889
orchards also of German Prunes, Peaches, Apricots
and Apple trees were seen on every hand. Grapes
and wine must be very abundant in this region.
When we reached Clover Dale it was with difficulty
I got to the house. I was suffering from a deadly
faintness. Brother Cannon laid his hands upon my
head and administered in prayer. I received
much benifit therefrom, as well as a cup of tea which
I drank. After dinner we took stage for 16 miles
to the Geysers. There were four horses on the stage
and twelve passengers and the driver. The road is
a canyon road, and in places is very dangerous.
A few inches margin outside of the which was
frequently all that was left us from a precipitous
descent of hundreds of feet to the stream below many
places the descent was almost perpendicular. The scenery
was very grand, the mountains covered with vurdure
and timber, and beautiful spots occuring from time to
time. Mr Badlam is one of the liveliest and most witty of
men, full of fun and anecdote and quite intelligent.
His friend Mr Swan is still more so. A capital story-
teller, an excillent imitator of dialects, a wonderful
punster and capable of imitating every animal, he
furnished us constant amusement. He could play the
piano and was a very good singer, while the team
stopped to water at one place there was an old couple
who had what appeared to be a favorite dog. Just as the
coach was starting from the water trough Mr Badlam
April 20, 1889
said to the old gentleman "look out for your dog!" at the
same time Mr Swan made cries such as a dog would
utter if he were run over. It was very laughable to see
the faces of the old people. They thought their dog was being
killed under the wheels of the coach. We reached the
Geysers at about 4 pm. We took dinner at 6:15 at
the Hotel and staid all night.
~ Sunday
Sunday April 21st 1889
Mr Badlam and Mr Swan started off early up
the creek fishing. The rest of the party started up
the opposite ^side^ of the mountain, and examined all
the geyser springs, which were very interesting.
Steam issued from crevices from the sides of the
mountain to a great extent, other places boiling
water came forth, and in other places there were pools
when the water boiled with violence, as it would in a
pot over a very hot fire. I leaned upon the arm of
Brother Wilcken who aided me greatly by assisting
me up the mountain. It gave Brother Wilcken a
good sweating to do so. We descended by another path,
which was much easier than the one we climbed.
It is remarkable that all these geyser springs are
all on the one side of the creek. We spent the day
very quietly. Mr Badlam and Mr Swan returned
with about a hundred trout, which they had caught
in time for dinner, which we ate about six oclock.
Before dinner, Bro. Cannon & Bro. Wilcken & myself took a bath.
~ Monday
Monday April 22nd, 1889
We arose early this morning. After breakfast we
started at 8 oclock. There were two vehicles, in one of
which one of Bro Clawsons daughters and Mr Badlams
daughter Maud & myself rode in one. We rode about
ten miles up the canyon, passing some very beautiful
spots. Two or three places there were very fine water
falls. It was a dangerous journey in some respects
From the summitt we had a very extended view.
On clear days the driver said he could see the ocean.
Our descent was rapid, and we passed through
a beautiful country, reaching Calistoga a little
before one o'clock. This place was at one time con-
sidered a very fine watering place. Samuel
Brannan is said to have spent about half a
million of dollars to make this an attractive place,
but it is now a place of no particular note. After
dinner at the hotel we took train for Benecia. At
Benecia we took steamer across some water to
reach the train for Oakland, and at Oakland we
crossed the bay by steam ferry to San Francisco,
where we reached at about 7 in the evening. Our
ride from Calistoga to Benecia was through a
most beautiful region ^30 miles^. It is Known as Napa Valley.
The valley is very rich, and is exceedingly well
cultivated, a large portion of it being devoted to
the cultivation of the vine. Went to the Grand Hotel
Received a letter from Pres Joseph F. Smith.
~ Tuesday
Tuesday April 23rd 1889
Brother Cannon and Brother Clawson and myself
met Mr W. W. Stow at the Grand Hotel this morning at
10 o'clock. We had a very interesting conversation
with him. he arranged for us to have an interview
with the Southern Pacific people tomorrow morning,
At 2 o'clock we had an interview with Hon. M.
M. Estee, who presided at the late Republican con-
vention at Chicago, at which President B. Harrison
was nominated for President of the U.S. We had a long
and interesting conversation with him. He has had
his interest awakened on our question through
Col. Isaac Trumbo, and feels very kindly disposed,
and desirous to do us good. We had an appointment
this evening to dine with Mr Alexr Badlam at 6 o'clock,
at his house. Mr Badlams house is palatial in its exter-
nal appearance and in its internal fittings up. It
is most elegantly furnished and has one of the finest
collections of paintings to be found in the city. His paint-
ings are estimated at eighty thousand dollars. There
is one vary celebrated painting in his dining-room
called the "Holland Fish-Market." this painting brought
$18,500.00. It afterwards fell into the possession of
Samuel Brannan, who is an uncle of Mr Badlams,
for $12,000.00 Mr Badlam bought it from Mr. Brannan
The family consists of Mr & Mrs Badlam, two sons, "Alx"
and "Edgar," and a daughter named "Maud." We were
received with great cordiality, and everything
April 23, 1889
passed off in a most delightful manner. The
dinner was a very fine one. After dinner we went
out with a view of seeing a representation of the Siege
of Sebastopol, but we were too late. We had some
fun on the cars, we enjoyed ourselves in making
the trip to the suberbs of the city.
~ Wednesday
Wednesday, April 24th 1889
Brother Cannon and myself went to Taber's
Photograph Gallery and sat for our portraits. after
which we returned to the hotel and were met by
Mr Stow and Col. Trumbo, and proceeded to the
Offices of the Southern Pacific. We met with Senator
Stanford, Mr C. P. Huntington Mr. A. N. Towne and Mr Gay,
all of whom are magnates of the Southern Pacific
System. Mr Stow had a very plain conversation
with Senator Stanford upon our question. He has
great influence with the Senator, and is a man of
high standing himself. He urged upon him the
propriety of writing a letter to President Harrison
upon our question, and request him not to make
appointments hastily, but to wait until he could know
more about the situation. The Senator related a conversation
he had with President Harrison upon this question. He fears
that Harrison is bigoted, and is too much wedded to the
Presbyterian Church. Senator Stanford spoke in the
kindest manner concerning us and our circum-
stances, and is evidently willing, as he has been for a
April 24th, 1889
long time, to do every thing in his power for our good.
Mr Stow pressed his views again with a good deal of
pertinacity, and it finally ended in the Senator promis-
ing to write the letter which Mr Stow suggested. Our
interview was very satisfactory. After parting with Mr
Stow Col. Trumbo took Brother Cannon and myself to
the U.S. marshal's office. He desired us to see him as he
has been very kind. His name is Franks. He expressed
pleasure at seeing us. We arranged our affairs for
returning home. Mr. Badlam and his son and
Col. Isaac Trumbo went with us to Oakland. our party
consisting of myself & wife, Bro Geo. Q. Cannon, Bp H B Clawson, Bro
C H Wilcken, Sister Emily P. Young. We took train at 3 o'clock
p.m crossed the bay on the "Sonoma" a Steam boat 425 feet
long 160 feet wide. We took Supper at Sacramento, where
we were detained for some time through a broken wheel.
~ Thursday
Thursday April 25th 1889
We took breakfast at Reno, dinner at Humbolt
Wells, and ate supper in the car. Spent the day in
conversation and reading.
~ Friday
Friday, April 26, 1889
We arrived at Ogden at about 8 o'clock and
took breakfast at the Station. We arrived at Salt Lake
City at 11.30 a.m. and drove down to the farm. I returned
to the Gardo House in the afternoon and spent a
short time. I found Bros Joseph F Smith and L. John Nuttall
April 27, 1889
in good health and spirits and returned to the farm.
~ Saturday
Saturday April 27, 1889
I went to the Gardo House this morning along with
Brother George Q. Cannon, and attended to the business
I drew an order on J. Jack for $25.60. Bro Cannon
and myself had a very interesting conversation with the
Rev. Jas W. Cooper, DD. of New Briton, Conn also a Mr John
W Dodge of Yarmouth Mass. at the Gardo House Parlor
Mr Cooper called at the instance of Hon G. M. Landers of New
Briton, a friend of Bro. Geo. Q. Cannon. I agreed to take
$1,000.00 of the Stock of the Rexburg milling company to assist
the Saints in Bingham County Idaho to build a new Flouring & other mills, and myself & counselors subscribed $5,000.00
for the Church for the same purpose. I spent the night
at the farm
~ Sunday
Sunday April 28, 1889
Brother Geo Q Cannon called for me this morning &
we drove to the U C Depot and took train for Ogden.
thence to Brigham City to attend Conference. We
reached Brigham City a little after 11 o'clock and were
met at the platform by Brother Lorenzo Snow, and all
the leading men of the place. The Brass Band was
also out, which greeted the train with music as it drew
up to the platform. There were probably 2000 people
drawn up, the men and boys on one side and the women
and girls on the other, making two files of people extending
April 28, 1889
from the platform clear up to the town. They were dressed
in their gayest attire, had banners and gave us a most
cordial and enthusiastic reception, a procession was
formed headed by the brass band, and we, that is Prest
Geo Q Cannon, L Snow and myself, rode in a carriage
drawn by Brother Joseph Jensen. On arriving in town
Brother Cannon & myself made some remarks. Standing
in the carriage while doing so. This reception was all
unexpected by us. I wenthen went to my daughter Phebe's
residence. We attended meeting at 2 pm. The meeting
House would not contain one half of the people. I addressed
the congregation for a little over half an hour & Bro.
Cannon the remainder of the time, 1 hour. In the
evening there was a Priesthood meeting to which
also the sisters were invited. Brother Seymour B.
Young spoke an hour & a quarter & Pres Cannon about
ten minutes.
~ Monday
Monday April 29, 1889
I spent a good night. At 10 am we met with
the Saints and I spoke for about fifty five minutes. the
Authorities of the Church were then presented, and we
adjourned at 12 until one oclock so that we might get
our meeting through in time to leave by the 3:45 train, upon invitation of Pres. Rudger Clawson, myself & daughter
Phebe, Bro Cannon, Bro Winter & Bro Jos Jensen took
dinner with him and family. The house was crowded
in the afternoon. Bro Cannon spoke 1 hour, Pres L. Snow
April 29th 1889
spoke about 15 mints, and Pres. Rudger Clawson
a few remarks. The brass band and a large
number of Saints came down to see us off at the
train. We called on Bro F. D. Richards at Ogden &
then took train for the City On our arrival Bro Cannon
son drove me to my farm. I wrote 2 letters.
~ Tuesday
Tuesday April 30, 1889
I accompanied Brother Cannon to the city
Today is observed as a holiday. I received 6
letters, and signed 2 recommends and 2 letters.
Brother James Jack paid me for expenses to
California $100.00. I attended the Tabernacle
services it having been arranged for a patriotic
meeting to celebrate the Centennial Anniversary
of the Inaguration of George Washington as President
of the United States. I made a few closing remarks,
spent the night at my farm.
~ Wednesday
Wednesday May 1, 1889
I drove to the office, and received 15 letters. I
wrote 3 letters one to Bro W H Thompson of 4 pages.
Bro H. B. Clawson wants 30 shares of Bank Stock
I attended to the business of the day. I signed the articles
of agreement of the Rexburg milling company for 100 Shares
of $10.00 each, and paid to Thos E Ricks $100.00 that being 10%
Drove home with Bro Cannon this evening.
~ Thursday
Thursday May 2, 1889
I went to the office and signed 10 recommends
received 15 Letters. I had an interview with Bro Joseph
Watson of Watson Bros. and Bro John Jacques, and agreed
to lease to Watson Bros. a part of my Valley House lot 7x5 rods
in the centre of the block for 5 years at $15.00 per month & directed
Br. Jackques to make out the lease. I attended a meeting of
the Church Board of Education from 10.15 am to 1.45 p.m.
Met in prayer with the Presidency & apostles at 2 pm appro-
priated $300.00 to purchase a Steel plate for engraving the Logan
Temple and printing 2,000 copies for Tullidges book. Had
a very busy day. I stayed at the Gardo House tonight
and wrote some personal letters
~ Friday
Friday May 3, 1889
I signed 16 recommends, received 13 letters and
wrote 4 letters. Met this morning with several
brethren whom we wish to meet with the Senatorial Com-
mittee passing on to the west, and to extend to them the hospit-
alities of our city all of which was arranged. I signed an
order on Bro James Jack for $5,006.50 on Defense fund a/c,
also an order in favor of Bro Chas H Wilcken for $75.00 I went to the farm this evening.
~ Saturday
Saturday May 4, 1889
In company with Brother A. Winter I left by U.C. train
at 8.15 for Logan to attend the Quarterly Conference. At
Ogden we were joined by Brother F. D. Richards and at
Brigham City by Pres. L. Snow. Arrived at Logan Shortly after
May 4, 1889
one oclock. The party was met by Elder M. Thatcher
and other leading brethren of Logan. The depot was crowded
with people. I spoke a few words to the Saints & then drove
to Brother M Thatcher's residence
~ Sunday
Sunday May 5, 1889
Conference commenced at 10 am which I attended.
Prayer by Brother James A Lieshman. I then spoke
42 minutes. Bro L Snow followed for 42 minutes.
I met at Bro Thatcher's and Ordained Francis Sharp
a Patriarch in the Church. I also set apart Rhoda L.
Merrill as Second Counselor to K. M. Smith.
Met again at 2 p. m. Prayer by Bro Orson Smith
Brother F D Richards spoke to a crowded house 56 mints
and Brother M Thatcher 26 minutes. I attended a
Priesthood meeting in the evening at 8 oclock and
spoke 40 minutes, followed by Brothers F. D. Richards
& L Snow. I stopped at Sister Ann Hymer's.
~ Monday
Monday May 6, 1889
Feel well this morning. Attended meeting at 10 a. m
Brother Samuel Smith prayed. Bro L Snow spoke
33 minutes. The General and local Authorities were
presented. I spoke 5 minuts and Bro F D Richards
16 minutes. Meeting again at 2 oclock p. m.
Brother S. Roskelley prayed. I spoke to the Saints for
1 hour & 15 minutes. At each meeting the Tabernacle
was filled to excess. On Sunday an overflow meeting
May 6, 1889
was held in the basement of the Tabernacle. The spirit
of the Lord was poured out upon the speakers, an adjournment
was taken for 3 months. I had a good talk with Prest M. W.
Merrill on Temple and other matters. I had a visit with
Newton wife & children.
~ Tuesday
Tuesday, May 7, 1889
I had a meeting with several of the brethren at Bro
M. Thatcher's residence and went to the B. Y. College.
At 2 oclock myself & party left Logan for Salt Lake City and
arrived at 7 oclock pm. Was met at the Depot by Bro Lehi
Pratt & drove to the Gardo House office where I found Brothers
Jos. F. Smith & L John Nuttall in good health they having
attended to the office duties during my absence. I
went to the Theatre tonight and saw Boothe & Barratt
the noted actors and returned to the G. House.
~ Wednesday
Wednesday, May 8, 1889
We had some frost last night, not enough to injure the
fruit. I signed 29 recommends, & received 21
letters. I wrote two letters. With Bros Geo Q Cannon &
F. D. Richards we had an interview with Mr H. H.
Bancroft of California in regard to the publication
of his History of Utah. I went to the Theatre this
evening and saw Booth & Barratt.
~ Thursday
Thursday May 9th 1889
I signed 31 recommends. Recd 14 letters
May 9, 1889
Brother Geo Q Cannon & John Jacques & myself met
with Mr Bancroft this morning and arranged for
making a number of changes in the "History of Utah" as
there were some erronous statements therein. I met
with the Presidency & apostles at 2 p m, in prayer circle
and continued in session until 4 p m. Had some
conversation with Br A. F. Macdonald in regard to our Colonies
in Mexico. Brother Geo Q Cannon, Brother Joseph F. Smith
Brother L John Nuttall, & myself & wife Emma, attended a Social
gathering at the residence of marshal Alfred Solomon in
the 22nd Ward on the occasion of a welcome to his daughter
& her husband on their return from a mission to the
Sandwich Islands, other returning missionaries their
wives & children and 5 of the Hawaian Saints were present
The evening was spent in partaking of supper, singing
recitations, ^music^ &c. Bros. Smith, Cannon & myself each
made some remarks, an enjoyable time was had
and all felt well. I retired at 12.30 a[m].
~ Friday
Friday May 10, 1889
All well this morning. I signed 24 recommends
and 12 letters. Approved of the organization of four new
wards in Star Valley Wyoming and the selection of Bishops
therefor, as per letter from Prest Wm Budge. Brother Geo. Q
Cannon & myself attended a meeting of the Directors of
Z. C. M. I at 2 p m. Attended to the distribution of the Stock
of Z S B & T. Co which formerly belonged to the Church. I took
125 Shares. I drove to my farm this evening.
^I attended a Theatrical Exhibition at Brother G. Q Cannons residence
by his children^
~ Saturday
Saturday, May 11 1889
At my farm I planted 1 dozen white Pond Lillies in
the pond and dittches which I obtained from the East
~ Sunday
Sunday May 12 [18]89
I spent the day at the farm and went to Clara's in
the Evening.
~ Monday
Monday May 13 [18]89
I returned to the Gardo House office I signed 6 recom-
mends and received 15 letters. I paid on my note
at the Savings Bank $50.00 Bro D. H. Wells from Manti
called on us he having come up to attend the funeral of his son
Heber's son. Hon John T Caine returned from washing-
ton last night & called to see us today, and report himself
Brother F S Richards called and reported that the U.S.
Supreme Court had rendered a favorable decision and
the Nielsen Habeas Corpus case and ordered his
discharge. This is the last case on the Adultery Indictments.
Brother Jesse W. Fox called & reportid, he had surveyed & levelled
for a canal to bring the water from Weber River into Provo
River if necessary to fill the Utah Lake as a reservoir. The
canal to be 9 1/2 miles long, 30 feet wide to cost about $50,000.00
I had an interview with Mr. Alfred Fryer of Elm Hirst near
Manchester, England a Quaker traveling through the country for
~ Tuesday
Tuesday May 14, 1889
I signed 25 recommends. Received 16 letters & signed 2
letters. Met with Bros Geo W Hill & Joshua Terry in regard
to the Indians of Washakies band having had some manifestation
May 14, 1889
and wanting to know my mind about them. I told these
brethren, we expect there will be more or less manifestations
to the Lamanites, but we have not had any such manifestation
as they report having had. We decided to write a letter to those
Indians through Bro Terry's son George. We decided to have
Double Bronze doors to the front & rear main entrances to the
Salt Lake Temple. $1000.00 was appropriated to the Mexican
Colony in Chihuahua ^$500.00 for cheese Factry & $500.00 for the store^. Bros Cannon, Smith & myself had
an interview with Mr Isaac Trumbo of California for an
hour & a half this afternoon.
~ Wednesday
Wednesday May 15, 1889
It rained some during the past night. I signed
14 recommends, received 6 letters and signed 2 letters
Letters from Bro Wm Paxman at New Zealand, Joseph H Dean
at the Samoan Islands and Wm King at the Sandwich Islands
were read and were very interesting explaining the mission-
ary work in those lands among the natives. It snowed
about noon and considerable rain all day. James called
to see me and told me of the death of his child. Brother Geo Q Cannon
and myself went to his house and administered to his wife Fanny
Bro G. Q. mouth, they felt well at our coming. ^I paid $44.75 to Sheets & Rawlins^
~ Thursday
Thursday May 16, 1889
It rained again last night. I signed 28 recommends
and received 14 letters. I wrote 5 letters one to Mary. Bros
W. W Cluff, F A Mitchell & H H Cluff were appointed a com-
mittee to consider the location & purchase of lands for the Hawaian
Saints who come to this Territory. Bro L. John Nuttall accompan-
ied me to the Theatre this evening
~ Friday
Friday May 17, 1889
More rain last night and this morning. I signed
20 recommends, received 13 letters, signed 9 letters.
Bro Geo. Q. Cannon & myself attended a meeting of the Directors
of Z C M IB. B. & C M ^co^ at 10 a. m. I handed to Bro James Jack $440000
which I received from Bro H. B. Clawson last evening. I sent
personal letters to Bro. W. H. Thompson & J. D. T. Mcallister of St George
Examined list of names for High Council of Uinta Stake.
Looked at a fine painting by Bro John M. Bohn of Mill Creek at
the Historian's Office. The subject being "Christ leaving the
Practorium." It is on canvas 6 ft 2 in x 4 feet & nicely framed
Bro Bohn has been engaged at it for over 2 years, and he
now makes a present of it to the Manti Temple. When I
accepted of his gift he was very grateful. Bro. Bohn was
born April 27, 1825 in Denmark & emigrated to Utah in 1856.
I drove to the farm this evening to prepare for starting to
Sanpete in the morning to attend the Quarterly Conference there
~ Saturday
May 18. I took cars with G Q Cannon & Winters to g to
sanpete we rode to Nephi, took Dinner with sister
Teasdale we took cars & rode to Chester in sSanpete
valley & carriages with President Peterson to Ephraim
& on to Manti & spent the night with John B Maiben
Distance of the day 135 Miles
19We had a visitation of 3 Bands of Music in the Evening
~ Sunday
19 Sunday We met at the quarterly Conference in
Manti Meeting House at 10 o'clok we had an overwhelming
Congregation. W. Woodruff spoke 56 Minuts & F. M. Lyman
36 Minuts the spirit of God was with us
Sunday May 19, 1889
At the close of the meeting we visited Father
Gardner Snow aged 96 years of Age we laid
hands upon him and Blessed him we dined at Br. J. B.
Maibens we Met at 2 oclock Prayer by Councillor [Rich]
Bro Geo Q. Cannon spoke 1 hour and 15 min, and I
followed him for 20 minuts, & Geo Q. again 5 minutes
The Statistical report shows a total of 12,996 souls.
Immediately after meeting myself and party
were driven to the Temple where we ate supper.
Then went through the Temple and were exceedingly
pleased with its appearance. I then went to Bro John
B. Maiben's as I felt that I needed some rest. Bros
Cannon & Lyman attended the Priesthood meeting
at 730 oclock and spoke to the saints.
~ Monday
Monday May 20, 1889
I feel rested this morning, attended meeting
at 10 oclock. Prayer by Bro Cyrus H Wheelock
The Authorities of the Church & the Stake were presented
and sustained. I then spoke 40 minutes. Bros G. Q.
Cannon &F. M. Lyman & myself took dinner at the
Temple with Prest. D. H. Wells. The Sealing room in
the Temple is said to have cost $10,00000 at 2 p m
at meeting. Prayer by Bro. D. H. Wells. Br Geo Q Cannon
spoke 60 minutes and Prest. C. Petersen for 20 minuts.
Bro Lyman offered the benediction. Conference then
adjourned for three months. Shortly before 5 o'clock
Bro Cannon & myself left Manti and were driven
to President C Petersen's at Ephraim. after supper
May 20, 1889
we administered to an ^aged^ blind sister. I anointed, Bro Cannon
mouth. Attended Meeting at 8 oclock. ^Prayer by Bro Farnsworth^. Bro. Cannon
spoke 53 minutes and I spoke 37 mints. 24 miles
I stayed at Brother Petersen's to night. The Ephraim Brass
Band gave us a seranade.
~ Tuesday
Tuesday May 21st 1889
At 830 am Brother Cannon started for Spring City,
to hold Meeting there. At 10 o'clock I left Ephraim in
Prest Petersen's buggy for Moroni arrived at 12 oclock
and had a rest. At 730 pm Brother Cannon arrived at
Moroni. He had held meetings at Spring City and at
Mt Pleasant. We attended Meeting at 8 pm, prayer
by Bro C H Wheelock. I addressed the Saints for 45 minutes
and Bro. Cannon spoke 35 minutes. We stayed at Bishop
Irons tonight. Bp Irons laid before us the needs of
the Saints to finish their New Meeting House and we
appropriated on [Mdse] Tithing $345.07 on use of the
Meeting House.
~ Wednesday
Wednesday May 22, 1889
We left Moroni at 930 a.m on the train, arrived at
Nephi at 11 a.m. Members of the Sunday School chil-
dren and others were there to greet us, headed by the Brass
Band. We walked to the Meeting House & held meeting.
Bro Cannon spoke 55 minutes and I spoke 48 minutes. I
ate dinner at Sister Teasdale's & Bro Cannon took dinner
at Sister Pitchforths. Left Nephi at 230 pm and arrived
at the lane where Bro C. H. Wilcken met me & drove me home
to the farm, at 7 oclock p.m.
~ Thursday
Thursday, May 223, 1889
Went to the Gardo House office at 1030 found Brothers
Joseph F Smith & L. John Nuttall quite well. I signed
37 recommends, received 11 letters. We released
Bro Wm Paxman to return home from his Presidency
of the New Zealand Mission. Met with Bros F A Mitch
ell & H H Cluff of the Hawaian committo to provide for
colonizing the Hawaian Saints who came to Zion.
at 1 pm attended a meeting of the directors of Z. S B & T. co.
at 230 pm attended our usual Prayer circle. at 330
went with Bros Geo Q Cannon F S Richards & H J Grant
to the Salt Lake Temple to decide in regard to the steps
at the main entrances eEast & West. I went up onto
the roof of the Temple and examined it. dDecided on
the steps, also examined the opening for an Elevator.
~ Friday
24 I signed 5 Recommends. I received 4 Letters I wrote
4 Letters 3 public & 1 to Phebe C Scholes, I in company
with G. Q. Cannon attended a Dinner Party in the
13 ward school House in honor of the 72 Birthday
of Mellen Atwood I met with a large Party of
old friends Remarks were mad by W Woodruff
G Q Cannon & Bishop Atwood I attended the Theater
in the Evening
~ Saturday
25 I signed 8 Recommends I received 5 Letters
I signed 4 Letters pub I spent the night at the farm I was
quite sick through the night with a severe cold on my lungs
~ Sunday
26 Sunday I arose this morning quite unwell I attended the
Tabernacle in the afternoon with G Q Cannon He spoke after
reading the 28 ch of the 2nd Book of Nephi. one hour & 20 Minuts
~ Monday
May 27, 1889
I signed 23 Recommends. I received 17 Letters. I wrote 8 Letters
I went to the farm & spent the Night 6 Miles
~ Tuesday
28 I signed 13 Recommends I received 6 Letters I wrote
8 pub letters I spent the night at the farm 6 Mils
~ Wednesday
29 I signed 25 Recommends I received ^14^ Letters
I wrote 19 Letters 16 public & to Atkin David P W and
Sarah D and sent her $10 spent the night at the farm 6 m
~ Thursday
30 Thursday this is a decoration day In company with
Emma & family I rode to James Moses and spent the
day visiting James Moses Asahel and Ovando went to
fishing we returned in the Evening 20 Miles
~ Friday
31. I signed 17 Recommends Received 13 I wrote 5 Letters
~ Saturday
June 1, I attended the young Mens Mutual Improvement
Association Conference. Richard M. Young delivered an
Address for 50 M. Afternoon M Thatcher spoke 55 M
John Henry Smith spoke 16 Minuts W Woodruff bore
testimony upon the keys of the Kingdom of God being left
with the Twelve by the prophet Joseph Smith. In the Evening
I attended the Birthday Party of My Son Marion I
gave him $20
~ Sunday
June 2nd Sunday Met at the Tabernacle at 10 oclok
Prayer By Rodney Badger G Q Cannon spoke 54 M
John W Taylor spoke 25 M the various stakes spokes,
committees spoke upon different subjects
Afternoon Reports of the Association of the various
Stakes were Made And the officers of the associations
were Presented and sustained An Evening Meeting was
Held The Sisters took part in addressing the Assembly
~ Monday
June 3, 1889
I signed 34 Recommends I received 23 Letters I had
interviews with several Parties to day I attended the
Theater in the Evening and spent the night at the Gardo
~ Tuesday
4 I signed 19 Recommends I received 11 Letters I wrote
1 Letter to A.M. Tenney I had an interview with
Judge Elliot Sandford & wife at the Gardo we had a
vary Plesant visit with them I gave Mrs Sandford
4 of my likenesses we had several Meetings with various
Parties one company of EImmigrants of the Saints came
into the city at midnight I spent the night at the Gardo.
~ Wednesday
5 I signed 18 Recommends. I received 16 Letters. I wrote
10 Letters 9 pub. we had a Bank Meeting I went to the
Farm And at 9 oclock I was taken with one of my old
Attaks of the Billious Cholic and I suffered Everything but
death At midnight I sent for Brother Joseph Richards
who administered some Medicine which Eased my pain
~ Thursday
6, I was vary sick this morning I was Administered to
during the day received some relief but was Exceding weak
~ Friday
7. I am still vary sick Br George Q Cannon & others laid
hands upon me By which I got some relief But with
all good intent one of my friends gave me a dose that
came near killing me I vomited it out of my stomach
then I came near Dying ^
^ my Family thought I would die
~ Saturday
8 I was vary weak through this day I was Administered
to By George Q & several of the Brethren
~ Sunday
9. Sunday I had about 20 visitors through the day I
had to talk to much I was vary weak I was not able
to stand alone I was quite restless through the night
~ Tuesday
June 101, 1889
This is the first day I have been able to walk out of Doors
I had one stack of Lucern put up to day also the orchard
was watered for the first time this year I was in the
midst of it watching it a good deal I am still quite
weak & feeble
~ Monday
(10 I was quite feeble through the day able to walk a little in
the House I missed putting this in before the 11.)
~ Wednesday
12 Brothe George Q called upon me in the Morning
I am still quite poorly
~ Thursday
13 ^
^ G Q Cannon & J F Smith & several of the Twelve had a Meeting
with the city council & others upon the water question there came
near being a war among the Latter Day Saints about the
water going to Law & going to shooting Each other I councilled
a Meeting among them and they met yesterday and to day
which has calmed the Elements considerable I spent the
day at the House
~ Friday
14 I went to the office for the first time for 9 days I found
all well I signed 15 Recommends I received 12 Letters
I went to the farm & spent the night 6 Mils
~ Saturday
15 I spent the day at the farm we had as Near a cyclone
as I Ever saw on the farm it blew the fruit of the trees and
broke off some branches Asahel & Ovando started to go
up Parleye Canyon fishing at the Mouth of the canyon
Ovando cut his left hand vary Badly with glass &
they returned home I wrote 2 Letters to day to Sarah &
~ Sunday
16 Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
June 17, 1889
I went to the office spent the day in business I went
to the Theater in the Evening & spent the night at the farm
I signed 22 Recommend I received 14 Letters I wrote 12 ^pub^ letters
~ Tuesday
18 I signed ^28^ Recommends I received 13 Letters I wrote [623] ^pub^ [letters].
I spent the night at the Farm 6 Mile
~ Wednesday
19 I went to the Office in the Morning I signed 34 Recommends
I received 17 Letters I wrote ^35^ Letters I spent the
night at the farm 6 Miles
~ Thursday
20 I signed 28 Recommends I received 15 Letters I wrot
Letters I had a Meeting in the Morning with the Bishops A
I wrote 1 Letter {I sent him four hundred dollars.} I held Meeting
with the Bishops and Lawyiers upon our Herd ground
in Cache valley & A Meeting with the committee upon
the subject of Buying a place for the Island Saints
G. Q. Cannon & myself attended the Dedication of
of the 9 ward Meeting Hous I made some remarks
at the opening & G Cannon offered the dedicatory prayer
He also spoke some 30 M followed By A M Cannon
& C W Penrose & W Woodruff who dismised I spent
the night at the farm 6 M
~ Friday
21 I signed 12 Recommends I receivd 14 Letters I wrote
1 Letter to D P Woodruff I had a Meeting with the
Island Brethren on getting a place for them I also
had a Meeting with Br Higgs & Elias Morris upon the
disposing of the smoke from the furnice at Manti Temple
J R Winder Bid the Highest & Got the Church farm
He pays $401 a Months Rent for the same
I spent the night at the Farm 6 Miles
~ Saturday
June 22 1889
I went with Emma & Owen to G Q Cannon &
fished in his pond we caught 3 carp & returned
home & spent the night 4 Miles
~ Sunday
23 Sunday I spent most of the day at Clara's with
her Mother & Ovando 6 Mils
~ Monday
24. I went to the Gardo & signed 18 Recommends
I received 16 Letter. I wrote 3 Letters to A O Smoot
to Sarah & E Browett I spent the night at the farm
we had an interview with A Badlam
~ Tuesday
25 I had an interview this morning with A Badlam at the
House Dyer was with him I went to the office & I signed
30 Recommends I received 14 Letters I wrote 6 Letter
~ Wednesday
In company with Emma I rode to the Depo at
8 oclock to go to Ogden with the old Folks we had 17
cars loaded full of old people I went up with John
Sharps car yet I walked through the whole length of
the 17 cars & returned shaking hands with some
800 people I shook hands with 600 over 70 years of age
with 100 over 80 years & 3 over 90 years & 80 young people
On our arival at Ogden carriages Met us and
took us to Lester Park whare there was 1000 old people
Gathered and near 2000 young people after taking dinner
we Gathered in the pavilion whare speeches were Made
By Gov Thomas W Woodruff the Mayor of Ogden
a Gentleman from Nebraskia W. B. Preston
& George Godard. Many Presents were given away
to the old People we returned in the Evening 80 Mils
I returned to the farm & spent the night
~ Thursday
June 27, 1889
I returned to the Gardo & signed 29 Recommends
I received 13 Letters I met in Prayer with
Brother Cannon & Smith W W was Mouth
I signed 12 Teachers Certificats I spent
the night at the farm 6 Mi
~ Friday
28 I signed 20 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I wrote 13 pub letters I went to the farm to spend the night
~ Saturday
29 I spent the day at the farm choring
Asahel Ovando, Owen & others started for the canyon
on fishing excurtion for a week at 4 oclok
~ Sunday
30 Sunday I arose quite sick this Morning with
^ the diarhea was taken in the night and was
vary weak to day
~ Monday
July 1, I am better this Morning & went to the Gordo
I signed ^17^ Recommend I received 7 Letters
I attended a Deseret Land Meeting I went to
the farm and spent the night 6 Miles
~ Tuesday
2 I went to the Gardo then to the Land office
and made the following Entry
Deseret Land Entry No 2792, Township 16 South
Range 8 West Wilford Woodruff Paid $160
I signed 20 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I wrote 4 Public Letters I spent the night at the farm 6 M
~ Wednesday
3d I went to the Gardo I signed 16 Recommends
I received 7 Letters
I had an interview with John Morgan who
Gave a History of the obtaining of the Body of
Alma T Richards who was Murdered in Miss
July 3, 1889
I signed 8 pub Letters I had an interview with
Lars Peterson A fals Prophet from Independance
Missouri He said He was Called of God to raise
an army to go down & redeem Zion in Missouri
we give him to understand the Lord had not
Called us to any such work I spent the night at
the farm 6 Mils
~ Thursday
July 4, [FIGURES] I have lived to see another independance
day I arose at 4.30 And at 6.30 I took
carriage with my wife Emma Daughter Alice
and Grand Daughter Veidi & Anna Wilson &
drove to D & R G. They tendered me a special
Car for my own use free in which I placed 58
person, we had 2 other cars for which our friends
Paid $1 each passenger
We went to wasatch
a settlemen of our people in the Little Cotton wood
Canyon whare our Brethren are spliting out granite
Rocks for Salt Lake Temple it was an immens affair
granite rocks 70 feet squair split up into Building
Blocks The brethren had formed quite a settlement
of tents & Lumber Houses and vary fine lumber gardens
flower Gardens had stream of water in small troughs
runing all through their settlement the creek abounded
with trout we had a good Dinner speeches & music
& Dancing we returned at 8 oclok Distance of the day 50 Mils
We had a vary pleasant time about 200 people attended
one peculiar feature in the place was all the rattle
snakes ware on the North side of the creek none in the settlement
~ Friday
July 5 1889
I went to the Gordo & signed 45 Recommends
I received 21 Letters I wrote to Atkin's & Thompson
I attended a political Meeting with the Presidents of
Stakes upon our political situation & returned to the farm 6 Mil
~ Saturday
6th I spent the day at the farm choring and Reading
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I spent the day at the House
~ Monday
8 All our children returned from the Mountain
in safety brought a good Many fish with them
I went to the Gordo and had interviews with
Many, I signed 29 Recommends I received
24 Letters. I wrote 2 Letters I spent the night at Farm
~ Tuesday
9th I signed 15 Recommends I received 13 letters
I wrote 5 Letters, 1 to Sarah I held a Meeting
with some 20 Brethren on our Political situation
I spent the night at the farm 6 M
~ Wednesday
10 I signed 17 Recommends I received
11 Letters I signed 64 drafts on Liverpool
I Attended a Meeting of Z. C. M. I. Board
I attended a political Meeting I went to the farm
~ Thursday
July 11. I signed 15 Recommends I receivd
^ 17 Letters I had a Meeting with Laroy Harris
He wanted to be ordained to get the
Plates of Nephi He said the plates were in
Tonto Basin in Arizona We considered
He was Lead by a fals spirit.
We talked with
Bishop Preston upon the purchase of Land in
Mexico we voted to Make a purchase
I went to the farm & spent the night 6 Miles
~ Friday
July 12, 1889
we had a Meeting with General Williams &
Mr Filmore & had conversation upon many
subjects I Signed 11 Recommends I receivd
10 Letters I went to the farm & spent the night 6 M
~ Saturday
13 I spent the day at the Farm
~ Sunday
14 Sunday I went to the Tabernacle with G Q Cannon
He spoke to the people 1 H & 5 M WW spoke 16 Minuts
~ Monday
15 I went to the Gardo & signed 12 Recommends
I received 8 Letters I wrote 4 Letters I had
an interview with Brother Wm B Chapman &
family I wrote to McAllister Sarah Phebe A Snow
& M W Merrill I spent the night at the farm 6 Mi
~ Tuesday
16 I took two loads of persons to the rail Road track
to go to Ogden I went to the Gardo and signed
2 Recommends I received 1 Letters I attended
a Meeting of the Deseret Land Company also
an interview with L Snow & R^N^ C Newson
I went to the farm and to the R R & got the
family who had Been to the Lake 8 Miles
~ Wednesday
17. I went to the Gardo & signed 2 Recommends
I received 2 Letters I attended a Bank Meeting
I spent the night at the farm 6 Mile
~ Thursday
18 I signed 2 Recommend I received 6 Letters
I wrote to M W Merrill I met in the Prayer
Circle I spent the night at the farm 6 Mils
~ Friday
19 I signed 6 Recommends I receivd 15 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Delight & sent $10
I spent the night at the farm
~ Saturday
July 20 1889
I spent the day at the farm I visited
J R Winder Creamery and 20 Jersey
and Holstiens cows all of which were infants
~ Sunday
21 Sunday I went to the cars at 8 oclok & rode to
Ogden to attend the conference we stoped at
Brother Richards We Met at 10 oclok Prayer
By Bishop Farr G. Q. Cannon spoke 60 Minuts
Afternoon Prayer By Bishop Parry sacramet
Administered W Woodruff spoke 51 Minuts
Lorenzo Snow spoke 30 Minuts the spirit of the
Lord was with us
During the Evening we visited
the 5 ward Meeting House, which had been dedicated
Also the 4 ward which is to be dedicate next
Sunday both are fine Bildings the 5 ward cost $12000
We visited the Reform school Buildings on 50 acres
of land which is a fine Esstablishment
~ Monday
22 we Met at 10 oclok Statistical Reports were
made Then W Woodruff spoke 30 Minuts upon
the principles of the Gospel & the redemption of the Dead &
L Snow spoke 30 Minuts. we dined with Br Shirtliff
Afternoon Joseph Hall Prayed Richard Balentine reported
the sunday school then G Q Cannon 60 Minuts I
followed him 5 Minuts we had the spirit of God
I took supper at Brother Shirtliff then took
Cars to Salt lake I went to the farm & spent the night
I found Wm H Thompson & wife there Distance 80 mils
~ Tuesday
23 I went to the Gardo Met with the Architect & agreed
to lay out the ground for the North Addition to the Temple
July 23, 1889
This is my Daughter Clara Birth day I met with
Brother Maeser I spent the night at the farm 6 Mils
~ Wednesday
[FIGURES] July 24, 1889 I have lived to see another
Aniversiry of the Enterance of the Pioneers into
this valley Though we are not making any celebr-
ation this year I spent the day to the farm I helped
pick & cut five Bushels of Apricots from
one tree in the forenoon & the Boys went to
the races in the Afternoon I spent the day at the
~ Thursday
25 I went to the Gardo & signed 8 Recommends
I received 13 Letters I wrote 22 pub Letters
I went to the farm & spent the night 6 M
~ Friday
26 I signed 1 Recommends I received ^2^ Letter
I wrote 2 Letters and spent the night at the farm
~ Saturday
27 In company with G Q C & Br Winter to took
car rode to Garfield & on to the Mill crossing I then
took Carriage & rode to Grantsville 40 Miles
We stoped with Brother Anderson
~ Sunday
28 ^Sunday^ we met in conference with the Tooele Stake
at the Pavilion prayer By Charles S Anderson
G Q Cannon spoke 47 Minuts W Woodruff spoke
37 M Afternoon Prayer By Thomas W Lee
Sacrament Administered G Q Cannon spoke 40 Minuts
W Woodruff spoke 20 Minuts we dined with Aroet
Hale At 3 oclok we took Carriage with Wm Rydauds
& rode to Garfield 18 miles in 1 H & 55 Minuts took Cars
& rode to Salt [Lake] & to the farm 43 Miles
~ Monday
July 29, 1889
Sunday Monday we met in conference at 10 oclok
Prayer By Wm Jefferys President Gowens report of the
stake followed by two Bishops The Authorities of the church
was then Presented W Woodruff spok 25 M. we dined
with Arroett Hale Afternoon Prayer By D H Caldwell
G Q Cannon spok 64 Minuts W Woodruff spoke 15 Minuts
W Woodruff Blessed the People at 3 oclock we took carriage
& Br Rylalch drove to Garfield 18 Mils in 1 H & 55 M
we took cars & rode to Salt Lake & to the farm 43 M
~ Tuesday
30 I went to the Gardo & signed 4 Recommends Received
3 Letters I wrote 2 Letters to Merrill & S 6 M
~ Wednesday
31. I went to the Gardo & signed 4 Recommends
I received 3 Letters I wrote 2 Letters I had an
interview with several Parties I attended the Bank
Meeting and sold 22 shares to A. M. Cannon of
stock in zions savings Bank & trust company
George Q Cannon & Joseph F Smith sold each 20
shares of the same stock at 50 cts each to accomplish
a purpose I spent the night at the farm 6 Mils
~ Thursday
Aug 1. In company with others I took cars & rode to Logan
and stoped with Moses Thatcher Distance 90 Mils
I visited the Temple in the Afternoon & made arangments
to attend to some Adoptions in the Temple
~ Friday
2nd [FIGURES] Brother Wm H Thompson & family were adopted
into his Fathers family and his Father & family were
adopted into the family of Wilford Woodruff These adoptions
are to be recorded into Wilford Woodruff family Record
George Q Cannon arived to day and Attended to Adoptions
~ Saturday
Aug 3. 1889
I met in the quarterly Conference in the Logan Tabernacle
at 10 oclok Prayer offered By Matthias Cowley President
George Pitkin represented the stake of 21 wards F M Lyman
spoke 30 Minuts W Woodruff 40 Minuts
Afternoon G. Q. Cannon spoke 37 M We Met with
the Priesthood in the Evening President Pitkin
spoke 30 M WW 15 M & GQC 35 M.
~ Sunday
4th Sunday
I signed 30 Recommends during the day Meeting opened
at 10 oclok F M Lyman spoke 45 M. M Thatcher 28
G. Q. Cannon 16 M. Afternoon The statistical report
was presented And Authorities sustained After which
W Woodruff spoke 53 M. among other things spoke upon
the United Order As Brother Thatcher had spoken
strongly upon that subject I said I had been aquainted
with several Branches of the order but all had
failed so far But said if Cash Valley Stake
was prepaired for the organization of the order
I would appoint Moses Thatcher to go to work
& organize the Cash Valley Stake into the United
Order G.Q. Cannon spoke 15 M we spent the night
with Brother Thatcher
~ Monday
5. we took cars & returned to Salt Lake 90 M
we Met with A Badlam & others at the office
I rode with A Badlam to the farm 6 M
~ Tuesday
6. I signed 10 Recommends I received 9 Letters
I had another interview with Badlam I spent the
night at the field 6 M
Emma was quite sick in the night
~ Wednesday
Aug 7, 1889
I spent the day at the office I signed 1 Recommend
I wrote 20 public Letters Bullion Beck Mine co
had a Meeting to Day A Badlam Met with them
{The company are [illegible shorthand] Grant Badlam} & Company {and} 2 {of the} 12 {came in it}
~ Thursday
Aug 8. I spent the day in the office. I received 4 Letters
I signed 14 public letters
I Paid $500 dollars
to Day to T. E. Ricks on Mill Stock at Riexburg
got recept for the same I spent the night at the farm
~ Friday
9. I signed 7 Recommends, I received 7 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters. In company with G Q Cannon
I took cars rode to Ogden & spent the night with L W Shirtliff 40 Mile
~ Saturday
10 we rode to McCammon 131 Miles then to Soda Springs
we there got somthing to Eat we then rode to Montpeiler
75 Miles then took carriage to Liberty 10 Miles total
215 Mils we arived at Midnight vary wearyd
I went to Bed at Midnight after travelling 215 Miles
was taken with pain in my Left Lung which
lasted me nearly all night
~ Sunday
11 Sunday we Met in the New Tabernacle at
10 oclok to attend the quarterly Conference &
look upon their New Tabernacle as the finest Tabernacle
in the Rocky Mountains outsid of the Tabernacle
& Assembly Hall in Salt Lake City The Conference
was opend By Singing & Prayer By J H Hart
W Woodruff spoke 25 Minuts followed By G. Q. Cannon
55 Minuts & F M Lyman 25 M. Afternoon
Prayer By [blank] G Q Cannon Read the 27 section of
D & C on the Sacrament & W Woodruff spoke 51 Minuts
Aug 11, 1889
G Q Cannon spoke 36 Minuts we held a priesthood
Meeting in the Evening F. M. Lyman spoke 40 M
G Q Cannon 30 M & W Woodruff 40 Minuts
~ Monday
12 We Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Wm H Lee
Wm Budge made a Report of the Stake. G. Q. Cannon
G. Q. Cannon spok 50 M Br Budge reported that
the Stake had Donated some $65000 on the Logan
Temple F M Lyman spoke 80 M At the close of the
Meeting we ordained Thomas Oakey a Patriarch
I was Mouth in ordaining him. At the opening of the
Meeting we ordaind Hugh Findley a Patriarch
G Q Cannon was Mouth. Afternoon James Oakey
Prayed W Woodruff spoke 48 minuts G Q Cannon
24 M followed By W Woodruff 15 Conference was
then adjourned. We took supper with Sister
Sukey, we had a good Conference much of the
spirit of the Lord was with us and we had much
freedom I spent the night at Brother Budge House
~ Tuesday
13 We parted with our friends at Paris & rode in a
carriage to Mont Pieliar 10 Miles, Granger 115; to
Ogden 185 to Salt Lake 38 Total 348 Mils
I met a carriage & rode to the farm 3 M., 351 Mils
~ Wednesday
14 I went to the Gardo Met many Parties Held
a Bank Meeting I signed 27 Recommends I Received
16 Letters I wrote 5 Letters to Jack & McAllister
~ Thursday
15 I signd 3 Recommends I receivd 4 Letters
I wrote 2 letters I signed 104 Drafts on Liverpool
{I had an interview with Governor McClelland. He told us what the government would do with us.}
~ Friday
Aug 16, 1889
I went to the Gardo I signed 21 Recommends &
I received 12 Letters I wrote 3 Letters to Bleak Nellie
& Orion Snow I attended the trial trip of the Electrit Cars
I went to the farm & spent the night 6 Mils
~ Saturday
17 I spent the day at the farm My old cider Mill
was brought from my grainery in the City and we made
nearly a Barrel of cider
~ Sunday
18 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading we had a
hard rain through the night thank the Lord
~ Monday
19 we went to the Gardo roads quite muddy I signed
67 Recommends I received 28 letters I wrote 9 Letters
~ Tuesday
20 I signed 10 Recommends I received 6 Letters wrote
6 public Letters went to the farm 6 M
~ Wednesday
21. I signed 37 Recommends I received 13 Letter
I had an interview with Senator Plum He seemed
friendly but wanted to know whare we were going to
move to if the Gentiles over run us we do not
feel that we can move we will trust in God
~ Thursday
22 I signed 33 Recommends. I receivd 13 Letters
I wrote 5 Pub Letters spent the night at the Farm 6 M
~ Friday
23 I signed 37 Recommends I wrote 71 Letters I received
11 Letters. I wrote to J [L] Harty & Miss Cook
Aug 23 [FIGURES] As I was about to Leave the office to return
home President Georg Q Cannon Presented me with a
with with a superb carriage a fine span of Horses and
a New Double Harness as a present from himself & C W Wilk-
ken James Jack cash $400, (one span Horses $
Aug 23, 1889
The folowing is a list of the Doners
George Q Cannon one span of Horses, J F Smith
$25 A M Cannon $100 L John Nuttall $50
James Jack $100 George Reynolds ^$^25 W C Spence ^$^25
David McKenzie $25 Charles H Wilken $25
O P Arnold $25 Total cash $400 one span Horses $
~ Saturday
Aug 24, I spent the day at the farm Owen drew
4 loads of shale to spread on the walks of the
place to keep out of the Mud
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I took Emma Naoma & Clara with
the 2 Babies in my New carriage & Asahel Owen
& Ovando with Blanch and Ilice in 2 Buggies
& we drove to East Bountiful to visit Sister
sarah Foss we found her well she was 89 years
of Age she had her 2 Daughters Sarah & Phebe
with her & their Children Paregreen & David Sessons were present. Their Mother Polly Sessions
was near By she is 99 years of age & quite
smart when she calls upon a Neighbor she knits
all the way. I attended the Meeting in the Afternoon
& spoke one hour & 15 Minuts we then returned Back
to the farm Distance of the day 26 Miles
~ Monday
26 I signed 21 Recommends I receivd 14 Letters
I wrote 13 Letters 12 public & 1 to Jones I went to the farm
~ Tuesday
27 Tuesday I came to the Gardo & signed 58 Recommends
I received 14 Letters I wrote 78 Letters 6 pub & 2 to Thompson
& Mary & sent her $20 for schooling I went to the Farm
& spent the Night Nellie sent her son Wilford to us arived to day
~ Wednesday
Aug 28, 1889
I went to the Gardo and signed 41 Recommends I received
15 Letters; I wrote ^1^ Letters to Nellie went to the farm. 6 m
~ Thursday
29 I signed 16 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I attended the Prayer Circle & went to the farm 6 M
~ Friday
30 I signed 17 Recommend I received 11 Letter
^ I wrote 5 Letters to Sarah, Sylvia, Mary Maud
& H B Clawson Our Saltair Pump in salt Lake
throws into the floom 22000 gallons of Salt water
a Minute
~ Saturday
31 I signed 24 Recommends I receivd 12 Letter
I wrote 10 public Letters I met a company of
Brethren at 4 oclock upon the subject of our political
situation I went to the farm & spent the night 6 M
~ Sunday
Sept 1. Sunday I attended the quarterly Conference of
the Salt Lake Stake of Zion in the Big Tabernacle
Wm C Dunbar prayed G Q Cannon spoke
one Hour & 18 M. Afternoon G Godard Prayed
W Woodruff spoke 46 Minuts was quite unwell Found
quite hard work to talk J M Grant spoke 38 Minuts
There was a Meeting in the Evening I did not attend
several of the Elders spoke I spent the night at the farm
~ Monday
2 I signed 36 Recommends I receivd 27 Letters
I met at the Conference at 10 oclok Joseph Horn
Prayed Statistical Reports read There were 20000
Adults in the Stake & 7463 children under 8 years of age
Total 27463 Souls A M Cannon made a verbal
report of the Stake & spoke 25 M. Joseph J Talmage
spoke 20 M & Edward Stephenson 15 Minuts
Sept 2nd 1889
^Afternoo^ Prayer By E B Tripp Authorities of the Church
Presented & sustained G. Q. Cannon spoke 50 M and
W Woodruff spoke read the 21 to the 33 verses in the 121 sec of
D. & C and spoke 22 Minuts {in the power of God} I went to the farm 6 m
~ Tuesday
3 I signed 15 Recommends. I received 9 Letters I had an
interview with Many persons during the day I attended
a political Meeting in the Afternoon I spent the night at the farm 6 m
~ Wednesday
4 I signed 27 Recommends I received 24 Letters I wrote
4 Letters I met with the Bank board & also a political Meeting
~ Thursday
5 I signed 45 Recommends I received 30 Letters I wrote
2 Letters held a prayer Circle went to the farm 6 M
~ Friday
6 I signed 52 Recommends I received 23 Letters I wrote 1 Letter
to Delight gave her $10 order on Teasdale
~ Saturday
7 [FIGURES] I sat 7 Hours to day for my likeness to be
painted By [blank] Peterson the Artist.
I signd 30 Recommends Received 15 Letters I wrote
or signed 6 public letters 6 Miles
~ Sunday
8th I rode to Farmington to attend the Conference
at Farmington at 10 oclok Prayer By John H Hess
G. Q. Cannon spoke 71 Minutes W Woodruff 30 M
We took dinner with Br Hess. We ordained
Daniel B Harris A High Priest & a Bishop G Q.
Cannon was mouth, John W Thornly A High Priest
& 1 councillor to Bishop Harris W Woodruff mouth
Wm M. Thornley^Nolder^ A High Priest & 2nd Councillor G. Q. C.
was Mouth. Afternoon. Prayer By Seymour B Young
~ Monday
9 Met at 10 oclok Roswell Hyde Report of the Stake was read
Total 6009 Souls
Afternoon Nathaniel T BPorter Prayed
G. Q. Cannon spoke 50 M[inutes], N T Porter 15 M[inutes]
Peter Barton spoke 5 M[inutes], N. B. Nobles 5 M[inutes]
& W Woodruff 20 Minuts we had a vary
good conference much of the spirit of God
was with us we took cars & returned home 23 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
10. I went to the Gardo And set for my Portrait and
signed 7 Recommends Iand received 5 Letters I wrote
10 Pub Letters I met with ZC.M.I. Board 6 M[iles]
~ Wednesday
11. I sat for My Portrait I signed 16 Recommends
I received 17 Letters I spent the night at the farm 6 M[iles]
~ Thursday
12 I had an interview with Sidney Dillon
I signed 57 Recommends I received 18 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter Returned to the farm 6 Mils
~ Friday
13 I left S L City at 8 oclok & rode to Ogden on private
carr then taken on to the rear of the UP & rode
to Evanston & on to Granger whare we spent the night
~ Saturday
14 Left Granger at 10 oclok & travelled Rapedly
to Mont Pelier then took carriage to Paris
Distance from Salt Lake to Paris 315 Miles
we had a Dangerous ride from Granger
we rode 50 Miles an hour we being on a light
car we were in Danger of Being flung from
the track
~ Sunday
Sept 15. Sunday We Met at the Tabernacle at 10 oclk
for the Dedication of the Paris Tabernacle
[FIGURES] George Q Cannon offered the Dedicatory Prayer
There were near 3000 people present
W Woodruff Spoke 24 Minuts Brother [blank]
spoke T. E. Ricks spoke 8 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 34 Minuts
Afternoon, Brother Brimm Prayed. Brother Budge
spoke 14 M[inutes], G Reynolds spoke 8 M[inutes], James H. Hart
spoke 15 M[inutes], George Osborn spoke 10 M[inutes], G Q Cannon
spoke 15 M[inutes], W Woodruff spoke 25 Minuts {in [illegible shorthand] [power] of God}
I signed 58 Recommends spent the time at the
* house of President Budge
~ Monday
16 At 8 oclok we took carriages & rode to Mont-
Pelier the train was late coming in and we
had to stay in our carr untill 3:30 P.M.
(* we Attended the sabbath school union on Sunday night
oin the Tabernacle the superintendent made a Report followed
By Francis Cope Cannon & Woodruff) we rode to
Granger & spent the night all the trains were
~ Tuesday
^17^ we took Breakfast & Rode to Evanston &
^[FIGURES]^ on to Ogden I never rode so fast on a rail
Road in the train being late they tried to make
up time we travelled from 35 to 70 Miles an
we traveled 10 Miles in 8 1/2 minuts and we were
in great Danger of being flung from the track
Brother Cannon had an attack of the paralisis on
the left side of his face which was vary painful
to him I spent the night at the farm 315 Miles
~ Wednesday
18. I spent the day in the Gardo I signed 24 Recom
mends I received 23 Letters I wrote 6 pub letters
I attended the Bank Meeting also met with
also Met with Caine F S Richards & Penrose
~ Thursday
Sept 19, 1889
I signed 41 Recommends I received 23 letters
I wrote 6 Letters to Sarah & Sylvia
~ Friday
20 We have a rainey Morning I signed
26 Recommends. I received 11 Letters I wrote
6 Letters. went to the farm & spent the night 6 M[iles]
~ Saturday
21. I spent the day at the farm gathering fruit
~ Sunday
22 Sunday I attended the sabbath school in the farms
ward in the forenoon & spoke to the children in the
Afternoon I attended the Meeting and listened to
Brothers Joseph Don Carlos Young & [blank] Benyon
speak I followed them we had a good Meeting
I visited Br George Q Cannon at his house
in the Evening He had an attact of the paralisis
of the left side of his face but He was Better
a Lady by the name of Miss [blank] Burke called
upon me from Losganals wanted to investig[at]e
mormonism she attended the Meetings to day
~ Monday
23. I signed 62 Recommends I received ^45^ Letters
I signed 10 public Letters we had a hard rain & hail
we had an unplesant day in some respects {the [illegible shorthand]}
~ Tuesday
24 I signed 21 Recommends. I received 13 Letter
I wrote 8 Letters I went to the farm 6 Mils
~ Wednesday
25 I signed 27 Recommends I received 18 Letter
I wrote 8 Public Letters I went to the farm 6 mi
I attended the Bank board Meeting
~ Thursday
26 I signed 19 Recommends I receivd 13 Letters I wrote
2 Letters we met in the Prayer circle being 10
Apostles including the 3 Presidency we took up the
Sept 27, 1889
^26^ The subject of filling the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
was discussed. A H Lund was about decided
upon for one I went to the farm 6 mils
~ Friday
27. I signed 32 Recommendations I received ^16 16^ Letters
I wrote 1 Letter. I went to the farm 6 Mile
~ Saturday
28 I spent the day at the farm gathering peaches & Apples
~ Sunday
29 Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle prayer
By A Stainer. Brigham Henry Roberts spoke one
hour upon his imprisionment & 800 others and the
principle upon which they were imprisioned He spoke
upon the organization of the American government
and the Effect it was having upon the European
governments He spoke of the wars G Q Cannon spok 10 M[inutes]
~ Monday
30 I went to the gordo & signed 29 Recommends
I received 20 Letters
~ Tuesday
Oct 1. I signed 41 Recommends. I received 4120 Letters
~ Wednesday
[Oct] 2nd I signed 31 Recommends I receivd 22 Letters
I wrote 7 public Letters Newton went home
with me at night
I met with the Twelve Apostles I nominated
3 Men to fill the Quorum of the Twelve which was
accepted viz M. W. Merrill A H Lund & A H Cannon
all the Quorum was present Except Thatcher and
Teasdale {I presented the subject to the} 12
~ Thursday
Oct 3. I signed 33 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I attended the Territorial at 9 oclok we laid hands
upon Julia Y Burton
~ Friday
Oct 4, 1889
I attended the 60th semiannual conference
Lorenzo Snow Prayed W Woodruff spoke 5 M[inutes]
John W Taylor spoke 47 Minuts, Jacob Gates 20 M[inutes]
C W Penrose 27. Afternoon Prayer By
J D T McAllister H J Grant spoke 27 M[inutes], A H
Cannon 15 M[inutes] John Morgan 14 M[inutes], F M Lymn
38 Minuts John Smith Patriarch Dismissed
I spent the night at the farm Henry & Nellie
Sylvia & Newton & Bell all visited there
Oct 5. Met at 102 ^30^ oclok I attended a Meeting of
the Board of Directors of Z.C.MI J D T McAll
reported the right of way had Been granted for the
Laying the pipes from the spring to the Temple
The Dyer Note of $61050 was paid to day
~ Saturday
Oct 5. Met at 10 oclok Milo Andrews prayed
M Thatcher spoke 44 Minuts Seymour B Young 20 M[inutes]
B H Roberts 30 M[inutes]. At 12:15 I met with the Twelve
Apostles at 2 oclok I met with the Stock Holders for
the Election of officers all were Elected as the year
Before W Woodruff President Afternoon John Nicholson
prayed Lorenzo Snow spoke 40 M[inutes], O F Whitney 45 M[inutes]
John Henry Smith 14 M[inutes] John W Young Dismissed
I had an interview with with Mr Stephen corres-
pondent of St Louis Glode Diemocrat I attended the
Priesthood Meeting in the Evening prayer By George
Reynolds President Cannon spoke followed By W
Woodruff spoke 30 Minuts {in the power of God}
~ Sunday
Oct 6, 1889
Met in conference at 10 oclok in conference (But we
Met with the 912 at 9 oclok at the Gardo & we questioned
Antone Lund & Abram H Cannon if the[y] would acept
of the Apostleship as they had been appointd to that
office which they accepted) A O Smoot Prayed
All the Authorities of the Church were presented
W Woodruff spoke and Explained about the
3 Men appointed to fill the quorum of the Twelve
G Q Cannon presented the Authorities after
which He spoke 65 Minuts John Henry Smith
Dismissed Met at 2 oclok Wm M Palmer prayed
sacrament administered Wm B Preston spoke 15 m[inutes]
G Q Cannon read a portion of 68 section of D &
C Then W Woodruff spoke 45 M[inutes], Jesse N. Smith
spoke 10 M[inutes] John T Caine spok 5 M[inutes]. Conference
adjourned till April 1890. There was an
overflow meeting at the Assembly Hall at which
Apostles J. H. Smith H J Grant A H Lund & Elders
John Morgan A W Ivins & J F. Wells spoke
the Sunday School union met in the Evening
in the Tabernacle I was weary and went
~ Monday
7 I went to the Gardo I signed 23 [recommends]. I received
16 Letters. I met the Presidents of Stakes at
the Assembly Hall at 10 oclk M Thatcher Prayed
F M Lyman spoke John Henry Smith G Q Cannon
& W Woodruff spoke M W. Merrill Dismissed
we then Met the Presidents of the stakes alone
We ordaind John Beal Patriarch I met in
the upper room of the Gordo with the Twelve Apostle
& my counsielors we ordained M. W. Merrill A. H. Lund & Abram H Cannon to the Apostleship
to fill the vacancy in the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles W Woodruff ordaind M. W. Merrill
G. Q. Cannon ordaind A. H. Lund & Joseph F
Smith ordained Abram H Cannon to the Apostleship
G. Q. Cannon gave the charge to the New mem-
~ Tuesday
8 I signed 21 Recommends I receivd 10 Letters
we decided to pipe the water from the spring to
the Temple in St George and ordered the pipe
I attended the Meeting of the Board of Education
at 10 oclok. Also met with the Presidents &
councillors of the Arizona Stakes. had a Brief
interview with Isaakc Trombo
~ Wednesday
9. I signed 29 Recommends received 11 Letters
Met with C. I. Robinson of Mesa City the
restriction in regards to selling their lands
was removd I requestd him to sell Moses
Jesse Moses Land I attended a Meeting at the
Assembly Hall on Political Business I attended
a Meeting of the Board of Directors of Zion Savings
Bank at 1 oclok
~ Thursday
10 I signed 5 Recommends I receivd 15 Letters
I met with the Twelve at 10:30 and I laid
Before them my views of the Duties of the two Priesthoods
I attended a Meeting of the Board of Z.C.MI
at 4 oclok
~ Friday
11 I signed 32 Recommends I receivd 17 Letters
I had an interview with Ensign He wants to get
married I had an interview with with many of
the city council & others
~ Saturday
12 I spent the day at the farm I went on board of a
private car with G. Q. Cannon, Wilcken, Solomon
Hampton, Bateman & Owen & rode to Provo on my arival
There senator Morgan on a privat Train sent word He
wanted an interview with me I went into his car with
George Q Cannon was seated to his table in the Palace car
beside of Mrs Davis wife of senator Davis a Noted woman
for Beauty we conversed for one hour which held both
trains during that time senator Morgan & Mrs Davis
both Expressed much sympathy for our people we parted
& we returned to our car & rode through the night to
deseret & slept on board of the car Distance of the day 165 mile
~ Sunday
13 Sunday we met with the people at 10 oclock
Brother Black Directed the Meeting. A H Cannon prayed
G Q Cannon spoke 25 M[inutes], A H Cannon spoke 20 Minuts
Jesse Fox 15 M[inutes] B. Y Hampton 5 M[inutes]. Afternoon
Prayer By Alfred Solomon Sacrament Administd
G Q Cannon read a portion of sec D & C after which W
Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes] followed By G Q Cannon 30 M[inutes]
Samuel Bateman spoke 5 M[inutes], Alfred Solomon 5 M[inutes],
Charles Wilcken 7 M[inutes]. we spent the night with Brother
Black was visited By several of the Brethren
~ Monday
Oct 14, 1889
In company with G Q. Cannon Wilcken Jesse Fox
Hampton & Brother Black we visited the severe river
the place for the reservoir & Dam and the place for taking
out the canal and we looked at the land we had
Entered under the Desert act it is good land
and a vary levil country then we crosed
the Bottoms to Bishop Blacks House whare his
wife is Living while He is serving a term in
the penetentiary for living with his wives. We
returned to Brother Blacks and spent the night 25 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
15 We went to the Lake & spent the day the Brethren
killed some Ducks we saw many geese but none
were killed we returned to Brother Blacks took supper
went on Board of our car & spent the night 30
~ Wednesday
16 We returned to the City 165 Miles
I signed 137 Recommends I receivd 74 Letters
I attended A Bank meeting & held a Meeting with
the City Council
October 17, 1889 ~ Thursday
17 Henry & Nellie left this Morning with their
children I went to the City & signed 42 Recommends
I receivd 23 letters I wrote 7 Letters I held a
Meeting with the City Council Itwice during the
day {It was a calm day [illegible shorthand] of land and city.} 6 M[iles]
~ Friday
18 I signed 35 Recommends I received 22 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters to Sarah Mary Phebe C Scholes and
Wm H Thompson I met with the City council 6 M[iles].
~ Saturday
19 I signed 25 Recommends I receivd 11 Letters
I wrote 13 public Letters
~ Sunday
October 20, 1889.
I spent the day at home, and prepared for my trip to
North West Territory, Canada.
~ Monday
21st I left my home in a carriage about 6 a.m. on the
way we nearly tipped over. at 6:45 a.m. we started
on a special train provided by Hon John W. Young, for
our trip to the north. made a good run to Pocatello,
At Ogden and Logan Deputy Marshals were on the alert. at
Pocatello Pres Geo Q. Cannon joined us. our party consists
of myself and wife Emma, Geo Q. Cannon & wife, Joseph F
Smith, & B. Young. We took the oregon short line R. R.,
at Pocatello, and parted with our friends.
~ Tuesday
22nd This morning we found ourselves in timber,
soon after in a desert, took our meals on the car.
passed Pendleton, Umatilla Junction, the Dallers, down
the Columbia River and arrived at Portland at
7:40 pm. Capt. Willard Young met us. myself & wife
and Bro Cannon stopped at the Esmond House.
~ Wednesday
23rd after breakfast we took a drive, our party in
2 carriages, through the city, viewing the principle
buildings, residences and streets also the City Park
all of which were very pretty. roses & many other
flowers were in bloom. We nxext visited the Fair
where we stayed two or three hours, looking at
the fine exhibitions of mechanism, and art, products
& manufactures, &c of the State of Oregon. at 4 p.m.
we left the Exhibition and our party went to Capt.
Youngs, took dinner and spent the evening in a
pleasant manner. I wrote some letters this morning
to Bro L. J Nuttall and to my son asahel.
at 10 Oclock we took the train for Tacoma, Washington
~ Thursday
24th This morning we arrived safely at Tacoma
at 6 oclock. Here we went on board the Steamer
"Olympia" of the Oregon Railway & navigation company
and at 7:30 started for Victoria, Vancouver Island, B.C.
We touched at Seattle, also at Port Townsend w[h]ere we
took half an hour walk on shore, arrived at Victoria
at 5 p.m. The Puget Sound was perfectly calm & smooth
the weather charming. At Victoria we took lodgings
at the [Driena] House, had breakfast & lunch on the
Steamer and dinner at the Hotel.
~ Friday
25th This morning we took a walk in the City. The
Ladies went shopping, we visited the Government
Buildings & museum. In the afternoon, in carriages
we drove through the Town, to the Park & govt. Dry Dock
and back, took dinner at 6. At 9 p.m. we went on
board the Steamer Islander, and took berths for the
night en route for Vancouver, City.
~ Saturday
Oct 26th This morning found us steaming through
the placid waters of the Sound with magnificent
scenery all around. Reached Vancouver city on the
shores of Burrard Inlet about 10 o'clock, had breakfast
on board. We remained several hours at Vancouver
great preparations being made for the reception of
Lord and Lady Stanly, Governor General of British
Columbia. Took a walk through the city. after Lord
Stanley arrived we started eastward along the shores
of Burrard Inlet through grand wood lands and romantic
scenery, took supper at northbend.
~ Sunday
Oct 27th This morning we found ourselves whirling
through the forests of Pine, Spruce, Fir & Cedar along the
shores of Shuswap Lake, and the Fraser, Thompson and
Eagle Rivers in turn. nooned at Glacier House in full
view of the "Great Glacier of the Selkirk." It was a day
of surprise and wonder. We crossed the Columbia
River twice, we saw forests of cedars from 1 to 3 feet
through and from 75 to 100 feet high. we passed
through the Gold, Selkirk & Rocky mountains, crossed
Rogers Pass, 4275 feet above the Sea, and the mountain
peaks loom up above the pass from 7000 to 10,000 feet.
Supper at [Fired] at 12:25 o'clock
~ Monday
Oct 28th Breakfasted on the cars. The country a vast
unbroken plain, crossed the Kamanaskis River
at 10:45 am. Arrived at Dunmore at 11 a.m.
remained until 5:30 when we took the narrow
gage for Lethbridge 110 miles.
~ Tuesday
Oct 29th Arrived at Lithbridge about 1 oclock a.m.
and were met by Bros. C. O. Card, Geo L. Farrell,
and Oliver LeGrand Robinson. We put up until
daylight at Mr Webbers. after a couple of hours
sleep we started for Lee's Creek, 50 miles by teams,
across a vast Buffalo plain. At St. Marys River
11 miles from Lethbridge we stopped for breakfast at
Mr George Hanks—we reached Lees Creek about 6:30 pm
in good shape. Myself & wife & Bro Cannon &wife put
up at Bro C. O. Card's. we had a cold ride.
~ Wednesday
Oct 30th We spent the day in resting & walking
about. It was a cold raw day, a strong "chinook"
wind blowing.
~ Thursday
Oct 31st Bros Card & Farrell fitted up two teams
and the members of our party started out about 10
a.m. to look at the country. We travelled most of the day
visited some of the corners of the Township bought for
the people of the Church. the 4 roomed house and [back]
yard thereon, 6 large ricks of hay and fine looking
stacks. Bro. Noah Shurtliff & wife in charge. We saw
many thousands of geese, brants and ducks. We
tried to shoot some but they were too wild to reach
with shot guns. Bro Young, however, shot 1 goose
and 1 Brant with his rifle. returned at dark. We
had a pleasant visit at Bro Cards, Bro a. m. Stenhouse
~ Friday
Nov. 1st 1889. This morning at about 10:30 we all
started on a fishing tour in the St Mary's River. I
caught 17 small trout. Bro Cannon caught one the
first fish he ever caught in his life. Bro Smith caught 1
Pike about 2 feet long. took dinner at Bro Neils Hansens
near where we were fishing, returned about 8 p.m.
and all took supper at Sister Zina Y. Cards, and spent
the evening together conversing and singing hymns.
~ Saturday
Nov 2nd after breakfast the brethren of our party drove
out 7 or 8 miles to St Marys river to look at some
Nov 3rd 1889
Townsites, saw some pretty country. It snowed
last night but was all melted off before noon, our party
took dinner at Sister Eva Taylor's. a snow storm
set in about dark, and the ground was soon covered.
~ Sunday
Nov 3rd attended meeting at 10:30 am. After singing
and prayer, I spoke 25 minuts, Prest Cannon followed 20
minuts. Prest Smith spoke 35 minuts, Benidiction by Bp Wolf
Meeting at 2 p.m. prayer by Bro Neils Hansen, sacrament
administered Bro Young spoke 42 minuts, I spoke 40 minuts,
Benediction by Bro. C. O. Card We took supper at Bro & Sister
John & Mary Hyde Woolf's and spent the evening very pleasantly
~ Monday
Nov 4th Attended meeting at 10 a.m. Prayer by Bro.
Johannes Andersen. Bro. Cannon spoke 52 minuts, Bro.
Card spoke 10 minuts, Bro Joseph F. Smith spoke 40 minuts, Beni-
diction by Bro Thos R. Leavitt. After meeting we took lunch at
Bro a. m. Stenhouse's and dedicated his house. Bro Young being
Meeting at 2 p.m. prayer by Bro Truman Leonard,
Bro Card presented the authorities of the Church and stake & local
authorites, all of whom were accepted. I announced that
the meeting would be devoted to bearing testimony by the
Saints. Bro B. Young, John Woolf Johannes Anderson, T. R
Leavitt, G. L. Farrell, Niels Hansen, Henry Hinman, John
Lane, Morgan L. Hinman, Truman Leonard all bore
faithful testimonys. Bro. Cannon spoke 12 minuts, and I
spoke 19 minuts. Benidiction by Bro G. Q. Cannon, and confer-
ence adjourned. After meeting our party and many others
of the Saints met at the house of Bro Johannes Anderson, &
after dedicating his house, Bro J F. Smith mouth—all sat
Nov 5, 1889
down to an excellent supper. The fore part of the evening
was spent in conversation & singing. afterwards
while at Bro C. O. Cards the choir called and sang some
very fine songs. The day has been a very pleasant
one in all respects.
~ Tuesday
Nov 5th This morning our party took breakfast at
Bro Geo L. Farrells, we afterwards went for a ride.
Visited J. W. Taylor's ranch about 3 1/2 miles up Lee's
Creek, thence over the hills to the South East had an
excellent view of the country, returned about 1 oclock
at 4 pm, all the people assembled at the meeting House
where we partook of a bounteous meal between 70 & 80
sat down at the first table and as many or a greater number
at the second. after dinner toasts were read. This is Bro C. O.
Cards 50th Birthday. after the toasts and supper were over, the
evening was spent in singing, recitations, music, dancing
and appropriate remarks. dismissed at midnight.
~ Wednesday
Nov 6th This morning at 8:30 we dbade farewell to our
friends at Cardston, and drove to McLeod, 35 miles crossing
the Belly and Kooteney Rivers. Here we were entertaind
by Dr Wm Cox Allen, and son Edwin. Dr Allen is the custom
officer for this district, "a fine old Irish Gentleman." we
spent the evening pleasantly with Dr Allen & members of his
family & some friends. The wind blew hard all day.
~ Thursday
Nov 7th To day we drove to Lethbridge 30 miles.
Dr. Allen took myself & wife & sister Zina Y. Card in his
carriage, some 7 miles on our way and was very kind
in furnishing rugs and wraps as the wind was cold.
Nov 8th 1889
at Lethbridge we put up at Mr Webber's. This was Thanks-
giving day in Canada, all the stores & business places were
closed. We however got a few things we needed.
~ Friday
Nov 8th. By invitation of Mr. A. T. Galt, manager of the
North Western Coal & navigation Co. we visited the coal
mines and hoisting works of Lethbridge this morning, he
holding the train for two hours for us, and sending his best
coach for our accomodation to Dunmore. We took train
at Lethbridge, at 10 a.m. and arrived at Dunmore about 4 pm.
109 miles. The C. P. R. Train was on time and we took
berths in the only sleeper. at dusk we arrived at Medicine
Hat, saw a number of Indians. We retired early.
~ Saturday
Nov 9th This morning at 4 oclock we were aroused
and at 5:30 we left the train at Banff station and took the
Buss for the Banff Hotel, near the Banff Hot Springs. I took
a nap—after breakfast we took a walk up along the side
of the mountain to the Hot Springs, spent the day in sight-
~ Sunday
Nov 10th considerable snow fell during the night
The Train was from 8 to 10 hours late. We took the train
about 1 pm, got good berths, passed over very fine scenery,
retired in good season.
~ Monday
Nov 11th This morning we were decending the valley
of the Thompson River, and through mountains & fine
scenery. We arrived at Vancouver about 6:30 pm.
and took lodgings at the Hotel Vancouver. after supper
we chatted awhile about our return &c. There was no
steamer for Victoria today.
~ Tuesday
Nov. 12, 1889
Much rain fell during the night, but it was
clear this morning. After breakfast I remained
at the Hotel, the others of the Party took a walk through
the City. After lunch we boarded the steamer Islander
and were soon steaming across Burrands Inlet for
Georges Bay, where we met a strong wind and rough
water. while passing Georges Channel some of the
Ladies were a little sea sick. We saw a number of
whales spouting in the distance and lashing the
water into foam in their spouts. We reached Victoria
about 9 o'clock. We secured our berths on the steamer
North Pacific, some of the party walked out. We
retired to our berths in good season.
~ Wednesday
Nov 13th The customs officer passed our luggage.
We left Victoria about 4 o'clock am. and reached
Port Townsend, about 9:20. We arrived at Seattle
at about 4 p.m. and remained 4 hours, left at
8 p.m for Tacoma and arrived about 10 p.m. and took
the cars for Portland.
~ Thursday
Nov 14th We arrived at Portland, Oregon,
this morning, about 7:30 we spent the day at Port-
land. I staid at Frieman's Restaurant, No. 72
First Street. arrangements were made for our
journey. at 9:45 pm, we took the cars for Pocatello
and soon retired to rest.
~ Friday
Nov. 15th We reached Pendleton this morning,
about 8 o'clock. Met Bro C. W. Nibley and David
Eccles at Baker City, they came on the train & travelled
Nov 16, 1889
with us to Pleasant Valley where they got off. We obtained
from them the latest home papers giving accounts of
proceedings at home. We crossed the Snake River about
sun down.
~ Saturday
Nov 16th. We arrived at Pocatello this morning
about 6 o'clock, where we met Bros John W. Young & Chas.
H. Wilcken on the platform of the car as the train stopped
We immediately transferred our effects to the special
car provided by Bro. John W. Young. Bro. Cannon went
down on the Regular train. We laid over a short time
at Logan and Mendon and reached Ogden at 8 p.m.
where part of our company joined B[isho]p. Sharp on his special
car. Myself & party came on to Salt Lake but ^we^ were
detained for train orders at ogden a long time. We
arrived at the City at about 12 o'clock, and arrived at
home shortly after having been met by carriages by
Bro Samuel Bateman. We travelled during this
journey some 6400 miles ^about 5000 Mils^ (6,400 M.)
~ Sunday
17. Sunday I went to Ovandos & Claras with Emma
& spent the day I read the reports of the courts I went to
to the office in the Evening & had a Meeting with the 12
and others. It was reported that G Q Cannon and
myself would be suppeonaed to court
~ Monday
18. I received 7 Private Letters & 7 public Letters I wrote 6
Letters to Sarah, Mary, Sylvia, Leslie Jaques & Nuttall
~ Tuesday
19. I signed 8 Recommends I spent the day in the office
20 I signed 28 Recommends I received 11 Letters I met
with the Bank Board, with the 12 & Lawyiers & sugar company
C W. Penrose was sent to the Penetentiary on
contempt of court G Q Cannon & myself had an
interview with him at the Presidents Office while
he was in the Hands of the Marshal we met at 4 {o'clock}
with the Deseret Land Company I attended the Birth
Day Party of Sister M I Horn & took a vary severe
cold & suffered through the night
~ Thursday
21. I arose this morning with a severe cold & nearly
sick I signed 5 Recommends Received 1 Letter
G. Q. Cannon was subpeonaed to attend the Court
He attended at 2 oclok & returned at 3. They
seemed to want but little of him when He got there
I met with the Atorneys in the Afternoon and
Apointed a committee to get up a Dispatch for
the East J W Young & B H Schettler made a proposition
to sell the forest farm I spent the Night at the Gardo
& [d]octored for my cold
~ Friday
22. I signed 25 Recommends & received 14 letters
I had an interview with the Lawyiers I spent the
day in the office & went to the farm at Night 6 M[iles]
~ Saturday
23. I spent the day at the farm done some choreing
~ Sunday
24 Sunday I was some better this Morning I went
to Ovando Beebe, & found him quite sick with
the Lumbago we administered to him. I Attended
A meeting with the Lawyiers at the Gardo in the
Evening they wanted me to Make some concessin to
Court upon poligamy & other points and I spent
several Hours alone & Enquired of the Lord and received the following
Revelation given to Wilford Woodruff, Sunday Nov 24, 1889.
Thus Saith the Lord, to my servant Wilford, I the Lord have heard thy
prayers and thy request, and will answer thee by the voice of my
spirit. Thus Saith the Lord, unto my servants the Presidency of my church,
who hold the Keys of the Kingdom of God on this earth, I the Lord
hold the destiny of the courts in your midst, and the destiny of this
nation, and all other nations of the earth in mine own hands, and all
that I have revealed, and promised and decreed concerning the generation
in which you live, shall come to pass, and no power shall stay my hand.
Let not my servants who are called to the Presidency of my church, deny
my word or my law, which concerns the salvation of the children
of men. Let them pray for the Holy Spirit, which shall be given them to guide
them in their acts. Place not yourselves in jeopardy to your enemies
by promise, your enemies seek your distruction and the distructions
of my people. If the Saints will hearken unto my voice, and the counsel
of my servants, the wicked shall not prevail. Let my servants, who
officiate as your counselors before the courts, make their pleadings as
they are moved upon by the Holy spirit, without any further pledges
from the Priesthood. I the Lord will hold the courts, with the officers of
government, and the nation responsible for their acts towards the
inhabitants of Zion. I, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, am
in your midst. I am your advocate with the Father. Fear not
little flock, it is your father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
Fear not the wicked and ungodly. Search the scriptures, for they
are they which testify of me John 5:39, also those revelations which I have
given to my servant Joseph, and to all my servants since the world began,
which are recorded in the records of divine truths. Those revelations
contain the judgments of God, which are to be poured out upon all
nations under the heavens, which include Great Babylon. These judg-
ments are at the door, they will be fulfilled as God lives. Leave
judgment with me, it is mine saith the Lord. Watch the
signs of the times, and they will show the fulfillment of
the words of the Lord. Let my servants call upon the Lord
in mighty prayer; retain the Holy Ghost as your constant com-
panion, and act as you are moved upon by that spirit, and
all will be well with you. The wicked are fast ripening in
iniquity, and they will be cut off by the judgments of God.
Great events await you and this generation, and are
nigh at your doors. Awake, O, Israel, and have faith in
God, and His promises, and he will not forsake you. I the Lord
will deliver my Saints from the dominion of the wicked, in mine own
due time and way. I cannot deny my word, neither in blessing nor
judgments. Therefore let mine Anointed gird up their loins,
watch and be sober, and keep my commandments. Pray
always and faint not; exercise faith in the Lord and
in the promises of God; be valient in the testimony of Jesus
Christ. The eyes of the Lord and the Heavenly Hosts are watching
over you and your acts. Therefore be faithful until I come. I come
quickly to reward every man according to the deeds done in the
body. Even so, amen.
~ Monday
Nov Sunday 245, 1889
My Son in Law Ovando Beebe was taken quite
bad again with the Lumbago in the Back I Engaged
Seymour B Young to go & attend to him I soon went
to see him myself. He was some better but quite
poorly. The court closed receiving Testimony
and the Lawyiers commenced ther arguments I called
upon Ovando in the Evening & found him some better
I went to the farm & spent the night. C W Penrose
was liberated by the court & He returned home at 8 oclk
I signed 19 Recommends & Received 6 Letters
I wrote 2 letters to Sarah & Ensign.
~ Tuesday
26 I signed 5 Recommends Rec[eive]d 3 Letters. We
had a Meeting with Brother Penrose & with the
Deseret Land Company I spent the night at the Gardo
~ Wednesday
27 I signed 20 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters
I attended a Bank Meeting was full of Business
~ Thursday
28 Thanksgiving Day Ovando was sick
I went to his house with Emma & spent the day
Asahel & Owen went Hunting & killed 4 or 5
Rabbits each
~ Friday
29. I signed 45 Recommends. I received
17 Letters I wrote 2 public Letters I had
several Meetings through the day
~ Saturday
30 ^
^ We have a Decision By Judge Anderson that
No mormon Need Apply for citizenship for
it wont be granted. This is a high Handed Measure
I signed 25 Recommends Received 20 Letters ^met with^ ZCMI Board
~ Sunday
Dec 1, 1889
^Sunday^ I spent the day at home Ovando was better & spent the
day with me I took him home at Night 6 M[iles]
~ Monday
2 Recommends signed 19 Received 19 Letters I wrote
24 Letters to Newton & Sarah & co I met with the Z.C.MI
Board on S. W. Sears on his stock affairs He finally
turn over his stock to the Board as trustees which closed
a bad Law suit in prospect By sears
~ Tuesday
3rd I signed 31 Recommends I received 15 Letters I met
with the board of Education at 10 oclok. I met with Isaac
Trumbo and had an interesting interview with him
I had a conversation with Lorenzo Snow upon various
things. A circular was red to be sent to all the churches
Asking for a fasts & prayer Meeting at the birth
day of the Prophet Joseph on the 23 of Dec I wrote 3 Letters
~ Wednesday
4 I signed 5 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I signed 6 school certificats I signed a Letter to
Dr Allen of Canida I met with the board of the saving
Bank I met with G Thatcher & Wm W Preston &
Apointed John W Young & Richard W Young trustees
of B Y College in place of C. O. Card Ida I Cooke
I spent the night at home Joseph F Smith & W Woodruff
set apart Solomon F. Kimball to attend to the Endowments
of his Fathers Household in the Temples of the Lord
Dec 5 I signed 12 Recommends. I received 8 Letters I wrote
8 public Letters I am suffering with severe cold I
spent the night at the Gardo
~ Friday
6 I signed 28 Recommends I received 16 Letters
I met with the Twelve & others was sick went to the farm
~ Saturday
Dec 7, 1889
I spent the day at the farm in searching my Papers
I found a Document I had lost for 20 years A lecture from
a R R {Mas[on]}
~ Sunday
8. Sunday I spent the day at the House reading & writing
we are passing through a strange portion of our History
the whole Nation seems to be united against me us
Judge Anderson has decided not to received any Mormons
to citizenship the whole country is stired up ag[ain]st us
~ Monday
9. I signed 23 Recommends I received 17 Letters I wrote
signed 14 public Letters I attended the Dedication of
B. Y. Hamptons New House G Q Cannon was Mouth
~ Tuesday
Dec 10. I signed 18 Recommends I received 10 Letters
I signed 10 Pub letters I met with Z.C.MI Board als with
the Desert Company. I attend the Theater in the Evening
~ Wednesday
11 I signed 17 Recommend I Received 11 Letters
I signed 11 public Letters I met with the Bank board
I also Met with the sugar company. My wife Emma
was taken Deadly sick thought she was poisioned
Eating canned sarden[e]s I went to the farm and
and Administered to her & she soon revived I
spent the night with her 6 Miles
~ Thursday
12 I went to the Gardo Emma was better this morning
I signed 22 Recommends I receivd 17 Letters I
wrote 15 Letters 11 public & to David Sylvia sent $5
& Thompson & Atkins I met with the Bank Board and
several other parties I spent the night at the farm
~ Friday
13 I signed 15 Recommends. I receivd 10 Letters I wrote
11 pub letters I went to the farm & spent the night
~ Saturday
Dec 14, 1889
I spent the day at the farm Emma was quite
sick with somthing like inflamitory Rheumatism
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I spent the day at the farm
~ Monday
16 I signed ^10^ Recommends I received ^8^ Letters
I wrote ^2^ Letters to Phebe & Susan Scholes & sent
them $20 for Christmass. I wrote to Sarah & sent her $10
I wrote to Delight & sent her $35 for Christmass,
$20 for Herself & John & Julia & $5 each for Marion
Ensign & Emeline ^Emma & family $40^ Total sent to day $65.
We had a funeral to day at the Lion house over
the Body of the wife of Charles S Burton her name
was Julia Young Burton the Adopted Daughter of president
Brigham Young. there was a large Assembly at the
funeral Brother John Henry Smith and Orson
Whitney & George Q Cannon there was 35 carriges
in the procession I spent the night at the farm 6 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
17 I went to the Gordo & met with many friends
& Much business. The whole city country & Nation
is stired up & moved to Destroy the Latter Day Saints
18I signed 5 Recommends I received 9 Letters 6 Mile
~ Wednesday
18 I signed 3 Recommends I receivd 4 Letters
I wrote 1 Letters to Mary sent $15 to pay board
Bill at College. I spent the night at the farm 6 M[iles]
~ Thursday
19. We had a snow storm 2 inches I signed 24 Recommends
I received 15 Letters. I wrote 4 Letter To Sarah Newton
Phebe & Susan, I met in the Prayer Circle, John W
Young spoke upon our affairs at Washington
I spent the night at the farm
I spent the day at the farm. In searching my
papers I found a Document I had lost for 20 years
a lecture from R Arch {[Morrison]}
. Sunday I spent the day at the House reading & writing
we are passing through a strange portion of our history
the whole Nation seems to be united against us
Judge Anderson has decided not to receive
any Mormons to citizenship the whole country
is stired up against us
. I signed [blank] Recommends I received [blank] Letters I
met with several parties today
~ Friday
Dec 20, 1889
A hard snow storm this Morning I signed
9 Recommend I receivd 8 Letters I wrote 13 public
Letters I went to the farm
~ Saturday
21. I spent the day at the farm I paid $600 dollars Tithing
~ Sunday
22 Sunday I spent the day at the House
Reading the History of Joseph Smith I red his whol
life up to the Time of his death it showed the
Terrible persecution He passed through up to the
Hour of his death
~ Monday
23. This day was set apart this birth day of the prophet
for a day of prayer & fasting I met with the presidency
& Twelve Apostles we dressed and prayed all around &
then we praid at the Altar we held a Meeting G Q Cannon
was Mouth we Mout [met] with some of the City Council
I spent the night at the farm Rec[eiv]ed 9 Letter ^I signed 15 Recom[men]d^ 6 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
Dec 24 1889
I signed 5 Recommends I receivd 4 Letters I spent
the night at the farm
~ Wednesday
25 Christmass I spent the day at Asahels we took
Dinner with him, & spent the Evening there
~ Thursday
26 I signed 18 Recommends I receivd 8 Letters
I met with Br Nibley & A O Smoot & W Riter and
F. S. Richards. The roads are vary bad
~ Friday
27 I signed 7 Recommends I receivd 3 Letters
I had an interview with several of the Brethren
with Brother Nibley F. S. Richards C W. Penrose & others
I spent the night at the farm 6 M[iles]
~ Saturday
28 I spent the day reading & writing I wrote 5 Letters
to David P, Sarah, Sylvia, Nellie, Phebe Scholes we had
a snow storm During the day
~ Sunday
29 Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
30 I signed 9 Recommends I received 7 Letters I wrote
5 Letters pub[lic]
~ Tuesday
31. I signed 12 Recommends I received 8 Letters
I signed 4 public Letters & some 20 free Telegraph charts
It was a vary cold night I went to the farm 6 Mils
I looked over my Journal & recorded on the following pages
A synopsis of the same
Thus Ends the year 1889 And the word of the Prophet
Joseph Smith is begining to be fulfilled that the whole Nation
would turn against Zion & make war upon the Saints. The
Nation has never been filled so full of lies against the
Saints as to Day 1890 will be an important year with
the Latter Day Saints & the American Nation
A Synopsis of Wilfords Woodruff Labors in 1889
I Travelled during the year 10320 Miles
I attended 2 general conferences, & 16 quarterly conferences
I Attended 70 Meetings & preached 57 discourse
I held 17 Meetings with the Twelve & 8 with Z.C.M.I.
I signed Drafts 322 and 18 schools certificats
I attended 4 Meetings with the State Board ^of^ Education
I Attended 14 Meetings with the board of Savings Bank
I wrote 815 Letters 815 Letter
I received 2326 Letters 2326 Letter
I signed 23944 Recommends to the Temple
I administered to 8 sick persons
I organized the first Presidency on the 7 day of
April with Wilford Woodruff President G Q Cannon
first councillors & Joseph F Smith seconed Councillor
I ordaind 1 Apostle 2 Patriarchs & 1 Bishop
And assisted in ordaining 2 Apostls & 1 patriarch
I attended the Dedication of Paris Meeting House
G. Q. Cannon was Mouth & several Private Dwellings
I had interviews with several senators including
senators Plum & Morgan
I had a course of Billious Colic came near death
Paid Tithing in 1889 $670.
~ Wednesday
Jan 1, 1890
I spent the day looking over my Journal and making
a synopsis of the same I was at the farm & had company
~ Thursday
2. I went to the Gardo & spent the night & day Brother
George Q Cannon had a fall down stairs which hurt
him much in the back and hips I went down to his house
and administered to him it was a vary cold day
2nd I went to the Gardo & signed 28 Recommends I
Received 15 Letters I wrote 2 Letters
~ Friday
3 I signed 6 Recommends I Received 3 Letters I wrote
6 pub[lic] letters I went to the farm
~ Saturday
4 I spent the day at the farm
~ Sunday
5 Sunday I spent the day at the farm reading
~ Monday
6. I went to the Gardo and signed 38 Recommends
I received 16 Letters I wrote 34 Letters 3 pub[lic] to Sarah
~ Tuesday
7. I signed 7 Recommends I signed received
4 Letters I wrote 5 public Letters I signed 10 sheets of
ZCMI Stock I met with the Desert Land Company
~ Wednesday
8 I signed 8 Recommends I received 3 Letters
I wrote 3 public Letters I Attended the Dedication
of Charles H Wilken House & took supper we
had Beautiful Music & singing
~ Thursday
9 I signed 16 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I signed 5 pub[lic] letters
~ Friday
10 A snow storm this Morning I signed 13 Recommends
I received 5 Letters I wrote 2 letters, 1 to Mary $20.
I Met with the Board of Z.C.M.I. we also Met with
the Brethren & Architect and discussed the subject of Heating
the Temple whether with Hot water or with steam
In the Evening In company G. Q Cannon & other friends
I occupied An upper room in Deseret National Bank
Building in order to see the great Procession of the
Peoples Party preparitory to the Febuary Elections there
was 4723 in the various companyies. 175 were cavalry
they were Dressed in uniform of red, white & blue They carr-
ied many beautiful banners Each carried a lighted torch
the streets were lined with citizens of the peoples Party there
were several large bands of Music. The Heavens were
illuminated with fire works I have seen many processions
displays & fireworks but I never saw anything to Equil
the display to night. May the people prevail in their Election
~ Saturday
Jan 11. I signed 28 Recommends I received 9 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters to Emma Ferguson, & Milton
several Members of the Legislature called upon us
this Morning
The following is the sum total of the work done
in the three Temples at St George Manti, & & Logan
since they were dedicated and opened & work comm[ence]d
This work {[illegible shorthand]} both for the Living & the Dead
Baptized 499,958 Endowed 209,544. Ordained 77295.
couple sealed 69271. children sealed to parents 22845.
Adoptions 8751. Seconed Anointings 3812.
This is a glorious work both for the Living & the Dead
~ Sunday
12 Sunday Owen is quite sick with Influenzia
was quite sick all day & night we administered to
him & He seemed some better I had an interview
with Mayor Armstrong concerning Matters in washington
~ Monday
Jan 13, 1890
I went to the gardo & signed 10 Recommends I received
6 Letters I wrote 2 Letters to Sarah & Susan
George Q. Cannon leaves for washington this Morning
I went to the farm at night
~ Tuesday
14 I signed 7 Recommends I received 3 Letters I wrote
8 Letters to Emma, Nellie, Willie, Susan, Phebe, Cosy,
Florence & Thompson I signed 9 public Letters
~ Wednesday
15 We signed 35 Recommends I received 11 Letters
I was taken quite sick in the night and I remained
at the Gardo untill 11 oclok. I then went to the farm 6 m[iles]
~ Thursday
16 I was quite poorly all day I had a visit from
Brothers Merrill & Preston Also from Trombow & Clawson
~ Friday
17 I was some better this morning but still poorly I read
James A Littles work Entitled From Kirtland to Salt Lake
City it is a vary interesting work
~ Saturday
18 I went to the Gardo & attended a Meeting with the
Twelve & Legislature at 4 oclok we were visited
with the worst Blizard for years I went to the farm
in the midst of it was coverd with snow when I
arived snow fell during the night about 8 inches
~ Sunday
19 Sunday I spent the day at the farm reading
~ Monday
20 I went to the Gardo & met with the Twelve and others
upon Matters of Business I had company all day
I signed 12 Recommends I received 8 Letters I wrote Letters
I wrote to President Bennion to Henry & to Nellie all with
the Type writer I wrote 20 pages
~ Tuesday
21. I signed 13 Recommends I receivd 8 Letters I wrote 9 letters
6 pub[lic] & to G. Q. Cannon I met with the Twelve & committee
~ Wednesday
Jan 22, 1890
I signed 12 Recommends I received 9 Letters I wrote
2 letters to Newton & Sarah I spent the night at the Gardo
~ Thursday
23 I signed 2 Recommends. I received 3 Letters
I went to the farm & spent the night
~ Friday
24 I signed 77 Recommends I received 12 Letters
I had an interview with Trumbow & Clawson
I attended the Exhibition with the old Folks at the
Theater in the Afternoon I went to the farm 6 M[iles]
~ Saturday
25 I spent the day at the farm & in the Evening I went
to the city to see the Exhibition of the Peoples Party
it rained hard all night which made it bad for
the procession
~ Sunday
26 Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
27. I went to the Gordo and signed 11 Recommends
I received 22 Letters from Henry Nellie & Sylvia
~ Tuesday
28. I signed 6 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I spent the night at the farm I wrote 1 Letter 6 Miles
~ Wednesday
29 I signed [blank] Recommends. I received 5 Letters
I wrote 7 Letters I had an interview with Booth
Thurman & Smoot & F. F. Hintze from Palestine
His History of that country was vary interesting
He thinks it would cost $20000.00 to secure the land
on Each side of the Jordon about 50 Miles long
~ Thursday
30. I signed 76 Recommends I received 23 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters I met in the Prayer Circle I prayed
~ Friday
31. I signed 2 Recommends I wrote 1 Letters I received
6 Letters I received 1 Letter from David I met
with the Beck Mine Comp {Not a pleasant meeting}
~ Saturday
Feb 1, 1890
I spent most of the day at the farm I went to
the farm Gardo I signed 10 Recomends I recd
6 Letters I wrote 3 Letters. Our Enemies are doing all
they can illegally & unlawfully to steal our city
at the coming Election
~ Sunday
2 Sunday I spent the day at the farm reading
~ Monday
3. I signed 28 Recommends I received 17 Letters
~ Tuesday
4 I signed 27 Recommend I received 13 Letters
~ Wednesday
5 I signed 14 Recommends I received 14 Letters
I wrote 6 Letters wrote to Newton & Sarah
~ Thursday
6. I signed 19 Recommends I received 17 Letters
I wrote 8 Letters Public we had a liberal Procession
through the street numbering about 800 I went to the farm
~ Friday
7 I came to the Gardo & signed 16 Recommends
I received 19 Letters I wrote 6 Letters to Sarah
$20, Delight $50 Marian $10. The liberals had
a great parade we set apart Sisters Kimball &
Dougall to the womans convention at Washington
& Samuel Woolley to Skull valley
~ Saturday
8 I went to the Gardo & signed 27 Recommends
I received 26 Letters I wrote 8 Letters to Nellie
$20, to Susan $20, to Eugenia $5, Phebe Snow $15.
~ Sunday
Feb 9. Sunday I went to the Tabernacle with 6 of the Twelve
we had a large Assembly W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes],
L Snow 30 M[inutes] John Henry Smith 15 & H J Grant 10 M[inutes]
we had a good many strangers present & all
gave good Attention I spent the night at the farm
There has been 3 deaths in the Farmers ward in few days
~ Monday
Feb 10th 1890
This is the Election day for Salt Lake City
Our Enemies called liberals were resolved to
steal the Election and they did they struct off
hundreds of Names from the list of the peoples
Party and brought into the City By Rail road
hundreds of men who voted illegally so they
got the majority in the Election but the day past
without any Blood shed I spent the day in the
Office I signed 30 Recommends I received
41 Letters I wrote 3 Letters to Owen Newton
& Sarah I held a Meeting at 6 oclok with the Twelve
& others I went to the farm & spent the night
~ Tuesday
11 I went to the Gardo and signed 17 Recommends
I received 27 Letters I had a busy day
~ Wednesday
12 I signed 22 Recommends I received
247 ^27^ Letters I had a Meeting with the Bank
board & with several of the Brethren
I wrote 2 letters one to Sarah.
~ Thursday
13 I signed 32 Recommends I received 21 Letters
^ I wrote 23 Letters to Mary I sent her $5.
~ Friday
14 I signed 18 Recommends I received 31 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters to Henry Nellie & Wm Thompson
~ Saturday
15 I met with Z.C.M.I. Board The presidency
Decided to Buy 50 History of Salt Lake City &
50 Utah Northern of Tullidge at $5 each to help
him 32 Recommends signed & 36 Letters
~ Sunday
16. Sunday I spent most of the day in the House
I spent the Evening at Ovando Beebes
~ Monday
Feb 17, 1890
I went to the Gardo & signed 12 Recommends I received
30 Letters I wrote 7 Letters 4 pub[lic] & to David P. W, Sarah
& to Milton Snow 6 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
18 I signed 9 Recommends I received 22 Letters
we had a snow storm I was quite unwell
~ Wednesday
19. I signed 10 Recommends I received 10 Letters
I wrote ^2^ Letters to Phebe A Snow Met the ZCMI
Board was sick at night 6 M[iles]
~ Thursday
20 I signed 11 Recommends I received 12 Letters
~ Friday
21 I signed 12 Recommends I received 12 Letters
I wrote 68 Letters 6 pub[lic] & to Nellie & Sarah I had an
interview with Prest George Q Cannon He arivd home
in peace & safety
~ Saturday
22 Washingtons Birth Day I went from the farm
to the City back twice 12 Mils
~ Sunday
23 Sunday I spent the day in the House
~ Monday
24 I signed 33 Recommends I received 53 Letters I wrote
5 Letters to [blank] Thompson, Wilford, James, Moses & Zina
we had a snow storm in the night & morning 6 Mils
~ Tuesday
25 I signed 17 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I wrote 6 Letters to Malinda Hatch 5 pub[lic] 6 M[iles]
quite a snow storm in the night
~ Wednesday
26 I signed 12 Recommends I received 6 Letters
we decided in council to Heat the Temple with
hot water & the Tabernacle with steam it was a cold
night 6 degrees below zero
~ Thursday
27. I signed 30 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I wrote 3 pub letters
I attended the funeral of Bishop Pollard several
of the Brethren spoke including A M Cannon
G. Q. Cannon & W Woodruff
{We held a council and agreed to sell that property as the ring will take.
The people say they will lose their property.}
~ Friday
28 I signed 5 Recommends I received 6 Letters
I wrote 2 Letters
~ Saturday
Wilford Woodruff
Born March 71 1807
83 years old
this day
Emma Woodruff
Born March 1,
1838 Aged
52 yers
this day
I am 83 years old this day My wife Emma
is 52. I have lived to a great age considering
the time in which I live My Great Grand Father
Woodruff was 100 years of age when He died
Uncle Samuel Woodruff was 92 My
Father Aphek Woodruff was 82 years
& 6 Month old. The Lord has preserved me from
my birth to this day through dangers Temporal &
spiritual seen & unseen And Praise be to his
Holy name May My Heavenly Father Preserve me to the End
~ Sunday
March 2 1890
Sunday I attended the Meeting at the conference and
spoke 30 M[inutes] in the afternoon O F Whitney spok
I visited Clara in the Evening
~ Monday
3 AI attended conference all day we held a Meeting with
A Badlam Isaac Trumbow & H B Clawson on the Beck
Mine they gave us a good deal of information
~ Tuesday
4 I signed 11 Recommends I received 10 Letters
I wrote 2 public Letters Joseph F Smith met
with the Board of Beck Mine {They had a bad spirit}
~ Wednesday
5. I signed 16 Recommends I received 18 Letters
I wrote 1 Letters I met with A. M. Derrick and
Sarah F Derrick I spent the night at the farm
~ Thursday
6. Frank Dyer went through the Gardo with company
to visit it with the intention of renting it
I signed 9 Recommends I received 14 Letters I had
an interview with F. S. Richards & James Sharp
~ Frday
7. I signed 17 Recommends I received 20 Letters
I wrote 12 Letters 9 pub[lic] to Sarah Sylvia & David
~ Saturday
8 I spent the day at the farm I wrote 1 Letter
~ Sunday
9. Sunday I spent the day at the farm
~ Monday
10 I signed 56 Recommends. I Received ^33^ Letters I wrote
3 Letters I had an interview with Sharp & Richards and
many others I went to the farm 6 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
11 I signed 13 Recommends I received 12 Letters
~ Wednesday
12 I signed 24 Recommends I received 12 Letters
I wrote to Mary & sent $15.
~ Thursday
13 I signed 10 Recommends I received 19 Letters
we had Meeting with the Legislative Committees
~ Friday
March 14, 1890
The Legislature closed last night I signed
7 Recommends I received 6 Letters I received
word that John A Quist Died in sweeden as a
Missionary, his wife called to know if she could
get his Body brought home I had an interview
with a Number of the Legislature I went to the farm 6 Mils
~ Saturday
15 I signed 21 Recommends I received 14 Letters
I wrote 1 pub[lic] Letter went to the farm 6 Miles
~ Sunday
16 Sunday I spent the day reading the Travels & History of
G A Smith & company to Jerrusalem & the Holy Land
~ Monday
17. I signed 14 Recommends. I received 21 Letters I wrote
3 Letters to Bennett Phebe Snow & Susan I received
from washington 75 strawbury Plants Raspburies &
grapes which I set out at the farm
~ Tuesday
18 I signed 28 Recommends I received 16 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters to Wm H. Thompson Atkins
and 7 Public Letters I went to the Theater & farm 6 m[iles]
We ordained Joseph Horn & Joseph Harker Patriarchs
G. Q. Cannon ordained Joseph Horn, & Joseph F. Smith
ordained Joseph Harker. I laid on hands with them
~ Wednesday
19. I signed 16 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I had an interview with Marshal Dyer & Pratt
I Met with the Bank Board we had a Report of
the committee concerning the Joining with the
New Bank we could hardly accept of the
Proposition of the other Bank
~ Thursday
March 20th 1890
I signed 26 Recommends I received 19 Letters I
wrote 4 Letters I met in prayer circle, and had
interviews with several parties went to the farm 6 m[iles]
~ Friday
21 I signed 240 Recommends I signedReceived 16 Letters
I met with the Bank Board Meeting
~ Saturday
22 I went to the City with Alice she had 2 teeh
pulled I then returned 6 M[iles]
~ Sunday
23. Sunday I spent the day at the House
~ Monday
24 I signed 8 Recommends I received 17 Letters
I wrote 10 pub[lic] letters spent the night at the farm 6 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
25 I signed 10 Recommends I received 8 Letters
I signed 4 pub[lic] letters. I had an interview with J W Young
& wife & several others spent the night at the farm 6 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
26 I signed 20 Recommends I received 18 Letters I signed
45 pub[lic] letters. I had an interview with Badlam & Trombow
and they had come to Salt Lake City once more to
offer the olive leaves of peace to M. Thatcher J. W Taylor
H B Preston Alonzo E Hyde & those associated with to
settle the disgraceful peace of work they were Engaged
in in the Beck Mine business we had a snow
storm in the night I attended the Bank board Meeting
~ Thursday
27 I signed 18 Recommends I received 14 Letters I wrote
3 Letters to David, Sylvia & Sarah I had an interview
with John W Taylor upon the settlement of the Beck
Mine I attended the Prayer Circle went to the Theater
~ Friday
28 I signed the 10 Recommends I received 15 Letters
~ Saturday
29. I spent the day at the farm wrote 6 Letter 6 M[iles]
~ Sunday
30. Sunday I spent the day Reading
~ Monday
March 31 1890
I signed 6 Recommends I Received 9 Letters
I was vary sick for several hours was admin-
istered to By the Apostles & was soon Better I met
with the stock holders of the Bank & with Richards
& Penrose on Penroselitics [politics] & with Z.C.M.I & Badlam
& Trombow
There is now some prospect of M
Thatcher Taylor Preston & co fulfilling their
contract with the Calafornia company and
saving the Awful catastrofee that seemed to
await us through their folly
~ Tuesday
April 1, 1890 I signed 19 Recommends
I received 19 Letters I met with ZCMI Board
I wrote 4 public Letters I went to the farm 6 M[iles]
~ Wednesday
2 signed 8 Recommends I received 9 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters 2 Pub[lic] & to McAllister Thompson Mary
& [blank]
~ Thursday
3 I signed 11 Recommends I received 10 Letters
I wrote 2 letters to Mary & Sarah
~ Friday
April 4. The sixtyeth April Annual Conference
commenced this morning
April 4. Conference Met at 10 oclok W W spoke 10 M[inutes]
J Morgan 18, J Gates 10, D H Roberts 20 D H Wells dismissed
^afternoon J W Young spoke 32 M[inutes], A H Cannon 30 A Lund 8 M[inutes]
M M Merrill 20 M[inutes] W W asked the people to pray^
~ Saturday
5. Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By D H. Cannon
John W Taylor spoke 16 Minuts, J H Grant 15 M[inutes]
John Henry Smith 16 M[inutes] F M Lyman 25 M[inutes] Thatcher 15
G. Q. Cannon 40 M[inutes]. At the close of the Meeting W. W spok
about the Authorities of the Church to be presented to
Day a[cc]ounted of on the Sabbath Reports also
~ Sunday
April 6, 1890
Sixty years ago on the 6 day of April The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was organized
And to day is the 60th Aniversary of the Church the
Conference opened this Morning at 10 oclok by
singing & Prayer By C W Penrose Wilford Woodruff
then spoke 45 Minuts F D Richards 35.
Afternoon Prayer By A H Cannon G Q Cannon
spoke 1 H[our] 15 Minuts W W spoke 10 Minuts we Met
with the Twelve at the close of the Meeting A Meeting of
the officers of the Sabbath School was held in the Evening
The Priesthood Meeting was held Saturday Evening
April 5 K G Maeser spoke 35 Minuts on Education
G Q Cannon spoke 35 Minuts W Woodruff spoke
15 Minuts
~ Monday
7th We Met with the Presidents of Stakes at the
13 ward Hall. Then we met with Idaho Deligates
with the Presidents of seventies. We had many visitors 6 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
8 We Met with the stock Holders of Z.C.M.I. to increase
the stock of the Institution but done Nothing 6 M[iles]
Met with John W Young & wife on Divorce we held
an interview with J R McNeal & furnished
him with $6400 to save the Town of Ramah
in New Mexico. Had an interview with Isaac Trombow
abou Meeting with the Assessors & County Cort 6 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
9th The Twelve Met at the Historians Office we also
Met with the Stock Holders of Z.C.M.I. I signed
3 Recommends I Received 9 Letters Met J W Taylor Met
with ZCMI with Trombo & Zion savings Bank 6 Mils
~ Thursday
April 10 1890
I signed 11 Recommends I received 10 Letters
Had an interview with F A Hammond also
Lorenzo Snow & Bishop Preston I attended the
Prayer Circle with the Presidency & 9 of the Twelve
F M Lyman made his report of his Mission will [with]
John Henry to San Luis St John Snow Flake
& St Joseph The subject of the selling the Theaters
we did not wish it sold George Reynolds
was set apart as one of the first seven Presidents ^6 M[iles]^
I went to the Theater in the Evening
~ Friday
11 I signed 17 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I wrote 6 Letters 1 to Sarah went to the farm 6 m[iles]
~ Saturday
12 I spent the day choring got vary weary at night
went to the City & brought a load from the Granery 6 m[iles]
~ Sunday
13. Sunday spent the day reading
~ Monday
14 I signed 12 Recommends I received 12 letters
I signed 10 public Letters 6 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
15 In company with G Q Cannon & others I drove
to G Q Cannons farm at West Jordon ward
we met there A. M. Cannon B. Young & J. F. Smith
we returned in the Evening Distance of the [day] 28 Mils
~ Wednesday
16 I signed 64 Recommends I received 25 Letters
I signed 6 public Letters I went to the farm 6 m[iles]
I met with the Board of the Savings Bank
~ Thursday
17 Recommends 11. Received 9 Letters I
attended the Relief Society Meeting at the farm 6 m[iles]
~ Friday
18 I signed 24 Recommends I receivd 22 Letters
I wrote Letter to Phebe
~ Saturday
April 19, 1890
I signed 15 Recommends I received 8 Letters
I signed 11 public Letters I went to the City & back 6 m[iles]
~ Sunday
20 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
21 I signed 18 Recommends I received 21 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters to Thompson Sarah & Pheb
As usual I went to the farm 6 Miles
~ Tuesday
22 I signed 15 Recommends I received 16 Letters
I signed 13 public Letters & wrote 3 to Cottam
to Booth and Phebe Snow 6 mils
I bought a suit of clothe for travelling $32.
~ Wednesday
23 I signed 2 Recommends I receivd 15 Letters
I signed 6 public Letters & 2 private I [1] to Malinda
Hatch I had interviews with seven of the Brethren
L W Shirtliff of Ogden & others 6 mils
~ Thursday
24 I signed 24 Recommends I received 10 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters to Mary 15 ^{dollars}^, Susan 4925
I met in the Prayer circle and with sever[al] parties
~ Friday
25 I signed 4 Recommends I received 9 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters to Mary ^15^ To Susan ^{Friday afternoon}^ 6 Miles
I met with the Scientific Society & had several
other Meetings 6 Mile
~ Saturday
26. I spent the day at home choring
~ Sunday
27 Sunday I spent the day at home Reading
~ Monday
28 I signed 23 Recommends I received 26 letters
I wrote 9 letters to Susan, Phebe Sarah & Atkins
I signed 106 Drafts to Liverpool I met with many
Parties during the Day we set apart Bishop Kesler to
to go East on a Mission 6 mils
~ Tuesday
April 29, 1890
I signed 23 Recommends I received 16 Letters
I wrote 2 letters to Mary sent $10 to finish her
Education. 1 pub[lic] letter I felt quite unwell to day
Henry A Woodruff called at the farm & spent
the night & came to the City with me this morning
~ Wednesday
30 I signed 17 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I signed 4 public Letters I met with sugar
company & with savings Bank board I met with
several individuals Wm C Allin & others 6 M[iles]
~ Thursday
May 1. I signed 12 Recommends I received
8 Letters I wrote 10 Letters 7 pub[lic] & 3 to Roskelley
Sarah & Merrill Henry & Br Franck spent the
night at the farm I met with my Prayer circle
~ Friday
2 I signed 24 Recommends, I received 23
Letters & several Telegrams I signed 3 pub[lic] letters
~ Saturday
May Saturday I took cars rode to Ogden Brigham City
& Logan 95 Miles went to the Temple & stoped I met
with Brother Roskelley Merrill & others, I was pleased
to walk the courts of the Lords House
~ Sunday
4 Sunday I met in the quarterly conference at 10 oclk
Prayer By S Roskelley W Woodruff introduced the
subject of the Conference Lorenzo Snow spok 1 H[our] ^&^ 23 M[inutes]
Afternoon W. Woodruff spoke 57, M. W. Merrill
spoke 25 Minuts
~ Monday
5th Monday Conference Met at 10 oclok Bishop Ferrill
Prayed. Then the Stake & wards were represented
By Brother Pitkin & the Bishops W Woodruff spoke 230 Minuts
Afternoon Reports Given And Authorities Presented
Afternoon SLorenzo Snow M W Merrill & W Woodruff
Addressed the Meeting And at the close of the Meeting I went
to the Temple & Had two persons Adopted to me
William Coperline Kilgare & Francis Sharp I spent
the night in the Temple
~ Tuesday
May 6 I took cars rode to Salt Lake 95 Mile
found in the office J Smith F M Lyman A H Lund
& Wm M Palmer & others I signed 16 Recommends
12 for 2nd Anointing I received 10 Letters I spent
the night at the farm 6 miles ^{Emma silent}^
~ Wednesday
7 I signed 26 Recommends I received 16 Letters I wrote
6 Letters 5 pub[lic] went to the farm with Ovando 6 M[iles]
~ Thursday
8 I signed 14 Recommends I received 8 Letters
I signed 27 pub[lic] Letters I held Meeting with the
city Missionaries & others who are going East to
work for the benefit of Utah
~ Friday
9 I signed 3 Recommends. I receivd 11 Letters I signed
3 public Letters I held several personal Meetings to
day I met with about 20 Missionaries to the States 6 m[iles]
~ Saturday
10 I went to the office then to Clara's & returned
to the field in the Evening 6 m[iles]
~ Sunday
11 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
12 I signed 18 Recommends I received 12 Letters
I signed 4 public Letters
~ Tuesday
13 I signed 60 Recommends 27 for 2nd Anointings
I received 19 Letters I signed 38 public Letters
~ Wednesday
I Attended the Funeral of Thomas MCLelland
I spoke at the funeral went to the office & returned 6 M[iles]
~ Thursday
May 15, 1890
I signed 31 Recommends I received 21 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters to Owen & Sarah I met with
Z.C.M.I. Board & with the Twelve & Bishopric upon
the subject of the granite Quiry [quarry] I met with I
Trumbo & others 6 M[iles]
~ Friday
16 I signed 3 Recommends I received 11 Letter
I wrote 2 Letters one to Tabby I had a visit from
my Daughter Susan C Scholes with her Youngest Daughter
~ Saturday
17. I went to the City and Returned 6 mils
~ Sunday
18 Sunday In company with sister Zina & Emma
I wrotde [rode] to Cotton wood and administered
to Sister Priscindia Kimball who had fallen out
of a waggon and nearly killed I also administered
to another sick sister we then returned to the
City & Administerd to Sister Bathsheba
Smith who fell out of the waggon at the same
time that Sister Kimball did & both badly hurt
~ Monday
May 19. The Spupreme Court of the United States
Decided to day Against the Church of Jesus Christ
of latter Day Saints. They Decided to Escheat all
the Church Property Real & Personal This is turning
the last
that will seal the condemnation of this
Nation I signed 49 Recommends I received
33 Letters I signed 9 Public Letters I attended the
Theater in the Evening I had an interview with
Susan C. Scholes & took her to Clara's 6 mils
~ Tuesday
20 I signed 32 Recommends I receivd 16 Letters
I wrote 2 Letter to Sarah &c 6 M[iles]
~ Wednesday
May 21, 1890
I signed 33 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I signed 2 public Letters
~ Thursday
22 I signed 13 Recommend I Received 12 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter I met in prayer I had an interview
with the Bishopric concerning our Temporal Affairs 6 m[iles]
I commence Building a fence Between me & Mr Yager
~ Friday
23 I signed 18 Recommends I received 18 Letters I met
at 11 oclok with the Deseret Investment Company
at 3 oclok I met with the Bishopric & Architect
about the cost of the Temple & we maid out about
$50000.00 it would cost for the work on the Temple
this season I then went to the farm & spent the night 6 m[iles]
~ Saturday
24 Saturday I spent the day at the farm in helping to
make a 6 foot light board fence I sawed in two
1000 feet of Boards & placed them in position to be
nailed on [FIGURE] 6 mile
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I spent the day reading.
~ Monday
26 I signed 37 Recommends I received 18 Letters
I had an interview with Wm Budge we Appropriated
$800 dollars to finish the Debt of the Paris Meeting
House also $800 to Cedar City Meeting House
~ Tuesday
27. My Horse Prince run away last Evening with a
Buggy untied himself ran 100 yards landed in a
water Ditch broke the Buggy Badly & cut himself some
27 I signed ^20^ Recommends I received 13 Letters I wrote
6 Letters to Sarah Mary & Susan 6 M[iles]
~ Wednesday
28 I signed 39 Recommends I received 20 Letters
I wrote one Letter to Phebe Snow upon valley House Lot
~ Thursday
May 29, 1890
I signed 79 Recommends I received 38 Letters
I wrote to Pheb A. Snow on Valley House property
I was wanted at Court yesterday but did not go
~ Friday
30. This was Decoration Day I spent the day at the
farm and spent the night there 6 Mil
~ Saturday
I attended the funeral of Barbary Moses the
wife of Julion Moses I spoke at the funeral also
quite a Number of others spok I returned home
~ Sunday
June 1. Sunday I attended the Annual Conference of
the Young Mens Mutual Improvement Association
in the Big Tabernacle And the day was spent
in preaching & Testifying according to a program
W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes] & F M Lyman in the
~ Monday
June 12. I went to the Office I signed 10 Recommends
I received 6 Letters I met with the State Board
of Education in the Afternoon I had a good Deal
of company through the day I received 2 letters from
Brother Cannon
~ Tuesday
23 I signed 14 Recommends I received 6 Letters
I wrote 8 Letters to Susan, Sarah, & Browett
~ Wednesday
4. I signed 47 Recommends I received 25 letters
I wrote 8 Letters 5 pub[lic] & to David P Bleak & Atkins
I met with the Bank board And I had many
interviews with Parties to day I met with Joseph
Walter Dittrich who had apostized & written against
us & wanted to retrack & write for the Church I spent
the night at the farm I was troubled with kidney ^complaint^ 6 Mile
~ Thursday
June 5 1890
I signned 20 recommends I received 17 Letters
~ Friday
6 I signed 17 Recommend I received 17 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters 1 to Thompson I spent the day at
the farm I went to Sister Cannons 6 mils
~ Saturday
7. I spent the day at the farm
~ Sunday
8 Sunday I spent the day reading was poorly at Night
~ Monday
9. I signed 57 Recommends I received ^27^ Letters
I wrote 2 public Letters was full of unplesant Business
most of the day among the rest I herd the Decision of the S[upreme] Court
~ Tuesday
10 I signed ^15^ Recommends I received 13 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters 1 to Susan I attended the Meeting
Theater to see a French play 6 Mils
~ Wednesday
11 I signed 25 Recommends. I received 17 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters to McAllister & Thompson
~ Thursday
12 I signed 50 Recommends I received 28 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters 1 to Mary sent $5 6 M[iles]
~ Friday
13 I signed 13 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I wrote 8 Letters & spent the night
~ Saturday
My Daughter Clara was confined to day had
a son born at 6 oclok PM weighed 11 1/2 lbs she had
a hard time but still was blessed to be delivered
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I went to Clara's & spent the day she
was vary weak I returned to the farm & spent
the Night At midnight Asahel & Owen started
for the cannon [canyon]
~ Monday
I met with Brother Cannon at the office this
Morning I signed ^57^ Recommends I re[cieve]d ^48^ Letters I wrote
one letter to Nellie I met with Z.C.M.I & Trombow
~ Tuesday
June 17, 1890
I signed 26 Recommends. I received 28 Letters
I met with the committee of the peoples Party
and with several others I spent the night at the farm
~ Wednesday
18 I signed 49 Recommends I received 12 Letters
~ Thursday
19 I signed 28 Recommends I Received 17 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters Owen & Bennett Drew Lucern Hay
~ Friday
20. I signed 28 Recommends I received 14 Letters
I wrote 5 public Letters staid at the farm 6 m[iles]
~ Saturday
21. I spent the Day at the farm we put up a stack
of Hay to day Owen stacked it
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday I went to Claras I blessed Ovando
& Clara Beebe Son 8 days old I sealed upon
him the Name of Woodruff Beebe and blessed him
~ Monday
23 I signed 40 Recommends I received 30 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters one to Delight
~ Tuesday
24 I signed 10 Recommends I received 10 Letters
^ I had an interview with Mellissa Miller &
Mrs O. E. Ells Mrs Miller Professed to be a prophetess
and wanted to Deliver Revelation to the Church
I met with a Number of Parties & went to
the farm in the Evening 6 M[iles]
~ Wednesday
25 I signed 22 Recommends I received 9 Letters
I went up the cannon [canyon] to Hardys with two cars
of People 15 Miles & returned. Distance 30 M[iles]
~ Thursday
26. I signed 25 Recommends I received 14 Letters
I wrote 3 public Letters I attended the prayer circle
I visited Calders farm in the Evening and rode around his
Pond on his 20 foot miniature steamboat 10 M[iles]
~ Friday
June 27, 1890
I signed 10 Recommends I received 12 Letters I wrote
2 Letters to Sarah & Susan
~ Saturday
28 I spent the day at the farm
~ Sunday
29. Sunday I went to Clara's in the Afternoon
~ Monday
30 I signed 35 Recommends I received 17 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters to Phebe & Florence Scholes
And Sylvia Thompson went to the farm 6 mils
~ Tuesday
July 1. I signed 23 Recommends I receivd 18 Letter
~ Wednesday
2 I signed 25 Recommends I receivd 20 Letters
~ Thursday
3rd I spent the day preparing to go to the Mountains
~ Friday
4 July Independance In company with Emma I took cars
& rode over the Mountain to Kimballs there met my carriages
which we got aboard off & rode to Wonship to Rockport
& to Peoa then East up the Mountain some 10 miles there
we camped on the South Fork of the Weber River Distance
of the day 60 Miles we pitched our tents regulated our camp
& spent the night. Asahel & Ovando camped 60 Mils
East of us near a Mile with James Gibson & [Jacob] Howard
~ Saturday
5 I felt weary this Morning but went fishing I caught
ownly 1, Asahel & co caught 20 Owen & co 12. the
River was high & fishing poor
~ Sunday
July 6 Sunday some of the Brethren lost 3 Horses they
went to hunt them the rest of us staid in camp
~ Monday
67th Several of the Brethren Hunted Horses The rest of us
staid in camp reading
~ Tuesday
8 The day was spent fishing Mostly all caught a few
in the Evening a large Bond fire was built which was
kept up untill near Midnight
~ Wednesday
July 9, 1890
The Boys returned from Hunting Horses went to
Salt Lake did not find them. All caught a few
fish to day spent the Evening playing croque
~ Thursday
10. We went to fishing we went up the Weber abot 3 mils
The stream was vary hard to get to I climed down
the steep bluffs from 100 to 500 feet to the water I tired
myself out and I caught Nothing untill I got to a hole
whare I caught 6 trout vary good fish but it is a vary
bad stream to fish in Owen caught 20 Ovando 15
And all of the company caught some
[FIGURES] Owen scared up a vary large Panther or cowgar
& shot at him with fine shot & hit him & could have
Killed him with a rifle if He had had one
~ Friday
July 11 I spent the day in camp Asahel & company went
fishing & caught 70 trout some quite large we made a large
fire in the Evening with half a cord of wood and the
young folkes played croquee
~ Saturday
12 Saturday The boys & girls spent the day climing the Mountain
& visiting the Salamander Lake it took them all day till
dark to go up & back the Lake coverd abot one & a half
Acres the lake was occupied by an Animal called a
salamander about 8 inches in length had 4 legs like a lizzard
and a head like a Rattle Snake when and there was a fire
built in the Evening they would come out in a great Number
& crall into the fire & burn to death it was about 3 Mile
up the Mountains to the Lake Asahel & company left for Home
~ Sunday
13 Sunday we spent the day in camp reading singin & prayer
~ Monday
14. The Brethren returned from the City did not find the Horses
~ Tuesday
July 155 1890
The Brethren who returned brought a bundle of papers I spent
most of the Day reading Salt Lake Papers
~ Wednesday
126. I spent most of the Day in camp. Owen & others went fishing
Owen caugh 6 vary fine trout & killed half a Dozen [chickens]
~ Thursday
17 [FIGURES] we packed up to go home as a company we had lost
3 Horses and in order to take our waggon we had to Harness
a pair of young Horses that Had not been worked together and
we had to draw up a waggon with 10000 lb on up the west
Hill on the road and they baulked so badly they could not
draw the waggon up and they were baucked on the side
of a Hill whare there was danger of going into the Webber
River And I took hold of the wheel to lift & while
doing so sumthing gave way in the calf of my leg And
I could not bear any weight upon it without great
pain it took two person to get me to my carriage I could
not walk at all we drove to Rockport & Nooned with
Br Hor Horton there we had a light shower we then
drove over the Mountains to Wm Kimballs & beated [bated]
our team & then Drove over the Mountain home to
our farm & arivd at 11:30 Distance of the Day 60 Mils
I was vary lame
~ Friday
18 I arose vary lame this morning I wrote a Note to
Brother G. Q. Cannon and He & Brother H B Clawson
called to see me & I got my Male of Letters & Papers
~ Saturday
19. Dr Joseph Richards called upon me today and
Examind my Leg He could not find that any bones
were broaken I am better to day. The other Team came in
all safe and we unloaded I receivd my Male
~ Sunday
July 20th 1890
I I receivd 6 Letters and a large Bundle of paper I wrote
1 Letter to M Thatcher I wrote 2 letters to Henry & Nellie
~ Monday
21 I signed 3 Recommended I receivd 3 letters
I was quite Lame at night
~ Tuesday
22 I had an interview with the Richard [Walden]
& George L. Hale Relatives of Johnathan H Hale
Also an interview with Dr John O Williams
who is writing the History of Utah or Bishop
Whitney is writing it for him We subscribed
for 200 copies of the set 3 volumes $30 a set
total $6000 dollars I received Letters from
Sarah & Susan I wrote 8 Letters 4 public & to
[FIGURES] Sarah Phebe Susan & Atkins I was quite lame
through the Day & Am Now convinced that I broke
a Blood vessel or vein in my right Leg it is
now becoming quite colored I signed 13 Recommend
I received 9 Letters I wrote 8 Letters 4 public and
to Atkin Sarah Phebe & Susan
~ Wednesday
23 I spent the day in the Office I received 5
Letters I had interviews with Brother J Terry
& son about the Snake Nation We Met with
the Bank board & board of Education
~ Thursday
[FIGURES] July 24, 1890 Forty Three years ago this day
I Brought President Brigham Young in my carriage
onto the ground upon which Salt Lake City now
stands And to day I rode in my carriage with my
wife Emma & Owen & Alice 14 miles over Jordon to the farm
of President G Q Cannon to celebrate the day
President G Q Cannon & family Joseph F Smith
& family and quite A Number of others were assem-
bled there and we spent the day together rejoicing
in the celebration of the Enterance of the Pioneers into
the valley we had a good day, we spent the day in
social conversation & feasting upon the good things
of the Earth we returned about 6 oclok Distance of the day 28 mils
~ Friday
25 My Leg still troubles me a good Deal I went
to the office I signed Recommends I received ^10^ Letters
I had an interview with Bishop Wm D Johnson
of Diaz Mexico He gave us a History of affairs
~ Saturday
26 I spent the day at the farm I had one lot of Lucern
cut to day it was vary warm
~ Sunday
27. Sunday I spent the day in the House reading my
Leg is getting Better I rode out in the Evening
~ Monday
28 I spent the day in the office I wrote one Letter
to Sarah & received one from her
~ Tuesday
29. I signed 1 Recommend I received 3 Letters
I wrote 4 public Letters I had an interview
with Isaac Trumbow C O Card & Col Broadhead
and conversed about our affairs in the US Court
~ Wednesday
30. I had an interview with C O Card about his
mission in Canida I had an interview with
a Number of People, Isaac Trumbo & others 6 mile
~ Thursday
31 I signed 10 Recommmends & receivd 6 Letters
I met in the prayer circle I wrote 1 Letter to Phebe C
& Sarah & [blank]
~ Friday
Aug 1, 1890
I signed 6 Recommends & receivd 5 Letters I wrote
6 Letters I wrote to Susan & sent $5 to her. In company
with G. Q. Cannon & Br Winters I took cars & rode
to Logan to attend the conference 100 Miles
~ Saturday
2 We met at 10 oclok in the Tabernacle to Attend the
conference Prayer By S Roskelley W. Woodruff spoke
4 minuts George O. Pitkin represented the Stake
Orson Smith spoke 5 M[inutes] Bishop Molen 5 M[inutes],
Bishop Skedmore 3 M[inutes], Bishop Lewis 3 M[inutes], Bishop Funk
3 M[inutes], George L Farrell 5 M[inutes], Bishop B M Lewis 3 M[inutes]
W Woodruff spoke 15 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 15. we dined
with M Thatcher Afternoon prayer By M E Cowley
C O Card spoke 35 M[inutes], Bishop Preston spoke 16 M[inutes]
G Q Cannon spoke 30 M[inutes] We took supper at M. T.
we rode to the Agricultural College and to
the Park. We Met in the Evening in the Tabernacle
as a Priesthood Meeting. Prayer By M Thatcher
Lorenzo Snow spoke 16 M[inutes], G Q. Cannon spok 20 M[inutes]
~ Sunday
Aug 8 [3]. Sunday Met at 10 oclok prayer By F D Richards
L Snow spoke 30 M[inutes] W Woodruff spoke 45 M[inutes].
We presented the Authorities were presented
we reorganized the Presidency of the Cache
Stake of Zion was reorganized or Apointed By setting
Apart Orson Smith President Simpson M. Molen
1 councillor & Isaac Smith 2 Councillor
G Q Cannon spoke 45 M[inutes], F D Richard spoke 32 m[inutes]
I signed 225 Recommends & 9 2nd An[ointings] The conference
Adjorned for 3 Months & W Woodruff dismissed
At the close of the conference we took carriage and
rode to Smithfield. I visited Sarahs House
which I had not Done before for sever[al] years
I then went to the New Tabernacle & Attended
a meeting with the people the House was crouded
G Q Cannon spoke 40 Minuts & W Woodruff 38 M[inutes].
I spent the night with S Roskelley 7 Mils
~ Monday
4 I arose at 5 oclok had breakfast then took cars
with the Brethren at 6.6, & rode to Salt Lake City 100 m[iles]
went to the Gardo and had a Busy Day I signed
6 Recommends R[eciev]ed 13 Letters I met with the presidency
& Twelve about matters in Idaho & Wyoming of the
Saints we had an interview with Brother Cluff
& Mitchel about our settlement in Iosepa I hade
a call from Brother Parkenson about a Matter of
Buying sheep of Brother Anderson I went to the farm
& spent the night 6 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
5 I signed 2 Recommends Receivd 8 Letters I wrote
1 Letter we Met with the 12 and others we had an interviewed
with our Lawyiers about our business 6 Mls
~ Wednesday
6 I signed 4 Recommends I receivd 8 Letters
I wrote 4 pub[lic] letters. The 12 Met in council to day
I met with the board of the Bank. Susan called at
the office today
~ Thursday
7. C. W. Bennett left me this morning I signed
7 Recommends. I received 5 Letters
~ Friday
8 I spent a part of the Day in the office at
2 oclock I took Mrs Woodruff & rode to wasach 20 m[iles]
~ Saturday
Aug 9, 1890
Saturday I spent the day at the settlement of
saints at Wasach which is one of the most
Delightful Locations & Habitation I Ever saw
for a summer retreat located on the south side
of Little Cottonwood Creek on the North side
of the Granite Mountain which stands almost
perpendicular half a Mile High All the Presidency
some of the Twelve & Bishoprick & many of the
Saints have habitations there My Habitation
is built on the bank of the creek and on the East
side of Central Park the Creek abounds with
trout I had a present of 25 trout for myself
& family
~ Sunday
10 Sunday I held a Meeting with the People in
the Bowery & Partook of the sacrament I spoke
30 Minuts upon the Principle of faith followed
By Br Penrose. At 5:30 PM I took My Bugg[y]
& with Emma returned to our farm we passed
through a vary heavy thunder storm & got
quite wet 20 Mils
~ Monday
11. It commenced raining quite Hard at 9 oclok
I took cars with G. Q. Cannon & rode to Ogden and
to Echo there Joseph F Smith & Charles H Wilken
got on to the cars
~ Tuesday
12 We took breakfast at Rawlins we had a view
of the Platt River that we travelled up in 1847. The
whole country was covered with Buffalo at that time
we arived at Larame at one oclok the whole
Altitude of the summitMount is 8300 feet. We Met
Mr Beckwith He wanted the Mormon to vote for him
we passed Cheyenne at Noon we arived at Denver
at 8 oclok Evening staid 2 Hours we arived at Lejonla
~ Wednesday
13. at 5 oclok we arived at Albuquerque at Midnight
we put up at San Felipe Hotel
~ Thursday
14 We Met with the Presidents of Stakes in Arizona
Christopher Layton & Wm D Johnson of St Joseph
Stake, Jesse N Smith & J H Richards of Snow Flake
C I Robson of Maricopa & D K Udall of St Johns
Brother Richard Gibbons of St John had been bitten
on the lip by A skunk was afraid of the Hydrophobia
we administered to him His friends wanted him
to go to New York & be treated under the pasteur
system We held a meeting with the Brethren
upon the Temporal Situation of their stakes
they left in the Evening we travelled 1200 miles from S L C
~ Friday
15 We travelled through Colorado and New Mexico
we dined at Lamy we arived at Santife
in the Evening. This is the oldest City in America
we visited the oldest cathedrial in Ameica
& we went into the oldest House in America
& we saw the oldest Bell cast in 1356, a fine
tone and brought from spain we had an inter-
view with Govornor Axtel we spent the Evening together
it was a happy interview
~ Saturday
16th We left Santifee at 6 oclok we travelled through the day
and arived at Manasasa at 6 oclk & stopd with S S Smith
~ Sunday
Aug 17, 1890
we met with the sunday school G. Q. Cannon spok
to the scholtars. The quarterly conference opened at 10 oclk
prayer By R H Roberts W Woodruff made a few
remarks then called upon G Q Cannon to speak He
spoke 60 minutes J F Smith spoke 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon
Prayer By Bishop Bertleson W Woodruff spok 60 Minutes
Br Morgan 15 M[inutes], G. Q. Cannon 5 M[inutes]. We held a
Priesthood meeting in the Evening G Q spoke 30 M[inutes]
W W. 30 M[inutes] & J F Smith 20 M[inutes].
~ Monday
18. Monday Met at 10 oclok. Elder Dalton Prayed
John Henry Smith spok 25 M[inutes]. D H Roberts spok 31 m[inutes]
G Godard 15. C W Wilken spoke 5 M[inutes] Silas S Smith
Reported the Ward stake. Stake Report was read children
747, Total Souls 2201. Afternoon the Authorities of the
Church was presented & sustained J. F Smith spoke 50 Minuts
G Q Cannon 30 M[inutes] W Woodruff 30 M[inutes] Joseph F Thomas
was ordained a High Priest & seconed councillor
~ Tuesday
19. We had an interview with N C Laton the
owner of a Ranch with Wm Dirkee who had a
ranch to sell. We visited the sisters & Widows
who were alone We met at 3 oclok with the High Council
& Presidency of the Stake As some Dissatisfaction has
been Expressed about some Affairs in the stake we Met
to Enquire into it Brother Silas S Smith Explained all
matters concerning himself. The presidency of the
Stake were Advised to meet with the parties & Each
confess their sins & settle up Every thing amicably
& in a good spiri G Q Cannon J F Smith & W Woodruff spoke
A good spirit prevailed in the meeting At the close of
the meeting we took carriages & rode to view the two
Rivers that wattered the valley the Conejos & San
Antona 4 miles. we crossed both Rivers & returned 8 miles
I wrote a Letter to Emma to be ready to go to skull
valley. I spent the night with Brother Smith
~ Wednesday
20 We road to Sandford 8 mils to Bishop Bertholsons
Brother Cannon was quite unwell we met at 11 oclok
and George Godard prayed J F Smith spoke 35 M[inutes],
G Q Cannon 30 W Woodruff 25 m[inutes] I signed 7 recommends
I visited an Altar in a prayer room. At the close of
the meeting we took carriages at Alamosa with
Legrand Laton, Wm W Durkee, & N A James we
rode to Zapato 3 1/2 hours we reached a part of the ranch
& spent the night at Mr Layton Distance 23 Miles
Mr Jann had a kennel of about a Doz Blooded Dogs
I had a free talk with Mr Layton on Mormonism
I told him some of my Experience Brother Silas S Smith
& F A Hammond had purchased this part of their
~ Thursday
21 we took carriages with 3 Gentlemen who owned
the ranch & rode through their meadow land & grounds
we travelled 6 mils South 3 East 6 North to the place of
Begining this was in Zapota ranch. This company
claimed 80000 Acres Smith & Hammond claimed
in their purchase 22,480 Acres including a large
forest of timber & Heard grounds & 500 Head of
cattle and 7 strems of water
~ Friday
Aug 22, 1890
N. A James took our likenesses last Evening in a
group by the lightning Process. About 8 oclok we took
carriages and travelled through their ranch we visited
some lakes abot 6 miles from camp some went in
bathing & walke around the shore of the Lake Our likneses
were again taken here we returned to the House
took Dinner & then rode to Alamosa Distance 35 M[iles]
we took cars for Denver. These 3 Men treated
us with great kindness. Even paid our Bills
at the Hotel at Alamosa. Silas S Smith returned
~ Saturday
Aug 23 we arivd at Denver at 5 oclok
stayed on the sleeper untill 6. Started for Salt Lak
23. Saturday A D at 9:35
~ Sunday
24. Sunday We arived in Salt Lake City at 2 ock
Having travelled 2387 Miles on this Journey
25 I went to the Office Met with J T Caine
and others I found a vary large Mail
^ awaiting me I wrote ^7^ Letters to Susan D P Woodruff
Sylvia, Sarah & Mary Phebe C Scholes & Wm Thompson
26 I signed 229 Recommends I receivd 49 letters
~ Tuesday
26 I signed 12 Recommends. I received 12 Letters
we had an interview with A F McDonald & others
At 3 oclok we took cars rode to Garfield took
carriages & rode to Samuel W Woolleys & spent the night 43 mile
~ Wednesday
Aug 27. we road to the City of Joseph occupied By the
Saints from the Islands we visited the field & ^springs^ 27 Mils
~ Thursday
We held a Meeting with Saints we had a procession
of the people I headed the procession followed by G Q Cannon
Aug 28th 1890
J F Smith followed by all the people The Native women
from the Islands were all Dressed in beautiful white
One waggon Driven By Frank Knowlton loaded
with sage Brush & Indians representing Utah
as it was. Another waggon Driven with wheat corn
oats & Barley & fruits representing Utah as it is
we marched around the flag pole in the City plot
then down to the bowery whare we had a feast
The Meats were cooked as the Kanackers cook
it on the Islands in a hole in the ground after our
Dinner we Assembled together and had an oration
Delive[re]d by one of the Natives He was a powerfull
orator W Woodruff then addressed them which
was interpeted by J F Smith who also addressed
them near one hour, when He closed W Woodruff
Dedicated the Land & place with all its contents
in the English Language then Joseph F Smith
Dedicated it in the Hawaiion Language after
which Wm King Dismissed the Assembly it was
a Day long to be remembered by these Natives
in fact it was a vary interesting day to me
At the close of the Meeting we took our carriages
& rode to Brother Samuel W Woolleys & spent the night 28 mils
~ Friday
29. I visited Brothe Woolleys carp Pond & saw large
carp we road to Garfield took cars & rode to
Salt Lake & Down to the farm Distance 48 Mile
~ Saturday
30. I went to the Gardo signd 21 Recommends
Re[ceiv]ed 13 Letters signed my name on 100 Saltair Bonds
~ Sunday
Aug 31, 1890
Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
Sept 1. I went to the Gardo & signed 90 recommends
I received 30 Letters I wrote 1 Letter to Sarah
~ Tuesday
2 I signed 26 Recommends I received 10 Letter
There was a subpena issued by the Court for me
to attend the Court, but being absent it was not served
I held a Meeting with the board of Z.C.MI & with several
other men I spent the night at the farm
~ Wednesday
3rd I spent the day at the farm choring & preparing
for a Journey to Calafornia I spent the night
at the Gardo untill 2 oclok at night at which time
we took a place in the pulman car & rode to Ogden
and Joined the Union Pacific train & started west
~ Thursday
4 We spent the day traveling through Nevada &c
~ Friday
5 We arived at Sacramento at 9 oclok And
at Sanfrancisco at 2 oclock. We arived Just
Before the great celebration Nearly Every
Hotels & Rooms in the city was Engaged But
Isaac Trombo had Engaged 3 Bedrooms & a
parlor in the 3rd Story of the Palace Hotel for the
use of a committee But He appropriated it
for our use which gave us vary comfortable
quarters but we found we could not
do any business untill the celebration was
over ^
^ I had received a vary sever[e] cold
in my head which caused me much suffering
~ Saturday
6th I was still suffering with my cold I bought
a $10 silk Hat was measured for a suit of clothes
A German Doctor recommended something
for my cold I wrote to Emma 4 pages I was
quite Poorly with my cold through the day
~ Sunday
7 ^Sunday^ I was sick through the day with my cold sisters
Clawson & Kimball staid with me through the Evening
I had to have a fire in room all day
~ Monday
8. I am some better this morning H. B. Clawson
^ brought us the News & Herald which gave us some
News from S. L. City I wrote 2 letters to Emma
~ Tuesday
9 I arose better this morning. This was the day of the
great celebration of the pioneers of Sanfrancisco
and the admission of Calafornia. There was a great
procession of 6 miles in length & was 3 Hours in passing
any given Point some 20000 Men in the procession
mostly in Military costume Hundreds of carriges &
waggons filled with Indians sage Brush & [codee]
representing Calafornia as they found it & other waggons
loaded with grain & fruits to show Calafornia as it
is it was a great Day. At the close of the procession some
10000 people gathered in the Street North of the
palace Hotel to see two men & a Lady step out
of the 7 story windor & let themselves down to
the ground on a small fire Escape rope the Lady
stoped on my window sill in the 3rd story I
offerd her a place in the room but she went to
the ground in safety. The following Day A man tryd
to go Down on the opposite building of 10 stories He tried
to cary a Boy with [him] they Both fell at the last 20 feet Hurt the man
~ Wednesday
Sept 10th 1890
I wrote 2 letters to Emma and all the children
we rode 18 miles with Mr Seemore Proprietor of
the Ross House He traveled through many parts of the
City, through the Golden Gate and Park in the
Evening we attended the Chineese Theater and their Underground Habitations we retired at 12 oclok 20 mils
~ Thursday
11 I was cold this morning we had a call from
Wm Riter And a visit from Judge Morris M Estee
we had a vary plesant interview with him. We
also had an interview with C H Livingston
upon our cause we Attended the Theater in
the Evening
~ Friday
12 I visited the Chronicle Building with Col
Isaac Trumbo 11 stories High we went to the
top on an Elevator we had a view of the whole
city I wrote to Emma I had an interview with
^ Judge Estee, and G Q Cannon had an interview
with Mr Livingston we attended Theater in the Evening
~ Saturday
13 I saw a Beautiful chinees quilt bought for
Mrs Trumbo cost $160. we spent the day in the
city we partook of a supper by invitation of Col
Trumbo got up by him at the ^Mason^ Tortoni we sat 3 Hours
at the Table & had near a Doz dishes served For the first
time in my life I tasted of some Chateau Zequem
wine it costs $14 a Bottle for it, it takes 14 years to make
it. its manufacture is vary remarkable and its taste
is vary peculiar At the close of the supper we went to
Col Trumbo Room and had a view of his sterecopic views
~ Sunday
Sept 14, 1890
{Sunday} In the Afternoon we crossed the Sanfrancisco Bay
in a steemer to Sausalito we took carriage & rode
over the Hills vary steep and doted with Houses we then
returned to our room 20 Miles
~ Monday
15 We had an interview with R. H. McDonald
and Attended And attended Robison Circus in the
Evening & saw some of the finest Horse riding
~ Tuesday
16 We had an interview with W W Stow, A N Town
& Cread Haymor. We also Met Mr Henry Bigalow
Editor of the Examinor. we attended the Theater in the Evening
~ Wednesday
17 We Met Mr Filmore M S Woods & A Badlam
We visited Col Isaac Trumbo's New House. The ground
upon which it stands & the House & furnishing will cost
$50000 The furnishing $20000. It is a home well
finished I wrote Emma & went to the Theater in the Evening
~ Thursday
18 We visited A Badlam House Mrs Badlam
Entertained us vary Kindly we spent 14 days at
the Palace Hotel at $15 dollars a day for our company we paid
the Bill $210. We visited H B Clawsons House in
the Evening returned to the Hotel & spent the night
~ Friday
Sept 19. We arose at 5 oclok & took Breakfast and
left the Palace Hotel & went on board of the ferry
Boat. Crossed the Bay And took the Privat car
of the Agent of the pacific Railroad which was tendered
to us & Rode to Sacramento Attended the State
fair saw the races viewed the stock & in the Evening
attended the Pavilion and saw the fruit Machinery
and all that was Exhibited & Left on the RR at 11 oclok
~ Sunday
Sept 20 1890
About 20 cars were flung from the tract yesterday
but the tract was repaired & cleared so we passed last
night without Difficulty we passed through Nevada
stoped at Reno and other places
~ Monday
21. We arived at Ogden at 9 oclock & Salt Lake
City at 11:30 I rode to the farm & found my family
well I travelled During the Journey 1910 Miles
~ Tuesday
22 I went to the Office & signed 23 Recommends
received 23 Letters & wrote 4 Letters to Phebe Susan
Sarah & Newton I had an interview with Broth
McAllister & D. H. Cannon
~ Wednesday
23 I signed 20 Recommends and Received 8 Letter
^ and wrote 5 Letters to Phebe Scholes Marion Ensign
David & Wm H. Thompson
~ Thursday
24 I signed 25 Recommends I receivd 19 letter
I signed 23 School Certificits I met with
3 of the Twelve & my councillors upon an important
~ Friday
25 I sigdned 34 Recommends & Receivd 19 Letters
I have arived at a point in the History of my life
as the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints whare I am under the necessity of acting
for the Temporal Salvation of the Church. The United
State Government has taken a stand & passed Laws to
destroy the Latter day Saints upon the subject of poligamy
or Patriarchal order of Maraiage. And after Praying to
the Lord & feeling inspired by his spirit I have issued
the following Proclamation [Official Declaration 1] which is sustaind by My Councillors and the 12 Apostles
Sept 25 1890
Official Declaration
To whom it may concern
Press dispatches having been sent for Political purposes
from Salt Lake City which have been widely published
to the Effect that the Utah Commission in their resent
report to the secretary of the interior allege that plural
marriages are still being solemnized and that forty or
more such marriages have been contracted in Utah
sinc last June or during the past year, also that in public
discourses the Leaders of the Church have taught Encourged
and urged the continuance of the practice of Poligamy
I therefore as president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints do hereby in the most solemn manner declare
that these charges are fals. We are not teaching poligamy
or plural marriage nor permitting any person to
Enter into the practice and I deny that Either forty
or any other number of plural marriages have during
that Period been solemnized in our temples or in
any place in the territory. One case has been reportd
in which the parties alleged that the marriage was perf-
ormed in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City
in the Spring of 1889, but I have not been able
to learn who performed the cerimony what Ever was done
in the matter was without my knowledge in consequence of this
alleged occurance the Endowment [House] was taken down by my instruction
without Delay Inasmuch as laws have been Enacted by congress forbidding
plural marriages which laws have been pronounced constitutional
by the court of the last resort. I hereby declare my intention to submit
to those laws and to use my influence with the members of the Church
over which I preside to have them do likewise There is nothing in my
teachings to the Church or those of my Associates during the time specified
which can reasonably be construed to inculcate or Encourage poligamy and
when any Elder of the Church has used language which appeared to convey
such teaching he has been promptly reproved And I now publicly declair that
my advice to the Latter Day Saints is to refrain from contracting any
Marriage forbidden by the Law of the land Wilford Woodruff
president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
~ Friday
Sept 26 1890
I signed 340 recommends I receivd 25 Letters
I signed 48 public Letters & wrote 1 Letter to Susan
~ Saturday
27. I spent the day at the farm
~ Sunday
28 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
I blessed the child of Asahel & Naoma Woodruff
And and sealed upon her the name of Bulah
which was the name of my Mother which is the child
great Grand Mother
~ Monday
29 I signed 65 Recommends I receivd 60 Letter
I met with Z.C.M.I. Board I met with Broth
Carter & Hall on the sale of the lease of the Valley
~ Tuesday
30 I signed 17 Recommends I receivd 9 Letters
I wrote to Susan & signed 2 public Letters I had
an interview with quite a Number of men upon
the sale of the lease of the valley House I was quite
~ Wednesday
Oct 1. I signed 2538 Recommends I received 15 Letter
I wrote one letter to Phebe Snow I Attended the
Bank Board meeting I had interviews with
many men
~ Thursday
2nd I signed 31 Recommends I received 14 Letters
I met with the Twelve Apostles and heard reports
of several Brethren who had been to Canab &c
I attended the reception at G Q Cannon on
the Marriage of his son & Daughter He had a
large company My Daughter Manella came
home in the Evening
~ Friday
Oct 3, 1890
The lease of my valley House & furnishings of
the House was sold yesterday at Auction for
$14000 Dollars Bought By Carter I signed ^20^ recom-
mends. I received 17 Letters I met with several
Parties to day Among the Number was Mr Layton
and Silas S Smith
~ Saturday
4 I signed 38 Recommends I received 21 Letters
Conference Met at 10 o'clok Prayer By L Snow
W Woodruff spoke 10, John Morgan 12 M[inutes], B H Roberts
30 M[inutes], L Snow 25 M[inutes], A H Lund 7 M[inutes] Afternoon
Prayer By C W Wheelock F SD Richards spoke 23 M[inutes]
M Thatcher 27 M[inutes], F. M. 30 Lyman 30 M[inutes] J Mc
Allister 10 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By O F Whitney
W Woodruff spoke 40 M[inutes], John Henry 30 Minuts
~ Sunday
5 Sunday Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Joseph E Taylor
G Q Cannon spoke one hour & 17 Minuts a powfur
Discours Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 40 Minuts
At the close of the Meeting, I met at the Gardo
the Twelve Apostles concerning our Delegate to Congress
John T Caine was felt to be sustainedisfactory [satisfactory] The
Priesthood Meeting met & had a vary profitable
~ Monday
Oct 6. Conference Met at 10 oclock Prayer By A O Smoot
The Authorities of the Church presented & sustained
The articles of faith was read & Accepted by all of the people
Then W Woodruff manifesto [Official Declaration 1] was read and accepted
by a vote of the whole Conference which Act created
a sensation throughout the whole United States
After the vote taken on the Manifesto [Official Declaration 1] G Q Cannon
spoke 27 Minuts W Woodruff spoke 15 Minuts
These speeches will be published in the Deseret
News Afternoon Prayer By C W Penrose
H J Grant spoke 10 M[inutes] J W Taylor spoke 16 M[inutes]
A M Cannon 20 M[inutes], And at the close W Woodruff
Blessed the people
~ Tuesday
Oct 7. I signed 32 recommends I receivd 16 Letters
I met with the Presidents of Stakes upon general
principles then met with the sugar company
~ Wednesday
8 I Met with Mr Dyer & son sugar Manufacture
& with the State Board of Education Met with
the Board of Zions Savings Bank I signed 25
Recommends I receivd 20 Letters
~ Thursday
9. I signed 25 Recommends I received 11 Letters
I met with F S Richards, Winder & Penrose
& With Silas S Smith John Henry & Hammond
we met with the Twelve & penrose read the
Declaration of Principals to the convention
I then returned home After an interview
with Susan 6 mile
~ Friday
10 I signed 26 Recommends I received
12 Letters I met with Mr Layton we decided
to make the Purchase through a company of the land
Mr Layton was Agent of for $50,000
this with the other purchase amounts to $90000.
~ Saturday
11 I spent the day at the farm on Papers
~ Sunday
12 ^{Sunday}^ I spent the day reading
~ Monday
Oct 13, 1890
I signed 44 Recommends I received 25 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah Mary & David
I had a vary busy day I met with Many people
among the rest Dan Jones about his Book & Land
in Mexico I advised him not to go into the land
business in Mexico
~ Tuesday
14 I signed 34 Recommends I received 23 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters to Delight {with fifty dollars} & 2 public
we met with Arthur Stayner & Clawson & Met
John T Caine on washington Affairs I received a
Letter from Judg Estee wh[o] Approved of my course
we have decided to have the Bank loan the Hedricks $20000
in Jackson County Mo & take the Temple Block as security
they will build a Meeting House on the Block
(Aug 15 1854 the wall around the Temple was completed)
~ Wednesday
15 I signed 42 Recommends I receivd 22 Letters
I signed saline stock Met with the board of the Bank
& with Z.C.M.I. & with Nephi Clayton on the Salt-
lair works I took a vary severe cold in the night
~ Thursday
16 I signed 84 Recommends I received 17 Letters I met
with the 12, And met with Stainer on the sugar
Bisiness we met with Card and ordered a mile more
of fensing And with H. B. Clawson on business
~ Friday
17. I signed 39 Recommends I received 17 Letters I signed
3 Public Letters I visited the Saltair works in the Afternoon
they had made 36000 tons in 1890 they tak out
500 tons a day they have now 20000 piled for shiping
it is the greatest salt works in the world
~ Saturday
Oct 18th 1890
I spent the day at the farm attending to private Business
~ Sunday
19. Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
20 I signed 46 Recommends I received 25 Letters
H J Grant Blessed for a Mission
I met with Mr Carter & [blank] And talked about
the valley House I told them to go to work & repair
up and I would do what was right we met with Br
Beck & Hyde on the sugar question Beck finally
agreed to sign $50000 & Hyde $5000.
~ Tuesday
21. I signed 22 Recommends I received 19 Letters
I met with N. H. Goosebeck I signed 8 pub[lic] Letters
I had an interview with Dr Talmage & Burton
& Winder called about Bassett we made Appropriation
of $1000 in produce for Miners vill Meeting House
~ Wednesday
22 I signed 44 Recommends I receivd 31 Letters
I met with Bank board. I met with Stainer
H M. Wells M G Hardy & Elias Morris upon
the sugar question Met with the Directors of
the Saltair Company I met with Mr Charles
Ellis & had a plesant interview with him I bought
A Buggy of the firm of Grant & WGeorge Odell &
$Paid $160 for the same
~ Thursday
23. I signed 52 Recommends I received 21 Letter
I signed 4 pub[lic] letters
~ Friday
24 I signed 37 Recommends I received 16 Letters I
wrote 4 Letters to Phebe Snow Mary Owen & Atkins
~ Saturday
25 I spent most of the Day at the farm I husked
10 Bushels corn then took car with Emma rode to Brigham City 60 Mils
~ Sunday
Oct 26 1890 Sunday
I met in the quarterly conference at 10 oclok in the
Meeting House Pray By Crandle Dunn W Woodruff
spoke 55 Minuts Lorenzo Snow 34 M[inutes]. Afternoon
W Woodruff offered the Dedicatory Prayer & Dedicated
the Meeting House which was nicely finished & Paid for
& will hold 1500 After which F D. Richard spoke 40 M[inutes],
W Woodruff spoke 25.
~ Monday
27 Monday conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Bishop
Perry Rudger Clawson spoke 12 M[inutes], A H Cannon
spoke 45 M[inutes], F D Richards 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon
Prayer By Bishop Kelley W Woodruff spoke 60 M[inutes]
I met in the Morning with near a thousand childn
I addressed them for 30 Minutes we closed the
conference with the shout of (Hosannah to God & the
Lamb) which was a vary impressive & solmen It was
one of the most interesting conferences I have attended
in the Stakes in these Mountains. At 4 oclok we parted
with our friends & took the cars & Returned to Salt
Lake & to the farm & spent the night Distance 60 Miles
~ Tuesday
28 I returned to the Gardo & signed 30 Recommends
I received 19 Letters I wrote 1 Letter to Susan
see copy I met with several upon the subjet of Endowments
^{I had more difficulty with [2 words of illegible shorthand]}^
~ Wednesday
29. I signed 18 Recommends I received 15 Letters. I
wrote 2 Letters one to Milo B Webster I sent
him $200 dollars on Loain [Loan] I met with the Bank
Board we had letters & telegraphs from friends that
were interesting.
~ Thursday
Oct 30th 1890
I signed 29 Recommends I received 16 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Clara sent her $100 for
the Horse cap I met in the Prayer Circle
~ Friday
31. I signed 18 Recommends I received 8 Letters
I wrote 4 pub[lic] letters I met with the Bishopk [Bishopric]
upon Church affairs
~ Saturday
Nov 1. I spent the day at the farm
~ Sunday
2 Sunday I spent most of the Day reading
Asahel had his store broaken open last night
& his money drawer taken out with $20 dollar
they also broak into Mr Carrs House & stole $170.
I had a Lamp burning all night in my room as
I was sick with a severe Diahrhea Also Blanch
was sick
~ Monday
3rd I went to the gardo I signed 45 Recommend
I received 35 Letters I wrote 2 letters sent $20 to
Phebe Snow I was quite unwell I was sick through
the night with a severe cold. There was a great
Political Meeting at the Theater speeches made
By F S Richards J. T. Caine & others
~ Tuesday
Nov 4. This is the Election Day and we trust a victory
for the People John T Caine got 5000 Majority over
Godwin. The Democrats gained quite a victory over the republicans
I signed 17 Recommend I received 15 Letter
~ Wednesday
I was quite sick with a severe cold upon my
Lungs I did not go to the office spent the day at home
~ Thursday
6. Fast day I was not able to go to the office I was
visited By G Q. Cannon & H B Clawson I had a poor night
~ Friday
Nov 7, 1890
I am quite Poorly this morning & keep my room
~ Saturday
8. I spent the day at the farm I was some better
~ Sunday
9. Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
10th I went to the Gordo I signed 43 Recommends. I
^ received 31 Letters I wrote 3 Letters to Orion Phebe & Sarah
I had an interview with R W Rigdon The grand
son of Sidney Rigdon Coby N York
~ Tuesday
11. I signed 39 Recommends I received 19 Letters I signed
3 Pub[lic] letters Iwe had an interview with Frank Cannon
about the [Ogden] Standard it would take $14000 to pay its debts
~ Wednesday
12 I signed 18 Recommends I received 12 Letters
we donated $5000 to Frank Cannon on the
LOgden Standard to day & gave an order for the
possession of a quantity of stock I signed 18
Educational Cirtificats My Daughter Nellie
took cars for price with her 2 youngest childrn
to return home to vernal. I met with the Bank board
~ Thursday
13. I signed 57 Recommends I received 20 Letters
I wrote to Wm H. Thompson I signed 11 Recommends
for the ordination of High Priests
~ Friday
14 I signed 32 Recommends I resceived 17 Letters I
wrote 3 Letters to Sylvia Webster & Spence Clawson
I had presented to me Notes to sign on a purchase
of Land in Colorado Amounting to $50000.
~ Saturday
15 I spent the day at the farm I Pruned all the Grape
vines on the place & planted about a dozen aga[in]st a Board fence
~ Sunday
16 Sunday I went to the Tabernacle G. Q. Cannon spoke 65 m[inutes]
W Woodruff 15 M[inutes], to a full House
~ Monday
Nov 17, 1890
I went to the Gardo & signed 1922 Recommends
I received 158 Letters I met with Z.C.M.I. Board I
had a Letter from R H McDonald President of the
Pacific Bank He sent me his Photograph & card
I had an interview with Br Mitchel & Paid a Bill
~ Tuesday
18 I signed 29 Recommends I received 19 letters
I wrote 2 letters to McDonald & Noah H Osborn
I had an interview with the Editor of the Hornet
& 2 ladies with him. Met with O H Whitney
& J. O. Williams upon the History of Utah
~ Wednesday
19 I signed 31 Recommends I received 18 Letter
I had an interview with Joseph L Lee a hunter
and preacher of the Josephite Order He wanted me
to let him have our tabernacles to preach in & warn
the people to go back to Jackson County & those who did
not go would be Destroyed I told him we did not
believe in him or his mission A colored woman
called upon me & wanted us to make a Donation to
help them to build a Methodist Meeting House
H. B. Clawson submitted to me a memorandum
of Agreement from Dickson & Stone for their
servises this on the 18 Nov & H B Clawson started
for Calafornia G. Q. Cannon & company went to
Lehi to pic out the place for the plant for the sugar factory
I wrote 5 Letters 3 pub[lic] & to Eugenia Cody & to Atkins
we made a Donation of $50 to the coulored People
to build a Methodist Meeting House I went to the
farm & spent the night 6 mils
~ Thursday
Nov 20th 1890
I signed 17 Recommends I received 9 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to R. H. McDonald I had an interview
with Dr Charles E Woodruff surgeon of the U S Armey & wife
I had an interview with James H. Hart of Bear Lake I met
with the Apostles in prayer circle Paid Dickson & Stone
$2500 fo services Joseph E Taylor called upon the subject
of dancsing in Meeting Houses I Paid a Bill of $30 on my
grave yard I had a poor night could not sleep 6 m[iles]
~ Friday
21. I signed 9 Recommend I received 9 Letters I wrote
4 Letters 1 to Susan, to Silas S. Smith All the Presidency
signed a letter to Dr William & Orson F Whitney
Recommended the History of Utah to the People
~ Saturday
22. I took cars with G. Q. Cannon Beck & Hyde &
Emma & others we rode to Lehi Junkction then
turned west & went to Siver City & Eureka
& stoped at the boarding house of the Bulion
Beck Mine we had good quarters ^85 mils^ we went down
into the bowels of the Earth 600 feet and Examined the
silver oar. The prophets from this mine is about
$50000 a month The new Machinery cost $60000,
And water $20,000. The Population of Eureka is
about 4000 we spent the Evening visiting friends
~ Sunday
23 Sunday we met in the new Meeting House built By
Beck & the Saints at 10 oclock to Dedicate the Meeting
House & to Meet with the people. the House holds about 250
people After singing George Q Cannon offered the
Dedicatory Prayer After which W Woodruff read the
Latter part of the 49 ch of Isaiah & spoke 45 Minuts
Afternoon we had a full House Prayer By
James W Paxman G. Q. Cannon then spok 66 Minuts
Evening. The House was crowded to its full
capacity and many who could not get in
W Woodruff Addressed the Meeting {in the power of God}
for 45 Minuts followed By G Q Cannon for 30 Mints
and the people were much interested & Edifyed
many came & shook hands with us we had a good
Meeting I was rather surprised to see the people so orderly
in a Mining camp
~ Monday
I visited the Assay office and saw the Assayer
melt the oar & take the silver out of it which was really
quite an art He gave me some of the silver buttons
we bid fare well to our friends took cars at
at 2:10 & returned home & arived at 7 oclok
& in company with G. Q. Cannon I went to
the Theater & listend to the Lecture of [blank]
it was one of the most interesting lectures I
Ever listened to I returned home I had taken
a severe cold & was nearly sick through the night
~ Tuesday
25th I arose quite sick this Morning I drove to Claras
found Vedid quite sick Danger of Diptheria
I administered to her & went to the Gardo & signed
16 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I had interviews with several Sisters including
Sister Horn, Wells & Rawley [blank] wanted to start
a store I was sick & spent the night at home
~ Wednesday
26 I spent the day in the House quite Poorly
~ Thursday
Nov 27, 1890
This is Thanksgiving day most of the Boys went
Hunting Rabits I suppose there were 200 killed West
of Jordon on the sage Plains I spent the day in
the House but went up near Evening to My Daughter
Claras & Ovando Beebe. We found their Daughter
Vedi much better for which I was thankful we took
supper with them then returned home & spent the night
~ Friday
28 I met at the Gardo &Mr Charles Ellis we made a
Donation of $100 to him President Cannon returned
from Ogden whare he had been to meet som friends {[yesterday]}
I signed some friends 8 Recommends I Received
15 Letters I wrote 4 pub[lic] Letters went to the farm 6 m[iles]
~ Saturday
29 I spent the day at the farm
~ Sunday
30 Sunday I spent the day in the House
~ Monday
Dec 1, 1890 I went to the Gordo we had 11 Recommends
I received 15 Letters I had interviews with
several persons among the Number James Brown
& John T Rowley of Meadow I wrote 4 Letter
1 to Phebe C Scholes, & Sarah. I attended the Theater
~ Tuesday
2 I signed 1 Recommends I received 11 Letters we had
a Meeting with the board of Saltair. The Twelve
Met at Zions Savings Bank Building And we
dedicated the Building unto the Lord G Q Cannon
was Mouth I was suffering with a cold
~ Wednesday
3 I signed 27 Recommends I received 22 Letters
I met with the Bank board and with several other
Parties I am still quite Poorly with a cold
The Twelve met in council to day {I had a bad night}
~ Thursday
Dec 4, 1890
I signed 15 Recommends I received 16 Letters
I met with the Presidency & Twelve & confered
upon the sugar question of the sugar
~ Friday
5 I signed 18 Recommends I received 18 Letter
I met with several of the Brethren John Stocking
Winder & Burt & others
~ Saturday
6. I spent the day at the farm Wm Atkin
called upon me with a son in Law they spent the
night with me & talked over old times
~ Sunday
7. Sunday in company with Emma & Owen
& Nellie Wilford we visited Sister Sarah Foss
& Sarah Fox Phebe Sessions David & Peregren
Sessions Mother Sessions is still living 95 years
old Sarah Foss 90. I returned in the Evening 20 mils
On Friday 5, we met with the Chief Justice
on the way to Samoa to preside there his name
was Ron R Cedererantz & his partner
I Also met with A Badlam & Isaac Trumbo
~ Monday
8 I Signed 19 Recommends I received ^212^ Letter
We read our corresponds I had an interview
with Wilard Young about the Lot Donated By
President for An Academy. The sugar
company had a Meeting And a spirit was
manifest By some to Hender the work
{Beck and Decker} & {Hyde were against us} I wrote 3 p Letter
~ Tuesday
9. I signed 30 recommends I received 16 Letter
we took Dinner at the Templeton with Col
Trumbow & other we decided about Engin for Temple
I met with Mr & Mrs Barret going around the world
I signed one Note of $25000, & one of $10000 with
G. Q. Cannon & J F Smith to make the fourth payment of
$50000 on the sugar plant
~ Wednesday
10 I signed 15 Recommend I received 11 Letters
I signed 5 pub[lic] Letters we held a Bank Meeting
Met with Ira Hinkley we decided to build the
Academy in Filmore I met with C. O. Card & paid
a Bill of $600 on the Ranch and advised hims
to make the place self sustaining it is a vary hard time
for money now in all branches of Business we met
with Willard & Legrand Young upon the school business
~ Thursday
11 I signed 38 Recommends I received 15 Letters
Br G. Q. Cannon was sick & could not come &
Joseph F Smith was absent & I was alone
I met with Clawson & Trumbow in the Morning
I wrote ^3 L[etters]^ to B Young Sarah Pheb C Schols
~ Friday
12 I signed 11 Recommends I receivd 6 Letters
we donated $150 to C A Hall Independance Mo
G Q Cannon & Myself Attended the funeral servces
of James Moil, Br. Galeispie Robert Burton Wm B. Preston
John Nickelso G Q Cannon & W Woodruff spoke
the corps was not Exebited
~ Saturday
13 I spent the day at the farm
~ Sunday
14 Sunday I was not well spent the day reading
~ Monday
15 I signed 12 Recommends I receivd 18 Letters
I wrote 3 pub[lic] letters I met with the Bishops on a
circular Letter of instruction Alberta Stake in Canida
~ Tuesday
Dec 16, 1890
I signed 10 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I met with the Board of Directers of Z.C.M.I on
the 15 & Decided to Pay the Execetive Committees
$500 dollars a year Besides the $200 making
$700 each I was Notified to connect the
valley House with the sewerage which I aranged for
~ Wednesday
Dec 17. I signed 12 Recommends I received 14 Letters
I wrote 2 Letters to Phebe A Snow & for carp
Journal & sent $1. I loaned Marion $35
I met with the Bank Board I had an
interview with Franklin S Richards just
returned from Washington He gave us an
Account of our affairs there
~ Thursday
18 I signed 13 Recommend I receivd ^6^ Letter
I wrote 3 public Letters I met in the prayer circle
we had a Telegram from J. T. Caine on the property case
~ Friday
19. I signed 10 Recommends I receivd 9 Letters
I met with the board of Education And attended
a carp supper at the Globe a rain in the Evening
~ Saturday
20 I spent the day at the farm
~ Sunday
21 Sunday
Millen Atwood
Born May 24, 1817.
Died 17 Dec Aged 73 years
I attended the funeral of Millen
Atwood The following
Person spoke
H G Perks 6 M[inutes],
Br Aubury 4 M[inutes]
Nelson Empy 2 M[inutes]
E Taylor 6 M[inutes], G. Q. Cannon 5 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 14 M[inutes]. I went to the Grave about 60 carriges
At the close of the burial of Bishop Atwood in
company with G. Q. Cannon Attended the funeral
of Heanry Teasdeel several spoke at the funeral
including G. Q. Cannon
~ Monday
Dec 22. I went to the Gardo signed 13 Recommends
I received ^10^ Letters I wrote 17 Letters I had
an interview with John E Carlisle Direct from
Liverpool He thought it wisdome to change our
office & Location from Liverpool to London
we had an interview with Br King of Josepa
I wrote 3 Letters 2 pub[lic] & to Sarah
~ Tuesday
23. I signed 5 Recommends I received 5 Letters
I wrote 4 Letter. I had an interview with Newton
W Rowell corresspondent of the London Advertiser
~ Wednesday
24 I signed 4 Recommends I receivd 7 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Florence Scholes {Sent five dollars}
I attended the Board of the Bank Meeting And a Dividend
of 6 percent on the stock was Declared for the last 6 month
~ Thursday
25 Christmass I went to Clara's & Ovandoo's to
take Christmass Dinner with Emma & her family
~ Friday
I went with 3 car loads of company to Lehi to
lay and dedicate the cornor stone of the sugar Factory there
were 2000 people present G. Q. Cannon Dedicated the corner stone
~ Saturday
27. I signed Notes on the 26 Dec for Z.C.M.I. to the Amount of
$113,000 in the Eastern Country Distance of the day yesterday 60 m[iles]
I spent the day at the farm on my Journals was visited
By Clara in the Evening I signed 10 Recommends & 10 Letters
~ Sunday
Dec 28 1890
I spent the day in the House looking over my Journal
~ Monday
29 I signed 10 Recommends I received 20 Letter
I wrote 3 Letters I met with several parties
T. E. Ricks F S Richards & others
~ Tuesday
30 I signed 14 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I wrote 8 Letters 7 pub[lic].
~ Wednesday
31. I signed 21 Recommends I received 17 Letter
I wrote 7 Letters 4 pub[lic], & to Sarah Phebe S & to J J
I Met with the Bank Board it was rather a critical
time with the Banks to be prepared to make
their report at the Begining of the New year
I looked over my Journal & recorded on the opposite
A Synopsis of Wilford Woodruff Labors in 1890
I Travelled 7401 Miles
I Attended 89 Meetings
I Preached 85 sermons
I Attended 7 conferences
I Attended 6 funerals
I Attended the Prayer Circles with the Apostls
I assisted in ordaining 4 Patriarchs
I Signed 3992 Recommends to Temples
I Received 2594 Letters
I wrote 562 Letters
I dedicated Brigham City Meeting House Oct 26
I attend the Dedication of Eureka Meeting House G Q C Mouth
G. Q. C Dedicated Zions Savings Bank Dec 2nd
I Blessed 3 children 2 Grand children
I had 2 persons Adopted to me
I spent this year as President of
the Church Attending to all the Duties
thereof, which were vary laborious
which do not appear upon this Journal
I signed All the Stocks, Bonds & drafts
of Z.C.M.I, Zions Savings Bank Saltair & Church
Paid Tithing for 1890 $642.15
I signed for ZCMI for $113,000 Dec 27.
Emma Paid Tithing $14.79
~ Thursday
Jan 1, 1891
This is New Years day And the year that
has been looked upon by many as one of the most
important years of the world. There is a combination
of all the wicked Men & Devels through the press
and pulpit to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day from off the Earth Wickedness of
Every kind is increasing throughout the World
several of my family & friends gathered at the farm
& took Dinner with me & Emma
~ Friday
2nd I signed 20 Recommends I received 17 Letters
^ I wrote to Phebe Snow
~ Saturday
3rd I spent the day at the farm
~ Sunday
4. Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
5 I signed 20 Recommends I receivd 21 Letters
^ I was taken with a severe Attack like the Billious
cholic I had to go home and was poorly throug the day
~ Tuesday
6th I went to the Gardo & signed 6 Recommends I
received 11 Letters I met with many Brethren
to day and a good Deal of Business transacted
~ Wednesday
7. I signed 33 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I signed 6 pub[lic] letters I met with the Bank Board
I met with the Presidency of the Webber Stake
for a Donation of $5000 for the Academy we
Donated that amount to the Academy
~ Thursday
8 I was quite unwell & kept my room & spent the day
reading I was quite poorly at night
~ Friday
9. I went to the Gardo & signed 12 Recommends I received
9 Letters I wrote 8 pub[lic] Letters
~ Saturday
Jan 10 1891
I spent the day at home reading
~ Sunday
11 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading & resting
~ Monday
12 I went to the Gardo & signed 5 Recommends
I received 10 Letters I wrote 3 Letters
~ Tuesday
13 I went to the Gardo & Signed 4 Recommends
I received 7 Letters
I received word that My son David had broke
his thigh 6 inches below the hip Joint by the Kick of a
horse I wrote 4 letters to David sent $20 to Sarah $10
to Newton [FIGURE] we had a fire to day burned Hooper &
Eldridge Buildings burned Loss $85000 dollar insured
about half we held Meeting with 27 of the Brethren
upon the subject of our affairs at Washington
~ Wednesday
14 H. J. Grant returned from the East & gave us a
History of his Journal [journey] &c I signed 13 Recommend
I received 12 Letters I wrote 3 Letters to Phebe
sent her $5 for Flossy we met with Zions
Savings Bank board we Borrowed $60000
Dollars of Western National Bank of New York
~ Thursday
15 A light snow last night I signed 11 Recommends
I received 7 Letters. I wrote 6 Letters to David Sylvia
Susan, Bleak, Thompson, & Atkin. I met with
the Savings Bank board & with ZCMI Board
Br Grant made his report of his visit East
And the Money He borrowed I got a letter about
my son David accidet He was Kicked by a
colt & broke his right thigh near the Hip Joint
which is a Dangerous break
~ Friday
Jan 16, 1891
I signed 7 Recommends I received 17 Letters
^ I wrote 1 Letters to Malinda W Hatch
~ Saturday
I spent the day at the farm I was visited
By my Daughter Bulah which I have not
seen for some two years before
~ Sunday
18 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
19. I signed 42 Recommends I received 24 Letters
I had an interview with Her Sachse from
Jermany & H Pelszole we had an interview
with Richards King Penrose & others it was
a Busy day
~ Tuesday
20 I signed 22 Recommends I received 17 Letter
I wrote 6 Letters 1 to Sarah I met with a Dozen
of the Sisters of the various societies some wanted to
Go to Washington as representatives of the
various institutions
I received a Letter from Mr Durkee abot
the Land in Colorado I Answered him & sent
him back the papers He sent me to sign
~ Wednesday
21 I signed 23 Recommends I received 12 letters
we met with the Bank board & other parties
~ Thursday
22. I signed 21 Recommends I received 21 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters 1 to David we received a
Letter from friends that Deprived us from going
to Mexico for several week to come I attended
a party in the Evening at G Q. Cannons which was a plesant affair
~ Friday
23. I signed 20 Recommends I received 18 Letters we set apart
5 women to represent in washington Utah interest
we administered to sister H J Grant I signed 65 instru-
ctor cirtificit we the Presidency held a Meeting with
the Twelve Apostles upon the sugar question
~ Saturday
24. I spent the day at home I signed 64 Instructors
cirtificite {I spent a terrible day and night God have mercy upon us}
I signed 4 public Letters and to Sarah & Phebe Scholes
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I spent the Day at home {I had a bad day and night}
~ Monday
26 I went to the Gardo & Signed 51 Recommends
I received 23 Letters
~ Tuesday
27. I signed 13 Recommends I Received 9 I wrote
1 Letters to Nellie
~ Wednesday
28. I signed 7 Recommends I received 9 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Sarah
The Presidency & Twelve Apostles spent the
day together Acknowledged any supposed
faults and united to gether in Harmony we conversed
on the question of the Manufacture of sugar
~ Thursday
29. I signed 15 Recommends I received 11 Letters
I wrote 8 Letters 1 to David I spent the day in
Meeting with the Presidency & Twelve we were united
together & Partook of the Sacrament we had a good Day
~ Friday
30 I signed 18 Recommends I received 10 Letters
We spent this day in Meeting the Presidency & Twelve
As the Leaders of the people we had to shoulder the
load & responsibility of the question of the Manufacture
of sugar It was voted unanimously that the Church
subscribe $50000 & help in the first payment
~ Saturday
Jan 31, 1891
We have a hard snowstorm which is much needed
I spent the day at the farm we are passing through a great
financial Difficulty The Lord ownly can help us
out of it I spent the day at the farm
~ Sunday
Feb 1. Sunday I spent the day reading I went to Clarys
in the Evening I took a severe cold in the head and
~ Monday
^2nd^ was sick through the night I spent the day in my room
~ Tuesday
23 I went to the Gardo & signed 29 Recommends
I received 10 Letters I wrote 8 Letters 5 pub[lic] & to Wm Thompson
Andrew Woodruff & Lou Woodruff we held a Meeting
with the two Bank committees & concluded to unite
the interest of the Savings Bank & State Bank I went
home quite unwell
~ Wednesday
4 I arose sick in the Morning I went to the Gardo
at Noon I signed 17 Recommends I received 17 letter
I met with the Board of the Bank Meeting I was quite
poorly all day
~ Thursday
5 I was quite Poorly this Morning I signed 45 recom-
mends I received 13 Letters I met in the Evening with
the committees of the 3 Banks
~ Friday
6 I signed 38 Recommends I received 23 letter
I wrote 7 Letters 5 pub[lic] & to Bleak & Sarah
~ Saturday
7th I spent the day at the farm I felt better in health to day
~ Sunday
8 I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
9 I spent the day in the office I signed 16 Recommends
I received 20 Letters I signed 1 public Letter
we had an interview with Brother Whiteley
I Met with Lyman Curtis of pioneer & Zions Camp
~ Tuesday
Feb 10, 1891
I signed 44 Recommends I received 14 Letters
G Q Cannon & myself visited the Tabernacle and
saw the great change going on the seats were
changed & all the old Festoons taken down and
the seats of the Quire aranged &c
~ Wednesday
11 I signed 44 Recommends I received 16 Letters
wrote 5 letter 3 Public & to Thomas Cottam & to Nellie
we held a Meeting with the savings Bank board
~ Thursday
12 I signed 24 Recommends I received 12 Letters
I sent the Illustrated American Vol V, No 51, containing
My likeness & Address to the following Person
Dr Ezra Scammans, Shuah C Moulton Mr I F Carter
Malinda W Hatch, Newton Woodruff Jesse Moses
Mary Woodruff Phebe A Snow Clara Beebe
A. H. Woodruff Delight, Marian Ensign David P
Nellie Sylvia 16 I met in the Prayer Circle
~ Friday
13 I signed 123 Recommend I received 14 Letters I
wrote 1 Letter to Sarah I signed 26 Stocks
of ZCMI I Met with Clawson & Trumbow
~ Saturday
14 I went to the Gardo & had a Meeting with Clawson
& Trumbow & returned to the farm 6 mils
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
16 I went to the Gardo and signed 19 Recommends
I received 20 Letters I met with Clawson, King
& several other visitors & with the ZCMI Board
~ Tuesday
17. I signed 19 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I signed four Notes of $25,000 dollars each on MCCornick Bank
6 Month one year 18 Month 12 years.
I signed 17 Certificate of Education Schollars
I signed 21 Licens of teachers
~ Wednesday
18 I signed 5 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I Met with the Bank board & with several other
Parties Carter & Co on the valley House
~ Thursday
19 I signed 5 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I met with a Delegation at Ogden who met to
give an Account of the people of all parties going to
Unite upon the two political parties Depublican & Democratt
~ Friday
20 I signed 15 Recommends I received 10 Letters
I had an interview with Carter
~ Saturday
21 I spent the day at the farm I sent my
Photograph to James W Howarth I wrote
2 letters to Newton & Sarah
~ Sunday
22nd I spent the day at the House reading
~ Monday
23 I spent the day at the House Asahel Owen
& Ovando went up the creek fishing & caught
15 trout
~ Tuesday
24. I went to the Gardo & signed 6 Recommend
I received 10 Letters I wrote ^2^ Letters to Sarah to
David I met with Mr Carter & co & Many others
~ Wednesday
25 I signed 10 Recommends I received 14 Letters
I wrote 2 letters to David & Susan. I met with
Bank board & several other Parties
~ Thursday
26. I signed 9 Recommends I received 3 Letters
I attended the funeral George W. Hill the Indian
interpeter quite a Number spoke including G Q Cannon
& W Woodruff
~ Friday
Feb 27, 1891
I signed 10 Recommends I received 6 Letters
~ Sunday
Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 84 years
old this day
Emma Woodruff
Born March 1, 1838
Aged 53 years
old this day
March 1, 1891. This is my birth Day and the Birth
day of my wife Emma I arose in the morning quite
unwell But as I had Been absent from meeting through
Most of the winter I concluded to go to the Conference
so I went to the Tabernacle But my Distress increased
upon me to such an Extent that I was oblieged to leave
Brother Abram Cannon left with me He walked
with me to the Gardo I took some composition But
my suffering was great it resembled the Billious Cholic
I got a Buggy & Brother Cannon Drove me home and
Administered to me my pain was in my stomach, &
Bowels. Moses Thatcher Bishop Preston & C Wilken
called upon me & administered to me Emma & Sister Ship
kept my stomach & Bowels covered with hot cloths rung out
of Hot water & terpentine untill midnight before my pain sceased
I did not know but I would be called to die upon my Birth Day
~ Monday
2 I found myself quite Poorly this Morning but Better
But I was taken worse & Administered to By G Q Cannon
And Emma labored with me through most of the nigh
~ Tuesday
3 I was more comfortable through the day but still vary weak
~ Wednesday
4. I was far more comfortable through the day
Brother G. Q. Cannon called in the Morning & S. B. Young
in the Afternoon & Charley Wilken Daily
~ Thursday
5 I am recovering quite fast Begin to sleep well quite
fast again Henry Woodruff has been with us now
for several Days we have had several snow storms
of Late all of which is needed for water
~ Friday
6 I done a little writing in my Journal to day
I wrote 4 Letters to Sarah, Bell Moses, M. E. Teasdale
& Nellie I spent the rest of the time in reading
~ Saturday
7. Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Sunday
8 Sunday I spent this day reading
~ Monday
For the first time for 8 days I left my house
& rode to the Depo & in company with G. Q. Cannon
and Henry M. Stanley the Affrican Explorer & a small
company of our people I had a plesant time with Mr
Standley He conversed freely upon his African
Explorations we went to the Lake & Back visited the
Heard of Buffaloo In the Evening I Attended the Lecture
of Stanley the most interesting Lecture I Ever attended
we returned home in the Storm I wrote 1 Letter to Sarah
~ Tuesday
March 10, 1891
A hard snow storm in the Morning I went to the Gardo
& signed 24 Recommends I received 9 Letters I had an
interview with F. S. Richards H. B. Clawson and
others. The storm cleared off {To the lake and back} 26 mils
~ Wednesday
101 I signed 39 Recommends I received 19 Letters
I met with the Bank Board and with T. E. Ricks
& Willard Young and it was finally agreed to put
into the Educational Board two women Maria Y
Dugall, & Pricelli Jennings
~ Thursday
12 I signed 18 Recommends I received 8 Letters
I received word to day that Mr Legrand C Layton
who had come from Colorado to Meet with me to
get Baptized had Died at the Continental at 4 oclock
on March 11, 1891 Aged 38 years
I wrote a Letter
to day to Prest McAllister to have him Baptized for
& get Endowments for him
~ Friday
13 I signed 128 Recommends I received 104 Letters
I had met with Sister Zina, Jane R, & Sister Franklin S
they gave an account of their Mission at Washington
~ Saturday
14 I spent the day at the farm reading
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
16 I signed 30 Recommends I received 26 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters to David, Nellie & Cottam. I sent
A likeness to Br Cottam of Phebe
~ Tuesday
17. I signed 10 Recommends I received 8 Letters
I had interviews with quite a Number of Persons
~ Wednesday
178 I signed 26 Recommend I received 15 Letters I wrote
to ^2^ Sarah & Newton we Met with R McDonald & others
~ Thursday
March 19, 1891
I signed ^11^ Recommends I received 180 Letters I signed
11 Segned Letters to individuals on the sugar question
I had Meetings with Brother McDonald the presidents
of 70, with the Twelve & many others it was a vary
busy day
~ Friday
20. I signed 23 Recommends I received 14 Letters
I signed 23 Letters to the Brethren on the sugar
question & I signed 30 Teachers Licens I wrote to
Brigham Young in England
~ Saturday
21. I spent the day at the farm choreing
~ Sunday
22 Sunday I spent the day reading I was not
feeling well
it is Wilfords Birth day He is 51 today
~ Monday
23 I signed 17 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I signed 48 Teachers licens D H Wells is vary
sick G Q Cannon & Bishop Preston & council Administered
to him He has the plurisy
~ Tuesday
24th I signed 5 Recommends I received 5 Letters
I signed 15 Teachers licens
Daniel H Wells Born
Oct 27 1814 Died March 24, 1891
Aged 76
Daniel Hammer Wells
Born Oct 27, 1814 Onida Co NY.
Died at 1 oclok PM
March 24 1891 Aged 76
He died with the pluricy
& Pneumonia we had a vary
busy Day Met with A. O. Smoot & council concerning
some Dificulty in calling Teachers from the B. Y.
Academy to other Academy we settled the Matter
I signed 15 Teachers licens
~ Wednesday
March 25 1891
I signed 7 Recommends I received 5 Letters I wrote
2 letters to Sarah & Thompson I met with Bank board
{I signed} 2 {notes for five hundred dollars for the purchase}
~ Thursday
26 I signed 20 Recommend. I received 20 Letters I signed
7 Letters to the Brethren on sugar I met with the 12
& my councillors for Prayer I received Letters from
Newton, Bell Moses & Phebe A. Snow I met with
Phebe AC Scholes
~ Friday
27. I signed 31 Recommends I receivd ^24^ Letters
I wrote to J McAllister Wm H Thompson I signed
7 Letters to Brethren on the sugar question I wrote
to Wm Atkin 3 Letters
~ Saturday
28 I spent the day at the farm I wrote 4 Letters to
Sarah, Bell, Newton, Phebe A Snow.
~ Sunday
Sunday We Attended at President Daniel H Wells
Funeral in the Tabernacle some 10000 people in the Tabernacle
The following persons Addressed the Assembly—
W Woodruff G. Q. Cannon F D Richards & A H Lund. the
Tabernacle stands were Decked in white the casket was
white it was a vary Day stormy day the worst
day for a funeral I Ever attended
~ Monday
30 I signed 57 Recommends I received 26 Letters
I wrote to J. G. Bleak & signed 15 student licens
I met with Silas S Smith & J D T McAllister
I attended a party in the Evening at Dr
Maggie Ships it was a stormy Day.
~ Tuesday
31. I signed 23 Recommends I received 14 Letters I signed
4 public Letters we had a hard snow storm
~ Wednesday
April 1, 1891
I signed 19 Recommends I receivd 20 Letters
I signed 11 Students Cirtificate we met with
the Twelve in council
~ Thursday
2 I signed 9 Recommend I received 11 Letters
I met with the Presidency & Twelve & Partook
of the sacrament & talked about Political Matters in
Ogden & About our taking $200000 worth of stock
in Z.C.M.I.
~ Friday
3 I signed 17 Recommends I received 11 Letters
I signed 16 students Licens & 15 public Letters
~ Saturday
April 4 The Annual Conference of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints commenced
this Morning in the Tabernacle A QChoir of 200
singers led By Brother Stephen opened by singing
the Hymn of Now let us rejoice in the day of
salvation Angus M Cannon Prayed W Woodruff
spoke a short time followed By Brother Lund
M W Merrill & John W Taylor Afternoon
F M Lyman L Snow A H Cannon & G Q Cannon
sopoke WI met with the stock Holders of the
Z.C.M.I at 4 ocllok I Attended the Priesthood
Meeting in the Evening
~ Sunday
April 5 Sunday I Attended Conference Met at 10
John Morgan Prayed W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes]
followed By F D Richards & M Thatcher. Afternoon
S B Young Prayed & G. Q. Cannon & H. J. Grant
spoke there was A sabbath school union Meeting
in the Evening And a large Assembly
~ Monday
April 6, 1891
Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By John Morgan
W Woodruff spoke 30 Minutes
F D Richards 20 Minuts
M Thatcher 40 Minuts
James Moses born 25 Feb 1806
Died April 4, 1891
Aged 85 years & 35 days
Afternoon Prayayer By
S B Young sacrament
Administered Then
G. Q. Cannon spoke 60 Minutes. H J Grant spoke 30 m[inutes]
The following spoke During conference John Henry Smith
W Woodruff 20 M[inutes] Jacob Gates 15, John Morgan 14 M[inutes]
G. Q. Cannon 50.
~ Tuesday
April 7. I met with the Presidents of Stakes & Bishops
and the Bishops & Twelve talked to them untill 1 oclok
Afternoon we met with Many Parties at the office
I signed 10 Recommends & Received 8 Letters
~ Wednesday
8. We held A Meeting with the State Board of Education
& with the savings Bank board & many other Meetings
During the Day it was one of the most busy days
of my life I signed 15 Recommends & Received
8 Letters
~ Thursday
9 I signed 10 Recommends & received 9 Letters
I signed to Day for the Church $10000.00 for
the Salt Lake College & $1000.00 for myself
~ Friday
10 I signed 15 Recommends I received 11 Letter
I signed 5 sugar Letters
~ Saturday
11 I spent the day at the farm helped the Boys take
out of a pit & sprout 40 bushels of potatos & Planted
some Potatoes set out some currants
~ Sunday
April 12 1891
Sunday I spent the Day reading
~ Monday
13. I signed 23 Recommends I received 9 Letters
one from Susan. I heard Mr Ellis read a
long lecture upon Brigham Young & the Mormons
I signed 5 Public Letters I wrote 3 Letters sent for fruit.
~ Tuesday
14 A rainy Morning I signed 9 Recommends
I received 8 Letters it is raining
~ Wednesday
15 I Signed 31 Recommends I received 3 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Malinda Hatch I met with
ZCMI. Board Also with the board of Zions saving Bank
I Attended the Theatcer in the Evening
~ Thursday
16 I signed 10 Recommends I received 11 Letters
I met with the Twelve & a company of Brethren
~ Friday
17 I signed 10 Recommends I received 6 Letters
I signed 113 of ZCM.I. Stocks & 9 Students licens
I laid hands upon G. Q. Cannons Head with J F Smith
& blessed him for his Journey in Calafornia
~ Saturday
18 I spent the day at the farm I tied up all my Grapes
set out some Raspburies & planted a patch of potatoes
~ Sunday
19 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
20 I signed 24 Recommends I received 33 Letters
I wrote 2 letters to M B Webster & Susan C Schols
I got 2 telegrams one saying they had an Earthquak
in St George in St George shook Houses & furniture
the other said that Frank Farnsworth was flung
from a waggon & broak his left arm five times in two
~ Tuesday
21. I signed 38 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I wrote to L. B. Young I met with Dyer & Warwick
~ Wednesday
April 22 1891
I signed ^18^ Recommends I received 8 Letter
~ Thursday
23 I signed 21 Recommends I received 10 Letters
I wrote 25 letters to J. G. Bleak & Wm H. Thompson
Sarah Wm Atkin & Thomas Cottam I had an
Interview with Rev Dr Nuragan Sheshadri of Bombay
India who had Been a Brahamin Priest but converted to
Christianit & a Believer in the Bible He wished to address the
people I made an Appointment for him tomorrow Eve[ni]ng at 7:30
~ Friday
24 I signed 23 Recommends I received 10 Letters I attended
the Meeting in the Evening of the Assembly Hall
of Rev Dr Sheshadri there were but few out
~ Saturday
25 I spent the day at the farm it rained through
the day & frost at night ice as thick as window glass
~ Sunday
26 Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
27. I signed 32 Recommends I received 54 Letters
Brothers G Q Cannon & H. B Clawson arived at 10 AM
I wrote 2 Letters to G T Webber sent him $479.45/00
for 4 shares in ZCMI stock I got the stock
I wrote to Wm W Riter for 4 shares of Deseret National
Bank Stock for which I Paid $1000 dollars
~ Tuesday
28 I signed 27 Recommend I received 12 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah Newton & S Roskelley
~ Wednesday
29 I signed 24 Recommends I received 15 Letters
~ Thursday
30 I signed 18 Recommends I received 9 Letters
I met with the Twelve & discussed many subjects
talked about selling the Paper Mill & Theater
E M Bynon Died April 30 vary suddenly 45 year old
{He loved my daughter Blanch}
~ Friday
May 1st 1891
I signed 5 Recommends I received 9 Letters
I spent the day in the office
~ Saturday
2nd I signed 13 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I took cars & went to Ogden & Logan 100 M[iles]
I stoped with Brother M Thatcher
~ Sunday
3. Sunday I Attended the conference Met at 10 oclk
W Woodruff spoke 150 ^40^ M[inutes], F D Richards spoke
50 M[inutes], Afternoon M Thatcher ^J T Cain^ spok ^30^ M[inutes], followed
By W Woodruff 150 M[inutes] ^M Thatcher spoke 30 M^ we held a Meeting in
the Evening on a sabbath school John T Cain
spoke on the 3rd 30 M[inutes].
~ Monday
4. Conference Met at 10 oclok The Authorities
of the Church were presented & sustained
The Statistics of the Stake were then read the Number
15302 souls 4465 children President Smith
made a Report of the situation of the Stake
~ Tuesday
5. I signed 23 Recommends I received 10 Letter
President G Q Cannon was at the office but
quite poorly I attended the Theater in the Evening
~ Wednesday
6. I signed ^12^ Recommends I received 10 Letters
Ema was vary sick through the night
~ Thursday
7. I signed 15 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I sat in council upon Matters & [dercration]
upon the [reecution] of the president we herd a
Letter read from Col Trumbow which was discussed
O C Card spoke 16 M[inutes], George Pitken spoke 10 M[inutes]
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 40 M[inutes], M W
Merrill 45 W W 10. Several were ordained at ^M Thatchers^
~ Friday
May 8, 1891
I signed 34 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I spent a busy day
~ Saturday
May 9, 1891
President Harrison visited Salt Lake City
And there was a great Demonstration A march to the
Park & speeches President Cannon & myself Headed
the Pioneers in the prosession several speeches were made
I and President Cannon was introduced to President
Harrison & shook hands with him The days proced[in]gs
was published in all the Papers in the City
~ Sunday
10. Sunday I spent the day mostly reading
~ Monday
11. I signed 45 Recommends Received 28 Letters
I wrote 1 Letters to M. Hatch
~ Tuesday
12 I signed 16 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I had rather a quiet Day I was visited By Mr Lomax the
Ticket Agent of the UP. And others
~ Wednesday
13 I signed 25 Recommends I receivd 7 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Sarah D. Attended Bank meeting
~ Thursday
14. I signed 30 Recommends I received 14 Letters
I met with the Twelve for prayer
I met with
Arthur Pratt M. C. Cornick & Col Shaughnessy upon
Political questions of the day
~ Friday
15. I signed 9 Recommends I receivd 8 letters
I met with S W Sears & Govornor Emery and had
a plesant interview with the Govornor He was Govornor
of this Territory when President Grant visited this City
He said while wriding up from the Depo the street was
lined with Mormon children well Dressed He said to Gov
Emery I have been Deceived with regard to this people th
The children look as nice & clean as any children
I have seen any whare and the Governor further remarked
that the president before He left told him to see that these
Mormon People were farely treated. Govornor Emerly
has always treated the Mormons well
~ Saturday
16 I spent the day at the farm
~ Sunday
17. Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
Col Trumb & Joseph G Cannon was in the City
Attended the Tabernacle & had an interview with
G. Q. Cannon
H H ^Prest^ Henry Herraiman Died to Day
~ Monday
18 I signed 39 Recommends I receivd 27 Letter
I had an interview with Col Trumbo I signed
110 drafts on Liverpool received 2 Telegrams
~ Tuesday
19 I signed 39 Recommend I received 13 Letters
I had an interview with Mr Wilson
~ Wednesday
20 I signed 9 Recommends I receivd 8 Letter
I met withe Bank Board
~ Thursday
21. I signed 40 Recommends I received
15 Letters. I laid out the foundation for my
House at the farm
~ Friday
22. I signed 39 Recommends I received
26 Letters I had a good Deal of company to day
~ Saturday
23. I spent the day at the farm it rained hard
~ Sunday
24 Sunday I spent the day in the House Reading I am
suffering a good Deal with the Asthma
~ Monday
25 I signed 45 Recommends I received 40 Letters
Mr C W Bowen of N. Y. called upon me I had a
great croud all day
~ Tuesday
May 26, 1891
I signed 6 Recommends I Received 4 Letters I spent
the day in the office
~ Wednesday
27 I signed 29 Recommends. I received 14 Letters I had
an interview with Rev. Dr Bevan from
I am suffering vary much with the Asthma cannot sleep
~ Thursday
28 I signed ^25^ Recommends I received 15 Letters
29 I went home sick and had a vary sick night
~ Friday
29 I spent the day in my room mostly a bed
~ Saturday
30 I spent the day mostly in my room
~ Sunday
31. Sunday I Attended the yound Mens Conference
in the Tabernacle & spoke a short time but was quite
weak & not able to speak
~ Monday
June 1. I went to the office Attended several Meeting
The Brigham Young University was organized
with G Q. Cannon Chairman & Willard Young
was Appointed President of Young University
I am suffering with a severe cold
~ Tuesday
2nd I signed 29 Recommends I received 6 Letters
The school convention met at 10 oclok & the
Board met at the Gordo at 12 oclok
~ Wednesday
3rd I signed 9 Recommends I receivd 6 Letters
I met with the Bank Board and several other parties
~ Thursday
4th I signed 15 Recommends I received 12 Letters
we had interviews with many parties wrote 2 letter
~ Friday
5 I signed 26 Recommends I received 4 Letters
I wrote 2 Letters Sarah & Mary $5 Phebe Snow $10.
I Attended Bank Stock Meeting & was Elected President of the Bank
I attended a Meeting of the stock Holders of Zion savings
Bank to Elect A President & Board of Directors A
report of the condition of the Bank was Made to the
Stock Holders. The Election was then proceded with
& the following officers were then Elected
Wilford Woodruff President G Q Cannon vice Presidt
The Board was W Woodruff G. Q. Cannon J F Smith
T. G. Webber J. Jack A M Cannon Legrand Young
G Reynolds & H B Clawson
~ Saturday
6 I spent the day at the farm
~ Sunday
7. Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
8 I signed 53 Recommends I received 21 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Wm Thompson & 1 public
~ Tuesday
9 I signed 22 Recommends I received 9 Letters
I met with A. O. Smoot & council and several
other parties I Attended a Party at H. B. Clawson
& Dedicated his New House And Bishop Whitney
Attended the Marriage Cerimony of his daughter
Winifred Clawson Married to George E Elebek
I signed the cirtificate
~ Wednesday
10 I signed 51 Recommends I received 8 Letter
I attended the Bank Board we held the
Meeting with the County Committy on Election
~ Thursday
11. I signed 46 Recommends I received 10 Letter
I met with the Presidency & Twelve for prayer
~ Friday
12. I signed ^10^ Recommends I receivd ^5^ Letters
I walked through the Temple with G Q C to Examin
the work
~ Saturday
June 13, 1891
I spent the day at the farm in the Garden
~ Sunday
14. Sunday I visited Bishop MCCray. He was in a dying
condition I laid Hands upon him & Blessed him
~ Monday
15 I signed 15 Recommends I receivd 6 Letters
I met with the Z.C.M.I. Board
~ Tuesday
16. I signed 36 Recommends I receivd 24 Letters I
had interviews with Thatcher, Holeman, Ellis & the
Old Folks Committee & others
~ Wednesday
17. I signed 26 Recommend. I Received 11 Letters
I Attended the Zions savings Bank board
~ Thursday
June 18 This was the Old Folks day In company
with Emma I went on board the cars with 900 old folks we
rode to Springville & spent the day & returned in the
Evening without any accident myself & wife Emma
was quite sick through the night
~ Friday
189 I spent the day at home was poorly through the day
~ Saturday
20 I went to the Gardo & signed 10 Recommends I
Received 10 Letters I spent the forenoon in the Gardo
Afternoon I prepared for a Journey to Calafornia
at 6 oclock I took cars with G Q Cannon & Emma
& rode to Ogden & spent the night with John Q Cannon 40 M[iles]
~ Sunday
21. Sunday At 4 oclock we took cars for san francisco
we rode all day & night we passed Sira Nevada
Mountains in the night
~ Monday
22 We arived at Sanfrancisco about noon put up
at the Palace Hotel we went to the Market for dinner
we had Oysters & clams & shrims. we then took
the street cars and rode to the Cliff House and took
chairs on the EWest side of the House to look through
our glasses to several hundred Sea Lions would
weigh from 500 lb. to 2000 lbs while looking at
them A Grampus Whale appeared about 400
yards from us we judged He was 50 feet long
his tail about 10 feet from tip to tip we watched
him for about one hour we then took car
& returned to the palace Hotel & had an interview
with Judge Esta Distance from S. L. C. 850 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
23 We took Breakfast Had an interview with
A Bablam we then had a Meeting with Judge Esta
we took Dinner of Raw Oysters. We had an
interview with Gov Zulic of Arizona who spok
Well of that Territory And of Messi City He set
out the first orange tree there & they were
doing we had a Busy day
~ Wednesday
I wrote Letters to Asahel, Owen, Ovando
Blanch & Alice 5 Letters. We visited Mr
MCDonald at the Bank We went to Col
Trumbo's and took supper staid till Midnight
and had a good time returned to the Hotel
~ Thursday
25 We called upon Mr Towne General Manager
of the Central Pacific Rail Road He gave us passes
to Ogden we called at the club to see Capt
McDonald He was not in, we then took cars
& went to A Badlams & took Dinner then
Returned to the palace settled our Bill & took cars
for Ogden
~ Friday
June 26 1891
I awoke crossing the sira Nevada tkook
Breakfast on the cars also Dinner
~ Saturday
27. We arived at Ogden at 8 oclok took breakfast
at Ogden then took cars and arived at Salt Lak
about 9 oclok, took my carriage & went home
On my arival home I found Owen was
vary sick But was getting better
~ Sunday
28 Sunday I spent the day reading
~ Monday
29. I went to the Gardo and signed 12 recommends
I received 8 Letters I spent nearly the whole
day in Meeting with the Twelve & others
~ Tuesday
30 I signed 55 Recommends
The Apostles Administered to Sister Grant who
is Expected to have a surgercal oporation upon
her tomorrow I received 26 Letters
~ Wednesday
July 1. I signed ^25^ Recommends I receivd 14 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Susan I met with Bank
Board I met with some of the Apostles
~ Thursday
2 I signed 9 Recommends I received 6 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Sylvia I met with the
Telegraph Board Also the Zions Savings Bank Board
Brother Budge Nibley and others visited us
~ Friday
us3rd I signed 24 Recommends I receivd 5 Letters
I met with Clark & co on the Saltair Business
& settled our Affairs with them They Paid
$10000 Dollars on their Bonds at
Zions Savings Bank it was a Hot day I wrote
1 Letter to Wm Thompson
~ Saturday
July 4, 1891
This is independance Day I spent the day iat the farm
~ Sunday
5 ^[FIGURES]^ I was taken sick this Morning again with the Billious
Cholic was vary sick through the day G Q Cannon & J Jaques
came And Administerd to me Also Dr Joseph Richards
called upon me. I was sick through the night
~ Monday
6. The Brethren Administered to me I was sick
through the day Dr Richards called upon me to day
~ Tuesday
7. Brother Cannon administered to me to day I am
some Better to day Able to walk about the House
~ Wednesday
8 I am some better to day walk about I received my
Daily Papers & some Letters
9 & 10. I am gaining slowly but feel quite weak
11 quite a Number of our family of young folks
started for the canyon to day including Ovando &
Clara, Asahel, Owen & Blanch The latter was quite unwell
[FIGURES] I met with quite an Accident this Evening
it had Been raining & I undertook to walk up a
a plank into the House fy [my] feet sliped from under
me and I feel my whole length & struck the plank
with fo my forehead on the plank which came near
Breaking my Skull it also hurt my knee
12. Sunday I spent the day in the House I am better
with the Exception of a sore head & knee
13. I went to the Gardo I signed 21 Recomends I
received 14 Letters. The Jews Dedicated their
Temple yesterday the 12 I met with the council in
the office I Met last Evening with Judge Este & Col
Trumbow & F M Lyman at Br G Q Cannons
I met this Morning with Cyrus Edwin Dallin
the great Modelist of Utah I met with our council
including Este. The Election for school Trustees
The Liberals got 3 out of 5 the peoples Party did
not turn out to vote
14. I signed 5 Recommends I received 5 Letters
I wrote Letters to Susan & to Baxton at Randolph
I met with Judge Esta & others There was a great
Lecture given in the Theater in the Evening Roswell
G Horr A Republican
15. I signed 5 Recommends I received 3 Letters
I wrote to Farnsworth & M F Farnsworth
I had a good Deal of compan
16 I signed 13 Recommends I received 2 Letters
I sat with Dillon 3 Hours for my Moddle
in clay, it was a warm Day Met with the 12
17 I sat 2 Hours for my Model I signd 3
Recommends I received 2 Letters I hadd
an interview with Mr Morris & two other jews
18 I sat 2 Hours for My Moddel I took Mr Dillon
in my Buggy to the farm & back 9 Mils
I was taken quite sick at night with the Bowel
complaint was Afflicted all night
19. Sunday I was sick all day kept my House
20 I got ready to go to the Office but had to give it up
I was sick through the day I wrote 1 Letters to the
children in the Cannon [canyon] spent the day at home sick
21 I went to the office Met with Dr Miller & family at the Gardo
I sat for my Model Dr Miller thought it was an
Exellent Piece of Art I wrote 2 letters to My Daughter
Susan C Scholes & My Nephew Milo B Webster
22 I set for my Model 2 Hours I met with several
Brethren I went to the Theater in the Evening
23rd I set 2 Hours for My Moddel Met with
Mr Ellis I met with the Twelve for prayer I met
with many persons to day
24, 1891 In company with Emma, Naoma & several
children I rode 15 Miles & Met with G Q Cannon
& J F Smith On Presidents Cannons farm with his
family for the celebration of the 24 of July the
Anversary of the Pioneers into Salt Lake Valley
there were [blank] of us in company & ownly 11
who were born at that time all the rest were
born since we eat & Drank & enjoyed ourselves
we held a Meeting & W Woodruff G Q Cannon
J F Smith & Angus M Cannon Addressed the people 30 Mile
I received 6 Letters I wrote 3 to Newton
Sylvia I sat for my Model 2 Hours I met Col Trumb
I had an interview with a Number of persons
^26 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading^
267 I sat for my Model I received 3 Letters
I wrote to Mary & Budge of Bear Lake
I finished my siting to day for the Model
28 Prest Cannon returned from Brigham City
conference I met with several Parties to day
My children returned from the canyon
this Morning And turned the waggon over
on the Mountain Canyon & all came near
being killed through the carelessness of
an other Driver in trying to run by them
Ovando was badly bruised up & Clara his
wife with a sprained wrist & others were
hurt I Met in the Morning with several of
the Brethren I met with the Bank Board and
attended to the business thereof
I received Letters one from Susan I
wrote Letters 1 to Susan. I had an interview
with Sister Zina D Young & Bartheda Bathsheba Smith
I receivd 4 Letters I wrote 2 Letters
1 to Newton
Aug 1. I spent the day in the garden at work
2nd Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
3rd This is Election day 3 parties in the field
Democratts Republicans & Liberals I signed
5 public Letters it was a vary hot Day I met
with several parties It is reported that the
Liberals gained the Election in Salt Lake City
4 I signed 6 public Letters I received 6 Letters
I signed 6 Recommends I met with several parties
In company with G Q Cannon & J F Smith
and several others we rode to Mr Whites at
Saltair Beach & Back Distance 32 Miles I was
quitte weary
6 I signed 60 Recommends I received 3 Letters
we Met for Prayers with the presidency & 12.
Aug 7, 1891
I took cars with G Q Cannon & Daughter & rode
to MC Cammon & Mont Pieler spent the night 140 M[iles].
8 we rode to Paris & spent the day 10 Miles
I stoped with Brother Budge Broth Cannon with Stucki
9 Sunday We Met in conference with near 3000 people
at 10 oclok W Woodruff spoke one hour & 8 Minuts
G Q Cannon 40 Minuts Wm Budge 15 Minuts
I dined with Brother Stukie
Afternoon K. G. Maeser spoke 36 Minuts W W
30 M[inutes] G Q Cannon 30 M[inutes]. We visited the four
wives of C. C. Rich & their families in the Evening
10 We Met at 10 oclok Orson Smith spoke 35 M[inutes]
G Q Cannon 51 Minuts Afternoon W Woodruff
spoke 35 M[inutes], Isaac Smith 30 M[inutes], & G Q Cannon 14 M[inutes]
we had a Good conference & near 3000 people
we left Paris & rode to George Town & stoped with
Bishop Lewis we held a Meeting with the people
at 8:30 Bishop Budge Prayed G Q Cannon spoke
40 Minuts W Woodruff 30 M[inutes] Distance 20 M[iles]
11 We rode to Soda Springs we stoped 20 Mils
at Bishop Lows we rode out in the Evening 5 Miles
with Brother Horsley then Killed 4 ducks & 11 chickens
12 We rode to Blackfoot to fish the whole company
ownly got one trout & returned 35 Mils
13 I spent the day resting
14 Brother Horsley took us 5 Miles down
Bear River to fish we ownly caught 5 in all 10 m[iles]
15 We took cars & arived at Ogden at 8 ock
we arived at Salt Lake City at 10 ock 170 Miles
I spent 30 Minuts at the office then went to
the farm after looking over affairs at home in
company with owen I rode in a Buggy to Granite 18 m[iles]
& spent the night I found Emma & several of the family there
16 Sunday I spent the day at Granite resting
17. I rode to the farm & to the Gardo 20 Miles
I found a plenty of Business at the Office I met
with several parties Among the Number Ward
E Pack I met with Z.C.M.I. at 2 oclok
I wrote Letters one to Emma we met with
F. S Richards on our church affairs I signed 42
Recommends I received 20 Letters I met with
Ward E. Pack on his Affairs at the Island
19 We had a full hard day, many Meetings
and hard question I went home with a hard
Head ake & nearly sick I signed 56 Recommends
I received 16 Letters
20 I met with the Presidency & Twelve on our
case as comming before the Master in chauncery
I signed 20 Recommend & received 10 Letters
21. I Met with President Cannon & Smith
& Bishop Preston & Moses Thatcher & H B Clawson
the Meeting was to settle some Difficulties we had
a Diff meeting with several Brethren to day
I signed 15 Recommends Received 5 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Susan
22 I spent the day at home choreing
Aug 23, 1891
Sunday I spent the day at home reading Newton
called upon me & spent the night
24 I went to the Gardo & had an interview
with Mr Hyde President of the Equitable Life
Insurance company He was accompanied by
several Gentlemen I Also Met with Mr Norton
who is Apointed Govornor infpecter of the
Sugar Fatctory and speacks vary highly of it
25 I met with Ex Govornor of New Hampshire
Theadore Smith Also with Mrs Clark & the
two Daughter of J. Gould they were vary Modest
retiring young Ladies I signed 10 Recommends
& received 10 Letters I wrote to Wm Atkin
26. I signed 15 Recommends I received 10 Letters
I met with the savings Bank Board
Brother Charles Brown was born in Germany
Charles Brown
Born 1856 Germany
Died Aug 26 1891
Aged 35 years
in 1856 He died at 4 AM.
to day At Mount Sania Hospital
Aged 35 years He left 5 children
He has been Associated with ZCMI
for years He has been Associated with
Asahel H Woodruff 16 years All now feel his loss
27. I signed 31 Recommends I received 8 Letters
I met with the Twelve & J F Smith for Prayer
28 I signed 21 Recommends I received 8 Letters
29. This was a Busy day I staid to the Gardo till 2 oclok
to Meet President Cannon from Calafornia I did not Meet him
I returned to the farm He came there to see me
Aug 30, 1891
Sunday I took cars with F. M. Lyman John Henry Smith
& Abram Cannon & rode to Provo to Attend conference 50 Mils
we met at 10 oclok opened By Prayer By H H Cluff
John Henry Smith spoke 25 M[inutes] Abram Cannon 30 M[inutes]
David John represented the Stake He spoke 15 M[inutes]. J Gates
spoke 15 M[inutes], stoped & Dined with A O. Smoot Afternoon
Prayer By Karl Maeser SF aM Lyman spoke 55 Minutes
W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes]. I Attended the Evening
Priesthood Meeting F. M. Lyman spoke and corrected
an Error with Brother Daniels who thought that
all High Priest should be presented to the High Council
for ordination before they could be ordained Brother
Lyman informed them that there ^were^ present the High
Council the High priest Quorum the President of the Stake
the Twelve Apostles & the President of the Church & He thought
that was Authority Enough to Authorize the orda[in]ing
of High Priest without going before the High Council
John Henry Smith followed & W Woodruff spoke 20 M[inutes]
I spent the night with A O Smoot 50 Miles
31. Monday we Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Moroni L Pratt
G. Q. Cannon spoke 60 Minuts Abram H Cannon spok 15 M[inutes]
Authorities of the Church were then presented Total of the
Stake were 20114 souls
Afternoon F M Lyman spoke 32 Minuts W Woodruff spok
30 M[inutes] {in [illegible shorthand]} G Q Cannon spok 37 Minuts I met in the Evening
with the Educational Board for 3 Hours & setled the Difficulty
with Brother Maeser & Cluff it was Decided for Brother
Maser to be principle untill they w[en]t into the New House
Then Br Maeser would withdraw & Cluff would be
Principal Then we had another Meeting with the High Council
about the Deeds of the Land whare the Meeting House & Tabernacle
stands and we thought there was some Danger of the Deeds
being fals and our Meeting Lasted till 10 oclok & I was
tired out & sick & went to bed but did not sleep all night
Sept 1. Tuesday I arose in the Morning at 5 oclok quite sick
with the Diahrhea I took car at 6:30 with G. Q. Cannon
& was sick all the way to Salt Lake whare we arived 9:30
I stoped a short time at the Gardo & went home sick
& was sick all day 50 Mils
2nd I spent the day at home abed quite sick I am
building a New House & nearly finished And people
called upon me ie the workmen about it
3rd I was quite poorly all day Brother Sylvester
called upon me & spent the night talked about the new
Gold Mines He has found He come to organize a
4. I am better to day Am busy about the House
5 Conference to day I spent the day at home.
6. Sunday I attended Conference Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By E Morris John Benyon spoke 11 Minuts
O F Whitney 25, G Godard 12 Minuts
Afternoon Prayer By Andrew Jenson G Q Cannon
spoke 70 M[inutes], W. Woodruff spoke 15 M[inutes].
7. I spent the day at home The whole Number
of Souls in S L Stake was 27,0026 [27,026].
8. I signed 66 Recommends I received 31 Letters I wrote 2 letters
Sept 9, 1891
I signed 60 Recommends I received 30 Letters
I met with the Bank board we had a hard
rain at Night
190 I signed 42 Recommends I receivd 18 Letters
I had several visiters to day & a hard rain
11 I signed 39 Recommends I received 20 Letter
^ I wrote to Newton
12 I spent most of the day at home I rode up town
& b[o]ught of the coop some shades & carpets for the House
13 Sunday I spent the day at home resting
14 I signed 37 Recommends I received 21 Letters
I had an interview with Judge Este & Col Trumbo
& with several other Gentlemen
15 I signed 30 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I wrote to David P Woodruff we Met
with the ZCMI Board we Met with Col
Trumbo & several JGentlement
16 I signed 38 Recommends I received 20 Letters
I met in company with Prest G Q Cannon
the Irrigation Congress Assembly And By the invitation
of that Body of Men Both Brother Cannon & myself
Address them some 500 of them Many of them were
introduced to us I am satisfied that much good
will grow out of this Assembly to Utah.
I attended the consort in the Big Tabernacle in the
Evening got up to acomodate the Irrigation Congress
17. I signed 25 Recommends I received 20 Letters
I wrote to Newton Sarah & Mary I Attended a Bank Meeting
Sept 18, 1891
In company with G. Q. Cannon I took cars
with 400 Members of the Irrigation Congress &
road to Provo went to the Assylum then returned
to Lehi went through the whole sugar works
which is an immens affair A dinner was
Prepaired for the whole company After Dinner
we returned to the cars & back to Salt Lake City 100 mi
19. I went up town & was at the Gardo & heard
an interview with Col Trumbo & others
20. Sunday I spent the day at home reading
21. I signed 25 Recommends I received
12 Letters we set apart John Henry Smith
to Dedicate prayer circle Rooms in Arizona
And seal Young people in Marriage who
were not able to go to the Temple we also
Blessed him & John Morgan to go on a Mission
to Arizona on a preaching tour
22 I signed ^14^ Recommends & Receivd ^4^ Letters
I wrote 1 Letter I met with Col Trumbo & Badlam
23 I signed 10 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters 1 to Henry we had a hard rain
24 I signed 24 Recommends I received 6 Letters
I wrote one Letter to Sarah
25 I signed 11 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I wrote ^signed^ 3 certificats
26 I spent the day at the farm moving into the
New House
27. Sunday I spent the day reading
28 Sept 1891
I signed 27 Recommends I received 14 Letters
I have No water in my new Artesian Wells
I drove one 1 1/2 inch pipe 130 feet No water was left in
the ground we then drove a 2 inch pipe
29. I signed 26 Recommends I received 14 Letters
I wrote 2 Letters to Mary & Malinda Hatch
30 I signed 25 Recommend I received 16 Letters
we had a hard rain storm my 5 acres of Lucern
was down in the rain
Oct 1. I signed 23 Recommends I receivd 9 Letters
I Attended the Funeral of Dr Benedict Mother
Joseph F Smith spoke followed By G Q Cannon & W Woodruff
2nd I signed 2 Recommends I Received 2 Letters
3rd I signed 48 Recommends I received 18 Letters
I met with the Twelve & my councillors & partook
of the Sacrament
4. Sunday I Attended the Semi Annual Conference
at the Tabernacle at 10 oclok Prayer By Brother
Merrill, W Woodruff spok 3 Minuts, J. F. Smith
spoke 42 M[inutes]. G Q Cannon spoke 50 Minuts
Afternoon Prayer By S B Young Lorenzo
YoungSnow spoke 15 M[inutes], F D Richards 35 M[inutes],
W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes], J. W Taylor 20 M[inutes]
Evening we held a Priesthood Meeting prayer
By A M Cannon G Q Cannon spoke 41 M[inutes],
J F Smith 60, W. Woodruff 15
Oct 5, 1891
Met at 10 oclok Prayer By J. D. T. McAllister
Joseph F. Smith spoke 45 M[inutes], H J Grant 8 M[inutes],
F M Merrill 35. Afternoon Prayer By B H Roberts
M Thatcher spoke 31 M[inutes], W Woodruff 25 M[inutes] G Q Cannon
spoke 34 Minuts, W. Woodruff spoke 15 Minuts
Oct 6. Met at 10 o'clock Prayer By D. D McArthur
C W Penrose spoke 32 M[inutes]. upon the report of the
Utah Commission & the political situation of the Territory
M Thatcher spoke 12 M[inutes], F S Richards 11 M[inutes],
F S Richards 11 Minutes John T Cain 11 Minuts
John Clark got up in the congregation And
Moved that the President of the Conference
Appoint a committee of 5 to Draft Resolutions
for the Conference to Adopt President Woodruff
Apointed for that Committee, John Clark
Wm H Row, C W Penrose J T Cain And
F. S. Richards. The Committee was required
to make their report At 2 oclok PM.
Afternoon Met at 2 oclock Prayer By John
Nicholson A H Lund spoke 6 M[inutes], Abram
Cannon spoke 10 M[inutes]. Report of the Committee
was then Made And Approved By the Conference
C H Roberts spoke 10 M[inutes]. The Authorities of the
Church were then presented J Gates spoke 5 M[inutes].
[FIGURES] Wilford Woodruff was Elected for the Church
Trustee in trust by the unanimous vote of the
whole Conference Lorenzo Young spoke 15 Minutes
W W Dismissed. Signed 51 Recommends Receivd 20 Letter
Oct 7, 1891
I signed 54 Recommends I received 24 Letters
I met with the Presidents of Stakes & Bishops in the
18 ward school House A Hatch Prayed J F Smith
spoke 45 M[inutes], And W Woodruff G Q Cannon M.
Thatcher & others spoke. Dr Judge ^C^ Colburn
Addressed the Meeting upon the subject of going to
the worlds fair in 1893.
8 I signed 35 Recommends I received 10 Letters
I signed 8 certificate on Education I went to
the CTheater & saw the Cleopatra it was one of the
Grandest sceneries I ever saw in that Theater
(On the night of the 7th while Driving my carriage
home with 2 Horses having in the carriage Emma
Phebe & Florence Snow with myself the Electrit
car came within 2 feet of running into me
which had it done would probably have
killed us all)
9 I signed 6 Recommends I received 3 Letters
I wrote up my Journal & took cars for Deserett
at 4 oclok with my two councillors & several others
we arived at our stoping place at 12 oclok & slept
on the Cars untill morning 150 Miles
10 Men with carriages called for us & we rode
to Deseret we took breakfast at Brother Gibbs we
then rode west to see our land I went over the
section of G. Q. Cannon W. Woodruff Abram Cannon
& John Q Cannon also the section that the company's Houses stand upon We took Dinner there
After dinner at the company House we rode to
see our Dam on the severe it was a strong Dam
of Many tons of slag from the smelters this
Dam is to turn the severe River into our canal
to water our Desert Land we then returned
to Deseret took supper & went to Meeting
and W. Woodruff G Q. Cannon J F. Smith John
Nuttall & Charles [blank] spoke to the people we then
took a carriage & returned to our Private carr
We went to bed in the cars Distance of the Day 50 M[iles]
11. Sunday we rode in the carr to Salt Lake City 150 mils
12 I went to the Gardo & signed 59 Recommends
I received 30 Letters I signed 15 students
cirtificates I met with the 12 uppon the subject
of our going before the Masters in chancery. we
then Met with Dixon upon the same subject
and He questioned us upon the supjects we
would be questioned upon
13 I signed 46 Recommends I received
21 Letters I wrote 3 Letters to Lund, to Sarah
14 I signed 41 Recommends I received 16 Letters
15 I signed 46 Recommends I received 16 Letters
wrote 1 Letter to David P Woodruff
16 I spent the day in the Gordo I spent the day at hom
17 I spent the day at the Gardo with F S Richards
& the Twelve preparing for the Court on Monday ^signed 63 Recommend 24 Letter^
18 Sunday I spent the day reading
19. I signed 14 Recommends I received 11 Letters
For the first time in my life I was
called before the Master in chancery to
testify upon the principal of Poligamy all of which
was published in the Daily papers President
George Q Cannon testifyed upon the property
of the Church
Oct 20. G. Q Cannon J F Smith L Snow &
Anthone Lund went to cort to Testify upon
the Principal of Poligamy I signed 52 Recom-
mends I received 14 Letters I signed 4 cirtificats
wrote to Lucy Smith. G. Q. Cannon J. F. Smith L Snow
A. H. Lund all testified before the Master in chauncery
upon the subject of Poligamy & church property
21. I signed 15 Recommends I received 6 Letters I
Met with Br Hammand I met with the bank
Board I wrote to Sarah & Mary
22 I signed 34 Recommends I received 18 Letters
we met with the Twelve & had Prayers we
met with quite a Number of parties
23 In company with many others including my wife
Emma I took cars & rode to Lehi to visit the sugar
works it was vary interesting it took us several
hours to go through the works first we visited
the store houses whare the new beets were stored
there were 3 sheds 500 feet long filled with Beets
& room for 2 more there was a canal runing in
the Middle of the sheds with runing water whare
the Beets were flung in & washed in the curant
The beets were never touched again by hand
but were sliced up by Machinery & the juce
pressed out & traveled in pipes three Miles & then
droped into sacks pure white granulated sugar
it was a great institution at a cost of a about
500000 Dollars we then returned home distance 80 m[iles]
24 I spent the day in the Gard at home at work
untill 3 oclok then took cars with G. Q. Cannon & Blanch
& rode to Brigham City to Attend a conference we arived
at 6 oclok & stoped with my Daughter Phebe A. Snow 16 m[iles]
25 Sunday Met at 10 oclock Prayer by Bishop Dewey [FIGURES] G. Q. Cannon spoke 50 Minuts Rudger Clawson
spoke 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon prayer By Bishop C Jenson
Sacramet was Administerd And the Authorities of the
Church was then presented & Accepted. W. Woodruff
Then took the sptand & spoke 40 Minuts I made the following remarks
[FIGURES] I wish to make the following remarks upon the
principal of Revelation. Some had thought that
Revelation had sceased, But this is not the case The Lord
is with us & gives us Revelation. But I will say for
myself that I wish to Avoid saying Thus Saith the Lord
as far as I can when I give the will of the Lord to the people
In the Days of Joseph Smith it was "Thus saith the Lord
almost Daily untill the Revelations now embodied in
the Book of Doctrins & Covenants had Been given, Since that
day President Brigham Young John Taylor & myself have seldom
used the words (Thus saith ^the^ Lord) when giving the word of the Lord to
the people. In the 68 Sec of the Book of D & C we are informed that
that when men speak as they are moved upon by the
Holy Ghost it is the word of the Lord & Revelation," I have Received a
Revelation and a commandment From the Lord which I have
not revealed to any man which I shall reveal to this assembly
and the command of the Lord I shall give to this people which is this The
Lord has revealed to me that there are many in the Church wh feel
badly tried about the Manifesto [Official Declaration 1] and also about the Testimony of the
Presidency & Apostles before the Master in chancery the Lord has com-
manded me to put the following question to the Saints and
those who will give Attention to it shall have the Holy Ghost to be
with them to inspire them to Answer that question for themselves
and the Lord has promised that the Answer will be to all alike
The question is this, which is the wisest course for the latter
Day Saints to persue, to continue to attempt to practice plural
Marriage with the Laws of the Nation against it and the
opposition of 60000000 of people and at the cost of confiscation
and loss of all the Temples and the stoping of all the ordinances
therein both for the living & the Dead And the imprisinment
of the first of the First Presidency and Twelve and the leaders
or heads of family in the Church And the confiscation
of the personal property of the People (All of which of them-
selve would stop the CPractice Finished on Nov 5th.
26 At 3 oclok I went to the cars and left at 3:30 for
Salt Lake arived at Salt Lake at 8 oclok 60 Mile
27. I signed 28 Recommends I received 9 Letters I
met with several visiters I Attended the Blessing of one
of Charles Henry Wilkens George Q Cannon was Mouth
Oct 278, 1891
I signed 40 Recommends I received 18 Letters we
met with the Board of the Bank
I got a stream
of water of about 6 gallons a minute in my last Well
2 inch pipe feet in the ground & the plunge rod
feet below the pipe
I attended The Jewish Charity Ball in the Theater
29 I signed ^3^ Recommends I received 2 Letters
I met with the Twelve & had Prayers
30 I signed 20 Recommends I received 10 Letters
31. I spent the forenoon at home took cars at 3:30
& rode to Logan & spent the night with Moses Thatcher 100 mils
Nov 1. Sunday we Met in the Tabernacle at 10 oclk to
Attend the Quarterly Conference singing & Prayer By
Wm B Preston J F Smith spoke spoke 62 Minuts G Q Cann
spoke 35 M[inutes], went to M Thatcher for Noon G Q Cannn
& J F Smith ordaind Henry Yates to second councillor
to Bishop Jardine Afternoon W Woodruff Offered
the Dedicatory Prayer & Dedicated the Meeting House
W W. spoke 53 Minuts G Q C spoke 34 We held
an Evening Meeting Joseph F Smith spoke 32 M[inutes],
W W spoke 31 M[inutes], G Q C 20 M[inutes].
2 In company with G Q. Cannon & J F Smith I visited
the Agricultural Colledge which is one of the finest
institution in the country we Met in Conference
at 10:30 the statistics of the stake was read, there
were 15549 souls in the Stake G. Q. Cannon spoke
50 Minuts J F Smith 20 M[inutes], W W 10 Minuts
We took cars at 1:30 & rode to Ogden & Salt Lak 100 M[iles]
3, I signed 30 Recommends & received 17 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Malinda W Hatch I had a hard
shake of the Ague in the night & was quite sick
4. I spent the day at home sick
5 Finished from Oct 25 (Or After doing and
suffering what we have through our adhereance to
this principelle to scease the Practice and submit to the
law and through doing so have the Prophets Apostls
and Fathers at home so they can instruct the
People and attend to the Duties of the Church, Also leave
the Temples in the hands of the Saints of the Saints
so they can attend to the ordinances of the Gospel
both for the living & the Dead. Now the inspiration of
the Lord will reveal to any person which course
wisdom would dictate us to persue And the Latter day
Saints throughout Israel should understand that
the first Presidency of the Church And the Twelve Apostles
are ledof and guided by the inspiration of the Lord
And the Lord will not permit me nor any other
man to lead the People Asstray)
5 I signed 12 Recommends & received 8 Letters
I met with the Bank Board I attended the Theater
in the Evening with G Q C. & Emma & Blanch
6. I signed 14 Recommends I received 9 Letters I met
with a number of Persons
7, I spent the day at home
8 Sunday I spent the day at home had my family together
Nov 9, 1891
I made a final Proof of a whole section of land
and Paid $640 on the Desert Land I had an
interview with Mr John Miller Brother of Bishop Miller
I signed 27 Recommends & Received 12 letter
10 A rainey Morning G Q Cannon proves
up on his section of Desert Land to day
I signed 17 Recommends I received 10 Letters
11 I signed 32 Recommends I received 22 Letters
I met with the Bank board I signed 27 Letters to Presidents of Stake
Judge Zane Desided the Church cases against
us it seems as though the Government was determined
to take the Church Property
12 I signed 10 Recommends I received 3 Letters
I signed 23 Letters to Presidents of Stakes
13 I signed 28 Recommends I received 6 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to David Woodruff
14 I spent the day at home
15. Sunday I spent the day at home reading untill
5 oclok I went to the Depo took cars Rode to Ogden 40 [miles].
I spent the night with Frank Cannon
16 In company with G. Q. Cannon & H B Clawson
we went on board of the cars & had an interview
with Isaac Trumbo & rode with him to Morgan
City Weber Station & returned to Salt Lake Distance 90 m[iles]
we Met with the board of ZCMI & Met with
Mr Norton Member of Parliament and had
a long conversation with him upon Mormon affairs
I signed 20 Recommends Received 11 Letters
Nov 17, 1891
I signed 10 Recommends I received 5 Letters
Met with M Thatcher about selling G Teasdale
a House in Mexico
18. Met with the Bank board Mr John Miller
& Governor Bullock called & we had conversation
with both Mr Miller gave his views upon
the Logan Temple
19. H. B. Clawson called & a letter was read
from Enon I received a letter from Sarah
I received Mr Watsons Bill on the House to day
20 I signed 17 Recommends I received 3 Letters
I signed 67 ZCMI stocks My grand Daughter
Vedi was taken Dangerously sick supposed with
Diptherea I visited her in the Evening & laid hand
upon her & she seemed Better I attended the Ball
Appointed for Deseret Hospital I staid untill 12 {o'clock}
21. Emma was quite Poorly this Morning but
went up to see Vedi & spent the day with Clara
22 I went up to Clara's & saw Vedi she is passing
through a course of the scarlet fever or Diptheria is quite
sick but doing as well as could be Expected
23 we held a combind Meeting with the
Presidency Twelve & Bank & Templeton Meeting
& finally concluded to still run the Templeton
H J Grant said there Livery Stable was in
Debt $70000. I signed 8 Recommends &
Recieved 5 Letters Vedi is quite sick but is doing
quite as well as can be Expected
Nov 24, 1891
Mr Copers called upon us we settled with him
on the purchase of the Land in Colorado called Zapato
Ranch By Silas S Smith & F A Hammond we paid
him $12000 Dollars Down & Note for $4000, one
year without interest
25 we Met with the Board of the Bank & Apostles &
Templeton Company about continuing to keep up
the Templeton Hotel it was to continue some longer
26. Thanksgiving I spent the day at home, Owen
with a company went Hunting there was 4 on a
side they come out Even they Got 20 Rabbits
a peace Asahel went with a company to Alpine &
the whole company ownly Got one chicken
And they travelled through a good Deal of snow
A fight between the Liberal Police & the captain
of Police Parker is Dead And G. Albright who
shot him is I spent the day in the Gardo
28. I spent the day at home reading
29. Sunday I spent this day in the House reading
30. We moved from the Gardo House across the street to our
old office we had Paid the United States Government
$28000.00 dollars interest on our own Property since
the Government had taken possession of & we were paying
$450 a Month interest on the Gordo House and we
thought it was time to stop G. Q. Cannon & J F Smith
is attending conference at Provo yesterday & to day
I Paid Watson Brother $1193.70 which finishes my
Bill of My House of $6134.
Dec 1, 1891
I commenced our work in our New office this morning
we had a Meetings with several parties among the No
was Bishop Preston & Hendricks upon the subject of A
syndicate of Men trying to get controll of all the flouring
Mills in Utah Territory They had got controll of
quite a Number of the Mills
2 I went to the Office in a hard Hail storm & met
with many Brethren I met with a committee from
Provo About selling land in Provo And we held a
Meeting in Z.C.M.I to form An investmet company
A committee was Apointed to get subscription &c
AI went to Brother A F MCDonalds & spent the Evening
I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah & others we are
trying to get Money to pay our depts [debts]
4. we had an interview with Mr Burback about
the getting of possession of the flouring Mills
of this Territory. He represented that He did
not wish to touch it if we were opposed to it
we had conversation with Brother Grant
about getting some Money into S L City
5 Saturday I spent the day at home
6 Sunday I spent this day at home
Dec 7. Monday ^
^ I was taken this Morning with another one
of my terrible Attacks of the Billious Cholic I had pain
in my stomach when I went to the office, it increased
upon me untill I vomited all that was in my stomach
Dr Richards visited me twice I grew so much worse
that I was taken home in an Easy carriage but suffered
Dec 8 1891
^Tuesday^ I had a sick Night & was quite sick this Morning and
through the day the Dr called upon me
9. Wednesday I was some better to day The brethren
Administered to me
10. Thursday I Am some better to day I sat up a good Deal
11. Friday I am still improveing I have a Number of callers
12 Saturday I am better I spent most of the Day reading
13 Sunday My wife Emma is quite sick & our
Daughter Nellie & her babe are both sick.
I wrote to David so did Nellie Blanch wrote to Henrie
I also wrote to Sarah & Mary Emma is quite poorly
to day
I had an interview with Mr Kimball
the Bank Examiner last Evening two hours He gave
me the complete situation of the Banks. I was quite
unwell through the Night Emma is quite sick
15 I went to the City And Attended the
Z.C.M.I. Board Meeting I met with Judg Estee & Col
Trumbow & others I was quite Poorly
16 Wednesday I went to the City & Met with the
Bank board I presented the board with a statement
of of Kimball the Bank inspector considerable was
said upon the subject.
17. I spent the day at home quite sick Emma is sick
18 I am still at home quite sick we had quite a snow
storm Brother Cannon & Wilken called upon me
I wrote ^5 Letter^ to Jack, Jaques, Susan Sarah,
20 Sunday I spent the day at home Nearly all the family sick
^Nellie had a son born this Morning at 7 oclock Dec 20/[18]91^
Dec 21, 1891
Monday Nearly all the family are sick my Lungs are
still vary bad Emma is sick & nearly all the children
22 We are still sick it is snowing to day I had a
visitation to day of several Men in the interest of the
common schools I directed him to Brother Cannon
By Letter one child vary sick through the night
23 we have a hard Driving snow storm to day I am
not able to go to the office to day Brother Jaques called
upon me to I received 2 letters from Sarah
24 I spent the day at home in the Midst of my children
& grand children I am getting Better myself
25 Christmass Asahel, Owen & Ovando Beebe
went hunting got about a Doz Ducks they saw
7 foxes I spent the day at home with my family
26. My water Pipes are frozen up in the House
John Sharp Born Nov 8, 1820
Died Dec 23, 1891
Aged 71.
26 I wrote 4 Letters to Sarah Mary Susan & Florence
Dec 27. I Blessed Elsworth Woodruff son of Henry
& Nellie Woodruff Frank Anderson on the
way to G Q Cannon was killed By the Rail Road
28. I went to the Office to day I wrote to Sarah
^ ^ 29 visited Paintings of Dinwoody
30 Met with stake school Board
31 Met with the Presideny & Twelve
A Synopsis of Wilford Woodruff Journal for 1891
I Travelled 3570 Miles
I Attended 22 conferences, I Attended 54 Meetings
I delivered 30 Addresses, I Attended 8 funarels
I Attended 20 Prayer Circles I Administered to 8 sick
I signed 3898 Recommends to the Temples
I wrote 303 Letters. I received 2045 Letters
I signed 159 Certificats of Licencd Teachers
I signed 59 Educational Certificats
I dedicated H B Clawsons House June 9/[18]91
I dedicated Logan Meeting House Nov 1/[18]91
I Paid $640 on my Desert Land Entry Nov 9.
I held 40 Meeting with Zions Saving Bank Board
I held 10 Meeting with ZCMI Board
I signed 50 Letters to the Presidents of Stakes
I signed 180 shares of Z.C.MI Stock
I signed 110 drafts on Liverpool Office
I looked over the History of the past year and
As published in the Desret New through fire floods
& Earthquake, there has been a lossf of
$65000000, And a loss of 10000000 lives
I Paid Tithing for 1891, $1020.85
Emma Paid $9.46
Jan 1, 1892
I am thankful to the Lord that my life is preservd
to see the commencement of 1892 And for the
preservation of my family while so many of
my Naibors have been taken away A great many
of Aged People have been taken away this past
year I have had a great Deal of sickness myself
But have Been preserved untill the President time
I spent most of the day at home I rode up to
Br Beebe in the Afternoon 6 mil
2 I received a Letter from Br Schettler He
wanted to Resign I went to office called
the Board together & had an interview of
two hours with Brother Schettler but He seemed
Determined to Leave
3 Sunday I finished looking over my Journal
& fixing it up Sister Zina Young called
upon me in the Evening about the Relif
4. In company with Emma G Q Cannon Joseph F Smith
& a car load of others I took the R Road & rode to Provo
And attended the celebration & Dedication of Brigham
Young Academy of Provo it is the finest building in
Utah Erected for the Education of the children it will
cost when finished about $80 or $100000. There were
about 1000 souls in the Assembly Hall the services commenced
about 12 oclok G Q. Cannon offered the Dedacatory prayer
At the close we had a feast we stoped at A. O Smoots
we returned in the Evening of the 5. 100 Miles
Jan 5 1892
I spent most of the day At A O Smoots returned
to Salt Lake in the Evening
6 I went to the office & wrote a Letter to my Brother
^ Ozem Thompson Woodruff I met with a Number
of parties during the day Met with savings Bank Board
7. ^
^ I went to the office I wrote 2 letters to Wm Atkins
& Mary & Sarah we had a snow storm 6 mils
8 I went to Z.C.MI with Emma & bought curtains & trimings
for the lower rooms of the House I wrote 2 letters to
Mary & Susan I received 2 letters from David
& a company we had an interview with a
company wanting to form a company to
settle the Colorado River
9 I spent the day at home I done some choreing
10. Sunday I spent the day at home reading Ovando
& Clara spent the day with us
11 I went to the office wrote to David sent him $300
I wrote to Henry A Woodruff
12 I went to the office stoped an hour was sick
13. I was quite poorly did not go to the office
I spent the day looking over my Papers
14 I went to the office & spent a short time
I went to the office & receivd 3 Letters from
David, P Susan & several other & Sarah I wrote
Letters to L. B Logan Wm R Jaqueys who was with
me in my boyhood in Farmington to David Mary
& Susan C Scholes
16 I spent the day at home mostly reading ^ I Attended a party at the farmers ward^
Jan 17, 1892
Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
18 I spent the day in the office I met with the Bank
Board and signed a Note of $50000 on a
Calafornia Bank & Cannon & Grant company
I went to Joseph Horns in the Evening & met with
with him & Sister Horn & the family & quite a company
of friends celebrating Brother & Sister Horn upon his 80
Eightyieth birth day
I wrote 3 Letters to Phebe Snow, Sarah, & Wm H. Thompson
I met in council with the Presidency & Twelve
Apostles to investigate the conduct of Ward E. Pack
on the Lie Plantation near Honalulu we sat from
2 till 6 oclok then adjourned untill 10 in the Mornin
19 An account of a Robber stealing a ship
Jan 20. Our council Met at 11 oclok & held
till one oclok & decided & required Brother
Pack to make An Acknowledgement to the
People of the Island which He agreed to do
I wrote to Wm EH Thomps we met with Bank
Board And met with a company from Mexico
21. ^
^ I attended a party of Edward Stephensons in the Evening had
a Turkey supper wen home & taken vary sick & was sick through
the night
^22^ I had a vary sick day
23 ^
^ I was vary sick through this day sent for Dr Joseph Richards
He gave me large Doses of Salts He considered me in a Dangerous
condition I was relieved from costiveness which help me
24 Sunday I was visited by many friends but am still quite sick
25 I am some better to day but vary weak
Jan 26 1892
I am gaining some strength to day but still vary weak
C W Wilken gave me a water & Alchohol Bath at night
27. I am some better to day gaining strength
I wrote to Mr Sullivan about their child Louiesa
I am better this morning G Q Cannon called upon me
29. I am still improving Brother Cannon called & Wilken
30 ^ ^ I wrote Letters to G Teasdale & David P.
31 Sunday I spent in the House reading
Feb 1. I spent the day at home reading
2nd I was visited to day By G Q Cannon J F Smith H B Clawson
& Col Trumbo & Charles Wilken I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah
G Teasdale & J Jaques
I wrote a Letter to John Lewis Childs
& sent for $13.30 worth of plants fruit & flower
Br Jaques Done the writing for me
4. I spent the day in the House I received 3 Letter from Sarah &c
I wrote A Badlam & wife an invitation to come to
Attend my Party March 1. Also Sarah & Mary
Newton & wife Moses & Bell Lorenzo Snow & Phebe
& Leslie Snow 8 Letters I had an interview with
Mrs Col Trumbo Wrote 1 Letter to Calafornia {in} co
6. Saturday I spent the day at the House
7. Sunday I went to Claryaes took Dinner the
first time I have been in the City for 2 weeks
8 I went to the office the first time I have been in the
office for 2 weeks I was glad to Meet with the Brethren
I signed 13 students certificates This is the City Election day
The Libarals carried the day all but 3 Mormons
Feb 9, 1892
I wrote 3 Letters to Susan, Sarah & David P. I signed
12 Recommends Br Samuel Bateman spent the night with me
10. I met with Morris & How about the Amnesty
11 I met with L Snow & Merrill who were preparing to
go to Mannassa to settle difficulties in that Branch
I met with the Twelve in meeting I received 3 letters
12 I received 3 Letters to day I had an interview with
How & Morris President Cannon is preparing to go to Washington
He & H B Clawson left for the East at 10 oclok
I spent the day in the office I wrote Letters to
Susan & Sarah
I listened to the reading of a chapter
in the History of Utah including the Mountain Meadow
Massacree which was a painful chapter
14. Sunday I spent the day at home reading
15. ^
^ I spent the day in the office I wrote Letters to
M Thatcher & A H Lund J W Clark on Woodruff Genealogy
I met with Z.C.M.I Board not a quorum I went to
the Theater in the Evening
I wrote to A. O. Smoot & Asahel I met with several
of the Brethren to day Brothe C. J. Rohwer from Mexico
J. F. Smith returned I signed 8 Recommends {[illegible shorthand]}
17. I had an interview with Wm W Cluff word just
came that Wm King who is presiding at Iosepa has
Just Died at the Deseret Hospital had an operation
upon his leg
18 I had an interview with Harvey H Cluff about going to
Iosepa I signed 15 Recommends I Administered to a sick
Man with J. F. Smith He being mouth
Feb 19, 1892
I spent the day in the office I met with the committeees
on Brigham Young Statute Association it was decided
to place it in the South East cornor of the Temple Block
if the wall was taken down I wrote 4 Letters
20 I spent the day in the office I met with several Men
21 Sunday I spent the day reading
22nd George Washingtons Birth day I assisted Emma
to set out in pots & Boxes flowers & fruits in p[o]ts & Boxes
I wrote Letters to the 3 Bishops to Wilford, Delight
I received 5 cases of goods from Calafornia I receivd
78 Letters from G. Q. C. Leslie W Snow David P Woodruff
J. H. Woodruff Daysville Newton & Malinda W Hatch & Sarah
I attended the Lecture given in the Assembly Hall
given by B. H. Roberts upon the Priesthood & Authority
of the Church W. Woodruff followed & bore testimony
to the Assembly the majority young people some 3000 souls
24 I spent the day in the office
25 I spent the day in the office I met with the Twelve
in the Afternoon I wrote to Phebe, Sarah, &
Sylvia I sent her $5.
I met with the Deseret Land Company & with
two Brother Cluffs I wrote to L B Logan Alliance Ohio
for 2 Books sent $1.
27 I spent the day at home choreing
28. Sunday I spent the day reading
29 The last day of winter I received 4 Letters I had
an interview with Franklin S Richards who had Just
returned from Washington He gave me a History of ^Affairs^ out there
March 1, 1892
Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 85 years
old This Day
Emma Woodruff
Born March 1, 180738
Aged 54 years
old this day
This being my Birth day As I have said on the
oposite Page I met with the Apostles in the Evening at my
House And had a good time together
March 2. I met all my family in the Evening at my
house that I could get together And had a plesant
time with them I am thankful for the Merces of God
over me in the preservation of my life untill the present
time I have Desired to live to see the Temple finished
so I might attend its Dedication which I hope
to live to Accomplish
March 1, 1892
This is my Birth day Through the mercy of God I have
been preserved on the Earth in the flesh to see 85 years
And this has been by the power of God, for there has
been an Evil power following me to Destroy me from
the day of my birth but the power of God has prevailed
to preserve my life untill the present day for which I am
in duty bound to acknowledge the hand of God therein
I held a Meeting at my house in the Evening with the
Presidency of the Church & 12 Apostles And the
Bishoprick we had a house full I called upon
President Joseph F. Smith And He offered up prayer
& Dedicated the House & all its surrounding unto the
Lord. we had supper & music & speeches untill 11 oclok
& then the company Departed I went to bed at 12 o'clok
2nd I met with the Bank Board And had an interview
with Apostle John W Taylor about Land in Canida
He had bought of the Rail Road Company [blank] Acres
I bought with him 10000 Acres for myself & 10000
Acres for G. Q. Cannon & 10000 Acres for Joseph F. Smith
we Made a Donation to the Onida Stake Academy
of $3,700 in tithing produce
3rd. I met with the State Board of Education I met with
the Board at the Templeton had dinner & speeches
were made, in behalf of Karl G Maeser as the
superintendent of the church schools we had a party
of young people at our house untill a late hour
4 I received a Letter from H. B. Clawson
I wrote G. Q. Cannon & H B Clawson
March 5 1892
I spent the day at home choreing & reading
6. Sunday I Attended the quarterly conference at the Tabernacle
it had commenced the day before in the Assembly Hall this
Morning After prayer Angus M Cannon spok 40 m[inutes]
The Statistics of the Temple offering for this Salt
Lake Ctake of Zion the Total sum was $12540.12
The Authorities were presented And sustained
Abram H Cannon spoke 40 M[inutes] And gave most
Excelten council to the people J E Taylor spoke 10 Minuts
Afternoon Prayer By G Goddard Sacrament admin[is]t[ered]
Wm B. Preston spoke 18 Minuts W Woodruff spoke
35 Minuts to about 9000 people John Morgan spoke
21 Minits and He gave to All Excellent council &
Advice they held a Meeting in the Evening
7. I received 4 Letters spent the day in the office
I met with several parties upon a variety of
I had my front yard laid out & preparation
made for putting up a 6 rods of Iron fence in front
8 I met in the Morning Messrs S. H. Hall
who had arived from Jackson Co Mo about the titles to
the Temple Block. I received a letter from Mary
& wrote her one in return I had an interview
with several parties ^
^ Among other things Ella Beatie
who married young Bynon came into the office with
my Daughter Blanch & said Bynon met her in the
street & threatened to kill her I got council about it
He said He would go to my house & kill her there I sent
Her to Claries Emma sprained her foot & Ancle
March 9, 1892
^ I received 4 Letters I signed 4 Recommends {[illegible shorthand]}
Met with Jackson Co Man And H B Strait
Member of Congress
March 10th I signed 4 Recommends I had an interview
with several Brethren Besides the 3 Bishops upon
the subject of issuing orders
11 I spent the day in the office had an interview with
Waddell He was permitted to continue his labors
for a season
I ordained Archibald Hill to the
office of Patriarch Joseph F Smith was mouth
in ordaining Samuel Pridey A Patriarch
12 I spent the day at home overseeing the work
on my Lawn & flooming my water Ditch
13 Sunday I spent the day at home reading
14 I had an interview with Sisters Horn
& Zina Young About Exhibiting Emma Smith's
Likeness at their Meeting they were permitted
to do so I herd read the account of the organization
of the relief society By the Prophet Joseph
15. I spent the Day in the Gardo I met with the Board
of Z.C.M.I. Moses Thactch wished to resign from
the Board & Execitive Committee & wished to
sell his stock we had a hard East wind in the
16 I was quite unwell this Morning I met with the
Examiners who were taking testimony upon the subject
of the true Church & who owned the Temple Block in Jackson
County Mo
^ I had a Meeting with some 15 Leading Democratts
who were Deeply incensed because Logan had gone
Republican they laid it to the influence of the Presidents
of the Church using their influence to accomplish this
they read several Affidafits to that Effect myself
& Joseph F Smith Answered them
I met with Professor Elliot President of
Harvard College which position he had ocupied for
some 30 years I met him & his wife At Mrs Jennings
& took supper I waited upon Mrs Elliot at the
Table, we went to the Tabernacle at 7:30 to attend
a Lecture of Mr Elliot we had the organ played
& Music by the Quire I Introduced Professor Elliot
to the Assembly who spoke about 45 Minuts in
a Beautiful & Pleasing manner And advocated the
rights of all people to the free Enjoyment of all
Religious & political rights. I made a few remarks
& returned thanks to Mr Elliot for his liberal
views delivered I went home sick
17 I was sick all night but went to the office in
the Morning & spent the Day but was nearly sick
all Day met with the Twelve, & had an interview
with President Elliot & wife in company with
several friends
18 I received a Letter from H. B. Clawson
And one from Enid I wrote to Clawson & Cannon
& Enid. I met with several friends & signed
6 Recommends 2nd It looks like storming
19 I spent the day at home choreing
March 20 1891 [1892]
Sunday I spent the day at home reading. Emma had
^ sprained her Ancle vary bad & had been quite lame for
several Days Clara & Ovando was here throught
the day with her children Ovando & Owen was
at Provo I am stilll suffering with a cold
21 ^
^ I spent the day on the witness stand being
cross questioned on the Josephite investigation
in this City I was on the stand some 7 hours
^ I received 2 Letters from G. Q. Cannon Judge Estee
22 ^
^ I received 2 Letters from G. Q. Cannon I spent the
Morning choring I wrote 2 Letters to Mary & Judge
Estee The Josephite Examination is in full blast
23 I have a severe cold in my head and a severe
head akes I received 2 letters to day from Brothe
G Q Cannon & Judge Estee I had an interview with Mr
Hall & S. W. Richards & others
I wrote 2 Letters G. Q. Cannon & Judge Estee
24 I received A Letter from Judge Estee & I wrote
him one in return I had an interview with
Miss Brown A writer for the Calafornia Illustrated
Magazine. The Josephite investigating company have
closed up & gone home
I received 1 Letter from Sarah & Answered it
spent the forenoon in listning to a Difficulty between
David Nelson & Bishop White of Logan Afternoon
Met with several Gentlemen as visitors I was
measured for a suit of clothes By collar &co
March 26 1892
I went to the office in the Morning Met with
several Persons And attended to business
27 Sunday I went with Emma to Clara's & Dined
I received 4 Letters from Judge Estee 2
Webster & Henry A. Woodruff I filled out my Tax list
I wrote to Newton, David M. B. Webster
we had a hard snow snow storm
29. plesant this morning I gave several permits to go on
to the Temple Tower I went to the Temple & Examined
the Bronze Angel for the Top stone of the Temple 13 feet
high & about 1500 lbs in weight I examind the
Elevator to go to the top which looked safe I had
an interview with Brother Penrose about the Logan
Election the two Editors are at war over it
30th I met with Mr H. G. Coffman A man
writing for the New York World I wrote
2 Letters to J W Woodruff & Sylvia M Thompson
we are having a Hard snow storm to day
31 I met with the Twelve & had prayers
April 1. I spent the day at home with lame ^Back^
2nd I went to the office & Met with President
G. Q. Cannon who had just arived from
Washington in good health
3. Sunday The 62 Annual Conference Met this 3 day
of April 1892 Prayer By Lorenzo Snow G. Q. Cannon
spoke 25 Minutes, F D Richards 40 M[inutes]. Afternoon
Prayer By A M C, J F Smith spoke 60 Minuts
W Woodruff spoke 15 Minutes Sabbath school Met in the Evening
April 4, 1892
Conference Met at 10 oclock Prayer By C W Card
A circular was read By Dr Talmage A motion
was Made for the Presidency to Apoint a committee
of 5 person to arange a Motion before the conference to
get up a plan for a church college or university which
was Done. L Snow spoke 50 Minuts M Thatcher
spoke 15 M[inutes]. We held a Meeting at the Office at Noon to
Appoint a Man to fill the place of Henry Harriman
And we Decided to Appoint Johnathan Golden Kimball
son of Heber C. Kimball to fill that place Met at 2 oclok
Prayer By Joseph E Taylor Then President Georg Q
Cannon spoke 50 Minutes in the power of God followed
By W Woodruff in the same Power & spirit J F Smith
spoke 15 Mi[nutes] And much of the Power of God was with us
April 5. Met at 10 oclok Prayer By J. D. T. McAllister
Resolution upon Education was presented & Received
F M. Lyman spoke 30 M[inutes] John Henry Smith spoke 10 M[inutes]
F. M. Merrill spoke 18 M[inutes], A H Lund spoke 11 M[inutes]
G Q Cannon spok 5 M[inutes] Afternoon prayer By C W
Penrose Abram M Cannon spoke 15 M[inutes], A O Smoot 12 ^m[inutes]^
Authorities of the Church were presented & Accepted
G Q Cannon spoke and gave Direction for tomorrow
J Morgan spoke 14, P H Roberts 9 M[inutes]. The Priesthood
held a Meeting in the Evening Prayer By G Reynolds
J F Smith spoke to the Priesthood for 30 M[inutes], Followed
By G. Q. Cannon & W. Woodruff. The spirit of
God was with us in our Meetings And we had
a vary interesting time
April 6, 1892
^[FIGURES]^ This was the Most interesting day in some respects
the Church has Ever Seen since its organization
The Temple cap stone was laid with imposing ceremonies
with Electricity by President Wilford Woodruff it was
Judged there was 50000 on the Temple Grounds At 10 oclok
The Big Tabernacle was crouded to its utmost capacity
The Meeting was Addressed By G Q Cannon & Lorenzo
Snow The Latter instructed the congregation in the ceremony
of the shout of Hosannah which was repeated several times
The following is taken from the Salt Lake Herald
President Woodruff made the following Address. If there is any
on the face of the Earth that will Attract the Attention of the God of
Heaven and the Heavenly hosts it is the one before us to day
The Assembling of the people, the shout of Hosannah, The laying of
the Top Stone of the Temple of our God * we want to finish
the Temple as soon as we can so we can Dedicate it to God
so we can go to work therein & Redeem the Dead.
At the close of the Meeting in the Tabernacle we went out By
Cuo^r^ums took our place upon the stands And the whole Temple
Block was covered with some 50000 human beings After singing
& Prayer the reporter says That Wilford Woodruff
President seer & Revelator of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints in all the world bearing well the
four score and and five years, and thirty 7 days have
passed over his head, then arose and raising both hands
to heaven proclaimed with a loud voice Harken all ye
House of Israel And All ye Nations of the Earth, we will
now lay the top Stone of the Temple of our God
The foundation of which was laid and Dedicated by
the Prophet seer and Revelator Brigham Young
He then turned and pressed the Electric spring And the
top stone of the center of the East spire of the great Temple
was Lowered into place & the work was complete
President Lorenzo Snow then arose and preaching
to the front of the platform and waving a large silk
hankerchief was Joined by the multitude in shouting
Hosann, Hosanna, Hosanna To God and the Lamb Amen Amen
and Amen This repeated three times This was performed by
some 40,000 persons with the waving of the white Handkerchefs
This was the most impressive scene of the day After
some more music the great congregation was dismissed
it was the largest Assembly I Ever saw meet on
any occasion of the Latter Day Saints. The likenesses of
the vast Assembly And the Temple & the cap stone with
Moroni blowing the gospel Trump all published in
Salt Lake Herald of April 7, 1892. This was
certainly the greatest Day the Latter Day Saints
Ever saw in these Mountains Before the close of the
Meeting There was a copper plate presented to the
Assembly By President Cannon upon which was
Engraved the History of the building of the Temple the laying
of the Cornor Stone April 6, 1853 gave the Names of the
Authorities of that Date Then all of the Authorities of the
Church at April 6, 1892 Also under this plate was
Placed & under the cap stone was placed the following
Book of Mormon, Book of Doctrins & Covenants
voice of warning Spencers Letters key to Theology
Hyn Book Bible compendium Pearl of Great Price
& some other Books and Photographs of Joseph Smith
Hyram Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor Wilford
Woodruff, George Q Cannon & Joseph F Smith and
of the Salt Lake Temple as it now stands
At the close of the Meeting it took the people a long time
to clear the ground. Before the close F M Lyman
stoped to the front of the Platform And said
six months ago President Woodruff Expressed in a
council of the Presidency of the Church And the presiding
Authorities of the Church stakes & wards that He desired
to Live to see the Dedication of this Temple it was
the feelings in the Harts of the Brethren that an Effort
should be made to Accomplish that work. Next
April it will be 40 years from the time of the laying
of the Cornor Stone of this Temple And I have
a Resolutlion to offer to Assembled Israel to day
"Believing that the instruction of Presidt Wood-
ruff respecting the Early completion of the Temple is
the word of the Lord unto us Resolved that this
Assembly pledge themselves individually and collecti-
vely to furnish as far as it may be Needed all Money
that may be necessary to complete the Temple at
Earliest time possible so that the Dedication may take
place April 6, 1893. This was acepted with an uplifting
of hands with a great shout. Brothe Lyman Donated $1000.
April 7.
I met with the Authorities of the Church in the
Assembly Hall at 10 oclok Prayer By Jonathan
Golden Kimball (who was called at this Conference
to be one of the 7 Presidents of 70s.) G Q Cannon
spoke 25 Minuts W Woodruff 10 M[inutes], L Snow 15 m[inutes]
H J Grant 27 M[inutes] J F Smith 50 M[inutes] M Thatcher 11.
We dismissed at 1 oclok I then went to the
Office which was nearly full of people wanting
to do business with us.
8 I had a very hard busy day a constant strem
of People all Day & much Money wanted to carry
out the Wishes of the People I was vary weary at night
9 I spent the day at home I set out some fruit
trees one Japanneese Mulbury I spent most of the
day in a Potatoe pit sprouting Potatoes I had company
at Night Brother Bleak, Thompson & & Fathe Cottam
10. Sunday I spent the day at home reading
I took Emma & two of her children
Nelly & Alice & went to the Temple & was
drawn up to the top tower in an Elevator myself
& family we all put a Dime apiece into the Top
stone we went through Every room in the House we
saw a great Deal of work yet to be done in order
to get the work done by next April Conference
I returned to the office & met many people on business
Julian Moses Died April 12, 1892 Aged 82 years
Julian Moses Died to day April 12
Aged 82 years & 1 day Born April
11, 1810. Was ordain an Elder By W W
April 13, 1892
We read correspondent Letters in the forenoon
I met with the savings Bank board and attended
to the Business of the same
I attended the funeral of Julian Moses &
spoke a short time followed by half a Dozen others including
F M Lyman I went to the office & met with G Q
Cannon & 5 of the Twelve & had Prayers
Jacob Gates was born [blank]
He died, 11:45 PM April 14/[18]92
Aged [blank]
Jacob Gates past away
last night, 11:45. He
was one of the Members
of Zions Camp and
nearly among the last of
that Camp that has past away Myself & 2 or 3
others is about all I remember living
^15^ I met in the Temple of the Lord at 1 oclok with G. Q. C. &
4 of the Twelve the Bishopprick & 100 workmen and
Addressed them upon the importance of finishing the
Temple within a year according to the vote taken at
Conference About one dozen speeches were made
15 I spent the day in the office I met with quite a No
of the people
16 I spent the day ion the farm & set out pears
cherries Raspburies, currants & goose buries
^Sunday^ 17.
J Stockings I went to Fort Harriman to Attend the
funeral of the wife of John Stockings I went in company
with A. M. Cannon It snowed most of the day Br Cannon spoke to the Meeting in the forenoon And He and
I both spoke at the funeral & returned in the Evening 40 Mils
April 18, 1892
Went to the office The sugar company met at the
Office and discussed the situation of the company
19. Charles O Card having stoped with me over
night came to the office with me this morning &
Met G Q. Cannon & J. F. Smith & we sent for John
W. Taylor who Explained to us our Land matters
in Canida And it was as follows W Woodruff
G. Q. Cannon & Joseph F Smith had bought 10000
Acres Each of Land in Canida in connexion with
John W. Taylor & others 5000 Acres of this was put
up in companies against $5,000 worth of sheep the
income of which would soon bring profits sufficient
to pay for the Land in a short time the 10000 Acres
cost $1.25 An acre $1250. This land was prized
at $3 an Acre $30000. Brothers Card & Taylor
left. We also held a Meeting with the Salt Lake
& Loss Angels Rail Road about the building the road &c
20 I visited John L Blythe who was vary Sick
I administered to him & Blessed him I met with
the Board of the Telegraph Line And attended to the
business of the same I had an interview with
Marion & Ensign & gave them good advise
21. I met with the Twelve & decided to hold a day
of Prayer, fasting & Thanksgiving on Sunday May 1.
22 I had an interview with Brothe Hinse about
Jerrusalem the gathering to the Holy Land
I Attended to the Baptism & confermation of
Phebe Carter Scholes I confirmed her I set out trees in the Afternoon
April 24, 1892
^Sunday^ I spent the day at home reading & resting I set out
3 Japaneese Mulbury trees on Saturday the 23rd
25 My fence was put in in front of my house at the
^ farm to day I wrote to Susan to day
26 President Cannon went to Manti Temple to day
We had quite a snow storm to day I spent the day
in the Office
27 Daniel Wood of woods cross was buried to
day. Joseph F Smith & H J Grant officiated at the funeral
He was ^
^ 91 years & 6 months old was a strong
Healthy Man untill a few days before his death
I spent the day in the office
I bought the History of Hartford County & Farmington
the State of Connecticut my Native country & F D Richards
obtained it for me for $14 in two volums it was
vary interesting to me, in the Map of Farmington
it showed the Location of my first Progenitors of
the Woodruff family John Woodruff the first
setled in Farmington in 1651, And Mathew
Woodruff setteled in Farmington in 1716 From these
two Men my Fathers family Descended
28 I spent the day in the office I met with the Twelve
for Prayer
29 I spent the day in the office listning to An appeal
of Nathan Tanner Jr from the High Council at Ogden
All the first Presidency signed $1000 each for
the Temple
30 I spent the day planting Potatoes & other work
May 1, 1892
I attended the fast Meeting in the farmers ward
we had a good The Meeting wound up with the
subscription for the Temple I signed $1000, Emma and
children signed $90, and paid. The funeral of Brothe
John L. Blythe was held at 2 oclok He died
April 28, Aged 63 years He was a good Latter Day Saint
G. Q. Cannon spoke among others
2. Brother Charles Lambert died this Morning
at 3 oclock Aged 75 years I met with the Board
of the Saltair Rail Road
3 I spent the day in the office I wrote to Sarah I met
^ in the Evening with quite a company of Saints at Brother
Horns in honor of Sister Bathsheba Smith Birthday she
Being 70 years of Age many spoke & bore Testimony
we Blessed sister Bathsheba Smith
4 ^I met with the Twelve in prayer & attended to other Duties^
5 ^
W Woodruff Paid $1000 Donation on Salt Lake Temple^
It was a vary stormy day
6 I had a numbers of callers to day I took cars
at 3:30 & rode to Logan ^{Smithfield}^ at 8. 100 Mils
7. I spent the day looking over the Journals of the Day and business
8 Sunday I met in conference with the people in the Tabernacle
at 10 oclok House crouded, Bishop Preston Prayed, President
Smith of the stake spoke 8 minuts & represented the stake
G Q Cannon spoke 1 Hour & 14 Minuts we nooned with
M Thatcher Afternoon Prayer By Dr Ormsby
Sacrament Administerd W Woodruff spoke 42 M[inutes]
M Thatcher 18 M[inutes] John Taylor 30. Met in the Evening
S Roskelley Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 60 M[inutes] W W 12 M[inutes].
May 9, 1892
We Met in Conference at 10 oclok. The Authorities of the
Church were presented And the statistics of the stake was
read and the stake consisted of 15628 souls, 2777 family
M W Merrill spoke 53 M[inutes], & Wm B. Preston spoke 25 M[inutes].
At the close of the Templ Meeting I went to the Temple & and
had Joseph Hall & his Father Adopted to me & several
others Adopted to me. Afternoon Met at 2 oclok G Q Cannon
spoke one hour & 15 Minuts W Woodruff spoke 22 Minuts
At the close of the Meeting Brothers Cannon & Thatcher ordained
1 Bishop 4 Councillors & 1 Patriarch, when we arived at
Brother Thatchers we Administered to 1 sick woman
we then visited the New Logan School House 2 stories
a Basement & Attcic it was well furnished for 400
students The Name Woodruff is placed in granite
in front of the House over the front Door it is the main
school House for the City of Logan
We spent the night at Brothe M. Thatchers
10th We left Brother M Thatchers at 6:30 took cars at 6:55
& Reached Salt Lake City at 10:50 & found all well I
spent the day in the office and on my return to the
farm both Emma & the hired girl Josephine both sick
abed Distance of the day 100 Miles
11 A rainey Morning I met with Brother Box from
Brigham City who complained of Being turned
out of the Sabbath school as a teacher becaus He expressed
his opinion upon bonding the City on the water works
I had a Meeting with a Number of persons
12 I met with the Twelve & my council for Prayer
I received 3 Letters & signed 30 sheets of Zion saving
Bank Stock & 10 Recommends to the Temple
13 Another rainy Day we met with several Gentlemen
from Colorado one of the Members of The Provo Board
of Education gave a glomy Account of the financile
condition of the Provo High School I received
$400 to Day from Marian & credited it on
his Note & Put it in the Bank
14 Saturday I went to the office to prepare for 400 Ministers
of various Denomination to visit the Tabernacle tomorrow
15 I Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle & found several
hundred Ministers mostly Prysbeterians in the congre-
gation C. W. Penrose spoke one hour followed by
W. Woodruff 10 Minuts. Many Clergymen came
& shook hands with me at the close of the Meeting.
We went to Clara's to wait for the Evening Meeting
in the Theater but feeling unwell I did not go to
the Theater but Emma & Clara & Ovando did
but the croud was so great they could not get to
the door hundreds had to go away so we returned home
16 I went to the office & Many of the company
who attended the Tabernacle yesterday called at the
office this morning to pay their respects to me
and pronounced themselves much pleased with their
reception by the Latter day Saints I had a sick night
sore throat & was on the sick list
17. I went to the office was sick I met with several sisters
concerning the Mutual improvement Association
I met with the board of Z.C.M.I. & many visitors
but went home Early
18 I went to the office & Met with Mr Clark &
talked upon our linage of Woodruffs & Clark.
I met with Rev. [blank] And his daughter
& conversed upon Utah Affairs
19 About the first warm day, I met with the Twelve
20 I spent the day in the office
21 I spent the day at home choreing
22 I spent the day reading it is geting warm weath[er]
23 I sent a Box of Goods to Sarah at Smithfield
I wrote 2 letters to Newton & Sarah I sent a Bed
Rocking Chair & crockery I spent the day in the office
24. I was called upon By 2 city councillors & one Baptist
Minister A card from Joseph F & John Henry Smith
was read & published in the Standard against the speech
of Moses Thatcher saying that Satan was the Author of the
Republican Party Boston City Council & Aldermen in the City
I wrote 2 Letters to McAllister & council &
Wm H Thomps upon our visit at St George
26. I spent the day in the office And attended to the business
27 Sister Tanner called about her son on a
Mission we Also rendered a Decision on Tanners
& Pingree's case
28. I spent the day at home choreing
29. Sunday I spent the day in the House reading utill
4 oclock I then road to Bishop Warburtons & took
supper with Brother Cannon & J F Smith we then
^Sunday^ went to the first ward Meeting House & Dedicated it
^Prest.^ J F Smith offered the Dedicatory Prayer then all
the first Presidency of the Church & the Presidency of
the Stake all spoke we then returned home
30. This was Deceration Day I spent the day
at home I was visited By Ovando Beebe &
his oldst Brother & an Uncle
31 I spent the day in the office Attending to the business
June 1.
I took cars rode to Ogden with G Q Cannon
to Attend the Assembly of the children on the celebration
of the Birth day of President Brigham Young they met
in the Pavilion we found it crowded to overflowing
theyre were gathered to gethered about 3000 childen
the Meeting opened by singing & Prayer then 6
little girls came onto the stage and read an
Address of Welcome to President Wilford Woodruff
then there were several songs & speechs by the
children Then Presidens Woodruff & Cannon
Addressed the children followed by F D Richards
& Sister Felt who was President of all the primaries
in the Territories At the close of the Meeting we crosed
the street & took Dinner with Brother & Sister Nye
we Administered to Franklin S Richards who
was much Afflicted we then took cars and
returned home. Distance of the day 80 Miles
2. I went to the office met with the Bank at 10 oclok
Met with the board of Education at 11 oclok Met with
the Twelve at 2 oclok for Prayers
June 3, 1892
In company with G Q & A M Cannon J Jack N. W. Clayton
& John Nuttall we took carriges & rode 13 Miles to Saltair
Beach we took lunch with Mr White & returned it was
Exceding cold & had a cold rain I got vary Much
chilled we found a great Deal of work had been
Done in greading the Rail Road Diging the Ditch for
the salt water & building the floom Distance 1826 Mil
4. I spent the day at home was not well
5 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
I wrote to Sarah I had an interview with Dr
Thatcher & Mrs Penniman I met with the stock
Holders of Zions savings Bank & the officers
were Appointed I prepared to Leave tomorrow
June 7. In company with G Q Cannon Arthur Winter
& Mrs Woodruff I took a private carr & rode to Milford
225 Miles I then took carriage & rode to Minersville
& spent the night with Bishop Solomon Walker
8 We drove to Rush Lake & Dined 28 Miles then to
Cedar 14 Miles & spent the night Distance 42 Miles
We held a Meeting G Q Cannon spoke 40 Minuts
W Woodruff spoke 20 M[inutes]. spent the night with Bishop Corry
we got two Telegrams from J F Smith abot the
convention & city Matters
9 We drove to Kanarrah took dinner with Brother Bary
family then Drove to Belview & spent the night 28 Miles
10 A cold rainey Morning we drove to Leeds & Dined
then Drove to St George Met with Many friends I
stoped at Brother Thomas Cottam 28 Miles
June 11, 1892
We Met in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok on the trial
of Bishop Bunker on Doctrin we talked to them
Plainly of the impropriety of indulging in Misteries
to create difficulties among the Saints They profesed
to be satisfied we then met in the Conferce of
the High Priests at 2 oclock Prayer By Broth Fossett
speeches were Made By G Q Cannon & W Woodruff
untill 4 oclok
12 Sunday Met at 120 oclok Prayer By J McAllister, Report
of the Conference was Made By Brother Ivins who spoke
10 M[inutes]. G Q Cannon spoke 1 Hour & 11 Minuts Afternoon
Met at 2 oclok Prayer By Wm Fossett W Woodruff spoke
45 M[inutes], B H Roberts spoke 37 M[inutes]. We Met the Sabbath
school & Mutual Improvemet Association W Woodruff
spoke 5 And G. Q. Cannon 15.
Monday 13 Met in Conference at 10 oclok Prayer By J L Smith
Report of the stake shows 4641 souls W W. spoke 16 M[inutes]
J. McAllister spoke 35 M[inutes], W Woodruff 14 M[inutes] G Q Cannn
spoke 65 M[inutes], B H Roberts 27 M[inutes] McArthur 10 M[inutes].
June 14, 1892 I spent the day in the Temple W Woodruff
had 130 Adoptions to him to day
Wilford Woodruff had 36 of his Fathers Houshold
Adopted to the Prophet Joseph Smith Begining with Aphek
Woodruff & his two wives Bulah Thompson & Azubah Hart
Grand Father Eldad Woodruff & his five sons Eldad, Samuel
Titus & Ozem & two Daughters Elizabeth & Hellen Also Grand Father
Thompson & wife Anna Hart & Asahel Hart & 3 wives
I had 36 sealing Also at the Altar
In addition to my work in the Temple to day I rode
to the ston^e^ dam called Washington Dam 10 Miles over a
vary rough road I found the dam a vary substancial
peace of work I do not see how any flood can destroy
it costs $1400 I was quite weary at night But I went
into Brother Thompsons House in the Evening & took supper &
Administered to a sick child I staid untill 11 oclok
& went to bed quite weary 20 Miles
16 We started for Home & rode 18 Mils to Leeds
& took Dinner then rode to Bellview and stoped for
the night with Sister Gregerson On My arival at
Bellview I was suddenly Attacked with somthing like
the Old Fashioned Cholera I was taken purging and
vomiting which lasting all night And it seemed as
^[FIGURES]^ though I would die 35 Mile
17. I was so far gone this morning I had no controll
over myself. I lost my memory & some thought I
would die I was vary sick I was Administered to by
G. Q. Cannon & others though did not remember any thing
about it, was quite sick through the day & night
18 I was vary weak this Morning but began to feel some
Better And concluded to try to start home My situation
was vary critical yet I got into the carriage & started
on my Journal This whole affair was vary trying
on Emma my wife I began to recover as soon as I
started & I rode all the way to Kanarrah without stoping
I stoped with Brother Barres for the night Brothe Cannon
went on to Parawan to Attend Conference 30 M[iles]
June 19, 1892
Sunday Conference Met this Morning at Parowan
I rode to Cedar quite comfortable 14 miles
I wrote 1 Letter to Owen I spent the day at Bishop
20 I received 1 Telegram I was some better today
I rode to Rush Lake & spent the night 14 Mils
21 we drove to Minersville 28 Mils
we stoped with Bishop Solomon Walkers I received
a Telegram from S. L. City about affairs in Washington
President Cannon soon Arived And we conversed about
our Affairs
22. President Cannon held a Meeting with the people at
10 oclok I did not feel able to Attend At the close of the
Meeting Many called to see me we left Minersville
at 3 oclok & rode to Milford And immediately went
on board our private cars & thankful to get whare
we could rest & get cold water to Drink 15 miles
we took our baggage on board & went to bed
Early rode all night & arived in Salt Lake City at 9:30
Distance from Minersville 241 Miles
23 We met Owen, Smith, & Wilken & got our
Baggage into a carriage & went home & was
again glad to meet my family and to feed on
ripe strawburies & found all things Prosprous
24 I went to the office & Attended a Meeting with
A. O. Smoot & company about the Brigham Young
Academy of Provo the rest of the Day I spent at home
25 I spent the day mostly in the Garden
26 Sunday I spent the day resting & reading
June 27 1892
I went to the office I received $100 on Dividend on
the Rexburgh Mill I received 8 Letters I took supper
with Beebe & Clara
28 I met with the Zion saving Bank board And decided
to Declare a Dividend of 8 per ct The sugar Board
also held a Meeting And I met with with Educational
Board I Also met with M W Merrill upon the
Logan Temple Roof which wants a New gutter
I met in the Evening at Youngs office in the Constitution
Bildings A company of Men who are buying land
in Canida through John W. Taylor the subject
was Thoroughly Discussed And a committee Apoint
to make choice of the Land
29. I went to the office The Old Folks Excursion today
I spent the day at the office it was a quiet Day
I wrote to Malinda W Hatch & {I sent ten dollars}
I wrote to Susan & Phebe Scholes
30 I spent the day in the office I met with Br
Moses Thatcher & the Logan Band of young Musicians
I met with Brother Tanner I went to the Theater in
the Evening I finished my Hay stack at the farm to day
July 1. I spent the day in the office I Met with a
Brother Morrie who is Associated with Andrew J
Stewart who has Entered into a Land scheme in
Mexico I Als had an interview with a man by the
Name of Edwards who has been a cripple from childhood
caused By taking calomel He is travelling over
the world with a small carriag & 4 goats I gave him $5
July 2nd 1892
For the first time in my life I was served with a
Notification of $50 damage by a Mr Yager for
putting some coars straw in a small ditch of my own
on my own land to go across on to draw some Haw [hay]
I was summonds before a Justice of the peace
I spent most of the day at home
3 Sunday I spent the day at home reading the History
of Utah By O Whitney I found it a true History
4 July The people of Utah are celebrating the day
I spent the day at home Asahel, Owen & Ovando
came home to night from fishing in the East
Canyon They caught about 150 trout
5 I had an interview with Legrand Young on my suit
with Yager I went home early
I received a Letter from Brother Herman in Turkey
showing that [Binyed] [blank] who has been working
for us in the Turkish Dominion to give us the
Privilege of Printing & Publishing our Doctrine in
that Land we learn that this man is a Lier & a deceiver
and is keeping our Money without doing any thing
for us. Brother, John Henry Smith called this morning
And Stated that the report of the Death of Lot Smith
was As follows that the Navajoes turned there sheep
into Lots Pasture & Lot shot the sheep & the Navajoes
shot 6 Milck cows of Lots & Lot commenced shooting
at the Navajoes & they shot Lot & He rode 6 Mils
& Lived 6 Hours & died thus Ends Lot Smith' Life
July 7, 1892
Received my Territorial county & school tax for 1892 $597.15
A vary plesant Morning I met with the Telegraph Board
And attended to some business I met with Abram
H Cannon & John Henry Smith & Andrew J Stewart
about Mexican affairs & with Scears & Sherman
about Rail Road Freights
8 I had an interview with Wm Young {a cross man}
Two Brethren from Brigham City called upon me
& complained of Being droped from office without
a Hearing I wrote President Clawson upon
the subject. At 2 o'clock Broth C Wilken took me &
Emma Alice & Willey in a carriage & carried us to
granite we passed through a vary hard Thunder
storm going up Broth Wilken returned to the City 20 M[iles]
9 I spent the day in camp resting & reading
The granite settlement is one of the most romantic
spots on the face of the Earth for a settlemen in the
summer time for rest, health, & recreation that I
Ever Beheld, The Little Cottonwood Creek of cold pure
Ice water rushes down the canyon which abounds with
trout & furshes water for Every House & flower bed
and it is a Delightful & healthy retreat
10 Sunday I spent the day in camp reading myself
Emma and Vedi & Woodruff Clara & Alice formed
the family to day Mr Sulivan & family and family
visited us to day in our camp
11 Brother Wilcken brought Emma Alice & myself back
to the City to day I received 6 Letters on my arival at the office
July 12, 1892
I spent the day in the office I met with Mr Whitley on
Educational Matters My family went to the Lake with the
sunday school The Examination before Justice
Peter Lockrie of the complaint of Hiram Yeager was
tried to day
13 I received a Letter to day from G. Q. Cannon who gave
me an Account of the Manner they had 3 times Escaped
Destruction while Journeying on the Rail Road
I met with 9 of the quorum of the Apostles & partook
of the sacrament with them of Bread & wine, I met with
Elders Budge & Frank Cannon I Also met with James
Sharp, T. G. Babbery A Rail Road Agent or Assistant
general Mannager Mr Dickinson
14 I spent the day in the office Had an interview
with M Thatcher About his political Affairs Emma
& Blanche went to granite this Afternoon
15 ^
^ I had an interview with Legrand Young about
my suit with Yager it is to be decided to day
Judge Decided damage $23, & cost $5 total $28. On my
return to the farm I found that Yager had put
water in my Ditch And I went to work & filled
it up according to the council of Legrand Young
16 I met with President Cannon at the office He &
Joseph F Smith Having been gone 19 day to Arizona
to Attend a Conference After spending an hour
together He went Home & so did I & spent the rest
of the day with the boys wattering the crops I was
EQuite weary at night Owen & Ovand went to Granite
July 17, 1892
^Sunday^ I took cars on the D. & R. G. at 8 oclok with G Q
Cannon & Brother Winters And arivd at Provo
at 9:30 to Attend the Conference we met with some
2000 persons at 10 oclok Meeting opened by Prayer
& singing Joseph F Smith spoke 52 Minits He spoke
upon the Presidency of the Church, & authorities
of the Priesthood And Members of Twelve Apostles
& other quorums should Ask council of the
Presidency when they Enter into Important
matters that thake their time. I followed him & spok
15 Minuts & bore my testimony of the order of the
order of the Kingdom of God We held a meeting
with the Male Members of the CStake for one hour
to settle the business of the Debt of the Provo Academy
at amounting to $75000. It was finally settled
by the inhabitants of the stake taking the Debt upon
themselves & taking possession of the Real Esstate
which belonged to it 50 or 100 Men was to be
apointed to take the Notes & pay them
In the Afternoon G Q Cannon spoke one hour
we closed at 4 occlok & took car & returned
to Salt Lake City Distance 100 M[iles]
18 I spent the day in the office I met with many parties
with Col Trumbo who gave us an account of his mis-
sion in washington gave a favorable Acou[n]t
19. I met with Hon Franklin Anders who was was
in the interest of silver A Methidist Minister
called upon us and wanted to Enquire into our faith & Doctrin
I met with the board of the Saltair R. R. and Beach
Brother Cannon Met with some Members of Congress
20 I spent the day in the office I met with Many
parties during the day I met with J. R. Winder & Carlos
Smith Young About Temple Affairs We talked
with Brother Nichelson aboght [about] Fighting the Tribune
it was not wise we built a carriage Hous today at the farm
We Met to day with Col Trumbo abot esstablishing
A News Paper in Salt Lake & other things ^
^ we met with
John W Taylor About Canida Lands He had bought
He was advised to council with the Presidency abot
Entering into those large operation
2I met at the Knutsford a8t 80:30 [8:30] to Attend a
gathering to Welcome A Mr Hopkins who had
come to take up his abode in Salt Lake City it
was a gathering of over 70 Men including the Presidency
of the Church the Dinner lasted 2 1/2 hours then
speakers wer called for I was the first Man
c called upon to speak My speech was short
followed by half a Dozen other Men it was a
happy Meeting of Mormon & Gentile I went
home at 2 oclock
I met with Col Trumbo on some business
Matters {I decided that it is the will of God} that {we should sign the paper in
Salt Lake City} we Met with the Board of the saving Bank
{and come near having a war} I paid $325 to Johm M Cannon
for B H. Schettler on my stock At 54:30 I took carriage
rode to the farm then with Emma, Naoma & 2 childr to Wasach 20 M[iles].
July 23, 1892 I spent the day at my habitation at Granite or Wasach
24 July 1892. It is 25 years to day since I came into
The valley of Salt Lake as the Pioneers I spent the
25 I spent the day in my camp & night
26 I spent the day in camp untill 5 oclok I then Took carriage
& road Too My home in the Farmers ward 18 18 Mils
27. I went to the office received 3 Letters one from
Mr Yeager offering to settle our Difficulty by Arbritration
28 I received 3 Letter wrote 2 letters {Sent Mary twenty five dollars}
I wrote to A J Stewart about Mexico.
29. Brother Winters read to me my remarks at
St George
30 I went to Wasatch & spent the day
31. Sunday I spent the day at my House at wasatch
Aug 1. It is 45 yers to day since the Pioneer came
into the Salt Lake Valley
Aug 1. I spent the day at my House at wasatch
2 I spent this day at wasatch And in the Evening I
Returned home
3rd I went to the Office
July 30 I spent the day at home to work in the Gardo
31. Sunday I spent the day at home reading
Aug 1. I spent the day in the Office I met in the Morning
with the board of the Salt Lake & Literary Association
I also had an interview with Lorenzo Snow abot
Attended conference at Coleville
2 I bought 100 feet of Hose at 20 cts a foot
Aug 3, 1892
I spent the day in the Office I had an interview
with Mr Yeager about the right of way acros my lot
I met with the Board of Zions Savings Bank & trust
Company. We Met with Arthur Stainer who wanted
to Engage in mineing
4 The Presidency Met with 8 of the Twelve Apostles
we agreed to Dedicate The Temple at Salt Lake next
April we concluded to hold 2 Meetings a day in the
Temple & read the Dedicatorial Prayer & speches at Each
Meeting to about 4000 people untill all the worthy saints
have the privilege of visiting the Temple we Also met
at 2 oclok and took up the subject of the policy of
the Presidency in our political Affairs All of the
8 Apostles voted to sustain the Presidency in our
Policy Our Meeting held untill 86:30
5. I spent the day in the office I met with Brother Austin
who brought some relatives to see us. Brothe J F Smith
& Lyman started for Bear Lake
6. I spent the day at home & worked in the garden untill
I was quite weary
7. Sunday I spent the day at home reading
8 I spent the day in the Office President Cannon arived
home I met with Sister Perkins {She wanted a rhyme} I received
A Letter from Sarah D {asking me for} 1000 {dollars} to
{furnish her house. I wrote an answer.} Edward Stephenson
called upon ^me^ about his Affairs in Mexico
9 I spent the day in the Office I met with Br Gerge
Terry A Shoshone Indian who has been on a Mission
^ I wrote a Letter to Sarah Delight in Answer to
her Letter I paid $200 dollars into the Bishops Office
for the Temple in Behalf of Moses Thatcher to apply
on my Sundown & Laplata mining stock
10. I heard corresspondence read in the Morning I
received a Letter from Jaques & Sarah saying that
Newtons wife was quite sick
I wrote to Sarah
also to Wm H Sherman I stacked my 2nd crop of
Lucern to day
11. I visited Saltair Lake shore with G Q Cannon
Jack Clayton Nuttall &c staid several Hours &
returned. Ovando & Owen went to wasatch in the Evening
Distance of the Day 26 M[iles].
I had a visit from Mr Haskins & other Gentlemen
and About 50 Gentlemen & Ladies of the Knight
Templar they seemed pleased to visit Salt Lake City
I met with J Jack J. R Winder & N W Clayton &
Arthur Stainer on some Mining Business
I took carriage with Emma rode to wahsatch 20 Miles
13. I spent the day in camp Asahel & Ovando went
Fishing Ovando asked me how many He should catch
I told him 31. He did catch 31 & could not catch any more
Asahel caught 16. These two men went to the Hightest Mountain
whare they could see nearly all of Utah saw many lakes
& one that was frozen over
14. Sunday A Sunday school was Held in the forenoon
And A Meeting in the Afternoon. Lewis M Cannon
Addressed the Meeting followed By W Woodruff Abram H Cannon
Aug. 15, 1892
I rode to Salt Lake City spent the day in the office A
Mr Lourgee who Married a Daughter of Eliza Woodruff
the Grand Daughter of Uncle Titus Woodruff called
upon me but stoped but a short time & left {I ought to have
paid more attention to him.} Owen went to wahwatch
16 I spent the day in the Office I had an interview
with Judge Granger & several others with Judge Judd
17. I met with the Salt Lake Tare Beach Company and
Appointed a New Board Mr White did not agree
with us but behaved vary well. I met with the Board
of Z.C.M.I And Attended to the business of the same
I met witeh Stock Holders of the Deseret Scientific
Association I deposited to day with James Jack
My package of Deeds & Stocks Also a package of
Stocks & Bonds & Notes {George}
Aug 18 in company with Emma G. Q. & wife I took
Utah Central car rode to Park City then took carriages
& rode to Claytons Camp & spent the night 65 mils
19. I caught 6 trout & saw many chickens or Grouse
20 I was vary weary & staid in camp Brother Clayton
went out to shoot some chickens He shot Eleven times
the last shot He killed 2 chickens & the charge of shot
struck the side of a rock, & glanced some 30 yards &
struck his brother Tyler Clayton, & hit his horse that
he was abot to mount the saddle. 67 shot hit Tyler
in the throat, shoulder, Back, hand, & knee & 11 shot hit
the Horse And it was Marvellous that the shot did not
maim the Man or horse Brother Clayton caught 6 trout
Aug 21, 1892
^Sunday^ Brother Tyler who was shot was quite comfortable
to day We Met in the tent which I ocupied to
Partake of the Sacrament W. Woodruff Prayed & G Q
Cannon Administerd the Sacrament I addressed my
Friends Present gave a History of my Joining
the Church & travels followed By President Cannon
22 I spent the time in camp reading President Cannon
& wife Sister Clayton & Emma went up to Cyclone Grove
23. Brother Clayton caught 7 chickens John Henry Smith
visited us to day with Wm Kimball and spent 2 Hours
with us and returned He called upon business
24. Brother Clayton & Brother crossed the Mountain
North to day Hard a hard Hail storm went down
to Bear River They caught 35 trout we staid in
camp & read Books & Papers
25 Brother Clayton & Brother Did not return untill
9 oclok in the Evening He had a vary sick and came
near dying He brought home 35 trout We visited
the cold spring coming out of the North side of the mountain
275 yeards from Claytons Encampment several Black
squirrels were seen in the trees I did not know that there
was a Black squirrel in the Territory
26. We all rode 8 miles up to Legrand Youngs camp
we found Sister Young vary feeble in poor health
27. My son Owen arived at 11:15 we were
glad to see him we rode to Oscar Youngs camp
rode up the canyon Owen killed 9 grouse at two
shots I had a bad night, Altitude to high for my breathing
Aug 28th 1892
Owen left for home at 7:30. G Q Cannon & wife
mysel & wife started for Salt Lake City at 11 {o'clock}
rode with team to Kimballs 28 Miles myself & wif
took cars at kimballs park & President Cannon
went home with his team In 7 1/4 hours G Q drove
55 miles Owen Drove the same
29. We went to the office I signed 29 for 2nd Anointing
I received 5 Letter & wrote 3 Letters to Susan Phebe
& Sarah
^30^ I Paid $20 for Phebe Scholes Ticket we
were visited By several Men about taking out
Bear River on to the Land & selling to the Mormons
I had a vary Poor turn for 2 hours to day
I went home Poorly
I wrote 2 letters to day I had an interview with
the Bear Liver [River] Irrigaters I met with Nephi Clayton
and subject of the Rail Roads talked off
Sept 1. I wrote Letters to M B Webster
2 I met with the Presidents of seventies about
there circuler I met with the board of Education
Adjourned untill the 9. Phebe C Scholes arived
3. I spent the day at home in the Garden
4. Sunday I spent the day at home reading
5 I ^
^ went to the office wrote to Mary Met with
Albert R Smith of Manassa & talked over all
about matters there some Letters were lost
6 I Assisted G Q Cannon in ordaining his son
Lewis T Cannon an Elder I copied in this Journal
A Letter to Junius F Wells I received a letter from Sarah
The following is the copy of A Letter to Junious F Wells
Aug 1892 ^Sept 6, 1892^
Elder Junius F Wells Dear Brother
Please accept my gratitude
and thanks for the Eleven Photograph Likenesses of the
House of my birth and the birth place of my Father and
Grand Father Woodruff and of my Mother and Grand
Father Thompson And of the saw Mill and flouring Mill
of my Grand Father Eldad Woodruff and of my Father
Aphek Woodruff who occupied the building from
time he was 18 years of Age and which I occupied
more or less from childhood up Also the Home
my father & myself occupied in Farmington for
15 years while tending Farmington Mills. also
the Likeness of several the Neighbors dwelling in
Avon. The mystrey to me is how all these buildings
have been kept in such a good state of preservation
considering that nearly all of them are more than
one hundred & fifty years of age. All of them looked
as natural as life to me I picked out the place in
the saw Mill whare Sam Norton permitted me to wride
on the carriage and caught my right Leg betwen
the fender post and head Block and broake it I was
five years of age I picked out the place in the
dwelling house whare I fell down stairs and
broke one of my arms this was caused by trying
to get away from the switch which our Father
was using to punish us for playing in the chamber
on Sunday which was strongly against the
rules of the blue Laws of Connecticut
I clearly Picked out the identical spot that my
Father placed me on the ridgepole of the House on
Sunday whare we could listen to the bombardment
of New London by the British fleet in the war
of 1812. The british burned New London upon
that occasion I could also point out the place
in Grand Father Thompsons House which was the
Birth Place of my mother, whare I fell off a porch
and broak my other Arm. Uncle Ozem
Woodruff House looks vary natural. I baptized
him & his wife Hannah Hart in 1837, and
two of their children in fulfillment of a dream
I had when I was Eight years of age
Uncle Ozem Woodruff has been dead several
years Aunt Hannah died over a year ago
passed 90 years of Age. Their daughter
Malinda W Hatch occupies the Homestead
she is the ownly relative I have in Connecticut
who now corresponds with me. I preached
in their House the last time I was in Avon
over 50 years ago she has done all she
could in Assisting Brother Wells in getting
up the likenesses for me when Brother Wells
first presented me with the Likenesses of the
two nearest Neighbors to the place of my birth
I recognized them readily the first House
was Horace Judd's about 1/4 mile West of our
House. I was by the bed side of the old gentleman
when He died it being the first death I Ever
witnessed it seemed to be a hard death it made a
strong impression upon me I was 5 years of age.
When I was 12 years old I worked one year
for the son Horace Judd for $4 a month
The next House was Lewis Allens I attended
Lewi Mr Allens funeral the seconed one I
Ever Attended All these Likenesses brought the
scenes of my childhood and youth before me
I prize the Likenesses of my Grand Father & Grand
Mothers Woodruff tomb stones which
contained the following
In memory of
Lieut Eldad Woodruff who
departed this life Dec 28, 1805
In the 58 year of his age
Pitty the weeping widows woe.
And be her councillor and stay
Adopt the Fatherless and smoth
To useful happy life their way
memory of
widow Dinah wife of
Eldad Woodruff
who died
June 12 1825
Aged 72.
Sept 7, 1892
I spent the day in the office & met with many persons
8 In company with Presidents G Q Cannon &
J F Smith Don Carloss Smith the Architect & J R Winder
we visited the Temple from top to Bottom & found the
work in a good State of Progression. I received 3 letters
I visited Phebe C Scholes My Grand Daughter in V
Street I found her quite sick with the Cholery Morbus had
been sick several Days I then Drove to the farm
then in company with Emma I drove to our place
at wasatch & spent the night 20 Mils
9. Nephi Clayton called upon us at Granite & spent
the day & returned in the Evening
10. My team came up to day we put down on the
Dining Room floor a plank & 4 studing to hold
up the roof from a heavy body of snow in the
winter we then packed up Every thing we wished
to take home & loaded into the waggon we then locked
up the rooms & returned home to Farmers ward 20 M[iles].
11 Sunday I spent the day at home reading
12 I spent the day at the office I received 4 Letters
I met with A Jewish Rabbi & had considerable
conversation upon Doctrin I met with the
Saltair Board I signed 50 drafts on Liverpool
13 ^
^ I wrote 4 Letters to Sarah, Mary, & K. G. Maeser
I met with the Saltair Board
G Q Cannon & myself met with 100 visitors in the
tabernacle from all over the U.S.A. we shook hands
with them Many of the Gentils are coming to Zione
I spent near an hour in the big Tabernacle shaking
hands with the large company from the United States
& Canida Thousands are coming from abroad to
Be[ho]ld the glory thereof
15 I met with the Z.C.M.I. Board & with the Twelve I had
much company all day
I wrote Mary a Letter. As the Presidency we
went to see the statue of President Brigham Young By
Dallon we were satisfied with it
17. The board of Saltair Rail way with many of
our families went to the Saltair Beach & 5 Hours
there had a feast & visited the Hot springs & rode
out to the pile Driven half a mile from shore we wer
in 3 feet of salt water broke a tug, & began to sink
in the sand Brother Longford carried me from one
carriage to the other, mended the tug & we got ashore
the Lake is still falling we got to the City at 6 ock 40 mil
18 Sunday I took dinner at Clara's
I met with savings Bank board & closed a
contract in renting the Templeton to D H Porter we
Appropriated $100 to help school one of Orson Hyde
20th I spent the day in the office I met with many
visitors I signed 27 organization for Academy.
21. I had an interview with Frank Cannon I met
with the leading sisters of the relief society with Lawyiers
F S Richards & Legrand Young uppon the organization
of the National Relief Society
Sept 22, 1892
^ I received 3 Letters & wrote to Brother Cox I met
with the Board of the Saltair & appointed the offices
I met with the Brigham Young Monoment Association
The Board of the sugar Association also met at the
Office we also had a Meeting owith Harvey H Perkins
his wife sued for a Bill of Divorce wrote Dr M Ship
23 I spent the day in the office, we got a telegram from N. Y.
Asking for G. Q. Cannon & H B Clawson to come dir[ec]t
to N York A sugar M Deseret BNews Board met
24 G Q Cannon & H B Clawson left for New York at 8 {o' clock}
I went to the office in the Morning staid several hours
And Attended to public Business
25 Sunday I spent the day at home had my family
to gether at dinner
26 I met the sisters at the office & Apointed a Meeting of
the Primaries On the 7 Oct Br Gibbs read me a copy of
the Letter sent to G Q. C.
27. I spent the day in the office And F M. Lyman
brought into the City in the night A wife & child who
were Dead both Died at Manassa wife Died on the
22 & child on the 24. They were buried at Tooele on
the 28
^28^ I spent the day in the office while Joseph
L Smith Attended the funeral at Tooele
29 I met Joseph at the office this morning and returned
30 sMet with Twelve & had Prayers
30 We heard of Otto Chipman's Death at New Zealand ^I spent the night at President G Q Cannons at a weding party^
Oct 1. I went to the office a short time & returned & spent
the day in Part in the Garden {I dug my potatoes}
Oct 2, 1892
^Sunday^ I spent the day at home reading
3 I spent the day at the office Met with E Stephenson
4. [FIGURES] I wrote 2 Letters. The Deseret News Company
met with the Quorum of the Twelve Partook of the sacrament
together talked over our Political situation and Expressed
our feelings frankley. The general opinion was
for none of the Presidency, Twelve or Presidents of Seventies
should take the stump to make political speeches
5 I met with ZCMI Board & Stock Holders
And all of the old Board & officers were Elected
I met with the Bank board also & heard the report
of the same
6. Oct we Met in the 63 semi Annual Conference
at 10 oclok A H Cannon prayed W Woodruff
spoke 7 minuts Seymour B Young 11 M[inutes], L Snow 25 m[inutes]
B H Roberts 21 M[inutes], G Reynolds 10 M[inutes], Afternoon
B HPrayer By Bishop Preston C W Penrose spoke
23 M[inutes] A H Cannon 22 M[inutes], F M Merril 34 M[inutes]
A. M. Cannon 14 M[inutes]
7. Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Joseph E Taylor, F M Lyman
spoke J W Taylor spoke 42 Minuts H J Grant 30 M[inutes]
F M Lyman 320 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By J Nicholson
M Thatcher spoke 25 M[inutes] F. D Richards spoke 50 M[inutes]
G Q. Cannon 17 M[inutes]. The Priesthood Met in the
Evening Christian D Fajtdsled J F Smith spoke 30 m[inutes]
W Woodruff 40 M[inutes] {[on] the [grace] of God} G Q Cannon 40 M[inutes].
Report of Primary Association, 5 stakes not reported
No of Association 297 No of Officers 1,284 No of members 19280,
Total 20564. Louie B Felt President, Lillie T Freeze
Clara M Cannon councillors, Minnie F Cutler treasurer
Mary Anderson secretary. Report of relief societies
No of members 18813, No of Branch 2398, cash paid
out for charitable purposes $12515.77, cash & property on
hand $86,668.80 And 39004, Bushels of wheat on hand is a
great showing John Henry Smith spok 25 M[inutes] Joseph F Smith 54 m[inutes]
Afternoon Prayer By Brother Blackburn L Snow spoke
30 M[inutes], J R Winder 5 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 50 M[inutes].
Oct 9. Sunday Met in Conference at 10 oclok Prayer By
L F Shirtliff W Woodruff spoke 54 Minutes {in the power of God}
F M Lyman spoke 31 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By Wm Paxman
G Q Cannon spoke 1 Hour & 25 Minuts
Oct 10. We met the Priesthood in the upper room of the
Temple Abram Hatch Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 5 M[inutes]
J R Winder read the report of the recepts for the Temple
said it would take $175000.00 to finish the Temple to
say Nothing about furnishing the Temple A subscription was
then taken up and in 30 minuts $50,000.00 was
subscribed for the Temple it was then resolved that the
Presidency of the Church should assign to Each stake
the Amount they should pay It was a vary interesting
Meeting Bishop Preston spoke upon Tithing President Smith
Cannon & Woodruff spoke vary Plain upon the
Political situation of Utah At the close of the Meeting
I went to the office & met with the Twelve & many others
Oct 11, 1892
I met with M. Thatcher & B. H. Roberts and talked politics
& met with many of the Brethren & spoke of our duties
Brother Cannon went home sick at night it was vary
cold & stormy Agreed to Pay $3550 for Land at Josepa
12 Br Cannon is sick a bed I met with a Number of Brethren
Br Cannon came up in the Afternoon & held a
Meeting with the Cannon & Grant Company
(Oct 13 1892
The following Telegram came to us
This Morning H. B. Clawson General Amnesty
will positively be announced this week President
Harrison asks for the forbearance and prayers of
the Presidency of the Church in his behalf for
his wife and himself in his troubles (who Ever
heard of such a thing in this generation as
President of the United States asking their prayers
for himself & wife May God grant it.) I spent
the day in the office we met with the Twelve for
Prayer W Woodruff Prayed.
14 I received 1 Letter from Sarah. Gov Markham
of Calafornia with his staff called upon us at
the office to day I met him before in sanfrancisco
15. I spent the day at home reading
16. Sunday I spent the day at home
17. ^
^ Presdent Cannon got a Telegram this morning
from his [sognh] saying that his Brother David
died this morning at 9 oclok in Jermany 21 years old
President Cannon his Father telegraphed for his
Body to be brought home
I spent the day in the office & met with board
of Z.C.M.I. And attended to the business Necessary
I met with quite a Number of visitors
18 I met with quite a Number of Person today
among the No was C Hayden Coffin & wife going
around the world
I wrote Letters to Mary & ^{sent no money}^ Anna Wilkonson
Met with John Morgan & Lorus Pratt
20 I met with Bishop Winder the Architect & Loras
Pratt on the Deckaration of the Temple I also met with
Gen Michanen And had a long talk with him
upon our general condition in washington
21. The great celebration of the arival of Christopher
Columbus upon the American Continent was held
to day in Salt Lake City The Assembly met in
the Great Tabernacle 5000 school children met
in the Lower Room But there was so much
noise & confusion in the Assembly of Little
children that the speakers could not be hea[rd]
W Woodruff was called upon to Dismissed
the Meeting I drove up to Clarys with Emma
& took dinner Broth Thatcher & several other Breth-
ren called at the office. Owen went into the
Mountains to hunt Deer
22 I spent the day at home I pruned & buried my grape
vines I spent the rest of the day reading Owen returned home
23 Sunday I spent the day at home reading I laid hands
upon Clara & Blessed her for her confinement
Oct 24 1892
^ I went to the office President Cannon received
a Letter from his son David in Germany a few days
before he died. We met with Col Trumbo & Clawson
^25^ and talked over Matters we had a good many
callers. Brother Wm Atkins spent the night with me
256 ^
^ I wrote 2 letters had an interview with Trumbo &
others Bishop Preston called & wanted to Borrow
some Money Brother Jack paid off $1000 Note
which I signed for A Stainer {money matters gloomy}
27. Met with the Saltair Board About Mr White
& his claims upon the Beach Property
(On the 25 Oct, we sent the following telegram
to washington President Benjamin Harrison
Washington D.C. The Death of your beloved
companion came home to us individually as if
it were our own Private Loss. we sincerely & Deeply
sympathize with you and appeal to the supreme Being
who holds the destiny of us all in his hands to bless comfort
and sustain you in this your hour of great trial and
267. I received a Letter from Newton Bell was
dangerous sick we had many visitors
My Daughter Clara Beebe had a Daughter
at [blank] that weighed 10 lb. Named Emma
I received a Telegraph saying that Bell was
worse this Morning Dangerously sick trouble in
the Head which deprives her of her reasons
Oct 29, 1892
In company with Owen I took cars and rode
to Logan & Smithfield to see my sick Daughter 105 m[iles]
I found Bell vary sick we administer to her
and she was better I spent the day visiting the
families Frank J Cannon was holding a Meeting in the place
30. we returned to Salt Lake to night
31. I went to the office we are having several Days rain
Nov 1. Politicks are raging in a scandilous manner
throughout Utah Territory I met with many to
day in the office I attended the Theater in the Evening
2nd I met with several of the Brethren Joseph F Smith
returned from Logan conference David Stoker retu[rne]d
sick from his mission I signed 121 Letters to
Saints for Temple money H P Timothy Mets called
Just returned from Holland said there were 461 souls
of Latter Day Saints in Holland 260 been baptized
in 1891–2. 56 Emigrated He says Brother
Simmons would be the best Man to preside They
have 5 Missionaries need 15
3. A plesant morning Rawlins sayings were discused
^ I received a Letter from David, A S Farrill is there
I had a visitation from Gov. West Judg Judd
Judge Henderson, & Col Lett on Political Business
They seemed urgent to sew up the Mouth of the
Presidency that they should have nothing to say upon
Political Matters Joseph F Smith & myself Answ-
ered them President Cannon spoke to them also
Nov 4, 1892
^[FIGURES]^ I received a Letter from Newton this Morning saying
that Moses Thatcher & Dr Ormsby & Ormsby said
or Asked the people if they would vote for a Man
who would seduce their Daughters & wives He slandered
Frank J Cannon to a great Extent I had an
interview with many Brethren among the Number
Brother & Sister Hagg. I wrote to Newton A great
many lies are being told on the Political Platform
at the present time
5. I spent the day at home
6. Sunday I spent the day at home {praying and attending to [ordinances]}
7. I spent the day in the office Met many men
Politics are raging high I talked about sugar to Brothe
Cutler F M Lyman returned
8 Election of US President and officers through-
out the United States Grover Cleveland Elected
President & J L Rawlins Elected Representative
it seems as if the whole Nation had gone Democratic
9. I spent the day in the office Silas S Smith presented
us a Map of the Hammon Ditch & a Bill of $2646.50
which we paid him
10th Frank Cannon called upon us & many others
we met with the Twelve {We borrowed} 3000 {dollars of the bank}
I had a Bad night did not sleep but Little
11. I spent the day in the office Brothe Fairbanks called also
Dr Anderson who spoke of Wm H Sherman in a Demented
12. I spent the day at home
Nov 13, 1892
^Sunday^ we attended the funeral of David Hoagland Cannon who
died in Jermany and his body was brought home by his
Brother Hugh Cannon and 64 other persons who died
abrough abroad were read to the congregation and a letter
was read to the people W Woodruff spoke a short time
follow by Joseph F. Smith & F. D. Richards I Followed in
the procession to the grave A. O. Smoot spent the
night at my House
14 I met with A. O. Smoot & Benjamin Cluff we
talked over our political condition David John was
present we received Letters & Telegram from Col
concerning our personal Property
15 Sarah called at the office on her way to Provo
several of the Twelve came in And it was voted
by G Q Cannon J F Smith F D Richards F M
Lyman & John Henry Smith that my services
should be increased in wages from $416.66 to
$500 a month as Trustee in Trust from the time
of my Apointment
16. I spent the day in the office Met with several Brethren
I had a view of the painting By Alfred Lambourne
of the Hill Comorah which was a Beautiful painting
17. I met with the Twelve had prayers were offered
Sylvia Thompson had a Daughter born to day 17 Evening^
18 I spent the day in the office several Brethren called
19 I spent the day at home mostly reeding
20 Sunday I spent the day reading
21 I spent the day in the office & met with many of the
Nov 22 1892
several Meetings were held in the office to day I wrote
2 Letters
23. I met with Brothe Benjamin & Cluff & Henry Giles
about matters in Provo the Academy & Quire
going to Chicago & I met with Moses Thatcher who
gave us an Account of the Sundown & Laplata Mines
In company with Presidents Cannon & Smith I
visited the Temple through all its Departments & then
called all the workmen together & talked to them
about the calculation of the stock Holders
24 Thanksgiving our Boys went out for a
Rabbit Hunt we had the first Hard snow storm
to day for the season it snowed hard all day
we had our Thanksgiving dinner with our
children & grand children with us
25 Near a foot of snow on the Ground this morning
I wrote 2 Letters to sarah & Mary we met with several
of the Brethren to transact business upon various subjects
26 I spent the day at home reading cold day
27. Sunday I spent this day reading
28 I met with several Brethren to day upon quite
a variety of Business Senator Stewart called and
spent several hours & spoke upon the political and
financial state of the country and it showed that
the senator is well read and understands the
state of Affairs
29. I met with Many men to day and among the rest
was threatend with prosicution as the Salt Beach company
Nov 30, 1892
^ A plesant Day overhead I received a Letter from
David Allexander Badlam called upon me to
day went home with me & spent the night
Dec 1. Snowing most of the day I met with the Twelve and
had Prayers Met with Brethren
2nd A Bablam called in the Morning had an interview with
G. Q. Cannon & H B Clawson upon the Bulion Beck Mine
I sent a Draft to Henry A Woodruff of $40 to Manchester England
J. Gould died this morning at New York
at 9:15 supposed to be worth $100,000000, the greatest
Rail Road Man in America but the rich must die as
well as the poor. worth one hundred Million Dollars
Prest Lorenzo Snow called upon us I had some conver-
sation with him about the future state of the church
3 I spent the day at home reading
4. Sunday A snow storm this morning Clara & Bulah
spent the day with us I spent the time mostly reading
5 A Hard snow storm this Morning A Badlam called
at the office this Morning had an interview with
G. Q. Cannon about the Bulion Beck Mine
6. I delivered to my family 10 copies of the contributor
containing my Birth place & my Grand Parents &
neighoring Dwelling which also contained a letter
from me & from Junius F Wells we had a hard
snow storm to day
7. I met with Wm F Cody Buffalo Bill and company English
& Major Mild way of the Grenadiers Guards
George F. McKnight & wife visited us to day Mrs
McKnight was Deeply taken with Mormonism
I gave her permission to visit the Temple which she
considered a great Blessing Buffalo Bill and English company
they were vary much pleased with their visit to Salt Lake City
I met with the savings Bank Board and with several
of the board of the Saltair Beach Company
8 I met with Wm F Mr Babcock & Wendell Benson
the Builder of the Nutsford Hotel, Mr Babcock spoke strong
against the Government for taking our property He said
it must all be returned to the Church I met with my
two councillors & 5 of the Twelve for Prayer H J Grant
wife is vary low & but little prospect of Living
9. I met with several of the Brethren to day I wrote
2 letters to Henry Lewis Woodruff & J. G. Bleak
on the Woodruff genealogy
10 I spent the day at home reading & copying from
my Journals Emma is suffering a good Deal from
a cold on her Lungs
11 Sunday I spent the day at home reading it is cold weather
12. I met with several Men at the office Loren & [blank]Farr
the Latter direct from Mexico Message from G Teasdale
The Brigham Young Board of Education met at the
office to transact business I had an interview with Elder
Jaques about writing a peace for the Christmass Noomber
of the news
13 I wrote to Delight sent her $20. we visited Br Fairbanks
Paintings which were vary nice
Dec. 14, 1892
I met with the board of the Young University a good
deal was said upon the College Building we had a
call by David Sessions & others who informed us
that Mother Pattie Sessions Aged 98 Died this
Morning she lived to a great age she will be buried on the
17, Dec.
Patty Sessions
Died Dec 14, 1892
Aged 98 years
we had many callers to day and many
subjects conversed upon
15 I met with Mr Salisbury we met with
the Board of Z.C.M.I. and herd the report of Nov
of the institution I wrote to Newton
16 I met with Mayor Baskin who gave some vary
good ideas on home production & getting cheaper coal
I met with the State Board of Education & a report of
Pro. Maeser A carr Load of Grain arived to day
with 100 bushels of wheat & 100 Bushels of oats from
Deseret for me we were crouded with Business
I administered to Roxie who was vary sick
17. I went to the office this morning Roxie was better
we talked over the Affairs of the Printing office
18. Sunday I spent the day at home reading. Clara
& Ovando Beebe called and spent the Evening Also
Asahel & Naoma
19. I went to the office & received the Report of the
Governor to the Secretary of the Interior Also the
Report of the Utah Commission I think they are
both at war with the interest of the people we had
a good many visitors
Dec 20, 1892
President Cannon & I went to the Temple and had
a talk with the Architect Carloss Young He disigreed
with us as the Presidency of the Church in the finishing
of the Temple I think his conversation to us was
vary unchristian like William H Sharmon died to day
21. we had another conversation this morning with
Joseph Don Carloss And it appears He is a vary
bad Man to Manage we had quite a Number
of callers to day
22 we visited the Temple to day, we met with the Twelve
for Prayer & council
23 we visited the Temple to day about one hour we
had a sugar Meeting to day the companies are
heavily in Debt
24 I spent the day at home we had gathered
together our children & Grand children untill we
had a room full
25. Sunday I spent the day at home reading
26. This day was spent for Christmass we had
our Christmass Dinner I had a large company
of children & Grand children and a plesant day
I went to the office received 5 & wrote 2 Letters
to Mrs Thatcher Malilda Hatch
28. I went to the Temple in the Morning with my
councillors and Decided upon the finishing of several
Rooms & Parts of the Temple
29. Thursday A Hard snow storm we met with a
30 & 31. I met with several Brethren & wrote 3 Letters
A Synopsis of Wilford Woodruff for 1892
I spent most of this year in my office attending
to the duties of the same spent But Little time in travelling
I Travelled 168143 Miles
I wrote 82 Letters Received 69 Letters
I Attended 40 Meetings & 14 Conferences
I met 30 times with the Board of Zions saving Bank
I met 28 times with the board of Z.C.M.I.
Preached 21 Discourses Administered to 7 sick
I Attended 32 councils with the Twelve Apostles
I ordained 1 Patriarch
I was gone south to St George I had 170 persons
Adopted to me & 36 sealing at the Altar I also had
36 of my relatives Adopted to Joseph Smith the Prophet
I Attended 8 funerals. I signed 47 Recommends for 2
I Paid in 1892 $2000 on Salt Lake Temple
& $1000 tithing I spend a good Deal of time
in the Temple and labor hard to get it
Prepard for Dedication By the 6 of April next
I have spent this year mostly in the office
Attending to the numerous call of the
Latter Day Saints which are vary numerous
I have signed all the drafts sent abroad
By Z.C.MI Also the drafts of the Church